#antifa cw
punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Kindness to kids is not inherently punk but it's an essential part of it because 1.How else do you think they get radicalized and how they're treated by adult punks who they spend time with regularly? and 2.Child abuse can be part of a fascism by grooming kids in it's ideology,including standard ones like antiblackness,and children face the brunt of fascism more than any adult soldier does.Maybe you all should make less posts about fandom not being activism and experience curation and more on how kids can keep themselves safe irl and online and learn about black and queer revolutionaries instead only dead white guys and join actual movements you can
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nando161mando · 3 months
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weaselbeaselpants · 8 months
I have no idea if I've ever post the full post this comes with so I just figured I'd post this bottom banner I made which is free for everyone else in FreePalestine/Antifascist tag to use.
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There's already enough evil and hatred in this world, which is what some of us are trying to stop w we call out Israel and Biden. No one needs your creepy earnestlyracist asses out here making this about you and how you hate Israel for having Jewish people there.
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On April 11th 1993, a group of neo-Nazis saw an 18-years-old Valencian boy wearing a t-shirt that identified him as an antifascist and pro-independence. The neo-Nazis murdered him while shouting Spanish supremacist and fascist slogans and songs. This boy was Guillem Agulló (who we have talked about in more detail before). But today we’ll talk about another murder.
On December 4th 1993, a social centre in València was celebrating an anti-militarist conference. Then, a group three Nazis (two Austrian and one Swiss men) started shouting to interrupt the session. Davide Ribalta, who spoke German, went to calm them down, but they stabbed him.
Who was Davide?
Davide Ribalta was born in Galicia. When he was a child, he and his parents emigrated to the Valencian Country, and later to Germany. He returned to València, where he was involved in the anarchist movement and some of the same antifascist organizations as his friend Guillem Agulló.
When neo-Nazis murdered Guillem, Davide took part in the protests against the humiliating trial in which the judge clearly took the Nazis’ side and said that it was not politically- or hate-motivated, but a simple fight between teenagers.
The Spanish nationalist newspaper Las Provincias published pictures of Davide indicating where he could be found, such as demonstrations and socials centres he attended. Spanish supremacist fanzines also pointed at him, and the words “Davide, you’ll be next” could be seen spray painted around the city. Of course, none of this was considered politically-motivated and no protection was ever given to him from anyone besides his comrades.
The murder
Davide was 24 years old that night. When he went to make the neo-Nazis leave, one of them stabbed him in the lungs. Davide was taken to the hospital, where he died soon. His corpse stayed for 5 days in València’s forensic institute until his family managed to bring together the 500,000 pesetas (money) needed to take the coffin to Galicia.
The police said that, just like in Guillem’s case, there was no political motivation and it was not a hate crime, adding that Davide had been killed by a drunk. But we remember.
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nawtacop · 2 years
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shitty, quick one ik, but I wanted to share these thoughts on the off chance it helps somebody find their footing bc lets be real the USA suuuuuucks.
Vote third party or with actions if you want change.
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helloiamausacresfan · 2 years
The White Rose were a small group of students at Munich University in Germany and a professor who made, printed, and distributed anti-Nazi pamphlets from 1942 until their 1943 arrests.
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dotthings · 2 years
Oh, oop. I was kind of wondering, after the Doom Patrol and Teen Titans cancellations. It's a great deep dive history on Alfred, set in an alt history 60's Britain. Gotham, USA is relevant but Thomas and Martha live in London and join an antifa movement. There's quite a lot of social and political commentary but most of all it's Alfred story and the evolution of Alfred into the wise, compassionate, empathetic person who will eventually raise and guide Bruce Wayne and gives a portrait of Thomas and Martha Wayne's courtship. Plus there's Bet Sykes, an absolute treasure of a character.
Anyroad. Alfred's one of my favorite DC characters and it was neat there was a show where he's the lead hero, I enjoyed it.
Maybe Alfred will get his due in the next stage of DCU. He's dead in the comics (where he is being honored beautifully, but, y'know, unfortunately, dead), he's not present in CW Gotham Knights that we've heard (probably because DC didn't allow him to be used there), and now his show got cancelled.
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antiphon · 2 years
ok and now 6x04 (I had to do chores and make dinner but you can't get rid of me for long, alas)
this cw is very this show
oh right explosion
"antifa or the militia" again I really hate this show's approach to this specific thing
diane is like let's fuck
eli recognizes a car bomb
the judges are all like "whatever they'll tell us when to leave" like they're gonna have plenty of notice
calling it now: eli does not have the patience to respond to all these questions with the 5th without being like "oh please" at some point
oh hello frank landau, person who only shows up to be annoying
"I didn't do this because there's no proof I did this" is extremely eli of him
Liz's "okay, we will definitely consider that" to prioritizing relationships with Black churches lmao
"the money's not there" while they had their best quarter in a million years? explain
the marissa eli relationship just looks so fun for both of those actors
ah yes we have white hair doctor in diane's bed only mildly hallucinated and only mildly getting her off
hi treadmill liz
here's the thing: liz saying "what the fuck are you doing" is great and audra mcdonald's line reading is excellent but it is severly overshadowed by that one time adrian said "liz liz liz what the fuck are you doiiiiiing" and it was the most memorable line reading that has ever happened on this show
this suit is very tweed though adrian would never
"well that's just good branding liz"
liz being so over him is so valid and I love when they let Audra Mcdonald A C T lmao
"what are you, 8?"
when the judge is telling marissa not to swear and eli's got his mouth open to speak but the judge says he can't swear either so he closes it lmao
the house full of kids lmao I assume they are not all his but it does make me think of that time my friend (who's Black, relevant context not for the Ri'Chard association but for the statement) told me she and her wife were going to have, and I quote, "a pantheon of rainbow babies"
oh no work wife. and then he feeds her sauce on a spoon.
he couldn't get divorced because he has trouble ending things? what a thing to say in the presence of the person who may well be his wife lmao
poor carmen is stuck at this fundraiser? carmen deserves better
hahahaha julius is also at the fundraiser lmao
carmen's cutting look at marissa in credible
diane's white hair doctor is here. do doctors socialize with their patients?
marissa. orders. a. screwdriver. incredible again.
oh. well. that sure happened.
we just missed any conversation that might have happened between ri'chard and liz. if any conversation happened with all those people there. oh but liz is stuck here. that's...........well what she says about it is "oh, God" lmao
eli thinking he has to confess (anything) is not believable even after the most traumatic experience sorry
why doesn't marissa go with eli when the cops want to talk to him? she's his LAWYER
omg liz got through that whole dinner and doesn't know which one ri'chard is married to so I don't feel bad about it at all now. wait they're in a chill polyam house? wait if this is just some platonic shared childrearing that would be legitimately delightful. if these were real people I would not feel entitled to know further details of their life situation but they are made up and I am curious lol
he tells her something about him so she says "while we're bearing our souls to each other" and asks him something else about him lmao
this story about his dream job with the partner dressing him down is going to be about carl reddick
the judge was really like "you make a compelling argument (that eli gold benefited from frank landau's murder so he should lose rights)"
richard's windowpane suit. is so windowpane.
called it re carl reddick
liz and marissa: teamup of the daddy issues
can't she take the 5th on everything. if they're gonna ask her about stuff she did? idk laws lmao
eli has finally raised the possibility that this was not the worst time in all of history. they're all like "the world now" "how things are now" he's like I mean
oh no they said the show title
diane is a petulant child
well now we know what some of the protesters are here for so there's that. again, and this is the same drum I've been beating all season but now I have more information to beat it with, if the protesters are antisemitic then (a) they're also gonna be real racist and the firm should be taking way bigger steps for the security of staff, like, uh, not making them come in when remote work exists, and (b) being ambiguously like "the protests" rather than "oh yeah the people who are threatening at least some of our staff" is a weird motherfucking choice!
speaking of weird choices, having marissa's prayer end and the protesters get louder is one. not saying it's wrong but it's notable, I guess.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Calling yourself an antifa because you're pro problematic content and saying 'Kill the cop in your head' over hard kinks.........Ah yes,because as we all know,there's nothing fascists and the police hate more than unchecked bigotry propaganda and domestic abuse and they just CAN'T STAND treating kids badly.In other news,your gender is what's in your pants,there's no such thing as autism,it's okay for nonblacks to say the n word and legos are for he/hims and Barbies are for she/hers
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amarriageoftrueminds · 3 months
Ever since they put Sam as Cap both in 2014 comics & setting it up in phase 3 MCU to now Marvel's been pushing really hard to "correct" Steve's legacy in only being Cap in name & being more of an anti-government rebel. With Sam as Cap they push hard to make Sam's Captain America a blaring patriotic jingoism ad with neoliberal representation... You'd never have seen Steve be the bodyguard of the president of the USA as a premise of a story 🙄
It's annoying in its own right because along with the America patriot propaganda it logically follows ofc for characters like Sabra & her terrorist actor to easily appear in these stories with some Zionist propaganda.
But it's just really annoying to put it lightly how much Marvel - ever since first putting Sam Cap to page in 2014 - worked overtime to undermine Steve's character making CW a de facto IM movie & painting Steve as in the wrong  for being against the US gov authority & overall stripping back & removing Steve's righteous anger at the US State for what they did with Shieldra, or how FATWS compares its enthusiastically patriotic protagonist to make Steve look retroactively worse
& likewise precluded Bucky's post-WS character arc entirely & retroactively demonized his character as the insufficiently patriotic & therefore untrustworthy one. His whole backstory setup in CATWS painted the US gov in a bad light & culpable via Shieldra, so ofc Bucky gets villainized in phase 3 & likewise FATWS paints Buck at fault for being a target of continuous state violence & institutionalization while Sam- an agent of the state, part of the literal USAF -is presented as moral center while telling Buck he deserves to be at the whim of the US state and blamed for WS crimes the gov funded via Shieldra. Bucky gets surveilled & arrested & monitored by the same US State which funded the supersoldier mindcontrolled assassin program they blame him for while Correctly Patriotic Uncle Sam is shown as a Good US Soldier by contrast while Bucky's story gets retconned & swept under the rug for being to inconvenient to the Patriotic direction they went in.
The propaganda really ramped up with the ink and pages of Sam Cap drying off & becoming their new brand, but marvel's audience who tbh enjoy lapping at the Mouse 's propaganda pool refuse to see beyond the superficial aesthetics which is WHY US media frequently & purposefully chooses these aesthetics & act like neoliberal representation in oppressive structures is radical or progressive.
Which makes all the performative shock over Sabra in BNW fall flat since Sam Cap as a Marvel rebrand is defined by doubling down on Cap as a patriotic literal agent & defender of the US government. Sabra's inclusion is entirely ideologically consistent with what Sam Cap is about FFS, in FATWS the only other character besides Bucky who was exploited by the US gov is Isaiah who CORRECTLY outlines the relationship btwn America & Black ppl & Sam wholly dismisses him as crazy! THAT is was SamCap is about: telling Black ppl to STFU & be patriotic Obama style, but ppl are acting like Sabra is "ruining" Sam's otherwise totally not at all propagandistic stint as a now more patriotic 🇺🇸flag laden hero while America funds multiple genocides as the USA has always done since it's inception.
I haven't watched the trailer (and tbh don't intend to... too depressing) so I can't really comment on specifics of this.
But I will say that I was thinking the other day how MCU's complete refusal to do any Cap character properly, but especially Steve, had the knock-on effect of making it impossible to do a SamCap well too.
Steve was supposed to be impoverished / multiply disabled / ideologically Antifa / feminist / pro-union / New Deal Democrat / Irish-Catholic / urban underdog, etc. And it would make perfect sense for a modern black man to accept the legacy of all that, if Steve had been adapted properly.
In deleting all that and assigning to the mantel what America represents instead, they've turned the shield from an honour into an albatross.
But it's still contradicting their own canon to do so.
Because even the de-yassified MCU Steve never embodied America; he merely set an example to America.
Isaiah should not plausibly believe Steve's shield represents something bad -- as someone who knows nothing about Captain America would -- as if MCU canon!Steve never did any of the good things he did with it.
(This could've been a beat addressed in the main Cap movies; eg. someone assumes Steve is a Republican and his baffled response is 'huh??!')
Following canon, Sam's logical response to that should've been 'wtf it doesn't mean any of that where did you get that from??' not 'yeah but I want to represent that anyway.'
Isaiah correctly lampooned what America's legacy is... but no one bothered to point out that's not what Steve and his shield have represented. Not even the landlord-white version of him we have in the MCU.
That failure makes a nonsense of Sam's entire friendship with Steve.
Why would Sam be friends with the willing bearer of America's bad legacy?
Why would a decent Steve be friends with someone who wants to represent a bad legacy (maybe EG Steve would!) and so on and so on.
Though I guess it's no dumber than Steve not killing Peggy on sight for colluding with Nazis for decades, huh? 😕
I'm looking forward to all the jokes Sam is going to make about Isaiah being a brainless killing machine (y'know, to show what bros they are?)
And when he comes out at the end of it and tells Isaiah he needs to "do the work" to apologise properly for what he did while controlled.
Or perhaps he will suddenly magically understand the concept of innocence, now? 🤔
Sam siding with the authorities might be sadly consistent with the spirit they've taken him in (I've pointed it out before, but it is IC for him to be, eg. a dick to Bucky. Yer man's been doing that since day one).
But it at the very least it contradicts Sam's canon to willingly guard Ross, a man who threw him in enhanced-people-Gitmo like a "common criminal," to paraphrase Sam himself.
(Hey, why would the man who threw Sam in prison later trust Sam to guard him? Is it just a set up to screw Sam over again? Okay, but why would Sam fall for something so openly implausible? Are they giving him the idiot ball?)
The MCU are masters of 'we don't understand what this action we've assigned the character actually shows about them.' Or when they are assigning character actions that contradict past actions.
And they sure as fuck don't know what made CATWS a good movie.
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stevesbigbazoxngas · 2 years
I just want to say that anyone who thinks Steve would be a republican is 1) wrong, and 2) Steve blew up 3 huge murder airplanes and exposed an entire government in the span of like, 3 days, after he found out about Hydra. Steve would take ONE (1) look at the GOP and clock every. Single. Fascist and white supremacist in under 5 seconds.
You think he'd ever ever support them? You think after he pledged in 1945 to "Not stop until all of Hydra is dead or captured" he'd just turn around and be like "fascism is okay, actually." ?????
You think Steve after living through the Great Depression, coming from a single-mother 1st Gen immigrant household and chronically ill background would be like "Actually guys, capitalism rules!" I have to laugh.
Steve was coming of age when the American Socialist party was being formed and gaining alot of traction due to the depression. Steve lived in extreme poverty, Steve in the comics is a socialist. It's a thousand times more likely Steve would be a leftist than he would ever EVER be a republican.
Also. The disrespect to an Antifa character?? And call them a republican??
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guiltyidealist · 2 years
I'm sorry I can't stay silent
This is a video by a fascist member of the US Senate which calls for the extermination of dissenters
RINO stands for Republicans In Name Only-- any so-called Republican who isn't an overt, Trump-supporting fascist
I don't want to think about what he'd call for against centrists and leftists.
He is calling for gun violence. He is calling for crimson censorship. He is calling for fascism.
Eric Greitens is paying to encourage fascists to kill all who dissent.
Video description will be in the notes
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ithacanradio · 3 years
captain america movies/shows are like "on your left" and then support the u.s. military's foreign intervention and fascist politics. baby on whose left 😭
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silver-and-ivory · 7 years
I'm curious to see if this is true. My bet is on "maybe kind of true but not as clear cut as this appears".
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lonepoint · 4 years
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The World is watching
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