#anthony dinozzo fic series
butter-cream33 · 11 months
I'm Butter Cream.
I've used Tumblr before, but I felt like making a fresh account and all that. I'll be using this one as a fanfic-only blog, so no personal updates and stuff will be uploaded here, just fanfics.
After a while, this post will be updated into my Masterlist Post. It'll have a link to masterlists for one-shots, drabbles, series, etc.
The main characters I write for are; - Daryl Dixon (TWD) - Negan (TWD) - Sam Winchester (SPN) - Dean Winchester (SPN) - John Winchester (SPN) - Castiel (SPN) - Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS) - Anthony DiNozzo (NCIS) - Aaron Hotchner (CM)
It's been a while since I've posted fanfics and such so feel free to send DM requests my way!
The majority of the things I write are NSFW, so if you're looking at my page, you need to be 18+!
I prefer writing in a first-person POV, so the majority of my posts will be written that way.
I won't be re-uploading any of my old fics onto Tumblr, but they can still be found on my AO3. My series will stay on AO3. I'll only be posting one-shots here!
Thanks! <3
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mindfogger · 2 years
mind's 2022 reading round up recs... pt. 2
featuring lots of fandom hopping and lots of reading... find pt.1 here
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July: 742,627 words read, 50 hours
Most Memorable Read: a sequence that you never learned by annataylor
Star Trek: AOS, Kirk/Spock, Fake Marriage & Kid AU
Normally I don't like kidfic but I'm a sucker for fake marriage aus and goddamn did this one deliver. The pining...wowwwwww, and the world building just hit right.
Honorable Mentions: time to come home, little one (Dark SBI, Runaway Tommy, Dark Fluffy) by inspire4044 Epiphany (The West Wing, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene - warning for reference to suicide) by Speranza
August: 1,221,073 words read, 81 hours
Most Memorable Read: moonflower by Magnolia35
The Sandman, Dreamling...
How careful Hob is in this, the hurt/comfort?? The non-sexual intimacy??? it's all just so *chef's kiss*
Honorable Mentions: The Raven and The Hawk (Avengers, Clint/Coulson, God/Reincarnation AU) by sunryder Mercy Is Not Mine To Give (SBI, Morally Dark, Murder/Serial Killers) by Dragonire
September: 977,656 words read, 65 hours
Most Memorable Read: Fragments by sparxwrites
Red vs. Blue, Tucker/Washington
Soulmates... need I say more? I'm a sucker for soulmate aus and adding in the hurt/comfort & angst inherent in rvb... this was a re-read but it hits just as good as the first time.
Honorable Mentions: Accidental Heroism (The Batman, Bruce-centric, Humor) by nighhtwing Afterimage (Sandman, Dreamling, Hurt/Comfort & Recovery) by ScribeofArda
October: 980,618 words read, 65 hours
Most Memorable Read: Bottom of the Ninth by Waldo
NCIS Dinozzo/Gibbs... NCIS is a comfort show for me in many ways since I watch it with my dad so I was watching a few episodes while in Korea.
Featuring some really great not-ooc Anthony and Jethro characterization and a really sweet Jethro-pov exploration of their early relationship.
Honorable Mentions: Things Fall Apart (Valerian 2017, Laureline/Valerian, Hurt/Comfort & Protectiveness) by sospes Damsel (Valerian 2017, Laureline/Valerian, Kidnapping) by sospes
November: 1,116,006 words read, 74 hours
Most Memorable Read: A Cup of Sugar (What Neighbors Are For) by odymcbea
Emerald Duo are veterans who are neighbors to Crimeboys...
God, wow it's all about love, isn't it? I love how carefully their familial relationships are handled and the humanity in this story really gets to me.
Honorable Mentions: Be Gay, Do Crimes, Turn in Your Homework (The Old Guard, Booker/Nile, Pining & College AU) by xiaq and i'm nothing (SBI, Werewolf & Hanahaki Disease) by Radio Silencer
December: 1,345,543 words read, 90 hours
×× note: this month I only read The King: Eternal Monarch fic. Only.
Most Memorable Read: Fire on Fire (Would Normally Kill Us) by www_gov_uk
The King: Eternal Monarch, Jo Yeong/Lee Gon in a universe where they never met before/didn't grow up together. I'm also already loving the series' continuation.
The realism, the world building, the characters, I cannot rave about this enough. Yeong's relationship to his family and his developing relationship with Gon just. Wow. Also these dumbasses need to communicate more <3
Honorable Mentions: which will bloom most constantly? (K:EM, OT3 - Yeong/Gon/Tae-eul, Developing Polyam) by itspointydumbass the stars are filming us for no one (K:EM, Yeong/Sinjae & Others, Hurt/Comfort, AMAZING Characterization) by drivingsideways & rainhat
Year Totals: 15,147,132 words read, 1010 hours
...Totalling 781 fics read, about 65 works a month, 138 pages a day 95 fics over 40,000 words (about the length of a short novel) ... 25 fics over 100,000 words
About 11.53% of my year was spent reading
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I had difficulties deciding how to count WIPs that were updating throughout the year but eventually I managed to keep track of the difference in word count between the last time i read it and the new word count. Not sure if I'll keep it like that next year. I ended up reading 71% completed works, partially because it was such a pain to calculate and keep up with WIPs in this system, partially because it's a habit for me to filter them out automatically.
I was all over the place in terms of fandom in the second half of the year but Jan-June I read mostly MCYT/SBI fics. From July-Dec, only September had MCYT as its top fandom.
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I tagged everything as one of four genres: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Dark. I read 280 Angst - 35% of fics, 202 Fluff, 128 Smut, and 170 Dark fics.
In terms of the tags I read, I manually tagged all my fics when I entered them and my most-read tag was Hurt/Comfort. Second most-read tag was Found Family. Following that was some smut tags I had... may be a data error because if there was smut I made sure to tag it right but I didn't tag small instances of other things in that ff.
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Also, I only added some tags later on, like Slow Burn & PWP, so they don't appear at all in earlier entries. For 2023, I've kept a lot of these tags and added more, especially to cover the romance front since I wasn't reading much rom in the beginning of 2022.
I really liked this project, it encouraged me to finish the fics that I read. It also made me read & ao3 bookmark more mindfully, I think. I'm really interested to see the difference from this year to next year.
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Palm of God Masterlist
Fandom(s): Criminal Minds, NCIS
Pairing(s): Anthony DiNozzo x OC, Anthony DiNozzo x Ziva David
Genre: Action, Angst, Crime, Drama, Fluff
Rating: TV-MA
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Intense Language, Sexual Situations, Strong Dialogue
Summary: Deep cover Special Agent Aurora Baker is assigned her deepest cover yet by the new NCIS Director, Leon Vance. Her deep cover assignment comes with its own dangerous risks, and it couldn't have come at a worse time. Her estranged father makes an effort to be in her life after a near-death experience, and her mother is acting almost as strange as her father. With Leroy Jethro Gibbs watching her every move, Director Vance breathing down her neck, and her family problems creeping up on her, it'll take all her strength and help from God to keep everything from falling apart.
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Rory Baker
One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Sixty-Three Days Before
One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Sixty Days Before
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angelkissiies · 3 years
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It’s about time (part one)
Tony DiNozzo x Reader
Trigger Warning : none
Content Warning : fluff, pining, semi slow burn
The case had been dragging on for weeks, it was almost impossible to catch the man responsible for the dead navy officers. Bodies kept piling on, yesterday it was four- today seven. To say the team was exhausted didn’t give the feeling justice. It was a draining and emotionally abusive case, and no matter what- nothing you seemed to do was enough.
“Go home, get some sleep.” Gibbs huffed, pulling his glasses off. He didn’t look good, his eyes were hollow and encased in deep purple bags.
McGee tried to open his mouth to object, his fingers laying limp on his keyboard. “Boss, I-“
“It wasn’t a question. You’re all running on no sleep, you can’t work proficiency when you’re about to collapse from exhaustion. We’ll pick it up tomorrow.” He stated, more firm. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, he knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
The team finally agreed, knowing that Gibbs would have his way. That’s just how things worked.
You yawned, briefly raising your arms above your head to stretch. The desk chair had been assaulting your back for the entirety of the weekend- it only reminded you how bad the squad room needed new chairs, if only Vance would take the bait.
“Well it’s about time. Not like we NEED sleep to live or anything..” Tony stated, rather dramatically. His backpack was already on the top of his desk, he wasn’t even looking as he spoke.
You laughed quietly, spinning around in your chair to grab your own backpack. Inside you slid the case file and your reports, something you could work on tonight. Staying ahead was always the goal, no matter how impossible it seemed at the time. “Isn’t your car still totaled, Tony?” Your voice carried, earning a glare from the agent.
“I’ll have you know that it is not totaled. It just has a large dent..” His voice dwindled off into a whisper, a sour look morphing onto his face. “So, yeah it’s kinda totaled.”
You shook your head chuckling, “I can give you a ride home, if you’d like.” You offered, throwing him a playful wink. “Your place isn’t too far from mine, it really wouldn’t be a problem.”
The bull pin fell quiet, everyone seeming to stop to listen.
It wasn’t a secret that you had feelings for Tony and, likewise, he did too. The entire office seemed to know, yet you remained oblivious to each other’s efforts.
A brief smile flashed across Tony’s lips as he nodded, “Yeah, thanks. As much as I don’t mind the bus, I’m sure your car is much warmer.” He slung his backpack over his shoulder before shutting his gun into the locked desk drawer.
McGee shared a look with Gibbs, who only chuckled at the two.
You slipped your phone into your pocket as you pulled the bag onto your shoulder. “Alright, lets hit it.” You hummed, car keys in hand.
“Night boss, McGee.” Tony parted, stepping out from behind his desk and making his way to the elevator.
You smiled at the two, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep.” You then jogged to catch up with Tony. Barely getting your hand in between the closing elevator doors. “Yeah, thanks for holding the elevator, T.”
He chuckled, shrugging. “You could use the cardio.” He shifted to lean against the metal wall, scanning your face for a comeback.
You raised an eyebrow, “Are you telling me I need to lose weight?” You scoffed, crossing your arms dramatically. “I can’t believe you’d say that to me.”
His face dropped, stuttering as he tried to explain. “No- you. I mean, I didn’t-“ his face began to heat up, a rosy color splashed across his cheeks. “You’ve twisted my words, you little-“
You held a finger to his lips, before he dug himself into a much deeper hole. “No, I simply interpreted your open ended statement.” You laughed lightly, shaking your head as the man huffed.
The ding of the elevator broke the conversation, the metal doors opening with a burst of cool air. It was quiet in the lobby, the only noise being the lady at the front desk- typing away at her computer.
Tony nudged your arm gently, motioning for you to exit before him. “Ladies first, of course.” He looked tired, which wasn’t uncommon, but it was different.
The walk from the lobby to the car was quiet, there was no need to speak. That was one of your favorite things about Tony- as loud and expressive as he was, he connected with you in a way that went above talking, above actions. You two moved in sync, the same wavelength.
You reached into your back pocket for your car keys, clicking the button to unlock your car. “I hope you don’t mind- it’s a little messy. Also, the last person to sit in the passenger seat was Ducky- you’re probably going to need to scoot it back.” A slight laugh fell from your lips as you explained.
He nodded, pulling the handle to open the passenger side door. A chill ran down his spine, he glanced up at you before he sat down in the passenger seat. His heart began to swell, and a warmth blossomed in his chest. “Messy? This place is a disaster.” He teased, scooting his seat back. “You’ve let yourself go, (Y/n)”
“You know, I could always make you walk.” You stated, sliding into the drivers seat. Truly, it wasn’t that messy. A few empty water bottles and empty gum wrappers littered the floor but that was it.
Tony smiled, situating himself in the seat as he buckled up. “You love me too much for that. Don’t pretend you don’t.” He snickered, settling his backpack on the floorboard.
A heat rose in your face and as you started the car, the heat began to kick on. “Yeah, don’t flatter yourself.” You hummed, checking the mirrors as you backed out.
The car fell silent, the drive wasn’t long- as you only lived a few blocks from NCIS and Tony only lived a few blocks from you. There was no need for music or conversation, it was a peaceful silence.
Tony had been stealing glances at you the entire car ride, from the warmth in your cheeks to the slope of your chest as it rose and fell softly. You enamored him, some would say there was nothing special about you- but he dared to disagree. You were everything to him, beautiful, smart, kind, you had it all.
“This is you, right?” You asked, pulling into a parking spot in front of the lavish apartment building. You looked over to him, only to catch his eyes latched onto your lips. “Tony?”
He blinked in surprise, meeting you eyeline. “Yeah, yeah. This is my place. Uh,” he paused, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Thank you for the ride. It was much better than the bus.” His polite smile didn’t meet his eyes, making you wonder.
“Are you alright?” You prompted, reaching out to hold his hand gently within your own. “You seem.. off.” Your assumptions weren’t far from the truth, he was feeling off.
Tony shifted slightly in his seat, turning to look at you. For once, he was rendered speechless. He didn’t know how to put words to how he had been feeling, the last thing he wanted to do was scare you off. “I, uh, I need to tell you something.” His voice wavered and if you listened hard enough you could hear the internal struggle he was having with his conscience.
You nodded, the darkness encased the car- the only light being shone through from a nearby light pole. “Shoot. I’m all ears, T.” You voice was quiet, your hand rubbing his soothingly.
He sighed, pulling his eyes away from yours and settling on your hand. It was small, soft compared to his rough ones. “Well, I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time- and today, tonight actually, something changed and I realized that I couldn’t hide this from you anymore. I want to be with you, (Y/n). I-“ he paused, taking a deep breath as he connected his eyes to yours, “I love you.”
You heart began to race, you felt the air leave your lungs. “Tony, I-“
He cut you off, moving a hand to the side of your face. “You don’t have to say anything.” His breath wafted across your cheeks as he leaned in.
Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes closed, the feeling of his lips on yours taking all of the thoughts from your mind. Not a single word could be formed.
He pulled away, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. “Was that okay? I didn’t want to do anything you weren’t okay with.” He began to pull away his hand, a fear he’d crossed a boundary sweeping through his mind.
You grasped his hand, pulling it back. “That was better than okay. Tony, I feel the same way. I just didn’t know how to tell you.” You admitted, pulling him back gently into another kiss.
Tony chuckled as the kiss broke, a large smile breaking into his face. He felt much lighter, much happier than he had felt in a very long time. “God, (Y/n). You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” The man was beaming with joy, it radiated through the car.
You nodded, “I know what you mean, and I don’t want to ruin this moment- but,” you paused, a tiny voice in the back of your mind making you regret saying anything, “If we sit here much longer, I fear my car will be snowed in.”
Tony laughed lightly, shaking his head. “No, I understand. This place snows in pretty easily.” His eyes met yours as he leaned back in his seat, his hands moved down to his bag and before he could say anything else- a lightbulb went off. “Would you.. wanna stay over tonight?”
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theblueharlequin · 4 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Highlander: The Series, NCIS, Leverage, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, White Collar, Dark Angel, The Sentinel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The X-Files, Eureka, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Pushing Daisies, The Losers - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Methos, Anthony DiNozzo, Eliot Spencer, Faith Lehane, Neal Caffrey, Parker (Leverage), Alec McDowell | X5-494, Ben | X5-493, Blair Sandburg, Naomi Sandburg, Clint Barton, Alex Krycek, Jo Lupo, Oz Osbourne, Steve McGarrett, Ned (Pushing Daisies), Jake Jensen, Jake's Sister Additional Tags: Crack Series: Part 1 of Wayward Youths Summary:
Methos keeps taking in children. He's not sure how, but somehow this is all MacLeod's fault.
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
they call it meet-cute (maybe it should just be a meeting)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0CNwrRx
by MadHare0512
"They call it a meet-cute," she whispers, lips curling around the words as they pull into a smile. A soft chuckle slips from her mouth easily, as if it hadn't been a conscious decision made. "Well," she continues. "Maybe, it should just be a meeting."
OR: you know the stories of the source content, but the CC is a little different (additional warnings in the summaries of each chapter)
Words: 1442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 38 of How Two LAPD Officers And One Firefighter Accidently Become The Most Powerful People on Earth
Fandoms: The Chaos Crew - Fandom, S.W.A.T. (TV 2017), NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans, One Chicago, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med, Grimm (TV), The Umbrella Academy (TV), The Originals (TV), NCIS: Los Angeles
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Jim Street, Christina "Chris" Alonso, Donovan Rocker, Victor Tan, Erika Rogers, Bonnie Lonsdale, Eric Beale, G Callen, Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Kevin Atwater, Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, Nick Burkhardt, Rosalee Calvert, Monroe (Grimm), Anthony DiNozzo, Jimmy Palmer, Nick Torres, Diego Hargreeves, Eudora Patch, Klaus Hargreeves, Elijah Mikaelson, Christopher LaSalle, Sebastian Lund, Dwayne "King" Pride, Other Characters Mentioned
Relationships: Christina "Chris" Alonso/Bonnie Lonsdale/Donovan Rocker/Erika Rogers/Jim Street/Victor Tan, Eric Beale/G Callen, Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Kevin Atwater/Kim Burgess/Adam Ruzek, Nick Burkhardt/Rosalee Calvert/Monroe, Anthony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer/Nick Torres, Diego Hargreeves/Eudora Patch, Klaus Hargreeves/Elijah Mikaelson, Christopher LaSalle/Sebastian Lund/Dwayne "King" Pride
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, chaos crew - Freeform, Getting Together, Meet-Cute, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Developing Relationship, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Communication, Song Lyrics, song-fic, Inspired by Music, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0CNwrRx
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
Hey, y’all! Stories Update!!
Hey, y’all. So, I know I haven’t exactly been posting much on here lately. I’ve, in a way, taken a small break from writing my Negan/JDM stories for a bit. But, that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped writing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! I just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t stopped writing. In fact, I’ve been working on stories with @mychemicalimagines and @supernaturalwritingbunker. I decided I would let you know what they were, in case y’all wanted to go check ‘em out! If you love my Negan writing, feel free to check out these other stories I’ve worked on/been working on! They’re listed in alphabetical order, based on the first name then by the first name of the fic, unless otherwise stated (i.e. the Jasper Hale “You’re My…” Series). Stories we haven’t posted yet don’t have links, but everything else does. I’m hoping that I’ll get some more inspiration to keep writing for Negan here soon. We’ll see! Stay safe. Stay negative of Corona. Have fun! And as always, feel free to reach out and talk. I’m here. I just might not always reply back right away. 
*For the stories listed below, I’ve separated based on which blog it’s from, and whether it’s a movie or show fic. Beyond that. I’ve separated them based on which show or movie it is, and if applicable, I’ve indicated if it’s a series or not. I’ve included the title of the story, what it’s status is (finished, in progress, or on hiatus), how many chapters there are, and the relationship pairings. If it’s on hiatus, the main reason for that, unless otherwise indicated, is that we just aren’t quite ready to finish that particular story. It’s like having a kid, watching it grow, and then them being all grown up. You wanna hold onto that innocence for as long as you can. XD Another reason that they might be on hiatus is we just haven’t had any mojo for writing it. Now, for the “in progress” stories, we are still writing those, but, some haven’t been updated in awhile because they aren’t getting enough love for us to want to continue. If you read one of them, and decide you love it, please leave feedback so we can continue it for you!
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho@ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan @cladd716
Stories with @mychemicalimagines:
American History X: Derek Vinyard 1. Changed Forever - One Shot - Derek Vinyard x Reader
American Pie: Chris “Oz” Ostreicher  1. Slice of Pie - In Progress - 5 of 8 Chapters - Chris “Oz” Ostreicher x OFC (Jacqueline Levenstein)
The Breakfast Club: Andrew Clark 1. Fighting Brought Me to You - On Hiatus - 2 of ? Chapters - Andrew Clark x OFC (Emily Marksman)
Final Destination: Ian McKinley 1. Are We Friends? Nope...More - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 2. Together, We Can Survive Anything - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 3. Together, We’ll Survive Anything (Part 2)  - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader
Friday the 13th V: Roy:  1. Friday the 13th V: Roy’s P.O.V. 
Halloween:  Tommy Doyle Once A Month - One-Shot - Tommy Doyle x Reader
The Hangover: Phil Wenneck  1. Doctor’s Orders for a Hangover - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters & 1 bonus photos post) - Phil Wenneck x OFC (Emily Billings)
Harry Potter: Harry Potter 1. Loving the Boy-Who-Lived - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Harry Potter x OFC (Kelsey Weasley)
House of Wax: Nick Jones 1. Protected by Love - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters - Nick Jones x OFC (Melissa Felton)
IT: Ben Hanscom  1. Ageless Love - Finished - 12 of 12 Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Reggie “Belch” Huggins 1. A Bets a Bet - One shot - Reggie “Belch” Higgins x Reader
Richie Tozier 1. Richie...Married? - One Shot - Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader 2. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - One Shot - Teenage!Richie Tozier x Reader
Stanley Uris 1. Best Friend...Forever - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 2. Shower Caps - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 3. Our Fights Don’t Last Long - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader
IT: Chapter Two: Ben Hanscom 1. Forever Love - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Jumanji: Anthony “Fridge” Johnson 1. Welcome to the Jungle - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Anthony “Fridge” Johnson x OFC (Emily Gilpin)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Will Turner Pillaged Love - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Will Turner x OFC (Emily Swann)
Scream: Billy Loomis 1. All Just a Scary Movie - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Billy Loomis x OFC (Lindsey Prescott)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Punished by the Big O - One Shot - Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher (Contains Smut)
Twilight: Carlisle Cullen 1. Love As Old As Time - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Carlisle Cullen x OFC (Elizabeth Clarke)
Edward Cullen  1. Lost In Silence - In Progress - 1 of ? Chapters - Edward Cullen x OFC (Gabriella Swan)
Embry Call 1. Everything Changed - On Hiatus - 5 of ? Chapters - Embry Call x OFC (Hayley Uley) 2. Holly or Jolly? - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Embry Call x Reader 
Emmett Cullen 1. Girl Almighty - On Hiatus - 3 of ? Chapters - Emmett Cullen x OFC (Jade Stanley)
Jasper Hale: 1. She’s The Original - One-Shot - Jasper Hale x Reader 2. You’re My...Series (In Order) (MOST POPULAR) 2a. You’re My Monster - Finished - 8 of 8 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)  2b. You’re My Love - Finished - 7 of 7 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2c. You’re My Major - Finished - 6 of 6 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2d. You’re My Forever - Finished - 11 of 11 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)
Paul Lahote Imprinting Changes a Man - On Hiatus - 6 of ? Chapters - Paul Lahote x OFC (Melissa Black)
T.V. Shows:
Criminal Minds Derek Morgan 1. Stealing Hearts - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Derek Morgan x OFC (Dr. Lily Sanderson)
Spencer Reid 1. Eggnog - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Spencer Reid x Reader
FRIENDS  Chandler Bing  1. Coal - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Chandler Bing x Reader
NCIS Tony DiNozzo  1. Scared, But Safe - One-Shot - Tony DiNozzo x Reader
The Office: Jim Halpert 1. Happens Like That - On Hiatus - 9 of ? Chapters - Jim Halpert x OFC (Melissa Ford)
Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller 1. Patched...But Not Broken - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Jax Teller x OFC (Melissa Winston)
The Walking Dead: Negan “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” - One-Shot - Modern Santa!Negan AU - Negan x Reader (I know this is already in my masterlist, but it is a story I worked on with @mychemicalimagines, so I felt it only right to include it here!)
Rick Grimes 1. Always My World- In Progress - 7 of ? Chapter - Rick Grimes x OFC (Emily Walsh) 2. I Found You - One-Shot - RickGrimes x Daughter!Reader (non-romantic, paternal relationship ONLY)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 1. Baby Negan In The Making - One-Shot - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x OFC (Unnamed wife) 
Johnny Knoxville  1. In Sickness and In Health  - One-Shot - Johnny Knoxville x Reader
Stories with @supernaturalwritingbunker:
T.V. Shows:
Supernatural Dean Winchester 1. Apple Pie Life - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 2. Dinner Date with the Winchesters - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 3. Self-Esteem - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader  4. Published Before Editing - In Hiatus - 1 of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Emily Morgan) 5. Can’t Stop Loving You - ? of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Michaela “Mickey” Storm)
Sam Winchester 1. Take Back Home Girl - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader 2. Repeated Words - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader
Jensen Ackles 1. Social Media Love - Social Media!AU - 1 of 1 Chapters (18 Photos) - Jensen Ackles x OFC (Hazel Armstrong)
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ao3feed-ncis · 3 years
Complicating Factors
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3AS6S8w
by ChokolatteJedi
At some point on their fourteenth birthday, every child will hear the voice of their soulmate speaking. This is known as the Listening. The phrase they will hear is the first thing their soulmate will say within their presence, upon their first meeting. All soulmates are destined to meet before their twenty eighth birthday, and will do so barring two events, known as complicating factors.
Some days, Tony DiNozzo thinks he might as well have 'complicating factor' tattooed on his forehead.
Words: 11010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NCIS, Stargate SG-1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Anthony DiNozzo, Caitlin Todd, Jethro Gibbs, Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Paul Davis, Abby Sciuto, Samantha "Sam" Carter, George Hammond, Teal'c (Stargate)
Relationships: Anthony DiNozzo/Daniel Jackson, Abby Sciuto/Caitlin Todd
Additional Tags: Banter, Smart Tony DiNozzo, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Fate & Destiny, Soul Bond, Background Relationships, Case Fic, Brainwashing, Aliens, Alien Mythology/Religion, Nish'ta, Nish'ta Made Them Do It, Implied Sexual Content, Fade to Black, Season/Series 01, Season/Series 03
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3AS6S8w
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factoffictionwriter · 4 years
Tiva Fic Amnesty #14
More from Chaval Extras. Things to know: Ziva has 2 Aunts back in Israel whom she took Tony to meet. The Aunts are friends with Shmeil as well. Oh, and Tony and Ziva are totally a thing. Like a thing thing.
“Wait a second. So I wasn’t imagining it? Ziva really did have a motorcycle?” 
Shmeil nodded enthusiastically, “My Ziva had a motorcycle before she even learned how to drive!” 
Tony chuckled to himself, “That explains a lot, actually.” 
“What explains a lot?” His beautiful Israeli asked as she breezed into the room, delicate looking teacups in either hand. She carefully handed one of them to Shmeil before crossing the room to take a seat next to Tony on the couch. 
“I was just telling Anthony about your, shall we say, preference for dangerous modes of transportation.” 
Her eyebrows came together as she wracked her brain for what he could possibly be talking about. But when she saw Tony’s smug little grin beside her, she put the pieces together. 
“The motorcycle?” She asked. 
“Oh yeah,” Tony chimed.
She eyed him warily, “Remember what I said about stories being exaggerated? Keep that in mind.” 
He just laughed at her. 
“What is so funny, Anthony?” Nettie asked as she too emerged from the kitchen, her two sisters trailing behind, each with their own teacup.
“Ziva was just about to tell me about her motorcycle.”
“Oh, goodness. Why would you want to hear about that horrible thing?” Adina asked as she settled into the couch across the room. 
“Because he is a man,” Shmeil laughed, “And men like two things: hot women and fast vehicles.” 
Tony nodded, “And this story promises to have both.” 
“Very well then,” Nettie sighed as she sipped on her tea.
“We do not know where she managed to get such a horrible contraption, much less how she managed to keep it secret for so long,” Hinda was giving Ziva a disapproving look, “But somehow she managed to drive that thing to school every day for an entire year before we even knew it existed.” 
“She parked it a few spaces down from her father’s car in one of the neighbor boy’s spaces. Lord knows how she convinced him to let her have such a coveted spot,” Nettie shook her head. 
“I can think of a few ways,” Tony whispered to himself, but Shmeil managed to hear it. 
“David women can be quite convincing,” the old man winked at Tony, causing his smile to grow wider. 
“Anyways, we never would have even known about it if she hadn’t gotten in that accident.” 
“Which was not my fault, by the way,” Ziva added. 
“They never are,” Tony remarked, sending her a look of such pure adoration that she couldn’t help but forgive his jab. 
“Okay, but this one really was not. The man should have looked over his shoulder. Even I look over my shoulder when changing lanes.” 
“And how fast were you going, dear?” Nettie asked, the stern look on her face telling him she already knew the answer.
“That is not important. He still should have looked.” 
“I seem to remember the officer telling us you were going 110 mph… in a 45 mph zone,” Adina provided helpfully. 
Tony let out a long whistle before pausing, “Actually, I’m not that surprised. That does sound like something you would do.” 
She rolled her eyes, biting back a tiny smile. 
“She was thrown clear across the highway. A couple more feet and she would have rolled right off the cliff and into the sea below.” 
Ziva just shrugged, “I walked away with a few scratches.” 
“If by scratches you mean 3 broken ribs and road burn up your entire left side,” Hinda corrected, “But yes, you were able to walk away. You were very lucky.” 
Tony leaned into the couch cushion, slowly sliding his hand over to rest it on her side, right where he remembered seeing a long patch of scars, mostly faded until they looked like delicate white flames dancing across her skin. 
She nodded slightly in his direction as if confirming that the marks were, in fact, the remnants of this exact accident. 
“Tali would not go near the thing,” Nettie spoke, breaking up the moment between the couple on the couch. 
“Of course Tali wouldn’t go near it. She was smart. She understood the concept of danger,” Hinda acknowledged. 
Ziva let out a quiet huff as she leaned back against the cushions, and inadvertently his arm. 
“Yes, but I understood the concept of fun.” 
Tony let out a hearty laugh at her comment before smoothly transitioning it into a cough when the aunts shot him disapproving looks. 
“You only truly understood how to piss off your father. Let this be a lesson to you, Anthony. When you have children, do not rule with an iron fist, lest they turn out to be anything like their mother.” 
“Doda!” Ziva cried, sending Adina a truly incredulous look. 
“Did you ever get the chance to meet Eli, Anthony?” Nettie asked. 
He felt Ziva stiffen beside him, and took that as a sign to proceed with the utmost caution. 
“Yeah, I did. A couple of times, actually. He… wasn’t a big fan of me.” 
“Nor you of him, I assume,” Hinda offered. 
“I think Eli David was a complicated man… in a complicated situation. It’s really not for me to judge. I will never understand exactly what he was going through.” 
“It is quite alright, Tony. You are surrounded by fellow Eli-haters here. I am sure there is nothing you can say about the man that Ziva has not already heard from one of us,” Shmeil assured him. 
Ziva’s shoulders heaved as she let out a long sigh. 
He watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, “I obviously don’t agree with many of the decisions he made, particularly in regards to his children. But at the end of the day, I think he was doing what he thought was best. He just happened to be wrong.” 
“He just happened to be wrong?” Hinda spat. 
“Doda…” Ziva warned. 
“No, Zivaleh. I am tired of listening to Eli’s excuses. He may have brainwashed you into believing them, but I will not let you bully Anthony into believing them as well.”
Tony sat forward, sliding his arm out from behind Ziva and resting his elbows on his knees, “She hasn’t bullied me into anything. Well - she has - but not with this. I just think that I’m coming at the situation from a bit of a… different angle than the rest of you.” 
“How so?” Shmeil asked. 
“Well, for starters, I didn’t meet Ziva until after Eli did a number on her. I can sit here and listen to you guys tell stories about her tending to a garden or flying off a motorcycle, but I’ll never fully understand what she was like back then.” 
“All the more reason you should be upset,” Hinda grumbled. 
Tony shook his head, “How do I explain this…” 
He looked around the small living room for a few seconds, trying to find some sort of inspiration for-
“Star Wars!” He exclaimed. 
Five heads all turned in his direction, their eye brows furrowed in confusion. 
“A movie. Really?” Ziva asked from beside him. 
“Not just a movie. A series. 7 movies. Filmed and premiered out of order. 3 movies, then 3 prequels, only to return back to the original timeline for the new one.”
“I do not follow,” Adina sighed. 
“Okay… it’s like you guys are watching the series in chronological order, and I’m watching them in the order they premiered. And you,” he pointed a long finger at Ziva, “are Darth Vader.” 
She looked confused, “The guy with the mask?” 
“Exactly,” he brought both his hands up to cover his mouth, creating a deep echoing sound as he pulled out his oldest and most adored character impression, “Luke, I am your father.” 
She had to focus hard to keep the corners of her mouth from curling up into a small smile. They both knew that she would never admit it, but she liked his little impressions. She thought they were cute, even if they were annoying. 
But then she remembered the single Star Wars film he had forced her to watch after one of his million references went over her head, and her face fell a little, “He is the bad guy, yes?” 
“No. Well, yes. But no. That’s just what they want you to think. In the original series, he’s portrayed as a total monster who betrayed his friends and killed his father. It’s not until you get to the prequels that you realize, hey, this Darth guy isn’t so bad. In fact, he was just a normal Jedi until his master took advantage of him and made him a monster.”
“And as the series comes to a close, he gets one of the most epic redemption arcs in movie history when he realizes that he had been duped into using his powers for the wrong side and then kills his master to save his son,” he turned back toward the Aunts, “So, if you guys watched the prequels first, then you would have already known that Darth was actually a good guy before he joined the dark side, making his fall all the more dramatic. But when I watch it in the order that the movies were made, I can’t help but think about how different the story would have been without that corrupt Jedi Master.” 
“And this changes your perception of Eli… how?” 
“Well, when I met Ziva, she was already a Mossad super spy. And yeah, the more I learned about the way her Dad treated her, the more I started hating the guy. But I will never be able to see him the way you guys do because without him, I likely would have never even met her.” 
“Because without what happened in the prequels, there would have been no need for the original series,” Adina nodded along as she slowly made sense of his convoluted explanation. 
“Exactly!” he flashed a dazzling DiNozzo grin at the older woman, thankful that at least someone had been able to follow his train of thought. 
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCIS Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres Characters: Ellie Bishop, Nick Torres, Original Child Character(s), Delilah Fielding, Timothy McGee, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Jimmy Palmer Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kid Fic, Romance Series: Part 1 of Together Summary:
For the last seven years, Ellie Bishop has been raising her daughter on her own and doing just fine.
For the last seven years, Nick Torres has been raising his daughter on his own and doing just fine.
But when their daughters become friends and Ellie and Nick start spending time together, they realise that on their own, they might be fine.
But they’re better together.
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the-tiva-og · 4 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: NCIS Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ziva David/Anthony DiNozzo Characters: Ziva David, Anthony DiNozzo, Talia "Tali" DiNozzo, Anthony DiNozzo Sr., Rivka David, Eli David, Adam Eshel, Shmeil Pinkhas, Orli Elbaz, Jethro Gibbs Additional Tags: Angst, Songfic, One Shot Collection, Childhood Memories, Pre-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Minor Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Future Fic, Parenthood, Loss of Parent(s), Parent-Child Relationship, Post-Canon, Mental Health Issues, Anxiety, Romance, Happy Ending, Weddings Summary:
Two hurt people find ways to come together and make their own happy ending. Stories from the lives of Tony and Ziva told through a series of one-shot songfics inspired by the album "Reunions" by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit.
Finished writing this fic last night. I think it’s the longest work I’ve completed in a few years, at least. I’m somewhat proud of it???
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⭐️ connor’s 2019 fic rec ⭐️
total fic count: 60
also known as part three to my fic rec series! as usual, all fics are ordered alphabetically by title and all smut is marked with **. please let me know if any links are broken/linked to the wrong page!
and most importantly, please leave a comment and kudos on the fics you’ve enjoyed :)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
A Fortunately Unfortunate Afternoon - 4.5k, single chapter author(s): madlysanecatlady fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Crowley doesn't startle easily, and he doesn't startle often, but when he does, there's an unfortunate side effect.
**All Eyes On You - 4.3k, single chapter author(s): Lacerta26 fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
‘What’s this supposed to be teaching me Harry?’
‘That you can enjoy being looked at, that you can enjoy it when I take you out and show you off,’ Harry whispers in his ear, hand resting entirely too high on Eggsy’s thigh for this stage in the evening.
‘No one’s looking at us, Harry.’
Harry moves his hand to Eggsy’s hip, ‘aren’t they?’
Harry shows Eggsy how good it feels to be the centre of attention.
Breathe - 1.3k, single chapter author(s): telanaris fandom(S): The Arcana pairing(s): Julian Devorak/Reader
“Love…” Julian says, voice quiet and tender, comforting as he reaches for your hand, “my darling.” He interlaces your fingers and guides your hand, palm facing down, beneath the white gauze of his shirt to his chest, just over his heart.
You cannot choke back the gasp it wrests from your throats. Whether from the exhilaration of his reanimation, or the ferocity of your kisses, Julian’s heart is pounding, madly, in his chest. The strong rhythm of it is unmistakeable. And every beat of it confirms irrefutably: he is alive, alive, alive.
Bright Young Things - 2,3k, single chapter author(s): keepyourpantsongohan fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Hatake Kakashi & Namikaze Minato
Sighing, Minato leads his team into the light. When the man in the clearing gets a look at their faces, his whole body goes shock still. “Sensei?” he says uncertainly.
“Er, hi,” says Minato, with a sheepish wave.
**Bros Helping Bros - series, complete author(s): Tenebrosa fandom(s): Dream Daddy pairing(s): Craig Cahn/Robert Small
Craig needs to loosen the fuck up and damn if Robert isn't the King of Relaxation. How he does it might be a little...unorthodox, but really, who's gonna judge them all the way out here?
Care and Custody - multi-chapter, complete author(s): esama fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy takes out the medal in slightly worse circumstances, asking for a miracle.
**Couples Therapy - series, ongoing author(s): jane_x80 pairing(s): Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs fandom(s): NCIS
A serial killer is targeting married gay couples. Gibbs and DiNozzo pose as one such couple, attending couples therapy, in order to flush out and hopefully capture the killer.
Crazy - 3.2k, single chapter author(s): wyvernwolf fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
It's Merlin's sixtieth birthday and he fears Eggsy will do something sappy and romantic. Eggsy does, but not in the way Merlin expects.
**Devour You - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): branewurms fandom(s): The Arcana pairing(s): Julian Devorak/Reader
You take a moment to savor the sight of him. Julian looks the perfect picture of debauched innocence. And isn’t that a ridiculous thought—but he does, with his white shirt still around his shoulders spread wide and baring everything, and that rosy flush spreading from his cheeks all the way down to his heaving chest, staining it a pretty pink.
**Easy Like Sunday Mornin’ - 3.2k, single chapter author(s): howdoyousleep pairing(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
Today is a Sunday and the universally-accepted laziness of the day may be why Steve finds himself wanting it slow and sweaty and deep. Bucky didn’t ask questions.
Efficient pictorial communication of complex ideas (the kids call it a meme) - multi-chapter, complete author(s): sorrens fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley, Gabriel/Beelzebub
The one in which Aziraphale is forced headlong into millennial humour trying to work out what Crowley means when he says "Gabriel and Beelzebub are smashing".
Essentially Social Chameleons - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): Lolapola fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
In short, Aziraphale and Crowley are not as good at blending in with mortals as they think they are. There are better places to discover this than Newton and Anathema's baby's christening, but, well, we're here now.
Family is Family - 5.3k, single chapter author(s): hexicity fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Magnus Bane/Alex Lightwood, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago,Lydia Brandwell/Isabelle Lightwood
The ad is messily stapled against the public announcement board in the quad.
It looks like someone wrote it with their non-dominant hand in the first pen they found. Its sloppy red ink reads in giant letters: “FOUR BEDROOMS. ONE BATH. PASSABLE KITCHEN. WILLING TO DELAY PAYMENT ON RENT. PLEASE DON’T TRY TO LIVE WITH US IF YOU’RE WEIRD, WE ALREADY HAVE SIMON.”
(or, Alec lives with three strangers and starts to like them more than his actual family)
Feathers on the Bedroom Floor - 1.2k, single chapter author(s): dunk_on_em fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Aziraphale looked to his right to see Crowley, struggling to keep his head aright.
His dear Crowley. The one who had sworn he would leave but ended up coming back. The one who drove a flaming car for hours, just so he could be there to help. The one who stopped the sands of time, just to give Aziraphale a chance to talk to the boy. It was no wonder he was tired. So, so much had been asked of him today. Aziraphale pushed his shoulder gently towards Crowley.
“I don’t mind,” the angel murmured, as gently as he could. “I’ll wake you when we arrive.”
Finding Home - 2.1k, single chapter author(s): roseforthethorns fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Without realizing it, Eggsy started to fall in love.
What he didn't know is that Harry and Merlin were falling in love with him too.
flour in your hair, love in your heart - 4.1k, single chapter author(s): mirkandmidnight fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Here is how it starts. Patroclus takes an opening shift one day in late September, because Briseis has gotten the stomach flu and swears that if she moves from her bed, she may vomit. So he ends up working with Odysseus and Iphigenia, who never does a damn thing but gets to keep her job because she's Fucking Agamemnon's kid, and can you spell nepotism? Patroclus can. That higher education isn't going to waste, oh no.
forever isn’t too long, when i’m right where i belong - multi-chapter, complete author(s): owilde fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Raphael sat on the living room chair, the cup of tea Magnus had practically forced on him balanced on his knee, while Magnus himself was slouched on the sofa, laughing. "You," he wheezed in between hysterical fits of giggles, "are going to propose? To Simon?" Raphael pursed his lips, praying for strength from anyone.
**For Here Is Rest - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Nimravidae fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
After a devastating personal loss, Benjamin Tallmadge retreats from the life he knew in Connecticut. Seeking solace, he finds himself in rural Virginia fixing up a small house with only the company of the surrounding woods and his reclusive widower landlord, George Washington.
"Every spirit builds itself a house; and beyond its house a world; and beyond its world, a heaven. Know then, that the world exists for you. Build, therefore, your own world."
Foxes Are Vermin - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): sweetasamuffin fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Daisy wants to meet her mom. Eggsy's there to help her.
Gold on Your Fingertips (Fingertips Against My Cheek) - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): ziracrow fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Post-apocalypse oneshot after they decide to spend the night at Crowley's flat together.
His Sweet Kiss - 2.1k, single chapter author(s): Frozen Hearts pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
Geralt comes back to camp after hunting a monster only to find Jaskier entangled with....
... himself?
Human Incarnate - multi-chapter, complete author(s): nikkiRA fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
“They think I’m immune to demon fire, see,” Aziraphale said, in a slightly airy voice. “So they had to… get creative.”
“Aziraphale, what. Did. They. Do?”
“Can’t you tell?” Aziraphale gave a little laugh. This must be what shock felt like. “Can’t you sense it?” He grabbed Crowley’s hand and pressed it to his chest, so the demon could feel his rapidly beating, very human heart. “I’m a human now, my dear. Very, very mortal.”
Aziraphale is punished. Crowley refuses to accept it. Shenanigans, feelings, and plots ensue.
**I Found Myself With You - multi-chapter, complete author(s): bibliomaniac pairing(s): Jesper Johanssen/Klaus fandom(s): Klaus
After everything settles down, Jesper is trying very hard to not think about how he's developed feelings for Klaus.
Unfortunately, he's not very good at not thinking about it.
More fortunately, it actually doesn't matter that he's not good at it. He never needed to hide in the first place, after all.
If We’ve Got Nothing (We’ve Got Us) - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Kedreeva fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Two months after the world didn't end, Aziraphale finds the first dark feather growing in his wings.
**Intelligent Design - 5.5k, single chapter author(s): manic_intent pairing(s): Alexios/Brasidas fandom(s): Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
“What are you doing here, sister?” Alexios scowled as he stalked through the sun-dappled olive grove. “Sparta is mine.”
“Don’t be so childish.” Kassandra was leaning in the shade of a tree, watching something in a glade beyond. She wore a golden cuirass hung with intricately patterned leather straps, gems, and purple strips. Her helmet was nowhere to be seen, her thick braid curled over one blue-cloaked shoulder. The Aegis was strapped to her back with her spear, though Medusa’s head was sealed out of the battlefield, visible only as a fine etching on shining brass.
**i see it, i like it, i want it, i got it - 2.7k, single chapter author(s): hellstrider pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
he's not entirely certain if it's sincere, when it starts.
I took heart from his eyes on mine - 3.3k, single chapter author(s): madeoutoflight fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Achilles knows his destiny, has always known it—it has been written since before he was born. There is one detail the prophecies have left out, however, and it turns out to be the most important of all.
it was stolen (or exchanged) - 3.8k, single-chapter author(s): wolfiery fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
“Oh my god,” Simon baffles, sounding horrified as soon as he recognizes the song playing that’s echoing throughout the whole lounge. “Is this Mozart? Are you listening to Requiem Introitus?”
Raphael feels the annoying start of goosebumps when the fledgling starts speaking to him, interrupting a perfectly quiet evening to enjoy reading. It seems he was wrong.
“The Death Mass,” Simon explains with disbelief. “Even for an immortal, that’s incredibly morbid of you.”
**like gold - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): fernic fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Patroclus answers by kissing his open palm, tracing along the very lines of fate that he desperately wants to change.
Look Both Ways (Before You Cross the Street) - 5.4k, single chapter author(s): ForevermoreNevermore pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
The forest is greener than Jaskier thinks he's ever seen it. Until it's suddenly not.
Or, it's all fine and dandy until you get attacked by bandits.
love isn’t always magic (sometimes it’s just melting) - 3.3k, single chapter autor(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s) Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael santiago
He can hear Simon's breath hitching (breathing, you must or the mundanes will notice) the closer he gets, can smell the hot blood in his veins and thinks:
Don't leave me in this heaven alone. Don't go.
A hand cups his cheek, lips against his ear. "I was an idiot, I'm sorry."
loving you’s a bloodsport - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): tolvsmol fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
harry is a bratty prince, louis is a guard who works in his palace, and niall is the only who's got his life in control.
Magnets and Dust - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): graceling_in_a_suit fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry moved closer, ignoring the red flashing of his LED display and the ever-present announcement, foreign object, foreign object.
He wanted to read it. He wanted to understand it.
To his dismay, the only letters he could make out were, l o u i s, spaced far enough apart that Harry knew they weren’t supposed to form a word.
Or: the story of Roombrry and Tinouis.
**Of Coin and Candlelight - 2.2k, single chapter author(s): coffeeandcas pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
After getting caught in a rainstorm, Geralt and Jaskier find creative ways to warm each other up.
On the Road to East Flubria - 3k, single-chapter author(s): ant5b pairing(s): Guy Am-I/Sam I-Am fandom(s): Green Eggs and Ham
They’re 888,888,001 zilometers away, and it’s raining.
Pray For Us, Icarus - series, complete author(s): Atalan fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley's flower shop. But Crowley can't let it go...
Revelation - 2.7k, single chapter author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Alphas Merlin and Harry adore their omega Eggsy. They come home from work to a surprise dinner and an anxious scent coming from their lad.
Ring Around and All That Jazz - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Pemberley_Press fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy Unwin knows the facts about soulmates just like everyone else,but it was still what he wished for and dreamt of.
He continues to dream even though he knows that a scentless beta like him has no hope of ever having one soulmate, let alone two.
But a boy can still dream yea?
**Runaway - multi-chapter, complete author(s): grumblebee fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Benjamin Tallmadge, through unfortunate circumstance, can no longer go to Yale. With home life becoming unbearably toxic, he leaves home in the dead of night in search of a better life. His new life takes him to the Appalachian Trail, miles and miles of wilderness that stretch down the East Coast. Ben forages, hunts (pitifully) and pretends he is just another hiker doing the 6 month trek. But summer is waning, and the first cold snaps are rough in the mountains. Barely making shelter, Ben hunkers down for what might be his last night. But someone else is here. And well, what would you do if you were a runaway; cold and alone, when a tall man offers you a warm bed for the night...
Runaway Land - multi-chapter, complete author(s): daggerinrose fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
**Save the Last Dance for Me - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Wonderdyke fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy was used to being the ‘bit “o’ rough’. Used to being the pretty little omega that rich tits liked to pluck outta the gutter and promise the moon to. All “bond with me and you’ll never work again”. Since only ten percent of the population were omegas and forty alphas it was not surprising that those with money and power tried to buy them a pretty little piece like Eggsy to keep safe and pregnant… even if he were a bloke. ~ Harry turned, unbuttoning his cuffs and gently rolling them up to his elbows. Merlin's husband was a fucking menace, a temptation in a bespoke suit and he knew exactly what he was doing; what sort of intimations those slim fingers were making as they bared his forearms. Damn him for a fool but even after their many years together he was utterly besotted with the man. ~ Harry heard Merlin growl in his ear, rough and predatory but not jealous. Possessive. Harry was fairly sure the sound was meant for the boy, and not his husband. Harry would’ve happily teased the other alpha about it, except his blood was rushing in his ears and he was hard enough to hammer nails.
**Shutterbug - 2.4k, single chapter author(s): grumblebee fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Ben is not excited about making a trip back to Setauket for Thanksgiving weekend. Dinners at home are tense, and awful, and he'd rather be at home in Virginia with George. In a moment of homesick fueled inspiration, Ben decides to snap a few naked pictures of George to take with him on his trip. George, in turn, asks for a little something on camera to keep for himself.
Sleepsong - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): QueenForADay pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
Some part of him wishes that people could see this – the man that they all fear so much, the Witcher, a hunter of the supernatural and evil, placated by his bard’s voice, melting into his arms. All he’s missing is hearing Geralt purr like a housecat. Every so often, Jaskier’s ears prick at the sound of a murmur of a hum leaving the other man, particularly when Jaskier presses a kiss to the crown of Geralt’s head, or runs his foot along the length of Geralt’s bared leg.
And at the same time, he would gladly pick up a sword and kill anyone who even thought of intruding on a moment like this.
**Slumber - 4k, single chapter author(s): howdoyousleep pairing(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
“Bucky, honey. Can’t get enough even when you’re sleepin’, huh?”
so cruelly you kissed me - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): litathesissy pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskeir fandom(s): The Witcher
Jaskier is a soft thing. Delicate in all the ways Geralt is not. He supposes this is always true, always obvious.
**Sold My Soul To A Three Piece - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Comp_Lady fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Love, as Paul told the Corinthians, is patient, and kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Ben is a sub, his first long term contract with a Dom ended abruptly. Leaving him drifting in waters he’s never really explored before. After over a year of keeping his head down and subsisting on small scenes with different Doms Ben finds himself wanting more. Wanting something that will last.
George is a Dom with a long line training contracts and episodic scenes in his younger years. Now he wants something permanent. He wants a sub who he doesn’t have to train from the ground up. A sub he can build something good with.
They meet at a club.
**Speak Love - series, ongoing author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy is a shy young man rendered almost speechless by years of abuse by his ex-stepfather. He starts his first day at Merlin Software by getting stuck in an elevator with a handsome Scottish man.
stained glass variation of the truth - 1.5k, single chapter author(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
"Why are you here?"
Raphael's carefully sewn stitches are coming undone after decades of holding himself together and he lets them.
Thunder cracks with a loud boom, Simon takes two steps forward.
"To be honest, I don't know. I started walking and every sidewalk kept leading me back here."
Take Me Home - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): Casey_Wolfe fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
There was a cough, and then a strained, “Harry? Eggsy?”
**Talk to Me - multi-chapter, complete author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy is a shy young man rendered almost speechless by years of abuse by his ex-stepfather. He starts his first day at Merlin Software by getting stuck in an elevator with a handsome Scottish man.
The Litmus Test - 5.5k, single chapter author(s): bokunoanime fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
“Drop your fucking weapon now!” the man with the gun trained on the boy was shouting.
The boy spit blood and stretched his jaw as he watched Simon, frozen in place. “I don’t fink ‘e’s gonna listen, bruv,” the chav accent thick as it spilled from his bruised and swollen lips. “Leave the Princess out of this, an’ fight me like a man eh?” His sneer at his captor earned him another backhand across his cheek and Tilde screamed. Simon jumped at the action, watching as the man behind Tilde seemed to grow complacent.
Simon weighed his options.
The one where Merlin has a new final test for his new recruits. (Because shooting a dog was never a good judge of character.)
**The Man with Too Much Power - multi-chapter, complete author(s): CherryEmbly fandom(s): Junjou Romantica pairing(s): Takahashi Misaki/Usami Akihiko
Marukawa Publishing wishes to partner with the famed author Akihiko Usami for an interesting adaptation to his best selling novel, but he's left the entire decision up to his young boyfriend, much to the editor's dismay.
The Prime Minister and the Tea Boy - multi-chapter, complete author(s): LelithSugar, Paxdracona fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
HART THROB IN NUMBER TEN proclaims The Sun’s front page the day Harry Hart takes up residence as Prime Minister. He can’t say he was really expecting to become a sex symbol at the age of fifty two and the peak of a divisive political career, but at this point, Britain was going to fancy pretty much anything.
**The Way You Kiss Me Will Work Each Time - multi-chapter, complete author(s): givemesumaurgravy pairing(s): Cal Price/Garrett Laughlin fandom(s): Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
“Fuck, you’re cute,” Cal says, though it’s quiet and Garrett can’t really be sure he’s heard him right.
And just like that two things become really clear to Garrett: One (1) Cal Price is really fucking attractive Two (2) Garrett would really like to kiss him
the world is watching - 4k, single chapter author(s): spraycansoul pairing(s): Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann fandom(s): Check, Please!
Or: five times Jack Zimmermann accidentally interrupted a vlog, and one time it was deliberate
Umbrella Shotgun - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Stratisphyre fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Less than forty-eight hours after the total destruction of Statesman, Agent Tequila, Ginger Ale, and a reluctant lepidopterist find themselves in a tailor shop in Savile Row.
whispers of earl grey - 2k, single chapter author(s): wildenessat221b fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
The apocalypse was supposed to change the universe.
It didn't.
A cup of Earl Grey tea came far, far closer.
(crowley struggles after the averted apocalypse, until he doesn't anymore.)
With Care - 2.3k, single chapter author(s): angel_ponders fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
After the apocalypse, Aziraphale finds a kitten outside of his shop.
you messed my life (it’s some kinda wonderful) - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
"I love you," Simon murmurs. "More than coffee," he adds with a grin.
For him it's the ultimate declaration of love because yeah, frappés. Raphael hopes he never gets used to the awkward comic relief that is Simon Lewis, hopes he wakes up every night to eyes reflecting love back at him and argues with him for an eternity.
**you taste like the fourth of july - 5k, single chapter author(s): canniballatrix fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
It isn't as if he's ever had the time or inclination for pursuits of the romantic sort before...before Eggsy came along, all smart mouth and vulnerable eyes that he tried so hard to hide behind squared shoulders and an insouciantly tilted chin, and Harry had been helpless to deny him anything: and here Eggsy is, handing him his most tightly locked away fantasy on a fucking platter, soft and pliant and fucking perfect for him.
He's never loved anyone more in his life.
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Palm of God
One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Sixty-Three Days Before
Pairing: Anthony DiNozzo x Fem!OC
Genre: Action, Angst, Crime, Drama, Fluff
Word Count: 1.2K~
Warnings: Mild Language
Masterlist || Next>>
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“I want you to think of this as another deep cover assignment.” The new Director of NCIS, Leon Vance sat behind his new desk, his hands tented in front of his chin and a toothpick dangling between his lips.
Most NCIS agents and several government officials were at the funeral of the late NCIS Director, Jenny Shepard. This would be the only time Director Vance could meet with the agent without risk of a certain someone disturbing them. The agent in front of his desk stood with their hands collapsed behind their back, face blank as they stared ahead.
“Agent Gibbs isn’t going to be happy about this, Director.”
“His happiness isn’t a factor in this.”
“Of course not, Sir, but no one can deny his talents. He’s known as many things, a bastard for one.” Director Vance let out a snort, leaning back in his chair. “But a great agent as another. He’s going to know something’s up.”
“Agent Gibbs isn’t your concern,” Director Vance said, moving to stand from his seat. He moved from behind the desk, handing the agent a manila folder. “They are.” He went across the room as they flipped the folder open. “Keep your cover intact and your objective unknown, and I don’t foresee there being a problem.” The agent continued flipping through the folder, eyes carefully reading each word of the pages. “If, for any reason, you should think Agent Gibbs suspects a thing, or either of them, you come directly to me. Understood?” The agent turned their head, snapping the folder shut.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Agent Gibbs, meet your new team.” Director Vance handed Agent Gibbs three confidential files. He turned to Agents DiNozzo and McGee and Officer David and dismissed them from his office. They reluctantly left to clear out their desks, thinking hard of their new roles. Agent Gibbs sat down at the Director’s table, opening the first folder.
Agent Brent Langer had transferred back to NCIS, leaving the FBI in the dust. Gibbs furrowed his brow; the two didn’t always see eye-to-eye, or maybe they did and were just too stubborn to back down. Either way, Gibbs knew Langer, and Langer liked to play by his own rules-- the whole reason Gibbs wasn’t too upset when he transferred over to the FBI in the first place.
Gibbs flipped the second file open and nearly laughed. Agent Michelle Lee did have some field training, but according to DiNozzo, she was better suited in the legal department. She was smart with great connections, but she did everything by the book. She was too honest for her own good, and that wouldn’t always, if ever, mesh well with Gibbs.
Flipping open the last file, Gibbs was met with someone he didn’t recognize: Agent Aurora Baker. He held the file away from his face to read her file. Well-liked by her colleagues, the one’s who were able to have contact with her, no disciplinary issues, but deep cover agents get a lot more leeway than regular agents. Out of the three files, hers was the smallest. He didn’t like vague information.
He pushed the files away slightly. He didn’t want a new team. He wanted his team, but the look on Director Vance’s face said there wasn’t going to be a discussion about his new team. At least not today.
It was bright and early the next day when Gibb’s new team arrived at his bullpen. Agent Langer and Agent Lee he immediately recognized. Both stood awkwardly as they waited for Gibbs to speak. He glanced around and spotted brunette hair bent over Ziva’s desk. His hope was crushed when he saw Agent Baker’s face instead of Ziva’s.
She was setting a picture frame when she glanced up, her thin, almond-shaped eyes meeting his briefly. She gave him a quick nod before going back to setting up the desk to her liking.
Gibbs didn’t know what to say to his new team. Suck-up Michelle Lee, fast-and-loose Brent Langer, and the mysterious Aurora Baker. He narrowed his eyes slightly. He hated mysteries.
Or more accurately, he hated change. This wasn’t just an exchange of agents, this was losing a family in favor of agents that seemed to mix together as well as water and oil. The desks had barely been barren for twenty-four hours before Agent Baker had begun making herself comfortable.
Gibbs moved around to his own desk, watching as Agent Baker set more photographs on the desk. She smiled at one picture, a younger version of her with her arm wrapped around a young blonde girl. More pictures from mostly her childhood, several of them with her mother. None of a father. He tilted his head slightly, watching as she ignored his gaze. He turned to Agents Langer and Lee who were still standing awkwardly.
“Get comfortable.” He gestured to the desk. They immediately scrambled to the other two desks, Agent Langer to Tony’s desk and Agent Lee to Tim’s.
Gibbs glanced up to where Director Vance was watching. His face was stone as his hand rested on the terrace, a toothpick in his mouth. Gibbs said nothing but took a seat, watching the agents. Langer was rifling through the few things Tony left behind, putting his own nonsense on the desk and in the drawers. Lee had very little to put on the desk, keeping a bare and minimalistic style, much like McGee.
A sentimental action caught the corner of his eye. Aurora was running her thumb across one of her picture frames, but there was no smile on her face, no hint of fondness or nostalgia. She opened the top left drawer, setting the picture inside before shutting and locking the drawer.
His phone buzzed and he answered it without checking the caller. Abby’s loud screeching pierced his ear, causing him to jerk the phone away. She continued to ramble incoherently into the phone as he glanced around the bullpen. Lee and Langer were focused on their desks, ignoring Gibbs and his phone call.
He turned to Aurora who was staring directly at him, one of her brows raised. Her eyes flickered from his face to his phone, to the back elevator before landing back on his face. The corner of her mouth lifted slightly as she turned to the computer on her desk.
She pulled up a blank document and began typing, watching from the corner of her eye as Gibbs disappeared to the back elevator. Happy was not a word she would have used to describe Gibbs. Perpetually vexed, abnormally quiet, calculating, sure, but not happy.
She opened her bottom right drawer, lifting up the bottom to reveal a secret compartment. She pulled out a manila folder, rereading through the two agent profiles hidden within. She took a deep breath, placing it back into the safety of its hidden spot.
She glanced up to where Director Vance was still standing, toothpick still in his mouth as he stared at her, or more specifically, at where the folder was hidden. She released her deep breath, turning her attention to Agent Langer and Lee. Both self-absorbed enough to not notice her piercing gaze.
One of them was a traitor to their agency, their country, and themselves. She needed to figure out which one it was quickly. News of a traitor could cause a bigger scandal and disaster than Robert Hanssen. And it rested on her to stop it.
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ao3feed-mcshep · 5 years
Stage VIII: Awake
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LB3MOV
by Trinket2018
The big space battle we’ve been waiting for… Putting down yet another invasion of Earth – how hard can it be? Gulp.
Words: 17864, Chapters: 3/8, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of A Daring Adventure
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, NCIS, Criminal Minds (US TV), The Sentinel (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Spencer Reid, Anthony DiNozzo, The BAU Team, Jethro Gibbs, Ziva David, Eli David, Various Stargate Character(s)
Relationships: Cameron Mitchell (Stargate)/Spencer Reid, Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran/Jack O'Neill, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Anthony DiNozzo/Teyla Emmagan
Additional Tags: Spencer Reid-centric, Tony-centric, Crossover, Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides, Action/Adventure, Canon-Typical Violence, Original Character(s), Whump, Mpreg, Implied Sexual Content, Mission Fic, The Ancients - Freeform, ATA Gene, Ancient Technology (Stargate), Sentient Atlantis, The Wraith - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LB3MOV
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theblueharlequin · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Criminal Minds, NCIS Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Spencer Reid & Timothy McGee, Anthony DiNozzo & Spencer Reid, Jethro Gibbs & Spencer Reid Characters: Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Timothy McGee, Derek Morgan, The BAU Team, Team NCIS Additional Tags: Case Fic, Older Man/Younger Man, Boss/Employee Relationship, Protective Derek, Hurt/Comfort, Inappropriate Humor, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Crossover, Relationship Advice, Jealousy, Pining, Team as Family, Idiots in Love Series: Part 2 of Alphabet Soup Summary:
The NCIS team meets the BAU team. Abby thinks Reid is adorable, Tony thinks Reid is amusing, McGee thinks Reid is awesome, and Gibbs, well what Gibbs thinks is inappropriate.
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ao3feed-tibbs · 5 years
Lucre - Cruise Ship Case
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PbKrbi
by cutsycat
When Gibbs is reviewing his team's information, he notices that Tony was a lot more flush than he remembered. On top of that, Tony turns in his notice and Gibbs realizes that if he's not careful he'll lose Tony from his life for good.
Words: 2535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1350 of Dictionary.Com Word of the Day Drabbles, Part 138 of One shots - Case fics, Part 278 of One shots - Tony/Gibbs
Fandoms: NCIS
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee, Abby Sciuto, Ellie Bishop
Relationships: Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PbKrbi
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