#anyway I have feelings about Simeon
misc-obeyme · 9 months
sorry that this is coming to your ask box out of nowhere i just have thoughts (spoilers for om s3/4 if people want to avoid them): i know a lot of people love the idea of simeon falling from grace and becoming a demon just like the bros did, but it's so much more interesting and meaningful to me that he becomes human instead. it's another layer of separation he has from the bros and it feels like a neat parallel/contrast to lilith's actions. yes both acted out of a desire to protect a human but no one went to war for simeon. he got punished alone and quietly and by the time other characters noticed they couldn't do anything about it. (pt 1/2)
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Oh no anon how could you bring this to my attention I will never be the saaaaaame!! 😭
I have thought a lot about Simeon in general because his story is so much more complex than most of the other characters. And I swear on my life, this fandom sleeps on him, but he's so great in so many ways.
I was kind of annoyed about the whole human thing, I didn't want him to lose his angel status mostly because I was upset about WHY it was happening. Since what he did by taking the ring saved lives, I was just mad about him being punished at all.
I didn't even stop to consider how this would mean he could grow old with MC and now my heart is conflicted lol!
I made that whole post about Solomon being the one who could understand MC's aging in a way the others couldn't, but it hadn't even dawned on me that Simeon could possibly be aging right along with MC. Maybe his understanding of aging and such is different from Solomon's, since he was an angel and everything, but if he stays as a human, he and MC would in fact be growing old together. AND OH MY HEART SHE BREAKS.
It's bad enough that all the demons and immortal beings have to deal with MC getting old and dying, but now they have to watch that happen to Simeon too?? The potential. Imagine how Luke would feel, all grown up and watching his elderly parental figures fade away into death. l;jadsflkdsklf I can't deal with it.
And yes, I love your thoughts about Simeon vs Lilith, too. Simeon is always the one that seems to be left out, on the outside looking in, not part of the brothers, and as you said, no one going to war for him. Punished alone and suffering alone and keeping it to himself for nearly two whole seasons because he can't even accept it himself.
I don't want Simeon to become a demon. I think him being a human is painful and sad, but I think that if he became a demon, it would almost negate all the choices he so clearly made to stay in the Celestial Realm. I think that instead of joining the rebellion, Simeon saw that he was needed in the Celestial Realm as a dissenting voice. He could work quietly from within to perhaps mitigate some of the damage that world has done and caused. I always saw him as hiding his true self, even if deep down he still wanted to be seen as a good angel and maintain his position, he also knew he had to make the choices that felt right to him. Even if it meant going against what he was originally taught. And I think that now, in the OG season four, he's kind of lost that ability because he's not even allowed in the Celestial Realm anymore. He can't even fight from within now. And I think he's struggling with feeling even more outside, feeling like he's slipping away from everything he's ever known, but not quite fitting into the Devildom either.
Augh I could talk about Simeon all day. He's really one of the best characters.
Also, please feel free to bring anything to my ask box at any time, I am genuinely thrilled to receive all of your thoughts!
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ambagel · 5 months
Wait hold on, in his anniversary video Barbatos mentions the mc being the brother's attendant?
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But in the other videos, it's implied that they don't remember the mc leaving (which is actually something im very disappointed about and really hope isnt the case in the actual story)
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In these two specifically, it seems like they aren't aware of the mc's presence in the past/alternate timeline/whatever it is. The only other person who seems like they know is Lucifer
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Which also lines up with the end of lesson 40, where he's the only one who says welcome back? So like?? Do only him and Barbatos know? Did they not tell anyone?? Diavolo would probably know as well but I haven't seen anything to show that yet. Anyways I don't really like where this is going, I would really prefer they not make everyone forget the mc disappeared
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humbuns · 1 year
AHHH when I saw your reblog about Luke's view of the brothers and how it goes against everything he was taught about I was DELIGHTED reading through it. It makes me wonder what if there was a situation where Luke has to confront his internal conflict head on? Like imagine a scenario where the person he looks up to (could be another angel) and they expressed their disdain towards the brothers to the point on acting ignorant on WHY they fell in the first place. Its also worth mentioning that Luke used to admire Lucifer even more so than Michael. Falling from grace is one of, if not the worse things that could happen to an angel. It's practically ingrained in his mind that he should avoid doing what the brothers did. But shouldn't an angels' job is to protect? Especially if its their family? Their own kin? It would be so interesting to see him actually having to question his own morals and values, but also depressing when you consider the fact he's still a child and he's forced to come to the realization that everything he believed upon could be a lie 🥲
Yessss!!!! Not to get theological here but I believe love in religion is bound with sacrifice and I feel like that's something Luke will struggle with the most because he is taught he is a creature seeping with boundless benevolence and the Celestial Realm is a place full of paradise but they are restricted by it. You have to act a certain way or you will disappoint everyone. If you go too far, you will fall. If he begins to doubt, will he lose everything? Is he not worthy of the love proclaimed to be offer to everyone and everything when he was acting out of love?
And I guess that's why Simeon tries to ush him away from the Celestial Realm to remove that pressure that he must sacrifice himself from living just to remain perfect in the eyes of others while also pointing out that either realms are not so terrible bad as it seems (Positive the devs are not thinking this deep but even Luke both in nb and obm! openly talks about how much more fun it is being around the others and in the Devildom, even if he is hesitant about it still)
There's so much potential here but it's shame we probably won't see stuff like this at all lol, it would be a nice introspection especially when it's coming from someone who is so in love being an angel and has been sheltered away
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
i know it’s literally no one’s fault but my own but god damn who made this fic so angsty 😭
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yaekiss · 1 year
casually turns on anon even if we’re mutuals because im. small and shy.
so um. would you recommend DoL??? I’ve been hearing about it more and more but I can’t seem to find anything about the gameplay or where to play it so I’m curious!!
,,. kisses u bye bye
HELLO ANON MUTUAL!! (totally not trying to guess who u r rn...) I rambled a bit too much (and the game is nsfw to begin with) so it'll be under the cut!!
Would I recommend DoL? I've only been playing it for 2 days so far (thank u for the relentless DoL posting andi, you've opened my eyes 2 sydney <3) LMAO so I'm probably not the most reliable source but I think if you're into darker content (i.e. noncon, kidnapping, literally turning into a cowperson), yeah go for it! There's also a setting to set the game to a softer mode !
Gameplay-wise, I guess the best way to sum up what I've been doing is balancing the different effects of the actions your playable character carries out? (i.e. do you want to confront someone and risk an unsavory situation or ignore it and add stress to your character?)
But it's been fun figuring out what choices help progress the relationship between you and your love interest! And if you're ever stuck somewhere too miserable, there's always previous game saves to help you retract your choices (idc if I have 50 saves rn, I'm determined 2 see through my pure Sydney route!!!!)
UHH ANYWAYS hopefully my rambles made sense/helped a lil LMFAO,,, other more experienced DoL players if you're seeing this...... feel free to add in info in the replies ILHKDLSLA
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galaxdora · 11 months
I kinda hate the consensus in the om fandom that having sex with Simeon is like. A sin. Like yeah, he might get punished for it, but he would have gotten punished for simply falling in love with any human so. The sex part isn't necessarily the problem. Also I think the ban on angels falling in love with humans was to prevent something like MC from happening and now that MC actually exists? Not exactly anything they can do about it. This is also bc of my hc that a lot of the angels explore each others bodies Michael and Lucifer.
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obae-me · 1 year
How many kisses I think it would take before he turns to mush
My creativity has been stuck in essentially a rush hour traffic jam for like weeks, so let's write something silly for practice, shall we?
Definitely ten or more. He tries to keep his composure, to focus on the task at hand, scold you for coddling him and distracting him, but if you hold onto your stubbornness and see it through to the end, he will be putty in your hands soon after you reach double digits. He might even fall faster if you give him little bits of praise after every kiss.
Three MAX. One to catch him off guard, one to make it really sink in, and then the third to land the final blow. No amount of tsundere will outlast the triple attack. He'll be following you around like a lost puppy for the rest of the day, almost demanding more. He's greed after all, three might've broken him, but he'll be damned if he doesn't get more.
I would be tempted to say just one is enough, but we want a soft boy, not a vibrating, anxious mess. He gets tense at first, and he needs some reassurance and some time to understand that he likes and is okay what is happening. So I'm going to say five or more kisses. The first few he's just stuttering and blushing, but soon after, he can put that aside and just allow himself to relax a bit.
He acts like it takes him just as long as Lucifer, reaching double digits, when in reality he gave in internally much much earlier than that. Four is when his heart is melting and his mind is screaming, but around eight is when his body starts to unwind, almost curling around you like a cat.
Much higher than you would expect. One must bridge the initial flirting phase before he becomes a puddle. I'm going to say probably six kisses. The first three he'll be giddy, but if you get softer with each kiss, he'll slowly start to become speechless.
As long as there isn't food in the way, just one. One kiss is all it takes. This demon has just so much love in him, you hardly need to kiss him for him to be soft for you. He doesn't need to put up an act. Just give him a single smooch and he'll drop whatever he's doing to cuddle into you.
So many kisses. Probably even more than Lucifer. He feels like he deserves your kisses anyway, so it's hard to get him flustered about it, especially when he's so spoiled. Besides, you have to hope your affection won't lull him to sleep. Over ten for sure. Just keep going. Eventually, he'll be overwhelmed and give up his sleepy smug nature and transform into fluff.
Look me in the eyes and tell me this touch starved man will not cave after like two or three. He's not used to kisses, so the first kiss has his brain lagging. Hit him with the double combo and he's gone. Wasted. Fatality. Although please just kiss him more than twice. He really likes it.
Too many to count, unfortunately. He likes it, don't get him wrong, he's just tough to break. But there must be a breaking point somewhere. Keep attacking him with kisses and surely he must give in eventually, although most likely by his own will, giving in just so you can catch a proper breath. A win is a win.
Probably no more than four, although it seems like more than that because he'll often return to sender and kiss you back. Don't give in, you must stay strong before he makes you melt first. Hum as you kiss him and he'll fall faster, almost cooing.
He's got a stronger will than most, almost as good as Barbatos, but he will melt in due time. He'll treat it like a game at first, which it almost is to you, but he doesn't have to know that. It takes a while, but when he melts, he melts fast. He'll be trying to chuckle and make light of it one moment, and then be a completely speechless mess the next.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Using Reverse Psychology On The Demon Bros
Warnings/Genres: manipulation(in a cute way, kinda?), mentions of diets (only in Beel’s part) fluff, crack
I feel like all the Brothers would fall for reverse psychology so easily. I don’t think MC would purposely try to manipulate them (at least not all the time), they would just say things that happen to make the brothers suddenly want to help them lol
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-He’s literally the avatar of pride, if you wound his pride he’d be quick to try and prove you wrong
-MC: Lucifer can you help me with my potions homework?
-Lucifer: MC, can’t you see I'm extremely busy with paperwork for Lord Diavolo so that will have to wait for now
-MC: Fine, I guess I'll just go ask Satan, he’s the smart one anyway… *turns to leave *
-Lucifer: *is instantly standing in front of you within half a second looking all flustered and grabs your notebook from you* Let me take a look at that for you 
-Even tho he’s a Simp for you he’s also a bit lazy so you’ll need to ask him multiple times for help when it comes to any type of hard work.
-MC: Mammon, can you help me carry some boxes from the attic Lucifer says we need to start getting rid of some of the useless junk up there.
-Mammon: Nah I got better things to do than menial labour for Lucifer
-MC: ok I guess I‘ll ask Beel to help, He can probably carry all the boxes in one trip, we’d get it done so quickly ☺️ 
-cue Mammon zooming up to the attic trying to stack all the boxes to prove that he can lift way more than his little brother.
-Levi would definitely be the easiest to trick with this since he’s already constantly jealous of his brothers anytime they spend time with you.
-MC: Levi it’s my day to cook dinner do you want to come shopping for the ingredients with me?
-Levi: Sorry MC I’m on hour 9 of rewatching TSL, plus it's too bright outside. Why don’t you pull up a cushion and we can watch it together?
-MC: Oh that's ok I guess I'll go ask as Asmo, he’s been wanting to take me out on a date anyway *You close his door and start walking down the hall to Asmo’s room
-Levi: D..D..D.. Date! Wait MC no I’ll take you, I didn’t realize you were asking me out on a date, wait please come back!
-I feel like he would also get jealous really quickly. Especially if you bring up Lucifer he would go full-on rage mode. Basically, anything that works on Lucifer will work on him too.
-MC: *pointing to one of the many books in his room* can I read that one? it looks cool.
-Satan: No MC it's cursed you could get hurt
-MC: ok *walks away*
-later MC is on the couch reading a book they borrowed from Lucifer
-Satan: *sees you reading the book Lucifer recommended, runs to his room to get the cursed book you wanted to read earlier* wait MC read this instead !!!!
-MC: but you said it was cursed
-Satan: it's fine I’ll figure out how to cure you just drop that other book NOW!
-Asmo would definitely get upset if you complimented someone else
-he wants to be the only one MC goes to for beauty advice 
-MC: Asmo can you share your skincare routine with me?
-Asmo: My dear MC I can't just give away my secrets to looking this gorgeous *walks away*
-later at RAD
-MC talking to Simeon: Wow Simeon your skin is positively glowing what products do you use, you’re so beautiful!
-Simeon: *blushing* oh, let me show you, I use…
-Asmo who had been eavesdropping: *Grabs MC’s arm* MC why don’t we head home I have to show you how gorgeous I look when I’m doing my skincare routine! 
-I don’t wanna be cliche but reverse psychology would only work on Beel if it was about food
-Beel is always ready to help so there wouldn’t be too many situations where you’d get to use reverse psychology on him. Like if you asked him to help carry something he would do it, no questions asked. 
- but if you wanted some of his food, especially if it was something special that he’s been looking forward to it might be a bit difficult.
-MC forgot their lunch and saw Beel eating in the cafeteria: Beel can I have some of your food it looks really good!
-Beel: *looks at MC and then looks at his food* uh this is the limited edition Goliath Hellfire pizza from Hell’s Kitchen each customer is only allowed to purchase 1 in their entire lifetime. 
-MC: oh it's okay I just hadn’t had lunch today, I guess I can just go ask Asmo for some of his lunch
-Beel: *Grabs MC’s wrist to stop them from leaving* Asmo is on a diet again so there’s no way he has enough for both of you to get enough, here MC have some of mine *sits MC down and  hands them a slice of pizza that's almost double the size of their body
(this one was a stretch cuz I feel like Beel would have given MC some food anyway but I couldn’t think of anything for him, but I also didn't want to leave him out)
-He is the definition of unbothered he doesn’t care if you go out with the others cuz he’s too lazy to go out but also he knows the moment you sit down he can just fall asleep on you and now you’re stuck with him 
-but other than that I think he’d be just a little possessive of his nap stuff tho like blankets pillows etc… 
-you know he has the best stuff so if you want to have a great sleep you’ll need to ask to borrow them.
-MC: Belphie can I use your fancy sleep pillow I can’t sleep
-Belpihe: *pretends to sleep on the couch so he doesn't have to give MC his favourite pillow*
-Mammon: Don’t worry MC come sleep on my bed it's crazy comfy you'll definitely fall asleep right away.
-Belphie: *Throws the pillow at MC and pulls them onto the couch to take a nap with him-Mammon: Hey they were gonna sleep in my room tonight!
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eternity-111 · 3 months
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He's the type to... 𖹭
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Title is explanatory, this is the side characters part! including thirteen,Raphael & Mephistopheles. NO LUKE! (fem reader x side charas)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
name calling (princess, daddy, etc), overstimulate, size different, public sex, creampie,Dacryphilia, etc
𝜗𝜚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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Diavolo is the type to purposely ruin you, in a good way of course. He loves to see you beg and whine for him to slow down because you can't take it anymore.
"princess, I know you can take it."
I know you don't want him to stop, so stop asking him to slow down. Besides, you are his anyway. Let him ruin your pussy whenever he likes. Oh, not only he can ruin you with his cock but he can ruin You with his thick fingers! You don't want to upset the future demon king, don't you?
Barbatos is the type to have a quick sex or a blowjob during his working hours.
"This will be quick, I promise you mc."
So be prepared for a few surprises during the day. Sometimes he can even go bold and fuck you where everyone can see. Meeting room, or even the garden, he doesn't care! The feeling of being able to show everyone that you are his makes him crazy. Moan his name out loud, Let everyone know that you are his!
Solomon is the type to use magic while having sex. randomly tying you up, making you hotter, and his favorite.. making his cock bigger inside you!
"What's wrong? it seems like you want to tell me something but physically can't."
It's true, his cock makes you go crazy. Especially when he suddenly makes it bigger! But.. you can't complain, you like it anyway. He can do whatever he wants! just relax and look sexy for Daddy! Maybe he'll reward you with a creampie if you are good enough.
Simeon is the type to get very vocal during sex, not that you don't like it but sometimes it's hard keeping him quiet while talking on the phone!
"Mmnff.. Mc.. Nghh.. I-im trying to be quiet! b-but you are making it harde- ahh.."
To be fair, you did that on purpose. You love it when he whimpers and moans. But you are calling someone right now! If he doesn't stop making noises.. you'll have to punish him! By not letting him cum or touch you. Watch that needy guy beg and whimper. He's so desperate to cum inside of your pussy!
Thirteen is the type to make toys that are specifically made for you. I mean.. you can use it on her but will she allow you to?
"Don't try to dominate me you little slut, I'm your mommy!"
She's good at making traps, and also toys! but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. She loves to see that her creations can make you lose your mind. Especially when you cry telling her to stop or else you'll get overstimulated. You can cry all you want but your wet pussy still needs her.
Raphael is the type to ask you for "help" about a certain topic from today's class, but he's actually just scanning and daydreaming about your body.
"what? me? yeah im listening princess."
All of that daydreaming made his cock tighten up inside of his pants. Why don't you make his dream come true and help his cock? He can finally touch every part of you while you ride him! It's a win-win situation, Your pussy gets what she wants and so does he. The way he touches you make you even wetter anyways, such a whore.
Mephistopheles is the type to fuck you at the RAD newspaper club. He'll even try to make news about you having sex with him.
"Don't worry mc, if you suck me a little bit longer I won't publish it!"
You already did a blowjob, a boobjob, and even a thighjob but he still wants more?! How the fuck are you going to be able to hold that wet pussy of yours? You can't just tell him that! Maybe give him a hint? Look pretty while you suck his huge cock, And swallow every bit of cum he released. all that effort just to try to get him into fucking your wet pussy. At this point, You don't even care if he published it or not. Just use that needy pussy, please.
#the_sidecharas ꩜ .ᐟ
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koolades-world · 5 months
Hello there! hope your day is going good and if not I hope it gets better.
I was wondering if I could request a scenario (you can do headcanon format) Where Mc is in a life or death because a lower demon is about to kill them and Mc actually kills the lower demon with their own magic. how would the undatables react/comfort Mc after they killed someone because their life was in danger.
Thank you in advance if you do decide to write and make sure to stay hydrated!
hi there! i can do that :)
hope you're having a great day too <3 just drank water with a liquid iv in it so hopefully im super hydrated now haha. i've had a bit of a sore throat for the past few days now so i've been really chugging water better than i usually have which says a lot! love me my 30 oz water bottle that goes everywhere with me
Undatables react to Mc killing a lower demon while defending themself
he's very proud of you but quickly goes on high alert
you've never seen him more serious
he's doing all sorts of things such as upping security measures and looking into the background of the now deceased demon to ensure your safety and to make sure there wasn't anything more behind the attack
he makes sure to give you a huge hug and lets you know exactly how he feels <3
if you hadn't killed them, he would've finished the job for you
since there's no work there for him to do, he'll be taking a visit to see that demon's relatives in the near future
in the meantime, he'll help you unwind and try to take your mind off it
perhaps a tea party with all your favorite treats and little d's there, if you'd like :)
he won't ask questions and he'll heal you no matter what
even if you didn't get very hurt, he insists you stay under his care for a little bit
you'll get the best bedside care and soup ever
let him dote on you, it'll make him feel better too knowing you're safe in his arms <3
he's immediately freaking out
what do you mean a lower demon tried to kill you!!!
100% in tears and refuses to let you out of death grip hug he has on you
the next day, he gifts you an amulet with an angelic blessing on it and asks you to carry it everywhere with you. doesn't care if that means the brothers can't get anywhere near you now. better for him that way anyways haha
he's very impressed!
gah they grow up so fast. it felt like just yesterday he gave you the nickname of his apprentice
deep underneath his gushing, he's worried but he knows that you're capable
even goes as far as to give a few little tips for the future. love at it's finest haha
he's furious with himself that he even let you get in that situation
he almost feels as if he's failed you, but he tries to hold up a facade of nonchalantness
it won't take much coaxing to break down this barrier and see how upset he actually is
if you notice him being extra loving in the next week or so, try not to comment on it but accept his affections
she's with you as much as she can be, but she knows it's just impossible to be by your side all the time
she's angry at herself and the now dead lower demon because that window of time when she's away is never very large
but, she knows you are more than strong enough to take care of yourself if it wasn't already apparent before
she'll make excuse after excuse to be with you until she eventually just spills the beans. she really cares about you <33
he's gonna check you at least three times over to make sure you're alright
but right after he almost scolds you, in a loving way
he tells you he should've been the one to do it and that he should've been by your side
he was just very nervous he could've lost you, but is so proud of how you stood up for yourself <3
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Diavolo: Oh! Seren! *chuckles* Are you here to visit your parent?
Seren (6 years old): Good morning, Uncle Dia! Hm! Is Mama here?
Barbatos: MC is in the office right now. *smiles* Though they would never mind if your sudden visitation.
Seren: *beams* Okay! I'll go there now! *goes upstairs*
Diavolo: Ah, such a lovely kid.
Barbatos: I agree. However, I'm curious why Sylvas hasn't paid a visit.
Diavolo: That's because his egg hasn't hatched yet.
Barbatos: Huh?
MC: *cuddling Seren* Thank you for visiting me every week, Seren!
Seren: *smiling* I wish I could visit you everyday but I have classes.
MC: *chuckles* That's fine. Anyway, how's your dad and brother?
Seren: Mama, Sylvas doesn't want to come out of his egg.
MC: Eh? Why?
Seren: He doesn't like Papa.
MC: Huh? That can't be.
Seren: It's true! He thinks Papa is ugly and that's the reason you didn't marry him.
MC: ...
MC: Did you try to explain to him how you two were born?
Seren: Hehe. No.
MC: Oh dear. Alright.
MC: Luci? Do you want to come with me to visit Malleus?
Lucifer: I would love to, however, I have a meeting this afternoon.
MC: Oh.
Lucifer: I can ask Simeon. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to assist you.
Seren: You're not going to ask any of your brothers, uncle?
Lucifer: They are currently being punished, sweetie. So no.
Seren: *giggles*
MC: Okay. Luci, don't overwork yourself.
Lucifer: *chuckles* I'll try.
Malleus: Child of man... *smiles* It's been a while.
MC: Yes. Sorry. It was quite busy in Devildom. *their visit was last three years ago*
Malleus: Do not worry about it.
MC: By the way, Mal? Hasn't Sylvas come out of his egg yet?
Malleus: *pouts a little* Yes. Even though he has no reason to.
Simeon: It could be that he's sulking. *chuckles* I'm sure you know why.
MC and Malleus: ...
MC: Where is he? I'll talk to him.
Simeon: While you do that, I'll stay here with Seren. I'm sure your son wouldn't like to see one of their parent's lovers.
Seren: Uncle Simeon! You're going to bless Sylvas, right?
Simeon: *smiles* Of course.
Malleus: Alright. I'll accompany you, child of man.
Malleus: *completely unamused*
Sylvas: *whining little dragon noises*
MC: *cuddling him* You know you could always call me, Sylvas. Why did you have to wait that long?
Sylvas: *sad dragon eyes*
MC: *chuckles* You have also worried your father.
Sylvas: *turns his head at Malleus then snarls*
Malleus: ...
MC: ...
MC: O...kay?
Malleus: *frowns*
Seren's concept design :
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For Obey me, how would our angles be when they have a crush on a demoness mc who unlike other demons just want to relax for the most part
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Lazy Demon Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Have you met Belphie? It's giving the same energy or lack thereof. Sleeping’s your passion and like any other, you go to RAD. Becoming an unlikely ally to their otherwise favorite human resident and ultimately the one who’s captured their heart:
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“Ah (Y/n) I expected to find you here.”
“Oh hey, Simeon.”
He appreciates how much easier it is to keep track of you
And how easily you are to persuade
But you’re too relaxed to question his less-than-angelic reactions to people turning your attention from you
Not to mention keeping quiet about the way others avoid you now
“(Y/n)! Did you read the latest issue from Christopher Peugeot? It's about falling in love!”
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“Your sleeping here, again?”
“*Yawn* Oh its you…hi.”
“I have something I want you to try on.”
Has made you his unofficial model for his crocheting needs
Is not above stabbing his spear into the demons that demand your time away from him
If asked he will deny up and down what he feels for you is love
“I’m just very conscious of my model’s integrity. Therefore I will summon my spears if you have a problem with that.”
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“Agh! Don’t sleep on me! I’m not a pillow!”
“Mmmh but you're the perfect size for one.”
He appreciates the respect you give
Or rather you don’t outwardly disrespect him like everyone else
And he appreciates that 
He doesn’t appreciate how your lackadaisical personality leads to your schedule being too filled not to hang out with him
How they steal his adopted older sibling least hated demon
You’ll hardly notice when you fall asleep so much easier
You sleep all the time anyway
“Just eat it (Y/n)! I-it’s really important that you miss-I mean try my new recipe!”
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
nightbringer lesson 41
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Welp. That sure was a lesson. As always, my unfiltered thoughts and spoilers are below the cut. There will be screenshots, you have been warned.
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Everybody still doesn't know we were gone. The only one who is aware of the fact that MC was in a different timeline is Solomon, as far as we know. It's possible that someone is hiding their knowledge, but I see no evidence of that currently.
HOWEVER. All the bros are SUPER clingy. Lucifer is constantly getting on their case about the fact that they can't leave MC alone. And at one point, he says he's feeling inexplicably giddy and he thinks that's what his brothers are feeling, too. So there is something that's changed and they can all kinda feel it... but nobody knows what it is and they all kinda just brush it off.
There's a lot of "huh we just saw each other but for some reason..." kinda stuff.
When Luke first sees us, that poor boy just bursts into tears. Simeon wants to pet our head, but we can also choose to hug him.
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I have been known to have this affect on children, but still.
Overall, the brothers are being very much themselves. Beel is eating things and relating everything to food, Belphie is sleepy, Asmo loves pretty things, etc etc.
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See what I mean? We did have some excellent one liners like this and I'll get to more of those lol.
My point is, nobody is acting off except for the thing where they all react a little weirdly to MC.
For a good chunk of the lesson, I was like... and where the HELL is Solomon after all this, huh?? But I'll get to him, too.
Because guess what? Diavolo has had another great idea and this time it's... the RAD Science Fair!!!
This feels very much like the usual thing they do where MC always has to have some kinda goal that requires them to spend time with each brother individually. I'm still not entirely sure how that's gonna shake out with this, though.
There are seven categories or "fields of study" as they're called. They all start with Devildom, so it's like Devildom math, Devildom geography, etc etc.
Diavolo tells them that the student council members are required to enter.
So they spend some time thinking about what category they want to go for.
There's this part where they're all heading home from RAD and MC starts to leave with Simeon and Luke. They tell you that not long ago, Simeon and Luke tried to go "home" to the HoL. Weird. All very weird. They all decide to go to a cafe instead.
They're talking about which category they're going to choose and then... Thirteen shows up!
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Thirteen is so excited to see MC she has to give them a hug! Huh. How weird. (It's not weird, my love, you can throw your arms around me anytime.)
ANYWAY, they have a whole discussion and I loved how involved she was. Though we never have enough Thirteen content. And of course, she's still not dateable...
Then we find out that Lucifer has just chosen his brothers' categories for them anyway. MC gets to choose who they want to pair with. I chose Mammon, but I don't know if this actually matters or not. Usually I go back and try different options, but I decided to leave this one for now to see if it seems like it's going to make a difference in upcoming lessons. I'll report back if it seems to change anything later.
At this time, you also find out that Diavolo has decided to enter all seven categories, too. Barbatos is also entering, but only three categories. I almost lost my shit at this part but at least Barb gets to do only three. Diavolo is a crazy man who enjoys doing this sorta stuff, but Barb needs to take it easy he already works to much!
And that's basically it! There's this one cute part where you're finally at the HoL where you can choose to hang out with a set of brothers. No matter who you choose, it's a cute little scene and it always ends saying you had a lovely time together~ (Personally I thought the one with Asmo, Belphie, and Lucifer was the most entertaining lol.)
You talk to Solomon on the phone at some point too and he tells you...
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And then he hits us with this:
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And I was like, fine I forgive you.
BUT THEN. Spoilers here for the locked lesson (41-A, not the hard mode):
The locked lesson is of your very first night back. You're in your room at the HoL with Solomon. He tells you he's going to stay the night because the fact that the two of you suddenly appeared in this timeline might make things unstable. And if you're together, it'll be easier to tell if something's going wrong. Sounds like a feeble excuse to me, old man. I know what you really want.
But he also says this:
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OH. Here I am like, it's a couple hundred, maybe a couple thousand? NOPE. SEVERAL MILLENNIA.
But then the brothers burst in and they're like we are not going to let you stay here alone with MC! So they have a gaming tournament in the common room.
Then when it's really time to go to bed, Lucifer stops you and Solomon before you get back to your room. He straight up kisses you on the forehead and says sweet dreams with a stupid smug grin before leaving and Solomon is like huh. That just happened.
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Solomon is back on his, you'll never be mine bullshit. (I'm not blaming him, it's not his fault, but it bothers me how often this narrative comes up because we never get the choice to resolve it. By telling him how much we love him.)
Of course if you tell him to cheer up, though...
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Yeah, right after this we got a fade to black because you know he might've been talking about something innocent, like a kiss. But if I'm left to fill in the blank myself... well, let's just say I'm still in my smut mode.
Spoilers for the hard lesson now:
It's silly times with the Little Ds! I'm just glad we got more Dia and Barb content, to be real with you. They're pretty cute with the Little Ds.
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Right after Barb says this, looking super aggrieved about it, Diavolo just laughs happily. Classic.
Extra stuff:
After the second story node, you get to see a chat between Raphael and Simeon. Raphael tells Simeon that Michael has summoned him, so he needs to go back to the CR for a few days. Simeon says okay and hopes that everything's all right. Then he tells Raphael to tell Diavolo. Raphael is like why? And Simeon says you're an exchange student from the CR, you have to get his permission to leave. And Raph is basically like okay, fiiiiiine lol.
Also, there is a very brief moment at the end of the last story node where we see Simeon acting odd. He's not really doing anything, he's just sorta grunting... like grh and frowning. If you ask him if he's okay, he says he's fine, he must not have gotten enough sleep. You get a chat between Luke and Simeon where Luke also asks him if he's okay and Simeon gives him the same excuse.
Sooooo what does any of this mean? I have no idea. Is it possible that the hard mode focusing on the Little Ds means there may be more to the Little Ds coming up? Is Simeon acting weird somehow related to Michael wanting to see Raphael? Does any of this Science Fair stuff mean anything or is it just another tactic to have MC spend time with their bro of choice? When is Solomon coming back? Why doesn't he have to enter the Science Fair? Simeon said that Diavolo wanted him and Luke to participate, so what about Solomon? Is he really out there gathering herbs? That feels like a weird thing to be doing at this particular moment.
And perhaps the most telling of all, what it does mean that this version of our characters remember things from the timeline we just left as if it only just happened to them?
All through the last two seasons, I have been trying to figure out why the characters from the past seemingly had memories of a future they haven't experienced yet. And now it's happening again. You could say they remember those past events, but they don't really seem to, do they? And even so, we now have confirmation that it would have been MILLENNIA ago for them. So this feels less like them remembering something that happened and more like they're just getting feelings that are related to the things that MC just experienced in the "past."
Ugh, okay, if I keep going I'm gonna make myself crazy. As always, we have not enough info and more questions than what we started with.
Onto my fave one liners:
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Mammon's response to this is "Yikes!" And like... yeah, but damn Lucifer that's one hell of a threat lol.
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Barbatos! Don't lump me in with them! :(
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That was me in high school.
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This part was just cute and wholesome in my opinion. This is the found family content that keeps me coming back to this game.
Anyway, after everything, I still just wanna know...
... where the FUCK is Nightbringer?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Dateables as Single Fathers
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon, gn!kid, Luke and gn!MC
Part 1
Main Masterlist
CW: nothing, I think? Correct me if you feel something should be warned, but I think we're good to go. Just like in the other one, these HCs explain the characters' relationships with their kids and a romantic interest in MC at the end.
This one has to be the most difficult situation out of all, considering his political position.
He either had a child outside of marriage, who I think would’ve been considered a bastard, or he had the next heir with his wife, who would’ve eventually become the queen of the Devildom beside him.
No matter the option, each one would have had significant consequences.
Fortunately for his country, he’s too respectful and responsible to fool around and risk the chance of leaving his offspring behind, so political marriage it is.
I already used the ‘mother died in childbirth’ reason for Lucifer’s HCs, but I can’t see any other explanation for Diavolo being a single father. Both of them would be loyal and committed to their partners and Diavolo has the additional duty of keeping a kingdom going.
Now, we could do some AUs that could explain the future queen’s absence, but that isn’t what this post is about, so let’s leave it at that.
In the end, Diavolo is left with a child that is deeply loved and well taken care of.
I think Beautiful Boy by John Lennon would describe their relationship perfectly.
Loving his kid is not his only priority; raising him is also as important. He’s a caring parent, very attentive, protective and stern when necessary.
Diavolo is too aware of their duties as royals and future monarchs but tries not to act on them. Since he is already preparing himself to become king, there’s no need for his kid to lose their freedom and their childhood.
However, as occupied as he is, he tries to put his work on hold each time the child calls for his attention. They drew themselves with him and Barbatos? Okay, let him set these documents aside so he can admire the drawing properly. They saw a cool bug outside? Say no more, he needs a break anyway. They had a nightmare? Maybe they should have a sleepover!
The kid just needs to be careful not to do many of those things in front of Barbatos. Otherwise, the butler would chastise both.
He’s highly proud of them when they dive into a friendship with you; seeing their eagerness and comfortability around your presence as a sign for keeping the student exchange program going.
Still, he finds the need to have a somewhat serious conversation with them about you, your purpose in the Devildom and your status as a human; the imbalance in power and biology that makes you both so different.
As time passes and his own friendship with you deepens, so do his feelings. He isn’t obvious about it, or at least he tries, but his kid inherited his observation skills and soon innocent suggestive comments are trailing behind him everywhere he goes.
The situation amuses him and makes his heart flutter with enthusiasm.
With encouragement like this, how could he not try to pursue you?
I like to think there’s some kind of errand boy roaming around the castle. Not necessarily a boy, but still a child doing a little bit of everything and helping whoever gives an order. They’re quick and cheeky, making the staff cheerier and less stressed about their chores, and Barbatos finds them surprisingly charming.
He doesn’t mind them running between his legs as long as they know when to stop and don’t hinder his work and, unlike the little Ds, that turns out to be what happens.
Barbatos tries not to get attached at first and a long time passes until he can’t deny the affection he feels for the little devil.
When I say long, I mean long.
Decades, even a couple of centuries, unable to ignore the lack of parental presence in the child’s life. They’re always in the castle, going from one point to another, talking to everyone and sticking to no one. The few moments they have to rest are spent with the prince’s butler, talking about their day with breathless excitement.
It’s a nice dynamic that Barbatos enjoys more and more with each passing day, but it isn’t until the rest of the staff informs him of every little thing the kid does that he finally realizes how deep he has fallen into the rabbit hole.
He is a father figure.
He isn’t complaining, not at all, but it still surprises him.
More time passes until he gathers the courage to ask Lord Diavolo for a room inside the castle for the child to sleep in. His cheeks are warm when he specifies he’d prefer if the room were close to his and the embarrassment only grows when the prince laughs out loud with excitement.
By the time you are introduced as the second human exchange student, everyone treats the kid as Barbatos’s and they even call him ‘father’ when they’re alone. Neither are ashamed of their mutual affection, but they’d rather keep it private.
The child likes to tease you harmlessly, joking around, asking pertinent questions under the disguise of childish innocence and appearing out of nowhere when you least expect it.
They won’t mind if you lightly reprimand them for their constant playful behaviour, that’s what their father does after all, but they’ll quickly love you if you joke back.
Either way, he likes to follow you around and Barbatos instantly notices. It piques his curiosity and warms his heart, but with how highly the child talks about you and how much you captivate him on your own, he starts to wonder if he should’ve pulled the kid away from you since the beginning.
His strong feelings for you are foreign, but not unwelcomed. He’s just too vigilant of all the possible outcomes.
Fortunately for you, for every doubt Barbatos has about these feelings, the child has a dozen reasons to make them stronger.
How many wives did King Solomon have again? How many concubines? How many children out of all of those partners?
I’m not saying that any of those children succeeded in achieving immortality like him, I doubt that could’ve happened so early in his life, but outliving human partners doesn’t mean that Solomon chose to refuse to have any more partners at all.
I can see him entering a relationship with someone who has a longer lifespan and, regardless of that arrangement being casual or committed, having a child with them.
Maybe the other parent passed away, maybe they didn’t want to be in a relationship, maybe they tried and failed to stay together… who knows, you can choose your favourite. The conclusion here is that Solomon kept the child and raised them alone.
Feral child vibes, I fear.
As devious as their father and completely oblivious to it, they are too curious for their own good. Exploration and experimentation through trial and error are fairly common practices in the family and the only reason Solomon isn’t worried is because he’s sure nothing wrong will happen as long as he is there.
The kid may appear at the front door of their house with an eldritch horror-looking creature and Solomon would be like: ‘You’re doing amazing, sweetie’.
He knows introducing his child to a human infant is not the best of ideas. They would have to move places constantly due to their slow ageing to not raise suspicion and that would be completely unfair to the kid. They’re allowed to have permanent friends their age, after all, not a playmate turned into a babysitter or faceless companions that would disappear in their memories over time.
So they mostly engage with other immortal beings, like witches, demons and fellow sorcerers.
That saddens Solomon in a way; the human part he passed to his child is slowly dying due to lack of interaction.
This is why the human exchange program Diavolo proposes is so interesting to him.
Not only is he going to meet one of his kind in a world he easily moves around, but his child is also going to get the opportunity to be with another human in an environment they feel comfortable in.
It goes as well as you could expect.
Both of them are curious and eager to meet you, but at the beginning of your friendship it feels more like academic research. You stick to the brothers and their antics and they stick to the angels and their kindness.
If Luke is a Chihuahua, then Solomon’s kid is a thirteen-year-old delirious Yorkie.
As time passes and your friendship develops into something more genuine, Solomon can’t help but feel like he’s finally breathing fresh air after being locked in a cave for years.
His child still explores their surroundings, but there’s a new hope in their actions that he knows doesn’t come from him. It’s true childlike wonder and care towards their subject of study. An appreciation of life only a mortal would express.
You don’t understand how much you changed his child’s life.
And you don’t understand how much he loves you for it.
I mean.
He already is a single father in canon.
I don’t know how angels are born in the game, but they do grow up. Maybe Luke just spawned and was put under Simeon’s direct care, but there isn’t any mention of other parental figures in Luke’s life back in the Celestial Realm (although that may be due to the game being lazy with lore).
We know Michael is Luke’s hero, but not a father figure, so Simeon as a single father makes total sense.
A single mom who works two jobs and loves her kids and never stops.
Jk, jk…
But for real, though.
Simeon is thoughtful, affectionate, careful with Luke’s emotions and conscious about his need to mature and grow up. He treats him like a child, because that’s what he is, but tries not to infantilize him to not hurt his dignity.
While proud of Luke’s morals and golden heart, Simeon wants to make him see not everything is black and white and he’s allowed to have opinions that can differ from what they’ve been taught.
Some demons are good, some humans are consciously devious and some angels need to reevaluate their priorities.
It is a difficult task since Luke is certainly stubborn, but spending time in the Devildom is the perfect opportunity to prove that point.
Thankfully, your presence only helps Simeon change Luke’s judgemental thoughts. You are patient, easy-going and lighthearted and don’t get too stressed when the young angel refuses to reject his views on demons.
They both enjoy spending time with you because your soul is still kind and free of punishment, but for Simeon is much more than that.
He enjoys being with you because it feels natural and because knowing you feels like the greatest gift he has received in a very long time.
Believe him, Luke’s praises about you have nothing to do with the love he has for you. Those are just an additional bonus.
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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i demand an explanation-
act fool act fool act fool act fool
ahem, just imagine…
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a deep, melodic voice, brushing right against your ear as his warm breath fans the side of your cheek; he pulls back as you lower your head in embarrassment at the heat flushing your face just from his words alone but he’s not having any of it
with two fingers under your chin he’s tilting your head up to meet his gaze, entrancing eyes swirling with something darker as his other hand on the small of your back pulls you flush against him, letting you feel the bulge in his pants
“you’ll be good for me, won’t you, doll?”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… zhongli, al-haitham, kaeya, draken, osamu, semi, lucifer, malleus
he’s teasing, you know he is, but there’s not much you can do about it; no, not when he has you sat between his legs with your knees hooked over his thighs as his fingers flutter over your skin, dangerously close to where you need him most but never. quite. there.
this is how it has been all day; a fleeting touch here, an amused whisper in your ear there and your thoughts were spiralling out of control just like that, getting more lewd the more you tried to fight them off
and you also know he’s enjoying this, riling you up and acting coy about it later on, biding his time until you give up and give in, begging him to do something; his chuckle vibrates against your back, enough to make you whine out for him again before his fingers finally run through your soaked slit to collect your arousal
“look at you, so worked up all because of a few words? tell me what’s been running through that pretty head of yours~”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… childe, bachira, reo, asmo, belphie, solomon, koko, hanma, ran, suna, oikawa, mattsun, jamil, leona, lilia, ace
soft praise is rolling off his tongue like honey, clouding your head and slowing your thoughts; not that you’d need to think much anyway right now, all that mattered was the feeling of plush lips on yours, biting down on your bottom lip gently before he pulls back, so you can catch your breath
his knuckles brush over the bones of your cheeks and you lean into his touch, basking in the comfort of his warm and familiar embrace; attentive eyes study your features as if he saw them for the first time, drawn to the movement of his thumb swiping across your kiss-swollen mouth
“you’re the prettiest sight i’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. truly, nothing could ever compare”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… kazuha, diluc, thoma, satan, barbatos, simeon, akaashi, kita, chigiri, isagi, inui, mitsuya, riddle, trey, jade, vil, silver
somewhere in the back of your head you wonder if he ever shuts up; he’s been running his mouth since your innocent kiss evolved into something a little friskier, tongues tangling together and your hand gripping his hair tightly
his babbling turned more incoherent the second his hips bucked against yours, in desperate search for friction to relieve the tension building in his stomach; how could you not give him what he wants when the roll of your hips forces a whimper as pretty as this from his throat?
“fuck, you always feel so good, baby; you’ll let me make you feel good to, right?”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… mammon, levi, gorou, hinata, shinichiro, takemitchi, ruggie, idia, kalim
he’s so mean, downright cruel, words not even teasing anymore but already mocking you in that condescending tone; he knows you love it that way though and he’s holding that fact over your head, making white hot shame burn through your veins
as if your sweet whimpers aren’t evidence enough, the clenching of your cunt around him certainly is; with one hand around your throat he’s making sure your looking right at him while he’s making you agree with the lewdest of statements
“what’s with the tears, sweetheart? i thought you liked being used like my personal little cock sleeve? so be good and take what i give you”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… scara, pantalone, sae, kaiser, futakuchi, izana, floyd
stoic and expression unreadable, a few deep grunts and groans are what you mostly get to hear, his actions doing most of the talking instead, big hands splayed on your hips and pulling you back down onto him with every thrust
but then again, his mouth practically moves on his own when you keep whimpering his name, pulling him back in with every flutter of your walls; you don’t think he even knows he’s talking to you, doesn’t even consciously try to make you melt under his touch more; the bluntness of his words is what has your head spinning, the genuine way he merely describes what he sees and feels when he’s got you spread so nicely for him
“this is the spot, isn’t it? can feel your cunt clench, ‘s real tight around me right now, you’re making it so hard to move”
˗ˏˋ– i’m thinking… xiao, nagi, rin, kunigami, beelzebub, rindou, sakusa, iwaizumi
wow, i got way off track, what were we talking about again—
obviously, no character is solely in one category only but these were my initial thoughts, i’ll see myself out now (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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devildomwriter · 6 months
A Devildom Easter Egg Extravaganza
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Diavolo decides to hold an Easter egg hunt. Shenanigans ensue.
Slight x reader for Lucifer, Diavolo, Mephistopheles, Barbatos
[Student Council Room]
Lucifer: “You really mean to hold…an Easter egg hunt?”
Diavolo: “Why, yes! I think it will be great fun!”
Mephistopheles: “My Lord, everything you do is brilliant!”
Diavolo: “Thank you!”
Mephistopheles: “However…this holiday is in celebration of everything we are against…as is Christmas for that matter but that’s become popular here recently…”
Diavolo: *nodding* “Yes. I understand that these holidays traditionally represent and celebrate our opposites. So celebrating them not only promotes goodwill with the angels and religious exchange students but also draws attention away from its original purpose.”
Lucifer: “I see, so that’s your angle.”
Mephistopheles: “Am I missing something?”
Lucifer: “We are celebrating and promoting the secular traditions instead. Celebrating bunnies, eggs, and candy rather than my father and father-brother.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha.”
Mephistopheles: “Father-brother?”
Lucifer: “We’re done discussing this.”
Diavolo: “Anyway. I think it would be great fun to hide eggs all around RAD for the exchange students and any willing RAD students to join in. I understand it may not be especially popular with demons but I do want to incorporate holidays important to others too. It is vital to accept and learn about each other’s cultures and traditions to better respect and understand each other.”
Barbatos: “Well said, my lord.”
Mephistopheles: “In that case, I’d be more than happy to promote this in the newspaper! Leave it to me.”
Diavolo: “Thank you, Mephistopheles. I knew I could count on you!”
[Purgatory Hall]
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Luke: “A what?”
Solomon: “An Easter egg hunt.”
Raphael: “We’ll be busy.”
MC: “Oh, really…”
Simeon: “Yes, we must celebrate our father-brother, after all.”
MC: “That’s such a weird way to say Jesus.”
Raphael: “Those are the only words in your language to accurately describe him.”
MC: “Right. Will you really be in the celestial realm all day though?”
Simeon: “Umm well…”
Raphael: *glaring* “We should be.”
Luke: “…”
Solomon: “You’re going to make Luke sad.”
Luke: “Wh! Hey!”
Raphael: “Luke has no reason to be sad.”
MC: “C’mon Raph, you can’t make a kid miss an Easter egg hunt. That’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
Raphael: “That’s an inaccurate description of cruel and unusual punishment.”
MC: “But it’s true though.”
Raphael: *sigh* “I suppose we can come back after service and the banquet.”
Simeon: “Wonderful!”
Luke: “Yay! Sir Raphael, you’re the best!”
MC: “Okay, the angels are in. Let’s go tell Thirteen.”
Solomon: “I believe Diavolo already has.”
MC: “Really?”
Solomon: “Yes. He said something about some eggs containing special surprises.”
Raphael: “I have a bad feeling about this…”
[Lucifer’s Private Study]
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Lucifer: “I have a headache already.”
Solomon: “Hahahaha!”
MC: “So he’s really having her rig the eggs?”
Lucifer: “Many of them yes. I fear she’s taking it overboard, hoping Solomon will find them all.”
Solomon: “How thoughtful.”
Lucifer: “How can you be wise and yet so oblivious, honestly?”
Solomon: “It just shows she’s thinking of me. She really is a good friend.”
MC: “You may need better friends.”
Lucifer: “Considering most of them want to kill you, I’d have to agree.”
Solomon: “Most? I wouldn’t say that most of them do.”
MC: “Even some of them is an issue…”
Solomon: “Well, regardless I think this hunt will be fun. You’ll be participating yes?”
MC: “I already asked if I could hide them instead.”
Solomon: “You’d like to hide them? Not find them?”
MC: “I used to hide them for the neighborhood kids. They’d still turn up years later.”
Solomon: “Don’t you suppose that’s too good at hiding them?”
MC: “You can never be too good at something unless it’s illegal.”
Solomon: “I…suppose that’s true.”
Lucifer: “That is a flawed argument and the fact you think that makes my headache worse, please leave Solomon.”
Solomon: “Only me?”
Lucifer: “That’s what I said.”
Solomon: “Wow, so cruel, Lucifer. I suppose I’ll see you this weekend.”
Lucifer: “Yes, goodbye now.”
MC: “Soooo…what’d you want to talk about?”
Lucifer: “Nothing, I just wanted him to leave and your company soothes me.”
MC: “I thought I was giving you a headache?”
Lucifer: “You do, but it’s nothing compared to Mammon.”
MC: “That’s fair.”
MC: “So are you going to compete?”
Lucifer: “Finding the eggs?”
MC: “Yeah.”
Lucifer: *smirks* “Will I get a reward if I do?”
MC: “Hmm…maybe?”
Lucifer: “I see…then I suppose I will.”
MC: “Yes! This going to be so much fun!” *hugs*
Lucifer: *blushes* “Only you could make me so excited about this holiday.”
[The Day Before Easter | RAD]
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Diavolo: “Oh, MC! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be hiding these with you!”
MC: “About that…don’t you want to participate?”
Diavolo: “I think preparing it is just as exciting! Besides, there will be some places by Barbatos too and I won’t know where those are.”
MC: “So, you’ll be looking for the ones he hid?”
Diavolo: “Yes, as I oversee everything.”
MC: “Good, I love to see you have fun!”
Diavolo: “I feel the same way. Hopefully, you’ll do a bit of searching too?”
MC: “Sure, I’ll walk with you and we’ll see who finds them first.”
Diavolo: “A competition? How fun! I can hardly wait.”
Barbatos: “Young master, here are the baskets.”
MC: “That’s…a lot of eggs.”
Diavolo: “Yes, this may take us all night, I’m so excited.”
Barbatos: “MC, be careful not to trigger the traps.”
MC: “How would I know?”
Barbatos: “They’re in separate baskets, just handle them more delicately and take care they don’t open up, even the slightest bit.”
MC: “Right…”
Diavolo: “Oh my, look how this own sparkles, MC, isn’t it just—“
MC: “Where’d he go!?”
Barbatos: “And I just warned him too…”
MC: “Okay, but where did he go?”
In the distance, you hear roaring laughter and look to see a light on in RAD.
MC: “I found him.”
Barbatos: *sigh* “I suppose I should supervise this shouldn’t I?”
MC: “It’ll be okay, I’ll protect him.”
Barbatos: “Ever so reliable, MC. It’s what I love most about you.”
MC: *blushing* “G-Glad you feel that way.”
A small explosion sounds from inside.
MC: “He’s…not being careful. At all.”
Barbatos: “Good luck.”
MC: “What’ve I done?”
[A Few Hours Later]
Diavolo sits next to you on the RAD lawn covered in pink and yellow powder, hair spiked, and hands puffy and pink.
MC: “Sooo….”
Diavolo: “That was so much fun!”
MC: “Thirteen wasn’t happy about resetting them all though.”
Diavolo: “Yes, I did apologize.”
MC: “I think she laughed hard enough to forgive you.”
Diavolo: “Yes it was quite excessive.”
MC: “That’s rich coming from you.”
Diavolo: “Hm? What do you mean?”
MC: “If you laughed and a bomb went off at the same time, I’d hear you.”
Diavolo: “Pfft! Ahahahahaha.”
MC: “My point exactly. Anyway…Barbatos will skin me alive if you come back looking like this.”
You take his hands and whisper an incantation, lips close to his inflamed hands. The pink vanished and his hands returned to normal. Diavolo let out a sigh of relief.
Diavolo: “Thank goodness. That was quite itchy.”
MC: “Now all you need is a serious bath.”
Diavolo: “Oh, will you be giving it to me?”
MC: “Wh—“
Diavolo: “Ahahahaha! I’m only kidding.”
MC: “That’s a shame.”
Diavolo: “What?”
MC: “What?”
Diavolo: *sigh* “Why don’t we go get some rest and meet early again tomorrow before the others arrive.”
MC: “Sounds like a plan.”
Diavolo smiles and ruffles your hair. You attempt to do the same but your hand gets stuck to his gelled hair, the result of an egg surprise. You stare at him, hand stuck in his hair and he stares back at you when a familiar person clears their throat.
Thirteen: “Uh…the eggs have been reset. Am I interrupting something?”
Diavolo: “We seem to be stuck.”
Thirteen: “Hahahah! Serves you right, anyway I’m headed out.”
MC: “You’re gonna leave us here?”
Thirteen: “Yes!”
Diavolo: “I see…I suppose we should call Barbatos?”
MC: “Yeah…”
[Early the next morning | House of Lamentation]
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Asmodeus: “MC! You’re finally back! Where’ve you been all night? Don’t tell me you- ooooh!”
Lucifer lightly smacks Asmodeus over the back of the head.
Asmodeus: “Ow! Lucifer you big meanie.”
Lucifer: “Don’t imply such things.”
Asmodeus: “But they were gone aaaalll night. Isn’t that right? And who were they with? The hunky—“
Lucifer: “Be quiet.”
Mammon: “What’s goin’ on down here!?”
Mammon: “Hey! MC! You’re finally back!”
Satan: “I was getting worried.”
Belphegor: “Mmhm.”
MC: “One of Thirteen’s traps went off…”
Lucifer: “I see. That explains things then.”
Asmodeus: “Boo. I was hoping for some gossip.”
Belphegor: “That’s the same thing as saying you hope Diavolo and MC hooked up.”
Mammon: “Hold on, what happened!?”
Satan: “Nothing happened, Mammon. Pay attention.”
MC: “My hand got stuck to Diavolo, that’s all.”
Beelzebub: “Stuck?”
Mammon: “Huh? Stuck where!”
MC: “His head.”
Asmodeus: “Which o—“
All: “Shut up, Asmo!”
You got a few hours of rest before your alarm went off. You already had good morning texts from the angels reminding you of the importance of the day and you smiled and sighed. You changed into your Easter outfit and put on the rabbit ear headband Diavolo insisted all participants wear.
[Easter Morning | RAD Courtyard]
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Diavolo: “MC! I’m so glad you’re here!”
MC: “As promised.”
Barbatos: “Good. Participants should be showing up in a few hours and—“
Mephistopheles: “Good morning everyone.”
Diavolo: “Ah, good morning, Mephistopheles.”
Mephistopheles: “Hm? You still have baskets?”
MC: “We couldn’t finish hiding them all…there was a mishap.”
Mephistopheles: “Oh? Of what nature.”
Barbatos: “The details aren’t necessary. Why don’t you take a few pictures of the setup before we begin? See if you can spot an egg and photograph it.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. And MC.”
MC: “Hm?”
Mephistopheles: “Happy Easter?”
MC: “Aww! Thank you Mephisto, that means a lot coming from you.”
Mephistopheles: “What does that mean?”
Diavolo: “I’m so glad to see you embracing change, Mephistopheles. Very well done!”
Mephistopheles: “Naturally! One can’t help but be swayed by your genius and example, my lord.”
MC: *muttering* “Here we go.”
Barbatos: *chuckles*
After a few hours You, Diavolo, and Barbatos had finished hiding the rest of the eggs and just sat down by the sign-in booth when you heard a loud scream coming from RAD.
Barbatos: *sigh* “I told him to photograph the egg not open it.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha!”
Barbatos left swiftly to investigate and as soon as he vanished around the corner, a loud group approached the booth.
Lucifer: “We’ve arrived. I apologize if we’re late.”
Satan: “Yes, someone wouldn’t wake up.”
Belphegor: *zzz*
Asmodeus: “I can’t believe the bunny ears are staying on even though he’s slumped over Beel’s shoulder. I have to get a picture.”
Beelzebub: “Asmo…”
Asmodeus: “What? It might generate more attention for the event, right?”
Diavolo: “Wonderful idea, Asmodeus.”
Asmodeus: “Thank you!”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Mammon: “So…I heard there’d be a prize.”
Leviathan: “Two minutes, I called it.”
Asmodeus: “Tch, I really thought it’d be sooner.”
Mammon: “Huh? Are you betting on me? Without me?”
Satan: “That wouldn’t make any sense idiot.”
Lucifer: “All of you shut up and sign in.”
Leviathan: “Eep! Okay.”
The brothers signed their names. Beelzebub signed Belphegor in for him and you sat around and talked.
Mephistopheles returned with Barbatos looking very flustered and uncomfortable.
Lucifer: “What in the Devildom is that mess?”
Mephistopheles: “Thirteen.”
Lucifer: “Oh. So you set off a trap.”
Leviathan: “Does no one find it alarmingly easy to set them off? Like, didn’t even Lord Diavolo do that?”
You heard an amused chuckle from behind you.
Thirteen: “Duh. That’s what makes it fun.”
Barbatos: “Thirteen. What wonderful timing you have. Mind telling me what Mephistopheles is currently covered in?”
Thirteen: “That’s just a personal concoction of highly flammable spider web spray.”
Mephistopheles: “Of what!?”
Mammon: “Bahahaha!”
Mephistopheles: “Get it off of me this instant!”
MC: “Calm down Mephi, I got you.”
Mephistopheles: “Mephi?”
You brought forth a torrent of water to flush the web off Mephistopheles and then a gust of wind to blow him and his clothes dry.
He was left momentarily stunned before he sighed, patted himself down, and smoothed out his hair.
Barbatos turned on the bright lights around RAD to illuminate the lawn as the other students showed up. The presence of more than a few students elated Diavolo and the happy gleam in his eyes made all the trouble worth it.
Near the end of the thirteenth hour, a beam appeared from the sky. At first, everyone stumbled back in fear but as it disappeared, Simeon, Raphael, and Luke appeared in its place.
Barbatos: “I could’ve opened the portal.”
Raphael: “This was faster.”
Mammon: “Gave me a freakin’ heart attack!”
Raphael: “Why?”
Luke: “MC! I’m here!”
MC: “Hello, Luke! Your Easter uniform is so cute!”
Luke: “Huh? I’m supposed to look gentlemanly not cute!”
Simeon: “You can be both.”
Luke: “No I can’t!”
Solomon: “Good morning everyone. I’m not late am I?”
Simeon: “No. We just arrived.”
Raphael was looking around from the sign-in booth, already scanning the area for eggs as though it were a mission. It gave you chills to see his serious expression but at the same time made you laugh because this was only an Easter egg hunt.
You noticed that Lucifer was doing the same thing but he was being slightly less obvious about it, giving himself reasons to be turned in a certain direction rather than just openly staring.
Luke: “MC! Will you be on my team?”
Mammon: “What? We’re forming teams!?”
Solomon: “Are we?”
Barbatos: *shaking his head* “I suppose if you wanted to you could however anything you find would be evenly split between you and not counted as a whole.”
Satan: “Every demon for themself.”
Lucifer: “I agree.”
Satan: “I’m no longer certain.”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Diavolo: “Hahahaha!”
Belphegor: “Mm…quiet.”
Beelzebub: “Belphie, are you awake?”
Belphegor: “What…what’s on my head?”
Asmodeus: “Those are your bunny ears! And you look adorable!”
Belphegor: “Ugh. Kill me now.”
Asmodeus: “Your sleepy bunny pic has already generated so many likes!”
Belphegor: “My what?”
MC: “So how was the sermon? Is that what it was?”
Luke: *sobbing*
MC: “What’d I do?”
Simeon: “Each year, we visit the past to review the events before and during Easter and the future it will bring.”
MC: “That sounds emotionally traumatic.”
Raphael: “It is. And now we’re here. Looking for eggs…”
Mammon: “Just as father intended!”
Raphael pulls out his spear and Mammon takes off.
MC: “He deserves that right?”
Asmodeus: “Mhm.”
Lucifer: “Honestly…”
Thirteen: “He’s got some guts to piss an angel off on Easter.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. Especially when it’s about their father slash brother or something…”
MC: “Speaking of father and brother…”
You looked between Lucifer and Satan as they watched you. They looked at each other, back at you and Satan bared his fangs as his brothers and Diavolo managed to contain their laughter.
Satan: “Not another word!”
Beelzebub: “They didn’t say anything.”
Solomon: “Hahaha! I get it. Because Lucifer and Satan have the same dynamic.”
As Raphael runs past you he protests this idea and continues after Mammon who’s tripping over bushes in his escape attempt.
Diavolo: “Should we stop them?”
Simeon: “He earned it.” *scary smile*
Luke: “Simeon. You have that scary look in your eyes again.”
Simeon: “Oh, do I? My apologies.”
MC: “Anyway…it’s a good idea you came here after so Luke can recover from his trauma a little more easily.”
Luke: “It never goes away.”
Mephistopheles: “I’m not sure I like the haunted look in your eye.”
Solomon: “It’s weird when Luke is serious.”
Luke: “Hey what does that mean!? I’m always serious.”
Mephistopheles: “Good he’s back.”
Simeon: “Ah, yes. It does weigh heavily on us angels. Thank you for this event, Diavolo.”
Diavolo: “Yes, of course! Speaking of, it’s just about time to begin. Can someone go fetch Mammon and Raphael?”
Lucifer: “I’ll do it.”
Beelzebub: “I’ll go with him.”
Belphegor: “Set me down somewhere first.”
Beelzebub: “Okay.”
Belphegor is placed gently on top of a bush as Beelzebub runs after Lucifer. He begins sinking into the bush and you and the others watch as the branches begin to slowly snap and he disappears into the leaves.
As soon as Raphael and Mammon are reeled in and Mammon is forced to grovel for an apology, Diavolo is given the microphone and you, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Mephistopheles work together to hand everyone a woven basket to place their found eggs in.
Diavolo: “Everyone will have an hour to find as many eggs as possible, they are everyone beyond this booth on the RAD ground and I do mean everywhere so give it your best shot!”
Diavolo: “Many of the eggs contain wonderful surprises! Coupons for your favorite cafes, gift cards for your favorite stores, Grimm, fun tokens, cup-cuties, and more! But beware because there are also eggs that contain a wide variety of tricks of all kinds! You should expect flesh-eating piranha plants, bees, angry spiders, blasts of spider webs, teleportation, and potential small explosions!”
Luke and Mammon turned white but the demon students seemed extra excited by this news. Danger was an everyday occurrence for them and simply counted as fun or mildly inconvenient at best. As a human, you had a protection spell placed upon you in case of minor explosions. Luke and Simeon also had protective spells. Raphael opted to forgo this as he “wasn’t weak.”
With a wide smile, Diavolo raised his hand and everyone gathered into groups or faced the directions they planned to scour.
Diavolo: “On your marks!”
Diavolo: “Get ready!”
Diavolo: “Set!”
Diavolo: “GO!”
The ground shook as the hundreds of demons, three angels, reaper, and human sprinted past the booth.
You laughed and Diavolo helped you regain balance and handed you your basket.
Diavolo: “Shall we go observe?”
An explosion went off.
MC: “Yes!”
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Barbatos trailed far behind you and Diavolo so you could talk more privately. You passed by students stuck to walls with spider webs. Students dressed more oddly than when they’d arrived. You passed by Mammon hanging from the ceiling and weren’t sure whether it had been Raphael, Lucifer, or a genuine trap. Either way, Diavolo burst into laughter alerting the others to your location immediately.
Barbatos cut Mammon down and you continued to walk with your empty basket as you enjoyed the sounds of chaos all around you.
Diavolo eyed your basket and nudged you gently.
Diavolo: “Is there someone you were hoping to go find eggs with?”
(To be continued | the remaining story with be different based on the character you choose to go with. They are all currently being written and will all be released in the following week unless unforeseen circumstances delay the writing)
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