thebusylilbee · 11 months
I'd like to take a minute to acknowledge both anti-zionist jewish people and anti-zionist arab and arabized people who are brave enough to openly protest the inhumane treatment of palestinians by the hands of the genocidal colonialist ethnostate called Israel.
People of these two groups are now being the targets of so much hatred worldwide... Anti-zionist jewish people are being called "self hating jews" and "antisemites" for standing up for what's right ! Jewish people in general are being targeted by antisemites who either believe the zionist antisemitic lie that the fascist racist state of Israel "represents all jewish people" and that "all jewish people are zionists" OR are simply emboldened by the current tensions and let themselves be antisemites regardless of whether they care about palestinians or not. Meanwhile antiarabism is also at an all time high now, innocent people are being attacked for being muslim or being seen as muslim, they are labeled "terrorists", they are victims of police violence at a higher rate, they are dehumanized, and any sign of support on their part for Palestine is interpreted as an automatic sign of hatred for jewish people as a whole. Not to mention that arab and arabized people in general are the target of non stop hate speech by politicians and the media in the western world.
It takes guts to be a part of two extremely targeted groups and still show up for protests to give a voice to your beliefs ! Strength and love to all the anti-zionists and especially the jewish and arab/arabized ones !
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nando161mando · 3 days
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AOC on racist rep Tlaib cartoon: "The way Islamophobia and anti-Arab hatred is so deeply normalized and accepted in our politics is horrifying. It rarely receives the equal condemnation it deserves. It is inexcusable and a massive double standard. This is disgusting. And so is the silence around it"
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fedtothenight · 2 months
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pizzaapplecheese · 9 months
Manhwa really have an Arab racism problem istg...
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zaminami · 7 months
didnt realize the post abt the interview had an anti-semite. deleted, mb!
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calebwittebane · 10 months
the state-sanctioned islamophobia and antiarabism in western europe are nauseating
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fall-out-girlboy · 10 months
I am incredibly distrustful of jews who are very loud about antisemitism right now while being completely silent about palestine, islamophobia, and antiarabism. at most referring to vague "current issues". If you can't be helped to make even a passing statement about the deaths of innocent palestinian civilians being wrong. unacceptable, not just collateral damage. I can't stand with you.
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unbakehisbeans · 3 months
I've discovered recently that I cannot bear to listen to westerners talk about Palestine at all, including Jewish and pro-Palestinian westerners because there's so often still an underlying detachment and antiarabism and Islamophobia and just really fundamental misunderstandings, and I can't bear to hear any of these people give their take, speckled with jokes, and then move on to something entirely different. Like, I want to hear and see that you support Palestine, I want to see you helping to raise funds and support people in need, but I can't do anything beyond that?
I talked before on my other blog about how bizarre it was to see people saying "look! They're human too! Look at their food and dances and babies!" It's very a Fanonian "Look, a Negro!" You know? We're soooooo quaint and strange, look at our strange exotic foods, and our strange exotic dances, and how sweet that we save and feed the cats and mourn our children, why, it's almost like we're people. Almost. Because it's all weird pity, and wouldn't you have an easier time supporting us if we never defended ourselves beyond peaceful marches and poetry and photos of our dead and dying. And you can support the cause and that's all well and good but jesus christ I cannot bear to listen to westerners talk about us!
It's a weird voyeurism, it makes me think of George Orwell "Shooting an Elephant" like there's this underlying hatred, underlying disdain and dehumanization.
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thebusylilbee · 5 months
oh mon dieu c'est tellement CNews ça 💀
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ladyimaginarium · 5 months
don't u just love hearing antiasian antiarab & antipalestinian racism & antiaddict shit in the morning /s /neg
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transmandayoung · 11 months
antiblack racism, antiArab racism, antisemitism, antiziginism, misogyny, I think that's a bigot bingo?
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melitaafterfeather · 2 years
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agentfascinateur · 2 years
Insane. Using pop culture for propaganda as if this were the 20th century and this weren't an insult to people's intelligence... Smh
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sissa-arrows · 4 years
If you loved or enjoyed Wonder Woman 1984 if you don’t think that was some racist as fuck bullshit. If you don’t think Gal Gadot being an Israeli did make the anti Arab racism and some of the scenes worst. If you think even for a second “it’s just a movie” I have a couple things to tell you...
1: Unfollow me and block me.
2: How does it feel to be so privileged you can watch some racist crap and say “it’s just a movie” ?
3: Congrats you’re a racist motherfucker. Because you know you’re justifying racism and not seeing a problem with the constant stereotyping, dehumanization and anti Arab racism. Which makes you racist yourself.
4: Before leaving I invite you to choke on my strapon you racist aholes.
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gazetteweekly · 3 years
How Ukraine crisis laid bare Western biases, prejudices and double standards
LONDON : The invasion of Ukraine has exposed anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias across European policymaking and news media. For hundreds of thousands of hounded, rejected or stranded refugees and asylum-seekers, the revelations of prejudice and favoritism must come as no surprise, though.
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In the most recent incident — a textbook case of double standards — a Danish politician suggested that Ukrainian refugees could be exempt from laws that had allowed authorities to seize the assets of Syrian and Iranian refugees.
Rasmus Stoklund, immigration spokesman for Denmark’s Social Democratic government, told Danish paper Ekstra Bladet last week that the so-called jewelry law should not be applied to Ukrainians fleeing the conflict because they are from a “nearby region.”
Later, Stoklund said : “The jewelry law is made for if you leave the nearby region where you are safe, and travel through safe countries … but that is not the case for Ukrainians.”
Know More : https://www.arabnews.com/node/2038816/media
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tetrafelino · 3 years
look at him
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okay now you can read my intro
My DNI is my blocklist.
tetrafelino is my main blog on Tumblr. Here's some of my sideblogs:
@withthesamesweetshock, my music/most-other-artforms appreciation sideblog
@camundongodebabel, my mostly inactive langblr
@get-hungry, food porn blog
@spockslefttit, my Star Trek blog
@resource-source, where I reblog anything and everything that might be useful
I don't expect anyone to follow me on all of these, but if you feel curious about any one of these and want to check them out, be my guest.
So what do I post here?
Three things, mainly. Fandom stuff, personal posts and tumblr/online community stuff. But really, it's for anything I care about - and I do care about serious and political topics as well as the lighter stuff, so you will see that here as well.
I'm sorta in the process of separating fandom stuff to new sideblogs, but it's a bit of a long process, and I do like to keep some stuff here :3 (To expand on this: if I notice I'm posting a lot about a certain fandom over an extended period of time I might make a sideblog to organize that, but fandoms I'm more casual about stay here.)
Tagging system:
There's barely one. I'm really bad at tagging. But here's what I try to do.
miau⁴ - most of my original posts (and some notable reblog additions). Stuff slips through the cracks sometimes.
no man is a queue entire of itself - queue tag
I also have good morning and good evening reblog tags; mornings are usually cute animal videos and evenings for general positivity and good news.
I have some blackout poetry if want to check that out, and my trinket box is where I keep my favourite posts and stuff I want to keep at hand.
Trigger/content warnings: tw ed, police brutality, nudity, racism, antiblackness, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism, antiarabism, orientalism
Feel free to ask me to add something to this list, and/or warn me if I forget to tag something. I really appreciate it.
Can you find me anywhere else?
If we're mutuals, and we've talked before, you can totally have my discord ID, just hmu. Other than that, there's cohost (same usename).
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