#anti beaujester
scarilydark · 8 months
Ok so i know i'm probably the last person to realize this but stick with me
beau and yasha having a whole conversation in the latest M9 oneshot about how Beau met a hot chick during her mission (who happened to be played by laura bailey) and how they may wanna open up their relationship could be read as Beauyashter right...
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tallwife · 5 months
oh my god im clearing out old posts and forgot about that idiotic period of time in covid 2020 when the critical role fandom just became completely insufferable after the hiatus. people getting mad at people disliking the creepy way the traveller had basically groomed jester since she was a child and saying that the players who felt the same were 'dismissing jester's agency as a woman' what were they ON
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Lmao there’s already c2 shipping drama in the cr tags, this rules. Absolute psycho shit.
For the record, here is the objectively correct listing of the major ships in c2 that I care about (the only important ones, because I had to see posts about them):
1. Beaujester - best ship, amazing chemistry, some of the best interactions.
2. Fjorester - great ship, natural progression, really interesting for each character’s growth.
3. Beauyasha - fine, would have been better if they ever stopped being so damn awkward.
4. Shadowghast- yay! annoying stans of both are interacting with each other.
5. Whatever Caleb/Nott was called idk - whatever.
6. Fjorclay - bad.
7. Other - other.
8. Widojest - none of you will see heaven (or understand either character as more than a self insert).
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randomfallout4posts · 3 years
Ok not to keep harping on about widojest but I think what really sold the ship for me was when Beau, Caleb and Fjord were all talking about the whole iron shepards ordeal and Caleb was the only person to come out and say that Jester uses cheeriness as an act to cover up her pain. Like Caleb was the first one to notice that Jester has more depth than people give her credit for while Beau and Fjord just see her as a manic pixie dream girl.
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eostar-a · 4 years
I’m sorry I’m not here to ship bash in any way ever but these other two jokers are like “oh yeah Jester? She’s chill” and Caleb is like “I would do anything for you even if it causes me immense suffering forever because I will love you unti l die, also anything I can make look like a dick I will because your happiness is so important to me” and that’s kind of what I’m looking for in my Jester ship I’m JUST saying
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widobravely · 5 years
ok so like i got into critical role because i Hungered for wlw content and i saw a mutual reblogging beaujes art and i was like??? yes????
and then i actually watched the thing and i was like "hm no. these are ...... just friends." like !!!! don't @ me but highkey i have HAD these wlw friendships which are like "you and me we are wlw but we are not wlw for each other" but also like looking at you and like "possibly? maybe? in another life? but not this one, buddy" and that is HOW I SEE BEAUJES!!!
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scholaroftrivia · 3 years
Beauregard “I didn’t plan to fall in love with Jester, I just kept falling for her whatever she did” Lionett vs Beauregard “I guess it means I owe Yasha some attention. When I remember she’s my girlfriend” Lionett.
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justaweirddruid · 3 years
I know it won't happen cause people never cared about what she says anyway, but Laura confirming again that Jester never knew about Caleb and Beau's feelings for her should be enough to stop the dumb takes like "bj was happening before the hiatus but then they decided to change it" or "Jester was falling in love with Caleb and she changed it" or whatever
If Laura wanted to make one of these relationships happen, she could've easily found a way to make Jester find out about them. She literally asked if anyone had a crush on her, Beau said everyone did and she never tried to find out more. If she was interested, that would've been the perfect way to try to get more info out of Beau
But Laura chose to have Jester be oblivious about it all the way until the end and, tbh, nothing makes it clearer that "my character is not interested in your character" than "I'm not even gonna have my character acknowledge your character's feelings"
Actually, no. There is one thing that makes it even clearer, and that's "I'm gonna have my character ship yours with someone else" and guess what? She did that too
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flashhwing · 2 years
i have to do it. what's the untitled document 👀
it’s a beaujester manifesto 😂
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mircallablue · 4 years
What Beaujester moments? The ones of Beau one sidedly pining for her straight friend or the ones you all projected onto Jester as “irrefutable” proof while she was just chilling with her friend?
The one thing Yasha has done for Beau in the entire campaign was threaten Beaus dad in Kamordah, which is hilarious because 1. Beau doesn't even know about it, and 2. Beau has gone on record previously as not wanting people to do that. (During a conversation with Jester, because you know, they actually speak).
On top of that, Yasha did nothing to actually comfort Beau or even interact with Beau the entire time Yasha was supposedly falling in love with her, and everybody else but her stepped in to support Beau when she was very clearly reliving a lot of trauma (again, Jester especially).
Meanwhile, the tarot cards that Jester is pretty much known for these days were given to her by Beau. Jester nearly cried at the prospect of not being Beaus roommate. Beau and Jester told each other they love each other when the episode count was still in the 30s. It was Beau that supported Jester when Jester was struggling to relate to her dad (which Jester made a direct callback to when helping Beau in Kamordah, "Just remember what you told me. Fuck him".) Even finding the gentleman early on was down to Beau and Jesters joint scheming. If you want a more recent example, how about Jester being the main person to support Beau during her recent trauma about Zeenoth (which Yasha was silent for the entirety of). There's also Beau kissing Reani, immediately intentionally looking at Jester, and then Jester getting sad.
This is literally all off the top of my head. There's so much more. Never mind all the small moments of them just genuinely connecting or flirting that would be too numerous to list.
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jakethemailman · 4 years
Tonight just continues to confirm that beaujester is superior to beauy*sha by the fact that y*sha knows nothing important about beau. Even the things she was actually there for lmao.
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super interesting that exactly two ships from critical role are on the 2020 top tumblr ships list and neither of them are fj*ester....
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butterflydm · 4 years
Oh man, Critical Role.
Loved the descriptions of the tower/Liam and Caleb’s love letter to the Mighty Nein. That was beautiful (and then painful when we got to the very end of the ‘tour’ with Caleb solo).
And I am incredibly into the news on Lucian/Molly -- it’s clever and will probably end up being heartbreaking in a good, character-related way. And it played out so well in the episode. The rain and the digging and the slow pained/shocked realization from the others. Plot-wise, I am thrilled with the show.
Relationships-wise, though. Oh, man. It gets kinda negative so I’m dipping under a read-more.
It’s really, really heartbreaking -- and not in a good, character-related way -- to see that when the show retroactively eliminated Beau’s crush on Jester, they also eliminated their close friendship. Maybe there’s an understanding there that if Beau is best friends & roommates with Jester, then they would continue to have powerful chemistry and feed their shippers, but it really does feel abrupt and painful and wrong for Jester to happily and easily accept fey cats as roommates in Beau’s stead, without any kind of conversation or even momentary sadness. Her friendship was transferable too, I guess, just like Beau’s once ‘not comparable’ feelings.
At the start I wasn’t ever expecting, not truly, to get a pairing as good as perc’ahlia again, but this is the second time I feel like the second campaign has approached having characters who had as much chemistry together as perc’ahlia did... and then backed away because it wasn’t the ‘right’/pre-ordained-from-the-start queer pairing. But I just wish there was a pairing on the show that I was actively rooting for rather than simply being resigned to the fact that it was happening.
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lucamagica · 4 years
Saw a post on the CR reddit asking what people’s favorite and least favorite ships were, and scrolled through the comments out of morbid curiosity. As expected, Fj*rester was the most popular, closely followed by Wid*jest and Beauy//asha.
There was one single post that had been downvoted into the negatives so it was at the bottom and hidden. I clicked to unhide it and found it was the only Beaujester comment on the post, detailing why the person loved that ship and how they viewed Jester as perfect for a “lesbian overcoming comphet” story. Nothing bashing any competing ships—no mention of other ships at all, just love of Beaujester. And it was the only comment on the whole post that had been hidden.
I made a comment pointing out how homophobic that was, and it was promptly removed by moderators.
I know that’s what I should’ve expected from reddit, given that it’s way less gay than tumblr and even tumblr tends to treat Beaujester pretty rough, but jfc
(Also saw a convo between nerdy guys on the post admitting that they ship wid*jest because they want to see the nerdy guy “get the girl” 🤢)
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wizardpotions · 4 years
I swear to god people will say beau is predatory towards jester and ship widojest in the same breath
CR fandom your lesbophobia is showing again
Caleb sees jester as the solution to all his problems and his manic pixie dream girl and is also way older than her and there is an obvious power dynamic where as beau is a similar age and gives jester respect and her own agency without expecting her to carry the team and make decisions on her own where as caleb is just here playing into her romantic fantasies and obsessing over her in a way that feels so gross
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justaweirddruid · 4 years
I'm not even a bj shipper but even I think is kinda bullshit how w/j art continues to be constantly featured in the fan art gallery but not beaujester
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