#anti israel goverment
fairykery · 11 months
I cant believe Tumblr/Twitter/TikTok/YouTube is gaslighting Jews about not being anti-semitic. I stand with the Innocents of Gaza and am extremely against the Israeli Government. (Emphasis on "Government"); but pretending y'all aren't neglecting and vanilla-izing what HAMAS did(is doing EVEN to its own people) just because y'all want to be the right "amount" of aesthetically progressive is disgusting. Both Hamas & the Israeli government is hurting their own people and the innocents on the opposing sides. And a Great deal of people) civilians from BOTH sides want and have been wanting each other's deaths/genocides because they fear/hate each other AND because they both feel entitled to those lands(Fun fact: they BOTH have native/blood/cultural/religious ties even if one more than the other I won't say who because people will use that to justify the genocide of the other). Not to mention the propaganda of each other their governments/leaders have been imposing on them for years. BUT I've only seen people "justify" what Hamas is doing to the other side. I've seen people chant a fancy genocidal phrase towards the Jews in Israel. I've seen people call the slaughter of Jews "justifiable" because they are "evil light skinned goblins". I've seen people neglect the ancient history of Jews and how Jews even got to that situation in the first place. I've seen people encourage propaganda about Jews in order to justify the slaughter of Jews. I've seen people neglect facts and I've seen them say that "this issue is NOT complex" just so the side that they took can seem more justifiable in their slaughter. I've seen mourning Jews get harassed. I've seen Holocaust survivors whose only crimes were to simply show sympathy for their love ones "get harassed". I've seen people tear down posters of missing jewish people(like what does that have to do with being against the Israel government? The Israel government will probably bomb their own people just to get to hamas. But y'all only then show "fake worry" for jews when the Israel government shows little signs of caring for them. Outside of that you guys hypocritically justify their violent deaths and harass people that just want their loved ones back?). I've seen videos of radical liberals spitting on Jew protesters who have only been singing peacefully for their loved ones(they've been persecuted for ages they are allowed to AT LEAST mourn). My point is that I'm against both hamas and the violence of the Israeli government. My point is that a great deal of civilians on both sides have been wanting the death/and complete termination of the other side. My point is that taking a stance with either form of government/leadership is contributing to the support of genocide. Feeling more sympathy for civilians that have lost more is not wrong. Obviously that's where your attention should be. But saying this issue is not complex and immediately taking a side IS genocidal thinking giving the stance/ideals of most people on BOTH sides. Saying this issue is not complex and turning it into something that is not(racial issue) to justify your genocidal stance IS anti-semitism. Both sides have been radicalized but they don't deserve death. People just want to live.
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mosura780 · 7 months
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gayhenrycreel · 11 months
im just going to make it clear that i hate the american goverment just as much as i hate the israeli goverment. antifa should not be buddying up to hamas because fascism is fascism. civilians should never be harmed. just because two sides are against each other does not means one is right. goverments must not be allowed to exist. if you think israeli civilians deserve to die then you must also think american civilians deserve to die too. but you dont do you? those living under any dictatorship are victims no matter what their religon is. society without goverment is possible. it is acheivable.
if your idea of destroying goverment means killing random civilians, youre just a fascist. those in power should the targets. we dont even have to kill goverment members. just take away their power. put them in rehabilatation centers instead of prisons. even if rehibilatation takes the rest of their lives. no one should be made to suffer. prison abolition means NO prisons for anyone. goverments do not speak for their people. america does not speak for its people. this should be obvious. not every american is a gun crazy conservative. not every Jewish person is a zionist. thats ridiculous. (from what ive seen people cant even agree on what zionism is). wouldnt it be silly if i unironically said all queer people have blue hair and neopronouns? antifa has been saying for decades that goverment is bad. that means ALL goverment. hamas, israel, and america are just as bad each other. america should not be supporting genocide by literally providing the bombs (saying thats supporting genocide is an understatment really. its just committing the genocide but people dont seem to get that). israel and hamas are both evil. no one deserves to die no matter how much christianity has fucked up your brain. if you think Jewish civilians deserve to die christianity has severely fucked up your brain. please do research on nazi dogwhistles. way too many gentiles on this site have been rebloging nazi propaganda while claiming to be antifa. i dont want to be the only gentile against hamas. try following some Jewish blogs. i would suggest following spacelazarwolf and jewish-kulindadromeus. both are antizionist.
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rayatii · 1 year
should NOT have opened Twitter just now.
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dazedasian · 5 months
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nippihead · 11 months
hi im not active here ever unless im posting art but i Need you all to know i am pro-palestine . whats happening is despicable and this shouldnt have beenhappening for so long. if You are pro-israel and/or a zionist unfollow me now. i hate you and i hope you burn in the deepest parts of hell
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Okey a lot of fucking disgusting stuff are happening all around the world. The genocide of palestinians, the new anti queer law in russia, the congo situation and god knows how many other fucking disgusting inhumane shit is happening in so many places right now.
LISTEN i know that even for people like me who arent victims of any of these situations everything can be so overwhelming right now, and that we may feel hopless and we just dont wanna do anything anymore because everything seems pointless.
Like me, so many other people of the world (even if we belong to a "minority" and for that suffer daily discrimination) we are lucky enought to be ALLOWED to exist because for fucking coincidence we live in places where our goverments or/and the international powers allow us to just fucking be alive.
But there are so many people who the only thing tthey did was being born and for that the goverments decide that they should not exist.
If you were born in palestina to Israel and most of the world you arent fucking allowed to be alive.
If you are queer and were born in russia your fucking goverment says that you are not allowed to be alive.
If you are black in congo you are not allowed to be alive.
If you are native, for most of the goverments in the america continent you are not allowed to be alive.
And if you are a person with vulva/ you are a woman you are not allowed to be alive in most of the fucking world.
And so, so, so many more examples could be add because in this fucking sick world just being ALLOWED to be alive is a privilege.
If there are ambassadors of Israel in your country or/and from any other country that prohibits the existence of people, go and RAGE! GO AND DEMAND A CHANGE!.
If YOUR COUNTRY is in ANY way supporting the fact that some groups have the power to decide whether or not some people should be allowed to exist GO AND SCREAM AND SHOUT AND FUKING RAGE.
We have the previlege of being allowed to exist, is our human obligation to speak and shout for those who doesnt have that privilege and arent heared.
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bobemajses · 3 months
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The Black Panthers of Israel at a protest, Jerusalem, 1980s
Formed in 1971 in the Musrara neighborhood in Jerusalem, a poor, crime- and drug-infested area, the Israeli Black Panthers consisted of mostly Mizrahi (Middle Eastern Jewish) youth demanding equal rights, an end to social injustice and widespread discrimination against their community in Israel. For 15 years, the Panthers spread throughout the country and developed into a full-scale anti-goverment movement that partnered and organized with Palestinians as well as anti-Zionist and Marxist student groups. They eventually moved into electoral politics, but without success, in part because of internal disputes and struggles.
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koheletgirl · 10 months
Would love to hear about how you became an anti Zionist!
before i get into this, i'd like to direct you to some of @jewishvitya's posts: [x] [x] [x]. i think their perspective is more relevant to the current situation than mine, and they address issues that i won't get into here because they had no personal relevance to me and you asked about me.
so my family is considered left-wing in israel. my parents voted for ha'avoda (israeli labor) in most elections i can remember, my mom even went "as far" as voting for meretz (as far as jewish parties go, they're the furthest to the left. still zionist though. didnt get enough votes to get into the knesset in the last elections). i grew up mourning rabin, hating bibi before i even knew who he was, believing that the settlements are the source of all israeli wrongdoings. in 2005 people would put ribbons on their cars – green if you support dismantling the settlements in gaza, orange if you're against it. we had a green ribbon. my family talks about the two states solution, about going back to the '67 borders. my grandmother jokingly calls herself a "leftist traitor", because that's how the right labels them.
i grew up with these values. i was taught to value human life, i was taught that all people were equal, i was taught that nationalism and imperialism were wrong. we weren't afraid of talking about the occupation. we weren't afraid of calling israeli fascism what it was. you might have heard about the democracy protests that have been happening in israel in the past year; my parents went every week.
i think this is why it took me so long to break out of my zionist worldview. people talk about zionism as if it's explicitly genocidal and built on racial supremacy, and i understand why (and agree with this to an extent), but you have to understand how absurd this idea sounds to people like my parents. they don't think zionism is the issue, they think the israeli right is. they acknowledge the evils of the settlers in the west bank, but they would never consider themselves settlers. it's very easy to see the wrongness of a person going to someone's house and violently kicking a family out of there because they believe it should belong to them (not a hypothetical, this is happening in the west bank as we speak); it's a lot harder to think that maybe everything you were taught to believe about your own right to be here was a lie from the beginning.
and that's the problem, that it is a lie. we are literally taught there was nothing here. swamps and malaria and sand and sand. the zionists built a civilization out of nothing. that's the story, that's the myth.
another aspect of this that's essential to acknowledge is the dehumanization of palestinians in israel, which is still prevalent in leftist circles, despite taking a different form. the israeli left Loves to make the distinction between palestinians and "israeli arabs" - a term that some people that i have met have used for themselves, and i am not the right person to speak on (i'm sure there's nuance here i'm unaware of). these people don't think of themselves as racists. they don't mind arabs in general, they only mind "the arabs who want to harm us". and it's so easy for them to pat themselves on the back because they have plenty of arab friends and they actively oppose the goverment's racism; but they all draw the line when it comes to palestinians. to them, once a person calls themselves a palestinian, it means they believe jews have no right to exist here. it means their existence is at odds with their own. they don't see palestinians as people, they see them as an agenda.
i was going to add a bit about how the israeli left's aversion to religion (which stems from the influence orthodox jews currently have on israeli law) plays into this, but this is getting really long.
anyway. for me, it wasn't a revelation as much as it was a willingness to open my eyes to the fact that everything i had been taught was a lie. it was always there, this doubt, this uneasiness. i knew that there were a lot of people over the world whose opinions i generally agreed with – except when it came to israel. it just took me a really long time to be able to doubt Everything.
because that required tearing down everything my worldview was based on, everything i had believed in, and it was scary. it's a very, very difficult thing to do. not knowing what to believe is horrifying. realizing you have believed in lies your whole life is horrifying.
but at some point i had to ask myself: how can i hate everything this country stands for, and not doubt what it's taught me? how can i know what i know about the idf, and still believe it's acting humanely? and the thing is, i still don't know what to believe a lot of the time. i still doubt everything, all the time. i'm critical of all of my beliefs, and i think it's good to be. but i listen, and i look, and i feel, and above all i try to be compassionate. and there's only one stance you can take here if you value human life above all else.
here are some israel-based organizations that influenced my political views and i recommend checking out (even though i have my disagreements with them): b'tselem, standing together, breaking the silence, mesarvot
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
Same anon from before, and I take back my question about voting. Was catching up on your blog and saw that you have been anti-Hamas despite your only source is an article from Newsweek (Zionist publication) written by an author who is followed exclusively by Zionist on Twitter and has almost no online footprint otherwise
For a historian, your analysis is shockingly ahistorical and I doubt you have much to add on the convo around voting
Sorry for both asks, wish I could unsend the first, but I hope in the future you take additional time to look into non white histories and opinions before spreading posts that are ultimately harmful
I'm sorry, being anti-Hamas is controversial now? I don't want ANY group harming ANY civilians, and if you feel differently, I don't think I'm the one who needs to look into additional opinions.
here is an article from Amnesty International which, while it doesn't solely focus on Hamas, definitely agrees that they have been known to commit human rights violations against Palestinians
also, Israel's response has been wildly disproportionate and horrific, but Hamas very much did directly kill over a thousand Israeli civilians. Like. That is a thing that happened. it does not justify what the Israeli goverment has done since; I want to be very clear on that. but they still did it. no analysis of history can make that okay in my eyes
like. my god. yes, I'm opposed to them. anyone with an ounce of compassion should be. I thought we were all supporting Palestine because we wanted less senseless killing, not because we wanted different people to be doing it to different targets
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politijohn · 11 months
Hello, saw a post you put out about queer israeli people helping occupassion, I wanted to let you know that there is a relativly wide anti occupassion movment in israel mainly moved by queer people, you dont hear from us since the goverment is taking this war as an opprotonity to crack down on us, people are being fired from their jobs and arrested for as little as liking pro palastinian social media posts, our right for free speech has been almost completly stripped away, its horrfying. Please know and let others know a lot of us in israel stand with gaza and its people and wish for the bloodshed to stop, we are doing everything we can as a public, we just cannot tell the world about it for our own safety, you seem educated and well intentioned, so I thought about sending you this ask.
Thank you for reaching out!
I know people like you are out there fighting a noble fight. Stay strong!
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spot-the-antisemitism · 3 months
I am completely pro Ukraine, but I have to admit I’m seeing an uptick in “#all Russians are guilty” “#Russia is a terrorist state” “#Russia must burn” and the binary happening on here is disturbing. once you get to “all _ are guilty and I hate them all, they need to die” it’s only dehumanization. it’s no different from saying there are no innocent Israeli civilians or that all Palestinians are terrorists, or saying Ukrainians deserve to die. none of that is true. it’s scary how internet discourse about the horrors of war has become so black and white that people believe one side of a conflict must be entirely eradicated. I thought the point was being anti-war and anti genocide? what’s going on
Dear anon,
I mean Russia WILL Burn in firebombings if Putin doesn't step down or get assasinated soon. Whether something better will rise from those ashes is unlikely
Also like if you think Israel is a terrorist state and Hamas occupied Gaza isn't and Putinist Russia isn't you're an antisemitic hypocrite, if you think all corrupt goverments are terror states that's certainly a consistent worldview. I call russia a terrorist state sometimes but that's because they do terrorist thing every month and I have family that get firebombed during ukraine's retaliation. I don't think my family and neighbors 'deserve it' or were 'asking for it'.
But once you start calling all Russians terrorists or decide that Ukrainians or Israelis are nazis just because it makes killing them easier you've crossed a line into fascist rhetoric
Internet discourse was always life or death it's just that when it was about low key ableism and ship wars and gay discourse most people didn't care and you could always retreat to fandom fluff (usually of the queer variety as this is tumblr and het is so last century here).
NOW that the hamasnik death cultists have taken over everything and you're either with them or against them you've got nowhere to run.
"I thought the point was being anti-war and anti genocide?" OH ANON, it was NEVER about war and genocide it was ALWAYS about finding an acceptable target and using prexisting bigotry to make them the scapegoat for all ills.
It's just easier to do it with Jews.
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antiqua-lugar · 8 months
For Not-Italians, an Italian rapper said "Stop the genocide" at the end of his final performance at the Sanremo Song Contest and got called out by the Israel embassy for "spreading hate".
You can read the article for yourself, but what the article doesn't say is that our goverment who is now falling over themselves to support Israel and claiming to fight against all anti semitism is lead by the Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) which is a fascist party.
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klett161 · 11 months
In this Blog post I‘ll try to clarify whats currently going on Between Israel, Hamas and the Civillian population of Palestine and analysing It because most people get absolutly misinformed by Corporate media Propaganda, so let‘s get into It.
Trigger warning for basically every kind of Violence and dehumanization
Also this blog is in parts extremely Cynical and some parts are ironic in making fun of dumb people having even dumber opinion’s marked in red
Also just a Trigger warning for bad spelling
First of all for all, for people who still need the Clarification: The Palestine state does NOT equal Hamas the Hamas is a fundamentalist Jihadist terror group which engages in Barbarism they are in fact not a Based anti Colonialist movement. The Hamas is only holding Power in the Area known as the Gaza strip and has done so since 2007, the territory of Palestine is much larger than the Gaza Strip but because of actuality reasons im mainly focusing on Gaza in this post.
Also the Israeli state is not and never has been representative of the entirety of Judaism or even a majority of It. Critique directet at the Israeli state thus is not critique against Judaism and not Anti semetic. Calling everyone Anti semectic is just an defense mechanism of the Isreali state being called out on It‘s crimes. But It is also Important to remember that Anti Semitism is a real thing and Jews are disproportionately targets of hate crimes. Also disproportionately the targets of hate crimes are Muslims or just Arabic looking people. I can‘t believe I still have to say this but: No muslim peacefully practicing their Religion (wich is as in every Religion an Overwhelming majority) is at any kind of fault for what some deranged facistoide Terror group does.
So lets start of:
Although it is true that the renewed hostility’s of the last day’s were started of by the Horrific attacks of the Hamas it is all to often not at all or just as a side note mentioned that Israel has been Bombing the Gaza strip more or less consistently for years and years claiming to target underground tunnels or Hospitals in whom of course Hamas had weapon deposits or Rockets or whatever and that every Civillian casualty was just „Colleteral damage“. It‘s just a very convenient coincidence for Israel that those people who It want‘s exterminated from it‘s state anyway die in these bombings. But also part of the truth is everyone knows what has been going on in Gaza the last years but the media mentioned it maybe once every few months so It couldn‘t be that bad right? The truth is people and Goverments in the West just didn‘t give a fuck because there were far worse problems like, like the Economic growth going down by 0.5% My God how terrible! Western Goverments more or less directly enabled the ongoing Genocide with their outspoken support, full solidarity and weapon sells and funds for the Israeli state.
Now Religious fundamentalist terrorist cells like Hamas don‘t just happen, they require a breeding ground of despair and material insecurity which is undeniably the case in the Gaza strip. But in the case of Hamas it would have probably never had a chance to gain dominance over the Fatah If it would not have been funded by the Israeli state, no that‘s not a weird conspiracy it was literally admitted by several former state officials. So now you could just say that the Israeli state harmed itself by funding and building up Hamas but the existence of Hamas really is the best thing that could have happend to the Goverment of Israel, for now they have an enemy who’s violent and barbaric actions mirror those they commit(altough on a much smaller scale) thus (In the eyes of the Public) justifying even more violence against the Civillian population of Palestine and Gaza specifically. For Hamas it is the same thing, If it were not for the genocidal actions of Israel they couldn‘t legitimize their existence they couldn‘t legitimize their heinous crimes. So you could say that on both sides facist goverments of some kind are profiting of off fighting with eachother, you can really see that for the leaders of Hamas it is not an anti colonial fight by the fact that most of them are sitting around in Qatar. The losers on both sides being the Civillian population altough it has to be said that the Palestinian civillians have suffered and will suffer far more because the Conflict mostly takes place in their country not on the land controlled by Israel. So as much as Israeli state officials will in every statement say how much they hate the war and how shocked they are about Hamas killing Civillians (by which they of course mean white Isrealis or foreigners, Arabs don‘t count) so far it has been a best case scenario for them because it helps them to facilitate their power further and seemingly justifys them in their new colonial expansion more than ever backed by the public in Western countries and their own population.
As angry as all this shit may make you it is always important to remember to not fall in generalizations and blaming of entire group’s. Not all of the Israeli citizens are responsible for what their state does and no Palestinian civillian is at fault for what Hamas did, despite a lot of media reports claiming thats the case alla „Yea but they had ONE single election in 2007 where people choose the Hamas over Fatah (mind you this just happend because of Israeli funding) so they should be held responsible for everything happening since“ by the way more than half of the population in Gaza wasn‘t even of age and didn‘t have the right to Vote back then. But even If we ignored that the Election did just turn out the way It did because of Israel you would have to ask yourself why didn‘t the Israeli citizens who had FIVE elections since 2019 alone Vote differently or is this whole thing maybe not about Voter liability at all and just a way to dehumanize and legitimze the killing of Palestinians by letting people think that Hamas has the full and absolut support of the people? (But the Media surely wouldn‘t do this)
But not only is this claim widely accepted but people defending Israel also double down on it and are saying that „If they don‘t support the actions of their Government they could just overthrow it“ I don‘t even know where to start with this, first of all It’s actually not that easy to overthrow an Authoritarian Government which has the backing of the majority of regional powers and is armed to the teeth but even If we pretended like overthrowing the Government was an easy thing to do we could raise funny little questions such as: Why the fuck didn‘t Israel just overthrow their Goverment which is responsible for all of this in the first place? Or: Why didn‘t people in the USA just overthrow their Goverment when it Invaded Iraq or Vietnam which isn‘t even comaprabel because those thing lead to MILLIONS of dead people not a few thousand. But yeah I guess this standard just applies for people in Gaza and not for white people in the western World. Ok ok but let‘s say the people of Gaza overthrow Hamas and have a super duper Democratic state much more democratic than Israel and with more Human rights, do you really think Israel would give a fuck, the only thing that would realistically chance is that it would just be a little bit harder for Israel to justify their war crimes infront of the generall public but Israel has time and time again proven they don‘t care about condemnation of their war crimes and settler policy which basically go hand in hand. There are basically an infinite amount of times Israel has been condemned by the Un, it didn’t change anything. Israel didn‘t start Bombing and expelling because terrorists exist, terrorists exist because Israel started Bombing and expelling.
Other ridiculous claims to legitimise Israel are:
„BUT QuEEr pEOplE aRe LiTerALlY KiLeD IN GaZa“ ok and how is Israel (which itself does discriminate LGBTQ+ people) helping the situation by funding terror groups and Bombing and entire Region in to the Stoneage? Or could it be that you really don‘t give a fuck about Queer rights and just wan‘t to, again dehumanize and legitimize the Killing of Palestinian people in the Gaza.
„But Jewish people lived their for longer they were just expelled by the Romans and only after that Arabs settled there“ ok and now what? Throughout history so many ethnic groups lived on so many different pieces of Land If you go by this principle you’d have to give the biggest part of Anatolia to greece because „Greek“ (in caption because back then ethnicity’s were much less uniformly defined compared to today) people were there before „Turks“ arrived from the middle of Asia and todays Xinjiang region so some of these regions you’d then have to give to Turkey and so on and so on I think you get the point. Also it is pretty similar to the Justification Russia used to kick of the Invasion of Ukraine.
I also wan‘t to Note that you may not have heard all of the listed points people use to defend Israel and probably heard some others I didn‘t, thats fine Im not determined to break down every single shitty Argument people try to justify the ongoing genocide with because it has the same pattern as pretty much all arguments trying to defend Facism. They throw so much shitty arguments at you faster than its possible to disprove them so that at the end something will stick. Of course they don‘t really believe in all of them, for example a lot of American evangelicals believe that Jews have to controll the Holy Land for the great rapture to happen in that all the Jews will be killed and only true Christian believers (they mean themselves of course) will get into Heaven but they know fully well how Antisemetic and badshit insane this sounds so they just use above mentioned Arguments.
Another point I wan‘t to talk about is the Media reporting and Hegemony of discourse which is of course highly dependent on the way the media reports. To make my point I just quickly wan‘t to break down some of the ways news shows like to frame the situation and what implicit Bias they carry. One very easy thing to do is just strait up ignoring things that happen to Palestinians and don‘t mention it at all or when they try not to be super obvious or to avoid allegations of biased reporting they mention like one minute that several hundred or thousand people died in an hospital explosion in Gaza and then talk several minutes about the Hostages taken by Hamas and their Family’s and the jobs and dreams these people had, first of all this leaves the audience in the assumption that because the segment talking about the Hostages was longer this topic is more relevant and second giving the people a real impression of how much a Human life is worth because every individual person has dreams hope etc. but when it‘s Palestinians that are targeted they just talk about numbers thus a large part of the Sympathy victim’s of Hamas (You know one dead man is a tragedy a million dad men are a Statistic) receive is not perceived for the Palestinians. Also as I write this, it isn‘t confirmed who blew up the Hospital but the assumption that it was the IDF which has been blowing up Hospitals multiple times to date and is currently Bombing more than ever before is likely to be true, so what does the news segment give us, it gives us only the assumption of the IDF which is of course saying that it was Hamas and leaving it with that, I don‘t think i need to break down how letting only one side talk about their perspective is manipulative. Also most media really likes to talk about how Israel is „fighting back“ so just narrowly focusing on what happend since the attack of Hamas a few days ago and leaving out years of Bombing, illegal settlements, killing of peacfull protestors and sieging of Gaza as a whole. So if you have the whole pretext you could also say Hamas fought back against Israel (which wouldn‘t be very helpful since AGAIN what they did is unjustifiabble) that would be much closer to the truth. Or a reporting of the BBC that I reposted a few days ago talking about Israelis who have been killed and Palestinians who have died in the conflict, implying that behind every Israeli death was an deliberate effort and Palestinians just so happend to die.
Who‘s having total Hegemony over discourse get‘s really clear if you talk about this conflict in literally any way that isn‘t directly what the Israeli state says, you are constantly asked to clarify that you are not apologizing Hamas, you point out the history of the conflict? Your justifiyng terror. You are saying that the IDF shouldn‘t kill civilians? Yeah but could you please distance yourself from Hamas? You are saying that Israel doesn’t have any right to exterminate Palestinians and ethnically cleanse their country? You are literally an Anti semite and clearly just trying to justify Hamas. And yes even in this Blog I have to condemn Hamas multiple times and will probably still be called Anti semitic, If public discourse would be sane people couldn‘t just say that they are in Solidarity with Israel and not point out that they condemn the ongoing Genocide and it would be Impossible for a Politician to say that Israels actions are appropriate. But in the world we live in it is not just basically Impossible for Politicians to say that they stay with Palestine but any position other than full and unconditional support for Israel is critically looked upon and you can probably hear a Voice in the backround of a press conference, asking: „so you publicly embrace Hamas?“. That about summs up the state of discourse at least in my and many other western countries and most online spaces, which are really dominated by western countries.
It all really is just the result of:
1. A new far right stronger than ever in western countries and bringing with them an environment in whom It‘s okay to talk shit about „foreigners“ (meant are of Course the scarry brown people not other whites even when they come from the other end of the world) and Muslims just for practicing their religion and using them as Scapegoats for everything bad happening. If you learned anything from History (which seems Increasingly uncommon) you probably heard of a group being treated in a similar way before. Of course some factors differ because History doesn‘t just repeat and I am definitely not saying that Gaza is literally a Concentration camp, but does It have to become that obvious for people to finally see that this is in fact an ongoing Genocide? Out of the Blue a something of the likes happening in Gaza would be unthinkable but if you have years and years of normalization of the mistreatment of Arabs and specifically Palestinians and Muslims and seeing people first of all always as members of a certain group(again only applies for Muslims or Arabs) is it really that surprising that we have reached a point were people can openly talk about having no sympathy for the Civillian victims in Gaza without lossing their teeth? (which of course I wouldn‘t suggest to do because muh violence bad)Also it should be noted that killing and smoothering Victims of war trying to escape the horrors has become a Normal part of EU border enforcement it is in fact so normalized no one ever talks about it, it is just accepted that people are going to die when they try to come here, they probably should have used a better Boat or something like that.
2. The deliberate effort of the Israeli state to blame all people living in Gaza for what Hamas did and cleverly using their Status as a Jewish state to smear everyone not supporting their genocide as a Nazi and Anti semite, going so far as to say that Palestine is the reason the Holocaust happend, thus proving that they really don‘t give a fuck about the History of Jewish suffering.
In the end I can say nothing but stay Informed by independent sources for example Indymedia, listen to the Victims and don‘t ever believe the Israeli state. Also stay aware of the fact that basically all media is owned and operated by some Billion dollar Conglomerate most of them don’t care about the truth but about you thinking what they want you to think. For everyone interested in the details of why media is so dishonest and biased just go read Manufacturing consent by Noam Chomsky or look at an summary of lt. And take everything you hear with a pinch of Salt.
How Israel helped to create Hamas: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/
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drorey · 1 year
Hey babygirl! This is your reminder that the people attacking israel currently are NOT palastinan freedom fighters, its the hamas, who are also attacking palastinans, arabs, and people living in diffrent tribes across the land.
This is also your reminder that the people dying in israel are not the ones who have been fueling this conflict, they are inoccents. israel has a lot of anti colonialism activists, most notebly the STANDING TOGETHER movement, active in almost every city.
The main area being attacked in isreal is the south, right next to gaza, where a lot of people are anti colonaiztion due to seeing the effects of it first hand.
Hamaz has been docomented killing palastinians in the streets of gaza, and stealing idf uniforms to film themselves commit horrible crimes, kidnapping jews, arabs, palestinens, and even tourists.
EVERYONE IS BEING HURT RIGHT NOW. Everyone, palestenian and israeli. Every person out there in the line of fire, be it a soldier or an innocent, is someones friend, someones parent, someones child, someones sibling.
You can be against the isreali goverment, hell, a lot of isreal is against the isreali goverment, there are rasict horrible people here, but we are all aware they are rasict and horrible, we approch the conflict despite of them, not because of them.
Stand with inoccent people who are being hurt, stand with the inoccent people losing their loved ones
Wait girl why are you puting your clothes back on. Girl please. Girl come back my family has been stuck in an active line of fire for three days.
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szarkato · 1 month
I realise this is an ignorant question, which is why I'm posting it from what I usually use as my test account, but here goes:
Given that Hamas has its weapons and recruitment pool in Gaza, wouldn't Israel be much safer from Hamas if it evacuated as many Gazans as possible into Israel as refugees while the war is still ongoing because it would encourage desertion and quell recruiting?
Like, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Israel's goverment didn't have genocidal intentions and really planned, after the war is won, to let Palestinians, including Gazans, to have their own state next to Israel, or let them live in Israel as other Arabs - including Arab Palestinians - do, as long as they leave Hamas behind and don't try to form another party/government like it. Given that most Israelis say they don't want to kick the other indiginous population out and just want peace (and it's really not in their best interest to force them to move in with the other Arab nations bc it would only bolster anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment over there), why not just let the people leave the warzone without making them fully leave their homeland? Establish checkpoints, search their stuff for weapons, then put them somewhere they neither get bombed or gunned nor have access to bombs and guns, but do get access to food and medical care. Cause that's what's supposed to happen after the war anyway, and it's not like Gazans would be any less resentful about it post-defeat then than they would be now. And I realise that there's currently not enough housing for 2mil people, but if Netanyahu can talk of prosperity and luxurious amenities for Gazans post-war once it's all rebuilt better than ever, then surely his budget can fit better amenities and safety than Rafah/Gaza has to offer now during the war, to however many people are willing to take it. Get those human shields away from Hamas by making the densely populated area a bit less densely populated in a sane way, y'know?
I realise I sound snarky - and tbh, that's because I don't buy the "it's not a genocide" line - but I'm sincerely asking if there's some justification I'm missing that doesn't just boil down to "we gotta wait until Gazans deradicalise themselves and start a glorious anti-Hamas revolution before we start respecting their human rights" or "we can't have too many non-Jews in Israel even if they are indigenous even though that's our justification why we should have this land."
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