#anxiety rant
cyberr-v0id · 3 months
I actually hate making plans with people it is not straightforward and it is stressing me out.
If I making plans with someone, and especially if they have invited me, it needs to be straightforward. We decide what we are doing, how we are getting there, and ALL of the needed information is provided, and it is done quickly and efficiently and I know what will happen.
NOT being unclear of the details of your invitation when asking me to go with you, not changing your mind last minute, not altering the plans continuously, and not only cementing stuff the day before it needs to happen
I seriously cannot function like this, I am only going to be meeting with people in the future if I get to decide everything and they follow the timetable and plan TO THE LETTER because that is the only way I am going to avoid anxiety attacks, stress, and being told off for other peoples issues by my parents
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skeletal-butterflyy · 3 months
When someone starts perceiving you a little too well and you just want to take all of it back and mask a little bit harder because why were you able to deduct so much from simply observing me for a bit while i’m slightly comfortable
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thegeasswriter · 7 months
Have you ever had an anxiety attack?
Well, it happened to me recently.
I wanted to get my driver's permit so badly so I could get my license and gain more freedom to go to work or anywhere without relying on my mom. I took the learner's test after studying and practicing. I was hoping to ace it...... I failed. Nerves got me. Yet, I shook it off. But part of me was worried. My brother has D.I.D. and was told by a doctor that he could not get a job or even drive. So, he needs Social Security to help him, or else my mom will go ballistic (my brother had a permit years ago, and he practiced just fine, so why now?!). My mom is working hard and driving me and my siblings so much. It made me feel so shitty. Not to mention, I'm being scheduled for one day a week (while they are doing hiring for host and cashier positions, like where are my days?).
Anyways, I was simply playing Animal Crossing New Horizons as usual, doing Nookazon trades to buy good stuff. After a recent trade was done, I began feeling lightheaded and not well. I was going to lie down in bed when I suddenly collapsed on the floor. Everything felt weird as I felt hot. I threw up a lot on the floor. It rank.... I was swearing, feeling like shit, just feeling like crud.
I was helped up to sit on the couch then. I had a 98.1 fever. Then everything felt colder than a witch's boob.
I realized I had a nasty anxiety attack and it was definitely a bitch. I realized I'll get there when I get there! My mom told me that. I shouldn't have to get worried. It will come someday. I'm at least trying, and my family sees it. I'm not faking it. I swear! I have the practice test app on my phone even as proof.
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charlie-and-mushrooms · 9 months
Its wonderful when my ADHD and autism, and anxiety come together to make a horrible experience.
ADHD means I let my tasks build up until the last minute cause I cant get motivation to do it before then.
Autism means I get stressed out when people try to clean my stuff or when I'm not in control of the situation.
Autism and anxiety means that now that list ADHD built up is overwhelming and too big.
And all of them means I don't know how to ask for help, and when I think of asking I then think of what would follow that, which would be a stressful conversation of me trying explain all this without sounding like a failure. And then my mom trying to help me clean and do the tasks on my list, but that would stress me out cause then I'm not in control.
So instead I sit here and seclude myself and not do anything on my list and just stress about it
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tokendiabetic · 1 year
I love when a billion little last minute panic items come up while it feels like everyone is quizzing me for information repetitively right before The Big Thing has to happen that I feel woefully underprepared for meanwhile I feel like I haven't truly had a break from everything where I don't habe to worry in about 6 months and, and, and, oh...
...maybe I do have a slightly serious anxiety problem, fuck.
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ashtraysystem · 1 year
me, calling my employer's office;
secretary: hi how can I help!
me: yeah so I've been trying to get ahold of someone because I cant seem to access absence management?
secretary: aight whats your name
me: [first name] [last name] [first name spelling that i accidentally do really fast because im used to spelling it out]
secretary: hold on -puts me on hold immediately-
me: ..........bruh
secretary: I'm gonna have someone else get in contact with you over email :)
me: -gritting my teeth- okay, thanks
secretary: mhm! bye! -hangs up as fast as possible-
like bestie, i know i'm badgering y'all but. come on?? communication??? please i just want to work while i have the freedom to,,, like?? did I do something to piss them off and hate me somehow??? genuinely just want some sort of answer and then I'll leave them alone!! I know they have a lot on their plates but this hasn't ever been a problem in past years???
like, i'm not a karen or anything, im usually super polite and everything, so i don't know of any reason they would have to just?? ignore me and bounce me around???
I'm sitting here left wondering "what did I do wrong?"
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2outta3aintbad · 1 year
I hate when you say something’s making you anxious and some amateur goes “aw why?? What are you scared is gonna happen?” …I mean not knowing those answers literally defines anxiety but sure
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beautifuldarkmind · 1 year
I literally have to get up for work in 1 hour and I'm still awake having a panic attack. FML. I can't do this.
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entity56 · 1 year
tired of the pretty girls at school and on TikTok going "oh yeah I have social anxiety I'm so quirky" no Becky you have 17 friends, a rich daddy and a Buick. nothing about you says social anxiety. meanwhile i'm over here literally throwing up in the bathroom over the random waves of anxiety i'm getting about my friends and social life. people think i'm going to end up being a school shooter because of how stoic and quiet i seem when i can't even look anybody in the eye without internally panicking. the few times i'm confident and sociable, i end up getting looked at weird or made fun of in some way. how come when pretty girls say they have anxiety they're universally accepted but i'm a school shooter? i'm weird? am i not valid because i'm less attractive?
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I hated public speaking in middle/high school (6th-12th grade) bc I was constantly being told to speak up bc I couldn't be heard while I was having an anxiety attack and trying not to freeze up.
It was always the teachers that made everyone in a group speak a bit that didn't allow for people to just do some other alternative to presenting or any accommodations.
I get it was for "team skills" that we'd need later in life or whatever, but it just came off of as "we don't give a shit that you're not like everyone else and have a harder time socializing, we need you to pretend to be normal."
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chickenoverlord1 · 2 years
Do others also practice how to say have a good day or thanks in their head cauz they're afraid they will get it wrong like in a taxi or uber Or is it just me?
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krazy-ky-sta-hatter · 2 years
...One day I am going to snap and blow a fuse.
I'm trying to get over my anxiety, and every time I think I might be okay to venture out into the rest of the house again, my flatmate brings people around without telling me again, and I'm back to square one.
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quartz-clusters · 4 months
Had to send an email to the it department for an error in the archiving system and I always have such panic and anxiety when doing that because I feel so dumb and inadequate and I guess trauma is shoving me in a blender. I’m literally operating the system as part of my job description….. yet I have to message them to fix something I can’t seem to do. Is this another fucking point to bring up in therapy? ….. yeah…… welp to the list
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School hasn't even started and I've already stressed myself out. The past few days it's looks like I've been sitting around doing nothing.
But my brain actually been going crazy thinking of stuff. trying to think of things I want to put in my locker, things I want to bring to class, if my bus will be picking up more or less kids and cause the time it'll pick me up to change even though I haven't gotten an email about it, trying to figure out where my locker is, trying to figure out where my classes are, trying to remember what people have said about certain teachers, setting a whole bunch of alarms for the morning and worrying that I won't wake up to them cause I'm heavy sleeper, or that I didn't put the volume all the way up or it was set to a different day or if it was set to pm instead of am. And worrying that I'll forget to take my anxiety meds (yes I have anxiety, what gave it away?) Because I rushed and forgot to take them before the bus, and then I either forgot to put extra in my bag (even though I know for a fact I did that) or that I'll just completely forget about it. I put on an alarm to remind me of meds and that helped but then I worried that it would go off on the bus which is usually very quiet in the mornings and most kids are sleeping, so I put the volume down and then I worry I won't hear it or I did it wrong and it'll go off loud anyway. And i wonder if I'll know anyone in my classes, and if I'll be awkward and mess up the introductions and ice breakers, so I thought of trying to plan out some answers to that stuff but I don't know what they'll ask. And then I think about the fact that it'll be cold in the morning so I'll probably wear pants and a sweater and maybe a coat and hat, but then what if during the day it's hot and I wish I had worn something lighter, even though I wore pants and a sweater for the majority of the year last year. And I worry about missing my bus cause that happened alot last year. And then I think about the fact that I should probably download some episodes of the podcast I've been listening to (the penumbra podcast), but also the fact that I can't listen to podcasts all day like I've been doing through the summer cause I won't be able to pay attention, but I also haven't updated my music in a good while but that probably doesn't matter cause I'll like what I had before anyway. And then I wonder if I'll wake up in time to make my lunch and get my Waterbottle, and that I might get hungry in the day if I don't have time to pack enough snacks and that I always brought a Waterbottle last year because the school has water fountains but only to fill up waterbottles and they don't give out cups so if you don't have a bottle to fill you have to buy one and I won't have money so I'd be thirsty, and if I'll get homework, and if my friends will be awkward around me cause I've missed a bunch of dnd sessions lately even though they're all nice and I don't think they'd be like that. And if someone who has a locker near me or sits near me in class is someone I don't like cause the seats don't really change after the first day and one time last year the guy in the locker beside me told me his friend thought I was cute and it was really awkward. And what if I mess up trying to find my classes and walk into a random classroom full of kids staring at me and if my headphones are charged enough cause if they die and I'm without music or podcasts that would be terrible, and what if I forget them altogether? Has my phone's battery gotten worse? It is an old phone, will it last through the day? And-
Yeah. This'll be great.
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introdeath · 9 months
I have an interview in like 6 hours and it's surprisingly not the interview that scares me, it's what comes after that does. The potential of getting a job and everything that will change if I do manage to get one. It's geuinely terrifying for me
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ashtraysystem · 1 year
dont give up dont give up dont give up
i just have to keep pushing. someone will break eventually and put me in the class. its going to take time. just keep pushing it. dont let it fade into the background. dont back down. its frustrating. its so frustrating. but you got this. we can do it. even if we have to get mom or god forbid dad involved. even if we have to be a "karen". it's justified. i'm advocating for my needs as a disabled individual and student. it is not my fault no one alerted me until months after i signed up for the wrong class. i have priority registration for a reason. it is not my fault. its not my fault. its not my fault. its not my fault. its not my fault its not my fault its not my fault its not my fault TUMBLR GET YOUR FUCKING NOTIFICATION OUT OF MY WAY I KNOW I CAN ADD TAGS TO HELP PEOPLE FIND MY GODDAMN POSTS SHUT THE FUCK UP i feel like im drowning i cant i cant i cant TUMBLR PLEASE IM HAVING A MELTDOWN HERE i want to throw my phone across the room and forget i exist no more exist nothing just dumb brain quiet brain no smart thoughts i no smart i no care no brains no feelings nothings at all
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