#anika kayoko x mindy meeks
kaisacobra · 1 year
Relationship HCs - Mindy Meeks-Martin & Anika Kayoko
Summary: What would a relationship between you, Mindy and Anika be like?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1k
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You became friends with Chad early in college, taking a few classes in common.
Chad would always mention you in conversations, talking about how you had been nice enough to go on a campus tour with him, not mentioning the Woodsboro events like other classmates had done.
Mindy even made a joke about her brother having a little crush, but he made it clear that he wasn't exactly your type. That piqued Mindy's curiosity, but she didn't do anything about it because she had just started dating Anika and that was her main focus.
Everything changed at Chad's birthday party, however.
Being one of his best friends, you were obviously invited to the small celebration dinner at one of his favorite pizza places.
And everyone was dying to know about you, since you were the only person outside of the group that Chad let near him (aside from Ethan, but he was his roommate).
When you arrived, most of them thought you were a nice person (Sam was still deciding if you were trustworthy or not) but Mindy and Anika? Oh, their heads were playing Bound - Ponderosa Twins Plus One.
Anika was more subtle about her attraction than Mindy (who couldn't stop staring at you all night) but she also felt something magnetic about you.
You didn't even notice it on the day. The two of them had been introduced as girlfriends so it was almost out of the question that there might be some interest on their part.
You only found out days into the relationship how much they had adored you from the first time they laid eyes on you.
They had this conversation immediately after the birthday was over.
Like I said, Mindy hadn't exactly been sudden + I think Anika is very good at interpreting signs from people, especially if they are close to her.
It was a very calm conversation as they are both open-minded people and their biggest concern was that you might not think the same.
They started in a gentle way. Anika would ask you about your major in college here, Mindy would recommend a horror movie there, all in cautious steps.
And then "happy coincidences" started happening frequently. Mindy had to deliver something to Chad at the end of some class? Why not take advantage of it and call you to grab a coffee with her and Anika?
And when you were with them, all interactions were on a fine line between friendship affections or something more. Constant compliments, hugs that lasted a few seconds too long, touches that lingered.
And the more you seemed comfortable and seemed to enjoy those acts, the more they did and intensified them. Hugs turned into kisses on the cheek and a touch on the shoulder turned into hands on your thighs.
No words of confession needed to be exchanged between you, such was the connection the three of you shared. You just knew how each other felt and it all seemed so natural.
One day, without ceremony, the two of them asked you to become their girlfriend in the middle of a picnic they had organized and, as much as it was expected that you would accept, their hearts raced as you said your answer.
You said yes, of course, and they were so happy that they dropped you in an awkward hug on the spread towel, peppering your face with little kisses to show how much they liked you.
After they pulled away and you could get a better look into their eyes, you exchanged a long-awaited kiss, full of passion and affection. Anika went first, being the more impatient of the two, but soon you kissed Mindy too and the two exchanged a kiss between them as well.
That was the official start of your relationship.
There is no option to dislike physical contact in this relationship. Their prominent love language is touch, and that's pretty clear to everyone.
They are not shy with PDA, but they may tone it down depending on how comfortable you are with it. However, they always need to have at least one hand on your arm at all times.
Your favorite types of dates are movie nights that take place at Anika's apartment (because you and Mindy live in dorms), although art workshops are a program you love to do together as well.
Anika made beaded bracelets with all of your initials and other decorations. She pouts if she notices you or Mindy aren't wearing them.
Going back to the movie nights, Anika lies on both of your laps every time, while Mindy slings her arms around your shoulders to bring you closer.
However, if there's a scary movie on and you get scared easily, the two of them will have you in the middle of a tight hug. Mindy will try to calm you down by telling you facts about the behind the scenes while Anika holds your hand.
I can see them both really enjoying doing those tiktok couple trends. Their favorite one was when you filled each other's faces with kiss marks from Anika's red lipstick.
They are your BIGGEST hype girls on earth. They always love to compliment you and won't let you think anything negative about yourself.
But if you do, they are great listeners and will want to have a better understanding of how you're feeling, thinking of ways on how to make you feel more confident about yourself.
You guys are the most judgmental throuple in the world. One of you will say "you won't believe what that person did." and for the next few minutes, you'll gossip together about it.
Usually "babe" is the most used pet name between you, but sometimes Anika calls you "Angel" and Mindy calls you "Darling" (fun fact, the first time she called you that, it was a joke, but it sounded so good that she still calls you darling occasionally).
You don't have a fixed position in bed when you go to sleep. Anika likes to stay between you most of the time but that can change depending on how you and Mindy are feeling on the day.
Especially when Mindy wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares about Woodsboro and you and Anika need to hold her in your arms and assure her that she is safe and well.
Overall, you have a great relationship with clear displays of affection and great communication. 
(Ps: Mindy loves to tease Chad, saying she has two partners while he has none).
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jazzyoranges · 8 months
heyy i love how well written your works are, and i was wondering if there could be another tara carpenter x gp reader?? an enemies to lovers kinda thing, smut/fluff but it is totally up to you!! thankss❤️
All Mine
Tara Carpenter x gp!reader
Words: 2.8k
A/n: thank you!! also kind of a combination of this request and a prompt in this request
Warnings: reader has a penis, hate fuck? i think?, bottom!T, top!R, explicit sex, implication of breeding kink, teasing (lots of it), unprotected sex (your pullout game is weak), implication of alcohol consumption, no ghostface au
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Tara hates three things in her life. You, hairless cats, and soggy bread. In that order too
She could handle hating hairless cats and soggy bread, but you? You were in Tara’s friend group. Tara hated you and to make matters worse, she was the only one that did
You were nerdy like Wes and Ethan, quick-witted and funny like Mindy and Amber, athletic like Chad, charismatic like Quinn, protective like Sam, and (allegedly) nice like Anika. You had nearly every one of her friends best traits, but Tara knew why she didn’t like you. You were really fucking annoying
Along with all of your positive traits, you were loud and obnoxiously social. Not that Tara was antisocial or anything, but god you were on a whole other level. It was mildly infuriating how you could go to a party you knew nobody at and somehow come out with more friends than you started with
All those people and you decided Tara was the one you’d annoy. A nudge to her shoulder made Tara look up from where she was putting her head down
“You look like shit” The brunette doesn’t respond and puts her head back down on the table
“Sam tase someone without your permission again?” Tara could practically hear the smirk in your voice
“Please for the love of god shut the fuck up. Your voice is the last thing I need to hear today”
“Woah, someone’s mad” You stick out your tongue in response at the glare Tara sends your way
“Suck my dick, (Y/n).”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Carpenter”
Tara abruptly leaves the lecture room. You think you really fucked up this time, but let out a breath of relief when you see that Tara didn’t grab her things. She was probably going to the bathroom to escape you. Which, who would ever want to escape you?
Apparently not Tara because she’s back in her seat just a few minutes before the lecture starts
“Aspirin?” You grab the bottle from a pocket in your bag, shaking it next to her
“You have Aspirin laying around?”
“Anika told me you were at a party, I figured it’s the least I could do”
“You’re trying to drug me, aren’t you?”
“If I was trying to drug you, I would’ve offered it to you at the end of class”
“Why weren’t you at the party?” Tara asks, taking the bottle from you hands and shaking out two tablets before downing them with some water
“Missed me?”
“Nope, just surprised you weren’t blackout drunk”
“Good to know you think highly of me. I was studying, thank you”
“You? Study?” Tara scoffs
“Don’t act like the idea is so out of this world”
“Right, because last time I remember you passing up a party was because your betta fish died and you forced all of us to have a funeral for him at the park”
“Trout’s death is not one to be made fun of!”
Before Tara can respond, the professor starts talking and the lesson begins. Unfortunately her head is still kind of throbbing with only mildly wanting to throw up. She had to accept she wasn’t going to get anything done until that Aspirin kicked in. Especially when she can feel you staring at her
The class goes as smoothly as it can and you notice Tara hasn’t made an effort to even try to take notes. The lesson eventually ends and when everyone gets up, the brunette begrudgingly does too
You bump your shoulders together and Tara glares at you with enough power you actually manage to feel fear for a split second until you realize it’s Tara. The girl was like two apples tall. Two and a half on a good day
The brunette doesn’t realize you were handing her a paper so you physically have to place it in her hand. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion
“What is this?”
“Notes, you need them”
“I’m not buying you Raising Canes if that’s what you want”
“Since I’m such a good friend, I’ll give it to you free of charge. Just make sure to bring it back with minimal damage”
“You’re not gonna make me Paypal you fifty bucks?” Tara doesn’t have any classes for the next few hours so you two made a point to walk to your next class. She didn’t know how it started, but you were okay to talk to when you weren’t being annoying
“In my defense, Trout recently died”
“We buried him in the fucking park, I don’t think that costs money”
“It was condolence money. I made everyone pay and I think it was pretty genius”
“I really do wonder how you still have friends”
Someone knocks on the door of you and Anika’s apartment. When you realize your roommate is probably listening to music that was too loud to be healthy, you get up from your very comfortable bed
You don’t remember ordering food and you’re pretty sure Anika didn’t invite Mindy over, so the person behind the door was probably just the nice old lady across the hall that made cookies for everyone
For better or for worse, you’re met with a Tara Carpenter that’s caught off guard when you open the door. Tara usually sees you in well put together outfits so you can only imagine her surprise when she sees you wearing boxers that outlined your cock and a hoodie that barely covered it up
“Eyes are up here- What brings you to the Mojo Dojo Casa House?”
“Can’t you just let me in?” Tara’s cheeks burn in embarrassment. Thank god you just glossed over… it
“It’s protocol you identify yourself and state why you’re here” You lean on the doorframe, actively blocking the entrance to your apartment. Tara knew this was a losing battle and hated how you looked hot while winning
“Anika and I have a project we need to work on”
“You didn’t identify yourself” you’re wearing that same dumbass smirk you have after telling a horrible joke
“Tara. Tara fucking Carpenter.”
“Unfortunately I don’t think we know any Tara Fucking Carpenters. Guess you can’t come in” you shrug
“God give me patience.” Tara rubs at her temples like you’re giving her a headache
“Isn’t it god give me strength?”
“If god gave me strength, you would be dead.”
“Point taken, but you still need a password”
“You didn’t say anything about a password!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t know if you’re the real Tara or not. Say a fact about me only the real Tara would know”
The brunette pretends to think for a moment, even putting her hand on her chin and looking off into the distance for effect. When she notices you’re starting to get suspicious of her antics Tara pushes you though the door, successfully getting in without a password or confirmation
You stumble back almost like a cartoon character and you can hear Tara let out a small laugh. You can see the dimples on her cheeks whe she tries to cover it up with her hand
“Nika, your friend’s here!” You lead Tara to Anika’s room, making sure to knock loudly while Tara’s busy either checking you out or trying to blow you up with her mind. It’s unclear, but you have to lean towards the latter
“Isn’t Tara your friend too?” Your roommate opens the door, headphones around her neck
“Yes.” Both of you say in unison. The look you give each other is almost comical with how Tara’s glaring while you’re smiling. Anika stares blankly between you two and it eventually starts to make more sense
“Stop eye fucking each other, we have work to do” Anika pulls Tara into her room. You shrug, heading off to probably yell at ten year olds on Fortnite or something
“We were not eye fucking” the shorter girl huffs, sitting on Anika’s bed
“I literally opened my door and thought you two were about to make out”
“I didn’t expect to get interrogated when I came here!” Tara flops onto her back, covering her eyes and trying (and failing) to stop the red that dusted her cheeks
“Whatever, I’ll get you to crack later”
“Kill yourself.”
Tara doesn’t understand what she’s feeling when she sees some random girl grind against you
It’s like that one scene in Euphoria when Maddy and Nate stare each other down at the school dance, except you were looking far more more bored. That is, until you see Tara glaring at both of you
Like a switch turned on, you’re suddenly more interested in the girl. You encourage her grinding with a hand kneading her hip, using your other hand to take a sip of your drink. And just like Maddy, she’s tempted to find Chad to do the same to you. She doesn’t.
Tara fucking hated you. But she also needed you now.
Making you jealous would take too long. In theory she had the time, but her hunger to taste you was making her do things she would’ve never thought of before. One of those things being grabbing your hand and leading you away from any girl that tried to even look at you.
The girl who was grinding on you calls her a bitch among other things, but Tara knows it’s worth it when she sees you smile at her like she’s your entire world. Because she was your entire world
She leads you into an empty guest bedroom of the house, locking the door before getting close enough to you she can smell the alcohol in your breath
“What’s all this about, Tar?” You grin. Tara doesn’t know if she wants to kiss or slap that smirk right off of your annoying face
“You know what this is fucking about.”
“Do I? I think you should spell it out for me.”
“You know, I’ve had it with your attitude.” Tara jabs a finger at your chest, the back of your knees hitting the end of the bed. In one motion you sit down and bring Tara down with you. You make her sit on your cock
“Anyone ever tell you you’re fucking hot when you’re mad?” You smile, finding the blush on Tara’s cheeks absolutely adorable
“Only you.”
“Good. How about we keep it that way, baby?”
“You’re so annoying.” The brunette cups your face with both of her hands, your lips fitting together like they were always meant to
“I know I am” You say in between kisses, your hands finding their way up Tara’s shirt, kneading the spot right under her boob. She forces your hand to stimulate her nipple, eliciting a moan from her mouth
“You’re so pretty, Tar. I can’t believe only I get to see you get all hot and bothered” You smile breathlessly
“Fuck. S-Stop talking like that or you’ll make me like you” Biting a hickey on Tara’s neck, you take of her shirt and her bra in a flurry of heat
“I bet you’ll like me even more when you’re bouncing on my cock” You force Tara to grind on the bulge in your pants, earning you a small whimper that makes you smile
“C’mon, all you have to do is admit you like me and I’ll fuck you better than anyone has” It should be considered torture how much you were teasing Tara. You were biting hickeys on her neck, playing with her nipples, all while a few layers of fabric were the only barriers between your dick and her pussy. Fuck you knew how to overstimulate a girl
Laying Tara on on the bed, you could really tease the brunette better in this position. You can feel the Tara’s wetness through her soaked panties, and you’re sure she can feel the pre-cum leak out of your cock. Your hands are on her hips as if you were thrusting, yet you deny her and your pleasure for the sake of being an ass
“Don’t you want me to ruin you for anyone else? I promise I’ll stretch you out so good no other guys’ cock can fill you up like me.”
“Fuck you. I hate you, you’re s-such a fucking asshole, you know that?” Tara reaches for anything she can hold onto, your arms being the nearest thing
“I can think ways you could ‘hate’ me even more” You smile when Tara reaches to take off her panties but you find her hands first. You intertwine your hands together and the action is so soft Tara almost forgets about the situation she’s in. Almost
“Whenever I masturbate I think of you, did you know that? God, sometimes I have these hookups and all I can think about is you cumming around my cock”
Tara thinks it’s embarrassing how she’s about to cum just by your sickeningly sweet voice and the constant friction between you two. Tara also thinks she’d rather die than miss an opportunity of a lifetime.
Sure you were a cocky pain in the ass, but you were her cocky pain in the ass.
“Fuck- I admit it! I think you’re the hottest fucking person in the world. I like you.” Tara looks straight into your eyes, and the smile reserved only for her makes another appearance
“That wasn’t so hard, was it Tar?”
“I still hate you.” You unbuckle your belt and unbutton and unzip your jeans with watchful eyes. You pull down your boxers just enough so that your cock springs out, making Tara’s mouth water. Fuck you were big
Pulling Tara’s panties to the side, she’s dripping wet when you swipe your finger across her slit
“Fuck- (Y-Y/n)” Tara sings when you lick up her juices with your tongue. She buries her hands in your hair, bringing you closer to her dripping cunt. You moan at her taste and the vibrations are almost enough to get Tara to cum. Almost
You rise to your knees, lining up your dripping cock with the shorter girls dripping pussy. You decide to be evil and rub your dick against her slit before easing your tip into her hole. It was infuriating how slow you were going and Tara remembers why she hated you in the first place
Tara’s whining and whimpering under you and you can’t remember a time where you’ve been happier than in this moment
Tara on the other hand, has never hated you more in her life than in this moment
The younger Carpenter decides to be bold when she grabs your shirt and forces you forward. You’re caught off guard and over half of your cock finds itself nestled tightly in her pussy as you catch yourself with your arms
“Y-You’re sneaky, aren’t ‘cha” With your face so close to hers, Tara realizes you’re as much of a victim to your teasing as she is. She can tell it’s taking everything inside of you not to fuck her raw until your dick is limp and Tara’s legs are sore
“You can go fast. I can handle it, baby” Tara cups your face with her hand, stroking your cheek with such softness like you aren’t literally lodged into her cunt like a dog in heat
With that confirmation, you give Tara a peck on the lips and buck your hips in such a way you hit that spongey spot inside of her
The sound of skin slapping is louder than the blasting music downstairs, but your grunting and Tara’s moaning combined are louder than both. Thank god the owner of the house was your friend because you don’t know if you could come out of that room if this is what Tara sounded like
“Fuck- I’m close” You say a little too breathlessly for your liking
“Don’t p-pull out.” The shorter girl uses your shirt as leverage to keep you inside of her. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion
“T-Too messy, don’t feel like cleaning up.” Tara answers between moans like she can read your mind
The familiar heat you’re so used to finally snaps. Wrapping her legs around yours, you cum with almost a guttural whine. Your orgasm is enough for Tara to have hers and you fuck her through it, making sure none of your cum drips out of her hole
You pull out and a few dribbles of your semen flow out of her cunt. You plug her pussy with your fingers and Tara is far too sensitive to handle it
“D-Don’t tell me you’re tired already?” Tara jokes, but all air in her lungs leave when you let out a laugh of your own
“I’ve got all night, love.”
Tara has to remember to make you buy her a morning after pill.
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Himbo Next Door
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Pairings: Tara Carpenter x gn! Reader
Summary: you met Tara in the elevator your apartment and you two awkwardly hit it off. You begin to form a situationship with her, but Sam disapproves of you.
Warnings: Scream levels of violence, Pitbull Sam
Word Count: 5.5k
AN: this was from a request and I kind of expanded on it. I hope you enjoy it and if theres anything I need to change, let me know! If anyone has some requests, also let me know!
This is my first time writing a himbo reader, so im sorry that it’s not the best in that regard
Rain pattered against the quiet apartment complex as you rushed into the building, holding a pizza box. It had been a nice, beautiful day outside, but Mother Nature decided to flip on a dime. And, of course, you wore a white button shirt with black slacks, so your shirt was utterly see-through thanks to the rain. This was supposed to be a lovely evening out with friends, but it had turned into a disaster, and you were more than ready to binge-eat pizza while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
You were initially supposed to go to a fancy restaurant with your best friend, Olivia, her boyfriend, and another close friend, Lucas. It was a going away dinner for her, as she was moving away for college. The restaurant was one of the best ones in New York City, and you somehow managed to snag a reservation for the four of you. As it was a top-notch restaurant, there was a dress code that one had to follow: black tie. You wore a handsome black suit with a white undershirt, and you were more than excited to drink the best wine and taste the best food that New York had to offer.
You meet up with your friends outside the restaurant, waiting for Olivia’s boyfriend to show up. She wore a beautiful cocktail dress, while Lucas wore a decent suit; he wasn’t what you would classify as a redneck, but he fit the description to a tee.
Thirty minutes had passed before her boyfriend showed up, and you almost lost it. He wore sweat shorts with an ugly soccer jersey, and to top it off, he wore a beanie that he refused to take off. You were always calm and collected, not one to jump to violence even when needed, but he really pissed you off sometimes.
You knew there was no way you guys would be allowed to dine at this restaurant just because of him, but you still gave it a shot. And whenever you guys walked into the restaurant, the waiter asked him to leave or change, but he insisted that he was allowed to eat there because he was ‘more of a man’ than the owner. Because of this, he turned it into a fifteen-minute argument with the manager, and then all four of you were asked to leave.
You were naturally upset about this and the fact that you had to put down a hundred-dollar deposit just to reserve a table. After you guys had left, he decided the group would go to Hardee’s, as he needed to get his daily food from there. You held your tongue as you drove there; this was supposed to be Olivia’s going-away party, but he just had to hijack everything.
Long story short, you were out a hundred dollars, listened to Olivia’s boyfriend talk about the WWE for thirty minutes, and bought a pizza at a locally-owned pizzeria. Just as you left the pizzeria, a downpour of rain started, causing your outfit to get ruined while you had to drive home in the rain. Your nerves were more than shot, but you didn’t say anything. Confrontation made you uncomfortable, and you always did your best to avoid it.
As you made your way to the elevator, a soft voice called, ‘Hold it!’ You switched the box to your left hand and held the elevator door back with your right.
“Thank you,” the voice said once she entered the elevator. She was close to a foot shorter than you, and when your eyes made contact, your heart skipped a beat. She was easily the most beautiful person you have ever seen; she had soft chestnut-brown eyes, freckles that highlighted those eyes, and the prettiest smile you had ever seen. Her bangs perfectly framed her face, and you couldn’t even mutter, ‘You’re welcome.’
She looked at you uncomfortably while looking at the elevator buttons. “Oh, looks like we’re going to the same floor then,” she said with an awkward chuckle while glancing over at you.
Your eyes snapped to the buttons and then back to her. “I guess so,” you said with a weak voice.
Tara looked at you when you spoke, but her eyes slowly drifted down to look at your shirt. She admired your abs through the soaked white shirt as it clung to your body, trying her best to keep her cheeks from getting too warm. She loved how you towered over her, and she would pay money to see your muscles or watch you work out.
Tara was snapped out of her thoughts as the elevator dinger and the doors opened. You smiled at her politely as you left the elevator, and to your surprise, she followed you down the same hallway. As you approached your door, Tara walked to the door before yours.
When you found yours, you unlocked your door and opened it, but before you walked in, you looked over your right shoulder and smiled at Tara. “It was nice meeting you,” you said softly as you walked into your apartment and shut the door. Tara smiled back at you while saying, ‘You too.’
You ran into Tara several times like that, and you tried your best to talk to her. You weren’t the best at socializing, especially with beautiful women, and Tara seemed to like that about you. You would always listen to her and seemed to enjoy what she said.
After enough small talk in the hallway, she eventually asked you to come to her apartment for the first time. You were nervous, of course, but there was no way you could pass on an opportunity to hang out with the alluring woman.
“Here we are,” Tara said as she held the door open for you. You smiled at her while walking into the apartment. It was nice and cozy, and it looked a lot like yours, and you instantly felt at home. Tara crept up behind you, grabbed your hand, and eagerly pulled you into the living room. Your cheeks immediately warmed at the touch, and you didn’t fight back as the younger girl tugged you into the living room.
You sat on the couch next to her as she grabbed the remote. “So, you know how I told you I wanted to watch a movie with you?” Tara asked with a smile while staring into your eyes; she could look into them forever and never get bored.
“Yeah, ‘The Babadook,’ I think?” You questioned with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, that’s the one,” Tara said with a smile as she got up and looked around the entertainment center for the DVD. After a few minutes of looking, she let out a loud ‘ah-ha’ and inserted the disk into the DVD player.
She then sat on the couch and rested her head on your lap. The action caught you off guard, but then you gently ran your fingers through her hair. She smiled at the action and let out a soft sigh of happiness as she nestled into your lap.
That's how you two spent every Friday night: curled up on her couch watching movies. You enjoyed being in the girl’s company, and Tara loved showing you her favorite movies. Sometimes, you two would gossip about people on campus- you were in psychology together- or you would talk about what you had done that day.
Tara had mentioned that she had a sister she lived with, but you had never met her. Frankly, you were a little nervous to meet the older woman. You had caught yourself slowly falling for Tara, and it seemed that Tara valued her sister’s opinion more than her own. You hoped that you would make a good impression when you did meet her; you just didn’t expect to have to meet her today.
You and Tara were watching your new favorite show, ‘New Girl.’ It had been a peaceful night, and you two refused to watch an episode without the other. You were lying on the couch with Tara curled up on your chest. You guys were laughing together as Jess explained how she bought a footstool with a giant bag of meth when you heard the door to the apartment open.
Tara quickly pushed herself off your chest when she heard the door open and sat at the opposite end of the couch.
“Hey, Sam! What are you doing back here so soon?” She asks with a slightly nervous tone as she pauses the tv.
You heard the sound of boots walking toward you on the couch. You slowly push yourself up on the sofa, resting on your elbow as you look at the woman.
Sam was certainly taller than Tara, but not taller than you. She had jet-black hair and beautiful brown eyes. You were almost certain if Tara didn’t hold your heart, you would have fallen for the woman. She has a neutral expression as her eyes dart between you and Tara. “What’s going on here?” She dryly asks as she hangs up her backpack purse and turns to face you two.
You were about to say something, but Tara quickly interrupted you. “We were just watching a movie. This is Y/N, by the way,” Tara says as she nudges you, silently telling you to introduce yourself.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. You are extremely gorgeous,” you say with a giant smile as you extend your hand. Tara gives you a look of disbelief, but you can't see it as you face her older sister.
Sam looks at you suspiciously before shaking your hand. She makes sure to give you a good death grip, and if it weren’t for Tara, you probably would have melted onto the floor.
She scoffs as she rolls her eyes and lets go of your hand, and then looks at Tara, “Where did you find this street rat?”
Tara let out a small laugh that caused you to whip your hand around and give her a disheartening look. She quickly clears her throat before speaking in an annoyed tone, “I ‘found’ her in the apartment building, actually. We met in the elevator and shared a few conversations in the hallway.”
“So you have invited a stranger into our home with just you two here?” Sam asks with narrow eyes as she stares at you.
Her sister huffed, “This isn’t our first time hanging out here.”
At that, Sam’s eyes instantly leave yours, and she is staring at Tara with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open. “Are you kidding me, Tara?! Have you been hanging out with this random person while I’ve been at therapy? What if they tried to kill you?” Sam exclaims as she walks over and kneels before Tara, checking her sister for scratches or cuts.
“I would never hurt her, Sam. She’s too kind,” you say with a giant smile, even though Sam just insisted that you were a potential killer. You didn't care that she implied it; all you could think about was the beautiful girl you shared the couch with.
Sam slowly looks at you while keeping her hands on her sister’s knees. She glares at you with narrowed eyes as her eyes look you up and down. She can tell that you are taller than her and undoubtedly stronger than her. The fact that you could easily overpower both her and her sister set Sam on edge, but the way you seemed to carry yourself: the way you talked, sat, smiled, and even breathed made her even more suspicious of you. Sam had already seen how someone Tara loved killed her friends and almost both of them; she refused to let that happen again.
But you just seemed so indifferent about things. Sam wanted to call you some other things that weren’t nice, but she stuck with calling you indifferent.
Sam looked back at Tara and lightly sighed. “Is this the one you’ve been talking about?”
Tara moves around nervously while Sam calls her out. Her eyes shift uneasily between you and Sam as she fidgets with her fingers. “Um, yeah, they are,” she says with a low voice.
“Okay,” Sam says with a defeated tone as she stands up. She looks at you and speaks threateningly, “If you do anything to hurt Tara, I will kill your entire family and then you.”
You smile at Sam’s words as you sit up on the couch. “I don’t talk to any of my family, so I wouldn’t really care if you did. But I would appreciate it if you didn’t kill me; I love hanging out with Tara, and I would greatly miss it,” you say gently as you look at Tara. Tara is staring holes into the floor while she tries to hide her smile with her right hand.
Sam rolls her eyes at your comment and walks into her room, but not before sending a threatening glance at you and Tara on the couch. You had moved closer to her sister, and you looked back at her, sending her a polite wave with a friendly smile, believing that you had made a great impression on the older woman.
Sam scoffs as she walks into her room, slamming her door. You look back at Tara with a gentle smile and ask with a quiet tone, “You told her about me?”
The atmosphere in the living room immediately changed into something tense, and Tara could almost taste it on her tongue as she spoke calmly, “Um, yeah, I did. Does that bother you at all?”
You love how Tara refused to meet your gaze when she spoke; it almost made you believe she harbored romantic feelings for you, just as you did for her. “No, it doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, I kinda like it,” you say with a gentle smile as Tara’s eyes meet yours.
Those beautiful brown eyes smiled for her as they quickly glanced down at your lips before returning to yours. “You mean that?” She asks in a more confident voice as she shifts her body to face you; she has pulled her left leg up onto the couch while letting her right one hang off the couch, and her entire body is facing you.
“Of course, I mean that, Tara. I actually think I made a good impression; she seemed really nice,” you say happily. Tara let out a small laugh as she grabbed your hands and pulled you closer to her. You followed her silent commands and ended up laying your head in her lap while facing the tv.
Once your head got comfortable in her lap, Tara softly ran her fingers on her left hand through your hair while she reached for the tv remote on the coffee table with her other hand. “Just so you know, you did not, in fact, make a good impression with Sam, but I still like you,” Tara said with a smile that grew bigger when she heard you scoff in response.
She loved having these small, soft moments with you. She knew you weren’t the brightest, but your kind and caring nature made up for it plenty. Tara would give up everything she had to her name if it meant spending an evening like this with you for the rest of her days. You held her heart in your hands, and it only took her two weeks to admit that after your first encounter with Sam.
You two were going on a ‘double date’ with Mindy and Anika. You were a bit iffy on calling it a double date, as you and Tara weren’t dating, but Mindy and Anika are. So in your head, you called it a ‘totally platonic hangout.’
You got dressed and left your apartment to head over to Tara’s. When you knocked, the door instantly opened, and Tara was wearing a giant smile and a cute outfit.
“Hi,” she says with an angel-like voice while staring up at you with soft eyes.
“Hi,” you reply breathlessly. If Tara would let you, you would always stare at her, admiring her beautiful features and counting her freckles.
She snaps you out of your daydream by taking your hand in hers and intertwining your fingers. You gently bump your shoulder against hers as you walk towards the elevator and out to your car.
When you two get in the car, you start it and drive towards the restaurant. You and Tara talk about your day and how you missed each other (it's been two days since you last saw each other). You tell her about the crazy things your roommates have done recently, and she laughs at your stories. She tells you about new things in her life, such as Sam asking about you more and that she’s got a new roommate named Quinn. Tara said that the girl was promiscuous but funny and lighthearted. She then starts to talk about Chad, and you instinctively tense up.
“Chad hasn’t left me alone all week, Y/N! It's starting to drive me crazy. At first, I thought he just wanted to hang out as friends more, but yesterday he told me he has feelings for me. Can you believe that?” Tara asks with a small laugh as she looks over at you. You had gripped the steering wheel tighter at the mention of Chad having feelings for Tara. Your chest began to tighten, and your heartbeat picked up with jealousy. You had no right to be jealous, but you couldn’t help. Chad was athletic like you, but he was also a lot smarter than you, which Tara valued and liked as a romantic partner.
“Oh. Well, I'm happy for you, Tara. You deserve someone like him,” you lie through your teeth with a sad tone.
At your saddened tone, Tara finally noticed how your body was tense and how you seemed to want to strangle the steering wheel. She reaches her left hand out and gently places it on your arm, “I don't like him like that, Y/N,” Tara says honestly while looking at you with love. You visibly relax at her words and almost let a smile appear.
“How come? He’s everything you want in a partner: smart, funny, caring, loyal, and strong,” you reply with a weak voice that Tara almost laughs at.
She rubs her hand up and down your arm as she says, “I don’t like him back because I have feelings for someone else.”
“Oh. Well, I hope they make you happy,” you say honestly. Tara might not like you back, but you wanted her to be happy. And if she was happy, you were too.
Tara gently squeezes your arm before pulling back and placing her hands in her lap. She looks at you with so much yearning and love that she’s surprised you can’t feel it, but then she remembers you were basically a himbo: friendly, respectful, handsome, but not that bright. “You have no idea,” she says while sending heart eyes your way.
When you two get to the restaurant, you meet with Mindy and Anika and walk in together. You four get a table in the corner of the restaurant. You are sharing a side with Tara while sitting across Anika and Tara across from Mindy. You guys made idle conversation while waiting for someone to take your orders.
An attractive young woman approaches the table with a pip in her step, “Hey guys, welcome to O’Charley’s, my name is Sadie, and I’ll be your waitress for today. What can I get your guys to drink?”
All four of you order sweet teas, and before she leaves, she sends you a flirty wink that you missed, but Tara didn’t. She let out a small scoff as she hid her face in her menu, trying to fight jealousy. You look at Tara but don’t say anything, afraid to upset the girl more.
When Sadie brings back your teas, your hand lightly brushes hers as you grab yours, causing the woman to smirk. “Alright, are you guys ready to order?” She asks as she pulls her notepad from her apron, and you guys nod. “Okay, what can I get for you, beautiful?”
You pull your head from the menu and find that Sadie is talking to you. “Oh, I would like six-ounce sirloin with a Caesar salad and fries, please,” you say with a small smile. Not a flirty one, just a friendly one, but both Sadie and Tara mistake it for a flirty one. One girl is excited, while the other is filled with thoughts of murder.
Sadie finishes taking everyone’s orders before she quickly disappears again, but the atmosphere at the table is tense. Everyone but you can feel it, to which you start another conversation, and everyone else but Tara joins in. You tried to get the girl to talk, but you would get a small ‘uh huh’ or ‘of course.’
When your meals arrive, the four of you eat in peaceful silence, occasionally talking about how excellent your food is. It was an overall relaxing dinner until the checks came.
“You guys are separate, and you two are together?” Sadie asks, gesturing to you and Tara before gesturing toward Mindy and Anika. She was asking about the checks, but Tara picked up on the hidden underlining that you did not.
“That is correct,” you say as you accept your check from Sadie and then hand Tara hers. You all pay in cash and quietly wait for Sadie to come back.
When she does, however, she hands everyone their change, and instead of leaving, she pulls out her notepad and writes her number down on it. “Give me a call sometime,” she says with a wink as she hands you the paper.
You were going to ask what she meant by that, but any words got lost on your tongue as Tara stood up from the table and stormed out of the restaurant. Your clueless eyes follow Tara out of the restaurant before you lose sight of her, and you turn away to find both Mindy and Anika staring at you with wide eyes. “Go get her, dumbass,” Anika says harshly after a moment.
You grab yours and Tara’s change before quickly excusing yourself from the table, almost knocking your chair over. After you leave the restaurant, your eyes scan the area, looking for your lady. It only takes you a few seconds before your eyes land on her; she’s sitting on a bench, just staring at the ground.
You jog over to her and stop when she looks up at you. Her eyes are filled with a bit of anger and a lot of hurt, and for the first time in your life, you are out of words to say. You were always overtly friendly with people and they often mistook flirting with friendliness, which seemed to be your downfall with Tara.
“Tara, I am so sorry-”
“Just take me home, Y/N,” Tara cuts you off as she stands up from the bench and walks towards your car. You followed closely behind her, and when you got to the car, you went to open the door, but she shut it and opened it herself. You were slightly startled by the action but shook it off as you made your way to the driver’s side and got it. You start the car and drive back to the apartment; tension is the only thing you two feel.
You tried to talk to Tara throughout the car ride home, but she just stayed quiet and looked out the window with her arms crossed. You knew she was mad, but you couldn’t tell why. At first, you thought it might have been because of Sadie, but you and Tara weren’t dating, so she can’t be upset about it. Plus, your heart only belonged to Tara, so you would never go for anyone else.
When you two returned to the apartment building, it was an awkward ride up to your floor. When you two stepped off the elevator, you finally spoke, “Tara, please, I’m sorry, just talk to me,” you pleaded as you followed behind the girl.
You were getting ready to usher more apologies as Tara opened her door, but you were quickly cut off when she slammed the door in your face. You were stunned at the harsh action but knocked on her door once you realized what had happened. “Tara, please. Talk to me,” you said with a defeated tone. You waited a minute before sitting on the floor and resting your back against the door, sending Tara a string of apologies and asking her how you could fix it. But you got no reply, so you closed your eyes and rested your head against the door, hoping she would open up.
You fell asleep at one point but were quickly woken up when the door opened. Tara scoffed at you before she stepped over you. You stood up after she did that and followed her down the hallway. “Tara, you have to talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong,” you pleaded as you grabbed her wrist.
She pulled her hand out of your grasp. “Leave me alone, Y/N. I'm going to a party with Chad,” she said with a voice full of anger. Your heart instantly dropped at the mention of Chad, and your face showed it.
“Why Chad?” You asked with hurt, causing Tara to stop and turn around. She noticed the hurt look on your face, and she instantly wanted to wrap you in her arms and never let go, but she refused to give in easily.
“Because, Y/N, he invited me to go with him as his date. And who knows, I might even get lucky tonight,” Tara replied as she crossed her arms. She had no intention of sleeping with Chad; she just wanted to make you jealous enough so you’ll finally make a move on her, but Tara soon found out how wrong she was.
With a defeated sigh, you slumped your shoulders and spoke with a heartbroken voice, “I didn’t know you truly felt that way towards him. I hope he gives you the world then, Tara. You deserve that kind of love. I hope you have fun tonight, and just so you know, I am so sorry and I don't want to lose you.”
When you finished talking, you gave Tara a tight-lip smile as you turned around and walked toward your apartment. You were just outside your door when you felt a tiny hand slip into yours, pulling you around. You barely have time to respond before Tara crashes her lips against yours.
You were so shocked to feel her lips against your own you just stood there like an idiot before you finally broke out in a grin and kissed her back. When you kissed her back, you felt butterflies in your stomach, and your entire body became warm the more Tara kissed you. You grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, needing to feel her body against yours. Tara parted her lips to deepen the kiss, and your knees almost buckled.
When oxygen was needed, you two pulled away, resting your foreheads together. You two could hear nothing but the sounds of each other trying to catch your breaths and the drums of your hearts. You placed one final kiss on Tara’s lips and pulled away from her. “Are you still going out with Chad?” You asked with a slight frown; you really wanted to hang out with Tara after what just happened, but you were still unsure of where you stood with her.
She laughed as she grabbed your hand and opened your apartment door. “Not a chance,” she whispered against your lips, pulling you into your apartment before closing the door.
That was four weeks ago, and today you are preparing a dinner for yours and Tara’s one-month anniversary. She told you it didn't have to be anything special, as you two would have many more months together in the future, but you insisted on doing something nice. You were cutting up some steaks in the kitchen while Tara made homemade mashed potatoes. “Do you think Sam would want any?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“I don’t know. You should ask her though. I think she’s on the couch,” Tara replies as she mashes the potatoes in a saucepan. You nod at her words and head into the living room with the knife still in your hand.
Sam was lying on the couch watching tv. She wanted to stay home tonight to keep an eye on you and Tara, but she wanted to give her sister some amount of privacy.
“Hey, Sam, I'm getting ready to make some steak. Would you like some?” You ask, pulling Sam’s attention away from the tv. She leans up, and her eyes instantly land on the knife, dripping with blood. Her mind is filled with thoughts of Tara, and her body reacts before she can even think; her hands grab your arm and flips you over the couch and onto the coffee table, breaking it. She quickly takes the knife out of your hand and presses her right knee into your chest, making breathing hard for you. The action slightly turned you on, and you mentally murdered yourself for thinking that way about your girlfriend’s sister.
“What the fuck was-oh my god, Sam! Get off of her!” Tara screams as she runs into the living room, pulling Sam off your chest. You suck in some air, and Tara moves to help you up, “are you okay, love? Is anything broken?” She questions while checking over your body for any injuries.
“No, I'm okay,” you say as you stand up and look at the table, “your table isn’t, though.” Tara laughs at your comment and kisses your cheek before turning toward her sister. Her caring and loving nature was gone and replaced with anger. “Why did you do that, Sam?! Y/N was just being nice!”
Sam scoffs at Tara’s words but flinches back as Tara points the knife at her, demanding an answer. Sam reaches out and pushes Tara’s hand down, “I saw the blood on the knife and freaked out. I'm sorry, Tara,” Sam mumbled with shame.
“Don’t apologize to me; apologize to Y/N,” Tara demands, still staring at her sister.
Sam glares back at her sister before looking at you. “I'm sorry I flipped you over the couch and onto the coffee table,” Sam says with a low voice as her eyes refuse to meet yours.
“It's okay, Sam. Don’t worry about it,” you say with a smile. It really was okay with you, even though you felt slightly bad about breaking the table.
After your dangerous encounter with Sam, you and Tara return to the kitchen and finish dinner. You even made Sam a plate and brought it to her room. She thanked you as she took it, and you smiled politely as a response.
You and Tara continued having small dinners at home, followed by movie nights. She would also stay up late reading her books to you as you fell asleep. You weren’t the best at reading, but you loved the stories more than anything, and you loved them even more when Tara let you lay on her chest as she read to you.
It was game night at the Carpenter’s apartment, and the core four plus the girlfriends were over, along with Quinn, but she had a ‘male friend’ over. The six of you were playing a not-so-relaxing game of Uno when muffled screams came from Quinn’s room. The group just laughed it off, believing it was just Quinn having a really good time, but when her screams became ones of pain, and she cried for help, everyone stood up from the table and ran into the living room, staring at Quinn’s door.
The apartment had fallen into an eerie quietness that sent shivers up everyone’s spine; it was as if the temperature in the room had dropped ten degrees.
“Run,” Mindy says, but before anyone can move, the door opens, and Ghostface pushes Quinn’s body out of the door, causing it to land on Anika, knocking her to the ground.
Ghostface charges out of the room and swings his knife at Mindy, cutting her arm. You push Tara into the kitchen as you grab a bat from the corner of the room. You run towards him and quickly swing it; the sound of metal meeting bone rings throughout the apartment as he collapses onto the ground.
“Come on,” you command as you grab Tara’s hand and pull her towards the door, flinging it open as you rush everyone out of the apartment. You do a quick headcount, and when you reach head number five, you shut the door and follow everyone downstairs.
Once outside, everyone regroups with their loved ones; Anika and Chad both check on Mindy’s arm as Sam holds Tara close to her chest. You walk toward Tara and Sam, and when your girlfriend sees you, she pulls away from Sam’s grasp and throws her body at you, pulling you into a crippling hug. You smile at the contact and kiss her head, thanking all the gods that your Tara was safe in your arms.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Locked up
Request: Can I have uuuhhhh…. A45 - person A being a small ball of aggression while person B is a big teddy bear with Tara Carpenter as Person A (maybe not agressive but how Tara is, maybe a bit grumpy and moody) and Reader as person B? And also maybe that R is Flustered around Tara ◡̈
Warning: suggestive themes, Tara being kinky, bad words and that’s it I think?
A/N: I just figured something out and I love doing it sm.
Part 2?
Tara Carpenter x G!p!reader
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A fight between Tara and Sam is always hell, both trying to always be right which made it all go in a constant circle. You were usually the main cause of them and because of that they seemed to be getting more and more frequent as Tara healed over time after Woodsboro. The aftermath was always you having to listen to Tara rant in your own apartment not too far from their shared one.
And every time you took it upon yourself to tell Sam she was with you knowing the older carpenter was probably freaking out each second Tara was gone. She tried to hate you for it — how you would rage along whenever she would sneak off to parties or sneak into their apartment or sneak Tara out — but it was no use, you were too sweet and always protected Tara so she settled for subtle glares and small comments whenever you were near.
The relationship itself confused Sam and many others around you. While you were quiet and reserved, Tara was out going and wanted to be out there. Which made her wonder why you just followed her where ever she decided to go.
Let’s not forget the size difference. How could she?When she first met you at the hospital she had to admit, she was both surprised and intimidated but you seemed to be far more intimidated by the older sister. Your personality was completely different from your looks which made everything far more confusing to the girl.
How can someone so big be so soft for her grumpy short sister? She had no clue.
But here you say on the couch at a random costume party hosted by some chick you’ve never met with a red solo cup full something you didn’t dare ask when Chad gave it to you in your black tank top and orange cargo pants dressed as a prisoner, per Tara’s request to match her. It was Tara’s way of rebelling against her sister and to prove that she was her own woman.
Music blaring loudly, the entire house dark with flashing lights, and people moved and danced closely. Something you weren’t fond of but still went along with the group because Tara seemed so excited about it.
In the dark room you catch sight of Chad in his zombie football player costume, a classic and boring one but then again it was last second. And not too far behind him was Ethan in his… Yoshi costume… the large hat stuck out and you began to realize why he didn’t have a girlfriend, he made up for it with his awkward charm though.
You had a few shots with the two and allowed Chad to make you a drink mixed with different things you dare not drink out of before slipping away onto the empty couch.
That left Mindy, Anika and Tara who were most likely somewhere playing a game having something to do with alcohol.
Suddenly, a girl in a Mario costume takes a seat next to you. At least she could have made it look cute, it was just a red t-shirt with an ‘M’ on it and black shorts.
Another group stood nearby watching and giggling. You notice another girl who wore the same thing but as Luigi. Oh great.
A few beats of silence goes by before she speaks. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?” she asks with a smile before leaning in and as soon as she does your nose is filled with her excessive amount of body spray. Not even the good kind.
“Uh,” you start before looking through out the dark room to see if you can find any of your friends but not even Ethan’s Yoshi hat was in sight. “No, I don’t think so?” You say, slightly scooting away from the girl and sipping your drink, face scrunching up after taking your first sip not knowing how strong it really was.
Another best of silence, the music sending vibrations through your body. “Oh, I know!” She yells and you flinch slightly, not sure how she managed to make her voice louder than the music that shook the house but she did.
“You’re that cute tall girl in my astronomy class!” She says and your eyes snap to the side giving her a side eye glare. You didn’t recognize her from the class but then again you didn’t exactly pay attention to the people, not trusting anyone enough to make new friends.
Now you see what Sam meant when she called you ‘anti-social Godzilla’ the other night when Tara made you stay the night with her.
“You, like, sit in the back of the class.” She says excitedly and scoots a little closer. Too close for comfort, your face scrunches up slightly from the mass amount of perfume wafted into your face as she gets closer, saying something you could no longer hear as the music suddenly got louder and the DJ spoke into his mic.
“Huh?” You call out as her mouth continued to move but nothing really comes out or rather you don’t hear anything. This seems to make her move closer, a bad choice in the eyes of the brunette who watched not too far away.
Anger couldn’t describe what she was feeling as she watched the girl lean closer toward you. She would never admit to being jealous out loud but here she was, watching your face scrunch up as you tilt your head at the girl.
It wasn’t often she felt this way, not at all. Even before you started dating you didn’t show any interest in anyone else but her and that’s exactly how she got you to ask her out so she didn’t have to. And even now she trusted you never to betray her trust but that didn’t stop others from pursuing you anyway.
And that made her blood boil. How could they not know your taken with the necklace that had her initials on it? Or the fact that you had faint hickeys on your neck left by her? Maybe they just took advantage of the fact that you were a push over or they were just dumb.
That’s what this blonde bitch must have been. Straight up dumb.
She had seen her staring at you on campus and made it her mission to show that you were together by being all over you. Holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, sitting in your lap, all of it. But apparently that just wasn’t enough.
“I think we should jump her.” Mindy says out of no where, face close to Tara’s to see what she was looking at. She was slightly crouched down and looked stupid doing so in her miles morales spider man suit as it bunched up in different places.
“Me too.” Tara huffs out as she crosses her arms, a small smirk appears on her faces as you pull away as the girl gets closer.
“Or you could just intervene without getting physical by pulling Y/N away.” Anika interjects in her spider Gwen outfit as she takes a shot.
“I like Mindy’s idea better.” Tara says, narrowing her eyes as the girl gets closer once again. “I’ll start by pushing her down and we can start kicking, Anika can record.” Mindy gums out as she stands up straight.
Tara definitely liked the idea, and even more so when the girl placed her hand on your arm.
“Don’t instigate, you’ll make her want to lock up Y/N for the night.” Anika hits Mindys chest as she gets closer, holding another shot before gesturing to Tara’s police costume.
Tara’s eyes light up at the idea and suddenly she was glad she went full cop mode with her costume. Taser and pepper spray that Sam forced her to carry around on her hips along with a radio, fake gun or rather it’s holster, and a pair of hand cuffs.
Oh, she definitely liked that idea and Anika smirked at the face Tara made when she suggested the idea.
Tara quickly took the handcuffs out of her belt loop and cuffed one of her wrist before making a beeline for you and just in time for the girl to get even closer. This fueled her speed of getting to you.
“Shoot me a thumbs up if you change your mind and want to go with plan A!” She heard Mindy’s voice faintly as the music blared in her ears.
As soon as she was close enough she hooked the other half of the hand cuffs onto the wrist the was holding your drink and locked it in, she then let go and stood up proud of herself as she glanced at you.
A confused look was spread across your face as you stared down at the hand cuffs connecting the two of you before looking up to her.
She couldn’t help but smile as a dark shade spread across your cheeks as you stared up at her, eyes wide and confused.
Her eyes snap to the girl before narrow at the annoyed look on her face. Why was she annoyed for flirting with her girlfriend. Tara felt the growing need to look back to Mindy and give her that thumbs up.
“Oops,” she says, voice sharp as she glares at the girl. “I slipped.” She sarcastically through gritted teeth as the girl rolls her eyes.
Who did this chick think she was? She couldn’t have thought you would even think about her with that basic ass costume and paint for make up.
“Don’t you have a key or something?” The girl says back, voice full of annoyance. She knew what she was doing and that was enough to make Tara want to be ghostface herself.
“I left them at home.” Tara replies before yanking your hand up to pull you up but it only caused you to drop the drink onto the floor.
“I’m thirsty and you’re all out.” She says her eyes snapping back to you as your eyes focus on the red seeping into the carpet on the floor. “Let’s go get a drink.”
You quickly got the memo when Tara pulled again but less harshly before standing up.
She smiles slightly up at you before sending the girl one last glare before slipping her bandaged and cuffed hand into yours and pulling you away.
“You slipped, huh?” You ask in a teasing tone as Tara pushes through the crowd with a huff. You apologize to the people who look back at her with a glare and move past them without bumping into them as Tara continued to shove her way through with slight resistance but she got through eventually with enough force.
“I am quite clumsy.” She replies as you near Mindy and Anika who have started a game of cup pong with two boys.
“Y/N! Great to see we didn’t have to jump a few girls to save your socially awkward ass.” Mindy replies before looking down to you and Tara’s cuffed hands.
“I didn’t take you for the kinky kind of couple.” Mindy says wiggling her eye brows before laughing when Anika hits her chest.
Tara’s eyes lightly up for a moment before quickly hiding it and smiling. Another idea for later.
Another wave of heat fills your face as you look down at Tara. Her police her was too large for her and was tilting slightly as she smirked not bothering to fix it. You would have thought it was adorable but at the moment you were a little embarrassed. “Did you actually leave the keys at home or we’re you joking?” You lean down and whisper into her as the music continues to blare, the action made her shiver lightly as her ears tinted with a pink hue.
“Oh, I have them.” She says casually as she picks up her drink she had before rushing off to get you. “But I’m not unlocking the cuffs until we get home.” She says as she holds up a red solo cup to her lips as leans into your front as she watches the game of cup pong.
You sigh out before smiling at her sudden possessiveness. It was often you got to see it but every time it always made you feel special that she wanted you all to herself.
You chuckle lightly before wrapping your arm around her and watching the game yourself as you rub her skin and bandage soothingly to help calm the girl down.
“Wait, just slow dow-“ you start as Tara pulls your wrist harshly as she climbs up her fire escape as quietly as possible before letting out a hiss as the cuffs pinch you lightly.
“Shit! Sorry, sorry..” she says as she lowers her wrist so you no longer felt the force of being pulled up. She had insisted on keeping the cuffs on and you were beginning to wonder if she actually had the keys.
You had been pulled around all night so your wrist weren’t exactly fond of the smaller girl, especially when she made you fall a few times through out the night and pull herself down with you.
“Why didn’t you just take them off before we started crawling up?” You whisper yell as she continues her way up, her back side pressed up against your front now and you can’t help the blush the forms as her ass presses up against your pelvis area.
“I wasn’t thinking!” She whisper yells back as you both make it up to her window. “Plus, it’s cute when you blush like that.” She giggles as your face grows redder before pulling you into her room.
The lights were off in the hall around the apartment as you slipped in and nothing seemed disturbed other than the fact that you and Tara would have a hangover in the morning but you could cover that up easily.
You sigh out as you take a seat on the bed and Tara fumbles into her pocket before pulling out the keys and unlocking the cuffs with a small frown.
You rub your wrist as you watch her make her way toward her closet, peeling off clothes as she did so.
You smile lightly as you watch her pull down one of the hoodies you gave her and pull it over her head before pulling down your cargo pants and letting them hit the floor.
She quickly makes her way back to you as you scoot up the bed before straddling your waist and burying her face into your neck and letting out a soft but long sigh. You chuckle lightly as you wrap your arms around her
She felt exhausted after pulling you around most of the night, keeping you close as you danced and drank the night away. But now she was regretting it slightly as her wrist aches and her body relaxed into you as you scratched her back.
She let out another sigh before her mind wandered back to the girl who had the audacity to try her shot with you. She slowly felt the jealousy creeping back up into her and her exhaustion left as she bit you lightly.
Your body jolts slightly as her teeth connect to your skin and she can’t help but smirk as she feels something move on your lower abdomen.
“Tara…” you say in a warning tone as she eyes the hand cuffs on her bed side table. “It’s late and everyone’s asleep, so we should be too.” You sigh out as your grip tightens on the smaller girl, blush creeping into your face as you feel your own erection push against your boxers and onto her.
To this day you are astonished by this small girls strength and speed as she pulls out of your grasp and grabs something off the table. You let out another before a loud clinking catches your attention as she slides up from your waist to straddle your stomach.
Your eyes snap to her hands as she grabs your wrist and pushes them against her bed frame, slipping one cuff on and sliding it behind the railing and slips it onto your other.
You stare up, shocked by the sudden movements and their results. You yank lightly onto the cuffs and the bed frame moves, hitting the wall gently making a small noise.
Tara quickly grabs your hands and holds them still, a glare on her face as she looks down at you.
“T-tara..” you sputter out as blush once again forms across your cheeks.
“Shh,” she says leaning down, hands still on yours as her lips graze yours. “Wouldn’t want to make too much noise, now would we?” She says teasingly as a smile stretches across her face as her lust filled eyes look down into your worried ones.
“What if we get caught?” You ask, eyes locking onto the door where same could walk in any moment and catch you in such a state.
She presses her lips against yours harshly, one hand moving the your jaw as the other stays on your bound hands. Your lips move in sync as the kiss deepens further, her body pressed against yours and she slowly feels your cock harden as she does so and she can’t help but smirk lightly at how easy it was to get you going. She hadn’t even touched you and yet here you were, ready for her to start.
But there was no doubt in her mind that she was still going to touch and tease you first before starting.
The thoughts of Sam walking In immediately leave as you let out a small whine and pull against you restraints, desperate to touch the girl above you. Tara’s hand tighten on yours and her teeth nip your bottom lip. You open your mouth slightly from the sudden intrusion and she takes the opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth.
Oh, this was going to be fun. Will it cause yet another fight between her and her sister? Yes. Does she really care at the moment? Absolutely not.
She’ll just use this as another excuse to rebel against the older Carpenter.
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gothicknightz · 2 years
for her | ethan landry
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notes: ugh. for the LIFE of me i cannot get through a solid lengthy post, so a short couple of paragraphs should do. slightly sexy with a female reader.
“Mindy, you know I can handle myself. I'm a big girl now. No more horses and cowboys and conspiracy theories. We're both over Woodsboro.”
She leaned against the wall outside her roommate's brother's room, splitting a movie with her boyfriend.
“We've already learned from Sam that you can't trust the love interest. Horror rules 101.”
“Look, whatever you think is going on between me and Chad's roommate, it is definitely not a relationship.”
“But you two are fucking, yeah?”
“Hey, look, it still counts, okay! Besides, I've got x-rated dirt on you two from Chad.”
“Fuck you.”
“I think that's Ethan's job. Anyways, I have to pick Anika up from work, so I'll talk to you later.”
Rolling her eyes, she knocked on the door to her boyfriend's room, waiting for him to answer.
It had been a year since Woodsboro.
What could possibly go wrong?
As Ethan opened the door, he greeted her again with a smile, “Who called you this time?”
“Mindy.” She paused, his arm wrapping around her waist as they made it to Ethan's room. “She still doesn't trust you despite her hearing things from Chad. I'm sure the drama queen exaggerates our sex life.”
“Oh yeah?” Ethan asked, picking his girlfriend up bridal style as he sat down on his bed.
Laughing as he spun her around, she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, “Yeah. Mindy says it's all x-rated.”
A small blush creeped onto Ethan's face as a small smile toyed at the end of his lips, “It's not that intense.”
“Its not?” She asked, moving a leg to the other side of his hips, with Ethan taking initiative and instinctively wrapping his arms around her waist.
Ethan softly shook his head 'no' as she was going in for the kiss, as the two earlier almost had a moment before getting interrupted by Mindy's call.
She pulled at Ethan's collar, desperate to pull him closer before grabbing a handful of his curls, which earned a sigh from him.
Despite his shy and nerdy exterior, Ethan was harder to break than a bag of cinder blocks once you got to him.
He grabbed onto her hip, his fingers curling inward as it lifted some of her shirt, the kissing rapidly getting more intense as the seconds ticked on.
At some point, Ethan fell backwards, which impaired their kissing temporarily, only to have his hands sliding up the back of her shirt as his hips bucked upwards.
“Aw,” She groaned, her grinding getting more needy as her hands were all over his body, “Somebody's getting needy.”
Ethan whined in agreement before muttering a soft ‘fuck’ as dramatic gagging noises were followed subsequently.
“Holy shit. I'm gonna get sick.”
“Fuck off, Chad!” She turned around and yelled at Ethan's roommate, who was standing at the doorframe.
“You two have got to see yourselves. You both were at it like animals.”
She threw a middle finger up at him, “Yeah, it ain't your first rodeo, princess. Now, out!”
Chad threw his hands up in surrender and defeat before chuckling, “Okay! I apologize giving you both blue balls. Besides, Tara and Sam need us. It's important.”
Chad closed the door before she threatened another insult at him, Ethan's arms slowly reaching out to her, his face flushed.
“Jesus, I hate your roommate.” She grumbled, still feeling the flush of heat between them.
“I know,” He replied, kissing her head, “But we can't possibly go there like this.” Gesturing to himself, Ethan's lips hung open a bit, his pupils blown.
She turned around and faced him, “I agree. Fuck what Mindy and Chad say.” Quickly pulling her shirt off, her hands found their way to her boyfriend's blue jeans.
“You think you can keep it quiet?”
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helpwhatsthis · 1 year
okay so ppl are making the spiderman ethan edits but why is no one pointing out that scream has the whole fucking spiderverse??
pt. 1 of this post bc I have more!
bc ethan is peter parker
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and chad is miles
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anika is cindy
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mindy is jess
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kirby is felicia
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I'm gonna make a part two for the pics but someone else pls tell me you see it too??
me when I write a fic abt ethan and chad with a spider-gwen reader??
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kajecoyle · 1 year
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For Sam x reader.
Ghostface is back and had followed the Carpenters, the twins, and Amber's older sister, Reader, to New York. No one trusting her because of the fact that her little sister was Ghostface, Reader is in disbelief, and Sam breaks up with her on the spot. Fast forward to the end, where Ghostface is dead, everyone's being treated by paramedics, Reader is seen walking away from the scene alone. Kirby asks where she is, Sam then sees her walking away, holding her broken arm to her body, and runs after her and apologies for not trusting and believing her. (Reader saying it's too late for sam to apologize. She then walks away from her friends, from Sam.)
You're Somebody Else
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Words: 1.4k
Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x Fem!Freeman!Reader
Synopsis: You were told that the biggest betrayal comes from the people you care about the most, but never did you expect it to hurt so much.
Warnings: scream vi spoilers, violence, spitting, cussing, angst, no happy ending. lmk if I missed any.
A/N: I wrote this at a coffee shop. I'm still here rn, so we'll see how many fics I can post before I go home. (This will probably be the only one)
not my gif. || masterlist || previous work
You stood before Amber’s Ghostface outfit, reaching out to touch the fabric before you remembered where you were -- who you’re with. The glares given to you by the rest of the group burned at the back of your skull. You can practically sense their judgments. Since the first Ghostface attack in New York, they pointed their fingers at you. You understood, given what you've all been through. Can't be too careful. You didn’t care that you saw the contempt on your own girlfriend’s face. You stayed by her side, understanding where she was coming from.
Being related to a previous Ghostface was something you and Sam had in common. When you are linked to a person with that track record, it sticks with you even if you are different from them. Trust becomes hard to give. And out of everyone, you figured your girlfriend is the one who understood the most about what it’s like. However, it looks like the sentiment isn’t shared.
She approaches you, getting the courage to ask, “Can we talk?”
You can tell what’s about to happen before Sam can utter what she wants to say to you.
Nothing good ever comes out of conversations like these.
“I’m sorry.” Sam stares, her gaze cold, nothing like the Sam you fell in love with. With each deafening step she takes away from you, your heart shatters just a little bit more. You are wounded by the way she’s looking at you. Any wound or injury you might sustain in the next few minutes will not compare to the poison laced in the invisible knife held against your throat by the woman you love. “I can’t take any more chances. I can’t trust you. We’re done.”
You scoff, glancing towards the group in hopes that they would back up your claim. “Sam, you know me. I would never hurt you or Tara or. . . Anika.”
Mindy flinches at the mention of her girlfriend’s name. Her stare hardens. “You have no right to say her name. We know you did it. You killed her.”
“Mindy…” Your voice breaks as your throat feels like it’s closing up. You can’t do anything to convince them, letting the stream of tears flow from your eyes. No one came to your rescue to prove your innocence. None of them trusted you. You felt pathetic, humiliated, embarrassed. Your eyes settle on Sam again. “Really? After everything we’ve been through together, you-”
Sam glowers. “It’s over, Y/n. Please, stay away from us.”
“Fuck you.” You turn your back, the hurt in your tone clear as day. “I don’t know you at all.”
“Maybe we didn’t know each other as well as we thought.”
It was one thing for you to walk away and another knowing that Sam would not be going after you.
“It was easy luring you away from the group. Guess we really can’t choose our family, huh?” Ghostface makes a tsk sound, the voice changer turned off.
He takes a step forward, but you stay positioned adjacent to the wall. That voice…
Ethan removes his mask, holding the voice changer to his lips, “Didn’t expect that?”
Of course it was him. Little by little, the pieces fall into place. The apartment attack -- that was probably Ethan. He wasn’t with the group. Not even the skeptic Mindy questioned his whereabouts. Your tears haven’t dried yet and you were as sure as hell they weren’t going to stop now. You bring your hands together in a slow clap. “Oh, wow, that’s… Fucking brilliant, actually.” Clutching your stomach, you let out what sounded like a painful cackle. “This is the part where I die.” You say. It wasn’t a question, but a statement.
“Oh no, no, no. See, that’s where you’re wrong.” Ethan smirks, gripping your left arm, applying pressure to where you had been previously injured a couple nights prior. “You are our scapegoat. I must give credit to Mindy for the idea. You have the perfect motive to be Ghostface! It was just gonna be Sam, but… The press would go crazier if it was a Bonnie & Clyde situation. Not that I care about that sorta stuff. It just works.”
You collect the saliva from your mouth, spitting in his eye. “Jokes on you ‘cause we’re not together anymore.”
“But they wouldn’t know that because by the time you get ‘caught’, all of your friends will be dead and you would look like the asshole trying to save yourself if you attempt to say the truth.”
Ethan places his free hand on your shoulder, pulling your arm with more force than necessary to guarantee that it would break. You stand there, biting your lip in order to hide the pain. If I screamed, it wouldn’t make a difference anyway, you said to yourself bitterly. There’s not a single person who’d give me the benefit of the doubt. In fact, they’d make me suffer worse, believing that Ethan did the right thing. Who knows what creative scenarios he came up with already.
The paramedics found you slumped down beside a row of chairs after Sam and the rest of the group defeated the three Ghostfaces. They wondered why you weren’t with the others, but with a quick word from Kirby, they left you alone, guiding you outside to treat your broken arm. One of the paramedics - Theo (that’s what you heard Kirby call him) asked if you wanted a ride to the hospital. You declined, insisting that you could get there yourself without anyone’s help.
You spare Sam a glance, observing her interact with Mindy, Chad, and Tara. Core Four. Good for them. Although you were glad that they are are still extant, you can’t stop the rancor that you feel as you stare at the four. You want nothing more than for this day to be over, move to someplace else, maybe change your name. Anywhere is better than here. It’s become clear to you how unwanted you are in New York. A change of scenery might do you good.
Kirby (the only person who hasn’t treated you like scum) situates herself in front of Sam, “Hey, where’s Y/n?”
Sam only notices your absence when Kirby pointed it out. “Shit. I…” She scans the area in search of your familiar eyes, guilt eating at her knowing that she accused you of being a killer. Because of that, you got hurt. She’d never forgive herself for it. “I'll be right back.”
The blonde detective nods in understanding. “I’ll stay with Tara.”
“Thank you.”
You were on your way to the hospital when a hand grasps your injured arm. Recoiling from the touch, you look back to curse the one responsible for hurting your limb only to meet Sam’s pleading gaze. “What do you want, Samantha?”
“Y/n, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for being careless, for not trusting or believing you. If I had, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” Sam touches your good shoulder this time, expressing her genuine apology.
But no matter how many ‘I’m sorry’s’ she will direct at you, it won’t take away what’s been done. “It’s too late, Sam.”
“What? No. We can try again.” She pleads desperately.
You couldn’t bite back the words the words that are on the tip of your tongue, feeling the last ounce of self control fray away. “Try again? Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds? You broke up with me because you didn’t trust me. You didn’t even try to understand my side!” The news reporters turned their heads at your outburst. They point their cameras to you, but you don’t make an effort to cut off your ebullition short. “All of you pointed your hands at me because what? I’m the sister of a killer?! If we’re basing our suspicions of all the Ghostface’s relatives, you should’ve been on the top of the list. The only thing I asked was for you to stand by me and you failed. So, no, we can’t try again. We’ll only end up worse than where we left off.” You finish, walking away from everything (not for the first time). “I’ll get my things out of your apartment tonight. After that, you won’t have to see me again.”
Sam stays still while you leave, clutching your arm in the process. That limb will heal, but the words that Sam has spoken won’t. There will remain a constant reminder of how you were betrayed by those you would give everything for.
So much for trust.
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lowkeyerror · 1 year
A New Victim
Sam Carpenter x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Notes: 1st part of a lil mini-series, had to post something for Halloween, will contain suspected Scream warnings eventually
Summary: You knew something of the rumors surround your classmate, Tara but you never took them seriously. However you find yourself wrapped up in the real life horror story.
Pt2 | Pt3 | Masterlist
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You had heard the rumors about Tara Carpenter and her sister circulating around campus. The rumors didn’t bother you much. Or rather they didn’t persuade you to treat your classmate, Tara, any differently than you would treat anyone else.
Some people were afraid to interact with her in fear of pissing her off. They were more afraid that getting on Tara’s bad side would alert her sister, Sam.
Now Sam was a little scary. You had seen her with Tara a few times. The woman looked like her primary state of being was upset. She looked like a very serious figure.
You didn’t blame her. Their whole group of friends had almost been murdered. Instead of sympathy and compassion the public offered accusations and scrutiny. So much so that they moved away from their hometown to escape the media.
“You’re friends with my sister, right?”
You were sat under a tree on campus the first time you heard Sam speak. Looking at her this close made your heart flutter. She was an attractive woman and that was enough to make you sweat a bit.
Unable to speak for a moment, you nod dumbly.
Sam ignores it and continues with her questioning,” Have you seen her today? I’ve been looking for her everywhere and I can’t find her.”
“She left class a bit early today. I think she said something about Chad needing her help with something.”
Sam rolls her eyes, “Of course she did. I’m Sam by the way, sorry to interrupt you."
Before you can say your own name, the younger Carpenter sister is shouting it as she approaches the tree with Chad trailing behind her.
“Y/n! Don’t mind my overprotective and obsessive sister. What ever she threatened you with, I can promise she won’t do.”
“Where have you been? Y/n told me you left class to meet Chad.”
Tara glares at the girl sitting,” You told her I skipped.”
You shrug,” She seemed worried, so I just told her you left with Chad.”
“Where I am is none of her business. She has my number if she’s looking for me.”
Sam scoffs, “Having your number doesn’t mean shit if you don’t answer your fucking phone.”
“I think we should all just calm down for a second, okay. Tara is safe and everything is fine,” Chad tries to de-escalate the situation.
“No, it’s not fine Chad. Why is my sister skipping classes to meet up with you? And why isn’t she answering my text or calls?”
Y/n had no place in this conversation, but she felt like moving away would only cause a bigger fuss.
“Because we were fucking. Is that what you want to hear Sam?”
Sam runs a hand through her hair,” I don’t care that you’re fucking. I care that I can’t get in contact with you when I’m worried about you.”
“What are you worried about?”
Sam looks at the girl as if she’s grown two heads,” Are you fucking serious Tara?”
Tara groans,” We aren’t there anymore, Sam. We left Woodsboro. No one is coming after us. So why should I have to live my life in paranoia because you can’t move on?”
“Fine, you know what I'm done. Don't pretend you don't have that feeling like someone is always fucking watching us. Don't pretend like what happened back there doesn’t fucking traumatize you and make it hard to live your day-to-day life. But most of all don’t act like there aren’t psychos out there willing to try to fucking replicate that shit because it happens every fucking time, Tara.”
Sam storms off after that. Tara’s eyes soften for a moment before her mask comes back on. Chad goes to rest his hand on her shoulder, but she shakes him off.
It’s only then that her eyes land on you, “You must feel like it’s your lucky day getting front row tickets to the freak show.”
You shook your head, “It’s none of my business, so I don’t really care.”
Chad senses that there’s more you want to say, “But…”
“But your sister kind of has a point. There’s a lot of sick fucks out there that have a weird obsession over him and over y’all. Entire internet communities are filled with those kinds of people. It’s a little naïve to think that just because you moved away that you’re safe.”
Neither Tara nor Chad like the way the last sentence sounds in your voice. They both eye you suspiciously. That’s when you realize what you said could come off wrong.
You began to sputter and put your hands up in surrender, “I’m just agreeing with Sam.”
Chad wasn’t convinced, but Tara had known you a little better. She knew that your awkward demeanor was tried and true.
“Anything else you want to pile on, Y/n?”
You look between the standing pair,” You left class to fuck your boyfriend?”
That leaves them both blushing rapidly. Tara quickly spews out, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
While Chad opts for, “We did not hook up.”
You laugh at their response. Unfortunately for you, this brought you a step to close to the kids from Woodsboro in the eyes of Ghostface.
The killer had watched the entire interaction from start to finish. From the moment Sam approached you, the killer began analyzing you.
They saw the potential interest you had in Sam and your budding friendship with Tara as enough reason to add you to their list.
Tara and Chad eventually left you alone. Shortly after their departure you decided that it was time for you to leave as well.
It was still daylight when you decided to make your way to your apartment. There was a pit in your stomach as you walked. Though the streets were crowded, it felt like someone was staring at you.
You wanted to dismiss the feeling, but you checked your surroundings first. It was almost as if the crowd had faded away and the sounds of the bustling New York streets came to a halt.
Staring at you from across the street, was Ghostface. In your mind this wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been. You had stopped walking, almost paralyzed in your spot.
The killer sent a wave your way, before dragging their finger across their neck. You shut your eyes as you stood still. You were trying to convince yourself that when you opened them, you’d wake up from a dream.
When you feel a body collide with yours, you shriek and push the person away. Your eyes shoot open instantly.
You don’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky that Samantha Carpenter was on the ground in front of you.
The woman wanted to yell at you, but the look of terror on your face stopped her. It was like you were in a trance, your eyes were glued to a spot across the street. Sam looks in that direction but doesn’t see anything.
She slowly picks herself off of the floor. She’s hesitant to touch you, so instead she just calls your name, “Y/n, what was that about?”
You turn your attention to the woman, but you look physically ill, and she takes note of that.
“I saw- He’s going to kill me. Oh fuck, I’m going to throw up.”
The bile quickly rises up your throat. You rush to the end of the street and hunch over.
Sam is instantly by your side. She holds your hair with one hand and rubs your back with the other. The Carpenter sister couldn’t really make out what you said the first time.
Once you finish vomiting, she wants to question you again, but refrains from doing so. Though it is against her own set of strict rules, you look unwell, and she can’t leave you like this in good conscious.
The apartment is close by, so she helps you stand and guides you to her apartment. You don’t say anything during the walk, you barely have even the cognizance to pick up your feet.
The only image that keeps replaying in your head is the cloaked figure dragging their finger across their throat. It makes you want to puke all over again.
When she enters the apartment it’s a full house. Tara, Chad, Anika, Mindy, Ethan, and Quinn; were all congregated in the living room.
Sam motions the people on the couch to move out of the way. She sits you up straight and everyone is silent.
“Who is that? I thought we strictly had a no one, except Quinn's hook ups and us, in this apartment rules.” Mindy is the first to speak up.
“Why is Y/n here and why does she look like that?” Tara gives her sister a pointed look.
“Don’t look at me I found her on the street like this. She shoved me to the ground and vomited in the street.”
“Poor thing,” Quinn reacts to Sam’s words.
“Did she say anything? Because it looks like she’s a walking zombie,” Ethan adds.
Sam nods, “She did, but I didn’t understand her and seconds later she was puking.”
Anika nudges Tara,” She’s your friend, try to get through to her.”
Tara slowly approaches Y/n. She gets eye level with the girl who seems to be in a catatonic state.
“Y/n, what happened? Talk to me,” Tara’s voice is gentle when she speaks. A side of her that no one in the house is used to seeing emerges.
You begin to tremble, and your eyes suddenly come alive. Your voice is shaky,” He’s going to kill me."
It was a whisper, but Tara heard you perfectly clear. Sam notices her sister’s body tense after the words left your lips.
You begin to shake your head as tears start to stream down your face. Your head buries itself in your hands.
“I saw him, across the street,” your throat burns as you spoke.
Sam hears that part and interjects herself in the conversation,” Who did you see Y/n?”
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dizscreams · 2 years
Drunk n Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Ethans drunk and he says some cute and lovey stuff
WARNINGS: none :)
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You were walking around this stupid frat party wondering where your boyfriend went. You saw Mindy and Anika on the couch so you went to them first. “Hey guys, have you seen Ethan? I can’t find him anywhere,” you ask worriedly.
“Uhh I think he’s in the kitchen with Chad,” Mindy tells you and with a nod of your head you go to look for him. Pushing past all these sweaty people you wonder why you’re even here. Chad had convinced Ethan to go and Ethan didn’t want to go without you, he had practically begged you. You loved him but he was such a piece of work when he wanted to be.
You go to the kitchen and the first thing you see is Chad and Ethan chugging whatever’s in their red solo cups. “Heyyy Y/N!” Chad shouts as he slams his cup on the counter, clearly drunk. ‘Oh god’ you thought. You look over at Ethan who can barely stand on his own. “Chad, what have you made him drink?”
“Hey I didn’t do anyyythin’ he has a mind of his own and a very smart one too! What I do- or wait what HE does is not my fault,” he says defensively with his hands raised.
“Uh huh- right.” You go over to Ethan and put your arm around him. Fuck he was heavy. “Hiii y/n you look so pre-pretty,” he says with a hiccup. You mutter a ‘thank you eth’ and then look over at Chad, “I’m taking him home. You stay here and I’ll get your sister,” you say pointing to Chad with a stern look.
“Yeah yeah whatever mom,” he slurs and pours himself another drink.
“C’mon Eth, let’s get you home.”
“Yes ma’am.” You roll your eyes and make your way back over to where Mindy was. “Mindy! Your brother’s in the kitchen absolutely wasted I think it’s time to take everyone home.”
“Aw shit alright. Thanks, y/n.” You nod and try to get Ethan to move with you but he was too busy staring at his hands. “Ethan what the hell are you doing?”
“Look- look at my hands why are they so big? They’re like very large.” You try not to laugh and grab one of his hands. “Yeah they’re so strong now cmon let’s go home, Eth.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to.”
“Nuh-uh you can’t make me,” he says sticking his tongue out.
“Ethan I swear to god if you don’t move right now I will kick your ass.”
“Ooo i like you mad you look hot,” he says with a goofy smile and a giggle as he sways. “Ethan! Come on!” You’re now dragging him out of the door and he mutters an ‘okay okay’.
You end up finally making it to his dorm after a long walk that should’ve only been five minutes. You walk him to his room and place him on the bed. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans that probably weren’t going to be comfortable to sleep in.
“Ethan, do you have any pajamas or something more comfortable?” You ask pushing some curls out of his face.
“Mhmmm they’re in the sec- second drawer, baby.” The poor boy could barely hold his head up. You nod at him before going to the drawer and pulling out plaid blue pajama pants and grabbing a random gray t-shirt.
You sit the clothes in his lap, “Here go get dressed in the bathroom.”
“I don’t wanna get upppp,” he whines.
“Ethan I don’t wanna watch you change-“
“You’ve never had a problem beforeee,” he giggles.
“That’s when you’re sober dumbass,” You playfully push his shoulder and he falls back on the bed dramatically with a ‘so rude!’
“Fine, I’ll just turn around.” And you do so as he changes. You could hear him struggle trying to get his shirt off and wanted to laugh at him. He didn’t get drunk often, but it was slightly amusing to you when he did.
“Okay Okay im good now,” he tells you.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed,” you say and he crawls under the covers. You put a light blanket over him and kiss his head as you go to turn off the light.
“Wait-” he stops you as he gently grabs your wrist. “Are you not gonna sleep with me?” he asks with a pout.
“Ethan, I have to go.”
“Nooo! No you don’t. Can you just- just stay with me until I sleep? Please?” He says with his big brown eyes looking up at you.
“Okay, but only till you fall asleep.”
“Yayyy!!” You shush him for being too loud before you’re under the covers with him. He turns so his back isn’t facing you anymore and instead he wraps his arms around you while his chin is on top of your head.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah Ethan?”
“You know I love you right. I love you a lot and thank you for takin ca- caare of me. You’re a good partner.”
“I love you too and you’re welc-“
He cuts you off, “I’m gonna marry you some day, did you know? We’re gonna have a weddin a faancy one too,” he smiles to himself.
You’re stunned for a moment before the biggest smile is across your face. You’re about to respond but you see he already closed his eyes and was ready to sleep. You lay there with him not wanting to get up and decided you were going to stay there all night.
Even though he probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, you would, and you’d treasure the memory.
That boy has your whole heart.
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this sucksss but I love him so much :( AND IM SORRY GUYS ILL WORK ON REQUESTS TMR!!
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ang3lik · 2 years
secretly being fwb with ethan but you get caught out by chad (obviously) AND THE GROUPCHAT YALL HAVE TALKS ABOUT IT????
"bro you would not believe what i just saw"
"y/n and ethan are a thing"
"i fucking knew it" mindy would randomly message.
but you and ethan would be too busy to even look at your phones <333333
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satinsummer · 14 days
Chapter 6: Monday Madness
Summary: Between whopping Frankie's ass and waking up late Y/N was not too fond of Mondays right now
Chapter 7: https://www.tumblr.com/satinsummer/761572777823272960/chapter-7-self-sabotage
Pairing: G!P Reader x Fem!Sam Carpenter
WARNINGS: Suggestive language, SMUT , Drug Usage (smoking weed) 18+ No Men or Minors
Nobody's POV:
Monday morning began with a jarring interruption. Y/N's alarm blared insistently, pulling her from a deep sleep. Disoriented and groggy, she barely had time to react as Sam's door flew open and her best friend came bursting in, eyes wide with panic. "Y/N!! Get up, we have to get home right now if we even stand a chance at showing up for our first class" She rushed out.
Still half-asleep, Y/N scrambled around the room to gather her belongings, trying to wake her body up in the process. The frantic pace of the morning left her with barely enough time to say a proper goodbye to Sam. Their parting was quick, marked by a rushed kiss and promises to catch up for lunch later. With no time to spare, Y/N and Y/BF/N dash out of the apartment, leaving behind the tranquil morning for a whirlwind of activity.
Sam and Tara eventually got their morning started, rolling out of their now cold beds and greeting each other as Tara shuffled into the kitchen wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. Taking her sisters mug out of her hand, she finished the coffee that remained in it and kissed her cheek before heading into the living room. "Y/BF/N says she left her notes here and she needs them for her exam today. Can you take me to drop them off? She wants to grab lunch with us and the others before my 1pm class." Tara yells to her sister. "What time?" "11:30ish, her and Y/N will meet as at the quad with the others!"
Back on campus, 11:30
As the chaos of the morning faded, Y/N and Y/BF/N stepped out of the lecture hall together, sun now hanging low over the university buildings, casting long shadows across the green lawns. As they walk Y/N is lazily sucking on a lollipop, her other hand clutching the laptop at her side. Y/BF/N, had her bag slung over one shoulder as she's animatedly discussing their professors latest lecture. Y/N listens with a smirk, chiming in with dry comments that make her friend laugh. The atmosphere between them is easy and relaxed; a total contrast from the way they were falling over one another this morning as they stumbled into their shard loft. Enjoying the walk across campus, eager to see their two favorite girls for lunch. They neared the outdoor seating area underneath the old oak tree where the core 4 and Anika awaited their arrival, until two girls, strangers to them, approaching with confident strides stepped in their way.
One of the girls was small and blonde, her bright green eyes scanning the length of Y/N's body. The other girl was a Tall brunette, her hazel eyes trained on Y/BF/N as she walked towards her. The blonde girl eyed Y/N's lollipop and commented playfully "That looks sweet, you think I could get a taste?" Y/N raises an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across her face as she rolls the lollipop to the other side of her mouth. She responds in a teasing tone, "You wouldn't be able to handle it"
Meanwhile the taller girl standing in front of her best friend was still trying to win her over. Y/BF/N looks more bemused than interested as the girl begins rattling off compliments "You've got a really great smile" "Yeah? What else?" She asks tilting to her head and playing into the attention she was receiving. Back at the table Sam, Tara and the others began to watch the scene unfold, their eyes shifting between Y/N and Y/BF/N and the girls in front of them. Much to the twins and Anika's surprise both sisters remained seated, their expressions calm, as if this was all a lunchtime distraction. Tara crosses her arms with a faint smile. "Well, this should be interesting" she remarks, her eyes never leaving Y/BF/N. Sam, seated across her, is similarly composed. She doesn't say anything, but there's a fire in her gaze as she watches Y/N. It's clear to anyone watching she paying very close attention.
Chad, always the instigator, chuckles. "Two for two. Your ladies are too hot to trot." He snickers at them. Sam smirks, but doesn't respond, her eyes are fixed on Y/N. With her usual charm, she twirled the lollipop in her mouth while still engaging with the girls. Her smile confident and inviting, her voice playful and teasing. Y/N's eyes flick over to where Sam is sitting, catching the look on her face---calm, but with a glint in her eyes that tells Y/N she's watching closely. Y/N feels a spark of heat at the idea of Sam seeing this, knowing she's probably got some choice words ready . She decides to see where this goes, at least for a moment longer. "You're pretty forward, huh?" Y/N says, looking down at the girl, her voice amused but firm. Grinning up at her the shorter girl responds "Only when I see something I like" she purrs, stepping even closer, hand sliding up Y/N's arm before she caught the girls wrist. Sam leans back in her seat, her expression cool but intense. She makes a low sound in a her throat, somewhere between a chuckle and a growl. "She's really pushing it, isn't she?" she mutters to Tara, who nods, her eyes still fixed on her own girlfriend who was still enjoying the attention on her. "Oh yeah, they both are. Think they know we're watching?" She responds. "Without a doubt"
"Damn, you two are just gonna let this play out?" Mindy questions. Neither of them answer. Sam watches Y/N's reaction--the way she leans back, that easy smirk still on her face, not moving to brush the girl off just yet. There's a slow burn building in Sam's chest, a mix of irritation and something much hotter.
Y/N and her best friend shared a look, the fun was over and these girls needed to kick rocks now. "What do you think, babe?" Y/BF/N yells to Tara "Should I let her buy me a drink?" Tara grins, shaking her head. "Go ahead, see if she's got good taste" she calls out, her tone light but her eyes sharp. Sharing a glance with her sister in a silent agreement to keep things calm and collected as they continue watching. Y/N on the other hand is getting tired of the flirtation coming from both of the girls. "You're persistent but, no thanks" She says politely stepping around both girls, Y/BF/N following suit and continuing towards the table. As she approached the table Sam remained calm, her face unreadable but her eyes burning with a controlled heat. Y/N sat down next to her, eyes twinkling with mischief. "You two looked like you where having a good time" she remarked, her tone light but edged with something darker. Y/N met her gaze, a teasing smile on her face. "It was entertaining" she replied "nothing we couldn't handle."
Y/BF/N slipped in next to Tara, who immediately leaned over and whispered something in her ear, making Y/BF/N laugh. "I think we handled that pretty well, don't you?" She asked, shooting Tara a playful look. Rolling her eyes Tara smiled and agreed "Yeah, I'd say you both did well. But don't think we didn't see everything"
Brushing her hand against Sam's underneath the table, Y/N leaned in close, her voice dropping to a private whisper. "Jealous?" Sam's lips twitched into a small smile, hand slipping into Y/N's under the table. "Maybe a little" she admitted, her voice low and thick with promise. "But you will make it up to me later." "Counting on it" Y/N whispered back.
The group slowly slipped back into their usual rhythm, making conversation, sharing snacks and exchanging notes. Noticing the time Y/N began packing up to head to her next class, sparing Sam a glance hoping she'd offer to walk with her. Bidding farewell to her friends and Sam she got up from the table and began walking toward the culinary building. "No goodbye kiss?" She heard from behind her, stopping mid step Y/N turned around and smiled "I didn't want to press my luck" she replies, eyes dropping to Sam's lips. As they lingered by the bustling campus walkway, Sam and Y/N stood close, just out of earshot of their friends, who were still finishing up. Y/N shifted foot to foot, her eyes stealing glances at Sam's face. Somehow Sam always made her so shy, yet the older girl seemed so relaxed, leaning on a nearby bench smiling softly at Y/N.
Pulling Sam close, Y/N dropped a kiss on her lips, lingering a bit longer than this morning when she was rushing out of the door. Pulling back and looking at Sam once more, she tried to find the words to ask to stay with her again tonight, to feel that peace once more but the way Sam was staring at her like she put the stars in the sky was making it hard. "You okay?" she asked gently, reaching up and soothing the crease in Y/N forehead with her thumb. "Yeah, I'm good" she replied while her thoughts continued to eat at her. Glancing down at her shoes, her mind was racing as she tried to ground herself. She took a breath before she decided to go for it, albeit carefully. "I just...I'm going to be really tired after class, assignments and dinner later. And, well, I was thinking..."She trailed off rubbing the back of her neck anxiously, eyes still not meeting Sam's "I was wondering if it'd be okay if I um, came over and stayed at your place tonight?" Her voice a little hesitant. "No pressure, of course. I just...I felt really at peace in your bed, and I thou-" "Yes" Sam smiled, her eyes softening as she cut Y/N off with a gentle chuckle. "You don't need to explain, Y/N. I'd really..like that" She added very warm and reassuring. "I'd love for you to stay."
Y/N felt a rush of warmth flood through her, a sense of belonging that she was still getting used to but found herself craving more and more. She nodded, biting back the urge to be overly eager. "Alright, I'll come over after a shower. I'll bring dinner?" Sam's eyes gleamed with softness, "Sounds Perfect."
Y/N smiled brightly, feeling a weight lift off her chest. She hadn't realized how much she needed to hear that until now. There was a sense of certainty in Sam's words that soothed her nerves. They stood there for a moment longer, just soaking in each others presence, neither of them in a rush to break away. Finally, Y/N sighed as she checked her watch. "I should get to class" She said reluctantly, taking a small step back. Sam nodded, "Yeah, wouldn't to keep you from that" Y/N took another step back, then stopped herself, leaning down and placing another kiss on Sam's lips--with a promise of more to come. "See you tonight, Sammy" She whispered, a playful glint in her eyes. Sam chuckled, her hand coming up to grab Y/N's jaw "See you tonight" her voice filled quiet anticipation.
With one last smile, Y/N turned and started walking towards her class, her heart lighter and her steps a bit quicker. She couldn't help but glance back over her shoulder, catching Sam's gaze still fixed on her, a soft smile playing on her lips. As Y/N disappeared around the corner, she couldn't help but feel the growing excitement about tonight. She hadn't fully articulated it yet, but there was something about being in Sam's space, in her bed, that felt like home. She couldn't wait to be back there, in that warm place where everything just felt..right.
9 Hours Later 8:30pm
Sam had a long day and the only thing she looked forward to was dinner with Y/N. After leaving the university earlier she went to work where the hours seemed to stretch on, each one feeling longer than the last. Now she was home, freshly showered and patiently awaiting Y/N's arrival with dinner. Hearing a soft knock at the door and knowing it's Y/N on the other side she takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and she opens the door. There stands Y/N, her face illuminated by the hallway light always looking effortlessly gorgeous. She's holding an insulated bag and a bottle of wine in her left hand, a fresh loaf of bread in her right and she’s smiling softly. Sam's eyes dart to the bottle, noting with a grin that it looks older than both of them combined.
"Hey" Y/N says softly, her eyes locking onto Sam's. There's an electricity in the air, a kind of unspoken tension that hangs between them. "Hey" Sam replies, her voice barely above a whisper. She steps aside to let Y/N in, and as she walks past her, Sam catches a hint of her cologne--something woodsy but still light, it's intoxicating. Y/N begins to unpack the bag placing the items on the coffee table and setting dinner up for them. "I hope you're hungry. I brought a feast, I learned the pasta recipe earlier in class" Y/N turns around smiling at Sam. Taking a seat on the couch Sam took in the set up in front of her, there was two medium sized pyrex bowls of steaming pasta placed next to one another, a bigger bowl of salad placed in front of them and soon enough a plate of freshly baked & sliced Italian bread joined them. The rich aroma of garlic, tomatoes, and fresh herbs fills the room. Hoping up and running to the kitchen Sam opens the drawer, pulling out a corkscrew, and two forks, she then turns and grabs two wine glasses from the cabinet above her before returning back to Y/N who's now is seated and watching Sam with intense eyes.
"Wanna do the honors?" Sam asks, holding up the corkscrew. "Sure" Y/N replies softly, stepping close she takes the tool from Sam her touch lingering a bit. It's a fleeting touch, but it sends a jolt through Sam, her skin tingling where they connected. Y/N starts to open the wine, her arms flexing slightly and eyes flickering down to meet Sam's. As the cork pops free, Sam lets out a soft chuckle "You make it look really easy" She says, eyes fixed on her tattoo covered arms. Smiling she begins to pour the wine, handing a glass to Sam before picking up her own. She lifts her glass, and they clink them together in a silent "cheers". The wine is rich and full-bodied, warming Sam from the inside out, but she barely tastes it; her attention is fully on Y/N. The two girls begin eating, sitting so close their knees are almost touching. Conversation flowed easily at first, filled with laughter and shared stories, but beneath it, there's a palpable undercut of tension, a magnetic pull that neither of them addressed directly. At one point Sam reaches for bread and her hand brushes against Y/N's. They freeze, eyes meeting, and the room suddenly feels much warmer. In another instance Y/N finds herself watching Sam closely as she takes a bite of her pasta, enjoying the way Sam's lips wrapped around the fork. Every small moment felt magnified, dripping with the kind of sensuality that made Y/N painfully hard.
After they finish eating, Y/N cleans up and rejoins Sam on the couch. She sits down close to her, their thighs brushing against one another. The air between them is charged. Sam's eyes flick down to Y/N's lips as she finishes off the rest of her wine, tongue darting out to catch a stray drop. Sam's heart pounds harder, her body thrumming with a deep, steady ache. They resume talking, their words light but their voices carrying a weight that makes every breath feel heavier. Sam laughs at something Y/N says, a soft, throaty sound that sends a thrill through the younger girl. Y/N reaches out, her fingers tracing the edge of Sam’s jaw, sliding up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She lingers there, her thumb brushing the soft skin of Sam’s cheek, as they both felt the heat in the room rising again.
Sam’s laughter fades, and her eyes growing dark as she melts into Y/N’s touch. Without thinking she leans in, her eyes lidded, lips parting slightly. Y/N meets her halfway, and their lips finally touch. It’s a slow, exploratory kiss at first. The taste of wine and the faint saltiness of the pasta on their lips mixing together. The kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more needy. Y/N’s slides her hands down to Sam’s waist, pulling her into her lap in one smooth motion. Her fingers tugging at Y/N’s shirt pulling her closer, stealing the air from her lungs as she presses down on to Y/N’s front. Wrapping her arms around Sam, the girls mold deeper into one another feeling like they could never get close enough. “I’ve been thinking about you all day” Y/N confesses, as she pulls away and rests her forehead against Sam’s. Moving to cup her face after locking eyes, Sam whispers a quiet “Me too”
Before they can dive back into each other, the sound of the front door clicking open slices through their heated moment like a knife. Sam’s heart jumps out of her chest, and Y/N’s eyes widen. Quickly pulling apart, their heads snap towards the sound. Standing there in the middle of the entryway is Tara and Y/BF/N, both of their eyes widening in surprise at the scene in front of them. Tara’s eyebrows shoot up, clearly taken aback and all Y/BF/N can do is look between the two flushed, swollen lipped girls with a shit eating grin on her face. Freezing for a moment not entirely sure to react to the sudden interruption, Sam climbs off of Y/N's lap, trying to smooth down her hair and fixing her shirt so she could look more presentable. Y/N on the other hand is somewhere between embarrassment and frustration, her dick was aching for Sam’s touch. Willing herself to calm down, she clears her throat awkwardly.
“Uh..hey, Tara..Y/BF/N” Sam says, her voice a little too high pitched, clearly flustered. Stifling a laugh Tara eyes her older sister before responding “Hey Sam..Y/N/N” she teases in an amused tone. Y/BF/N nudges her slightly a knowing grin still sitting on her face. “Don’t mind us. We were just coming by to grab some stuff” Y/BF/N says, eyes still on the side of Y/N's face. Sam can’t help the nervous chuckle that falls from her mouth, her cheeks still flushed she avoids making direct eye contact with either of them. “I need a smoke” Y/N says, immediately removing herself from the couch and leaving the apartment.
“Right, well…we won’t be long” Tara says with a smirk, waving her hand dismissively as she continues her journey into the shared apartment. Sam quickly stands up and makes a beeline for a her room, trying to salvage what’s left of her dignity. Closing the door softly and turning on her TV, Sam tries to stop the pounding in her chest. Soon she hears Tara and Y/BF/N leaving but not before her sister is yelling a quick goodbye, pulling the door closed behind them. As Sam tried to lose herself in the TV, she couldn't help but think about that moment on campus earlier. Sam watched from the table as Y/N carefully played into the attention being directed at her but the entire time her eyes never left Sam's, almost challenging her to get up and claim Y/N with reckless abandon.
Returning inside Y/N made a quick stop in the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her hands before heading to Sam's room. Pushing the door open slowly, stepping in and closing it behind her. The private sanctuary of Sam's room was the only place where they could reclaim what had been taken from them and where Y/N could fully express her devotion. She walked slowly across the room, each step calculated. Sam's eyes lit up as Y/N leaned down and kissed her. It started slow, filled with an intense tenderness, as their deepened the TV's soft glow became a mere backdrop to the intimate exchange unfolding in Sam's bed.
Y/N hands roamed all over Sam's body with a reverence that spoke volumes of shared feelings. Pushing Y/N back as they parted for air Sam stood up from her bed. Before Y/N could register what was happening Sam dropped to her knees in front of her, looking up with a mixture of need and authority that took Y/N's breath away. There was no hesitation in her movements, no second-guessing. Not wasting another second, she begins pulling Y/N's sweats down, her satin boxers following shortly after. Sam looks up once more as she places a single kiss to the tip of Y/N's cock before slowly taking the whole length into her mouth.
Y/N can't believe it, SAMANTHA CARPENTER is on her knees, sucking her off with a relentless, steady pace that makes her head spin. Sam's mouth is skillful, dragging up and down the length of her shaft and always stopping to suckle the tip gently before repeating her process. Looking down Y/N see's Sam eyes are fixed on her, shinning with pride as she feels her reaching down and brushing the hair out her face. She keeps her eyes on Y/N, watching every reaction, every twitch of the cock inside her mouth, it sends her reeling. Her control is absolute but then she sees it--the small flicker of arrogance in Y/N's eyes, the lazily smirk tugging at her lips.
"You think you've got me figured out, don't you?" Y/N says, her breath hitching as she fights to keep her composure. Her tone taunting, a hint of challenge in her words. "Down on your knees, taking orders..it's almost cute" she adds as her hips thrust in tandem with Sam's sucking. She pauses, her mouth hovering just over Y/N, her eyes narrowing. She pulls back slowly, dragging her tongue up and down the base before halting her movements completely. "Cute?" Sam repeats, voice low and mocking . "Oh, baby. You've got this all wrong"
"You think I like that?" she retorts, her tone sharp, cutting right through Y/N's bravado. "Watching you flirt like I'm not right there?" Y/N chuckles, the sound deep and dismissive she responds, "It's just a bit of fun, Sammy" Suddenly she standing eye level with Y/N, her lips shinning and swollen, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and pulling Y/N on the bed. Pushing her onto to her back, she slides her panties off before climbing on top of Y/N, pressing her thighs against her sides with a commanding force. "You think you're so confident" Sam challenges, "Then let's see how long you can last"
Sinking down on to Y/N's cock with a slow, deliberate motion that makes both of them gasp. Sam rocking her hips up and down back and forth, her tits moving in tandem, making Y/N squeeze her eyes shut, her mouth falling open as she tries to ward off her impending orgasm. "Look at me" Sam snaps, hand sliding up to grip Y/N's jaw "You don't get to look away, watch me ruin you" Y/N eyes flutter open landing on their connected centers. Sam's pussy was dripping all over Y/N's cock, sliding in and out of her without resistance as she rode Y/N. "I..I'll hold it" She stammers out, head dropping back the sight too much to take in. A wicked smile takes over Sam's face "You'd better..but I'm not letting you off that easy" she purrs. Y/N' arrogance has finally crumbled, her breath coming out in ragged gasps as she struggled to keep from cumming. "Sam, please--I c-" "You will" she hisses, her hips slamming down with force. "You will, or I'll leave you like this all night"
She's on the verge of cumming, her body trembling. Hanging on by a thread she called out to the girl riding her dick like she owned it. "Please..I'll do anyth-" "Anything?" Sam repeats, her voice a cruel whisper. "Then prove it. Hold it. Just for me"
Nodding Y/N eyes rollback, the way Sam's pussy is leaking all over her, the clenching, the fucking clenching it's all too much. Looking up through hazy eyes she sees Sam, head thrown back, one hand on Y/N's thigh aiding her motion and the other splayed on Y/N's abs she fucks herself into oblivion. "Is it mine?" She asks leaning down pressing her chest to Y/N's as she begins to meet her thrust for thrust. "Y-Yes Sam, my dick is all yours" Sliding her hand around Y/N's throat and kissing her so nasty it make's her toes curl Sam finally gives in. "Cum for me" And when Y/N does it never ending. Her body shudders violently as she tries to push herself deeper into Sam's pussy, moaning Sam's name like a prayer. Without a word, Y/N shifts and takes control. Flipping her onto to her stomach, Sam doesn't get a chance to think before Y/N is pushing into her from behind. Scooping her up and forcing her to face the mirror positioned just opposite of the bed.
"Look at us"Y/N growls, her voice thick with lust. "See how perfect we are together. Watch how you body responds to me." Tugging her up by the arm, Y/N forces Sam to watch herself be fucked. Sam's eyes meet their reflection in the mirror "I-I see it" She moans, her voice strained but filled with desire, "It's so good, fu-I feel you everywhere." "Good girl" Y/N murmurs in her ear, tongue licking the shell of it. "Show me how devoted you are to me, Sam" She adds, pushing a hand between Sam's shoulders causing her to fall into the pillows, creating an arch that is so beautiful Y/N could cry. "You're so deep, it's too muc-" Sam attempts, choking on a moan and throwing her hand back to stop her as Y/N changes the angle of her hips. Her eyes flash in the mirror, lips curling into a dark, satisfied smile she threads a hand in Sam's hair tugging her up. "You like it when I fuck you this, don't you? You like it when I make you watch" She asks, her voice low and demanding in Sam's ringing ears. "Yes" she whimpers, her breath hitching when Y/N begins fucking her harder, her hands clutched around the sheets as the muscles in her back and shoulders flexed under Y/N's gaze. "Then show me, Sam"
She can barely form a coherent thought, pleasure overwhelming her, she nods frantically, leaning up on her hands and keeping her back perfectly arched Sam looked over her shoulder at Y/N. Locking eyes, she begins to rock back, meeting Y/N's hard thrust each time. She yearns to give her everything, to show her just how much Sam needs Y/N, how much she craves the girl drilling into her. "Fuck, you look so good like this" Y/N groans, handing sliding up to wrap around Sam's throat, tightening just enough to make her pulse quicken. "So fuckin perfect. Mine" Her words push Sam closer to the edge, her pussy clenching around Y/N so hard she could barely move. "Relax" She whispered. But Sam can't she so close, so close she can taste it, her entire body is coiling with tension, ready to snap.
"Y/N/ I-" She attempts, her voice breaking, eyes rolling back as Y/N begins to rub her aching clit. "I'm gonna----" "Cum for me" Y/N growls, her thrusts never stopping. "Show me how much I'm yours, cum all over that fuckin pole" And she does---her body shatters, her vision blurring as she throws her head back in a silent scream as wave after wave crashes over her. Her pussy clenching even tighter around Y/N, throbbing in tune with her heartbeat. She can feel Y/N cumming inside of her and it sent her spiraling head first into another orgasm, hitting her so hard tears form in her eyes. It's too good, Sam needs it to stop but she never want to know what it feels like to not surrender herself to Y/N. She was completely hers.
For a moment, there's nothing but the sound of them breathing, the feeling Y/N's softening cock still in Sam's overly sensitive pussy, and the soft chatter of the TV in the background joining them again. Sam's heart is racing, her body still shaking from the intensity of it all, but she feels...complete. Y/N pulls out and makes her way out Sam's room and in the bathroom after a quick pee and clean up she returns to Sam who is still lying spent on the bed, eyes half lidded and barely conscious. She feels Y/N softly roll her over and begins cleaning her up, finding Sam's shirt and a fresh pair of panties she tucks her in before whispering a quick "Be right back" pulling on a hoodie and a pair of clean boxers she drops the soiled clothes in Sam's washer, starting the load and walking back too the room. Sam was now fast asleep, lips parted and slightly drooling. Y/N climbs in beside her, pulling the older close she buries her face in Sam's hair and allows sleep to take over her.
AN: Shits about to hit the fan, it's getting too real for Sammy. It's always the lesbians breaking up before they're even together fr 🫣
Feedback is always greatly appreciated, Chapter 7 should be out on Saturday! -🕷️
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jazzyoranges · 8 months
Pinky Promise - drabble
Tara Carpenter x gn!reader
Summary: cuddly Tara strikes again
Words: 0.9k
A/n: very much inspired by this fic, please go read it i beg you
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This was your worst fucking nightmare. Well, something close to this.
You’d expect maybe Anika or Mindy to set you up for failure, but your own mother? You were her kin, for christ’s sake!
Not to mention the woman knew what she was doing. Once she pulled the “Oh, it seems there isn’t enough beds for all your friends! My, I must’ve counted wrong!” You knew it was over from the start.
Mindy and Anika shared a bed, Chad and Ethan shared an air bed, leaving Tara to sleep on the couch. Which, you offered Tara to sleep in your room while you slept on the couch, but god did she make it fucking hard. The brunette insisted you sleep on your bed since you were the one driving most of the time during the road trip, but unfortunately your urge for hospitality rivaled her
You argued Tara looked far sleepier, and you thought it was settled when she didn’t respond
You were pretty fucking wrong.
When the time came and you eventually left your bathroom to go to the living room, you don’t expect to see a Tara in a band tee that was about two sizes too big on her, Hello Kitty shorts that barely poked out of her large shirt, and a bunny stuffed animal you gave her not too long ago
She grabbed your hand before you knew what was happening, and pulled you into your room. Half of the reason why you didn’t want to sleep in there was because of how you could distinctly tell your teenage self wore too much eye makeup and chains. The thought makes you cringe, and Tara only laughed at your expression
“Let’s go to bed, please?” You should’ve fucking said no. But how were you supposed to? Tara was looking up at you with her big brown eyes, a shirt that was probably yours, and a sad expression. You couldn’t have said no if you tried.
So here you were, looking at the ceiling in a small bed with Tara’s back touching your arm. A blanket covered her entire body while it only covered your midsection with your hands fidgeting on top of it
You feel the younger Carpenter shiver due to your close proximity, and you realize it’s actually cold in the house. Well, you were awake and you did live here, so it was probably your responsibility to make sure everyone was comfortable. If Tara was cold, everyone else probably was too
It takes a little maneuvering to get up with as little squeaks as possible, but you’re eventually successful. You think so, until you feel something around your wrist
“Don’t sleep on the couch…” You hear Tara mumble half asleep
“You were shivering, I’m changing the temperature” You whisper back, leaning towards her as she huffs
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
Your forehead wrinkles as you think, but you eventually have an idea
“I pinky promise” You stick out the small digit of your hand, and Tara eventually meets you halfway. When she lets go you assume she approves of your leave
The journey to the thermostat isn’t a very long one and you’re back in about a minute, the only challenge being not running up the stairs because you’re afraid of the dark
Tara acts like you’ve been away for years when you come back. Once you’re in arm distance, she pulls you down very quickly
“S’not enough, still cold” Tara mumbles into your chest as she crawls on top of you like it’s nobody’s business. Her arms trap you on both sides after she pulls the blanket over you both. You can tell she’s warm when she sighs and makes sure you know how comfortable you are
“You’re like a teddy bear… my teddy bear” You don’t know how to respond, but Tara obviously does
“I can’t believe you got up for nothing”
“The others might’ve been cold, you know”
“The others can fuck off” Tara yelps when you pinch her nose
“Don’t be mean”
“Mmm… whatever” The brunette sighs again, who’s now in a position with you that resembles a cheetah and their support dog
Now this was your worst fucking nightmare.
Tara, god bless bless her, was a light sleeper. If you moved an inch she’d feel it but now that she was on top of you, you were really fucked
“You’re tense”
“Go to sleep” You whisper
“Pillows are supposed to be soft, not hard” She whispers back, looking directly into your eyes
“Last time I checked, people aren’t supposed to be pillows” Tara snickers at your dumb joke and you resist the urge to poke at her dimples
“Now you’ve got me all awake”
“Be so for real, you’d fall asleep instantly if I stopped talking to you”
“Yeah, you’re right. I would” The brunette rubs her cheek against your shirt, almost like she’s trying to burrow into your chest. A few moments pass, and you’re finally feeling the effects of driving for most of the day. You can feel your body relax more every second
“I love you” Tara whispers so quietly you don’t know if you’re hearing her correctly. You fall asleep before you figure it out
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mellowmadds · 2 years
Willing Accomplice | Ethan Landry
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Ethan Landry/Fem!Reader
Summary: you never know just how much information a person could be hiding behind a shy dorky persona.
Warnings: mentions of violence, cussing
Word Count: 4022
(I believe in happy endings :)
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Moving all the way to New York City to attend Blackmore University with your Woodsboro best friends who all had a very complicated year full of secrets and betrayals it was obvious that everyone in the friend group would be on edge. When two film students who attended many classes with you guys were brutally murdered in their college apartment, Mindy took it upon herself to start interrogating the newcomers in the group.
“Tara! Do you not remember how these movies work?” Mindy yelled a bit loudly which startled the boy sitting next to you.
“Is she always like this?” Quinn questioned looking over towards her roommate Sam who replied back with a defeated eye roll. Ethan sighed while you wrapped an arm around his torso and laid your head on his chest getting ready to eventually defend him against whatever Mindy was about to accuse him of doing or being.
“Which brings me to my next point!” Mindy stated very loudly standing straight up in front of Quinn.
“Never trust the roommate or love interest” she said with a straight face glancing over towards the two of you innocently cuddling on the bench. Ethan shifted feeling uncomfortable which led you to grabbing his hand and rubbing your thumb over his fingers to calm his nerves. While Mindy started walking over towards you guys her twin brother Chad puts his arm out in front of you two before talking back to his sister.
“Mindy seriously look at him, you really think he’s ghostface?” You knew Chad didn’t mean it in a rude way; he was just looking out for the two of you.
“Exactly my point! Ethan the shy innocent dorky nerd who happened to find interest in our very much antisocial shy best friend. It’s a perfect cover, who knows maybe y/n wants revenge on us and is Ethan’s accomplice.” Mindy had seen way too many movies and just started spewing bullshit.
“W-Why am I a suspect? I shouldn’t even be a target!” Ethan finally spoke up.
“Oh seriously Ethan of course you’re a suspect and a target, your girlfriend got sliced up by some loser last year who liked her despite him being Sam’s boyfriend” Mindy exclaimed and Sam once again rolled her eyes.
“Ex boyfriend Mindy, remember I slit his throat? And he died like a baby.” Sam said with absolutely no expression in her face as she looked over at Ethan.
“I’m done with this conversation you’ve officially crossed the line Mindy. I’m leaving.” You stated while grabbing your backpack and yanking your boyfriend off the bench making him follow you like a lost puppy.
“Great going Mindy! The last thing we needed was the group being split up.” Chad said while getting up from the now empty bench while giving a disapproving look towards his twin. Tara quietly gathered her stuff and accompanied Chad wherever he was going.
“Mindy, wait a second” Sam said, grabbing her arm before she took off in anger.
“Keep an eye on their relationship, seriously y/n can’t afford anything bad happening to her again.” Sam said while Mindy nodded in agreement knowing what had happened last year.
To say last year was bat shit crazy was an understatement. You had been developing an ongoing relationship with Wes when the unthinkable had happened. Wes had gone home right after school that fateful day while the rest of the friend group decided to hang out in the courtyard to discuss the potential suspects in the ongoing ghostface murders. Before heading out you had gone back into the school to retrieve some books from your locker to complete your homework later on. But suspiciously your locker had been opened with a note stuck to it that stated ‘If I can’t have you nobody will’ your thoughts continued to race while you ran back to the friend group only to find them with a sorrowful look in their eyes. After Wes’s attack you had become distant and began acting out as a defense mechanism. During the final act it was revealed that Richie Kirsch had planned all of this with his girlfriend Amber Freeman in order to inspire movie makers to create the greatest Stab movie of all time. You were just a pawn in their huge game plan to kill Sam because of her biological father Billy Loomis except Richie did find a slight interest in you which he openly admitted to everyone in the room before Sam brutally ended him.
Despite ghostface running around ending lives left and right frat parties continued on like there was nothing to be afraid of.
“Well don’t you just look so adorable” You scrunched up your nose trying to hold in your laughter as you stood in the doorway of Ethan and Chads dorm room. You couldn’t even tell what he was but you have to admit he looked absolutely adorable in his nerdy armor costume.
“My personal knight in shining armor” You giggled while stepping up on your tippy toes to place a light gentle kiss on his lips. Ruining the moment Chad walked back in from the bathroom in his ever so slutty cowboy costume.
“Wow Chad what an entrance, you’re acting as if it isn’t below forty outside.” You gestured towards his shirtless body.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Chad questioned you as you spun around showing off your school girl outfit that had your Hogwarts house colors to show off your Harry Potter obsession.
“Come on nerds we are going to be late and we also have to go pick up Tara” Chad said before grabbing his keys and walking out.
“I think you look gorgeous” Ethan blurted out while his face flushed red because he had become nervous around you.
Parties weren’t really your thing so you hung out with Mindy and Anika on the couch. Despite the fight you had with Mindy the other day you couldn’t be mad at her forever because you both had gone through so much together. Getting bored of sitting there having to watch the couple make out all night you got up from the couch in search of your own lover. Not seeing him downstairs you continue your way through the house and spot the roommates dancing together before Chad starts yelling.
“Yes Ethan! You’re such a snack! A full course meal!” Chad screamed, yeah he was for sure a little drunk. You couldn’t lie you were a bit tipsy yourself and just wanted Ethan to take care of you. Before you could even approach them a commotion could be heard from downstairs and there came an overly worried Mindy in search of Chad. Ethan had noticed you by the stairs and grabbed your hand before heading down following the twins. Before you knew it the friend group was outside listening to Tara scream at her older sister Sam for being controlling. Everyone was being dragged back to Sam’s apartment because she had been sick of your guy’s college antics and thought that everyone would be safer in numbers. You had tried arguing saying you didn’t have any of your personal belongings but she did not care and simply stated you could all pack a bag tomorrow and come back before anything bad happens. Sam explained that it would be like one big sleepover for however long until this nonsense was over.
‘But I have Econ tomorrow night” Ethan chimed in realizing everyone rolled their eyes at his comment.
“Do you have Econ or a murder appointment?” Mindy raised her eyebrow staring at the two of you once again cuddled up comfortably on the Carpenter’s couch. Before you could say a quick remark back towards her Sam told everyone to shut up and seemed incredibly frustrated.
“Does nobody care that ghostface is going around stabbing people again?” Sam said running her hands through her hair but before she could speak again a loud bang and a string of moans sounded throughout the apartment. Sam quickly stood up and started banging on Quinn's door while the rest of you tried to hold in your laughter.
“Get your boyfriend out of here from now on it’s just going to be people we can trust” Sam stated and Quinn apologized while kicking her “boyfriend” out of the apartment with only his boxers on. All the tension seemed to die down and everyone got comfortable with the sleeping arrangements that Sam had given them. Ethan got the couch while Chad had to sleep on the floor because Mindy and Anika claimed the loveseat and Sam had stuck you in Tara’s room so Chad wouldn’t pull anything with her younger sister. When everyone figured Sam was asleep you and Chad switched places except you didn’t claim the floor and instead laid on top of Ethan snuggling into his chest trying your best to fall asleep after a stressful night. Ethan wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you tangled your fingers in his full set of curls that were your absolute favorite feature on him. The morning soon came and everyone went their separate ways to either pack their bags or attend classes but everyone had promised Sam that they would arrive back at the apartment by six. Everyone had gone on with their day and before heading out to the Carpenter’s apartment you decided to walk Ethan to his Econ class just to have a moment alone with him and it was worth it.
“Don’t take anything Mindy says seriously, okay?” You said quietly to him.
“I promise I’ll be at the Carpenter’s after class, I just can’t afford to fail or fall back this early in the semester.” Ethan stated while giving you a disappointing look because he wants to be there to be able to protect you if anything bad were to happen tonight.
“I’ll be okay for the couple of hours you’re gone, I promise.” You smiled trying to escape the bad thoughts that flooded your brain of all the possible things that could happen tonight and you should have trusted this gut feeling you had but you ultimately decided to push that feeling aside.
“I’ll save you a seat on the Carpenter couch!” You yelled back as you started walking away. You could hear his little laugh as a response and decided that maybe everything will turn out okay in the end. As you continued walking your phone buzzed with multiple texts from the group chat reading that everyone was on their way over now. You entered the apartment with two packed bags, one for yourself and one for Ethan.
“And where’s your psycho ghostface boyfriend?” Mindy asked before you could even settle down.
“He had Econ he’ll be here later on, I even have his bag with me” You said frustrated that Mindy had already started getting on your nerves.
“No y/n doors are being locked right now either he is on his way or he is being locked out” Sam said with a straight face.
“Why the fuck do you all hate him so much! He has done nothing wrong or suspicious for you guys to be attacking him at every moment.” You said with tears spilling down your cheeks.
“We don’t hate him, we just need everyone to be here. We need everyone to be willing to follow the rules in order to keep everyone safe, so we can all survive. It’s what Wes would have wanted y/n.” Tara said while pulling you into a tight hug breaking the tension in the room only to be interrupted by your phone ringing causing everyone in the room to tense right back up. You answered it by putting it on speaker.
“Hello y/n having a good night aren’t you?” The other person on the line asked and it was obvious it was the killer because of the way the voice sounded. Sam grabbed the phone while walking over to where she kept her knives in the kitchen only to notice that they were all missing.
“Not one of you is going to answer me? If you can’t answer my questions, maybe your sweet innocent boyfriend can and maybe he will have to die a virgin. I guess little shy y/n really was just insecure after all you couldn’t go all the way with Wes and now it looks like you’re about to lose the opportunity to go all the way with poor innocent Ethan.” The killer laughed while you paced around the living room while everyone else just stared at you. You grabbed Chad’s phone quickly dialing Ethan’s number and after a couple of rings he finally picks up apologizing to the professor for having to leave early.
“Ethan no no no don’t leave Econ stay inside the classroom please.” You pleaded into the phone. Instead of getting a response from Ethan you hear the Killer say that he has the perfect opportunity on the other phone in Sam’s hand which had suddenly abruptly ended due to the killer hanging up. Instead of getting a response from Ethan there was a sudden thump coming from Quinns room and before anyone saw it coming Quinns dead body was being thrown onto Anika while everyone freaked out and started panicking Ethan who could hear all the commotion through the phone and started asking what was going on and that he was on his way over and he would be there as fast as he could which after he had said that he hung up the phone and suddenly Chad was dragging Tara out of the apartment and down the hall while Sam knocked ghostface to the ground to stop them from hurting Anika even more than they already had. Everyone ran into Sam’s room where Mindy frantically placed Anika on the bed and quickly started thinking of different ways to block the doorway. While Mindy blocked the doorway Sam was grabbing a ladder through the window from her very hot across the hallway secret boyfriend.
“Are you fucking crazy Sam?” You yelled looking at the ladder that you would eventually have to cross over to get into the other apartment.
“Do you have a better idea y/n?” Sam argued back and you gave her a defeated look while trying to get Anika lifted off the bed and closer to the bedroom window. Mindy told everyone to cross over into the other apartment because someone had to hold the door and she was already doing that so it made sense for Sam to cross first then you followed. You could hear Mindy yelling at Anika to cross the ladder first but you knew Anika was too weak and already bleeding out to be able to cross the ladder successfully and eventually Anika convinced Mindy to cross before her but after that it was too late for Anika as you watched her plummet to her death as ghostface shook the ladder with all the strength they had in them. You will never forget the scream that Mindy let out that night and you were once again traumatized by a person in a ghostface mask. The police were called in by Ethan when he hung up from being on the phone with you. Once everyone was reconnected outside in the ambulance Ethan came running from under the yellow caution tape only to be stopped by Chad pushing him up against the police van.
“I was at Econ, you guys know this! You heard me apologizing to my professor through the phone!” You pulled Chad off of Ethan and wrapped your arms around him and rested your forehead against his chest and just cried you didn’t care if anybody was looking at you.
“You’re at the top of my suspect list.” Mindy stated with a saddened look still freshly grieving the death of her girlfriend.
“You guys should be happy that I called the police for you instead of accusing me of being the killer.” Ethan argued back while grabbing your hand and leading you away from the crime scene that was currently being broadcast on the news by none other than Gale Weathers.
The days continued on and while not being able to be fully trusted by your friends you had no other choice than to all stick together like Sam had originally planned on doing. You were glued to Ethan’s hip never wanting to leave his side and the friend group took notice of this and stopped accusing him of being the killer because the murders and attacks continued on and Ethan seemed to have always been around because you had agreed to follow Sam’s rules in order to prove your innocence and Ethan had also agreed. As news broke out that Gale had been attacked Tara took it upon herself to ask detective Bailey to help lure the killer in and execute him. Detective Bailey ultimately agreed because they had killed his daughter which left him with no family at all due to his son dying in a car accident a couple years back. The entire friend group made their way to the abandoned theater in hopes that the plan would follow through and that there would be an end to this nightmare.
“Y/n I don’t think you should help, you will be much safer out here. I don’t want anything bad happening to you” Ethan said before pulling you into a tight hug then leaning in to kiss you for what could be the last time he thought to himself.
“Ethan we have to help them, we have to put an end to this. If we all stick together nobody will get seriously hurt.” You told him before giving him a quick hug and grabbing his hand leading him into the abandoned theater. You noticed Ethan drop his backpack near the entrance but didn’t think much of it because the group was calling for you two to come to the back of the theater to help go over the plan once again. You felt Ethan tense up before walking over to the counter and leaning against it.
“E, are you okay?” You asked softly, walking over towards him and grabbing his hands. Before you knew it you heard gunshots go off and Sam yell that the killer is detective Bailey.
“Y/n I need you to leave right now, don't fight with me about this, just go outside where it’s safe, please.” Ethan pleaded with tears in his eyes. You watched as detective bailey walked behind Ethan as you stood there frozen in place trying to pull Ethan away from the counter and into the room where the others were because Sam was right we would be safer in numbers.
“Son, are you just going to stand here spending time with Richie's girl or are you going to help me kill the people who murdered your brother?” You watched in disbelief as someone in a ghostface costume walked up beside detective bailey.
“You did good kid, unlike your brother over here who refuses to leave his little girlfriend alone.” Bailey said as they took off their mask only to reveal Quinn. The others stood behind you watching all of this unfold.
“Oh hey roomie” Quinn laughed as Sam looked upon the scene unfolding in front of her.
“I thought you were dead?” Tara asked in shock.
“You know as a detective it is really easy to fake someone else’s or your own death.” He laughed as he pointed the knife to his youngest son.
“Maybe we should have faked Ethan’s death since he wanted to fall in love with his older brother’s crush and ruin our plan of getting revenge.” Bailey said right before Ethan had grabbed you, picking you up off of the floor and walking behind the counter to join his sick twisted family.
“You’re Richie’s family aren’t you?” Sam asked and that's when you noticed Ethan’s eyes change into a pair you have never seen before.
“E, please please let me go” You pleaded.
“The pet names aren’t going to work anymore y/n” Detective Bailey said before forcing Ethan to drag you into the other room. The others called out for you begging Ethan to let you go but it was no use he was never going to let you go now. But before leaving the room you noticed Ethan grabbed his backpack. While your friends begged and fought for their own lives in the other room Ethan brought you over to one of the movie theater seats and sat you down.
“I was never going to hurt you.” He stated.
“I never hurt anyone, it was just them two.” Ethan said with tears spilling down his face. He unzipped his backpack pulling out one of his dads guns and a knife. Ethan handed you the knife and told you to follow his lead.
“No Ethan, I am not hurting my friends, they are my family.” You cried out.
“No we aren’t hurting them, you know who to aim for.” Ethan said with confidence. You didn’t know if you could fully trust him or not but you had no other option than to do what you were told. You were his willing accomplice. He grabbed your arm and walked you back over to where the others were.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Chad yelled
“She turned on us just like I knew she would.” Mindy choked out due to her blood pooling in her mouth because of being stabbed in the stomach.
“Well would you look at that. What an unexpected twist of events I knew Richie wouldn’t disappoint me, you are psychotic just like he was. Too bad my other son over here won’t ever live up to his older broth-” Before he could finish his sentence detective Bailey hit the ground and died at the hands of his youngest son. And before Quinn could get her hands on you Sam had shot her and she fell right on top of her father as both of them laid there lifeless. You dropped the knife and ran over towards your friends sobbing, finally being able to let all of your feelings out. Tara pulled you into a hug while all of you watched Ethan slide down to the ground unable to keep himself composed after killing the only family he had left.
“He never hurt anyone.” You quietly whispered, unable to speak properly, but everyone had heard you.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sam had questioned him while pointing her weapon of choice at him.
“Bailey he killed my mother covered it up because he didn’t want his wife to find out about his affair. I don’t consider them my family. They took my mother away from me to save their own family image. The only thing I have in common with Richie and Quinn is a messed up dad and I can assure you I am not a killer like my half siblings. I have never had contact with them before they found me when I moved out here to go to college. I really thought that Bailey killed Quinn and he told me that he would kill me too if I didn’t help him. I promise I never hurt anyone and I never will.” Ethan begged while he watched Sam lower her weapon and offer him a hand which he gladly took. He slowly stood up as the others stared at him with sorrow. You slowly walked up to him and pulled him into a hug where he silently sobbed into your shoulder as the others discussed what needed to be done moving forward. Ethan Landry the shy dorky nerd who nobody expected to have that much of a messed up life. Nothing will ever be the same but moving forward you knew you had to be there for the boy who spared your life and protected you from his own twisted bloodline. All of you who have had to go through these unimaginable experiences were a new found family that no killer would be able to separate.
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padscomm · 8 months
safe place
tara carpenter x f!reader
warnings: grammatical errors, mention of suicides, abusive household and also scream 5+6 au bc why not?!
a/n; IM ALIVE !! I'm so busy, school is shit broo
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it was sunday, it meant it was cleaning time. but, you were to focused on studying that you forgot to clean the house.
you checked the time, and you realized, that your father was coming home soon. you panicked, and quickly started cleaning your room.
your father was an abusive alcoholic, it was a suprise. an loving caring man turning into an abusive alcoholic, when your mother died.
he didn't bother going to therapy, instead he started drinking and started doing drugs. when he's tired, he takes his anger out on you, when he's in a bad mood he takes it out on you.
he poured out his anger always at you, you didn't know why. you would always be hiding in the closet, filled with bruises from him. trying to hold your tear's, it was always hard. you've never told anyone about the abusive and toxic household you were in.
you were a joyful person, filled with sunshine but personally, no one ever knew you that well. except for your girlfriend; Tara Carpenter.
you heard the door creaking, you weren't even halfway done cleaning with your room and you still had a few rooms to clean. you were scared, you didn't have a way out.
you decided to hide in the closet, where you always do. you were scared for dear god, you were scared what he will do to you. your tear's streaming down on your face.
you heard a scream, “Y/N!! How come you still didn't clean the house?!” it was filled with anger, your heart is beating fast, you are scared. sweating intensely.
hearing footsteps from the stairs, and through the hallway’s of your bedroom. you prayed to dear god, to not hurt you. “y/n, i know you’re in there.” he say's, opening the door of your bedroom.
you had no way out. you heard him investigating every area.
he opened the closet door, “there you are.” he says, grabbing you from your wrist, tightly. “dad stop please! I'm sorry, I was so carried away—” you didn't have time to speak, he punched you so hard on the face.
that your nose started bleeding, “you really think I'm gonna believe you? you lying son of a fuckin bitch.” you were down on your knees, crying.
The next day
it was a good Monday morning for tara. she was awoken by her sister, sam. she got up from her bed and started making it, then after that she check's her phone if she received a message from you, but sadly she didn't.
it was something off, she chat's you again, asking if you were okay.
· my baby ; hey, are you okay y/n? im worried sick, text me back as soon as you can. hope you're okay mylove! I love you
timeskip at school
“hey guys, have you seen y/n? she hasn't texted me back.” tara said, worried about you. “look's like an overprotective girlfriend is worried about her troublemaker girlfriend.” mindy jokes, tara didn't find her funny, and just glared at her.
“oh there’s y/n!" anika pointed, she ran after her. “she seem's off today, its just not me who thinks she's off today? right?” mindy stated, the others agreed with her. usually, you would hangout with the friend group but this day, you didn't.
you went straight to class, it was unusual for them. you saw anika running towards you, but you decided to walk more faster so she wouldn't catch you.
once you entered inner part of the school, you saw anika not chasing you anymore. you were glad. you had a long oversized hoodie, covering your body and bruises. you went straight to class with the oversized hoodie on you, even tho it was hot as fuck.
after first period, you went to second period. not even bothering to check up on your girlfriend. you were just not in the mood to talk to anyone today. you just wanted peace, and alone time with yourself.
not until second period started, you realized that you and anika were seatmates. you and anika are bestfriends, she worries about you alot.
you sat down to anika, avoiding eye contact with her. “hey y/n, why are you avoiding us?” anika asked, but you didn't answer. anika wasn't really comfortable with your silence, since you were always loud and energetic.
she kept asking you questions but you didn't answer once. second period ended and it was third, you continued to third period with talking to any of your friends or even anyone.
after third, it was lunch break. you didn't have the appetite to eat. so you skipped it, and hid at the rooftop, listening to music peacefully and doing your work.
“y/n didn't talk to me in 2nd period, I don't know why tho, I think something's off about her.” tara looked at anika, “you should go check up on your girlfriend, tar.” liv suggested, but even tara didn't know where you were.
“ill go check up on her at the end of classes.” mindy really thinks tara is a bad girlfriend.
more timeskip
it was time to go home. you didn't go home yet, you were at the rooftop, smoking. it was peaceful, and calming for you. no disturbance.
not until you heard the door open, you put out your cigarette as fast as you can. you saw tara, looking worried sick at you. “y/n, are you okay? you didn't talk to us for the whole day, tell me everything, I'm willing to listen y/n.”
she says, pulling the sleeves of yours “and why are you wearing a jacket it's so—" you quickly took your arm away from her. she saw what she saw, bruises, blood streaming down your arms.
she was in disbelief, “im so sorry tara, i didn't mean to freak you out. I know I'm a bad girlfriend, you can leave me because of my weirdness and my bruises and scars—" she hugged you tightly, “im not gonna leave you y/n. I love you, and that's what matters. can you tell me what happened? it's okay if you're not comfortable.”
you sighed. you needed to tell her the truth, to gain trust. and you did, she was in pure disbelief and shock. she comforted you, and made you more safer.
“i think i should go home, my dad will be mad at me.” you said, but tara didn't let you go. “stay with me for a few days, ill get you help.” those words from tara, was enough to make you tear up.
“dont cry now, baby. stay with me, you'll be more safer.” you didn't care anymore, you wanted to be free with tara.
once tara and you arrived at her house, you were greeted by sam. death staring you, “hey tara, who've you got there?” sam asked, “this is my girlfriend ive been telling you about.” you blushed at her words, she's been talking about you?
“by the way y/n, can you go upstairs. you know my room already.” tara said, she didn't tell sam that you've been sneaking inside their household. “why is there red stuff on her sleeves?” sam was curious. tara explained the whole situation to her.
sam felt bad for you, the two carpenter's will be doing their best getting you help.
after a conversation with sam, tara went up to her room. she saw you, laying down peacefully. “hey let's get you cleaned up, okay?” you nodded, and got up from the bed.
she guides you to her bathroom and sat you down on the sink, she took your hoodie off, and saw all the bruises you had. bruises everywhere, “more bruises down on your legs?” you nodded.
“can i take them off?” she asks for your permission, “go ahead.” she takes of your pants, slowly and lightly. she was shocked with all the bruises that you dad gaved.
“thats alot. let's start with your wrists.” she wiped off all the blood, until there was no more flowing. and rolls the comforting bandage around your arms.
working one by one on the bruises, she stayed up just to get you cleaned.
at the end of the day, it was the two of you lying in bed. “i love you so much, tara.” you said, burying your face onto her neck.
“i always love you more, my love. soon your dad will be in prison.” she reassure's you, and before going to sleep, she kissed you forehead lightly, and kissed you lips passionately.
“tara, what if attempted suicide one day?” you said, out of the blue. it was a suprise, “of course my life will be empty. i cannot live without you. i love you more than everything, if you have a problem, come talk to me okay?” you smiled at her.
she was tired already, “im going to sleep na. im so tired, mahal.”
“goodnight my beautiful, beautiful girlfriend! i love you.”
“goodnight tara, i love you too. sweet dreams.”
“thank you for taking care of me.” you mumbled, “your welcome.
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a/n; this is shit
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gothicknightz · 2 years
3am | ethan landry
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notes: aaah!!! i can't believe you guys enjoyed my little ethan post. ironically, i wrote that in the early morning hours with little inspiration. so here's another one. some blood + injuries
part 2!
'you are so dumb for trusting him'
She rolled her eyes as the text from Mindy popped up on her phone's notification wall.
She was on the subway on her way back from a party Chad had dragged her to; it wasn't exactly her scene, but she indulged in it nevertheless, now mildly sober instead of risking it in the streets.
Was it safe to travel alone when there's a masked killer dressed up as Ghostface going around? Possibly. But the killer could be anyone, New York was a big city as it was, and not all the rideshare drivers were the nicest in the Big Apple.
Her phone rang as she leaned up against the stanchion, one hand holding the rail as she answered it, "Mindy if you're here to criticize my choice in men-"
She stopped mid-lecture as a gravelly voice chuckled, "It's not Mindy, (y/n)."
Her eyes widened as she was sober enough to recognize that voice; the one who terrorized her friends a year ago, and the one who was terrorizing them now, herself included.
Her heart slowly started to race as she frantically looked around, wondering if the ghastly killer was on the train with them, "You're the one responsible for those killings, right?"
"So you've been following the news," The was a short yet death-defying pause in between, "Good girl. You do know the rules, right?"
It seemed as the ride back to the Blackmore University station took forever suddenly, because now, she had no interest in staying on the subway any longer than she should.
"I've heard enough of them. Cut to the chase, what do you want from me?"
Her eyes continued to scan the rest of the train car for the killer, but she couldn't find him to her avail.
"What do I want from you," He paused, and as soon as the train came to the stop, she rushed out of there with everyone else. "Is to see the look on your face as I stab you in the heart."
"Oh yeah?" Her voice wavered as she made her way up the stairs, instinctively tightening her backpack and making a run to her boyfriend's dorm. "You're not as brutal as you make your artwork seem."
"Maybe I'm not the monster you think I am."
"I highly doubt it." She spat, before hanging up and making her way up the stairs to Chad and Ethan's dorm.
Unfortunately, for her, Ghostface had been following her, and jumped out of a utility closet down the hall, slightly worrying her that he could have gotten to her boyfriend.
Her scream echoed through the rhetorically quiet hall as the killer's knife sliced her forearm, causing her to stumble backward and fall.
This Ghostface wasn't the one who called, she thought, in a disarray of last-minute thoughts and panics.
Her sobs and wails choked her as the knife made its way to her side, the masked killer repeatedly stabbing her there thrice times before raising the knife to go in for the final blow.
A gun was fired which shot Ghostface backward, which Chad had carried with him.
Ethan was right behind him, and his attention turned quickly to her, allowing Ghostface to slip off again as per usual.
"Ethan?" She weakly whispered, attempting to stop her wound from bleeding.
He muttered strings of curses and apologies such as, 'I'm never letting you take the subway home again' as he scooped her up, not caring if blood got all over him.
"He's gone."
(there's definitely gonna part 2 i don't like how this ended)
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