#angus loud house movie
My favorite David Tennant singing moments featuring my music major commentary because I refuse to stop pushing this agenda
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titlecardguy · 1 month
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The loud House movie Duke Lincoln Morag and Angus.
PNG Renders are here
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fuzzychildchopshop · 6 months
Angus by Lydiathecrystalgem
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not-ever-normal · 1 year
I was watching the Loud house movie, and this Angus guys sounded familiar and...
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findurfuture · 10 months
The Loud House movie featured a character Angus (voiced by David Tennant); who is the groundkeeper of Castle Loud. He is a kind man and met with the Loud family during their family trip to Scotland. Angus is the appointed Duke of Loch Loud and in the movie he appointed himself as the right-hand man of Lincoln. He is the one who brings the Loud House family to their ancestral house. Angus has a bushy mustache and brown hair; he wears long socks with flashes, a kilt, and a sporran. He also wears an olive khaki vest over a tan plaid shirt and dark brown shoes. Collect all the accessories of the Angus costume from The Loud House Movie for Halloween and cosplay.
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agent-parker · 2 months
I was just watching the loud house movie and I'm sitting there thinking "wow this character sounds a lot like David Tennant, but it can't be; it's probably my mind playing tricks on me" only to find out that the character Angus in the Loud Mouth Movie IS VOICED BY DAVID TENNANT!!!
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slxsherwriter · 6 months
Carry On
Fandom: Minutes to Midnight
Pairing: Gimple x female reader
Word Count: 2,459
Warnings: Weapons made from human bones, art from blood, generalized mentions of violence, mentions of the reader having a prosthetic
Author's Note: Bill's part in this is extremely small, but has that stopped anyone before? Not a chance. This was actually a bit of a fun concept to mess around with in terms of the movie's plot because it was so open. Spoilers for the film ahead, so read with caution. This ended up being just a tad longer than intended. And no, that isn't Otis below, as much as it may appear so 😂
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The bag crinkled, the sound seemingly echoing out in the quiet forest that surrounded. Akin to a bomb going off. One that would have anyone else jittery and nervous as they moved through the dark forest. Another sound, this time far closer to paper ripping and you cursed. Ignoring the fact that you were making loud sounds, you were in the middle of a juggling act when a loud sound whizzed by your ear before a thud sounded. A large arrow stuck out of the tree beside your head. Staring at it, you were speechless for several seconds, the things in your hand dropping to the ground. Blood rushing by your ears as your heart pumped furiously as a result.
“The fuck…” Slowly, you turned and started out into the darkness that surrounded. No movement, no one standing there holding a bow. Frowning, you bent down to pick up everything that you had dropped, pausing every few seconds to continue to look around. There weren't any other sounds or any other arrows.
A crunch of twigs.
“Angus, I swear to god!” You straightened up and found yourself staring at a giant of a man in a mask. Bow in hand, he was simply observing you. On closer inspection, it appeared that the bow was made out of human bones. No arrows were loaded, even if the weapon remained in hand. His head was cocked slightly while watching you, as if daring you to make another move. This time, there was a frustrated sound that came from your throat.
“Are you just going to stand there, or can you please help me pick up this mess?” Tone a lot softer this time around; you waited to see if he would do just that. “I did promise I was going to get you a treat. The sooner we get back to the house, the sooner that you can have it.” Shoulders rolled back a little bit, posture straightening a little further. No further delay, Angus was moving forward and helping you get everything picked up. Silent as always, but that had never bothered you.
“Thank you very much.” He was able to hold more in his massive arms than you were able to in your one now that the bag had ripped. “Useless paper bags. I'll have to remember to bring my own next time. Teaches me to forget my prosthesis. All right, I think that is everything. Let’s get back, shall we?” He nodded and followed behind you, steps measured and careful, lighter than they had the right to be for a man so large.
The stone home came into view after several minutes of walking. Angus knew the trails a little better than you did but you had finally gained enough confidence to do it later in the day. Admittedly, it was later than you would have liked but that was what happened when you had to go two towns over to buy any groceries or supplies. Not that it was something that you would complain about. All three of the occupants were living better now than they had been.
“Any ones that I need to know about?” You asked the hulking figure behind you, pausing long enough to glance back at him and give a proper smile this time. He shook his head with a grunt. No. Good, that made things a little easier. “Are Calypso and Gimple home?” A nod was given this time. Equally as good. Then everyone could get the special treats that you had gotten for them. He barged through the door before turning to catch it with his foot to make sure it didn't slam against you.
The musty smell of the small lodgings hit you full in the face. If you hadn't been used to it already, it likely would have caused a few gags. No other sounds drifted through the area.
“Okay,” you offered as you set down what you had in your arm. “I'm going to get everything away and not make you do it. Here, this is for you.” You handed him over an entire pack of chocolate chip muffins. A happy sound left him as he snatched it quickly from your grasp before stepping close and pulling you into a crushing hug.
“You're welcome, big man.” The words came out laughed. “I'll find your sister and your brother after, so no need to go looking and send them in. Just go and enjoy your muffins.” He moved off to wherever it was that he wanted to go, leaving you on your own to start putting the groceries away. Mainly non-perishable since you did not trust the refrigerator that was in the corner. It was good enough for water but anything else? Questionable. Humming lightly to yourself, a habit that had been developed long ago when you found yourself on your own. Cans stacked safely where they wouldn't get crushed, jars tucked away just as carefully. It was always a game of would things get eaten or destroyed first and coming up with new plans to try and negate the latter effects. The presents for the other two were left out since there was little reason to shove them away. The door creeping open signalled the arrival of someone else. Likely, it would be Calypso. Gimple could never keep that quiet long enough to make you think that he was one of his siblings. Turning, you saw that you were right as the woman was creeping forward and eyeing the table.
“I see that you ran into Angus,” you laughed before reaching on top of the counter. Fresh strawberries and some shortcakes were produced. While it lacked whip cream, it was never something that seemed to bother the woman. Sweet, light, and a little fresh. “These are for you.” She took them with glee, an obvious smile present even around the mask. Unlike Angus, there wasn't any delay. She plopped her ass down on one of the beds, carefully positioning herself sideways so you couldn't fully view her face, before removing the mask and happily popping a strawberry into her mouth. The enjoyment from such simple gifts was always a pleasure to see. It wasn't like it was some big grand gesture. But, you had known how the siblings had always been treated and the fact that even such simple gestures had lacked through so much of their lives.
“I take it Gimple is downstairs?” She shook her head before pointing to the small connected building. His room, right. “Thanks, Calypso. Enjoy your treat.” Gathering up the remaining goodies, you headed in the direction that you had been pointed.
There wasn't much sound coming from the room, which itself was a little unusual. Knocking to announce your presence, a few seconds ticked by before the risk of opening the door was taken. Gimple wouldn't harm you, of that you were one hundred percent certain. But catching him off guard still wasn't something that should be done. The room was as quiet as it had been from the outside, Gimple settled on the bed with a sketchbook in his hands. A difference from the usual chaotic nature of his artwork down in the basement. Enough so that it caught you off guard for a few seconds. He didn't bother looking up from where his hand was flying over the page.
“Brought some treats back from the latest trip.” You would have expected him downstairs, prepping for tomorrow night. But, maybe there was some logic to the madness. He paused finally, just long enough to look up and give a small grin.
“Wasn't sure you were coming back.” You rolled your eyes, taking it as an invitation to finally move forward and settle beside him on the bed, though you knew better than to peek at what he was working on before he was ready to show it. Nudging him slightly since the pencil was away from the paper and there wasn't a risk of causing damage to what he was working on, you found yourself laughing.
“Yeah, because a trip to grab some groceries is what is going to do it. With my arm left behind and everything.” He hummed.
“It's still downstairs.” You hadn't brought it down to the basement but that wasn't worth asking about right then. While the current exchange was all a joke, you knew part of it still stemmed from some level of insecurity. By him and by the others. With the way that you had all grown up, they couldn't exactly be blamed. Finally, a low chuckle came from him and the sketchbook was set aside. Evidence that he was ready to receive what you had brought back with you. A new packet of colored pencils and a packet of his favorite spicy pretzels. He wasn't much one for sweets compared to his siblings. A little extra something for him.
“I should ask if you rigged it up again but I'm not going to and instead give you what I got you.” Eagerly, he took the proffered items. Stretching your legs out, you got yourself comfortable beside him now that he wasn't working. “You guys ready for tomorrow night?” The crumble of the pack told you that it was being opened without having to see it, eyes slipping shut now that you were back in the safety of the old employee lodging and beside him.
“Yeah, we’re ready. Angus has a few new toys he wants to try out.” An artist in his own way, of sorts. The weapons that he was capable of making out of bone were rather impressive. As long as you weren't on the receiving end. Ingenious really. “You're staying in here, right?” The inflection of the question meant that there was only one right answer. You gave his thigh a small squeeze.
“Of course. Wouldn't think of being anywhere else on a night like that. Know it’s the safest place to be. I have a book to read so I'll be able to keep myself plenty busy.” His body slouched a little further against the wall, your head dipping further along with it. “You just make sure that you are careful, please.”
“We'll be fine.” Every year they were. And had been for as long as recent memory went. But, you know that there was always a little risk that someone would end up causing trouble. One day, they would come across the wrong person, someone who was capable of fending for themselves. A thought that you did not relish. Nightmare inducing. Not that you were going to say that to Gimple.
“I know you are all more than capable. I just worry.” He kissed your temple with a laugh.
“Ain't anything you gotta worry about. Long as you stay here and behave.” Like you would dream of going out on New Year's Eve. Not a chance in hell. “You know what to do when Dad shows up.”
“Of course.”
“Then we are all set.” Trust him to think that it was just as simple as that. Every year it often was, then again you were always the only one that ended up planning for the bad and the unforeseen. As much as possible. Leaning into the touch more, you tried your best to let the odd feeling go. Worry was always a little normal before the big day but something just didn't feel right. “Besides, already got the girls. Just missing one. So everything will be nice and easy tomorrow night. That means, stop worrying your head off about it. Eat a fucking pretzel.” He shoved the bag in your direction, causing you to smile. Nodding, it forced you to remove your hand from his thigh to be able to take the offered gift. His hand came to grip the back of your neck, a light squeeze that had come to mean comfort given as you chewed the overly spicy snack. Not your thing but you weren't about to turn down an offering from the man.
Maybe, just maybe, you should have felt a little guilty about the death of strangers. But they weren't innocent. No. If Mr. Walter's had a say in the decision, then it must be true. The ritual had been ongoing for years, though you were never a direct part of it. The siblings took care of leg work while their father helmed the ceremony. He felt that it wasn't something that you needed to be a part of, that your talents were better used elsewhere. Mainly taking care of the three like you had always done. That fact never bothered you. You had all carved out a weird little existence out here in the woods. Perfectly content. The death of strangers was just a necessary once a year product of that life.
“Wanna see it?” Your attention was pulled from the thoughts that threatened to pull you under. Without asking, it meant the sketch that he had been working on. The artistic tastes of the man beside you would be considered in poor taste and odd by the majority of the population. But you always saw the beauty in it, the way that he did.
“Of course!” The response was far more eager. The swirls and patterns that littered the page made up a beautiful piece. Far less frantic than the typical blood soaked scribbles and scrawls that were presented. The same attention to detail just in a different medium with a little more, you faltered. Not precision but something else. Maybe less mania. “It's gorgeous, Gimple.”
“Thinking I'm hanging it right here.” He slapped at the wall above the bed absently. “Angus and Calypso won't want it.”
“I think it will look perfect there. Are you finished?”
“Almost…” He was cut off when the large frame of Angus appeared in the doorway, his boots kicking at the frame to gain attention.
“What's up, big guy?” His hands twitching at his side and his posture rigid. Something was wrong. The sounds of clattering and a loud crash came from above, and that had Gimple jumping out of the bed. Without a word, you slid from the comfortable space and moved towards the hiding space behind the wall as a precaution. That feeling heightened, but you did your best to ignore and settle in for what you hoped wouldn't be a long wait. Flashes before your eyes reminded you of being all but buried alive as a child, robbing you of the air in your lungs. Hating every second of it, you clutched at your pant leg and could do nothing but wait for Gimple to come tell you the coast was clear and the problem had been handled. Sooner rather than later, preferably.
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nakuuro1994 · 1 year
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~ (The Loud House: A Twist of Fate AU): So, here’s an alternate version of the Loud House Movie where Morag actually starts to become a good host towards the Loud Family during their stay at Scotland enough to actually become a close friend to the family along with Angus as she soon became the sweet, kind but still very neurotic “Auntie M”!!!
Plus, it’ll be pretty interesting to see Morag herself actually being a close family friend to the Loud Family as she essentially becomes an Auntie to all of them in this particular AU story.
~ Lincoln: Hey Auntie M, how long are you staying with us in Royal Woods? 🙂
~ Morag: Well Darling, I suppose that I’ll probably just stay here in America for another week or so…😅 (As the Loud Family started to cheer)
~ Luna: Awesome Auntie M, that’s great to hear!!😁👌
~ Lori: And don’t you worry, mom and dad made us promised to be extra careful to be nice and quiet while you’re staying home with us!!😅👌
~ Morag: I’m so blessed to have this spectacular family!!🥺
Also, in this particular AU story Morag even has her own separate soundproof room for herself at the Loud Household complete with her own personal spa!!
(Because the Loud Family made the room specifically for her)
But as it turns out in this particular scenario that Morag was born with sensory hypersensitivity where she can’t really function properly with too much noise or she’ll pretty much snap (much like in the original movie) as her whole body is SUPER sensitive 😅
I also had thought up this particular setup for her mainly because I think that her turning completely evil over some rude House Guests in the Netflix movie was pretty stupid to be honest!!😅
(Plus, it just sounds more justified don’t you think?)
Not to mention that I also think that Morag would probably be pretty awesome as an Auntie as she’ll probably be teaching Lola, Lana and Lucy more about magic, ghosts and how to take better care of their new pet dragon.
(Not to mention that Morag is also happily married to Angus in this particular AU story as well)
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uprockinrainbow · 2 years
The Loud Owl, a.k.a. The Owl House meets The Loud House: "Guilty As Accused"
Alador Blight as Angus
Odalia Blight as Morag
Amity Blight as Loch Loud Resident
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
Thoughts & Theories about MacGyver 5x10 [MacRiley]
This episode was absolutely INSANE. Im writing out my thoughts once and for all because I need to stop thinking about everything that happened (I highly doubt I will be able to but here's to trying)
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Straight off the bat, I was screaming *internally* and yelling at Mac when he showed the diamond to Bozer. I suspected it yesterday when we got the snippet of Murdoc saying the words DIAMOND and RING with extra emphasis..(everyone on twitter said I was jumping to conclusions.. I thought so too honestly) But damn I did NOT expect them to actually do that!
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Now here's why I am not mad about it anymore. [this is my interpretation you are free to disagree]
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Firstly, when Mac told Bozer he was going to propose he didnt say I’m doing it because I love Desi or I want to spend the rest of our lives together or because she’s the one (doesn't mean he doesnt care for her ofcourse)
He said “Ever since I lost my dad & Jack, I have been thinking about the bigger picture and a commitment to make things work is exactly what Desi and I need right now. A grand romantic gesture.” He wanted to propose for stability so he could finally be on the same page with her. They never really defined their relationship before and this was a way for Mac to final bring it together. A grand romantic gesture is usually something people use to win their partners back which is what Mac was trying to do I guess. It almost sounds like he has to do it so he doesn't lose her again 
(ill get to my second reason in the end)
Then ofcourse Bozer tells Riley about it so she can be prepared. Bozer is such a good friend. He is supportive of Mac AND wants to protect Riley. I love him for it! He really is doing everything to be the best friend he can to both of them. (Leannas death was so painful and I just want to hug him but thankfully Riley had that covered.)
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Next we get the BIG REVEAL. The moment all of us had been waiting for. 
The moment that SHOOK Angus MacGyver and CHANGED EVERYTHING!
Rileys Feelings!
“You want me to say it out loud? Fine. Yes I had feelings for Mac. There I said it. and yeah watching him and Desi together was breaking my heart so I moved out of his house. I should have said something to him a long time ago but I didn’t and now its over. ”
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I had the opposite of a HEART ATTACK! (my heart rate was through THE ROOF!)
I have to say they really really outdid themselves on this reveal. 
SIDE NOTE: If anyone comes for Riley and tries to call her a slut or a home wrecker? You will have me to deal with. Even after Murdoc played the clip of her confession she still tried to deny it and brush it off so it wouldn't complicate things for Mac and Desi. If Riley had wanted, she could have easily told Mac this to his face while he was dating Desi and then let things happen from there but she DIDNT. She kept that secret buried so deep she herself was in denial.
(also if anyone calls Mac a player or anything like that.. I will end you. He is doing his best to deal with everything that has happened to him and people keep giving him shit for it....)
Anyways, we see Mac’s expression & he is just confused and shocked and clearly not trying to think about it because it changed EVERYTHING for him. 
[Murdoc saying I THINK IM ON TEAM RILEY was a HUGE HIGHLIGHT for me! I love him so damn much!]
Desi took it really well too actually. If they keep going down this road of growth and maturity for her I think I could actually like her again. (Russ too when he apologised to Bozer) 
She didnt throw a hissy fit or say I knew it or look at Riley like she was the villain. She focused on the mission & I respect her for that.
(Riley does say, “the next thing you are going to hear on that recording-” and then gets cut off by Desi.. If this will come into play at some point later on or if it was just her trying to explain herself, remains to be seen.)
Then after the climax, we finally hear Riley say the words to Mac in real time and we get our FIRST MacRiley hug of the season! 
At this point I thought they would agree to be friends and make the friendzone thing clear BUT NOPE. (you have no idea how happy I am about it not going down like that!)
I was also a puddle on the floor. SO
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“Mac look-”
“You don’t have to say anything if you dont want to. Really.”
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“I want to. Last year in Germany. I realised I was starting to have feelings for you. Real feelings. I didnt want to make anything weird between you and Desi. I didnt want to mess up our work or our friendship so I decided to bury it. Until the feelings passed.”
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“Emotions aren’t a science. You can’t control them.”
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Gosh they are so perfect together! The way they look at each other and the HUG! OH MY GOD THE HUG! Its just perfection.
Now we also see this from Desi’s POV. Again no anger or jealousy from her. I think it was an understanding. She realised that she and Mac were never going to work.. maybe a little pain but honestly everything that went down with her and Mac was her fault too. The lack of trust and understanding was always a problem for them. Sure, things were going well but she didnt seem like she was ready for a commitment if im being honest. If Mac had proposed I think Desi would have said no.(again nothing wrong with that) 
She didnt want to label their relationship..they haven't said the words I love you to each other and I dont think they even live together. It really was way too sudden.(these are just things im assuming people define how well a relationship is going by.. I have no experience.)
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Then ofcourse we have what im calling the goodbye scene. Its the break up before the break up in my opinion.
Desi tells Mac that they should pretend the last 24 hours never happened (that might actually include Mac wanting to propose but make of it what you will..) and that they should have a clean slate. But its very clear from Mac’s face and Desi sees it too that he isnt 100% onboard with it. He cant forget about it.
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Which is when Desi says “Look Mac just do whatever you feel is right” and Mac looks confused.
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She then gives him a goodbye kiss. 
Look if you have ever watched any show/movie before where the characters are saying goodbye to each other or breaking each others hearts...THERE IS ALWAYS A KISS ON THE CHEEK. A final farewell of sorts. 
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That is what it seemed like to me. It was Desi telling Mac to do what he has to. Even if it inevitably leads to their break up.
Again real emotional maturity from Desi here!
Then we get the scene, Monica Macer (the show runner) tweeted about back in December.
Mac knocking on someones door. If im being honest? I thought it was Desi’s place and he was going to propose...
BUT it turned out to be Riley’s.
Mac clearly hasn't stopped thinking about what happened. I wouldnt either if my best friend who has put her life on the line for me and trusts me 100%, now has feelings for me? That would turn my world upside down too.
especially if I had feelings for her that I buried so deep that I never acknowledged them.
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Also this is my scenario for how their first kiss goes down just FYI.. (Mac showing up at Rileys doorstep and finally confessing his feelings and kissing her *probably won't happen that way now though, but I still love it*)
Mac hesitates for a second before finally knocking on her door.
“Mac? Everything okay?”
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“I can’t pretend like the last 24 hours didnt just happen. They did. So I gotta ask. Did it work?”
“Did what work?”
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“Hiding your emotions and letting it pass. Did they go away?”
and I proceeded to pass out. My brain just checked out...
Now initially in all my freaking out I thought Mac was asking Riley about his feelings. If HE buried them deep enough would he still be able to move on with Desi but then I rewatched it and I realised he was asking RILEY if her feelings were still there, if there was still a possibility of something ever happening. 
She never told him its all good now! my feelings are gone and it was a long time ago. She told him she buried it but he needed to know if a future with Riley was something tangible. 
So this was my second reason for not being annoyed about the proposal. The writers used it to show what a huge impact it would have on Mac. How much Rileys feelings would actually mean to him. the GAME CHANGER it would be.
A friend of mine said it was kinda funny and a little jarring but I liked it. (I could have done without the proposal) But I understand why they did it. They couldnt have Mac and Desi break up the same day Riley’s feelings came out because then people would hate Mac. They had to make him want to take the next step with Desi but then drop a bomb on him, that would make him question everything.
Again this is what I took away from it.
I do get that some people are not happy with this and some said it was too sudden *not like we’ve been waiting since season 1 or anything* but I think after 5x11 things will slow down again. Mac may break up with Desi only at the end of the season when he finally comes to terms with his feelings. (Some people are still cautious and I get it but after everything that just happened I find it hard to believe that Mac and Riley won't end up together after all.. not to mention the leaked script conversation between Mac and Riley from 5x15)
Now I dont know how the final scene ends.. they definitely dont get called away for their solo mission immediately after because Mac’s cheek injury is relatively healed in this stills, which means Riley does answer Mac’s question. She may try to avoid it or deflect but he is standing right there so...who knows.
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Next weeks episode is a MacRIley solo mission and lets just say things definitely are heating up a bit..*wink wink*
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
In My Daughter’s Eyes Chapter 30: Family
Chapter 29
Read on AO3
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November 27th
Jamie felt a flutter of excitement as he rang the doorbell to the Abernathy home. It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and neither doctor had had the day off on Thursday. Claire had mentioned they’d done exactly this last year. Claire had casually asked if Jamie wanted to make a pie or pick one up, and he’d stared at her, bewildered. 
“Ehm...fer what?”
Claire eyed him as if he’d asked what color the sky was. “For Thanksgiving?”
“Oh! I...thought ye spent it wi’ Joe’s family...”
She blinked at him like he had two heads. “Yes. And you’re coming.”
And that was that. 
This was a big step for them as a couple, as a potential family, and Jamie knew it. He knew better than to make a big deal out of it to Claire, but that simple assumption that of course he’d be celebrating with Claire’s adopted family had made him fit to burst with joy. The next day, Jamie had texted her:
speaking of holidays and families, how do you feel about spending christmas with mine?
She’d replied hours later, likely during her first break of the day:
I’d absolutely love to. 
So they were there now. They were officially bringing each other “home for the holidays.” Well, Jamie’s family was coming here to avoid putting Faith through air travel, but still. If somebody had asked Jamie last Thanksgiving or last Christmas if he’d ever imagined this, with her, with them, he’d have told them they were crazy. 
That morning, they’d gone to see Moana. The local movie theater did half-priced tickets before noon, and the movie had come out the day before Thanksgiving. Jamie had told Claire that he and his family always went to the cinema on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day; since the closest one to Lallybroch was an hour away, it was a special occasion. Claire had immediately lit up, declaring that they had to go on Thanksgiving. Rather, their makeshift Thanksgiving. Claire had never actually brought Faith to the movies before, but the place was empty aside from one other family, so it was perfect. She was in heaven. She was absolutely enthralled by the hugeness of the screen, the colors, the music. They’d sat near the front in the wider aisle where the railing was, meant for handicapped viewers, so Faith could run around or lean on the railing, dangling Horsie over the edge with her mouth agape. Claire had bought the album on iTunes on the way home, anticipating that Faith would want to play the music all day, and she’d been right. Jamie already knew almost every word to “How Far I’ll Go.” He wondered if it would hold up against “Let it Go” for Faith, but only time would tell.
A gust of November wind brought Jamie back to the moment, and the front door opened to reveal Joe, white teeth flashing against his dark skin in a radiant grin. 
“Ah, there he is!” Joe enthusiastically clapped Jamie on the shoulder with one hand, and shook Jamie’s hand with the other. “It is so good to have you here, Jamie.”
“Hello to you too,” Claire said wryly.
“Come on, I see you all the time,” Joe said. At that moment, Faith slipped right out of Claire’s grip and bounded inside, humming loudly and flapping her hands wildly. 
Claire rolled her eyes at both Faith’s escape and Joe. Jamie watched with amusement as Gail appeared at the end of the hallway and exclaimed in surprise as Faith barreled into her. 
“Sweet Jesus!”
Joe ushered Jamie, Claire, and Angus, leash held by Claire, into the house. 
“Well it’s nice to see you, crazy bean!” Gail said, laughing, and Faith disappeared into the living room. “Dee-Dee! They’re here, and Faith is looking for you!”
Jamie handed off the pie (that he’d made from scratch, of course) to Gail, and insisted on helping her finish with the hors d'oeuvres and the drinks. Faith darted about, in and out of the rooms, until the pitter-patter of little feet coming down the stairs had her running back into the hallway. By the time all the adults were settled with finger foods and drinks, Delia and Faith were already in the corner of the room, engaged with dolls and a little house. Even Faith’s Horsie was involved in the game, of course. 
“They did this last year too,” Claire said as they sat down on the couch. “We got here and Dee-Dee had a whole spread. It was adorable.”
“She does it every time she knows she’s coming over,” Gail said. 
“Aye, I remember her at Faith’s party; she’s a sweet one,” Jamie said fondly. 
“Thanks,” Gail said.
“And that one got so big!” Claire exclaimed, looking at Lenny, sat in his own corner with a tablet. “Last Thanksgiving he still looked like a baby.”
“Four years old, you believe that?” Joe said, shaking his head. 
“Oh, I believe it,” Claire said, eyeing Faith. “They grow too fast.”
“Oh my gosh, Claire, I never even asked.” Gail said, putting down her drink. “Faith started school!”
“Yeah, she did.”
“You were scared shitless,” Gail dropped her voice to a low whisper. 
Claire chuckled. “Yes, I certainly was.”
Jamie put his hand lightly on Claire’s knee, and she took it, seemingly without thinking about it. They laced their fingers together with practiced ease, and Jamie squeezed. 
“You mentioned at work the first day went okay,” Joe said. “How’s she been since then?”
“Really good, actually,” Claire said. Jamie could feel the warmth of glowing pride radiating from her. “She stopped having any bathroom problems, finally, and she hasn’t had to call home or either of us at work in a while. Which is good, because it’s hard when I’m at the hospital or if Jamie’s with a client...but I think we’re finally past that.”
“That’s great,” Gail said. 
“I can tell she still doesn’t really love it. It’s a bit of a fight to get her on the bus after a weekend or a break. Monday should be really fun,” she rolled her eyes, “but she’s doing it. She’s getting her stickers when she earns them and prizes and after school treats.”
“Claire is doing all the right things,” Jamie cut in. “It’s hard to motivate her sometimes, but as long as she’s on the bus in the morning, then we’ve done all we can do.”
“Right,” Gail said. 
“Remember after Labor Day when she would not get on, no matter what I did?”
“Aye, I do. I had to leave the stables to try to get her on myself.”
“I couldn’t believe the driver waited that long.” Claire covered her face and shook her head at the memory. “If that never happens again, it’ll be too soon.”
The adults shared a quiet laugh. 
“I see she’s got a communication device now?” Joe said, gesturing to the tablet resting next to Faith. “The school provides that?”
“Yeah,” Claire said. “She’s been getting more and more comfortable with it lately. She still signs for her basic needs, and Mummy, but she loves being able to say ‘Angus,’ and all your names, and Gillian’s name, and Jamie’s. I don’t want her to lose the signing, but this is a great additional tool.”
“Yeah, of course,” Gail said. “I saw that video on Facebook that you posted, when she first figured out the ‘Mummy’ button.”
“Oh, yeah,” Claire smiled fondly at the memory, and so did Jamie. When it had first clicked for Faith that there was a word on her device for every sign, she could not get enough of saying “Mummy,” calling out to her beloved mother in a brand new way. “She did the same thing to Jamie the next time we saw him.”
“Over and over,” Jamie confirmed. “It was sweet.”
“Until the third hour,” Claire said, and Jamie could tell she was only half-kidding. He didn’t blame her at all. 
Jamie was about to ask about how Delia was doing in school, how pre-k was for Lenny, when Joe spoke again. 
“How are you guys?” He raised both of his eyebrows coyly. “I mean, it seems like it’s...going really well. Yeah?”
Jamie watched a blush creep up Claire’s neck and touch her cheeks with color. She flashed her eyes at Jamie, who felt warmth spreading from head to toe. 
“We’re great,” Jamie answered, looking into Claire’s eyes and raising her fingers to his lips. “Really great.”
December 17th
As Claire approached the door to Jamie’s apartment, shopping bag and leash in one hand, Faith’s hand in the other, she heard a loud shriek from the other side of the door. Faith let go of Claire’s hand to clamp her hands over her ears, and Claire’s stomach dropped.
Off to a great start.
Claire was nervous beyond all reason to meet Jamie’s family. They’d gotten off the plane from Scotland two days ago, wanting to give themselves plenty of time before the holidays, and wanting to meet Claire and Faith at least once before then. Jamie decided on a little pizza party at his place.
Claire begged and pleaded with Faith to calm down, but she would not move until presented with her headphones. Claire sighed in defeat and put them on her. She knew deep down that Jamie’s family would bear no judgement on her in the slightest, but she really hadn’t wanted their first impression of her and her daughter to be flustered mother of an irritable daughter.
The door opened while Claire was still kneeling on the ground, and she looked up in a panic, relief washing over her to see that it was only Jamie.
“Sorry about that,” he said sheepishly. “Wee Jamie is a bit of an imp.”
Claire stood up, laughing nervously. “Oh, hi, sorry.” She tried taking Faith’s hand again, but Faith recoiled, reaching up to Jamie instead. Claire rolled her eyes upward, and Jamie grinned.
“Aye, alright, let’s get ye in out of the cold.” He obliged Faith, lifting her up and settling her on his hip, leading the way into the apartment. Faith rubbed her cheek against Jamie’s, delighting in the stubble, and Claire peered around Jamie to see the face that she’d come to be so familiar with but had never actually seen in person. Jenny was sitting on the couch feeding star-shaped puffs to a toddler, and the just as familiar Ian was holding a little boy over his shoulder.
“Everyone,” Jamie announced. “This is Claire. And this is Faith.”
Jenny launched herself off the couch and handed the baby off to Ian, who expertly handled holding both children at once.
“It’s great to finally meet ye, Claire,” Jenny said, throwing her arms around her in a bone crushing hug.
Claire started in surprise at first, but then returned the embrace. Her embrace was warm, soft and solid all at once, much like Jamie. She was wearing an oversized cream sweater, similar to Claire’s own white cable-knit turtleneck. “Hi, I’m so glad to finally meet you, too.”
“I’m Jenny, as ye probably guessed,” she went on, pulling away from the embrace, but keeping a hand on one of Claire’s shoulders. “That’s my husband, Ian.”
“Hallo,” Ian gestured with his chin in greeting. “This heathen is Wee Jamie,” he turned around to show Claire his face, given that his feet were previously facing her, “and this is Maggie.” He turned back around.
“Great to meet you, all three of you,” Claire said, laughing.
Just then, Claire noticed the man that had appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, smiling down at her. Everything about him was warmth, strength, and comfort.
“Claire,” he said, his voice deep and laced with the deepest affection.
“Hi,” Claire said sheepishly, her smile hurting her cheeks. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mister Fraser. Jamie speaks so highly of you.”
“Och, I’ll no’ have ye calling me that. Ye’ll call me Brian, Da, whatever ye’re comfortable with.” He stepped in toward her and pulled her in for a hug that was somehow tighter than Jenny’s. “Ye’re family, lass.”
Claire squeezed him back, this man she had just met, and tears pinpricked her eyes.
My family.
Brian pulled away and gripped her shoulders, looking into her face. “Christ, my heart’s full to see ye.”
“Let her breathe, Da,” Jenny chided. “Here, let me take this. And give yer coats to Ian.” Jenny took the paper bag of crisps and cookies in Claire’s hand like this was her own home and disappeared with it into the kitchen.
Ian put little Jamie down and pointed a threatening finger at him, and the boy grinned impishly as his father took Claire’s coat, then Faith’s, from Jamie.
“Hi!” he burst to Claire. “Are ye my Auntie now?”
“Oh, I…”
“Oi, why d’ye no’ play wi’ the Wii, lad,” Jamie cut in. The boy bounced with excitement, planting his bottom on the coffee table right in front of the tellie. “Quietly, now,” Jamie warned, setting up a game for him with Faith in his arms all the while. She refused to be put down.
“That’s her, then? Wee Faith?” Brian watched as Jamie shifted her to his other hip after finishing setting up Jamie’s game.
“Yes, that’s my girl,” Claire answered, pride warming her chest.
“Beautiful,” Brian breathed, beaming at her as Jamie approached his father. “Yer spitting image.”
“Thank you,” Claire said. She stroked Faith’s cheek, who was still rubbing her face and arms against Jamie’s stubbled jaw.
Brian hummed in amusement. “Willie used to do that to me,” he said. “It’s comforting to them.”
“Yes, I suppose it is.” Claire’s eyes flicked nervously to Jamie, but he seemed alright. Perhaps they spoke fondly of Jamie’s brother often. She’d have to get used to that.
Jenny flitted back in from the kitchen and chided her brother for letting her son play with brain-rotting video games, but Jamie just rolled his eyes and sat down, Angus settling at his feet at attention for Faith.
“I didn’t even know you had a Wii,” Claire said, sitting down beside him.
“Aye, well,” he winked, “how else would I kick yer arse in Mario Kart?”
Claire snorted quietly and fought the urge to swat at his arm in front of his family. Ian sat down next to Jamie with Maggie, Brian sat on the leather recliner in the corner, and Jenny sat on the edge of the coffee table facing the couch.
“So! This is the wee lass I’ve heard so much about?” Jenny beamed at Faith.
“Aye, she canna hear ye just now wi’ these on; wee Jamie gave her a fright.”
“Och, I’m so sorry,” Jenny said. “I did try to explain to him — ”
“No, it’s okay. He's so young.”
“Aye, and a menace to society already.” Jenny rolled her eyes, and Claire chuckled. “I’m just grateful he didna make a run fer the dog. He retained that from our talk at least.”
She was obviously referring to the fact that when Angus was working, he could not be pet. Claire did catch a few longing glances at the animal from the little boy, but he was being very good.
After a few minutes, with Angus’s help, Jamie managed to coax Faith into taking the headphones off.
“There you go, good girl,” Claire praised. “She’d never take them off without Jamie here. He’s absolutely wonderful with her.”
“Aye, and she’s quite taken wi’ him as well,” Jenny said smiling at the way Faith was nuzzled into his neck.
“We’ve a…special bond,” Jamie said, his eyes twinkling. “Aye, princess?” He bounced her on his knee, and she giggled.
“Look, lass, this is Jenny,” Jamie said. “Can ye say hi?”
She buried her face further.
“She’s very shy,” Claire explained. “Strangers are a little tricky. But I promise the more she’s with you, the better it gets. Even Jamie was a scary stranger at some point. Right, lovie?”
Jenny and Ian laughed softly.
“I really appreciate you all coming here,” Claire said. “It can’t be easy traveling with little ones.”
“Och, ’twas nae bother,” Ian said. “Glad to do it.”
“We hardly ever get to see Jamie’s place anyway,” Jenny added. “We’ve only been to the Island…what, once or twice before?” Ian nodded in confirmation. “It’s nice to see the life he’s made here. And the stables are just great.”
“Aye, we’re very proud of the work Jamie does,” Brian cut in, the pride oozing out of his every feature.
“You should be. He’s…he’s got a special touch with those kids,” Claire said, unable to stop the heart eyes she knew she was giving Jamie. “He changes lives. I know he changed Faith’s, and mine for that matter. Even before, well…this.” She blushed, realizing she was rambling. Jamie reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze, likely sensing her embarrassment.
“Aye, well it’s good ye ken how lucky ye are,” Jenny said. “Ye’ll no’ find a better man than my brother.”
“Christ, Janet…” It was Jamie’s turn to turn scarlet.
“I’m being nice, Jamie! I could go on instead about how difficult ye are to live with…”
“Claire doesna need a speech about treating me right,” he said. “She’s doing just fine.”
“That wasna what I meant.”
But given the look that Ian shot her, that was indeed what she’d meant. Though a little uncomfortable, Claire did not blame her. Jamie was her little brother after all, and Claire knew by now how deeply he felt things, how sensitive he was. Somebody cruel could tear him to pieces.
“It’s okay,” Claire cut in. “I know what you meant.” She squeezed Jamie’s hand.
“Aye, good. Well, it’s no’ as if it doesna go both ways. When Jamie sent me yer Facebook profile, I gave him an earful about how damned lucky he was,” Jenny said, and Claire bit her lip to stifle a grin.
“What! Ye’re embarrassed? I couldna very well meet her. No shame in sending me something to get to know her by!”
If Jamie could have melted into the couch, Claire was sure he would have.
“Jamie went on and on about ye last Christmas, ye and the lass both,” Jenny explained. Claire’s heart fluttered to think that his family knew about her all the way back then, when she was still so far in denial she couldn’t see past her own nose. “So I was bloody curious what was so special about ye. Didna take long to see it, I’ll say that.” She smiled fondly at Claire, her eyes twinkling.
“Well…thank you. I think.”
“What Jenny is trying to say,” Ian cut in. “Is that we’re glad ye’re here, and we’re grateful to ye fer the joy ye bring our brother. Both of ye.”
“Aye, cheers to that.” Brian lifted his whisky from where he sat and took a sip.
“You know,” Claire said. “I heard all about this little one after the holidays last year.” She looked around Jamie and Faith at Maggie. “Jamie showed me pictures of her. She’s just adorable. I mean, both of your children are beautiful, of course.”
“D’ye want to hold her?” Ian offered.
Claire’s heart fluttered. “Could I?”
“Aye, of course.”
They both scooted forward for the exchange.
“Have to pish anyway.”
Jamie clapped Ian on the shoulder as he got up to leave, and Claire sighed loudly as the small weight settled in her lap.
“Well, hello!” she cooed, smiling enormously at Maggie’s sweet face. “Aren’t you the cutest little thing.” She bounced the baby in her lap, and she smiled lazily at her before breaking into the sweetest little giggles. Claire laughed in response, her head light and dizzy from the euphoria of holding a baby.
“Oh…I haven’t held one this small since Faith,” she sighed. “She’s just so sweet. Such a perfectly behaved baby.”
“Aye, she’s night and day wi’ that one.” Jenny nodded behind her to Jamie, engrossed in the game on the tellie.
Maggie gave another squealing giggle, and Faith abruptly sat up for the first time since burrowing into Jamie’s side.
“Ye look bonny wi’ a bairn, Sassenach.”
Claire looked up from Maggie to see Jamie boring smoldering diamonds into her, and she felt herself turn to a puddle. She’d be lying if she said she’d never thought about having another baby, and she’d also be lying if she said the thought of having one with Jamie hadn’t immediately crossed her mind the second she laid eyes on Maggie’s darling face.
They maintained eye contact for a long moment, and then Faith reached forward and grabbed the baby’s face, and Claire gasped, pulling Maggie into her.
“Gentle, Faith,” Jamie said quickly, as gently as he could muster. “The baby is very wee, and very sensitive. Ye must be gentle.”
“Gentle like with Pippi,” Claire added.
Faith bit her lip and sat up again, and then she gently stroked her fingers down the line of Maggie’s nose. Claire and Jamie both burst out laughing, and Faith hummed loudly, jiggling her hands and bouncing in Jamie’s lap.
“Pippi’s her horse?” Jenny said, chuckling herself.
“Aye!” Jamie said through his laughter, and then Jenny and Brian were also laughing out loud.
“What’d I miss?” Ian returned from the bathroom and sat back down on the couch.
“Faith started petting Maggie like her horse because we told her to be gentle,” Jamie explained, laughter finally subsiding. “Good girl, Faith,” he said.
“Come here, baby,” Claire summoned her closer. Faith clambered onto Jamie’s other leg. “You don’t have to pet her nose. Look.” Claire stroked Maggie’s head, then rubbed her back, all while bouncing her. “See? Gentle.”
Faith hummed loudly again, bouncing and jiggling.
“Calm down, lass,” Jamie crooned. “Ye canna play wi’ the bairn if ye canna be calm.”
Faith managed to stop one of her hands from flapping as she gingerly patted Maggie’s little head. Maggie turned to look at her, and Faith squealed.
“Yes, good job,” Claire said.
“Oh, how sweet,” Jenny said. “Ye’re a sweet girl, Faith.”
Faith did not turn at the sound of her name, but Claire beamed at Jenny. “She loves babies,” Claire said. “One of the moms brought her baby to the stables one day, and I had to hold Faith back from throwing herself in the stroller.”
Jenny chuckled. “She’ll make a braw big sister, then.”
“Janet,” Jamie warned, but Jenny just put her hands up in surrender, and Claire’s cheeks flushed red.
Faith gave another loud hum, and then she scrambled off of Jamie’s lap. She pattered over to the bag Claire had left by the door that contained both of her tablets and some emergency snacks that Claire had packed. She reached in for the school-provided tablet and walked back to the couch, standing in front of Claire and Maggie. She clicked around for a bit, and then she pressed the word she wanted to say.
Claire broke into a stupid, beaming grin. “You want to play with Maggie?”
Faith jumped up and down, letting out a squeal that gave way to a hum. “Play.”
“You’re so smart, good girl, sweetheart,” Claire praised. She looked to Jenny, who motioned for Claire to follow her. Claire set Maggie down on the floor as Jenny set out some toys she had brought.
“Yes, darling, we hear you, one moment please.”
Before long, Jenny had shown Faith all of Maggie’s toys, and Maggie was chewing on one while Faith became engrossed with the little baby piano toy. Jenny sat beside Maggie and Claire beside Faith, each making sure that Faith remained gentle and calm. They conversed over the children and across the room to the men. Claire learned how Jenny and Ian had gotten together, learned about the antics of all three of them growing up together, and at one point, she had tears leaking out of her eyes from laughing so hard at a story Brian told about the lads and the pigsty. 
Faith would occasionally take Maggie’s hand and make her press buttons on various toys, some more gentle than others, but Maggie did not seem to mind. Little Jamie only got too loud on his video game one time, and one stern word from his mother was enough to assure it did not happen again.
The pizza delivery arrived, and there was a flurry of motion to get everyone into the kitchen. Parents all made sure that little ones’ hands were clean, and plates and cups were set out. Claire watched in awe as Jamie pulled a pizza plate out of his cabinet.
“Where on Earth did this come from?”
“I bought one,” Jamie said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “If the lass is gonnae eat pizza in my home she’ll have a pizza plate.”
Claire didn’t have the heart to tell him that Faith was not picky about what she ate off of if she wasn’t home, so she let Jamie hand the plate to Faith, both of their faces glowing with joy. Jamie turned around to grab the juice from the fridge and Claire went to help him, and by the time they both turned around, Brian was cutting Faith’s pizza on the plate, and Claire stopped in her tracks to stare.
“Ye’re family, lass.”
Jamie noticed, and he looked back and forth between his father and Claire, his eyes twinkling. He hugged her around the shoulders with one arm and kissed her temple.
“They’re as crazy about her as I am.”
Jamie crossed the rest of the way to the table, and Claire wiped her eyes quickly before following.
“I like her pizza plate,” wee Jamie announced, crossing his arms.
“Well, it’s Faith’s pizza plate,” Ian said firmly. “Ye’ll eat off yer own plate, and ye’ll like it.”
“Why do I no’ get one?”
“Because ye dinna have all the worries and troubles in yer heid that Faith has. The pizza plate helps her feel better. Now eat.”
The table was crowded, not meant for nearly as many people as were there, folding chairs squished between the wooden ones, but they made it work. Maggie was passed between laps so that her parents could eat, and everyone took turns handing her tiny pieces of saucy, non-cheesy, soft pizza to chew on. The conversation passed easily as they talked more about Jamie’s childhood; they even asked about Claire’s. She had plenty to tell about her adventures with her uncle, stories that she loved sharing with anybody who would listen.
Once the pizza was gone, Faith disappeared into the living room and returned with one of the DVDs that Claire had packed. Jamie helped her get it set up, and then little Jamie and Faith were sitting on the couch, watching Lilo and Stitch, and Ian was putting Maggie to sleep in the stroller that they were leaving in Jamie’s room.
The adults stayed at the kitchen table with drinks, and Claire held Jamie’s hand under the table, his other hand stroking her knee and thigh absently. Conversation with this family was easy and familiar, as if she’d known them her whole life. She did not feel like an outsider as she’d predicted she might. The feeling of belonging enveloped her like a warm hug. Then she’d remember Jenny helping Faith play with Maggie, Brian cutting her pizza, Ian explaining to little Jamie why Faith was different, and she would well up with tears.
Family gatherings in England made Claire sick with anxiety and made Faith utterly miserable, which just made everything worse. The Christmas before Frank left, when Faith was three, Claire had cried herself to sleep with his parents’ sneers burned into her subconscious. But this…
This was acceptance, understanding, welcoming, joy, warmth, comfort.
This was family.
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vivaciouslady · 3 years
thank you to my dear @marilyn-monroes-jeans for tagging me in this ❤️
• favorite genre: this is so difficult because i listen a a lot of different things but probably 1930s-1950s standards, golden age musicals, or just whatever taylor swift is currently doing
• favorite artist(s): julie andrews, john denver, taylor swift, ginger rogers, soccer mommy, one direction (i yearn for the good old days), tchaikovsky, debussy
• favorite song: once again i have a TON but my favorite songs of all time is probably Farewell Andromeda by John Denver (the live version from An Evening With John Denver) and You’ll Be Reminded of Me (from Vivacious Lady) by Ginger Rogers
• most listened to song recently: either August by Taylor Swift or Old Cape Cod by Patti Page (both have the best end of summer in new england energy)
• song stuck in your head currently: the theme from Come September (1961)
• five favorite lyrics (not in any particular order):
- “Welcome to my evening, the closing of the day. You know I can try a million times never find a better way to tell you that I love you and all the songs I play are to thank you for allowing me inside your lovely day” Farewell Andromeda by John Denver
- “my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now i’m covered in you” Ivy by Taylor Swift
- “and when your heart is broken in two you’ll be reminded of me and i’ll be laughing… you’ll be reminded of me” You’ll Be Reminded of Me by Ginger Rogers
- “It's a bite of the apple, the touch of your lips. I'm stuck in the bathroom and sick over it” Scorpio Rising by Soccer Mommy
- “Birds love and bees love and whispering trees love, and that's what we both should do” He Loves and She Loves from Funny Face (1957), the original and the Julie Andrews Cover
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
• favorite genre: classics and fantasy
• favorite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
• favorite author: Jane Austen
• favorite book series: Nancy Drew (but if you want an answer that’s more of an actual contained series i’d have to say Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas)
• comfort book: The Complete Brambly Hedge by Jill Barklem
• the perfect book to read on a rainy day: We We’re Liars by E. Lockhart, Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
• favorite book characters: Anne Shirley, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and Nancy Drew
• five quotes from your favorite book(s) that you know by heart:
- “That fool of a fairy Lucinda did not intend to lay a curse on me. She meant to bestow a gift. When I cried inconsolably through my first hour of life, my tears were her inspiration. Shaking her head sympathetically at Mother, the fairy touched my nose. ‘My gift is obedience. Ella will always be obedient. Now stop crying, child.’ I stopped.” Ella Enchanted
- “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” Pride and Prejudice
- “You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.” Pride and Prejudice
- “He loved me. He'd loved me as long as he he'd known me! I hadn't loved him as long perhaps, but now I loved him equally well, or better. I loved his laugh, his handwriting, his steady gaze, his honorableness, his freckles, his appreciation of my jokes, his hands, his determination that I should know the worst of him. And, most of all, shameful though it might be, I loved his love for me.” Ella Enchanted
- “There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” Pride and Prejudice
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in the nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
• favorite genre: for films it has to be rom-coms or just anything old hollywood in general (i know that’s not a genre) and for TV i like dramas and comedies
• favorite movie(s): Vivacious Lady (1938), The Sound of Music (1964), Stage Door (1937), and The Dream Lady (1918)
• comfort movie(s): (I have so many i’m sorry this isn’t even all of them) Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging (2008), Ever After (1998), BBC’s Pride and Prejudice (1995, yes I know this is a miniseries), Funny Face (1957), Summer Magic (1963), The Parent Trap (1961), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Curly Top (1935), The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004), Come September (1961), Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948), Cinderella (1997), Sense and Sensibility (1995), The Last Jedi (2017), and all my favs
• movies you watch every year: White Christmas (1954), Auntie Mame (1958), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), Legally Blonde (2001), and literally all of my comfort movies (if i’m being honest all of these are comfort movies as well i’m a mess)
• favorite tv shows: Derry Girls, Downton Abbey, New Girl, The Julie Andrews Hour, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl (original), The X-Files, Criminal Minds, Sex Education, M*A*S*H, and The Haunting of Bly Manor
• most rewatched tv show: I think Derry Girls and Gossip Girl are probably tied for this one
• ultimate otp: oh my god obviously jamie and dani 🥺 (but also mary/matthew and mulder/scully my loves) EDIT: HOW DID I FORGET JEAN MAITLAND AND TERRY RANDALL OH MY GOD I WAS ONLY THINKING ABOUR TV BUT THEY ARE MY OTP
• five favorite characters:
from tv shows - Mary Crawley, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, James Maguire, Orla McCool
from movies - Francey Brent/Morgan, Danielle De Barbarac, Maria von Trapp, Mame Dennis, Mia Thermopolis
bonus: Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from the 1995 adaptation because it’s technically not a movie or tv show it’s a miniseries
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
oh wow okay that was so long!! i’m (no pressure) tagging: @retrodame @johnsonshildy @norashelley @chantalstacys @glamourofyesteryear @lickingyellowpaint <3 (sorry if you have already done this tag)
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sithvampiremaster27 · 4 years
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Maybe the Louds really are Scottish...
A few days ago I read the plot synopsis for the Loud House movie: it said that the Louds are going on vacation to Scotland, where they discover that they're the (supposed) descendants of a Scottish Royal Family.
And you know, now that I think about it, maybe the Louds really are of Scottish heritage, I mean:
- There are 13 members of the Loud Family, and Scottish Clans are known for having a lot of family members,
- Lynn Jr. is obsessed with sports, so I think she will be very fond of the Highland Games,
- Luna is a rocker, and a lot of bands and musicians are from Scotland (Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, Angus and Malcolm Young of AC/DC (They were born in Scotland before moving to Australia (R.I.P. Malcolm)), the band Nazareth, Donovan, Christopher Bowes of Alestorm, etc.
- Lucy loves horror and is poetic, and Scotland's greatest poet is Robert Burns. Robert Louis Stevenson (the author of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Treasure Island) was Scottish too. Not to mention, Shakespeare's Macbeth takes place in Scotland and it features Three Witches.
- Lisa is a science-wiz and a lot of great scientists are from Scotland: Alexander Graham Bell, James Watt, Alexander Fleming, etc.
- And both Lucy and Lincoln love supernatural stuff, and I think they'd love Scottish mythology (the Loch Ness Monster, Kelpies, etc.)
Those are the examples at the top of my head at the moment.
But yeah, I think it would totally make sense for the Louds to be of Scottish heritage. I can't wait to see this movie of the White-Haired Lad and the 11 Lasses on Netflix!
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Video of #DavidTennant's character Angus singing This Town Is Named For You song from The Loud House Movie
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findurfuture · 8 months
In The Loud House Movie, Morag (voiced by Michelle Gomez) is the main antagonist and the caretaker of the Loud Castle. Angus is the groundskeeper in the Loud Castle when the Loud family visit. She becomes upset when Lincoln becomes Duke of Loch Loud because Morag does not appreciate their antics. A drab green jacket has been worn by Morag over a blue dress with a white lace neckline including fishnets, and burgundy boots. Style a ponytail wig and use grey hair mascara to create streaks alike the character. As Morag did in the movie, you can also use a bustle to make your backside appear fuller. Collect all the accessories of the Morag costume from The Loud House Movie for Halloween and cosplay.
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urmysilverlining · 4 years
Still your dream girl
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“This night club is even worse than that place you brought me at Tijuana” I whisper at Jack’s ear. Well, better say scream, since the music is really loud here. 
Laughing, he answers: “Jack Dalton only finds the best clubs, dude” 
“I think that’s her” I state, pointing my finger at a girl in a definitely too short and tight waitress uniform. 
Jack nods and we get close. I am barely able to touch her arm in the attempt of making her turn, that she whirls and pushes my hand aside: “Hands down. I’m just serving at the tables, if you want something more you’ll need to ask…”
As Jack poorly holds back a laugh, I interrupt the girl: “No, I’m sorry, my name is Angus MacGyver. We work for the government, they sent us to put you under witness custody.” 
“For what we’ve been told, you and your brother Gabriel witnessed the murder of a man last night. You could be the next targets.”
“What? Who called you? There must a be mistake because neither me or Gabe have seen anything. If you aren’t willing to order, we’ve done here. I wish you a good day.” 
Before she could go anywhere, Jack stands in front of her, opting for a less soft approach: “You know, Mac, maybe we should take this girl to the Phoenix and leave her in the interrogation room as long as she recollects her memories…But, oh right, if she comes with us, who’s going to take her brother from school?”
“Say my brother’s name another time and I…”
Before they could start a cats fight, I interpose myself between the two: “Okay, everybody calm down. Miss Y/L/N, when I said you have to come with us, that was not an option. C’mon.” 
I gently grab her arm, pushing her towards the exit of the night club.
“Wait, I can’t leave like that. My boss is going to fire me” 
“Girl, are you afraid to loose a work like that?” Jack decided to tick all the bad ideas on the list.
Giving him a glare, I then turn to reassure our witness: “We’ll send someone to talk with your boss, now let’s get out of here.”
We drive until Y/N’s house and come in. A boy in his late high school years, sit at the kitchen table doing his homework, greets her. “Hi, Y/N.” Then, noticing us, he asks: “Who are those men?”
“The government has sent them to protect us. Don’t worry, you can trust them.” She replies.
Jack looks at me surprised of her last sentence. Sure she wanted to reassure her brother. I mean, how could she really trust us after the way we brought her away from the club?
“Do you work for the CIA?” Y/N’s brother moves away from the table, revealing he was not sit on a chair but on a wheelchair. Seems like what was written about him on the file is correct.
Jack smiles at the boy’s question: “You go straight to the point. I like it.” 
“We work for a government secret organization called Phoenix Foundation.” I explain to him.
Gabe frowns his eyebrows: “I’ve never heard of it before. Who chose that name? It’s stupid…”
Once again, Jack turns to me with a too much pleased grin. In the meanwhile, Y/N takes a beer from the fridge and leans against the kitchen counter. Then, she says: “In Greek mythology, the phoenix is a bird who raises from its ashes.” The sun filtering through the curtains reflects in her eyes, showing their true color for the first time. “And they say he’s the smart ass of the family” she adds after having taken a sip. “If you didn’t watch so many Bruce Willis movies on tv, you’d know these things, too.”
“The boy’s got good tastes” Jack smirks.
As the two start to share their Bruce Willis movies’ chart, I ask Y/N: “How did you know that thing? That’s not exactly something you learn working on a night club”
Something about my words bothers her, because she rebuts: “Of course, you are assuming I have no education because I work in such a place”
Well done, genius I think. Where’s Jack and his breaking the ice jokes when you need them the most?
“W-what I meant is that’s not a thing everybody know”
“Believe it or not, working in a night club is no girl’s dream. When my parents got arrested, and after Gabe’s accident, well, let’s say I hadn’t a lot of options…I left college and I went to work in the first place that hired me for a pay that allowed me to take care of myself and Gabe.”
“You don’t have to justify your life choices with me. We’re just here to assure ourselves nothing bad happens to you two. Which college did you attend?”
“A public university. I was following a degree course in Literature.”
“Wow, that’s the opposite of what I was studying…”
“Was? T-this mean you left college, too?” She asks, surprised.
“Yes, I was attending MIT when, one day, I received a call from my grandfather telling me about the death of one of his Army’s fellow. He had saved his life more than once. I don’t know, I think that call made me realize that I could have done something more useful than sitting in a college’s classroom. So I left to join the Army, and since there I had been defusing bombs for four years in Afghanistan.”
She stares at me for five seconds, than she rushes to add: “I-I suppose you’re going to get bored babysitting us then…”
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