#anti geraskier
dadralt · 11 months
ah yes good someone made a post highlighting all the queerbaiting tw//n did re:gertrashkier so i don't have to - wait that's not what that was?
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hersweetkissmp3 · 1 year
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i have never seen a ship being destroyed this perfectly. absolutely obliterated.
kissing you on the mouth ms. haily hall
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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Oh Jaskier... this is an awful winter for him. I think there are various things at play that would make Jaskier defensive. His track with father figures isn't the best, and while he firmly believes that there isn't anything shameful about what he's doing, he still feels like he isn't seen as anything different than a stupid omega, who can't provide properly for his child, who isn't a good parent- Meanwhile, if Vesemir threw the first stone, with his educational and disciplinary methodes...
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I'm....I'm sorry.... imagine shipping (Mr Doesnt Give a shit about the small folk, there's a war going on and people are starving and yet he's dressed in gems and shit, has zero character development asides from being a selfish manipulative traitorous little twat) Radovid...of all people....with Jaskier, (who fights for elven rights, whose so kindhearted and sweet and actually cares about people)..when Geralt/Yennefer/SamTheBaker/FuckIt...TheMailmanFFS are right there to be shipped with Jaskier!!!!
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 1 year
Damn, the antis are just so vindicated by that one sentence, huh?
I'm feeling pretty vindicated that it was bullcrap if the puppy dog eyes towards Geralt is anything to go by. Not to mention the never-ending songs towards Geralt, the heartbreak on the mountain. The little.. how about we get away from the toxic witch together? Just you and me? I'm just trying to work out what pleases me, as he looks nervous and downtrodden.
The breakup song.
Getting tortured by Rience, even when he knew where Kaer Morhen might be located. When he knew SOME of Geralts weaknesses, and had other information that Rience could have used, but chose not to tell.
After singing Burn Witcher Burn..he looks sad...hurt. And that's why Rience took him btw, he probably figured since Geralt jilted Jaskier that the information would flow freely. Yeah, no.
Hated Yennefer. Probably has resentment, even if he doesn't realize it.
But yeah, all the pining looks and songs written from his broken heart, it's platonic. His confession in season 1, asking Geralt to RUNAWAY with him. But, yeah, take to heart one statement when Jaskiers known to lie to protect himself. 🤷‍♀️
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
02×04: Every Monstrous Thing- the rest
Genya's scars are even worse than the Darkling's. Why can't you just bear disfiguring your characters?! I don't like degraded!Genya, but her arc about accepting her visage was decent. Why isn't her eye missing?!
Oh wow, now Baghra's a supportive mentor to Genya too...
What kind of idiot would keep his chained enemies in the same room?
And now Ol’ Bag's bullying that poor little Alkemi. Why isn't she in some cellar? He deserves peace and quiet for his work.
I love Luke's acting. The neurodivergency's just dripping off of his David.
Wow, the Blade Boy's after a ~blade~! Anyone else finds it hilarious?!
I feel like they've read some Geraskier FanFiction to rewrite Wesper. "The night that we first met, well, I left because I assumed that's what you were going to do." Pretty sure I've read that several times. :D
Malina kiss score: 1 (but there was Wesper one to make up for it!)
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initial-lime · 2 years
Blocking every tag that mildly annoys me like it’s an Olympic sport
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sailorkamino · 1 year
relatonships: geraskier x magic!reader [tangled au]
word count: 1.8k
summary: your village believed you to be born cursed and would have killed you, if not for stragobor. you've spent your whole life locked away in a tower but now you've got a chance for freedom in the form of a bard, a witcher, and an pretty horse.
warnings: stragobor, emotionally abusive parent, gaslighting, anti witcher prejudice, death/murder, pre relationship, emotional support dogs
a/n: my first time writing for the witcher! what do you think? i might turn this into a series <3
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Spring is coming so you’re making new outfits for your beloved hounds. Which isn’t at all depressing no matter what that one judgemental bird thinks. Anyways you’re using golden yellow fabric for Honeysuckle and cool blue for Periwinkle. As is customary.
Then you sense them. Strangers. You become almost dizzy with fear and excitement. A type of desperation only experienced when you live in a forced solitude. You make your way to the window, desperate for a glance. It’s not like they’ll be able to see you. Your entire tower is invisible to outsiders.
“Hey, look at this tower.”
You choke on air. Your dogs leap from your bed to check on you (still in their winter sweaters.) You hold your breath as two people and a horse step into the clearing. Then you meet yellow cat-like eyes and you’re diving to the floor with a startled noise.
“Careful. Magic.”
One of them is mumbling but it’s drowned out by the sound of your rapid heart. Honeysuckle whines in concern, licking your face. Periwinkle takes a protective stance over both of you, growling out the window.
Father has always told you witchers are bloodthirsty savages. They’ll kill any innocent being for a profit. They know no morals, only violence. When you were born under a black sun your religious village wanted you dead. Father hid you away for protection. You’re not looking to relieve the witch hunt experience.
You mentally poke at the witcher, feeling out his aura. He doesn’t seem particularly beastly. Animals tend to be more shallow than people, all instincts and simple emotions. Surprisingly he doesn’t feel that.
A part of you has always questioned your father's prejudice. You stopped voicing it but the concerns remained. Father hates witchers because they kill beasts. If monsters can be good, why can’t witchers? An old argument resurfaces in your memory.
“Have you listened to a word I’ve said, child?” Father asks angrily. “You cry when a rat dies yet defend butchers.” You look away, embarrassed by his mocking tone.
“This is why you stay in this tower. You’re too naïve for the outside world.”
You wonder if that’s the real reason he keeps you locked away. You’re capable of defending yourself now. So is he really protecting you? Or is he protecting the world? All because you were born under a black sun. Why must you be punished for being different? Why must witchers?
You think of the villagers who looked at a crying orphan and saw a threat. Who saw killing an infant as a lesser evil. You don’t want to be like that. Privately you wonder why your mentor sees compassion as a weakness but you’ve learnt it’s better to agree with him. “Yes father. I’m sorry.”
“No need to fear us. I’m Jaskier the bard, master of the seven liberal arts, and this is my companion, Geralt of Rivia! Could you give us directions to the nearest town?” The colorful man calls out.
Your heart races until you feel dizzy. So this is the butcher. The most beastly and cruel of all the witchers. He’s… underwhelming to say the least. Certainly least nightmarish and more dreamy than you imagined. But you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. You take a calming breath, petting your hounds to ground yourself.
The primal fear inside of you is wrestling with your desire for a real life conversation with a stranger. This could be your chance to hear both sides of what happened in Blaviken. Father always says you’re too naïve but only tells you his point of view. You’re almost sick with nerves when you blurt out rather loudly, “I wouldn't know. I’ve never been in the forest before.”
There’s a long pause and you can sense confusion. Have you already messed up? You don't want them to leave. Well the witcher can go, but the colorful one seems nice. You pop your head back into view, “I don’t leave my tower. I’m sorry. I… like your horse.” Compliments make you friends right?
“Don’t leave or can’t?” A much gruffer voice asks. You shiver. (He didn’t even say thank you for the compliment, how rude.)
“I’m safe here.” The words sound unconvincing to your own ears. You tell yourself it's because of fear. Not because you’re beginning to question them.
“Who says?”
“My father.”
They share a concerned look. You bite your lip in embarrassment. It sounds quite childish when you say it out loud. But you’ve been persecuted before, you aren’t about to let your guard down around a hired killer. So… why are you still talking to him?
Then you notice the brunet’s instrument. What a lovely change of subject. “Is that a lute?”
“It is!”
You’re practically jumping now. Honeysuckle, picking up on your excitement, smacks you with her wagging tail. “I’ve never heard a bard before! Play me something?”
Jaskier goes impossibly sad. You frown, hating the kicked puppy expression. What did you do wrong? Maybe you should just stick to socializing with animals. At least the rats find you charming.
“You’ve never heard music, my dear?”
Your face goes hot, both at the endearment and the pity in his voice. “I have lots of instruments but I don’t think I’m very good. Being self taught and all.”
“Why don’t I come up and give you a lesson? Free of charge!”
Your stomach twists in knots. You don’t know what’s more terrifying. Your new friend coming inside or leaving you to loneliness. You avoid eye contact when you answer. “My father wouldn’t like that.”
“What would you like?” The witcher asks sternly. You freeze. No one has ever cared what you wanted before. Is that concern you sense from him? Sympathy? From a so-called beast? Your silence seems like an answer enough. “So can’t leave,” he concludes.
“Can others enter?” Jaskier asks curiously.
You don’t know why you answer but you do. “Only with a portal. There’s no door.”
“But there’s a window.”
You frown. Obviously there’s a window, you’re talking out of it right now. Maybe your new friend is a little slow.
“Rope?” he proposes to the witcher.
Your mouth drops open. A rope? That’s it? Years of isolation by a warlock solved with a fucking rope? It can’t be that simple. It just can’t be. “My father is very powerful,” you warn. “And he hates witchers.”
“Him and most of the continent,” the man grumbles dryly. For some reason you feel guilty. Years of indoctrination to hate his kind, forgotten in mere minutes. Maybe you really are naïve.
“Who’s your father, dear? Maybe we know him?”
You sincerely hope not. “Stregobor.”
Dead silence. Then a very empathetic “fuck.”
Your stomach sinks. That’s the most emotion you’ve heard in the witcher’s voice so far and it doesn't sound good. Will they judge you for your fathers deeds? Wait, why are you assuming your father’s in the wrong? Since when did he become the bad guy? (Maybe he always has been but you’ve ignored it.)
“Let me guess, you were born during a black sun?” He asks flatly.
You feel as if a rug has been pulled out from under you. The comfort that’s been growing disappears, replaced with icy fear. You don’t even know this man yet you still feel betrayed. “Are you here to kill me?” You ask, slightly wobbly.
He sighs tiredly. Maybe he gets asked that a lot. “No. You aren’t fucking cursed. You were born during an eclipse. A completely natural phenomenon. A bunch of old bastards made up that curse for power and control.”
Your jaw drops, conflicting emotions raging inside of you. If he’s right you’re not cursed, which is great. But it also means your father has betrayed you. Your whole life can’t be a lie. It just can’t. A sinking part of you knows he’s making sense, even wants to believe him, but you desperately ignore it.
“I hurt people,” you confess abruptly.
“I thought you never left this tower?” Jaskier asks.
“When I was a baby.”
The witcher raises an unimpressed brow. “Did Stregobor tell you that?”
You growl in frustration as a strong wind rustles the trees. Jaskier looks around in bewilderment but the witcher holds your steady gaze. Not easily frightened by your show of power or glowing eyes.
“I’ve met a lot of monsters. You’re not one.”
The words you’ve always longed to hear. Uttered by the man you’ve been taught to hate. You take a moment to collect your flurry of emotions before answering. “Funny,” you smile weakly, “I was gonna say the same thing about you, witcher.”
You steady yourself before asking the next question. Knowing it won’t be easy but needing answers. The more you talk to Geralt the more you question what you’ve been taught about witchers. Maybe you don’t want him to be a monster. Maybe you’re so lonely you don’t care if he is.
“Tell me about Blaviken.”
“What?” His voice is somehow gruffer. Face horribly blank and posture rigid.
“Every story has two sides, yet I’ve only heard my father’s.”
He sighs deeply. Then begins. He tells you about Renfri. A princess born under the black sun. Her step mother was looking for a way to get rid of her and the curse was convenient. Stregobor agreed the girl was an evil mutant that must be isolated but her step mother wanted her dead. Together they ruined her life.
Renfri evaded them. She spent years being hunted, until she became the hunter. Eventually she formed a gang of sorts and tracked Stregobor to Blaviken but couldn’t enter his tower. (Apparently the idea of living in a tower forever was very distressing to your father. You don't know if you should laugh or vomit.)
Both Renfri and Stregobor asked Geralt to kill the other but he refused, not wanting to get involved. Although he hated Stregobor he tried to talk the princess out of revenge. It was too late. She threatened to kill townspeople until the warlock came out.
Your heart sinks at the ultimatum. Your father has never been a compassionate man. By the grim look on the witcher’s face he knew it too. In the end Geralt did what Stregobor wanted him to do. Instead of payment or thanks he was branded a butcher.
The fear-shame-grief rolling off of the witcher (definitely not emotionless by the way) is enough to make your eyes sting. Your gaze settles on Jaskier, who’s gone into full sad puppy mode. You have a feeling he’s never heard the full story either. You clear your choked throat.
“You mentioned a rope, good sir?”
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bambirex · 1 year
The way my dash was such a lovely positive place a few days after the new season came out and i was having so much fun hanging out here and now it's full of anti geraskier posts... Like... You don't have to suddenly hate on a ship you previously loved just because there's a new one... You can multiship... You can prefer one to the other and acknowledge they work for different reasons... Just... Why the sudden hostility in every second post i see
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Hi! I hope it's not a bother but I'm currently looking for 2 different fics, both geraskier, and I was hoping you could help??
- The first is post mountain breakup. Jaskier walks down the mountain, never wanting to see another Witcher, when he trips/is attacked(?) and encounters another Witcher (can't remember who). He becomes their travel companion, writing songs abt them. They take him to keep, encountering Geralt again. They work through their problems in the end, but first Jask and co try to make Geralt jealous, pretending to fuck in the other room. (If I've mixed up two fics, then I'm sorry) (oh! and it's not 'strings of fate, binding is together' I've double checked)
- The second is in a modern setting. Geralt and co. have lived up until present day, except Jask. His body was kept in a cave(?) but it had gone missing some time prior. Julian is a professor that looks a lot like Jask and one day, he meets the white wolf. Roach is a van, Jask was hunted by vampires(?), Yen is the mayor of a rowmy, Geralt owns a vineyard and Julian's parents are pretty anti-witcher.
Thank you so much for your help!
ps. I hope the ask doesn't come off as rude
Hello, anon!! Don't worry, this didn't come off as rude at all -- I'm glad that you thought I could help 💕
I don't know if any of theses are the ones you're looking for, but this is a really good fic where Jaskier and Lambert meet after the mountain! It could also be this fic where Jaskier meets Eskel, though Eskel is the one who's injured, not Jaskier. There's also this delightful ficlet where Aiden and Jaskier meet and help each other find their wolves.
The second one doesn't ring a bell, but I did an AO3 search and found this and this which seem to resemble your description!
Does anyone else recognize either of these fics?
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anyanpre · 2 years
Bad Geraskier ideas my brain decides to present me with, take #3, still pain:
What if Jaskier’s family, finding out how Geralt fucked up their Julek left him on the mountain alone after 22 YEARS OF “FRIENDSHIP”, decided to enact revenge on the witcher.
Geralt taking contract in Lettenhove and being utterly confused why local noble Pankratz hates him beyond usual anti-witcher bigotry and why said noble feels familiar, while Geralt is sure he never met them — he never even been in Lettenhove before. Because yeah, Geralt is that kind of an idiot to forget Jaskier’s birth name and title, and he doesn’t realize that familiarity he feels is family fucking resemblance.
Geralt, returning from a contract, only to be ambushed, locked up and tortured — and not even knowing why, because his captor explicitly said he isn’t interested in selling him to Nilfgaard and won’t get an innocent child involved.
Geralt, being rescued by Jaskier, who’s extremely crossed with his family now, because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. No, really, what the actual fuck.
Jaskier, caring for Geralt’s wounds, helping him to get back on his feet, but also being outwardly detached and cold. Because he’s still hurt, because he doesn’t want to be hurt again, because he can’t even truly accept Geralt’s apology — he can’t be sure if it’s sincere, or if Geralt’s mind still a little bit fucked up after whole torture dungeon bullshit and Geralt is just latching onto the first kind anything he had in weeks.
Geralt, wanting nothing more but get his the bard back, but not knowing what to do, thinking that he fucked it all up beyond repair and that the only reason Jaskier is even here is that he feels responsible for actions of his family. Geralt, thinking that Jaskier truly hates him, but is too good of a man to just leave him like that, weak, injured and defenseless.
Geralt, thinking that he truly deserved that torture, and Jaskier being utterly terrified of this.
Jaskier, getting ready to leave Geralt for good when he thinks the witcher recovered enough and Geralt desperately asking him to stay.
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hersweetkissmp3 · 1 year
her sweet kiss is not about geraskier babes... it's 2023, come on 😭
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kueble · 2 years
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Dear Witcher writers, if you think for ONE moment that this lady:
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is gonna make me stop reading fics, where Geralt calls Jaskier Lark, preferably during sex, you’re entirely wrong.
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dancingwiththefae · 2 years
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙the calm after the storm | T | 648 words | AO3 |Tumblr
mild hurt/comfort, referenced past torture and injuries
Jaskier still feels like an outsider in Kaer Morhen and struggles with the memories of Rience. Help comes with a knock at the door.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙give me shelter | T | 649 words | AO3 | Tumblr
fluff, established relationship, kissing
He warned him about the rain. In fact he told him several times. There was a storm coming. He could smell it in the air. But Jaskier was adamant that they had to leave that morning.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Kiss me once, kiss me twice | T | 708 words | AO3 
first kiss, fluff
Jaskier had been flirting with Geralt since the minute he set eyes on him, but he never seemed brave enough to take it further. So Geralt decides to do it instead
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 when you know I can’t love | G | 731 words | AO3 | Tumblr
bittersweet, unrequited love (kind of)
Blue eyes caught his from across the room. A subtle smile offered that Geralt could not return. Jaskier didn’t seem to notice. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙“I can’t leave now” | T | 826 words | AO3 | Tumblr
Hurt/comfort, blood and injury
Geralt is about to leave town when a commotion in the alley stops him in his tracks
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙fed up | G | 841 words | AO3 | Tumblr
hurt/comfort, anti-witcher sentiments, understanding Jaskier
Geralt is having a bad day. Jaskier tries to distract him. It doesn't go as planned.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙A simple hunt | T | 916 words | AO3 | Tumblr
Hurt/comfort, death, established relationship 
Jaskier knew that a witcher's life was not a fairytale, but it was different seeing it close up for the first time.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 “I need you to distract me” | T | 967 words | Tumblr
hurt/comfort, character injury, healing wounds
Jaskier gets badly injured during a contract
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 These inconvenient fireworks | G | 1.1k | AO3 | Tumblr
Modern AU, meet-cute
Jaskier is running late for work and in his rush he doesn't see the terrifying hulk of a man until his coffee is already down his shirt. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Buttercup in bloom | E | 4.4k words | AO3
Homophobia, biphobia, frottage, further tags on AO3
Jaskier discovers he's bisexual in a world that doesn't accept him
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Deep into that darkness peering | M | 17.4k words | AO3
Major Character Death, heavy angst, implied/referenced torture, angst with a happy(ish) ending
Geralt is being haunted. Even in death, Jaskier dogs his every step
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 Mind, Body, Yours | E | Ongoing | AO3
Rience/Jaskier, Geraskier endgame, non-con/dubcon, mind control, further tags on ao3
Jaskier wakes up tied to a chair, injured and no memory of what had happened. Rescue comes in the form of a strange mage who gives him refuge as he heals. Jaskier quickly finds himself falling under Rience's spell. And when he tells him that Ciri would be safer with him than with Geralt and asks him to take her from under the witcher's nose, Jaskier cannot say no. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Addicted Series:
🌙Cold turkey | E | 8.1k words | AO3
Higher Vampire!Jaskier, blood, addiction, dub con, further tags on AO3
Jaskier accidently exposes his vampiric nature to Geralt. The witcher gives him an ultimatum: stop drinking human blood or be put in the ground for a few centuries
🌙new beginnings, old friends | E | Ongoing | AO3
Blood drinking, addiction, jealousy, further tags on AO3
Geralt and Jaskier try to manage their new relationship, Jaskier's recovery from his blood addiction, and call upon an old friend to help.
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shipazia · 1 year
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 & 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ୨♡୧
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───── 💮🌸 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 🌸💮 ─────
```˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ sinking ♡ ships • she/her • minor • multifandom
!!╱| 、 (` - 7 |、⁻ 〵 - i’m shipazia on archive of our own! ~ じし ˍ ,)ノ```
╰┈➤ armature creative writer!
✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡ aliases ~ bee, beety, gloomy, brownie, shipazia, sinking-ships
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꧁•⊹٭𝙳𝙽𝙸 𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃٭⊹•꧂
✵╰┈➤ Racism, Homophobia, Anti-semitism
✵╰┈➤ 18+ Content
✵╰┈➤ 13+ only!
✵╰┈➤ Jokes concerning physical appearance
✵╰┈➤ Disturbing Imagery
✵╰┈➤ Political
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✵╰┈➤ PFP: Smile! Precure
✵╰┈➤ BANNER: Smile! Precure
✵╰┈➤ DIVIDERS: @kgymz, @silkholland, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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──── 💮🌸 interests 🌸💮 ────
⚜ ⊰────── lego ninjago ──❥
❝ reading is the first step to any adventure! go reading go!❞
╰┈➤faves morro, lloyd, kai, jay
╰┈➤ships jaya, destiny, polyninja, kaiylor
╰┈➤platonic destiny, green cousins, ghosts, watermelon
♡ ⊰────── originsmcrp ──❥
❝ once upon a time, there was a small and quaint house❞
╰┈➤faves eden, kol, shino, ooo!xylo, fto!devin, lara, biblico
╰┈➤ships devintchie, eclipse,
╰┈➤platonic neopolitan ice cream,
➴ ⊰────── genshin impact ──❥
❝ i never embark on a journey without a good book to accompany me❞
╰┈➤faves wanderer, nahida, keqing, childe, twins, cyno
╰┈➤ships beiguang, zhongchi, cynonari
╰┈➤platonic chiscara, mc & scara, nahida & scara
♔ ⊰────── the witcher ──❥
❝ only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility ❞
╰┈➤faves jaskier, ciri, yennefer, tissaia, fringilla
╰┈➤ships geraskier, yengilla
╰┈➤platonic ciri and geralt, yennefer and tissaia
*please no spoilers past season 1, or for any of the books!
☠ ⊰────── the nevernight chronicles ──❥
❝ you're a daughter of words. a girl with a story to tell.❞
╰┈➤faves mia, jonen, naev, cloud, ashlinn, jessamine, mercurio
╰┈➤ships ashlinn x mia, bryn x waker
╰┈➤platonic jonen & mia, mercurio & drusilla, adonai & mari
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✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ art ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦
╰┈❥ art blog @gloomyglosse ♡
✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ reading ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦
╰┈❥ high fantasy, y/a
✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ writing ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦
╰┈❥ fanfiction, original stories, roleplays
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──── 💮🌸 masterlist 🌸💮 ────
• ༺❀༻ • 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼
➽──❥ N/A
• ༺❀༻ • 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓼
➽──❥ N/A
• ༺❀༻ • 𝓹𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓻𝔂
➽──❥ N/A
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