hp-confessions · 2 months
i think drinny is a better ship than dramione
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Thoughts on Drinny?
If you asked me this question even 6 months ago I would have said 'its so toxic. malfoy hates blood traitors. It doesn't make sense'
But I have realised 'toxicity' should not be a parameter of your enjoyment of fictional ships. Yes. You can ship something toxic in fiction and as long as you are not idealising it I think its fine.
However I have a minor problem with this ship(and all Draco ships in in general). And that problem is Draco Malfoy. Yes. I do not find him interesting enough to be a lead in a romantic relationship that I would enjoy. Everyone has some squicks. My biggest squicks are cowardice, arrogance and selfish attitude. Malfoy is the embodiment of all of those things. Malfoy in canon is a pretty boring and a flat character with little to no character development. He is a one dimensional cowardly bully in the 1st 5 books. In 6th and 7th when he realises he bit more than he could chew he runs away. In the plot it works. Rowling was pretty consistent with his characterisation and a sudden redemption would feel forced. However that didn't make him an interesting character. He has NOTHING in canon that I find attractive. His insults have no range(same old potty, mudblood, weasel bla bla), he is mediocre in everything and he has no spine. He copies all Hermione's ideas in HBP and still fails to execute them.
So to make him a lead character in a romantic story you have to change his character drastically to the point it won't be him anymore. And even his fans know it. Drarry and Dramione version of Dracos are two OCs with the canon name tag Draco(the phenomenon is known as Draco in leather pants). And I am not interested in changing a character 90% to fit into my narrative. It feels completely detached from the hp world.
So Draco with ANYONE is not for me. I am sure plenty of people enjoy him as a character. I personally don't.
But putting my own feelings on Draco aside, personality wise Ginny would break him like a twig within 2 days and move on with her life. He lacks spine. He can't stand up for himself. He can't stand up to his parents. It would be a trainwreck for both of them.
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
Hii! Can I get 11, 22 and 23 for the Ask game? I love when you do this cause yes you're always right ✅️
Thank you friend!!
11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered
anti remus lupin, bambibelle, bellamione, blackinnon, charmione, draco and astoria, drastoria, dramione, dransy, dreomione, drinny, druna, droyle, fremione, fred weasley x reader, draco malfoy x reader, draco x hermione, draco x astoria, draco x ginny, draco x luna, draco x pansy, germione, george weasley x reader, hansy, harmony, harry potter x reader, harrymort, harry x hermione, hinny, hogwarts legacy, hp rp, james potter x reader, lovenott, lupin x tonks, remus x tonks, remadora, nevmione, narcissa x sirius, regulus black x reader, snarry, snily, snack hp, snape x sirius, remus lupin x reader, snupin, reverus, snegulus, ron weasley x reader, severus snape x reader, severus x sirius, sirimione, remione, sirius x hermione, snaco, snames, snamione, theodore nott x reader, tomione, tom riddle x reader, tonks x remus, tonks x lupin, thuna, wolfbucks
You can go to war with my filter list
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I wouldn’t say everyone else, but the complexity of Draco and Lucius’ relationship does get disregarded. Especially the fact that Lucius loves Draco even though he deeply injures his self-esteem and sense of identity
23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
Dramione. There are massively popular fics that I would read but I can’t. My mind rejects Draco not being with Harry and Draco being with women. :’)
choose violence ask game
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hillnerd · 6 years
Why I’m not cool with Drarry, Dramione, Drinny, or Dron: a rant
They are big NOtps for me. [if you are pro any of those ships, this post is not for you and you won’t like it.]
Ok- this is not me trying to shame anyone on what they like- this is just me going off on why I don’t personally like it, and how I see it approached often in the fandom.  Started thinking about it when I saw the Pro-Dramione post on HP confessions, but didn’t want to post this there, as I knew it’s turn into a ‘thing.’ :P I’m definitely overly sensitized from my own stuff and taking shipping of abusers/victims way too personally today, so I’m going off in a post I probably shouldn’t- but I just can’t help myself. 
I don’t hate Draco, actually. I know it sounds like it (and just wait til I really go off!)- but I find him interesting and like reading stories where he grows and changes and take responsibility for his terrible actions. I like drawing him every once in a while (have some Drastoria.) I’ve even had him show up in some fics from a long time ago- because I find him interesting.
Now in fics/art/comics people tend to skip the hard part of Draco’s redemption and just get straight to the ‘juicy/fun part’ of Draco getting with whomever. I get it. That’s the fun part of shipping. 
But for me, personally, I just get grossed out having the happy!shippy things going on, when there is so much history there and I didn’t get to see it addressed. It’s literally a weird trigger for me that makes me physically shudder.
The talk about it as a ‘beautiful story of forgiveness’ makes me get sick to my stomach. I’m not exagerating. It really makes me have a physical reaction. I’m a mess though (As so many of you on here know, as I am a book that is way too open). So I tend to physically react to things that relate to abuse type stuff. :P 
Now I really do believe that people can change for the better- and think Draco ended up doing this- but I really reaaaally don’t like people becoming romantically entangled with their abusers (or someone who abused their loved ones.) That is a dynamic that I find appalling. He wasn’t just a bully or doing harmless schoolyard teasing. He was a straight up abuser.
Mostly approaching this from the Anti-Dramione pov- as that was what I was reading:
So he began as a terror of a bully/abuser- This is a kid who threw around the equivalent of racial slurs on the regular. Tried to get an innocent animal killed. Went out of his way to emotionally torture her friends. Helped get her and her friends in the clutches of Umbridge (who physically and emotionally scarred students.)
If it had stopped there- maybe, just maybe I could be less averse to those ships? Maybe. It’d be hard work on his part, but maybe I could do it?
Then He physically assaulted her friends, and almost killed two innocent students (Alicia and Ron (the boy she loves)). He let murderers into the castle filled with kids and helped get Ron’s brother mauled. He had a chance to join Dumbledore and didn’t.
Then- during the war- he didn’t just sit and idly watch bad things go down. If he had, or better yet- if he had HELPED, I would have a different take on these ships. But no- during the war he actively helps the dark side. He dueled Harry and Ron when they were trying to save Hermione from Bellatrix and an approaching Voldemort (Hermione btw was about to be handed over to Fenrir, who it was implied was about to either r*pe her or tear her to shreds?) He tried to take Harry to Voldemort (who was gonna murder Harry).
Like.... I just can’t come to terms with all that going down- and any of them being ok with him intimately. You think she should forgive that? Not only forgive that- but then become entangled romantically with him? Or Harry should? Or Ron should? Ginny should? People honestly think there are enough conversations and actions that make it feasible?
Like I said- most fics/art/comics I see skip over all the steps he’d have to take to even be friends with them just to get to the ‘fun’ part of things. Again, I understand why.
For me I can appreciate Draco in things- It’s one thing for him to build relationships and friendships with people who he didn’t abuse/barely witnessed the abuses- but people who were there through the whole thing? It’s a big ol’ blech from me.
I’ve been in fandom for a long long time- and most fics typically skip over all that actual redemption very quickly- like one to two conversations of ‘I was really awful’ ‘you were, but I understand why- so let’s be friends’ and... yikes...
I am actually a very forgiving person. WAY TOO forgiving. I forgave a ton of abusers and bullies way more quickly than they deserved- and am working on it- because it just kept inviting those types back into my life. So these sorts of dynamics make me sad.
I want characters I’ve always liked and admired the strength and bravery of to continue to be that- to stand up for themselves and those they love. You can forgive others- but letting them into your life that intimately after all that history is really troubling for me.
Because it’s not just your relationship that would have to have this level of forgiveness- it’s also all the other relationships in your life. He abused all of them- horribly. He needs to work hard to gain the forgiveness of ALL of them- and it’d be messed up to be in a relationship with someone who would be a triggering nightmare for your friends. Like... You just can’t do that to people you love and friendships you value. 
‘I know he abused you, and almost got you murdered multiple times by his own direct actions- but we had a conversation and he’s being nice now- so let’s all collectively get over years and years of his abuse because he’s hawt and sowwy.’ 
The implications of it all just make me feel uneasy.
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romqnticstylez · 3 years
The Golden Trio & Ginny discovering Harry Potter Fanon Pairings
This is how they would probably react.
Harry: I...what did I do to deserve this?
Ron: *Literally rolling on the floor laughing*
Hermione: If you want Harry to be gay then why not someone like Ron, or one of his roommates?
Ginny: He literally called me Harry’s girlfriend..?
Harry: Please tell me not everything is this horrid, please.
Ron: *Several unfriendly words*
Hermione: Excuse my language, but what the actual fuck.
Ginny: Did you all drink too much firewhisky?
Harry:  👁️👄👁️
Hermione: You aren’t serious, are you?
Ginny:  👁️👄👁️
Harry: No, like what is your obsession with this albino ferret?
Ron: ...
Hermione: Oh, I’m so sorry, Ginny.
Ginny: Again, he literally called me Harry’s girlfriend. And why the fuck would I date that twat?
Harry: I’d 100% date him if I was gay. 
Ron: Now, that’s the good stuff.
Hermione: Oh damn that is hot.
Ginny: This makes me wonder why the both of them spent so much time in Ron’s bedroom at the Burrow since his first visit? Oh MY- THEY EVEN LOCKED THE FUCKING DOOR-
Harry:  Not bad. 
Ron: Well, I’m glad Hermione’s straight then.
Hermione: Sure, I guess.
Ginny: Much better than most but not enough of a scrawny-specky git for me. Sorry, Hermione ;)
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acciotaylorswift · 3 years
my opinions on every harry potter ship i can think of (lightning era)
romione - literally my OTP, my comfort ship, i do not care what anyone else thinks of it, its amazing, fun fact: a romione fic was the first i ever read. 11/10
hinny - def a little rushed but i see them as like a “yes” kinda couple (if that makes sense) 9/10
drarry - EHHHHHHHHHHH it’d probably ship it id if draco could get everything sorted out cause he’s PROBLEMATIC 3/10 
pansmione - did they ever have one line of dialogue?  maybe they had ONE but just no. -10/10
dramione - so one of my best friends ship this but just no, the farthest i can go with it is draco had a  crush on hermione. i do not like this ship, and if you ship this i probably dont like you. -792561029847/10
blairon - im 99% sure they didnt have one line of dialogue. also i see ron as like the straightest one in the friend group (considering no one else ( shown ) in the books got the veela effect as much as he did 1/10
harmione - if you ship this either you didnt read the books, think ron is a bad person, or have this weird mentality of harry was a better friend. -4/10
fremione - *deep inhale* i dont get it but honestly ok, its better then a lot of ships with hermione in it. 4/10
drinny - i’ve lost my faith in humanity, NO. -1102847176/10
druna - almost 100% positive they're cousins, NO. NO. -1234567865432/10
deamus - they fuking belong with eachother.  10/10
linny - thats like so wholesome of a ship and if u ship it you have great taste. 9/10
pavender - again, they belong with eachother.123456/10
ronarry - i think its a pretty good gay ship, as i said earlier, i feel like Ron is the straightest in the friend group, but, okay, not too bad. 8/10
flintwood - why tho? like i get why.. but why tho? 5/10 im not cruel, i just dont get it.
perciver - ok why not i dont see why not. 8/10
georgalina - the epitome of laziness, like jkr couldnt just make another character?? 4/10 (actually i just thought about it, were fred and angie ever actually dating?? cause i mean, in the sixth book dont fred and george go to town to impress girls?? idk man..)
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kalitsa2 · 4 years
Here's the thing.
I genuinely can't see Harry Potter as anything but straight. Noticing when people are attractive does not make you gay. Harry noticed Lily Evans was beautiful, but does that mean he had the hots for his mother?...
We are specifically told when he is physically attracted to someone. Every single time it is a conventionally attractive girl with nice hair. Bonus points if she plays quidditch.
I mean, headcanon whatever you want. You can put anything in fanfiction. It's just that the actual canon points the other way.
While I'm on the subject, Ginny is also one I can only see as straight. Usually when I see people headcanoning her as bi, it seems to be an extension of the fanon idea of her being a tom boy. But despite loving quidditch and not crying as much as some others, she actually is very feminine. She smells like flowers; she has a girly bedroom; she has more friends who are girls canonically than any other female character. She also takes time to comfort a girl after Fred, one of her favorite brothers dies, showing a nurturing side generally seen mostly in girls. Loving quidditch and having a temper doesn't take away from any of this.
Of course there is more leeway with Ginny due to not having access to her pov. However, like Harry she has a very clear type: Tall, Dark and Handsome. Michael Corner who while we don't know his height, is referred to as "the dark one". She seems to be more into Dean who is both black and described as being "even taller than Ron".
Harry is also described as being tall by the time they get together and while he may be the lightest of her boyfriends, he at least has black hair, which usually comes with at least tanned skin. (Although if any of the main 7 is POC, it's Harry)
Taken together it's pretty clear that Ginny likes darker coloring. ( Therefore as much as I love her friendship with Luna, if she was bi, she'd be more likely to go for one of the patil twins than Luna. Or maybe Angelina Johnson. Also one of the many reasons Drinny would never happen. Draco is basically the opposite of every thing that attracts her. Some other things her boyfriends have in common are: not being pure blood, being in the DA; fighting against Voldemort; bravery: Michael risks his safety rescuing kids and gets tortured "badly" and still wants to fight, Dean literally come to battle without a wand.) Sorry for the tangent.
But, basically they both are shown to have very specific types within only the opposite gender.
With that said, here's a list of characters I could easily see as being at least bi:
Ron Weasley ( his celebrity crush on Krum)
Draco Malfoy ( while Harry is primarily obsessed with proving he's evil, Draco actually does seem to be obsessed with Harry personally)
Colin Creevey ( I definitely think he was gay.)
Seamus Finnigan ( never expresses any interest in girls)
Dean Thomas ( bi at the most, we don't enough about him to say he's not so why not)
Pansy Parkinson (probably not, but was actually the only slytherin interested in talking about how pretty Ginny was. jk, mostly)
Nymphadora Tonks ( she's the one that actually strikes me as a tomboy, and to me does give a bit of a disaster bisexual vibe)
Luna Love good ( bi, could see her having a crush on Ginny, by the way she talked about her. It also seems like she may have initially had a crush on Ron, but by HBP she was way more into Ginny. Maybe she likes red heads. I wouldn't be surprised to discover Rolf was one. But yeah, this is one I absolutely believe is either bi or lesbian. I also headcanon her to being on the autistic spectrum. It would explain as so much.)
Sirius Black (never expresses any interest in girls. Although, based on Canon, he's more likely to be into James than Remus. I could see him as bi, gay, or asexual.)
Charlie Weasley (said to be more interested in dragons than girls. I personally think he's probably Ace. Or he's actually attracted to Dragons. Jk.)
Basically anyone besides Ginny and Harry is a possibility.
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nicksreggies · 4 years
what is it with y’all shipping ppl with the blood supremacists slytherins 😭
you just want your enemies to lovers huh..
like wood doesn’t deserved to be shipped with flint. oliver literally said he would kill him and the rest of the slytherin team if he couldn’t get away with it. and flint’s a canonical blood supremacist. leave ollie alone he did nothing to deserve this kind of mistreatment.
and pans/mione, too. pansy’s literally racist and she bullied hermione. but yeah they’re in love.
not to mention dram/ione. like what even is that. what is it. why is it a thing.
and bla/iron.. y’all they never/hardly interacted okay. plus blaise is a jerk.
like PLEASE stop shipping characters with the racists and blood supremacists, especially when their only interactions were NEGATIVE ones in which only BAD things happened.
i’m just being salty at this point, don’t come at me pls.
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cantpickonefandoms · 3 years
Tumblr media
How fucking dare you, Wattpad.
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sbd-laytall · 4 years
Me, whenever someone I was beginning to like or be friends with reveals that they like an abusive and/or pedophilic relationship.
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gins-potter · 3 years
Can you do Ginny Weasley for the ask game?
i certainly can lovely x
why i like them
i loooooove my girl ginny because she's a fucking badass, she grows so much over the course of the books, and she just really comes into her own as someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind and knows her own worth, and i love that for her.
why i don’t
the one thing that kind of bugs me about ginny is she can kind of put ron down sometimes, which isn't always unjustified since a lot of the time it emerges out of arguments between them, but i think she can sometimes zero in on his insecurities and target them because he's said something shitty about her. like i'm specifically thinking about that scene in hbp where he slut shames her (which was so not cool) so i'm kind of torn between, she's justified in having a go back at him and damn i wish she wouldn't do that because i'm also a proud member of the ron weasley defense squad.
favorite episode/scene
i think one of my favourite ginny scenes has to be in ootp when harry's worried about being possessed by voldemort and she comes out with that line "Well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don't know anyone but me who's been possessed by You-Know-Who." because she was kind of a quiet character through the first few books but this is where she really stands up and makes people take notice of her. but then she follows it up by talking about her experience being possessed which couldn't have been easy but she knows harry needs to hear it to understand better what's happening to him, so i think it shows a lot of bravery on her part as well.
but i also really love at the end of bhp when harry tells her they have to break up and she just knows, and doesn't really put up a fight about it because she knows it's something he has to do. and maybe that's a little out of character for her, but i see it more as a sign of how much she's matured because as much as she doesn't want to let him go, she knows she has to for now at least.
favorite season/movie
has to be hbp just because not only does she continue to come into herself as a person and character but we get all that hinny goodness in that book.
favorite line
eughhhh so many. cause i mean "Anything's possible if you've got Enough Nerve" is just so iconic. and then i love "leave him alone, he didn’t want all of that." because she's like this little 11 year old coming to harry's rescue and i just love it. but i also love her little moments of humour/witticism which i think are kind of underrated like "a pygmy puff, but I didn’t say where." So many good lines.
favorite outfit
oof that's a hard one cause i feel like we don't really hear her fashion-sense described a lot in the books but @blvnk-art definitely draws a lot of my fave fanon ginny looks.
is there a correct answer besides harry?
i have to say i'm pretty partial to ginny's friendship with the rest of the silver trio.
head canon
maybe this should actually be my unpopular opinion but i don't really see her as a journalist, so my headcanon is that she has a long, successful quidditch career, probably plays for england in the world cup at some point, and eventually "retires" to a coaching gig or even flying teacher at hogwarts (at this point i imagine her kids are all grown up and moved out and harry has retired from the auror department and is teaching dada at hogwarts also).
unpopular opinion
idk if this is really an unpopular opinion but i find the take that ginny's feelings for harry are just the result of a lingering childhood crush and therefore not necessarily genuine to be kind of stupid. like, there was clearly a period of time across books 3ish, 4 and 5 where she clearly moved on from that crush, tried to date other people and realised she had genuine feelings for harry, and i think you can see that in how she's really willing to call harry out. when you have that kind of crush on someone you think they walk on water and do no wrong, which just doesn't like up with how the canonically are when they got together.
a wish
i wish we'd seen ginny more in books 4, 5, and 7. 4 and 5 mostly just to lay a bit more groundwork for ginny as both an individual character and as a love interest for harry, just because his interest in her in sixth book is a little abrupt (i can buy that he's just seeing her in a new light but wouldn't have minded a few more hints in those previous books). i also wish ginny, luna, and neville had gotten more of their own storyline in the last book, yes yes i know it's harry's story but there were a few scenes where the narrative shifted away from his perspective so i don't think it would have been that out of place. and i think after how they proved themselves in books 5 and 6 all three deserved that extra bit of attention.
an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
this is more a fandom one but oh god please don't ever ship her with draco - personal dislike
5 words to best describe them
brave, witty, powerful, badass, level-headed
my nickname for them
might be obvious cause of my url but i do like the nickname 'gin' for her
give me a character and i will answer…
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Malfoy: my ears are burning, someone say my name?
Harry: no, my girlfriend just set your hair on fire. It went up like a bale of dry hay.
Ginny: keep talking and your face is next
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macadoodle1996 · 5 years
New to Tumblr!
So I’m super new to tumblr and got one to try and become more involved with the fanfic writing community and to gain more followers for my passion project: Eyes of Violet. It’s a Harry Potter fanfiction with a Bellamort!baby, a Malfoy sister, Harry/OC pairing, as well as Drinny and Snape/Narcissa. There is lotsa Slytherin scheming, secrets, inter-House relationships, a light amount of Hermione/Ron bashing (I know, I know, I normally love Hermione but the story needed it! But I despise Ron) and a huge amount of Dumbledore bashing (sorry not sorry). You can find it on Ao3 and fanfiction.net! 
(Sorry if this isn’t how things are done. As said, super new to tumblr.)
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with all the feltson madness I just need to put out a reminder that drinny is the superior Draco crackship
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a-thing-for-ginny · 4 years
I see that you ships Draco and Ginny but at the same time you seems to have something against drarry? It seems a bit ridiculous tho, to hate on drarry yet ship drinny? I mean, how's that drinny is even possible?
Okay so here's the thing.
First off, i dont like lgbt (call me homophobic or anything for all i care but i just cant understand this kind of thing). Secondly, despite of everything you said about dr*rry and their chemistry in the series i can only see how they loathe each other. Not a single bit of crush for one another. And whatever opinions you have i just cant see how they fitted bcs it would at least changed 90% of their characters from the books and it wont be Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter from Harry Potter series, which is something that really disturbed me :/
Also, people who shipped dr///rry tended to, intentionally or not, degraded Ginny and made her somewhat unimportant and useless for Harry while we all know how big her role for him too (it's in the books you cant deny it). Not to mention that some people are genuinely hate her just because they can.
And for drinny, yeah i know that they hardly have interactions in the books. Not gonna lie that they too are unlikely to be a couple but, after i had take in to understand each of the characters' personalities, drinny are one of the possible outcomes as being canon.
When i first discovered drinny ship, i was only into the fanfics (bcs most of them are still in their characters and not fully ooc) and nothing more. But then after i have been rereading the books again and again and like i said, i have fully understand and can quite see how drinny work.
Like i dont like Draco Malfoy, but i dont hate him either. I know that he had done load of terrible things during his time at Hogwarts and yet, it's not like he couldn't change, right? Everyone can change, it's their choices. And while i know that his heart could never changed for the better, he's quite easily be manipulated. I believe it's the only way to change him.
And honestly, i know that most people have great ideas of how Harry or Hermione could be the one who changed him and yes i might fascinated with those ideas and yet in my opinion, neither of them, canonically could changed him. Hermione, one thing about her is that she hate him and would never ever associate for whatever reason with someone like Draco Malfoy, let alone romantically involved with him. Also, i dont think that Hermione is good on doing this kind of thing. Yes she's smart, brilliant and have a good heart but honestly she's bad on these feeling things. She cant really understand people emotionally, and she's quite the judgemental person.
As for Harry, i know that he has forgiven Draco in the end. And yet, there's nothing canon said that Harry befriended with him. Although that they could be friend, there's still unlikely how they could turn it into crush and romance like seriously, how could that one great hatred feeling changed abruptly into love? And imo Harry also aren't good enough to help someone (esp Draco) to change. I mean we all have seen how he acted among people in the series right?
Ginny on the other hand, is not full of judgement so it's easier for her to understand, help and accept people and she's really good at understand people emotionally. She's also an open-minded, on contrary to Hermione (sorry 😅) since we can see that Hermione can hardly accepted some things in the books while Ginny was just-go-with-the-flows and no-question-asked type of person even though some things were dangerous. And i might be wrong for this, but with that open minded traits, Ginny seems to accept people in her life, regarding whatever those people had done in their lives. Even it's not canon i'd say that it's headcanon bcs i can feel she'd do that to anyone.
Also her fierce attitude could easily get along with Draco's sass and torment behaviour. (i dont think anyone could tolerate with his behaviour except Ginny, no?) And, if you haven't noticed, Ginny's quite a manipulative girl, but not in the bad way i see. That's why i think she's the only one who can manipulated Draco into being a good person.
And someone said, why would Draco be with Ginny as he hate the Weasleys while that person shipped Draco with Harry lol. Now let me tell you. Does Draco ever hate Ginny and personally bullying her other than her crush on Harry? And does it occurred to anyone that how in the world that Draco found out that Ginny had crush on Harry?! It's not really a big issue that everyone need to know! XD
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lytefoot · 5 years
E: I don’t really like it
Other than the usual thing about Draco ships (i.e. you’ve got to really convince me)... I just really struggle to imagine any non-murder interactions between Ginny and Lucius, after what Lucius did to her, and I feel like “murders my father” is something of a hard No for Draco.
Anything you might do to get around that really violates what I see as absolutely core to the Malfoy family, and in particular to what I see as the key angst of a redeemed Draco. Redeemed Draco has to deal with the fact that his parents love him and he loves them, but they’re still objectively horrible people. If you remove either side of that equation you’re not writing about the same person any more, and I just don’t see the point.
Put a ship in my asks and I’ll grade it!
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