#anti sleeping realm theory
khlegacynexus · 2 years
In regards to the sleeping realm theory being Kairi is a pawn of Xehanort. That’s not untrue, but it’s pushed as a reason Kairi would be an abusive romantic choice for Sora. And shifts the blame for Xehanort hurting Sora onto her
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dotted-clouds · 5 months
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swapauanon · 1 year
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jellyfishvibes · 7 days
Random theory while i was rewatching khux,
So all the dream eaters are Chirithy's wrapped around the sleeping hearts of the dandelions waiting to be awakened, and we know dream eaters are connected to regular people outside of the realm of sleep, the spirits consume nightmare and the nightmares consume good dreams of people, Riku becomes Sora's dream eater ect, and Chirithys are connected to people aswell, each being given to and assigned to a keykid (? daybreak townie? child soldier-) by Mom/the foretellers, and last but not least Kairi is connected to chirithy in some way, having chirithy ears on her kh3 outfit hood and all
But theres a connection were forgetting, Ventus Of the unique dream eaters we know of, we have Riku: Sora's dream eater, Chirithy: the first dream eaters, the boss nightmares, Nightmare Chirithy: both the purple version and the fused with Darkling version, the Anti Black Coat (i hate that name lmao): the physical manifestation of Sora's nightmare And Armoured Ventus Nightmare Ventus unconsciously wrapped his armour around Sora's sleeping heart to protect it, taking on the darkness and thus a nightmare form in the process, Ventus wraps himself around the sleeping Sora to protect him until he could be awoken, exactly like how the Chirithy's saved the Dandelions If Riku is Sora's Dream Eater then Ventus is his Chirithy Bonus design overanalyzing:
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Ventus' colour is green, his wayfinder is green, his armour is green, his heart station is green, his colour on the trio heart station is green
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But Ventus himself isn't very green until bbs, specifically the only green on his outfit is the keyblade armour
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His colours line up more with Chirithys colour palette, curiously it is majority Spirit Chirithy's but i would say the black undershirt and specifically the red inside of his jacket actually remind me of Nightmare Chirithy's red cape underside, he may be majority light but darkness was lurking beneath him from the very beginning, becoming so intertwined with him that he gave that formless shadow a body and a mind
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unfortunately i am now thinking about poking a ventus and vanitas redesign because the world is cruel and never lets me rest
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sonicjustbecause · 21 days
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The Sonic 3 Trailer lacks of both spoiler and context, and that is about how a trailer should be. We already know what it is about. We only needed to see few scenes to make sure it might look good (or bad, it depends on what we except).
Now, I've seen a couple of crazy theories I've read and I believe both of them won't happen. I'll explain
Tom getting killed
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Won't happens anything different to Tom that didn't happen before. he will be at worst knock out/neutralized and go off screen. Like in Sonic 1 (punched by Eggman) and Sonic 2 (encircled by flames)
Such happening would be the complete Shadow's assasination as character. We as fan won't forgive him and also this would push Shadow in the villains realm.
The past characterization.
Original Shadow (Adventure/Heroes/06) was very tame. There is a video on YT that analyze how Shadow behaves toward the world and underline the lack of destruction and violence in SA2, as opposite as we see in Sonic X and ShtH05.
in Sonic-X they changed slightly Shadow's personality, removing his intellectual and contemplative nature and replacing it with a more brash and violent personality. But even there, they prevented Shadow from killing Cosmo, making him acting like a cat who plays with his prey instead of being efficient (slow pace, talking, missing aim despite the short distance and when the thing failed just giving up on that). Shadow could have act smartly simply killing Cosmo in her sleep. As I say, I think they wanted to save his reputation.
In Sonic Force he indeed killed Infinite's squad. His first kill, most likely. Small fries, while leaving the boss alive, evil and stupid considering the aftermath. They saved Shadow's reputation by making Infinite lame and obnoxious and by not showing his gang at all (so we don't get attachted and we still cheer for Shadow). Sort of telling without actually showing anything.
Similar cases and why those characters have been tamed out.
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Lupin III had a super rough star. His author got inspired by underground Western comics of the '60s and the original Lupin III was not a thief and a cheerful anti-hero. Lupin was originally a real godfather, a mafia boss, and despite he was mostly accompanied by Jigen and Goemon (who weren't really characterized back then) he had all underdogs, picciottos and so on under his rule. He did steal, but also he killed innocents, he raped women (includin Fujiko) and did several other hideous things.
Evil protagonists don't last long. They either get overhauled or they die like Light Yagami.
For this Lupin had to be tamed. Lupin killed less and less and more and more only with a reason and was more and more gentle with the innocents, including his main foe. And lastly he just virtually stopped to kill.
He's not the only one, many protagonists were born as unremedable villain and then they have been turned into antiheroes... or even heroes. Villanous protagonists never last long.
Shadow is beloved mostly because of his original personality. I noticed in most fan work, he is characterized the way he was in Sonic Adventure 2/Heroes/06 or Prime. Sometimes like in Sonic X and Shadow 05. Rarely like modern Shadow.
Back to Shadow
"What did you do?"
"What I had to!"
Those lines may be related to anything and everything. They might be related to Shadow's attempt to destroy the world like in SA2.
"I had to keep my promise!"
"What I had to do" suggest me something Shadow did not because he wanted to but for an external obiective. It might be world safety, keeping a promise, preventing the Sun going red giant, anything. Maybe even destroying Metal Sonic (if he appears like some rumor suggest) after Sonic convinced him to join the good side. Shadow has a long story dealing with living weapons.
Shadow stealing Stone's bike
Simply impossible. I already said Shadow's size is comparable to the size of a five years old child, about 1m tall. Stone is a 1,78m tall adult.
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How Shadow would look on Stone's bike. It would be good material for the memes. And even if he would be able to ride an adult designed bike, he would be unable to do the Akira thing.
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anarchywoofwoof · 11 months
"To grasp the full enormity of our deterioration, however, consider the earliest condition of humanity, without government or property, when we wandered as hunter-gatherers. "Hobbes surmised that life was then nasty, brutish and short. Others assume that life was a desperate unremitting struggle for subsistence, a war waged against a harsh Nature with death and disaster awaiting the unlucky or anyone who was unequal to the challenge of the struggle for existence. "Actually, that was all a projection of fears for the collapse of government authority over communities unaccustomed to doing without it, like the England of Hobbes during the Civil War. "Hobbes’ compatriots had already encountered alternative forms of society which illustrated other ways of life — in North America, particularly — but already these were too remote from their experience to be understandable. (The lower orders, closer to the condition of the Indians, understood it better and often found it attractive. Throughout the seventeenth century, English settlers defected to Indian tribes or, captured in war, refused to return. But the Indians no more defected to white settlements than Germans climb the Berlin Wall from the west.) "The “survival of the fittest” version — the Thomas Huxley version — of Darwinism was a better account of economic conditions in Victorian England than it was of natural selection, as the anarchist Kropotkin showed in his book Mutual Aid, A Factor of Evolution. (Kropotkin was a scientist — a geographer — who’d had ample involuntary opportunity for fieldwork whilst exiled in Siberia: he knew what he was talking about.) "Like most social and political theory, the story Hobbes and his successors told was really unacknowledged autobiography. The anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, surveying the data on contemporary hunter-gatherers, exploded the Hobbesian myth in an article entitled “The Original Affluent Society.” "They work a lot less than we do, and their work is hard to distinguish from what we regard as play. Sahlins concluded that “hunters and gatherers work less than we do; and, rather than a continuous travail, the food quest is intermittent, leisure abundant, and there is a greater amount of sleep in the daytime per capita per year than in any other condition of society.” They worked an average of four hours a day, assuming they were “working” at all. Their “labor,” as it appears to us, was skilled labor which exercised their physical and intellectual capacities; unskilled labor on any large scale, as Sahlins says, is impossible except under industrialism. "Thus it satisfied Friedrich Schiller’s definition of play, the only occasion on which man realizes his complete humanity by giving full “play” to both sides of his twofold nature, thinking and feeling. As he put it: “The animal works when deprivation is the mainspring of its activity, and it plays when the fullness of its strength is this mainspring, when superabundant life is its own stimulus to activity.” (A modern version — dubiously developmental — is Abraham Maslow’s counterposition of “deficiency” and “growth” motivation.) "Play and freedom are, as regards production, coextensive. Even Marx, who belongs (for all his good intentions) in the productivist pantheon, observed that “the realm of freedom does not commence until the point is passed where labor under the compulsion of necessity and external utility is required.” "He never could quite bring himself to identify this happy circumstance as what it is, the abolition of work — it’s rather anomalous, after all, to be pro-worker and anti-work — but we can."
The Abolition of Work & Other Essays by Bob Black
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tharkflark1 · 2 years
Sleeping Realm theory is NOT:
1. A coma theory (if you understand dreams and sleeping realms from DDD to at least some degree, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. Dreaming is another layer of reality; not actually something that was simply imagined up)
2. anti Kairi (in fact, it goes into extreme detail her role in all of kh3 which is important)
3. Soriku “propaganda” (this is coming from someone who is a massive Soriku shipper: it’s not a ship theory. It’s just trying to explain what’s going on in kh3)
Plz for the love of God just actually read the damn thing. This one guy in the tag clearly didn’t read it and is just parroting stuff other people who didn’t read it are saying
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faejilly · 1 year
Any random headcanons/theories about sh warlocks? The spiral labyrinth, how magic even works, why Magnus is the best (what I'm not biased, it's the objective truth, how dare). This isn't really a fic prompt, but i won't complain if you turn it into one 🩵
And a reminder to take care of yourself! If you need water or meds or a good nap
(and also I got good sleep last night and just made a yummy drink! I even did remember all my meds with breakfast, too. AND MADE MY BED! It's a good self-care day. Thanks for checking in, that's very sweet of you. 😘)
I am IN FACT writing a "fic" that is full of all my weird lore/magic/worldbuilding thoughts called "The Down World For Dummies" By The High Warlock of Chicago. Who I made up, obviously, I don't care about canon for this. Her name is Runa Pryce, and the current draft is full of footnotes because I am easily amused and also #GNU Terry Pratchett. HERE ARE SOME (too many) HIGHLIGHTS BENEATH THE CUT (that do include the Spiral Labyrinth & why Magnus Is Best!):
Theory 1: Angels & Demons have nothing to do with religion/spirituality and are just multi-dimensional beings who get along like matter/anti-matter. This means that yes Angels are frequently assholes and Demons can in theory be fine because they're just weird individuals from other planes of existence. (Demons are mostly assholes too, because the things you have to do to travel dimensions basically disconnects you from your own world and that fucks most people up, even people who aren't human people.)
Theory 2: "Demons" are bad for our plane of existence because they basically eat it just by visiting, and if they're trying to get here in particular it's because they find our negative emotions especially delicious, so then they are generally very nasty to make the visit tastier.
"Angels" can't get anything resembling power/nutrition from our dimension, but can kind of scorch the edges of our reality if they're not careful. Which is boring for them, so that's why they're mostly not ever here.
HOWEVER, if angels accidentally break a dimension/realm, or the demons eat one all the way up, it screws up the balance between all the dimensions/realms, (and is possibly how some previously mundane realms 'fell' and became demonic ones) so the angels try to stop the demons when possible.
(This is in fact why Clary's Alliance Rune freaked them the fuck out. The Fae are the only known stable angel/demon combination. Every other attempt has pretty much made entire realms go boom.)
We're not really real to most of them though, and they're really really Not Human, so. As little contact as possible is probably good.
Theory 3: Multi-dimensional creatures cannot be killed when they're not in their proper dimension. Thus fighting demons & angels mostly just banishes them back home. However! If they're weak enough, their magical essence can't cross the Void between dimensions, and then they really do die. This is also why they usually need some sort of rift (or a very goaod spell) to get between dimensions. The Void isn't friendly, even to demons & angels. (Valak is actually a Void creature in this headcanon, thus why he is so very different than any of the other demons we see them fighting in the show.)
Theory 4: The reason demons keep making demon babies is the resonance of having an offspring of their own blood in a different dimension makes it easier to travel through the Void (they can both follow directly OR triangulate off the family ties, so to speak, and suddenly the trackless Void has directions, it's very handy for them) and having that resonance spread out among different dimensions gives them a boost magically in terms of raw power as well.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO HOW THE WARLOCKS MAKE THE SPIRAL LABYRINTH. It requires cooperative multi-dimensional magic, which no one else can do! You have to have multiple individuals with magical resonance in different dimensions who trust each other enough to balance out each other's magic enough to form & ward an area out of the Void that is resonant with multiple dimensions but not actually in any of them. Warlocks whose demon parent is from one of the lesser known dimensions are actually very valuable to the Spiral Labyrinth, because every new dimension they can add to the Labyrinth makes it both more stable and more powerful. (And probably bigger, though that's hard to tell with multi-dimensional spaces.)
Theory 5: I'm actually gonna quote the aforementioned fic-in-progress here, 'cause I like how my HWOC put it 😅
Warlocks are the children of mundanes and demons. They are inherently, naturally magical, with a magical core that is anchored in the Realm of their demonic heritage but resonates with the natural magic of the world they're born into. These cores continuously generate magic that is fueled and directed and shaped by their emotions. Warlocks are immortal and sterile, can cast spells and create potions out of a fantasy novel, are simultaneously, eternally, a part of and separate from the natural order of both their birth Realm and their demonic parent's Realm.
Theory 6: Is kind of specifically for my mer!Alec-verse, but I like to assume magic is very traditionally elemental since the Shadow World does seem to rely on very familiar magical tropes. In that case, magical species would have elemental strengths. Air: Nephilim, Earth: Fae (Seelies), Fire: Warlocks, Water: Mer-folk. (There's a whole thing in the mer!Alec-verse about how water magic is inherent to this Realm, rather than being about crossing between Realms like the other three, but I haven't quite figured out how that's going to manifest in the fic yet.)
Theory 7: Vampires & Werewolves are opposite ends of the demonic infection/magic spectrum, which is why they just really feel gross to each other.
Vampires are dead, after all, and Werewolves are Very Alive, heightened senses and healing factors and etc. (Elementally, to go back to Theory #6, Vampires are Death, while Werewolves are Life.) I like to think that, while not immortals, Werewolves generally live a few hundred years just because their bodies heal most everything that is part of mortal aging. They'd probably last even longer, except the Down World is of course prone to some vicious behavior and they tend to get injured or poisoned with silver enough over the years to slow them down. But! They cannot be immortal, because that is not life, that's like demons & angels, that's being inherently disconnected from your natural dimension just so you can fuck around with other dimensions. Werewolves die, because werewolves live.)
Theory 8: Fallen Angels are absolutely still a thing, formerly Angelic Dimension Natives who got corrupted or Fell or flung themselves willing through the Void for More Power. They can only survive if they can devote/link themselves to a demonic realm, and they are generally more powerful than anyone else because that means they have magical connections with two realms as well as the weird immortal power quirks of any other dimensional traveler.
Asmodeus is, for a variety of reasons (mostly spite probably), especially powerful even for a Fallen Angel, and Magnus is especially powerful even for a child-of-Asmodeus because he is one of the only Warlocks who really truly embraced and studied the native flow of magic HERE, both in terms of our leylines and weather and seasons and every other nerdy-thing he's ever learned, BUT ALSO, he knows he has to understand/acknowledge/face his OWN emotions to pull on that power. That's enough for him to get a balanced amount of power from his birth Realm as well as his Demonic Realm AND THEN, because he's the son of a Fallen Angel, he also gets his Father's Angelic Realm. And he's better at that than most Warlocks as well, because it's just more to learn, you know?
Theory 9: Many warlocks associate their emotions with their demonic heritage, since their magic usually manifested in a moment of fear/anger/loss of emotional control, but demonic magic isn't about emotions at all, that's the human side of them. Realizing that made a huge difference for Magnus after he got away from Asmodeus and started turning himself into who he wanted to be, rather than who everyone else thought he was.
This emotional awareness is also how/why Magnus can balance out the different magical influences through his emotions, because that's how humans work.
Which brings us to the fact that most of the warlocks we see have only one color of magic, but Magnus has at least three! The metallic gold & silver is very intellectual, all about curiosity and an academic sort of greed, always wanting to know more and mostly resonates with his angelic heritage. Blue is for elemental magic, instinctive and protective and comforting, natural magic, while red is demonic magic, pulled on through heightened emotions and, in his case, usually fear and/or anger.
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nerice · 3 months
elden ring sote bingo let's fucking GO!!
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dawn of the final 24 hours before my life gets eaten. details under th cut >>
the eclipse
what the fuck were they doing at castle sol what was the point !! "the sun has not been swallowed your companion remains soulless" how was this supposed to connect to/help resurrect godwyn. may we find out when it happens!!
scythe fixes
my partner contributed this one it seems 2 be a vry specific gripe towards scythe builds that i do not understand bc i run my game with two toothpick daggers and refuse to upgrade vigor lmao
death swamp
i think it wld be funny. do it miyazaki
malenia's severed arm/oath ring
WHAT IF WE. FOUND IT >:) no idea why it'd be in the realm of shadow but i wanna pick up specifically the oath ring fr item description lore juice so bad :3
messmer blasphemy arsenal
why is he running around talking abt those unworthy of gold when he's fully stacked w/ anti erdtree insignia!! battle trophies? just to flex? let us know!!
butterfly trio
fringe theory that i don't subscribe to that the trio statue in the haligtree is *not* prodigy twins + godwyn but instead twins + messmer, on account of cape & the fact that they all get butterfly items (nascent for miquella, aeonian for malenia, and smoldering for - presumably - messmer bc of his fire theming) don't rly care for it but am curious abt the butterfly symbolism nd if it will show up
lake of rot expansion
THIS HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME SINCE I FOUND IT. why is that upper portion there, completely inaccesible, with the other end suspiciously faded out!!!! no other part of the giant ass world map has smth like this LET US GO THERE!! blue dancer portal i believe in u
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marika's dad
that guy in the painting. who's a talking corpse pulling a sword out of his fucked up body later in the trailer, LOREDROP US
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age of rot
easy. malenia resurrection phase three full ending truther. yes i realize this wld be the worst possible fate for her i love dying and despair
sleep swamp
we kind of saw it in the trailer. might not be an actual inflicting-the-effect soup location but again i think it'd be funny!!
godwyn's resurrection (mermaid boss)
with or without connection to whatever the eclipse is. there's no way they're not gonna use that huge disgusting model of him from the deeproot depths 2 fuck us up. miquella can save him but he cannot save him tm :)!
messmer destined death user
every possible evil flame theory under the sun has been floated for him nd which shade of fire it is he's actually wielding. i think he's camp destined death for juice nd (possible) melina connection
gloam-eyed queen is marika's sibling/twin
my fav little pet theory!! assuming the guy in the painting is marika's dad and assuming (spicily) that the woman in the painting isn't actually her but another numen / empyrean / possibly sibling / most likely 2 be the gloam eyed queen aka whoever marika has slain at the beginning of the sote story trailer when she claims godhood. i just think this game loves sibling beef too much 2 not go there. conversely i don't think melina is the gloam-eyed queen but i do think there's a connection/possible inheritance avenue w.
malenia death consequences
THE ONLY THING I REALLY CARE ABT FOR THIS DLC it cannot be a 10/10 without this, indulge meeeeee pwease she's a fkcin optional boss and the entire reason for miquella's quest. it has to matter COME ON !!!! idc if it's a lot to code and account for u built this house
melina/messmer siblings
melina is the odd one out whose parentage is so far unconfirmed. nd there are no only children in this game. so w/ the addition of messmer > obv conclusion that might still be fully off lol
miquella anti-griffith path
yes ive seen the theories. yes ive read berserk. yes it makes sense and the parallels are off the charts. when i first found the bewitching branch nd the lore bits abt miquella/st trina i also sent my partner a long essay abt the parallels. miquella the beloved defender of the weak, (+ there is LITERALLY AN ECLIPSE HE TRIED TO CAUSE) however all the "miquella is evil" theories are supremely boring sorry. playing it straight wld be such a waste. u meet miquella nd he turns out to be a mastermind manipulator who used dream control and charm and even malenia was tricked etc etc IT'S BORING gtfo
boss w/ 3rd phase
haven't had that yet. bonus points if i get my resurrected malenia insect body horror for this (wldnt even count bc it's not a consequtive phase) but a girl can dream uwu
final boss fight @ the vagina tree roots
sorry for the uninitiated. but yeah this wld be a dope final boss location and either way i wanna go there!!!!! give us pussy
outer god of sleep
this shot in the story trailer. "abandoning his fate" can be interpreted either way, abandoning (unalloyed) gold for existence as st trina OR WHAT I'M PUSHING. him even abandoning his fate as empyrean i.e. godhood since power in this game always comes at the price of outer gods whispering in ur ear nd i want!! an outer god of sleep !! to have been that for miquella. sleep was his destined path like rot was for malenia, and he wants no part of it >:3
torrent's origins
this is a filler square u_u but also i'm genuinely curious if we will get more lore abt him. it's confirmed miquella was riding torrent when he set out, and the torrent we have now is a spectral steed, first seen with melina and then gifted to us by ranni in disguise so like. how do we get from a to b to c d e f here chat !!!!
blue dancer lore
ANOTHER 10/10 REQUIREMENT. ive made my case and it's a strong one. ik all of the malenia content wishes are copium at best but getting vicarious lore on this one is extremely feasible imo
age of unalloyed gold
there's no way we aren't getting a miquella themed ending right. riiiight??
full melina lore
TRULY THE MOST ENIGMATIC CHARACTER there's a billion theories (geq being the strongest one) i don't even care what her specific lore details are gonna be but it'll be so interesting if any of it gets elaborated on !!
all new npcs fucking die
they're such a merry band in the story trailer :) wld be a shame if something happened to them :))))))))
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
I joined what I thought was a chill kh discord server but it’s is extremely anti soriku which would be whatever if they didn’t just shit on sr shippers and scream “KH ISN’T ABOUT ROMANCE THEY’RE JUST BROS YOU’RE DELUSIONAL” but in the same breath say “WELL sora sacrificed himself for Kairi twice and KH3 made it official anyways so :///“ they’re also really salty abt the sleeping realm theory. anyways soriku endgame and I’m sorry if any of these people have been pestering you. <3
Gotta love how the srt has been living in the haters heads rent free for nearing four years now lmao (even though about 99% of them have never actually read it and only know stuff they’ve heard through an extremely bad game of telephone and bad faith interpretations, and the 1% of casual haters who have read it usually end up thinking it’s kinda cool actually. True story.)
Also if I had a nickel for every time I heard “kh isn’t about romance” and “so//kai is canon tho” from the same people I’d be rich. News flash kh is and can be about a whole bunch of things. But as we heard from one of the original creators himself, Shinji Hashimoto, kh is first and foremost about Sora and Riku and their relationship. Their friendship, and whatever that develops into...
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
The Secrets of The Secret Room: KH2's Hidden Boss Arena as a Future Plot Point.
Anyone remember that Secret Room in KH2? The FRUSTRATINGLY difficult-to-reach one within the basement caves of Ansem's Castle? The one that lets you fight Data copies of the Organization XIII members? THAT Secret Room?
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KH2's "Garden of Assemblage", GIF by superbia (nokuto.tumblr)
Well, what if we look at KH as a series and its LOVE for hiding plot within gameplay mechanics... and look at that Secret Room again after the Lore Bombs from KHUX & KH3?
The KH series LOVES to "hide" lore & plot foreshadowing within game mechanics: the different/same coloured dream portals in DDD & KH3, the "reset" levels in each game, Anti-Sora and Rage Form...
i wonder who, exactly, set up that Data Combat Record of Organization XIII members?
the easiest candidate is DiZ: he has the means, motive & opportunity to have set something like that up (know your enemy).
it's also plausible that Saïx set it up for Axel, a means of preparing him for assassinations but it doesn't make much sense given that Axel would need that combat data BEFORE he fought his targets while the Data Room only has those 'records' AFTER targets are defeated.
Xehanort is another candidate, perhaps setting the system up in order to have Data Copies of the Organization to fall back on for Future Use (no time travel required!). it WOULD be easier to put a Data Copy into a Replika than trying to locate, say, Lauriam or Arlene (who he only seemed to meet through Xigbar) upon their recompletion.
There's also That Looming Option of Darkness.
Darkness, getting one (or more) of the above characters to set this room up, ultimately for ITS use: Darkness seemingly needs 13 Vessels in its Game with MoM and, going with Sleeping Realm Theory, KH3 DID seem to imply that Data Riku & Young Master Xehanort were not only working for (or with) Darkness but were investigating how Hearts & darkness interacted with DATA.
KH's Primordial Darkness IS canonically tech-savvy: the Secret Room of Data Organization XIII fits EXACTLY within its modus operandi.
it's not JUST Darkness who knows of/discovered this Secret Room, however: Sora & Team Guardians of Light did too.
KH3 somewhat implies that Ienzo and Even learned of the Secret Room after being recompleted: it's probably what they were referencing when trying to set Xion & Roxas up in Replika bodies.
If Roxas is now made up of himself AND his Data Copies (from Data Twilight Down & the Secret Room)... it solves the issue of his dual-wielding keyblades despite no longer having 2 "real" Hearts to source them from.
I don't think that either of these Data Roxases would feel a need to have their own Replika bodies: Axel's Nobody formed a Heart but it integrated with his "recompleted" self without issue, just as all these Roxases would. These Hearts can merge or otherwise exist alongside each other without any issue because they share the same "Soul" (or, at least, there are no conflicting memories within their Timelines).
Xehanort did not seem much affected by Xemnas seemingly forming a Heart either: the "lived time" of Xemnas simply went back to Xehanort (& if the transistion WASN'T so seamless... it's not like he would care & he ended up Time Travelling Xemnas before any conflicts of heart could arise anyway).
Terra, on the other hand... well, Xemnas got the Fixation with Aqua's Armour from SOMEONE.
Back to That Secret Room...
my munny's on Darkness bringing that Data Organization XIII back into play at some point, if only to allow more Hidden Boss Gameplay post-KH3 for the purposes of "strengthening" the Darkness within its vessels.
It makes me wonder if the "Demyx" met during KH3 was actually a "Data Demyx": he and Luxord do not seem native to [this side of] "Reality" but to the home of Nameless Star, going by the Verum Rex trailer in Toy Box & the Secret Ending(s) of KH3.
the premise where DiZ or Xehanort sets up the Data Organization for further study, only for it to get used by Darkness could just as easily apply to XIGBAR/Luxu for MoM but... Darkness is the entity with the greater connection to Data Hearts so, regardless of WHO this Secret Room was set up by, it's probably Darkness who'll bring that game mechanic into the future of KH's Story.
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khlegacynexus · 2 years
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A Coma theory! The worst kind of theory!!!
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ladymorghul · 1 year
Woah I thought that post was pretty innocent. I'm not saying it should be in Helaemond's tag, but what's misogynistic about wanting a character's development without a romantic storyline? Isn't it a matter of taste?
OP has other mysogynstic takes about helaena and likes to show fake concern for her plot (implied on twitter that she'd be a hoe if her children were not aegon's and it is in fact an argument some misogynistic greens use against rhaenyra herself, where criticism of rhaenyra passing bastards as heirs turns into slut shaming of her sleeping with multiple men)
they say they want to see helaegon's arranged marriage and always show fake concern about how helaemond might affect aegon/helaena, the greens, the realm, etc but they never talk about helaena's awful situation being married to someone she doesn't love and doesn't love her back like that.
in fact i mentioned today that these people spend more time debating theories about the children being aemond's (which are of course not canon right now) and tweet about helaena being a "hoe" if that is true than they do talking about how toxic helaegon is in the show (it's always fake concern for helaena when aemond is involved)
it is implying that helaemonds just objectify helaena and reduce her when in fact it's a disingineous tactic to judge these shippers and reduce their takes of the story. op think helaegon is more interesting but i cant remember for the life of me tweets about how aegon being a show canon rapist might affect helaena, but i can get you a SS of them implying helaena would be a hoe
helaena cannot be reduced by having an affair out of love for example, because a) she's already an established character with her own interesting story line and b) that's what could actually give more agency, considering she's stuck in a loveless marriage.
and since her story is all written out already, we know how it ends, and we know what she goes through, many people's reponse to the idea of also giving her this plot line is to say "no no, it's better for her to just sit pretty and accept what aegon does"
it's not a matter of taste because almost no one (and i'm only saying almost no one for good measure) who speaks on helaena and her brothers from a romance pov is reducing her to an object of their desire and this is just holier than thou discourse
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subpixie420 · 2 years
Okay can we talk about this, maybe we should talk about this. Chandler is the best friend. I'm an avid fan, the show is formative and I have thought for far too long about this, but it's not really that close. Rachel is self-centered and as a friend, struggles to put others ahead of her desires, things that aren't necessarily even needs, just things she wants. Rachel relies on the others which isn't fine, but she actively chooses not to get better, to do better and I find that frustrating. Phoebe is a liar. I have a longer theory about this because her timeline and attitude basically DO NOT LINE UP WITH HER STORY, but she is similarly selfish in a slightly different way, she sows a lot of seeds of discord by saying things that seem intentionally inflammatory, saying that Monica should tell Chandler who she originally wanted to sleep with and even again in that relationship, mentions Monica's lunch with Richard. She seems to want to see things blow up for fun. Ross is troublesome, in the ways that the show and the characters are blatantly anti-intellectualism, he IS frustrating and annoying, he's got issues that he needs therapy to work on, some from his childhood, some from his marriage and they're not just dangerous in his relationships, but also in his friendships. At the very least, he is selfless in some ways, indeed care is a very big part of his character, he cares about things and people so much. Joey is an absolutely terrible person to be in a relationship with. He's a friend who presents a dilemma tho. If you can afford the upkeep of him, you do get fun and kindness and enjoyment, but with the completely disgusting way he treats women, it's hard to reconcile. Monica comes close and in fact, their relationship evens them out in ways that ends with it being possible to say they as a COUPLE are the best friends, but before that, she is a bit controlling and actively ignorant or dismissive of her friends feelings and needs aside from the ones she wants to fulfill. Chandlers problems as a friend seem to fall rather solidly in the realm of lying. He's prone to keeping secrets and lying to avoid anger or consequence, but as a key action, he does own up and take his punishments or try to make things right. He's also clearly the funniest, even if that's born of a deep desire to be liked. He's jealous in the same way that Ross can often be, but it doesn't overtake him like it does Ross. His flaws do not detract from his friendship.
As an avid Friends fan who has watched the series over 20 times through I completely agree with you and I enjoyed reading this analysis a lot!
Chandler is definitely the best! He also overcomes a lot of his own traumas without it being the centerfold of his character as well and that's also been something I really enjoyed seeing with his character over the seasons
I love Chandler sm!
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greenpanda-djg · 2 years
trying to read the sleeping realm theory is a freakin nightmare, I'm dsylexic and its like almost 500 pages long -_- And theres parts of the theory that I'm like "Okay, makes sense I like where this is going-" To is this relevent? Was there any reason to include that at the beggining? Like is there a condenced tldr version? Worse is so many antis say its a dream theory that retcons the ending of kh3 and villainises kairi but from reading it thats no true? Like it actually goes into detail of what kairi did in kh3 I thought she was useless until this theory and realised oh she actually did something. It does come across as a bit soriku bias and does claim that Kairi is kinda a villain but in the way that shes manipulated by xehanort to push Sora which is a running theme in KH?
Its annoying because no one on either side who both like/hate the theory ACTUALLY try to explain in short terms what the theory even is and honestly? Theres youtube videos thats an hour long and theres THREEE of them thats like Three hours of a long ass theory and it hurts my brain because its not even canon its just a theory.
the worst part is reading comments like "Its just a game-" Like no the game is fun, the theory is fun. What is making me irritational mad is the fandom making dumbass unneeded comments just because of ships where both are being homophobic/sexist over ships and its just awful.
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moony-mae · 4 years
What is the "srt" thing that keeps being mentioned on the kh fandom? Is the sleeping realm theory? If it's that I want to know what is about but I found a 350 pages document (wtf) so I was wondering if "srt" was the same as this theory and what is it about (like the general idea) Thank you in advance for your answer!
Hi !
Yep, the ''srt'' is indeed the sleeping realm theory. And it's indeed the 350 pages document. We agree, it's too long, it's a damn novel. (And spoilers : it's fictional too.)
My memory is a little rusty, the theory was released a month after KH3's release (and the same day of the KH3's Ultimania. Who finished discredit the theory, but it doesn't have much ground to stand on in the first place.) The theory is extrapoling little details in KH3.
(I'm going to censor character's name so they don't appear in the tags)
So, basically there was a KH3 we didn't see where So/ra and co traveled to the Disney words (but some things didn't happened like the KH3 we saw, more on that bellow), and then they arrived at the Keyblade Graveyard, and everyone died (like in the game), but the theory said that Ri/ku's sacrifice send So/ra (and everyone) into the sleeping realm, where they lived the game we know. And so that the Xeh/ano/rt we defeat at the end of the game is a fake.
It sounds a little far fetched, right ? Also the details they used (that I remember, about the things that changed between the ''real'' KH3 and the ''dream'' one), like in Arendelle, So/ra feel when Elsa strikes Anna with her magic ? The theory say it's because in the original thing, it's So/ra who's been hit by Elsa's magic.
But most of all, it's a sor*ku theory. (Perhaps you have seens people saying ''Ri/ku is the light'' ? It comes from here). (Even if they have refuted multiple time that the theory is biased : it is a sor*ku theory)
It has been written BEFORE KH3 was released, with the trailers (they didn't write 350 pages in one month, even tho it has been written by multiples person), and it pushes down Kai/ri's role. That she's a Chir/ithy. And she's also watery Darkside at the beginning of the game. It doesn't make any sense.
It's just erasing Kai/ri out of the narrative and putting Ri/ku's in her place, basically.
It's a mess, and it's first of the long list of bullshit theory that have been released after KH3 (and ReMind, later). But it's the more popular one, because for a time after it's release people were like ''🤔'', and sharing it a lot, before realizing it doesn't much ground to stand on.
(I'll recognize the works that have been done for creating the theory, and that 350 pages aren't nothing. But what's inside.. It's just extrapoling)
I remember that someone did multiple posts about debunking the theory, if you are interested.. I remember it was a friend of @oveliagirlhaditright who did it but I can't remember the exact @, sorry 😅. (Sorry to @ you Shanna, but can you help me with this ?)
To finish, I'd say that I don't know if the fandom in general has been traumatized by the multiple plot twist in the series, but sometimes, people search too much, and then extrapolate little things to create bigger things. Yes, Nomura has done it before, but most of the time it's... just why are you doing this to yourself ? About that, the man himself said in a interview not so long ago that he thought the fandom search too much with their theories (or something like this.)
I hope this helped you !
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