#anyway I felt the need to share my pov bcs I saw a looooooooot of post defending Reki and accusing Langa
miyakuli · 4 years
I wonder
Am I the only one who think that both Langa & Reki are at fault in the conflict? I get that people are very empathic with Reki’s feelings (I see the story of my life in his insecurities xD), but really, I also feel very sad for Langa. The guy lost his father not long ago and he finally began to live again through a new passion but ESPECIALLY because he has Reki by his side.
Sure he wasn’t very considerate toward Reki’s feelings concerning Adam and the trauma he had....but let’s not forget, Langa has also been totally ignored the days before without any explanation. And since he’s introvert, I kinda understand how difficult it can be to ask if something’s wrong even to a friend, without feeling to override Reki’s intimacy. It must have been hurtful for him as well. And we saw in the latest ep that without Reki, Langa feels like shit and at the end, skating isn’t even fun anymore.
Personally, I feel very sad for both situations, it’s different but still hurtful imo.
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