#anon; you are adorable; i just gotta say lol 💜
breezycheezyart · 1 year
More headcanons please
Gah, you've twisted my arm!! Alright, alright, I give!! 😩
One night cycle when Shiro was roaming around the castle, he heard the most beautiful sound drifting from the supposed empty ballroom. It was Allura's singing. He would stay hidden and listen until he felt sleepy and would return to his room, keeping this secret to himself. Eventually, she catches him and they have a nice night talking about altean culture 🥰. (NOTE: If I happened to get this from a fic and just didn't remember, I apologize. I've gone full delusional for this ship, so I'm unsure which is my content and which is content I've consumed lmao)
Speaking of fics, whatever outcomes that have happened in shallura fics where they spar, have absolutely happened. Make of that what you will 😉😏 (this is a call for more shallura sparring content, including myself)
One of the perks of having a shapeshifting lover is that your spooning options expand! Wanna be Big Spoon, Little Spoon? No problem! Perfect cuddles every time.
They've definitely practiced the "Bob, THROW ME!" Incredibles Toss™. Took a couple of tries and trips to the healing pods, but they got it down and it was totally worth it!!
Shiro Stop Staring At Your Beautiful Wife Challenge Failed for the 45728394th Time. He's definitely walked into walls while doing this.
Do you ever think about how Shiro's color scheme reminds you of the night sky and Allura's is like the dawn of a new day and just sigh in your soul because they are just so perfect for each other? Yeah.
The Black Lion and Allura talk about how much of a Good Boy Shiro is. Black has also told her how much of a GIGANTIC crush Shiro had on her and how much of a struggle it was to prevent from letting him know it was reciprocated. Seriously, it was painful. Black gets a refreshed paint job and maintenance as a reward/apology.
Which is stronger: Shiro's Lovesick Puppy Eyes or Allura's Super Sad Pout? This is a hotly debated topic amongst the paladins.
Despite their best efforts to be good models for the other paladins, they end up learning curses in each other's language. Coran disapproves, until reminded that only a few shots of nunvil gets him cursing like a sailor.
Sometimes Allura's (and Coran's) ears twitch when they hear something. Shiro finds this very cute. Allura counters that Shiro's ears turn pink when flustered. He finds this less cute (which prompted said ears to, in fact, turn pink).
Shiro casually places his hand in the small of Allura's back and her brain goes brrrr
Allura scritches the back of Shiro's head and his brain goes brrrr
Shiro has Normal Feelings™ about Tollura.
Allura has Normal Feelings™ about Shiro's chest when he crosses his arms.
Spinning hugs are the best. Doesn't matter who lifts who, it's always lovely to see 💜
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I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if you could do Asahi x reader? Maybe relationship headcannons? You can have creative liberty with everything else though.
Thank you ^^
ofc Anon, happy to help ya out! This is my first time writing for Asahi, but honestly it should be pretty easy, because I’m an asahi Kinnie. Love y’all sm, if you liked this, make sure to like, follow, and if you curios, just ask
warnings: Swearing, crack, fluff? Mentions of vagina? Has one section implying a AFAB reader, but is only one paragraph. If you aren’t a pussy owner, pretend it’s a papercut it literally the same results. I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible.
status: edited, but at like 3am so read at your own risk
💜Asahi Azumane💜
💜Boyfriend Headcannons💜
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First things first, Man is so freaking shy. Like goodness, he wouldn’t be able to talk to you when he has a crush on you. So, if you want results, you have to A) Be confident, and B) be in a place he’s comfortable interacting in. Like at volleyball practice (Gia- Joden shut your ass up, your AsaNoya is showing.) So, for this let’s just imagine you’re a second year, helping Kiyoko manage the team. Yeah that sounds a lil familiar but shhhhhhhhh, let me have this.
Once we get over the hurdle of him actually asking you out (AKA Tanaka bullying him into doing with some, if you don’t do it, I will,) Be gotta be the biggest sweetie ever. Like I’m used to writing for assholes, but I physically cannot with this man, this pure sweet chipotle bowl of a man. The most shit I can say is that he’s a pussy.
Please. For the love of God (Gia- You called?) Play with his hair. He will literally melt like butter into a blushy slushy mess it’s so freaking adorable.
The literal epitome of pit bull energy. Like so freaking terrifying on the outside but inside? Literally the softest thing since Japanese pancakes. And because of this, mfs be terrified to talk to you. Like even if he’s so polite, things don’t change. What he says- “Hi, I’m sure you didn’t know, but that’s my partner , and it looks like you’re making them very uncomfortable, could you please leave them alone.? Thank you! 🌸☺️🌸” What people hear- “Aye yo, what ya doing with my girl buddy? You tryna start something, I’ll fucking kick your ass *insert Tanaka face*”. Yeah, it’s a common occurrence for people to tell you to blink twice if you need help.
Even though he’s canonically not planning on going to college, he’s still above average in school work. Not really in terms of analysis and problem solving, so his best subjects are stuff he can just memorize like science or History. If you happen to be weak in either of those, he would be more than happy to help after practice or during weekends. He’s super patient with you and often suggests snack breaks and other things whenever it gets to much. (Because of that he’s also really good at helping you through panic attacks, more on that if I do a part 2.)
In terms of cringe, the cringiest thing y’all do would be like seriously basic couples costumes. And I ain’t talking joker and Harley Quinn type bs (that fr can be cute sometimes,) I’m talking moth and lamp type shit. I know it’s probably adorable to some of yall but it gives me the serious ick.
Speaking of the Ick, man uses the most horrendous nicknames unironocally. He doesn’t do it all the time (especially after Tanaka nearly pissed himself after hearing him trying to be tender.) like I can just hear him saying, “Hey muffin, can you grab my bag from the club room? I have to help clean up.” (Gia- joden ewwwwww stop it that’s literally so gross.)
reads you the Bible
Yall know that one comic where it’s like killer croc and his girlfriend walking around and she tells him how much she loves him and how safe he makes her feel? Yeah that’s literally yall and it’s so precious. Like just imagine walking anywhere and everywhere holding pinkies (my gay lol heart is melting) while he’s just being a blushy mess.
Noya is the main wingman, but still doesn’t know on how how you got together. His idea of friendly advice is, “QUICK BEING W PUSS AND ASK THEM OUT LIKE A MAN ASAHI😤.”
Regardless of if you are a titty owner or not, please don’t take your shirt off around him, he will literally malfunction.He will literally have an aneurysm. Like mans nosebleeds will rock him like a rocket. Like man will be in the morgue from blood loss. And we still need this man for cuddles, so no. Kill the spike not your boyfriend, can i get an amen 🙏?
He is the most precious fluffy boyfriend possible. Like he’s the sweetest of all beans. Like you could ask him to murder someone and he’lll just be like, “Yes Sweetie anything you say dear 🌸🥰🌸.” Kinda like Gojo in that one jjk scene (the I’ll murder you one)
he loves restaurant dates, but like don’t take him anywhere who only has spicy food. I love this man with all my might, but he is a serious pussy. Like my goodness has the gracious. And he won’t even say anything about it. My poor baby will just suffer in silence. So please don’t, he’s a poor baby.
This one’s for all my long hair honeys. One word. Hairties. Hairties Galore. He never has enough. And he always has them at the ready. But on the unlikely chance he doesn’t, he has no problem using your scrunchies during a game, and it’s seriously the softest marshmallow man move ever. I can not emphasize it enough.
ok this man if the favorite of all of his younger cousins. Like the little dudes love just climbing on them. He physically cannot say no to them. So, what’s something they force him to do? Watch Disney princess movies with them. He knows all their names trust. His top three definitely Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella, trust me on this.(Gia- fuck sukuna, Asahi x Cinderella for life lol) He gives the most insane Disney adult energy it’s insane. (Gia- joden, chill with the slander mate).
He is a living random fact generator. No I will not elaborate. He watches that kind of YouTube shorts. He’s so boring I swear to fuck.
(I had to Make Gia write this lol) This one is for all my pussy people. He gotta be the most worried individual on this side of the nuthouse whenever you’re bleeding. Like the second he hears your on the cycle it’s, “OMG ARE YOU OK, ARE YOU DYING? OMG MY GIRLFRIENDS DYING, HELP WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE DOCTORS! PLEASE DONT DIE ON ME BABY! DO YOU NEED PADS, HEATING PADS, IBUPROFEN, CHOCOLATE!?ILL GET YOU THAT, THE VERY BEST BEST QUALITY-” please shut him tf up. He’s gonna have a panic attack, please calm him down,
for us non pussy personas, just imagine you got a paper-cut. He literally acts the same way.
For my final big thing, ima just give ya’ll little addicts exactly what yall came here for: Crack. (Also yes a changed some lyrics, I ain’t about to whitewash no characters)
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
*Literally everyone is gay in this show so I’m not including this verse*
all- Sausage!
Asahi- hagsaggecgedhurdgiitg
all- Sausage!
Saiko- Big tits, and I’m thick so you know I take
all- Sausage!
Kuroo- Yeah I read but but they’re all about
All- Sausage! Sa-Sa-Sa-Sausage, Sausage
kiyoko- I like girls, can I still take sausage?
bro I ain’t gon lie, I had so much fun writing this, but I’m sorry I took so long Anon, I love all of yall so much, but I also am smack in the middle of exam season, and you’re boy needs his degree. If y’all love this, then feel free to ask for more, it’s free, and like and follow me. Love y’all lil freaks,
Joden (edited by Gia)
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illustratedartist · 1 year
Hey there~
I gotta say I absolutely adore your style and your character designs especially for the Rogues!
I was just curious to how you would feel if people were to draw your designs?
I totally get it if it makes you uncomfortable, I just wanted to ask and make sure it was okay!
Hope you're having a great day/night! Sorry if any of this came off weird lol
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This was the SWEETEST thing to see today, Anon!! 🥰
Thank you so much for your kind words, and thank you for asking! You didn't come off weird at all don't worry lol!
But I'm 100% A-OK with anyone wanting to draw the rogues how I drew them! I would actually be extremely flattered!! 💫💜 I hope you have a great Day/Night as well!!! 😊
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1d1195 · 8 months
I am a SUCKER for a good love at first sight moment! And it’s mixed with a classic Friends to lovers trope?!! And it’s based in a college setting(will for sure be living through them!) AND BOTH ARE HOPELESS ROMANTICS?!?!?😭 HELLO?!?! THIS IS HITTING SO WELL ALREADY!!!
ngl with how Harry is like obsessed with finding his person anywhere/anytime, it reminded me of the Harry that you wrote about in your soulmates fic. I don’t remember the name at the moment but their little tattoo/mark thing was a coffee/tea cup and both were also hopeless romantics! Anyways I love when characters are like that bc honestly at heart I am one too lol and the bumping into each other moment was just too good! I AM EATING THIS UP!
Oh and him waiting for her after class to walk together is just CUTE! Oh and you know I love me some jealous Harry so when the MC was talking to that class friend was just so 🤭 plus she’s her! And her little quirks that she has is just adorable like giving him candy, those terrible(in a good way) jokes she’s made, and THE SMORES comment omg 😭 oh amd you know what’s wild a good friend of mine that I met in my first year of college, our friendship began because she actually EMAILED me about being friends/study buddies?! ANWAYSS and her not being use to the cold is so me I fear if I lived anywhere outside of California I would suffer for sure, I start freezing when it hits 65 degrees😭
BUT the little info about her parents meeting on campus and she kinda hopes to do the same(we already know she has!) IS JUST PERFECT!
I probably didn’t make any sense and probably missed so much but ahhhh very much loved reading this! I’m always so in awe of how much ideas you have that are just so creative and wonderful to read! Thank you bestie, you know I love you!-💜
I'm so glad you're in love already 😭💕😍
Our twin-telepathy is in full force. I am also a sucker for love at first sight. Friends to lovers? say less. College? even better! As I've mentioned before, I'm a total nerd and if $$ was no object I would be a student for life just collecting degrees. I'm def a hopeless romantic myself too, in case you couldn't tell 😉
I had an anon say I would write soulmates really well and I don't want to say I agree because I do get the feeling my stories are a little cookie cutter, BUT i do LIKE writing about soulmates. I will continue to let y'all decide if it's good or not hehehe
I'm glad you like jealous Harry, he'll be back I think 🤭 I also did the whole email someone in the class--have actually, several times. Gotta draw from experience on some of this, y'know. I cannot relate about the cold. The part of her about hating the heat that's ALL me. i get so cranky. 50 degrees out and my window is OPEN.
I am so appreciative of you always taking time to comment on the little things I add to my writing. I like to think of them as little sprinkles but they can totally get lost in the shuffle so it's always nice to see someone saw them 💕
Enjoy your weekend!
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hi!! it's that one wandavision anon! (sry if this becomes too long lol)
so, I had these thoughts that involve parallels Maguire!Peter Parker/Spiderman and Black Cat + Wanda and Vision, not as individual characters but as partners/a couple. I adore wanda and vision and I'm REALLY LOVING this peter parker (personally my fav Peter Parker/Spiderman in general) and this version on Y/N so it got me thinking and i think there might be some parallels, couple wise.
first off, in my opinion, both vision and peter seem to have brought a good side of sorts to their partners. I mean, in age of Ultron, wanda started off as, dont wanna use the word villain but she started off as not wanting to be used for the greater good. she didnt like the avengers. however, she grew from her experiences and, even with some wise words from vision himself too, she eventually became a hero. (I would say anti-hero but I dont know if that works) with what you've been hinting from Y/N's past (and maybe for the prequel 👀), it seems as though she started off in a similar position, at least as black cat, she didnt like the whole "good girl" act, she liked tease and sometimes brought out her bad side. even as just Y/N without the suit, she still had her moments. peter himself swooped her in and eventually brought some good in her.
I also think that a few lines between vision and wanda can be paralled between Y/N and Peter. one is from avengers: infinity war in which vision tells wanda "you could never hurt me." now, I know that in that scene vision (spoilers I guess) does end up dying in the hands of wanda BUT she didnt want to however it was something that had to be done because he asked her too. I know peter is still alive of course but even with that line we can see slight moments of oh! what if she did accidentally hurt him? what if he hurt her (which I think you hinted at but he DID NOT mean to)? they probably could never forgive themselves for hurting the one they love. another good line is from captain America: civil war where wanda asks vison what he wants, in which he states, "for people to see you as I do." favorite line there because he's willing to see that there is good in her and we just know that there's gotta be some good in Y/N. I could see younger!Maguire peter saying that when he first gets close with Y/N (Black Cat) and even later on when their both older, he might return back to that and remind her.
anywayyyy, I know this is already long and I dont know if you see the same parallels but I just adore both pairings so much and thought I'd give an analysis and my thoughts on that. as I said before, you're doing great with the series and I'm excited to see more from the too! (maybe even a few oneshots down the line) 💜💜💜💜
Hi again love ! I really enjoyed reading this and definitely see what you’re saying of the parallels between the two. Breaking it down as you did, I can completely see how some dynamics between Wanda & Vision apply with Peter and Y/n. I’m also a sucker for Wanda & Vision 🥺
So yes some of the things I’ve hinted at are true & will be more explained when I do the prequel series that follows the events of Tobeys Spider-Man movies. This is where I’ll go full in depth on Y/ns background, how she became black cat (which will follow the comic character mostly so I will include trigger warnings when I get to those chapters but I won’t be making anything explicit it will just be implied) & how she and Peter met, became friends and eventually lovers.
I have a lot planned and I’m really excited to get started on that which will answer everything I’ve hinted at & those comparisons you made will more than likely be more revealed. And thank you for enjoying the series and definitely stay tuned cause more is coming. 🤍
Thank you for sending me your thoughts! and again I totally see where your coming of with the parallels. If I do a extra chapter bringing the concept of WandaVision, I’ll make sure to link your analysis with it ♥️
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themusicsweetly · 5 years
Hi! Could you do a top 10 these goobers love each other moments divided in a top 5 Cait moments and top 5 Sam moments? I woke up today missing their cute moments...
Hello there, Anon! Thanks for the ask!
Seriously, I love this ask so much. I was telling my GC that it’s asks like these that make me not regret keeping my inbox open, so thanks for that 😄
But also. This was a difficult question LOL. There are just so many little moments that I love and that I think show their Goobery Love™ so it’s hard to pinpoint just 5 for each. But hopefully you enjoy these moments I did pick and that it satisfies your cute moments craving! I know it certainly did mine 😊
5 Caitriona Moments (numbered, but not ranked)
1) The Look of Adoration. I’ve said before that this Fresno Bee vid is one of the very first ones I watched of them and it’s also the one that gave me pause because of the heart eyes Caitriona Mary Balfe is throwing at Sam Roland Heughan. Just look at that. She always listens to him so intently and with so much clear adoration and even after 6 years together and many of the same things said over and over again she’s still as invested in what he says as she has been from the beginning. 
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2) The Origin Story. Whenever Caitriona talks about their chemistry test, she always emphasizes how good Sam made her feel and how instantaneously comfortable she felt with him. That connection and bond is so very evident when you watch the test video. This SAG interview always was very telling to me and has stuck in my mind for years since:
“I walked in and Sam was just this calm center in the room and there was zero posturing and zero ego. And I remember we just immediately started chatting about Scotland and I had friends who lived there. It was just like an old friend… I think we have a similar approach to life and we have a similar approach to acting. It just works… Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes the stars align.”
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3) The Look of Pride. ECCC 2017 was a GEM. There were so many absolutely fantastic moments and it was just so much fun for everyone, both attending and at home watching. Honestly, I think it might be one of the best Cons they’ve done. But the one moment that makes this list is when Sam was asked about MPC and he began describing what the program has accomplished thus far. She looked so incredibly proud of all of it and so ridiculously proud of that man, just as the President and Founder of the SRH Fan Club always is.
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4) Cheer Squad. This is one of my favorite SamCait photos and moments of all time. The fact that Caitriona just sat outside with a homemade sign around her neck waiting for Sam to pass by during his LA Marathon run makes me emo, y’all. And I think it’s even more telling that she later tried to brush it off as her just rolling out of bed and going outside to greet him. The only part of that story I believe is the croissant LOL xD I’ll throw every single one my pennies to the person who can get me a pic of her sign that day!
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5) The Good One. “He’s a good man.” “He’s perfect.” “I admire Sam’s big heart.” For as much teasing as she does (they both do, really) there’s endless amounts of praise and compliments she has about this man. There is no one who has more confidence, more faith, or more support for him than she does. But of course, gotta take the piss outta him to keep him grounded 😂💜
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5 Sam Moments (numbered, but not ranked)
1) “To dress Caitriona is not difficult, she looks great in virtually everything.” I love the fact that he said this, but I love even more the proof of his believe in this statement even more! We see this all the time, from BAFTA last year to the Season 1 premiere to this Golden Globe moments, which is another favorite SamCait pic for me. To make an internationally successful, highly sought after model look as if this is the first person to every pay her a compliment? HEART. EYES.
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2) FvF’s Freelance Marketer. Who needs a PR department when you have Sam plugging FvF basically any chance he can get?? Not just all the likes and RTs, and comments, but the fact that he took the opportunity to talk about FvF when he was asked unrelated questions about himself. His pride in that woman shines through every single time.
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3) Best Dressed. If Caitriona’s chemistry test story always features her “calm center” impression, then Sam’s always features Caitriona’s dress. What an impression she must have made on him walking in and blowing them all away if he remembers the plaid dress she was wearing that day! Magic, literally right from the very first second.
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4) Home Away From Home. I just found this comment so sincere and sweet. Caitriona has often talked about being like a vagabond, mostly living out of her suitcase when she was modelling and then when she first started Outlander with very little notice. So to come to this point after all these years where they both feel like she’s found a home in Scotland is just so beautiful. Bonus points for the hand pat + squeeze!!
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5) Laughter is the Best Medicine. If ECCC was their best Con, then this FB Q+A might be their best interview ever 😂😂😂 I only meant to watch this one part so I could make this GIF, but ended up watching all 15 minutes instead LOL. Anyway. This moment has always been on of my favorite parts of the entire Q+A. Not only is Caitriona ADORABLE here, but Sam being so concerned over something so small is just touching to see! He basically checks with her 4 times to make sure she’s alright. But at the same time, he obviously is doing what he loves doing best: making sure she stays laughing! The fact that he loves seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, and making sure she’s doing both as often as he can is my favorite thing about him. Periodt. 
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Thanks again for the ask, Anon! This was fun 💜💜💜
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1d1195 · 1 year
Hi! I have FINALLY found time to fully give my attention to Protection and read part 6! AND it was also a super nice surprise to see you posted another new piece today, which I most definitely read as well! So I’m going to talk about those two but if it’s too long you don’t have to read it, it’s okay!
Protection: Where do I even BEGIN!?!? Overall this chapter was perfection! I love how you give us glimpses of how domestic their dynamic has become and them getting to know normal little things about each other! The scene of them decorating a Christmas tree together was so adorable yet I felt so sad for her because of how much she was wishing her mother to be there so she could experience Harry :( But Harry comforting her and them having another vulnerable moment together warmed my heart! Now THEIR FIRST FUCKING KISS!?!? I GASPED!!! It was such a them moment, her being so cute and happy and rambling while Harry was just so in awe of her and proud, you painted the perfect scene!!!!(and it so so hot btw) He called her kitten while he was basically teasing her and making her talk… HES INANSE! especially when he was kissing her and telling her he wants her but it’s protocol yet he was all up on her!? He was so annoying, in a cute way obviously! Also him calling her out on faking it was so hot to me and it just something bodyguardrry would say lol I can only hope this man asks her out on his day off!
Right Here: OMG I LOVE THEM ANS I ABSOLUTELY WOULD LOVE TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM!!! You are absolutely a GOD meshing all of the favorite and classic tropes together and still making the flow of the story go so smoothly! The tropes fit SO well and they didn’t feel forced at all! Harry being “sunshine” and hopelessly in love with her from the start but with the “miscommunication” trope they were not able to express their feelings towards each other 😭 brilliant honestly! And I was so devastated that she experienced something so horrible due to the slide incident and honestly I can understand how much that affected her! And the fact that she was still made to feel like SHE was the problem and weird was just so sad :( But once they talked it out my heart leaped so much I was ROOTING FOR THEM! When Harry said “I had a feeling y’couldn’t keep it up forever. And I’d wait forever for you, beautiful”, I DIED! This is so simple yet I find it so meaningful because even after all this time he’s just being their for HER and just wanting to have her in her most raw and vulnerable self is just so wonderful too read about and it hit close to home! Also when he said “Your leggings?” He smiled mischievously. ‘M’almost jealous of ‘em touching all of your legs.’ I GIGGLED because it was good ngl! If any other man said this to me it would be gross but NOT WITH HARRY! I loved it so much and I hope if you ever feel inspired to give an extra please do!
Also I saw what that mean anon said, FUCK THEM! Yes constructive criticism is allowed and having their own opinion is valid but not when it’s laced with the intention to hurt the person, I genuinely believe that they didn’t even fully read it because it was no used too many times! I love love LOVE your nicknames in your stories! It has made me love nicknames more in general! Plus it’s unique to you and I come to your blog because of what YOU create and it’s just so beautiful-💜
Okay I've been anxiously awaiting to hear your thoughts 💕 There isn't an ask you can send that I wouldn't read, I don't care how long it is. You took the time to read almost ~10k of nonsense that I wrote, I'd read whatever you have to say 💕
I am SO glad you liked the next installment of protection! I really liked writing this part. I'm def a Christmas girl (and a momma's girl) so I gotta throw all that in at every chance I get. I couldn't make them wait any longer to kiss but I really, really truly believe Mr. Protocol wouldn't push too much further than they did (and I honestly had a nice long mental battle with myself that what he did was too much anyway!)
Of course I'm glad you liked Right Here too! I don't think there's anything Harry could say to me that I would find gross which is probably a problem but it makes for great writing. I think he could punch me in the face and I'd probably thank him. They were really fun to write about and I thought Harry was actually quite adorable if I'm allowed to say that about myself. I liked making her grumpy and nervous because I thought Harry would be a really nice balance--I thought of him jumping all around stage and it just made so much sense. I think I saw another request to hear more about them. I'll have to see what I can think of lol
Honestly, your other ask about me using kitten to signify they're soulmates (which I realize I didn't do in Right Here but we're going to pretend because obviously) was the first thing I thought of when I got that other message. But honestly I'm glad you didn't feel like it was used too many times. I went back and glanced it over and thought I actually might have but maybe it's because I was bummed about it.
Anyway. I adore you as always and I am SO glad you took the time to write this message <3
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