#annette visage
And speaking of the Spaniel girls...
So I should preface by saying that yes, I know this is one massive anachronism stew going on here; but honestly it's one big mixed up crossover anyway so I figured to just let the details slide and go with what worked!
As always: Artwork is mine, outside of that I own nothing here. Characters belong to Disney or otherwise to their respective owners; Songs are by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the Ham.ilton cast. I have no association with any of these, this was just made for fun.
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pnkb1tch-archive · 1 year
❛   lean .   lean  on  my  muse’s  shoulder .
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it's been a long fookin' day and arlo feels absolutely run ragged   ━  probably looks it too,   sweat  -  soaked  strands   of dirty blond sticking to his forehead unattractively. his cheeks are flushed, too, uncharacteristically tanned skin glowing with a peach - pie blush under the shining, summer sun. america, man, he's not sure he'll ever get used to this weather. not sure he'll get used to a lot of things  ━  did he mention he's in a graveyard right now?   ━  slate blue eyes flicker over to annette, just a few steps away, her small frame curled in on itself and the   VISAGE  OF  HER   tugs at his heartstrings. damn. the air feels sticky and humid with static, something   unsettling  and  unspoken   clouding up the air between them.  ever since landing this role, he'd been wary. call it superstition, maybe, but he'd been so sure something was bound to happen. then he'd found this place  ━  found her  ━  and he'd known his sixth sense to be true. he thinks back to annette, standing there speaking to something that   just  wasn't  there   . the chill in the air, the way the hair on the backs of his arms had rose, skin prickling with something akin to terror, but also,   ADJACENT  TO  WONDER   . he thinks back on the past few days, the conversations they'd had, the bud of something like friendship blossoming and unfurling slowly   ( like, so painfully, painfully slow )   but blooming nonetheless. he sighs, taking a couple steps closer to her, a raw and un - airbrushed expression wrought across that handsome, hollywood face. ❝ listen, i…i know y' don' wanna talk about it, but i have't'a ask anyways. what was tha' back there, annette? ❞   he asks, voice barely above a whisper, like he's worried he might spook her. like she'll run away, and he'll never see her again . instead of answering, her shoulders slump, and she just…leans against arlo's shoulder, A FLUTTERING SIGH escaping flower - petal lips. arlo freezes for a moment, unsure of what to do. then, the stiffness seeps out of him, and he wraps a firm arm around her arms. his grip is    unwavering  &&  confident   , but not too - tight. his other hand moves to brush strands of wild hair out of her eyes, his touch lingering against her cheek if only for a moment.   ❝ are…are y' okay? ❞
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Cette journée a terriblement bien commencé : après avoir passé la nuit à me battre avec Dr Rathatton pour un peu de place dans le lit, découvert que notre 3e colocataire refusait de partager le coût de notre chambre, m'être noyée dans mes glaires (j'ai une espèce de laryngite qui ne passe pas) et été réveillée par des travaux à 6h du matin, j'ai fait la rencontre d'un pigeon sous hormone diarrhéique en perdition qui a décidé de me recouvrir d'un liquide fétide sur tout le côté droit (la jambe, le bras, les vêtements, le visage, le téléphone, les écouteurs ... Que du bonheur !). C'est donc une Annette heureuse qui va prendre sa douche, revient se moucher, et découvre que sa carte bleue n'est plus dans sa poche (c'est un problème mineure, elle a une seconde carte bleue avec elle). Annette faisant donc la grève de la vie, c'est donc le Dr Rathatton qui finira ce post ce soir.
Aujourd'hui nous sommes parties à l'assaut du Bokor, une montagne dans le prolongement de la chaîne de montagnes des Cardamomes. Ce fut l'occasion pour moi d'inaugurer mon ersatz criard, qui à défaut d'être élégant se révèle être un coupe vent convenable.
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Nous avons roulé le long d'une petite route charmante, parsemée de dizaines de singes qui nous regardent passer d'un air indifférent. J'ai particulièrement aimé celui qui était assis au milieu de la route, les jambes tendues et nonchalamment croisées devant lui, telle une bimbo à la plage
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On a également croisé des canetons adorables, dont je souhaite ardemment ignorer ce qui va leur arriver.
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Arrivées en haut de la montagne : surprise ! De gros bâtiments gris immondes sont en construction, manifestement pour un gros projet d'aménagement tenu par une société pétrolière. Ils ont l'air d'y avoir mis le paquet, et on réalise que ce doit être pour cette raison que la route est miraculeusement en bon état.
Passé cette zone, nous arrivons dans une ancienne station d'altitude, initialement prévus pour soigner les colons européens. Le style est complètement innatendu par rapport à l'environnement, et tout aussi immonde que la zone en construction, mais à sa manière. Nous passons par exemple devant un vieil hôtel immense, qui semble tout droit sortie de la Russie soviétique. C'est bien dommage, parce que le paysage alentour est absolument sublime.
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Nous arrivons ensuite au Wat Sampov Pagoda, un ensemble de temples construits au bord de la falaise, qui fait furieusement penser aux temples de l'air d'avatar. On a beaucoup aimé !
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Puis direction pour une cascade tranquille où nous avons passé l'après midi (oui, en saison sèche il n'y a plus d'eau...) .
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Sur le chemin du retour, nous nous arrêtons rapidement à l'ancienne villa du roi, aujourd'hui abandonnée et recouverte de tags, qui surplombe la vallée.
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Ci-dessous, une photo de notre 3e colocataire, enfermé dans un mutisme grognon.
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wildfirehq · 6 months
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CHARACTER NAME: Elizabeth Annette Greene.
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 30 | 1993 March 15. 
CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: Cis Woman | she/her | Demisexual & Demiromantic.
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): The Walking Dead.
OC OR CANON:  Canon.
– Canon up until the shooting within Grady Memorial. Beth doesn’t die from the bullet. Instead, Dr. Steven Edwards and co. figure out Beth is alive by the scream she lets out while in the trunk of the car, her group left her in. 
– The Commonwealth
IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs etc):
Prior to the outbreak, Beth Greene was born to Hershel and Annette Greene in 1993 on the Greene Family Farm in rural Georgia. Beth was the youngest of two half-siblings: her older brother Shawn, who belonged to her mama, and Maggie, the eldest, who belonged to Hershel and his late wife, Josephine. Hershel was known for being very protective of Beth and tried his best to shield her from the outside world and not follow the bad things he had done in his past life, such as going to jail and drinking alcohol. Her family raised her to have good manners and behavior and were usually overprotective of her. 
Unnoticed by Hershel, Beth was known for sneaking out with her best friend Clementine late at night to explore and hang out. She attended High School, along with Jimmy, and began a casual relationship with him roughly three months before the outbreak. 
At the beginning of the end - As the outbreak went global, Beth’s mother and Shawn were bitten by walkers. The two later died from the infection. Hershel had Otis take them to the barn, where they were reanimated. Due to what they saw on the news, Hershel believed the walkers were still alive and were simply sick people and that, while dangerous, they needed to be cared for as he believed the pandemic would end and a cure would save them all. 
Hershel barricaded his remaining family, Jimmy, Otis, and Patricia, within the farm. Beth was devastated by her mother and brother’s deaths, and her typically positive outlook on life slowly started to crumble. After losing the farm and her boyfriend, Jimmy, she started to lose her faith. However, very slowly, she still had that outlook in life where there were still good people in the world. 
Throughout the time toward the prison and during, Beth began to find a version of herself that she could place as a visage of indifference. Not wanting to cause a scene, she stayed towards the back unless needed. She soon became Judith’s fill-in mother and took her part seriously. Always loving children, Beth soon became a babysitter for the group, taking care of Judith and other children who would later come into the prison.
After the prison fell, Beth tried her best to stay strong not only for herself but also for Daryl. Having made it out and on the run, the pair started off on rocky shores but soon found a solstice in each other. He would help her become stronger, and she helped him see the good in the world so they could find their people again. Hope always lingers at the forefront of Beth’s mind. Always there to say Judith was alive, Maggie would be okay. Daddy would want them all to march forward and not look back. But it was also hard to live in a world her father was no longer a part of. 
Then came the fateful night of the kidnapping. Hit over the head with nowhere to go, waking up in a world where Daryl was nowhere to be found. Grady Memorial was not a heaven on earth, nor would it be a salvation for the human nations. Beth grew stronger there through trial and error. Owning up and learning how certain people threaded the earth with no remorse. Helping Noah escape. And dreading what would happen to her as she soon found Carol being moved within the walls.
She was strong, strong in how she stood up to the leader of Grady, Dawn Lerner. Not wanting anyone else to be subjected to her wrath, Beth stabbed the woman before being shot right through the head. Everything stood still; all that could be heard were screams and a cry out of pain and then another shot. 
After the event in the messy halls, a group — no, a family — had to leave behind the one light within their darkness — the one person who tended to keep everyone from falling. A herd of undead made it hard for the family to take Beth with them. Soon, having to leave her behind inside a trunk before fleeing. 
After they had left, the group from within Grady soon came to the trunk, wanting to bury the girl as if it’d make them feel better. But as they were about to pick her up, she let out a painful moan. Pausing in their movements, Dr. Steven Edwards pressed two fingers to the girl’s neck, realizing there was a shallow pulse. Beth was alive! 
It took weeks to months before Beth reawoke within Grady once more. As if in Deja Vu, she couldn’t walk or speak. It took almost two years before she could walk fully around the hospital without breaking a sweat. But her ability to speak still hadn’t sufficed. Memory was another issue altogether. She still remembered voices and names but faces and places were blurry or gone. 
Within those two years of learning how to walk again, Beth had suffered a few seizures resulting from stress as well as had been told she’d forever have headaches due to hypertension around her brain. Yet, that didn’t deter her from stopping. Wanting nothing more than to find her sister Maggie. 
Then came the Commonwealth, making deals and letting the people of Grady think they’d all find somewhere to live. It was all coming together; at least, that’s what Edwards had said. 
Suffers from chronic migraines due to Hypertension in the brain. 
Night Singer at a bar within the Commonwealth as well as a daycare teacher during the day. 
Due to training under her father and then under Dr. Steven Edwards, Beth is skilled in the medical field. She could have been a nurse within the Commonwealth but hid her abilities. 
Has a bullet scar on the right side of her temple as well as a scar from being cut on her right cheek. 
Tends to remember only voices more so than faces, though remembers the exact scent of her sister Maggie and of Daryl. 
Can sometimes hear peoples voices in her head from ptsd. Tends to hear Maggie, Hershel, Rick, Carl, and Daryl more so than anyone else.
Also has night terrors due to ptsd. Most of the time she tries to say up instead of actually sleeping.
– Right Where you Left me by Taylor Swift
ooc information: 
AGE: 30.
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saycheesekid · 3 years
“ go! get out of here! run! ” Meg hisses, shoving them into cover. //spins the wheel of DBD muses--
Everything had been flipped and twisted, contorted and ripped to shreds in the moments before Annettes arrival; She should be dead. She is dead; Deader than the remains of Raccoon City - Hearing is the human bodies last sense to go away after death, and the last thing she had heard was the sounds of the alarms in NEST sounding off in addition to her beloved daughter crying for her.
The door closing. . .
Just left alone in a lab, holding onto the hope her husband is FINALLY at peace. . . That her daughter survives, gets the family she truly deserves.
Now? Now she's back in NEST, oblivious to her newfound ""surroundings"" so to speak. The alarms were no longer blaring, and when she had left her 'resting' place. . . Some young woman she's never seen once in her life has tackled the researcher behind cover. There's a grunt of pain, a scowl on the womans face all the while - Undoubtedly shielding her from the infected, presumably.
" Who do you think you are? " Her voice speaks almost matter of factly, before her stark realization hits her; Her ribs were no longer broken, her body wasn't broken at the moment. . . Albeit, the blood remained. Her thoughts are washed away from she sees the hulking beast of a man himself in Japanese era samurai armor much like the ones she had seen in history class.
She waits for him to pass by, adjusting herself in cover to speak after a moment. " How did you - both of you - get into NEST? Surely our security is still in effect, unless you got a security badge from a worker or somehow overrode our level 10 security. . . "
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fatesentangled-a · 3 years
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ic  tags  for  angel  !!
🎔  001.  ↳  {  angel  ;  thread  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  angel  ;  answered  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  angel  ;  starter  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  angel  ;  starter  call  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  angel  ;  musing  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  angel  ;  aesthetic  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  angel  ;  desire  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  angel  ;  visage  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  jim  dear  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  darling  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  junior  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  tramp  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  lady  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  annette  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  collette  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  danielle  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  scamp  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  angel  ;  relation  »  buster  }
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ofrapture · 4 years
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ecntrc-aaaaa · 5 years
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hello !! look how cute she is !!! she’d be so jazzed to wear this , lbr.
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dcrlingest · 2 years
tag dump
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Been meaning to do this ever since I added Bluey!verses for these four - Da Vinci and the Spaniel Sisters in Bluey style!
It was interesting, especially, figuring out how to make the three Spaniels look distinct from each other in this style, aside from their natural differences: since Bluey characters don't wear collars like dogs and only rarely clothes like humans. Some of them do, however, wear accessories; so in the end I settled on each of them wearing something unique that reflected their personality, in their respective signature colours. Collette, as the most focused on her appearance, gets pretty bows on her ears; Danielle, the tomboy of the trio, gets a baseball cap; Annette, the self-proclaimed sensible and down-to-earth one, gets a necktie.
I tried to stick as close to Bluey style as possible; and I kind of like how they turned out ^^
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sapphiren · 3 years
;tag drop
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destinychose-a1 · 4 years
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⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  interactions. ⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  visage. ⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  headcanon. ⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  message. ⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  introspection. ⤿   𝐈𝐍.    annette  /  aesthetic.
⤿   𝐕.     fighting for a brighter future.  /  azure moon. ⤿   𝐕.     with a smile to brighten even the darkest of days.  /  academy.
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resurrecticn-a · 4 years
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tag drop 3/30
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fatesentangled-a · 3 years
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ic  tags  for  scamp  !!
🎔  001.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  thread  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  answered  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  starter  } 🎔  001.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  starter  call  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  musing  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  aesthetic  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  desire  } 🎔  002.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  visage  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  jim  dear  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  darling  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  junior  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  tramp  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  lady  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  annette  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  collette  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  danielle  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  angel  } 🎔  003.  ↳  {  scamp  ;  relation  »  buster  }
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wishbonehearts · 5 years
( embarrassingly late ) tag dump pt. 2 !!
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moulinnoirrpg · 3 years
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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟕 
A dark cloud was cast over the Moulin in the recent weeks—scandals, gossip and a tragic end to a household name. A new performance was set and the smiles have been painted as exquisitely as the artistic visage of the stage, but with the whisperings of a dark, dark fate, the brisk, cold air of November was not the only frosty thing enveloping the Noir. Scandals have always been a positive thing—if, naturallement, they served to lure the guests and investors, not scare them away. 
Police sniffed around for a week and the glorious stage was threatened to crumble—losing investor after investor, guest after guest, until only the most loyal—or most debauched—of patrons remained. The jewels adorning hands and necks of the patrons seemed to have been as blinding as the supernova as the blackest of mills faced loss after loss, their income cut down to the third of what they used to earn. 
But, a month later salvation came—and the supernova exploded again when Annette had returned—as abruptly as she had left. Like moths to the flame, the audience returned in full force, vastly surpassing in numbers and attendance. But, for a week there had been no shows, only talks about how l’etoile brilliant is tired from her abrupt trip and ought to rest— but, the promise of her fully returning to the stage had been dangled in front of everyone’s faces like a shiny toy in front of a child—come to us, play with us, let us empty your pockets and together, once again, we shall bask in the glory of our Moulin!—the smiles said, hiding behind yet another layer of paint and pretense.
Tonight’s pretenses are followed by music and liquor—and dancing. It was Geoffrey’s idea— and what a splendid idea it was! Hidden things, subtle things, have always been the most delicious and picking out the seemingly innocent day of the Sancta Lucia to hold an extravagant and lavish ball in the Moulin Noir seemed like a spectacular idea. 
Now the stage is set—wide, flattering smiles ; soft, inviting gaze—gloved hands eager to embrace another and pull into a dance, spin around the ballroom. Painted facades and glittering jewels, stage decorated as if the president himself would come to attend—but in the world of Moulin Noir, investors were more important. Tabs were open, a round or two were on the house and all of Paris—the wealthier side of it—flocked to the Noir, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous—or infamous—Annette, and the rest of the performers of the Moulin. 
OOC Information: Welcome to our first event! All characters have gathered at the Moulin Noir for an investor’s ball, patrons and staff alike mingling throughout the club. Interactions may now begin, and the event will run from August 8 to August 22 on the dash, while the date in-game is the evening of December 13th, 1907.
An additional note: If you wish, feel free to use the starters written for your application during the event or any time during the roleplay.  
Welcome to Moulin Noir RPG, and we’re thrilled to have you!
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