#antisemitism t
ohmerricat · 4 months
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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trying-to-jew · 4 months
Constantly torn between my desire to convert and the crushing weight of knowing that I won’t be able to exist in the wider fandom spaces that I love without being constantly reminded that Jews are always guilty until proven innocent post-Oct 7.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I said I'd never do jumblr content again and yet here I am because this keeps coming up and it's like the only thing I can think about. That said I will not hesitate to turn off reblogs if y'all are horrible in the notes again, and be warned that I will be blocking anybody who supports any of the theories I mention immediately
There is no such thing as a conspiracy theory that isn't antisemitic. There is no such animal
Antisemitic conspiracy theories go back thousands of years. The ones that still have the most hold on culture to this day are the blood libel, and the protocols of the elders of zion
The blood libel was an accusation that would be brought against Jewish populations in Europe often but especially around Passover claiming that we were killing Christian children for ritual purposes, usually to use their blood for baking matza or other nonsense (it is important to me that you know that this is nonsense. It is horrible and damaging but also to the core a ridiculous lie that never at any point made any sense. They just didn't care). Debatably this trope is present in the merchant of Venice. Undebatably Jews were killed because people did and still do sincerely believe this
The protocols of the elders of zion is a fictitious document published in Russia at the very beginning of the 20th century, supposedly detailing the meetings of the Jewish people who secretly run the world. The protocols were almost immediately proven to be a rip off of another document - ah, plagiarism - but that hasn't stopped antisemites from embracing it wholeheartedly (special thanks fuck you to Henry Ford for publishing them in his newspaper, spreading it across the USA). It built on previous antisemitic tropes, from the greedy banker trope (Jews were forced to be money lenders in medieval Europe as it was forbidden in Christianity and Jews weren't allowed to join any guilds, preventing them from making money in any other capacity - the reason why there are so many Jews in Hollywood is identical, but in the early 20th century) to the concept of dual loyalty (i.e. Jewish are loyal to ourselves above all else and cannot be trusted to be loyal to the country where we live, see: modern trope that every Jew is probably loyal to Israel and the subsequent idea that it's okay to ask every single diaspora Jew how they feel about Israel immediately upon meeting them). It's also worth noting that the word cabal, used to denote the shadowy organizations that supposedly control the world, comes from kabbala, which is Jewish mysticism
The idea of lizard people, created by a guy literally named Icke because he is a gross human being, was designed to repackage the antisemitic shadow cabal concept to be supposedly more palatable
Most qanon theories also build on all of this, such as world leaders preying on children (remember pizzagate?)
But more importantly conspiratorial thinking always positions you as the good guy standing against a mysterious "them", an other which is influencing things behind the scenes. The Jew is the ultimate other, and specifically an other that supposedly forms a shadowy world government, controlling everything and yet somehow not managing to get rid of antisemitism (see: protocols of Zion, lizard people, we control Hollywood and the government which is of course conspiring against you). There is no way to decouple the idea of an evil shadowy organization (usually also referred to as a cabal to really hammer it in) from antisemitism and antisemitic tropes
And this means that even supposedly "harmless" conspiracy theories attract antisemites and train people who aren't necessarily rabid antisemites to confirm those kinds of biases. Obviously Qanon and lizard people are antisemitic, but what does the moon landing have to do with Jews? Well, it was Hollywood and the government that faked it, obviously. Hell, even the conspiracy that Taylor Swift is secretly a lesbian and is either still secretly dating or is exes with Karlie Kloss is riddled with antisemitism -
Okay so I need to explain my position on this because I fucking hate this conspiracy theory, and the fact that most people simply won't acknowledge that that's what it is. Firstly, Taylor Swift has stated that she is not gay or considers herself an ally at least three times off the top of my head, and specifically denied that she was dating Karlie Kloss. Secondly, outing people is wrong. Thirdly, the conspiracy theory hinges on the idea that she would be risking her career by coming out, except that she's proven that basically no controversy can come in the way of her career, she's already "come out" as an ally, donated to glaad and the equality act, promoted queer musicians & artists & designers (there was a song in the reputation tour that was dedicated to a gay designer every single night of the tour). So what's stopping her from coming out at this point? Mysterious forces, clearly. The antisemitism in that I've already explained, but also the virulent antisemitism among Kaylor shippers aimed at her husband and at the fact that she converted to Judaism is fucking disgusting
Again: even a supposedly harmless conspiracy theory leads to antisemitism and attracts antisemites
A few years ago I tried to rewatch white collar cause I remembered really enjoying that show as a preteen and after around a season I just couldn't stand it anymore, because all I wanted to do was jump into the universe and yell at Mozzie to shut the fuck up because these conspiracy theories were barely presented as a joke and never challenged even once by any of the characters. When I rewatched that 70s show it also fucking sucked, but at least it wasn't showing up in every single episode. The blacklist focuses entirely on a literal Cabal, that's what they're called
This stuff is so normalized and it's fucking everywhere and it's exhausting. Jews are to this day being murdered over this. I can't change the world by myself, unfortunately, but if you don't have a specific person to blame for your troubles, shut the fuck up. Just shut up. There is no conspiracy against you. Sometimes life just sucks. Or definitely does for the Jews who get shot at over this shit
Again, I'll be blocking anybody who parrots this bullshit in the comments but especially fucking gaylors y'all are one of the main reasons that being a fan of Taylor Swift's music is fucking unbearable. Just accept you can connect to music made by somebody different than yourself it's not that difficult of a concept
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mieczyhale · 2 months
Let Jews Define Jewish Terms 2kAlwaysWhyIsThisADebate
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woman-respecter · 3 months
going to pride today everyone send me auras to protect me from the antisemites ✨
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warlock-enthusiast · 9 months
I reported someone that wrote "death to all jews" and tumblr decided that is does not violate their rules. Sure thing.
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thegayhimbo · 8 months
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And people like this still keep trying to insist they're not antisemitic. 😒🙄
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dieinct · 10 months
my most unpopular grouchy christmas opinion is that krampusposting is more cringe and irritating than sincere christmas love by like a factor of 50
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nimrochan · 2 months
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It’s not fun living with terrorist threats, is it???? You thought it’s all a fun joke until you found out? Welcome to life as an Israeli.
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sebfreak · 9 months
yesterday some so called experts said in tv that they don´t think south africa will be successful because israel can argue with "they have the right to defend themselves".
yeah bro not sure if under defending is listed: torture, rape, killing citizens (kids, mothers, fathers), talking about completely destroying palestine, defame people to animals, taking back every right they have and so on
and the most important things: there is proof for every single thing.
so please be quiet with the : "oh it´s called defending."
it´s not defending anymore
it´s a genocide.
open your eyes.
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Justice for Joost
usually I don't like to be political but this is fucking stupid. I did block the person who wrote this post but I need to break down this stupid ass argument
"So I think Joost's actions were either xenophobia, antisemitism or a mix of both though leaning to a mix of both.
For those who are not aware, Eden Golan was being interviewed in the big second semi final panel and a report asked her if her participation was putting other contestants at risk. The question was gross as it is not her fault people would want to risk harming other contestants to harm her and people wanting to harm her is also not her fault as she is literally just an israeli women who exists and went to eurovision. Eden's manager said "you don't have to answer that" in response to the question and Joost (who had been covering himself with his flag during her turn being interviewed) uncovered himself and said "why not?". Eden did answer the question elloquently.
The issue I have with Joost's actions is that they were not about whether or not Israel should participate as that decision had already been made and Eden was already at Eurovision, but instead they were just him being xenophobic and/or antisemitic.
Eden Golan, just like every other contestant, is not her government.
If we were to act like every contestant was their government, then why did Bambi Thug not recieve backlash for Ireland's treatment of refugees? Why did the Azerbaijan contest not recieve the same level of backlash for their government trying to ethnically cleanse Armenians? Why did Slimane not recieve any talk about the Mali Wedding Airstrike (which killed children) that France did back in 2021?"
No, he was just against a fucking genocide. The contest this year is funded by morroco oil (https://eurovision.moroccanoil.com/) which is not from morroco, but from (you guessed it) the genociders !(https://en.hespress.com/84896-how-moroccos-argan-fueled-a-62-million-israeli-business-and-became-a-scientific-experiment.html#google_vignette) standing against genocide is not xenophobia. Its the right fucking thing to do.
Yeah israiel is not gonna be banned but taking is stand against their participation because of their FUCKING GENOCIDE is not unhelpful. Showing support is good. She is not just a person from Isreal competeing in Eurovision. She is actively and willingly representing a genocidal and colonial government, and willingly doing that on a huge stage is more than endorsing that. if she is so fucking innocent and not complicit, she would not be on that stage. People refuse to join the IDF and suffer the extreme consequences, she could've just not joined. That question was so fucking relevant. Why are we coddling the feelings of an adult woman represneting a colonial power that is currently commiting warcrimes. She is a terrible fucking person.
The other issues this post brought up are terrible. we should call these out. But also, You can't just bring up other genocides or bad things and be like "hm if you don't care about every other bad thing in the world then you don't really care about this one" A fucking mass genocide with war crimes is a seperate issue than Ireland's treatment of refugees. Ireland should be better, mistreating refugees is bad. Armenians should also get support,(https://www.armeniafund.org/) but you can't just change the subject to a different genocide in order to defend someone WHO IS ACTIVELY REPRESENTING A COUNTRY COMMITING GENOCIDE. The Palestinian Genocide is so bad right now and they need all the help they can get, but someone being kinda mean to someone complicit in a genocide is this issue here? we should hold every government accountable, but the fact that we started with the one that is actively commiting genocide is a good thing. The energy should be "its good to support palestine and lets keep holding governmetns accountable" and not "why are you getting mad at isreal if everyone else is just as bad? seems like you're playing least favorites"
(disclaimer: I do not condone any of the bad things that happened. They are bad. I don't agree with them being used to defend someone who is complicit in a genocide)
"Why is it okay for Joost and other contestants to treat Eden Golan like she is the Israeli Government whilst not holding other contestants to the same standard?
This goes even further once you bring in how after Russia invaded Ukraine, Joost collaborated with a Russian Artist CMH. Now, either CMH also represents the Russian government entirely and Joost supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine or, CMH does not represent the Russian government which makes his treatment towards Eden Golan even worse and reaffirms its antisemitic roots."
Little miss genocide is not the one being harrassed. The isreali officals are going around harrassing people and being dicks. She is in no way the vicitm here. (Allegedly) The isreali officals mocked Joost's DEAD PARENTS. As far as we know, Golan saw what her sad excuse for a country did and actively and willingly chose to represent that. Even if she was being harrassed, it would be because of her actions. But she really fucking isn't. she is not the one being kicked out of the contest. she can get the actual fuck over it. You cannot just ask "well what about the other contestents? their governments are also bad" Everyone is bad. No government has their hands clean. Bambi Thung representing Ireland (which needs to stop mistreating refugees) is not the same as someone representing Isreal (which is commiting genocide). Ireland is a country with a complex history and Bambi thug is not representing every single one of the many political opinions by representing her country. I think we can assume she would be against mistreating refugees. Isreal is a made up, totalitarian state in which every part of it's government is complicit in genocide. No one can seriously believe that little miss genocide supporter is not endorsing or ok with her country's actions. There is a huge difference if you actually think about it.
I looked up CMH. He doesn't seem to have ties to the russian government. CMH did not compete to represent his government. He makes music and is from russia. It is so different. the comparison doesn't even work. Maybe that supporting a Russian musican during the Ukraine thing was not like. a very good thing to do (sorry idk how to phrase it) but while it isn't great, it doesn't have the same effect as EUROVISION. Eurovision is international. I could barely find information on CMH. Yeah the morality of that collab is debateable, but why are you using it to defend the person representing a genocide??? CMH did not choose to go into a international competition to represent his country. He didn't go through mulitple competitions to represent russia. He is literally just russian. The collab was bad, fine, but representing GENOCIDE WILLINGLY is WORSE.
"Lastly, someone sent me an image of a Joost song (which is what I think spurred this current ask) where Joost has a hitler mustache. You can find that post and image here.
So lets put the evidence together, Joost treats Eden Golan as being the Israeli Government but doesn't hold anyone else to that standard,including a Russian artist right after Russia's invasion + he willingly took and the uploaded publically online, a picture of him with a Hitler mustache.
At the very best, he is just xenophobic, at worst he is antisemitic or a mix of both.
Am i sad that Joost is antisemitic? yes very. I really liked his song europapa and a few other songs of his. It always hits a bit harder when an artist you like turns out to be an antisemite. I was ready to get super into his music and then bam, i find out he is an antisemite."
I am gonna be honest, I am not really excited to address this. I'm not Jewish. I don't get to say what is offensive or not. I have seen the photo. It does look like hitler. It is antisemtic and yeah. I honestly even kinda took offense to it. But as the post below says, he took it down. It isn't playable. It's bad, and ignorant but it is also possibly just in poor taste. It could have been an attempt at a parody or just trying to get a rise out of people WHICH ARE BOTH BAD. He took it down. I can't find that image on any of his youtube. He doesn't have any other instances of something like this. He probably should apologise for it, but it seems like he grew. I THINK THAT IT WAS A BAD THING TO DO AND I DO NOT ENDORSE IT AT ALL. I THINK IT DESERVES AN APOLOGY.I AGREE IT IS ANTISEMTIC. It was taken down, and he hasn't done anything like it since. I think it is safe to saw that he grew (he should still like. apologize and address it though) I find it really weird that you're pulling out this isolated incident from what seems to be six years ago in order to defend someone representing an actual genocide. It's really weird. It is so dumb to imply Joost is speaking out against genocide only because he hates jewish people. I do not think that something from six years ago that he took down is indictive of his current views or his motivations for not supporting genocide.
"Yeah Joost fans is this your man?
Do you think his actions towards Eden Golan were purely anti israel still? Or are you finally willing to admit that he is not the innocent man yall think he is?
(btw i checked via reverse image search and the song which the picture is the album art for, feminist on da block, is taken down, but you can find the proof of it on spotify here, its just not playable)"
Yes he is still my man. His actions were probably purely anti Israel. He has not done anything wrong in his protest of a genocide. He was kicked out of a contest because of it. This weird "gotcha" thing where you point out all the problematic things he did pales in comparison to the people who were killed by isral. He has done bad things and he needs to address/apologize for them, but now he is trying to support those in need. People are facing genocide and because someone is being loudly against that, you want to point out all the reasons why he is bad? be so fucking for real right now. Children are dying. Babies are dying. Why the hell are you defending anyone that stands by that?
yeah Joost is not an angel. He has done a couple problematic things in the past I DO NOT ENDORSE THEM, but Isreal is commiting genocide and the person representing that is far worse. We have more pressing issues
I support jewish people. I do not condone any antisemitism at all. People should not start attack jewish people for the actions of israle. The points I am attempting to make are (a) not everyone that supports palestine is anti semetic and (b) while antisemitism is bad, you cannot use that as an excuse for supporting a fucking genocide.
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starfayy · 2 months
/cw cussing
F*ck the Olympics btw :DD
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deadpanwalking · 10 months
I feel like there's a very selective gaze happening here. I've seen tons of non-Jewish people sharing posts that call out antisemitism and reminding others to check their sources, and I'm seeing videos from marches where antisemitism is being shut down first hand, but then I'm also seeing a lot of posts like the one you reblogged crying that the goyim don't care. I've seen several posts shared like that now, but the ones that cry the hardest about antisemitism are the ones that have also been posting pro-Zionist sentiments when I check. I've seen a post shared comparing the Hamas attack with the holocaust, like the state of Israel hasn't been wiping out Palestinians freely for years now. I'm also seeing people saying that Jewish celebrities are receiving antisemitic hate but no address to the fact any celebrity that shares any sympathies with Palestine are being de-platformed completely (Bella Hadid, Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera, etc.).
So true, bestie, it's cryptozionist for Jews to talk about experiencing antisemitism in leftist spaces when we should be thanking Susan Sarandon for her poorly-worded, inane take about getting a taste of our own medicine.
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hilacopter · 4 months
I'm surprised the g/t community stayed safe for me for as long as it did but yea now there's like a zine thing raising money for gaza which yea is always great on paper but how much money do you wanna bet they didn't put any effort into researching charities and are just giving their money to hamas. that and as much as I try to have thick skin seeing shit like this in fandom spaces (tho g/t isn't really a fandom I'd describe it as... a trope community?) is very much a trigger for me, since yk, I go to these things for escapism and seeing it kinda reminds me how "oh shit that's right, everyone wants me to kms". someone posted it in a g/t server I'm in even though we generally agree not to talk about politics? if I ask not to talk about i/p specifically bc it's triggering for me they'd probably just call me a whining zionist or smth, since israelis don't have the right to escapism actually and deserve to constantly be miserable (I've lost so many forms and spaces of escapism in the past few months it's insane and I genuinely don't know how much more I can take before I break completely). I blocked the tumblr account as soon as I saw it I'm hoping it maybe doesn't get that much traction but I'm mentally preparing to unfollow or block a lot of g/t blogs and maybe even delete my own g/t sideblog. I've been obsessed with g/t ever since I came out the womb and it's really the reason I'm on tumblr in the first place, I've let myself lose fandoms and friends but this is where I draw the line. I can't let the g/t community become unsafe for me, I'd be fucking devastated.
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venacoeurva · 1 year
begone racist wizard series fans from my activity tab
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venompinks · 2 years
TW// antisemitism, sid vicious shirt, swastika
I know this was a big yesterday news / unraveling of what happened with Twice’s Chaeyoung, but after seeing just how much (literally four+) times she’s worn that graphic t-shirt. I am in complete shock but honestly not surprised. Won’t be posting anymore solo content of her. I will not stand for such COMPLETE IGNORANCE she’s showing at her grown age. The fact that she wore it to the billboard music awards, Apple Music, in the streets (twice that we know of), I just can’t imagine why she’s so fixated on that shirt. She’s worn it so many times that I simply can’t wrap my head around her “apology” of her not knowing what the symbol looked like or meant. It just doesn’t make any sense seeing how much she’s worn it in public and no one told her a thing??!
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