#another rant wohoo
milkywayan · 1 year
As I rewatch all the historical farm docus again (i looove them so this is not a critique of hate but of love), there is something I think I have to point out, especially for people who are not as obsessed with this stuff as I am
They are talking about the british perspective.
Many things they say are correct for their geographical area, but not true for the rest of europe. and i have to say, sometimes they do get stuff about the rest of europe wrong (e.g. Ruth talks about the possibility of a woman having her own business in medieval england, saying that was not the case in the rest of europe, which is factually wrong as we, for example, have sources of women inheriting and running their own business in medieval vienna, and having important positions in guilds)
Also, they also once state that wine was expensive and a luxory, not adding 'in britain' and stating it as a fact, while this is of course not the case for a lot of regions with a lot of vinyards. going with the vienna example again, which is in a basin surrounded by low hills which are covered in vineyards since probably roman times (they still are today). there was even a ban of brewing beer comercially within the city to have people drink wine. it was generally not expensive
they also state people in the medieval times did not wash... which is also wrong. idk about england, i am not an expert, but we have a lot of german sources of paintings showing people in baths (not only nobles), there were loads of communal bath houses in medieval cities that show up in documents and in archaeological finds, there are references in literature (e.g. Parzival from the late 12th century, he is taught that he should wash every time after taking off his armour and he is full body washing himself regularly). They were not as cleanly as we are today, sure, but they knew with dirt came disease, they thought that bad smells carried disease, so why on earth would they not clean themselves?
so yea, i am of course speaking from a different geographical area, i focus on central europe/german sources and idk a lot about britain. but it is important to not just lump 'medieval europe' into one big pot
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Tell me a few things you love about Wessa!
Ahhh another ask from my fav Shadowhunter blogger! Wohoo! These are the first two things that comes to my head. But there are MORE ;)
Their dark academia aesthetic
The Dark academia aesthetic of their relationship. Now while this may come across as superficial, its more then just "loving books". It's the chaise and adventure they find in books that they then live by in their real lives. How they challenge each other in a conversation and insider jokes they share tethered in the novels they consume. Let the other rant about their favourite things and celebrate novels that invite the reader into more journeys beyond just their own. And the way they talk about characters, morals and plots as experiences and people they know almost intimately. How their choice of words matters, and they are economical about their feelings. Dark over light academia bc London is a dank dark city ahaha. And they feel well deep rather than feather light.
Their timeless love
Somewhat still related to novels, but I feel like what Cassandra Clare did with Wessa was the melting pot of all our favourite literary tropes/heroines in classical literature. Which gives it a sense of timelessness and makes them feel like they are 'endgame'.
I wrote previously that Tessa is the perfect blend between Jane Eyre and Elizabeth Bennet. She retains Jane Eyre’s contemplativeness, slight shyness, physical features, dry sarcasm and strong sense of self-actualisation. But also Elizabeth’s wildness, snappiness, boldness, passionate love and will for happiness, all without the arrogance that came with Austen’s heroine.
Meanwhile Will's darker side reminds me of Mr. Darcy in how he pushes those he loves away. John Thornton from North and South who is set in his ways slightly stalkerish (i'm a sucker for the stalker trope sorry not sorry) Will retains the mystery of Edward Rochester, where there is more depth to him that meets the eye and heck even Tessa says at one point that his mood swings remind him of the treacherous Heathcliff. Most of all he reminds me of Alexander from The Bronze Horseman (which only came out in the 90's but technically it came out before TID and is already considered a classic). Alexander and Will overlap in how they sacrifice their love and longing for a greater peace (War and to not upset a family) all for the love of their other one. They are deeply flawed and challenge the reader on their tolerance for forgiveness .
“I love you. I’m blind for you, wild for you. Sick with you. I told you that our first night together when I asked you to marry me, I am telling you now. Everything that’s happened to us, everything, is because I crossed the street for you. I worship you. You know that through and through…” (The Bronze Horseman)
“Alexander, you broke my heart. But for carrying me on your back, for pulling my dying sled, for giving me your last bread, for the body you destroyed for me, for the son you have given me, for the twenty-nine days we lived like Red Birds of Paradise, for all our Naples sands and Napa wines, for all the days you have been my first and last breath, for Orbeli- I will forgive you. ” (The Summer Garden).
And you find you can, because their love and longing for their partner is almost holy and like a religion to them. Those we love the most, hurt us the most, but in turn, they are also those who deserve the most grace and Mercy. If not for them, then for who?
"You are not the last dream of my soul. You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth." (Clockwork Prince).
This, coupled with the stakes of their relationship then as a unite (and also separately) echos a timber that reminds me of the setting we find in 19th century Russian literature (but with an HEA tysm CC my heart can't take it). This tragic longing we see in Anna Karenina where any choice Tessa makes she looses something in the same breath. The high apocalyptic war torn feel of War and Peace alongside the feeling of doom you get right at Chapter 1 in Clockwork Angel like we did in Crime and Punishment, when Raskolnikov kills a man, and it's all downhill from there.
CC wrote these two with the aim that they remain true to the history of their time, but blended it in with fresh modern air for us to be able to relate to and TRULY succeed. Who knew a historical romance about two book lovers could escalate so highly in the ranks? Now while they are so high up in the ranks of GOAT-ed couples in literature, they aren't without their flaws. Mainly not bc of the narrative or the character's choices but more to do with CC's discontinuation of their story linearly past TID. But that's a different ask for another time and tbh, that's where I seek out lovely fanfictions like the ones you create in order to fill in the blind spots CC didn't fill.
Thank you for this ask! I hope this was worth the read ILY @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone♡
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Artistic Credit: Cassandra Jean
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gerrimime · 4 years
Thoughts post the chapter 63 of the fairy tail 100 year quest
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*breathes deeply*
Ok so the new chapter for fairy tail 100 year quest  finally came out and when I saw the cover I literally was sooo freaking hyped ( due to the nalu obviously) but then I read it and was like …
Oh well that was short.
First let’s talk about the positives..
JERZA that’s all !!! I mean they fully, greatly, totally deserved it and I am glad that now finally they can move to somewhere solid. That being said jerza is probably the only couple who was in terms with their feelings for the LONGEST time. They didn’t have much moments but they both knew their love for each other heck they almost even kissed (while others here are like yay we hugged, yipee) The only thing keeping them was jellal’s guilt and now that it is outta the way … jerza can happen scratch that it IS happening. Its amazing and I ain’t complaining 😊 good for you jellal.
And now my actual rant..
Gale is adorable but they now have their happy ending of sorts they love each other, are happy and are about to have a baby, and from the earlier chapter gajeel’s slight insecurities were also dealt with beautifully.. now they can roll in here and there with small moments and that’d be enough... I mean getting married would be the only new development for them but I don’t think it’ll change much relationship and story wise.
 Gruvia …. HUH…they make me want to die like wtf are you guys doing… juvia is so patient I swear.. Gray you know what, you are really being unfair . the amount of development gruvia had during the alvarez arc was already so huge that gray should have kept his promise and given her a straight answer like ….just..ahhhh..it would have been nice to see them develop while being in a commited relationship. Its so aggravating just talking about it.. in this series they literally had 3 whole chapters with gruvia being the focus .. like lets ignore the would be’s of alvarez arc ending ;after the rain hill chapter gray should have confessed like this is too much .. and now too in this chapter they are like hehhehehe we’re hugging wohoo.( well at lest he isn’t swatting her away now but still..like…uhhh)
i’m honestly bored. I love the couple but its gone too far they literally sacrificed themselves for the other; honestly if the next time they don’t kiss/become official when they share a moment I wouldn’t even give a tiny little damn about it…. its too frustrating and outstretched. Seriously like when gray pulled juvia towards himself in the ice and water chapter I wasn’t even moved I was ok …anything else…
Huuhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuu…. I’ll shutup about them now; honestly now I feel like they take up and waste precious panels that could be used for another ship or for the story in general with their lack of development. I don’t wanna ruin this ship for myself but its starting to happen now. Gray’s acknowledgement is great and all but it has too little impact after all this time. He’s telling juvia to wait since forever....I swear if it wasn’t for juvia, gray would die alone( got a little dark there but idk anymore).
 Now finally NALU . mashima is literally killing me with this I don’t even.. I cant even express myself rationally now. Nalu had one only ONE freaking panel with some concrete development  at the end of chapter 22 and it didn’t really develop into anything big later too.. I feel like they have the purest bond out of any other goddamn ship and have gone through so much together and done so much for each other.
But no matter how much they fight for one another, support one another it’s never direct.. or discussed about. Literally anytime they have a major moment either one of them is in a death battle hanging to life or just plainly out of their senses. They always know it’s the other who supported and helped them (which is soo pure ..i’m crying)  but they are also apart during these crucial moments… natsu was almost dead .. lucy saved him but they never freaking talked about it or felt the other’s emotions first-hand. Eg: gruvia; they sacrificed themselves for each other but they had their interaction then and there. Heck gale confessed in similar situations. nalu really needs something huge and literally thrown to their faces considering that they are the BIGGEST dorks and the densest people out there when it comes to realizing the severity of their relationship….. sure let’s say that they are slightly aware but they really need a push to reach that level..
Seeing the cover I really hoped at least there could be a silent epiphany from at least  natsu’s side but …I’m honestly disappointed..
I really hope If mashima is playing the whole best for last card they better go through some realization and moments and stuff.. cause if at the literal last chapters they are like suddenly confessing and shit then … I don’t even know what to say I am already near tearing up just writing this and thinking about it - they deserve way too much than a downright plain out of the blue confession…. *really holding back tears here*(though whatever happens i’ll take it cause those babies deserve each other)
Let’s see what happens up next in the 100 year quest. Ships aside I really am enjoying the story overall and excited about the new character and the new arc but seeing how their relations are such a key factor in the story ( as they should be..) I cant help but think about it .. its been way too god damn long already.
ALSO..i REALLY really don’t want them to do any villain turned good shit with the white wizard..seeing how they are foreshadowing.. some mystery over her character .. i don’t want her to have a sob story and then suddenly turn good.. i want her to be the evil messed up person she is and go freaking die!!( yeah yeah im a bit dramatic)
this rant is over now..
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serendipitous-posts · 3 years
wHILE on the other hand we've 3-E? they don't walk on roads, no luv that's for peasants, they jump from one roof to the other, that episode where they scaled that huge hill (rock?) to get the antidote??
if 3-E were to be given quirks, imagine the power they'll hold
ALSO THAT BIT WERE BAKUGOU GETS SHREDDED BY 3-E?? i can imagine the pin drop silence that follows his threat and then slowly 3-E gathers around him (karma is leading the pack you can't convince me otherwise) with the most obnoxious smiles on their faces LIKE WOHOO ANOTHER ASSASSINATION
i am sorry if i ranted too much-
Because yes, 1A does physical work and yes they’re good at fighting but these guys? These guys have done nothing but combat training. They were trained in the freaking WILDERNESS not some big fancy school where all their needs were met.
And look. Look. Like I said, there is a stigma against quirkless, and I’m willing to bet MOST of the group have internalized it. Hell, Izuku himself probably has. He wanted to be a hero but was only capable of doing so when he got a quirk. They definitely think 3E are helpless. Maybe they heard stories from the other 3 classes if they’re there and don’t really wanna spend time around a bunch of ‘no-good delinquents’
3E would treat 1A with such contempt, relying so much on their quirks. Where’s the guns? Where’s the blades? Where’s the twenty step plan in how to extract yourself?
These guys would jump out the windows of top story buildings to practice their landing technique, would absolutely try to kill each other to make sure the other is on their game. Have no problem breaking other peoples bones and slitting throats.
TLDR: Bakugou would have the fear of god put into him
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ishaare · 5 years
hiii, how have you been? life update please?!!!
I have been great!!!!
oh man lol Life has been like a roller coaster but in a good way!!  Not sure how many would be interested so I would keep my long rant under the cut lmao
Ok so I am going to categorize it
Ok so married life is great! We just celebrated our first marriage anniversary on the 10th! Wohoo!!
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We celebrated in Cuba! We didn’t go to our honeymoon after we got married. We were in India and I didn’t want to take away my husband’s (we shall call him J) time from his parents. We see his parents, may be every two years. And if we have went on our honeymoon, he would only have one  week with his parents. And I wouldn't want that for them or him.
We thought we will go after we come back to Canada. But I didn't have any job back then because I had recently graduated. I didn’t feel like going on vacation when I was struggling to find a job lol
And we had moved out recently after living in shared apartment so I had to look for something to do. I found a job after three months but it was an odd job and I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing. After another three months, I found my dream job, which was to work in a hospital! Amazing staff and management, but downside, Causal position so hardly any hours. We want to buy a house in a year or two and for that I need a full time hours. So fast forward to November, your girl got  interview from another hospital 
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yes, that’s exactly how proud I was^^
Because it is apparently hard to get into hospital here.  Now I am in training and I have ridiculous schedule for next month where I will be working 15 days straight o.o
So anywayyyy, honeymoon was great heheheh
Definitely much deserved vacation and anniversary well spent!! Not to sound cheesy, but staying with J is like being on vacation itself :”) We share our responsiblities, be in cooking or cleaning; Always a partner. But when I am on my periods, he doest even let me lift a finger, it’s actually so sweet :”) ok I will stop bragging about him lol 
Education and .......a baby o.o
Two very opposite topics, I am going to talk about..together 
I am very happy with what I am doing right now. But it wasn't what I wanted to do for last 4 years. I have been trying to get into college/Uni for longest time for what I wanted to do but call it my shitty luck, I always end up in waiting list and then college/uni never contact me. This was before I got married and couple of months ago, I applied one last time with J’s encouragement. He wants me to chase my dreams and do what I actually want to do. He pushed me to try one more time. Because to be honest, I was done. And I am very happy with what I do right now. and I do feel content with it. 
Now on other hand, my mom has started that baby talk. I can’t even begin how frustrating it is. So if I go for studies, Baby plan gets put on hold and my mom will have a panic attack because omg I will be nearing 30 lmao 
(That would be in next couple of years lol) but you know desi moms
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^^^my mom’s exact reaction would be this liol
I didn't tell her that I have applied for further studies because again, panic attack.
She thinks it has been three years for J and I but technically, two years of engagement and one year of marriage. She thinks it’s perfect time to think about baby. To be honest, I do not blame her to think like that. In their time, they had kids within one or two years of marriage but it’s so different now. I do want to have a baby before I am 30 but that time hasn’t come yet. Also, I want to be financially stable to provide for a baby and emotionally available. Because having a baby, it’s such a big responsibility. Then there is a house factor, we both want our child to grow up in a house. There is so many things to consider ahhh
On other hand, my in-laws are chill, especially my mother-in law. Chillest saas ever. She talks to me like a daughter and treats me like one too. She has never pressured me for anything.  :’) And same in with father-in-law, I am the priority and then his son tehee
Blessed to have both of them :’) and blessed to have a husband like J :’D
Ok I am done ranting lol
man it feels like old times when I used to share my life stories, ahh thank you Anon :’) 
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keprambles · 5 years
(GoT) Theon Greyjoy | A Stark by TheGaroStudios Artist notes: "You are a Greyjoy and... You are a Stark" I've been meaning to do a tribute about Theon for awhile. I think the character arch of Theon is by far one of the best ones in the show. I don't think we really appreciate him as a character and I hope with this we can all see where he comes from and where he'll end up. and we must also underline Alfie Allen's acting. He is just amazing. WOHOO! Game of Thrones is back !!  My notes: I like this video but have a huge problem with the premise and that is not related to how good the video is. I know a lot of people like this premise and value it intensely so, I will put my opinion below a cut.  It’s SUPER LONG. 
I like any well put together Theon video. That said, thematically I don’t love this one even if I love the art. IMO Theon’s relationship to the Starks is the least important and interesting thing about him. I dislike the idea that redemption for what he did to them is the core of his arc because redemption, to me, is worthless. You can’t live your life looking for forgiveness you may never achieve. You should always do better. You should do your best not to hurt people who are close to you but you cannot and should not make their forgiveness your purpose. (mini real life rant)(mini real life rant)(mini real life rant)(mini real life rant) You will lose. Even if they forgive you, you will lose. I promise you this. I saw this A LOT in rehab. I went to inpatient care for severe alcoholism and have been sober since like 2014. While I was there I saw a lot of people try and 12 Step it, and like that works for lots of people but the people it failed for were the ones who NEEDED to be forgiven for the TERRIBLE shit they did in active addiction.  You cannot take back the terrible things you do. You cannot ever do enough good to guarantee forgiveness. No one actually even owes it to you. If you make it the core of your life, you may never achieve it and if you do you’d be shocked at how empty that feeling actually is.  You are way better off changing your behavior for yourself. Or in my case you adopt a dog and you do it for your dog. The point is you look to the future and present and not the past. It is 3000x more productive. I do not buy Jon Snow’s “You’re a Greyjoy and Stark” changing Theon’s behavior. I do think it’s what he wanted to hear...But like...It’s stupid. Theon was going to save Yara anyway, that’s why he wanted to talk to Dany.  (mini real life rant)(mini real life rant)(mini real life rant)(mini real life rant) Also the Starks kinda sucked: 1.They  to war with Theon’s family (I know Balon started it) 2. Killed members of his family in said war and destroyed huge parts of his home. 3. Ripped him from the only home he ever knew, without taking A SINGLE Iron man with them because the point was to brainwash Theon into becoming a more palatable “Stark-like” lord. This under the excuse of him being a “Ward” but he was NOT a ward. Wards don’t have to stay with their foster family until their father DIES. Wards don’t live under fear of “honorable execution” from age 10 onwards.  4. Theon would have been killed if Balon ever rebelled again. Ned thinking this was an actual deterrent was stupid, Balon was FINE with losing Theon and planned to rebel once he had the strength to do so...See also Balon REBELLING AGAIN BEFORE THEON EVEN GETS TO PYKE. 3. Poor Alannys Harlaw , Theon’s mother who isn’t in the show visibly, but genuinely loved her children, of which like Cat she is sure are mostly dead and loses her mind, sitting in a tower all day crying for her “baby Theon.”  4. Theon was treated at best with scorn by the Northmen, THE ONLY person who grew to like him at all was Robb who was a baby when he got there. Like you can’t tell in the show and no one says anyone’s ages in the show but Theon is like 5 years older than Robb. They were not peers. He was a literal 5 year old at best when Theon got there.  5. It was really hard for Theon to see a family built on love like the Starks knowing he could never be part of it. This is because...They wouldn’t let him. Ned knew he might have to kill Theon so he kept his distance. Cat didn’t like any child at Winterfell who was not one of her own children. All her children besides Robb took her lead with Theon, with Sansa even taking Cat’s lead with Jon. (I like Cat but this is a character flaw of hers that makes sense and has consequences though not the ones the show says but like, another rant) I could go on.  Like even if you don’t think these things mattered THEON DID. It’s why he loses his SHIT at Winterfell when he’s faced with the realization that he belongs nowhere. He is split between two cultures that are opposed at their very core. THEY VERY GODS. In the show you can see what Ned did visually. Theon dresses like a Northman. Theon SPEAKS with a VERY THICK Stark Accent. Theon says his VERY NAME differently then his Greyjoy family members do. YET Theon isn’t a Northman. So the northerners treat him with similar scorn. Theon COULD NEVER even rule the ironborn as he is post Ned’s GREAT IDEA. They would REJECT HIM. They wouldn’t ever listen to him. They wouldn’t change their ways just because he was more like a Stark. AND THIS. IS ALL. NED’S FAULT. Theon did betray Robb. He did. And it’s something he feels bad about after he’s been tortured, though honestly not before. He says in the dungeon that he took Winterfell because he LOVED AND HATED THE STARKS. What do you do when you love a family who DID OBJECTIVELY HURT YOU? What do you do when no one else gives a shit about that pain? How fucked up is it that The Starks fucked up Theon and no one cares because morally they just PREFER them to the Greyjoys? I reject this interpretation of the arc. I reject the idea that the Starks are perfect. I think they are kind of trash and my second favorite character is SANSA STARK.  Like I GET that people love this and that the show has doubled down on this but it’s like...Really to me a shame. There is so much more going on with Theon and the Starks then “They were so good to them and he was so mean! But he feels sad now so it’s good!!” Like no, fuck off.  ------ Also this video is still good. If you like this idea cool, we do not have to agree on this or anything else.  Also sorry for any typos, I can’t edit this right now. I shouldn’t have wrote it. I have like no timeeeee akjxsdhjkcdjkh
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 10x08, liveblog, collected posts (all 15 of them) or as i like to call it: Donna, Jody, but unfortunately also transphobia! WOHOO!!
Nice the Mentalist reference :P
 Jody is so cute!!!
 Donna! Donna! Donna!
 I love Donna so much, Doug is such a bastard
 “he-wolf, she-wolf, a study in werewolf transgenderism” hey Dean, if you’re not interested, I deffo wanna read that! Werewolves are actually kinda regularly queercoded soooo, just saying, let me have some of that, it sounds fascinating!
#huh also funny that it was written by Sgriccia, you know the same dude who directed sacrifice #the shows first ever mention of a transgender individual (that i can remember at least... besides the shitty dude looks like a lady garbage towards Raphael but im ignoring that hot mess) #but of course in a not really positive way #this is also another throwaway line and I don’t like it #like if they had just brought it up but dean is like: yup that is the most useless thing in this whole library! #thats a whole analysis that I could use to write my horror movie paper about…
 Also Dean calling the mark of cain “not weird enough” to justify research, compared to transgender werewolves…
#gays I might actually be crying. #could just be that today I went to the hospital with one of my roomates so he could get his blood tested and stuff so he can finally go on hormones #or the fact that im a bitch and I love bitching #but I am actually upset
 All the cops are so pissed off at pairing up
 I hate that this now makes me angry, because now I can’t fucking focus on how much I love Donna
 Also not to uhm like Go On A Queer History Rant and climb higher while building my damn barricades, but the word transgender was not used in the 50s. We can thank Magnus Hirschfeld for the first use of the word “transvestite” in 1910, and in 1923 “transsexuality” (transsexualismus), long before “psychopathia transexualis” came out in 1949, marking another popular origin story of the term transsexual. However, the first time transgender was used in print was in 1965 and then made popular in the 1970s by Virginia Prince. The Bunker was last used before 1958, when Henry’s band of merry man was murdered by Abaddon. the would not have known the word transgender. They would have used transsexual!
#eat my ass supernatural! #if you wanna be a dumbass do it right! #they aren’t even just idiots for including that scene but historically inaccurate
 Donna and Jody are so cute together
#I SHIP! #i hate that I am still pissed off #this is such a good episode! And im just angry!
Jody and Donna getting talked down by the garbage gun guy and then Donna’s ex husband? Yikes. I hate men this episode.
#love Jody for shooting that bastard down though
 “well, hi there, sunflower”
#oh no #i already dont like the hippie gal
 The vampire gal is so creepy. Also what is it /again/ with vampires calling Dean pretty? Like vampires in supernatural are always so… rapey. I hate it.
#like she literally takes his belt… it’s so creepy
 Also now the werewolf thing still doesn’t make sense… like there wasn’t even a werewolf there…. Just creepy vampires…
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luffyasksandanswers · 6 years
“hi, i’m not from the us” meme - @fearllacy //Bruh, you curious George xD! But dare is a dare and me not want to the coconut pit D: so here we go!
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1. favourite place in your country?
Summer cottage, a place to escape the hectic city life *thumbs up*
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
Toss me with a shoe because of my unecological thinking but I do like to see new places and cultures  so whenever there is a chance, I try to travel abroad. 
3. does your country have access to sea?
We are the land of thousand lakes buuut we also have sea around us, a lot in the south! so we can escape to Estonia xD 
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Praised Karelian Pasty and Kalakukko here! otherwise our food is pretty much either stolen from Sweden or colorless/tasteless xD 
5. favourite song in your native language?
Me revealed some of them hier :>
6. most hated song in your native language?
Spent the yesterday browsing around Youtube xD and results are täällä
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Wow, this is a thing I’ve never thought about it so this should be something to be asked from my mates because they know better which words I repeat nonstop *laughs*  Hey, how about teaching you fellow buddies a few Finnish words?
- Juoksentelisinkohan?  (=I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?)Never heard anyone say this but I think it’s very amusing word in general xD 
- Lohikäärme = dragon Simply put so but if you write “lohi” and “käärme” separated, you get salmon and snake. In other words the translation could also be salmonsnake,kinda makes sense, kinda doesn’t *laughs*
- Pöpelikkö
= ThicketRarely used word for a forest/growth that is hard to walk through, maybe in spoken language means more like “in middle of nowhere” or at least that’s how I use that word ::D  
Bonus: lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilasThe longest officially approved finnish word monster. In english it would beAeroplaneshowerturbinemotorhelpmechanicnoncommissionedofficerstudent. 
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
I probably told this before but I’m not a bloodline finn, my biological roots are in China (but I’ve spent practically my whole life here so my soul is very suomi perkele saunaan ja torille xD). As imaginable, this causes awkward situations because people get misunderstood or assume things right away but well whoopsies happpen as long as no one makes a number about it, it’s all ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
Revealed #lifegoals här!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Maybe the most heard sweard word is the finnish version of F-word  [x]Frankly spoken I don’t like or use it because it’s like the C-word and dunno, sounds weird when people love to repeat loudly a word that literally means woman’s genitals :D Nah my favorite swearword is “Perkele” because when you are angry you can feel the power in the R-letter.  But I actually use “Helvetti” (=hell) the most, no idea how it happened but anyway, if it’s not “PERRRKELE” then it’s “EI HELVETTI” *laughs* last time I swear like mad was when I had to assemble a furniture at work xD
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Tove Jansson adoration here :>
12. what do you think about English translations 
I have to admit I’m not familiar with translated literacy D: wait no I lied! I’ve read 2 Moomin books in english but don’t remember paying attention to the translation, only thing that was confusing first was the names in english because there wasn’t any expalanations to the names of the (random) side characters xD
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
We finns love icy waters but we have another tradition that is a dank meme. I mean TORILLE!! which basically means finns rush to the local market places if we win hockey championships or are good in any other sports. I think it’s a global jokebut yeah finns are trash for getting national recognision. Just mention us anywhere outside the borders and transmit that info to Finland and you can hear and see people hyping it like mad and I am not sure if other countries do this too in such extreme ways xD  
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
One thing that makes watching the finnish tv boring is that they literallt recycle the celebrities which means same faces in almost every fame teledrama or shows and practically everywhere you go or channel surf, you’ll see them and then even tabloids need to write nonstop about their slighest moves.  It is good to be ecological but if there is an actor that needs to shove their face everywhere no matter what and they try to keep their fame in every way, it just doesn’t work plus this might be stereotyping but in those “finnish versions” of big shows, finns are somewhat stiff and don’t go like “yeehaw WOHOO \o/” the same way like in the original shows  so it sometimes looks like they try too hard to be like the original or they are just “forced” to be superhyper. 
Another reason I don’t watch much finnish series is that the articulating is bad or then there is something wrong with the audio or it’s just my bad hearing but the actors tend to speak very very quietly so you have to put volume on if you want to hear anything on the telly and then your ears get rekt and wasted because when the commercials (which are louder than the normal speech) comes, the sound is even louder [x] just like when you open your computer and forgot the volume is at maximum and whe Windows start music suddenly appears. 
I bet there are good finnish movies too that are high quality and I personally enjoy the game shows (quiz like thingies) but in general, nah :p 15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Another thing outsiders maybe don’t understand but finns love to queue and freebies and an ultimate example is that usually if a new shop opens up, people can start to queue a long before the grand opening. Funniest thing is that free buckets are the most queued thing and why not because they are useful xD
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Maybe my favorite finnish stereotype is that finns love personal space [x] It is a national joke that if there is a bus stop, finns don’t stand next to each other (well in the capital and big cities maybe) but they have at least 2 meters distance xD 
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
Frankly spoken nah, I mean I liked to hear my grandparents’ stories about the life when they were younger and how my both grandfathers had to see the wars but in general nah, because well we’ve been owned by Swedes and Russians and had a civil war.  
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
I’m originally from the Eastern Finland that has its dialect  and people distinguish it easily. Especially now that I’ve lived outside my hometown during studies and work, people tell that they hear strong dialect although I only use it in the person pronouns *eyes emoji*
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
Blue is a nice color so thumbs up for that! Well can’t say I’m a fanatic finn but of course it sounds nice to hear the anthem on telly [x]
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Hockey is probably where Finland is the most successful but we also like football (duh, everyone likes) but we suck at that so bye FIFA dreams xD you know about that Phil because I ranted about it last summer XD
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
SALMIAKKI and that free bucket *laughs* 
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
There are many things very well in Finland, like everyone gets a free basic education and natural disasters such as earthquakes are very rare so it’s quite safe. 
What am I ashamed of? Well frankly spoken we are way too soft on criminals in my opinion so our country should fix the law system so that the criminals would get rougher and longer punishments for rough crimes. 
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
I think beers, wines and long drinks are in now? 
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Sweden! It’s a common joke that we are so jealous of Swedes being better people and succeeding in everything and of course in our jokes swedes are the dummies. I think Scandinavian countries do that about each other like Finland vs Sweden, Iceland vs Denmark and Sweden vs Norway *laughs*
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
But I am born in another country xD Nah no, I wouldn’t change a thingblue eyes would be cool but finns tend to burn in the sun and I enjoy the summer I’m happy like this :p 26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
The latest news about Finland in American media must’ve been that when Trump misunderstood the forest defense thing and said something like Finns are so diligent they rake their forest floors [x] but the truth is that we don’t because our climate is different. Of course we have forest fires too but they are much much smaller than in California. 
27. favourite national celebrity?
I fangirled Antti holma here, he handsome, he funny, he has a podcast  :> 
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?I think a couple of mountains exsist [x] but more rivers and thousands of lakes! I like the lakes, since I’ve spent most of my summers at our summer cottage near the lake. Actually never been in the north but I’d love to go on a roadtrip someday to see them!
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
We beat Sweden and Russia so no one shall mess with our smol country! :p
Fun fact: There is a guy named Simo Häyhä, a sniper who is said to be killed more than 505 men during the 1939–40 Winter War [x]
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
We have a multicultural family tree, relatives from France, Germany, Sweden, Japan and so on :)! 
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agl03 · 7 years
AOS 4x18: Through A Child’s Eyes
Blanket fort
Easter Candy
Pillow to scream into
Daisy Funko
Lets do this!
And here we go!
The Truth Behind Fitz!  MOMMY!!!!!
Well done Mace
So and accent!!!!
Who?! Trip?!  Please be Trip!
Be nice to Jemma!
He has been brainwashed so shut up
Super Jump!
I love these two
Fitz now is not the time for our hair
Its DOCTOR jemma says that
BJ!!!!  BJ!!! HE”S  TRIP!  MOMMY!  TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  MOM TRIP!
Yeah we need to get you to Jemma.
Come on Fitz...no!
Doctor Fitz needs to go!
Yes, dwell on the past! Wake up!
Oh no...no...no may...crap!
You have something to lose and his name is Phil!
Yeah where is Hope
Mom is she not there, if Hydra has her this is bad
Can’t imagine why she doesn’t like you
Yeah risking his life...mommy I have a bad feeling.  Jason was all scruffy at Wondercon.
Ward is evil
HA! HIves!  
Wow Jemma, honesty
Yeah ITS DOCTOR!  Oh man like Fitz...oh...Fitzsimmons need each other
Hydra labs
Crap that is the bad stuff
Hey isn’t that guy from another season
NO MAY! No smiling that stuff is bad!
T Shirts, you said that dude
Ward looks confused
Really well, you had her kidnapped
No, No, No, and no
Mom...we are learning to much about him
Quiet Ward
Yeah he wouldn’t, he’s been brainwashed
You two leave her alone!
She needs her Fitz!
Boo HISS there better not be any kissing
She persisted mommy!!!!  the Womans March (that’s my baby)
No no no touching
She called her Daisy!
Yeah you be mouthy
AIDA your nuts
You tell her Radcliffe!
Oh no! AIDA
no no nonononon!
AIDA you are....screaming into pillow
Ohhh you can bring him back!
Giving people what they want is a lie
Mommy THE BUS is back! Its just not like the last one
Ohh Backstory!
Wait I need backstory!
Oh man...this is gonna hurt...
Jemma go get the book...dang it
Awesome undercover Coulson
ANTIQUE.... TRIP!  Trip used old stuff!!!
Mom...who is this
Had to pause for screaming into pillow
HIS DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes be conflicted!  Come on Fitz!
He knows about the woman...JEMMA JEMMA HE’S THINKING OF JEMMA
Tea..that is Jemma’s thing...
I dont’ like him
Dun dun dun Undercover Coulson
OH they are hiding in the body bags...ew
Poor Radcliffe
He’s so sad
He’s being controlled and she was already dead
Yeah AIDA changed him!
Yeah please be a backdoor
She can’t destroy it!
Safeguard...daisy you need to know about the safeguards
He’s proud he’s the Doctor
He’s showing remorse
Shut up Fitz’s Dad
Let his mother out!
He didn’t know about the science
Just shut up!
He was awful to Fitz
STop telling him he loves her!  He loves JEMMA
Mom!!! Something this isn’t right...how he is saying it isn’t right!  I bet he and AIDA are working together!
That’s why I”m here...yeah that is why you are here to manipulate him...ranting went on for a bit...
Its a trap
Called it!
Oh its all going to blow up on them now
Yeah Coulson make it right
Hey Burrows!
Well done phil
We had to pause for dancing and screaming
Yeah pictures are in those boots right mom?  Cause Trip is awesome like that!
Wohoo on the bus!
Oh this is bad
Big needle!
Bad needle!
Oh man May!
This is the best episode!
I need to see that book
Wow mom...this is heavy political
He’s a good dad
Leaving her is gonna suck
Shut it Ward
SHe knows you as someone else
You don’t want to nwo what you did
No! Come one! NO!
Yeap Trip is awesome!
YES PLANS...wait kill Inhumans
Oh no
Coulson don’t
No not the mission!
Coulson.... Stop
Yeah not good
Run Burrows!  RUN!
Leave Mack alone
Those people mean something to her
NO! Not okay! Partner
May Mace
Oh snap! (good thing she doesn’t know curse words)
Holy COW!
Bakshi VOICE!
Battle royale
May is MAD
Oh my!
Yeah be worried about her shooting you
OH Mommy!
Mace...he’s indestructable right
May...May...wake up...wake up!
PHIL! WAKE HER UP!  Kiss her or something!
IS she waking up!!!
My baby is crying
He’s find...he’s indestrutable mom, just wait, he’ll be fine
Oh I hate those two, let him go!
Both of you get away from Fitz!
Real World
Mace isn’t dead right mom
Mom he’s really dead?
Did she wake up?
That’s it Daisy get up!
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