#anyway get found family'd.
i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
Chosen has never had a parental figure before and has no idea how to handle it. They're probably so confused when Mango offers to take them on a fishing trip or something.
oh boy this ask took me on a trip. anyway here's some of the hardest hurt/comfort I've written or drawn ever i think.
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(i worked really hard on this one so reblogging this would be very kind of y'all 👍)
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qoldenskies · 10 days
I am kinda new to the rise fandom I was wondering why isn’t Raph as popular or well liked? Is it because he’s too different from the angsty emo bad boy we usually we get?
i definitely dont see any dislike for him, and as someone who's also pretty new to the rottmnt fandom, there's a very shocking amount of balance in appreciation for all four of them, even though there's undeniably a universal favorite lmao. i could come up with all sorts of reasons for the way i feel raph and mikey get sidelined in a lot of fan content, but honestly i think the truth of it is that people just like angst and their flavors of problems aren't as interesting to them as donnie's and ESPECIALLY not leo's. which is fine, im not going to police what people get up to, even though i can be personally peeved about things like struggling to find content im looking for. im creating here too i can rectify that for myself!!! and i am also very rabid on the donnie stanning and am also a secret leo kinnie (shh) so i cant say too much myself
like idk ive been into whump since before i even knew what the word meant, and im an adult now, and fandom has always slotted certain characters into the role of "caretaker" when writing it, and raph is a very easy character to put there in particular. and i get it because i end up doing it a lot myself, i just love giving him angst ABOUT it every single time because that is the thing that's actively fucking him up all day 24/7 anyway. its fun
but semi-unrelated i will complain a LITTLE about how much april gets parentified in the fandom and how i dont really consider her their sister (even though ive dipped my toes into it a bit because its popular fandom consensus) she's the bestie guys...... they call her the Bestie........ i prefer her to be considered family in a more ambiguous sense, i think its more fulfilling. im pretty sure if we got more time with cassandra she also would've been getting HEAVILY found family'd (it was kind of implied in the movie) but i ain't seen nobody implying she's their sister!!! (not shitting on people who interpret her that way btw!!! i just dont really like how she gets parentified and turned into a infallible cool older sister when she's a bit of a wreck herself and like... the fact that she's a black girl getting this treatment is not lost on me)
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peefartress2 · 10 months
Saffron For CPC Vice President 2022 (fic)
WARNING: dialogue. a lot. and old writing! i didn't revise it but i actually kinda liked this one shot i did years ago... crazy i know.... prompt was frederick joining the cpc i believe? he gets mercilessly found family'd indeed. again this is older so if stuff doesnt match up with canon that is probably why lol
"Oh. Wow, uh, ok. You guys really weren't kidding when you said I could really join the club..." Frederick laughed nervously. He stood awkwardly in the center of CPC members eager to greet him, their way of making up for previous hostility. How did he get there again..?
It felt similar to the first time Frederick met the CPC, except without the false pretenses of course. Gwen offered to bring him to the club for the first time after the whole thing with Whitney- things slowly started to settle into a routine before it was time for the gala, Prez being glad to have some form of order restored. The members of the CPC eventually warmed up to him, and it was almost scary how fast they could go from frightening society-shunning royals to caring in their own way.
Earlier that day, some less-than frequent-members not caught up with the recent events had a briefing on club news, presented by Princess Syrah. Members gathered around the white-blanketed tables, little pastries and teas decorating the surface, courtesy of Curtis.
"So here's the tea-"
"...Can we not call weekly updates 'the tea'?" Saffron looked at Syrah exasperatedly.
"No. Anyways..." 
It was that noon when Curtis was able to sneak Frederick and Gwen into the mansion to meet Prez for the HQ tour, avoiding the members before they reintroduced Frederick to everyone.
"Thanks, Curtis!" Prez smiled and waved at the butler, who curtly bowed and exited. "So, hey you two! Ready for your tour?"
"Yup!" exclaimed Gwen. "I don't think I've actually gotten to seen the entirety of this place before, actually, so I'm happy to tag along!"
"Ah- me too, I've really been wondering about the origins of the whole haunted forest thing- were you settlers? Did your ancestors live in this mansion? Why does only half of the mansion look old and the other half new?" Frederick started to ramble.
The club president chuckled at his bright-eyed enthusiasm. "All will be answered in due time, kid." She gave a knowing look to Gwen, as if to say "He asked these questions faster than you as a newcomer."
Thus, the tour ended one the three of them left the mansion through the front doors of the mansion- that's when the shenanigans began to ensue as a small crowd of royals rushed towards them.
"Wow! A Plaid Prince, in person!!"
"What's your curse?"
"Are your brothers here?"
"Uhhh..." Frederick cowered behind Gwen, who waved her hands in a failed attempt to calm everyone down.
"Everyone! Back off!" Saffron stepped in. "Can we ever have a more chill introduction for this guy?"
"Can't blame them." quipped Prez. "Frederick, you're sort of a legend around here."
"Huh? ...For what?" asked Frederick.
"LADIES!" A loud call suddenly pierced through the air, silencing the rapid members. A glint shone off of a pair of bright red lobster claws. "Let's not be hasty, hm?"
"Oh, so you listen to Thermidora, but not me?" sighed Saffron.
The imposing lobster woman approached Frederick, walking through the crowd of Princesses like the parting of the Red Sea. She squinted at the boy, and beckoned at him to come forward from behind Gwen. "There is only but one way to tell if he is a princess like one of us."
"What?" Frederick tilted his head in further confusion. "If that's what this is about, then technically no--?"
"Do you have magic hair?" asked a princess with curtains of shiny hair.
"That cowlicked broom head of his has to count for something." snickered Abbi.
"Magic hands?" Thermidora waved from next to an unimpressed Saffron who's cursed hand shot up.
"He pushed me off a cliff." added Monika nonchalantly. "It counts." 
"Do animals talk to you?" Renee wrote on her notebook, as Prez held out her hand for a spier to perch on and whisper something to her. A couple of swans honked and flew around the velvet princess.
"Uh, we have a pet llama-? So I guess?"
"Were you poisoned?" perked up Syrah. "We did try to slip something in your drink, but it was only that one time."
"Wait wha-"
"What about kidnapped or enslaved?" asked Nell from her dark corner.
"Aah! When did you get here??" Frederick shrieked as he turned around.
"Oh! Now here's the hundred-dollar question." interrupted Syrah. "Do people assume all your problems can easily be solved by some magic potion or by just 'doing it'?"
"...Hm. Wait...like..." Visible thought clouded Frederick's face. "...I guess yeah, actually."
"HE IS A PRINCESS!" they all cheered joyously.
"I GIVE UP! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!" exploded Saffron. "Frederick, as a fellow prince and strict follower of the bro code, I feel it absolutely necessary that we go to the pond to arrange some flowers for both our sanities."
Frederick, still at a loss for words, numbly nodded in agreement, and waved goodbye to Gwen as he aimlessly followed Saffron, who watched him fade away into the distance. Gwen smiled a little, softly laughing at what just happened "I barely got to talk to him earlier, but I'm glad he's making friends here." she said.
Prez stood with a hand on her hip, and a proud grin for her fellow club members. "I get exactly what you mean. You've seen how happy Saffron is to not only have one other prince in the club, but two now."
Saffron picked out some bittersweet vines and bluebell flowers, listening intently to Frederick as he worked with the plants. Frederick sat on a nearby bench, simply just admiring some roses and just making small adjustments here and there to a humble floral arrangement.
"I think I get it- so you struggle with people and textbook learning and sports, which are exactly the things your father wants for you?"
"Yeah.. I'm pretty used to it at this point. Honestly, I think it's just everyone else who needs to give up on me. What's the point of pushing it, y'know?"
Frederick had no idea how he came to be voicing his thoughts like this. Usually he just kept it within himself- like with Whitney's meditation, it really helped him internally and Whitney was really respectful about what information he didn't want to tell. And with his brothers, with family, with Gwen... maybe he was getting better at expressing what he felt nowadays. It was just that no one really cared about his real opinion back then, and if he did express his opinion, it would often get him into trouble (see: anything he'd say to his father, Jamie's Wake, again, speaking up to his father, etc.) It was probably something about Saffron's open nature. He really didn't hold back in anything he said.
"Hmm..." Saffron glanced at the little prince with slight concern. "Ok, let me tell you this: I'm sort of the middle child in my family, and I've got a lot of brothers, too. A lot of the stuff I learned was passed on from them- like plants.
"Plants are way better than people, by the way. But part of the reason why I love gardening so much is because of the memories I've made with it. Mostly just the awesome flowers and stuff, but yeah, I guess the memories too." he joked.
"No, you're right." grinned Frederick. "Personally, I think books are better than people, but I respect your opinion."
"Hey, but aren't books... written by people? And made from trees?"
"Well, yeah."
"...Do you know where you're going with thi-"
"No I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this." Saffron scratched his head.
"Understandable." nodded Frederick. "Uhh... sorry to dump all my weird jumbled up thoughts on you."
"Nah, it's cool. I do it all the time with everyone else, fair enough that I be on the listening end sometimes too."
"Yeah..it just feels so weird being here. I'm pretty sure everyone here is completely crazy, but... sort of in a comforting way." said Frederick with a faraway look in his eyes. He small smile formed on his face. "Don't think I've had this many friends in one place."
"Oh, definitely." chuckled Saffron, patting down fertilized soil in one of the potted plants nearby. "So at home, I'm surrounded by my brothers. But here, I'm surrounded by a bunch of princesses who don't even know my brothers. Just feel sort of out of place sometimes- that or I don't feel like an individual around my brothers- but after being here for a while, I learned we're all misfits in a way. Prez thought she killed a man, Nell was enslaved for years, Thermidora was forced to live in an unfamiliar country where she knows no one, Abbi's body was completely transformed into one of an old and aging woman, and my hand moves in funny ways sometimes... basically all the same, you know?"
Frederick went from furrowing his eyebrows, to a thin smile, to puffing his cheeks in thought, then blowing them out. "Actually? Yeah. That's valid."
"Don't worry, I kid. " he raised his hands up defensively before tending to the garden again. "I wonder if this is how Prez feels, getting to just talk with everyone. Because in that case, I'm absolutely killing it. Still waiting for the day I overthrow Prez, just saying."
Frederick looked up in intrigue. "You've been president?"
"Er- not exactly yet. And I do wanna, which sucks because Prez is too perfect for that role. Literally all of us know her by 'Prez'."
"Why don't you run for Vice President or something? That's a thing, right?"
"Run for Vice President- WAIT."
"Yeah. You could have your leader assemble a Presidential Cabinet if they don't have one already." he stated matter-of-factly.
"You say that like it's the most obvious thing in the world."
"Because it is??"
"Frederick!!! This is groundbreaking!! The solution I've been waiting for!!!" I gotta talk to Prez!" Saffron grinned widely, jumping up and running around to put all the gardening tools away. "Thank you so much!"
"Uh.. yeah, no.. problem?"
"Yo, take this." Saffron quickly shoved a potted plant into Frederick's hands before running off. "As a gift. Good talk, dude!"
Well... that was something, he thought. "Wonder what's gonna happen now."
It was until he looked down at the potted plant.
His vision started to blur around him, only to focus on the small yellow flower in front of him.
The tiniest...
Oh...oh no... GET IT TOGETHER, BRAIN!! DON'T DROP THE PLANT, DON'T DROP THE PLANT!!! SAFFRON GAVE THIS TO YOU!! Place it down. Calm down. Put down the plant. Down. DOWN. Down...
His heavy breathing increased, even as he kneeled to the floor, hastily placing down the plot. His heart raced. He hated whenever this would happen, when he'd see a sunflower and be reminded of those times again. It's been a while since it happened, too. I thought I'd be ok by now...
He shook his head, finally but slowly turning around to see the harmless plant again.
This time, the sunflower was a gift.
Frederick took a deep breath. He lifted the pot to examine the delicately tough petals of the dwarf sunflower, really getting a good look at it this time.
"Even through all this sun, you still grow, huh?" Frederick murmured to the small sunflower. "...Am I really talking to a plant?...You know what? I think embracing the weirdness here is my best option anyway."
The sunflower really was too pretty to be tied with memories of old school bullies. Maybe it was time to give it some new ones.
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beyond-dreams · 1 year
🌍 + granblue fantasy!
I LOVE U GRANBONE FLAN... anyway a fun fact about mullin is that they're a lightweight when drunk - when they worked with Azazel, he would help carry them home on his back (Azazel is a very begrudging older brother. get found family'd, idiot)
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
Overly Sarcastic Productions really do come in clutch, with these banger one liners.
Oh, your content is also nice because for the large part of the spoilers have been mostly negative towards sun Wukong in a way that idk makes me kind of :/ bc it robs the situation of nuance and makes sun Wukong the bad guy and you don’t do that so yeah thank you!
i mean. yeah Wukong definitely deserves some criticism for doing the Stupid Reckless Hero Thing and trying to get information on his own without letting MK in on  the situation but also.
*(slaps Wukong)* this monkey can fit so much “has no goddamn idea what he’s doing because he’s never BEEN the mentor before. he’s always been the student. he also has no idea how to interact with people because it’s been at LEAST 500 years since he actually talked with humans. he has no idea how to handle emotions and is also really bad at talking about Things because he’s always internalized it, because when you’re being chased down by literally every demon and or god, you don’t exactly get much time to talk things out. he’s lonely, but he has no idea how to reach out to people, and thus stays within his little anti-social bubble. he isn’t a really good mentor right now, but thats just because he never learned how to be.”
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allknowingofnir · 2 years
For the meta things: maybe Sir Gideon and all the research he does to be and stay all-knowing. Feels like there may be plenty to tell.
It's an interesting subject. Every time we see him outside of Capital of Ash he's got his face buried in a scroll or whatever it is he's reading, so always studying or reading up on something. However the way I play him is he's always got some network of people on the outside doing the actual legwork on reconnaissance.
That's mostly from the surcoat you find in Rykard's arena where some poor bastard got Family'd in trying to get intel on Volcano Manor, at least it seems that way to me. One theory on that particular note could be, since they made it to Rykard, it might've actually been someone trying to meet with him to discuss matters. Kind of the basis I have for Gideon meeting with Mohg in that one thread.
How much he actually knows vs. how much he has to find out is up for debate, but to blunt I do a lot of research on the lore myself to make his ramblings at least somewhat accurate. It's one of the shorter threads I did with @astoran-exemplar was when Aven asked about the Candletrees, but one of the few times I really had to put more theory into it. There's not a whole lot in game about what's going on with those things, but from the ones I've found it's always a ghost or spirit leading you to one of the mining areas so it struck me as an ill omen type of thing. The only thing that really talks about it directly is a single shield item, beyond that? Context.
Anyways more directly to the point; there's definitely room to explore his information network. It's something I've had in mind but not really planned on exploring, but I should.
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