#anthony makes his villian too good
bigfatalligator · 2 years
thinking about scary being alone with willy and being sad :(
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idcfriend · 1 year
How do they know?...
[Author here please keep in mind that this is an au and that most of it isn't cannon in either twst or disney, I'm more or less just mixing fact and fiction. SORRY IF It's TOO long]
When Yuu woke up in a coffin they were expecting to have somehow been buried alive not that they somehow got sent to a Disney's equivalent of a modern college. Don't get them wrong they love Disney and everything to do with it but that didn't mean they wanted to apart of it!
But since they're already there they might as well as make the best of it(plus maybe at long last their concerning amount of Disney knowledge can come in handy)
So when Crowley had led them to the...interesting...sight that was Ramshackle they honestly were ready to just role with punches which is when a certain blue flame eared cat appeared they weren't too concerned, not even when they were made aware of their ghostly roommates hell they even befriended them by the time got back having even been told their names which were Michael(skinny one), Anthony(medium one) and Christopher(big one).
And while they weren't pleased at having been made into a handyman/janitor. Which is how they found themselves looking at the statues of their favorite disney villians.
"Hey henchman! Whose this lady?!" shouted Grim ponting at one of the statues, snapping you out of your thoughts of how you ended up in this situation
You looked over seeing him pointing at the Queen of Hearts statue
"Do you really not know who she is?" he asked looking like he couldn't believe someone hadn't heard of the Great Seven.
"Well she's- I can't believe you don't know who the Queen of hearts is!" you were interrupted before you could answer, the person that interrupted being an orange haired guy with a heart over his left eye.
"Well actually- Yeah! Is she some big shot?" you sighed annoyed at being cut off again this time by Grim.
She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago.
She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step.
"She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her.
You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"
"Woah! that's messed up!" Grim exclaimed looking surprised
"I think it's pretty cool, besides no one would bother to obey a queen if they were kind all the time." said the guy
You zoned out a bot thinking of the queen's backstory and unconsciously saying, "You know it's kind of ironic that even though she ruled over a kingdom of madness she was probably the most sane person there because even though her rules were seen as odd or even downright idiotic they were the only thing keeping her kingdom and its citizens from truly becoming 'mad' for without her rules there would of been no sense of order among the madness. She had a sister who was known as the White Queen who while many thought a good queen preferred to succumb to the madness rather than try to prevent it. While the Queen of Hearts was known to have decapitated many she truly never did so without good reason even if it didn't seem that way, for example she once decapitated three card soldiers for not having painted the roses red but in truth she had done so because not only had they been found to have disrespected the crown but they also had been stealing from the castle, it was also known that is the Queen was ever mad that you should inform the King because while their marriage was arranged they did love each other for he was the only one to be able to calm the Queen, she loved the King dearly for she would even stop a beheading if he asked" when you didn't hear any talking you turned to look at Grim and the guy looking at you as if you had said that the sky actually red and they were just realizing it.
"What?" you asked looking a little nervous, had you said to much? Plus you could of sworn that after your explanation you could feel someone or something looking at you in curiosity from the direction of the Queen of Heart's statue
They both seemed to have snapped out of their shock because they continued to talk
"You know i never thought of it like that, the name's Ace Trappola, first year student as of today, nice to meet 'ya!" he said with a grin that didn't seem all that genuine but maybe you were just seeing things...
"I'm the Great Grim! And this is my henchman Yuu!"
"For the last time, I'm not your henchman Grim" you sighed a bit irritated at being being basically called a servant
"Yuu? that's an odd name" said Ace looking at you curiously
"Sup" you said with a slight wave
"So Ace tell me is the lion with a scar on his eye a famous ruler too?"
"Of course!
That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna.
But he wasn't born into the throne - he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes.
When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."
"Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that." Grim said looking at Scar in awe, "Hey henchman what do you know anything about him too?" Grim asked looking at you in question wanting to know more
You thought for a bit thinking of what to say since there's a few different iterations of Scar's backstory, "His original name isn't actually Scar it used to be Askari after one of his ancestors and he used to lead a group dedicated to protecting the Pride lands called the 'Lion Guard' but then another lion told him that he could help him become king but when he refused not wanting to betray his brother the other lion had a cobra bite his eye hence the reason for the scar, then the lion told him that he could cure the cobra's venom in return for Askari's servitude but not wanting to give in and with the cobra's venom affecting his mental state he used what was called "The Roar of the Elders" in a fit of rage. He then reported what happened to his elder brother Mufasa wanting his brother to know of the event but instead of congratulating Askari and helping him with the venom that was still coursing through his veins Mufasa belittled and shunned for his actions which was then made worse when his own brother had given him the nickname Scar which eventually became his only name" you said feeling that even if his actions were a bit extreme Scar's action were still a bit justified
"All in all he was a great leader all things considered" you said with finality feeling a sense of pride emanating from Scar's statue
At some point some students had stopped to listen wanting to know what you were talking about some of which had even heard what you said about the Queen of Hearts.
"Geez sounds like he had it rough, who's the lady with octopus legs?" Grim asked wanting to know about the other statues (more from you rather Ace really)
"Uh she's the Sea Witch..." Ace said trailing off still processing what you had just before shaking his head continuing his explanation (wanting to know what else you knew about the great seven not that he was going to admit it) "who lived in an underwater grotto.
She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk.
If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever!
They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though.
But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"
They both then looked in your direction causing you to sigh knowing you were going to have some of what you knew about the others too at this point
"She was known as the Sea Witch yes but not she was also King Triton's sister, where as Triton got the position of King and their father's trident Ursula got magic unlike any merfolk, this cause many to be envious and spread rumors of her being power hungry and dabbling in the dark arts, this lead to her reputation as the Sea Witch to spread which she didn't mind until the rumors became more and more sinister causing mny to fear her so when the King heard these rumors instead of trying to find if these rumors were true banished his only daughter, this caused Ursula to feel betrayed and bitter but during her banishment she took in a pair of young eel twins called Flotsam and Jetsam which she treated as her own calling them her babies, and while still feeling bitter if any of the merfolk seeked her out she would help with her magic but she couldn't do it for free for there must be balance in all things including magic for which she created 'contracts' that way there would be a way for the merfolk to get their wish while keeping a balance but many tried to cheat her contracts causing them to be punished by becoming something similar to 'weeds' due to their magick being sucked dry in order to balance the contract, so many merfolk broke her contracts that she had a sizable garden of 'weeds'"
Ace looked a bit uncomfortable " wow talk about reaping what you sow" he said with a grimace
"The guy with the big hat next!" Grim exclaimed not even talking about Ace at this point but Ace still answered anyway
"That's the Sorcerer of the Sands.
He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort.
He exposed this swindler once - some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess!
After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say...
... he used that power to become sultan himself!"
Ace said a bit impressed, he then looked at you wanting to know what you had to say
"While Jafar was a well respected individual in Agrabah being the royal advisor and magician second in political power only to the sultan himself he wasn't always that way, infact he used to nothing more but a poor commoner from the worst part of the slums, back then he wasn't respected at all and was nothing more than a thief and a street rat stealing to survive and even if he was looked down upon he didn't give for the simple reason that if he did his beloved younger twin sister would be left alone to fend for herself, one day while trying to steal some bread he ran into a...i guess you could call a scholar who took him and his sister in and taught them and as time passed and Jafar rised in rank the scholar which he and his sister came to see as family couldn't be more proud but one day as a visiting royal visited the palace the scholar caught their eye and so the greedy royal made a deal with the Sultan that is he gave them the scholar he would establish trade with Agrabah, the Sultan not seeing anything wrong with this proposal seeing as they were only a scholar agreed. When the visiting royal and his men came to the scholars house Jafar having heard of the deal refused to let a member of his family be taken but there was nothing he could do and as the scholar said his goodbyes to the two children he had raised and after telling Jafar to protect his sister was dragged away, Jafar swore he would get them back, that he would rise high enough in rank where no one could refute him and his family would never be separated again and that he would make the Sultan regret his decision. Soon Jafar became the Sultan's advisor but when he search for the scholar he could not find them this caused him to despair making him swear to protect the only family he had left and that he would make sure that no one else suffered as he had by advising the Sultan." you finished explaining
"Guess it's true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh?", Grim said looking at Jafar's statue with a sense of respect, "And what about this beauty over here?"
"She's a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land.
In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis!
When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she'd do whatever it took to keep it.
Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that?
Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!"
"You make her sound so shallow" you said scrunching up your nose in distaste, " while yes the Queen valued beauty, she also valued hard work for before she was queen she was a simple commoner and while many claimed she was the cause of her husbands untimely death she truly did love the king but once her stepdaughter started to mature and resemble her late mother more and more each day, she noticed how her beloved king would gaze at the girl she considered her own with eyes no that no father should look at their daughter with and when her daughter for she was her daughter in everything but blood came to her with tears and told her how her father would touch her, the Queen saw red and with a heavy heart called her loyal huntsman and instructed him to take her to the dwarves in the forest and to tell them to keep her safe. Once her huntsman returned the Queen made sure to put a few drops of poison in king's wine for even though he was her beloved husband she would not him hurt her precious child"
"Geez. She's pretty, but that sounds kinda scary." said Grim with a shudder
"Really? I kinda respect it" replied Ace
"F-for sure... Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up!
And the one there, with the flaming head? Now THAT guy looks scary!" shouted Grim
"That's the King of the underworld!
Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits - that takes competence!
He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for.
I mean, this is the guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him." explained Ace with a look of obvious respect
"While he hadn't taken his job willingly he still was loyal to those he considered family even is their relationships were strained, working along side the fates while keeping order of the underworld is no easy feat, he wasn't the most well liked in Olympus even though his position was one that could be considered of equal or higher status than Zeus (author note: you can't tell me isn't, he's basically the king of the dead) he also loved wholly and completely as was demonstrated with his wife Persephone the goddess of Spring" you happily explained since he was one of your favorites
"Hmm. That IS something. T'think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head!
And that last one there, with the horns?" asked Grim
"That's the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mythical mountain.
She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses - even by the standards of these seven!
She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns... She could use magic on a massive scale!
She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."
You sighed in relief seeing as this was the last one, " She was an orphan who lived in the Moors and she thought herself the last of her kind, one day she met a young human boy who was trying to steal precious stones from the river, as she grew older her and the boy became closer but, Maleficent had become the protector of the Moors for the neighboring human kingdom wanted to invade the Moors and take it for themselves, but when Maleficent dealt a fatal blow to the human king he announcement saying anyone who brought him the head of treacherous fae would become king. Arthur the human boy now a man Maleficent had met so long ago hearing this announcement traveled to the Moors to ser her, but when Maleficent had fallen asleep Arthur consumed by greed too k out a metal chain but not wanting to kill Maleficent he used the chain to separate her wings from her body and took them to the king as proof of having 'slain' her. Thus when Maleficent awoke to such betrayal her once pure heart became as hard as stone" you finished explaining
"They're all pretty cool huh? Unlike some piddling weasel" Ace finished with a smirk
'you can't be serious' you thought with a deadpan already knowing that this won't end well
(unbeknownst to you quite a few students had stoped to listen to you talk about the great seven, some of which were there to hear you talk about the Queen of Hearts (one of which was even recording), wanting to know more for as far as any of them knew this wasn't information just anybody knew, so how did a magic less nobody like you know? And why when you talked about the Great Seven did you look at their statues with not only fondness but nostalgia and sorrow? (you weren't it's just that talking about their backstories made you remember when you used to watch disney with your family))
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effieandtim · 10 months
I agree with you about the complexities of the show. Like yeah, the relationship between Tim and Hawk isn't ideal at times but there are reasons why it isn't. I also feel it's a good depiction of reality too. Like there are plenty of lousy relationships out there, be queer or straight, where a person gives everything, and the other doesn't, where you stay with a person because you want to change them, and then they never do. It is uncomfortable to watch on screen of course, but also very real. And specifically here, BOTH Tim and Hawk (because some people for whatever reason depict Tim as simple, he definitely isn't) are complex, so of course their relationship is and will continue to be. And yeah, Tim clearly deserves better, but it's not about what he deserves or what we will want for him, it's about what HE feels or wants. And Tim wants love, he's addicted to it, and because of that he will never give up on the hope that Hawk will finally choose to love him completely and without shame (Or better, until the 80s because i'm still on the fence if he actually gave up on it or not there).
yeah exactly - they are both complex characters and it’s definitely not as simple as hawk being a villian and tim being a victim
i think they both are flawed in their own ways and thats what makes this show so interesting to watch bc it FEELS like you are watching real characters - as you said it’s a depiction of a real relationship even though we dont live in that time today
and i agree tim is addicted to love - reminds me of something jonathan recently said that the only similarity between anthony and tim is that they are both looking for love that they really want and that is so true.
as far as tim is concerned you can see that he wears his heart on a sleeve but its much more than that - in an environment that does not accept him for who he is, being a part of a religion that calls his relationship a sin - he still magaes to believe in that love he shares with hawk and calls it pure and chooses it over his religion which we know was so important to him
that was such a big deal i feel and like, when people say ‘why doesnt tim just say no’ mostly when they want to justify hawk’s actions, i just think its not that easy and straightforward is it
anyway yeah i think there are a lot of complex themes in this show which is why i dont think its fair to see it from a one dimensional lens as i said earlier
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
Love exists on the isle;
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Summary; what the title says.
Trigger warning; the isle being horrible, child abuse, etc.
Inspired by @dragoneyes618 .
Despite Popular, Love is not exclusive to the United States of Auardon. Love is a universal thing that exists everywhere and in many different forms-- philia, object, pragma, storge, eros, ludus, mania, philautia, agape, platonic, -- and that is something no one can take away. Not even heroes and villians.
So, it really shouldn't be all that surprising that love exists on the isle of the lost, too, or that it wasn't strictly only the object, Philautia, and mania kind that existed there. Even if it was never outright stated and people pretended that it didn't. That the isle is the only place that love can't touch and that love is a useless weakness that wasn't needed. It still remained, regardless of those claims, and flowed through the air just as it did everywhere else. It was just expressed in different ways and rarely-- if ever-- spoken.
It is shown in the way the older children shielded the younger ones from the adults of the isle and eachother. Shown in how the younger kids played and talked freely with one another while the teens ran around working, reeking havoc, and keeping a stuble eye on them. It is shown in how fast the gang members of the isle are quick to jump to the defense and stand by one of their own. And in how they split their goods up evenly between them when the adults aren't looking-- rarely ever trying to screw eachother over and sometimes giving the other more than their owed if their family is struggling.
Love exists on the isle-- a fact that is ignored but proven every single day by the actions of each of the youth living there. It's proven by how the isle kids and lesser villians give those grieving a grace period of a couple months when a family member dies and add more on depending on the level of the tradegey and amount of deaths. It's proven by Anthony Tremaine who follows his little cousin, Dizzy Tremaine, everywhere after their family's untimely deaths and threatens pain to everyone who even dares to look at her funny. It's proven by how gentle he is with his family's 3 remaining pets after the fire and how he will do anything to make his littlest cousin smile.
It is shown in Anthony's anger towards Shan Shiro who started the fire and the violence he throws at him whenever he is near. It's shown in Shiro's regret, shame, and remorse, and the nonstop apologies he gives that are always ignored or spat upon. It's shown in how the bad apples and Harriet's crew shunned and banished the disgraced warrior from their groups and the docks in a show of solitidary for Anthony. And in the way Uma's crew and the core four do the shame for Aaron (R.I.P) and Dizzy.
It's expressed in the way the graves of the Tremaines, Stabbingtons, and Hans are well-maintained by the only 2 remaining members of their family and in the way Dizzy continues to run Curl up & dye long after Lady Tremaine's death. It's shown in how the Tremaine cousins are never left alone by their friends on the anniversary of the fire. It's expressed by how no kid or lesser villian goes without a funeral-- no matter how young or how old they are-- or grave even when their family doesn't care about them.
Love exists on the isle.
Everyone knows it. Everyone sees it in the way the last two Badun cousins interact with one another and the de vil kids while avoiding their poor excuses for parents. And in the way no one questions this. It's shown in the way the two charge into danger armed only with a singular gun and tooth brush shanks, and in the way they run their private eye business. It's shown in the way they deal with bodies and how they pose them respectfully while they take a picture of them so the dead are never forgotten, even if they never made it off the isle. Love exists on the isle and it it remembered by everyone, even the ones in denial, when they enter Carlos's long abandoned tree house that has become the Badun cousin's new home and base of operations. It's remembered when they see the pictures hanging on the wall and when justice is brought to them, no matter how small the victory is.
It's felt and remembered when Dr Facilier hugs his daughters before they leave the house and when Harriet Hook nags her siblings for being reckless while tending to their wounds. It's shown by how protective Harriet is of the Smee and LeFou brothers, and in the way the siblings and cousins of the isle pick fights with those who dare mess with their sibling/cousin because only they are allowed to do that and no one else!
Love exists on the isle.
Why would the de vil cousins take time out of their day to invent or design or dine together if it didn't? Why would Mal go nuts about Hadie being sick and go out of her way to get him medicine if it didn't? Why would Harry sneak Evie food after her banishment and make his sister a Tinkerbell doll if it didn't? Why would Mal feel gulity about Maddy and Evie and Uma if it didn't? Why would the core four let eachother kick it at their place when they got locked out if it didn't exist at least a little bit?
Love exists on the isle.
And it's shown by actions more than it is by words. It's shown by how Harriet helps Sammy look after the twins and how she helps them feel out their applications. How she encourages them too, despite how wary the idea makes everyone. Despite how controversial the topic is and how soft it makes people see her. It's shown in how Harriet Hook genuinely cares for the animals whom she can talk to and her siblings and crew. It's shown by how supportive of LeFou Deux and Sammy's inventing their crew is and by the way they all take turns hiding Claudine from her father. It is shown in how the Gaston twins once went off on someone for hitting Gil, yelling "that's my brother! No one HITS my brother!"
Love exists on the isle.
It is shown by how Uma taught her crew how to swim and by how she keeps the sea critters away from them. It's shown by her crew's loyalty to her and eachother, and in the way they help Uma run her mother's restaurant when they barely get anything out of it. Shown by how Frollo's house still gets vandalized by Harriet's crew years after Claudine came to live with them-- years after she is safe from him-- as revenge. And it is most especially shown when both the Gaston twins and Hook sisters refuse to talk to either of their fathers after they take a punishment too far one day with Gil and Harry.
Love exists on the isle.
It's a fact everyone knows but never speaks. And it is shown by actions, as stated before. And it is universal. It is shown by the way none of the kids break the isle rules once they arrive in Auardon and by how they never use eachother's trauma as ammunition against one another, no matter how angry thet are. Shown by how no one abandoned Harry Hook when he finally snapped at 13. Love exists on the isle and is shown by every single child, despite their flaws and general lack of morality, despite what every one of them and Auardon thinks. And it is every bit as beautiful as it is heartbreaking because Auardon will never know love isn't just exclusive to them. To Auardon. Because most of the isle kids don't know that is and the ones that do don't share this information all to willingly. Love exists on the isle, even after the villians tried to irradiate it-- and it is never ever going away. No matter what anyone has to say or think about it.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
First of all, I'm sorry your Monday sucked and that this ask took you off guard. This wasn’t my intention and it still isn’t. I’m a little surprised you’re this offended by my asks, it was a genuine question, and imo this doesn't justify all your assumptions about me and be this disrespectful with my take on things.
I was just wondering and I still see things differently, and I really hope you allow me to explain to you why I don’t think Penelope should be let off the hook so easily.
Let me introduce myself: I’m a woman in my thirties, I have a sister who’s my best friend and I would jump into fire for her, no questions asked. My brother is very protective of the both of us and I feel so blessed with my family. 
As a sibling, I want what's best for my brother and sister, even if that means I do not like their spouse. And I'm sure in the end even the Bridgertons will come to terms with it.
But the easy ignorance that you’re suggesting, I think that’s not realistic. 
For argument's sake: (and i have so much opinions on this too but okay, you chose to answer as a sibling and i will do the same:-))
Anthony made his point by telling Colin he didn’t approve of the marriage, and Colin still wanted to proceed. (At this point we’re making assumptions, but you shared yours so i will give you mine if that’s ok)
As a loving sibling, he would be so pissed when he found out what Marina did, but he would NEVER exile his brother or her, of that I'm sure. He would’ve wanted something better for him, for legit reasons of course, because Colin doesn’t belong to Marina.
Obv this didn’t happen because Penelope intervened. In a way that’s open for discussion, she could’ve chosen a different way to outing her. A way that left Marina’s dignity intact and didn’t out her as LW, but she didn’t and chose violence and thereby hurting/shaming way more ppl than necessary.
But even if I forget the Marina thing, there’s still Eloise..
Anthony would be so pissed at her for getting her into trouble, (with the queen might i add), exposing her this publicly, while she could easily tell them in another way. Pen/LW put her life in society on the line, with possible catastrophic consequences.
Anthony (or any other Bridgerton) will remember this, I am convinced any sibling that loves his brothers and sisters will remember an attack like that.
I’m not saying they should hold a grudge forever, never did I say such a thing.
It’s just, as a loving sibling myself, I want my brother and sister to end up with someone that’s decent, and it would take me some time adjusting to the fact that they did horrible things to my family. Not forever, but imo ignoring this isn’t a sign of love, it’s turning a blind eye, to avoid hard topics.
From where I come from, that isn’t love, that’s just an easy way out. It’s a bit shallow, and in the end it prevents you from building a deep, meaningful relationship with anyone.
Brothers and sisters who are protective are my favorite kind, it’s how I was raised, and what I want my kids to do later.
Penelope and Colin SHOULD be together. Anthony thinks so, Colin thinks so, Violet does, everyone does!
But neglecting what’s out there isn’t logical.. Some hesitation is valid, and a sign of true sibling love. It’s what I would do.. And open minded as I am, once I see it’s good, I dismiss my own feelings because I WANT them to be happy.
I have a feeling you’re going to try to refute all of this and honestly I know I cannot change your mind, nor can you change mine. But please don’t make me a villian, otherwise this is my last word on the matter.
First of all Anon, thank you for apologizing about the Monday thing. I know it's not on subject but yeah. It really was a bad Monday. And although my terrible day had nothing to do with you. the fact that you're sorry that my Monday sucked, actually brought home the fact that it did. And that at least you took notice. Which is in itself kids sweet of you.
In everything else you said. I recognize that we have different approach to sibling dynamics what works for me and my big family may not work for yours and what I consider a family matter that's easy to get over, may not be the same for everyone else and I accept that.
Sorry if I implied you didn't have siblings. Or that you didn't love them. I realize that it's just that my way of dealing with my siblings difers from yours.
For example my family is very prone to meddling, and were more likely to hold each other accountable when we get into trouble, than we are to find fault in the person who contributed to us getting into trouble in the first place. We're also more likely to let people's past misdeeds stay in the past as long as they sincerely love one of our family members.
Does this approach to family love have a potential to get toxic? Probably yeah. Because people are people and we're flawed. But it works in the environment and with the people who raised me. That may not be the case for other families. Again, I did mention it in my reply, my fam is only midly functional. I ignore what a fully functional one looks like. and can only give my opinion in my replies according to my perspective and life experiences.
Maybe I'm more prone to think the Bridgertons wouldn't be angry at Penelope because from my perspective what she did was something laughably small. In the 'Ive seen worse, have met worse, have done worse, and can imagine worse' kind of way. And neither me or my siblings would be angry if she married into the family.
Maybe it's something big for you or for many people. Personally what she did isn't so big for me. Perhaps because I've met a couple of Penelope's in real life and they never had bad intentions with the trouble they caused. Not saying their actions didn't hurt, but that didn't stop our friendship. Because I knew they weren't trying to hurt anyone with what they did.
I've also met the kind of person who do spread gossip maliciously with every intention to ruin a life. (when I say I've seen worse, yeah I've seen worse) and the ammout of concentrated evil in these girls would be enough to poison anybody's cup of tea. And I don't use the word evil lightly. Since I usually think people have their own version of events. But yeah some people are in fact concentrated evil.
Im not making you a villain, I just think we've got different perspectives and that perhaps the choice of wording affects communication a lot and often leads to misinterpretation. On this I do apologize. If my reply sounded condescending. (I do sound like that every once in a while don't I dear readers?) Or intolerant, It wasn't my intention and I know I can be intense with my personal opinions. Which don't reflect the opinions of the fandom as a whole. Just me.
Your feelings and your opinion are valid and I'm sorry if I made you feel like it wasn't.
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gangrenados · 4 years
Can you do Jason Todd x reader who is Tony Starks daughter, also I love your writing!❤️
I had so much fun writing this🤠 Dad!Tony gives me life 💖
This is long so yeah, enjoy!
Tag list: @nervousmemzie @la-femme-lupita @jasonsballsack @c0-77
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•It took a lot to convince both your boyfriend and your dad to finally meet each other.
•Tony wasn't very fond with that gloomy Gotham city and it's vigilantes. He said that their heroes were mainly people that didn't got over the emo phase and too edgy for their own good along side their villians.
•And Jason thought that Tony was just knock off of Bruce millionaire facade, just without the second face he didn't show to the public eye and also that he seemed like a very annoying man...
•However, and thanks to luck, you got then to have lunch in some fancy restaurant in New York.
•When Tony saw Jason for first time he was shocked. You were dating a 6'1 dude with a lot of scars and a white streak in his hair who just gave the vibe of going around in his motorcycle? Holy shit.
"I can't believe my baby is dating Rico from Madagascar Penguins..." Tony mumbled to Pepper as he saw you hand in hand with the boy.
•Pepper punched him slightly in his arm as she gave in the look of "don't screw this Anthony Edward Stark or I swear to God"
•Pepper wasn't your biological mother, but still was an awesome paternal figure to you and you were grateful that she was by your side in this
•Jason was trying his best, you could note and that was making you so proud of your boyfriend.
•His vocabulary was good, not many slurs or witty remarks and also he was being polite.
•Pepper was mesmerized with him, however, Tony was bombarding him with too much questions...
"So Gotham, huh? I've heard that there's too much crime there, how the hero stuff there?"
"What exactly do you do for living? Do you have a decent job or I have to worry?
"Are you a kind of weird punk kid who just drink all day and doesn't care about anything else?"
•You could feel how Jason's grip in your hand firmed as he tried to answer all the questions in the best way possible, it was too much and the tension just keep growing.
•But Tony wasn't finished. He wanted to prove if Jason was enough for you, he was your dad after all, he needed to know if he could trust Jason with you...
I have seen there's a new guy in the game, Red Hood! I think that what he's called in your city. He has been wracking havoc lately, not even Batman had the luck to bring him down...he seems pretty reckless"
•Tony's face was as hard as stone, so different for his usually cocky smirk and playful behavior. He drank the rest of his wine before continuing.
"Do you think you can keep my baby safe in a dangerous place like Gotham? Because I don't want to wake up one day and find out that she have been kidnapped by some freak and if don't, believe me, I don't have problem with (y/n) staying in New York."
•Jason had to took a deep breath and drink his whiskey to calm down his nerves.
"Gotham can be a very dangerous city, but I won't let anything bad happen to your daughter, Mr. Stark. Nothing would harm her as long as I can be there to prevent it..."
•And the silent fell in the table. Pepper and you were trying to change the subject of the conversation to something more lighthearted, like your job or some movie you were dying to see, but it just turned into small talk.
•Tony's gaze was all over Jason, looking for something wrong in the words he said a few minutes ago.
•He was searching for some twitch in his voice or to see him broke and reveal that he was lying about your safety, but he didn't find anything and the made him very happy.
"Alright kid, you seem okay." Tony said as he clapped his hands, getting the disbelief attention of you and Pepper." You don't give me sings of being a creep so that's fine, but let me tell you something, if anything bad happens to my daughter I swear to God I'm going to find you and kick your ass until you can't move, deal?"
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Max and Eugene in Peril on the High Seas
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So we have another obligatory animal focused episode. This one fairs much better than Max’s Enemy and King Pascal; but it’s still ultimately useless filler. 
Summary: Rapunzel and the group are finally leaving Tirapai Island when the cargo ferry arrives, but Eugene and Maximus get into an argument, resulting in them falling overboard. They manage to save themselves on a passing ship, but discover it to be a prison ship where all the criminals, including the Stabbington Brothers, Lady Caine and Axel have escaped and taken control. Eugene and Maximus attempt to escape, but discover the villains' plot to ambush the cargo ferry and set out to stop them. Meanwhile, Rapunzel and the group discover Eugene and Maximus are missing and set out to rescue them.
There’s No Ticking Clock In Season Two and That’s to the Series’s Detriment 
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So we’re finally leaving the island and this bit of dialogue tells us that they were on said island for at least six weeks. Which matters not in the slightest in the grand scheme of things; which is the problem. 
In addition to there being no outside threat forcing Rapunzel on this journey, there’s also nothing that’s forcing her to hurry up. So we’re doubly lacking in tension. There are no stakes in season two so things feel over long, and arcs that have the heroes stay in one place for more than two episodes at time stop the momentum of the series dead; leading to tedium for the viewers. 
We Didn’t Need King Pascal Just to Set Up the Firefly
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The firefly is one of the few elements in the show that has proper set up and resolve. It’s established as the threat in one episode and then used as the solution in this episode. However both episodes are utterly useless in the over all arc so, while clever, it’s a wasted idea. It’s also unneeded since this intro exposition re-explains what the firefly is and what it’s deal is in case people missed out on King Pascal anyways. 
The Reason Why this Max Focus Episode Works, but Not Max’s Enemy, is Because It’s a Double Act
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The problem with the mandated animal themed episodes every season is that Max and Pascal aren’t strong enough characters to work by themselves. They’re sidekicks; they’re designed to play off other characters. The writers seemed to clue in on this by making this episode and Max’s episode in season three, team up episodes. So now today’s episode becomes a Eugene focused episode too. Which in turn allows for their character dynamic to be fleshed out more. 
We needed more interesting combinations of the mains in episodes like this one in order for the group to feel like a group. We also desperately needed to do something similar for Pascal instead of just rehashing the same plot for him over and over again. 
This Plot Point Makes No Sense
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When I first saw this episode, I thought it was foreshadowing later developments for season three, seeing how it’s one of the few episodes in season two that connects back to season one. However, once you know the events of season three, this episode no longer makes logical sense within the greater narrative. 
For you see, Andrew and Varian have teamed up to take over Corona at the beginning of season three. Yet that begs the question of why didn’t Frederic ship them away on the prison barge as well. Varian you might could excuse being missing here given his age, but Andrew? There’s no reason to keep Andrew around; none that is given on screen anyways. 
Also this mutiny couldn’t have taken place after the Saporian take over either. For starters all the guards retreated from Corona entirely when it became evident that the Saporians were in charge. That’s a stated plot point in Rapunzel’s Return to explain why Cap is missing. There wouldn’t have been a need for a mutiny if Andrew just let all the criminals go and there’d be no reason why Andrew would send them away using his own guards. The Saporians are small in numbers and that would be a waste of manpower. 
Also, because the Saporians are outnumbered, it doesn’t make sense to send away potential allies. Lady Caine has more logical motivation to join Andrew in his take over than Varian does. She just wants revenge on Frederic and riches. She cares nothing about ruling a kingdom and holds no qualms about hurting others; so she’d be the perfect partner for Andrew’s plans. Add in the fact that she has a whole gang/small army of criminals under her command, and she could have brought along some much needed manpower. 
Lady Caine is Wasted!!!
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Speaking of Lady Caine, this is her final appearance in the show. Introduced in the pilot as an important character, yet given only three episodes and shoved out of the picture before the final season. And they didn’t even bother to bring up her original motivations or goals in any of her return appearances. 
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Chris mentioned in interviews about how he wanted to ‘defy audience perception’ and so pulled a bunch of bait and switches in the writing; but this isn’t that. This is just straight up lazy writing. There’s nothing clever about introducing a character as being important and then not using them. It’s a frustrating waste of time and a waste of a concept; not a surprising ‘gotcha’ for the audience. 
Proper set up and resolve exists in storytelling in order to get your audience invested in what is happening and then give them a satisfying pay out for their continued involvement. Modern television writers have gotten so caught up in ‘shocking’ twists that they forgot the importance of giving satisfying endings to their audience. Because if the audience isn’t satisfied they will walk away. Hooks alone are not enough to keep them around as evidenced by the series ratings drop. 
Also, Why is Weasel Here?
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I once suggested that this episode would make more sense if Max’s Enemy came before One Angry Princess in season one. Implying that Caine and the gang were sent away before Andrew’s arrest. This idea flies out the window with Anthony the Weasel here. He was last seen running away at the end of The Return of Quaid. How the hell did he wind up here? 
He had to have been arrested, put on trial, and then shipped away with the other criminals in between TRoQ and PotHS. Which just raises a whole bunch of other questions.   
How much time has passed between then and now?
What did Weasel do to get caught in Corona?
Why did it take so long to ship Caine and her gang out when it was just a matter of days for Attila to be banished? 
Why wasn’t she put on that same barge Attila was going to be put on?
If there was enough time to ship Attila and the Weasel out then there was plenty of time to ship Andrew and Varian, so why are they still in Corona?
Why is there even a prison barge to begin with? Are they just that stripped for room and man power in Corona’s dungeons?
Where does the prison barge actually go to? Does Corona own a prison island or do they have a deal with another kingdom? What is the world building behind this plot point? 
Also where the heck did Dwayne go? 
You Need Villains 
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In the end it doesn’t matter. This is just a lame excuse to get rid of all of the season one villians besides the Stabbingtons. Which only stick around because they’re movie originals and need to reappear and be redeemed before the wedding short; otherwise they’d be gone too. 
Which is the dumbest idea ever! Season two and even the first half of season three is devoid of any main antagonists so why are we getting rid of anyone who could potentially fulfill that role? Who’s stupid idea was this? What were they smoking? This goes against basic writing 101. There’s no story if there’s no conflict! 
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Eugene Has a Point
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Like there are reasons why law enforcement aren’t on call 24/7 and there are also reasons why different territories have different jurisdictions. Not complying to that undermines law and order, not upholds it.
If a police officer from the US could arrest people while on vacation in Spain, it’d be a political nightmare. Even extrication of wanted criminals who seek refuge in other countries requires permission and cooperation from those countries governments or you’d be violating international law; which potentially could be seen as an act of war. 
Also you would still send in people who are actually on duty. Right now there are protests in my country regarding the lack of accountability police officers have. Plenty of cops break the law both on and off duty because they know they can get away with because of the nepotism within the force.  Max pulling out a guide book that essentially gives Corona’s guards permission to ‘enact justice as they see fit’ while even off duty is clear case of an abuse of power, and futhers the narrative that Corona is a dictatorship/police state that persecutes it’s most vulnerable citizens. 
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The fact that the narrative then rewards this line of thought by placing Max in the right on this is just another check off in the long list of promoting authoritarian beliefs that this series teaches. People with power are held to different standards then those without. That’s just a fact of life. Having Eugene or Max acknowledge that this does break the law but is still right thing to do would be far better message and give the characters more complexity. 
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Who gets to decide what is ‘bad’ here? What is this ‘something’ they are meant to do? This rule is a gateway for corruption because it’s not clearly defined and relies too heavily on the idea that guards are naturally ‘honorable’ and good and not, you know, people. 
There’s a saying in law school. Nothing is simple and fair. If it’s simple then it’s not fair; and if it's fair then its not simple. 
Laws are complex because life is complex, people are complex, and not everything applies the same way because situations are different. That’s why we have courts. And yes, sometimes there’s too much discrepancy in sentences, leading to some people being harshly over punished while others get away with little more than a slap on the hand; but having things the other way around would still cause such discrepancy as not everyone’s experiences are equal to begin with. 
And before you say I’m reading too much into a kids show, this is a conflict that the episode itself has decided to introduce. If you wanted a simple message about doing the right thing than ‘the law’ should not have been brought up at all. Because laws are not simple, they are not universal, and they are not infallible. If the writers thought this idea too complex for their audience then they shouldn’t have introduced the idea. 
It's better to not bring up deeper subject matter at all than to introduce it and then not address it properly.  
Oh, and We Get Confirmation that Corona Speaks English, for Some Reason... 
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This was also hinted at this in the supplement book, My First Year As A Princess; which was suppose to replica of Rapunzel’s Diary in the show, though it’s sverealy been paired down from the original concept. 
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Anyways, it’s pretty much canon that everyone is indeed speaking English on screen, even though there’s no logical reason for this. Chalk it up to yet more lazy world building. 
Corona is never hinted to being a replacement for England itself. The few hints we get to it’s placement on the world map suggests it’s on the main continent of Europe and is a peninsula. Other real world languages like, French, Italian, and German are confirmed to exist, with Italy at least being a real location in this world. 
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Also we spend this whole season traveling to other kingdoms. So why would everyone speak English? This is before British and American imperialism, and before the internet, so English wouldn’t be a default secondary language for the many countries that it is today. So how does this work? 
Once again, if traveling the world is a big plot point of your story then you need to determinate where and how your main protagonist fits into that world. If they’re a princess of a kingdom then we need to know where that kingdom is in relation to the surrounding places we visit or discuss.  
Axel is Still Useless
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Max didn’t need a rival. This character adds nothing to the over all story and is one villain/character too many in an already overstuffed series. I don’t mind the idea of pairing down some of the minions and other background characters. I just take issue with getting rid of all of the villains. Particularly interesting ones that could have done more, like Weasel or Lady Caine. 
The Very Existence of Lady Caine Undermines Both Rapunzel’s and Cassandra’s Arcs
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So the series wants to present this idea that Rapunzel is compassionate and is all about giving second chances, yet Caine, one of the most sympathetic villains in the show next to Varian, is given zero chance at all. The show is too busy trying to make Rapunzel look ‘bad ass’ by easily taking down an seemingly equal badass female villain, that doesn’t stop to think about the implications of this conflict. 
The series fails because the only people Rapunzel redeems are people that she needs something from. She needs Styalan to gain the Eye of Pincosta. She needs Varian to help defeat the Saporians and ease her bruised ego. She needs Cassandra because she’s her best friend and it hurts her personally for them to no longer be friends. None of the redemptions in the show are actually about the characters who are redeeming themselves, it’s about their effect on Rapunzel’s personal life. 
But placing Rapunzel’s personal feelings above what other characters actually need is the opposite of compassion. It’s selfishness. It doesn’t make Rapunzel the focus of the story it just makes her look like an ass. 
Moreover Lady Caine’s arc is directly tied to Corona’s corrupt legal system. Rapunzel can’t be this purveyor of change if she and the show never acknowledges why the system must change to begin with. 
Last off, Cassandra’s arc is then diminished by the existence of more sympathetic villains like Caine and Varian. They have more reason to do the things they do, and their actions connect back to their goals. Cass doing worst things for less reason, and then getting away with less punishment than them, is a slap in the face to the viewers. It turns her from a likeable character to an unbearable twat, and makes her later redemption a product of nepotism rather than act of agency on her part. 
Everyone is ill served by writing Caine out and not giving her a conclusion to her personal conflict. Rapunzel, Cassandra, Frederic, and Lady Caine herself are all denied a chance to grow as characters and that’s infuriating to watch. 
Also Yes, This Episode was a Big Missed Opportunity to Add Urgency to the Plot
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As previously mentioned, season two needed an ongoing external conflict. Anyone of the villains on the ship could have been the main antagonist of the second half of the season. Just have the person in question escape in the confusion, or overthrow the new crew of the ship a second time. Then have them show up later looking for a fight. 
My money is on Lady Caine, but the Stabbingtons or Weasel could have done just a well. Caine wants revenge on Rapunzel. The Stabbingtons are after Eugene. Weasel wants power and riches, so capturing the princess and holding her for ransom could have been a goal. Then have them learn about this hidden power then voila you gotta a set up for a race to the end of the quest.  
You also could just picked an underling at random and then elevated them to main villain by giving them a good goal and a backstory. 
Also finally, Andrew and/or Varian, we’re options that they could have added in here. Varian more so than anybody else as he already has reason to go after the moonstone because his father. 
Heck, you still could have added Varian and not made him the villain if you didn’t want to. This could have been the start of his redemption arc instead, and one of the previously mentioned villains,a Brotherhood member, or one of Zhan Tiri’s Disciples could have still served as the main antagonist. 
In short, most of the problems with Tangled’s story are really easy fixes and the writers had multiple options at their disposal that they didn’t take. Which is just further evidence to last minute rewrites and Chris and Ben’s missamangment. 
I enjoy this episode because it’s one of the few to tie back into season one, but it’s is a missed opportunity and it is a shame that it went nowhere. 
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sleepynegress · 4 years
Spoiler-Filled Reaction to the 1st Ep of TFATWS: ‘New World Order’ ...
Okay, so I may switch up and do weekly recaps via audio. Either way, I’m getting something out before the weekend is up... Still!...  It’s a been a few days, so I can go a bit more in depth with my thoughts on that pilot ep.
~ So, that opening was quiet and down-to-earth. For me, it was hammering home not only the humbleness of Sam (despite the bravado, the man is naive in his optimism and *not* superpowered), but being stuck in his initial thoughts about the shield.   ...That it didn’t feel like it belonged to him. Sam’s personality, has been established as super-loyal and almost childlike in his feelings that things will work out and doing the right thing because it’s right (which is why he didn’t get paid enough BTW naive pride). 
-which comes into play w/ his conflict w/ his sister later... I’ll come back to that.
~ We jump into a dangerous mission that shows off Falcon’s personality. He’s gonna get it done with style and optimism even when working with equipment that needs a few updates.  The stunt coordination here was fantastic!  I legit whewed! aloud at Balroc paragliding into *multiple* helicopters... Sam’s hair-pin turns milimeters from canyon rock, propellers, and rockets... ~ I *loved* Torres’ fanboying. It felt like a parallel to Sam fanboying Cap, in CA:WS and evoked the well-established superhero trope of a person *marveling* aloud at what you’re doing making it so. much. cooler. (as an oldhead, the random black dude emoting about Superman’s suit after he comes out of a phonebooth, in the Reeves movie, is my earliest memory of this trope). ~ Then we see the Tunisia titlecard, which yea! it didn’t just say Africa, but ehh, once again “yellow tint” is code for “exotic” country full of brown people. It did cut through the typically more alt-right-tinged military propaganda w/ the Tunisian man thanking Sam for saving his wife, the bare minimum of humanization... but it saved the scene from just “backdropping” the people/culture w/o any humanity, at all, as is typical... That and the way these two BIPOC spoke to one another (there is a certain kind of rapport we non-white folk have w/ each other) was my first hint...that this showrunner ain’t a white dude. The joking about him knowing Arabic...like cheering/teasing when we show our range to one another.  Mainly, this interaction was to show that Sam is to Torres what Steve was to Sam in some ways...with a bit more “brazen kid” on Torres’ part, along w/ introing the idea of the Flagsmashers. ~ Then, naive Sam decides to donate the shield to the Smithsonian...because he doesn’t feel like he’s earned it and because in his mind it still belongs to Cap and because he’s out here trusting this governement even after all the B.S. he’s done lived through.  Even Rhodey was having his doubts... Maybe being around during the blip makes a person more savvy and cynical, IDK. ~ So, then we see Buck in therapy and since I’ve been through trauma, I know that mindset.  Sticking to routine is a big “win”.  Not really caring about anything beyond the bare essentials (yall saw that man’s apartment). And the feeling of being displaced would be amplified by the fact that this man is more so than anyone who has existed(!).  ~ I noticed that Seb leaned into his Rom-Merican accent, which was a great acting choice, it evokes his sense of having traveled without a solid sense of self in a place, because he was essentially, asleep all those decades, while the brainwashed aspect of himself was enslaved to Hydra. I LOVE his therapist.   Fannishness for a cute guy, means a lot of people don’t like her being “mean” to him... But I’mma tell you, as someone who actually has been in therapy for a good bit, you *need* someone who will call you on your bullshit so you can properly work on it.  I love that she’s also a vet and there’s nothing cutesy and coddling in a male-gazey sexy or motherly way. She’s doing her fucking job and not letting his ass slide. To me, that read as a hat-tip to a woman drecting this. So, we see Buck manifest his trauma w/ profound discomfort in his own skin.  He doesn’t know how to interact anymore, how to swagger in this strange time and place (because dude had all kinds of 1940′s swagger and juice back in CA:TFA) So, he’s just awkwardly honest, and beating himself up for that. But... he’s still alive, so he totally perked up in the presence of this attractive server and Yori notices and like so many old people, just busted his chops and skipped all the what he wasn’t gonna do and did it for him, w/ Leah’s confidant acceptance -ahhh, I luv her!- as an assist. ~ Then we flip back to Sam in Delacroix and we meet his sister and his nephews and his community(!) which really nails down Sam the man, the person, the human apart from his underwritten assists to the Avengers. We see that Sarah knows and loves this naively optimistic ‘I will find a way to fix it because it’s the right thing to do’ hard-headed brother.... but good-God! he doesn’t know shit about real-world day-to-day struggle... If you’ve seen Anthony Mackie in The Hurt Locker... one of the big themes explored, is how tough it is for vets who have been through explosions and firefights in another country... to adjust to day-to-day struggle in “normal life”. THAT is what Buck’s therapist was calling out when she said BULLSHIT to him saying he wanted peace (lol, no he doesn’t, like Sam he wants that righeous kind of adrenalin only being in action for “good” gives) and what Sarah is frustrated w/ is regarding him not understanding or respecting the kind of struggle she had to deal w/. ~ As an aside I *loved* her *nose-scratch* “Can I talk to you for a minute??” Whew! That is a black-ass way to let you know someone is pissed w/ you and wants to hash all the shit out. That’s why Sam avoided it, lol... ~ So, the date with Leah, who does all the right things...Goes terribly, because Buck is still too deep in his trauma focus on anything about how great she is.   Note, that just about everything that happened on that date reminded him of aspects of his trauma to the point where Buck, (being an absolute dick!) just fucking, walks out on her!!  I NEED her to chew his ass out for that and I need him to *not* be able to make it up to her (and I’d also love some fanfic, where Buck actually does *ahem* treat her well... I know Asian women be shorted in fanfic too!) ~ So, he goes to Yori’s apartment and stares like an obvious knucklehead (still dealing w/ being stuck in his trauma) at the alter to the man who was just in the way of that brainwashed aspect of himself, pays for the lunch and walks off...AND, NOTE!!  YORI DID NOTICE ALL THIS. So, this will eventually come to a head...yikes! ~ Then we’re back to Sam, and Sarah who tries to have that talk, but old boy ain’t trying to hear it. Insisting that he’s the man to swoop in and save the boat and the business *sigh* by some magic (hanging with magical beings...will do that, I guess). And Sarah smartly is just frustrated and skeptical, but lets him go on and try and fail in the same ways she already did so. many. times... in those five years. ~ And then we see bb Torres being brazen kid stupid amateur spy w/ the Flagsmashers. I honestly thought old masked dude stomped him to death, at first... The camera pan showed the cliched dead-man pose, after all.  I guess he pulled that (super!)stomp, which means... Flagsmashers aren’t the lethal villians here IMO.   I think they escaped from the *real* villian. ~ And then comes some real world racist bullshit... This scene at the bank *nails* a particular kind of frustratingly infuriating racism that is common. Where they will act like they are doing you a favor because they like and want something from you... but still won’t serve you in the same way they would a white person. It’s this strange willfullly “I like you negroes, you entertain me! -but fuck you -but I still like you!” patronizing thing that we know all too well. *whew!* That was real. And then that heartbreaking scene where after Sarah rightly told-ya-so’s.  -Sam is working on that mess of an engine and reality *finally* sets in when the key  didn’t even attempt to turnover.
~ Then Torres messages Sam (and he’s alive!) and we all know Sam knows these Flasgsmashers got super-serum, but isn’t saying. Even TORRES knows (bless his heart). ~ And from there we go straight to the U.S. government rubbing salty dirt in Sam’s wound with the new/fake Cap holding the shield aloft and winking like “It’s mine now, bitch!”. ---And the credits, I won’t get into except to say if you want ALL the spoilers in the credits, watch that linked video, I posted earlier. But they are SIGNIFICANT spoilers.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 4 years
TBH............. Bridgerton is one of those curious shows where I find very few of the characters are remotely likeable lmaoooo. So, negativity below, because I’m just ranting about what i disliked about each character!!! 
(despite all this i actually very much enjoyed the show, jsyk) 
Eloise is one of the most likable characters for me, but even she is shown to be very self-centered. she hardly ever listened to others because she was too busy ranting about her own woes (of course, the lack of agency given to women does in fact suck and she’s right to speak up about that. still. she is extremely one-track minded and never pays attention to other’s problems). Also. LET HER BE A LESBIAN, I’M BEGGING YOU (along with her gay/bi brother Benedict, more on that below) 
I actually do like Daphne a lot for the most part. I liked her sense of duty and responsibility, her kind and nurturing nature, and that she is not that snobbish. and honestly i don’t blame her for wanting children and I DO blame Simon for his original transgression of kissing her while she was alone in the garden when he knows damn well he’s risking her entire fucking reputation because he just ~burns~ for her, like please. keep it in your pants.  
it’s still incredibly fucked up that she violated his consent. it sort of, idk, taints their whole relationship after that point? they really should have written that conflict differently so as to not involve rape. that goes without saying in all honesty... at the same time, important to call attention to. 
but that aside, at the end of the day... i found it odd that their characters are fundamentally incompatible without Simon changing his tune about children, which is, eehh? And, yeah, it’s sort of a stupid he doesn’t want kids just to spite his father but he WAS traumatized and, idk- i feel like people who don’t want kids generally shouldnt be made to have them or “change their minds”. But, one of them had to change and it wasn’t gonna be Daphne sooo..... whatever. 
moving along. boy howdy, Anthony was quite selfish and unlikeable. i don’t even know how to elaborate. i liked Siena enough but it was annoying watching him jerk her around and flip flop between taking care of his family, and taking care of her, which rendered him nearly useless to both (to be fair, i feel like that’s the Point- it’s just like. his Developmental Arc. but it makes him into a shit person for the first while LOL) 
I liked Penelope at first because she seemed gentle and compassionate, but turned out she’s super fucked up like. like. girl. also all that over a boy who doesnt even like you? uuugghhh. but at the same time, i fucking love Nicola and she gets points for being not stick thin, which is just refreshing to see?? (next challenge: cast plus size women in roles that arent like, the wallflower who nobody notices or somethiing, thaaaaaaaaaks.......)  
Now Marina, I actually liked a lot, she’s one of my favourites. Still, she was stubborn and often completely uninterested in truly considering what she might need to do to secure a good life for herself (like, she was great with the plot with Colin and the tea, but after that she just gave up and refused other solutions while offering NO NEW DIRECTION herself. like what were her plans? she seemed smart but only when things would be convenient for her which. sigh. I hope Philip treats her right, she seriously deserves good things). I was worried they were going to villianize her more (and I guess some people think that she was villianized w the Colin plot but idk i was rooting for her to get him and elope XDDD) which wasn’t/isn’t the cutest look given she’s the only black girl of the Young Cast..... like, I’m really glad they made her complex and I personally thought she was compelling and one of the better characters but she could have had a bit more agency and a better outlook within the narrative soo.. hmmmmmmm.
Benedict has potential, but he needed to be gayer ngl. his plotline with the seamstress was uncompelling AF because he’s just following in the steps of Anthony, yawn. if he was having a gay struggle or something that would at least make it fucking interesting???  He trule had way more tension with the Gay Artist anyway (i am glad Artist has a beau tho, that was so sweet!). idk honestly, he was just so boring once he got with the seamstress. disappointing. 
oh... I do have 1 character with zero complaints!!The Prince of Prussia was delightful. He was kind, gentle, and understanding. I miss him tbh 
anyway, moving on to more general stuff about the show, despite the fact i wasn’t rooting for most characters one way or the others, i had a grand old time!!!! I don’t LIKE non-con, esp when it’s not treated with delicacy, and the way it was handled really does cheapen and taint both the relationship AND daphne’s character, BUT.... i’m personally not gonna throw away the whole show, or the relationship because of it. ugh, i’m just gonna sort of compartmentalize that so i can save my own headaches. 
and, honestly, for the moment I’m enjoying seeking out other’s takes! it’s fun seeing everyone’s reactions, positive and critical! i’m glad we mostly agree Benedict should have been/is gay lmao and otherwise its fun to see what other people took from it. 
that being said, I don’t see myself remaining in this “fandom” long, though,  because it just doesn’t have the makings of a fixation for me... simply not enough gay relationships to get attached to,, because i am admittedly one of those queer fangirls that needs a compelling relationship to sink my teeth into and rn none of them are quite cutting it oops ^^; 
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Mei’s Tony Stark (WinterIron) fic recs
I needed a whole other list of my favorite pairing, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark... oops?
For @podonthesuit to celebrate Anthony Edwards Stark’s birthday month (and mine!) The fics are from shortest to longest.
Under 10K
flirting (with danger) by Potrix
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Canon Divergence - MCU Post-CAWS
Tony stares at the man shackled to the wall for a long, unblinking moment. “You’re supposed to be dead.”
The man raises an unimpressed eyebrow back at him. “Right back at ya, pal.”
Mei’s Notes: a brilliant short and sweet (and SASSY) winteriron fic that warms my heart. I read this when i need a quick pick me up <3 
When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it) by RiotFalling
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Ambiguous Marvel Canon
There’s a tiny safe house, with one tiny window and one tiny couch. And one tiny little bed.
Mei’s Notes: THIS is hilarious. riot write a beautiful scene of two absolute dorks trying to out-matyr each other. such lovely softness and, like anyone who knows me knows, i love the soft. i laughed so hard reading this fic that i instantly fell in love.
Open Hearts, Open Doors by mistrstank (dreamingdarkly), TheKitteh
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Non-powered AU
In which Tony and Bucky have a very special day, DUM-E is a regular disaster and Tony's friends are a bunch of trolls.
Mei’s Notes: So this is the third story in this series, HUGE REC FOR THE FIRST TWO, but this one is my favorite of the series. There is an immense amount of softness. A marriage between two beautiful souls and honestly I cried with happiness. I was full of emotions, there is nothing more beautiful than the love these two share. To call this fluff is an massive understatement because words cannot properly capture how gorgeous this fic is. 
The Prince's Bride by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne)
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Princess Bride AU
After Tony loses the love of his life to pirates on the high sea, not much matters to him. He agrees to wed Prince Justin Hammer to gain access to vibranium and shut himself away in his workshop until the end of time, but a group of ruffians kidnap Tony to take him to Hydra. Tony's rescue takes on an unlikely form - the Dread Pirate Rogers, who killed the love of his life five years ago.
Mei’s Notes: Princess Bride is just one of those movies that stays with you for your life. There’s so much to unpack and the comic genius of balance between crack and plot makes it a heart warming and heart moving movie for the ages (i also loved the book but THE MOVIE IS MY CHILDHOOD LOVE). This is a wonderful rendition of Princess Bride and the end *chef’s kiss* gold.
11K to 15K
Speed Dating (Isn't Supposed to Happen in Cars) by orbingarrow
Rating: General
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Non-powered AU
Tony's temporarily broke due to a scandal at Stark Industries, and with no one willing to hire him, he's got to get creative in how to get by. When he reads about a solar-powered car race that pays out in the millions, he knows he can win it. He just needs a car, all the parts, a racing team, a sponsor, a driver, and like a gajillion other things he does not have.
What he does have is: one whole month, an Air Force pilot, an heiress, two enthusiastic teenagers, a discredited science teacher, three ex-cons, a high-tech robot disguised as a Roomba, and a wicked crush on the guy from YouTube.
Seriously, how can he lose?
Mei’s Note: Arrow is a QUEEN at winteriron fic. She has a brilliant way of balancing snark, story, and softness. EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has their own tone/voice in the story that I hear in my head and it just makes reading her work INCREDIBLY satisfying. She has so many great works, but with the complexity of balancing all these different characters and weave a story around them, this one is my favorite. Or maybe this one was just the one that just happen to snag my heart... :) 
Coffee, Curses, Kisses by wakandan_wardog
Rating: General
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Ambiguous Marvel Canon
Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.)
Mei’s Notes: Oh man do i love Toni. My whole heart belongs to her and her writing is some of the beST. I cannot recommend her writing enough, please please PLEASE do yourself a favor and read one (all) of her stories. This one is a masterful demonstration of wit and flirting which if you know Toni, you know she’s a master of both. My heart is warm with love for this one.
The Stars Go Red by orbingarrow
Rating: General
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Ambiguous Marvel Canon
Iron Man is not exactly a super-villain, he's just doing his best to save the world, and his methods are questionable, okay? Doing what's right isn't always easy. Tony's come to grips with that.
Mei’s Notes: Im kinda a liar cause honestly I couldn’t really choose and I did a coin flip but since I’m doing a whole different fic rec for winteriron here’s the other Arrow fic. Anyways, this fic has identity porn, it has purposeful deflection of villian!Tony who really isn’t a villian. Both Tony and Bucky are badass. Truthfully this fic is a mix of all my favorite troupes and you will have a blast reading it i promise!
30K to 41K
Compliments by Desolate_Smog
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark
Non-powered AU
Tony Stark didn't realize that going out to get coffee while sleep deprived and covered in grease could lead to friendships. He's quite impressed with himself.
Mei’s Notes: Oh man this one was a game changer for me. I think this was one of the first asexual fics I read and the way it’s done is lovely. I like how everything is laid out and just, a part of life. the whole story felt 100% real and the relationships the develop between all the characters feels organic. Still one of my all time favorite fic.
and amidst the ruins, there was you by TheKitteh
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Canon Divergence - MCU Post CACW & Dystopia AU
With everything resolved - post the Berlin conflict, Siberia and the rogue Avengers' return - Tony relishes in the clarity of what the team is now. He can finally see the well-defined lines, he can rely on solid rules and the chain of command. He's settled into his life like never before. That is, until one day, an unhinged sorcerer with no grasp on his magic shatters that new-found balance.As a result, half of Tony's soul is now gone, but he's willing to do anything to get it back.
Mei’s Notes: I died. repeatably. Kitteh is a goddness of soft winteriron. If you look at the comments you can see me SCREAM about the soft. Of course, there’s some really sad subject matter, Tony and Bucky get sent (while theyre warry of each other) to a world that the Avengers lost Battle of New York, and their deaths are... haunting. It really allows Kit to dive into the closeness, the need to someone else to hold. I would say this is a staple fic to read as a winteriron shipper. Of course tho please be weary of tags and your own needs/wants.
(Walk Walk) Fashion Baby by wakandan_wardog
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Non-powered AU
This is basically a Winter/Iron AU inspired by a buzzfeed article that went viral not long ago. The artical discussed this instagram in which a model is sort of being trolled by his sister and her toddler son recreating his photos.
Mei’s Notes: OH MAN. This one has adorable baby peter being an adorably perfect little bundle of sunshine. The ultimate melt your eyeballs and heart fic. It is a WIP but OH SO WORTH IT. I don’t really read WIPs can I like closure but this one has the cutest imagery of grown adults melting over a small child. Also Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent!!!!
71,620 Words
create / detonate by pprfaith, reena_jenkins  
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Canon Divergence MCU, Toni Stark AU
In a world where Natasha Stark still dreams of fire and blood, the Winter Soldier wakes ahead of schedule and nothing happens the way it was meant to. (People don’t have a purpose.)
Mei’s Notes: I love fem!Toni so much. I love diving into the difference with Toni’s life if she was born and raised with the expectations of “female”. It’s ironic because the softness I love so much about MCU Tony Stark, i love the a lot of opposites of Toni Stark in this fic. She’s more brash, more ruthless. She is still fiercely protective and kind but there’s an edge that I never felt from MCU Tony Stark. Both are good. I love both. As usual, please read the tags. There’s some rough stuff with this one. 
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maximeloonatic · 5 years
Top 10 of Who I want to appear in Scooby Doo and Guess Who
This new show of Scooby Doo it’s getting pretty good, and I love the guest stars at the moment. From celebrities (Pen and Tell) to fictional characters(Sherlock Holmes), ths makes this show amazing. It’s most positive to get a new season, so why not discuss who we would like to have in this show?
(You’re welcome yo add your Top 10 of star guess for this show)
10. The Golden Girls
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Altho we know the original and wonderfull actresses won’t be able to share their voices, returning as their roles in the tv show, I do feel it would be hilarious to have this gang of old ladies joining the mystery gang. Blanche would be very flirsty with Fred while Dorothy points out that he could be his grandson. Rose, naive and innocent would be the compleatly clueless and dog lover. And I’ll die to have Sophia say her famous quote “Picture it: Sicily 19538ish)”
9. The Mask/Stanley Ipkiss
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We are having the 90s comedi icon Steve Urkel back so why not another icon of black comedy. The Mask was one of my favorites for being so crazy, bonkers and unpredictable (the comic it’s way different tho). And I think the Mask himself could the main antagonist of the episode, and in the reveal could be Stanley (or not). I think it would be a great move to have this character back and redeem his image after what some movie producers has done to him (watch The Mask 2 to stand my point)
8.Anthony Anderson/Andre Dre Johnson from Blackish
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I’m getting grow with this man and his character of the show. I’ts strong, confident, he knows what he wants, but when he reacts of goes crazy mad it’s just... WOW!! His screams fits greatly with Scooby and Shaggy.
7. Gordon Ramsey
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Now this is a guest that Shaggy and Scooby would be delighted! One of the greatest cook, host of MasterChef and excellent food critict, but with the temper and the bittersweet personality that you don’t know if to hate him or to love him. If he DO appear, I’m begging to have him doing the sanwich talk to the antagonist; IT’S A MUST!!!
6.The Marx Brothers
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Wasn’t born in the years of the black and white movies but I do enjoy them specially the comedies: that’s were I loved the Marx Brothers. Groucho, Harpo and Chico coud be involved to a time machime mystery or a hollywood thingy; any way I want to the two gang meet. Groucho’s sassy and flirty comedy (toward Daphne and Velma), Chico’s idiotic but sweet fun personality, and Harpo’s unpredictable way to crack us up it’s this kind of comedy that we need the new generation acknowleges this golden comedy.
5.Fran Drescher
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Remember the Nanny? Have you seen Happily Divorced? This woman nailed both shows with her charm and comedic style. I love specially her voice, it’s just perfect for a cartoon character!! (And her cartoon character of The Nanny intro doesn’t count)
4.Dick Dastardly and Muttey
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We already had The Funky Phantom introduced in the second episode, an Hanna Barbera tv series that was perfectly mixxed up with the Scooby Gang, so why not more characters from the same studios? Dick Dastardly and Muttey are a pair of malicious troublemakers that already starred three tv cartoon series as main antagonist. Remember the Wacky Races and The Flying Machines) I do want the gang meet this villian pair; maybe because they were framed of they are the main ghost or monster. I do think it would be interested to see Scooby with Muttey; Scoob would go to anything for a scooby snak, why the sneaky mutt for a medal.
3.Casper the Friendly Ghost
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With the Funky Phantom prooving that it’s possible to have REAL ghosts in this series, Casper it’s a must to be in! I loved this friendly ghost since the movie, and the tv show after this I ADORE IT! Don’t get me wrong, the first cartoon was adorable too, but the Spooktacular adventures were more comedic and more involve with Casper going far to be a goodie two shoes ghost. I do see the gang freaking out by this small ghost A LOT, but I can see clearly Velma don’t beliveing that Casper was actually a ghost, so they would help each other to solve the mystery. Seriously, I think Casper needs to get back in the 90s spirit way; never l liked his last tv show.
2.Will Smith/The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
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I confess, I love Will Smith because of this show. And who doesn’t? This Will it’s all comedy and being bold and creative; this is material of Scooby and Shaggy’s classic scenes to fool them to get away. Of course flirting the girls it’s a must, and yes I also include Velma... (She’s still cute and valid, try to change my mind) But I think the best part it’s his scream. Seriously, when he screams it’s all strong and comedic; I specially love the MAMA NOOOO! I heard that’s not possible to have the show returning, so we can at least have this Will Smith cartoonized.
1.The Ghostbusters
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I loved the cartoons, the movies (including the new one)... I just think this would be great to add in the Scooby Doo show!! It’s a MUST!! Of course the main characters should to look like in the cartoons for sure. Of course, we’ll have Velma insisting that ghosts aren’t real and maybe she’ll point out the Ghostbusters to being a fraud, which Peter Venkman would pick on her with his charm. Egon would be genious contrast of Velma too. Winston would be more relaxed, I think... And Ray Stanz it’s like a magnet of weir events and accidents, can you imagine him with Scoob and Shaggy?! Hilarious!
Of course the villian get unmasked... But what if there was another thing involved and the Ghost busters take care of it at the end of the episode??+wink wink*
P.S.: Bill Murray voicing Peter, it’s also a must to happen!
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thelonesomequeen · 7 years
Hamm at the Movies- Thor: Ragnarok
Hello everbody! Hamm at the movies here! Sorry for the delay in typing this up; other commitments got the best of me and I wanted to put exactly how I felt into words as best as I could, so this took some time to write. Look for a review of JUSTICE LEAGUE in the near future as well. And I’ll do my best to get that one to you faster!
“Thor: Ragnarok”- I want to start off this review by giving a little day dream and it involves what I would do if I had a time machine. And trust me, I’ll get to the Thor review, but I need to elaborate a bit. Now, I would do a few things and they are, in no particular order: A. buy stock in Apple, B. witness any sort of dinosaur era, any of them, really, C. catch a live Beatles show, D. tell the young me not to eat at that Ponderosa Steakhouse (long story) as it will be a disaster, etc. and there are many more. I would say that somewhere down my list, around letter Q, I would visit Christopher Nolan in the early/mid 2000’s and let him know that while I admire his idea of creating a serious, brooding Batman film saga, that the character is in fact, a comic book character, and it is okay to be outlandish, have villians that are not the usual caliber/cartoony (Clayface, Solomon Grundy, etc), and to most of all, respect the material and to make really good Batman movies, not just mob movies with the occasional Batman cameo/growl. Now, I know many folks are thinking that I’m crazy, that Nolan’s Batman’s movies are classics, etc. Don’t get me wrong: they are good. But, admist their problems, they created one fatal issue and that is what I’m going to call: the Nolan Effect. Since Nolan’s Batman films came out, many superheroes tried to mimic the dark and brooding feel that Nolan’s films had. The problem is: not every superhero fits what is trendy and successful. This brings me to “Thor: Ragnarok” and the tonal issues that plague it. I don’t blame Nolan on this one, but I have to look at the “Guardians of the Galaxy.” That film was a monster, getting strong reviews, huge box office profits, and by some chance in hell, making Groot and Rocket common household names. And why not: GOTG is a great film; it’s colorful, fun, exciting, funny, and full of off the wall craziness that suits the characters insanely well. It is true to the characters and story. James Gunn NAILED it with that flick, and to an extent, with GOTG: vol 2 (a bit too funny/Drax infested at times). Enter the previously described Nolan Effect: this formula works for this (these) character (s), so it must be applied across superhero films. So, following suit from its fellow Cosmic Marvel film series, the new Thor film takes cues from GOTG and adds in more color, silliness/quirkiness, and humor. The problem is though: it really disrupts the flow of events and takes away from the emotional impact of what we saw on the big screen, leaving viewers with a hodpodge experience.
The film opens with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in quite the jam. He’s deep underground, in what can only be described as a Hell-ish chamber, dealing with the giant demonoid creature of Surtur, who is just counting down the minutes until he can be unleashed upon and destroy Asgard. Thanks to some quick thinking, Thor is able to escape Surtur’s clutches and return home. Upon his arrival, he finds Odin (Anthony Hopkins), lazily enjoying a play honoring Loki’s honorable sacrifice from “Thor: the Dark World.” And remember too (spoiler from T:TDW): Odin is really Loki and the real Odin is MIA. After a few more steps, Loki is fully back in the picture and the two brothers set off to find Odin and deal with a series of events that is triggering Ragnarok, which is essentially the Norse apocalypse, or for the film’s sake, the end of Asgard and it’s way of life. The two soon find themselves dealing with Heal (Cate Blanchett), a God in her own right who has an insatiable desire to kill, murder, maim, destroy, etc. You know, the usual stuff. During a fight with her, Loki and Thor are shot off into space and find themselves on Sakaar, home of the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), who runs a gladiator style tournament of champions. Here, Thor is taken captive and forced to fight his old pal, the Hulk/Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). Not only does Thor have this to contend with, but meanwhile, Hela is terrorizing Asgard and it’s up to Thor’s ragtag group, also consisting of Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), to help stop her.
Per the usual Marvel fare, the movie is a lot of fun to be found here. There is an abundance of humor (get to more of that later), which for the most part lands. One point of humor comes from Korg, (voiced by writer/director Taika Waititi). He has this delightful New Zealand accent and has an ability to toss out pretty good one liners and observations. He is joined by Miek, a fellow bug warrior. And for fellow comic book readers, these two names (and the new planet) will make you salivate as it leads us another step closer to the never going to happen “Planet Hulk” storyline. That storyline had the Hulk being betrayed by Earth’s heroes and shot into space where he lands on a planet is forced to do battle in a gladiator style arena, which leads to the Hulk joining a revolution to overthrow an evil tyrant. So, as you can, see, several elements of that story line have been adapted into this film, using Thor as the main driving point. This helps bring in some great fight and action scenes involving Thor and Hulk in the arena. We also get some really cool action sequences that feature Loki, Thor, and Valkyrie as they fight their way to Hela and attempt to stop her plan of destroying Asgard. The cast is also pretty terrific here as well. Hemsworth’s comedy chops are let off the chain here, giving him many times to use his comedic timing and humor. Hiddleston could play Loki in his sleep and he has great chemistry with Hemsworth during their shared screen time. Blanchett is a great and formidable villain in Hela as she loves death, mayhem, and chaos and will do anything to achieve her goal. Ruffalo is solid here and his Hulk and Thor share some great scenes where they bicker and fight like siblings. And why not? The Hulk is immensely popular on Sakaar, almost revered. He’s cocky, got some swagger in his step, and is able to finally able to be away from pesky humans and Puny Banner. So, naturally, he isn’t too sure of Thor’s plan to get off the planet, but with Banners insistence, the two join forces. Tessa Thompson nearly steals the show as Valkyrie as she’s badass, feisty, and has an inner turmoil when it comes to helping Thor and Hulk. Jeff Goldblum is a huge highlight here as, well, he’s Jeff Goldblum, and his Grandmaster is a narcissistic and opportunistic ruler who only has his own self-interest at heart. Hopkins is here for a bit and while it’s short, his interactions with Loki and Thor makes for some heart of the story. These moments with Odin and his two sons are actually unexpected and bittersweet and allow the film to have some emotional resonance too.
And that leads me to some gripes I had about the movie, namely: the humor and forced jokes. It’s common knowledge at this point that you are going to get some laughs during Marvel films. You’ll get jokes, quips, one liners, zingers, etc, and I think, at the moment, we as an audience expect it and know full well going in that it’s going to be here. The problem here is that in “Thor: Ragnarok,” it’s really, really distracting and causes an odd shift in tone for the film. At the heart of things, Thor isn’t an incredibly funny character. At least, he’s not supposed to be. And I understand that the comic and film versions will differ and he has developed a sense of humor over the course of the films, I get that, but here the film suffers for its over-stuffed jokes. A few of the more dramatic moments are undermined by a zinger and it’s really frustrating. We have invested nearly a decade and 16 (!!!!!) films into these characters, so when we are delivered a dramatic moment or payoff, it should hit home, but T:R works to keep things too light and airy. You barely have a moment to process what you’ve just seen as you’re hit with a joke, pause for a chuckle and then whisked away to the next point in the film. Don’t get me wrong, some of the jokes work, but you’ve thrown so many during the film that it almost feels like a standup routine. And you have to realize: serious stuff happens in this movie. Characters don’t make it out, things of a sad/destructive nature happen (trying to be spoiler free!), and we, as an audience, should feel those intended emotions of loss, sadness, and pain; only, we don’t. It’s overshadowed by jokes and it sours things. Also, there are times when none of the death/loss is really mentioned again in the film; when a character falls, it’s not really referenced, there’s no sort of fallout, and it is frustrating when none of the surviving characters even mention a character that has fallen in battle. Of course, I don’t want things to be a completely sour affair and to be totally dark, but Marvel has shown that you can balance humor and drama. Even the first “Iron Man” had humor, but also had dramatic moments where Tony is coming to grips with his new found mission. I get that this film serves as a soft reboot of the Thor flicks and that, according to reports, things needed to be different after the last Thor movie was given a mediocre reception by fans and critics, but this tone and direction has me concerned.
In all, “Thor: Ragnarok” has good moments. It’s fun Marvel goodness: solid action, characters we know with a nice mix of new arrivals, inside jokes to the previous flicks, and it moves things along to the impending Infinity War. However, Marvel needs to step back and calm down with the humor and concentrate on making stories that connect. These are characters we know pretty well and the emotion of the events in the films should resonate with us and them. But it doesn’t and the film becomes forgettable. As I was typing this review, I found myself nearly forgetting the movie, and I had seen it fairly recently. A movie whose origin is based on the fall/apocalypse of Asgard should have some staying power. But instead, I’m drawing a blank on things. And personally, this sucks for me as I was REALLY stoked when I saw the teasers for the film. And, being a lifelong Hulk fan, I was excited to see elements of Planet Hulk being tossed in the movie too. But I left feeling underwhelmed, slightly bored, and wondering if I’ll have to hear more one liners and zingers when Thanos unleashes madness in Infinity Wars next year. And frankly, that makes me really nervous. Rating- **½ out of ****
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