#answeinrg one of thes in between to get my brain back rolling
l0gitex ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’Ž for the hyperfixations asks
media hyperfixation ask game!
๐Ÿ’• tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
leut me tell you about.... OH
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kimimaro orz............ i like him so much because 1) he is very cool 2) his design is good 3) his powers freaks me out. bones.. 4) ...HE IS ANOTHER REALLY SAD CHARACTER WHOSE LIFE IS JSUT......TRAGIC! thwarted by the narrative..... he was just born into a life of misfortune the way i see it, because had he even just not run into orochimaru so quickly he might have lived a normal life, maybe been a powerful (notfuckedupevilthatway) shinobi. something about him that sticks out to me is his extreme politeness, one that even mirrors lee in a way. another thing is .. a sort of low self esteem, judging by the personal pronoun he uses (this for the politeness as well, aand another thing he has in common with rock lee) & just the way he pretty overtly sees himself as worthless, having run out of "use" for orochimaru. his loyalty is something i feel like if he had been able to learn the world a more natural, less schewed way might've been his greatest asset; even as he was it was, only it also became his downfall. i think he had great potential to be somebody incredibly kind, but his worldview and values were warped entirely having grown up under orochimaru's care, going pretty literally from one dark hole to the next..lol :o( i like to think of an alternate way things could've gone, where kimimaro survives and leaves the village of sound, gets to become a person and.. live. i had the impression he never really saw the world at all there, and he deserved it as much as anyone. it's a nice thought for him to have slowly made friends, learned to really trust others, enjoy the simple things in life. see himself as more than a means to somebody else's goals. thinking about him makes me very sad. like a lot of nart characters the world and people around him were not kind to him, saw him not as an equal, not even as a person, but as a weapon, tool, asset. this is true for a lot of characters, but his story to me is one of the saddest ending ones. at least others with kekkei genkai or* great power (neji, sasuke, *gaara..) had some chance/success at learning there's more to their worlds than the narrow view they had, kimimaro however never had that chance at all. hurts.
๐Ÿ’” tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
sasuke ๐Ÿง
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OK HEARME OUT i do not DISLIKE him as such really but i kind of care infintely more about every other characters' fucked up backstory so far than i do his LOLL. i attribute this largely to 99% of my knowledge of naruto until last year having been through jokes&memes, many of those having been sasuke-related i just cannot take him seriously almost at all. I'M SORRY SASUKE FANS....... i do get the tragedy of his upbringing and The Incident and everything but at the same time like he's just funny to me i can't not make fun of him. he's perfectly justified in being a brooding edgelord but he is still a brooding edgelord all the same. gaara had it way worse besides. LOL. <- JOKING!!!! MOSTLY!!! I'M JOKING
๐Ÿ’Ž are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
now this is my paraphrasing of it and i'm sure that among nart fans its common knowledge but when asked which of his characters kishimoto would want to marry*, if any, about the girls he said none bc 'he made them after all :)' and when asked the same about the boyz he had his answer locked and loaded. shikamaru. kishimoto has some kind of particular fixation on him and thats reallyreally funny to me and hilalrios. *i'm assuming this was asked by the time the characters had grown up and stuff so not mega weird although kinda it is but yknow
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