#another reason my neighbors should not be letting their cats out
Surprisingly see more animals with the sidewalk in my backyard than before they cleared out the trees
Like i know those animals were there before and were just hidden by the trees but I thought the sidewalk would scare them off
Apparently not
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diremoone · 10 months
the door with the floral wreath | r. sukuna
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when sukuna gets a new neighbor on the third floor of his apartment complex, he’s pleasantly surprised to see who it is behind the door with the floral wreath. her two cats on the other hand, are a massive fucking problem.
w — honestly nothing? save for fluff and some cussing, slowburn-ish, implied boxer & sorta rich! Sukuna, implied polyglot(ish)! reader, cat! Satoru and cat! Suguru and both cats being in love, cozy themed again (I can’t help it), the formatting of this “fic” was how it was in my brain so I’m sorry if it’s a lil strange haha, this apparently became longer than I originally anticipated lmao, reader is mentioned to be partially Japanese but no physical appearances are ultimately described, mild angst at the end
a/n: not apart of the ‘make me (yours)’ universe but it’s definitely inspired by it
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🌸 When Sukuna wakes up on a Saturday morning and opens his front door to leave for his morning run, the last thing he expects to see is a floral wreath on the door opposite of his. That can only mean one thing: someone has moved in. But if someone has, then why hasn’t he seen or heard the furniture being moved in? These aren’t exactly the cheapest apartments, so did they just not have anything?
It was weird, to say the least.
🌸 However, three months pass before he gets to see who the person who’s behind the door across from his.
🌸 Sukuna gets back from his jog a little early, the light sprinkles of rain turning into a downpour. That’s when he sees you leaving your apartment, locking the door to leave. Unfortunately, you’re not paying too much attention to your surroundings, and you two nearly collide into one another at the top of the stairs.
You narrowly turn in time to place yourself flat against the wall to avoid the behemoth of a man that was your neighbor from running over you and sending you both down the stairs.
“I’m sorry,” came your instant apology.
“It’s fine,” follows his gruff reply.
But he knows he certainly wouldn’t mind running into you again. Just not where you two can fall down the stairs and potentially break your necks.
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On a random day not too long after your initial run-in (and near subsequent dangerous tumble down some stairs), you two run into one another to get the mail at the front office.
You pop up behind him right after he opens his mailbox, staring up at him and his very impressive height and build and apparently scare him, because when you speak next, his shoulders jump. “Gosh, you’re tall. You must’ve played basketball or something in high school, yeah?”
He would’ve either been silent or retort something in an asshole tone like he was used to. He just didn’t like people.
He would’ve, if it wasn’t his cute neighbor.
“Volleyball,” he replies quietly. “Quit after graduation.”
You frown. “That sucks. You must’ve been good at it.”
“It was a pastime.”
“Sounds fun though,” you chirp, putting your own key into your mailbox. “I tried to get into sports, but uh, lack of things made it hard to do so. Did track for awhile, until my ribs couldn’t keep up.”
Sukuna lets out a snort but says nothing further. He goes to leave, but not before hearing, “G’bye, neighbor!”
Ah, shit. He hadn’t told you his name, had he?
Hopefully, there would be a next time.
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🌸 Sukuna doesn’t see you again for another month or two after that, fate still having you two separated like an awful slowburn romance.
🌸 What he doesn’t like in particular is the fact you don’t know his name and he doesn’t know yours. He doesn’t like that; doesn’t like that he’s missed his chance to know you a little better. By his logic, he should know your name, have your phone number, and have at least had you on a date and in his bed at least once already.
🌸 Come early December, he hears your door begin to open and close a lot. It becomes annoying, very very annoying, very very quickly.
That goes on almost until Christmas time.
Until one day he manages to catch the little reasons why your door has been slamming shut so much.
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Twerp Number One wriggles in his hold as he holds them both up to eye level. She grunts and huffs at him. “Put me down!”
To which he scoffs at. “And why should I do that?”
Just as Twerp Number Two decides to speak, your door opens. This time it’s you.
“You can let them down,” you say, clearly amused. “They’ve come for cookies.”
Sukuna grunts. “So that’s why they’re always slamming the door.”
“I’m sorry. I’ve tried to get them to stop. They are six, though.” As genuine as your apology is, Sukuna can see the little twinkle of mischievousness appear at the end of your sentence in defense of the two twerps.
“Mr. Sukuna is a big grump anyway!” the oddly-orange-haired girl says. “At least that’s what my mama says.”
“Nobara, you shouldn’t be calling people names,” you scold the girl. “Put them down so they can get some cookies and head back, please. I’m sure Nobara’s mom is wondering about them. Nobara, the white box is for you to take home.”
Sukuna begrudgingly obliges. Nobara and her friend barge inside your home. The door stays open thanks to a cold breeze, allowing for the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls to drift outside and into his nose. And damn does it smell nice.
“So, I finally know your name,” you muse.
“Ryomen Sukuna,” he says, half-correcting you, “but everyone just calls me by my first name.”
“I can see why,” you reply in a joking tone and smile. “But yeah… It fits you. I’m [Name], and pretty much the same: everyone calls me by my first name. Since my last name isn’t exactly normal, you know… Since I’m not inherently from Japan.”
Sukuna’s brows raise. “You’ve lived here before?” he asks.
“My mom is [part/full] Japanese,” you admit. And then to his surprise, you ramble on further, “I’ve popped around, uh, a few countries over the last several years of my life, Japan included. I’ve just… never stayed in one place to technically be from somewhere. I was born in the States, but… I don’t, uh, really feel like I actually am from there… Does that make any sense?”
“It does.” But he doesn’t go into his backstory in return. And thankfully, you don’t seem to mind, just about as much as you minded sharing such a part of your life to someone who’s technically nothing more than a stranger to you, not in the slightest.
Nobara pops back out with her friend, who’s just a touch older than her.
“Thank you for the cookies and cimmanom rolls, Miss [Name]!” Nobara says.
You don’t bother to correct her cute mistake. “You’re very welcome, Nobara. Now head home. Goodnight, girls.”
You watch the girls descend, and when they’re out of sight, you listen carefully for the telltale of their first floor door closing. And when it thuds shut loud enough to wake everyone in the apartments in the block, you turn your attention back to the gigantic man that was your next door neighbor… Who’s attention was on your door, more than likely concentrating on the smell in your kitchen.
Your lips curl up and you prevent a giggle. “You want some?”
Your voice snaps him from his stupor. “What? Want what?”
“Some cookies and cimmanom rolls?” you question, cutely reiterating Nobara’s mistake.
He takes too long to answer, so you decide for him. “I’ll get you some anyway.”
You go back inside, leaving him out in the cold. But you don’t take very long and come back out not even two minutes later with another white box and place it into his hands.
“Well,” you say, teeth chattering from the cold. “It’s nice finally knowing your name, neighbor. Maybe we’ll run into each other again soon… Goodnight.”
He barely gets out a “goodnight” before you close the door. Sukuna tosses his head back and settles for a heavy exhale rather than the audible sigh he knows you would’ve heard through your door.
Another fuck up. But at least he got some food out of it this time.
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🌸 You both end up meeting each other a lot more often by “coincidence” after that, like fate has finally determined you’re allowed to see one another or something. (To him that just sounds stupid, until it comes out of your mouth.)
For Christmas, you end up gifting him a tin of popcorn and another box of sweets by leaving them at a front door with a cute handwritten note.
🌸 Gradually, the two of you begin to interact more, and naturally gravitate toward each other’s energy and finally getting to know one another; he’s over at your apartment most of the time, it’s cleaner and smells at lot more nice than his (in his opinion). It’s not that he’s dirty, he’s quite clean actually. It’s just that he prefers your apartment to his.
🌸 You find out that Sukuna is about ten years older than you, and was almost a volleyball player that almost went pro, had it not been for his father’s death. He lost all motivation for the sport, and eventually settled for doing numbers for his father’s company, taking up boxing as a side hobby. To which he was more than good at.
A year ago, he moved into these apartments, getting away from the corporate world had had dived into, opting to do things from home rather than in-person. His prior neighbors never stayed around for too long, not with the amount of noise coming from his apartment in the middle of the night. You’re honestly surprised the person below him hasn’t moved out yet either.
🌸 For Sukuna, he finds out that you almost didn’t get to graduate high school because of how much you’d been moving around. You’d gotten depression from leaving so many friends behind so often that you just made graduation by the skin of your teeth.
Now, you’re online for college, majoring in linguistics, all while working as a translator for a special needs school of Japanese children that are deaf. Through that, he finds out you speak several different languages as well.
God, your personality is just as sweet as the goodies you bake, huh?
🌸 There is one problem, however, when he comes over: your goddamn cats.
🌸 The white Maine Coon is for sure out to get him and make his life miserable, with his attempts at wooing you almost a failed attempt every single time. His name is Satoru, and he’s by far the most obnoxious cat he’s ever fucking met.
Why on Earth you’d give a cat a human name is beyond him. But the again, the fucking cat acts so human it’s disturbing — it almost kind of makes sense.
🌸 Satoru’s claws almost end up in his ass every time he walks through the front door. He can’t even stand openly, but has to stay against a wall or sit on the couch so the cat doesn’t get his claws into his backside. And he can tell that that damn cat has a smug-ass smirk on his face every time. How a cat can smirk, he’s unsure; but he just knows that the look on his face is the one of a smug little shithead that knows he’s gotten away with being a menace. Thankfully, you’re aware of his tendencies and can tell when he’s being more of an asshole than other times and get onto him.
🌸 The black Maine Coon, Suguru, isn’t as terrible, but he opts to creepily stare down at Sukuna from his cat tower rather than be proactive in his distaste. He studies him every second every time he comes over, paying attention to every single detail and movement Sukuna makes with you.
He’ll do things more subtly than his white counterpart, like “accidentally” wave his long, black fluffy tail into his cup of water you gave him. He’s just as much of a menace, although you don’t get onto him as often like the white one, because while you know Satoru is more of an extroverted menace, you just seemingly can’t see that Suguru is just as awful. (Mostly because you don’t actually see it.)
🌸 This goes on for months and months, Satoru scratching the behind of his pants as hard as he can to make it rip and getting white fur all over his clothes, and Suguru glaring down at him from his tower and putting his paws in Sukuna’s food. Although it becomes a little less as often because they’re seemingly growing used to him, as if they’re seeing that he actually makes you happy and finally get the sense that he isn’t just going to break your heart and throw you away.
🌸 And the growing approval of your cats seems to mean a lot to you.
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“I picked them up off the streets,” you tell him after he asks about where you got the inseparable pair. “I found them as kittens in a cardboard box three years ago on the streets, drenched and matted in dirt and nasty water.”
You remember the day very clearly. It had just stopped raining, and just as you were about to head home, stopping at the vending machines before heading to your car, you heard animal-like cries of something small and weak. And sure enough, on the other side of the food machine, stuffed away in a tacky, ruined cardboard box, were two, rain-drenched kittens huddled together to keep warm.
That was the day you got two new cats, two new responsibilities. And although times got hard a few times, you’ve never regretted adopting them.
Sukuna gazes up at the two cats on the tower, sitting next to each other in the bed at the top. Their tails are intertwined, heads rubbing at each other’s necks lovingly. He would have never guessed that’s where you found them. From the looks of it, they he would’ve guessed they’d came from a pet store.
“So you’ve raised them since they were kittens,” Sukuna says. “They trust you with their lives. And looks like they love you unconditionally, too.”
“I’d like to think so,” you muse, sipping on your coffee. “Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it with how ornery they are.”
Sukuna keeps his eyes trained on the two cats in love. He’s slightly jealous, and no he’ll never admit it. He just hopes he can have that one day with you.
He just has to stop Satoru from ripping him a new one every time he comes through the door.
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🌸 Your cats eventually grow fond of having him over, fond enough that they’re not being the usual mischievous selves when Sukuna puts his arm around your shoulders and tugs you closer to him when you invite him over for movie nights, not trying to bite his fingers off (Satoru) or sit between you both (Suguru).
🌸 After a year passes and you and Sukuna know each other, he finally gets to take you on a proper date after manning up. Although it’s not a restaurant date, since he knows you hate being looked at while eating. It’s a picnic by the ocean, with the weather nothing short of perfect.
🌸 Your attempts to leave your cats at home for said date, however, are fruitless, the pair determined to come with you and your now-boyfriend who declares himself as such after dessert just to piss off the pair of felines. Sukuna plants a big fat smooch on your lips, turning you into a giggly mess.
🌸 They in return, somehow find a stray kitten and plop it in his lap in return. The kitten isn’t as bad off as when you found Satoru and Suguru, but he’s just as scared. He immediately imprints on your oversized boyfriend, who secretly takes an instant liking to the orange-red (honestly a little pink, too) baby cat and becomes a cat dad.
Date not necessarily ruined. But definitely not what he had planned.
🌸 After a week of having, he fondly named the cat a human name — Yuuji, and the fur baby took just as much liking to it as his owner did him. You do have to teach him the ropes and warn your boyfriend that he’d better be ready to have some of his stuff deep-cleaned if Yuuji doesn’t get to the litter box in time.
Satoru and Suguru take to the kitten like two doting parents. And as much as they still kinda dislike your boyfriend taking you from them, they still help train him to use the litter box. (Long story short, they felt bad after seeing you cry after they’d tore up [and peed] all over your third couch and quit being as ornery as they used to be.)
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A few months had passed since Sukuna got Yuuji plopped into his lap, since you two had become a couple. It was always amusing seeing your big boyfriend playing with such a small cat. Honestly, the cat looked like he was part tiger.
You feel overwhelmed with contentment. You have a good job, a wonderful boyfriend (who’s apparently secretly rich) who loves to give you kisses, and two cats who love you. You have enough now, so why was the universe trying to take that from you?
You don’t know how your ex got your number, but what you do know is that you have to tell Sukuna. No later than tomorrow.
You exhale. You can’t think about it. You’ll tell him. You’ll tell him tomorrow that your dyed blonde-haired ex wants to see you again. You’re hopefully of one thing though: that the moment your boyfriend meets your ex, you hope Sukuna has enough restraint to not beat the shit out of him.
“Baby, you okay?”
Sukuna’s brows are raised. One would miss the concern on his face if they didn’t know him as well as you do.
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m good.” Woman up, girl, you tell yourself. “I do have something to tell you later. Just… remind me before dinner.”
The concern becomes more evident on his face, which prompts you to walk to him and kiss him.
“It’s nothing serious… I don’t think. Don’t worry,” you reassure him, partially reassuring yourself. “What we should worry about is what’s for dinner,” you joke. “Don’t think I can eat those leftovers.”
“Goddamn, I’m sorry I put too much salt in it.”
You laugh, wanting this happiness to ever be trampled on. You’ll do what you can to protect and keep it.
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@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri
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insilanar · 8 months
Any lestappen fic rec to share ? 😣 Any favourite author on ao3! I need some!
Hi anon 😘 Of course! In fact I've actually been working on a personal fic rec, so I'm glad I get to share it with you!
Here you go, hope you enjoy <3
Lestappen fic rec
Short-ish fics 🩵
control systems a College AU by @itsgoingdutchin2021 | 1.2 k
Due to an unfortunate encounter in their freshman year, both Charles and Max hate each other. Then they are assigned a group project.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
your hands are cold a High School AU by dhufflebee | 3.9 k
“I feel like this event should really be called ‘Frosty Fusion’ or something like that.”“That is, of course, incredibly stupid.”“Hey!”“It doesn’t mean that ‘Snowmen Competition’ isn’t the most boring name ever, though.”OR: long-time friends and rivals Charles and Max hail from neighboring schools, and brave the biting cold, the challenges of snow sculpture, and their own buried feelings
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Kiss It Goodbye (Your Little Panic Attack) F1 Fic by @celientjeee | 5.1 k
‘What- How did you do that?’ Charles asked, he still felt a bit shaken and hot, but the tingling had disappeared.Max smiled at him and let his hands drop away from Charles’ cheeks.‘I once read that holding your breath could stop a panic attack and when I kissed you, you held your breath.’‘I did?’ Charles winced at how high his voice sounded. OR: Charles gets a panic attack and Max helps him (more than once)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Fics between 10 k and 20 k 🧡
Cheating at Bingo and Other Christmas Traditions a Cozy Winter AU by @wanderingblindly | 12.4 k
"You know, there’s a very nice, very handsome young man in my neighborhood –” She starts back up, flagging down their waiter for another glass of wine.“Absolutely not,” He cuts her off with a dismissive wave of the hand. “Next topic.”“So you’re too good for him, is that it?” She sounds defensive, but her tone still has a mocking edge to it – emphasized by the quirk of her brows.Hardly holding back a groan, Charles tries to think of a way out of this. She’s like a cat, batting at him until he gives up, rolls over, and plays dead. “That’s not – I’m just busy, and it’s –” OR: Hallmark style fluff featuring an irritated Charles, a well-meaning Max, and the grandma that just wants them to kiss
Rating: General Audiences
Golden Hour a Uni AU by Chariots4 | 13.2 k
Max is a great roommate. So great that when Lando asks him to be part of a music video he’s filming he does so, without asking what it will be about.Turns out he will have to model with no other than Charles Leclerc. As lovers. The two men’s desire to not be outdone by the other takes the whole thing to new levels.
Rating: Explicit
-> This is also a personal favorite of mine since it was my first ever Formula 1 RPF fic and honestly, it's written amazingly well!👌
oui chef a Chef AU by @sunshineyoujustwait | 16.2 k
There’s someone standing in his kitchen.He looks young, maybe close to Max’s age, with messy dark brown hair that’s pulled back from his face by a red bandana, and he’s leaning against the kitchen counter like he’s supposed to be here.Max’s first rather unhelpful thought is; fuck, he’s gorgeous. His second, more reasonable thought is;“Who the fuck are you?”“Charles Leclerc,” the man smiles. It's a little bit dazzling and Max is not at all distracted by it. He extends his hand for Max to shake. “I’m your new executive sous chef.” OR: Max is very happy with his life, thank you very much. He has his restaurant, his team, and two Michelin stars at the age of 24. He definitely does not need some pretentious Monegasque chef coming in and throwing everything into chaos.Except, maybe he does.
Rating: General Audiences
you got me a College AU by @fueledbyremembering | 16.6 k
When Max looks up he stares into pretty green eyes behind black rimmed glasses. His hand is still blindly feeling around to find the books—his brain lagging—as he stares at the guy from last night. He straightens up and Max follows, staring dumbly as he holds out the books for Max to take.“Thanks,” Max says, feeling like an idiot as he takes the books, their fingers brushing for a split second. This was not how he wanted to meet again. “Again, I’m so sorry.”The guy smiles and Max thinks he might just die a little when he notices he has dimples. Of course he has dimples. OR: Max falls head over heels for the cute guy at a college party and he can't stop thinking about him (aka the lestappen college au nobody needs).
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Fics above 30 k ❤
Late night devil put your hands on me a Thief/Detective AU by @f1-giuki | 42.1 k
"Do you want to know what is more incredible?" Max asks, staring at Charles' full and round pecs without any shame. "What?" Charles asks, enjoying how Max's cheeks get redder and redder as he licks clean the fork. "Stealing the Nine Pieces of Eight, with me," Max says and Charles drops his fork in the plate. "The Nine pieces of eight? Isn't that like a legend? The owner of those artworks is unknown…" The Monegasque asks, furrowing his brows. Max grins and rolls his eyes. "I know a guy..." Max says, pulling Charles close by the elastic band of his boxers. OR: World-class thief Max Verstappen asks Interpol Detective Charles Leclerc out on a date (to put on the world's most complicated heist ever conceived) but things never go as planned.
Rating: Mature
To Your Heart’s Content a Mafia AU by @cornerofacry | 119.4 k
Max pinched the bridge of his nose as he went into the car. Before his chauffeur could close the door, however, Daniel leant in, having rushed from the bar’s entrance."I forgot to tell you…" the Australian begun, his face serious and grave.Max gritted his teeth, silently nodding for the man to continue. He couldn’t stand much more. He wanted to scream at the entire world. To run home and hide and force some sense down his own throat.To put himself back together."I left a- a gift at your house. For your birthday… I planned it long ago, before-""Alright," Max cut him, short and harsh. OR: Charles, a high end prostitute, finds himself in the arms of a man who really, really, cares for him, despite the gun on his nightstand.
Rating: Explicit
Favorite lestappen authors 💕
NovaCloud, Richardmarie75, WanderingBlindly, xxcelientje, amarynas, charlescoded, LestappenForever, linearity
Note to the authors: If your fic is on here and you would like me to take it down I will. Feel free to just dm me about it or drop and ask 😌
And anon I hope you find something you like on this list!
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sanjithesimp · 1 year
♡ next door ft. min yoongi♡
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a/n: i wrote this fic in under 1 hour, the idea popped into my mind and couldn't stop thinking about this.
warnings: nsfw (minors DNI). pwp. unprotected sex. creampie. choking. fingering. mention of alcohol.
summary: yoongi is your neighbor, he complains about everything you do. you hate him. is there something that you could do so he will finally leave you alone?
playlist suggested to listen while you read this &lt;3
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it was a cool night, your boyfriend and you got to your apartment. the party was boring so you decided to head back home and maybe do something that might be even more fun.
“babe, c’mere” he said as he pressed your body to his, feeling his heart beating fast as he started attacking your neck. pushing all the way to the little balcony from your apartment, his hands roaming all over your body.
you both were a little drunk and horny, so it didn’t matter at all to you that everyone on the street could see you. or not until you heard a voice “hey! can you please take this somewhere else, i’m kind of in the middle of something” you jumped in surprise and covered yourself immediately.
it was your annoying, grumpy neighbor, he was about your age but acted like and old man. he always complained about everything.
“you should be the one to go, we are also kind of in the middle of something…aren’t we babe” your boyfriend said, as he started kissing your neck passionately while keeping eye contact with your neighbor. but you pushed him away immediately, you started feeling uncomfortable.
“let’s just go inside, ok?” you said pulling your boyfriend inside.
“no, no, i mean- is this the dickhead that always complains about you?” your boyfriend was pissed, you were scared as he could be very aggressive.
“don’t worry about it, let’s just continue inside.” you said holding your boyfriend “babe, please…i need you” you whispered in his ear teasingly, hoping that it would work and he would just forget about it. surprisingly it worked, avoiding any more conflict with that hateful neighbor of yours.
you could never understand why your neighbor was like that, but he was the main reason why you wanted to move out of the building. ever since you got there he wouldn’t stop, if it wasn’t the noise, it was your small dog that always fought with his cat, it was like if you were just meant to be enemies.
it had been weeks since the incident with your neighbor, and you stopped hearing complaints from him. everything was peaceful. birds were singing, and the days were brighter than ever. had he finally moved? had your dreams come true?
but no, unfortunately no. he was just on vacation and he would be back in a couple of days, or so your other neighbor said. you had to enjoy while it lasted, or you would regret it. so you blasted your music while you danced until your legs were tired to even walk to your room.
one night as you smoked a joint while reading a book in your balcony you heard a familiar voice “did you miss me?” he had a smirk drawn across his face.
motherfucker. you thought, it was like he enjoyed annoying you.
“can’t you see that i’m in the middle of something, and you’re interrupting?” you said looking back at your book and ignoring his stupid face.
“please turn that shit off, it reeks” he said. that was it, it was the last time you would take it and his attitude.
“you know what reeks? being your neighbor and hearing your complaints, i’m fucking tired of it!” you yelled, and it woke up a few neighbors.
“could you please keep it down?” another neighbor appeared.
“sorry, i am so sorry” you apologized, your face burning from embarrassment.
“see, it’s not only me-” he started saying, but you interrupted him
“we should talk inside” you said and opened your door. it was the first time he had actually been inside your apartment, but enough was enough he needed to understand that you were fucking tired of hearing his complaints.
“so what you want to talk about, huh?” he said.
“about you complaining all the time about every single thing i do, i can’t take it anymore” you said not losing eye contact.
“and what are you going to do about it? are you going to cry?” he said. that was it, you lost it completely and slapped him. the silence after it made it even more uncomfortable than it was already was. you weren’t sure why you decided to slap him instead of yell or cry like you always did when you were frustrated. you could see the hand print on his face, red and painful.
“i- i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have-” you started apologizing and suddenly tears started running down your face, you started sobbing uncontrolably.
“no, i’m the one who should be sorry…i didn’t realize what i jerk i have been with you” he said, suddenly his face had changed. he was worried.
“let’s sit down, here” he placed his hand on your back and guided you to your couch, and sat down next to you. when you had calmed down, you cleared the tears off your face. you were a mess but he stayed there with you, not saying a word.
“sorry you had to see that, i- i’m not usually like this but-” he interrupted you again.
“you don’t have to keep apologizing, you have apologized enough and i should be the one doing it.” he said, his voice soft and sweet. was this really your neighbor?
you kept talking as the night went on, and realized that yoongi, your neighbor wasn’t that terrible after all. and you wouldn’t admit it out loud but he was kind of really hot. you hadn’t realized until now, or maybe it was because you hated him so much before that you ignored his soft features, his smile, or the way his shirt tightened in all the right places, his long hair that made him look like a rockstar. black looked so good on him…
for fuck’s sake what where you thinking? you weren’t just having that kind of thoughts for a guy who you hated just a few hours ago. and you also had a boyfriend who cheated on you repeatedly, but you loved him…right?
“whatever” you said and pushed yourself closer to your hot neighbor, your lips centimeters away from him.
“do you really wanna do this?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes.
“just fucking kiss me” you said and without any doubts he crashed his lips on yours, he tasted like whisky, you placed your arms around his neck. his kisses were passionate, you could feel the hunger and desperation as his lips traveled to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin as he left small marks.
he pulled you closed until you were sitting on his lap, making you feel the bulge forming under his black jeans. you moaned as you felt him over your clothed cunt.
“fuck, if this was going to end up like this i should have made you snap sooner” yoongi said as he started taking off his shirt.
“do you want to fuck me or not?” you said pouting.
“more than you think..” he said moving his hands under the hem of your shirt, his hands cupping your breasts, he knew exactly what he was doing. you rolled your hips, you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you.
i bet he’s so big. you thought, your pussy getting wetter than it already was.
you got rid of the rest of your clothes until you both were almost naked. the light of the small lamp on your living room was the only thing lighting the room, your bodies melted into one, your moans and his groans filled the room.
“i want you” you whispered in yoongi’s ear.
“wait for a bit longer, love. i promise you i will make you scream louder than that stupid boyfriend of yours.” he said, showing that characteristic smirk of his. you whimpered audibly, making him laugh, he was teasing you.
“i wanna see that…i mean you constantly complained of the weird noises at night or were you just jealous that it wasn’t you fucking me?” showing him that you could tease him too.
suddenly his face changed, his eyes darkened and were filled with lust. he pushed your panties to the side. “you’ll be begging me to stop” he said, his fingers slowly travelling from your belly to your pussy, feeling the wetness in between your legs making you feel embarrassed.
“fuck, you’re so wet and i haven’t even started” he said, pushing two fingers inside you, as your clawed your nails on the couch.
“feels so good” you said as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you, your juices covering his hand as he started moving his fingers in a scissoring motion. your moans drowned the room, tears welled up in your eyes as you could feel your orgasm building up.
“babe, i think you’re ready” he said in a low husky voice, as he removed his fingers making you miss being filled. he takes off his boxers, revealing his throbbing cock, precum leaking from his tip. and you don’t have to imagine, because now you know for a fact that he is big, you gasp thinking that maybe it won’t fit inside you.
“i know you can take me, love” he says and with that you convince yourself that you will take all of him.
he pumps his cock a few times, and then teases you with his tip. you moan feeling his heavy tip as your juices combine with his precum, you’re so sensitive that his touch makes you squirm. he then aligns with you, and pushes himself inside you slowly until you are filled completely.
“fuck, you’re so tight…” you can feel him pulsating inside you, he’s just as needy as you are. the burn hurts but at the same time feels good as he thrusts into you, it disappears later on as his pace increases and your cunt adjusts to his length.
he rips out the loudest moans that have ever come out of your mouth, you scream his name like it is a prayer and you are immediately embarrassed at what will the neighbors say about it. but you don’t think about it much as yoongi fucks you into oblivion. each thrust making you see stars hitting that sweet spot every time until the coil on your belly snapped, squirting and coating his cock with your cum.
you were to fucked out to do anything else, so you let him do whatever he wanted with you while he chased his own high. his hand wrapped around your neck, fuck it almost made you cum again. the sight of the mess he made out of you, tears running down your face, your makeup ruined and his hand around your neck was all he needed to cum hard inside you.
he then pulled out of you and laid on top of you, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. his heart beating so fast, while you both recovered.
suddenly you heard a loud knock, followed by a neighbor yelling “keep it down! it’s 2 a.m!” making you both laugh.
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seokka0o · 1 year
• 中耒田悠真 / Your Fucking Cat!
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Living in inner cities usually tend to be quieter, away from traffic, busy life. You've lived your whole life in that sleepy seaside town in Japan, where nothing tended to go out of the ordinary, where you lived your life normally as a student and part-time worker. But nothing that an atypical cat and his insufferable owner can't make everything hell in your life for the next month.
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Contain: afab!reader // Enemies to lovers // slow burn // neighbor Yuma// Biker Yuma
Warnings: Cursing// making out/ eventual smut // fight // threats// mention of alcohol// minor do not interact // unprotected sex// oral// Yuma it's a little obsessed
Author: it's a long time since my last post, I missed you guys a lot, I want to apologize for my dissappear and I hope you all enjoy this ♡ English it's not my first language so may have some grammatical errors, I'll read again later and proofread properly, also feedbacks are apreciate
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I - The cat
You didn't hate cats in general, you've never been the type to hate animals, not least because you've had some throughout your life, even if at that specific moment you didn't have any. But that cat needed to look like it had a serious problem with you, almost personally, as if for some reason it had been trained in this kind of art. Your house was never a den or attraction for any type of animal, whether domestic or not, you had been living there for a few months since your parents moved, so everything still didn't seem to fit, even more so to raise a new pet.
you also started to want to learn new habits, after so many years of your life as a person who barely leaves the house, you began to understand that you should open the windows more during the day, to ventilate the house and not give you that feeling of abandonment constant you felt after your parents moved to another city. it sounded like a great idea anyway, you felt more motivated to study, even to do your homework and also to do housework more often.
It all started subtle, the first time you saw the white cat he was in your backyard, he was casually hunting some birds and the general problem was not him making your backyard a private bathroom, but the curiosity to know where the cat came from took on a great proportion when he learned to invade your house through the windowsill that faced the kitchen. The mess he starts to make trying to steal food and then finally the stage where he breaks into your room and starts stealing your things, including your makeup and socks, which you know you'll never see the pair again.
From there his mission began, to find this cat, where he lived and who he belonged to, so that he could end that problem once and for all, or at least find your lost objects. But it wasn't an easy task, the cat usually doesn't appear by default, most of the time he's always appearing, coming out of random rooms making you think that it could be some kind of hallucination. In the end, it was up to you to keep your eyes very sharp because you couldn't bear to lose your things to a mischievous animal.
Some neighbors mentioned some hypotheses when you occasionally mentioned the problem with this cat, saying that it was not common to have stray animals there and that even if it was the description of the animal, it implied that it was not there because it was looking for food or shelter of something, so it turned out that you couldn't get anywhere. that same week you didn't see him either, but even though he was attentive he seemed to understand that he was being watched, since he didn't even show any signs of life, because of that you ended up letting it go at that moment, you already had too many things to worry about.
II - Nakakita
you spent the whole morning on a process, in addition to your ordinary activities you had this damn plan that you spent the entire last morning replanning, after all you were still interested in knowing where the animal came from and you were absolutely sure that it would resurface at any moment. Soon the attentive eyes in each and every room in the house were a mere detail, from today's date that should not pass. all the windows in the room were open, you were at your computer doing some work when the figure of the white cat appeared, it took you a few seconds to notice its presence, but it was inevitable when he jumped to your desk and from there pulled one of your socks Brazenly, he swore he was being subtle as he moved, but in your peripheral vision you saw everything, ready to capture him for good.
you were about to move when he started running and you, as a hopeful act of getting this resolved, ran following him to the exit of the house.
you followed him without a second thought. dropped the computer and onto the bed and started running out of the room, the cat went down the hall and into the living room, you did the same route trying to keep up, but already starting to lose pace with him. the cat advanced through the living room window and you took the way through the exit door, stopping a second before putting on your slippers, it took a few seconds of you looking from side to side in search of the feline. until you saw him following the sidewalk on the right side, you shouted for him as if you were a thief and desperately started to run through the empty neighborhood, also in the way you could since the animal ran a few good steps ahead.
When the run started to get tiring was when you noticed that you had run a block after that damned cat, this one that had already fled from your eyes, ran somewhere, and at that moment your body gave in to tiredness and you forced yourself to stop , the unbearable heat made your body sweat and in a flash you could see the cat cross with the sock in its mouth into a house, casually, through the front door and then disappear. Perfect! You could finally put an end to this hell that had been your life for the last few weeks. With hope and confidence that he would finally be able to have some peace in his quiet life.
You walked to the garden, still out of breath, the letterbox clearly marked with the last name Nakakita, you sighed softly, took a deep breath when remembering that it was the family you repeatedly heard some neighbors complain about misbehavior, not the whole family in general, but from the only son who recurrently shows the lack of manners with the others, well, it was up to you to try to create some sympathy and get your stuff back.
They were also the kind of rich family on the block, the ones with the biggest and most expensive house, even if rarely seen. the providers were almost anonymous, uncommunicative and you would really like to have something to say, but all you had in your power was what you heard from others out there and the only thing you would want was to ensure that their pet stopped haunting the your life.
You walked along the stone path, stopped in front of the wooden door and rang the bell, your tired body showing the abandonment that almost made you go back home, but that in the desperate and unpresentable act you were there for the sake of a good coexistence. which was right to point out, you wouldn't want to get in trouble with anyone, let alone people with such high status.
The door opened suddenly, the cat was on the boy's lap with a confused expression. The time it took you to shoot the cat with your eyes, was the same time it took that boy to analyze you from head to toe, the slipper, the pajamas, the tired sweaty face, the tangled hair, all of this was tattooed on his eyelids what directed a somewhat mocking smile from his lips, there you already understood what kind of spoiled boy you were about to deal with.
"May I help? " A tone came out from under him, as if the problem there was you for disturbing his and the feline's day.
"Ah... I came here to ask you to be able to don't know, put protection screen in your house, your cat is invading my house and stealing my things " You tried to be cordial, even if it didn't seem like it, you know your reasoning had already abandoned you "I'd also like to ask for my stuff back…everything he stole, please."
A dead silence grew, the expression of mockery seemed to grow in it, which made you frown and then take a step back, hoping that was a beginning of apology and problem solving. But deep down you already knew no, the look of someone who dared say something to annoy you was clear.
"If you have a problem with Shiro, then you should leave your doors and windows closed... I can't interfere with his freedom" The boy left a simple caress over the cat's white fur and then sighed putting him on the ground, like this the feline started to rub himself on his legs. "He's a good cat, I'm sure he's just coming in to play with you, he would never steal anything."
It cost you a lot to believe that he was serious, it didn't seem like a plausible comment and you didn't even know how to get around the situation because it seemed obvious that he didn't care about your request dearly. you needed to take a deep breath to compose yourself, to understand that it wouldn't be smart for you to act like you were about to explode, even if the other one started asking for it at that point.
"So you're telling me it's my problem? " You asked
"Exactly, no one but you seems bothered so you should solve it yourself " He replied "Do you have anything else to say?"
The way he looked completely nonchalant made your blood boil in dimensions you'd never felt before.
"Are your parents at home" You ask again
"Why do you want to know ?"He asks
"Because I want to talk to them" You answer
"You don't have to, I already gave you the solution, solve it yourself" he continues.
"Do you really want to make our life difficult?"You question
"You who are making your own life difficult, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go"
And then he simply closed the door, without any warning, without any education and you stayed there, planted, not understanding how you would do it then, if it was pertinent protection screen your house, and then the realization that then it would be war, between you and the damn cat owner, because until that was resolved, neither of you would have peace and you weren't willing to change your lifestyle because of an animal that wasn't yours.
III- The Beach
"His name is Yuma, from Koga's group who lives causing headaches to the neighborhood people" Euijoo said with the glasses lying on his face, this one that he adjusted with his fingers, thus directing attention to the cell phone next to him move in a relaxed way, as if this whole issue wasn't causing enough headaches. " Although Koga is not a problem, others will not always be too"
koga definitely not, once it used to be someone close to him, when younger, your mother and his mother were school friends so you could say with all the words that he was someone docile enough. however very impartial, he would never be able to question his own friend for the shitty behavior they has with people, unfortunately, he wasn't useful to you at all.
"Damn it, how can he say it's my problem if it's his fucking cat? Are you aware of the damage? He's stealing everything!" You rubbed lipstick over your lips and then checked your appearance in the mirror " It's not going to look like this."
"Certainly, a waste of time, you should just put protection screens, you won't lose anything with it " Ej rolled his eyes and turned away from the screen to your vision in the mirror, this one that was already staring at him with indignation " besides an amount Of money"
"I won't give in, if you had seen how he treated me " You grumbled and then got up looking at the time on the phone "not to mention that the cat is not mine…I have no responsibility."
"So it turns out we're not going anywhere…it's just a debate to see who throws the most tantrum"he gets up bored, stretches his back and waits for you to finish.
"Honestly…I don't have anything else to declare" Without much more debate you left, for the first time to unwind some mutual friends called you to some kind of social party close by the beach, same as usual, drink beer, talk, nothing too much and at first everything was great, you managed to forget about the cat story while discussing the latest gossip around the small town you live in.
The weather was very pleasant, there weren't that many people and despite the relatively loud sound, Euijoo managed to find somewhere close to the sand, along with his car. You were now on the passenger seat, the door open and a pleasant conversation, making you laugh again and again as you remembered random moments that ended up happening in college during the last week before the holidays.
Then the troupe appeared, seven people with a very specific appearance, but which you didn't bother to meet, besides Koga with the same figure as every other party and the hot owner who caught you from afar with that smug face. He seemed desperate for that, even though you had no further contact with him besides, it seems he tattooed your face so that every time he saw you he could create that extremely heavy mood.
Your clear discomfort turned your attention to the other side when they started to arrive and greet everyone and without any question showed sympathy, the circle grew considerably when everyone started talking and in a way you avoided any possible eye contact with Yuma, due to the discomfort of the more resolved situation and the fact that he was just looking for the opportunity to say something.
Genuinely, it wasn't his intention to touch on anything, because everything already seemed pretty clear on both sides, so all that lack of sensitivity of yours due to the fact that he was so rude to you even without knowing you made you believe that, yes, he was completely capable of doing much worse, so your intention was to leave without a fuss. But like nothing in your life seems simple so you moved to leave the voice from the bottom of your soul cut the subject
"Where are you going?" Koga, the face of someone who was ready to add fuel to the fire, you knew him well enough to understand where that would lead, even because those dark eyes hardly showed anything " did something happen…?"
"Leave y/n alone, the story of the cat still seems to hurt their feelings" Yuma commented, letting the silence disturb between you two again.
"The problem is not the cat, the problem is the imbecile owner who doesn't know how to take care of him" You replied with the anger that had already accumulated since the last week "and I don't need to justify why I want to leave"
"I know how to take care of my cat, now I can't do anything about his adventures inside your house " He continued "I already said that it's not my problem"
"Certainly not, maybe I should fix it and disappear with the cat " You released the last sentence and before any plausible threat you left Yuma without the chance to return the answer and left. And for obvious reasons he sneered at the futile threat of saying he'd put an end to that cat without definitely meaning to, you just wanted some peace of mind.
obviously you ended up not going home alone, some time alone was enough to clear up, you always hated feeling subjugated and this way of yuma approaching you is something that sounds very offensive despite the very little coexistence, you were trying to deal with it in a good way, but he insisted this kind of behavior and you hate it.
IV - The Necklace
You had already been looking for your necklace for hours, a gift from the family, more specifically from your mother, she had given it to you as a present for your 16th birthday and you carelessly took it off so you could take a shower, making sure you would be on top of the desk. But as soon as you left the bathroom you noticed that it was no longer there, causing an incessant search for the necklace, both in the room and in the whole house, that was already getting on your nerves, you really didn't want to have to make an effort and go to the yuma's house, but you didn't have any other choice, Shiro could only have stolen it and in a way you still had the pretense if you confronted him
you move again, it was almost night when you started walking towards the nakakita's house, an absurd silence, nothing very inviting, but it was no more than five minutes walking until you reached that specific house, entering the stone road and stop in front of the door, where the bell rang. Again he received you, this time more casually than he usually shows, yuma was certainly focused on something else when he realized that it was you at his door.
"What now?" this one said
"not to interrupt, but I want my necklace back, and I know it's in there somewhere" you answered his question briefly, trying your best not to get into so many arguments " would you please fix this… or I will have to report you."
yuma seemed very surprised by the way, normally he would have a quick answer, but before calculating any syllables he just pushed the door for you to enter
"enter and look for yourself then " yuma said with some disdain. you looked at him suspiciously and then you shrugged, entering the house slowly, paying attention to every expensive detail that house contained, from the wooden floors to the color of the ceiling, the style of decoration, a perfectly organized house, it was like if no one lived there " if you can find something I'll give my arm to cheer"
"I will, I think it's good to start thinking about your apology" you turned to him, in a smug smile and then looked around again "where is your room?"
"You won't go in there" yuma said
"So it means it's there " you countered, making him roll his eyes and then walk inside, following the corridor on the right and going to the end, where his room was. you followed him, not forgetting that now it looked like someone lived there, the room a bit messy, like someone who spends so much time trapped , food packaging and an infernal mess, at this moment you regretted having agreed to go in to look for it "it is serious?"
"What? it was you who asked…I'm not responsible for anything" he said leaning against the doorframe, smiling right after.
"I don't know who I hate more, I swear, Yuma, fix this fucking cat, and find a way to return my necklace, or I'll kill you two" the threat was clear, Yuma's eyes sparkled in happiness, he knew you wouldn't be able to do anything but swear, but he was starting to like your hot temper.
"Don't make me laugh, y/n" he replied in his passive-aggressive way "you love to joke, but I already made it clear that I'm not going to do anything about Shiro, if it wasn't like that in the past, it won't be like that now"
you took a deep breath, pulling all the air you had out of your lungs, the eye contact was intense, the hostile atmosphere showed how much you were willing to give yuma a good punch in the face, but contained everything within yourself so as not to end up being arrested.
"I already warned you, I want my things as soon as possible or I'll denounce you." you turned around again, following to the exit of yuma's house
"Don't forget to knock on the door!" he shouted from the end of the corridor and you did the favor, slamming the door before returning to your residence, with ready tears of hate, running down your face, thinking that thanks to yuma and that cat now an important gift had been lost.
V- Missing cat
Since the unfortunate occurrence no more than a few days had passed, everything was pretty calm by the way, the threat seemed to have worked when the cat stopped appearing, even though you didn't get your belongings back still your life was getting back to normal, everything seemed have settled in and you would never deal with yuma's presence in your life again. What was happiness, everything perfect, far from the arts of that animal. The day was very sunny, bringing a good feeling, the rest in your living room and then the bell rang and without waiting for your answer they started knocking incessantly, with the urgency of being answered you got up and went to the door, opening it and wish it was a demon, a thief, you'd be less nervous than having to deal with Yuma's enraged face.
"Where's my cat? I swear I'm capable of kill you now" The threat sounded genuine, which left you with a question mark over your head.
"Have you gone mad for good? What the fuck?" You didn't understand, nothing had happened for days and that was why?
"You were very clear in implying that you were going to disappear with my cat, give him to me now or I'll call the police for you!" the tone of voice began to rise in an absurd way
"Fuck you, Yuma, did you really think I was going to disappear with the cat? What's your problem?" you questioned genuinely, even if irritated "I'm the one who should call the police"
"I want my cat now!" Yuma acted like a spoiled child, when he invaded his house and started searching for his cat "Shiro!"
You followed him without understanding, if that was what he considered plausible then you would let him break face. What exactly happened, you were wasting time fighting and he, apparently, was paying with his poison, even if he didn't wish the animal harm, could wish Yuma's harm, even a little
"Did you even notify the neighborhood? I warned you that something could go wrong" You said while he went through your room looking for the cat. literally going through everything as if you had stolen the most expensive jewel in the world, apparently it was becoming a habit to go through each other's house
"No, you said you were going to put an end to him" He replied stopping what he was doing to look at you "so I know who's to blame for that."
"I said I should, not that I would, are you stupid?" You rolled your eyes, crossed your arms in front of your body and in an accelerated radius he approaches to be able to put you against the frame leaving you in a very confused expression, he was so panting that he started to scare you, it looked like he had run a marathon before getting there " Excuse me ?"
"I want my cat and you will help me find it" He threatened
"What if I don't want to? Apparently it's not my problem " You whispered by the bold proximity he took returning in kind, making it clear that he wasn't going to leave your residence for nothing
"Then we are going to have a very big problem. That cat costs more than you and this whole house, you don't want to pay compensation or even end up in jail, do you? It's good to start helping" Yuma at this point didn't seem scary in general, you could see a certain desperation in his eyes, maybe a very implicit plea and a way of saying that he needs to solve that and he would be capable of anything to solve it . " or I'll make a point of spreading the word to the neighborhood that you mistreat my cat"
"you what?" you asked "are you crazy?"
"I'm serious!" and indeed he was, you could see the expression in his eyes, making it clear that he would do anything to get that animal back, and you were the target.
"Okay, but only because I need to prove that I wasn't the one who stole your cat" You said walking away, following the path out of your room.
It was already very late when you started looking, in a silent truce, you still felt the heavy mass, but you limited yourself to giving time to the few hours of daylight looking for the cat, going to places where you two could consider he was or went through. Yuma said at some point that they were all keeping an eye on the cat, that if by chance they had any sign he would be immediately notified. Your tired feet again gave no truce, you and Yuma wander with some caution through the places, imagining where the cat could be safely, even if at that time it seemed strange that he had disappeared so suddenly.
"I didn't steal it, just making it clear…"You were sighing low looking under some cars that were parked on the street, but without much success, walking normally back to Yuma who was walking ahead.
"I know" He replied a little more centered, look straight ahead, in fact he seemed way out of his center, kind of giving up "You wouldn't be an imbecile at this point"
"Then why make this hell?" You asked
"You are the only one besides me who knows him well enough not to confuse, Shiro is selective, he would certainly come to you just as you would to him" Yuma shrugged and sat down at a bus stop near the end from the street "You chased my cat for a block, he's not even recognizable to your eyes"
You rolled your eyes remembering the atrocity of going all that way after the feline thief of things, without any enthusiasm to debate it, but agreeing that Shiro was like family to you.
"Definitely " You said quitter "Is the cat really more expensive than me?"
"Yes, without a doubt" He laughed, it was the first you saw that, outside of that mocking expression, making your stomach turn, somehow that prominent fang was too attractive. You diverted your attention, turned to the empty street and already only lit by the light pole "But my parents tend to be like that, maybe that's why he needs to be found. I'm going to be disinherited, I had a job and I managed to do it wrong, he belongs to my mother, and she likes him more than me, trust me"
"So you should close everything so he doesn't run away" you continued
"I tried, but he's leaving for a very specific place which I don't know what it is…so it's kind of impossible to contain him…sometimes I don't even notice" at that moment you felt like a clown, yuma giving that whole speech of not interfering with the cat's freedom, since it was something much simpler to justify…it was all pranks, as expected.
"It turns out that we don't even know which direction he went after all" you didn't get too involved in this melancholy conversation, you just stood up, looking directly at the boy from the gray hodie " Let's go, this is getting macabre in the dark, if Shiro goes back, will definitely be home"
You started walking in front, going all the way back to your house, tired from that walk. Yuma didn't take too long to follow, walking in the not so deadly silence anymore, and certainly you needed that respite, it had been a few hours since you had been in that unbearable search for a cat that would most likely appear soon and even if your feet were already calloused from so much walking , the final energies were reserved for the entrance of your house where you sat down to rest and drink some water looking at the empty sidewalk, thinking deeply, resting.
"Relax, there's not much we can do now " You said as you hugged your own legs, keeping your gaze fixed on the sidewalk, hoping at some point to see the white shadow emerge from beyond to put an end to that agony.
"Hm," he replied without much else to say, putting the water bottle aside, half consumed.
"Seriously, maybe he's just having a little fun" You said again
"Why is you being so kind? Doesn't look genuine" He commented right after
"Excepting the part where you threatened me, maybe I did it spontaneously " you replied without looking at him
"I just wanted to say that first of all it's your fault" he accused, and you thought it was ok, but then you fell again, to his provocation
-What? Fuck Yuma, I'm trying to be nice - You complained as you turned around and looked at him, found him smiling at you, his fang prominent again and then poked your forehead with his thumb.
"I'm going now, anything…call me" He said stretching his hand waiting for your cell phone. Without much reaction you just handed it over, not understanding what those mixed signals were. As soon as he picked up his phone, he left the number written down and left, disappearing into the street, without looking back, but if you had been in his shoes you would have known how much he was shaking, just like you yourself without noticing.
VI - The influence you have on me
The other day everything still seemed melancholic, you had barely slept, thinking about the cat, already early in the morning you sent messages to Yuma hoping for good news. But he responded briefly saying he hadn't found it yet. Maybe you found each other again, looking for Shiro, all attentive in the hope of finding him and so you followed the path you had left, but without any hope of finding him, in a frustrated and already hopeless dynamic. he was small, very specific, him disappearing like that meant he wasn't as easy to find, so you didn't feel like you could do anything but wait.
"This won't lead to anything, let's just rest a little, Yuma" You promptly slowed down, already tired of this whole trip without any hope "Let's go back, you can wait at my house if you want, you seem exhausted"
In fact, his eyes didn't lie, Yuma was dying, but he kept his face down, he didn't want you to know that he had continued to look for the cat alone, late into the night, in a way he was doing it for relief of conscience, but without saying a word he accepted the return home, now in that same state he remained seated on his sofa, and you, a little worried, joined him.
"Everything is fine! Let's stay like this for now" You whispered leaving a light touch on yuma's shoulder and then he looked at you nervously
"I'm fucked, y/n, you have no idea, if that cat doesn't show up, I'm dead " The tone came out with eminent despair along with fox eyes filling with tears
"He's going to appear! He must just be lost, Yuma, it happens, sure he'll show up soon" You encouraged
"This false optimism shit is pissing me off already," he commented irritably.
"I'm trying to be positive since you freaked out on me ! Now don't take that shit out on me when I tried to warn you" You let go of the cart from his shoulder, mumbling in the corners
"Of course the good Samaritan, I don't need your advice, I need the solution, y/n."
"And how do you assume I have one? I already told you that I don't know where he is" you snapped "there's nothing I can do but try to help"
"I'm tired of your face, I'm leaving. Thanks for nothing"
He just left, leaving the vacuum after the door slammed, indeed, you were sensitive but his lack of tact left you a nervous wreck, your head hurting like never before, but somehow everything seemed to hurt much more this time, you didn't quite understand, but you accepted that maybe they never had all that intimacy, not to the point of becoming close, you were just going crazy, afraid of any reprisals for Yuma thinking you had killed his cat
That same day Shiro had appeared, starving to death at the door of Yuma's house. You could even have congratulated him, but you were in the deepest sleep, the day had been deadly tiring, so you kind of blacked out. But it wasn't as if Yuma had bothered to let you know about it, Koga out of consideration left the message, and also from what he had seen on social networks, you just decided to leave it alone, you hated each other, there was no reason to have contact.
It was what you tried to accept. This annoyance of yours wasn't because you ended up insisting too much, certainly not.
Yuma by himself found his help too pertinent and so after that he disappeared without a trace, returning to his normal life. You did the same, your friends everything, occasionally. Sometimes you would meet him for fraternizations, Taki's birthday, Jo, but nothing more than very few bumps and a hostile atmosphere seemed to be created. Too uncomfortable to create any truce, you still sounded extremely upset when you brought it up, so people just let it go. Now that matter had been resolved, you should just move on.
but for reasons not very clear it seemed to torment you like a ghost, it was weeks like that, considering that all this time in contact even if restricted, you felt that maybe you had gotten used to the idea of yuma's presence and the problem he brought , now everything seemed too peaceful and you didn't feel comfortable that way anymore.
VII - Finding Cat
You were in your bed as usual, finishing up some reports to send to the college, everything within normality, a silence, the mild climate and a pair of white paws on top of your desk, rummaging through your things. Stubborn, demonstrating that in fact nothing has changed, the now more docile cat let you approach and pick him up, carefully, a caress was deposited on the white fluff and a sigh emerged from your lips. It was the first time I saw him after the disappearance, he left a few licks on your arm and a soft bite of greeting, which made you complain and then chuckle when thinking about how much your relationship with him seemed to have evolved since the chase.
"I'll take you home " You took your way to the exit, put your shoes on and went down the street, the same common route, you could clearly remember that race as if it were yesterday, it hurt you to feel the tiredness, the pain in your legs, it was funny to think that now Yuma's house didn't seem as far away as before.
You approached the house, entered again, went to the entrance and rang the bell, you didn't wait too long, the door opened showing a clear view of yuma who was not understanding why you were there, at least until you looked get down to the cat on your lap.
"Next time I won't bring it, I think you'd better be more responsible than that" You stretched the cat towards Yuma who took it in his arms. You turned to leave already longing for the comfort of your home when he spoke
"Want to come in? For a drink of water…you walked a long way" it sounded funny compared to the other times you've been there and the path wasn't that far either, but your feet refused to leave, deep down you felt he had something to say . So you entered, of your own free will.
"Your parents are never home?" You asked, still stopping at the entrance of the house, noticing the silence that always lives there
"Rare occasions" He replied returning Shiro to the ground, this one who took the path to the food pot " we found out where he was leaving…it will take a while until they come to fix this passage, so he may appear more often in these days."
Yuma seemed very centered, you stayed static when he passed you and went to the kitchen to get some water. Not that you asked for any satisfaction, but a heat rose in your body when he did it of his own free will.
"Hm…okay?" You replied awkwardly as you took the glass and drank what was offered to you "But why are you saying that to me?"
"Because it's your house he goes to every time" Yuma shrugged, he was also embarrassed, you noticed, that was bullshit, you knew well what he was doing and you don't need to make an effort
"What you want?"You asked
"Nothing…" he replied.
"Lie" so you asked again "what do you want?"
"I…I wanted to apologize, for before…it wasn't nice" He started " You were just trying to help, i was tired and I ended up being an asshole."
"Okay… I guess, I was also very tired " You replied " It's part of"
"Yes…hm,I have something to give you" Yuma made a sign that you should follow him, and you without understanding the purpose, put the glass in the next most suitable place and followed him down the hallway of the one-story house. At the end was the wooden door which he opened and entered, you established your limit there, over the entrance while the boy searched the room, finding a specific box, not very big, but considerable. "Here"
"What is this?" you opened the box noticing familiar items over there, all yours, which took a while for it to sink in that in fact Shiro stole to bring home,you were surprised, you thought you'd never see your stuff again " Are you telling me that you kept all of this?"
"Yes, I knew someone would show up to get it " Yuma said "shiro likes to give me presents sometimes"
"Did you know?!" You replied indignantly "Are you telling me that you had this with you all the time?"
"Yes" he replied.
"Damn, you're crazy" you continued
"It's not that " Yuma started, opened the box that was in your arms, searching what was inside "These are things that could only belong to a beautiful person"
"One what?" you took a while to assimilate, maybe even expecting an offense right after, or even some mockery with your face. it was yuma, you never expect too much from him.
"A beautiful person… I said" he smiled again, making some rude butterflies appear in his stomach wanting to demonstrate how yuma unexpectedly changed his attitudes towards you "When you first showed up, you weren't the most personable, so I couldn't let you take my gifts away."
"Oh my god, don't remind me that shit again" you took a step back
"I also need to give you this" he said getting more closer
He took his hand out of the pocket of the pants he was wearing and stretched out the necklace, the gold pendant along with the chain, it was your necklace, right in his hand, right in front of you.
"it took a while to find… but it's there" he said opening the lock, getting closer to return the heat to your neck "it would be good if you didn't take it off while Shiro was out there…"
You pressed the box against your chest, not understanding the reason for this apprehension of dealing with Yuma. while he kept himself very close just like that, stopping right in front of you, preventing him from approaching through the box on your chest. Had his lack taken you for good? or because he said he made an effort to find your necklace wherever it was… that touched you deeply.
"I need to go home " you whispered softly trying to disengage "You're acting strange ?"
"Because of the pretty person thing? it wasn't like I was talking about you…maybe that's why it took me so long to deliver this…I wanted to make sure it was you" he said with an overwhelming certainty, it made your face burn and you even thought about cursing, but you gave up, you thought about turning around to leave, but you couldn't. Yuma held you in place like it was nothing " it was a joke honey, it was just a joke."
you were looking forward to it, like it consumed your insides completely, which sounded funny. you're seething with anger and remorse, but then it's suddenly gone, leaving everything in dead silence. Yuma approached slowly leaving you trapped there, and when his lips rested on yours, your knees wanted to falter, make you almost fall over and accept that caress like the big imbecile that was there to fall into Yuma's trap.
the contact was simple, seals stopped without too many evolutions, yuma tastes like coffee, specifically coffee candy, the smell of cologne invading your senses, you were touching him in the most intimate way possible, feeling the feelings overflow, showing the true face of that incubated anger. you were willingly accepting it as if you had been waiting for this for so long and in fact, you felt everything in you tremble without any effort and yuma noticed it easily, both at that moment knew they had a problem there, and it wasn't the Shiro's adventures
VIII- What are your intentions
the week went by like that, you started to think that Yuma was letting the cat get away on purpose, sometimes so you could stop at his door, or he at yours. obviously the intentions were the tables, including you up late together around, kissing, exchanging affection, without anyone knowing, because for some reason you thought you should continue to pretend to hate each other to your friends, but on empty afternoons in the neighborhood it was yuma in your bedroom as you kiss until the air is out of your lungs, touching and caressing each other like true lovers.
You were already weak in your legs, practically on top of Yuma when you broke the kiss in a rush, the air consumed your lungs making it burn and as a response from the other all you received was a murmuring complaint and then soon his lips touching the skin of yours jaw so he could kiss your neck.
"You didn't come here looking for Shiro…?" You were a little breathless, Yuma twisted the position now going on top of you, your hands arranged on his shoulder and the other's full lips touching your skin, leaving delicate seals in the region, making you shiver and sigh. "Yuma"
"Hm? No, Shiro is at home" he said, stopping what he was doing with some regret so he could look at you " I thought i tell you , they already fixed everything, even put protection screens in the house… they kind of found out what happened"
"So does that mean you've been coming here with that excuse for one week ? " You asked
"It's not an excuse, we live on the same street, you should know… and the problem? It's not like we've been doing this for a while." He was bold like that all the time, always making your face burn in embarrassment for being caught accepting Yuma's affection. " What?"
"n-nothing" you replied a bit awkwardly, trying not to show too much that you were enjoying this new yuma. Not that he needed that certainty, just look at you and he would just be sure.
With a low laugh he just took your lips again, a more intense kiss, the thin lips contoured to yours, you mumbled low between, returning without reluctance, moving the touch up his shoulders to the nape of his neck, where you found the hair smooth, leaving a simple affection there. Everything started to grow like a spark next to gasoline, his hands started to go up touching your body, hips, legs, torso, in that instant he was between your legs, kissing you like a hungry man, sucking your lip and pulling more and more. It was the first time you'd felt him so engaged, and you held back, trying to keep up, feeling everything inside you tremble, the sighs getting heavier and heavier as he took your lips more and more, you again running out of air but with no intention of stopping.
"Yuma…slowly, please " You begged in the separation of the lips, trembling between his arms, but there was no answer, he just directs the blurred eyes, thin as blade capturing your expression of pure pleading. You heard a low curse fall from his lips and then he took you again, invading your mouth with his tongue without warning. You moaned low, reciprocating, feeling your skin crawl and lose your composure, putting your muscles to battles for dominance, spilling all that tension that always seemed to build and never stop, everything overflowing, showing the implicit intentions in each of you, his hand was warm and comfortable, you didn't want it to end, that eternal battle, the saliva mixing in a contact that only got more and more intense, you needed more, no matter how far it took.
"y/n!" Euijoo, you were sure, even though it sounded like a mirage, you didn't wait for any confirmation, the kiss broke in a rush, with you pushing yuma by the shoulders, to pull away.
"Hides…"You whispered
"Why?" He asked, disoriented.
"Go on" You grumbled and then, displeased, Yuma got off of you and moved into your closet.
You needed some time to compose yourself, you sat on the bed awkwardly and still panting watched Euijoo enter the confused quiet.
"Are you with someone here?" He asked confused, feeling the sudden heat that was in that room
"No…"You replied
"Then who were you talking to?" He asks again.
"On the phone..with my mom" You said again, trying to get around it, Ej sat on the bed next to you, while Yuma slipped into the cramped closet. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you? I always come" He said a little offended "It's hot here, you're acting strange, what's going on? Was it the nakakita's insufferable again?"
"Hm? No! I'm just tired... it's been a day, full so to speak " you commented
"I know... I still don't think that's it, but since you're not going to tell me anyway, I'm just going to go" Euijoo sighed, still acting suspicious by the way you were all confused, with your senses shaken "I just came to see if you were all good"
"Ah yes, all in peace...nothing much has happened anyway You smiled at him, stiffly and watched him get up
"I'm going then" Euijoo said before leaving the room, you waited for the front door to close and then exhaled and yuma came out of the closet
"Why hide? It seems like a shame" He commented muttering low
"It's not that...it's just that I know that if he finds out I'm fucke-"
"I KNEW IT ' You jumped, seeing Euijoo already at the door of your room indignant "Shame on you both!"
Yuma laughed softly and then crossed his arms, looking at you as if implying that he had warned you of the danger of this "secret" relationship
"It wasn't my intention I swear " You whimpered " It was his fault"
"My? Fucking no, you were the one who said you shouldn't tell anyone" Yuma countered
"It's obvious, you know how many people I made it clear to you that I hated you" You replied
"And you don't hate it? "Euijoo questioned
"...I don't know "You replied
"God, you are disgusting, for God's sake don't keep hiding him like that it's weird" Euijoo said "Now I'm really going, bye"
And then he left, this time for real, you stayed there, looking like you expected any response to that act of yours that even in your opinion, sounded pretty stupid.
"Do not know? "He started
"No… I'm still not sure of my feelings, they aren't clear yet" You said still a little embarrassed, you wanted to apologize, but you wouldn't have that courage either
"So look for me when you have it, I'm going now" For obvious reasons he seemed offended, you were about two weeks away, that's all, even if today it almost got out of control, you still couldn't say how you felt , because everything was still messed up, not long ago you attested with all the words that you hated him, assuming that you like him are two poles that you didn't know how to manage so quickly.
Of course you let him go, maybe you needed space anyway, even with your lips tingling from the touch of his as soon as possible, there were things that should be made clear, your uncertainty couldn't lead to anything good, it just proved today, Yuma didn't has a very exemplary temperament, you had to manage.
You didn't feel bad in general, you kind of didn't have much to do, you barely had time to think properly, so you just considered taking that little time for yuma's tantrum to pass and then you could do something about it, because even If you made that decision the next day, he would still be a little hurt by it all.
IX - After Party (smut ahead)
which was possibly a mistake, because not even three days later you ended up meeting yuma, in another one of the casual encounters at some party where euijoo usually dragged you close to the beach as always and you were coping well, you felt that that time was necessary for some clarifications, it also appears that you wanted to give a little of the poison that one has been serving for weeks, you preferred to remain silent for a while.
You were close to the sand as usual, sitting and talking to some people when the little group appeared again, with the same as always, because koga and his group would never let any event go unnoticed.
Obviously Yuma was one of them, he arrived with his gaze directed at you, as if questioning your audacity to be in front of him after you had simply disappeared for three days, it wasn't like that at all, you both knew that, he was mad at the fact that you hadn't followed from him that very day, but how could you? a lot was running through your mind, you guys hadn't even thought about the consequences of things before simply doing it, it was a moment like that when you remembered why you didn't like yuma, he's always too impulsive
For your misfortune, being cold-blooded was already something of the yuma personality, eye contact although frequent, it was for a short time but it was enough, he wanted to know about you and it was necessary that you were alone for that. Of course he wouldn't be the one to suggest it, even if desperate to the same extent, you consider taking the first step towards stroking his ego.
"juju… I'm going to the bathroom over there" you indicated with a smile at him and he looked at you with an expression that was not at all skeptical
"hm… call me later " he knew you wouldn't come back, he knew you enough to know, with that he just made it clear that you should be careful with what you were going to do
you smiled at him and made your way to the sidewalk, a little further away from the others and it must not have taken too long for yuma to appear beside you, as if he wanted nothing more than to stay there. you stayed in that silence for a while, not considering any contact, just looking at the deserted street as it seemed to be a habit of the two of you to do when you felt that the weather was not very suitable for jokes
"Are you going home? " he asked
"yes…"you replied
"thought about what I asked you to think about?"he asked again
Yuma took a deep breath trying to contain the situation. he was not used to attitudes like his, this brazen way of challenging him made yuma go completely crazy as he had been feeling like he had been for a while
"Can I walk you home?" he asks
"Yes" you answer with a smile, following him wherever he went, seeing him stop near a motorcycle, handing over the helmet he had "is it really yours?"
"Who else would it be?"he asked as if the answer was obvious, well, in fact you didn't know much about him, but it was definitely something you was trying to improve. picking up the helmet you put it on and waited for yuma to get on the bike so that he could do the same.
the smell of his cologne made butterflies rise in your stomach, the hug given around his waist as the vehicle moved forward and that whole feeling of running away from people's eyes so you could have more time with yuma, it makes you laugh in absurd ways , because never in your life had she imagined yourself with someone as specific as yuma.
the journey was fast, living in a small town had certain privileges, even if few. you got off the bike as soon as it stopped in front of your house and then removed your helmet.
"At home" he said stretching his hand expecting to receive the helmet, but you didn't deliver.
"Do you want to enter ?" you asked
"I should?" he asked and you nodded in agreement.
"Just a little…"you said earnestly
yuma turned off the bike in an instant getting off and then followed you inside, subtle, you seemed anxious because you knew how much you missed each other, even if in a few days of separation, both already seemed desperate. Inside the rooms you let Yuma enter first to do the same, you closed the door right behind and deposited the helmet on the floor next to the door, with the subtlety that you felt you should approach him and hugged him through the trunk, keeping
"I don't understand why you're so angry Yuma-kun, we were doing so well" You commented quietly, feeling his hand touch your hair
"You know well, I don't like explaining half relationships to people, you treat me like it's a secret " He starts "I don't like indecision"
"I'm not indecisive, I'm just trying not to rush" You mentioned, let go of Yuma to put yourself on tiptoe "You know you can be very cruel when you want to."
"Wow, I was going to say that about you right now," he said next.
"I'm just giving you back in kind" you snatched, smiling, your eyes shining in his direction, and then left a soft saddle on his lips "don't you think this whole discussion is childish? I just wanted to kill the longing I'm feeling for you"
In some moments of this whole adventure, Yuma was certain that you were some kind of witch, for all the times you appeared in front of him from the beginning, some reactions were already very clear, the way you make him anxious was destructive , Yuma falls easily on your lips and doesn't need more than that, then he holds you tight by the waist and then takes your lips, taking you to the first place he can to hold you there.
The same taste as coffee, the sensation raced through your body in a shiver and you gasped as he skipped a hundred steps to thrust his tongue in your mouth. You reciprocated and got involved like never before, his hands firm on your hips and then yuma lifted you to put you trapped in his lap, now held by your legs yuma pinned you completely against the wall, muttering like a desperate animal by the way you pulled subtly the hairs on the back of his neck.
"I need you" You whispered by separating your lips for a mere second, Yuma watched you and then smiled satisfied, turned his body and took you with him into the bedroom, where he placed you on the bed
"Don't you ever dare say you're confused" He warned with an authority that you didn't let him have, but which you allowed on occasion, without questioning."don't even question what we have, for even a second."
You didn't answer, just after receiving back the touch of his lips, intense, the firmness now of the tongues touching each other again, the half light from the street lamp entering your window that was open only disposed by an almost transparent white curtain, Yuma didn't it took a while to hold the hem of your shirt and pull, gently parting your lips to remove your clothes. The kisses now tracing their way down your neck soaked singles and bites with no intention of marking, but that deep down yuma was just testing the waters, trying to know what could cause you the most reactions at that moment, even with you already looking like a complete mess.
"you are mine" He went down gently, feeling the shivers of your skin at the touch of his icy fingers, caressing your mass up and down without much hesitation. Yuma kissed down your jaw, shoulders, between your breasts, traveling all the way down your body, listening to sighs and whispers without any coherence, trying to follow the touch of his wet kiss.
your feverish body wanting to know what his next step could be, your mind in a tailspin and your only option was to keep your fingers over the dark threads, maintaining a contact between you since at that particular moment you felt you no longer had any capacity to do something for yuma, he was already self-sufficient to the point of only requiring you to be the focus that night. His hands wandered to the waistband of the pants you were wearing and then he looked up at you, catching your expressions to be sure he should move forward, you nod without much courage to say anything yuma just smiled at your lovely figure and then he released the button right after the zipper, pulling it by your hip, giving the destination of that piece to the floor next to the bed, your body trembled with the wind that came out of the window, but it was purely momentary.
Her heart stopped when she felt him so delicately open your legs, even with your intimacy still covered, you couldn't help but feel so exposed, your underwear already getting damp from the mentions and thoughts that Yuma made pop up in your head at every touch. His tongue scraped across the fabric without warning and a moan slipped from your lips in fright, he was kissing and licking the entire covered area as if there was nothing between the two of you already. Your pussy closing around nothing making it even a little painful, the way his patience didn't seem to shake at all, Yuma was torturing you even without you realizing it, your body retracted and now trembling his advances, and when Yuma sucked and stimulated your entire vulva through the tissue that gradually became too thin to be felt
"Y-Yuma…please" You whimpered
"Shh, I'll take care of you" he let out, you may even have cursed in thought at that moment, but you preferred to be safe, clearly remembering that the command of your body was all in his hands at that moment. Your little meows made the vibrations run straight to his cock, but every moment all you had was yuma's still figure, dragging your clothe to the side and then diving into your taste.
His tongue was hot, gliding easily, with deadly gentleness, the touch all over the region until it reached your point made you moan something, grab your fingers in his hair so you wouldn't end up taking it out on closing your legs. Yuma grumbled against your center vibrating against your button and then you moan once more, feeling the heat take over, make your chest rise and fall desperately, feeling every inch of you wanting to melt.
Yuma is complacent, keeps his hands firmly on your thighs trying his best to keep them open for him, pushing with his fingers, marking the area, taking care to have you completely open so he can get the full view, eyes sharp like a fox, sliding his tongue back between your lips he seeks your entrance, passing the entire tip of his tongue along the edges and then starting to fuck you with the muscle, in moderate rhythms, Yuma now thrust his tongue almost inside you, while watch you lose yourself in just mouth.
Your eyes darted to the back of your head and your body slid off the mattress as your hips tried with all their might to move forward and make more contact with his mouth.
"F-fuck" You whimpered like a bitch in heat "I need more p-please"
The words came out as a whimper, for Yuma to serve as an imminent victory for all that wild tantrum you had been building up to each other for the last month. You knew it couldn't last too long, but even so it seemed to have no end, Yuma made the same paths exploring you , sucking your coitus that was already starting to get sensitive from so much stimulation, your body and shoulders shaking desperately, you were close, very close.
"I…I'm going to come" You warned, within seconds, you were feeling the heat rise and the air go out when he stopped and the sensation subsided just as quickly "fuck…"
You were out of breath, through a party of light you could see his evil gaze supported by a smile.
"I'm in charge" he whispered to you removing his own shirt, soon helping you to take off your underwear. You moved up a little more giving room for Yuma to climb.
He didn't take too long to get rid of his clothes, he was subtle, the rush made him a desperate man and you, without thinking too much, welcomed him into your arms. You meowed again when felt the hard member dragging your intimately and then moaned as he slid inside, both of them humming each other's names. Yuma left some of his weight on top of you and then laced his arms through yours, keeping you tied to him.
And then he started to move without much anticipation, he was trying to deal with your intimacy by swallowing, contracting around him desperately, one had to let his head rest on your shoulder as he found himself fully inside you, he knew he couldn't last too long so he needed some time to contain himself, soon the attacks were slow, without much rhythm. you sang low into his ear, slurred moans and pleas for more came out in a funny mix, your hands on the strands of his hair feeling the softness, the scalp starting to sweat.
“I'm ready…just do whatever you want with me” you whispered in his ear, again taking vibrations straight to his cock, yuma whimpered and then started to move more freely, opening and scraping on your walls, bumping his hips now so that everything started to become a complete mess. His heart started beating fast, you called his name first and then clung to his body.
yuma soon begins to mark your skin, passing the tip of his tongue over your neck and shoulder and then begins to suck, leaving marks on the skin, nibbling, and leaving almost unconscious for the sensation that it brought. little by little the assault became more persistent, more violent, making the bed shake, yuma once so silent starts to mutter against your skin, panting and moaning in that unique tone of voice, the kind that makes you lose your mind
“fuck” he whispered against your skin, you battling to contain your orgasm that insisted on coming all the way that he went deeper inside you now became a very difficult battle to fight alone, one kept the body rigid, without shifting too much positions and you needed a single signal, such was the way he started to moan so painfully so you could let everything inside of you spill out, the sounds mixing in the air, the violent way he thrust inside you and then the silence, the heavy breathing, the weight of yuma's body was now all over you, both of you bewildered, tired, you felt your body in pure ecstasy, after so long without anyone, the fact of being yuma, everything it left you completely confused. You hated it, mostly because of that, because of those feelings that he was definitely the only one capable of causing in you from the beginning.
“yuma…I can't feel my legs…” you said a little embarrassed, while yuma got out of you to go to the side, letting all that mess overflow, both of you not understanding, looking at the ceiling of the room, as if he had just relieved a tension of years lingering.
“you made the biggest mess” you complained
“it was you who asked for it” he replied looking at you “or will you say you faked your orgasm”
“I didn't say I didn't come” you directed your gaze to the window, embarrassed by the way he approached the situation
"so don't complain about the mess" murmured yuma, sitting on the bed, his vision was one of the best until then, his hair damp with sweat, his white skin sweaty and pink with effort, he was definitely the most beautiful person he had ever met, despite the obnoxious personality. "what?"
“nothing” you frowned with shame to admit that you were admiring it all this time, wondering about so many atrocities and thoughts that always pass so quickly through your head, especially when talking about yuma and the mixture of things he makes you feel
yuma grumbled stretching his hand to you, soon he pulls you to sit down
“come on, I'll help you clean up” you smiled at him and followed him willingly, I try the freedom of being able to share a shower with yuma, no big deal, you felt your legs trembling from the effort despite not having left the room corner, yuma once or twice made it clear that you were too weak, that you would never be able to put up with him, but shut up was enough, during that short time of relationship you discovered that the best way to shut him up was always having your lips on his.
yuma is awesome but only when he's doing things quiet.
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pedgito · 2 years
Hi! I saw this in a prompt list and thought it might be cute, immediately thought of Eddie munson.
“You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good”
author’s note: i love giving my brain a break from smut for adorable prompts like these, so thank you!! i saw this and had to write it haha, it’s so perfect.
cw: sfw, meet-cutes, slightly mean!reader, cats loving eddie for no reason, steve being an annoying neighbor, mentions of drinking, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 1.3k
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You could’ve sworn you locked your door—every night, on the way to your room, just a simple turn of the lock and you were secure—not tonight, apparently. The day was long and exhausting and you ended up falling asleep on the couch half-dressed in your pajamas after a shower, an over-sized shirt covering your thighs to leave you some decency to the underwear hidden beneath.
It’s a small jingle to the doorknob that startles you, swearing that it’s all in your head—or that Steve was having another one of his wild nights and lost his keys, it’s why he left an extra in your apartment.
You didn’t know him incredibly well, but after being his neighbor for two years there was a weird bond of trust, that and he gave you free rentals every week when you came into the store, he was actually a pretty sweet guy despite his disregard for noise when it came to neighbors.
You heave a heavy sigh, peeking your eyes open to watch the shadow under the door as it stumbles clumsily, their weight shifting against it as if they slipped—it startled your cat, a scraggly black and grey feline that was always either sleeping or ripping up your furniture. It was a rocky love and hate relationship, most of the love attempting to be forced on your end while there was mostly hate being received in response. He climbs over your head and plops onto the floor, shoving himself under the couch and away from whatever predator lurked beyond.
“I feed you, take care of you—you’re such an asshole.” You call after him, leaning up from the couch to stomp toward the door and yell at whoever was waiting on the other side—but that never happens.
The door opens before you get a chance to move, the dimness of the room making it impossible to clock who it is at first glance, your eyes squinting to make out the shape of them.
It dawns on you quickly—that definitely wasn’t Steve.
There’s a low curse as they step on one of your cats scattered toys, nearly slipping as they slapped their hand against the wall to catch themselves. Normally, your first instinct would be to scream, run, either of the two would work—but all signs were pointing elsewhere and you couldn’t help but watch on in amusement, waiting for the person to realize they might’ve stepped into the wrong apartment. It wasn’t like you were hooking up with anyone lately, let alone bring them home.
“Why the fuck—“ The voice huffs, kicking the toy to the side as they regained their balance, “Steve, did you get a fucking cat?”
And that explains it.
“No, he didn’t.” You reply with amusement, pushing up on your hands until the blanket falls to your waist, hair bemused from sleep—there was no telling how ridiculous you looked right now.
Eddie shouts, “Jesus, dude—who the hell are you?”
The door falls shut without Eddie’s doing and the silence is deafening.
“The owner of this apartment.” You point out, doing an obvious scan of the apartment until it clicks in his brain, his eyes widening in both shock and embarrassment.
“Holy shit—I am so—“
Your cat jumps out then, circling the stranger’s feet curiously. Your face scrunched up in annoyance as he betrayed you once again, finding safety in a stranger rather than you.
Eddie forgets what he’s saying, leaning down to pet at the cat’s soft fur, “Oh hey, little guy,” The cat purrs softly, nudging his head into his palm, “did I scare you?”
“Not to interrupt, but I still have every reason to call the cops on your right now,” You remind him, shoving the blanket away to scamper toward him, forgetting your severe lack of clothing to grab at your car, hurling him up into your arms, “the least you could do is introduce yourself.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, shifting to your face immediately.
“Uh—Eddie. Munson. Steve’s friend.” He explains quickly, “The light’s out in the hall—and I’m a little drunk if I’m being honest, I guess I got the numbers mixed up.”
You huff a laugh at that, feeling your cat wiggle from your grasp until he could paw at Eddie, jumping the distance to snuggle into Eddie’s waiting arms, sensing the need before it even happened.
“Well, Steve’s friend Eddie Munson,” You say dramatically, “you seem to be the only person my cat doesn’t despise—so I won’t call the cops, not yet.”
On cue, the tiny fury betrayer rubs against Eddie’s jacket, closing his eyes as he relaxes.
“You little shit.” You say snidely causing Eddie to chuckle—his eyes linger on your face briefly until he can’t stand it, drifting further down the expanse of your legs.
You notice it, answering with a dismissive, “I was sleeping.”
“On your couch?” He asks quizzically, noting the size of your apartment. He knew there had to be a bedroom somewhere—though, who was he to judge?
“I was tired.” You shrug, “—Why are you still here?”
“Yeah, shit,” Eddie curses again, something that seemed to be a habit of his, “I didn’t expect to make a friend.”
He scratches the cat’s head gently, another soft purr rumbling in the quiet and another annoyed eye roll coming from you.
There’s a rough knock at the door that startles both of you, a soft yelp escaping your throat. It sends your cat fleeing in a hurry to your bedroom, body slinking through the cracked door and away from danger once again.
You shove Eddie away from the door gently, twisting the doorknob until the door creaked open, brimming with frustration at the sudden flurry of events—all you wanted was a decent night of sleep.
“Hey—oh,” Steve’s eyes go wide, his figure becoming clearer as the door opens wide, “—Eddie?”
“It’s a long story.” You tell him before Eddie has the chance to answer.
“You’re—“ He points at you and your state of undress, eyebrows pulling together in confusion, “do you two—wait, are you two screwing each other?”
Eddie stutters out a quick, “No.”
Followed by your pointed look of disgust, “God—absolutely not.”
Eddie looks slightly offended but forces it away, Steve’s mouth pulling up into a smirk, “I probably should’ve introduced you two sooner—Eddie’s moving in with me next week.”
“Yeah, well it looks like your new roomie partied too hard,” You tell Steve, plucking at the sleeve of Eddie’s slack arm, the metal of his bracelet jingling against his wrist, “I already took in one stray—two, counting you,” Your eyes narrow on Steve, “I don’t need a third.”
“I’m right here,” Eddie says, feeling dejectedly despite his lack of knowing you, “I have feelings.”
“You’ll learn, buddy,” Steve offers comfortingly, grasping at his friend’s wrist to pull him along, “let’s go.”
“My cat didn’t try to maul him—so I guess that’s something,” You offer, Steve’s face contorting in shock, “—yeah, literally ran toward him like a fuckin’ traitor.”
“Huh,” Steve laughs, glancing over at his friend who still had an apparent frown on his face—you feel like you apologizing is a good idea, but Steve quickly rectifies that, “he’s fine—just an emotional drunk.”
“Well, I guess that makes two of you.”
“Hey,” Steve says, coming to his own defense, “not true.”
“Yeah—he likes to strip naked too.” Eddie interjects and Steve has the audacity to look mortified despite how many times you’ve witnessed just that.
Steve is on the precipice of a retort, mouth open in defense, but you quickly close the door in his face and catch the muffled beginnings of what you were sure was going to turn into an hour long rant—luckily, that wasn’t your problem.
Eddie Munson, though—that was soon to prove in being the biggest problem of your life.
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housewifebuck · 9 months
Do you have any unpopular and/or strong opinions about car care? Products people get or don’t when they should?
I’m in the freaking out about getting a cat soon stage lol
hiiii<3 congratulations you have pressed my special interest button! I have extremely strong opinions on proper cat care from the perspective of a rescuer since every day I am faced with cleaning up the messes of people who do NOT take care of their cats properly. I am putting everything under the cut since this will include mentions of animal abuse/neglect etc. And also it’s going to be very long I fear.
First and foremost as I’m sure you will soon be able to tell animal welfare is something I am very very passionate about. Rescue work is my entire life. These are all things I have had to repeat over and over to people who just don’t care/don’t get it and so if some of it sounds aggressive that is NOT directed at you (Michal) 😭 I’m talking to the royal you here since this is advice for everybody.
the most important thing in the world is to make sure your cat is FIXED. if she is coming from a rescue she likely already is, but if shes not, make sure you have an appointment set up to get it + rabies and FVRCP vaccines done asap (I also recommend getting the feline leukemia vaccine, which is not usually done in house by rescues). I would even make the appointment now if you know when you are bringing her home. on top of preventing countless health issues down the road, it will also keep her from reproducing if she ever accidentally gets outside. not only is that awful for the mom cat but we already have enough homeless kittens out there tyvm. PS this is just as important for male cats.
speaking of which, do not let your pet cat free roam outside*. Ever. here is a handy article outlining just a few of the many many reason why it is a terrible and irresponsible thing to do. I dont care if you think you live in a low risk area, or if your cat seems to want to get outside, or if you've had outdoor cats before with no issue. I have had to scrape countless dead cats out of the roadway after being hit by cars because their owners let them outside. Rat poison (very commonly found around peoples houses and in trash cans), if ingested, will literally cause an animal to exsanguinate and die in agony. Other stray cats in the area could be carrying FIV/FeLV or worse. If any of your neighbors grow lilies and your cat brushes against one and licks the pollen from their fur, they will die. There’s just so many reasons to keep your cats indoors I could go on about this forever. if you absolutely must take your cat outside either leash train them (properly, dont just take them out on a leash for the first time and expect them to be okay with it) or get a kitty stroller. But there are PLENTY of ways to keep your cat enriched and entertained indoors. Cat trees, shelves, bird feeders outside, interactive toys, treat dispensers, just to name a few. Go on chewy.com and just browse. They have an excellent selection and great customer service. Another alternative is building a catio! Just make sure your cat receives regular flea/tick treatment year round.
avoid the hell out of those backpack carriers with the clear plastic windows. those are terrifying for cats to be in they feel completely exposed and the ventilation is shit. get a proper hard sided (plastic) carrier. I recommend one with two doors (one on the front and one on top, otherwise known as a top loading carrier). When you travel outside or in the car be sure to cover the carrier with a towel or blanket. This calms them down a lot. The reasons I recommend against soft/mesh carriers are: they are impossible to clean or sanitize if your cat has an accident (very common in the car) or contracts an infectious disease, they provide no protection in the event of being dropped or if you are in a car accident or if you run into a cat-aggressive dog in the vet waiting room, and especially anxious cats can and will fight their way out of them and having a terrified cat loose in your car on your way to the vet is extremely dangerous for both of you.
Expect your new cat to be scared and shy for a few days-to-weeks, minimum. This isn’t always the case, but it is more often than not. I have had so many cats returned for not being friendly enough right away because adopters were too impatient to wait. It takes cats time to decompress in a new environment. I recommend keeping your new cat in a separate room like a bathroom or small bedroom for the first few days so a) it is less overwhelming and b) once you allow them access to the rest of the house, that room will be their “safe space” to retreat to. Also normal when a cat has experienced an environmental shift are: mild vomiting and/or diarrhea (I recommend keeping the cat on whatever diet they have been fed previously and doing a slow transition to your food of choice, + add in probiotics. Proviable and Fortiflora are two brands I like, both available on chewy), hiding in one place for the first 24ish hours, and occasionally stress induced urinary issues such as UTIs. To best avoid the latter make sure their litter box is somewhere they can get to easily without encountering any human or animal traffic. But don’t put it next to their food/water obviously.
And speaking of food/water! Cats tend not to like their food to be right next to their water. I recommend placing the dishes a few feet away at least if not in separate areas of the room. Also, cats by nature do not drink enough water usually so some amount of wet food in their diet is pretty important, and water fountains/bubblers also help get them to drink more. Chronic dehydration can cause urinary issues and more. Dry food is better for their teeth but higher in carbs and a dry-only diet often leads to an overweight cat, and wet food can cause plaque buildup faster but has a much higher moisture content. A balance of both is ideal. Avoid raw diets as well as these food brands: Hartz**, kit & caboodle, meow mix, friskies.
If you keep houseplants, be very very careful. Cats are curious and love to chew on anything that smells like nature and will go out of their way to do so, but a LOT of common houseplants are toxic to cats (for example, every part of the Lily flower, if ingested and not treated immediately, will kill your cat within a day). The ASPCA has a database online to search for plants and see if they are toxic or not.
The rule of thumb with litter boxes is 1 per cat +1. So if you have one cat, you need a minimum of 2 litter boxes, preferably in separate rooms of the house. Corners and secluded areas with little foot traffic are ideal. Make sure the box is the length of your cat standing up + about 6 inches for ideal comfort. Avoid “lightweight” litter; it’s super dusty and very fine and can irritate both your lungs and your cat’s lungs.
Stay on top of your annual vet exams. Even if your cat seems perfectly healthy it’s better safe than sorry, and having a good rapport with your veterinarian makes it much easier to deal with them in the event of an emergency. And on that topic, make sure you know where your local ER vets are + their hours and phone numbers. Cats are tough and resilient but they are also fragile and stupid.
*obviously different rules may apply if your cat is feral or semi feral and cannot live happily indoors. It is not typically a good idea to try and force a feral/working cat to be strictly indoors before they’re ready. But a regular domestic pet cat does not ever “need” to be outside, nor is it cruel to keep them in. This doesn’t always stop them from being interested though, so be careful around doors until you know how your cat will behave around them.
**while the other brands are just low in nutrients, high in filler byproducts, and just overall not super healthy, Hartz brand products (especially their flea and tick medication and shampoos) have been known to straight up kill peoples pets. Like, a LOT. I have seen this happen countless times. Everyone I know who’s ever used a Hartz product has a horror story about it. Do not ask me how they’re still in fucking business.
Honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head but I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff. If you have any specific questions you can hit me up, I don’t mind! Part of my job as a rescuer is educating the public so this is information I am very happy to share. Congrats on your new kitty and good luck!!!!
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A Date After Work - A Xyx Fanfic
Part 1
Part 2
You were playing with Cat while your husband was getting ready for your date. You had already talked to one of your guys’ neighbors and they’d agreed to take care of them. It was great to have people like that around. They were used to Xyx’s antics and airhorns and never held it against you both, which you were extremely grateful for.
Xyx came out of the bathroom, wearing a suit that was more navy than the one he wore to work, complemented by a tie in a darker shade of yellow.
“How do I look, love?” he asks, raising a brow, “Would this be too dashing? Wouldn’t want anyone else falling for me. Though, couldn’t blame ‘em.”
You roll your eyes, not bothering to hide the smile on your face as he says that, “I wouldn’t know, I’m already inlove.”
Xyx smirks, “Hmm… I suppose it can’t be helped then. The world will just have to deal with my handsomeness.”
“Poor world. Probably not even prepared”
“Sad, right? Too bad. Some of us are just a gift to humanity and the world will just need to get used to that.”
“I suppose so. It may be the world’s loss, but it’s my gain isn’t it?”
“Precisely. You have the full package, doll.” he winks at you.
“I guess I hit the jackpot, then.” you chuckle.
He grins at you, “So did I. Not everyone gets to have a gorgeous wife who’s dressed up all stunning and someone who puts up with ‘em all the time.”
“Not sure I’d say I ‘put up with you’. Though, you are a handful. Not like I’d have it any other way though.”
“Good, ‘cause you already signed a lifetime with me. No refunds or returns are permissible.”
“Hm… Shouldn’t be a problem.” You smile.
Xyx takes a look at his watch, “As much as I would love to stay in here all day with you, doll, I believe we have a date to get to. Wouldn’t want you to get all dressed up for no reason, now would we?”
You giggle, “I suppose you’re right.”
You pick up Cat and give them a little pet before putting your shoes on. You and Xyx smile at eachother before you ring your neighbors’ doorbell and leave Cat with them, thanking them once again for taking care of the lil furball. After the neighbor closes the door, you slip your arm through Xyx’s, earning yourself a grin.
“About time the thieving freeloader stopped stealing your time.” Xyx says playfully, leading you out to his bike.
“Babe, if anything, you're stealing Cat’s time with me.” you chuckle.
Xyx’s eyes twinkle with hints of mischief as he helps you on the motorcycle, “If my memory serves me right, I was the reason you came into our life. Therefore, I am allowed to get my allotted share of your time That and the fact that I’m your husband gives me the right to exclusive time with you. Case closed.”
You smirk at the lawyer as he gets on the bike, holding tight onto his waist. He looked back at you for a second, taking in your beauty, before starting the bike with a purr. You felt the engine rumbling as you wrapped your arms around him tightly, earning yourself a chuckle. You looked at the evening sky. The night was beautiful and the evening air was cool and calm.
Xyx maneuvered the motorcycle through the street, weaving smoothly and effortlessly between the evening traffic. The city lights were twinkling in a way that reminded you of stars.
“So, where are we going?” you raise a brow that he couldn’t see.
“That, love, is for me to know and you to find out.”
“That’s unfair. It just makes me more curious.”
“Unfair is just another type of fair.” he chuckles.
“What about a hint?” you were extremely curious.
“No can do, doll.’ You could feel the smirk on his face as he said that. The wind blew through your hair as he went a bit faster, making you tighten your grip on him, “Wouldn’t want to risk ruining the surprise now, would we?”
It was true. You didn’t want the surprise to be ruined just because your brain couldn’t handle waiting to know something. You let out a resigned sigh, “Maybe I should start being the spy among us.” you say, “Fine. Wherever you’re taking me better be worth these past moments of suffering I’m going through.”
Xyx chuckled, his voice playful yet reassuring, “Trust me, doll. It’ll be worth all the hard work you’re putting into not asking questions. Must be a lot.”
“Oh it is, and I’m not even getting paid.”
After what felt like ages of being left in suspense, but what was actually around 5-10 minutes, the two of you finally reach it. It was a restaurant near the beach. You looked at the beach. A place filled with memories. You smiled at it, remembering the time the two of you ended a very eventful date there with a dance.
Xyx helps you off of the bike and takes your hand. He gives you a grin, and you return it with a smile. Honestly, you felt excited. The beach was one of your favorite places, for obvious reasons. You were going to a restaurant that was close to it. Xyx started leading you in.
Inside, the restaurant was warm and looked very inviting. It was cozy, and yet seemed elegant. The golden light cast a warm glow on each table and there were only sounds of soft murmurs. The place was filled with nautical and maritime decor. The restaurant looked very clean.
A waiter greeted the both of you, leading the two of you to a table with a beautiful view of the beach and moonlit ocean outside. The table looked very sophisticating, with its polished silverware and folded napkins. You could hear the sound of waves from outside, and it felt relaxing.
Xyx pulled your chair out for you, helping you into it before sitting in his own. You were mesmerized by the view and the memories said view gave you. The waiter gave the two of you your menus and left to go check on another customer. The two of smiled at eachother as Xyx sat down in his own seat.
“This is… Wow…”
“Yeah? I was thinking you’d like it.” he smirked.
You looked out at the shimmering waves. There was moonlight reflecting off the ocean which made it seem almost magical.
“You were right.” you smile, “This is perfect.”
There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye, “Only the best for you, doll.”
The waiter came back to take your orders and after he left, you looked back out at the beach. It looked particularly gorgeous.
“The beach looks beautiful…” you say, your eyes lingering on the waves.
“Sure, but it’s not as beautiful as you” he replies with a wink.
You roll your eyes, trying and failing to hide the smile on your face, “Smooth talker, aren’t you?”
“One of my many talents, doll. Others would include being cool, awesome, sexy, the list goes on. Though, I speak nothing but the truth.”
“Uh-huh.” you blush at the last part, “You’re so modest.”
“Well, when you’re as amazing as me, you kind of have to be.” he said with a grin.
“Ah yes, definitely. How do you do it, oh awesome one?”
“It can be quite the burden, but someone’s gotta bear it.” He says with a dramatic sigh.
You snicker, “So humble.”
“Hey now doll, humility is just another word for being extraordinarily fantastic.” Xyx says with a straight face, though you could see it almost smirking.
The two of you continue talking and bantering as the waiter comes with your food. Just smelling it made your stomach rumble. As the waiter left, you and Xyx dug in, savoring every bite. You continued your conversation, laughing and razzing eachother.
After finishing your food, Xyx suggested a stroll along the beach, which you happily agreed to. You guys went out of the restaurant after Xyx paid for dinner– you offered to do so, but Xyx looked at you like you’d grown a second head and was ‘offended’. For someone who apparently loved money, he sure loved being the one to pay for things. Or maybe he found something, or someone, whom he loved more than money.
Leaving the restaurant, you were hit with a cool breeze. Xyx reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. His hand was warm and very comfortable.
“So, what’d ya think of that one?” Xyx raises a brow at you with a playful smile.
You give him a grin, “Pretty amazing if I do say so myself”
“Is that right? Just ‘pretty’?” he teased.
You snort, “Alright alright. It may or may not have been one of the best days of my life.”
“You say that everytime, love. I’m starting to think you don’t really mean it.” your husband chuckles.
“Hey! It’s not my fault! Maybe you just know how to make everything so perfect all the time.”
Xyx smirks, leaning in closer as the sounds of waves crashing against the shore are heard, “I suppose I do have a certain… flair for perfection.”
You laugh, “Oh absolutely. You’re practically flawless.”
“Practically, doll?” he says dramatically, putting his free hand over his heart, “Now that hurts. I thought I was completely flawless”.
“That would be boring. Are you calling yourself boring, Xyx?” you raise a brow.
“Me? Boring? I think we both know better than to call me that, love.”
“Oh of course! I would never. You’re very fun and entertaining. I was just telling you that that’s what you were calling yourself.”
“Is that so?” he pauses hearing the sound of music slowly drifting from somewhere. He listens for a moment, stopping and looking at you with a smirk, “Too late for any explanation, doll. I’m already fairly offended. How about a deal?”
“Oh?” You grin.
“You give me a dance and I’ll forgive ya.”
“Hmm…” you pretend to think for a moment, “I suppose that seems fair.”
You have learnt a bit about dancing because of Xyx, now knowing where to put your hands and how to move. Even so, you let him take the lead as he guides you to a slow, romantic dance. The two of you sway gently to the rhythm, receiving a slight feeling of déjà vu. The two of you look into eachother’s eyes, basically hypnotized, as the rest of the world fades.
“Xyx…” you break the silence after a while.
“Thank you… for this. I had a great time.”
His smile is very genuine and grows a bit, “Anytime, doll. You just say the word.”
You giggle, “That’s a big promise.”
“I take my promises very seriously, doll. You should know that by now.” he says teasingly.
“True, true.”
“Besides, remember when I said I’d take good care of ya? I meant it.” he recalls, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. The day you first met in real life. The day he picked you up from the airport. One of the happiest days of your life.
You give him a soft smile, “I know… You prove it everyday. I never hesitated to believe you. Not at the airport and certainly not now.” you pause, “We’ve come a long way since then, haven’t we? From the video calls to this.”
Xyx’s eyes twinkle with a mixture of nostalgia and affection, “Yeah. It’s been one hell of a ride, hasn’t it?”
“Sure has. One hell of a ride you acquired.”
He chuckles, “I did warn ya that you were getting into dangerous territory. I absolve myself of any guilt.”
“Nothing to feel guilty about. This has been my favorite.”
“Oh? Good, ‘cause you can’t get off.”
You let out a soft laugh, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The two of you continue dancing. The music wraps around you in warm embrace. Xyx pulls you closer.
“Hmm.. We might be missing just one thing. Hey, love?” Xyx leans in closer, his face nearly brushing yours.
Your steps come to a stop.
“Could I ask you for a kiss?” his voice is a bit deep, emerald eyes looking into yours. The déjà vu from his sentence kicks in. You smile at him, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering. You lean in to him, him using a hand to cradle the back of your neck, grounding you, while the one on your waist tightens its grip. The kiss is warm, tender. You melt into it, feeling a familiar spark of electricity as his lips meet yours.
When you finally pull away, putting your head against his forehead, you look at him.
“I love you, Xyx.”
“I love you too, doll.”
I love you forever and always.
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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A crate dressed in brown packing paper and tied with twine waited for Ian at his doorstep. Being no bigger than a bread box, it appeared light. A cacophony of glass rattled inside when the deceivingly heavy package was lifted. It smelled faintly of peroxide and alchemical ash. The envelope tacked on the front labeled the recipient but not the sender. A crimson wax seal needed to be broken, first, before reaching the letter within. 
To one Ian Sherwood,
   It read in a precise font. 
Here is a month’s supply of your requested medication. Thirty-two ounces need to be taken every twelve hours; once in the morning and once in the evening. I advise you to take it with food. As this is a test trial, I’ve supplied you with antihistamines should any unexpected side effects occur. Please keep a daily record of your both physical and mental state. Diligent notes are appreciated. 
Best wishes,
M. Park 
Straw cradled a line of vials inside the crate. Amber-colored contents churned within the treated glass, casting a faint glow. Leather strips coiled around the neck of each vial. Cards that read off dosing instructions were also attached to them. At the bottom of the cards was a warning written in bold, italic letters: DO NOT MISS A DOSE 
A leather-bound book also accompanied the vials as promised. With its pristine cover and crisp pages, it appeared to be a recent purchase. 
Faint floral whiffs and the distinct scent of alcohol wafted from the vials when opened. They tasted severely bitter despite the vaguest infusions of honey. A jaw-clenching bitter that’d make any reasonable man question his decisions. It’d be best served with something sweet to offset the acrid taste.
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Ian came out of his bedroom approaching the dark-haired woman that sat at the dining room table, his neighbor Eve Goodwin. As he drew closer he noticed a small package sitting on the table in front of her, "Well well I wasn't expecting any gifts today, though they are always appreciated, what did you bring me, madam Eve?" Ian teased as he leaned forward placing a hand on the desk as he looked at the package and then Eve. "I didn't bring you anything. It was on your doorstep and figured I would be nice and bring it in so someone doesn't steal it." Eve retorted before standing up from the chair, "I just came here to double check that you were going to watch my cat the next few days since I have to leave the city for business."
Ian's attention fell to the package as he lifted it, surprised by it's weight for a moment as he gently shuffled it to hear the rattling inside before perking up at Eve, "Hmm? Oh, right, your cat. Yeah, of course don't worry about it I got you covered. How hard can it be to take care of a cat?" Ian laughed as he then focused on the package and began to open it carefully revealing the vials of faintly glowing amber liquid. A purse of his lips came as he pondered what they were until he reached for the letter and opened it. His eyes scanning over the letter briefly as he realized what the vials were for. "What are those? Eve asked gazing from the package up to Ian.
"Uh.. nothing, just some samples of alcohol from places I've never been." Ian lied, horribly, with a smile, "Anyways, yes I will watch your cat no problem, just bring her over whenever."
"Right..." Eve side-eyed him for a moment, "I'll bring her over later with her food and everything." She started backing away towards the door as she spoke eventually smiling, "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." Another smile was given from the young thief as he watched Eve leave, as soon as the door closed his attention immediately returning to the letter. This time giving the letter a better read through.
"Twice a day? Seems like a lot, but okay." Ian shook his head and continued to read, "Anti - hiss - mines? The hell are those? Side effects?? What am I the test subject here?" His shoulders then slumped accompanied by a roll of his eyes, "I have to take notes too! What is this??" He let out a heavy sigh as he dropped the letter with a pout.
Tomorrow would mark the beginning of his new treatment having to detail every aspect of it..
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minjeonpark · 2 years
Story time
I guess I should start with I Am Alive?
What I’ve learned these past few months with trying to finish DSIMY on time and go back to weekly updates is that….for some reason…life doesn’t want me to do that. The day that I was going to sit my ass down and edit the new chapter to post it the next day was the day my apartment building was set on fire.
Yes, reader-nims, my apartment building was set on fire.
No one got seriously hurt, thank fuck, and apparently it wasn’t intentional….to some degree. I wasnt home so I’m telling this story by word of mouth.
So that day we had a lot of work at the office so I got off work at 7 pm ish when I usually go home at 6. But my boyfriend was home with my two cats and our family dog, he had texted me an hour prior that he was preparing dinner. So everything was fine until that point. But then driving home I passed two fire trucks and i was like …damn, what’s going on?
Then getting into my fucking street was a nightmare. There’s another 2 apartment buildings on my street as well as some residential houses. The neighborhood is nice, mostly retired couples and people that are really friendly and welcoming. Nothing could have happened on my fucking street…right? No.
There was no getting into my street with a car so I parked who the fuck knows where and I ran, because indeed, my apartment building was hotter than the deals on Black Friday. I tell one firefighter that floor four is my fucking home and my family is in there. Fucking hysterical author-him ensues because I could see all of my neighbors except my fucking boyfriend and my pets. Then I hear a “Love, right here” in the middle of me saying i will climb the nearest fucking tree to my window and the firefighter about to slap me into reality. So I turn around getting a sprained neck. And there was my boyfriend in all of his recently showered glory —only wearing boxers and a towel on his head carrying my two cats with my dog —(who’s actually my dads but we were taking care of her because she got knee surgery)— sitting on top of a fire truck? Looking scandalized as hell. First thing he says: “Thank fuck I go to the gym otherwise i would have to sacrifice one of our children.”
You know that sinking eerie feeling you get after being scared? Like the calm down part, yes well I almost passed the fuck out.
Turns out, my neighbor on the second floor —an older woman kinder than Jesus himself— had gone out in a rush because her daughter called her yada yada something and she left her youngest son who has dementia alone and he set the whole apartment building on fire. Literally no one blamed her. That woman is an angel and she helped me a lot on my unemployed days so she heard no complaints from me.
So now, my apartment building is not safe to live in so we had to move out immediately and that’s what I’ve been doing. I just finished settling in with the help of friends and surprisingly my boss who keeps sending me plants?
We’re renting a really nice house this time, more space…no neighbors who could set us on fire….ha ha ha. Like all of this happened so fast I had no time to come on here and say, “Hey guys, my apartment was set on fire.”
So that’s it. Everyone lets thank the firefighters who saved everyone and my boyfriend that carried my two cats and my pony sized dog four flight of stairs in his Jujutsu Kaisen boxers.
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mae-dwrites · 1 year
Taking Flight - Chapter 14 - Recoupto
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October 8
Marinette left a sticky note on the back of her monitor for the Kwami to use, they would use it to watch shows or learn more about the from the times they had last been out. Marinette had signed up, joined, and installed as many Akuma Alarms on her computer as possible in case there was an Akuma about while she was sleeping and it didn’t wake her up.
So this led to when she was out the Kwami would know if she would be using Tikki, this also led to them knowing to be prepared to get zipped into the Miracle…Book Box. They were still getting used to the new physical form of their box, the boxes could change yes. It was just…odd.
Although one of the stranger things was how they got zipped back to it when the Guardian grabbed one through her weapon. She didn’t do it often but she had picked a few of them. Wayzz found the strangest thing was her leaving a phone to call the Kwami, they didn’t really see a reason for it. Marinette had stated it was for her to call them in case of an emergency.
Marinette had called them today over half an hour after getting hit, Wayzz and Sass had decided they would handle the call; the others had popped in trying to talk to the young Guardian. It had been chaotic, to say the least. They came to the conclusion that they couldn’t let everyone go but they needed help, so Sass and the others stayed on the phone with Marinette, and the cat user Adrien, while Wayzz and Kalkki took a chance.
Kalkki made a portal to the building, they decided it would be fine as the Miracle Cure would fix whatever came. Wayzz just hoped it stayed with Paris or its neighboring towns.
“Oh my gosh there’s more of them,” the blond boy cried in delight. He looked over Kalkki and Wayzz with awe. “May I pet you?”
“I suppose since you have quite the stack in your favor,” Kalkki stated, the boy had a confused look before petting the horse Kwami. Wayzz shook his head, Plagg was already gone. It seemed the power of the Akuma erased the memories but not the personality.
“I told him not to leave,” Tikki grumbled sitting on the desk while she was frowning, there was a clear pout. Marinette turned to the red Kwami, she had been eyeing the two new Kwami as she took the information, “He’ll be back, uh, Tikki. All I have to do is transform and use my fixer-upper and he should remember who he is and what he does.”
“I believe you should transform now, the sooner you defeat the Akuma the sooner all will be set right,” Wayzz spoke floating closer to his Guardian. “Perhaps the cat holder could use one of us to help you defeat the Akuma?”
“That’s a great idea,” the said boy beamed.
“Tikki you ready?” Marinette faced the little red being. Tikki rose and nodded, “Whenever you are.”
“Spots on!”
A flash of pink swept the area around the girl, Adrien screwed his eyes shut from the light. The suit she had on now didn’t have the same armor or details but it held up. Her hair had a more prominent dark blue to it and her eyes were the same bright blue he had seen her with earlier that afternoon and on the red…Kwami.
A soft “wow” came out of the boy.
Marinette, now Ladybug, looked over her magic suit, inspecting it. While it was armored in a way, it didn’t seem like it would get in the way of movement. She had to admit, she liked it.
“I believe Adrien should use me for this mission unless Plagg returns,” Wayzz said holding out his bracelet. He had grabbed it when he heard that Plagg had left the two teens. Kalkki huffed next to Adrien, she had not grabbed their Miraculous and to open another portal would be too dangerous without a holder.
“Shell yeah,” Adrien cried accepting the bracelet from the turtle Kwami. Ladybug stifled a laugh behind her hand at the boy’s enthusiasm.
“Remember don’t say your power until you’re ready to use them within the five minutes,” Wayzz stated as Adrien squired the Miraculous on his wrist. Ladybug and Adrien nodded at the green being.
“What do I say to fight by my bug’s side,” the boy grinned.
“Shell on,” Wayzz smiled. Adrien’s grin seemed to get wider to the red heroine.
“Guess it’s time to get my shell on!” Adrien cried, a green light washing around him.
Before Ladybug was now a boy in greens and some scarce blues, along with a shield acting as a shell on his back, and very prominent pieces of armor. More than was on his cat-themed suit. His light green eyes were now bright red, sticking really, they truly popped out from him just like when he was in his catsuit. His eyes were framed with a mask not unlike hers, a deeper green, that of which matched his shield.
The red eyes threw the red-wearing girl off, but it was fine.
His hair was back to being more of a dark blond like it had before, and of course a goofy grin on his face as he looked at her.
“Whatcha think? I personally like it,” the boy stated, looking at himself, flexing his fingers in the suit. “Let's get this Akuma Matata over with so we can get everything back to normal Marinette!”
“Wait,” Ladybug grabbed his hand. “We can't call each other by our real names,” she gave a shake of her head, “otherwise Oblivio, Hawk Moth, and everyone else will know who we are. I’m Ladybug, remember? You're not Chat Noir so we need something else to call you.”
Adrien's brows came down as he thought of something to go by before lighting up, “Vert Tort!”
Ladybug chuckled behind her hand with a shake of her head, “At least we're straightforward.”
Vert Tort shrugged with a nod, “Yeah. So how about we be straightforward with our friend upstairs?”
Ladybug nodded and they made their way up to the roof with Kalkki following them. They hid behind a wall, Ladybug turned to Kalkki while Vert Tort looked through a user's guide on his forearm.
“Kalkki you need to stay here,” Ladybug rubbed her hands on her legs, her anxiousness seeming through. “I want us to be careful, that includes you.”
Kalkki raised her head high with a nigh, “I would never do anything of the like to stop your victory.” Ladybug frowned, “I’m serious.” Ladybug glanced over as Oblivio went on yelling again.
Kalkki lowered her head, “Worry not, I shall stay here.”
Ladybug sighed out in relief saying a quite “thank you” before looking at Oblivio again, yo-yo in hand. A hand gently made itself known on her forearm, she looked at Vert Tort. He squeezed her arm with a small smile, “We can do this. We're stronger together.”
Her chest fluttered with warmth, his red eyes off-putting but held comfort. Ladybug blinked a few times before nodding at him, “You’re right…Luc–lucky Charm.”
A teapot falls into her hands, they only had five minutes to wrap this up. Ladybug didn't remember if she had any more treats for Tikki, and Vert Tort certainly didn’t have anything for Wayzz.
“How about we put a pot of tea and chat about it with them?” Vert suggested looking at the object. Ladybug held down a smile as she looked around, now wasn't the time for jokes. As much as she would have loved to let herself laugh she understood it was too risky.
She looked at Vert Tort, the teapot, her yo-yo, but nothing came, Ladybug’s nose scrunched up in frustration.
Why couldn't she put something together!
“Thought we heard something, we were right,” a distorted voice spoke from above them. Ladybug let out a squeak as Vert Tort looked up and chuckled, “You up for some tea?”
Oblivio lifted its arm aiming at them, its arm warming up a shot.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Vert Tort cried as they ran from their hiding spot. Oblivio’s arm trailed them, “You may have figured everything out, but that's something we can easily fix! We’re gonna make you forget everything again!”
Ladybug dived to the left and Vert Tort jumped over a blockade as Oblivio let a shot fire. Ladybug rolled hugging the teapot to her body, she groaned holding herself up from the ground still clutching the teapot. A shadow cast itself over her.
Oblivio leveled it’s arm her face, Ladybug scrambled to get up Oblivio yanked her back by her hair.
“Don't run from us, you haven't even gotten your dose yet Ladybug,” Oblivio stated as Ladybug struggled against her captor.
“Attacking m’lady on the ground! Did you forget your manners?” Vert Tort cried from the roof of the stairway door.
Ladybug fell to the ground a disk clattering next to her, Oblivio groaned clutching their stomach area. Ladybug crawled grabbing the teapot again and putting space between her and the Akuma as much as possible.
“I did it!” Vert Tort cried before clearing his throat. “Of course I did it.”
Oblivio shot at Vert Tort without even trying to aim.
“Vert!” Ladybug cried, Vert Tort tucked and rolled to the ground with a grunt. Ladybug couldn't help the sigh of relief that came out.
“You guys need a better plan. Would I be any help,” a raspy voice spoke from beside Ladybug. She gasped seeing the cute black blob.
“Plagg!” she cried out.
“Plagg?” Vert Tort yelled as Oblivio still shot beams at him.
“Plagg? Is that my name?” Plagg asked, looking at the girl.
“Yes,” Ladybug nodded, a spark lit in her eye. “I got a plan!”
“You got a plan?” Vert Tort said as he finally retrieved his shield from the landing pad. Ladybug explained her idea as quickly as possible before calling for Kalkki.
“Kalkki more than one Miraculous can be used at a time right?”
Kalkki nodded, “Yes they can. Although it is not advised to do so as it takes more energy.”
“Well we don't have much time anyway,” Ladybug stated. “Plagg and Kalkki go to Vert Tort while I distract Oblivio, explain the plan and how to use two at a time.”
The two Kwami flew over to Vert Tort as Ladybug spun her yo-yo only to mess up a turn and it to wrap around her arm. Oblivio made their way to the red-clothed girl.
“Plagg, Wayzz, unify!”
A staff extended itself, jabbing the Akuma’s back. Oblivio’s blast got shot into the air, and Ladybug finally got her yo-yo fully unwrapped from her.
“Hey, tampon case! How about a game of cat and mouse?” Her partner cried, a smug tone laced in it.
If Oblivio had a face they would be glaring at the turtle-cat, but one could still sense how they were fuming. Oblivio raises their arm readying a blast.
Before they knew it Ladybug somehow got her teapot over their arm blaster. They tried to shoot with it but the teapot hindered that. Oblivio let out an infuriated cry.
“Vert now!” Ladybug yelled as she hurried away from the Akuma.
Chat Vert?
Chat Vert.
Chat Vert pounced, “Cataclysm!” He grasped the part of the blaster that wasn't residing in the pot. The blaster crumbles after the few seconds of contact, the Akuma victim fell in a purple heap. The Akuma itself fluttered out into the sky.
Ladybug leaped up with her yo-yo open, “You’re not going anywhere!” She held her yo-yo to the Akuma and swept her arm down encapturing it into her yo-yo. “Gotcha!”
She landed back on the ground releasing the purified butterfly, she picked her teapot back up, “Miracu–”
“Wait,” Chat Vert lightly laid his hand on her arm, “Will…will we remember this?”
Ladybug looked away, lips pursed, “My cure reverts everything back to how it was before, so my guess is we won't.”
Chat took her hand and lifted it to his lips, “We’ll still have each other.”
Alya and Nino came out of their haze to find Chat..Chat Noir? Chat Noir kissing Ladybug’s knuckles, and for once she didn't pull away.
Nino let out a quiet “dude” beside Alya, who was getting her phone out with absolute glee.
Ladybug frowned at Chat, he just smiled back and nodded. Ladybug took a deep breath as her ears beeped louded in her ears as she had not even a minute left now. Finally she opened her eyes and smiled back, “Miraculous Ladybug.”
“I just don’t understand!” Marinette cried at her computer. “I just- I- Ugh!”
Marinette buried her head in her arms and groaned. The Kwami hovered over sharing glances, Tikki stifled a laugh. While the creation being did feel bad, she couldn’t help but be amused at the situation. Wayzz held a glint of amusement in his eye as he floated next to Tikki. Kalkki held where her eyebrows would be up high as she looked over houve. Then there was Zuppu, the monkey Kwami having erupted in unstoppable giggles since the post was uploaded on the Ladyblog.
There was an image of Chat Noir with the turtle Miraculous unified, kissing Ladybug’s knuckles. Ladybug’s cheeks flushed and not even a hint of irritation or dis-ease in the slightest.
“I don’t believe it,” Marinette grumbled, banging her head on her desk repeatedly. Because for once in her life she had the privacy, not counting the audience of the Kwami, just as she always has the urge to pound her head against the surface within range. “There’s even a video!”
Marinette let out a whine making Tikki giggle along with Zuppu, to which she glared at the two Kwami. “What are you laughing at? This is terrible!”
“Just a few things I find amusing,” Tikki admitted. “You have a few things you need to learn about him.”
Zuppu just laughed harder before zipping into the nest behind the monitor, rolling in it as he giggled. Wayzz nibbled on a piece of seaweed.
“How could I– How did this happen?” Marinette gripped the table in frustration. “Do you really remember nothing?” The girl faced Tikki.
Tikki shook her head, “I don’t, I would tell you if I did.”
“I know,” Marinette mumbled as she hugged her knees to her chest.
“I can’t believe this!” Adrien played the video. “Does this count as cheating Plagg?” Adrien spun facing the said Kwami.
Plagg looked up from his Camembert, seeming to actually think about it.
“You didn’t remember who you were so I don’t think it actually counts,” Plagg said before sliding a chunk of cheese in his mouth. Adrien frowned facing the computer screen again, it just didn’t sit right with him.
Plagg looked over at the teen again, “You don’t remember and you didn’t even remember who you were at the time. So you shouldn’t beat yourself up on something that this you couldn’t control. That you maybe have been like you but he didn’t have everything that made you, you. He was mostly someone else, you as his base, your instincts. You can’t change what he did.”
“But he was still…me.” Adrien’s lip came out in a pout looking at the post with the still shot.
Plagg floated to Adrien, taking a bite of cheese, “Yes he was, but he wasn’t you. Look I don’t know how else to explain this kid, it’s like if you met another version of yourself that was mostly like you. What if he was caught I don’t know smoking, and the public thought it was you. Is that still you?”
“No,” Adrien looked at Plagg now.
“Exactly, don’t think of him as you.” Plagg floated away to munch on more cheese. Adrian stopped hugging his knees and slumped in his chair. He didn’t know how to view it, sure it wasn’t entirely him but…
He groaned, this was giving him a headache.
Vert: Green in French
Tort for for Tortue. Tortue: Turtle in French
Green Turt basically.
Chat Vert = Green Cat
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
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I posted 7,358 times in 2022
That's 1,075 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (1%)
7,287 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,114 of my posts in 2022
#tokyo ghoul - 456 posts
#kaneki ken - 257 posts
#kaneki - 142 posts
#ken kaneki - 125 posts
#tokyo ghoul:re - 97 posts
#tg - 65 posts
#anime - 60 posts
#tokyo ghoul re - 59 posts
#tokyoghoulcore - 57 posts
#queued post - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and it’s just akira going ‘oh? you want to see the cat? here’s the cat then’ and she pulls out haise looking very uncomfy wearing cat ears
My Top Posts in 2022:
General TG characters and what pets they should/shouldn’t have
When I say “general” I mean the ones either from Anteiku or ones that were introduced before :re and aren’t shown to be part of an organization. I’ll do CCG and Aogiri characters later.
Hide - Our favourite blond boy! I think it’d be illegal for me not to let him have a golden retriever. He’d take it on walks to Johoku Chuo park on the weekends, and he’d name it Ethan after the first blond boy in The Blond Boys (the one who performs for the other boys with a ribbon baton).
Kaneki - A house cat. Just an American shorthair or calico from off the side of the road. This cat would probably live a very calm life, sitting on it’s owner’s lap while he reads, before suddenly being thrown into a house with a bunch of strangers and being fed scraps of human meat lol. I think it’d be very therapeutic for Kaneki to have a cat though, and Touka can look after it while Haise is happening.
Touka - A rabbit!! She should absolutely have a rabbit. She already loves rabbits, and I imagine the only reasons she doesn’t have one yet is because she doesn’t have the space, money or time to look after it properly, but if she did, she’d have a rabbit. Heck, she could have multiple rabbits. And she would spoil them rotten too, and buy them cute outfits and take them for walks to shrines and stuff (can you walk a rabbit? I hope you can). Just. Touka with rabbits. It would be amazing.
Tsukiyama - He must have horses. A bunch of them big sprinty bois. I don’t know horses very well, so I can’t tell you exactly which breed of horse he’d own (though I’m pretty sure I remember someone making a post about it!), but let’s say he has multiple horses of a variety of breeds. They’d probably live on a separate property dedicated to his horses, with a lot of land on it for them to explore. Shuu would also take photos of them in beautiful places a lot, and run a blog posting about his horses.
Yoshimura - A cage full of budgies, that would be named after different teas and flowers that Ukina used to like. They’d live upstairs in Anteiku, and be evacuated to Yomo’s shipping container when the CCG came to destroy Anteiku. Yoshimura would probably put pretty potted plants inside their cage for them to investigate every once in a while. I can also see him putting a large tank full of goldfish for the customers to watch inside the shop.
Uta - Another bird. But this time, it’s a big bird. Uta would probably like owning an African Grey bird, because it can be trained to say more words than most birds, and can therefore be used in some of the best pranks. Imagine being a dove, and chasing down a ghoul, but then it disappears around a corner and you hear “quick! He’s over here!”. Then this voice proceeds to lead you around in circles for 20 minutes, before the ghoul you were chasing earlier appears with a bird on his shoulder and kills you while laughing his head off. Typical day for investigators once Uta gets himself a bird.
Roma - Every time I see the name “Roma”, I think of the tomato. Which makes me think of gardening, which makes me think of guinea pigs. Roma would probably own exactly 2 guinea pigs, and they would be called Felony and Misdemeanor, however she would tell most people that they’re called Felix and Missy. She would feed them lettuce from her neighbor’s garden, and join race groups to put them in guinea pig races, then if her guinea pigs ever came last, she would kill everyone at the tournament.
Nishiki - I can’t believe I got this far without remembering Nishiki! He would have a chihuahua that was originally bought for his girlfriend Kimi, but then he ended up taking it for walks instead of her, and then it got really attached to him and now he sleeps next to the chihuahua more often than he sleeps with Kimi. If anyone ever laughs at him for owning a chihuahua, he will flip them inside out and hang them from a telephone pole, which he will make very clear to everyone. Good job Nishiki.
Koma - I can think of two things for Koma - either an entire giant catfish (yes! A whole catfish!) or a squirrel monkey, but I’ll go with the catfish for now because it’s funnier. Originally he wanted a trilobite, but when he found out they didn’t exist anymore he bought a giant catfish instead. Obviously he couldn’t fit the catfish in a regular fish tank, so he took it to a hidden pond in the woods and marked out a trail with a sign that said “Koma’s catfish trail” on it so he could remember where to go. He even put a collar on the catfish with a tracker before leaving it, and sent an Ape to the woods each day to feed it and update him on how the catfish is going. However, the government did not enjoy having a catfish trail that lead to an actual catfish in their forest, so they sent someone to remove it and set it free. So when Koma received news that someone moved his catfish, he tracked them down, brought 50 ghouls to their house, yelled at them for 2 hours, stole their toenails and threatened to kill them if they or another person moved his catfish again. Then he orchestrated a mission to find his catfish, followed the tracker, got his catfish and put it the fuck back because no one moves his goddamn catfish.
Irimi - A black doberman, as a group mascot, and a little pink axolotl that she buys miniature hats for. The hats usually fall off though. She takes the dog for walks in the same park as Hide, so sometimes when they see eachother they have to awkwardly say hello while their dogs yap at eachother very very loudly and attract the attention of everyone around them.
34 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Comments under a picture of Tsukiyama Shuu alongside some other characters on Pinterest
38 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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Small wip sneak peek of the Kaneki fanart that just happens to be an entire month late 💕
40 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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Yoriko when she eventually finds out Kaneki made most of her bento and Touka is just taking the credit for it
44 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hide hides another print of this underneath Kaneki’s pillow whenever he goes to sleep over at his house
83 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Dog died today and it's my fault. I put her in the crate because one of our neighbors shot at her while she was running around and I left to help a friend move. Took much longer than planned and I came back to find her dead in the crate. Only happened a couple of hours before I got back. I could have been faster. She didn't deserve to go all alone in a crate. She's broken out of the crate before but couldn't this time. She was such a sweet girl and her eyes didn't look dead. I just want her to wake up. She meant way more than the person I went to help move. My only consolation is that she gets to be with the cat that was her best friend again; he died of natural causes a month or so ago. Don't think I'm going to tell anyone irl. Nobody deserves to know. I just wish I could fix this. So many stupid things happen that I could have prevented. I hate when it's animals that get screwed because I wasn't good enough to handle everything better. Had a cat die a while back for almost the same reason; she was in a crate and my car broke down in another state and I couldn't get back. I want to swear off crates now that it's happened a second time but what am I supposed to do? Take them with me everywhere? Let them run wild? Stop having pets? My other dog escaped her crate today while I was gone and she's fine. I was worried the whole time that that was going to happen and I was going to come back to dead dogs outside the gate because people are garbage. But no. She was fine. The good dog that stays where she should and doesn't dig holes and doesn't escape the yard on her own is dead. She's such a smart dog. I hope she understood my apologies when I sat with her.
0 notes
t-ierrahumeda · 10 months
the power's been out for a while. neighbors said they tried to put the light on and things burned out. I'm being careful so I don't try - I'm afraid my computer will burn too, and even if I have the money to replace it, I want to keep it safe, because I built it with my own hands, and parts are expensive - I'd rather use my money for other things.
My cellphone is at 37%, but I still choose to listen to music. The beer is cold, because I put it with ice in a bowl. it's almost completely dark outside, but the lights from other blocks still illuminate the sky for a bit. On my balcony, I can barely see my hands before me. The sound of a thunder is near. Maybe it will rain.
I was supposed to do a few things today, and I managed most of them. It still feels like a failure. It never feels like I used my day as I should. I feel like I can do nothing right these days, as Beach Fossils sing in their kinda sad songs. I don't wanna lie in bed yet.
The day before yesterday I felt I should kill myself. I took a bit more of what I was supposed to take of my sleeping pills early, to ease myself into sleep and let another day come by, hoping the next day it would be better. It was, in a way. I still felt nauseous, and I yet have to find out what's causing it. I've been eating well, drinking a lot of water. Not too much coffee. It still comes back, like a hangover that shouldn't be there.
I repeat to myself the mantra: if it's scary, do it scared. I couldn't work out today, for a reason or another. It's fine. I can do it tomorrow, if my nerves allow me to. I chant to myself: "it's pointless, it's pointless", but a voice, a very small voice tells me "it will help you sleep, and it's good for your body and your mind. I told my mom I'd go on a walk today, but I couldn't go through. My neighborhood is not nice, it's not pretty, so there's no motivation. I know I should get outside more, but it scares me.
Mom goes to work, and the night is mine. Most of the times, I just go to sleep without eating dinner. Maybe a cherry tomato, to ward off the hunger. I know it makes no sense, the beer will spoil it anyways.
My eldest cat is with me on the balcony. He might be looking at me, or looking out - I have no way of knowing, it's all so dark, and I don't dare to light my flashlight to him, it would be rude. So it's still a mystery.
Power should come at around 22.00 pm, but I'm still worried about my PC. I do wish it would come, because it's really hard to sleep without my fan on: the sound soothes me.
It's not summer yet, but it will be soon. This week I started working again at my company, and my boss told me to keep it easy the first day, but tomorrow I'm expected to go at the same pace as my coworkers. When I told him that by my psychiatrist orders I should work from home for the time being, he wasn't pleased. I know I shouldn't care, since I'm quitting this company in two months, but the sensitive part of me cares. I hate being singled out and disliked by others - I don't want to be loved either, just go by unnoticed. That suits me better.
I don't have a set plan for after I quit. It might be my downfall, with my self esteem issues. it will be hard to find a job because I don't trust myself.
Everyone around me tries to encourage me, but I feel like the look and behaviour of this coworker is spot on: you're useless, you're a nuisance, you should stop bothering me. And deep inside I feel she's right. And I'm so scared everyone will know, eventually. That the mask will come out and they'll see me for what I am.
I'm good at some things, but they're useless in the real world. I don't have luck with them in the internet world either - they go unnoticed, the only thing I wish was noticed.
The light is out still. 33% for now.
Mom is not here, but I doubt she'd be of much help. She sees me down, and she wishes to help me, but nobody but myself can. I can see her growing weary, taking care of her adult daughter, when she should be on her own, with a girlfriend, independent, stable. I know I tire her. There's so much she can offer me.
I tried dating, but I can't connect with anybody. I'm afraid I'll reveal something about me, and that they'll accept me anyways, but I wouldn't be able to go through it. It has happened before. I keep creating goals for me, so that when I reach them I'll be able to love someone back, but I keep failing them, either sabotaging myself, or simply not feeling anything. Sex means nothing to me. I've grown accustomed to being by myself and satisfying myself. I don't truly believe anyone would truly love someone as wretched, as cold, as unattached as me. And I don't mind it.
My friend falls in love so easily. I envy her. I envy many of my friends, and sometimes I refuse to see them because I don't want them to see what a wretched thing I've become. they still love me for some reason I still yet have to understand. Maybe they're blind. Maybe they hold to some hope I don't understand.
I'm going on a trip next month. It's a beautiful place, I've been there before. I'm a bit afraid I won't have a good time, even though forests calm me and frighten me at the same time. I went on a trip with these friends and I couldn't enjoy a little bit of it. I tried my best, but I couldn't. I cried a lot. when I came back, I had to take two days off from work. The last day, I committed myself to a mental health hospital because my desire of killing myself was too high.
after I went to the outside world, I kept crying. sometimes I cry too, these days. A little, or a lot.
I really hope things get better. I've never been on a depressive episode like this. They usually end after a month. This has been going on for many months. Most of the times I don't know what to do with myself. I try to keep to a routine, but the hours pass so slow....and the next day doesn't promise anything good; it's kinda like a lottery.
I don't want to keep living like this for the rest of my life. Nothing I try seems to work. Every day feels like forever, and the best time of the day is when I finally go to sleep. I don't like this one bit. but they keep telling me it's a process, I've gotta toughen up and endure it, it will be okay. But will it? It feels neverending. I have no motivation to draw, to embroider, to work out, to cook, to keep my body healthy. It means nothing. I do my best to endure it, but how long will my resolve stand up? I'm tired. It feels everyday that I shouldn't have been born, that it was all a mistake. I feel so lonely. A fuck won't fix me, a few likes on a piece I worked hard on means nothing.
I keep dreaming I will be saved. That I will go back to my times in highschool, where everything was painful but it still had a glimmer of hope. I drink my 4th beer and nothing feels better. It only serves as a reminder I can't exist in a world like a normal person. Like my friends are. They have it figured out, then why do I not? I'm old enough. I should. It hurts. And yet another day comes. I wish I could stay sleeping for the rest of my life. I'm too much of a coward to kill myself, I keep thinking about my family. About my cats. About some glimmer of hope that eventually will come.
I'm tired. So really tired.
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drewharrisonwriter · 1 year
When Humanity Fell (2017)
Hello, there! I've been thinking about it and decided that I want to share with you all some original work here in Tumblr. LOL I've written this series of stories back in 2017.
This is series of mini-stories which tells the tale of where some people were at the beginning of mankind's decline. To be honest, I'm not even sure if it's done or if I want to write something bigger, much more solid story based off this.
Let me know your thoughts or if you have any scenario requests that you think I should add here. ^_^
You can find my other original works and fan fictions on this masterlist.
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She looked at the new bassinet in the middle of the room, her eyes red and teary from grief and pain. She stood by the door, clutching the doorpost, cradling her lower stomach, wincing in pain. 
Slowly, she staggered towards the quaint nursery, collapsing halfway through. She managed to lay on her back and looked at what used to be her husband dragging himself towards her with his gray eyes that once were blue.
Slowly, he dragged himself into the nursery, absentmindedly groaning. Her heart beat loudly as he was closing in and her contraction closer; she finally let out a long, painful howl, and the groaning was drowned by the screeching of a child. 
Her vision grew dim as, what used to be, her husband stumbled down to her feet and buried his head into their newborn child.
His phone blinked, signaling a new text message. 
He glanced at it and sighed when he saw her name and an excerpt of her message on his screen. He reached for the phone and read the message, rolling his eyes as he finished and placed it back on the table. 
Clearly, divorce is the only answer to all his problems. His wife of seven years has probably gone insane telling him that their neighbors had ripped each other's faces off. He shrugged and looked at the wall clock in front of him.
5:45, it says. 
He stood up and walked towards the door, discovering he was alone as he opened it. He stood there for a few seconds and finally remembered that the rest of his team was sent home early due to some flu... or something. 
His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to think of the exact reason but gave up almost immediately. He must be really hard at work that day. He closed his office door behind him and walked towards the elevator; a few seconds later, it opened, and he stepped in.
As the elevator traveled down to the basement parking of the building, the lights flickered, but not once did it bother him. He was swamped with ideas on breaking the news to his wife that he had decided for them to divorce. 
The elevator bell rang, signaling that he had reached the basement parking; he stepped out and walked towards his car; halfway through, realizing he forgot his laptop, he cursed and walked back to the elevators when suddenly a car alarm broke off in the distance, realizing it was his he ran close enough to turn it off, thinking that it was another stray cat. 
When he returned to the elevators, he was greeted by the disgusting scene of a woman disemboweling a man inside.
His heart pounded loudly; he swore anyone near him (had there any apart from the two in front of him) could hear it. He stumbled, bolted to his car faster than he had ever run in years, and got inside, locking all doors as he did.
He pulled out of the parking area only to find that the streets were crowded and with practically the same scene he had just witnessed.
School Bus
The sun was up so high, and the temperature inside the school bus was beginning to warm up. The air conditioner, already on its highest setting, didn't deliver as it should. It was noon, and her class was stuck in a traffic jam.
'Great! Way to kick off my first class field trip.' She thought to herself as the honking of pissed-off drivers reverberated through the thick glass windows of the school bus. She stood up, took a deep breath, positioned herself in the center of the aisle, and smiled at the second graders, who were relatively well-behaved despite the situation.
She reassured them that they'd get plenty of time to look at the animals at the zoo once they got past this horrendous traffic jam. But her plan of outdoor learning was soon cut short when a loud thud startled her and the rest of the class. 
The driver gasped in horror, and the bus was suddenly filled with the terrified screams of the students. She turned her back to see what the commotion was about, and there it was. Just outside the bus doors was a woman in a business suit, blonde and pretty but with hazy gray eyes, trying to chomp on them if only she could reach them.
One of the students shrieked, pointing at the distance. The teacher looked at where the student was pointing and saw a large horde of people with the same empty expression on their faces and gray unblinking eyes, gnawing aimlessly into the air, staggering through the traffic jam.
She stomped on the pathway toward the preschool and threw the door open. She was pissed. It had been way past her brother's dismissal time, but her father still hadn't picked him up from school for whatever reason. She turned the knob of the boy's classroom and found it deserted; she was just about to close it when she heard a sound inside the classroom.
She went in and walked towards the closet at the far end of the room; unsure of what was in it, she hesitated until she heard a muffled sneeze coming from inside. 
She opened it and was surprised to see her little brother trembling inside the closet, his eyes red from crying; she opened her mouth to say something, but the child put a quivering finger up to his lip and hushed her.
Suddenly, the door burst open, and in came the assistant teacher, disheveled and dragging herself into the room, groaning, reaching out for them-about to attack them.
People were screaming.
The bass was thumping loudly, the drum beats heavy, and the delicate riffs of the guitar reverberated throughout the stadium. Then came the guitar solo, and everyone in that dome went ballistic.
Two girls swimming through what seemed to be an ocean of grinding bodies watched in awe as the vocalist went back up on stage and continued singing their last song. But he sounded different than he did before the set break. 
He sounded terrible, practically out of tune, forgetting the words, but the crowd did not seem to mind.
The vocalist turned his head away from the microphone to cough, and he coughed so hard that blood splattered on the stage and collapsed. The entire crowd yelled even more, thinking it was all part of the act, until the bassist dropped his instrument and ran over to the vocalist. The rest of the band stopped playing all at once and called for help.
The two girls in the front row exchanged looks and hurriedly made their way out of the crowd and into the exit doors.
"Call them, now!" The blonde instructed the brunette as they ran farther from the stage.
The stadium faded into silence, then resurfaced into murmurs when the vocalist suddenly sat up straight and looked at the bassist. His eyes turned gray and empty, and blood was still dripping from his mouth when he sunk his teeth into the bassist's face ripping the skin off. The bassist screamed in agony, and the rest of the band and crew tried to hold back the vocalist, but it was already too late.
He has already jumped off the stage and into the crowd.
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hoes4lino · 2 years
❧ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 ☙
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WARNING ⊂✦⊃ This story contains nsfw content and mentions of insomnia + fainting; minors please don’t interact, please beware of what you consume online
Genre: Enemies to lovers ! College Au !
Word count: 2.5k
𝙎ummary: Park Nabi is a freshman at Seoul National University, she discovered her year was already fucked up when she found out the dorm next to hers belonged to the only one Lee Minho, the typical sophomore fuck boy girls drool over.
“Jennie Im telling you I cant stand living here anymore, I can barely sleep when this guy is busy sending girls over the moon at night.”
Jennie laughed as she stopped scribbling on her notebook and placed her focus towards a very sleepy Nabi.
“That’s what you get for refusing being my roommate” Jennie said as a chuckle left her lips, “look is not that I didn’t want to be your roommate, is just that you are allergic to cats and you know Im not leaving my baby far away from me” Nabi said as she teasingly nudge Jennie.
“Welp, whatever reason it was I hope you enjoy your dreamy neighbor” she laughed, “Jennie istg that if you don’t shut u-” she couldn’t finish her sentence when she was abruptly interrupted by a bag being placed on her desk.
“Yah, move this is my desk” the brunette boy said in a cold tone, “pffft excuse you? I don’t see you name written on this desk” she spat back, a smirk growing on his face “hmmm I don’t see it either but this fine girl sitting next to you has it written all over her face” Nabi turned her face to look at Jennie in horror, “psst Jennie last night was fun” he winked at her as he guided his eyes back at her “I will let you keep the sit for this time” he laughed picking his backpack and moving to another sit.
“N-Nabi hun I CAN EXPLAIN” she grabbed Nabis hands as tears rolled down Nabi’s cheeks “so you were the girl screaming his name last night…” she started sobbing “GIRL YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TRAUMATIZING IS KNOWING THAT YOUR BEST FRIEND GOT FUCKED NONSENSE LAST NIGHT” Jennie laughed at the dramatic scene and patted her back.
“In case you are curious he is a 10/10 in bed, but the chemistry was missing, you should try it out” Jennie said teasing as she hugged Nabi “nah mrs girl get out, Im leaving” Nabi said as she stood up and left her bio chem class without saying a word.
༻𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 ༺
It was around 4:30pm the school was now close and all students left to go into their dorms, Nabi was on her way to her dorm but before leaving the campus she decided to stop by her locker and leave some unnecessary books. The day was gloomy, dark long hallways filled with nothing but silence, making it feel unreal, Nabi couldn’t help it but get chills at the spooky vibe that surrounded her, anxiety and frustration taking over her as she tried to put her books in her locker. As she tried exiting the campus her sight slowly started to blur making her dizzy, feeling like she was levitating, she slowly started losing control over her body when suddenly everything turned black.
A bright light welcomed her eyes as she slowly started to open them again, she layed on a sofa as she blankly started into the ceiling, processing the information of what happened, last thing she remembered was the dark school hallways, As she regained consciousness, she sat on the couch and looked at her surroundings, confused by the house furniture she swears she has never seen before.
“Oh seems like you woke up” the boy gets out of the bathroom with a towel covering only his bottom part leaving his tone chest exposed, as the boy was busy drying his hair she couldn’t help but stare at his face, full with water drops falling down, his plump pink lips, dark cat like eyes, brunette messy hair, tan skin and perfect chest, he was indeed dreamy like Jennie said, he walked towards her with a cold gaze “here, drink this” he handed her two pills that seem to be for headaches “I found you on the floor near the school gym, you lucky I found you or else you might as well been dead rn” he joked as he teasingly patted her head.
“Yahh don’t touch me” she squirmed, he couldn’t help it but chuckle “Damn I offer you my help and this is how you treat me? It’s enough with my cats giving me this tupe of treatment” he sighed dramatically, obviously trying to make an scene to make her feel guilty, “anyways, honey you gotta go, its boys night and I don’t want my friends to see you in such vulnerable state” he got closer to her face, eyes making eye contact as he swiped her hair behind her ear “you are really pretty” he said as he slowly blinked and gave a warm smile.
“Pffft I bet Im the 5th girl you said that today” she laughed “hmmm not that I remember, I rarely call a girl pretty” he said in a defensive tone “Minho” she said making him taken aback, he was feeling fluttered? as soon as he heard his name coming out of Nabi’s mouth he felt something he never felt before… but why? she was just calling his name, is it because she avoids saying his name and calls him nicknames like jerk or brunette boy? “I might not know you that much but we are neighbors, I hear EVERYTHING you do to those poor girls” she continued after a sighed left her mouth “please keep it down, Im trying to sleep next door” she rolled her eyes as she broke the eye contact and stood up from the couch.
Minho’s smile turned into a smirk as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the sofa, this time making her sit on his lap “I- Mi-Minho I dont know what you are trying to do, but let me assure you it won’t work” she said trying to seem unfazed, whatever Minho was doing was definitely working, Nabi could feel he heart beating so fast that it seemed it was about to explote, her breathe became unstable as her cheeks turned bright pink “I won’t let you go until you say thank you” he said as he wrapped his arms on her waist and snuggled his face on her neck, making her feel his hot breathe all over her body.
Now in this situation Nabi had two options say thank you and leave for good or scream for help, Nabi was going to choose the second option, not because she wasn’t grateful with him but as a revenge for not letting her sleep, like think about it, the rumors saying that a freshman rejected the hottest boy in the whole campus, that would def hurt his ego and sounded like music to Nabi’s ears. The moment she was preparing herself to scream she was interrupted by Minho “honey if you don’t say it soon you are going to make it hard for me to let go, once I get too attached I don’t let go” he mumbled on her neck making her shiver, she turned around to face the boy, suddenly becoming aware at the position she was in, sitting on the lap of a hot dude who is half naked and has nothing more but a towel covering his lower half.
“Minho…” he raised his head making eye contact with her, “I” she breathed out gathering herself together, letting a sigh out she finally said it “Thank you” she said in a annoyed tone, not caring about sounding sincere after all Minho was not being sincere with her… right? “See princess it wasn’t that hard, but to your bad luck” he got closer to her ear “I already got too attached” he whispered in her ear as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek, he released his grip and let her go, she stood up from his lap, legs trembling as she felt weak “so sad my friends are coming over, if it was for me I would keep you in my room forever” he chuckled as he nudged her, “shut up, Minho, go find another girl, I don’t do one night stands” she scoffed “who said I just wanted one night stand” he tilt his head, face showing nothing more than tease and lust.
“I hate you” she said before grabbing her belongings and moving towards the exit, “before I leave, remember keep it quiet” she said as she closed the door, running to open her door and collapsed of the entrance of her dorm, she managed to get and throw herself in the bed and screamed at her pillow, all the memories from what just happened filling her head making it feel overwhelmed, after a while she noticed Minho’s friends were at his dorm since she could hear the loud noises of angry teenage boys who lost at their games, it was going to be a long night..
༻2 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧༺
Its been already two weeks since Minho took Nabi to his dorm to take care of her while she was unconscious, since then nothing much happened except that Nabi noticed that he stopped bringing girls to his dorm, stopped partying on friday nights and she became his next target or that what she called it, he would pass her papers with lustful messages like:
hey girly! just letting you know I love your skirt, that color suits you ❤️ wonder how it would look like you on that skirt grinding on my thigh as you moan my name. - xoxo Minho 😉
or he would hide her stuff, go to her dorm and use the excuse that he wanted to see the cat then make a scene like a child when she urged him to go, this act’s happened often every since that incident at his dorm.
this only made Nabi’s hate for him grow, he thinks he can use her? then he is thinking wrong, thats what Nabi would always tell Jennie, when she pointed out that the boy had clearly a crush on Nabi.
“You should give him a chance” Jennie blurted out of nowhere “what?” Nabi turned at her confused “you should give Minho a chance, he clearly likes you, like girl stop being blind ever since the incident you told me he stopped seeing other girls and settle on just you” she said frustration covering her face as she tried to make Nabi open her eyes, but all that left Nabi was a laugh “girl you are so dumb, he is just trying to tease me, he knows I won’t give in into have sex with him and so he wants to pursue me into doing it, he must think Im some sort of prize” she said rolling her eyes and turning red in anger “GOSH HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO ANNOYING” she screamed as she placed her juice on the table “Talking about me I assume” Minho blurted from behind, walking in front of Nabi so he could make his presence more obvious, he bent down in the table as he stare at her eyes, trying to make eye contact which Nabi refused to “what do you want?” She said annoyed “hmm nothing Im just thirsty” he said as he grabbed Nabi’s juice and took a sip from it, his pink lips wrapped around the straw as he gulp some of the juice “YAH THATS MINE” she screamed as she ripped of the juice box from his hand “Oh my- really??? that means we just had an indirect kiss?!?!” he said acting excited “baby you realize this? this is like the first kiss of our relationship” he said as he moved besides her and snuggled his head on her shoulder, Jennies started burst out laughing at the scene in front of her eyes, getting a death stare for Nabi which made her stop “you guys can have fun Im late to my calculus class” Jennie said giving a lame excuse to save herself from getting beat up by Nabi.
It was late night, Nabi couldn’t sleep, her insomnia making the worst of her as she rolled all over her bed trying to find a comfy position to sleep, as she surrendered she sat on the bed and opened insta
Minho0325: what are you doing up so late?
The text send her chills, was he stalking her, how he knows she is awake, she looked around trying to find something but nothing
ParkNabi478: how do you know Im awake? 🤨
Minho0325: I can see your insta status you dummy 🙄
ParkNabi478: oh.. anyways bye
Minho0325: hold on, wanna ft? Im pretty sure you can’t sleep and I want to hear about your day 🫶
The offer went through her mind and as much as she wanted to decline she had to admit she didn’t had anything better to do, after all she couldn’t sleep and she wanted someone to talked to about her day since Jennie left that afternoon to visit her parents during weekend.
ParkNabi478: Fine but no ft, just normal call, my room its pretty dark so you will barely see me, also no. Im not turning my lights on 😒
Minho0325: WAIT- REALLY?! Oml today is my lucky day!!! brb let me call you
She chuckled as she read his text was he really that excited to talk to her late at night? or was this just his act to try and fuck her?.
𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙮...
𝘼𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚
The moment she accepted the call her heart skipped a beat, overwhelmed as she heard his breathe over the phone
“hey…” she blurted out “so you did answer… I thought you were going to prank me and leave me with the need to hear you” Nabi couldn’t tell but there was definitely some type of tone in his voice that sounded out of place? like he really needed to hear her voice, desperate much she thought as she left a chuckle that filled Minho’s ear like music “I thought about declining but I can’t sleep so why not talk to you, but now that I think about it I prefer to torture myself watching horror videos than talking with your ass, so if you excuse me b-” “NO DONT LEAVE! baby please..” he said in a soft voice almost like begging “pfft what’s going on with you? The only and one sophomore fuck boy Lee Minho begging to a girl?” she laughed as she moved to a comfy position laying down on her bed while hugging her pillow, suddenly she felt this type of comfort during the call with Minho so why not get comfortable “laugh all you want, you are so mean” he said in a dramatic voice but then replace it with a chuckle “so what were you doing?” he said “well nothing, I was just trying to sleep but my insomnia wont let me” Nabi said frustrated as she remembered the reason of how she ended up in call with Minho “well baby Im all ears talk to me until you fall asleep” he said in a comforting tone making her feel safe.
And so they spent the night like this, both talking about life like decent human being without trying to kill each other, everything was going smooth until Minho stopped talking, Nabi assumed he was falling asleep but kept talking, after all she had to vent to someone on how miserable was her sex life “so yeah, that dude had no clue what he was doing and was basically fucking the air… had to fake my orgasm… ahh thats so embarrassing istg” she cried out as she remembered that awful memory “yo you still awake?” She asked him “Nabi..” his voice was husky and deep, he sound almost breathe less “yeah?” “C-can I come over” he said voice turning even more shaky “its kinda late Minho” she said trying to find an excuse “please I wanna see the cat, I miss him” he said trying to sound sad but terrible failed as he voice hitched, Nabi left a sigh and accept to let him in.
As soon as she said yes, he was already knocking the door, as Nabi opened the door she found a brunette boy with messy hair and shaky breathe “damn you ok? looks like you were running or some shit” she joked but was surprised as Minho grabbed her wrist and guided her to her room, all the dorms were the same so he def knew were your room was, he closed the door behind and immediately pulled her into a hug without saying a word, the hug was warm his arms wrapped on her waist as his face was snuggled on her neck, this moment gave her flashbacks of that incident at his place “M-Minho?” he quickly sush her “shh stay like this for a moment please I need to feel you” he said as one of his hands went to her back and slowly started rubbing it up and down, he then released the gripped and corner her between his body and the door, deeply staring into her eyes “Nabi I know Im a jerk and I have probably fucked half the population of this school, but please give me a chance, this is the first time I feel something everytime someone looks at me or says my name, you aren’t something I want for a night, you are something I want forever by my side” he said tears peaking on his eyes as he couldn’t help but sob knowing that the person who he genuinely ever loved probably thinks his disgusting “Min-” she couldn’t even finish her sentence when he smacked her lips on hers and hope she would return the kiss, luckily for him she did.
The kiss started slow full with passion and untold love, all those feelings that have been kept in secret finally breaking free, he guided her to her bed and sat her down on his lap, her legs wrapped against his waist as her arms wrapped her neck deepening the kiss, that kiss that was once innocent and love full became on something more intimate hungrier, their tongues dance with each other as soft moans covered the room, making the necessity to break apart from the kiss to gasp for air.
“Fuck I think Im in love” Minho said as his eyes filled with sparkles, this is the first time Nabi ever saw his eyes alive, she chuckle as she gave him a peck on his nose “you dummy, you didn’t let me say a word” she said in a mocked annoying tone “Im sorry but every since we started that call I couldn’t help but imagine your lips on mine” he then got closer to her ear and whispered “I also imagined your lips wrapped around my-” “OKOK THATS ENOUGH TOO MUCH INFO” she squirmed as she hide her face from embarrassment on his chest, hitting him softly, making him laugh “I guess that will be for another occasion cause rn I just want to cuddle you to death” he said as he leaned back to your bed making himself comfortable “can I stay over?!” he said giving puppy eyes “no.” “PLEASEEE” … “fine” she scoffed as he excitedly laid her on top of his chest and started brushing her hair with his soft hands, he then moved his hand down to her ass and gave it a squeeze, leaving wet kisses on her neck and sucking on the skin leaving love bites on it “didn’t you say you just wanted cuddle” she said teasing him pecking his lips “hmm let me rethink my decisions” he chuckled as he started leaving soft kisses all over her face, chuckles hovering all over the room.
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