#anti m'gann m'orzz
Garfied's arc deals with depression right.
In episode 16 of Season 4, Static Shock, Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, and ...some robot (whose name idk because idk Doom Patrol that well tbh) stage an intervention per Miss Martian's instruction to help Garfield get help for his depression and see a psychiatrist...
and you know what their fucking method in doing that is!!?
Guilt-tripping Garfield in failing them all because he's depressed over Conner's death along with the many deaths he had to fucking himself up from including his mom, Rita, Tula, Jason, Wally, and now Conner...and there were other names too but I forgot
like wtf is that really how you help someone with depression and help them seek help? Guilt-tripping them and making them feel like THEY'RE THE VILLAIN for failing everyone else.
I don't blame Garfield for not responding to those sorry-ass speeches. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE made those speeches about themselves. All about themselves. Yes they were talking about Garfield and how he inspired them...but ultimately it was about how they needed him
NOT about what he needs.
And M'Gann....she just ends it "It must feel nice huh...dismissing them all like that"
ugh fuck this bitch I swear. She should be no one's psychiatrist or guidance counselor...even her way of dealing with Harper and her domestic abuse problem was questionable a bit now that I'm seeing how she's dealing with Garfield
I thought M'Gann was a trained guidance counselor
She fucking sucks!
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technoturian · 2 years
On a related note to my last, Miss Martian is the Rachel Dolezal of comics.
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ao3feed-birdflash · 7 months
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Ace of Odds
by ShadowWalker1001 Secrets. Lies. Revenge. Kahlil Zator is a thief, a liar, and a wildcard. Blessed with the improbable power to manipulate luck itself, he walks the line between good and evil as the up-and-coming anti-hero Wild Card. Trained by Catwoman and mentored in magic by Poison Ivy and Zatanna, Kahlil plans to use his abilities to take down the secretive cabal known as The Light that ruined his family. But when covert missions put Wild Card on a collision course with Young Justice, the teenage superhero team, he finds an unexpected kinship with the bold Robin. As their paths intertwine, Wild Card must decide if he can afford bonds beyond vengeance or if a life lived in the shadows is one doomed to solitude. With an expanding network of lies and enemies at every turn, Kahlil's abilities will be put to the ultimate test. In a world of espionage and intrigue, can a wildcard ever play a winning hand? Or is he doomed to be eliminated? Words: 11520, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Zatanna Zatara, Artemis Crock, Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, J'onn J'onzz, M'gann M'orzz, Superboy (DCU), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Selina Kyle, Original Male Character(s), Barry Allen, Wally West, Pamela Isley Relationships: Dick Grayson/Original Male Character(s) via https://ift.tt/dgL9clX
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fandomisnotsosalty · 3 years
Call me mean, but seeing the timkon loud crowd so mad lately is so freaking hilarious to see.
Honestly I wouldn't try to sound that mean if these people could restrain themself from going out sending hate on every relationship including one character or the other (but mostly Conner), always targeting the feminine counterparts with mysoginistic words.
Seriously, they pretend to love Superboy, but everyone can see they're only attached to the image they have of him in their little Tim Drake self insert fetishizing fantasies. That's getting ridiculous when they feel attacked by every other relationships crossing their dash.
I'm just happy that Jon has been the Super chosen to end up being bisexual, because DC spared us from an intense moment of annoyance.
Is Queer representation a good thing in comics? Of course yes!
Is doing it the in a way that let an entire group of people fetishize a mlm relationship is? I think you already have your answer. And DC took the good decision here.
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ssuperboys · 3 years
conner saying “I was hoping I mattered enough to you to make you stop.I didn't think you'd try to tamper with my mind... try to make me forget I was upset with you. [...] After all we'd been through... how could you think I wouldn't recognize your touch inside my mind? Didn't you know what that touch meant to me?” like her betrayal runs so deep. conner hating HATING telepathic communication but accepting it from m’gann bc he loved her and trusted her with his mind and she stabs him in the back. Man. 
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peachbun03 · 4 years
I wanted to make a video on why I don’t like supermartian as a ship.
I have nothing against those who DO ship it, but this ship is one of many things that fuel my love-hate relationship with this show.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Supermartian fic idea
Okay, so what happens when M'gann is just so done with Clark's bullshit and the way he treats Connor.
This girl is basically an empath and she feels the sadness and rejection Connor has when Clark ignores him or treats him like crap.
And then one day she just decides that she's sick of his bullshit and marches over to the watchtower or something and starts screaming at the Big Blue Boyscout.
And the Justice League members don't even try to stop her. In fact, later on when she send him off like a kicked puppy to go and apologise to Connor and teach him how to control his powers, she gets congratulated and Batman actually smiles at her.
Because, fuck season 2 and season 3 for how they portrayed M'gann. In season 1 she was amazing and I want to see her stick up for her boyfriend.
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argyle-s · 5 years
I get some of the pushback against Lena's arc because people don't like the idea that it's saying she had no choice but to become evil like her family but... that's the point. She did have a choice. She chose this. It's on her. She wanted to be better, but ultimately didn't live up to it, and it's on her. Other characters with bad families (like Winn and M'gann) could be good, other characters Kara hid the truth from (like Cat, who she still hasn't told) took it with grace. It's just Lena.
Well, I’m not sure I would hold up Cat as an example of taking it with grace.  She had a fairly negative reaction the first time she figured it out, but then, that reaction was rooted entirely in selflessness.  The idea that Kara should be out there, helping people, and if she was wasting time as Cat’s assistant.  In a way, Cat’s initial reaction is best summed up thusly:
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That said, Lucy, Winn and Nia, the three people Kara has told aside from Lena, have all had much better reactions, and that’s telling.  Winn was Kara’s best friend.  He ran an alien blog, and Kara, an alien, had been actively denying the existence of aliens to him for more than a year.  Lucy, probably the closest analog to Lena we’ll find, who was friends with Kara, and had worked with Supergirl, completely reversed course on what she was doing after Kara told her the truth.  Nia completely accepted Kara without hesitation.  And Kara had lied to all of them to keep her secret.
Winn and M’gann (and arguably Lucy) come from terrible families.  There is literally nothing that makes Lena’s situation here unique or special among Kara’s inner circle, other than Lena’s sense of entitlement to every detail of everyone else’s life, even while keeping some huge fucking secrets of her own.
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Me: Young Justice Outsiders can't get any worse. It already hit its low point by making Supermartian, a canonically abusive relationship, canon again. It can only go up from there, since it already hit its worst
Young Justice Writers:
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lost-boys-things · 5 years
Young Justice?
favorite male character: Jaime Reyes, he's my favorite superhero and is hot so... yeah
favorite female character: I can't actually choose between Zatanna and Artemis
least favorite character: Wally West, I just hate every version of him, sorry not sorry
prettiest character: M'gann, don't @ me, it's M'gann
funniest character: Bart Allen definitely
favorite season: Easy, S2 since most of the new characters here are my favorites and I just love Nightwing
favorite episode: Bloodlines and Image, yeah, none of season 3, fppuck that shit
favorite romantic ship: Bluepulse
favorite family ship: Anything that has to do with the Bat Family and Flash Family
favorite friend ship: Maybe Dick and Artemis, they two had a lot and common so know when suport each other and I think their sibling relationship is so cute
worst ship: Briolet, I thought it was kinda forced and rushed a fuck, plus their relationship wasn't hunky-dory either considering that she cheat on him so...
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I feel for Miss Martian...in the sense...I kinda know what it’s like to fail your own younger brother
And I don’t make excuses. I mean I feel the full guilt even if he never put it against me like Miss Martian’s brother whose complicated name escapes me does
And I think the anger is totally justified
Miss Martian abandoned her own little brother...just so she could live a different identity
Sighing and she’s still trying to justify her own actions even if they are understandable and no doubt the narrative will side with her and her own little brother would apologize to her for being angry at being abandoned
Because that’s generally how things are written with her
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Lena and Jonn should talk!
You know what I'd like to see in season 5? I want Lena to have a one on one conversation with Jonn. If Jonn can be a space dad to Kara, Alex and Winn and have bro time with Mon El then there shouldn't be any reason why he couldn't do the same for Lena.
We've seen Lena build relationships with Kara, Alex, James even Winn to a point. But she's going to be so pissed at Kara, so Kara isn't the best one for her to be around right now. By extension she will most likely feel hurt and pissed at Alex, James and Brainy, Probably Nia too, but they've barely interacted.
Now we saw Alex start to be a lot more Team Lena and sympathetic to her while she was under the mind wipe, but that may change now that she knows who Kara is again. So any chat with Lena will ultimately still be Team Kara all the way no matter what and we've seen what a short fuse Alex can have.
Brainy is kind of the same but he would probably be more sympathetic to Lena. If Lena goes off the deep end Brainy is a good one for her to talk to since he's been there himself.
James is leaving and quite frankly Lena shouldn't be discussing these issues with the ex that lied to her. No I dont mean him not telling her Kara's secret, that wasn't his to tell. I mean the whole knowing it was Kara who asked him to break into L Corp (which he did) then dropping Supergirl in it to gain points with Lena, he knew she would be pissed at Supergirl but was happy to watch her continue to be besties with Kara. It's so messed up! Oh then there was the whole 'im not investigating my girlfriend, only for him to change his tune immediately after she dumped him. The disrespect to her as his boss, making her company and her by extension look associated with the COL. I could go on but I won't. He isn't the one she should be working things through with.
I love the idea of Lena getting therapy, but Kelly isn't the one to do it. First off because she would have to be in on the secret and I swear to RAO if Kelly finds out before Kara even finds out that Lena knows I will riot! Then there's the fact that Kelly is James' sister, you do NOT go to your ex's sister for therapy. She's also going to be dating Alex so that's another awkward position and she's friends with Kara who is also Alex's sister and the one Lena has the issue with. Too many conflicts of interest there.
No , I want her to talk to Jonn! Why you ask? Because Jonn ISN'T perfect and has done bad things. If it comes out that Lena killed Lex then Jonn should be able to understand since he killed Manchester. I mean technically what Jonn did was worse in a way, Lex would have always been a threat and was an evil psychopath but Manchester was a heartbroken sane man who went off the deep end but could have been contained and should have been.
I need the characters (and the fans) to start acknowledging that the heroes have killed people/aliens in the past and aren't perfect. The characters and the fans often forget these things.
Jonn is also no stranger to being pissed at someone and feeling betrayed. Anyone remember when M'gann gave her blood to save Jonn? Even when she knew it wasn't the best plan and would expose her? She saved Jonn's life but as soon as he realized she was a White Martian he had her locked up which he had absolutely no right to do. Meghan was a refugee, she had a job, never caused any issues and saved the ungrateful sods life. But it didn't matter to Jonn, he locked her up and had to be convinced into letting this Innocent woman who saved his ass go. Jonn judged her because of what she was. Not unlike Kara when she realized Mon El was a Daxamite.
Jonn is likely to be able to have a conversation with Lena without it decended into anger or an argument like it probably would with Kara or Alex.
Jonn can relate to having a dark side, he locked up M'gann, he killed Manchester when there was no reason to and he had to be talked out of killing a White Martian by Kara and Alex.
Jonn also once kept Kryptonite at the DEO without any regard for Kara or Kal El and thats why Kal wouldn't work with him. Jonn had to be convinced into giving Kal the supply they had. (stupid idea since the last threats had been Kryptonians and the next one would be too). Jonn also had a Kryptonite knife he 'really liked' and he put Kara in Kryptonite cuffs so she couldn't stop him killing the White Martian. At least Lena's Kryptonite was never meant to be used on anyone other than Reign.
Jonn has a dark side and is a warrior, he knows this. This is why he failed to follow in his father's foot steps on the path of peace. Jonn is the perfect guy to go and talk to Lena. He's also several centuries years old so he has a lot more life experience and patience. He should have been the parental figure Lena went to, but I fear her trust will be hard to win back.
Jonn and Lena having some one on one time. Jonn is psychic to, so that could come in handy, I dont mean him reading her mind without consent, he just seems to know things sometimes. Jonn is the perfect one to understand Lena's trust issues, her dark side, her willingness to get things done even if there are going to be consequences. The fear of some aliens, Jonn fears and has prejudice against white Martians. Whether he's right or wrong doesn't matter, he has them and Lena has had and does have fears of alien powers, which is justifiable. Jonn is willing to kill the same as Lena is.
So give me Jonn and Lena having a talk. Give me Jonn being a space dad to Lena to, he knows her, has worked with her and is friends with her. No reason why he shouldn't be able to talk to her. Alex is too hot headed, Kara will just make excuses pissing Lena off more, Brainy will try and justify and probably come up with senarios to fix it, Lena probably wouldn't lose it with Brainy but she would kick him out.
So yeah Jonn and Lena time please!!
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ao3feed-birdflash · 2 years
Morals Didn't Save Him
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/u6C3cxA
by JustWritingMisfits
Dark Nightwing AU. After Wally's death, Dick is in denial, believing that something, anything other than death had happened. When he's forced to face the facts, it sends him in a dark downward spiral that ends up in dead bodies and blood-soaked streets. Meanwhile, the team gets word of a new anti-hero/villain that's trying to clear the streets of crime by killing every criminal he comes across. Artemis just wants to find out what happened to her best friend.
Words: 3973, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Alfred Pennyworth, Wally West
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dark, Dark Dick Grayson, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Not enough violence to be a warning, but its there for sure, he kills a lot of people, Suicidal Ideation, the comfort happens in the middle, and theres more hurt, but there might be a sequel so... eh
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/u6C3cxA
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Ace of Odds
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dgL9clX by ShadowWalker1001 Secrets. Lies. Revenge. Kahlil Zator is a thief, a liar, and a wildcard. Blessed with the improbable power to manipulate luck itself, he walks the line between good and evil as the up-and-coming anti-hero Wild Card. Trained by Catwoman and mentored in magic by Poison Ivy and Zatanna, Kahlil plans to use his abilities to take down the secretive cabal known as The Light that ruined his family. But when covert missions put Wild Card on a collision course with Young Justice, the teenage superhero team, he finds an unexpected kinship with the bold Robin. As their paths intertwine, Wild Card must decide if he can afford bonds beyond vengeance or if a life lived in the shadows is one doomed to solitude. With an expanding network of lies and enemies at every turn, Kahlil's abilities will be put to the ultimate test. In a world of espionage and intrigue, can a wildcard ever play a winning hand? Or is he doomed to be eliminated? Words: 11520, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Zatanna Zatara, Artemis Crock, Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, J'onn J'onzz, M'gann M'orzz, Superboy (DCU), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Selina Kyle, Original Male Character(s), Barry Allen, Wally West, Pamela Isley Relationships: Dick Grayson/Original Male Character(s) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dgL9clX
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whateverthought · 6 years
I was excited for Season 3, but that “SuperMartian” Engagement Announcement is not only disappointing and uncomfortable, but it's also disgusting.
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