#antisemitism in europe
doberbutts · 9 months
Thank you for defending Nazis. They're just little guys. Just misunderstood, with genuine grievances. I noticed you accidentally forgot to defend child rapists. Dumb commies like you are all the same 🙄
Piss on the poor! Also I'm not a commie and never claimed to be one.
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mapsontheweb · 13 days
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Antisemitic incidents in Europe 2023
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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matan4il · 6 months
Update post:
It's exactly six months since the start of the war. Six months since the worst massacre of Jews post WWII. Six months since the worst tragedy in Israeli history, for Jewish and non-Jewish citizens, and for non-citizens who happened to be here. Six months of still not understanding how it could happen. Six months of looking for a way to comprehend that the age of defenceless Jews being mass tortured, raped and murdered isn't behind us. Six months of watching people deny the murders, the rapes, the intentionality of these crimes, the identity of the perpetrators, the pain that we feel, the fact that on October 7 we were the victims, all of which denies our very humanity. Six months of even more Israelis getting killed, soldiers and civilians, in Israel and in Gaza. Six months of wanting my people back. All of them. Alive. The kidnapped and the massacred. Like having an adult's brain, which understands the finality of death, and a child's heart, which doesn't. Six months of trying to process images and realities I will never forget, and never understand. Six months of watching with horror as my Jewish brothers and sisters abroad are being targeted as well, of searching for ways to stand with them even from afar. Six months of hearing some non-Jews (and a minority of Jewish people) acting as if Israelis' right to live is dependent on how many Gazans the antisemitic, genocidal terrorists of Hamas manage to get killed, in order to turn the world against us. Six months of having to realize those terrorists, who never made it a secret that their intents for every Jew in the world are genocidal, might succeed. Six months of wondering how the Holocaust, the genocide perpetrated against the Jews for being Jewish, is being hijacked, distorted, and All Lives Matter'ed, by the same people who would have screamed against how wrong that is, if it were done to any other marginalized group. Six months of finding comfort in the compassion, strength and solidarity of the Jewish People, of the Israelis, and of our true allies. Six months of working to allow joy in again, even as the pain doesn't let go for a second. Six months of having to face the devastating fact, that the family scars, born out of millennia of antisemitism, are not going to stop with this generation, either. Six months of experiencing the betrayal of people who were supposed to be friends, and to listen, and to know better. Six months of discovering that there is no limit to the human heart's ability to break. Six months of grieving every day like it's the first one, because October 7 never ended here. Six months of knowing I will never be the same, right from the start, from the very first horror video I happened to come across online. Six months of never being more Jewish in my life, or closer to what my Holocaust survivor grandparents had gone through, or more broken, or stronger, or prouder, or braver, or more full of love, for my people, for my friends, for my heritage as a Jew that teaches choosing to hold up even one little light, because in a world so full of darkness, so willing to embrace it, nothing matters more than the light we choose.
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Yet another Palestinian terrorist attack happened today. Two people were shot by the terrorist attacking vehicles driving by, and one of the vistims, a 19 years old female soldier, is said to be in serious condition. The other victim is a 50 years old man. The army is in pursuit of the terrorist.
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We learned that yesterday, four more Israeli soldiers were killed during the fighting in Gaza, bringing the totaly number of fatalities in the ground operation to 260, and in the war and Hamas massacre combined to 604. May their memory be a blessing.
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A 17 years old Palestinian was detained, searched and then arrested yesterday at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, when they found a concealed knife taped to his body, stopping him before he was able to carry out a terrorist attack. In a Facebook post, he talked about martyrdom and the road to heaven, a message typical of Jihadists.
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Liri Albag is one of the four young Israeli female hostages, who were featured on the cover of the Daily Mail, showing them before the kidnapping, and just several hours after. Her family was sent a funeral laurel wreath, and security forces believe this was done by Iran, as part of its psychological warfare against Israeli civilians.
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Here's another reminder that Hamas operates outside of Israel, and is a danger to all Jews, not just to all Israelis. This week, German and Dutch police jointly arrested four Hamas terrorists. While investigating their intent to launch attacks during Christmas, these forces ended up uncovering a Hamas weapons cache in southern Bulgaria, meant to be used against Jewish targets in Europe.
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This is 47 years old Elad Katzir.
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He was a farmer, and a passionate soccer fan. On Oct 7, his dad Rami was murdered in their community of kibbutz Nir Oz. His mother Chana was abducted, then released during the hostage deal, at the end of November 2023. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) claimed she was murdered, but it turned out they lied. Yesterday, we got the news that Elad, who was also kidnapped with his mom by the PIJ, was murdered in captivity, likely back in January. Intel that the IDF had collected led soldiers in a risky operation to the spot where Elad's body was buried. They brought him back home. As he volunteered so much, in so many domains, with so many people, his friends described him as, "a bachelor with many children."
May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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secular-jew · 5 months
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Now these Islamists are stalking and protesting Eden Golan, a Eurovision singer/songwriter from Israel. This is happening in Malmo, Sweden, where they are stalking Eden at her hotel room. Shameful.
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nonbinary-vents · 3 months
Just watched the video from LA and you KNOW it’s bad when my ‘try not to think about it’ ‘look on the bright side’ ‘you need to get out of your head’ mother can only say that it’s terrifying
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antisemitism-eu · 3 months
A 12-year-old Jewish girl in Paris was raped by three teenagers in an act of antisemitic revenge
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edgarthepooh · 5 months
Some thoughts on Eurovisin
After what happened in Eurovision to Eden Golan, especially the abuse she got from the other contestants, with the Dutch contestant being **kicked out of the competition because he was physically violent**... I understand how and whythe holocaust happened and how those people in Holland, Poland and Greece turned on their neighbours and stole their property. I understand why jews have chosen to leave Europe to the new world. I understand why the jewish community had to flee from England and Ireland because of blood labels in the middle ages. Some thoughts on Eurovisin
That continent has a culture of violence towards jewish people.
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 10 months
People aren’t even trying to hide their antisemitism anymore. In a video (that has literally nothing to do with the war, mind you) celebrating this actor who happens to be Jewish, this is alarmingly the type of people you can find in the comments.
What’s even worse is that replies to their comments explaining that the necklace is a symbol of his religion were responded with “well it’s just my personal opinion”. Your personal opinion is being antisemitic?
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vidma-kazhe · 7 months
The most chilling realization I've had so far in 2024 is that if Hitler lived in our modern time having the exact political influence and goals he had during WW2...
...useful idiots would be praising him and calling him based, bending over backwards to justify his invasion of other countries, ethnic cleansing of people native to these counties, and the genocide of Jews.
"He is so smart! He used to be a painter, he must have such a unique view of the world"
"He loves animals to the point he is a vegetarian! Our president could learn something from him!"
"Aww look at him being sweet to his wife! He is so humble, why is he the bad guy again?"
"He is only looking out for fellow Germans, you know. Like normal leaders should: looking at you, America!"
"It's alright for him to invade Austria because [insert the "America bad" argument here]"
"There are no death camps! He said these were sanatoriums for Jewish people, and since our government lies sometimes, I will take his word for it!"
"Jews can't be oppressed. They are priviledged and rich, we shouldn't take them as refugees, it's their own fault for making a true politician go hard on their asses!"
"Have you listened to Taker Karlson's interview? Hitler gave him an entire lecture on history - I never fact-checked it because he was so convincing. And Biden can't even remember what he ate for breakfast! I wish our president was that cool..."
"Poland had it coming! They shouldn't have resisted if they didn't have enough weapons! I swear, at that point Poles are simply whiny because they want attention. Also, they're white conservatives, they can't have it that bad and if they do, they deserve it!"
"Ugh, Jews are so xenophobic and racist! I know they're getting killed or something, but hating all Germans indiscriminately is just so not fair! They really should touch some grass!"
"So many Poles are dying fighting...It's a tragedy. We should cease providing them with the military aid, they should accept the loss of Szczecin and start negotiating to save lives! They're literally forcing Hitler's hand at this point"
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shalom-iamcominghome · 9 months
Slowly realizing that I was taught twice as much about the bubonic plague than I was about the shoah. I feel like that's telling. We never learned anything about the shoah specifically, just that the axis and allied powers existed, that Pearl Harbor happened, and we won. Because those are, apparently, the only important parts of WWII
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homosandhomies · 11 months
just want to stress this point: being critical of the israeli government is not antisemitic. HOWEVER, if you choose to blatantly ignore why israel is so important to the jewish people and how significant it is to our history and culture, THAT is antisemitic.
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kelluinox · 6 months
I feel like a lot of misunderstandings come from the simple fact that people try to put a situation into comfortable or familiar settings and terms for themselves in order to understand foreign conflicts. For example, if we take the American leftists, they clearly project the unique history of the US and US racial politics onto the Middle East in order to simplify the Israel Palestine conflict, or to make it more understandable for themselves, turn it into something familiar, i.e a struggle against European colonialism. It's just easier to understand that way. You don't have to exert any energy. You don't get headaches trying to puzzle out a conflict and setting completely unfamiliar to you.
This kind of behavior is a mistake. It is an incorrect approach. Not only when it comes to understanding I/P, but understanding other world conflicts as well. You have to take into account the unique geopolitical history of every region. You cannot just project the history you know and are familiar with on a completely different area in the world. You have to be able to open your mind and to educate yourself, you have to abandon the urge to stick to the familiar and be able to learn. Otherwise, you're just being ignorant and completely unhelpful
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kick-a-long · 3 months
So the article blames a “divide” over antisemitism between macron and the antisemitic leftists for far right le pen gaining ground. let’s blame who’s really at fault, the fucking leftists who would rather everything burn down than walk back the obvious antisemitism and xenophobic violence and hate they have been spreading around for months.
All of which will hurt both Jews and Muslims because the far right also hate Jews but they outright have said they want to deport Muslims specifically for not “assimilating” and like promoting terror or something? In any case both of us are screwed if the far right keeps getting away with it.
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the-eyespy · 4 months
🌏🌍🌎 You know when you have the USA, NATO, Russia, and China united against you, you're cooked.
Is there any conflict or potential brewing conflict where you can potentially see the United States, Russia, and China cooperating?
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secular-jew · 4 months
What a shame. I think Europe is over. It will eventually be absorbed by the demographic jihad.
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