#anyway I know not all female cops are good people
That documentary American Nightmare is crazy. Like imagine being the victims of something like that and everyone from the media to police to the FBI are like, damn, that is crazy. So crazy it didn't happen. You're lying, you killed her--oh...She turned up alive...Uh...She's lying. Wait, uh...oops. Never mind. This other cop who actually bothered to do her job and talked to all the women other cops ignored caught the guy. Um...anyway you're both alive and not in jail so we're just gonna pretend this never happened. I mean it's not like we could have known; there was a movie where the lady set everything up and was lying! How can you expect us to have actually investigated what was reported to us?
At least that one reporter had a conscience. And he actually did forward the emails he got to the police, so, y'know, he at least was doing his job. It's funny how when something like this happens, the people who did the least, all things considered, are the ones to step up and be like, yeah, I fucked up, and the ones who made blunder after blunder from sheer laziness and their own tunnel vision are just like no comment, that didn't happen, and our internal investigation found no wrong-doing on the part of us.
#anyway I know not all female cops are good people#but we know that women tend to take on male ideals in male-dominated spaces#not all women obviously but it is a phenomenon#whereas women have to make up like 80% of a space before men start agreeing with the women#so I think if women were running the police--not just a handful compared to males but like the whole thing run by women#we'd have a lot more actual violent crime being solved and less tunnel vision based on stereotypes#even more so if the racial demographics of the cops in a given area roughly matched those of the people in that area in general#because obviously racism is a huge problem too#but men like power too much#so it's not enough to just change the racial demographics because men will happily turn on their own for a scrap of power#and men of all demographics treat women like shit#so it needs to be run by specifically women who roughly match the racial demographics of the area they're in#I honestly feel that the existing police forces should be put to a women's vote of who goes and who stays#and all the ones they want gone get sacked immediately#the few who get voted to stay train female recruits#so the only males on the force are those grandfathered in#guarantee after those men retired#the number of police officer serial killers/rapists would be zero#because literally I don't think there's been a single one#like I just looked it up and found a female officer who committed a double murder in an armed robbery with a male accomplice
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marvellous1917 · 1 year
Icarus Falling Far.
(Part 3)
Pairing: mob!bucky x tattoo artist!female!reader
Summary: it’s the day after giving the dangerous mobster his first tattoo, and he hasn’t contacted you yet. What a dick.
Warnings: cursing, crime, mentions of guns, stalking/harassment (brief), think that’s it.
Word count: 3.6k ish
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A/N: i had no plan to make this story into a mini-series, so if this seems a little unplanned… it is. Anyway, hope you like it my loves 😘
(This is not beta’s so any mistakes are my own)
Part 2 ⬇️:
Bold is readers thoughts
Italics is Bucky's thoughts
This starts in Bucky’s POV.
His home office was always the place he went to feel at peace. Ironic really, considering the dealings done within the room. The walls had seen him order his men to assassinate his rivals, to eliminate anybody that got in their way. The desk had felt the tip of the pen write extortionate contracts, sent silently to some of the cities most powerful people, the non-explicit threat sent with photos of their family’s, to reminds them what they were risking if they refused to comply. The window that felt the full strength of his prosthetic too many times to count. The hole in the floor after one of his employees managed to literally shoot himself in the foot. {guess who}
But his peace was teetering on a cliffs edge. His hands were woven into his hair, pulling to try and alleviate the headache forming. Elbows resting on his desk as his eyes stayed staring at one specific groove in the wood.
A knock at the door broke his trance and he sighed. It was a rule in the Compound that if the boss was in his office and the door was closed, you do not interrupt or enter unless there was an emergency. Only one man was brave enough to completely disregard Bucky’s rule, which had led to some… interesting situations when Bucky had girls in there with him.
“Come in,” he called, knowing the longer he waited to respond, the louder and more incessant the knocking would become.
The door opened and there was Bucky’s very own personal dumbass: Steve Rogers. The man had been a part of Bucky’s life since as long as he could remember, if-fact some of his earliest memories were with Steve; young boys playing cops and robbers together, attempting to protect Steve when he picked a fight he had no business being in- which had led to Bucky getting his ass beat as well, and scheming together about how to make sure that Simon Justin never played baseball again after pulling his sisters hair on the playground.
“Fuck me Buck, I’m not sure if today could have been anymore fucked,” Steve stated as he collapsed on to the couch, flinging his legs over one arm and resting his head in the other.
Today was a stressful fucking day.
It was the day that Bucky was making all necessary moves. Why all the problems had to pop up now, he wasn’t sure. And the kicker to this awful day? He had no time to talk to you, the girl he could not get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. You’d managed to flood his mind, memories of the kiss you shared playing over and over again.
“Did you close the door?” Bucky asked, not moving an inch.
“Good because I do not need anyone else talking to me right now,” Bucky said, his voice low and quiet, an air of danger ever-present in his tone.
“C’mon Buck, y’know you love them,” Steve responds with a dopey little smirk on his face, and he tilts his head to make eye contact with the man he calls his brother.
I hate that fuckin smile.
He softly hums his agreement and returns to inspecting the groove on his desk.
“We just gotta talk it out, figure out what the fuck is going on, then plan our next moves accordingly,” Steve says, swinging his legs back to the floor, hands clasped together, his arms leaning on his knees.
“Yeah thanks man, I didn’t think about figuring everything out, maybe I’ll give that a go now” Bucky retorts with weak sarcasm, mind too busy, replaying the events of the day.
“I can leave you alone to get lost in your head, or we can figure this shit out together. It’s your call jerk.” Steve says, tilting his head down to catch Bucky’s eye.
“Stop pulling your hair jackass.” He adds.
I hate it when you do that.
Bucky drops his hands to the desk and says, “Ok let’s start this debrief with Walker.”
“Nat’s got his ass tied up in the basement for ya, he’s ready when you are.”
“Anybody looking for him?”
“One frustratingly loyal friend, but he has no idea that Johnny-boy is with us. The rest of his little fan club have no idea he’s even missing.”
“Ok, one problem down. Rumlow?” It’s the question he doesn’t want the answer to. He’d much rather spend his time thinking about you. His history with Brock Rumlow was bloody and painful, for both of them. There was only one person from his past that Bucky hadn’t dealt with, and here he was, coming back to ruin the name Bucky had made for himself.
Rumlow knew things about Bucky’s past that made him a a high security threat, but after he failed to blow himself up in an attempt to kill Bucky, he had disappeared. Bucky thought it was finally over, but the asshole popped back up about a year ago, with more power than before, making himself seemingly untouchable by Bucky’s hand.
“Currently moving like he has been, not causing too much trouble for us, though his crew are getting closer and closer to our dealings at the port.” Steve said, a slight look of digits on his face.
“Put extra hands down there for the next couple weeks, see if we can’t scare them off a little.”
“Yes boss. I’ll let them know after this.”
“The commissioner’s dealt with?” Buck asks, remembering the deviation the man had decided to make.
“Yep, send him that gift basket. He called Sam this morning and agreed to our terms.”
“Good. How’s Barton?” He asks, moving into what they class as ‘personal business’.
“Pissed, man. He wants blood for what happened, we all do.” Steve answers, the memory of seeing Clint covered in blood and bruised made his blood simmer.
“We sure it wasn’t Rumlows’ lot, or fuck even Walker?
“Walkers’ fanclub do not have the brain cells, the power, or the information to organise an attack like that, and Parker tracked Rumlow and his men, all are accounted for and have alibis. This is someone new.”
Oh for fuck’s sake. Isn’t two power hungry assholes enough.
“We haven’t found anything? No security cameras, no cell tower pings?” Bucky asks, leaning back in his chair, resting his head on the back.
“Actually, I sent Scott there this morning to check out if there was anything left there and he found something.” Steve responds, some apprehension creeping into his voice.
That got Bucky’s attention. His head snapped back up and locked eyes with Steve who now stood in-front of his desk, pacing back and forth slightly.
“Care to share with the class Rogers?” His voice was hard now, his extreme dislike of not knowing all the information shining through.
Steve exhales sharply, biting his tongue to not retort and piss Bucky off more.
“He found a package tucked behind a dumpster addressed to ‘Bucky Barnes’ that had a memory stick-“
“Like a USB?” Bucky interrupted.
“- Yeah a USB-“ he gets cut off again.
“Then just say USB, calling it a ‘memory stick’ makes you sound 100 years old.”
“-oh dear god, you gonna let me finish?” Steve responds.
Bucky waved his hand at him, a sign for him to continue.
“Scott found a package addressed to you with a USB inside, we gave it to Stark ‘cos Parker was busy tracking down Rumlows crew, and he checked it out and told us it was completely normal, no virus or anything bad in it.”
“Was there anything on it?” Bucky asks, his brow furrowed.
“It..uh..has two pictures on it.” Steve said lowly.
“It’s probably better if I just show you.” Steve said, his tone of voice made Bucky a little nervous.
Steve took out his phone, tapped a couple of time before turning it around to give to Bucky. As soon as the latter had ahold of the phone, Steve took a full step back, which caused Bucky to raise his eyebrows in question.
“Just look.” He says in response to Bucky’s unasked question.
He looked down at the screen and almost immediately removed his left hand as to not break the phone.
Fuck. Shit.
The first picture was of the night he met you. It was taken through the window for you apartment, and clearly showed both you and Bucky, stood side by side, looking through your flash book.
“What the fuck is this?” He pushes out through gritted teeth.
“I assuming that’s the tattoo artist you told me about, the one you got a thing for?” Steve says.
The one I’m obsessed with.
When Bucky gives him a sharp nod, Steve just drops his head, suddenly fascinated with his shoes.
“Shit.” He says under his breath.
“What?” Bucky’s voice was louder now.
“Look at the next picture.” Steve says while avoiding eye contact.
Bucky looks down, his finger swiping to the next picture before he can think about it.
No. No no fuck. Not her.
The next photo was taken from inside the apartment. Inside your bedroom. It’s of you. Asleep. Completely unaware of the danger stood at the foot of your bed.
Bucky couldn’t look away, he was frozen staring at the picture. Your shorts and oversized tee had both ridden up slightly, showing how truly vulnerable you are. The clock on your table showed the time as 3:54 and showed the date.
“…this was taken this morning.”
Fuck Bucky Barnes.
The bastard hadn’t contacted you since the shop.
Bitch ass told me to keep my phone on so I wouldn’t miss his message, kept me glued to my phone like a weirdo waiting for him to call… and he didn’t. Dick.
Despite the annoyance at the very very attractive mobster, you couldn’t help wonder how he was, what he was doing, if he was thinking about you too.
You’re overthinking about Bucky was interrupted by a knock at your door.
“One sec!” You shout to whoever’s there, getting up and walking to the door. The second you undo the lock, the door is being pushed into your face with a chorus of greetings.
“Come in I guess,” you say to the three who just walked in.
“Well thanks darlin, you got food?” Billy responds, already making his way to the fridge.
“Don’t fucking eat my pizza Bill, I swear I’ll kill you,” you answer, giving both Frank and Curtis a hug, letting the door close behind them.
He laughs off your threat as the others take a seat on your couch.
“Not that I don’t love you guys, but why the fuck are you here?” You ask, moving back to the arm chair in the corner and taking a seat, your phone pinging in the back ground.
“What, we can’t pop in on you whenever we want?” Frank says, leaning back in the arm of the couch, moving to put his feet in the coffee table.
“Frankie if you put your feet on my table, I’m gonna beat you with a spoon.” You call at him.
He freezes and slowly lowers his feet back to the floor.
“We just wanted to come see how you were…Frank told us about Barnes.” Curtis says, cutting into the conversation and completely dampening the mood.
God-fucking-dammit Frank.
Oh fuck do I tell them that he’s not an issue and I actually quite like him.
“Yeah are you ok sweetheart?” Billy asks and he collapses on the couch in the middle of the other boys.
“I’m fine guys, I swear, like I told Frank he’s actually not bad,” you answer, shifting uncomfortable lay in your seat due to the indecision of how much to tell them, “He was nice, polite and kind of…charming, I guess-”
“Is that why you kissed him?” Frank interrupts.
Shit, how does he know?
“You kissed him. Or rather he kissed you but you seemed to enjoy it.” Billy says with an annoying smirk on his face.
“How do you know that?” You ask, shock still written all over your face.
“..the security cameras, kid. You forget about those?”
Ahh fuck.
“Ahh fuck,” you say out loud.
“What the hell are you doing making out with a mobster, Y/N?” Curtis responds, looking at you with those eyes of his that show he’s not judging, just trying to understand.
“I..uh..I wasn’t-really-thinking.” You put you hands on your head, even though Curtis wasn’t judging you, the other two definitely were.
“Obviously you weren’t, he’s a goddam mobster Y/N-” Billy starts, anger in his voice, but you cut him off.
“I know that Bill, ok, I do,” you say, shifting to place your feet on the floor, “but he’s not the animal you think he is, he’s kind and considerate and he makes me feel…” happy. you cut off before the last word, wanting to keep that realisation to yourself for a little longer.
“Plus you bastards can’t be judging me for meeting the guy twice, only yourselves and the devil knows what fucked shit you three have been up to.” You almost shout.
“The fuck does that mean?” Frank answers.
“C’mon Frank I’m not stupid, you three have some shady shit in your pasts. I mean you were goddam military for fucks sake, and don’t think I don’t see the fake payments on the books at the shop-“
“Stop Y/N.” Billy cuts you off. “Stop it now.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, eyes never leaving yours.
You were about to respond to his demand, when a knock sounded at the door.
“Told you to keep you phone on.” A dark voice calls through the door.
Oh shit. No no no not now please not now.
“Who the fuck is that?” Frank asks, suddenly sitting up straight, eyes pinned on the door. Both Billy and Curtis stand, facing the door as if waiting for it to bust off it’s hinges.
“Please all of you, shut the fuck up and don’t do anything dumb,” you answer, moving towards the door.
“Is that him?” Curtis asks.
“Didn’t I just say shut the fuck up,” you retort a little snappier, opening the door slightly.
He cut his hair, it’s looks good on him.
Bucky lowers his arm from his thwarted attempt at a second knock and says, “Is your phone broken or are you ignoring me?” The smirk on his face made your heart beat a little faster.
“Neither, I just missed your text because I have some friends over right now,” you say.
“Is that why you’re not opening the door properly? I can barley see you,” he says with a grin.
“…kinda? Ok wait..” you exit your apartment, pulling the door closed fully behind you, “long story short, they know about the k.. uh about what happened at the shop, and they know who you are and they are not happy about it.”
His eyes darken and his smirk grows wider at the almost mention of the kiss. He shifts until he’s leaning his shoulder on the wall by your door.
“Oh yeah? Doesn’t really matter what they think though, does it doll? Both you and I know how much you enjoyed it.” He says, mouth forming a cheeky grin.
Oh my god.
“Me? You’re the one who started it Bucky, seemed you enjoyed it more,” you respond, having no idea where the confidence came from.
He hums at your statement and says “Well I can admit that I did enjoy our kiss sweetheart, but I may need a little reminder of how it went, it’s been a long day you see.”
“Bucky-” you’re cut of by him stepping closer until your chests are barley touching, the new position making you tilt your head back to see him better.
“What darlin? You ok with this?” He asks slowly, tilting his head to the side slightly, looking into your eyes for any sign of discomfort.
Why does he have to be so sweet.
You nod in answer to his question and he smiles. Not the terrifying grin or the cheeky smirk, but a genuine smile - one that makes him even more beautiful. Bucky raises his right arm, dragging his thumb over your lips and cupping your cheek while you stare up at him, his other hand sneaks around your back, pulling you flush to him.
“You have no idea what to do to me, do ya?” He mumbles, probably not intending for you to respond as he’s closing the gap between you. The kiss is harsh and a little messy, shocking you slightly with his apparent desperation, hands holding you tightly. He takes advantage of your shock, tracing your lips with his tongue and pushing past to deepen the kiss.
His hand drops from you face to your waist, gripping so tightly, you’re sure he’ll have left a bruise. That thought got you’re heart pumping faster, the idea that an imprint of his hands, his fingers would be left on your skin. It felt right. Bucky pushes you until your back hits the wall, hips fitting against yours almost perfectly, one leg sneaking between yours as you let a light whimper escape.
You break the kiss to get some air, leaning your forehead against his, both of you catching your breath.
“Bucky, I mis-”, you didn’t get to finish the sentence before your door opens and you’re suddenly faced with three pissed off ex-marines.
-(Bucky’s P.O.V)
Bucky immediately steps back, releasing you, and straightens his posture. He looks at the men, quietly analysing them. He can tell that they either are or were military, and definitely care immensely about you, probably to the point of beating the crap out of anyone that hurt you.
The one in the middle is a frightening creature , he thinks, but the wedding band means he has something to loose, he should be less quick to anger, in theory.
The one on the right with the short buzz cut and the tense muscles reminds him of Clint, he’s ready to fight at the drop of a hat, and by the look on his face, I’m gonna be his next target.
The man on the left intrigued Bucky the most. His face is blank, showing nothing. He’s favouring one of his legs, and the other shows a bulky piece of metal at the bottom. Wonder if that’s an old military injury.
“Guys, what are you doing?” You ask, apprehension in your voice. Bucky wonders if you’re scared for them or for him.
“Oh we are gonna head out, let you have some time to really think about what we talked about.” The man in the middle says, putting emphasis on the word really.
“Frank please-”
“No it’s ok sweetheart,” Bucky bristles at the pet name the Clint wannabe says, “we’ll see you later.”
“Shit, I left my phone on your table, could you get it for me?” The other says to you, cutting off your words, smiling at you to calm the stressed look on your face.
“Of course Cutis, one sec,” you respond, Turing to Bucky at the end of your sentence with a look at says please don’t make this worse.
You pass by the men and let the door fall closed behind you.
The silence is tense as the men all stare at each-other.
“So…how’s your man doing? Y’know the one that got jumped,” Billy says, smirking at Bucky.
“How do you know that?” Bucky asks as his muscles tense.
“…Y/N told us, obviously,” Billy says.
The pause was intentional, she didn’t tell them that.
“He’s fine, thanks.” Bucky responds shortly, all to aware of the lie he was just told.
The door opens just before Billy can respond, all four men going silent again.
“Here it is Curtis, guess I’ll see you guys later then,” you say, before hugging each man.
The three shoulder past Bucky as if he was just a man on the street, no care in the world that he could have them killed for that disrespect. But he lets this one slide, for her, as they’re her friends.
“Did you tell them about Clint?” He knows it was a lie but he needs to make sure his cynical brain isn’t marking it up.
“No? Why?” You answer, unaware of the turmoil occurring in Bucky’s head.
Then how the fuck do they know.
“Give me one minute doll, I forgot something at the car,” he says, “go on inside I’ll be back soon.”
“Uh.. okay.” You answer, walking back into the apartment.
He watches the door and as soon as it closes he is moving back down the stairs, hoping to catch and ask the men how they knew about Clint. Bucky normally has an reasonable explanation for everything, but this time he was stumped. He catches them outside the front door to the building, the three of them stood leaning against their car, watching the door, waiting for him to come out.
“How do you know?” He repeats his question from before, voice lower and more dangerous now.
“Y’know…that bastard has a solid right hook.” Billy says. The sentence sends red hot anger through Bucky’s blood.
It was them. But that means…
“Did you get our package?” The big one in the middle asks, Frank, she called him.
Fuck. The anger that has been burning in his veins since the second he saw those photos of you pours out of him and he immediately pulls a gun on Frank.
“Hey now that’s not smart, is it?” Curtis asks in a placating tone.
“Don’t forget about our girl up there. What’s she gonna think if you shoot me for no reason?” Frank says, unflinching staring down the barrel of Bucky’s gun.
Fuck. Fuck. These bastard are the ones threatening everything, they jumped Clint and are using you to get to him. They’re your friends and you? You have absolutely no idea.
Yo this took so long to do!! Hope you like my lil twisty turn at the end there 😈.
Lemme know what u think 😘
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baphometsss · 2 months
solas is canonically bi and i will die on this fucking hill.
trick talking shit about it on twitter in 2015 or whatever means nothing to me. oh you wanted to avoid the depraved bisexual trope, did you?? you mean depraved bisexuals like iron bull who will literally betray and try to kill you in trespasser if you sacrifice the chargers? depraved bisexual zevran who tries to kill you and will try again if your approval isn't high enough in dao? depraved bisexual anders who commits an entire act of terrorism? depraved bisexual isabela who will run off with the qunari artefact in da2 and never return if your approval isn't high enough?? i could go on and those are just the depraved bisexuals. there are plenty of good, non-depraved bisexuals in this game too (leliana, josephine, fenris kinda depending on how you play it), so it's a moot point anyway
esp since as far as depravity actually goes, he's fairly good about the romance. like, his ultimate goal aside, he makes a point of saying in trespasser that he wouldn't sleep with lavellan under false pretenses. that's more than can be said for blackwall, who doesn't think twice about the potential consent issue of sex with someone who doesn't know who you really are
if it wasn't the fact that a good chunk of solas's romance lines were voiced with the male VAs in both base game dai and trespasser, i would be inclined to believe that this was an intentional choice, but given that and the fact that both solas and cullen use gender neutral language in their romances, and only cullen has a line which specifically turns the inquisitor down for being a dude, i find it much more believable that they literally just ran out of time
iirc neither solas nor cullen were going to be romancable to begin with but then they had a bit of extra time and they decided to do it, only to run out of time before finishing the male VAs lines
honestly i'm just frustrated by the fact that we have inconsistent writing and weird cop-out answers that people cling to bc they're offended that their precious straight boy might not actually be straight. i actually saw someone complaining on reddit about how 'refreshing' it was to see a straight character in dragon age like?? what. are you playing the same game? blackwall, cassandra, cullen (who was meant to be bi too but ig had either the same issue or his va was just too much of a bigot to do it), morrigan and alistair all spring to mind lol you're not short on straight people
in any case we can retcon our inky to be nonbinary, so unless they fuck it up by deciding that he's only into female elves and lock out all the nb solavellans who had to choose between male and female inky in dai, which is unlikely, it seems like it won't matter much.
just let me be gay with my silly egg man and i will be happy
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luck-and-larceny · 2 months
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Quick Facts:
Height: 5’4”
Age: 27 (I think...? Might be 28 now. She'll say she's whatever age she feels like being in the moment anyway)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Knows what she likes: Demure wallflowers have their own charm to be sure, but that's not Malika’s charm. She’s not shy: She knows what she likes and she’s more than happy to let you know.
Flexibility: Physically and temperamentally. She has gymnastic training and her line of “work” (very legal stuff, certainly nothing problematic like burglary) helps her maintain those skills. Personality wise, her ambition is to live life to the absolute fullest. This means she doesn't believe there's only one right way to do…well… anything. 
Impulsive, adventurous, and fun: One of the benefits of being unconcerned about silly things like laws she doesn't agree with, social expectations she doesn't subscribe to, or opinions of people she doesn’t respect is that there's really nothing to stop her from engaging in risky, adventurous behavior whenever she feels like it. She'll enthusiastically take you by the hand and steal away with you to find fun wherever there is fun to be had.
When she likes you she really likes you!: She'll enthusiastically support you. She'll work behind the scenes and go to great lengths to make things work out for you. She'll leave you gifts and lavish you with charm and attention. The future is full of possibility! It could be the two of you forever!
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It's not going to be the two of you forever: She's not much good at sticking around. If she feels at all hemmed in, like you want her to change in anyway, or like you maybe want more from her than she's willing to give– she's gone. Like the wind, she'll breeze on in and breeze back out again.
She has little regard for… most everything: She loves overcoming obstacles. Unfortunately, sometimes locked doors, your possession of personal items she likes, and society’s appreciation for the truth are obstacles she particularly enjoys overcoming. If she's slighted, she doesn't turn the other cheek, she spitefully seeks revenge. If she sees something too fancy or expensive, she’ll probably break it. She thinks there's nothing better to keep you warm on a cold evening than a nice, cozy house fire: especially if she started that fire.
She's dangerously unhinged: Please see the above points.
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Sexually: She loves having a good time and loves letting you know she's having a good time. Unless you want there to be doubt. She can roll with that too if you think it'd be fun. 
Romantically: Romancing Malika is a terrible idea. I do not recommend this. Crucially, she does not recommend this either. She'd be the first to tell you that you'd be better off putting that energy somewhere else. That said, when she begins to feel romantic there's a high likelihood she'll run away. If she sticks around, she'll give you thoughtful (probably stolen) gifts, find reasons to invite you on (probably illegal) excursions, and begin to (begrudgingly) show you a more vulnerable side of her personality.
Tagged by: @thefreelanceangel (who also gave me these cute dividers a long time ago. Thanks again!)
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it! Sorry for the cop out ( especially on this very anti-cop tumblr). If you want to do it and you saw it here first (somehow?), please pretend I tagged you. :D I want to see it!
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found you - ch. 3
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna) [p.s. y'all kno i try to keep her features ambiguous asf but i think i mentioned her having long/waist-length hair at some point :') maybe i should just give her features but i kinda like leaving it open-ended]
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! rbf! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, stalking/possessive themes, pet names [kitten, baby, princess, pretty], manhandling, mentions of depression, smoking (w33d, cigarette), profanity, dub/non-consented sex, begging, fingering, orgasm denial, brat taming (kinda), rough sex, creampie (pls don’t b silly & cover ur willy), coercion, alcohol/drinking, peer pressure, jjk manga reference (no major spoilers, jus some of the same phrasing-lmk if u spot it lolol), groping, somnophilia (a bit)
word count/plot: [18.4k!] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: Sooo i’m not joking about all the warnings so pls b thorough w reading them. I really don’t want anyone to feel misled bc i do take my time to type everything out bc this stuff is dark & not a happy jolly love story. I feel like a part of why I even write this story is bc i want to explore the characterization of someone extremely entitled and completely helpless to their impulses vs someone who is relatively sheltered & always in fight or flight mode-its all p twisted but can u tell i wasn’t in a good place when i first started this LMAO. anyway, jus b warneddd
ch. 1 , ch. 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ] , chapter 3 , ch. 4
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They fucked. They fucked a lot. Whether it be at night after his basketball practice or mid-day in school. In study rooms, the locker room, empty classrooms-wherever they could find.
Some days he wanted her extra early, he’d have her first thing in the morning or right after she changed into uniform. Or-when he’s feeling extra desperate-he’d have her in his car in the parking lot, right after driving them to school. He liked seeing her all flush-faced and flustered while zooming out of his car those mornings.
He never seemed to get enough. 
And she couldn’t take it. Her veil was slipping away with each encounter with him. She cried a lot when he wasn’t around and grew incredibly frustrated whenever he was around. Her patience was running incredibly thin—despite knowing her options were limited, she never stopped fantasizing of ways to end their ‘relationship’ on the daily.
The cops left their school a week ago. It seemed they gathered all the information they needed. And seeing how lax Gojo was, she knew without a doubt that he’d gotten off without a scratch. She didn’t even think anyone suspected him.
How could they? When she was the only one that’d seen it all—The only one who knew the reason.
Noel hadn’t come back to school—rumor had it that he’d transferred schools. Rumor also had it that it was Nanami’s doing because-apparently-Noel stole jewelry from Nanami’s house the night of the party. 
She couldn’t help but doubt that rumor. Noel was well off, he didn’t need someone else’s mothers jewelry. But she supposed transferring to another school district couldn’t be helped, especially not after having a label like ‘robber’ stuck to you at a school full of rich kids. It didn’t help that he robbed his own team captain at that; it was something his reputation couldn’t come back from-at this school, anyway.
She wished she could directly ask him what happened that night but she doubted she’d get the chance now.
Eitherway, she knew something was more than suspicious about that situation. And it made her more than just irritable when she thought of Gojo going on with his daily life while other people had to face the repercussions of his actions.
Suddenly the sound of a car honking drew her from her thoughts.
She immediately glanced over to see a matte black Mercedes G-Wagon pulling up beside her. The passenger window rolled down to reveal an unruly, platinum haired boy with the most lethal smirk on his lips.
He lowered his sunglasses, “You forgot about me already?”
She’d gotten so lost in her thoughts she must’ve accidentally walked right past his car. She swallowed-hesitating for only a moment before slipping into his car.
The second she shut the car door, she tried not to be tense. She knew what was coming and he did exactly that.
His hand slid around her nape, his crystalline eyes affectionate as he leaned over to capture her lips in a lingering kiss. He always greeted her like he missed her—as if he hadn’t been in her bed an hour ago.
Since he slept over most nights he'd wanted to leave some of his clothes at hers. She immediately refused-using the excuse that if her Dad found his clothes in her room she was bound to get in trouble.
In reality, she needed the hour he took to go home and change in the morning for herself. He was always around-it felt suffocating sometimes. Suffocating enough that she almost liked school.
Except for when he texted her ‘i wanna see you’ in the middle of class. That text filled her with dread every time.
Aside from school, that ‘morning hour’ and his basketball practice-they were almost always together. Like now, he always picked her up the same time her bus usually came to pick her up. He also parked a block away from her house-her orders, because she had a thing about discretion.
He broke the kiss, his fingers playing with her hair, “What’s got you in a daze, kitten?”
She inadvertently tensed, “Nothing.”
He assessed her before his gaze grew warm, “Always so serious.” he mused.
He ruffled her hair and she pushed his hand away. He leaned back in his seat before driving in that one-handed fashion that he always did.
Her eyes narrowed when she noticed him take an unfamiliar route. She watched him pull into one of the nearby gated communities.
She didn’t build up the courage to ask about their whereabouts until he stopped in front of a house that couldn’t have been worth less than two million. The architecture of the house was rather modern, with a lot of glass wall panels and a marble driveway.
“This isn’t school.” the words came out more curt than she intended.
“Correct. We’re picking Suguru up.”
Her eyes widened and before she could speak the back door of the car opened and Geto slipped inside. He was dressed in uniform. His hair tied back in his typical man bun, she’d never seen him without it.
Geto patted Gojo on the shoulder in greeting before settling into the backseat. “Yo.”
Geto caught her gaze and merely nodded, his expression unreadable.
“Yooo,” Gojo greeted-rather enthusiastically-before pulling out of the driveway. “Busted your car, didn’t ya?”
“Shut the hell up. I get it back tomorrow.”
Gojo smirked, “Damn-tomorrow? Kinda liked it when you rely on me.”
“Yeah well I’d rather hang myself before getting on a smelly bus.”
Ara flushed.
Geto continued, “Did you do the calc homework?”
“Yeah, you want it?”
“Do you remember what you got for the last question?”
They continued to converse until Gojo parked in the school parking lot.
Gojo checked his watch, “We still got fifteen minutes left till homeroom.”
“Great, I had to print out something from the library anyway.”
Geto stepped out of the car only to pop his head back in a second before he shut the door, “Yo, make sure to send me the calc homework.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Gojo said, slipping his phone out his pocket to do just that.
Geto’s eyes seemed to catch Ara’s for a moment, “Bye, Natsuna.”
She blinked, “Bye.”
Geto shut the car door before walking off in the direction of school. The familiar sound of a text being sent was audible, “There.” Gojo muttered.
“You told him.” Ara spoke, rather outright.
He raised a pale brow, “What?”
“He knows.. about us.”
Gojo blinked.
She held his gaze, trying not to look as unnerved as she felt, “I thought we agreed on keeping us a secret.”
“He’s my best friend.”
“And?” her irritation got the best of her. “What if he tells someone?”
“He’s not like that. Besides, you told Millie too-didn’t you?”
“She knows we fucked.”
She flushed, “Yeah, and that’s it. I didn’t tell her we’re together.”
A subtle grin tugged at the corner of his lip, “Love when you say it.”
His hand went to the headrest of her seat-leaning towards her, “You could tell her. You can tell anybody you wan-“
“I prefer to keep things private,” she bit out, “You know this. How come I always have to listen to you but you never listen to me?”
The second the question left her lips, she froze. She felt it—the invisible line she’d crossed. She felt herself treading into dangerous territory.
His voice was oddly calm, “I do listen to you.”
It was true, sometimes he did but- “Only when you want to.” The words tumbled out of her, a whispery quality to her voice.
Suddenly his hand was at her nape, forcing her to look up at him. “Because you still hide things from me, Ara. I want you to tell me everything. I’m willing to tell you anything because I’m willing to give you everything. You just need to tell me what’s on your mind.”
She grabbed his wrist, her mind boggled. She shoved his hand away from her neck, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m willing to wait, Ara. I told you that I’m gonna be your everything and I meant it.”
His gaze was determined as he spoke, “I want you to open up to me because you want to-because you love me.”
She froze-holding his gaze for a moment before speaking a bit shakily, “You couldn’t handle it if I told you what’s on my mind.”
“Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know.”
“Tell me,” he insisted, “Tell me one thing.”
She didn’t have enough energy to hold back- “I want space.”
She couldn’t look him in the eye once she said the words-simply staring straight out his blacked out windows. She tried not to tremble as the silence hung like weight between.
“I don’t believe in space.” His voice was cold.
She shivered, fighting the urge within her to just clamp up and be silent as she stuttered out, “I-I told you.. you couldn’t handle it.”
She nearly yelled when he grabbed a fistful of her hair, turning her to face him.
His eyes were ablaze with such anger it was nearly palpable, “Is there another boy?”
Her eyes widened before narrowing, “What?! No-!“ she twisted her head away from his hold, shoving his arm back.
His arm barely budged but he complied anyway, releasing her.
“Then why the hell do you want space?”
“Because we’re always together! I-I barely have time to myself. Y-your always there.”
“You had enough time to yourself. All those years before I found you was enough.” His tone was frigid, unrelenting.
She wanted to cry-she couldn’t do this anymore. “Y-you see,” she choked out, “I can’t speak my mind.”
His hand found her nape again, forcing her to face him—forcing her near as tears spilled down her face.
“No,” his tone was calm, yet the icy undercurrent within his words could not be denied, “You only want space because you’re afraid of falling for me. You think the more you get away from me you can convince yourself you don’t need me and I won’t have any of that.”
His voice turned lethal-completely deadpan, “I’m never letting you go.”
The words felt all too heavy-all too weighted-all too much. She hated this feeling; the feeling of having found another cage. This was exactly what she didn’t want.
Another situation that she didn’t know how to get rid of.
She shoved herself out of his grasp, looking away before he could see more tears spilling out of her eyes or how she was biting down on her lip hard to control her sob. She didn’t want to cry in front of him.
She didn’t think when she stepped out of his car and ran towards school. All she wanted to do was get away from him.
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She didn’t respond to him all day-and the terror of it all didn’t hit her until she was home, in the middle of doing her nightly skin care routine.
She froze, lowering her hand as she stared at her terrified expression in the mirror-the memory of how angry he looked when she muted him resurfacing.
She’d felt incredibly depressed after their argument, going class to class like a zombie until all her emotions became numb. She was incredibly zoned out, fatigued. She hadn’t checked her phone once all day.
The second she got home, she fell back into her old routine of napping after school. She felt refreshed after waking up and was able to do her homework with perfect concentration-not one stray thought clouding her mind.
She didn’t realize what she was disassociating from until now.
She quickly wiped her hands and retrieved her phone to check the time. 10:29 pm.
She blinked. That was way past his practice time. He would normally be at her place by now. What is going on?
Her heart raced. Too say she was worried wouldn't nearly cover how fidgety she was feeling. He never did this before.
She swallowed, wandering out her room to glance out the window. She was nearly certain it had something to do with their argument-it had to, right?
Her stomach rolled at the thought of him being angry. She stared at his several texts with growing horror.
9:59 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: hi
10:45 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: araa let’s talk
11:37 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: i wanna see you
11:39 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: talk to me ara
1:24 pm - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: u fr ignoring me?
1:45 pm - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: u can’t ignore me forever yk
Her horror grew a thousand fold. She never ignored his texts-especially not after the ‘muting’ incident. But this-she’d ignored his ‘i wanna see you’ text, the first time she'd done such a thing. She was sure-most terrifyingly sure-there was no way she was getting out of this unscathed.
He was sure to be fuming.
She held her phone to her chest, dropping to her knees in the middle of her room. Questioning everything.
I shouldn’t have argued with him. Oh my god.. God, why didn’t I check my phone? Why?! Fuck, fuck, fuck !
She raked a hand through her hair. There was no way she was going to get an ounce of sleep tonight. She was terrified of what he would do.
Her eyes widened. I should text back. Maybe that’ll calm him.
She fumbled for her phone only to freeze when she saw a new notification appear. It was him.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: come outside
Her heart stopped. What should I do?
Her mind scrambled for the safest option. Her fingers hesitated before flying across the keyboard.
ara: i just saw ur texts sorry
Before she could send out her next reply, three typing dots appeared from his end and he responded a millisecond later.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: just come outside .
She froze. She couldn’t help but think he was mad-definitely mad. He never texted like that.
Oh no..
Her anxiety spiked. She knew she had to go.. Her eyes squeezed shut, chest tightening.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: i won’t repeat myself ara
Her fingers flew across the keyboard.
ara: im coming
She stared at her text with dread and.. frustration. Frustration because she couldn't believe he could command her like this-invoking her forced compliance. Dread because.. she had no clue what he would do.
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She hugged herself tight as she slowly approached his car, which was parked at its usual spot down the block. He knew to avoid the cameras around her house.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she knocked on the G-wagon passenger door before stepping inside.
He was facing out his window before she knocked. He immediately glanced over-tapping off the burnt edge of his joint.
His radiant eyes scanned her impassively before puffing out smoke slowly. The smoke silently curling in the air between them.
“Close the door.” he muttered.
She blinked, immediately glancing towards the passenger door to see that her hand was still on the handle. She hadn’t fully closed it.
She refrained from audibly swallowing before closing the door. She flinched when the car door locked.
She glanced over his way to see him swiftly adjust the gear to ‘drive’-mode and get the car on the road. The speed of the action made her throat tighten.
Her intertwined hands fidgeted in her lap uneasily. She contemplated apologizing for not responding to his texts-but she couldn’t find it in herself too. She almost didn’t want to remind him. Even if he was angry, he seemed somewhat calm right now.
She couldn’t ever be sure with him.
She didn’t want to break the silence. Her mind going a mile per minute before finally spurting out, “Where are we going?”
Ever since their ice cream hangout, he always wanted to take her to places at night but she always refused. The paranoia of her Dad finding out always overwhelmed her.
“To a party.” he responded, airily.
Her head whipped around to face him. She stared in shock as he indifferently took another hit from the joint.
“W-what?” she questioned, blankly. Her voice low.
“We’re going to a party.”
She stared at him. He couldn’t be serious… Entering a party with him-everyone would know what that meant, everyone would see them.
“I-“ she scrambled for words, “I can’t go.”
“Yes, you can.” his voice completely assured.
“No, I can’t, Satoru,” she fought to keep her voice even. “My Dad might check on me a-and we can’t show up to an event together-“
“Fuck your Dad and fuck being private.”
She stared at him in astonishment. His eyes were ablaze as he threw his burnt out joint out the window.
“Sick of that shit. I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
She felt herself growing sick. Is this supposed to be her punishment? No. no. no.. She couldn’t allow this, word would spread like wildfire and if her Dad were to somehow find out.. It was a huge risk-one that she wasn’t willing to take.
It didn’t help that something about the briskness of his words made her impulsively tap into her anger.
Her tone came out firm-with a tinge of desperation, “What do you have to prove to people?”
A wicked smirk slipped across his lips, “I don’t give a fuck about people. But you do-don’t you? You think your Pops is gonna find out. You know the attention you're gonna get bein’ mine and you hate it.”
He continued, “I don’t give a shit about either excuse anymore. Anything happens, they’ll have to come through me first.”
“Excuse?” she repeated in contempt-filled shock before sputtering out, “Y-you don’t understand-“
“What? That your Dad’s old school? He doesn’t allow you to date? Who cares-If he hears some shit just tell him it’s a rumor.”
Suddenly anger overrode her fear. Her words came out sharp, “Do you think I would be like this if it were that easy?”
“Then tell me why its not.”
She froze, her partly open lips gradually closing. She’d nearly told him-her answer just on the tip of her tongue-but it felt wrong. Telling someone her family issues would be a first, and-on top of that-confiding in him of all people? She’d rather die.
Her voice was low as she spoke through gritted teeth-attempting to keep her emotions at bay, “Just-take me home.” she choked out, shakily.
He glanced over at her. She felt his gaze on her and quickly faced the window. Her jaw locked as she swallowed, hard.
She squeezed her eyes shut as a heavy silence followed. She felt the tension build into a knot in her stomach.
She hesitantly glanced his way to see his expression was completely cold-to glacial levels. Not one emotion on his face.
She felt herself go breathless but decided to push her luck anyway. She needed to go home.
“P-please, Satoru.” she whispered.
His hand on the wheel tightened, “You’re coming with me. That’s final.”
She felt her heartbeat go faster. The finality in his tone was suffocating. She hated how helpless she felt; she felt the weight of it in every point of her body. Unease swirled underneath her skin, making her tremble slightly.
She couldn’t go to this party. She had to try. She needed to think of something.
She fought to keep her voice even, “I’m dressed in pjs, I-I can’t go like this.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s Shoko’s party, I’ll tell her to let you borrow somethin’ “
She gnawed on her bottom lip, facing the window again as she racked her mind for something. It was hard to think through the turmoil of emotions swirling within her.
Her desperation got the best of her as she spoke, her voice cracking, “Please, don’t do this. Just take me home-I-I want to be home.”
He sucked his teeth, his ill-tempered expression faltering a second to reveal something more worn out. He looked almost exhausted.
“Why’d you have to whine today of all days? I don’t have the patience today.”
Her stomach twisted at how he spoke. He made it sound as if he were complaining about a pet being disobedient. Her nails dug into her palms as her hands clenched into fists.
“Aren’t you supposed to be my peace or some shit.” he muttered.
She chose not to dwell on his words, instead she inhaled a much needed breath before speaking quietly, “I’m sorry to bother you.. I promise I’ll stop once you take me home.”
A short, dry laugh left him, “Nah.”
His fingers tapped the steering wheel before he glanced her way, “I can think of a few other ways you could put me at ease.”
Her eyes widened when he pulled the car over to the side of the road. Her stomach swirled with dread. He wouldn’t—
He stepped out of the car and easily made it to her side. He opened the passenger side door, his tall frame nearly blocking the entirety of the entrance.
She stared at him in horror. His blue crystal-like eyes seemed to glimmer in the dark. A faint, nearly imperceptible smile grew on his lips as he looked at her.
She was still for a millisecond before attempting to zip past him through the narrow space underneath his arm-but he caught her easily. Almost as if he anticipated it.
She was yanked to his side, “Relax, kitten.”
Her limbs flung out, trying to connect with anything as she twisted in his grasp. Sounds of frustration leaving her lips as she yelled, “Let go-! Let go of-!”
He swung open the back door as she struggled in his hold. He tossed her in the backseat, her back flat against the seats. She didn’t get a second to process because Gojo was suddenly above her-the wide ceiling of the car providing him ample room.
She opened her mouth to scream but froze when a smug grin split across his lips, “Go ahead, be as loud as you want.”
He tilted his head slightly, “No one’s around to hear you.”
Her heart sank when she realized he was right. Whatever road they were on was rather deserted. She hadn’t seen anyone drive past them for the past ten minutes.
His lips brushed over hers, “No one but me.”
She shoved him off, a short cry leaving her lips as she twisted fiercely underneath him—attempting to turn her body and grasp the nearest car door handle.
His large hand found the meeting place of her neck and shoulder-and shoved her down. She yelled out.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ Ara.”
She stared up at him-momentarily frozen. His pale face was directly over hers, too close-everything too visible. The faint flush over his high cheekbones, the subdued spark in his dilated eyes, the hard-set of his jaw.
Strands of his white hair tickled her forehead as his hand came up to the side of her face. His thumb gliding over her bottom lip-playing with it almost. “You can’t escape me.” he reminded her, softly.
Tears filled her eyes and her arms moved before she could process it. She scrambled, she didn’t even know what she was doing. She wasn’t sure if she was shoving him or hitting him-all she knew was that she had to get away from him.
It took him an entirety of two seconds to pin both of her hands above her head with just one of his own. A sob left her lips as she writhed. She threw her head back in frustration.
His other hand slid down her ribs, over her stomach—pushing her arched body back down against the seats.
“Fuck, you’re testing me today.”
He pushed her legs aside with his free hand before easily tugging her sweats off. 
After removing them, he spread her bare legs and hooked them over his own. Despite being clothed himself, his erection made itself evident through the tent at his groin. The tip of the tent poking right against her panties, right over where it wanted to be.
She gasped, her hands pushing against his hold on her wrists as she struggled.
“N-no! Gojo-stop! Please-I don’t want to-!”
He began to thumb her clit over her panties, giving her a completely different reason to writhe underneath him.
“You think you get the choice?” he hissed, “You think I forgot how you ignored me all day, hm? I needed you, kitten. You ignored me.”
She let out a choked moan when he squeezed her clit slightly, “You can’t ignore me now, hm?” he taunted.
She felt his cock twitch against her cunt. He was already so hard, she couldn’t help but feel terrified.
“S-satoru, plea-nngh!” she moaned shakily, betraying herself. His fingers knew his way around her too well. He knew where to touch her-to make her whimper-to make her moan.
His thumb moved expertly along her puffy clit, pressing at the point where it throbbed the most to make her squeal.
Her shoulders shook as she twisted under him, her arms sore from how much she thrashed in his hold. His grip on her wrists never loosened.
She immediately turned her face aside when he lowered his face above hers. A strangled moan leaving her lips when her clit grew slightly hard under his ministrations–making her all the more sensitive to his touch at its tense bud. She was close, and he knew it too.
A low gasp left her lips when his touch disappeared, leaving her clit throbbing with need–aching for more. She’d been seconds away from her peak.
She felt her hips rise, nearly chasing his touch before freezing. Her frustration surprised her–her eyes going wide in shock.
No… no!
“You wanted more, didn’t you, kitten?” he spoke huskily against her temple before taunting, “Beg for it.”
She gasped when she felt his long fingers touch her pussy lips, spreading her wetness along her folds. She hated that she enjoyed his touch–she hated that she knew he was prepping her.
She turned her head to face him, the hatred clear in her eyes before she spit in his face.
A growl ripped from his throat and the next thing she knew she was screaming. His index and middle finger fucking her so hard, her hips bucked with each thrust.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Ara,” he promised darkly in her ear, “I’m gonna fuck the disobedience right outta you.”
She screamed once more when his fingers felt like they slammed too deep. The lewd sounds of her wetness felt too loud each time his fingers fully submerged themselves in her.
“I-I hate you.” she sobbed, her head shaking back and forth as she tried to tame her moans.
“Your pussy doesn’t.”
She hated that he was right. With each ferocious thrust of his fingers, drops of her wetness flew in the air-leaving wet spots on his pants, his shirt. It was embarrassing–and completely lewd. She squeezed her thighs, aching to close her legs but his body was planted firmly between them–keeping her legs wide open, her pussy completely vulnerable to his advances.
She sobbed, her back arching as she felt herself get as wet as he liked. Her pussy sloshing with juices, her insides a complete sopping mess. It hadn’t taken long due to his teasing earlier.
She knew he liked when he got her like this, so he could completely submerge his huge cock into her straight away despite how narrow she was inside. It made her realize-with daunting clarity-how rough he was planning on being.
He groaned before removing his fingers from her cunt and slipping them into his mouth. A jolt of electricity zipping up her spine as she watched him deftly suck his fingers clean. He loved her taste.
“Fuck,” he muttered, a bit breathless.
He reached down to unzip himself, his luminous eyes never leaving hers as he did so. Her legs trembled.
He didn’t miss the subtle action-his gaze dropping to her shaky legs. His hand slid down her inner thigh, making her trembling worse.
“You scared?” he murmured, quietly-before grabbing her by the hip to pull her sopping cunt directly against his groin. She felt his length press against her through his jeans, he was so stiff she couldn’t help but shiver.
He moved her trembling legs over his shoulders, “You should be.”
She felt tears slip down her face as she tried to contain her sob. She lifted her hips-her cunt inadvertently rubbing his clothed cock as she tried to push at his grip on her wrists-frustration consuming her. She hated how weak the action felt against the strength of his grip.
He chuckled darkly.
“Please, stop..” her voice shook, but she knew her pleas would be futile.
He began to unzip himself once-more. Her body jolted when she felt his hot, bare cock press against her pussy lips. Her wetness making it all too easy for him to glide his thick, veiny length through her folds.
He pulled back slightly, wrapping his hand around his cock to press its tip into her clit—making her squeal. He began to rub his cockhead against her clit in painstakingly slow circles.
His breath hitched as he watched her stir underneath him. She attempted to lift her hips away from him but he was adamant, keeping his cock right at the bud of her pleasure—knowing how it would make her feel.
“I’m gonna make you wish you were good to me.”
Her eyes shot open at the coarseness of his voice, meeting his dominating gaze a second before he showed her the truth behind his words.
She screamed.
He’d buried himself into her to the hilt-in one brutally swift motion. His cock was so huge she felt like she could feel it throbbing at every point in her body. The sound of the action was so lewd, she couldn’t help but gape in embarrassment.
But he didn’t stop–he didn’t give her a second to adjust. Instead he made her mind go completely stupid when he fucked at her at the cruelest pace she’d ever felt. It felt like the cruelest pace known to mankind. She didn’t think her mouth ever closed.
The sound of his cock slamming into her was instantly repeated–it was never ending. Despite being so wet, the fit was still too tight–she was able to feel each bump, ridge and curve of his cock. Especially its head when it hit far too deep within her then it should've. Her body shook forcefully with each thrust.
Her legs on his shoulders gave him the perfect angle to drench his cock to brim in her juices—allowing him to thrust into her as mercilessly as he wanted. His pace was brutal-punishing.
She managed to finally gasp out words through her moans, “Oh my god-ngh!-I-I can’t! I can’t–Gojo, please.”
Her back arched as he didn’t stop-desperate mewls and cries leaving her lips. He clutched the side of her face-his nose grazing hers as he pressed his cock deep into her, making her hips rise as she groaned. She felt so filled.
His thumb wiped away a tear as he continued to thrust into her-a bit slower than before so he could revel in the feel of her slippery cunt. He didn’t know how she managed to be so soft and tight at the same time.
“Love seeing you cry on my cock like this,” he muttered raggedly, “Gets me so hard, kitten-so hard. I don’t wanna stop. I can’t stop.”
He groaned as he slowed down-as if it were taking him everything to do so. “I don’t wanna cum just yet.” he gritted out hoarsely.
He finally went still inside her. He released her hands to slip off his shirt and her eyes widened.
My hands are free.
It was a split second decision-one that was made without a single regard for how badly her body ached or how stiff her arms felt. She moved, using her legs on his shoulder to kick him back and twist her body towards the door.
She clutched the door handle and shoved it open, only to yell when she felt hands grip her waist and yank her back inside.
She screamed, struggling and kicking in his grip, “Let go—let go of me! Let go! Let g-“
Suddenly she was held up and plunged down on his cock in his lap. Her wetness completely enveloping him, instantly transforming her scream into a choked moan. Her body shook as her cunt was forced to accommodate him. The sensation all too much-tipping her to the edge of her sanity.
Her eyes squeezed shut as her cunt spasmed around his stiff cock. She jerked in his hold, nails scratching wildly at his arm around her, "N-no, nngghh," she choked out, moaning as her cunt squeezed him so tight, "Please-please—" she whisper-cried.
Despite all her struggle, he didn’t budge—he was completely immovable. He easily reached over and slammed the car door shut. The 'click' sound of the doors locking seemed to echo.
The second the door locked, his hand slipped around her neck and shoved her small back completely against his muscular chest. His other hand gripped her hip, keeping her rooted in spot as he shoved the full length of his cock into her. The head of his cock reaching a spot too deep.
“Enough.” he said the word without a drop of emotion.
Her whole body twitched, uneven gasps leaving her lips as his fingers tightened around her throat. Her back arched against him, his hand on her hip kept her cunt glued to him.
He stared at her parted lips, “When are you gonna learn, Ara..”
She whimpered when she felt his cock throb within her. She dropped her head-forcing herself to breathe.
His hand at her neck slid to her jaw, forcing her head back against his shoulder.
His lips brushed her throat, “I’m never letting you go.”
His cock didn’t stop moving after that. He fucked her. His actions embodying his words as his cock pistoned in and out of her ruthlessly.
His hold on her left her utterly useless to anything but his means. She could feel too much of him at this position. Her body trembling with each rough press of his cock.
Her throat was sore from how much cried-screamed-moaned. From pain or pleasure, she didn’t know anymore. All she knew was that she was completely consumed by him. There was nothing else but him.
He was everywhere. Beside her, near her, in her. 
Nowhere to escape. Just him. Only him.
His breaths were short, hot and desperate beside her ear. He bit at her neck and jaw needily. His hand on her neck now under her shirt, squeezing her tits with all his strength. His cock pounded into her harder.
She bucked forward, crying out. His arm over her tits kept her close to his firm body. With how hard he was fucking her, he had to hold her-to keep her from flying all over the place.
The pleasure building within her couldn’t be helped. Her skin felt hot and sweaty—at the cusp of something she couldn’t come back from. Every nerve within her body felt attuned to the brutal pace of his cock.
She flimsily grabbed the wrist of his hand at her tits, “Satoru, pl-nnghh-st-Satoru!” she yelled, wishing she could tell him to stop but the only thing that left her mouth was an earth shattering moan.
She jerked forward. Her pussy spasming hard around his cock. She felt like she’d entered another dimension—especially since his pace didn’t slow down. His cock drawing out her pleasure to the max.
His arms wound themselves tight around her smaller frame, keeping her close against him as her entire body jerked and trembled with her orgasm. Her back arched against him-his arms only tightening around her to pull her close again. She threw her head back and he buried his face into her neck.
She couldn’t stop moaning-screaming-she couldn’t tell anymore. All she knew her throat felt entirely too scratchy from all the noises she’d made during their fucking and now, her high.
Her pussy clamped around him. Her walls squeezing him so deliciously tight he swore he saw a glimpse of heaven. He groaned into her neck. The groan was so deep, so animalistic she felt it emanating through his chest against her back.
He leaned forward, burying his cock impossibly deeper as he came. She was too weak to even gasp at the feeling of his thick, warm cum spurting within her-completely coating her cunt walls. She merely twitched at the feeling of his stiff cock throbbing in her overly sensitive cunt. Streaks of his cum slipped out of her-down her inner thighs. There was simply no more room inside her.
Then finally, they both went still. Nothing but their breathlessness filling the silence.
She released his hair, she hadn’t realized she grabbed it mid orgasm. Her tits felt sore from how hard he’d squeezed her through his high.
She shivered when she felt his cock twitch within her-the aftermath of his peak. She felt so weak, so utterly used. She closed her eyes, not wanting to think anymore.
He was always so good at that-not making her think.
His arms loosened around her. His hands found the curves of her waist and pulled her upright with him. Even that subtle action made her body ache with soreness.
Suddenly he bit at her neck, nipping at her skin possessively while palming her tits under her shirt. She writhed weakly against him, his half-erect cock within her making her go still.
Her eyes shot open, she couldn’t let him get hard again.
His hands suddenly slipped underneath her knees, spreading her thighs apart. Her cheeks grew warm when she felt his gaze on her lower regions over her shoulder.
She swallowed when she saw all the marks and bruises from his hands on her earlier. He always grabbed her so hard. He always did whatever he wanted with her.
He shifted underneath her, his hips slowly pulling his cock out of her. When his cock finally slipped out, a lewd sound filled the car. She watched in horror as streams of his hot cum poured out of her cunt-it felt endless, it didn’t stop pouring out. It didn’t help that his cock was completely erect and shiny from her juices.
“Look at how wet you’ve made my cock, kitten,” his voice was husky against her temple, “You came so hard you were screaming-you screamed my name.”
Her eyes widened when she saw his cock twitch. She instinctively drew her legs together.
He harshly drew her legs apart, “You think anyone else could make you feel like that?”
She trembled when his hold around her thighs tightened. She knew he was bound to leave new marks at the skin there.
He pressed his nose to her temple, “Hm?”
She shivered, simply turning her face aside. She couldn’t find it in herself to speak.
“Answer me.” he whispered in her ear.
She squeezed her eyes shut, merely shaking her head.
“That’s right,” he muttered, “No one but me.”
His hand squeezed her inner thigh, making her jolt, “You’re mine, Ara. Mine.”
He watched a tear unconsciously make its way down her cheek, “I took your first and I’ll keep takin’ you forever.”
She flinched when she felt him deftly lick her cheekbone, catching her tear with his tongue-tasting her.
“You belong to me.”
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He held her hand as she stepped out of the car. She silently followed him. She didn’t register anything about their surroundings-simply letting him lead her where he wanted.
She thought she faintly heard the sound of a phone ringing and going to voicemail. He grumbled in annoyance.
Suddenly a door swung open before them. Music blasting through the doors.
She glanced up to see Shoko standing at the door, “Hi snowman.”
“I was calling you.”
Shoko glanced over at her, “This her?”
Ara couldn’t help but sense the smirk in his voice, “Yeah.”
Ara glanced around-finally noticing her surroundings. She was on a vast, wrap-around stone porch. Empty alcohol bottles and burnt out joints were scattered all over the otherwise sparkling ground.
Suddenly Shoko was grabbing her hand, “I don’t know why you’re tellin’ me to dress her up when I can barely dress myself but I’ll have fun with this.”
Ara was dragged through the double doors and led inside the mansion. Ara didn’t the chance to admire the color changing chandelier in the lobby because she was getting pulled up the steps-or rather, dragged. Shoko walked pretty fast.
People were everywhere. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone. She didn’t want to see people from school.
People laughed boisterously-calling out to each other. Wearing shiny outfits. Drinks and joints in hand. They looked so happy, care-free. She felt so out of place.
A few people spoke to Shoko but she simply said a few words and shoo-ed them away. Ara was too zoned out to care.
Suddenly Shoko pushed open a door and led them both inside. It was a bedroom, decorated sparsely but lavishly. Each decoration piece looked as if it were taken from a museum or art studio.
It was quite obviously a girls room, due to the subtle feminine touches within the room despite the color scheme of the room being cream and sage.
“Alright, so…”
Ara stopped scanning the room to meet Shoko’s blank stare. The other girl looked curious but unamused at the same time. They’d seen each other before-in classes and such-but this had to be the most they’ve ever interacted.
Ara knew she was rather close to Gojo and Geto. Rumor also had it that her and Nanami were dating.
“I don’t know if I have clothes your taste or whatever but can you take your shirt off so I can see what I’m working with?”
Ara blinked, “Uh..”
She couldn’t blame the other girl for asking. She was wearing an oversized tee and loose fitting sweats.
Shoko sighed, walking over, “It’s just us girls-“
She easily slipped off Ara’s shirt and froze, “Holy shit.”
Ara grabbed her shirt and pressed it close to her chest-trembling slightly.
Shoko blinked several times before running a hand through her shoulder length hair, “Oh-wow, you and Satoru had a time, didn’t you..”
Shoko shook her head, “I don’t know what girls see in him.”
Ara was too tired to speak-to agree with her and say she saw nothing in him. All words simply felt too useless.
Shoko went to the closet and returned with a garment on a hanger and heels. She handed it to her.
“Put this on. I’ll try to see what we can do about the..” She gestured towards her chest before waving towards the attached bathroom, “I think my Mom might have some extra foundation shades…” she mumbled to herself.
Ara didn’t understand what she meant and was-frankly-too tired to care. Ara walked into the bathroom. She barely looked at the clothes before stripping and putting them on. The heels were strappy kitten heels that wasn't too bad but the dress... the dress fit a little too well.
She glanced in the mirror and stared in shock as she realized the dress was a sleeveless, bodycon minidress that ended mid-thigh. There were also a few patterned, cut-outs shapes that ran down the sides.
Her eyes widened when she saw what made Shoko curse earlier. Her neck was covered in marks-including her collarbones and cleavage. There were even a few bruises strewn along her exposed thighs.
She uncomfortably pulled the dress lower-only to freeze when she saw that it made her tits spill out a bit more at the top.
What the hell is this?
Ara felt naked. She’d never worn anything like this. She felt exposed.
A knock at the bathroom door made her jolt, “Did you put it on?”
Ara glanced down at herself before stuttering out, “Y-yeah.”
Shoko entered, her eyes widening as she gave her a once-over, “Pft. My moms real funny if she thought I’d look like that in that dress.”
Ara’s brows furrowed-unsure of what to make of the comment. Just as she was about to ask for something else to wear, Shoko gently took her hand.
“You have bruises on your wrists too?” she asked, while examining them, “Christ.”
Ara quickly pulled her hand away, trembling slightly, “Do you have something else I can wear.”
Shoko nodded, “Sure, is there anything you want instead of a dress maybe? A crop top? Skirt?”
Ara froze, hesitating. It was stupid.. she knew she was being stupid. Maybe it was because how genuine Shoko appeared when she asked or the calm sincerity in her tone but something about her asking about what she wanted.. It felt like the first time someone actually cared about her opinion-cared about what she wanted.
She choked slightly on her words, “C-can you get me home?”
Shoko blinked, “You want to go home?”
She nodded, “I-“ her voice cracked. What she wanted to say was ‘I can’t do this party. I never wanted to come to this party.’ but instead she started crying. She full on fell to her knees and started to cry-she couldn’t help herself.
“Oh my god,” Shoko gasped, going on her knees as well. “Shit, are you okay?”
Ara couldn’t speak-simply too consumed by sorrow to go on. Her shoulders shook as she continued to cry. She didn’t know how long she cried for but by the time she calmed down Shoko was gone and the bathroom door was closed.
Ara stood up slowly-grasping the counter to steady her wobbly legs.
Suddenly the bathroom door swung opened and Gojo entered. Shoko stood behind him, a concerned expression on her face.
“Ara-“ his words were cut short the second his eyes landed on her. His eyes were wide as he stared at her. His mouth still partly open as if in disbelief. Color swiftly rose to his cheeks.
Shoko shook her head, “Can you get over yourself and help her out already? I think you boned her enough.”
A smirk split across his lips, “It’s never enough.”
“Gross.” Shoko muttered as Gojo sauntered up to her. He ran his hands down her trembling arms. She couldn’t look away from him.
“You look stunning, kitten.” he murmured, giving her another once-over up close.
Stunning didn’t cover it. She looked sexy as hell. She was guaranteed to give every male an erection with one glance… and something about that fact filled him with an uncanny amount of satisfaction.
He cupped her face in his hands, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes with his thumb. She was frozen.
He glanced over his shoulder at Shoko, “You gonna watch?”
She narrowed her eyes, “Hell yeah I am. God knows what you'll do in here if I don't."
His smirk reappeared, “You have no faith in me.”
“No one should.” Shoko bit back.
He merely slid his hand into Ara’s. “Let’s go.”
She gripped his hand tight. Her free hand latching onto his arm just as he moved to head out the door with her.
“W-wait, please,” she stuttered out. Panic suddenly rising through her numbness, “I can’t-I can’t—“ do this party. I want to go home.
He looked down to face her, “What's wrong, kitten?” he asked softly.
There was something humorous about that question-especially coming from him. In another life, she might've laughed. Instead her throat tightened up the second they locked eyes.
She casted a quick, side glance Shoko’s way. Shoko seemed to be watching them curiously.
She swallowed hard before glancing up at Gojo, “I..I can’t wear this dress.” her voice ending as a whisper.
There was a moment of silence as he looked at her. His gaze dropped to her feet before raking up her body ever so slowly. She felt as if he were committing everything he saw before him to memory.
When his eyes met hers, he exhaled through his nose-in faint amusement.
"Modest now, are we?" he teased.
The words would've hit her like a bullet once-making her hand itch to slap him-but now it had the impact value of a rock skipping water.
He released her hand to slip his hoodie off in one movement. He tugged it over her, "Happy?"
She stared down at the floor, nodding.
He slid his hand through hers. “Let’s go.”
Ara couldn't meet Shoko’s eyes as he led her out the bathroom. She knew the other girl only meant to help by calling him but she couldn’t help but feel betrayed.
“Wait.” Shoko spoke.
Gojo paused, glancing back towards her. He watched her crossed arms fall before she walked up to Ara. She reached around Ara's nape, pulling out the rest of her hair that'd gotten tucked underneath the hoodie.
Gojo saluted Shoko airily, “I’ll buy you a replacement for the dress.”
Shoko’s eyes widened, “What-“ she shook her head, “I don’t even wanna know.”
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She was led through the crowd with Gojo ahead of her. She didn’t have to look up to know people were parting for them. Mainly, him.
Familiar voices of their classmates greeted him as he passed. He never let go of her hand, simply winking or dabbing up whoever he recognized as he walked through. She felt so many eyes on her, she wanted to puke.
She was wearing a hoodie so she knew it wasn’t her insane outfit. It was most definitely the man she was interlocking hands with. She hated how much attention the simple action of hand holding could garner simply because it was him.
The music was so loud, it was almost obnoxious. The smell of weed was everywhere, she felt like she’d inhaled enough second hand smoke to start feeling traces of being high herself. This was truly the last place she wanted to be.
Finally Gojo stopped walking, arriving at the center of the living room where all his friends were gathered.
He sat down on the couch next to Geto, easily tugging Ara down on his lap.
She gasped slightly, grasping Gojo’s shoulder to steady herself. She felt so uncomfortable.
Geto eyed her, his dark eyes going to her hand on Gojo’s shoulder. She immediately dropped her hand.
“I’m back.” he said with a small smile, “Hope I didn’t miss anything too interesting.”
“No,” Geto responded, “We just skipped your turn.”
“He wanted to play for you but that’s fuckin’ cheating. But—who the hell is that?”
She glanced up to see that it was Toji asking the question. The second they made eye contact his eyes widened in recognition.
“My girl,” Gojo responded with a growing smirk before tugging her close to press a light kiss on her cheek. “She can introduce herself.”
She swallowed, meeting Gojo’s gaze uneasily before facing the others seated around them. She recognized them one by one. Geto. Toji. Nanami. Haibara. And-it seemed-Shoko had just joined them as well.
She cleared her throat, “I’m Ara Natsuna.”
“I remember you,” Toji stated, “You were at Nanami’s party that time.”
Nanami grumbled, “Can we not talk about that.”
Toji chuckled, “My bad.”
Haibara’s voice piped up-rather animated, “At least you’re not grounded anymore!”
“I wasn’t grounded.” Nanami retorted flatly.
“Well your Mom basically put you on house arrest so you kinda were.” Haibara responded lightly.
Nanami looked slightly agitated as he slouched back in his seat, “Fuck those cops. They didn’t leave me alone for weeks.”
Shoko stood behind the loveseat Nanami occupied. She leaned against it, “Didn’t they stop questioning you last week?”
“Yeah, finally.”
Ara tensed slightly in Gojo’s lap. She’d completely forgotten Nanami must’ve gotten the brute end of questioning regarding the investigation for Arman and Jaemin's deaths-considering they died in his house.
She glanced at Gojo. His impassive expression turned into something more amused when he caught her gaze. She shivered when he ran a hand down her back.
He glanced at Nanami, “Need my help?”
She could only assume that meant contacting his Dad. His offer only reaffirmed her theory of his father's influence still persisting in law enforcement despite being retired.
“Nah, my lawyers got it.” Nanami muttered, looking rather worn. It seemed the investigation had taken a toll on him.
Ara didn’t miss how Shoko’s hand subtly dropped to Nanami’s shoulder from her perch behind him. She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before raising her hand to hold her cigarette as she lit it.
“Is no one shocked that Gojo settled down.” Shoko asked.
“Yeah, what’d you do to him, miss smarts.” Toji asked, “You the reason why he hasn’t been hangin’ out as much?” 
Gojo chuckled, “That’s bul-“
Haibara snapped his fingers, realizing belatedly, “Oh yeah! I haven’t seen you out the past few weekends-“ his eyes widened, “Woa, that’s unheard of.”
Shoko blew out a puff of smoke, “That’s what I’m saying.”
Suddenly she was being pulled further up Gojo’s lap. His hand on her waist slipped over her lower stomach, pressing her body close to his.
He kissed her neck, “Obviously I had better things to do.”
Ara’s face heated up just as the group broke out in ruckus—Haibara whistled. Nanami rolled his eyes. Shoko threw a red Solo cup at him-causing Geto to laugh.
Nanami looked unamused, “Fuck you.”
Toji was grinning as he shook his head, “This guy thinks he’s different.”
Gojo chuckled as he caught the cup after it bounced off him. He glanced within the cup to check its contents. It was filled a little less than half-way, it was a miracle the drink didn’t spill on him.
“Your drink is still in here.” he exclaimed with an astonished smirk.
“That's the point.” Shoko replied. His smirk widened before he set the drink down on the table before them.
He met Shoko’s narrowed eyes, “I’m obviously joking. I haven’t been out cuz I don’t wanna go without this one-“ he shook Ara slightly in his grasp, “Wouldn’t want her partying without me so.. gotta play fair.” he shrugged.
Ara’s brows furrowed. Am I supposed to appreciate that?
“What a gentleman.” Toji muttered before taking a swig of beer. She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
Shoko blinked before meeting Ara’s gaze, “I hope this means you're coming out to more parties then?”
She felt Gojo’s nose nudge her temple, suggestively, “Hmm?” 
As if I had a choice in coming here.
Ara hesitated-shifting awkwardly in Gojo’s lap, “Um.. I don’t really like partying that much.”
Shoko tilted her head, “Why?”
Ara wasn’t really sure how to respond, “Well, Nanami’s party was my first so..”
“That was your first party?” Haibara questioned, nearly jumping out of his seat.
Toji shook his head, “I knew it.”
Nanami ran a hand over his face before grumbling, “I’d hate partying after that too.”
Ara nodded in response to Haibara’s question.
“But aren’t you a senior?” Haibara pressed, eyes wide in shock.
She nodded.
Haibara stared, his eyes flitting between her and Gojo. Gojo was resting his head on her shoulder, arms wrapped loosely around her.
Haibara blinked, “How did you find her?”
A devious grin split across Gojo’s lips. She felt his arms tighten around her slightly, “I got lucky.” he replied.
Haibara continued to stare at them in disbelief.
Shoko absentmindedly played with the ends of her short, blunt cut hair as she blew out another puff of smoke, “Okay well, to be fair the party was fun before all the.. bullshit, but I guess I can’t really blame you.”
Ara merely nodded. They had no idea what occurred in her house the same night after that party.
“But also-“ Shoko continued, “Not all parties are like that. I promise.”
“I’d kill myself if they were.” Nanami muttered.
Toji chuckled under his breath.
“Did you drink anything yet?” Shoko asked her.
Ara shook her head, “No.”
Shoko raised a brow-her eyes snapping to Gojo, “What kind of boyfriend are you? You didn’t get your girl a drink?”
Gojo raised his head from her shoulder, “I didn’t even get myself one,” he straightened slightly, as if preparing to stand up.
He looked down at her on his lap, “Do you want a drink?”
Shoko waved her hand, “Just stay put. I’ll get her one, you’d probably get her something lame like beer anyway.”
Haibara frowned, “Beer’s lame?”
Nanami responded flatly, “Don’t listen to her.”
Just as Shoko turned to leave Gojo yelled after her, “Get me one too!”
Shoko didn’t turn around as she flipped him off.
Toji picked up his deck of cards from the table, “Can we play now? I got money riding on this.”
Nanami chuckled as he looked at his own cards spread neatly in his hand, “You’re gonna lose, Fushiguro.”
Toji grinned, “Let’s see.”
Gojo reached over to pick up his deck, “Oh shit, nobody told me we had money on this.”
“Winner gets 2K, last person playing the winner pays.” Geto responded.
Ara’s gaze immediately latched onto him. She couldn’t help but take note of how he hadn’t said one word during the group's conversation until now.
He sat hunched over, legs spread on the couch next to Gojo. He wore a simple loose gray tee with black loose-fitted sweats. This had to be the first time she’d seen him in casual clothing-and she couldn’t help but notice that his shoulders looked impeccably broad under his shirt.
She’d never taken him to be the quiet type but she supposed she didn’t truly know him. She couldn’t help but wonder if he knew something..
Gojo grinned subtly, “Let me guess, Fushiguro started the bet.” 
“Who else.” Geto replied airily.
She looked down at the cards in front of her as Gojo spread them all in one hand.
“You’re on my team,” he murmured, his cool breath trailing down her neck, “Do you know how to play?”
She shook her head.
He began to explain the rules but in truth she zoned out halfway. Geto suddenly elbowed Gojo, cutting him off mid-explanation.
“Your turn.”
“Jus watch.” Gojo murmured to her before straightening slightly to put a card down on the table. 
Suddenly Toji’s hand shot out, “Wait, does your girl want to play?”
“Shut the hell up, scammer, she’s on my team,” Gojo quipped.
She heard Geto faintly snort beside them.
Toji’s darkly handsome grin returned, “Don’t worry I wouldn’t scam your girl. You got that covered.”
The boys continued to banter as they played the card game. Gojo checked in on her here and there but otherwise no one paid her too much mind-which she greatly appreciated. It was nice to zone out to the pounding music and people watch for a while.
“Shit-I’m out.” Gojo tossed his deck of cards down.
Nanami was smiling, “That’s what you get.”
Toji squinted, “Did you even try?”
Just as Gojo shrugged, some guy approached him. Another athlete that she didn’t know the name of. Gojo and Haibara enthusiastically engaged in small talk with him before the guy offered to smoke them up.
Gojo suddenly turned to the rest of them, “Yo, I'm goin out to smoke.”
“I wanna smoke.” Haibara pitched in.
Toji waved his hand dismissively towards Haibara, “Just go. You don’t even play right anyway.”
Haibara sucked his teeth before whining. “I suck at cards, okay? I’m better at chess.”
“Who the fuck plays chess.” Toji replied.
“You’re next.” Nanami spoke to Toji-rather focused.
Haibara tossed his deck of cards on the table with a sigh before standing up.
Gojo faced her in his lap, “You wanna smoke, kitten?”
She met his gaze before shaking her head. She wondered for a second if he would force her.
His light blue eyes softened before he kissed her cheekbone—lightly squeezing her in his arms as he did so.
“ ‘Kay, I’ll be back in a bit.” he said before lifting her off his lap and standing up. He gave her one last wink before walking further into the party with Haibara and the athlete guy flanking his side.
She shifted slightly, occupying less than half of the space Gojo took up on the couch. She usually would feel relieved that Gojo left her alone but-for some reason-she felt more awkward. More aware.
She glanced over at Geto beside her. It was his turn to play and he seemed to be deciding which card to put down. It was taking him longer than she expected.
She pointed at a card in his stack, “That one.”
His brow raised slightly before he picked out that card and put it down, “Thought you didn’t know how to play.” his tone was calm.
It seemed he’d been eavesdropping on her and Gojo’s conversation.
“Satoru explained the rules to me.”
He seemed to pause before replying, “Oh. It didn’t seem like you were paying attention.”
Her brows furrowed slightly. Is that passive aggressiveness in his tone? Or is he simply pointing out the fact? She couldn’t tell.
He was right to assume because she hadn’t been but it wasn’t hard for her to pick up the rules of the game after watching a couple rounds.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times before saying, “I-I wasn’t.” She wasn’t too sure why she admitted that but-for some reason-she didn’t want the conversation to end just yet.
The hard-line of his mouth twitched imperceptibly, “Oh.”
She swallowed uneasily. She watched him play his next move silently. Her eyes flickered upto Toji and Nanami who were locked in on a conversation about the game.
Her gaze returned to Geto as she blurted, “Did Satoru tell you anything.. a-about me?”
She was terrified to say the least. Terrified to confide in him but if he knew anything-something-maybe he could help her—
He blinked before finally looking her straight in the eye, “Like what?”
She stared at him-slightly petrified. She couldn’t gauge him. Does he know or does he not know? She couldn’t tell. She couldn’t risk making an assumption either. Who knew if he was an enabler. He was Gojo’s best friend after all—What if he found Gojo’s behavior acceptable? 
The thought made a shiver run down her spine. She sank back on the couch, scooting away from him slightly.
“N-nothing.” she responded faintly.
She wasn’t looking at him, so she was completely oblivious to the way Geto stared at her. 
He set down a card before stating, “You’re his girl, of course he talks about you.”
She perked up slightly-not expecting him to respond. Her voice felt hollow to her ears, “Did he.. did he tell you how we started?”
“Like start dating?” he asked.
She nodded.
Before he could respond, Toji elbowed him. “You’re out.”
Geto stared at the cards laid out on the table. He muttered a low curse before setting his deck of cards down.
“It’s all you, Nanami.”
Toji grinned wickedly while Nanami shook his head-looking mildly amused.
Just as Geto turned back to face her, his gaze went to something beside her. Suddenly hands were at her waist and she was getting seated on a familiar lap. Gojo was back.
He was showering her face with kisses. His lips smelled of weed with a tinge of something sweet. She placed her hands on his shoulders, lightly moving him back.
“Satoru.” she chided.
His arms around her tugged her knees between his legs as he pulled her further up his thigh, “Missed my baby.”
She went still when she suddenly felt his hard-on against her leg. Oh no.
He kept touching her. His hand on her back kept her close to him, while his other hand crept up her bare thigh. Her breath hitched, stopping his hand just as he found the end of her mini dress. Her dress kept riding up-uncomfortably so.
She quickly crossed her legs, her gaze flitting up to his-uneasily. “S-satoru.”
He smiled-showing off his perfect teeth and lethally attractive boyish charm. His hand slid up her thigh, squeezing her hip over her dress.
She closed her eyes when he pressed his forehead to hers. She bit her lower lip, turning away slightly. She could still feel his erection pressing into her leg-it seemed even stiffer now.
“Sorry kitten,” he murmured roughly against her temple, “You’re just so soft..”
His hand slid down her hip to her thigh, caressing her bare skin. She felt his fingers slip under her dress and immediately put her hand over his. She didn’t meet his eyes when she smoothly intertwined their fingers together. Please, not here..
He chuckled slightly, squeezing her hand in his before whining, “Let me touch you..”
He began to press light kisses along her jaw and neck. He was being so needy.
She tried not to squirm, only to go still when he began to tug her sweater off.
She quickly hugged herself, “What are you doing?”
“Aren’t you hot?” he asked just as quietly as her-matching her energy-but the subtle curl to his lips betrayed him.
In truth she was. She started feeling hot five minutes into wearing the hoodie but anything was better than her incredibly revealing dress.
Her gaze flitted over to Geto, he was looking at them now. Not just him but Toji and Nanami as well. Geto quickly looked away.
She felt her face heat up with self awareness.
She trembled slightly when she met Gojo’s gaze. His azure eyes twinkled as he tilted his head-silky strands of his platinum hair falling over his forehead as he did so. She swallowed when she realized.. he wasn’t asking. He wanted this-all of this.
His hands went to her hoodie, never breaking eye contact as he helped her out of it. Once the sweater was off, he smiled slightly.
He tucked her hair behind her ear, gently pushing the rest of its length behind her shoulders to reveal her ample, hickey covered cleavage.
She felt eyes on her. She didn’t have to look to know it—it made her heart rate pick up and skin crawl with nerves.
She didn’t want to focus on it-on the attention she was receiving. She knew it would overwhelm her so she kept her eyes glued to Gojo. To his easygoing smile. His familiar ruffled icy hair. His imposing stature that always seemed to be at her side.
He kissed her gently, his arm tugging her closer possessively.
“You look so good, kitten,” he whispered in her ear, “I’m goin’ crazy.”
She didn’t have a choice but to believe his words. Especially with his throbbing erection pressing into her thigh. She didn’t know how he had any stamina left.
“Wish we were in the car.” he muttered.
She tensed-flashbacks flooding her mind. She’d been completely bent to his will—used for his desire, just to get her here. She felt her chest tighten-nearly breaking her out of the numbness.
Suddenly, someone nearby cleared their throat obnoxiously loud. They both glanced up.
Shoko stood with a hand on her hip, a drink and cigarette in her other hand.
She shook the drink, “I got your drink.”
She glanced over at the others, “What’s with you guys?”
Nanami seemed to be staring-very concentratedly-at a random spot on the ground. Geto was flushed.
Toji stammered out, “Erm-we’re playing cards.”
“If playing cards means staring at them making out then, sure.” Shoko rolled her eyes.
Toji sucked his teeth, “Do ya fuckin’ blame me?”
Satoru quipped, “I do. Why were you staring, Fushiguro?”
Toji smirked, “Do you really want me to answer that?”
A devious grin broke across Gojo’s lips, “Answer carefully.”
Shoko sighed, “You guys are so boring. I’m surprised Ara’s ears haven’t melted off from all your bullshit.”
She turned to face Ara, “You’re bored aren’t you? You can chill with me-“
Gojo immediately complained, “Hey-“
Shoko took Ara’s arm and pulled her up to stand beside her, “Shut it, Satoru. She’s not just your eye candy, she deserves to have some fun.”
Ara stared at Shoko, wondering how she talked to Gojo as carelessly as she did. They seemed closer than she expected.
Suddenly a low sigh left Gojo’s lips, he reached out to take Ara’s hand, “I know, I know,” His thumb began to rub comforting circles on the back of her palm, “I jus like her attention that’s all.”
His subtle, boyish grin returned, “Don’t get too wild without me.”
Shoko tugged Ara away from him, “She’ll get as wild as she wants.”
Shoko took her hand then, leading her through the crowd of people. She was kind enough to slow down when she noticed Ara was struggling a bit with her heels. Kitten heels or not, she wasn't used to it
Suddenly Shoko pulled her into an elevator and Ara was too shocked to even gape.
Shoko handed her the drink, “Drink up. I got you a margarita cuz you don’t seem like the hard liquor type.”
“Thanks.” Ara whispered before clearing her throat.
Shoko bent over to take off her heels, “My bad for taking so long, I won’t lie, I completely forgot.”
“That’s fine.” She took a sip from the sugar coated rim of the glass and froze. That’s delicious.
Just as she downed the rest of the drink, Shoko asked, “Are you feeling better now? I know you wanted to go home earlier.”
Ara blinked, a bit shocked that she remembered, “Y-yeah..”
Shoko smiled slightly as she stood upright, the straps of her heels hooked over one finger, “That’s good cuz we’re about to have more fun upstairs.”
Suddenly the doors to the elevator opened and they were in the biggest bedroom Ara had ever seen. The decoration screamed opulence. Everything looked so put together that it felt like she’d walked into an Architectural Digest video.
“Hey! Over here.” Shoko’s voice called out.
Ara turned to see Shoko further into the room, standing before a set of double doors. Faint laughter seemed to come from within.
Shoko waved her over, “C’mon, c’mon.”
Ara hurried over and entered inside. This time she couldn’t help but audibly gasp.
“What.. is this?” she asked while glancing around.
“Oh, I forgot you’ve never been here before. This is my moms closet.”
Closet?! The room was a dozen times the size of her bedroom. The walls had glass panels that showcased the clothes within. Drawers and shelves were also built into the walls. There was an upstairs portion as well-clothes, purses and shoes neatly displayed all over.
In the center-below the mini chandelier-was a carpeted area with cushions and bean bags. A handful of girls were seated, chatting and laughing about.
“Hi guys.” Shoko rushed over, tossing her heels aside as did so. “I brought us a friend.”
“Shoko!” “Where the fuck have you been?” “Finally!” A few of the girls yelled out. One of them jumped on her-which resulted in Shoko and the girl falling onto a cushion. They burst out in laughter.
Suddenly the volume of the music was lowered and Ara belatedly realized that there was a rather huge, flat screen TV mounted to the wall. It currently displayed the lyrics to a song by Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj.
“New friend?” One of the girls piped up.
Ara glanced over to see a familiar student that she couldn’t remember the name of. She might’ve been on the girls track team.
“Oh my god! You’re the girl who was with Gojo.” Another girl added.
Before she could even get the chance to feel anxious about being in a room full of complete strangers, she was dragged to the center cushion and plopped between all the girls.
She was bombarded with questions.
“Are you and Gojo dating or just hooking up?”
“Wait, aren’t you the girl who said you’d never date him?”
“Since when did you guys start dating?”
“Did Gojo buy you that dress?”
Ara downed the rest of her margarita.
“GUYS!” Shoko’s voice suddenly rang out, “Can y’all shut the fuck up for a sec. Let’s drink first.”
Laughter and chatter ensued as Shoko handed out drinks from an ornate serving cart that was placed nearby. Just as Ara was relieved that the attention was off of her, Shoko’s eyes suddenly zoned in on her.
“Wait, wasn’t that margarita your first drink of the night?”
Sounds of shock suddenly erupted in the room.
“What the fuck?” “No way.” “Girlll—“
Suddenly a red-haired girl grabbed the bottle of alcohol from the cart and stood over her. She held the bottle over Ara’s mouth.
“You need to catch up to us.” she demanded.
Ara’s eyes widened. “Um-I-“
The next thing she knew all the girls were chanting. “Chug!” “Chug!” “Chug!”
Ara glanced over to see Shoko was part of the chanting as well.
She didn’t know what came over her. Maybe it was because the day had been so stressful or maybe it was because she just felt so numb. Maybe it was because the margarita tasted good earlier so she thought this drink might taste the same. Whatever it was, in that particular moment she decided—that she just didn’t care anymore.
She opened her mouth and let the girl pour. She didn’t know how much she drank-and didn’t care to know either-but she didn’t pull away until she felt like she couldn’t take it anymore.
The girls' voices and laughter felt louder than usual. They sounded so bright and happy.. it was contagious. She couldn’t help but laugh along when they all hooted and hollered after her, as if she’d done something wonderful.
“Holy shit, I was not expecting that. Don’t fucking die on us later though.” Shoko chuckled.
“Just puke on Gojo.” one of the girls suggested.
Laughter broke out within the room.
“Speaking of Gojo,” Shoko slipped into the space on the cushion across her, “I did have questions about you two-like since when did you guys even talk? No offense or anything, I jus never seen you two out together before.”
Ara shifted in her seat, wanting to avoid the question, “Erm.. I’m not really too sure..” she drifted off.
“Oh come on,” one of the girls complained. “You have to remember when he first talked to you.”
“I do,“ Ara responded, a bit agitated before muttering, “But it doesn’t really count because I ignored him-for a while.”
The girl’s eyebrows skyrocketed, “You ignored him?”
Shoko snorted, “That’s hilarious. How’d he take that?”
“He didn't take it.” Ara mumbled.
Shoko laughed, a bit drunkenly, “Go figure.”
Ara looked at her in confusion, “Has he done that before?”
Shoko blinked, “What-you mean date? No, that’s the thing. He’s never dated anyone. His bitchass once told me he didn’t believe in monogamy so I’m just as surprised to see him dating as you are.”
Ara’s brows furrowed.
Another girl then piped up, “So when did y’all first hook up?”
Ara hesitated-her mouth opening and closing multiple times before unconsciously whispering, “..Nanami’s party..”
The memory of that night flashed to the forefront of her mind, making her wince. That night felt so long ago.. it’d been the start of a beginning she never asked for, all of it happening against her will.
“Forreal?!” Shoko questioned in shock.
One girl whistled. Another elbowed her playfully, “How was it?”
Another girl quipped, “She’s dating him-obviously, it was good as fuck.”
Ara shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It was belatedly starting to hit her that she wasn’t required to answer any of these girls questions-besides the further they pried, the more she would have to withhold. Her and Gojo’s ‘relationship’ wasn’t close to whatever fantasy they thought it was.
Shoko seemed a bit zoned out, “Wow.. he must be really serious about you.”
Ara’s eyes flickered to her, “What do you mean?”
Shoko blinked. “He doesn’t really keep quiet about who he’s been with, but he kept you to himself for a while.”
Ara shook her head, “No-actually I was the one who wanted to keep us private.”
Shoko’s eyes widened, “Really?"
"Why?” someone else asked.
“Because…” she swallowed, before deciding on a half-lie, “I knew everyone would be nosy.”
Shoko laughed, “You’re not wrong. Sorry.”
“Can you blame us.” the girl seated next to Shoko whined.
One of the girls hugged her arm, her voice slurred. “Sorry, Ara. Forgive me?”
Ara finally recognized her. It was Leah Falcone. The girl was also a senior and she was popularly known for her incredible vocal skill. Her mother was also an established opera singer so she assumed that good vocals ran in the family genes.
Ara remembered once asking her for directions to a classroom freshman year and she’d responded with ‘why are you asking me?’
Shoko took another puff from her cigarette, “Alright, no more Gojo talk.” she turned to face the TV, “Who put the music down?”
Once the music was back up, it didn’t take them long to get more drunk. They went from refilling their red solo cups to drinking from champagne flutes, then drinking from a bottle of passed around vodka. Ara had no idea where all of it was appearing from but she'd take it. She felt good—good as shit.
A pillow hit her in the face.
Ara glanced over to see Leah pouting at her, “You’re not paying attention to the fashion show!”
Suddenly Shoko stood up on her cushion, throwing a pillow smack center in Leah’s face, “No one’s paying attention, dumbass!”
Leah tripped on the heels that were obviously too big for her and landed on the carpet-her beret falling off in the process.
She huffed, tossing her Dior bag in the air before crying.
Suddenly the redhead threw a pillow at Shoko, “Look what you did, you made Leah cry.”
“She always cries when she’s drunk,” the blonde-Mina-interjected.
Shoko picked up two pillows-throwing them rather ferociously in the redhead’s direction, “Think fast!”
Then before Ara knew it, she was wrapped up in the most intense pillow fight of all time. She ran cushion to cushion, throwing the fuzzy pillows with the most strength she could muster—nearly peeing herself with laughter when Leah wailed every time she got hit by a pillow.
Mina ducked behind Ara, “Help me!!”
Ara’s eyes widened as Shoko jumped onto the cushion before her, pillow in hand, “Don’t protect that hoe-“
Shoko swung the pillow in Mina’s direction and Ara blocked it with her own pillow.
“Yes, get her! Get her.” Mina hollered from behind her.
Ara flung the pillow-defending Mina like her life depended on it. She somehow managed to smack the pillow with enough force to make Shoko fly backwards onto the cushion-making Ara and Mina crack up.
Ara didn’t know why everything was so hilarious but she truly couldn’t stop laughing. The girls just kept giving her an excuse to—is this what having friends is like?
“Oh fuck you guys. It’s on.” Just as Shoko attempted to stand up, she toppled over again. This time the sound of cloth ripping resounding in the air.
Ara’s eyes widened while Meena gaped. The second the girls made eye contact they doubled over in laughter.
I’ve never seen her laugh like that.
Gojo stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. She looked beautiful-so carefree-so lively. Her laugh was the prettiest thing he’d ever heard.
He didn’t believe his eyes when he saw her at first-merely coming to check on her since the card game finally ended. He never thought he’d find her… like this.
She was smiling.
Her eyes twinkled as she laughed, carelessly offering her radiant smile to Mina as she did so. The sight of it made his chest tighten with need.
She looked… happy. And she never looked like that with him.
A dark lick of jealousy coursed through his veins as he watched her. She let Mina clutch onto her so easily as they fell back on the cushion in a fit of giggles-not a hint of reluctance on her face.
His cool blue eyes slid over to Mina, to her left hand on Ara’s back—to her right hand clutching Ara’s arm. His jaw tightened. Mina was nice enough but what had she done to earn her touch? What had she done to elicit her pretty smile? Did she really deserve it?
He watched Ara turn to look at Shoko getting lifted off the cushion by Nanami. Despite Shoko playfully kicking her feet around he managed to keep the rip on her dress hidden by wrapping an arm around her torso. He easily held her up, whispering things softly in her ear as he carried her further into the closet.
Suddenly Mina was getting tugged away from her as well. Daniel gently pulled at Mina’s arm to get her attention, only for her to jump into his hold the second he got it. Daniel had entered the closet shortly after he had-probably coming to check on what’s his like himself.
Now it was his turn.
He slowly approached her-reveling in her unawareness as she sat quietly on the cushion by herself. She seemed zoned out.
He stopped right beside her, standing at the edge of the cushion. She was merely an arms length away, all he had to do was reach out and he could quell that thrumming need in his fingers to touch her but she was just so pretty up close-so unaware, so inviting-he wanted to revel in it a moment longer.
Suddenly she glanced up, her eyes widening before she stood up, “Satoru!”
She lay her hand on his abdomen. Heat gathered in his skin underneath her palm.
That’s new. She never touched him first.
His eyes glimmered, “Hey.”
He saw her eyes flicker before tilting her head. She smiled, “Hey.”
His eyes widened, his gaze stuck on her lips. It shouldn’t have affected him as much as it did but it couldn’t be helped. He stared—rendered frozen.
She’s smiling.. at me.
She looked up at him, her smiling widening ever so slightly as she shook her head. Her hand slid up his chest before going on her tiptoes to kiss him.
The kiss was light, a simple peck but he didn’t let it go. She never kissed him first. He didn’t realize how badly he needed her to until now.
The second she drew her face back his hand found her nape, forcefully keeping her lips glued to his. Her lips tasted of champagne-maybe vodka-he didn’t like alcohol too much but her lips made it so sweet.
Maybe the drinks were making her soft on him but he chose to ignore that. He needed to believe that she wanted him because he needed her—he always needed her. She kissed him-him-and that was all that mattered. 
He kissed her with such intensity she fell back on the cushion. He stayed atop her, his greedy lips never letting hers go. She gasped-the pretty sound going straight to his cock. He should’ve been satisfied after the car-he should’ve.
But he was never satisfied when it came to her. He always wanted more, more, more—
“Satoru-“ she breathed out, grabbing him by the shoulders to push him back.
He searched her face-repositioning himself so that he was further over her body, “Mmm?”
She jutted her chin in the direction of the door.
He glanced over to see Toji standing in the doorway-staring at them. The rest of the room had been cleared out, all the girls nowhere to be seen except for the redhead-Arden-laying passed out on the fur rug.
Gojo spoke first, “Enjoying the show?”
“Maybe,” Toji grinned, “Was gonna ask if you wanted to go for a drive.”
Before he could decline, Ara straightened slightly-peeking her head out from underneath him, “A drive?”
Toji answered, “Yeah, racing.”
Gojo saw her eyes widen with interest. “You wanna go?” he asked.
She hesitated for a second-her hand on his shoulder sliding down to his tricep gently. She looked up at him, “Can we?”
He nuzzled his face into her neck, effortlessly scooping her up as he stood. Her scent engulfed his senses as she twisted in his arms. She was giggling.
Christ, he wanted to mess her up again bad. She was already too much to bear-but like this, he didn’t think his stamina would ever end.
He smiled down at her, “Of course, kitten.”
I only remembered bits and pieces after that.
Gojo tugged at her hand in his, “Kitten, let me carry you.” he whined.
She continued to clip clop in her heels on the driveway. The others in the group heading to their cars as well.
She walked-a bit wobbly-into Gojo as he tugged her, “No, no,” she chided quietly, her other hand latching onto his forearm to regain her balance.
She looked up at him. His platinum hair and pale face stood out so starkly against the pitch black sky. The stars glimmered and the pounding music sounded faint to her ears.
“I wanna walk to the car.” she insisted with a pout.
He stared down at her, his intricate blue eyes churning with something heavy as he looked her up and down. His eyes lingering a little longer than necessary in some places.
His hand slid around her jaw, tilting her face up as he kissed her cheekbone. She stumbled slightly, leaning against him.
His hand in hers gripped her firmly, his eyes dropping to her feet, “You want me to take them off?”
She glanced down at her heels, “No-no, I’m fine. I promise.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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She stared out the car window, gasping as Gojo pulled the car to a stop.
“It’s so big.” she exclaimed, in reference to the vast empty parking lot.
He’d parked his car near the others. All the cars were parked in one big row, side by side.
“Of course, baby,” he reached over and unbuckled her seat belt, “I’ll have to take you to our racetrack some time. It’s bigger.”
Her eyes widened in astonishment, “Racetrack?”
A sly smile bloomed across his lips, “Yeah, racetrack.”
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She sat between Gojo’s long outstretched legs-laughing as he tickled her. He was relentless, one hand gripping her hip while the other tickled her wherever he pleased. There was a wide grin on his lips as she writhed against him.
She couldn’t reign in her giggles, “Toru, stop-“ she whined.
He paused, eyes widening, “Toru?”
“Yo, can ya’ll stop playing around and pay attention.” Toji butted in.
Gojo glanced up from his slouched position. He was leaning against the front of his G-wagon, with Ara resting against him. Her small frame fit all too perfectly against his chest-like a little puzzle piece.
He raised his chin off her head, “Did you decide who’s goin’ first or what?”
Toji stepped away from the little circle of boys to address him, “Yeah, you and me are up first. Then it’s Geto and Haibara, and so on.”
A guy she didn’t recognize piped up, “We don’t got a flag girl.”
“Where’s Shoko?” Geto asked.
“Probably with Nanami.” Haibara answered with a frown, “I couldn’t find both of them before we dipped.”
Toji grinned subtly, tilting his head towards their direction, “Coulda been the same ish for these two if I hadn’t got em’ in time.”
Gojo merely smirked, “I know you wanted to watch.”
Suddenly a flat voice arose, “Can’t she just be flag girl?”
Ara’s eyes widened when she saw who the voice belonged to. He was extremely pale and tall, with dark brown hair that was tied up in two short spiky ponytails. He also had a thick black horizontal line tattoo across his nose and cheeks. She’d never seen anything like it.
She belatedly realized that the ‘she’ he was talking about was her. She was the only girl here.
“Oh yeah!” Gojo poked her in the stomach before hunching over to look at her, “You wanna be flag girl, kitten?”
She looked up at him, “What’s a flag girl?”
His signature smirk returned before he kissed her on the cheek, “All you have to do is wave a flag and look pretty.”
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Ara held up the makeshift flag-which was a silk, bubblegum pink Gucci scarf that Toji had lying about it in his car. No one else questioned how the hell he had it but she’d bet her life and kids that it was a woman’s work. (Apparently the actual ‘flag’ they had was kept in Nanami’s car)
Toji sat in a silver, latest model Volkswagen Arteon while Gojo sat in his matte black, Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. One car was obviously bigger in height than the other.
Ara stood ahead of both cars, gesturing with her hands for them to pull up to the line they’d marked on the ground with chalk. Once the cars crept up to the starting line, she waved the scarf in the air.
“Are you ready?!” she hollered.
A couple of the boys standing on the sideline whistled. Toji revved up his engine.
She swung the scarf once more, “Get set..” a subtle smile rested on her lips, anticipation swirling in her gut.
Gojo lowered his windows, a grin on his face as he blew her a kiss.
She waved the scarf in the air, “GO!”
The cars zoomed past her, the gust of wind that followed made her hair ripple in their wake.
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She stared at the two cars zooming off around the lot. They were driving side by side—from what she could tell, no one seemed to be going faster than the other just yet. The speed of it all scared her, in a thrilling kind of way.
The cars zipped past her once more. The sound of their high powered engines echoing.
“So loud,” she murmured to herself while readjusting her crossed arms. The gust of wind that followed from their speedy turns was a bit unnerving.
“Gets even louder when Satoru has his McLaren.” A low voice spoke from beside her.
She glanced over to see Geto, leaning against the railing beside her. She didn’t remember seeing him there earlier.
She glanced past him to see the ponytail guy and Haibara standing by the starting line-closely watching the race with their phones out. They were timing each car. Apparently Gojo and Toji had two more rounds around the lot before the winner was declared.
“I bet,” she responded, before looking at him, “Did you drive it?”
He nodded, “Couple times. It runs really smooth.”
She sighed, “It looks smooth.”
“Do you have your license?” he asked.
She shook her head, “No.”
“You should.” he suggested, “Get Satoru to teach you.”
“You think he’d let me practice in his McLaren?”
He smiled a bit, “Probably.”
That hadn’t been the answer she was expecting. She laughed slightly, “No way.”
“He would,” he spoke evenly, “He’d buy you a car if you asked.”
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He swooped her up in his arms, twirling her in the air before holding her against his chest.
He nuzzled his nose against hers, “I won, kitten, I won.”
She held onto his shoulders, laughing lightly, “I know, I know.”
His arm underneath her ass squeezed her closer. He looked up at her, “Where’s my kiss?”
She smiled a bit, “You don’t deserve it.” she teased.
His blue eyes blazed with delight, “You don’t think so?” he whined.
She shook her head, her smile widening ever so slightly. Something about his sparkling blue eyes on her made her belly churn with butterflies.
He raised a white brow, “Just one?”
She shook her head again.
He leaned closer, his chin grazing her breasts, “Pleaseee,” he pouted.
She held onto his neck, “Only one.” she emphasized.
A grin lit his features as he nodded-eagerly, “One.”
She cupped the sides of his smooth face, lowering herself to press a short kiss to his lips. Her nerves thrumming wildly underneath her skin wherever they touched.
“Alright, show off. You only won by a second.” Toji grumbled from somewhere in the distance.
She pulled away, staring, as the corner of his lip curled upward handsomely. His blue eyes glittered, with mischief and want and something.. indescribable, but it was tangible in his touch.
He was just so striking—it made her heart ache.
He beamed up at her-speaking in sing-song, “One kiss for the winner.”
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Ara swung aside in her seat, her hands clutching the car handle and dashboard.
“Oh my—“ she gasped out as Gojo swerved to the left to cut ahead of ponytail guy-Choso’s-car.
Geto gripped the edge of the passenger and driver seat, hovering in between, “Goddammit Satoru.”
Choso’s car honked several times.
Gojo glanced over, a shameless smile on his lips, “Oops.”
The three of them shared a look before laughing airily.
It was the final race for the last two winners-Gojo and Choso. Instead of completing the last race at the parking lot, they chose to see who drove to Nanami’s house and back the fastest. The group had split into both cars.
Ara glanced out the window, her hair flipping in the wind due to Gojo’s speed. She looked at Choso’s car behind them to see Toji flipping her off through the passenger window.
She drew her head back in, smiling faintly, “They’re flipping us off.” 
A smirk split across Gojo’s lips as he kept his eyes glued to the road. His speed picked up.
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Ara stood through the sunroof, arms outstretched. Geto held onto her legs to secure her.
She tilted her head back, letting the wind and speed make her hair whip in the air. Her eyes fluttered closed-reveling in the feel of the cool air running across her skin.
She swore she felt the music vibrate within her body as it pounded throughout the car. Of course, it had to be ‘F**ckin' Problems’ by A$AP Rocky playing.
The whoosh of the air speeding past her ears made her feel more present than ever before. She wanted to feel like this forever..
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She felt someone lightly tap her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open.
Gojo was before her, a subtle smile on his lips, “Hi, princess.”
She blinked a couple times before realizing she was in the passenger seat of his car. He stood beside her-partly leaning on the open car door, one hand over the roof and the other caressing her cheek.
His blue eyes scanned her face, “How are ya feelin’?”
She reached out and touched his chin-his face-checking if he was real.
“Where am I?” she asked hoarsely.
“Sonic,” he spoke through her fingers, “You want anything?”
Her hand slipped down. She didn’t have enough strength to keep it up.
Her eyes dropped sleepily, “Did you win?”
His eyes widened slightly before smirking, “The race? Of course I did, baby.”
“Good boy.” she mumbled.
He tilted his head, smirk widening, “Yeah?”
She nodded, her eyes half-open.
He licked his lips.
She closed her eyes, his hand stroking her hair all too relaxing. She heard a faint voice somewhere in the distance.
“She okay?” Haibara.
“She’s fine.” Geto’s voice-it was clearer-closer.
“Choso’s asking if yall want anything?”
“Yeah, get me a milkshake.” Gojo-his voice crisp-very near.
“What flavor?”
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She slurped the milkshake silently-zoning out while staring at the bonfire before her. There were voices, many voices but she couldn’t seem to focus on any of them.
Through her peripheral vision she noticed bags of Sonic getting handed around. Empty cups, burnt out joint ends and cigarettes littered the patio floor. Familiar voices talked excitedly—a person jumped into the swimming pool. Laughter followed.
“Can somebody get him?” Shoko. “He’s too drunk.”
“Why don’t you get him?” Toji. “Or did Nanami make it hard for you to walk?”
More laughter. “Shut the hell up.”
“Oh, you finished it?”
She glanced up to see Gojo looking down at her. She was sitting snug against him, in the crook of his arm. Her legs over his lap.
He squeezed her forearm before leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Shoulda got two.” he murmured.
He cupped her chin, tilting her head up as he bent low to press his lips to hers. His tongue pushed past her lips, sweeping her mouth as he deepened the kiss.
He hummed appreciatively before pulling away. He swiped away a dot of whip cream at the corner of her lip with the tip of his tongue.
His eyes lingered on her lips as he smiled subtly, “Yummy.”
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“Look what I found.”
The laughter and noises of approval that followed made her curious enough to glance away from the fire.
Toji held up several nerf guns with a devious grin.
Shoko shot up from her seat, “Did you go into my brother's room, dumbass?”
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Her heels echoed against the mahogany wood floor. The moment she spotted Haibara she raised her nerf gun.
He yelped before running to hide behind the couch. Just as he hid, Choso entered the living room.
“Any of y’all see Toji?”
Ara opened her mouth to respond, only to freeze when the sound of an ‘empty’ dart cartridge echoed. She glanced over to see Haibara holding up his nerf gun.
She glared and his eyes widened, “Shit.”
She ran around the couch—attempting to chase him.
He screeched, circling around the couch hastily, “Choso! Choso! Back me up!”
Just as she pointed the nerf gun at his butt, she felt a dart hit her in the cheek. She quickly turned her head to see the culprit—Choso. 
Before she could even react, Choso was suddenly getting sprayed with a shit-ton of bullets. Gojo entered the living room—with Geto right at his heels.
“Do you know who the hell you just hit, hmm?” Gojo taunted—a wide grin on his lips as he emptied his clip on Choso while chasing after him.
The boys laughed when they cornered him. The second Gojo’s darts ran out, Geto took over—showering Choso with a second round of bullets.
Choso held his arms out before him, blocking as much of the entourage of darts as he could.
Once Geto emptied his clip, Gojo smiled, “That’s the second L you took today.” 
Choso shook his head, grinning faintly, “Oh fuck off. If I had back up your ass woulda been on the floor.”
As the boys bickered, Ara’s attention quickly redirected itself to Haibara’s crawling figure-clearly attempting to slip away.
She smiled a bit when she realized he hadn’t noticed her looking just yet. She silently followed him, balancing her weight on the front of her heels to keep her footsteps quiet.
Haibara’s head turned back amidst crawl-spotting her. His innocent eyes instantly blew wide but before he could get up, she planted her heel right on his ass and shoved him back down.
“Dammit!” he hollered—making her laugh.
She aimed her nerf gun at the back of his head—unleashing all of her bullets on him. She didn’t notice the other boys cracking up.
Toji walked in two seconds before her clip emptied, “Damn,” he paused, “Can I be next?”
Gojo shot him with a dart-coincidentally starting a whole new round.
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Ara stared at herself in the elevator mirrors, she couldn’t recognize herself.
Gojo was laughing in the reflection beside her. His hand went over his stomach as he bent over in laughter.
“I-“ he could barely get his words out, “I can’t believe you did that.”
Geto merely shook his head, smiling subtly as he restocked the darts in his nerf gun.
Gojo threw his arm around her shoulders when he straightened, a humorous smile on his glossy lips, “Haibara said you're more of a menace than me.”
Ara looked down at her feet-noticing a bit of dirt on heels as she muttered, “That’s impossible.”
Geto snorted.
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She stared up at the sky-her eyes darting from star to star before settling on the moon. It looked so big-so close-she swore she could see its craters from here.
A breeze passed, making strands of her hair slip over her face. The hammock swayed.
His fingertips grazed her cheek, tucking her loose hair behind her ear.
She faced him-only to find him already looking at her.
His hand settled on her throat, thumb grazing her jaw.
The music and voices of the others on the rooftop grew more and more faint the longer she stared into his eyes. They were so blue-multiple shades of it too-all within one pair of eyes.
There was something about them.. that made him look more extraterrestrial than the moon. As if he didn’t belong here.
“Satoru,” her voice inadvertently came out as a whisper.
A light smile tugged at his lips, “Yeah?”
“What.. happened to you?”
He raised a pale brow, “What do you mean?”
She chewed at her bottom lip-speaking slowly in attempt to word her thoughts accurately. It was taking a lot more effort than usual.
“What.. made you.. the way you are?”
He froze-something seemed to flash over his eyes before his jaw locked.
He slowly scanned her face before responding after a moment, “The way I am?”
She nodded, words flowing freely from her tongue, “You’re not normal, you know.” her tone indifferent.
She saw his eyes widen ever so slightly and felt a vivid zip of fear when his fingers around her neck twitched.
“Is that right?”
He pressed his face into her cheek. His fingers tightening around her throat when she tried to turn away.
“Maybe you’re right..” His words made her shiver. She closed her eyes-breathing shakily.
Suddenly he was laughing-full on chuckling beside her ear, “You’re so right.”
He released her neck to twirl a strand of her hair around his finger. He exhaled, “There isn’t a line I wouldn’t cross for you.”
She kept her eyes closed, her heartbeat still raging in her ears, “I w-would never ask you to.”
“You don’t have to ask.”
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She felt gravity disappear from underneath her feet. Her eyes fluttered open. The sky was still dark, scattered with twinkling stars. She was in Gojo’s arms.
He looked down at her, “Hi, pretty.”
Her brows furrowed as she blinked sleepily.
“We’re home,” he muttered.
Her eyes flew open, “Your home?”
He paused-appearing to consider her question, “Can we go to my home?”
“No-no-“ panic swirled in her gut despite her drunkenness, “My home, only my home.” she mumbled off.
“Okay, okay,” he shook his head, “Knew you’d say that.”
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She grabbed onto something when she felt herself lose balance. She focused to see that she was sitting on the edge of her bed, her hand gripping Gojo’s shoulder.
He was bent on the floor before her, his hands on her leg-unstrapping her heels.
He looked up at her, his turquoise eyes scanning her features, “You’re good, kitten. I got you.” His hand snaked up her thigh to squeeze her hip reassuringly.
Her fingers inadvertently dug into his shoulder, “I’m-I’m good?” she stuttered out, lost.
He nodded, his gaze gentle, “Yeah, baby, you’re good.”
She glanced down at herself, at the expanse of skin she was showing due to her mini dress. The dress barely covered her cunt while sitting. Her eyes widened when she saw the bruises starting to darken along her thighs—she remembered-flashbacks of his hands gripping her body roughly passed through her mind. He’d fucked her so hard-so ruthlessly-in the car before the party. All of it occurring against her will.
She bit her lower lip, trying not to sob, “I’m-I’m not good.” she whispered.
Suddenly his hand was at her face, cupping her cheek, “Yes, you are, sweets. You're such a good girl. The best girl.”
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Two large hands were at her tits, squeezing heartily. A soft moan left her lips, her eyes fluttering closed.
Her hands slipped over his as she whined, “Toru..”
“I know, I know,” he groaned lowly into her ear, nuzzling her cheekbone as he caressed her tits more gently this time.
She glanced ahead to see her reflection in the full-length mirror. She was completely naked, her mini-dress a bundle at her feet. He towered behind her, nearly encapsulating her within his lean frame. His firm chest against her back.
He was fully clothed. It was hard to see him completely due to the dim lighting of her closet but she could make out the smooth planes of his features-his sharp jaw, his sculpted cheekbones—the veins running down his arms, his hands as he kneaded her tits.
His crystalline eyes met hers in the mirror, his breath hot as it trailed down her skin with each exhale. Goosebumps rose all over her body.
His hands at her chest tugged her closer-possessively, “You’re so beautiful, Ara..”
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She stirred slightly, her eyes opening to see him propped on his elbow on the bed beside her. She felt his hand at her waist, thumb gently stroking her side boob.
Strands of his white hair tickled her forehead as he leaned closer, “Don’t sleep,” he whispered.
He pressed a probing kiss to her lips, “Not yet.”
He kissed her again, this time a little longer. His hand slid down her side, slipping out from underneath her nightgown. He took her hand, guiding her to touch the bulge at his boxers.
His breath hitched the second she made contact. He released her hand for a moment, shifting slightly before taking her hand again. He wrapped her hand around his cock-she swore she felt his cock twitch.
His hand tightened over hers, wanting her to apply pressure but she was only half-awake. He groaned lowly, slowly pumping his cock through her hand.
“Help me.” he spoke raggedly against her temple.
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The bed shook and she glanced down to see her nightgown bunched up at her neck. She was laying on her side-a leaky, pink cockhead sliding between her thighs.
Gojo gripped her hip hard—short, desperate grunts leaving him with each harsh press of his hips against her ass. He had a steady pace going.
She was too weak-too sleepy-to move. Merely wriggling her hips when his cockhead glided past her folds. She moaned weakly.
“Sa..toru..” The feeling of his thick, veiny cock sliding between her thighs all too unfamiliar.
His fingers dug into her hip, lifting his head up from her neck to whisper-hoarsely, “I’m close, kitten, m’close.”
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Her eyes fluttered open the second she felt a ray of light hit her eyelids. She shifted slightly to check if the curtains had been left open only to stop mid-movement.
Holy shit.
Everything hurt-bad. Her throat felt dry. Her body ached with soreness. And her head-why does it hurt so bad?
She fell back onto the bed, a low moan on the cusp on her lips-only to cut herself off when she noticed who she was lying beside.
She immediately looked over to see Gojo sleeping soundlessly. His eyes were closed, his long light lashes covering his under eyes. His pale face was a mask of relaxation, not an ounce of stress on his features. His white hair was a fluffy mess-facing every which way. His arm was outstretched, she’d been using it as a pillow.
She glanced down to see that he was shirtless. She didn’t want to check under the blanket to see if he was less clothed than that. 
She stared at him-letting the bits and pieces of memories from last night come back to her. A rollercoaster of emotions building up within her silently.
She’d let herself loosen up around him. She’d let herself have fun—and it’d been the most fun she’d had in eons. The thought was sickening. Absolutely sick. 
How could she have fun with him of all people?
After what he did to her in the car-after everything-she’d been nice to him. Her drunk self had been nice to him. Overly nice, in her opinion—she’d been all over him.
She wanted to puke. Why did I drink?
She shot up out of the bed, her hand going over her stomach as she breathed heavily. 
She felt the bed shift beside her and froze. She didn’t have to look to know he just sat up in bed.
She flinched when he stroked her back, “You okay, kitten?” his voice was deep-slightly raspy from sleep, “Gotta vomit?”
He took one look at her face and immediately scrambled to grab the bucket he’d set on the floor last night. The second he placed the bucket before her, everything from last night poured out of her.
She held the bucket like her life depended on it-despite Gojo having a hand on it as well. Her stomach lurched as she heaved multiple times. His hands slipped around her hair, holding it back as she bent over the bucket once more.
She heaved one last time and nothing came out. Her stomach was finally empty. She pushed at the bucket slightly–signaling she was done.
“You done?” he asked anyway, voice gentle.
She nodded, too weak to do anything else.
He cautiously moved the bucket away from her and handed her a roll of paper towels that was somehow on her nightstand. She couldn’t help but notice how prepared he seemed.
She wiped her face, watching silently as he grabbed the bucket and headed towards the bathroom without complaint. The second he disappeared from view a storm of emotions brewed within her.
Her hands trembled as she started to cry. Her body wracked with the force of her sobs. She covered her face with her hands, attempting to quiet herself but she couldn’t stop. Tears kept flowing down her face.
“Ara, Ara,” his voice felt distant to her ears, “Kitten..”
She felt hands come to her sides, enveloping her gently. She didn’t have the strength to push him away, instead she sagged against him—letting herself use him this once-just this once.
If he was surprised he didn’t show it.
She hated the inexplicable sense of comfort she felt in his presence. She wished it didn’t exist but it was there—he was always there.
She was a hypocrite-she knew she was but she was tired. oh, so tired. She wished there was someone else—someone else she could rely on. Someone who didn’t use her. But there was no one. No one but him.
Why did it have to be like this?
His fingers sifted through her hair gently, merely letting her sob in silence. Her body felt so frail against him like this, her small hands trembling as she held onto him. He drew her closer.
He didn’t bother asking why, he knew she’d never answer. She never answered in the past.
He knew she cried on her own time. Her puffy under eyes always gave it away-but she liked to pretend she was fine near him. He indulged her.
He wanted her to come to him on her own. He'd wait.
But this-he peered down at her-this was progress. She never let herself cry in front of him before. The few times he caught her, she immediately wiped her tears and gathered herself.
But this, this was different. She was clutching him so tight, sobbing so weakly—she needed him. She needed him to comfort her.
And he’d give her just that. He'd give her anything she asked.
All she needed to do was one thing… just one.
She needed to accept she was his.
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The last thing she felt was his lips pressing her forehead when she went limp—succumbing to the emptiness of sleep.
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arbitrarycategories · 5 months
Hey would you mind sharing what the real point of jekyll and hyde is that Hollywood missed? I have never read the book
You just made my night actually THANK YOU
Long so it’s under a cut :)
(you should totally read the book, it’s not super long and it’s actually really good)
okay tw murder and suicide and like. Violence I guess. It’s a psychological thriller from the Victorian era idk what y’all expect
Alright here’s the part where I admit I’ve never seen a Jekyll and Hyde movie but I HAVE seen various iterations of him in pop culture monster movies where he’s some quirky background character yknow?? The pop culture idea of this guy is kind of wild
First things first!!! Pop culture would have you believe that Dr. Jekyll has a wife or a girlfriend or some shit that Mr. Hyde wants to ravage or cheat on or whatever!! This is false because the only female characters in the entire book are a little girl who gets trampled to establish how Evil Hyde Is and a woman who calls the cops after witnessing a murder as she took a smoke break on a balcony. Neither one of them even has a name :) this is a book with NO BITCHES okay??? There’s barely even any men
Important Character round up!
Mr. Utterson the Lawyer (most of the book is from his viewpoint)
Dr. Lanyon (a friend to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson)
Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (respected Chemist/criminal)
Poole the butler <3
And that’s IT.
Okay there’s also some parliament guy who gets murdered but like whatever. He’s just there to get killed. Bye.
So a very basic plot synopsis is that Mr. Utterson is the guy in charge of Dr. Jekyll’s Will. Because of this he happens to be sort-of-friends with Jekyll because neither of them really have many friends. They’re also both friends with Dr. Lanyon.
Mr. Utterson first becomes aware of Mr. Hyde as a person who exists when a friend (unimportant) of his tells him about this guy who trampled a little girl. Obviously this is fucked up, but the friend has more to the story. Bystanders didn’t let this guy just trample a little girl, they demanded compensation so that she could pay a doctor to help her. Hyde went to a door (which the friend points out bc he and Utterson are on a walk) and makes out a check under the name of Jekyll. And so Utterson is like. Huh what
He goes home and looks at Jekyll’s Will, and Hyde is the guy set to get all his stuff if Jekyll disappears!! And so Utterson is like well that doesn’t make sense for MY friend the Extremely Respected Chemist. So naturally he’s curious and goes poking in that polite Victorian way.
It turns out Hyde lives in Soho but is a FREQUENT visitor to Jekyll’s house, has a key and all the servants know him etc. nobody knows how he and Jekyll met and they’re all a little afraid to ask.
And then there’s a year long timeskip actually. Utterson asked and Jekyll said “yeah don’t worry about it :)” and then we just skip a year.
We come back because Mr parliament gets MURDERED in what seems to be a crime of passion by a certain Mr. Hyde. Like the fact that the guy killed was in parliament was a complete coincidence. I keep meaning to look up the guys name to see if he was a real guy who was just really hated or something but I never get around to it. Anyway. Hyde beats him to death with his cane.
OH YEAH. Break hang on.
HERES THE OTHER THING HOLLYWOOD FUCKS UP THAT I ALMOST FORGOT!!! Hyde is not Hulk!!! He’s not big he has no muscles he’s literally an itty bitty guy!! He’s described as “particularly small”, “little man”, “of small stature”. He’s tiny!!! Truly exemplifying that short people are closer to the devil etc whatever he’s itty bitty and super fucking mean like the worlds worst chihuahua given human form.
Alright back to PLOT
The police recognize Hyde pretty much from the witness description of him, and Utterson is like “well that’s easy I Know Where He Lives” but they can’t find him even though his neighbors all sell him out and they literally go to his place in Soho.
So Utterson goes to ask his good friend Jekyll, who he knows is close with Hyde, where the fuck his buddy is!!! And Jekyll is having like a full on nervous breakdown at this point. Jekyll swears that he’s “done with” Hyde and “he will never more be heard of”. He’s sweating and shaking and generally looking like he’s on drugs or something.
Hyde conveniently left a letter to Jekyll (wow!!) that basically said he had fled the country and thanks for being his friend this whole time :) Utterson has a lil convo with Jekyll where he becomes convinced that since all of Jekyll’s stuff went to Hyde if he disappeared that Hyde was planning to murder Jekyll but the heat from killing a member of parliament had scared him off so Jekyll is safe now. If what Utterson thought was happening was what was ACTUALLY happening this would probably be where the story ends. But NO. First bc Utterson hired a guy to analyze the handwriting on the letter from Hyde to Jekyll and the guy (literally named Mr. Guest) was like “yeah this is Jekyll writing with a different slant idk who he’s fooling” and so Utterson is now convinced that Jekyll is covering for Hyde for some reason
And SECOND because jekyll starts acting like a crazy person. Poole the butler shows up at Utterson’s house one day like “hey my boss is freaking me out and also his voice changed?? I think Hyde is living in his room and pretending to be jekyll”
So naturally they bust into his locked room with an axe. Like you do. It’s not his bedroom it’s like his chemistry room idk they just call it his cabinet but it’s Clearly Some Kind of Lab. Anyway they find Hyde’s dead body on the floor <3 he has pretty explicitly killed himself with cyanide.
They also find a couple letters, which make up the rest of the book.
The first one is from Dr. Lanyon (remember Lanyon?). Lanyon writes all about how Jekyll started acting like a crazy person and had him deliver a drawer (like, pulled out of a dresser and full of chemicals) from Jekyll’s cabinet to Hyde, who Lanyon has never met. The description is this part is actually really good, you can tell it’s Hyde who shows up to meet Lanyon even though it never says his name. This is the part where he mixes the chemicals like the worlds worst smoothie and then fucking Shapeshifts back into Jekyll right in front of Lanyon :) why did he Do this. At this point in the story we are hearing this from Lanyon’s letter instead of Lanyon himself because Lanyon fucking Died when it was still Uttersons pov and didn’t tell anyone what he had learned?? He thought nobody would believe him ig but he tells Utterson he has had a shock and will die within a few weeks and then he literally Does. Like what the fuck man.
The next letter is from Jekyll!! It is a confession of how exactly Hyde came to be AND WHY.
Jekyll, being a well respected Member of Society, wanted to expunge himself of all evil desires by splitting himself into two people, one who is good and one who is evil. He manages to make a chemical potion of some kind that lets him shift between two bodies. Here’s where the text will get you: Jekyll is an unreliable narrator.
IT DOESNT WORK!!!!! He claims that Hyde immediately felt more evil but was shocked when he switched back to Jekyll and didn’t feel any different than before. Jekyll is still just as good and JUST AS EVIL as before he downed his magic shapeshifting potion!! Jekyll didn’t invent a second, more evil form, he invented a mask he could hide behind that let him escape all accountability for his actions.
And you know the most damning proof?? The switch has started happening without him drinking the potion. He will go to sleep as Jekyll and wake up as Hyde, and it’s taking more and more doses to turn back into Jekyll. At the time he writes the letter, he is permanently stuck as Hyde, but the letter is from JEKYLL and laments the guilt he feels for actions done as Hyde. He condemns Hyde as if that IS a separate person!! But Hyde has the same mind and should that Jekyll does, just a different face, and Jekyll is lying to himself.
Anyway that’s what happens in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It’s all about this lawyer dealing with the most Batshit series of events a client has ever made him deal with <3
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saragarnier · 5 months
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summary: y/n is a police officer that had a situationship with Jay Halstead, but after him there's another one and he discovered it in the worst way possible.
pairing: jay halstead x reader
warning: i don't know actually, maybe some angst(?) and swearing? mention of sec, just mention.
i don't really like this but i spent so much time on it, that's why i want to share it with you. tell me what you think guys and if you like it i can write a part 2, maybe.
Being a female cop was not easy at all, and you knew that even before entering the police academy; you knew that you would have to demonstrate your value, to demonstrate that you deserved that badge, you deserved to be a cop. It was clear to you since the first moment you decided to be a police officer and you tried to show your value since the first day into the academy.
When you were assigned at the 17th district, you were happy to start your career as a police officer and you just wanted to do your job in the right way, but it wasn’t like you expected. Since the first day you felt judge by everyone in the district, expect for the other female police officers, even if there were few of them. Your partner wasn’t happy about having you by his side, but he accepted that, and he just tried to keep as much distance as he could between him and you, like you were an alien or something to avoid.
Besides that, the first two year in that district went very well; you did your job well and you saved lives, even your partner’s live when he got shot during one shift. Even if you saved him, covering him and applying pressure on his chest, he never really thanked you for what you did; you weren’t angry at all, you knew how it worked and you knew that it was too early to be considered a good agent on the field, especially since you were one of the few women in a men’s world, because that’s what police was considered: a job only for men.
Someone maybe thought that it wasn’t true, there would have been at least someone who thought that women in police was an amazing thing, but surely it wasn’t like that in the 17th.
The only thing you could have done to making thing worse would have been sleeping with someone that worked in the same district as you. You tried to avoid that, you really tried to keep things separated between your private life and your job, but you lost. One night, you met one of the detectives that worked in the 17th district, and you took a beer with him, thinking that there wasn’t nothing bad about it; after some beers, anyway, he kissed you and everything changed.
The next day, everyone knew about it inside the district, and everyone thought that were trying to get a promotion sleeping with one of the detectives. You were fucked.
Asking for a transfer was the only choice for you and that’s how you met him, Jay Halstead. He was just a man sitting in a bar when you first met him, you didn’t know he was a detective and he didn’t know that you were a police officer; you were just two people in a bar, having a drink together. That night you slept at his home and the next morning you were gone, thinking that you wouldn’t have met him again.
Obviously, you were wrong. God, you were definitely wrong.
When you discovered, on your first day at the 21st, that he was a detective in your new district, you both tried to keep that a secret and you also tried to pretend that nothing happened between you two, but you just couldn’t deny the attraction that there was between you and him. And after few weeks you both lost.
 You tried to keep it a secret as long as you kept sleeping together, and, when you ended it weeks after, you were relieved to discovered that he protected you without telling anybody what happened between you two. You were grateful for that because you wouldn’t have been able to deal with it another time.
Even if you were still working hard to become one of sergeant Voight’s detectives, you couldn’t deny that some kind of attraction formed between you and your partner, Sean Roman, after some months. Maybe it was because he was always so kind with you, maybe because you spent so much time together, maybe because you went through difficult moments together, but you ended up dating each other in secret. You weren’t sure if you started dating him trying to forget Jay, since you were pretty sure to have fallen in love with the detective, but you just tried to enjoy that moment, you tried to live it without making to yourself too many questions. You were confused about your feelings, you really were, and you needed time alone to think about it, especially since you started dating Roman right after you heard that Jay dated one of his CI.
It then something happened when you didn’t expect it.
You and Roman were just kissing each other on a night shift, taking just few minutes for yourselves, when it happened. It was a calm night, nothing happened ‘till that moment and you didn’t think that things could have gone worse in less than a minute. You were too much focused in kissing him that you didn’t hear the footsteps, nor you saw him approaching the car were you and Roman were into. The first things you heard were the gunshots fired against you; you didn’t catch a single bullet but Roman did, he caught every single shot and you screamed.
You got out of the car, seeing a man running away in the dark of the night, picked up your gun and followed him at once, asking for backup and for an ambulance at the radio. You really hoped that Sean was okay, you really hoped that he was still alive and that he would have survived; he took at least three bullet and that all because you both were too focused on kissing than in everything else. You shout at the offender to stop, but he didn’t and, knowing that he had a gun, you just shot him, hitting him in his back; he fell on the ground, you handcuffed him immediately, bringing him with you to your car. You needed to be sure that Sean was still alive.
That night was like hell for you: Sean got a surgery and, fortunately, he survived, the offender was brought to the hospital as well but no-one found the gun on him and that’s why you were there, one month later, sitting in a court to testimony your version against the man who almost killed your partner. Everyone from the district was there with you, trying to give you, their support. There was Platt, Voight, Upton, Burgess, Ruzek, Atwater, few of the other patrol officers and even Jay, in all his beauty.
When the defence lawyer got up to ask you some question, you didn’t expect this.
“So, miss y/l/n, I heard that you usually date your colleagues, isn’t it?”
You at once got tense on your chair, looking at Jay and Sean, nervous. Sean knew everything about your “relationship” with Jay, but no-one else did so you should have been relaxed about that. Maybe he was just talking about the thing you had with the detective from your previous district, after all.
But it was not like that, not at all.
Before your lawyer could have even protested, the defence talked to the judge, explaining to him why he did that question.
“Before I got interrupt, I just want to understand if anything happened in that car that could have bring the test to us violence against an innocence without even considering that he wasn’t the offender. I’m pretty sure that the jury would want to see what I found. She had her reasons to react badly, without thinking and I just wanted to expose that.”
You froze, gulping; you really hoped that the judge would have refused, but he let him continue.
“Miss y/l/n, did you have a relationship with one of the detectives back at your previous district?”
 “It wasn’t a relationship.” You responded, tense.
“What was it, so?”
“I slept with one of the detectives, yes. It was just for one night and I was drunk.”
The layer chuckled, like he had you in his fist, under his control, and maybe he really did.
“But it wasn’t the last colleagues that you dated, right?”
Before you could have answered, your lawyer protested again, but he was stop by the judge for the second time in a row; you were fucked, you wouldn’t have been able to avoid that, you couldn’t lie  under oath, you had to tell the truth.
But how did he know?
“No, it wasn’t the last.” You answered, quietly. You looked at him, trying to avoid Jay’s gaze, trying to be relaxed, trying to be strong; you didn’t want to give up, you would have fought again and again if it was necessary. You had to tell the truth and you really didn’t want to, but since you had no choice, you wanted to do it with your dignity.
“Who was the next? And remember that you’re testifying under oath.”
You looked at him in the eyes, biting your bottom lip.
“It was Detective Halstead.” You answered. “But I met him the night before my new job at the 21st so-.”
Before you could have even finished the sentence, he stopped you, smiling widely; you felt Jay’s and every other’s gaze on you, and you felt embarrassed for the first time after you entered the police. Why was he asking you that? Why was he trying to make you lose your job? Why were your love stories important to the case? That man almost killed your partner, and he was torturing you now.
“You just have to answer my question, miss y/l/n. Now, was Detective Halstead the last police officer that you dated so far?”
And that was it.
You finally understood why he was asking you so many questions about your private life; he was trying to make the jury thinks that you shot that guy without thinking at it lucidly just because you were dating Sean. He was trying to blame you, to make everyone think that you confounded him and that because you were shocked not only because Sean was your partner but also because you were in love with him.
Were you, though?
“No.” you answered, feeling Jay’s gaze still on you; you didn’t have the courage to look at him or to look at the others, especially not to sergeant Voight, knowing that you probably have just lost the opportunity to enter the team since you slept with Jay. You lost your career, you lost your dignity, since your private and sec life was put on public, and you were now accused of being a bad police officer.
Beautiful day, wasn’t it?
“Evidence number seventeen, I just got it this morning and I couldn’t inform the accuse before the process. Now …” he got near you and handed you one pic, the same that he just gave to your lawyer and to the jury. “Was that you kissing your partner Sean Roman the night of the attack?”
You gulped, then you looked up and finally you ended up meeting his gaze, Jay’s gaze. He looked hurt and furious at the same time, even if you knew that he had no right to be; you stopped sleeping together almost two months before and he even had a thing with one of his CI, which was illegal, so he had no right to look at you that way. You were the one that would have lost his job, not him, not Roman, you. You were the one that would have been called bitch and slut just because you ended up in the same bed with some of your colleagues and you were affronting that trial, exposing yourself like you hadn’t done before.
“Yes, that was me.” You answered, trying to sound as much calm as you could.
“Now tell me. Were you shooting at my client because you really thought that he was the offender, even if he hadn’t a gun with himself, or were you just trying to revenge your boyfriend without thinking at all? Were you just trying to get revenge? Were you sure about the gun that you think he had? Were you lucid enough to arrest the same man that you thought shot your boyfriend? Was the woman that pulled that trigger the police officer or just a girlfriend trying to protect his partner?”
“Your Honor! That were not questions, he was trying to induce the jury to think his way!” Protested your Lawyer before you could have responded.
The judge, this time, agreed with the accuse and tried to induce the jury to not consider his last questions when it would have come to a verdict. Anyways, you ended up leaving the court knowing that everything you’d done in the past to prove how much you deserved to become a detective, simply wasn’t nothing anymore. You would have been remembered as the female cop that ended up in the same bed with three colleagues, not as the police officer that saved a child, not as the police officer that almost risked her life to save his partner and Jay, not as the police officer that got undercover with the Intelligence to help them with a serial killer.
Your image was fucked.
You were nothing now.
You lost everything.
You lost your dignity.
And even after that, all you could think about was Jay’s expression after he heard about you and Sean; that was when you finally discovered that you really fell in love with him: when you worried about him while your career, dignity and future were crumbling all around you. All you need to be happy again was just one of his hugs. That was what you needed.
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lutawolf · 10 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 2 part 1 & 2
We start off right where we left off, with Phaya listening in to the conversation that the instructors are having. He tells Tharn to take Yai back, but is anyone surprised when Tharn doesn't listen?
Phaya, I got to ask. What kind of life you have been living that you can pick a lock? Though to be fair, I unlocked my sister's bedroom door with a butter knife more than once.
Phaya makes his way in and intensely looks around. Guess they don't have security cameras. Anyway, he finds what he is looking for and takes photos with his cell phone.
These two. I love them so much. "Why are you so close?" While smirking. The other facing down his current bedmate with annoyance. "I can't see. Why didn't you find a better place? Someplace with more space?"
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They discuss the case while cuddling under the blanket. They weren't under there for warmth and seriously, even Yai couldn't turn this into hiding. Those coconuts are cuddling! Convince me otherwise!
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Phaya says how he doesn't think that the victim tied his ankle knot himself. "How do you know?" "I just know." Hahahaha! Know a little something about knot tying do you Phaya. So we are looking at a wrap and cinch, aka a quick cuff. Now he was floating in water so that has to allow for some rope give but notice the pull section is in the back. If he were going to quick cuff himself, the pull would be in front so he could yank it himself
How the hell are you going to hide two people under that blanket! I got to see this. Oh wow. 😂😂😂
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Tension! Damn, but they got some good chemistry!
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"I'm not leaving until you tell me."
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HAHAHAHA I'm dead. Phaya taking advantage of the situation is my favorite thing ever.
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Now back to training. Where we see Phaya paying attention to everything, and then we get to the classroom. Have I meantioned how much I love Yai?
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Look at that guilty face. Homeboy can deny all he wants, but his face says it all. Hahaha!
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Then the looks that Tharn and Phaya give each other. Screams confusion on Phaya's part and guilty on Tharn's. I'm loving it. Speaking of faces.
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Someone is suspicious of our boy Phaya.
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More training, with a sprinkling of flirtation. Then hand holding!!!
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Ohhhh, yeah baby, break out the rope. Phaya is showing Tharn exactly what I mentioned earlier.
They are contemplating what move to make next and how just the two of them can do it when the Scooby gang shows up. You decide who is who, but they are the Scooby gang for sure. Yai brings up valid points as to why not to investigate, but Phaya says he can't ignore this and be a cop. Which everyone agrees with but Phaya, but now I know why. He was protecting his brother. I love Yai and his fierce loyalty.
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I love them both so much. They are a good balance. And Captain suspicious is for sure watching them. The Captain follows them around to figure out what they are up to.
Now for some well deserved eye candy. Thank you, director, for knowing what us thirsty bitches want.
Now we are to the part where Phaya sneaks out to look for evidence at the beach.
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A female voice begins calling out his name. Telling him to come this way. She appears in the water, beckoning to him. Meanwhile, Tharn senses something and wakes up. Checks Phaya's bed and sees that he is missing. He takes off, seeming to know where he will be. He finds Phaya in the wadding in the ocean in an apparent trance.
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This is also around the time when they get caught by the instructors. Please let one of them be smart enough to come up with an excuse.
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Apparently not. He threatens to expel all of them who continue with the investigation.
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After punishment, Phaya talks to the guys in the barracks. Telling them that he is really sorry. It's at this point that we realize that Thai was the smart one of the group earlier. That the Captain was right. For them to be good cops, they have to stick to the rules and pass the exam.
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And that's that for this part. On to the next. I'm breaking them into two posts because... Well, I like to add all the pictures. 💜💜💜
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sixth-light · 1 year
Following up on the "good Seanchan/bad Seanchan" idea for the show, I think there would still have to be conflict about slavery generally and damane specifically with any 'good' Seanchan, and it could go something along the lines of: "we see we made a mistake and we're willing to let the [Randland] channelers we've captured go as a gesture of goodwill, but we still can't just unleash all *our* damane right now, some of them are hundreds of years old and they've never been free and who knows what would happen; and besides we need to fight the Last Battle the way we know how".
Which would be a valid concern in some regards that nevertheless would not erase the key moral point, to which, it is fucking abhorrent to enslave people and the right thing needs to be done anyway. An argument like this would give show!Tuon and Rand(/Mat) a genuine conflict pre-the Last Battle where Tuon isn't just advocating for the Actual Worst Thing/ignoring the new information she's learned, it would make any version of Alivia a really interesting character with stuff to do beyond...whatever it was she did in the books, it would give Red Ajah sisters a chance to make the case for their Ajah (in their show version of 'magic cops'), and it would cut to the heart of the philosophical questions the books ask about free will and what it actually means to fight evil.
And it gets even more interesting if at some point Perrin has made his book!deal-with-the-devil and there are more than a few Shaido Wise Ones/Black Ajah/etc currently held as damane who will absolutely want to be free...but also can't be relied on once they are free. RJ used becoming damane as a get-out-of-jail-free card for sidelining but not killing practically all his female channeler villains. The show can interrogate that narrative and I think it should.
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tsunflowers · 5 months
well I hate to say it but I just don't think "gamechanger" by l.x. beckett is a very good book. it has the problem common to sff writers where they have too many ideas and throw them all in, with the added wrinkle that most of the time I could not tell which aspects of the future society the author thought were good and which were bad. usually with a bad writer they just tell you what you're supposed to be mad about and with a good writer they subtly make their position known. I don't know what this author thought about most of the stuff they invented. like in this book kids can become cops in order to investigate other kids' crimes. is that good?
it's hard to summarize the plot bc of how much stuff there is going on so I'll just tell you about the main thing I wanted to see resolved. in this #future world everyone is always hanging out in an augmented reality they access with brain implants. I did really enjoy the multiple levels of engagement people have with the ar. it's always passively on but you can choose to go deeper into it. an interesting scifi escalation of how in modern life you always have your phone on you and can casually check it but sitting down to work on the computer or getting engaged in a video game feels more intense. anyway, everything you do in this ar world is monitored and recorded, and you have a social credit score based on other people upvoting and downvoting you. kids have sort of limited privileges within the ar world. they can't get implants until they're of age so they have to wear helmets and they can't take the drugs that let you experience full immersion
and the author is like "preteens hate the idea of joining adult society and being able to live in virtual reality 24/7 so they run away from home in droves and its a major societal issue." has the author met preteens? frankly I think they would be running to sketchy underground doctors who promise to give them implants early. and the first chapter of the novel is kids who are running away bc they want to go off the grid! that tricked me into thinking it would be a major theme of the book but then it just wasn't. we were supposed to accept that kids hate going online
then it turned out that there was an evil ai who was inspired by female harry potter villains to lure children to her evil school where she lobotomized them so what the fuck ever
I still think it was worth reading bc I got a tremendous amount of enjoyment out of the great lakes megacity (formerly chicago, detroit, cleveland, and toronto)
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 27
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 1214
There’s never been this uncomfortable a silence between us before.
We're walking back to the AirBnB, and everything about your body language is making it clear you don't want to talk. Your hands are in your pockets, out of my reach, and your head is down so that I can't see your face. You are hunched, purposefully, in a way that screams: do not talk to me!
When we get back, you slip out of my grasp when I try to touch you. You hang up your coat and stuff your beanie in the pocket and then turn to me.
You back up when I reach out again.
“I just– Joe…” You say, and close your eyes. “I can't. Not tonight. I–”
“Okay,” I say. “Okay.”
I'm about to offer that we watch a movie - and I'm anticipating an extremely fun night sitting on opposite ends of the couch - when the doorbell rings.
You jump. We are right at the front door, and the sound is loud.
I open the door.
I don't recognize the people standing on the steps as cops, at first. They are dressed in full blue outfits with a bright, neon yellow stripe across their upper arms and chests. For some reason, my brain provides the word 'crossing guard' even though these people look nothing like crossing guards, either.
One of them is a woman, the other a man, and the man greets me in Dutch, using a word I can't understand.
You butt in, gesturing at me. I hear the word I know means ‘English’ and the people nod, then greet us again.
“So sorry to disturb you both,” the woman says, and then adds something to you in Dutch. I hear your last name.
You nod.
She says something else.
You nod again.
“They’re with the police,” you tell me. “They want to talk to us… separately.”
“I see,” I say. “Well, no problem, right?”
The woman goes into the bedroom with you, and the man shakes my hand and tells me: “I'm Tim, but you can call me officer friendly.”
I chuckle.
“Um, okay.”
“Sorry, I've just always wanted to make that joke,” Tim says. “Tim will be fine.”
His English is good, but not good like yours. He has a definite accent. Also, he's taller than me, and he knows it.
“So what did you need, officer?” I ask.
“Just Tim. Anyway, first things first: are you aware that an acquaintance of Miss (Y/l/n), Mitch Wegganger, is dead?”
“Yes,” I say. “I also know he wasn't exactly an acquaintance.”
“Well, no,” Tim agrees. “According to his family, mister Wegganger-” He says ‘Wegganger’ in a way I would never be able to pronounce it “-was rather taken with miss (Y/l/n).”
“He was stalking her,” I say.
“Alright,” Tim says. “I don't know anything about that. I just know she was the last person he talked to.”
“As far as I know, that was a completely one-sided conversation,” I say.
I can't be too hostile, but this guy is just not taking my words seriously at all. I can just tell from his smug grin that he's going to tell his buddies about this later.
“Yes, well,” Tim says, self-importantly. “Can you tell me where your girlfriend– Is she your girlfriend?” I nod. “Can you tell me where she was between eight and twelve o'clock last night?”
“Here,” I say.
“Right. And you were also here?”
“Well, I did take a walk,” I say. “This was around… nine pm, I'd say?”
“How long were you gone?”
“An hour,” I say, which is stupid. I was gone for over two hours, and you are going to tell the other officer I was gone for more than two hours. “Maybe an hour and a half. I didn't pay attention to the time.”
“Where did you go?”
“I was just taking a look around the neighborhood.”
Tim nods. He's not writing any of this down. That's good, right? That means he doesn't actually think either of us did anything.
I hope.
“And you're sure miss (Y/l/n) was here that entire time?”
“Well, she had just taken a shower when I left,” I say. “And gotten in pyjamas. And she was still wearing those when I got back.”
“Okay,” Tim says. “What was she doing when you got back?”
“Reading a book.”
“Which book?”
“The priory of the orange tree.”
“Had she gotten a lot further along since you'd left?”
“She wasn't reading when I left.”
“But had she?”
Before I can answer, the bedroom door opens. You and the other officer step out and the two officers speak to each other for a moment, heatedly. At some point, Tim begins to frown. He turns to me.
“I'm confused,” he says. “You say you went for a walk, but your girlfriend here says you didn't leave the house all night.”
I don't know what to say to that. I look at you.
You're lying for me. But why? As far as you know, there's no reason to lie.
I widen my eyes.
“Oh, that's right,” I say. “I'm so sorry, officer–”
“Just Tim.”
“Tim,” I say, and look at him. “I think I've got a case of vacation brain. The days are all blurring into each other. I didn't go for a walk last night, that was the night before.”
“Is this true?” Tim asks, turning to you.
“Yes,” you say.
You are too good a liar.
“And how long was he gone for?” Tim asks, casually.
“I don't know,” you say. “I wasn't paying attention. I was reading, so.”
Tim nods.
“Well, we're sorry to take up so much of your time,” the woman says, half-glaring at Tim in a way that makes me think she's far more on your side than he is. “Really, we wouldn't have come by so late, but we had a hard time tracking you down today.” She directs this at you. “And we didn't want to risk missing you tomorrow. What with you being on vacation and all, I can imagine you're out a lot during the day.”
You nod slowly.
“Anyway,” the woman says, familiarly. “Call if you think of anything.”
“Uh huh.”
With that, the officers leave. You close the door behind them, then lock it. Then, you close the curtains.
You won't look at me.
“(Y/n),” I say.
No response.
You turn to me. Finally, you meet my eyes. You're challenging me, but I can't tell what the challenge is.
“Why did you lie for me?” I say.
“I didn't lie,” you say.
“But you did.”
“No.” You shake your head. “You didn't go for a walk last night. You were right here. That's what I'm going to say every time someone asks, because that is what happened.” You take a step closer to me, so you're in my space. “Okay?”
Your eyes are burning. You’ve never looked at me this way. You are angry but you're also scared. Why are you scared? Is it me you're scared of, or do you just think the police will want to blame one of us?
“Just answer me something,” I say, holding up a hand. “Where do you think I went last night?”
You press your lips together. Then, you look away.
“You didn't go anywhere,” you say. “You were right here.”
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Not the gospel not the blanket statement but I don't like the way the Loki series, at least thus far, has treated either of Loki's queer identities. because guess what!! I happen to also be bisexual and genderfluid.
(also, this post has been in my drafts for enough days that I do not remember if I wrote before or after season 2 started, but I do know that 1: I wrote it before I watched that episode, and 2: I wouldn't made a damn lick of difference anyway.)
Okay so right off the bat, the bisexuality within the show is actually pretty decent. It's not a big deal, Loki isn't throwing himself at every character onscreen, that's pretty respectful. But I feel that (and this is simply my weary, jaded-at-the-MCU opinion) the writers decided to finally commit to him being canonically bisexual because it can be made more palatable for homophobic straight audiences. If you decide to say, okay, Character X is gay, they will then be shown in same-sex relationships or in a conspicuous absence of any relationship at all despite chemistry and history with same-sex characters, one of which pisses of the straights and one of which pisses of people like me. Now, I don't think Marvel minds hurting us, but it's still not a good look to say here's a canonically gay character but wait! we're not actually going to show a gay relationship onscreen. It feels like going for the cheapest of sucking-up options and ain't nobody buying. Therefore, the number of canonically gay characters in the MCU is low.
If you have a bisexual character, however, they can be in an opposite-sex relationship and the straights can pretend the character is also straight or going through a phase or some bullshit, and we can't say hey this feels like a cop-out because well we gave you what you wanted, the character is bisexual, and also because the biphobia card can be played against us immediately.
To avoid that, I'm saying right here and now I love opposite-sex bisexual relationships as a rule, whether it's bi4bi or one of the characters in the couple is straight. I'm bisexual and while the gender situation is complicated (we'll get to that in a minute) I'm AFAB and my only relationship ever has been with a cishet man, and I would throw hands with anybody who suggested that I'm not a real bisexual just because I haven't made that kind of a connection with a woman yet. (Trust me, I would love to date a woman.) Now, a wee bit of a caveat, the complicated gender also complicates that, because I am not female, so technically my relationship with that one man was not a straight relationship, but I also hadn't realized it at the time so it's difficult to parse what it was, and frankly I don't care.
The point is, it's the context, not the relationship, that really bothers me. The context is the MCU, which has proven itself pretty damn against having queer characters or queer relationships, particularly visibly same-sex ones, for the sake of the box office. Taking that into consideration Loki and Sylvie's relationship feels like a way to cop out of having to show a same-sex relationship with a queer character while also making queer people look bad if we say that it feels like a feeble attempt to score progressive brownie points. It also gives the straights in the room a reason to point and us and say why can't you be grateful, you've been thrown a bone, what more could you possibly want, you're so demanding. The MCU does the bare minimum, doesn't have to show a same-sex relationship, and we look like the badguys if we say what I'm saying right now.
But you know what I don't want? I don't want my identity weaponized against me, against other bisexual people who feel like we're being used as a not-really-queer statement for a character because not queer enough is something that I think is directed against bi people way too often. I don't want the MCU to use that logic in having a bi4bi couple, which I personally think is probably what at least part of their motivation was. I don't want to be accused of biphobia simply because I don't think an identity that I share with the character, and therefore have some experience with, is being used properly. Bisexuality is not a tool to say queer-not-queer about fictional characters, because using it that way I would go so far as to say can actually be detrimental to bisexual people in real life.
The gender fluid claim I hate with every ounce of my own gender. It's canon because what, it's showed on a file in the end-credits sequence? Lazy. Bullshit. I don't want it. Sylvie is treated like some kind of exception for being a woman and ostensibly a Loki; if Loki was actually genderfluid nobody would give a rat's ass. Our Loki could qualify as a woman and a Loki every now and then. Sylvie wouldn't be anything special...oh, wait. That would defeat the purpose of having her on the nice little pedestal the writers built for her. So they shoved in some quarter-assed claim (I say quarter-assed because it wasn't even enough effort to be half-assed) that's blink and you miss it, in fact don't specifically look for it and you miss it, to gender fluidity because...I don't even know. Because they want to bring MCU Loki closer to the comics version of Loki, who has been slaying gender fluidity for a darn while? Well, if that's why, they failed. Because they were looking for some more of those no-effort brownie points? If that's why, they've once again failed, because I am giving them none. There are no feathers for the MCU to preen here. Our Loki is a man and Sylvie is a woman, that's all there is to it, and putting that Loki is genderfluid in that stupid end-credits sequence doesn't change that. What would change that it actually depicting both of them as alternately male, female, nonbinary, etc., because that once again avoids the exceptionalism complex for one of them that would make gender fluidity look like a deviation for Loki when really it should be the norm. They tried to claim my gender identity for Loki and I'm not even sorry, I'm not having it. They failed. Of course it's not to say I'm the Almighty Keeper of the Gender Fluid. I'm not. But am I allowed to take full offense when someone majorly screws up at what they're barely even attempting to depict and it's my identity? YES. I am.
So the thing is, I'm probably overreacting a little bit. And as a member of a mistreated and marginalized part of society, and as a member of a fandom for something that feels sort of actively hostile towards people like me pretty often, I think I have the right to be. And as a person who actually lives with the identities that Loki is trying to claim, I also think I have the right to hold my opinion about it.
Now I'm not saying all genderfluid people or all bisexual people who watch the show will have the same reaction I did. That would be ridiculous. In fact, if not for the context of the MCU existing around it, I would be ecstatic about Loki being bisexual myself. But I am saying that these are the reactions I did have to it, and if you disagree, that's fine, but please do it as civilly as I am doing with people with whom I disagree. Queer representation is a complicated, messy thing, as is queerness itself a lot of the time, and different people will see different things in it.
Slay on.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
you have some of the best fics i’ve ever seen on this app, AND you always have correct takes. i love that people get pissed off over your takes bc it just proves that they’re in the wrong🫶
oh thank you so much!!
I have a feeling that you're talking about this post I made about Dick Grayson being 'over' sexualized
and to a point I do understand other people having different opinions than me - I think if everyone had 100% monolithic opinions, the world would be a boring, horrible place. and I don't necessarily think that anybody who disagrees with me is wrong
but I just hate it when people are hypocrites
like for one - the post I saw that caused me to make my post in the first place was someone who made this long ass post "examples of Dick being over-sexualized in the comics :(" and half the examples they used were people simply commenting on Dick's looks (which is NOT sexual in nature, just talking about the way he looks) or talking about him being charming/talking about him having a lot of girlfriends or being flirtatious.
and if this had been about a female character, all the comments about her looks would have been sexual in some way, and the comments about her past boyfriends would have been derogatory/calling her a slut in some way - when often, Dick is complimented for his sexual prowess and his ability to get a lot of women, and he will never experience the kind of sexism a female character would cause that's not how it fucking works
first of all - I fucking HATE the term 'over-sexualizing' because it implies that there is a line where sexualizing someone or something becomes too much**. and the second that you draw that line, you are moralizing sexual desire which is a fucking cop Christian Catholic thing to do. I do not care if sexualizing an object, idea, or character makes you 'uncomfortable' - there is no amount where it is morally wrong, and implying that there is a line where something is 'overly' sexual is rhetoric taken directly from Christianity. please kill the cop in your head that makes you think like this
**also - who gets to draw the boundary over what is considering 'too much' sexualizing? especially when it comes to a fictional character. fictional characters DO NOT HAVE a fucking consciousness. they cannot consent, they do not need to consent, so there is no one singular moral authority stating what is 'too much' sexualization upon them. fictional characters cannot have their feelings hurt by sexual trauma, so you cannot 'over' sexualize them
whenever I talk about sexualization in my posts (especially talking about fictional characters), I never state it as something evil or wrong. it's something fun
but anyway - saying that Dick Grayson is over-sexualized by the source material (especially when using examples such as him being called 'charming') is just fucking laughable to me. especially when there are dozens of female comic book characters wearing literal strings as their costumes and everything that has happened to Dick has never even come close to being the same
in my opinion, true equality would be for way, way more male comic book characters to be sexualized by the source material as much as the female characters are. and I stress 'by the source material' because I know so many people are gonna go "well, male characters are sexualized!!! have you seen how much smut is written about Jason Todd?" - male heroes being objects of desire for female fans is way different than every single female hero being drawn with giant boobs and being a one dimensional piece of eye candy in the actual comic.
people see Dick Grayson getting a fraction of the treatment that female characters get by being drawn in gratuitous ass shots and being talked about as being 'good in bed' before anything else, using his looks as a distraction, etc. - and they act like it's a fucking crime
this could lead me down a whole rabbit hole of ranting about how people only care about things when they happen to male characters and people literally only want to baby men (like the way every single fan talks about Spencer vs JJ or the fact that Hotch somehow became a victim of his divorce) - but I will be done with this for now.
my main point: sexualizing fictional characters is never morally wrong, even if it makes you uncomfortable. hell, neckbeard reddit bros drawing porn of my little ponys might be creepy, but it's not wrong. because those fictional characters don't need to give consent (because they are fucking fictional), and ultimately - you don't have to look at the weird porn that they draw.
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anghraine · 3 months
Other tangentially related gaming thing: my bff J agreed to yet another run of Mass Effect to help me decompress/distract myself/maintain the even keel that's kind of required by the whole situation, but also difficult as an intensely anxious (if usually composed!) person.
For context: our first Shepard, who romanced Liara, was about as squeaky-clean Paragon as possible to be while still murdering the fuck out of Kai Leng. I had a blast with that one!
Then, we constructed a whole tragic arc for our second Shep, a somewhat older woman with maximal emotional scars (survivor of Mindoir + butcher of Torfan) and a lot more capacity for ruthlessness (we did every Renegade choice we could square with our consciences—no space racism but lots of space murder).
We decided she'd start to find love again with Kaidan, only for him, like everyone else in her life, to die (at Virmire in this case). Then she would experience a more mature and profound love with Thane that would be very gentle and fully reciprocated, yet bittersweet given that they both know he's dying soon. We had the idea that this initially harsh, ruthless Shepard coming to love Thane and diverge from her previous path of bloody vengeance would be really endearing, especially when the dying Thane wants the prayer read for her rather than himself, and then the rapport between Shep and Kolyat would also have this extra pathos, and killing Kai Leng would be even more satisfying.
(It totally was: our Shep was a Vanguard so there was a lot of punching involved, and then J indignantly went "this is for Thane, you fucker" as we stabbed KL.)
Anyway, the storyline did mostly work out, apart from any degree of nuance being rewarded by the game locking us out of cool dialogue options at particularly critical moments. Still, she was super enjoyable and I liked how we got her arc to weave into Thane's despite a bit of underwriting at times, and the idea of Shepard as this ultimately tragic figure who just keeps on living as her loved ones die over and over and over (we chose Destroy to underscore that fate!).
This time, we thought it'd be fun to go for a Shepard who isn't quiiiiiite as squeaky-clean as the first one, but more of a Paragon type than our tragic Shepard. Basically noble, but with more of an edge. She's a survivor of both Mindoir and Akuze, so she's seen some shit, but she's still quite young (we wanted her to be fresh-faced, pretty, yet also visibly scarred and managed all three :D). We particularly wanted a more youthful, impetuous Shepard who is less straitlaced and less world-weary than the previous ones for the Garrus romance, which after all these years, J has never done! And he's played both male and female Shepards to see how most of the romances play out, but not Garrus's specifically.
We thought it'd be especially fun for this Shepard to be a full Adept and for her to be basically a good influence on Garrus's unfortunate cowboy cop ways (we just shout out "RED TAPE!!!!" as a household joke at this point). But we didn't want her to be an elder mentor figure to him or an incredibly noble icon he'd revere so much as for them to be Reaper-fighting bros who help each other grow as people -> FWBs -> whatever happens in ME3.
So we've started our new run with our very attractive scarred Shepard (J: "I think it works for her, she's probably into scars"; me: "I bet Garrus is"; J: "Oh, for sure!") and it's a really nice distraction. Though now I'm thinking about the ME/P&P AU that's been percolating through my brain for upwards of seven months >_>
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spacealligator · 5 months
Master post for my fics
hellou dear (possible?) readers,
my main fandom is the Metric System. Don't expect to find "inches, feet, miles" etc in my writing, it might not sound as kool, but fuck Imperialism.
Also, beware of lots of useless adjectives/adverbs and extremely detailed smut (don't ask me why, I don't know why, I'm trying to unpack that in therapy)
alright, here are the links to the Good Stuff™:
ObiKaka ❤️
My heart will fit a whole forest of you: link, ongoing, updates weekly -> After Obito comes back from the dead to save Rin, Kakashi tries to understand why he has flowers growing in his hair
Overtime Hours: link, completed, 18+, with a sequel -> Obito is a new employee in the game developing company Konoha and he's already crushing hard on Kakashi, what a shame that he's an alpha too
How to Pick a Good Roommate: link, completed, 18+ -> Obito catches Kakashi fucking one day and he starts fumbling around with his new found sexuality and romantic feelings
Help Me Mr. Handsome Cop!: link, completed, 18+, with other stories as a continuation of the series -> detective Kakashi aks for help from Minato's underworld contact, Obito, but he's very hot and Kakashi is flustered
Other Naruto Stuff
Morning dew on the grass after last night's storm: link, one shot, -> Whie in mission Yahiko, Konan and Nagato decide to adopt Karin thinking she's just another orphan
Jujutsu Kaisen
Where Loyalty Dies: link, one shot, completed, M rated but not for sexual content, Ieiri Shoko centric -> Shoko works as an underground doctor for the Gojo mafia, and when Suguru appears bleeding on her doorstep, she should turn him in for Satoru, but she helps him instead
Being a multishiper is hard work: here are other ideas plaguing my existence and that I'm writing and will post eventually (not all encompassing list)
ObiKaka Cowboy Bebop AU: save a horse, ride a cowboy
Dark Hinata AU: the goody two shoes girl finally snaps (mood)
one day I hope to write stories centered on the usually forgotten female characters of Naruto, like Mei, Anko, Kurenai, Rin, Shizune etc etc etc very long list
give me other ideas, why not? it's not like my sleep schedule is healthy anyway
find my other profiles:
Ao3 -> Space__Alligator
FF.net -> Space Alligator (with some crossposts from Ao3)
discord -> space_alligator
reddit -> u/SpaceAligator (wow, it's 2024 and you use reddit too and wants to talk to me over there? cringe)
MAL -> SpaceAlligator (do people even use this thing anymore? i just log in to add animes to my list? whatever)
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disappearinginq · 8 months
I started watching a new CW show on a whim, and I am pleasantly surprised - Wild Cards. It has a lot of fun tropes used well between the two main characters Max and Ellis and it takes place in Canada - I would say which city, except I don't know skylines that well, but it has a water front, and I'm just going to say Vancouver or Toronto because those cities seem like the US's versions of NYC and LA - any and all shows take place in or around them.
Anyway. Ellis is the Grumpy and Tall and Max is the Happy and Smol of the duo - Ellis is a disgraced police officer who got bumped from detective to marine patrol, and Max is a con artist and thief. It's very much reminding me of White Collar, and they wind up having to work together because she helps him out solving a high profile crime. Because of their success, brass makes them an offer - if they can work together, they'll reinstate Ellis as a detective, and Max stays out of prison.
Admittedly, we are 1 episode in, but I CARE NOT. Things that I love in no particular order:
Max is not a male written character with a female cast in the role. She is fun and bubbly and charming and sweet and relies heavily on the fact that all of these things help distract marks, and lets her get out of a lot of trouble. Because she's so friendly and nice, she gets people almost immediately at ease - even people she's been known to scam like her. The people who arrest her like her. The cops in the bullpen like her. Even Ellis, who doesn't seem to like anyone at all, begrudgingly respects her.
Ellis is grumpy, and for a good reason. Actually, a couple good reasons. But instead of him being the only honest cop in a group of corrupt ones, he's the one suspected to be a dirty cop from an undercover gig, which went badly, and why he got busted down to marine patrol.
Zero Daddy issues for Max. Again, I admit, it's been one episode, BUT she visits him twice in prison (he's also criminally inclined) and he is more than happy to help her out, and that includes finding out Ellis's background to make sure she's not in more trouble than she thinks she is. Prison sentence aside, it seems like a solid Father/Daughter relationship (though it does make me think of the skit "I would be proud of my daughter no matter what. She could be a serial killer - "nine victims in total" - "excuse me? Nine that you know of").
Even though Ellis is cranky, he covers for Max even though it gets him in trouble instead of her in front of his superiors and his co-workers. He also just rolls with whatever bizarre scenario she's come up with for their cover - "I'm a Russian princess, and you're my pretty but clueless boy toy/goat yoga instructor" and the most he'll do is make a face, and then commit to the part.
Even though I am 100% positive this is going to be a romance between Ellis and Max, they're starting off with Mutual Respect for one another as people rather than just finding each other hot. I think Max looks at Ellis like "this is my poor little meow meow doom cloud " and Ellis is like "this is my emotional support extrovert." [two of my other favorite tropes]
They use a lot of tropes well - Ray of Sunshine and Grumpy Cat partners, Criminal and Cop as Partners, Criminal with Heart of Gold, Hidden Emotional Injury, Opposites Attract, etc.
Anyway - police procedural mixed with White Collar vibes. So far, recommend.
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