#anyone who sees this ik ik first world problems
jinxthequeergirl · 1 month
The Ol Switcharoo (pt5)
Stan x reader / ford x reader
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Summary: you are forced to question the life you've lived for 30 years.
Warning: none
☆anyone on my tagliatelle who isn't seeing this when I Tag them let me know ik I've been having problems tagging a few of ya'll
"I'm feeling little over dressed for the occasion." You said stepping into the kitchen wearing one of your best outfits for the date Mable had prepared for you and Stanford.
Stanford stood in the kitchen with a smile. "Are you kidding!? Look at'cha, you're stunning!" Stanford said you smiled as he reached out a hand and guided you to the table, pulling out your seat before pushing you in and sitting down himself.
Mable insisted your first date be at home, Dipper and Soos dressed to a T in fancy waiter outfits the table set with the nicest/ least stained tablecloth in the house. And Mable in a chef hat.
"I promise to take out out somewhere real nice." Stanford whispered as Mable scooped whatever she had on the stove onto plates. You chuckled in response before Dipper and soos presented you with the meals.
Your eyes widened. You looked at Stanford mouthing a thank you for the real date dinner in advance. Stanford managed to get you away from Mable and Into the car for some real food.
"Most fancy places are closed for the night. The best I can offer is burgers." He said, driving down the quiet road. "I love Mable, but anything is better than that." You both laughed. Eventually, you had your food as he pulled up to the lake, and you both sat and ate. Talking Like two teenagers on a first date.
For the following weeks, you found your rooms were now shared, and mornings and evening were greeted with quick kisses. It was a new routine you found yourselves falling into. Mable noted that stan was "a lot less grunkler" since the change. Even when everything was crazy it still worked.
After everything in your lives had finally calmed down, after saving the shack, repairing it, a Zombie apocalypse. You found the house was silent with what felt like the first night of peaceful sleep.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n! I have been trying to reach you for a while!"
The voice that pulled you from your sleep boomed loud enough to startle you awake. You sat up in bed seeing the world around you was greyscaled Stanford fast asleep next to you and a familiar glowing freak above you.
His single eye staring down at you.
"Wh...will?..what are you doing here?"
You asked, sitting up as you did the world around, turned up right, causing you to slide straight out of bed into a chair. "Relax, we're in your dream, and the names BILL though I can't say I blame you, I was a complete and total secret but trust me y/n I know all about you."
You stared at him squinting, you where far to tired to understand what he was saying to you right now.
"What do you want?"
"A truce, I came to apologize for breaking into stans mind and almost killing shooting star and pine tree. And to warn you."
"Warn me?"
"Something big is coming something that will change your life! And I want you to know I'm on your side."
"On my side? Bill, I don't understand what you are talking about!"
"Trust me, you will, and when you do, you'll want a friend to be there for you, I'm offering myself for when everything you know changes. By the way, how well do you really know that stan?" He asked, pointing to Stanford asleep in bed.
"That stan?" You turned back, but as you did, you shot up in bed, clutching a piece of paper, breathing heavy. You looked down at the paper that looked like it had been torn out of something.
"Contact me, BFF!" Was scribbled across the top, and twoard the bottom was a cipher and some sort of incantation. You still fought to catch your breath. Your hand moved to shake Stanford awake, but your hand fell straight through the air and hit the empty space of your mattress.
That was a couple of weeks ago. You had folded up the page and tucked it under your mattress, trying to forget about the whole thing.
But every know and then you would get this hotrible feeling, you started to look at stanford weird and did your best to shake off the feeling. Luckily, Stanford had promised to take you out to dinner just the two of you. He told you he had something important to tell you.
"Aaahh, what if he asks you to marry him!?" Mable said excitedly from behind you as you had let her brush your hair. "I highly doubt that. You said clipping your last earring into place.
"Dipper! Doesn't y/n look beautiful! Grunkle stans going to ask her to marry him!" You rolled your eyes and looked at dippers worried face in the mirror.
"What's wrong?" You asked, turning around and crouching to his level. "Y/n There's something important I want to share with you I wanted to come to you first but I went against my better judgment and told stan first now i know you where the right choice."
"Of course you know you can tell me anything, dipper."
"OK you know about how strange and unusual gravity falls is." You nodded thinking to every monster, dinosaur, and ghost you had encountered with the twins even recalling some of the stuff from when you were young. Then the feeling set in again.
"Something big is coming something that will change your life as you know it!"
Rang out in your head. You wondered if what Dipper was about to tell you had anything to do with this. "Ah, c'mon dipdip can't this wait till after y/n and stan get home?" Mable asked, appearing from behind you now covered in makeup. Dipper rubbed his arm. "I guess..."
"Are you sure, Dipper? I can listen." He nodded. "OK, I'll see you in a few hours, ok?" You said ruffling his head. "Call if anything happens.
That was an hour ago already. You sat nervously at the restaurant Stanford promised to meet you at after he finished a few things up at the shack.
You tapped your glass and counted cars as they drove past the window you were sat by and looked at the gifted (more like lifted since it was a stolen antique store in portland) watch on your wrist and saw how late it was getting.
You sighed, resting your head on the table, watching the water droplets race down your glass. And you watched as the glass went up as the hair that fell around your face go cup as well. You pushed yourself up only to find yourself lifting out of the chair into the air before crashing back into your booth.
You paused only for a moment, trying to wrap your head around what that might have been, then ran to call the Pines family.
There was no answer for a long time you hung up and refilled several times before giving up. You grabbed your things and raced to the shack only being stopped by the same phenomenon as before.
Was this part of what Bill was trying to tell you about? Where are Stanford and the kids ok? So many thoughts raced through your head as you ran as fast as you could home.
"WHY would they call him unnamed!?"
"Unless stan isn't really stan"
The two kids looked up at the large painting of their great uncle on the wall behind them in horror.
"But there has to be some explanation as to why he would have all these fake ID'S and why that news paper says he's dead." Mable said trying to rationalize as Dipper continued to pull things from the box
"What about Y/n!? Is y/n even y/n!? What if she's in on this!?"
"In on what?" You asked pushing open the door.
The kids both screamed at your appearance.
"Are you kids ok!? Where is your grunkle and...what is all this?" You asked stepping further into the room to get a better look at what they had laid out on the floor in front of them.
In a different universe, Stanford Pines was an honest man. In a different universe, he didn't lie or cheat. He showed up to his date on time, there was no weird gravital anomalies interrupting your day.
You thought about this alternate reality as you stood over the fake IDs, news paper clipping, pass ports, the screen from the shack security cameras glow portraying a man you only assumed to be Stanford pines carrying gallons worth if toxic waste into the gift shop.
"What is this?"
You asked staring down at it afraid to move. "Is this why there are government vehicles surrounding this place?"
"You mean you don't know why stand has all this?" Dipper asked.
You shook your head.
In another universe, Stanford agreed to visit your family, even to just get away with you. In that same universe, he never changed, you where still hunting monsters and doing science stuff. In that same universe, you move out of the shack into a lovely home you share together, you teach together, and you live a beautiful and adventurous life. And he was still your Frodsy.
You didn't realize, but there was a ringing in your ear that tuned out the two children as they talked. All you could do is let time pass as your brain tried to work out yet another explanation.
Then Mable found the code.
"This isn't like any code I've ever seen before." Dipper said.
"The vending machine." You said quietly.
Your body had a mind of its own as you followed the twins to the vending machine in the giftshop.
"How well do you know that stan?"
This had to be what Bill meant by "that stan"
Without thinking, you typed the code into the vending machine as the kids distracted and fought off Soos, Without thinking...
"He swore he blocked this off..." You going down the stairs you hadn't seen in 30 years.
You felt as though you could throw up. Whe. You saw what was going on in the basement, the portal up and running, and with only a few moments to go. "So this is what's been causing problems... this is where he's been going!?" You half shout half say to the room.
You stare down at the desk seeing two familiar red journal. "The journal..." You and Dipper say at the same time.
"You know about these?" You ask in unison again.
"Your grunkle and I wrote them? How do you know about these?"
"When I said I wanted to tell you something." You watched Dipper pull a third journal from his vest.
"Grunkle stan wrote these?" Mable asked when you took the journal from dippers hands opening all of them to reveal the blueprints for the portal that sat in the room adjacent the one you stood in.
"What is it?" Dipper asked, looking at the pages. You glanced up at the timer and suddenly felt yourself fliat back into your body and realization kicked in "We have no time.We need to shut it off now. Kids stay here. Soos come help me. " You moved quickly. "We can help!"
"No! Please just stay safe! If your grunkle gets back, do NOT let him out of this control room!" You ordered them.
You and soos worked quickly enough to turn off the emergency kill switch just like you rememberd doing years ago. You felt a million emotions trickling inside you. Most of all, you felt angry that he would lie about keeping the portal, lie about working on it, and keep you out of it.
You scanned the room as the portal whipped your hair around you finally spotted it.
30 years never felt more wasted than it did in this very moment the moment it took you to walk from the key switch all the way to the shiny red button.
"Y/n Wait!" You frozen looking over at Stanford in the door way as the kids and now soos pushed him back.
"Don't touch that button, please!"
the kids couldn't hold him any longer, and he pushed past them running to meet you only to stop halfway, noticing you inch closer to the button as a defense. "Please! Just wait! Don't do anything! I can explain!" You watched Mable and Dipper get up. Dipper made eye contact with you as if he were trying to telepathically tell you something. It only took you spotting Mable trying to sneak around you for you to realize.
You stepped forward, pointing an accusing finger at Stanford. "After everything! You lied to me!? For how long!? When were you going to tell me? DONT YOU REMEMBER ALL THE HORRIBLE THINGS THIS THING HAS DONE!?" You asked poking him in the chest with a finger pushing him away from the button where Mable now stood.
"Yes! I wanted to tell you sooner! I was going to tell you today-"
"Today!? That's why you wanted to have dinner." You were getting off track. Before anyone could say anything else, your feet lifted off the ground, and you were in the air. "Now, Mable, press it now!" You heard Dipper yell.
"Mable, wait!" She froze as Stanford dove through the air for her as she gripped onto the pole.
Dipper soos and yourself took onto the task of catching him and pulling him away from her.
"30 YEARS OF NOTHING! STANFORD PINES! I CANT BELIEVE I WAISTED ALL THIS TIME JUST FOR YOU TO PULL A STUNT LIKE THIS!" He watched your angry tears roll down your cheek then up into the air around you.
"It wasnt waited, just hear me out all of you!" He plead as you held him against the wall. He stared you in the eyes a sad look met your furious gaze.
"I wanted to tell you all, your going to hear some bad stuff about me, some of it's true but believe me everything! Even this is for my family for a of you." He said the last part pointedly at you.
"Hit the button mable!" You yelled.
"Don't trust him!" Dipper followed up.
She looked around at everyone when her eyes locked with stanfords you knew what she was going to say
You quickly made a move to push it before her, but Stanford grabbed your hand and held you back. "I'm sorry! Trust me." You stared at him.
"I trust you grunkle stan!"
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
*slides into your asks* you're taking reader prompts, you say? 👀
well, if you feel so inspired, I'd like to offer:
"For someone who claims to not be a cuddler, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself all night." + Poe (shocking, ik 🤭)
Please and thank youuuu 💖
thank you for the request hon! word count clocks in at juuuuust over 1k. no warnings besides a lot of fluff.
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"I'm not really a cuddler, actually.” 
Poe glances up from his datapad — patrol rosters for the next week are pulled up, with a blank space where Niv's name used to be before he wound up in the medbay with the flu — to where you're standing at the side of his cot, appraising it like you would a ticking bomb.
(Poe would know, he's seen you disarm one.)
“You're not?” It shocks him, somehow, even though now that you mention it - yeah, he hasn't really seen you be that physically affectionate with anyone before. 
Well, anyone besides him. You didn't mind his penchant for being touchy, seemed to like the press of his body besides yours when he sat with you at meals. You smiled every time he kissed the side of your head before he left for a flight, and pulled him into bone-crushing hugs when he made it back.
So he just assumed that meant you're as snuggly as he is. He'd kind of been counting on it ever since he invited you over, to sleep in his quarters for the first time since you became a thing. 
(That's what you keep calling it, a thing. It's so early in that it's hard to say if this is going to be a long-term relationship, but it's been long enough you both know it isn't a fling.) 
“No,” you reply, monosyllabic as you pinch the fabric of your pillow between your fingers. You'd brought your own because, according to you, his was lumpy. “I'm not, is that - I mean is that going to be a problem?” 
Poe watches you for a moment, trying to parse out the complicated expression on your face; which you don't seem to like, because you drop your gaze to the floor, as if you think he'll see something he doesn't like — which is just kriffing impossible. 
"Nah, it's not," Poe says eventually, clicking off his datapad. The clock is rapidly approaching double digits and he's got an early meeting with the General, so the rest of the roster can wait. Hell, he'll fly in Niv's place himself if it means he can catch some shut eye tonight. “I just hope you don't mind if I am, I can't really - turn it off in my sleep.” He exhales a nervous laugh as he says it, scratching the back of his neck.
To his relief, you smile. “I kind of figured you would be. You ready for bed?”
Poe's already beelining for his side when he replies, "Maker, yes," and you only laugh in return, crawling under his scratchy blanket and dropping your pillow beside his. 
You both face each other, your face becoming shadowed as BB-8 dims the lights for the night cycle, and Poe seeks out your hand, gently pulling it up so he can hold it between the two of you, the edges of the pillowcases tickling your skin.
“Goodnight, Poe,” you whisper, the ghost of a smile on your face as you squeeze his hand and close your eyes.
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You wake slowly, reluctantly. You're warm, in that wonderful way that means the rest of the world is chilly, and there's a comforting firmness beside you that you have no trouble burrowing closer to — you don't remember situating your pillow like that, don't recall falling asleep hugging it, but you must have because there's something that you're clinging to like you are the last vestiges of your sleep —
And then you hear a chuckle, rough and full of affection, and feel the way your pillow dips with the inhale and exhale of breath, and all at once you remember that you're not in your bed.
Prying open your eyes, you tilt your head back and realize that at some point in the middle of the night, you'd done precisely what you said you wouldn't: you'd sprawled out almost entirely on top of Poe, one arm flung over his torso, legs tangled together, your head cushioned by the joint of his arm where it meets his shoulder.
"You know, for someone who claims you're not a cuddler,” Poe begins, tipping his chin so he can look down at you. "You couldn't keep your hands to yourself last night.”
Your face beats up with mortification and you groan, turning your head to bury it against his chest, just over his pec. He didn't have to phrase it like that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hold you hostage.”
You feel his frame tense, and then he very gently nudges you back, shifting so you're both back on your sides. Your leg is still wedged between his, and you do your best to ignore that, which Poe makes easy, what with his easy smile. 
"Hey, I distinctly remember asking you if you minded if I was snuggly. No need to apologize for beating me at my own game.”
You huff a laugh and bring your hand up to cup his cheek. “I didn't know I would. No one's ever accused me of being cuddly before, you know? And I've never had anyone who -” was as tactile as you craved, before Poe. 
Even with your aborted explanation, Poe seems to get it, because he nods. "Glad you could discover it with me.”
“I'm discovering a lot of things with you,” you murmur, leaning up to press your lips against his in a lazy kiss. He tastes like sleep, but you genuinely don't care, not when his warm, warm hand comes up to cradle your jaw, and he's smiling against your mouth.
He's a little late for that briefing with Leia, though, because now that you know you like cuddling, you're extremely reluctant to let him go — and Poe isn't any better, coming back even after his shower to kiss you some more, until you're having to push him away and towards his door with the promise he can kiss you some more tonight. 
It's definitely not a fling. But you think it's growing into something more than just a thing. 
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firegirl888101 · 9 months
just wondering, what if reader was like. super popular with the girls(or guys. or both) would the harbingers get jealous?
ik this is a pretty dumb ask, but I gave it a shot💀
I'll be answering as a 'what if' and 'canon' for this one!
Before the Harbingers turn Yandere, they won't mind much. It'll annoy them slightly that Y/N, their prisoner, has a lot of people's attention meaning if they were to go missing so suddenly it could cause problems.
However, it won't cause any issues which doesn't have a solution. In their eyes, yandere or not, their sole priority as of when they entered this world is and has foremost been to deliver them to The Tsaritsa.
But, their actual mission will have to be delayed. They'll have to manipulatively control when Y/N goes to college and make them later and later, missing some days, before taking them away back to Teyvat.
Yandere-wise, they'd hate it. Just when they were starting to get used to you, Y/N, taking care of them and letting them help you with your education which deem important... They see you being followed by many humans similar to your age back to your house. You claim not to be interested with them, and find them nothing more as acquaintances.
But is that really the truth? You've lied to them a lot recently, especially when they first met you in the flesh. What's to say you're lying now to not only save yourself, but to save those pigs who see themselves as friends to you?
The Harbingers would get Childe and Columbina on the case. They look closest to your age, and are the most charismatic out of all the harbingers. If anyone can sneakily follow you to your college and threaten talk to those whom follow you around, it's them. The two would blend in with the students and act like newcomers, only approaching you when you ask them how they're there and what they think they're doing.
Childe and Columbina will somehow adjust to college life and glue themselves to your side. Soon enough, the crowds will get smaller and smaller. Those who seem too confident to stay by your side and dismiss their warnings will find either a limb missing, or themselves missing. They won't worry about the details either way, those who annoy the two harbingers will find themselves dead in unexplainable ways.
And the best part about it, you'll never know where your 'friends' went or why you're suddenly feared in the campus. All the Harbingers will hear you cry in your bedroom, who wouldn't? Unfortunately for you, it had to be done. Wipe your tears, and spend some time with them now, won't you?
Nah dw this is pretty interesting - and it lets me communicate through my notes a bit more.
In the actual plot, you'll never see Y/N go to College due to the whole 'Missing' situation. But, I think I can reveal parts of their College life without spoiling too much of the plot.
As I've revealed in the earlier views, Y/N is a rather lazy and carefree person. They don't do much outside of College, and lie to their parents a lot.
Here are some sneaky little hints if anyone is interested:
There is a reason why nobody (college friends) has tried to contact Y/N after finding out that they're missing by the police or the news.
There is a reason why Y/N's other side of the family (their father's) hasn't bothered to help the police search for them.
There is a reason why Y/N hasn't attempted to message a friend or call for help.
There is a reason why Y/N has never, and will never become popular in College. Or any of their school years for that matter.
I think these notes will do nicely for now. Thank you for asking this and if you have any more questions let me know <3
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kozumesphone · 3 months
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~ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
✶⋆.˚ “I believe there are far more possibilities than happily ever after or tragedy. every story has the potential for infinite endings.” ⋆˚
🤍 ༘⋆ spoilers marked !
✶⋆.˚ “i’d give you the world if I could. the moon, the stars, and all the suns in the universe. anything for you, my heart.” ⋆˚
𐙚 songs to listen to while reading this . . . ᝰ.ᐟ
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
⟢ the archer — taylor swift
⟢ worship — ari abdul
⟢ lunch — billie eilish
⟢ the prophecy — taylor swift
⟢ rockland — gracie abrams
✶⋆.˚ “have you forgotten the way heartbreak rips apart the soul piece by piece, how it turns you into a masochist making you long for the thing that just eviscerated you until there’s nothing left of you to be destroyed?” ⋆˚
𐙚 mini brain dump . . . ᝰ.ᐟ
♒︎ heavenly. to say I devoured this book would be an understatement.
♒︎ i’ve read a few reviews after finishing the book, and i can’t relate the complaints about the addition of vampires to the plot. they might’ve been unnecessary, but did i love it? yes. because, if there’s magical objects, potions, mysterious arches, and prophecies… why not vampires? i ate that up fr.
♒︎ also, i just like vampires 🫣
♒︎ apollo’s ‘death’ came as a shock, to me. I WAS LITERALLY SPEECHLESS. but that ending? i could seriously have never expected that. he’s so alive that I just know shit is going to hit the fan and if he wakes up in tbona, he’s going to be bitchy and i’m going to hate him <3
♒︎ and, oh, jacks. i so so so hope there’s much more to what eva thinks he’s done (manipulating her) bc i want him to get a good character arc.
spoilers end <3 ^
✶⋆.˚ “hurt is what made me.” ⋆˚
𐙚 characters & relationships . . . ᝰ.ᐟ
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ evangeline fox — evangeline fox might just be the most unrelatable fmc i’ve ever read, but it’s seriously okay. each novel’s mcs have their own traits and flaws, and eva’s is that she’s too optimistic and trusting. i do feel bad for her, tho.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ jacks / the prince of hearts — now look, for someone who’s reading this after reading caraval, I’M IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN. my absolute fav kind of fictional characters are the cocky and sarcastic ones with a mysterious backstory, so jacks is perfect <33 everything about him screams ‘love me’ so 😋💓
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ evajacks — SPOILERS ‼️ : evajacks’ chemistry was almost non-existent in this book (except when he tried to bite her and turn into a vampire beep boop), but i’m hoping it gets much better in the next (though, i’m finding it hard to predict how that will happen considering what eva knows about jacks what she does 💀) i’m rooting for evajacks anyway because they’re now my caravalverse otp along with scarlian <3 : spoilers end <3 <
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ marisol tourmaline — marisol is such a classic high school white girl. see, i get that her mum said all that stuff to her face (which is so not how parenting works) which might have led her to want to be loved and cared for, BUT STILL. MARISOL. COME ON. she’s literally like ‘i want only what she has, because i just do.’ which is so wrong on a lot of levels. get yourself a bf without bewitching them, and i would have had 0 problems with you, marisol.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ apollo acadian — apollo. mon dieu, this man. ik it was a curse, but oh god. my hopeless romantic heart beat for apollo’s dialogues when he was cursed in this book. he was borderline obsessed (but in a non-stalker way, guys) but STILL 😭 (can you tell I have issues? 💀) oh, to be loved like cursed apollo loved eva.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ♱ tiberius acadian — tiberius ah.. well.. bro’s just sort of.. there.
✶⋆.˚ “for anyone who has ever made a bad decision because of a broken heart.” ⋆˚
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reviews m.list
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kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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mojaves · 4 months
alone, fear and hunt for literally all four ocs u mentioned in the tags. aka alex, ryan, seb and andy hehe :3c
ik you asked for all four but that will kill me dead so i am doing this for alex and andy entirely bc of the loneliness question and i have too much to say about it
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
the thing about Alex is he always craved isolation. didnt ever manage to figure out how to communicate his needs with people, not that anyone would have listened anyway. he Wanted to be alone. it wasn't fun. it was cold. sad. empty. but he much preferred that over being overwhelmed. and then he died alone. for a few days no one even knew he'd gone missing, and by then it was already too late. and now he's finally been granted isolation, he wants nothing more than to Live. to enjoy the life he denied himself. to surround himself with people he loves. he craves it SO bad. but he always pushes everything away!!!!! he's scared!!! the loneliness has become too comfortable!!!!! basically: he's not coping very well
for andy, he got thrown into arasaka when he turned 18, into a role too big for someone so inexperienced and so young. he had to leave his family and friends behind. now being a corpo, everyone's in it for themselves, anyone will stab you in the back for the most petty reason ever. you have to walk on eggshells around everyone. so his loneliness was a defence mechanism. and he hated it!!! but he had no choice!!! he couldn't quit. couldn't go back home. it drove him insane and he threw himself entirely into his work to push the feeling to the back of his mind. and jesus christ it ruined him alright.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
alex is scared of forming relationships and bonding with people!!! he never got the opportunity when he was alive. avoided it by any means necessary. he never listened to anyone, so never learned how to be like. Respectful. Friendly. he built up a wall so high it probably reaches the moon at this point. he has to acknowledge this every damb day of his life, and somehow just. carry on. he doesnt talk about it, because he Has no one for that. he doesnt know anyone like that. so he keeps it all locked away. which makes him Worse!!!! neverending cycle.
andy is. scared of a Lot of things. people, relationships, falling hard back into old habits, his past coming to bite him in the ass, when the time comes where he has to face the consequences of his actions. what he's done has killed a lot of people, and he's definitely a huge target on a lot of lists. but there's not really anything he can do about that. he has to keep going, he's not gonna cower away from the world like his brother did,,, he just has to push forward. somehow. he hates every second of it... but he's finally getting the chance to Live now, which is not something he ever thought he'd have, and he doesnt want to compeltely ruin that for himself.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
alex has been hunted all his life, in a way, by a distant family member who died decades before alex was ever born, and is one of the reasons why he died in the first place,,, she just wanted a son, and latched onto him at the earliest possible opportunity, which caused a Lot of problems for him growing up, and even after dying he cannot escape it. he's also followed by grief, everywhere he goes. that's basically his job, if i had to describe it in one word. all he ever sees is death. he also has to grieve the life he never had, every single day. he hasnt let his guard down in so long he's forgotten what it felt like
andy is always reminded of his past mistakes,,, nightmares, a LOT of nightmares. every single time he looks in the mirror, and goes to work, and sees the people who have been Directly affected by his actions. theyre still alive, doing their own thing, living it up as best they can... but that doesnt make what he did right. it doesnt make it excusable. he KNOWS!!! theyre not gonna forgive him. and they dont have to. he's not expecting that,,, it wont change what happened. all they can do is move forward in spite of it all. and also he's dating one of the ex test subjects AND an old co worker. So!!!!!!! he's doing something right.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
tbh did not send the Lamps chara ask (shy) however I was seriously considering and someone beat me to it. if you feel like it and have time/energy after the others pending then I would massively enjoy expanded Redders thoughts. and/or JT if you like vintage Chels beyond Frank. ik that the skipper (derogatory) corrupted Grealo but he no doubt sunk claws into Frank first
i can definitely do redders for ya! JT i don't know too much about. i know he has some controversies, but that ain't my business lol. i appreciate how he made franko feel and i'm intersted in how the 2 of them have taken different paths both about how they act toward each other and how they talk about roman abramovich post-ukraine war 😂 (would love to hear more about how he corrupted grealo.) BUT. jamie i've got a lot more to say about.
i feel like if you read jamie's odd autobiography and then think of him through that lens, he's a real diamond in the rough of a fascinating footballer. he seems kinda brainless and vapid but i think some of that is because he has too much going on in his brain to use it for that sort of thought. i don't even mean that as a diss. that's a real thing!!! but let's see...
favorite thing about them: well, he certainly seems unpretentious and easy to talk to, which i like. has some good taste in music, is still close to his parents, always takes franko's side and defends him 😂
so, this next part seems like a weird thing to list as a "favorite," as i'm sad he suffers or has suffered in this way, but out of all the things i've read about mental health, both fiction and non-fiction, jamie's book described some of my specific childhood/teenage Horrors so well it was like i wrote it and i was so surprised that he went through all that and admitted it so unselfconsciously. that combination of talented kid with an idyllic life (this was me, albeit in other ways than jamie lol) who lives in this private world of pure fear. some of the things he mentions, like having to paint his room cheerful yellow to ward off Bad Thoughts and Scary things, and being so afraid when he saw the exorcist as a teenager that he slept with the lights on and couldn't get the movie out of his head for weeks--the isolating strength of these kinds of fears is sooooo fuckin real man. he also describes needing to watch the same movie every day for comfort when he got home from school where he got bullied and teased for being a little different, and his attachments to his toys that he'd have to do little rituals with every day to help him feel Calm, and how he took them to school to try to make friends and kids stole them :( he also describes his older self as having something Dark inside him, like when his close friends would become occupied with a girlfriend, he'd kind of freak out and try to get in the way, because he was afraid of losing their support.
his book also describes very sinister perceptions of the external world too, a lot of kind of scary or just ominous scenarios drift through the book (a creep that tried to grab him in the park, the scary, dark corridors under dean court stadium when his Daddy was in charge of bournemouth--i related to that too--, rumors of some weird creep working at tottenham when they wanted to sign young him?)
i apologize if this is repetitive to anyone reading but i had some very particular Problems as a kid and i've just never seen some of them articulated the way jamie articulates them. and i just found all this so...fascinating. i think it explains a lot about his adult self and provides such a contrast between him and brainy franko (see headcanons section!)
least favorite thing about them: he cut his hair and has a beard! i'm predictable--if a footballer had long hair and now doesn't, this will be my response. otherwise, what's there really to dislike? he's kind of inoffensive imho
favorite line: uh a few
"Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things." (i-hope he actually said that for real)
from his book:
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and, for the "franko was too old when he was young" headcanons:
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oookay then, anyway:
brotp: idk, who does he hang out with? i like his interactions with the guys on ALOTO even though his main feature is clearly to be the punching bag. maybe with stevie g? with Daddy-Uncle Harry? lmao
notp: his new wife. at first they didn't look as miserable together as he and poor Louise always did, but he just posted a video from their maldives vacation today, and woof--she looks miserable. well, i'm not here for blonde scandinavian models and i think jamie is too childish to do well in a Grownup Married Relationship. again, kind of like with franko, i don't mean childish like... "spoiled entitled manbrat" or "hasn't lost joie de vivre"--more like. is trapped as kid because of his own mind. i think if a therapist saw only jamie and franko as clients, and no one else, they'd be set for life
otp: well...there can be only one. i'd love for jamie & franko to give romeo + juliet their happy ending 😭 they are weirdly...made for each other. and hey--according to the internet it's legal! 🫡👮🏼
random headcanon: so many! lampardverse is sort of all about Jamie in a sense, and i think as a child Jamie so very much appreciated the solid steady presence of his younger cousin. franko's psychological issues are of a very different nature lol, plus we know he's a master of repression (can relate) and we imagine that he'd help jamie with his homework and read him chapters of the narnia book, and eat the food jamie refused to eat.
another one is that jamie is super dependent on his Well-Known Dad. they do a lot of stuff together and idk on ALOTO one of the main purposes seems to get jamie overwhelmed and stressed--because he gets like that very easily--so it feels like Uncle Harry's presence is just. very necessary for him.
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fascin8ing! YMMV.
unpopular opinion: i don't think i have one? are there popular or unpopular opinions on jamie redknapp? hahaha
a song i associate with them: hmmm, not really any? i do have him singing shimmy shimmy ya by ODB at franko in "red red red" lol. but i don't really count that 😂
favorite picture of them: let's do a few!
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gay af behaviors (affectionate)
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whump tendencies
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bougie gay cou-- (cousins? couple? choose your own adventure)
THANKS for coming along on this wild ride!
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Hey guys It’s Queen, Ik it’s been a long time since I posted on here. (Thank you Bookworm for holding on🙏🫶) I recently watched DreamWorks’ The Wild Robot and when I left the cinema I was flabbergasted and in AWE (AND I MEAN IT.) by how gorgeous the movie was. God, it really just genuinely messed me up in the best way possible. An incredible experience.
I’ll try not to spoil it in this review. I’ll mostly just be talking about how this film is definitely one of the best—if not, the best animated film of 2024 and also how it affected me and my thoughts on it.
Alright let’s get on with it!
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Honestly I didn’t think much of this film when the trailer released because there wasn’t much talk about it. But after seeing it in person I definitely feel that it was worth it 100%. It’s a film you can watch with anyone—friends, family, etc. Easily 10/10 five stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It’s a must-see for everyone. PLEASE GO SEE IT, you will not regret it.
The animation, the voice acting, the story being told, the visuals and just the vibes overall are absolutely INSANE. I wasn’t even gonna write this review because I was speechless by how fantastic this film was. (Also I am totally not writing this late at night who would do that oh my lawd🤭)
I have to talk more about the visuals because I was GOB-SMACKED when I saw the various beautiful scenes that appeared in the film. The film-makers created a stunningly realistic world that is both visually appealing and emotionally engaging. You can see how hard the crew-members worked on making this movie the best they could. (And THEY DELIVERED.)
The movie is filled with multiple heart-touching moments and interactions that make this film unbelievably unique and compelling in so many ways.
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The Wild Robot kept my attention the WHOLE time. The story was immaculate and the characters + voice actors carried this film exceptionally well. UGH the voice acting—I couldn’t get enough. 😭🫶 Lupita Nyong’o (The VA for Roz) nailed the way the character’s portrayal and way of speaking, her voice immediately caught my attention and she suited the role so well. AND DON’T GET ME WRONG, PEDRO PASCAL AS FINK—💜.
I have to say though, I really am glad that this account was made. I don’t really write a lot except for university, so writing these allows us to not only share our thoughts/theories, but also have a hobby that we love.
ANYWAY, CONTINUING ON. I have to point out that the whole time the film was on screen, I was CRYING. LIKE LEGITIMATELY FULL ON CRYING WATERFALLS. I have to say; I feel like this film definitely had more of an impact on me because I felt connected with the characters on a personal level. Maybe that’s why I cried so much😭.
The cast of characters was such a huge highlight of The wild Robot. Roz is a charming, endearing and silly protagonist who quickly won my heart. She has funny and touching interactions with others and her journey of self-discovering is both inspiring and relatable.
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I don’t really know what else to say, as I am still pretty speechless by this film. But I hope that reading this makes at least a few people want to go watch, It’s so worth it. I’m not sure if there will be a sequel but I would love to see one—even if it’s not as spectacular as this first movie☝️.
I couldn’t even wipe my tears because they just kept falling. The Wild Robot is just overwhelmingly heartwarming and emotional—not the mention beautifully animated, telling a moving tale about love and acceptance, friendship and the importance of belonging.
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Overall I highly recommend it, the pacing in the beginning is a little off—but it’s not a huge problem because the stunning animation drowns it out. Other than that, there are no immediate flaws. Absolutely amazing. 💜
— Queen.
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x-populuxe · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme! I was tagged by @destinationtoast. 😘
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
So...I have published ten fics total, and rather than posting the first lines of every single one of them, I’m going to mix this up and do my five most recent as well as my five current WIPs, because I have somehow become a person with five substantially written WIPs, I cry. (This is clearly an attempt at public accountability, help lol).
All fics are X-Men, of course, and unless otherwise marked, Charles/Erik:
1. “to put the world between us” (25K words, actor AU)
The drive should take two hours, but Erik manages it in ninety minutes, using his powers to floor the gas pedal as he scrambles the occasional police scanner. When he whips into the hotel parking lot in a spray of gravel, Emma’s mental greeting is half is half warm, half weary.
2. “Unlived Histories (The Double Vision Remix)” (18K words, remix, time travel)
Erik didn’t know it then, but everything started to change on Charles’s sixteenth birthday.
3. ��Correspondence” (13K words, part of a canon-divergent series set in 1963)
When Charles wakes, he stretches out his mind and then his arm, groping at the opposite side of the bed. Erik isn’t there, though the sheets are still warm.
4. “What We Inherit” (20K words, David & Charles, father-son bonding)
David first starts to suspect that something’s up when his father gets a phone call very early on Tuesday morning.
5. “the way it travels in and keeps emitting light” (29K words, accident and recovery, enemies to friends to lovers)
Erik lets himself into Raven’s building on Friday evening, waving a hand as the locks click open. As he rides the converted freight elevator up to the top floor, he sinks his powers into all those sturdy old pulleys and gears—one thing on the long list of reasons he prefers Raven’s apartment to his own.
(obviously these are not set in stone)
1. The “Charles bailing Erik out of jail” fic I am currently writing for @ikeracity for Fandom Trumps Hate! (Ike you get a sneak peek lol) (ps I'm legit obsessed with writing this fic rn, thank you again for your prompt):
 “One phone call” is only a thing in the movies—but the cops don’t give you unlimited phone calls, either. This turns out to be a problem when all your friends were either arrested alongside you or are completely fucking worthless.
2. Multiverse/time travel fic that begins 8 months after the events of XMFC:
They’re moving quickly through the woods that surround the facility when Emma slows and makes a clicking sound with her tongue. Erik holds out his arms to halt the rest of the group.
3. Sequel to “What We Inherit,” still about David & Charles, but also with some (semi-hostile) cherik as well:
It’s a beautiful late-summer day, with a bright blue sky stretching above the sandy dunes that extend from the house out towards the Atlantic.
But David can’t see any of that right now, because he’s sitting in his bedroom, reading a book.
4. Media AU (trust me, this first line makes sense in context lol):
DAVID REMNICK: This is The New Yorker Radio Hour. I’m David Remnick.
5. Big Billions AU I started writing in early 2020 🥲 that I’ve finally picked up again this year:
Crowds, the common wisdom goes, are one of the truest tests of a telepath’s strength and skill. Never mind that there’s far more to telepathy than brute force and blunt shielding—with a packed train or a busy bar or a stadium full of revelers, it’s easier to see just how effectively a person can block out other minds.
This is a fun exercise, especially to look at patterns! Tagging @rozf, @gerec, @ikeracity, @midrashic, @joshriku, @arcanewinter, @jackyjango, + anyone else who wants to do this! (If anyone else wants to put their WIP opening lines out there, join me!!!!)
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mayday-jd · 10 months
holy shit this movie was amazing.
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welcome back to me watching all the trolls movies in (almost) one sitting with breaks in between to process the colorful trip I'm on rn
from the great writing in the world building, themes and characters, designs and sound of the other trolls and generally this movie being short but fun makes it a blast to watch
so I'd give it a 9/10 which makes this the best trolls movie out of the whole trilogy
now onto my thoughts
• so first off let's talk about my main man branch
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did ever mention how I love this guy?? 😊
but what I love most is him in this movie because wow this man is head over heels for poppy lmao
and ofc there's some other stuff but let's talk broppy for a bit
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so I already watched trolls 3 so ik how branch and poppy's relationship looks like in the future but this movie is also an important step in their relationship because there's a massive problem here :
poppy does not listen to anybody.
"I've always been by your side since the moment I've met you" - poppy (trolls 3)
while that is true here it's more like branch goes along with wtv poppy's doing because he's absolutely smitten and so he ends up doing all the listen and bending to what poppy wants while she doesn't give back any of that to branch or anyone else around her
one of the turning points for branch in the movie is after they go to the funk kingdom but the seeds to that change are planted when hickory tells branch that he's doing all the listening not poppy
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so they argue and get separated until they reunite at the end of the movie
but that's more for when I talk about poppy and oh boy do I have some things to say. . .
I also like that, contrary to poppy's kind of judgy reaction to the other trolls, branch is all for the music trolls' lifestyles and music
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it's shown more in the dance battle between the kpop and the reggaeton trolls but there's also a comment he makes when he hears the sad country song at lonesome flats
"It's kind of sad, but life is sad sometimes. So, I kind of like it."
meanwhile poppy immediately thinks that the country trolls are miserable and don't know how to have fun
but again that's for when I get into poppy's turn 😒
which speaking of.....
• I wanna say that I am by no means a poppy hater
that said this girl has been on my NERVES for the majority of this movie (WHICH IS A GOOD THING!!)
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so when poppy gets told about the other trolls' existence by her dad she's excited to get them all tgt cuz she thinks barb genuinely wants to unite all trolls and not yk assimilate them or anything
so she sets off on a journey to meet barb, give her the pop string and have a massive party with all the trolls
but really she's not doing this just because of that no no no
poppy's insecure about being a bad queen
and makes it everyone's problem.
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because when her, branch and biggie make it to symphonyville, the land of the classical trolls, they're told and literally see the carnage left by barb, poppy's quest changes
now she wants to save everybody and stop barb from turning everyone into rock trolls
because that's what a good queen would do right?? she'd get rid of the problem entirely instead of going back home and protecting her ppl who are literally under her care because that would be giving. up. 🙂
so let's not listen to biggie or branch who are telling her this is a terrible idea because that's simply not what poppy wants to hear since they're against her totally awesome plan
now let's talk about my favorite section of the movie
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lucyshypemaster · 1 year
some of my favorite quotes from The Land Of Stories: The Enchantress Returns
(again, for self-indulgence)
"I believe the most extraordinary ideas come from children. If only we all could be so perceptive, we would find the simplest solutions to the greatest problems are right under our noses." - Sleeping Beauty
"Nothing any of us do will ever bring your dad back. And nothing we do will ever push him further away either. He'll always be with us in our hearts, no matter what." - Charlotte Bailey
"Anyone can have a once-upon-a-time or a happily-ever-after, but it's the journey between that makes the story worth telling. And how characters face the challenges at hand is what makes them heroes." - Alex Bailey
"Having something worth telling and a passion to tell it are what makes you a good writer. I can't tell you how many times I've read novels or articles that used complicated words and witty wordplay to cover up the fact that they had absolutely no story to tell. A good story should be enjoyed; sometimes simplicity can go a long way." - Mrs. Peters
"I have two lives in my career; reprimanding and encouraging. Thank you for letting me encourage today. I don't get many opportunities." - Mrs. Peters
"I save lives everyday, but for a long time I thought it would be impossible to save mine. And then along came your mom, and I learned I had been wrong." - Dr. Bob
"Always have a plan B and a friend with bail, and you're guaranteed to never fail." - Mother Goose (ik Brystal is sick of her ass)
"She can lock us up at home all she wants, but we'll just keep finding ways to get back here until our mom is safe." - Alex Bailey
"People only love you as long as they're getting something out of you, but the minute you say something they don't want to hear or do something they don't want to see, all the admiration drains from their hearts." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
'A tension grew in the room, but it wasn't between Ezmia and Rumpelstiltskin; it was between Ezmia and the world.'
'Rumpelstiltskin stood and walked through the doorway, leaving his cell for the first time in one hundred and twenty-seven years, but stepping into a world of even harsher imprisonment.'
'It had been such a quiet day until the twins showed up.'
"I don't want the world to 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥; I want it to 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭. - Ezmia, The Enchantress (definitely my fav line from her)
"If the world was going to speak of my name, it would be whispered in fear rather than mocked with envy. If the world was going to take all the joy from me, I would simply 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥." - Ezmia, The Enchantress (she has done absolutely nothing wrong)
"I want to be at my best when I cause the world's worst." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
"We know the outcome of doing nothing, so I'd rather die fighting." - Froggy
'She missed the times when passing tests was their biggest concern.' (right?? ☠️☠️)
"Jealousy is just a reminder of the frustrations you have with yourself. Who has time to only concentrate on that?" - Goldilocks (another great line from Goldie)
"Just remember that even the tamest of places will surprise you with what is lurking in its shadows." - The Travelling Tradesman
"If I have the choice of being doubtful or being hopeful, I'm going to choose hopeful. It takes less work to be positive." - Conner Bailey
"Your whole life may exist between two streets, but then you realize those streets are just tiny veins in the body of the world. It makes you feel very small." - Jack
"Pain will drive you mad if it's strong enough; it'll change you into something you're not. It'll turn you 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭." - The Evil Queen
"You'll be searching for happiness your entire life but will never find it because you wouldn't know what happiness was even if it scratched you in the face." - Harper
"I'm sorry I could never be the brother you wanted. But one day I'll make things right between us. One day I'll be a brother you can be proud of." - Rumpelstiltskin
"When the rest of the world is looking to us for strength and guidance, who do we look up to for reassurance?" - Cinderella (ngl, this is EXTREMELY true)
'The Enchantress sat in the center of the coliseum on her old Fairy Council chair like it was a throne.' (this scene gave me chills)
'True to her word, the Enchantress had built herself a pedestal made of the deepest parts of the Earth, powered by the deepest anger of her soul.'
"You're not an all-powerful and terrifying 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴, Ezmia- you're just a 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵! And no matter who you kill or what you conquer, people will always pity and laugh at you because of it!" - Alex Bailey (this is 100% one of the most powerful lines in this franchise like- i was literally cheering so hard for her here)
"I said, a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 took away 𝘌𝘻𝘮𝘪𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴'𝘴 pride!" - Conner Bailey
"I am not a tragic case of the world; I 𝘢𝘮 the world- cruel, unfair and 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦. People are not born heroes or villains; they're created by the people around them." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
"When bitterness and anger first run through your veins, you'll discover that you are 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦- and it'll scare you to death." - Ezmia, The Enchantress (rereading this scene makes me wanna cry bc every single word she said comes true 😭😭)
"No one wins when there is loss." - Alex Bailey
'Something about seeing his sister among the fairies made him feel like everything was right in the world, even though his was crashing around him.'
"We'll always be together, Conner. In our hearts and in your stories- every time you pen another story about our adventures in the Land of Stories, I'll be right there with you." - Alex Bailey
'They were now dimensions apart, yet both the twins were finally 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦.'
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catsdrinkmocha · 1 year
I won't say I'm in love
This is on my Ao3 but for anyone who just wants to read chapter one on Tumblr here it is! Yay! Also yes ik it's kinda shit but it's my first fic so pls go easy on me!
Idia/Persephone oc
Cw: none
"What kind of person learns how to make the die land on whatever number they want!? Talk about taking the fun of randomness out of the game!" A voiced huffed as they quickly stalked through the halls of Night Raven after leaving a club room.
The voice traveled like an apparition, the sound of quickly paced sneakers bounced off the walls, and a blue flame seemed to illuminate a ghastly aura as it floated along the dark halls. The wisp of blue that drifted through the Gothic interior made a rather annoyed huff as they arrived at their destination. Towering doors stood before him as he settled his nerves. The figure shook and the waves of flaring blue followed suit. Quietly he ventured into the school's library, wary of those who may linger. 
The brave introverted adventurer, Idia Shroud, rarely explored such an artifact of a territory. If he ever needed a book he'd get it online, obviously. Sadly though Professor Trein had assigned work which required some super old text. And here Idia was, looking for it because no matter how much he dug through the internet it wasn't there. Apparently the book wasn't published as an e-book or on audio. Strange to say the least, but to Idia this was an absolutely horrendous experience. And he'd barely gotten here!
Few students remained studying in the cavernous library. Silently Idia let out a breath of relief. Though he had no idea where the book was he wouldn't dare ask another living soul for help.
As he traversed deeper into the obnoxiously large library he sighed. Still no sign of the accursed book, no matter how much he wandered! When he turned the corner he didn't notice the figure curled up on the ground until he almost stepped on them when trying to reach for a book on a high self, hoping it'd be the one he needed. They didn't notice him either as they were curled in on themselves, sleeping away. 
Idia jumped when he heard the little snore that escaped them. Just who could be sleeping in a dark corner in the library? When he looked down he realized that it was one of the most social people at NRC.
The strange human from another world. They lay at Idia's feet as he scowled down, unbeknownst to Sephie. He scolded himself a little before crouching to try to wake them. He wasn't sure why or what made him want to wake them. Perhaps he was simply annoyed to see someone sleeping here and in his way. Or possibly pity for the tired prefect. But before he could say anything to the sleeping prefect or shake them awake he stopped himself. 
They looked peaceful as they slept. Whenever they were awake in the few times Idia saw Sephie they always looked focused on something. No, thinking of it, it wasn't a focused gaze they held. It looked more stressed as if they were planning their next steps to survive in this new world. They looked like they were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. Like all of twisted wonderland problems were theirs. 
Well it was almost like that, because of Crowley all of Night Raven's problems were theirs. It wasn't a secret and if it was supposed to be it wasn't a well kept one. Everyone knew how Sephie was consistently being run into the ground with Crowley's endless tasks for them. 
In fact on his way to game-board club he'd seen them washing some of the windows in the front of the dark castle like school. Even now he could see their makeshift uniform was damp and covered in left over suds. And as peaceful as they looked they're eye bags competed with his own. He'd spent years getting these, they've only been in here for a few months. 
And as far as he could remember when they first arrived they were a fresh face, nervous first year, with absolutely no eye bags. Their eye bags now looked as if they could carry books, groceries, and then some. Their skin, a dark shade which pleasantly contrasts their tightly curled soft pink hair, also looked wet and soapy. Sephie's hair was a completely drenched mess as they lay in their slumped sleep. They'd probably been through so much stress about going home, doing Crowleys chores, and these NRC boys that it definitely hasn't made the stay here easy for Sephie. This would all explain the carelessness of falling asleep in the library. 
In the time Idia had been staring at the sleeping form they stirred a little leading to their awakening. They yawned sluggishly as they looked up at Idia. They didn't seem surprised at his presence just mildly annoying. 
"Are you planning to stand there like a deer in some head lights or are you gonna move? If you hadn't noticed if trying to sleep." They scowled almost sounding like Leona when someone disturbs his sleep. Idia would know as he's had the misfortune of doing that once in the botanical garden.
Like his usual shut in self he began to stutter a series of apologies before shuffling back a little. He felt like he knew the answer already but he still couldn't help but ask...
"W-why are you sleeping in the library? You have a dorm with an actual bed. Or maybe ...you could've asked to sleep in a spare dorm room, at least for a little? Actual dorm beds are probably comfier than whatever you have going on in Ramshackle or the floor."
Sephie let out a tired sigh before replying with, "If you must know, my sleep usually gets disturbed. By Crowley, my friends, the ghosts in my dorm, not to mention the biggest offender Grim... so I thought the library would be a good place. People are rarely here anyway. The only people I think I've ever seen here are you, Riddle, and the teachers," they yawned before adding, "But it seems I was mistaken as my sleep has been rudely interrupted once again."
With a slight eye roll Idia opted to speak through his tablet this time he typed, "Still there are better places to sleep than curled up in some dusty library corner."
"Well I guess your right... So can I borrow a spare dorm room, at least for a little?" Sephie had a cheeky, saccharine smile that displayed false innocence as they threw Idia's words back in his face.
As much as he didn't want another person in the dorm he couldn't say no. He could see they were still falling asleep during this interaction. He didn't expect to feel pity for them and maybe it wasn't. He wasn't known for his benevolence after all. Also, they were totally the main character of this! He wasn't going to dare try getting on their bad side. Not after Sephie and their friends had survived and stopped multiple overblots. They were totally op even without magic and that was something Idia did not want to deal with.
So begrudgingly he answered them with a "Fine." through his tablet.
They slowly made there way up and stretched out their limbs as they followed Idia to the hall of mirrors. It was quite a sight to see as they made it back to the dorm. Sephie was dragging their feet almost falling over in exhaustion at times as Idia tried to hurriedly pull them along by the end of their uniform sleeve. Finally after what felt like forever to Idia they'd made it to a spare dorm room Sephie could call their own for a while. The second Idia let them in they collapsed on the bed barley able to stand in their own. 
Only half there body made it to the bed as they quickly cuddled up with a nearby pillow. Idia let an annoyed sighed escape his lips as he pushed the rest of them to lay comfortably on the bed. He left and looked back in annoyance. When he faced forward Ortho was inches from his face with wide eyes shining as if there were stars in there.
"AH! O-oh. Ortho it's just you. Talk about a major jumpscare."
"Apologies but brother? Was that the housewarden of Ramshackle, Sephie, entering the room with you?" Ortho asked curiously.
"Oh yeah..." Idia replied seemingly cautiously. 
"Are they joining our dorm?" Ortho exclaimed excitingly. "Maybe they can help our dorm! They're outgoing personality may be what we need!"
"WHAT? No, they're not joining our dorm! Why would we even need them?" Idia said quickly shaking his head.
"Oh. That's a shame. According to my statistics our dorm would benefit from someone like them around by 40%! Are you sure they're not joining Ignihyde?"
"Y-yes! I'm sure."
Ortho sighed in obvious disappointment. He was of course curious as to why Sephie was here so Idia told him the story. Ortho to say the least was flabbergasted that his brother had voluntarily talked to someone and brought them over. "It's like a sleepover at our dorm," Ortho suggested. Idia instantly rejected the idea because as he said, 'he was kind of giving back a favor for what happened during his overblot.' Still it seemed no matter how hard he tried to shake it the thought found a home in his mind. Like an unwelcome bug his thoughts were plagued with it for the rest of the day.
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finalset · 5 months
for years and years and years i felt the same way about the word "queer", it was simply impossible to avoid + everyone called me it anyway by implication. "queer culture" "us queers" etc. had to grit my teeth and learn to get over it bc its obviously a case where my feelings are considered outdated. I'm in my early 20s, not even an "elder queer"...
i say "felt" as though i have stopped grinding my teeth over it lol. i FEEL this way! but it's impossible to avoid being called a queer these days!!! so i had to force myself to understand why people are reclaiming it, and learn to consistently act like I'm on board, because otherwise, per MY honest feelings on the matter, the world is kind of slurring me all the time! so at this point have i reclaimed it too, simply by consensus, by committee, decided for me? idk. had to get over my feelings in the end
ironically i prefer the F slur for jokey self-identification because I'd never see a "fag healthcare" poster at my GPs or "fag politics" on the news, no one would call me that and I'd do my part in not calling anyone else that. self-ID as a faggot lol. can't self-ID as "not a queer, please" anymore really
Tbh I think it’s totally fair for you to still ask to not be called queer if you don’t like it, it can be simple as that and really shouldn’t be questioned, esp since historically it’s been used against lgbt people in a derogatory way. Ik there’s like whole debates on how lgbt people used it first and then it was turned against us but honestly if you don’t want to be called that I think it’s understandable, especially w personal history w the word too. I’m comfortable with using queer for myself esp bc sometimes it’s just shorter to say that than to be like ‘as a gay/trans person’ but i do question sometimes where cis/het people come from when they mention lgbt people as such tho lol. and for fag I really also tried to use it in a humorous way for myself and I have a friend who uses it a lot and it’s funny but, personally it’s really not for me. I heard it a lot growing up and have been called it by immediate family (others people in general as well) and it really bites and I’ve grown to resent it instead of idk maybe even just being neutral towards it, which is ironic bc I don’t care about jokingly calling myself a tranny or smth but that’s not even my humor either tbh. fag/got just bites in an ugly way for me and im over trying to be okay with it just bc its used very liberally among other gay people (which I don’t have a problem w) I’d just rather not be grouped in with the word similarly to how you feel about other ppl using queer in a community/group context.
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padfootastic · 2 years
15 Questions 15 People
thanks for the tag @leogichidaa, @ambrxsiaa and @abihastastybeans!!
Are you named after anyone?
nope! i’ve never met/known of another person with my name.
When was the last time you cried?
uhhhh can’t remember. i’m nowhere near a crier, kind of a problem at times. i think i lightly teared up a a few months ago?
Do you have kids?
nope, thank fuck.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? sometimes?
all the time. it’s one of my primary vehicles of communication. one of my fav things to do is just,,,,a deadpan with a straight face and see how long it takes the other person get it (a little mean ik 🙈)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
hm, their vibe? it’s a very iffy word for something that’s pretty psycho-social in nature lol i love seeing how people interact with others, are they being real/fake, now they project themselves etc and all of that can be boiled down to vibes for me 💀
What’s your eye colour?
dark brown! (used to think it was black for the longest time, was very sad when i found out it wasn’t)
Scary movies or happy ending?
i’m not a huge movie person but scary movies any day.
Any special talents?
um. i…don’t think so? but, maybe, idk what it is about me but people always seem to confide in me very, very quickly. like, i’ve met people once and been told their entire life story & trauma. i think that’s…something, if not a talent.
Where were you born?
not where i was raised ;)
What are your hobbies?
fanfiction, obviously. table tennis. swimming. reading. needling people into annoyance.
Do you have any pets?
nope :( wanted a dog for the longest time bc childhood nostalgia but now i’m all about the responsibility-free lifestyle.
What sports do you play/have you played?
uhhh nothing except tt right now but i’ve done football, tennis, shot put, roller skating, badminton, volleyball. i’m not where near an athlete tho lol i’ve just dabbled.
How tall are you?
uhh let’s round it off to a nice 5”4.
Favourite subject at school?
english, always. and then sociology later when i had the subject.
Dream job?
uh, used to be an anthropologist as a child. then a therapist. a writer for a while there. now, i’m just like, anything that pays decently and lets me remain relatively free (in the freedom sense of the world lol) is good enough atp.
since everyone on my feed has done this, consider this an open tag for anyone who wants to do this <333
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Hellooo :)
So I was wondering if you could do a matchup for me please, they're pretty cool.
I'd prefer Supernatural or TWD.
I'm a uni psych student in the uk from abroad and i'm average height and with brown, curly hair, idk what i'm supposed to say.
I study psych bc i've always been good at being like a therapist or getting people to talk when they need to.
I like overprotective dudes and i'm an older sister so I have been told that I can be too defensive.
I like books but i also really like sports and parties. I've lost a few people in my life so i get scared when things feel like they're going wrong but i hate feeling scared.
Umm, i'm bilingual and working on a third language and i think that's about it.
Thanks, ik you probably have a lot of these so i just appreciate you looking over this xx
Reading this I just feel like you’re so fucking smart. And I love that. I’m gonna do both a twd match up and a Supernatural one as well!
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Castiel and you are a perfect match. Though you are human and he is an angel he understand your grief of losing the people you have called family or friend.
The two of you met around the same time as the winchesters. Being a friend of the Winchester’s also meant that most of their friends are yours. It’s a small hunting world. Most hunters knew the other hunters. It was like a big, badass family.
Castiel was mesmerized by your book knowledge and the fact that you could physically handle yourself. You had younger sibling(s) you had to protect no matter what. Castiel admired that about you. Your sacrificial nature and how you always make sure people knew your presence wasn’t a demeaning one, but a space that was peaceful where they could share anything with you.
Castiel took the advantage of seeing you as his “therapist”. Just like everyone else in your life when they found out you had taken some psychology classes. You were very knowledgeable and Castiel admired that.
Castiel loved to see your brain work so when you were needed on a case with the winchesters seeing how you could speak to people in their native tongue. He loved how helpful you were.
He loves seeing you in your bad ass mode. Whether it be when you whip a monsters ass or when you stick up for something you believed in. Castiel liked how you didn’t back down for what you believed in.
Castiel tends to be over protective at times. He would just want to keep you safe from the dangers of the world. And even tho you understood that it could be overwhelming having an angel protect you from every day problems. If someone was being rude to you he’d call them out. He would punch anyone in the face that dared to defile you with their eyes.
The walking dead match up
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I know it seems weird but hear me out.
Negan would be falling in love with you the moment you met his eyes. He would ask everyone around who you were before he even tried to make his move.
When you finally officially met it was a match. Negan walked up to you and since the first word it was like the two of you couldn’t shut up!
You knew Negan had done some crazy/unforgivable stuff. You had your guard up. Using psychology tricks you learned in school you could read him like a damn book. Maybe that’s why he was so attracted to you. In this world, now, he thought he would never meet someone who understood him as you did.
He liked your knowledge. He loved that your language had less barriers then most people.
Negan has watched you more then once prove that you are a BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE FIGHTING BITCH!
Negan loves to watch you handle yourself. Whether it was fighting for your life side by side him or fighting with someone in the group.
He loves laying in bed with you after you have gotten a shower and plays with you hair. (A/n I understand curly hair problems. We don’t like people messing with out hair. And running your hands through your hair is not a curly hair thing.#curlyhairstrugglr)
Sorry it’s not the best hope you like it.
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fma03envy · 1 year
Rewatching CoS for the first time in like 2yrs, here's my stream of consciousness thoughts as I watch:
The steampunk aesthetic at the beginning is neat. Also a fan of this guy presenting his life's work to Al, who goes "that's the worst idea ever We Are Not Fucking Doing That" in his polite little way and then just starts walking away
The animation is immediately noticably higher quality than in 03 proper. I like the normal animation by this is also neat :)
The fact that physicist dude whose name I've already forgotten was actually capable of getting as far as the gate when human transmutation is funny to me. How do you have more willpower than Shou Tucker
The concept that CoS!Ed and I are the same age is just so much. Idk whether I should find you hot or gender sir...
Last time I saw this movie and Edward driving (poorly) I remember thinking about how I'd soon learn to do that too. And Then I Didn't™ (I'm autistic and it's scary etc)
This sub appears to be spelling Heiderich's name like Alphonse and I really wish it wouldn't
The Noah fortune telling thing is one of the parts of CoS that's like, I'm aware it's for plot armor but that still doesn't excuse the premise. The fact that they're establishing that no other magic-adjacent fma stuff (not just alchemy but also Envy's shapeshifting) even works in this dimension, but they still give their main Romani character magic fortune-telling/mindreading powers (and never explain why) is shitty
The opening credits art style is really pretty, even if I this gets to me:
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Ed you are not that tall we all know you're not
The subplot about one of Noah's companions selling her out is also at best unnecessary
Glad to see that even without his alchemy Edward is still perfectly able to fight with what he has, i.e. explosives, steaming hot metal, and fucking up his automail (come to think of it, these were all tactics he also used when killing Sloth specifically, but I doubt there's any intentional parallel there)
I like how there's a lot of little characterization details early on. The parallel of Ed and Noah's quiet depression, his earnestness to tell anyone he thinks will listen (see: Alfons Heiderich) about his world contrasted with her interest in learning about it...
It was kind of funny though seeing Ed (resident science nerd and Shit From His Dimension Enthusiast) happy that Noah was curious about his prosthetics, before realizing that he also didn't really know how they worked
The Bradley/Lang thing is one of my other most serious problems with this movie's writing. Like. I know Lang canonically isn't Fuhrer Bradley's doppelganger but that of the human Bradley was, and I do think the writers made that clear so it would seem less like they were comparing the two. (And ik homunculi can be very different from their sources in terms of beliefs, see: Trisha being the Rockbells' friend and not liking to see Amestrian soldiers in Resembool vs. Sloth being the Fuhrer's secretary). But even given that, it still feels way too close to equating Bradley to a Jewish man (who's also an actual irl person, not just a character they made up for the movie)
Envy vs. Edward fight 2: Ed has a gun this time
I think Envy's serpent/leviathan form is sick actually. Look at this shit:
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Just wholesome sibling bonding moments
The "Envy gets captured by the Thule society" subplot is the third main writing decision in CoS I take serious issue with. Like I do see why the writers could hardly redeem Envy (they'd never help Ed), but also couldn't make them a main antagonist (they're a kind of campy (? not exactly right the word but you get it) villain, and so it would be in really bad taste for them to be too relevant in movie where all the other villains are literal Nazis). But the canon solution of "we don't know what to do with Envy's character in this movie, so to avoid having them make real plot decisions, they're going to get imprisoned and experimented on by Nazis and then killed off" is so awful? Especially with them trying to escape and getting hunted down again. It's a horrible writing choice to make for plot armor
The pose/lighting we first see Hohenheim in here mimics the one we see Ed coming out of The Gate in at the end of 03. Wonder what it means
I'm trying so hard to like Winry's CoS clothes but I still don't really. Tragic that the most masculine outfit we ever get to see her in is this, the one choice that looks weird to me for no reason. I think she deserves a vest like Ed
The animation on the soldiers sucks so the animation everywhere else can be good. Equivalent exchange
The thing of Al being polite but clearly not recognizing his old allies is so. God. Drives me insane. Alphonse my sonnn
Thank you for saving Al Rose, it's clear which of you had the braincell on that one
The bit where Noah basically asks Heiderich if he's working for Nazis and he goes "I just want to build rockets :)" as if to distance himself from responsibility for his actions... Hm. I have thoughts on his characterization and the thematic point of him but they'll be easier to articulate when I'm further through the movie
Ed talking quietly to himself as he skulks around and looks at the transmutation circle... Edward ily I hope you know that
Elric brothers back together babey!!!
Ed's little smile about having seen Al and Al waking up in his world and starting to cry.... Argh you can't do this to me movie...
This movie needs more Wrath. Maybe that's just me and my thing of caring a lot about the timeskip between 03 and CoS but I want to know more about what's going on with him
The fact that when we first see him he's just sitting defeated at Izumi's graveyard and has let his automail break down rather than reach out for repairs. And that once Winry fixes it for him he immediately goes off with Al on what for him is a suicide mission... Wrath how are you coping with it all buddy
The bit where Ed stares at alternate Lyra and she turns up her nose at him is so funny to me I'm sorry. Lyra my friend, even aside from my aro Ed HC someone with your face is the last person to be his type ever. Just trust me on this one
The entire conversation with Lang is another "I get what the writers were going for but still" moment
The. The bit where Sheska tells Winry she'll show her where the underground city is after they visit the cemetery. Feels like dramatic irony
I don't think I was able to see as well before how big the underground city is...
Two well adjusted, mentally stable young fellows competing to see who's more suicidal:
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"He's like me- a monster!" I know it might be different in the dub translation, but Wrath. Wrath :(
Ed I really doubt you'd survive a fall from that height irl
It's sad that Noah never got into Ed's world imho. Like I get why thematically it wouldn't really work but still
With his hair flowing like that underwater, Wrath almost looks like his mother (Sloth). Ofc that's partly just fma03 typical sameface but
The Gluttony vs Wrath fight is sick, though I do feel a bit bad about Gluttony's fate
*Guy who isn't big on the idea of Wrath forgiving Izumi and also doesn't want to think about the fact that he just died voice* This isn't how the gate works. The only other times we've seen dead people's souls in the gate was when they had literally just died. That's why Al at the beginning and Ed at the end didn't come back as homunculi, because it had just happened. So there's no reason Izumi would still be in the gate
Hohenheim's death is the only CoS writing choice involving Envy that I really like. Envy, whose main goal in life was to kill Hoheinheim for failing him as a father. Them ultimately being forced to do so by Hohenheim himself as a way of helping Edward, Hohenheim's other child, is just. Hollowest victory possible isn't it my friend
Now that Alfons Heiderich is dead and we've seen everything of him that we're going to I'm trying to gather my thoughts on how he's written. I've talked about being ambivalent with how his characterization is before and I guess I still am. But it's feeling more and more like "I really dislike this guy as a person but might (?) think he's well-written as a character".
One criticism of his writing I've had is that he isn't a good representation of Alphonse Elric, as I feel like *gestures at all of fma03* kind of demonstrates that Al ultimately wouldn't act like this in Alfons's position. But on rewatch, I kind of feel like Alfons's final speech about how he was real and not part of Ed's dream feels partially like a message to the audience not to view them as synonymous. Given that I do think the whole doppelgangers premise is weird but like. I'll take it?
Anway, for Alfons himself. A core message of fma03 is that harming others cannot be justified in the name of chasing one's own hopes and dreams. This is relevant to basically every subplot where the philosopher's stone is important (Lab 5, Dante's actions, etc), to Mustang having to put aside his ambitions before he can actually make a positive change, "even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world that exists outside ourselves and our dreams" (i think that's the line), etc. And imo this premise is crucial to understanding Alfons Heiderich. The EXPLANATION for his behavior is that he's a slowly dying scientist desperate to make something of his life's work, and that he wants to help his friend get home. But neither of these facts is an EXCUSE for his willingness to help Nazis in order to achieve his own goals. I think his writing tracks on a thematic level
Winry and Sheska also def couldn't have survived that fall
The truth gunk on the ships is weird and totally not how the gate has worked before but I kind of like it
Ed's confrontation with Al about him opening the gate is so good arghhhhhhh
First time seeing Mustang in two years and he and Ed are already at each other's throats with Al apologizing for his brother, same as it ever was
Last Ed vs Eckhart conversation did seem a bit on the nose/unsubtle but I liked the fight choreography
The ending makes no sense on a ton of technical levels (you're going to. Destroy The Gate. The interdimensional gate where people's souls go right after they die that opens when you try to bring them back. Full of weird silhouette unrealized homunculus hand blobs. Containing all human knowledge. You're destroying it. How™) (and what happens if they succeed? Is human transmutation impossible to try now?) but I get what they were going for on a thematic level
Hiiiii Scar and Lust
Well that was CoS ig
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goodbyegoldenboy · 1 year
About me
I go by many names (Roy, Copper, Havoc, Kain, Denny, Hunter, Epoch), I am 18, and I use He/They/It/Kit/Mew pronouns! This'll probably get updated semi-often with new Guards and any added rules
Follows come from @handnsanitiziser
Find pics of all of them on my TH!
NO NSFW! EVEN WITH MY 18+ GUARDS! You WILL be blocked!
Any slur usage will be an automatic block
Do not harass me to rp!
Please please do not come into my DMs just to vent! At least ask first, and don't get mad if I say no
Meet everyone below...
Agate🔪, 15-16, He/Him, Gay
He's on the run from Belos and thinks everyone he sees is trying to turn him in. His lovebird palisman, Toast, is trying to show him that not everyone is like that.
Apatite🪱, 17, He/They, Gay
He's a necromancer that takes pride in his work. Using a forbidden magic, he takes great care in bringing the dead back to life. He has a vulture palisman named Garfunkel, who allows him to preform his magic.
Birch🪵, 20, He/Him, Bi/Demisexual
Based on epilogue Hunter, he carves palismen for a living. He's pretty laid back and is very fatherly to those around him. He's still got an adventurous side, but is quite ready to relax, at least for a while. His palisman is an opossum named Kip.
Bismuth🌻, 16, He/Him, Pan
Twins with Tin, they do everything in their ability to piss off Belos. Bismuth is a bit more emotional than his brother, but he doesn't mind it at all. He's both meaner and nicer than Tin.
Carnelian🔨, 17, He/Him, Gay
A big softie with a big love for building, he's not the brightest but he's certainly one of the kindest. He loves the craft, even if he can't build using magic, he's taken the time to learn the ins and outs of the construction coven.
Chromium⚙️, 15, He/Him, Gay/Demiromantic
He enjoys tinkering on mechanical bits and bobs, and somehow managed to infuse a small amount of magic into his prosthetic hand, which allows him to do simple spells. He also has a mouse palisman named Ike.
Citrine🦎, 16, He/They/She, Pan
Citrine is one of the few surviving basilisks, and to continue to live, he's taken up the look of a witch and has become the golden guard. She regrets joining Belos, but doesn't see a way out…
Curium🌈, 13, He/Him, Undecided
A gullable and naïve child, he's still under the impression that Belos is a genuinely good man. He doesn't know of his uncle's actions or the harm he's caused to those around him.
Gold⭐, 16, He/Him, Gay/Ace
Emerald🪡, 18, He/They, Gay
He's an amalgamation of an unknown amount of different DNAs, made in a panic by Belos, as he just needed something that would work. He's got back problems as he slouches heavily, and his tail doesn't offer enough counter weight. He enjoys using his uncanny looks to scare others.
He's long learned how Belos' temper runs wild and has long been a victim of the man's wrath. He tries not to start fights, but will defend himself against anyone but the Emperor. He will lose a limb to keep himself or a loved one alive, and will willingly give his life to keep someone he cares for alive. He's not quick to trust, but he's fiercely loyal. His palisman is a desert cardinal named Oatmeal.
Hematite🔥, 15, He/It, Queer
He's a Grimwalker based off the kind of biped demon that Eberwolf is, with a similar yet somehow more chaotic personality. He refers to himself as an angent of chaos.
Howlite🥀, 16, He/Him, Demiromantic/Bi
Cursed after angering Belos, he's destined to always have an open wound. As one heals and scars, another soon opens. Due to this, he's extremely timid and cautious of the world, yet also nonchalant about injury that befalls him.
Jade🎵, 15, He/They, Omni
New to the responsibilities of being Golden Guard, he's a gentle soul who finds comfort in music. He plays the cello, flute, xylophone & is actively learning the piano.
Jasper🦉,17, He/Him, Gay
He's the first successful Grimwalker made by Belos and isn't in great health overall. He's got a lot of allergies and autoimmune issues, but that doesn't mean he's not a spunky kid. He's relatively left alone by Belos, the Emperor using him more as decoration when he sees fit, even if it harms Jasper. He plays the guitar in his off time, and has a greater sooty owl palisman named Crepe.
Kunzite🪶, 16, He/Him, Pan
After pissing Belos off and getting cursed with the same owl curse that Eda & Lilith have, he's used his newfound abilities to learn the gossip around Bonesburough. He's a bit wild, but knows when to chill out, and somehow knows nearly everyone… yet he refuses to reveal how he knows so much about everyone.
Kyanite🍄, 17, He/Him, Gay/Ace
In his time, Luz had been completely manipulated by Phillip and joined his side. He sees her as an enemy, and has no recollection of ever being on the same side. He doesn't hate her as much as he does Belos, but he heavily dislikes her.
Larimar❄️, 15, He/Him, AceAro
At 11 years old, he was lost on The Knee during the mountain training session. He's been surviving there on his own since then. He's extremely skittish and rarely speaks due to a mental block in his mind that completely stops him from being able to talk in times of high stress. He communicates more through body language, pointing, and other vocalizations.
Lolite🔮, 15, He/Him, Gay
He studies oracles closely, both due to his love for the craft & Belos' demands. Although he can only do tea readings at the moment, he's become proficient in it. He purposefully leaves Belos' readings open-ended so he doesn't anger or aid the man in any way.
Malachite🌿, 17, He/Him, Gay/Ace
Still actively working for Belos, he works as an assassin type guard for him. He works well with both poisons and swordsmanship, though if magic comes into the equation, he's pretty much screwed. He finds comfort in gardening, and hangs out often with the plant coven, along with Terra Snapdragon. He has severe epilepsy that Belos continues to worsen, and therefore finds himself with Hettie often.
Moldavite💠, 17, He/They, Pan/Demisexual
Despite having been trained to hunt and hurt, the kid has a love and knack for patching others up and healing them of their ails. He may not be able to perform complex magic, but he still does all that he can to help. His ocelot palisman, Epoch, helps him with simple spells.
Obsidian🕸️, 15, He/It, Pan
There's not much to him. He's just a feral kid with *way* too much energy. He has wings, though they're too heavy for flight. He doesn't mind having them, though, as he can smack people with them.
Onyx🫐, 15, He/Him, Bi
Even with his quiet personality, this kid kicks ass, though he doesn't enjoy doing it. Belos had raised him with a sibling, and once they were older, made them fight to the death to see who should be Golden Guard. Onyx won that battle. He and his mourning dove palisman, Pikelet, get through the harsh realities of the world one step at a time.
Opal☠️, 15, He/Him, Bi/Ace
He can see and hear the dead, and the dead can interact with him, though he cannot speak back. He suffers from insomnia and paranoia due to the near constant chatter of the dead and what they tell him.
Phantom🌹, 19, He/Him, Pan
He's a run away guard who joined the CATS as sOon as he heard of its existence. He's a valiant fighter and has a love for theatrics and dramatics. He's a bit of a flirt but an all around good guy.
Pyrite🌼, 14, He/Him, AceAro
The child has had it rough, as he knows Belos wants his death, yet he cannot escape. He doesn't trust the covenheads, fearing what they may do to him. Belos sees him as a failure and a weak link, as Pyrite is skittish and doesn't have it in him to hurt others.
Quartz⛓️, 16, He/Him, Unsure
He hasn't left the castle once in his life, Belos having scared and gaslit him into believing that the outside world was unsafe. It's gotten to the point that he rarely goes to any portion of the castle grounds that isn't inside.
Rhyolite🌘, 17, He/Him, AroAce
He's a puppet from the Collector that's come back to life. He has his own thoughts and feelings, and he vaguely remembers his life before he was turned. Though he's still unsure of how to process everything, and is largely unemotional.
Seraphinite🧪, 16, He/Him, Gay
He's got a talent for potions and hangs around Vitimir often, though letting him into a kitchen would end up absolutely disastrous. He's a sweet, excitable, kindhearted boy.
Silver☣️, 18, He/Him, Gay
He worships the ground Belos walks on, doing any dirty work the Emperor sets him to do with joy. He's been possessed by Belos for years, but he sees the sludge as a gift. Despite his possession, his actions are still his own. He's unreliable and reacts to everything with anger, he's loyal to only himself and the Emperor.
Sugilite🕯️, 19, He/Him, Demiromantic/Gay/Ace
The Guard who doesn't Exist, blink and you'll miss him. Sugilite keeps to the shadows and keeps quiet, hardly interacting with the world. He doesn't get involved much with what goes on around in the Boiling Isles unless he's told to.
Tin🪨, 16, He/Him, Bi
The other half to Bismuth, he's a bit more soft spoken (though he still jokes and messes around with his twin). He enjoys harassing Belos with Bismuth, though leaves his pranks to the Emperor.
Topaz🍇, 16, He/Him, Gay
Doing everything he can to look and act like his father figure, Darius, he tries copying the Head Witch's mannerisms to a tea. He enjoys working with abominations, even if he can't bring most of them to life.
Wehrlite🩸, 17, He/Him, Gay
A false titan made by Belos in hopes of getting titan's blood for the portal. His blood is too diluted by witch's blood to work, yet Belos still takes blood from him in hopes that it'll work as he grows older.
Xanthite👑, 22, He/Him, Unlabeled
He, along with a small rebellion, managed to overwhelm and kill Belos before the events of the Day of Unity. He's taken the throne, and whether he's a better Emperor or not is up for debate. Those in immediate connection to him see him as much more watchful…
He has a jackal palisman named Abrax.
Zircon🌀, 16, He/Him, Gay/Ace
A demon/witch hybrid with too much energy to hold him, he was made to try and look friendly to the average Boiling Isles citizen. He's taken up illusions and looks up to his father figure and Head Witch, Adrian.
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