#anyway! literally give it up for the lesbians with the trash fire relationship
rotzaprachim · 2 years
kissing andor the show on the mouth for not only giving us space lesbians but making them messy and dysfunctional 
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blee-bleep · 4 years
Though I disagree vehemently about your take I'm also very curious of your arguments for why you think Akko is such a bad character?
Anon, you have no idea what you just fucking asked of me. Time for a review! This is going to be hella’ long. 
Vanilla Character that insists that she has personality
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So the one thing I’m going to start off with is; The Relatable/Vanilla Protagonist Syndrome. This is the syndrome that is used for most main characters in order to have a clean-slate character that is basically the audience in order to promote the world-building in the series by having them absolutely no clue of what is the world around them. That is what Akko exactly is, and that is what Trigger abuses her out of. 
Little Witch Academia is an anime that focuses solely on world-building, so much so that they’re willing to pile over their characters in order to show what magic can do. 
(And apparently for Trigger, world-building also means learning who the author of a 200-yo Twilight spinoff book is and who was Holbrooke’s dad)
But the point is, the anime is a pile of boring trash fire that focuses on world-building, even from its original exposition of the OVA. It uses the pattern of ‘theme/problem of the week’ in half of the series with arcs going nowhere for a while and suddenly rushes an epiphany in the last few episodes. *cough ep 15*
The point with world-building serialization is that it needs a way to be promoted, and what way for it to promote is to get Akko to fuck around with it. As her job as the protag, that’s exactly what she does for more than half of the series. She’s like a stretchy character that is carried by the plot with gross insistence from the show that she has character (which is being stubborn and clumsy that is written off as ‘passionate’).
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What’s worse is Trigger has all these ideas yet none of them are polished to its fullest (like the political divide between witches and modern government) or is overlapped by some bullshit to add because Japan. (seriously, a hunting-themed episode with cool lore, and yet a third of the episode is all about robots and building it? What the fuck?)
See, that’s why I think Akko is a horribly written character, not her character itself (if that were the case then I would’ve ditched the show the first episode) but because how she’s executed with it for the show. She’s constantly pulled by different bullshit the show comes up and makes her pull the answers the episode needs out of thin fucking air just because the writers said ‘fuck you’ to development and that they need to end the problem at some point right?
If characters can’t be tied correctly to the worldbuilding then there’s a chance that the character themselves would break, because it just can’t often work with what you’ve already placed in the previous episodes you’ve set up in the first place. Arcs overlap with each other and LWA doesn’t do shit for that until it needs a banging climax. 
Akko is constantly renewed and she learns nothing from what she learned (or at least hints of it), except for the metamorphosis bullshit and Shiny Rod. Which brings me to my next point on why Akko is such a horrible character.
Shiny Rod is a Leech
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This thing is basically the plot device that Akko is so tied to. If there’s ever an episode where it solely focuses on Akko herself, it’s often related to either Shiny Rod or Chariot du Nord, which is the shittiest way to limit a character with so much exposition with everything the series has thrown at her. The only other way the series doesn’t do this to her is Diana in episode 12, but it isn’t even focused on her, it’s focused on the cabbage and her Draco Malfoy syndrome.
Anyways, were an episode be connected to Akko in some way, it’s always limiting to her duty as the holder of the Shiny Rod and the occasional situation from Chariot. Not from her friends, who she clearly relates to and has more history with, but with the Shiny Rod and Chariot.
The series lazily signs this as Akko’s resolution to her character by the last episode (FUCK THAT) and does nothing else with her relationship with other characters outside of Diana and Chariot. Honestly, you’d expect that after going through Sucy’s mind and visiting Lotte’s hometown, she would’ve grown as a better character and more than being a two-dimensional ‘chosen-one’ character who only gets an episode if it focuses on the plot-device that pulled her in the magical world in the first place. 
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But no, Trigger is still insisting pies, weird shops, and other boring stuff needs to be shown for the series to make it interesting, and dumps the idea to the next. An arc is never properly made for all the shit they let Akko go through because the series is so fast-paced in the wrong places. And when it does focus on what is important (more important than finding about Nightfall’s author), it’s usually done spontaneously thus eliminating the suppose suspense that the single important thing is supposed to do *I HATE EPISODE 15 WHAT THE FUCK*
The point is, Akko is just a ‘believing heart’. A holder of Shiny Rod, who managed to get under Chariot without her knowing. It’s like she’s Midoriya (My Hero Academia) but much watered down and if you take that away from her, she has nothing, when out of all the stuff she could’ve had.
What LWA’s writers hadn’t realized is that what they actually wrote for Akko is what could’ve been her focus but Trigger insists for the world-building theme is that Akko’s arc should only come in the climax and the filler episodes are for her friends because you know, it won’t be more interesting that way and now they have a main protagonist that’s actually interesting beyond their design and suppose-personality. 
Thus I’m next to my last bullshit:
Akko, the Wasted Potential™
I recently rewatched Citrus lately, and though the show is much narrow than LWA’s world of magic, I realized what actually makes it better than it in ways that the latter fails. And it’s their protagonist.
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I know you guys will trash about Yuzu being a simp and all, and I absolutely agree with that, but what makes Yuzu better than Akko is not because she’s more down-to-earth, but she has a three-dimensional mindset, a mindset which is the very thing kept away from Akko. 
While Yuzu may not have been pushed into a world of magic by the neck and gets dragged by the plot as violently as Akko (and the two very different themes of the two shows of course), but if you pull those away, their passion are nearly built the same. What differs them both is that Yuzu actually acts out what she needs to do and builds a steady relationship with the other characters around her, even if it’s very subtle and small. (Like, Harumin being her wicked hot sidekick? God yes, top-tier Gyaru)
Akko, on the other hand, literally goes into one of her best friend’s mind in a poison-induced coma and gets shoved into her other best friend’s culture by visiting her hometown. You might think she’d grow from that and realize what it takes to be a better character, right? WRONG.
Of course, Trigger uses these things as filler episodes and nothing more. It doesn’t reflect on Akko’s character because she’s not allowed to think like it should. Though the show would insist she has personality, it does the opposite when Akko’s only character is only used as ‘believing heart’ for the Shiny Rod and nothing much else, because the only times when they do get her a new attitude is dropped off right after.
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It would’ve been cool if they dropped the world-building theme for a bit and focus on how they should make the characters much more interesting than having their personalities as the root problems of episodes. 
When I first watched LWA, I had so much more expectation for the characters themselves, especially Amanda O’Neill after her introduction in episode 3. But came episode 5 and then she… didn’t really matter that much despite being in half of the episode. And she didn’t have another one not until 11 episodes later. Imagine making and hyping up such a unique character and barely giving her screentime of three episodes! That’s one of the grossest things you can do in baiting lesbians, Trigger! 
And it doesn’t stop at Amanda; it applies to almost every other character. Chariot is the pink-print disappointment of a hyped character that didn’t have enough time. She’s a plot-device character that everyone was anticipating but she’s barely given the after of a shitty episode 14 (that has another completely different problem altogether). Episode 15 was literally the worst you could’ve done to make a twist because a) the development leading to that revelation was undercooked, and especially shitty because the show basically used Croix as a plot device, b) it’s done nearly towards the end of the series so the timing for her hype was weirdly placed, and c) Chariot’s personality from that episode is being used repeatedly just to let Akko become a sitting duck. 
So yeah, Trigger was so focused on the concept of world-building and making magic look as interesting as possible that the idea that maybe the characters would flat-out look bleak was not in their cone of vision. Akko was fundamentally a boring protagonist because she keeps getting pulled apart and has not ingrained anything in that, and to rub salt into the wound, she becomes so used to it that when Croix set her up with the Wagandea trap, Chariot has to intervene and at the cost of her flight powers, which does not help their characters one bit.
Akko is a shitty protagonist Trigger shredded apart just for their sake of world-building and she has learned nothing from what the show has thrown at her because the writers didn’t think she needed it, because, in the first place, it’s not about her. It’s about the Shiny Rod and completing Chariot’s story (which is half-assed in its own way). Lord knows how they botched her to the point she’s blank. She’s nothing more than a ‘believing heart’ and if Trigger just keeps there, that’s forever what she is. And that, in itself, is why I think Akko is a horrible character.
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A prequel to The Final Season that follows Louis and Violet… but it’s Before the Storm
do you know what you’re asking anon??
Okay, look... y’all know how I feel about Life is Strange: Before the Storm. I hate it. So much. The only good thing to come out of it for me is a few great Pisshead songs. It’s just... ugh. Like, I’m not the biggest fan of the first Life is Strange game, but I like it enough to recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played... but I would never recommend you waste your hard-earned money on the prequel. Just watch a let’s play on youtube for free.
Harsh? Totally, but it’s honestly how I feel. 
And this idea of a Before the Storm-like prequel to TFS is something I’ve discussed before when talking about my fears of ever getting another twdg from skybound or anyone else. Because in my eyes, a Before The Storm is the absolute worst-case scenario.
Well. Lemme describe to you what this would be like--
Okay, so let’s say I’m Skybound or maybe I’m another company that came to Skybound like “hey, we wanna do a prequel with the Ericson crew that follows Louis and Violet! :D” 
So here’s the thing-- Louis and Violet are gonna be the main focus and playable characters! Neat, huh? Y’all are frothing at the mouth at this! ...Except do you remember how Sterling and Gideon brought Louis and Violet to life with their incredible voices? yeah, they’re not coming back for the prequel. Instead, I hired two actors who are 20x worse, and all their dialogue reads like this--
“No one... talks... like this... but... we... have to... fill up... all the...run... time... so everyone... has to... talk as slow... and.... monotone... as... they possibly... can.”
Fantastic! So not only are the performances terrible but the dialogue worse. 
As for the characters of Louis and Violet themselves, we’re pretty much just gonna focus on the surface level elements and fanservicey stuff, soooo~
Louis = ha ha funny boy tell joke ha ha
Violet = sad lesbian eat chicken nugget 
Sometimes we’ll dig a little deeper and show some actual understanding of them, but you don’t care about that because you’ll be too busy with MINERVA! Yep, we’re gonna give you the backstory of vinerva! Aren’t you excited???
Hope so, because remember when Minnie was a compelling, tragic character in tfs? Well, we’ve replaced her with a literal trash can and gave her a personality to match, but again, you won’t notice how little chemistry she and Violet have or how poorly executed and quick their relationship is because you’ll be uwuing about the lesbian romance. 
Oh and Sophie’s there but like who cares, y’know?
As for Louis and what his whole thing is-- he’s got Daddy Issues™ where he has ridiculous nightmares that could be great for character study, but you can’t take them seriously because we’re constantly shoving SYMBOLISM in your face. 
Oh, we also get the origin story of his jacket-- he found it in a dumpster and said “gucci” and it’s great. And we can’t forget to shove some lousim in there because fanservice and “only REAL fans know that Aasim originally had a crush on Louis based on stuff in the files-- oh, don’t forget to put in lots of pyro jokes for the real fans, too!”
The lousim goes absolutely NOWHERE but we already gave you a lesbian romance, what more do you want??
So Louis tells cringy, dumb jokes every five minutes, and Violet shit talks inanimate objects. 
AND SPEAKING OF BOTH OF THEM-- We’re gonna showcase what best friends they are and how strong their relationship is even though it looks like they fucking hate each other BUT NO trust me, they’re bros you just don’t get it--
But anyway, you’re probably wondering what the story is here? Well, truth be told, we don’t know either but trust us, it’ll be great because this is a story written for fans by fans. It’s a story of fanservice with sprinklings of trauma and character growth that goes nowhere. 
And lemme tell you about the choices that mean absolutely nothing because this is a prequel game that will not affect the original tfs in any shape or form.
I’m sure you’re also wondering about the other tfs ericson kiddos? They’re around, too, but half of them are cardboard cuts plopped in the background that you can’t interact with.   
Oh, and Louis and Vi set that one part of the school on fire by accident but it’s chill, they pointed the finger at Aasim. 
Because pyro jokes for the real twdg fans. 
Now the final choice of the game... literally doesn’t matter because, as I’ve stated before, this is a PREQUEL game that has zero effect on TFS and it’s events. 
So what do you think? Are you excited to play my prequel game?? Make sure you like and subscribe and hit that notification bell to be notified when it comes out--
....okay I’m done. 
But do you see? Do you see why I hate this idea so much? Yeah, this is an exaggerated [well, mostly] version of what Before the Storm is like and I’m fully aware that if they ever did a prequel with Ericson, it wouldn’t be like this... well, at least I hope it wouldn’t be. 
This is just what anon wanted, and I’m here to deliver such... despair. ugh. 
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monsterlovinghours · 5 years
More Than I Deserve
So here is the long coming second chapter of my self insert fic. @beetlejuicebeadoll this is for you, sorry about the number of times I said I'd post and didn't.
Tw: mentions of death, suicide attempt, depression. Chapter 1 is here.
The first few weeks in his new digs had been...frustrating. She just didn't seem scared of anything. Bugs crawling on her? She laughed and swatted them off, replying that she had lived in roach infested apartments and this was nothing new. Severed head in the cupboard? Nothing more than a gasp, a press of her hand to her chest, and a "very funny!" Shadowy figure standing in her closet, doors opening and closing on their own, disembodied voices and reaching hands clawing out from the walls? Acknowledged and dismissed, as if she were observing the weather. Not a single scream. Beetlejuice tugged at his hair, growling to himself. What the fuck was this weirdo afraid of?
Finally, when she had had the audacity to laugh at a dark figure skittering across her ceiling, he appeared in her room, hands thrown above his head and scowling. "Alright, I give up. What the fuck makes you tick? What are you afraid of?"
Molly had stared at him for a moment, then shrugged, lips pressed together as if to suppress a smile. "When you know the house is haunted, it isn't scary anymore."
He opened his mouth to argue, then sighed, dropping his head in defeat. "You make a good point."
"In any case, why do you have to try and scare me? Do you want me to leave?" Her voice held notes of earnestness, genuine curiosity. "Is it the house you want?"
"No! No, I don't want your house, goddammit." He folded his arms grumpily across his chest; this wasn't how a haunting worked. "This is just how these things go. This is what I'm supposed to do."
Beetlejuice paused, absently tugging some loose threads from the sleeve of his blazer. It was a while before he answered, his voice still carrying that signature rasp, and yet softer somehow. Pensive. "Y'know...I don't really know anymore."
Molly stood from the chair she had been reclining on, and reached for him. Out of instinct, he drew back, looking untrustingly down at her hand, and her heart gave an odd lurch in her chest. Still, she let her fingertips graze over the back of his hand, his skin as cold and smooth as marble. "Maybe you can just, you know, live here. Well, not live." To her relief, a hint of a smile tugged at his lips. "Its okay for you to just be here. Honestly, I kind of like having you around."
He snickered. "Babes, you're so full of shit, your eyes are turning brown." His posture relaxed a bit as she laughed, and she took his hand between hers, warm palms pressing around his fingers. God, that felt nice. 
"No, really. The house doesn't feel so empty now. It's a welcome change."
Once again, he chuckled, grasping her wrist and tugging her against his side, slinging his arm over her shoulder. "You're fucking weird, kid."
It did take some adjusting; after all, there was a bit of a learning curve when it came to dead/living cohabitation. But once he stopped pushing her out of bed because he was bored and she got used to the smell of damp earth on everything, it was remarkably pleasant. He was an oddly good conversationalist, having been around for longer than she could really comprehend, and would sit cross legged in midair, gesticulating wildly, his expression animated as he told her story after story. She didn't shy away from the fact that he had killed people; but then, by now, he didn't expect her to. "You're not trying to kill me," she explained, "so what does it matter? You're a demon, I expect human lives aren't as sacred to you."
"You know, you probably shouldn't be as chill with this as you are," he joked.
"Mm. Maybe. Death doesn't really faze me anymore."
The smile on his face faded slightly. "Lose someone?"
A pause. "Everyone." She looked up at him, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "Why do you think no one ever comes by?"
All was quiet for a long, long moment. “Look, babes, I’m not that great with...y’know, human shit. Emotions.” With a sigh, he settled down beside her, legs kicked up on her coffee table. “But if you wanna talk about it, I’m listening.”
She lifted her head, a soft smile on her face that didn’t touch her eyes. “Careful, or I might think you have a heart in there somewhere.” Her gaze faraway, she spoke, her tone carefully measured and emotionless. “Where I grew up wasn’t exactly a great place. It was a small town, most people were dirt poor. We weren’t well-off, but we were comfortable enough. Grew up just fine. The neighbor kids weren’t as lucky. Their parents made meth and child abuse into an art form.” Absently, she picked at the chipping dark green nail polish on her right thumb, still gazing into the far distance. “When I was fifteen, my older sister had her high school graduation party at the house, and my whole family came. Like, the whole family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins. The whole gang. I was a little shit and didn’t want to socialize, so I snuck out and went for a walk. Didn’t feel like they’d miss me anyway. Turns out the neighbors were cooking up a big batch of fresh methamphetamine that day, and something went wrong. The explosion was so big it took out half the block. My house and everyone inside included.” She snapped her fingers. “Just like that. My whole family, vaporized.”
“Jesus, kid,” he said softly. 
“It took me five years to really process everything, you know? At first it was pandemonium. The state got involved, since I was a minor, and no one could figure out what to do with me. Too old for foster care, not old enough to live on my own. I was checked out, barely spoke to anyone, and frankly didn’t care if I lived or died, so I literally didn’t give a shit where I ended up. I floated around for a while, until I was sixteen and could legally live on my own. Turns out Mom, Dad, and both sets of grandparents named me in their wills, so I ended up inheriting quite a bit of money. I bought a shitty apartment in a shitty little town and did nothing but marinate in a delicious stew of survivor’s guilt and PTSD for four more years.” There was bitterness in her tone; he could almost taste it in his mouth. She returned to picking at her nail polish, not even attempting to look up at him. “Then I started getting my shit together. Got my GED, took online university courses and got a bachelor’s in library science. Started going to therapy, started talking to people. Got a job. I relearned how to be a person all over again. I even got a girlfriend.” At last, she looked up at him, as if challenging him to say something, or perhaps gauging his reaction to her sexuality. When his expression didn’t change, Molly lowered her head and continued.
“She lived upstate, about a two hour drive away. We met online through a literature forum.”
“Pff. Nerd.”
Molly gave a soft huff of something close to laughter. “We hit it off, I took a leap and asked her out, and we dated long distance for two years. She was the first person I was ever in love with, the only person I’d gotten close to since my family died. Then around Christmas on the third year of our relationship, she was driving down to see me...and she hit black ice and went off the road. Killed instantly. I found out about it two days later because her brother found me on Facebook. Her parents...they didn’t know she was a lesbian. They would have made her life hell if they knew. I couldn’t even attend her funeral.” Once she stopped talking, the house seemed unnaturally silent, as if even small sounds were muffled under the weight of her suffering. “After that, I just kind of...shut off again. I figured I was cursed or something, that I wasn’t meant to be around people. I bought this house, found a job editing online articles, and that is the story of how I ended up being the town recluse at the ripe old age of twenty-eight.”
He was quiet; what could he possibly say? Throughout his long, long existence, he had seen worse things than the life she had described to him...but not many, and not by much. There hadn’t been a single human interaction in the time he’d been here, he hadn’t seen her leave the house except to take the trash to the curb once a week. Yet, she seemed...stable. At peace with it all somehow. There was a current of strength running through her, of fire-tested resilience that he begrudgingly admired. Beetlejuice glanced down at her and saw that she was staring expectantly up at him, as if waiting to see what he was going to say. With an easy smirk, he knocked her shoulder with his. “So...you’re into the ladies, huh?”
Molly was silent for a moment, then burst out laughing, awkwardly swinging her fist to land a glancing blow on his chest. “Really, you dick? I bare my soul, my whole tragic life story, and the only thing you take away is that I’m into girls?!”
Chortling, he dodged her second swing easily, darting forward to perch on the edge of the coffee table. “Can’t help having a one-track mind, babes. That explains why you haven’t fallen for my roguish charms yet.”
Scoffing good-naturedly, she relaxed back into the couch; he was relieved to see her posture ease, her body more relaxed after a break in the tension. “Oh, is that what you call it? Besides, what makes you think I’m only into girls, slick?”
He raised an eyebrow, all but leering at her. “Swinging for both teams, doll? I won’t lie...that’s pretty fucking hot.” He could practically hear her eyes rolling, but she laughed softly. It was quiet for a moment, then he reached for her hand. Ever since she had taken his in her own, he had slowly been testing the boundaries of how much touch she allowed. Hand-holding was fine, a casual arm slung over her shoulder was tolerated, but anything beyond that and she would flinch and ease away. Though, knowing what he knew now of her past, touch must be something she was unused to. Now, as easy as anything, his fingers meshed between hers, squeezing softly and holding back a sigh at the hot press of her living skin against his. “Hey, uh...thanks for telling me. Family shit isn’t easy to deal with.”
A beat, and then she squeezed back. "Thanks for listening." She smiled. "You know, for being a demon...you're pretty nice to me."
"Yeah? Well, don't read into it, babes, I'm just trying to get in your pants."
His eyes followed her as she laughed and stood, lingering with her hand in his for a moment before letting go and padding barefoot into the kitchen, a strange expression creasing his brow when her back was turned. Slowly, at the very roots, the tiniest flush of pink tinged his hair. This wasn't how hauntings were supposed to go. The dead were not supposed to feel, especially for the living. This was unnatural, topsy-turvy, wrong in every way, but even so, he was grateful that she had decided to try that summoning spell; after observing her in his time here and learning about her usual practice (what she called "green magic"), he knew now how outside the norm such a dark spell was. Yet she had called him, said his name with no hesitation. Hell, she had all but put out a welcome mat. For him. The pink in his hair slowly began to spread upwards as the barest hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth; not a smirk, a grin, or a disingenuous lopsided curl of the lip, but a genuine smile. Perhaps just being here wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ watergate :3
this took too fucking long
Who is more likely to raise their voice? i feel like emma cos she’s more angry dramatic and he’s more emo dramatic but i was also gonna say he probably should to accomodate for his heightWho threatens to leave but never actually does? neither of them, they’ve both left one another repeatedly. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? both of them, see above. Who trashes the house? i don’t think either of them … i can’t see him ever doing it but if he did she would kick his ass things need to be NEAT Do either of them get physical? basement gate tease ! but no … it’s soft ….  that’s been erased from my memory … they’re emo not violent  How often do they argue/disagree? all the time but about #dumb shit nowadays … used to be more serious but now? you like chocolate ice cream better? … idiot  Who is the first to apologise? if they had a penny for every time mickey has apologised to her both of them could quit their low salary jobs and move to france 
Who is on top? bold of u to assume they aren’t both switches Who is on the bottom? ^Who has the strangest desires? Any kinks? mind ur fucking business … snuggling is a kink Who’s dominant in bed? i don’t think dominant has ever been in either of their vocabulary where’s the john mulaney gif abt soup in the lap … regaurdless … probably he has to be she’s babyIs head ever in the equation? she suck the dick for free and mickey is a good boy, he knows how to go down on a womf If so, who is better at performing it? i don’t know how sex works is it easier to eat thrussy or suck a dick … they both try the only thing that matters is that once he said she was better at sex than [ redacted ] Ever had sex in public? private public … like not dressing room public but like, romantic lookout in a car public … hope no coppers come 2 shine their flashlight Who moans the most? idk if this is my sexism or my lesbian but women should, legally, be required to moan more than menWho leaves the most marks? he better swallow his masculinity and get used to concealer but i feel like that wld not be an issue for him, king ! he can’t borrow hers though it won’t match Who screams the loudest? WHO YELLSWho is the more experienced of the two? mickey. fucking duh. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they make love :3Rough or soft? soft … unlike his penis How long do they usually last? haha 8 seconds joe goldberg tease? idk how long sex even lasts in general …. solidly average is my guess Is protection used? he better wrap it before he taps it my girl cannot afford plan b . so yesDoes it ever get boring? not …. boring but ….. consistent. when emma gets too drunk she asks odette for sex advice bc she doesn’t want to bore ickey Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? nowhere is strange if ur brave enough.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? …. yes ….If so, how many children do your muses want/have? she wants 27 children actually but literally anything from 1-30 will suffice …. they need a lot of help on his inevitable farm Who is the favorite parent? mickey is the fun parent so u already know who it is Who is the authoritative parent? REMEMBER the clip i sent u from the marky mark movie … she’s always the bad guy until he gets #fedup and he has to remind her that she’s not doing it this time AJSDKF Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? honeslty both of them unless emma hoards all the candy … selfish  Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both of them they make fucking SIGNS …. its a little league game u dont need to paint the football stripes on ur faceWho goes to parent teacher interviews? they both go but mickey is better at them because emma always goes into teacher mode and tries to talk about Who changes the diapers? mickey does he’s a NURSE he is not grossed out , she is . baby poop is rank Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? where tf is that gifset from prison break when u need it … she does but only because she hates diapers and it’s only fair to pop a tiddie out every night for ur kid in exchangeWho spends the most time with the children? ummmm FAMILY FUN NIGHT x Who packs their lunch boxes?Who gives their children ‘the talk’? mickey he is obligated as a medical professional she don’t teach sex ed …. Who cleans up after the kids? emma but only because she’s a neat freak Who worries the most? both of them try to pretend they’re VERY cool and nonchalant and this is actually very easy until one of them cracks (probably her) and they both worry together constantly . solidarity babey ! ….. moreso her tho u cannot change my mind Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? auntie odette change my mind we said FUCK watergate lives , emdette rise 
Who likes to cuddle? both of them …. constntly …. disgusting Who is the little spoon? [ jake peralta vc ] everyone likes to be the little spoon, it makes them feel safe ! LOOK HERE buddy …. he is and i dont take questions , even when he was 10 ft Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? can he fucking keep his hands AWF …. thats coming from me not emma she appreciates it Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? both of them …. its CONSTANT … hand on the shoulder , touching someone’s back as u walk past …. SOFT ! n then the one gif  u sent from superstore where amy slaps jonah’s ass that’s emma How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  they actually fall asleep cuddling and wake up complaining abt falling asleep in a uncomfortable position… shut up abt ur back pain ur not 80 Who gives the most kisses? KISS kisses …. he. but know … she’s always kissing him on the cheek What is their favourite non-sexual activity? this is gonna sound g*y as hell but stay with me here ………. just being in the same place , even when they’re doing diff stuff . TOGETHERNESS …. vomit time Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch , i retract my statement about them not being 80 they actually fall asleep watching tv Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? casually ? she … to actually initiate eye emoji ? he How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , they know 2 other people 
Who snores? he does im hcing this for ur own character If both do, who snores the loudest? she doesn’t SNORE she’s a lady Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they’ve been in 200 different stages of relationship ……. OTHER than depending on that , she sleeps better w him there :3If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start far apart cos she’s a blanket hog but she always ends up next 2 him Who talks in their sleep? she mumbles sometimes ….. its nothing coherent What do they wear to bed? she owns 47 different stupid size xxxxxxxl shirts that were 2 bucks  from walmart and wears only that . i bet mickey owns a bathrobe, bourgeois pig … Are either of your muses insomniacs? idk she reads a chapter of whatever dumb shit she’s reading and has tea or wine and conks out ….. idk his business Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? idk abt taking them and ik its not the point but shes anal retentive abt keeping medicine in the medicine cabinet so THERE BETTER NOT BE Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? AS I SAID … they start out on opposite sides of the beg and end up more tangled than tangled (20whatever) Who wakes up with bed hair? his hair is floofy ,,,, Who wakes up first? i feel like that depends on his shifts …. she wakes up at the same damn time every week day …. weekends though she sleeps in for 10 yrs so him Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? emma tries and he has to leave bed anyway because the fire alarm goes off  What is their favourite sleeping position? she prefers it when she has all the blankets Who hogs the sheets? she does Do they set an alarm each night? they have JOBS does she look like pippa to u Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes so she can cry over dumb rom coms over somewhere other than the couch …… he’s invested in them , change my mind Who has nightmares? i already know ur about to say he does so im calling the cops on u end of story Who has ridiculous dreams? all of emma’s dreams are indistinguishable from bad acid trips Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? she sleeps in the fetal position he seems like a sprawler …..Who makes the bed? emma …. its gotta be CLEAN and if he ever says “why make it we’re just gonna sleep there again” its on SIGHT What time is bed time? whenever she passes out , always before midnight , considering they’re 72Any routines/rituals before bed? i bet they brush their teeth at the same time to see who can do it faster like they’re five year olds …. or that gifset from new girl where he’s like “ u read my walking dead fanfic ? ”Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? emma takes three cups of coffee to be able to be her CHIPPER self …. 
Who is the busiest? she has like a 6 hour work day so he for sure Who rakes in the highest income? i just googled nurses versus preschool teachers and he makes twice what she does …. laughs nervously …. glad she’s going back 2 school but elementary teachers STILL make less …. mr talbot got COIN ! Are any of your muses unemployed? no , freeloading is ILLEGAL Who takes the most sick days? i feel like the two worst jobs to go into sick are a literal hospital with immunocompromised people and a preschool with toddlers who dont wash their hands …. equal maybe Who is more likely to turn up late to work? despite her original beef with odette in the apocalypse verse emma is NEVER late to work Who sucks up to their boss? she cooks dinner , a nice LASAGNA for whoever to heat up and mickey has to break it to her that making whoever her superior is eat what tastes like glue will in fact , damage their relationship What are their jobs? hes a nursey  boy …. shes a teacher Who stresses the most? about life in general? her. about work? probably him. he’s dealing with LIVES she’s got the alphabet Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they better they aren’t getting paid enough to hate it Are your muses financially stable? they’re not rich but they’re not dying and that’s what matters 
Who does the washing? emma because it relaxes her Who takes out the trash? he better , she does not like to  LOOK at things once they are thrown out … its smelly Who does the ironing? neither of them have ironed anything in their lives Who does the cooking? HE HAS TO IDC if he isn’t fuckign gordon ramsay she’ll kill them Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? emma Who is messier? if he leaves a single sock on the floor he is automatically messier than her Who leaves the toilet roll empty? that’s satanic neither of them Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? he does …. its just not REALISTIC that she does Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross ……hopefully neither ….. DISGOSTEING.mp4Who is the prankster around the house? anything STUPID is hers and hers alone but i feel like he’d do something relatively innocent and it would go HORRIBLY wrong like , hey emma come get y’all juice ….Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? despite being organized in every other aspect of her life emma has never kept track of keys in her life its a disease Who mows the lawn? he does , he shld do it shirtless so she can objectify him Who answers the telephone? mickey, she truly stares at it hoping it’ll go away Who does the vacuuming? emmaWho does the groceries? she would make HORRIBLE decisions ,,, he shld make the list and she shld get it Who takes the longest to shower? no sexism but she’s a girl Who spends the most time in the bathroom? see above 
Is money a problem? yES like … they can afford groceries , make rent , but for literally every american except jeff bezos money is a problem in some area . this isn’t a hc just a capitalist hellscape How many cars do they own? two …. neither of them are very nice cars Do they own their home or do they rent? rent unless/until he gets the farm of his dreams Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? countryside thats where FARMS are … but like rn , coast cos there’s the ocean in town Do they live in the city or in the country? see above bbgDo they enjoy their surroundings? the goats of the future and the noisy neighbors of the current and past eras both leave something to be desired , but in general yes What’s their song? not to go all modern au but remember when stereo hearts was on their 2011 mixtape AJSKDF …. issa bop and its arguably the most cutesy singable on the playlist What do they do when they’re away from each other? bitch idk ? exist as human beings ?Where did they first meet? idk she probably met him for coffee or sum before moving in together to make sure he wasn’t a serial killer How did they first meet? they were roommates … oh my god they were roommates …. she prolly put an ad in the paper very lucky she did not get murdered x Who spends the most money when out shopping? i feel like neither of them are big spenders but her sticker and colored pen budget is larger than it should be Who’s more likely to flash their assets? i thought this was talking about tits for a second but im assuming mone ? they keep it humble Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they both do , bullying one another is a bonding experience Any mental issues? more than you know my guy Who’s terrified of bugs? if she sees a SPIDER she floors it , but she releases most other bugs …. he better kill anything w 8 legs tho Who kills the spiders around the house? mickey , as described above wow im psychic Their favourite place? they can make any place work together … gay but true , just like me Who pays the bills? she has a special binder just for taxes Do they have any fears for their future? all the fears actually Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? she cannot cook but she has 10/10 ordered takeout , put it on plates and been like :the happy version of the pensive emoji yk the one: i cooked it while the reciept is still on the counter Who uses up all of the hot water? thats very selfish she wld never but she also showers first bc she doesn’t trust him not to ….. Who’s the tallest? they , in american , are the SAME HEIGHT ,,, fuck centimeters Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?Who wanders around in their underwear? clothes are oppressive let them both do it coward Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? it probably turns into a competition until they’re both singing at the top of their lungs …. omg watergate you’re gonna burst a vocal cord oh my god they can’t hear us they have airpods in What do they tease each other about? literally everything …. one of them BREAHTES wrong and the other is like “ ah didnt realise the asthma express was in town “ Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? mickey literally dresses like the fresh prince so u already answered that for me Do they have mutual friends? can the real jack detler please stand up Who crushed first? she ……. did not immediately fall in love with him let me tell u , it took her some solid MONTHS to realise she was in deep for his bitch ass Any alcohol or substance related problems? i wld hope not , #stubie twWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? them , together , for getting kicked out of the bar for singing Who swears the most? neither ? 
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needlekind · 6 years
the california asshole sounds interesting
THE CALIFORNIA ASSHOLE, that’s my new band name
all names here except mine have been changed but: let’s talk about cathy
cathy and i were promoted to claire’s’s sister store, the icing, at the same time, a few months before the holiday season started—that was the instance where literally everyone in that store quit, another, briefer story; she was the manager, i was the assistant manager. i was nineteen at the time and she was only a few years older than i was
because literally everyone in the store had quit there was a rough month or so immediately after our hiring where we were each regularly pulling doubles so the other could have a day off. eventually we hired lisa, whom i absolutely adored, but only for a couple of days a week because this was a second job to her
at first cathy and i seemed like we were going to be an absolute dream team, high energy and excited about the store and being in charge with it, but ultimately there was not a lot of love lost between us. she was kind of a control freak and would get huffy if i made decisions without her (which happened pretty often, because i was regularly working 50+ hour weeks and was very often alone in the store, sometimes for the entire day!), and she especially hated if i did planogram—when corporate gives you some pictures and diagrams of how your store fixtures and walls are supposed to look and you go “our walls are way taller than this. we don’t even have that product. we don’t even have that many fixtures and most of them have four sides instead of six” and make it look appealing with what you DO have—on my own. she was the kind of person who talked about how her bluntness made her honest and a person other people could trust and rely on while making it incredibly clear that she thought i was totally incompetent when it came to store design and planogram and similar (credit where it’s due; she spoke highly of my sales skills). for a long time, we kept talking about having a manager from a different store come in and do some training with the both of us so she would shut the fuck up, because she wouldn’t train me herself, she just complained about how everything i did was wrong without specifying, so much so that i was impossible for her to train, she didn’t know where to begin, i was just that bad at it
somewhere along the line we also hired shannon, whom i ALSO absolutely ADORED, and she worked shifts between claire’s and our sister store. she was an old friend of cathy’s and therefore got a huge chunk of our allocated hours each week since cathy wrote the schedules, even as lisa’s availability opened up. like i said, i LOVED shannon, she was great, but lisa had an amazing eye for planogram (when she quit it was because her other job offered her a management position designing planograms SO, LIKE, UNPARALLELED COMPARED TO ALL HER COWORKERS INCLUDING HER MANAGERS). planogram season came again and cathy and i got into a fight at one point because i tried expressing that, if cathy thought i was so garbage at planogram then lisa should be getting more hours so she could do it because she was so good at it, and cathy got mad at me for “attacking” her while fervently denying she was showing any favoritism. regardless.
a sidebar: before the holiday season (and i mean the retail holdiay season, not november/december when people actually start celebrating holidays), our stores were dead because we lived in a tourist trap island kind of place, so winter and fall were unbearable no matter where you went. so, when cathy and i’s shifts overlapped, we would just waste time talking about all kinds of things while marking product or organizing signage up front in between customers. one time we ended up in a political discussion where she, a staunch conservative, eventually made a point about how she thought people who couldn’t talk politics without getting emotional were immature, and that it should be completely acceptable idle talk and dinnertime conversation, and that friends could and should have completely opposite political views (this was all before the november 2016 election). she tried to backtrack when i made a point about how i, a lesbian (this being the first i told her this) would never under any circumstances choose to associate with anyone against same-sex marriage (which the supreme court hadn’t ruled in favor yet), and i knew. i could see in her eyes that she was a raging homophobe but wasn’t ready to admit it because christ, we lived in massachusetts, that was a hell of a way to get fired from your job for discrimination.
but i knew she was so uncomfortable because when i said “i would never, ever associate with anyone who was opposed to same-sex marriage, and i probably don’t want to have a discussion with them about it either” i was talking about her. i pushed the point as hard as possible for as long as possible, on purpose, until she dropped the whole conversation.
she never talked politics with me again.
anyway. a few months later my mother died—i hated her and she deserved it, and we weren’t in touch, but i was the next of kin, so i had to do all sorts of legal garbage. claire’s offered three paid days off for bereavement in the event that an immediate relative died; i took mine in the middle of the week adjacent to some pre-scheduled days off so i would have time to travel back and forth and decompress. these days off overlapped with a pre-scheduled visit from a manager elsewhere in the state, whose icing store was converting to a claire’s, so we kept getting their icing product. she was going to bring us some product and help train us in planogram, since she’d been managing that store for, like, a decade—but i was going to miss her visit because of my bereavement leave.
cathy was pissed. she didn’t say so to me, even though i did get a couple “are you suuuure”s (wherever possible, she made the manager at claire’s talk to me if she had a problem with me that wasn’t just vague complaining about how much i sucked; 99% of the time these were baseless and the claire’s manager would mention it offhand like three days later like “cathy was freaking out about x before” “oh yeah” “yeah. i told her to shut the fuck up it’s not a big deal” “nice”). she did call our district manager (who told me about this conversation well after the fact, complaining about cathy’s complaints about me) to complain that i was going to be taking some time off. because my mother died.
like. i did not communicate to my coworkers what my relationship with my mother was like. here’s what cathy knew and was complaining about: i was taking some days off because my mother died. and it was inconvenient for her.
jesus christ.
another month or so goes by, iirc; cathy has another meltdown about planogram after i stay five hours past my shift trying to set up an entire store wall alone and eventually call her and ask if i can just go home and give up and a visiting manager opens with cathy the next morning. the visiting manager said i did a completely fine job and pointed out one specific thing she would rather i didn’t do anymore. cathy told me, in as many words, that everything was trash. nothing comes of this, because she is wrong.
cathy takes a scheduled week-long vacation to see family in california in the middle of the month. she leaves on sunday. she’s been talking about this for a while, she’s scheduled to come back not the next day but the monday after.
on tuesday, my day off, i receive a call in the evening from the manager at claire’s. “what’s going on?” i ask
“cathy quit” she tells me. “she’s staying in california”
“yeah. thought you’d want to know. we’ll talk about the schedule when you’re in again on thursday”
“oh. okay. great! ……what”
we never heard from her again
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low-budget-korra · 6 years
The legend Of Korra : Book 02-Philosophy Everywhere
I'm going to divide this one into two parts, talking about the episodes before the episodes 07 and 08 and after them. Due to this first half, I consider the 02 book the weakest of all and here are some of the why.
Beginning 6 months after the events of Book 01, after all that dark shit that happened, everything is great. Right away we had a significant change that was the change with respect to animation, previously made by Studio Mir and that in book 2 began to be made by the studios Pierrot. Nothing against the work of the studios Pierrot , after I started studying digital art I saw that it is something way more laborious than I already thought it would be, but Studio Mir's work was so good in Book 1 that this change is a "down" for the season.
We are presented with the danger of this season, evil spirits and the reality of our dear Fire Ferrets. Bolin is the only one who continues in Pro's Bending while Mako became a cop and Korra is just being the Avatar, and Asami is trying to deal with the CEO’s stuff of the Future Industries.
Now something that bothered me a lot in the first half of season. I felt that everything that Korra went through in Book 01 was for nothing, as there is no development in the character. She remains the same spoiled, arrogant from Book 1
The relationship between Mako and Korra is appalling, especially because of Korra's unbearable and inexplicable behavior earlier this season.
We are also introduced to Unalaq, uncle of Korra and soon we see that his relation with Tonraq is, at least ,troubled. Also we met Tony Stark .... cof sorry, Varrick and what a good surprise this character was.
Returning to Korra, this second season she is even more childish than the first. It's inexplicable, I dont know what happened. Like, I can understand her sense of frustration of still being treated as someone who is incapable of making choices, but what does she do? She goes there and shows that she is incapable of making choices.
Like all the building of partnership and trust that was made in book 01 between Tenzin and Korra, something that I unfortunately forgot to mention in my review of book 01, was thrown in the trash because in the first "fight" she exchanged the Tenzin that literally hugged her in the worst moments of her life until then, by an uncle she barely know
I think that when, soon in the first episode Korra dispenses the Tenzin, Unalaq must have thought : "Man, that was easy"
Then we have Korra with unnecessary anger for her father for him not  told he was banished from the Northern WaterTribe and why. Like, girl, this is certainly something your father is not proud of, maybe even blaming himself for the inexperience and arrogance in which he acted when, after chasing the barbarians who attack the city ,  ended up destroying a sacred place. I'm sure you did not tell him about how "cool" the first conversation you had with Amon was.
Okay, I'll take it easy with Korra, maybe this "Stop Protecting Me"  it is her trying to reaffirm herself as Avatar after all she suffered in Book 01. Then this almost desperation for not wanting to be seen as a child and wanting to be considered a capable person, made her, ironically, act like a child and show herself unable , after make some wrong choices.
You guys remember that when the NorthTribe invaded the SouthTribe, she chose to stay with her uncle and not her father. Even Tonraq being an incredible father.
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 (Look at this? This  person is trustworthy right. The guy is sitting in a dark room, alone doing a bunch of nothing. IN THE DARK!)
Unalaq was another one that I did not like since the moment I saw it. He is by far the worst villain even more that Ozai's greatest megalomaniac style, worse yet, Ozai wanted his Nation to rule the world while Unalaq wants evil to dominate simply because he wants to. But I give him something, he was good to see that moment of “wanting approval” that Korra and exploits it in his favor.
When Korra discovers that his uncle was responsible for the unjust sentence of his father when Unalaq underwent an attempt of kidnapping and that he also was responsible for the banishment his father years ago. First of all I can not blame her for the violent way she approached the judge for the conversation because I think it would do the same. (Dont mess with the people i love)
Something very interesting to note was that this season was where everyone was further away from each other. And the frozen scenery of the northern watertribe helped amplify this feeling. The soundtrack of this season is also incredible,  all of the seasons are actually.
Another thing I liked was the interaction between the sons of Aang. It was a bit sad to know that despite being a great Avatar, Aang was a bit flawed as a parent. Paying more attention to his duty to the world than with his family. And clearly having a favorite son, Tenzin. I can understand why, but is sucks anyway
But I also think the character who was best explored this season was Tenzin. We can connect with his concerns. The burden of being responsible for the survival of the airbender culture, the fear of failure, and the quest to be a reflection of his father.
We know more about Bumi, and dude, the scene in ep.04 where he talks to his father's statue, apologizing for not being an airbender, and besides that , he did what he can to keep the world . And Kya is kind of a more lesbian cooler version of Katara in terms of personality.
One more “down” to this Book in the beginning was to make fun with the Bolin being clearly in an abusive relationship with Eska. This is not fun people, people die because of it.
Poor Mako in the first half,  his only getting slapped by Korra . Later on  I understand, but I dont agree with his position of delivering Korra's plans to get help for the southern tribe to Raiko. Episode 06 was focused on Mako, Bolin and Asami. We can see Asami, in a moment of weakness that I dont understand until today, kissing Mako. Bolin pursuing film career and Mako showing a certain ability as a detective. This I found cool because it gains another layer to the character , it is no longer just the romantic interest of Korra. It also had virtually the revelation of Varrick as a secondary villain for this arc of them
Bolin also has something nice, If in the first episode, he was shown was someone who only can fight with The Krew, later in book 2 he and we see that he is capable to fight alone for himself.
And Asami, this babe was her own “up and fall and up again” arc as CEO of her dad company. And she shows that she has what its need to take control of the business.
I really dont know what happened to the writers in this first half of book 02, way below the expected But Raava inspired them to make the wonder that is the second half of the season. And so I finish my analysis of the first half of book 02
Beginnings part 1 and 2 are my favorite episodes of the entire AVATAR series. Seriously, everything in these episodes is incredible, from the differentiated animation (Studio Mir is back baby!!!)to the soundtrack, and of course, the script.
In Beginnings we are introduced to the first avatar, Avatar Wan. And so, we are presented as the cycle began. From real, every time I see these two episodes I cry like a baby.
"Return to the beginning. Find Raava "
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Lets talk about  Wan, he was a young thief trying to survive, in a  dangerous and authoritarian era of what might be considered the beginnings of the Fire Nation, a city that lay on the back of a Giant Turtle, protected them from the spirits -dominated forests.
I will not say much about these two episodes because even if you dont remember , go watch, seriously, it's incredible. And because if I start talking about them I will not finish.
In short. Wan receives the power of fire from the Giant Lion Turtle and  go into the forest. Then he  return home before entering the forest, and thus steals the fire power ,which was forbidden to use in the city.What is worth mentioning is that the bendinds there were not developed , dont expect  martial arts movements. 
 Here ,even with power, Wan is merciful and selfless. He did not think only of himself, he did not exposed who participated in the rebellion with him and still spared the life of a guard. He is then banished to the forest and .... aaa did not say, I cant not speak of these episodes man
Anyway, after going through "trouble" on his first night out in the woods. He seeks the help of a spirit who simply says "it's not my problem", so Wan tries to fantasize as spirit to be able to enter the oasis of the same spirit that denied him help. Then he discovers that there are other LionTurtles, and consequently, other cities.
And in his journey, even with hunger he decides to release an animal, which turns his animal partner. And so, seeing the altruistic action of Wan, the same spirit that denied him help, helps him to escape the hunters. And so he decides to stay and learn from the spirits.
And so, Wan learns the dragon dance, protecting the oasis and his friends spirits. My baby Wan <3
Back in town, Wan's old friend decides to lead a group of people who believe that only with the power of fire, it is possible to live in the forests. Needless to say that shit happens right ?!
Then Wan decides to travel the world with his pet, Mula. The music in these parts is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, really.
Then Wan discovers Raava and Vaatu fighting and, unknowingly, helps Vaatu to escape. With the help of Raava ,who at first dont like the ideat of joining with Wan to fight Vaatu), Wan finds the other lions turtles and is given the other bendings.
Raava is light and peace. Literally, the good. Vaatu is evil.
However, Wan can only change elements, when the spirit of Raava passes through his body. Wan is an example of a good person, he literally made the biggest shit in the world but instead of running away, as many would do, he took responsibility and face it.
And it is on this journey that he begins to train heavy, the elements, and learn about the balance of the world.
"He can not destroy light any more than i cant destroy darkess. One can not exist without the other "_Raava
"Most humans think only about themselves" _Raava
Man, this is so true, worse, it's a direct truth. There is no metaphor here.
There we see humans using the power of fire to clear the forest, nothing new  really. The same group as that friend of Wan. And so, these people attack anything (spirits) they see, not knowing whether it is good or bad, just by their own ignorance. What unfortunately happens in various parts of the world with minority groups that are attacked only by the ignorance of the aggressors.
In this 5-minute scene, we see all the power of ignorance and violence. Humans have invaded and destroyed the forest, and still set fire to any spirit that appears. In Brazil we have farmers doing exactly the same thing with the natives, with the moral help of the president. But we are not here to talk about the shit hole that is Brazil right now....
The stronger Vaatu gets, the smaller and weaker Raava gets.
(I'm almost crying because I'm writing while I'm watching this wonderful episode.)
It is then that Wan touch’s on the energy that comes out of one of the portals and this scene happens
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(This scene gives me so many chills. Its simple epic)
Now officially as Avatar, Wan and Raava succeed together defeating Vaatu, imprisoning for the next 10 thousand years. It is also Wan who makes the decision to close the portal, separating spirits and humans.
We then see the Lion Turtles talking that a new era has begun, and we will no longer be given the power of the elements to the people. Then shows Wan's narration as he separates two armies, because it seems that war is what a human being does best.
Then we think the episode ends there. With the message of the duty of the avatar and all but ...oh boy we are wrong . We see a much older Wan, mortally wounded in battle. Regretting that he had not fulfilled his duty to bring peace, that darkness still surrounds humanity, he did not have enough time.
"Do not worry, we will be together for all your lifetimes and we will never give up" _Raava
Soon after this talk of Raava, Wan dies and the cycle of avatars begins.
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(im not crying... you are)
Something I think is very important to mention is that these two episodes, as well as this season of The Legend Of Korra, use something that I hate, that is the megalomaniac villain and the megalomaniac consequences. Only, especially in these two episodes of the Wan, we are not focused on this  but on the learning of the character and all the wisdom of Raava(the hero).
Vaatu can be evil, he has to be evil because he is evil. Now, Unalaq? "Urrr I will release the spirit of darkness to become an evil avatar because I want, even if it destroys the world."
If Vaatu was the villain alone, trying to lead Korra to the dark side, I think it would have been better, or if Unalaq had been better worked for us to believe in his ambitions ... All the Korra villains have a very cool ideology be it equality, freedom or prosperity. Unalaq is only a classic religious fanatic, and a forgettable villain.
Moreover, the rest is just Korra and his friends preparing for Harmonic Convergence to beat Vaatu. And the end of the arc’s of Asami, Bolin and Mako.
Now, on this journey of Korra in the spirit world, when she misses Jinora and meets Iroh. Their interaction is wonderful.
I'll separate some quotes from Iroh to Korra, who at the moment is in the shape of a child.
Iroh says: "Even in material world you will find it, if you look for the light you can often find it. But if you look at the dark, heres what you will see "
Several things can be compared to this speech, but the first thing that came to mind was depression and its power to catastrophize everything. As depressive girl, I think I have the property to speak at least of my experience with it.
As depressive, I often see things on the more negative side and thus, "I search for darkness" and so, it is only her that I see. And as much as the search for light is arduous and tiresome, it compensates. It's a daily struggle. Even in the worst of times, look for the light in the dark and you'll be fine. Even if the path is dark and scary, we all have light and we can all walk that path, whether alone or with help.
And Iroh was also right in another speech, helping others is one of the best things you can do. I can not describe the good feeling that takes care of you when you help someone. I think if we all did that, the world would not be in such a mess.
Now let's talk about the shocking and sad scene of the loss of connections. 
Honestly I think it's something that can be reversed, and if I did it in a fanfic the creators can do in HQ u.u
About the fanfic, ~propaganda moment here~, I swear that I will continue translate it a and post at least once a month on Wattpad with the link here on Tumblr.Who was interested, here is the link of the chapters already translated. I still do not consider myself fluent in English, so I accept any corrections.
Link for the chapters in English: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/117030440-the-legend-of-korra-book-5-legacy
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(This is just to say how much i love Korra with loose and messy hair, my god how I find it sexy. And for you guys to see this gorgeus image and forgive me for the “propaganda time”)
Anyway, at first, I found it very heavy and unnecessary but after analyzing the series as a whole and not just Book 2, I think I understood.
Korra is the avatar in a world practically totally different from the world of Aang and the previous avatars. A world where technology grows every day, a world each more similar to ours. That is, a new era. And this new age, perhaps it did not need other avatars. 
Dont slap me please. But like, for example, what am I going to ask a 19th-century person how she communicated, if we have the cell phone today? Things have changed, the experiences and how to deal with the things too. Perhaps Avatar Kyoshi does not have adequate advice for the Avatar in an increasingly political and complicated world.
The breaking of the cycle was literally the end of an era of Avatars, the avatars that will come after  Korra, in theory, will be more apt to deal with these problems so similar to what we experience.
But yes, I wanted her to somehow reconnect.
As you can see, although I love reading philosophical, political, social, historical, and psychological things, I do not quote any specific author in my interpretations, but I certainly use the knowledge I learned in what I write. "Lara, why dont you quote this guys here?" Cause my memory is terrible in memorising words, which means that I would have to reread, to know who exactly said what, and my college dont let me have this much time
Another thing I forgot to mention, the Gifs are not mine, more talented people than I've done them, and I just picked it up from the internet. Ican tag you in the comments if you are the author of those
Although it is not the book that most focuses on psychological issues, it does so through philosophical questions of "Who I am" and "What is my duty in the world"
Overall, book 2 of The Legend Of Korra is the most nostalgic of all, in my opinion. And in my view, the theme that stands out is that of "Search for own identity". 
We see this in Wan,Bolin, Korra, Tenzin, and Jinora in  a more prominent way.
Wan on his quest for Avatar's identity, even if it is unconscious. Korra for the exact opposite, her quest is for herself. Who is Korra? And would Korra be limited to just been The Avatar?
Who is Tenzin? He finally detaches himself from his father's image. As he says in the fog of the lost souls: "Im not a refletion of my father. Im Tenzin " Bolin who discovers his is not just a sidekick to his brother, he is more than that
And Jinora discovering and embracing without question her full potential with the spiritual side.
And besides, i hate it the all giant final fight. I simple dont like it. 
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beached-thing · 7 years
Reasons why Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a trash fire (SPOILERS):
I say all of this with full awareness of the problem being that I’m a huge fan of the ‘08 Guardians comic, which the films don’t even remotely try to follow, but I’m still gonna bitch about it, so let’s go:
The infantilization of Groot (let’s kick off with possibly the silliest complaint). In the comics, Groot has the canonically highest IQ of the Guardians and is a literal genius. When he’s in small tree form, it’s how he regenerates, he doesn’t revert back to the mind of a child like in the films. As such, Groot’s characterization is the most wildly different between the comics and the movies, out of all the characters (but followed very closely by Drax). I get that cute mascot characters sell tickets but it’s just so devastating seeing our good tree boy get such mistreatment! Especially since, honestly, he was much less cute and much more annoying in this sequel than he was in the last installment. Sorry, but it’s true.
Gamora is still a characterless foil for Peter to touch without permission and forced to have some “unspoken” bullshit with. Peter and Gamora aren’t a couple in the comics and would never be, for the exact reasons we see in the film. But they pair them off together anyway cuz what’s a movie without a bad “guy pesters a girl into giving him a chance” trope subplot? Also, they retained Gamora’s laughably bad makeup and extensions from the first movie for some reason. Poor Zoe.
Speaking of which, why isn’t Mantis green?????????? She’s supposed to be like the exact shade of green Gamora is. Mantis is named mantis cuz, like, the fucking insect....which are greeeeeeeeeen. WHY ISN’T SHE GREEN? More importantly though, why isn’t she getting paired off with Peter like she ideally should be? This weird quasi-relationship shit with Drax is funny (and frankly, Drax tellling Mantis that being ugly is good is my favorite part of the film, for personal reasons I care not to share lol), but like, it’s obviously not gonna work out so why not put the canon ship back in the waters? (Because of my previous bullet point, unfortunately). I loved Mantis as a character though, well written and thoroughly enjoyable. By far my favorite character. I just want to her to be all happy with Peter and also BE GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. Oh well. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll end up being a lesbian in the films since Phyla is nowhere to be found (I will return to this point btw, ready yourselves).
Drax. Oh Drax. I want to love you. You’re the main comic relief. And frankly you do a good job at it. But...I just prefer you as a stoic Riddick-esque character. I realize this is an unpopular opinion and I don’t know why I feel the way I do. But I’m just not feeling this new and possibly improved Drax. I get his appeal but...I’m not connecting. 
Rocket.................actually I don’t have any complaints with Rocket. He’s the only character that they are doing right by. If he’s not in the Captain Marvel film though, what’s even the point of making Guardians movies, ya know?
Peter, aka Shit-Lord: I HATE YOU IN THIS FILM. YOU WERE SO MUCH MORE LIKABLE AND TRUE TO CANON IN THE FIRST FILM. But they made Quill so fucking pushy and creepy toward Gamora in this one for the sake of a bad awful boring played out relationship dynamic so instead we got this motherfucker. Chris Pratt gave a solid performance, as he is prone to do, but the writing was bad and thus Peter was bad. Unfortunate. 
Yondu’s character arc was some bullshit. They worked so hard in the first movie to establish that Yondu was an abuser. Like, they told a very clear child abuse narrative. And it feels so cheap that they retconned it by going “See? He was a good father after all!” Hey Marvel, The Walking Dead wants its glorifying of a piece of shit storyline back. I don’t know, y’all. I’m willing to hear out redemption arcs, but this wasn’t even that. I’m gonna maintain that it was a retcon. It wasn’t a redemption arc, it was a retcon. I liked the original Guardians team teaser at the end of the movie though. Good stuff.
Stop teasing Cosmo if you’re not actually gonna use him. I get that adding a telepathic talking astronaut dog to a film would seem like a ridiculous move in any other film, but it’s very fucking okay to do it in this one. We have to see Howard the Duck cameos that literally no one on Earth cares about, but you won’t give us everyone’s favorite leader of the Guardians? Shameful.  
Nebula is not a compelling character. No slight to Karen GIllan’s performance, but like...who actually cares about Nebula? She’s boring and they probably brought her back to the sequel just so James Gunn could point to her and say “Hey look, we gave Gamora some slight character this time!” At least Nebula’s existence forced these films to pass the Bechdel test, I guess. Could be worse.
Why did they lay on the Hasselhoff references so fucking thick? One mention would have been slightly funny but they really kept pounding this joke into the dirt until it was a bloody lifeless corpse. What the fuck?
Brings me to my next point: so so so many out of place comedic moments and not enough focus on plot and characterization. The story was pretty standard comic book shit, but they could have gave us something with more punch if they had spent less time in the writer’s room giving Drax a bunch of jokes instead of investing in other characters and their motivations. There was something going on with Rocket, right? Who knows, not like they were dedicated to telling that story.
I’m not a huge fan of Peter’s father in the comics, but using Ego in this film to make Peter a god for like 5 minutes on screen just to rip the powers away in the end is...actually that’s such a perfect comic book thing to do. I want to criticize that but that might be the most comic book thing in the entire MCU.
WHERE. THE FUCK. IS PHYLA-VELL? I am fucking SEETHING. Phyla is my absolute favorite character in literally all of Marvel, and she is a core member of the Guardians, but is nowhere to be found. Almost like Marvel studios are fucking cowards that won’t put a canon lesbian up in their shit. Exactly the kind of bullshit you’d expect, unfortunately.
Moondragon? Nah. if they won’t put a lesbian in their film, they’re not gonna put a canon bisexual woman in it either. Fucking shameful, especially since her and Phyla are so magnificently gay for each other. We need that. We need that.
That’s all I can think of right now, folks, but I think that pretty sufficiently sums up why I have so many problems with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. It just wasn’t very good, y’all. I hate to be that person, but read the comics, honestly. They are really really good and there’s a scene where Gamora gets burnt to the crisp saving the entire team from certain death, and lives cuz she’s a fucking badass with actual character and importance.
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