#anon me why you follow me
cypanache · 1 year
I first followed you (a decade ago??? help) because your version of Don and Sloan -had and still has tbh - a choke grip on my heart
Oh my gosh! Don and Sloan! I remember to this day watching they're fight in Bullies when he puts Sloan's chin up and then they're fight afterwards 'you think I'm here to make you feel better' and thinking ... oh you two care about each other, but just writing it off as like a 'cj/toby' style friendship (which I can totally work with btw, cj & toby are soulmates, fight me on that).
I have never been happier to be proven wrong. You should have heard the inhuman noises I made in the last episode of season one.
Also I think between Ben/Leslie; Don/Sloan; Obidala; Tyrion/Sansa and my SVU ships of Carisi/Rollins; and Barba/Benson my shipping preferences can apparently be summed up as take one slightly acerbic asshole pragmatist, who is fundamentally a really decent guy, and watch him walk through fire for his badass wife.
Zemo x Sharon ... okay take the 'fundamentally good part out'
But yeah basically it's all the same ship
P.S. When I threw the 'tell me why you follow me' message up I never expected to be walking down fandom memory lane, but I am loving it. Thank you all.
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
it was nice while it lasted. to have something i actually liked by you. eddie ruins everything
there's a really easy solution here and i'm going to let you figure it out yourself because i do have faith that some people still have functioning brain cells
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oifaaa · 3 months
i know why im following. i got tricked by silly batman and star wars aus and now im stuck.
Tricked being the primary word there considering your not even getting silly little star wars or batman aus rn
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spiderwarden · 2 months
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*draws gun on the dash* and for the love of God, don't ever softblock me. I loathe that. I have structured my blog to people I like, if you want to unfollow me just unfollow. we don't have to be mutuals for me to enjoy your content.
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dandelion-wings · 24 days
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this-is-krikkit · 10 days
The Gillian Anderson Shared Thirst 💜
omg anon, we've either got a bunch of other common interests, or you're super loyal and extra parched bc boy have i been neglecting Her lately!!
either way great tastes ♥️♥️ kudos on that and please enjoy a drink on the house:
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lesbianamalvada · 1 year
how you feel about bisexual people saying they’re gay
I don't like it when people use gay as an umbrella term because it's literally not. I know one bi girl who always went "i'm sooo gayy" and I'm like "I thought u were bi??" and she was like "it's just simpler to say gay". I really don't get how though? Bi and queer are the same amount of syllables as gay. To me it's more confusing if ur talking about how gay you are and then people see you with a boyfriend/girlfriend. I guess it's not that big of a deal but it's def a pet peeve of mine and rubs me the wrong way.
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egregiousderp · 3 months
I rarely do original posts, but I need to reiterate that if I don’t know you, or see evidence to prove you’re a real human being and not someone desperate either looking for money or for an outlet to some internal scream or another, I don’t usually engage. At least… not directly. Let alone reblog.
I mean, why should actual friends of mine be exposed to that?
Why waste my time with someone who won’t even bother being friends with me or at least establish credibility as a human being with interests before asking for money? Even in a desperate situation. The interest is usually the escape, interspersed between the posts.
I’ve followed some of the people on my blog for twenty years across multiple fandoms and social network platforms. I mean…
I’m. Just not going to be very impressed by a flash in the pan, shot in the dark guilt trip about whether I’m performing morality correctly, whether I’m on some internet blacklist, or whether I belong to a social group that can’t be potshotted a certain way. And I don’t particularly owe proof of my bloodline, morals, or identity to try to argue against that.
In my experience, people who want to take potshots will take potshots. It doesn’t matter how correct I am. If you want to find something, if find it even if you have to dig. No matter how small. Because it isn’t about correctness it’s about control.
Every experience in me about being hunted for sport by some person or another across decades tells me the chances are you won’t even remember me in two years.
The friends I do have will stay if they’re real, or they’ll talk to me personally.
And if I have to correct things, which I might, they’ll talk to me about it directly and I’ll do my best because it’s them.
You’re a heckler at a bus stop.
Why should I care about shouts from a passing car?
I’m not posting your link.
Anons are open.
But, that doesn’t mean I owe you a post.
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cypanache · 1 year
I loved all your Ben/Leslie fic back in the parks and rec days (Snapshots Left on the Negative my beloved!) and your username came across my dash sometime last year. It felt like seeing an old friend even though I wasn’t active in the p&r fandom outside of reading fic on livejournal, ha.
Oh this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. And also a little sorry for spamming your dash with my current Star Wars/obi-wan/obidala hyperfixation. (I hope it’s not to painful for you).
Parks and Rec was absolutely, hands down, one of my very favorite fandom experiences. Really absolutely packed with wonderful people. So it’s lovely to know that I could remind you of that special group a little. Ben/Leslie though I don’t talk about them as much anymore are still my forever OTP. I have never identified with a character more than I identified with Ben Wyatt. And I have never loved writing a relationship more than I love writing theirs.
And Snapshots Left in the Negative remains to this day a piece of writing I’m incredibly proud of (I cannot say that for everything). Perhaps only matched by Escape Hatch. So bless you for mentioning it.
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
yk i followed for the ponies and unfollowed cuz i got sick of hearing abt bi lesbians and yuri, no hard feelings it just got annoying
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no its.....................*snif*,,...itbs oka,y ,...
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oifaaa · 3 months
omg ur the reason dc has been all over my dash???? i was so confused lol
Did you accidentally follow me at some point?? unless you followed me for some other clock or wall related reasons
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
Shoutout to all the people that follow me that idk wtf you followed me for
Shoutout to the people that followed for my 2 Taskmaster textposts while I was binging it and then realized this is not a Taskmaster blog. Or the people that followed me for Dune content when all I did was liveblog watching the movie once. Or the people that I genuinely can't figure out where our fandoms overlap, if they overlap.
Anyway. Love you guys. Dunno why you're here but I love that you are XD
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this-is-krikkit · 10 days
Riki coopted
always a smart move, following @jewishvitya's lead ♥️
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sophsun1 · 1 month
omg these losers from 911 are coming to me a qaf/iwtv blog to complain about their ship wars. I couldn't give a fuck get a life you desperate weirdos, I'm laughing at how pressed you are throwing a tantrum like a child. bitch I barely have a toe in that fandom space nor do i ever have a desire to be in it.
Not everyone is consumed by hatred and misery, i will continue to make content for whatever blorbo's i damn well please at least i have the skills to do so unlike you untalented bunch of haters.
Also i come from the toxic gay vampire show and am a die hard brian kinney stan so complaining to me about whatever pathetic nonsense you have going on is hysterical lmaoooooooo.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
How does Raxis's orientation, gender, and skin color matter? And why does yours matter?
Why does me being a queer woman matter when a cishet white man accuses me of being queerphobic and misogynist?
Assuming you're the anon Ezra keeps getting who is complaining about us pointing out his age (since I got this right after I reblogged one of those), you probably read his blog right? Considering Raxis claims to be such a great progressive ally and co-opts all that progressive language, I'd think people who follow him would understand why this is so important?
Okay, I'll be very clear, cut because this got long, I'm not repeating it ad nauseum after this post.
His gender, sexual orientation, and race wouldn't matter if he hadn't made it matter. Raxis is not only a bully, he's a bully who constantly appropriates the language of social justice. My very first direct interaction with him was literally me calling his ass out for using the murder of Roe v. Wade as a bludgeon to win a fandom argument. Which happened, like, right the fuck after that decision came down and most women in America were fucking traumatized from literally having our rights stripped from us. And I wish our relationship ended at that "apology" but he hasn't changed and he keeps doing it.
He is the one who consistently accuses me (and other women) of being misogynistic and having internalized misogyny. He is the one who consistently accuses me (and other queer folk) of being queerphobic. He is the one who accuses BWIIDT (who is mixed race) for being out of line for thinking Cap (another white man!) has written racist elements into his fic (unintentionally or not). He consistently uses our oppression as a justification for why it should be okay for him to bully us.
If you are going to use our identities as part of your justification for harassing us, then we have every right to point out that these are identities that we hold and you don't. We have every right to point out that the opinions of a cishet white man about misogyny, queerphobia, racism, etc. do not matter as much as ours because you have never fucking experienced it like we have.
The role of allies is to amplify voices in spaces where we are not respected (e.g. with other cishet white men), not to lecture marginalized people for being "bad queers" or "bad women" from your throne of privilege.
It's especially fucking slimy because he pretends to be super progressive live and in concert, but when he slinks back to his buddies he laughs at us for being upset about being misgendered:
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(Yes because you repeatedly misgendered me for months and only started correcting yourself and your anons when I called your shit out. You are literally "the misgendering type" but it's cute how you tried to act like I was being unreasonable for wanting the basic human respect of being referred to by my proper pronouns)
Accuses us of trying to hide behind "identity politics" when we're talking about the fucking oppression we face:
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(Always a great sign when a cishet white man accuses queer women of "trying to use identity politics as a shield" when they're talking about their own fucking oppression. An even better sign when a cishet white man brags about "out identity-politicking" queer women when they're telling you to stop fucking throwing their oppression back in their faces. Whining about "identity politics" whenever marginalized groups try to voice anything is frankly such an alt right dogwhistle in itself at this point and I genuinely hope he's just not aware of it.)
Bullies queer women on his side who disagree with him and try to say basically exactly what I'm saying right now. That straight men can't appropriate the language we use to describe our oppression:
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(usernames censored for the privacy of those being harassed and those not participating in harassment. This conversation has so much fucking more btw holy shit.)
Accuses me, specifically, of being "desperate to be a victim". I'll remind you I quite literally tried to give him grace despite him consistently using my oppression as a bludgeon to win stupid fucking fandom arguments and harass people (see also, the link above about me calling him out for the Roe v. Wade thing):
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(Yes, Raxis, I fucking loved pouring my heart out about how my dad would kick me out for being queer and how I've faced sexual harassment. Tee hee. I'm having soooooo much fun "being a victim". I don't 'argue', I tell you, because your horrible treatment of people and my feelings about it are not up for debate.)
And engages in racist behavior like calling being black a "multiplier" to deflect from criticism and mocking a WoC when she posts about how racism upsets her.
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(Yes Raxis, WoC tend to get "big mad" and "suffer" when they encounter racism, you ghoul. Before you ask, the blacked out part just wasn't relevant to the conversation.)
And this is just the stuff I got out of a quick keyword search because I don't want to expend that much energy on this. God only knows what else is buried in there.
This tells me you aren't actually an ally. You're an "ally" when it's convenient for you or when you think it'll make you look good, but your allyship is conditional, and the second you're "crossed" by someone you claim to champion you throw their trauma back in their faces. Not even your supposed friends are safe from it, so what chance did we have of not getting harassed by you?
"But there's queer women in the Edelgard fandom who like him!" Okay? So he can't be engaging in harmful shit just because he has a queer friend? When has "I have a [blank] friend" EVER been an actual good faith defense against criticism? News flash, we're not a monolith, and just because some women and queer folk might like you or even agree with you doesn't mean you get to tell me how I should respond to my own fucking oppression. It is not your place to accuse me, a fucking queer woman, of having "internalized misogyny" or "internalized homophobia" every time I say something you don't personally like.
Frankly, from what I've seen of their server, it's less "queer women like him" and more like "queer women are too afraid to say anything against him" because whenever they try he cries to his pro-genocide mod buddy (THAT is a whole fucking story) who threatens to ban them.
And I'm not going to add these screenshots because I feel icky airing her personal business like that so explicitly, but I do have them. The woman involved in the censored screenshots above posted, in the server, about how unsafe she felt because she'd been threatened and silenced by cishet men for trying to talk about queerphobia. She left the server entirely after that.
And let's not forget what started this: he's thirty five years old and in many cases he's pulling this shit on people who are significantly younger than him. Exceeding a decade his junior in some cases. I point that out primarily for the power dynamic inherent to that. Not only is he privileged on the basis of race, gender, and orientation, he's fully developed and he knows what he's doing. He has the privilege of age and experience.
Fuck dude, he started going after some folks on Tumblr when they were still like? 18? 19? Not children, but fucking close.
I'll be very explicit because I know he's going to take this and try to accuse me of ageism, because that's what he always does when he gets called out for appropriating the language of social justice: you are a fucking adult. You have been an adult the entire time you have been in this fandom. As an adult, it's your job to be a fucking adult in these situations. Not to verbally abuse and harass inexperienced teens and early 20 somethings because they don't agree with your video game opinions. You are a grown ass 35 year old man man who thinks he's cool because he can "beat up", "cow", and "bitch slap" teenagers and early 20 somethings who are still developing, figuring themselves out, and learning how to express themselves in an articulate manner. Many of whom are already dealing with varying levels of actual trauma based on their upbringings (abusive, hateful, uncaring, or just generally unpleasant environments) or how they've been treated because of their identity (race, class, gender, sexual orientation, mental health, disability, sometimes multiple all at once) or both. That is why I keep bringing up your age.
It is quite possibly the single most embarrassing thing I have seen someone in fandom brag about. Not even just because you did it, Raxis, but because you're proud of it and you genuinely think it makes you look cool. It's embarrassing. You're embarrassing yourself.
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insufferablemod · 10 months
do you have any tips for like... paneling? your lil comics, if i could call them that(?) with Dave are well made (to me at least) and I'd like to get into making comics! or if you know any resources that helped you. :') - sincerely, a beginner.
sorry to be answering this so late, wanted to try and give some kinda proper advice haha so what i do is i just make my posts as long as possible so that it takes up like all of ppls dash, this means they are forced to look at it and engage with it! no ok but for real, first off this is just how i do things and by no means any sort of proper tutorial or anything, most of this is prob kinda basic and intuitive stuff, but its good to be reminded of the basics and to notice why you might be doing said things intuitively so you can start doing it intentionally so how i approach things is by picking a focus panel whats the Punchline/Emotional pay off for the page/comic? and then i try and build the rest around that for actual Comics not every page is gonna have one of those ofcourse and thats fine i tend to often have to many focus panels,,,, lmao(which is why my posts end up so long,,,,) i try to group similar panels and make them smaller, it saves space, makes it so the attention goes to the more unique panels and makes things feel more sequential(or u can do like me and have too many similar panels and think, what if i just make it an animation, its just a few extra frames right,,,?<- clueless(i have done this twice now,,, the second is still a wip,,, )) heres one of my posts deconstructed using all this, id do more of them but i dont wanna make this even longer asdsd, but i think its pretty obvious to pick up on once you know the formula lol
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after that i think its mostly just clear composition and flow so things dont get confusing(like what panel(also applies to text) youre suppose to read next and such(thats easier with this cus its usually just individual panels and not full pages)) edit: oh and resources that helped me, i mostly just looked at other comics, paying attention to how the paneling was effecting the story and mood! some comics ive looked at for paneling inspo are houseki no kuni, how they play with contrast and stuff, idk theyre all just very striking, i looked at ajin at some point as well for help with some action stuff, most action shonen are also great for that 2 so yeah, just find a comic scene that has the same vibe that youre trying to get and see how they did it, finding a few and comparing and contrasting what you feel works best thats my thought process while doing stuff at least! i hope this helps at least a bit haha
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