#anthology fanthology
hotguycomiczine · 1 month
what???? what is a zine?????? what is this blog for???????
Hi there! You can check this ask, as well as our ABOUT and our CARRD in general, for answers on what a zine is and what ours is about!
As a quick overview, though, this blog is for the promotion of and updates on our fanthology HOTGUY COMICS, a collaborative anthology of comics, oneshots, and illustrations telling the stories of Hotguy and Cuteguy throughout their superhero careers.
Our fanthology is separate from other existing aus, so you can look forward to diving into an entirely new world once it releases on August 25th! Thank you for the question, and we hope you enjoy it when it comes out soon!
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tristomisto · 15 days
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The first chapter of Those Beholden To Us: A Magnus Archives Fanthology is up! It is the story of a former Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute known as Monroe Murphy.
It is formatted as if it were a transcript of an actual episode, and while I do have the story of Monroe as backdrop, like the show it’s based on the statements make it kind of an anthology.
I’m also toying with the idea of making a community around it so you all could submit your own statements for Monroe to react to, and help carry the story forward. But I’ve never done anything like that before so I’m a bit wary. I’d probably make it’s own blog. Anyway links are below if you want to read the first chapter!
Thanks for reading!
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nexusrasp · 1 year
i don't care if the etymology of the word "zine" or "fanzine" in the fandom world comes from a different place than the DIY/punk scene etymology of the word "zine." sure, fanzines called themselves fanzines to differentiate themselves from "professional magazines" or "prozines" but if these things are now organized and printed to the same extent as that of a small-scale art publication and cost the same, it's hard to see the value or accuracy in applying "zine" to the thing, regardless of what origin of the word the project is viewed through. sure it's for charity, sure they're volunteers, that hasn't stopped other publications from being deemed "professional" before. call them anthologies, fanthologies, artbooks, whatever. clinging to the word "zine" just feels disingenuous.
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winterroth · 2 years
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Hey would anyone be interested in this Merlin fanthology, Resurrection? I’m looking to sell it.
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hsanthologiesmoved · 3 years
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11 more hours to go!!
pre-orders for the unofficial tarot deck close at midnight PST today
This project will only be available to purchase during these pre-orders and will not be available for purchase afterwards.
Order yours here:
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fodlanwedding · 3 years
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Preorders for To Have & To Hold: The Fódlan Wedding Fanthology-- are OFFICIALLY OPEN! Order now from Kickstarter!
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tempural · 3 years
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Breaking down the Gorl Scout Zine budget, and giving my thoughts and opinions on zine finances!
I've been DIY-ing zines for like 10 years now so. Grandpa is senile and rambling today. I am by no means the final word or expert on anything. This is all just stuff I think personally, for myself, in regards to my own methods of zine-making. If you disagree with me on anything, feel free to tell anyone other than me!
I firmly believe all group zines NEED to have their budget available for their contributors to view. We need more transparency and accountability in the fanzine scene.
I also choose to make my zine budgets publicly available to EVERYONE, so people can see how much it costs to make a zine. Especially if it can convince others to DIY their art projects, because it can be cheaper, look better, and have more control than outsourcing!
2x printer ink sets: $56
50x cover paper: $13
1500x interior paper: $36
50x zines = $105, or $2.10 each
You have a stapler somewhere, right?
NOTES: I own a Canon printer which I also use for stickers and prints on my regular shop. Others may wish to use a copy shop for $1 color cover prints and .10 cent interiors.
110x vinyl sticker paper: $42
120x photo paper (4x6): $13
50x photo paper (8x10): $24
Stickers, bookmarks, prints for up to 50 zine packages = $79
You have scissors, right? These extras go in big bundles and have a higher profit margin than the zine itself, helping to offset costs.
NOTES: these are also printed on that ol' workhorse Canon printer. I handcut the stickers for the Gore Zine, but now we have a Portrait machine to cut these with.
100x glassine bags: $11
100x shipping labels (4x6): $19
13x USPS first class: 135
Shipping free zines to 13 contributors = $165!
Two of the 15 contributors are me and shane and we don't need shipping lolz.
First Class shipping prices for less than 10 ounces:
From USA to USA = $5
From USA to everywhere else = $10-$15
NOTES: I pack and ship stuff on the reg with PirateShip to handle addresses + labels, and my $50 laser printer. You MUST compensate your contributors with a free copy of the zine at the very least. If you make them pay for the zine you SUCK NUTZ.
Zines $105 + extras $79 + shipping $165 equals...
$349 budget!
Every dollar over $349 will be shared evenly amongst the 15 contributors. I'm aiming for $20 to each artist. $20 x 15 contributors = $300 + $349 budget = $649 goal!
I priced my limited bundles to hit the $300 goal when they all sell. And if we sell 10 of the $35 zine bundles, that'll cover the rest of it! I also have personal money saved to pay for all this as a backup because it's MY passion project! I'm 100% going to make sure it's a reality!
In cumclusion...
Zines, fanzines, and anthologies are NOT the best way to make money with (mass) printed art.
(That would be with illustration prints, which you can print for $1 and sell for $30. As opposed to 40 pages in a zine for $10.)
Zines ARE very fun to make because reading is FUNdamental! Make zines cuz it’s fun! Make weird zines! Don’t make zines just “for profit” cuz you hella stupid if you tryna make money this way.
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"A person is the sum of their memories. A Time Lord even more so." But some people live so long that there is no longer room for all the memories; they find themselves diminished, whittled away piece by piece… For many years, Doctor Who has implied that William Hartnell played the Doctor’s first incarnation — but in The Brain of Morbius, we were given glimpses of eight stern-faced men in assorted historical costumes — Doctors before the one we know as the first. What were they like, these forgotten Doctors? What worlds did they visit, and what adventures did they have there? Who were their companions, and who were their enemies? And perhaps just as interesting — what sort of stories would this forgotten prehistory of Doctor Who have told? Forgotten Lives is published by Obverse Books, and includes stories by Aditya Bidikar, Simon Bucher-Jones, Kara Dennison, Paul Driscoll, Jay Eales, Andrew Hickey, Lance Parkin and Philip Purser-Hallard, with illustrations by Paul Hanley. All profits from the single printing of this book will be donated to Alzheimer's Research UK.
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cinnamaldeide · 3 years
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A little foretaste of my sweet, hilarious HuaLian contribution to @mxtxfanworkbook 💫
Less than 1️⃣ week left to preorder your copy plus added merch at https://radiance-store.carrd.co 📚
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hotguycomiczine · 1 month
hello! i was wondering what exactly a zine is?
Hello! A zine is typically a small, self-published booklet, often handcrafted and circulated in limited quantity. However, the definition has been stretched in many contemporary communities to include anthologies, which are collections of art, writing, and occasionally music grouped together under a common theme. Truthfully, the fanzines you're used to seeing are actually fanthologies, which require much more effort and coordination to put together than traditional zines.
In light of that and the actual page count we've ended up with, we're excited to announce a slight change to our name! HOTGUY COMICS Zine will be released as the HOTGUY COMICS Zinethology, to better reflect the efforts of both our team and that of our dedicated contributors. We've chosen to keep "zine" in the name to avoid confusion this close to release, so we hope this makes sense! Thank you so much for your question!
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TH+B August Update 2020: a lesson in cross-border banking that nobody asked for!
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Hi everyone! We know it’s been a hot minute since you last heard from our team, and that’s because we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes on editing, prepping, and designing the anthology. It’s the less glamorous part of the job, but it’s also been super enjoyable getting to experience the diverse stories, podfics, and poems our authors have written just for this project, as well as the unique art pieces our artists have created. Everybody’s effort and unique imaginations are on full display here, and we can tell you with certainty that as a finished product, To Hell + Back is going to be an absolutely beautiful keepsake.
Now, to get the the nitty-gritty of where we’re at in our timeline: we regret to inform you that we’ve been experiencing ongoing issues with receiving the funds we raised from Indiegogo (more on that at the end of the post), and aside from the situation being a general pain in our collective butt, it poses a very real roadblock to our ability to order books and order merch until it is resolved. As has been our stated intention from the inception of this anthology, we're 100% committed to not spending any fan money until we have it in hand and are certain the total can cover all necessary costs—we want to make sure all project expenses are paid directly from our stand-alone project bank account whenever possible, so that they can be easily tracked and reported as promised. Accountability is key. 
All in all, we recognize that this probably isn’t the greatest news to hear, but we want to assure you that we are just as hard at work as we have always been, and we continue to remain hopeful that we will be able to ship these books out well before our new projected shipping date of December 2020 (as soon as we are ready, we’ll ship—we won’t wait around for December if we can get these books to you earlier!). We also apologize as a team for not having had an update for you all sooner--the information we were receiving around the Indiegogo disbursement situation has changed weekly and sometimes daily throughout the summer, and to avoid mass confusion we preferred to provide one in-depth and accurate post rather than multiple conflicting ones. 
This project has been, despite all the difficulties that we have encountered, an invaluable learning experience and a real testament to the spirit of fandom and fannish activities as a whole. We remain confident that you will have these books well before Supernatural ends, and we hope our anthology and the wonderful creations within will do our little corner of fandom proud, because we certainly are after having had the pleasure of viewing and reading such awesome stuff during our editing process!
As always, we are 100% committed to transparency and accountability surrounding all aspects of this project. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to email us or reach out to us via our social media platforms! In the coming weeks, please know that you can expect to hear more often from us; we plan to have updates out at least every two weeks summarizing our further progress, and we are hopeful that very soon, we’ll be able to tell you that our funds have come in and that we’re once again back in full gear!
Thank you so much for sticking with us! We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but we couldn’t have done it without the tremendous support that you all have shown.
Hoping to send you some amazing books very soon, sincerely and with much love,
Your 8 Vancouver nerds!
If you’re interested in learning the fine details of why we’ve been having trouble getting Indiegogo to deposit the fundraiser money to us, please click, “read more” below!
As you may know, the To Hell + Back: A Destiel Anthology fundraiser officially closed on May 21, 2020. Indiegogo first attempted to disburse the funds to the bank account on our file on June 4, and on June 8 we learned that the disbursement had failed for an unknown reason. We immediately contacted Indiegogo about the return via email, as that is the only avenue they offer for customer support, and did not hear back from a representative until June 16. That person let us know that our issue required investigation from a Payment Specialist and escalated our inquiry to that department; we received our first message from the Payment Specialist on June 24. He let us know that the payment had been sent via the specifically American direct deposit system known as ACH, and let us know that the (Canadian) bank account lined up to receive it was likely not able to receive a special transaction of that type. We also learned through further conversation that Indiegogo uses the company Stripe as an online payment processor, and that they were unfortunately not willing to send the funds to us via another type of transaction such as wire transfer. 
With this in mind, financial admin @justholdingstill​ cracked open the proverbial books and started doing a whole bunch of research on Canadian banks and the kinds of accounts that can successfully receive ACH deposits, learning in the process that cross-border deposits like this are not something widely well-understood by the average bank call center representative. We also learned that Indiegogo had quietly changed the way that they disburse funds in December of 2019, and seemed to be fairly unfamiliar with their new process of making international deposits involving USD. After dozens of calls back and forth with various institutions (during the height of COVID staffing-impacted wait times, no less!), we finally learned that opening a small business bank account with the Royal Bank of Canada would provide us with the ability to receive the funds. To do that, we had to write a Memorandum of Association designating our team as a not-for-profit community group, and formally outline our stated purpose as well the rules and restrictions on our “business” covered by our mission statement. 
Once that was ready, we opened our project account on July 13 under the name Perdition Street Press, updated the information with Indiegogo, and on July 23, the funds were again disbursed to us. Problem solved, right?
Not exactly, as it turns out. Over the next few weeks, the deposit was rejected twice more by our new bank, this time with the feedback that the account information didn’t match, although we had provided Indiegogo with a copy of a void cheque to ensure no mistakes. The issue was escalated to an even higher level of payment specialist, and after some investigations involving both them and RBC, we learned that we would need to have our bank help us fill out a specific form containing highly specific cross-border banking information that we hadn’t previously been made aware of. As of today, August 17, we are now in possession of that form! Since the form asks for a Tax ID or a Social Insurance number, we are currently awaiting an appointment with a local tax advisor who specializes in working with not-for-profit organizations—she will be able to let us know how to proceed properly, without risking an accidental gargantuan tax bill for any of us as individuals. The money you all so wonderfully helped us raise isn’t income or profit for us, after all;it’s for covering the associated costs of producing and mailing books and merch and nothing else. 
After that appointment, which will be paid for up front by @destimushi​ & @justholdingstill​ and then reimbursed from project funds once received, submitting the e-form 1700 to Indiegogo should be the last and final piece of the puzzle, and we are hopeful that we will be FINALLY able to accept the project funds shortly after that—please stay tuned for more, and know that we are as eager to move forward with the production phase of things as you are! 
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Updates 4 Dec
The book is... practically finished! We'll be doing some final edits and shipping the book out hopefully in January, once the shipping rates are less expensive. Thanks for coming along on the ride everyone!
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ffma-2020 · 5 years
14 days to go...
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zelink-shrine · 6 years
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Submissions for the Zelink Fantology, Volume 2.0 are officially reopen!
We'll be accepting new entries to the anthology, so if you missed the opportunity the last time to get your work in, now’s your chance!
All previous entries for the second edition will still be counted towards it, so if you submitted your entry in 2017/2018, don’t worry, your work will still be part of the project!
All forms of Zelink are accepted! Dark Zelink (Dark Link/ZeldaxLink/Zelda or both), Shink (SheikxLink), Telink (TetraxLink), HyliaxFirst Link, as well as genderbent Zelink, Hyrule Warriors, the Akira Himekawa mangas and Super Smash Bros., AUs and crossovers!
Submit whatever form of fanart you want! Art, fiction, meta, poetry, songs (as long as they’re written by you, of course); whatever your shipping heart desires!
Minimum word limit for prose is 100 words. There’s no upper limit (though, please don’t write an epic of 10,0000 words).
Works containing ship bashing will not be tolerated. Any that do so will not be entered.
Put anything that has more moderate content (blood, etc.) or triggering elements (death, et.al) under a “read more” and add tags to the post (e.g “TW: death”).
Under the new Tumblr ToS, NSFW is prohibited.
Any questions? Just drop an ask!
Rules for submitting can also be found here!
Once you’re ready to go, you can submit your art as is or as a link to your post (if you want it reblogged) here! You can also use the #Zelink Fanthology or #Zelink Anthology tags to get your work noticed too!
Any questions? Just hit up the ask button, and one will get back to you ASAP! Want to join in the project as a mod? Hit up the ask button saying you want to join, and I’ll send you an invite to the blog!
Happy Zelinking! :D
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modernwizard · 4 years
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Master Works: Companions Meet the Doctor’s Best Frenemy is finally here! This charity Doctor Who anthology explores the interesting bond between the Doctor’s companions and the Master in their various incarnations.
Short stories, cartoons, portraits — this anthology has it all! Also contains heartwarming [?] drama, hilarious [?] humor, thrilling [?] action sequences, and dubious puns. [Lots of dubious puns.] All proceeds benefit Migrant Justice, a Vermont-based nonprofit that organizes local farm laborers for political and economic justice.
This limited-edition anthology will only be available for a short time [through July 17th, 2020, EST], so act fast! Master Works will be gone faster than one of the Master’s ill-advised alliances with an alien species that they know nothing about! [Only the result won’t be so disastrous. Probably.]
Contributors include @modernwizard @natalunasans @queen-of-meows @halorvic, and that’s just off the top of my head!
Follow the links below to buy either the paper or the ebook version at lulu.com.
@natalunasans @spoonietimelordy @queen-of-meows @sclfmastery @brokenbluedoors
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johnashtongolden · 2 years
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I haven’t posted in a minute but I’ve most certainly been busy! Here are some fun panels from a three-page parody I drew in collaboration with writer Mark Darden and colorist Edward Yancey called “Origin in Flames: The Musical, Featuring Spawn and Savage Dragon”. This will be coming out this summer in the pages of “DARKEST IMAGE 2”, a digital comic available at ImageGrandDesign.com with all proceeds going to charity. - #makemorecomics #readmorecomics #parody #tribute #homage #fanzine #fanthology #DarkestImage2 #Spawn #SavageDragon #comics #anthology #ImageComics #johnnygoldenart #johnashtongolden #mortalmirrorstudio (at Garden of the Gods) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRe0AbvWhJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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