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Fun Fact
Kazakhstan’s Minister of Communications and Informatics has blocked the Tumblr site because it contained 60 sites of terrorism, extremism, and pornography in 2015.
My gf has me watching Palace games because that’s who she supports*. Mind you she is not watching the Palace game nor does she know when Palace plays or anyone on the team but that’s the team she supports and I support her so I’m watching Palace games.
*this is subject to change depending on who has the greater percentage of Black players in coming seasons.
ANJ repudia ataque contra editora de política; Sindicato dos Jornalistas se cala
A Associação Nacional de Jornais (ANJ) divulgou nota de repúdio aos ataques sofridos pela editora de política Andreza Matias e o jornal O Estado de São Paulo pela divulgação das agendas de Luciane Farias, conhecida como “dama do tráfico”, com membros do governo Lula.
“O uso de métodos de intimidação contra veículos e jornalistas não se coaduna com valores democráticos e demonstra um flagrante…
Guys please, send me asks or your rambles about Joy doctors from whf, Hajime no Ippo or Ashita no Joe in general (I won't mind something with Ricardo Martinez and Jose Mendoza and his family)