#anon btw I would love it if you sent me who is your fave that's going through hell so i can at least create something cute for you
melrosing · 10 months
I really appreciate your insight on Jaime, so I thought I’d might ask something that’s been puzzling me for a while about his endgame.
One of the most common predictions for Jaime is that he ends up at the Night’s Watch, possibly as its 1000th commander. While there’s certainly some foreshadowing for it, I struggle to think of a reason for the Night’s Watch to exist after the Wall falls and the Others die. What do you make of this? Do you think that Jaime could end up at the Wall?
Btw, sorry for the nasty anon messages. You’re super cool and I love your art <3
thank u so much!! and genuine lol @ the anon messages like imagine launching a personal attack because someone said Arya likes adventure you can't make this shit up 😭
I have heard this theory and I'm not a fan bc I just.... don't really enjoy reading about the night's watch/the wall/beyond the wall etc etc so ideally my fave's endgame would not be there of all places but I kind of see where the theory comes from. I don't think it's foreshadowed so it's not something that worries me but these are like my sparknotes on it.
the night's watch may well still exist even when the Wall does not; I think in Jon's story we see both the good and the bad of the NW, and what's contradictory between each. I think the primary contradiction of the NW oath is that they swear to 'guard the realms of men' whilst guarding against those who live beyond the wall. Jon's story highlights the hypocrisy in this, and I think the end of the story will be about Jon and the NW finding a new purpose in embracing the world and peoples beyond the wall as part of Westeros, helping them rebuild, keeping them safe, etc. the good that does exist in the NW can be put to real use, in a way that serves everyone. I can really see the story pointing that way for both Jon and the NW as an institution
Jaime meanwhile.... I guess the only foreshadowing I can think of is that Ned suggested after Jaime killed Aerys that he be sent to the Wall, but Jaime remained in the KG, a supposedly 'perfect institution'. comparably, the NW is famously made up of 'less than perfect' men, who enter it from all walks of life. and there's a consistent, underlying contrast between the KG and the NW - the KG in their gleaming white cloaks and the NW in their blacks, and the truth being that the KG is the corrupt institution whilst the NW (not without problems of its own) is the one with the ultimately selfless objective and that exists for the common good. and the NW is also considered a kind of atonement. so sure, there's some poetry in Jaime shifting from one to the other
there are also many interesting parallels between Jon and Jaime, particularly as lord commanders of their respective institutions - it's a fun exercise in compare and contrast. again probably a whole other post but if AFFC and ADWD were combined in one book I think these points would seem a lot more obvious
however, I don't see Jaime becoming the Lord Commander of the NW - as he has no history in the watch, it would be probably a bit insulting for Jaime to take immediate charge of the whole thing - it should really be someone with that history for it to resonate for both the NW itself and the reader. I think it'll be Jon, i.e. that he'll leave Winterfell to become the LC again OR they just won't have an LC, they'll revise the structure of the whole institution
do I think Jaime will end up at the Wall?? I guess not really?? I think his story is just so far removed from anything beyond the wall and the Night's Watch itself that it just feels too mismatched. all the key plots and characters he's tied up with are and always have been based in the south, so throwing him in the NW would feel to me a bit out of left field. ultimately I wouldn't hate the idea of Jaime rebuilding with the wildlings and kind of committing to a humbler good than worrying about a grander legacy. and it's more of an open ending than death, in that supposedly he wouldn't have to swear the same dehumanising oaths (re. personal freedoms) as the existing NW - you'd hope that when they're rebuilding from scratch they kind of. loosen up on that shit. so the idea that even if Jaime spent the bulk of his time there he's not cut off entirely from Brienne, Tyrion etc (it's not an ending I like for Brienne either but who knows maybe she'd join him). but yeah idk I'm just not a huge fan of Jaime beyond the wall. maybe I could come round to it but you know. eh
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Your obsession on shitting on M&M is getting a bit old girl. It was released 2 years ago and it was a really important project for Z and both Z and JDW were highly involved in the process of creating it. Saying they were just puppets for Sam is extremely disrespectful to them. You hated the movie, we know that. But let it go girl. There are a bunch of celebrated white directors like Greta Gerwig and Tim Burton that don't hire one black person in a significant role because they claim they don't understand the black experience. But then they understand how white people lived in the 1800s or the Middle Ages
Hey girl... it's cool! We all have various different opinions on here, and that's okay! 😊
An Anon simply sent me a link to a Critic's review of the film and I commented on it, that's all. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I understand everything you're saying about the project and how monumental it was for Z.... I totally get it. But did it ever occur to you that TWO things can be both true at the same time? 👀
I can recognize that the M&M film was a passion project for Z that allowed her to work during the pandemic (instead of twiddling her thumbs at home), explore her acting skills and challenge herself, get her some EP rights, provide creative input, and pour her heart and soul into smthg that had nothing to do with being a high school student. It also afforded her the opportunity to be able to work with Denzel Washington's son JDW, who is like the son of Hollywood royalty.👍🏾😁
I get all of that!
But imo, you can recognize all of these things and STILL not really have cared for the film, or really care for Sam as a writer or director in general. 🤷🏾‍♀️🥴
And I would have had the SAME feelings about the movie had the movie starred Kerry Washington, Janelle Monae, Nicole Beharie, or WHOEVER else some fans were wanting opposite JDW in this film. 😬 My view would have been the same. So it's not a slight on Z at all. Z did a decent acting job given the script she was handed. 👀
Lol I keep telling y'all that there have been some films of my faves that I just didn't really care for at all. But I still love them as actors and people, and I haven't boycotted their films in the least lol. Imo, that's the BEAUTY of movies ... We can all have our own opinions on them because at the end of the day, it's just art! 😅
Since this is my blog, I'm simply providing my opinion. You don't have to agree, and it won't hurt my feelings if you don't lol. You all know I'm always 100% honest on here about my feelings on matters. I've also talked about other films on my blog that I just didn't care much for, but I never heard a peep from anyone about them. 🤷🏾‍♀️
BTW, one of those critics is a black woman herself, so it's not just me who saw the film a certain way.
And believe me, I'm ALL for white directors hiring Black talent. To me, that's the LEAST they can do. But it doesn't mean that every film a white director has made with a black cast is one that I particularly like... And again, that's just my right to my own opinion.
Thank you for sharing your opinion! I appreciate it! 👍🏾😁
I've said from the get-go that I don't mind ppl having a different opinion from me, just as long as we can discuss things respectfully and peacefully. 😌❤
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Hi! I have not sent anything in before, but hello you’re one of my fav Skz/Ateez writers and kpop Astro babes on Tumblr ✨🖤
So… I saw your ‘Biggest Fuckboi Placements...In My Opinion.’ Reply and I’m just sitting here like
Aqua Sun + Mercury
Scorpio Moon
Leo Mars + Asc
Sag Venus + Jupiter
Is it me? Am I the drama?
But on a real note I think I definitely was more of a fucko when I was younger. Im a cis woman btw(I think cultural and societal expectations and teachings have an influence and part to play with all this so gender can definitely play a role here) but I’m later in my 20s now so I think maybe we grow and learn that those things aren’t fulfilling. (Tho I am still like high drive and energy blah blah I’m not gonna get into that 🫢) I’m atp where I’m like nah I want a mf RELATIONSHIP with one person and want them to be a lil obsessed w me(and me with them), but not in a toxic way. (My bias is Chan and his “red flags” are like not really that red to me if that explains anything. And the whole him being intense in a relationship, my ass is like: ok ya duh that’s perfect. Probs bc I’m also intense?)
Annnyyywwaaayyyss, I’m obsessed with your mommy fics 😭 My fav Mommy energy men are Seonghwa and Lee Know. I mean 😮‍💨 Hotel Del Luna Lee Know and Deja Vu Hwa??? I’m a puddle on the floor.
I hope you have a lovely day/night and Ateez cb! And thank you for your services. I hope both sides of your pillow are cold. I appreciate everything you do on here and you’re amazing, wonderful, and fabulous pls never stop 😉
(Do you have a 🖤 anon?)
Hi!! I don't have a 🖤 anon, would you like to take that emoji?
Wow, your natal chart is powerful omg.
You must look absolutely gorgeous and have such pretty hair!
Yes, you are the absolute drama.
So many dramatic placements haha.
I'm a cis women too and I definitely feel it has a huge impact on relationships and connection as well.
Your Scorpio Moon is probably the influence in seeking a long-term relationship and connection, regardless of astrology though.
I feel like you can only go for so long with being a fucko (hilarious term, btw) before the adrenaline wears off from all the chasing and back and forth.
Although, I'm not sure though because I know men in their 30s who are still fuckbois and wanting to live the 'peter pan' lifestyle.
It's like that tik tok sound,
'Ding dong ditch...you're 36!'.
Yeah, I think if you are going to want a man who's 'intense' and 'obsessive' than you gotta accept the Joe Goldberg red flags that might come with it.
Thank you for the praise, I love Mommy!Lee Know and yes, I just remembered Hotel Del Luna and he did have such Mommy energy when he was in that outfit.
What is your fave Mommy fic of mine?
I'm blushing at the praise and pillow comment right now, my heart is *AHHH* it's like pounding from those old cartoons.
Thank you my love,
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marvellfashion · 4 years
are you poc? i guess i don't care since i don't really expect you to answer this ask. here it goes. i'm a poc in fandoms... no. i'm a poc who has read books and comics, and watched tv shows and movies, and has consumed and engaged with fan content for the past 10 years of my life. if you want to tell me to "log off and go outside" i'd like to remind y'all that saying that can be funny in your (and many others) heads but i'd like to remind you of the existance of people like me who spent 10 years inside of their houses for reasons that we don't have to explain to you! and it hurts! sometimes all we have is the things that we have inside. and i wanted to ask you: how do you do it? how do you enjoy comics? or movies? is there any such a thing as critical consumption? i'm not sure if i believe it anymore... my eyes are open to the racism backstage, racism onscreen, how black and non-white characters are treated, misogynoir, sexism, whitewashing, straightwashing, pentagon/us military propaganda, the list is endless. fate the winx saga didn't do anything that we haven't see on the mcu or any other piece of media. and i can't unsee it and i can't unlearn it. (i don't want to.) the white man (he is an adult) who plays the white boy in ms marvel is a trump supporter and now everytime i see his face i feel ranço (a word that's too powerful to have an english translation.) i know he will be woobifiyed. maybe i should be better at separating the actor from the character. maybe i am good at this... and it's actually the guys that who move heavens for a white guy bc he played a character in their favorite disney property. twitter stan fandom power interference or whatever is called is... something that shouldn't be ignored anymore. everywhere i see it. every tv show and movie it's the same shit again. maybe i could find solace in comics but my favourite characters are going through superhell for the past 15 years and i can't find solace anywhere in this fucking website or twitter or the source material. there were no excitement in my life since my childhood ended and the stuff that i used to love now doesn't give me joy and the fandom is either too "i see/hear no evil" and its usually the part where i get the racism and fujoushi weirdos or too "i hate tony stark and i hate and i hate and i hate..." and this side of fandom i thought it would be more open to my endless frustration but now i see myself and there's no excitement in my life and there's no joy and... i'm tired of it. i'm tired of how fandom and media have treated black and non-white people... and i'm tired. how do you do it? how do you enjoy media knowing you're supporting the us military (and know that they're doing bad things to people)? how do you enjoy media knowing that the black witch girl (who is the closest i'll ever get) who is even at some point more popular than the ambiguous white passing character wont get 4 mediocre seasons at netflix even tho she was a better character than kiernans sabrina for more than 7 seasons? i think the trailers were dope... but now that i know things and i spot these things idk what to do. im going through a bad moment that lasted 10 years and my "Confort character" is an awful character bc its whitewashed and the fandom is 100% fragmented and weird compared to the fandoms of other characters. goodbye. i hope u have a nice day/night. i wrote another ask that was better written but i accidently erssed so... sorry
 I wish I could give you an answer that was comforting, but I don’t have it. First I want to tell you that everything that you’ve expressed in this ask is absolutely valid and you are rightfully frustrated.  
The truth is that I think most of us when we open a Marvel comic or watch a Marvel movie ( if it’s through piracy or not) we do it being aware of how problematic they are. there’s no other way around it. I know this answer probably doesn’t answer anything or calm any of your frustrations but it’s an honest one.
 I hope that at least this blog can be a place that can bring you at least one milligram of joy about the fandom in Marvel. and if you want to scream and shout in my ask about how you feel, you can and are absolutely welcome to do all that! 
 I wish you a nice day and night too. 
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
idk the bit about Rodney being misogynistic bc he got taken advantage of by an older woman feels kinda uncomfy. like it veers too close to a justification for his misogyny. (ik in a real person this wouldn't like excuse his actions but since he's a fictional character it's like kinda trying to paint his worse actions in a more positive light, yk?) and like in real life people don't become misogynist/etc for like. a particular reason like that. seems kinda iffy idk
don't mean that as an attack on you or op or anything, sorry if I came off to harsh or anything! just kinda made me a lil uncomfortable (bc like I have seen similar things with other characters in the past and it always seems a lil sketchy to me)
first of all, you don't have to apologize. I get harsh anons sometimes, and they don't often feel the need to explain themselves lmao. also, I love getting asks like this; they make me all thinky :)
and you're absolutely entitled to your feelings of discomfort! while we're talking about fictional characters (which are vehicles for all the nasty or complicated thoughts & feelings that would get us shunned in polite society), discourse surrounding them still reflect a lot of things outside fandom (i.e. in the 'real' world). there is still that responsibility to be careful with the beliefs and ideas we promote.
having said all that, Rodney McKay is definitely the epitome of a 'problematic fave'. while he is a protagonist in the narrative sense, some of his more obvious flaws can make him a difficult character to like (or in my case, to justify liking heh).
as for the whole backstory headcanon, I can understand why it wouldn't sit well with many people. it does seem a bit shoe-horned and, having seen the same kind of justification for other Favorite White Male Characters' terrible behavior in other fandoms, I can definitely see where you're coming from.
(btw, I can't speak for OP but I'm glad you sent this ask, so at least I'm afforded the opportunity to reclaim my honor explain myself haha)
any kind of abuse should never justify horrible actions or behavior that one has been given a chance to change or rectify. in this case, if Rodney had been a victim of an older, female sexual predator in his youth, then that still doesn't excuse his misogynistic tendencies (and outright sexist comments & actions). it can certainly explain it, though, which is what I find so compelling about the idea.
the thing about Rodney ( & Stargate + all its characters) is that he's very much a product of his time. while today's media still exhibit a lot of backward tropes and tasteless stereotyping, we've started to find more and more artists & creators who are willing to apply nuance and care to their writing / art. though I'm sure pioneer Stargate fans have made their metas and criticism of Rodney already, his flaws as a character are even more easily brought into sharp relief now because he is not the kind of character that ages well.
if you've been following me for quite some time now, you probably have an idea why I like him. it's not the easiest thing to be, a Rodney fan, but I always make it a point to not excuse any of his bad traits. however, it's also no fun if all I do is bend over backwards to justify why I enjoy his character so much, which is why (since his writing is so inconsistent and there are so many gaps to his backstory) fans like OP and I, whenever we're given the opportunity, try to come up with bits of headcanon to tie a few loose ends together.
I certainly won't fight anyone about it, and I'm very much welcome to arguments that would debunk these ideas, but I'm acknowledging it to be a pretty neat concept. do I think real people (or even fictional characters) who are as terrible with women as Rodney is must have been abused by women when they were younger? hell no. does the headcanon make some kind of sense for why he is the way he is (which, again, is more a product of bad writing than any deliberate characterization)? I think it does.
so it's really more, 'if Rodney had been sexually abused by an older woman when he was younger, then that contributed to his misogyny,' and less, "if Rodney is misogynistic, then he must have been sexually abused by an older woman when he was younger'. there's an important difference that (I'm not even gonna euphemize this because it is rampant) so many fans defending their faves often miss.
I love Rodney for all the bits that I love about him, and I try to appropriately handle all the rest that I don't. what I wouldn't give for Rodney to have had better and consistent writing (one that, while not necessarily erased, at least properly addressed his flaws). that's why I like Trinity a lot even though he messed up so much in that episode. it had been an opportunity for growth.
[ tl;dr check second to the last paragraph lol ]
for reference: this is the post anon's talking about.
also tagging @frankthesnek in case she has something to say :)
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septemberrie · 3 years
Wanted to drop a line and check in. Noticed you haven’t been posting as much and I just wanted to see how you are, basically that I miss you and hope your ok!💖💖
As a closeted fatefan you have been so amazing because I love Silrah **Saul can step on my throat any day** and Rivusa and I feel like most fans have a main ship but you give equal love and goodinesss! Tempting fate was the hottest thing I've ever seen and the gifs where just incredible!!!!
I love your metas about the fate winx saga and agree with like 100% of what you have to say! Hand to god you and skloom dumpster *which I found through you* btw are all I see in the fate tag. The turn around you guys have done on my bad days is insane! Would totes nominate y’all for the queens of this fandom💗💗
ANON!! this is the sweetest thing anyone ever sent me, marry me???
*Saul can step on my throat any day* HARD SAME babe, HARD SAME, same with Riven okay boy can get it, how can I pick a fave ship when there are so many hot malewives and lovely girlbosses to pick from??? I'm with you anon, i'm with you, there's too many insane characters to enjoy to limit myself!
(and pinging @fitztragedy who's responsible for the graphics in Tempting Fate, isn't she a fucking dream to co-write with)
and I am ✨ flattered ✨ to be put in the same category as @skloomdumpster , no joke without her I wouldn't still be here swimming upstream 6-8 months later in this silly tiny lovely fandom, but I love each and every person who throws nonsense in the Fate tag because that's what fandom is for, it brings me so much joy, too, I'm so glad we have ghost Fate fans like you!!!
and you are a doll for checking in, tysm. I am doing ok!! 💕 My fandom goes in phases and I'm in a bit of the "ebb" right now but rest assured I am lurking, biding my time before I jump back in, and actually the reason I'm a little "spent" rn is I'm lost in the sauce of my current WIP, it's gonna be a doozy (at least 60k at this point eek) I'm at that point right before the highest hill, I just gotta get over the hump and it's all downhill from there, I'm just dragging my feet getting there.
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b-rainlet · 4 years
Just want to say I love your blog. Your TUA content is lovely and I can't say what a breath of fresh air it is to find another Luther champion. The fandoms treatment of him, istg, some of the most ludacris nonsense I've ever had to read. Especially love how you point out he's ALWAYS been so sweet and selfless when it comes to Allison and her personal happiness. Anyway I saw you say you seem confident alluther will actually happen. I sure hope so, but why do you figure? The antis are so loud.
Awwwww, thank you anon, you’re so sweet! Yeah, this blog is on 24/7 loving Luther lockdown! I feel like the antis are easing up a little bit after S2 aired because most of Luther’s scenes were used as comedic relief and the faves he was clashing with (Diego and Vanya) seem to have a better relationship with him now, so it’s not as bad anymore, but I have to admit I never ever go into the main tag so I can’t be 100% sure. 
Maybe you should try looking through the ‘Luther Protection Squad’ tag to find some more like-minded people? I swear there are more of us out there!
But to come to the Alluther question: 
I know that the antis are loud and I’ve noticed that most of them have counted S2 as a win for them, talking about how Allison ‘moved on’ and how Alluther won’t happen but I disagree (and I will now launch into a rambly post about why lmao).
All of this is based on the assumption though that they will be somewhat consistent in their writing regarding Alluther and S2 taught me that that isn’t very likely, so maybe I’m completely wrong and Alluther will never ever be mentioned in S3, but based on what happened so far, I could see them as an endgame couple. 
I mean in S1 they were a pretty big plot point so I don’t think I have to say anything about that but even though the Alluther scenes have been toned down in S2 they were there. 
Let’s see what antis would say about why Alluther won’t happen: 
Allison is married
And? Allison has been married before and still mentioned comparing every man she ever loved/dated to Luther. Allison has been married and she has had a kid with another guy and still Alluther was going strong. 
Not to mention that the end of this season has made it very clear we won’t see Raymond again.
Raymond (and Sissy) are temporary love interests for this particular season and both of them cannot leave their timeline without majorly fucking things up - at least according to Five, but the whole timetravel rules can change at the drop of a hat - but more importantly, both of them had a talk with their respective lovers about wanting to stay in their timeline. 
So unless Allison will return to the 60s (which doesn’t seem likely tbh), Raymond is gone for good. 
 Raymond was her true love tho! Like Klave!
I don’t think antis actually word it like this but I’ve noticed how all of them hopped onto the Almond train immediately and keep gushing about how good and cute they are and that’s great! You can ship what you wanna ship! But I think a lot of the love for this ship has to do with how it prevents Alluther from happening. If Allison is deeply in love with this wholesome man, she can’t ever like her brother. 
But tbh….I didn’t buy Almond. For two people who are happily married they crumble and burn awfully fast. 
And tbh, I was thinking about making a post about this so I’m gonna add this rant here but I just wanna preface this with the fact that I don’t hate them and I don’t hate people who ship them, I’m just….using this opportunity to poke some hole into their relationship. 
I think it would’ve been more believable if Raymond and Allison would be in the early stages of dating while all of S2 goes down. Think about it.
They are married? After one year? I mean, as far as I know, Allison has been in the 60s for about two years - since Luther was the first one who arrived and he spent 3 years there??? But I am not fact-checking this, so correct me if I’m wrong - so she had time to get used to being there, adjust to having no voice, meet Raymond, fall in love with him and get married to him. 
And considering she could already talk again it must’ve have been a while before she started talking to/dating Raymond? I don’t think a wound like that wouldn’t take a while to heal but with this show’s consistency, maybe it did. 
I was actually hoping Allison would stay mute for a while longer but alas
So, they got married pretty fast imo, and you could argue that it’s the 60s but 
Allison isn’t from the 60s
Allison just got out of a bad marriage. There’s like, a year?? maybe?? between her first marriage and her second one and tbh, I don’t think Allison would get married again so fast, tying herself to someone again almost immediately, especially if you consider what getting married in the 60s means for a woman and her personal freedom (it’s hinted at with Sissy but not with Allison and even though Raymond was probably a good husband who let her have her freedom and her say in things - as we can see with their movement - it’s still the 60s. Women couldn’t earn their own money. They couldn’t even spend any money without having to ask their husband. They were basically property of their husband and I can’t believe Allison would immediately jump back into being married, no matter how nice and good the guy is). 
“That just means it’s true love! That’s why their marriage may seem rushed!”
Yeah true love. I also keep secrets from my true love.
I mean, I understand that Allison couldn’t start talking about time travel or Raymond would’ve started thinking she’s crazy or something - and maybe would’ve sent her to a mental institution as is his right as a husband, so good idea getting married! - but she didn’t mention stuff like “I had a child.” or “I lost my family.” either and those are vague enough to not raise questions.
I mean, she could’ve lied! She could’ve said Claire is dead, which considering the apocalypse was what they were escaping is true!
She could’ve talked about how she had a family, but they kinda lost each other - maybe talking about how they all moved away and she doesn’t know where they are now, even though she misses them terribly. 
I mean, I simply can’t believe that she had to grief for her own child all on her own and she didn’t even tell her husband (and she couldn’t even properly be sad about it since Raymond and her lived together, so she probably didn’t have many moments where she could think about the future and the things she lost without the possibility of being walked in on). 
And how much it would’ve meant if there would’ve been a scene of her crying over Claire when she thinks she’s alone, but alas.
Then there’s also the whole added drama to their relationship. Which was btw, so unnecessary.
@showwriters: Why do you establish a relationship you obviously want to be viewed as full of love and instead of letting it be the steady rock the character can lean on during all the already ongoing chaos, you add drama to it and let it fall apart as a side plot which immensely suffers from not being shown/explored enough. 
I mean, we already have relationship drama with Vanya/Sissy and that relationship feels more natural because their obstacles are outside forces and not...one of them distrusting the other. 
You know, I get why Raymond is suspicious, I totally do! I just don’t think it makes the relationship believable. 
Once again, if they would’ve been in the early stages of dating and suddenly Allison’s weird brothers appear and she seems to be in cahoots with the cops, I would also think ‘???’ and it would’ve made perfect sense for Raymond to be confused and distrustful and not want to talk to Allison. 
But they’re married. They’re married and they vowed to love each other in sickness and in health and yet Raymond immediately jumps to ‘Allison is a spy’.
The woman you love enough to marry. That’s your first thought. Okay. 
(And if you wanna compare that to Vissy...Vanya suddenly drives off in the night to meet her family and disappears for a while and she apparently did something to Harlan and now he’s behaving weirdly and has powers….and she’s talking about taking Sissy and him to the future…..and yet….Sissy trusted Vanya). 
And tbh, I was done with their whole relationship the moment Allison spent the whole night calling every single hospital, trying to find out whether her husband was in one of them - was even alive - in tears and close to breaking down because the last time she saw him they were both involved in a riot and the possibility of him being in jail or hurt is very high only to find out…..
…..he had a meeting with their group without telling her because he doesn’t trust her. 
And what? He couldn’t have called her to at least tell her he’s okay and he’s gonna stay somewhere else overnight because shady shit did just go down that they need to discuss but he wants to be alone for now? That’s the bare minimum and yet he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t even call to make sure she is okay since running away doesn’t mean she couldn’t have accidentally been dragged into a brawl and hurt. 
Once again: They are married. 
So tbh, all I got from this relationship is the feeling that Allison simply didn’t wanna be alone in this new timeline and that isn’t an explicit point against Alluther. 
Okay, but….Allison moved on! So she still won’t get with Luther!
Did she? Did she really? I don’t think so. I mean, one of the first things we get from Allison aside from ‘She’s married’ is ‘She looks at the moon so often, her husband notices and gets her a book related to that’. 
That’s one of the most blatant ways they could’ve said: ‘She misses Luther.’
And Luther only. Not the whole family, Luther. If they wanted to somehow make this platonic or familial, they wouldn’t have taken the character she is canonly interested in romantically (which she is and has been since S1, no matter what antis say). 
I mean, if they only wanted to show ‘She misses her family’ they could’ve added a scene where she listens to the kid next door playing the violin or sees a boy in schoolboy shorts or maybe mistakes someone for Diego or whatever, endless possibilities. But they didn’t. 
They made it very clear she misses Luther and I don’t think she had a scene that shows her missing any of her other siblings in such a way (which is btw paralleled by the scene where Luther mistakes someone for Allison, which is also the only scene where he’s shown thinking about one of his siblings to the point he thinks he sees them - as far as I remember). 
But that’s probably only a coincidence, right?
Then there’s them meeting for the first time. I mean, they hug and the rest of the world disappears.
They took the time to shoot/cut this scene in a way that, when Allison and Luther hug after years of not seeing each other, everyone else isn’t in the shot anymore and it’s just them. Because they tried to make this as platonic as possible. 
(In comparison, Allison and Diego don’t even hug. And Klaus and Allison do hug and it’s a happy moment but there is no romantic music and it’s more focused on them being happy to see each other and not framed as a romantic scene. I mean, I have no clue regarding things like ‘motifs’ and ‘scenery’ but just watch those two hug scenes back to back and you know what I mean). 
Then the scene proceeds and they talk and sit down and Luther mentions her marriage and Allison tries to apologize. 
Just think about that. She doesn’t outright apologize but she does try to explain why she got married by saying how hard it was and is only stopped by Luther telling her he’s glad she wasn’t alone. 
How….how can you read that as a platonic convo between brother and sister? Just replace Luther with Klaus. Why would she feel the need to explain herself and seems guilty about being married? Is it because it implies she gave up on finding her family? If so, that would be her reaction with every sibling but she is explicitly like this with Luther. She tells Klaus she’s married too, and in that scene it’s definitely a ‘siblings catching up’ moment and it’s a happy moment and she doesn’t seem apologetic about being married. 
She is with Luther. 
Because they both know that there’s something between them and has been for a long time, to the point that Allison is visibly jealous when Luther has other relationships (his one-night-stand in S1) and this is the second time Allison has turned towards another man instead of waiting for Luther. And that’s why she tries to apologize. That’s why she tries to explain that she couldn’t know whether they - whether Luther - would ever show up, so she tried her best to move on - but she didn’t really, hence the moon scene. 
(This is also the scene where Luther could’ve been angry with her - and she probably would’ve thought he’s in the right - since during the days leading up to the apocalypse it seemed like they were slowly working towards being together - even if the kiss never happened, there’s still the phone booth scene which is basically Luther confessing his feelings - and now she once again leaves him standing alone, waiting for her to possibly return to him. 
But he isn’t, he just tells her he’s glad that she wasn’t alone. Because he is the actual embodiment of a gentleman and this world doesn’t deserve him). 
And this is just what I remember from watching the season once and then not really engaging with it, I can’t understand how antis can see those scenes and come to entirely different conclusions. But I guess, you really only see what you wanna see, huh?
But, but…...Incest is disguting! Even their siblings think so!
They don’t. They really don’t. There’s a gifset on tumblr somewhere compiling the scenes in S1 that show how chill the sibs are with Alluther, but let’s disregard those and just focus on S2 since they changed up a lot from the prior season and antis seem to think S2 was them finally saying ‘No Alluther’. 
I guess there’s the hair salon scene where Vanya, Klaus and Allison talk about relationships and Klaus lightly teases Allison for liking Luther. 
Now, he mentions Allison crushing on their brother in the same sentence where he talks about Vanya and her ‘Farmfrau’ and unless I missed it, he doesn’t change his voice. He doesn’t suddenly sound completely disgusted, or like he wants to vomit or whatever people think, so either, he thinks Vissy is as ‘disgusting’ as Alluther, or, he thinks both are simply relationships his sibs are interested in pursuing and he teases them about them like a sibling may do. 
And then you have Allison’s reaction. 
She doesn’t go: ‘Oh yeah, that was gross, what was I thinking’, she doesn’t make a face or disgusted noises or what, no, she tries to defend herself and her feelings. 
Which tells us: 
Despite popular belief to disregard Allison’s say in the Alluther relationship, she wants the relationship and she is obvious enough about it their siblings know (and Klaus makes it a point to say ‘Allison is into Luther’ and not ‘Luther likes Allison and Allison tolerates it). 
Alluther is brought up while they talk about current relationships, implying Allison still feels this way (especially because the way she reacts doesn’t make it seem like it’s a long over relationship with no longer relevant feelings. But again, I watched the season once and I don’t remember everything that was said. I think this is telling enough though). 
So..tell me again how everyone thinks Alluther is disgusting?
By now anon is thinking: ‘What is the point of all this rambling?’ 
And yeah, I am sorry for going way too into detail but I just wanted to make it clear that if the writers were intend on killing Alluther off in S2 - like antis believe - then everything I just mentioned wouldn’t have happened.
(And that’s without even mentioning the cpr scene). 
Alluther did get reduced but it didn’t vanish even though they decided to completely erase other things (like Claire and Eudora who are barely or not at all mentioned or things like Kliego being very close). 
This would’ve been the best opportunity! They re-meet in the 60s and Allison is happily married and takes the time to tell Luther he should move on. Or both are single and Luther tries to ask where they’re standing and whether she would like to try with him and she goes ‘This would be a mistake’ and that’s it.
(I am making Allison the one who ends things because it would be ooc for Luther to just end the possible relationship after waiting for Allison for years and there needs to be some consistency even in the mess that was S2). 
But! This didn’t happen!
Alluther is more or less back where it was in S1. Allison isn’t in a relationship anymore and won’t get back with the guy and Luther loves her no matter what. And the cheek kiss seems to leave them both on a hopeful note of finally getting together. 
So unless they use S3 to once again redo the show, it feels like Alluther is set up to be endgame. Like, I am getting ‘star-crossed lovers’ vibes where you’re just waiting for them to finally get together - because they just belong - but things keep getting in the way.  
You could compare it Diego/Lila in that regard, I think it’s pretty obvious those two are gonna end up together too. 
I have another ask about how they could get together, where I will definitely ramble more, but this shall be it for now. I hope it was halfway consistent. (And doesn’t have too many typos, I’m too lazy to check).
Also the formatting is shit but idc, I spent like two hours on this
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— 2020 has been a wild year for all of us and let me start this off by saying well done to us all for simply making it through this crazy ride - if surviving this year was your biggest achievement, that’s completely okay, and i am so proud of you for being here today !! despite the many, let’s say, mishaps, that have occurred this year, both nct and nctzens have been key in my 2020 and i couldn’t be more grateful for them, so i decided to make a little appreciation post of my own before the year ends 🥰
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— to my followers ;
my petals !! i can’t believe i started off this year with around 300 followers and i’m now nearing 600 🙈 this account has grown so much this year and it’s all thanks to you. if you’ve ever come across my blog, liked or reblogged a piece of mine, sent me an ask, or pressed that follow button, i want you to know that i am so grateful for you and thank you for enjoying my works 🥺 hopefully 2021 will carry the same positive energy here on your-world-with-nct as it has this year and i’m hoping that you’ll be seeing a lot more fics in the near future 👀 once again, i love you petals <3
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— to my dearest mutuals ;
em bubs !!! i know i could easily do this on any other app or even irl but i just wanted to thank you for making my year 🥺 my lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without us constantly texting and fangirling and our ty track/bfc reunion on my birthday was elite. and obviously this new school year has been an adventure and a half so far, with all the lunch time shenanigans, revision sessions, and exam stress, but i can’t wait for the rest of it 🙈 i am so grateful that i had you by my side during 2020 and i am eternally thankful that i’ll be able to go into the new year with you by my side once again 🧡💚💜
bella - my first mutual, my tumblr mum - it feels like just yesterday that you wrote a beomgyu blurb for me after seeing my pink theme; now you’ve finished college and i’m applying to colleges 🙈i know we haven’t been able to talk as much recently but that doesn’t mean i appreciate your presence any less - i’m so proud of you for getting into med school and pursuing your dream 🥺🥺 i hope that this year treated you well, and that 2021 treats you even better 💞
loml, almost birthday-twin, fellow leo and xiaojaem stan, fave writer - what do these things have in common? they all apply to v, or, yeet anon, if you remember the days where i ranted to you about my crush and you were a baby stay 😪 not only have you delivered such amazing content on ur writing and gif blogs, but you have provided so much comfort and joy to me whenever we message with dilay 🤧 i look forward to checking your blog every day for new posts and my twt and insta notifs in case you’ve sent me something or you’ve seen what i sent you 🙈 the fact that you think of me when you see certain things just warms my heart and you’re just such a caring person in general, thank you for being a part of my 2020 v, all the best wishes for your 2021 🖤
dilay !!! my resident yangqi and the person i think of straight away whenever i see yangyang 😚 i remember when you first requested that e2l chenle blurb back in 2019 and now the only chenle stan between us is v 😁 finding you on this app again after i forgot what ur skz blog’s url was, was just amazing and i don’t know what my tumblr experience would be like without me being able to reconnect with you 🥺 thank you for being able to make me laugh effortlessly with our lack of geography knowledge and our random antics, i will always look forward to seeing the username @cloudy_____ on my dash and screaming over renhyuckyang (+ sungchan 👀) with you for years to come 🤍
andi bb, my fellow dad!johnny stan 🥺 seeing you post a jaemin birthday blurb for me after your return to tumblr was so sweet and i can’t believe your first post after coming back was dedicated to me 🤧 i remember the day i first messaged you and you were gushing over how you were a big fan of mine and i said the same about you - we were just going back and forth about how much we love each other’s work 😌 you are such a talented writer and you are so full of love - wishing all the best for you in the coming new year babie 🥰
coming across leyna’s blog after reading that jsmr fic was the best decision, because not only have i befriended a brilliant writer, but also a jensung enthusiast who is just the kindest 🥺🥺 i think now would be a good time to tell you that despite jeno’s bias wrecking antics back in august, i actually bias jisung now 😃 i know we haven’t talked in a while, because of our busy schedules, but i hope you’re resting well and i hope that 2021 won’t be as hectic for you 💟
joyce, i know we only started talking recently but the serotonin boost both you and your works have given me this year is just incredible and i am so thankful for your warm personality on your blog and for your amazing fics 🤧 i started off as a silent reader who gushed about your writing in the tags but now i’m friends with such a talented writer and we just casually ramble about doie and jaems biases and writing struggles,,, wow 🤯 (btw took some of ur tips on editing headers 🙈) i hope that next year we can expand our friendship and that i can continue to give you the feedback you deserve 🥺💕
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— favourite reads of the year ;
i have reblogged all of these to my main @/lovelycharm05 before, but i just wanted these masterpieces on here with everyone since these fics are so memorable and enjoyable to me <3 (beware there is lots of me gushing over how f&%#ing good all these writing techniques and plot devices are - can you tell i’m an eng lit nerd)
@nsheetee - moonlight café
obviously v released so many iconic pieces this year but this series was just *chef’s kiss* coffee shop au’s are the cutest to me because you can do so many different things with them, and you truly showcased that through each members’ part. although i am nahyuck biased (out of all the 00 liners), i have a soft spot for jeno’s part 🥺🤧 but that doesn’t mean i’m not obsessed with jealous jaems and cocky hyuck 🙈
@notnctu - to all the j’s i loved before
the very first work i ever read of yours, joyce 🥺🥺 i remember seeing an nct network reblog this and after reading through the summary of the series, i was enticed by the plot and i read most of your masterlist whilst waiting for the next parts 🤧 the main character’s relationship with each ‘j’ was unique to them and their interactions were just so sweet to read (except jaemin’s >:( why did my ult’s part have to be the angsty one 😤 jk jk i loved it anyways) special mention to ‘cupid’s arrow’, because that fic was an emotional rollercoaster and i loved that almost as much as i love bestfriend!jungwoo in the last part 😌
@misfitneo - lee haechan’s pride
it would be a sin if i didn’t include this in my top reads this year, pun intended 😌, especially since i have a weakness for mafia aus. i haven’t had the time to read mark or renjun’s parts yet, but from what i read in this fic, i’m sure theirs are just as good, if not better. the storybuilding and the development of the plot are so detailed and intricate and that is what i love in a fic. i already reviewed this on my main with a lengthy description of my favourite parts so i’m gonna keep this short and sweet - if you love haechan, mafia au’s, and enemies to lovers, you need to read this !!
@jensungf - passing clouds + only forever
these fics hit different now that i bias jisung 😭 ‘passing clouds’ was pure angst and as much as it hurt, it was written so beautifully and i loved it so much. ‘only forever’ healed the jisung shaped hole in my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again. the first love vibes he gives off is unbelievable and that innocence was presented perfectly in this 🤧 side note: never let jisung bake for you even if it’s as a peace offering 😖
@hyucksie - in the long run + second first kiss
although ‘sweet talk’ and ‘silent treatment’ are also contenders for some of my favourite fics of the year, these two have taken the cake 😌 the concept itself of time travel and mark and y/n seeing their future child was so creative and the mixed emotions that the characters experienced seeing their future were executed so well and the ending when their actual future selves remembered the day they time travelled 🥺🥺 not to mention the sequel doesn’t feel forced at all, the story flows well, and jealous mark is a cutie 🥰
@luvdsc - not clickbait
i’ve been following cat after i first read ‘i turned my best friend into an e-boy!! (and kissed him)’ and ever since then every piece of hers that i’ve read is simply breathtaking and so engaging. her style of writing is so unique and whenever i read anything of hers i feel so immersed in the fic. the dreamies as youtubers and tiktokers was such a cute concept to me and the little comment section at the end of each fic is probably my favourite part 😳 the way each member’s fic connects to the plot of another is perfect and their cameos in one another’s fic >>> (jisung telling y/n about the tiktok challenge in mark’s fic + cameraman jisung in chenle’s) i could keep talking abt this series for a lot longer but i’ll end it here, also i can’t wait for norensung’s parts 💞💞
@pwarkhans - the neo academy
i’ve probably mentioned my love for ‘the umbrella academy’ before but THIS !!! this series just made me love it even more 🙈 despite yangyang’s part being the only one that’s out, that and the prologue are interesting enough and seeing the 00 liners in this alternate universe is honestly amazing jxjwjxkw jaemin as three and hyuck as two is everything. the brothers’ relationship, especially in yangyang’s part, is so complicated yet so cute and i can’t wait for the rest of the members’ parts 💘
@yongtxt - vintage
when i first stumbled across this series, i was immediately intrigued by the plot, and not just because it was about rapper!mark and singer!y/n🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 the side characters (dreamies + doie and jisoo) were so funny and well-written and the plot >>>> i was so invested in the twists and turns of the story, the relief i felt when the conflict was finally resolved and we got our fav musician couple !!
@byunbaekby - apartment b23
i only found this series recently but wow am i invested in the plot already 😭😭 the conflict in the story is realistic and feels like something you could actually relate to. norenmin’s friendship/bond is so strong and evident through the story and the side characters are my babies (heejin, shuhua, lia - ily 🤧) i can’t wait for the rest of this series since i am a sucker for the perfect balance of angst, fluff, and crack in this 🥰
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— favourite works of the year ;
unfortunately i haven’t had enough time to release any fics this year, and i’m hoping that that won’t be the case next year, but here are my top 5 favourite blurbs that i enjoyed writing and reading <3
1:48pm -> dad!johnny
one of the most popular blurbs on my blog to this day 🥺 honestly i get why, who doesn’t love dad!johnny? hyejoo is literally so adorable here and the family dynamics make me soft all over again whenever i reread this piece. also everyone’s reactions and replies to this are so heartwarming because everyone’s just whipped for the suh family 🙈
1:05pm -> soulmate!taeyong
i love soulmate au’s but something always irked me with the permanence of your soulmate like ,,, what if you end up falling out of love with them? then what? that inspired me to write my own take on soulmates, where they aren’t found, but made. taeyong’s character here is just so full of love and you know how much i love lovable boys 🤧 (ever wondered why i ult na jaemin...?)
12:13pm -> boyfriend!mark
7dream!!!! i don’t usually write domestic fluff even though it’s one of the genres i indulge in the most 😔 but when i do, i go all out because everyone needs to know how soft i am for my boys >:( mark’s love for the dreamies is so unique and i love their friendship so much, i had to write about it when i first heard about the 7dream announcement which i definitely did not cry at
11:40pm -> boyfriend!jeno
this was one of the first requests i ever got and i was just so touched than someone personally requested something from me AND it was jeno 🥺🥺 everytime i read the tags under this, everyone is just gushing over jeno and like,,, same 🙈 this type of fluff >>>
waking up with wayv -> wayv reaction
when em first requested this, i didn’t exactly know how to write something for each member without being too repetitive, but in the end, i loved the mini plots i wrote for them and it’s just one of my underappreciated faves 🥰
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— favourite releases of the year ;
just a few of my favourite albums that got me through online school and revision sessions for offline school 🥲 ft. lots of nct + october albums bc that month was PACKED
nct 2020 - resonance pt1 + pt2
nct 127 - neozone: the final round
nct dream - ridin’
wayv - awaken the world
superm - super one
enhypen - border: day one
twice - eyes wide open
txt - minisode1: blue hour
seventeen - semicolon
stray kids - go live + in life
itzy - not shy
conan gray - kid krow
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if you’ve managed to read all the way to the end, congrats for putting up with my lengthy and very sappy sentiment and sorry that you had to go through all of that 😭😭 thank you for being a part of my 2020, i hope that the new year allows us all to have a fresh start and brings us the opportunities we didn’t have this year. happiest new year to you all 🥳 (even tho it’s not 2021 yet when i’m posting this :))
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
i love you guys, just putting that out there 💕
We stan a supportive dad who hates the miya twins 💅 @lovelyvillainess idk it won’t let me tag you :(
I figured at least one of them should have an ounce of common sense lmao
Holy shit! The Miya twins meet the parents was soooooo good. I've just finished reading it and come here to gush and now I will go re-read it because wow. The tension. The feeling of dread that sinks in when you realize what reader might be in for tomorrow or the next day. But the dad is my hero!! It makes me wonder what Kita and the crew would say because they certainly saw the Miyas bullying their soulmate. We are not worthy of your genius
🥺 dfghgfhkl thank you!! But also yeah, it’s a temporary victory at best and you’re definitely gonna pay for it the next day 👀
🥺🥺🥺 go dad for having our back i feel like its rare for parents to actively support u in yan!fics so like...heart is warmed
so who wants to see daddy dearest go ham on the Miya twins and beat their asses??? 
omg ive never sent a message before but the meet the parents with the twins when her dad protected her i 🥺🥺❤️❤️
He is the only valid parent just sayin (still won’t make a difference in the long run, but at least he tried?)
I'm reading your newest drabble and came across the line, "it’s the pity he’ll give you. He thinks he ruined your life when he left (he didn’t)" I love this reader's energy lmao
Definitely not me projecting one particular ex of mine onto this fic, nope, not at all. But seriously those ex’s are the fucking worst 😒
Hi! Just popped in to say i love ur meet the parents drabble. One of my fave things about ur writing in general is how well you write dynamics between characters and that recent drabble was some good food brah. Thanks!! ❤️
ahh thank you so much, bby! 
Just passing by to say you are an absolute queen and that I love you and your writing very very much !! 💞💗❤️💖💓💘
Hi anon, i’d die for you i just wanted you to know that! 💕
Reread NFWMB again. Idk if you have watched or if your familiar with Bungoy Stray Dogs, Rhi but reading it again made me think of OdaSaku 😅 Idk, it's probably the opening line about kids. So I kind of had this screnaio in my head where Iwa's higher ups and contractors are surprised that he finally agreed to kids but what they don't know is that instead of killing them, he is taking them to the reader.
I have not watched BSD but I’ve heard about it?? it is on my ‘might fuck around one day and actually watch’ list, if i can ever stop re-watching my other faves. I did write Iwa as much more of a morally ambiguous character - he’s not gonna push an old lady in the street but he also probably wouldn’t stop somebody if he saw they were getting mugged kinda guy - obviously with the reader being the exception to that. But I do like the idea of Iwa just bringing home some kid he was supposed to kill and being like ‘this is now our child, we’re a family and i will straight up murder anyone who tries to take either of you from me’
but then i also like the idea of him seeing her be good with kids and just suddenly *breeding kink* ya know?
Okay unironicly??? Nice guy yandere Bokuto is my kink and that last piece hit the nail right on the head. Everyone is cooing that you guys are adorable together, so why does it feel so awful every time he puts his hands on you~ you cant find it in yourself to say no, but you want to get away from him as soon as possible~
Yandere Bokuto makes my heart horny and it is a straight up tragedy that I don’t have more written for him (soon, bby, dw) because he’s all soft and cuddly and needy and incessant, but the moment you start pulling too far away - oop. Now you get to play with an upset Bo 👀
For all the hard work you do, someone should write for you. Depending if you're into the really disturbed, angst, smutty kind where there are no such things as regrets. That's me. I write that stuff all the time. Keep up the great writing beautiful. What's next on your upcoming lists of fanfiction you're going to post? 💋💞😍🤗👀 Love ya! @doloresdaizhamorgan
Ahh thank you, bby! You always send the sweetest asks (and btw I hoped you liked vamp Touya!!) Next up is slasher Bokuto, Akaashi & Kuroo which I am v excited about 🔪
Hi! I was wondering how you think the yandere soulmate pairings would react to the reader favouring one over the other? Would they get jealous of the other—leading to the reader's possible escape route? Also just wanted to say I love your writing so so so much—it genuinely gives me chills in all the best ways :)
I think it would be difficult for the reader to prefer one to the other as they’re all bad in different ways. However as it’s kind of implied that both Oikawa & Iwa and Ushijima and Tendou are also each others soulmates as well, I think they’d find a way to manage it without too much drama between each of them - probably exposure therapy. Say you start to cling a little more to Ushi because Tendou’s being sadistic mean, he’ll leave the two of you to spend some ‘quality time’ together - surely you’ll be feeling better by the time he gets back (you aren’t). Or if you start showing more favouritism to Iwa because he doesn’t go as hard with his punishments, the two of them will agree that next time it’s all up to Iwa, and he’s gonna make it hurt while Oikawa will be there to take care of you afterwards.
It’s all about balance.
If its with the twins, good fucking luck. They’re already bickering over the small stuff - they’ll just take it as an excuse to lord it over the other one - which ill inevitably prompt the ‘loser’ to remind you of exactly why you should really reconsider, especially with how good he’s gonna make ya feel. Basically - it’s a tug of war with you caught in the middle. Have fun tho!
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Our Time [Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader]
Request: "Hi hi hi could u pretty please write something for jaime x starkreader where after the war the reader becomes queen in the north and it's her coronation and jaime just admires her beauty (she's his wife at this point which also makes him king in the north) and afterwards he just kisses her and picks her up and tells her that he loves her and it's just soooooo fluffy ahh I love jaime and I hate what they did to him in season 8.. btw I love your writing so much!!!! <3" by anonymous
A/n: Thank you so much dear anon 💘 I had so much writing this and I realized I’m totally Jaime trash at this point. Hope you like it and don’t hesitate to leave a comment telling me what you think! Btw the quote in bold is by one of my fave writers/philosophers, Jean-Paul Sartre.
Words:  1400 || GoT Masterlist
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The only time a person can be brave is when they are afraid.
The words your father had spoken almost ten years ago replayed in your head as you tried to calm your nerves by taking slow deep breaths. Those days when you were nothing but a young girl who dreamed of a better world seemed like a lifetime ago. Since then everything had changed but most of all, you had changed.
The struggle and hardships you had endured after your father's death had shaped you into a completely different person. Having suffered beatings, torture and the death of your loved ones, the only thing that had kept you standing was those words. Now, every hint of hesitation had faded away, as you carried yourself with a confidence and strength fit for a queen.
Taking another deep breath, you straightened your gown one last time before making your way towards Winterfell's council room. Upon crossing the familiar corridors, thoughts of your father and brother Robb filled your mind. An independent North with a Stark to lead. That was what they were fighting for, what they would have wanted and at that moment you swore you would make them proud.
The second Jaime saw you entering the large hall, his breath got caught in his throat as he found himself to be in awe with you once again. You were just as beautiful as you had been on your wedding day, he thought smiling at the memory. This time, however, your dress was much darker as the metallic stripes all over your chest resembled an armor.
Jaime was mesmerized by the look of sheer determination that shone in your eyes, which only added to your confident stance making your presence capturing. More than beautiful, you looked strong. Passing right in front of the huge Stark banner that was hanging in the wall, the wolf inside you howled with pride as you locked eyes with Jaime, who gave you an approving look. He knew that even though you didn’t want this, the North believed you and he was certain you would carry on the Stark legacy, being a capable and fair ruler.
The moment you sat down every person in the hall kneeled in front of you as Ser Davos slowly placed the silver crown in your head in an almost ceremonial way. Nodding at the man, he resumed to his previous place, next to the throne as every advisor should be. For an instant no sound could be heard in the room until you rose up, eyes stuck on Jaime.
"The War is over" you voice echoed through the halls "We fought both men and monsters and survived. But this is not the end. I can’t promise you safety, for winter is coming. What I can promise you is this: from this day until my last I will fight for you. There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours. From the ashes we will build a brighter future, just like my brother promised you" At that moment, Jaime realized as the passion in your voice sent shivers down his spine, you were truly a she wolf. There was something so fierce and powerful about you that could make even the strongest warrior bend down to your will. That was what you were meant to be, and Jaime couldn’t be more proud that he had the chance to be by your side in your hour of glory, seeing you finally getting what you always deserved, happiness and acceptance.
"Queen in the North" It started as a mere whisper, but in no time the whole room was chanting and howling in triumph. Jaime raised his sword just like the heads of all the remaining Northern houses had and joined the men.
"Ser Jaime, step forward" you demanded as soon as the cheers began quieting down. Taking a deep breath he followed your request making his way to right in front of you and bowing "As my husband you have swore to stand by me, just as I swore to stand by you. Today I need you to act on those vows. Will you rule by my side? Will you swear to protect the North with your life?" The intensity in the look the two of you exchanged was such to burn through the Wall and tear castles to the ground. In that moment you realized just how strongly Jaime believed in you, causing your heart to threaten to beat out of your chest.
"I swear. From this day until the end of my days" Jaime declared after what had seemed like a century while it was, in fact, just a second
"Arise Ser Jaime, rightful King in the North" you announced. There was a much deeper meaning behind those words and you both knew that. This wasn't about a throne or a kingdom, this was about loyalty and trust. With Jaime on your side, you were certain the future was going to be brighter than ever before.
The feast carried on in an absolute frenzy with countless toasts to the King and Queen in the North and by the end of it, most northerners had either fallen asleep or were positively drunk. Hearing Winterfell's corridors echo with laughter once more caused a warm feeling to fill your heart, reassuring you the worst had passed. Deciding it was late enough, you and Jaime headed back to your chambers. While you were walking, you couldn't help observing him, as the light from the torches made his hair shine like pure gold and highlighted his features.
The second the door closed behind the two of you, Jaime pulled you in for a breathtakingly passionate kiss. His hand tenderly traced your cheekbone before trailing down to the back your neck in order to hold you close. Returning the kiss in an equally fervent manner, you slightly bit his lower lip causing him to smile into the kiss.
"I love you" Jaime whispered after the kiss was broken, the seriousness of his voice taking you by surprise "And I want you to know that even though I didn't know your father well, I'm utterly certain he'd be proud of you. I know I am"
"That's all I need. I love you, Jaime" you replied, marveling at the bright smile that formed on his lips. Hearing him say those words meant more to you than words could ever express, making you forget all your worries. The sweet moment was interrupted abruptly, as Jaime picked you up, bridal style and carried you to the bed "What are you doing?" you asked him chuckling while your hands rested on his chest.
"Taking care of my Queen" he replied upon gently letting you down on the bed and helping you remove the tight skirt of your dress, leaving you in your undershirts. Taking off his armor, Jaime lied down on the bed, arms tightly wrapping around your waist as he pulled you flush against him. Feeling a trail of soft kisses on your shoulder blade, you smiled snuggling closer to him. You closed you eyes, letting the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
"Jaime…" you tried wanting to know if he was still awake
"What?" he replied hoarsely, already half asleep
"No matter how much I love the North, you'll always be my home" you admitted making his grip on your waist tightened. Jaime didn't know what he had done to be worthy of such happiness, but for the first time in his life he knew there was no place he'd rather be than right there. You had made him believe in himself again, saving him from completely giving up and he couldn't be more grateful. So, he silently promised to himself he would try his best to support you in the way a King should support his Queen.
Jaime Lannister Taglist: @cyaa-niide
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elenatria · 5 years
I will never understand Antis, why must they try to dictate what others do? My most hurtful encounter was a JSP shipper I used to love before she went all Reylo are racist, likes to be abused, she went from amazing artist to Anti crusaders, I’m will confess I’m still kinda hung up on her and I fear one of my other favorites will turn into her..
JSP as in… James Sirius Potter? (sorry I’m clueless)
Honestly I will never understand the Reylo hate. I was never into them, I’m a Stormpilot shipper myself, BUT the hate that pairing got never made sense to me…? Like, they’re hetero adults? Nothing “problematic” about that…? Why do people have to turn everything into a problematic pairing? Racist wtf why? Did they ship Rey with Finn, is that what their problem was?…
When was Rey abused, wheeeeeeeeeen. T__T Just because Ben was calling her a thousand times in the middle of the night? Yeah, that’s abusive, man, if a guy skyped me and woke me up with his blabbering and sent me his filthy abs pic  I’d probably be pissed af because I’d have to wake up early the following day and he had just ruined my sleep with horniness. 
Up until Valoris I thought only rival shippers hated on other pairings and found them problematic, e.g. some Braime shippers hated on Briemund saying that it supported rape culture and all Briemund shippers should be raped for liking Tormund (I shit you not). Some Frostmaster shippers would use quotes from the “Thor: Ragnarok” novelization to prove that Loki felt at home in Sakaar and he’d rather be some tyrant’s royal pet than be with his “abusive” brother. 
Those people always tore down rival pairings and found them “problematic” just to put their own pairing on a pedestal.
Btw that was not even the case with Valoris, no rival pairings in “Chernobyl”; it was only a matter of “I don’t like what you like so you should take it down”. At least Valoris antis are “pure”, they have no secret agenda beside their inherent hate. 
And that Reylo anti is an artist even? Whoa. As an artist myself I know I should be refraining from voicing problematic opinions, politics etc. I know I usually can’t help myself but at least I don’t hate because, like, hate is a bonerkiller and none of my followers wants that…? 
If someone on the internet gives up on their artist persona to become a leading anti persona, well…that’s on them. It’s their loss, not yours.
You’ll move on, sooner or later. People on tumblr can adore you one minute and forget all about you the next. They can worship you and call you a superstar for years and then shit talk you.
There’s no way you could have known in advance, no way you could have predicted that artist’s change to the  worse and no way you can control the behaviour of your other fave. But if the people you look up to turn into haters, there are sooooo many other fish in the pond for you to like and befriend and follow. I know change is hard, and I know we all have our comfort zones, I have them too. But if someone changes or starts loving (or hating) different things than you, you have no control over that. You can only let go.
And don’t forget that, just because someone offers you beautiful or rare content, that DOESN’T mean they’re a nice person, or that they’re nice in every aspect of their lives. A very popular Thorki MVP I used to follow was arrogant af, rude and a bit entitled, so I unfollowed. 
And let’s not forget our very own Vampire!Putin’s disciple who was highly respected, maybe even adored in the Chernobyl fandom because she used to dig up rare Legasov vids that she translated herself. But for all her MVP-ness and beautiful archive content, she resorted to hate, shit talking Valoris shippers wherever she stood, sending me anon asks with “Did you know Legasov had a daughter and shes’s very much alive??”, reporting my art on dA and threatening me with Ryzhkov’s and Putin’s lawsuits. No, don’t laugh! I mean, just because some people are active content makers and MVPs doesn’t mean they are people you would like to hang out with.
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yandere-foods · 5 years
“I am the only one who will treasure everything you do~” with Brownie please! he’s literally my fave. btw: givin ya all the love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks anon I’ve been needing to feel Loved lately
(Heads up Yellow wine dose and says some mean things)
Yandere Brownie X gender neutral Reader 
“Hey watch where you going dumb-ass!”  Yellow wine barked as you ran right into him, the wine he held in his hand was now running down his front.  “Now see look what you’ve done!  You ruined my shirt!”
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, honest it was an accident!”  he just sighed in irritation and glared at you.
“Honestly with how clumsy you are, how has a Fallen angel not killed you?  You being a master attendant alone shocks me.”  Yellow wines words, like always knew how to tear you down.
“I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.” 
“Yeah, yeah whatever.”  He snarled and stormed off.  Why does he have to be such a jerk?  You just ran into him it was an honest mistake.  You sighed and brushed yourself off, he didn’t even ask if you were okay but that’s yellow wine for you, not his fault he was born with a rod up his ass.
“Attendant?  Is everything all right?  I heard shouting so I came to take a look.”  There he was, your favorite food soul.  He never failed to cheer you up, never complains when you asked for help and, your self designated butler, Brownie.
“Oh it’s nothing just Yellow wine being Yellow wine.”  You smiled at him just his presence making you feel better, but your smile shifted to a frown when you saw him glare a bit at the mention of yellow wine.  “Brownie you okay something wrong?”  the sound of you voice brought him back to reality.
“No master Attendant nothing is wrong,”He bit his lip, “But, do you want me to talk with yellow wine?  Forgive me for being blunt but, he should not get away with treating you like this.  He has been here for weeks and he still treats you like your less than him and I guess I’m getting a little miffed about it.” 
“Thanks Brownie but, you don’t have to do that, I can do that on my own!”  You gave him one of your grins he would do anything to protect.  “This is something I have to do on my own, besides you know what they say: Kill them with kindness!”
“A big gun would do better.”  He mumbled as you walked away to the kitchen to do God only knows what to make that yellow WHINE like you more.  Don’t get him wrong he loves you big heart, it’s something that made him fall for you but, you put too much faith in people.  He shook his head and started to walk away when he started to smell food, it took no expert to know what you were cooking.  Braised octopus, yellow whine’s favorite.  So that’s how you were going to apologize, he hoped it worked but at the same time he hoped it failed.  With that last thought he went back to his butler duties.
It has taken you twenty times but you finally made a plate of excellent Braised octopus you smiled at you handy work.  This time nothing would go wrong, you could apologize to yellow wine and hopefully he would start being nicer to you.  You sent Tom Yum to ask him to come to the kitchen, when yellow wine came to the kitchen and saw the food he just glared and you smiled.
“I said this morning that I would do something to make up for spilling your wine so I really hope you enjoy-”  
(Heads up Yellow wine is going to get violent, read at your own risk.)  
“Are you really this stupid!”  He screamed wiping the smile from your face.  “Do you really think something like this is going to make me like you!”  He picked up the plate of food and help it so tightly his knuckles were turning white.  “How much of a dumb-ass are you!”  He screamed at he threw the plate over your head making it smash against the wall food and glass flying everywhere.  “You think just because your nice to everyone you’re so good huh!”  He started to stop over to you, you were shaking and tearing up, you knees started to shake so bad they threatened to give out.  When he got close to you he grabbed the front of your apron and started to shake you.  “Get your head out of your ass already!  No one will ever like you!  Do you understand me!”  You quickly nodded your head.  “Good don’t ever forget it.”  He let you go and you dropped to the floor on you knees and started to cry.  “How the Hell did I get stuck with a weak attendant like you?”  He walked out as you started to sob.
It was only a few minutes until Brownie found you, on the floor, and eyes red as you let out silent sobs, even thought you were in so much pain you still considered those who were asleep.  The next second he was on the floor beside you pulling you in his arms and you just cling to him as if he were a life line.  He took one look around the kitchen he saw the smashed plate and he knew what happened.  When he got a hold of yellow wine he was going to make him suffer but that would have to wait, you needed him right now.  Brownie started to slowly rub your back as you cried.  He gently asked what happens and you started to cry harder.  He got angry when he realized how all your hard work went to waste, and not just with cooking!  How you made sure all the food souls were taken care of, how you kept the purified fallen angels in line, you cooked for all of them, you cleaned up after the younger food souls, you risked your life fighting fallen angels and you got nothing in return.  
He could only describe the feeling as right as pulled you into his lap and held you tighter. “I am the only one who will treasure everything you do.”  He whispered in your ear.  “No one else will treasure you like I do, care about you like I do,”  He looked into your bloodshot teary eyes, brownie felt his stomach coil when you looked at him with such vulnerability in those eyes.  Was this feeling called love?  Yes love seemed to fit the feeling.  He would tell you later, you don’t need a love confession fight now you need him to hold you right now.  You could take all the time you needed in his arms, it just gave him more time to fall deeper in love with you.  And time to think of ways to take out some “trash” and remove blood stains.    
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merdibbenj · 5 years
I am a kaylor/gaylor blog. I made this blog so I don’t mess up my kaylor aesthetic on my main. I’m also avoiding tons of hate 🤣 But hear me out fam.
The /kaylor troll/metacritic sabbotage event on 8/31 made me curious about Nina Nesbitt. Keypoints:
She’s such a random person to be on the troll anons and on twitter. If the kaylor troll event is connected to the Bottom and Scooper they wouldn’t just use a random person Taylor hasn’t interacted not even once in the last years and Nina has a long term bf btw. Sus. One key point how Nina might have been chosen that I can think of is an anon before. I’m active with kaylor and I recall reading an anon from a mutual turned anti as the kaylordom refers to her /more of a person who questions things which is not a bad thing/ about a girl with pink hair kissing Taylor in London. I have not looked up Nina Nesbitt before the kaylor troll/ back then I thought it was Ruby Rose. This was when? Start of the year? A lot of people had pink hair. Why her? Ruby Rose would be a better choice/ they had recent photos together. Hayley Kioko would be an even better choice/remember the onstage grinding 🤣. Actual lesbian jesus and the snake queen. Instead Scoopy Jokes chose someone I haven’t heard of. Super sus.
Have we stopped and think why this happened? Are we, tumblr kaylors and twitter kaylors that much of an impact to their lives that they sent bots to attack us just to rock our ship? Cuz le bottom is desperate when contract is ending? Taylor and Karlie wouldn’t go bankrupt if we stop shipping. They wouldn’t break up if we stop posting about them on the internet. What our opinions on this situation doesn’t matter to the bottomline. Then who were the attacks for? Metacritic is for Taylor cuz girl gets hurt by critics. The anons and tweets doe. Who are they trying to affect by exposing Taylor hooking up with Nina and Karlie hooking up with everybody after an alleged breakup? Uhhhh, Taylor and Karlie. 🤦‍♀️ If they really broke up, exposing those activities would hurt the possibility of them getting back together and fixing their rs.
What’s there to gain if they wouldn’t get back together from an alleged breakup? Uhhhh a multimillion bearding contract? Uhhhhh satisfaction of Winning? You fckd up $300M everyone knows your dumb ass won’t be earning it back cuz she’ll record them again. this isn’t just business it’s personal. Taking back one thing Taylor likes other than Karlie, control.
Sus sus sus. Botts sending anons here and there then they just stop? Either scoobie and shaggy developed a conscience or they won. They exposed them in an uncontrollable way. Idekk maybe this is part 1 of their plan😭 Just suspicious all over 🤔
Full disclosure, I don’t buy all things this person said 100% cuz threesomes and orgies and prostitutes and fucking someone dressed as your ex /hello/ doesn’t scream like the gal pals I love. I put my foot down there. Periodtttt.
I don’t have any sources like the big blogs. I don’t know if Karlie fckd everyone and if Taylor really fckd Nina but here are coincidences I found. Take off the tinted lover glasses we kaylors have for 5 mins and consider these coincidences I found in the last couple of hours.
Who can volunteer an explanation for this easter egg now that we have the album out? This can be coincidental. Song context of Love Letters is about moving on from someone.
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Remember when Taylor used salute to me I’m your American Queen for Karlie’s American Dream line? Nina lives in London, I don’t think that the whole London Boy is writen about her/ its still sarcastic/ but this coincidence in the line stick with me I’m your Queen like a Tennessee Stella McCartney. Something happened in Tennessee. 🤔
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How many times was blue mentioned in Lover? We know it’s Joe’s favees. But posting this coincidence before album release. She’s a swiftie but she’s never posted anything 13 related before this.
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Nina wrote a song in NYC 2017 called black and blue. She’s playing that song while wearing the Lover palette 🎨 check how their album turned out. The post before is also a random throwback of them. Coincidence.
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This coincidence. Sing Daylight with me, Side Stepping Into Monday Like and let it go. This maybe the mother of reaches 🤣 however it sounds like an inside joke about misheard lyrics.
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I can do part 2 cuz there’s a ton. I feel like I fell down another rabbit hole again. I know kaylors have great experience with 🕵🏻‍♂️ check the timeline yourselves. I’m not sure when they broke up but it looks recent. Afterglow makes sense and the tweet about Tay sabbotaged PR premier is consistent with this narrative. Maybe they broke up. Is Tay rebounding or did sis cheat? The implication and Kar’s reaction. 🤦‍♀️🤔💔
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dimancheetoile · 6 years
Oooo, how about: S (Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?) and U (Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much)?
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m a bad person to ask this because I don’t really write tropes. BUT I LOVE YOU ANON so I went and looked up some tropes on Fanlore to see if there’s anything I like. And there is!!! So:
• bodyswap: because I’m a sucker for a character with chronic pain or a disability or a prosthetic swaping with their s/o or best friend. cause on one hand you have the suffering character who is having a relief-orgasm from not being in pain anymore (that’s the chronic pain in me talking) and on the other you have their loved one who gets sucker-punched by how much pain the other is on a daily basis. When done in that particular way, it’s my favourite trope of all.
• apocafic: (love the name btw) I often play the ‘what would you do in an apocalypse’ game with my friends and I’m always the winner because my mom’s an agricultor and my grandparents taught me every single useful skill out there (I know how to sew, knit, weave baskets, start a fire, one of my grandma was a botanist so I can recognize plants and make remedies with them, you get the idea) and my dad is a woodworker so, again, useful skill. Which is why I love writing stories where I can put that knowledge to use. It also means I’m a bit picky when it comes to reading apocafics ahaha.
• marriage of convenience: only when the two who get married don’t end up together. I absolute LOVE when there’s a marriage between two people who end up best friends and would die for each other, but have a romantic partner (or more!!!) outside of their marriage. Bonus points if they have to choose between the bro and the hoe and they go for the bro.
• time travel: probably the one I’ve written the most. Time travel fix-its are my absolute jam. I get to do everything I want with canon while also creating good, angsty situations for my characters to be in. (if you like time travel aus as well, some recs here - *** are my faves: A How To Guide To Shinobi Life *** |  reverse -never finished reading it but the 70+ chapters I read were great | Waves | Ricochet | Rainy Days *** | before you -not done reading it, but it’s already great)
• disability fic: call it projecting if you want, but I really enjoy reading fics where a character gets injured or looses a sense or is amputated or has chronic pain (well you get the idea, I like my angst like I like my salsa: debilitating) and how they deal with it, how the people around them support them, etc. Never found any fic like that in Naruto, unfortunately.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
AH YES I LOVE THAT. Please let me shower those amazing people in compliments. My treat. (not gonna assume any gender unless I asked before)
1. Dovey. I don’t know if they have a tumblr, but if anyone know, please share with me so I can send them love. They have the taste the closest to mine, I believe, of the whole fandom. All of their fics just break me appart, not only is the style incredible but the topics always move me, and they write mainly about Sakura. They also share my view on Kakashi (cool character but terrible teacher, messed up Team 7 like you wouldn’t believe with his incompetence) and they tend to write Sasuke in the only way I can endure.
Recs: Find Your Place (whatever it takes) (sakura fought in the third war as canon folder even tho she was so young, because she’s from a civilian family. she gets a deep hatred of the system and PTSD. her goal is to kill the hokage for revenge) Even lambs have teeth (sakura is sent on a honeypot mission as a genin but no one prepared her to be raped in the name of her village)
2. @mouseymightymarvellous my soulmate. Plain and simple. Not so much the tastes this time than the writing style, though our tastes do tend to match. But we write the same way, like we’re bleeding through our words, like the bitterness is a verbe tense we’ve mastered, and we craft our stories like others daggers to dig into the meat of everything that makes Naruto great, at its core. I adore her and her poetry makes me want to fight dragons.
Recs: her poetry tag on tumblr. by deepest night or brightest day (be lovin’ you) (shikasaku stories, which not only is the otp, but so well-written it puts my heart in my throat)
3. @ohtze I know I keep talking about them but no one knows their fic amongst the people I share this corner of the fandom with and I really need the world to know about it. I don’t think they’ve written much more about Naruto, but that one story has broken my heart and my mind, changed the way I view writting and Naruto stories as a whole. EVERYONE needs to read that story. I’m not kidding.
Rec: the story in question, Monomoth (post 4th-war, Team 7 is a mess of psychological issues. sakura’s skin is crawling from an illness and the pure hatred she has for sasuke. sasuke is psychotic, confusing sakura with his mother, mildly hallucinating all the time. naruto is desensitized, defeated, blind to his teammates’ issues. in the middle of that, a mission. and a monster.)
Thanks for asking!!!! I had fun answering.
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wincore · 3 years
hiya moon!! i sent in an ask a LONG time ago about - i don’t actually remember but your writing style and colors? i cannot remember but if you do, hi it’s me 🙇‍♀️ i don’t have spotify wrapped but i have apple music and my top song was friend to lover by standing egg before i got into enhypen in october and suddenly fever is my top song ☠️ and i’ve also listened to like 1900 hours of music this year haha. that also answers another question!! i got into enhypen and they’re probs gonna be the last kpop group i keep up with tbh. i watched haikyuu this year and excitedly waiting for season 5 if that ever comes — and the way of the househusband too on netflix!! was a lil disappointed in the animation style but i learned to like it :-) OH AND JJK duh how could i forget that hahaha
side note, i’m happy you came back to this blog for a little bit — albeit it was tarnished some. i follow you on your other one (sorry if that’s something you didn’t want disclosed) so im happy to see your presence even just a little!! all the animes you reblog look v interesting like what even is dr stone? hahah but hopefully this is a lot for you!!! i hope you’ve been well moon, and you have a healthy and content 2022!!
I DO REMEMBER !!! i thought about that ask for days pls!! no one has ever described my writing style like that, how could i not remember? darling, NINETEEN HUNDRED HOURS ???? you are immediately crowned ruling sovereign of apple music, they should pay you at this point 😤 oof i feel like me n my friends are getting old bc we can barely keep up with the new groups TwT but i do see a lot of enhyphen posts on my feed and they seem very sweet. also, i get to vicariously experience stanning them 🤩 i'm pretty sure i've heard fever? if it was the fire one, i've definitely heard it!! and i'll give friend to lover a listen, it sounds super cute O(≧▽≦)O
haikyuu!!!!! i have so many memories with this and i'm so glad i picked it up again 。(>ω<。) i couldn't wait for new seasons so i ended up binging the manga tho and it's just as amazing! furudate never disappoints. and who's your fave?? do you have a fav team? i honestly love way of the househusband so i was also slightly disappointed but then i heard that they wanted to make it look like a manga? it's still enjoyable for me 😊JJK PLEASE !!! you have great taste, dear anon 😌 (would you like an identifier/emoji btw sjdjss) i read the jjk manga so no one could spoil me and ended up hurting myself smh gege is ruthless 😐 also was drawn in by how pretty gojo's eyes were animated but now that mf just gets on my nerves 😩 i just want his mans geto ty
oh don't worry!!! you can def bring up that blog i just want people to follow it only if they're interested in anime/my personal life LOL omfg dr stone is one of my top animes for this year !! i'm not saying this bc i'm in stem, it's genuinely one of the best in terms of plot and lovable characters. i've watched it like thrice showing to all my friends HHH and hjsdhk i don't mind some tarnishing i was having the time of my life blasting that anon :p it might've clogged your dash a bit so sorry abt that :( and please, you are incredibly sweet!! i'm so so so glad to have you back on my blog, you're such a pleasure to talk to 💕 hope your 2022 is spent as fine as wine and ages just as well till next year !! 🥳🎉
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evalocity · 7 years
Can you say something nice about mutuals you've interacted with who you think are closest to you? Can be as many as you wish, it's time to spread positivity😊😊
This is a wonderful idea boo, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this :) 
(it might be a bit long lmao here we go!)
@the-fierce-fangirl Ria, you were my first tumblr friend on here, in March 2018 we’ll have known each other for a year now ! I knew no one on here when we met, you reblogging my post was ?? a blessing ! someone noticed me ! and we started to talk, and you’ve been the purest and sweetest friend I could ask for. My birthday present ? That you freaking sent me ? I don’t deserve you. I just...there’s no words dear friend, to tell you how much you mean to me ;-; One day I’ll come to Poland and we’ll have tones of fun ! xoxo
@jasonblossomsghost Or, I remember when we first started talking. I was shy at first, but you seemed sweet, and honestly bless those swedish fish for starting our friendship. You’ve always been such a good friend, one that I don’t need to talk to 24/7 to know I can count on, and one that I’ve always wanted to defend because oh my god why are people in Kansas so annoying lmao. You’ve educated me on subjects that I knew nothing about and you’ve been there for me in dark moments, and I’m so so grateful. xoxo
@sapphic-spook Rose, you’re an amazing human. Idk if I could handle your aura irl, because just online you are such a ray of sunshine. You’re so nice and wise, your words can calm me down and make me feel better like no others can. Hell the apocalypse could me happening and you’d tell me to chill and I would :’) nah I think you’d know better than to tell me that x) but seriously, you’re amazing, and I just need to thank you for handling my panic attacks like the boss you are. I hope you’re happy, whenever I think of you I’m sending you tones of positive vibes because that’s what you deserve. xoxo
@addcolortomysky Em, it’s been a while since we’ve talked ! But that doesn’t mater, whenever I do an ask game I remember how much you love those and I tag you because making you happy makes me happy. Thank you for sharing my crazy interests, sharing them with you was hilarious ! I miss you, sorry for sucking at staying in contact :’) xoxo
@crazyreader1899 Hi Matata ! We’re mutuals and it’s been a freaking while since we’ve talked (I suck, I know). But nevertheless ! You know that meme where a guy is standing in an empty auditorium and waves and the text says something along the lines “me at that mutuals who likes all of my posts” well every time I see it on my dash, I think of you. Seeing you in my notifications always make me smile because you’ve kept up with my shit for so long now ?? You’re great, thank you, ily. xoxo
@izzyd03 Izzy !! You’re such a sweet human you know that ? I feel like I don’t do enough to let you know how much I appreciate you caring about me, like when you’d wish me good luck on my finals because you’d remember when they were ?? I’ve cherished those good lucks my dude, you’re such a good friend. Also your Instagram ? On point girl, you’re beautiful, you go. xoxo
@sugasugahanihani Bia ! Babe omg ;-; First of all, I want to apologize to you for being the worst™ and never keeping up with texting you I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with me but please never doubt how much I care about you because you are !! the best !! I’m so dumb Idk how to express this friendship, you just mean so much ? You are so freaking sweet and I can rant to you and I can talk to you and you’re always there like omg I do not deserve you girl, you’re such a blessing. xoxo
@mr-bushido Hi boo ! We’ve been mutuals for hum a freaking while ?? I wanted to take a minute to thank you because you’ve actually helped me discover a bunch of k-pop groups and songs ! You’re a sweet mutual and I enjoy your blog very much. I hope you’ll have an amazing year 2018 :) xoxo
@yoonminfaketexts Hii ! I absolutely love your blog omg :’) I feel dumb rn because we don’t know each other but ! We’re mutuals and I really appreciate what you post so thank you for making me smile you’re not unnoticed xoxo 
@moonlightkth Bel !! Can we take a second to bless your fake texts because 1. They’re amazing 2. Without them I wouldn’t have known you ;-; Sharing BTS and Got7 with you ? An accomplishment™. I consider you like a little sister and I hope you know you can always count on me. xoxo
@nooowestayandgetcaught Hi Rie ! First, it’s been a while since we’ve talked I’m such a mess, but I wanted you to remember how great I always thought your writing was, as an author you’ve been an inspiration and I’m so proud of you ! Plus, you’ve educated me on some stuff, always being respectful and kind. Thank you so much. xoxo
@clap-your-hands-yo Kensley ! My fave NCT blog ;) and one of my fave blogs actually ! You’re hum so freaking talented ?? Like honestly when God made you he dropped all the damn Talent™ bottle Istg :’) When I think about you, I know it’s stupid but the first word that comes to mind if “perfection”. I’m proud of you for your grades, for the work you’re putting in learning my language, for being so sweet, for being you. xoxo
@lovingyoongi Hopi !! Babe ! I’m so glad everything is going well for you in Korea, oh my god. We’ve always simply shared our love for BTS together, but I really care about you and man, your happiness is mine ok ? Have a blast in Seoul, you deserve it all. xoxo
@emmcfrxst Pasc :) Idk if I should talk to you in French or English ? That’s kinda awkward :’) OH WELL. You are such a sweet human omg, always taking the time to make people feel better, always being so considerate, always trying to fight against problematic stuff to create a safe space for your followers. You’re awesome ! xoxo
@mintysugasweet Rae ! You’re a new friend, but you’re a friend I’ve liked immediately. You are so so nice ! Texting you has made my days better, would it be by sharing my theories with your (amazing, incredible, awesome, breathtaking) au, simply talking about our mutual interests or learning more about your experiences in Korea. I don’t remember how I’ve discovered your blog but the least I can say is that I’m so thankful I did. xoxo
@exoverdosed Chelsea !!! My fave blog on this hellsite omg ;-; Idk what to say without getting emo just thank you for being so great ? Your blog lets me keep up with our Kings, and your tags make it the funniest thing ever. I can always count on you for moral support and to help my clueless ass about what’s going on in the k-pop world. Ily, ot9 rule and yass you’re cool keep up being you. xoxo
@sugahobiby Lune, it’s been a while since we remade, I remember our first interaction being me trying to send you positive vibes because you were stressing out about uni. Look at you now ! I hope you know you can count on me to help you in all the ways I humanly can, would it just be someone to talk to. Also I live for your snapchat stories lmao it’s a blessing :’) xoxo
@noona-clock Hi you two ! I wanted to thank you for all your great reactions and fics, I always enjoy reading them they’re soft and really great ! You seem so nice and I hope you both have an amazing year 2018 :) xoxo
@baekphia Sophia, I’ve been following you for a while and when we became mutuals I was SO freaking happy ! You’re nice, you’re so much fun and it reflects in your blog that I enjoy a LOT. Have an amazing year 2018 filled with your best friends (EXO), your mutuals and followers, your sister and Bakehyun with his possible new album !! xoxo
@minnie-rocker-xx Hi boo ! We haven’t spoken that much because idk if you’ve guessed but I’m a MESS at keeping up but you seem so nice already omg ! Why don’t you send me a message detailing all of your interests so we can talk about them ? I’d love to know you more :) xoxo
@softminmin Tila, mY GIRL. It all began when I was just a casual fan of your fake texts, and then you noticed me and I proudly became your cheerleader™ (I still am btw no one is taking that spot.) ! And now we’re friends and omg Ilysm. It’s like we don’t have to force any conversations we just naturally connect. I feel like a copycat lmao because your feelings and your thoughts are the same as mine ? It feels so great to be able to share with you, honestly everyone deserves someone like you babe. Good luck on your finals, I know you can do it ! xoxo 
IT TOOK ME A FREAKING WHILE, and I hope I didn’t forget anyone !! I love you so much, not just my mutuals but all my followers and all the ones that I follow ! THANK YOU ANON XOXO 
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