#anyway he's soooooo handsome and a sweetheart
first date 5 billion this weekend
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cevans16 · 3 years
I Don’t Hate You, I Like You
Summary: Sebastian seems to get along with everyone except you. Why is that?
You had the role as Tony’s best friend in the Avengers. You had been part of the MCU since the beginning of the franchise. You always got along with the cast, you were real-life best friends with Chris Evans however there was one exception, Sebastian. No matter what you asked him, he always seemed to only give you one word answers, you weren’t sure as to why since you had always been friendly to him. 
You guys were reuniting for the next installment of the Avengers. You had arrived earlier from your vacation in Australia with Chris Hemsworth and his family whom had invited you to their place in Byron Bay. You were looking for your best friend Chris Evans but had yet to find him however you did spot Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. They were both alone conversing with each other, you decided to walk up to say hi, you noticed Sebastian was very talkative with Anthony until he saw you coming up to them. You honestly had enough with him always being quiet when you were around, you didn’t want it to be like this again when filming for the next months so you decided to confront him about it. 
“Hey Mackie!” you said pulling him in for a hug, “Hey how’s it going?!” he replied excitedly. 
“Good! I just came back from Australia, hey Sebastian” you said smiling up at him. He whispered a shy “Hi” to you while looking down and away from your eyes. 
“Soooooo I didn’t know THIS man actually talked” you said to Mackie referring to Sebastian. “What do you mean? He talks all the time!” Mackie said. 
“No I have to pull the words out of him when I try to talk to him” you chuckled, you saw Sebastian’s cheeks turn pink but you decided not to comment on it. 
“Well its because he’s my friend” Sebastian replied a little harsher than he intended to. You felt yourself gasp at his response, you didn’t understand why he had always been quiet with you but you didn’t know that he disliked you too. Mackie didn’t say anything, he himself was surprised at Sebastian’s remark to you. 
“I see, so it’s personal. No worries Sebastian, I guess not everyone can get along right” you said cutting him off when he tried to say something else. “Anyways have you guys seen Evans?” you said looking around for any sign of the Bostonian. Luckily he was coming up to you guys just in time to save you from the awkwardness. 
“Heyyyyyy, I’m glad you’re back, you wouldn’t believe the shit that happened to me while you were gone. What’s up guys” he said to you and the boys. 
“Tell me about it over snacks” you said instantly pulling him away with you to head towards the snack bar they had set up. 
“Fucking shit, what the fuck did I ever do to him” you said annoyed to Chris
“What are you talking about?” he asked you confused
“Sebastian, I thought he was shy but no. I basically asked him why he’s quiet with me and he said well Mackie is my friend in like a douche-y tone. I didn’t do shit to him” you rambled on to Chris while you stuffed your face with a chocolate bar. You noticed his lips curve up in a devilish grin. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked him
“You like him don’t you?” he asked. You didn’t like Sebastian, you couldn’t, especially with the way he was towards you. You did think he was a handsome guy and you always felt butterflies whenever you saw him. But no one could know that, not even your best friend. 
“Pfttt no he’s not....no” you said stumbling with your words. 
“Yeah that was convincing” he snorted. 
“Shut up Evans, you’re supposed to be on my side” you said defensively. 
“I am but as a best friend I can also tell you have a thing for him, maybe you should tell him” he said. 
“Oh fuck off, not after what he said to me five minutes ago....but I DON’T like him” you enunciated the last words. 
“You keep telling yourself that sweetheart” he smirked at you. You playfully smacked his shoulder. You turned to look where Sebastian was, he was in the same place you had left him and Mackie. He looked over at you, shyly smiling, you didn’t smile back but returned an eye roll. 
The Following Day
You were all cooped up in a van heading towards Jimmy Kimmel’s show. You were sited in between Evans and Hemsworth. The three of you together were chaos in the best way possible; very loud, slightly obnoxious, childish, but the cast wouldn’t have it any other way. The three of you were uncontrollably laughing about something dumb Evans had said, you were to the point of tears.
Sebastian was on the seat behind you next to Mackie. Mackie had noticed that Sebastian always stole glances your way but he never said anything until now. 
“You know maybe you should tell her how you feel” Mackie whispered to him
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Sebastian said in his best way to sound nonchalant.
“You know EXACTLY what I am talking about” Mackie said motioning his head to your direction, “plus you should apologize for yesterday, that was a little fucked up” he said. Sebastian nodded his head in agreement, “I will apologize but that is it” he replied. Sebastian did like you, he liked you a lot but was afraid to overstep any boundaries. He hated that he always froze whenever you would try to talk with him and definitely hated himself for how he responded to you yesterday. He felt like an asshole when he saw the look on your face, he didn’t blame you. 
“Alright! So you are all going to play musical beers!” Jimmy Kimmel said, next explaining the game. You weren’t much of a beer person but loved to compete so you agreed to participate. 
“Okay so the final team is.....Chris Hemsworth, Robert, and (Y/N)” Kimmel said. 
Robert, Hemsy and you walked to form your group together.
“We’re going to win” Hemsy said excitedly
“You bet your ass” Robert replied. You were going to say something when you heard Evans taunting you, he was paired up with Sebastian and Mackie. You were really hoping that Evans wouldn’t mention anything about you to Sebastian but you weren’t entirely convinced. 
You were going around the circle dancing around when the music stopped, somehow Sebastian mixed up the rules and began to drink from a red solo cup. “Not yet Sebastian!!!” Jimmy yelled at him causing Sebastian to spit out his drink back into the cup, the audience yelled in disgust and laughter. You were laughing about it feeling sorry for the person who would have to drink it.
Ten minutes later it was down to your team and Evans team for the tie breaker. You were moonwalking back and forth when the music abruptly stopped, you realized where you had stopped in front of....Sebastian’s cup. You tried to play it off by slowly moving onto the next part of the circle but Chris Evans being Chris Evans made sure you had to drink it. 
“No, nooo sweetie stay where you are” Chris said to you laughing
You turned around for Hemsworth or Downey for any defense, they looked at you with puppy dog eyes hoping you would do it so you could win.
“Just take one for the team” Downey said
“Right since you’re not the one that’s ABOUT TO DRINK SEBASTIAN’S SPIT!” you said 
“We are ABOUT TO WIN (Y/N)” Downey yelled back
“FINE, YOU OWE ME” you yelled. The chaos with the situation was causing the audience to erupt in laughter and sympathy for your own situation.
You took a deep breath, grabbing the cup off the table, you turned to look Sebastian dead in his eyes and said “Cheers to your spit” before chugging it down quickly. Sebastian stood there frozen, one he felt bad that out of all people it was you, two he didn’t know why he was turned on by how you took it like a champ.
“It wasn’t that bad” you said chuckling, “WE WIN SUCKERS” you said slamming the cup towards Evans who was rolling his eyes even though he knew you would do it to win. 
You, Robert and Hemsworth jumped up and down in excitement for winning, they brought the three of you mini trophies that said ‘Champions of Musical Beers’.
“Yes! And I would love to nominate myself as MVP. It took blood, sweat and spit to win it” you joked. 
Once you were done with the show, you all collectively walked towards the nearest bar. You were deep in conversation with Robert about space shuttles while Evans and Mackie were grilling poor Sebastian about his crush on you. 
“He doesn’t like her, he lovvesss her” Evans taunted, giving Mackie and opportunity to join in, “And the plus side, she’ll drink your spit”
“Can you guys stop” Sebastian said laughing while he ran his hands through his long hair, “I’m in deep shit aren’t I?”, “YEP” Mackie and Evans replied in unison. They came up with a plan to get you and Sebastian alone. 
You walked inside the bar ordering your food while the rest of the cast grabbed a high-top table on the corner of the place. You thought they were there until you only saw Evans drinking the last of his beer there. 
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked looking around, Evans turned to you shrugging. You sat next to him, taking a batch of fries into your mouth, you had done the wrong thing in drinking two cocktails first rather than eating. 
“This is a cool place huh” Chris said taking his food from you, “Yeah it’s neat” you replied. About five minutes later you were finishing up your fries, Evans taking the occasional one when you noticed Sebastian was heading to your table. You rolled your eyes at the sight of him, he caught that. 
“Someone isn’t happy to see me” he commented once he was in front of you and Evans. 
“Mhmmm we’re not friends remember” you replied snarkily
Sebastian sighed, “Look about that I am so so-”
“Save the bullshit, we don’t have to get along. Where’s everyone else?” you asked. 
He shrugged, “Fuck I know, bathroom, upstairs drinking, some left”
“Well I am going to get another drink want one?” you asked Evans directly, he nodded at you. 
“Can I sit with you guys?” Sebastian asked, you looked at Chris who nodded, you shrugged and walked away heading back to the bar. While you waited for your drinks you looked around to see any sign of the rest of your group, no one in sight, where had they gone you asked yourself.
You came back with three drinks, one for you, one for Chris and one for Sebastian, you were annoyed with him but felt bad in not asking if he would like a drink. 
You passed the beers to Chris and Sebastian who politely thanked you and was surprised that you knew what he normally ordered. 
“I’m leaving back to the hotel” Chris abruptly said
“What, you just said you were having a good time here” you replied
“Nahhh I’m getting sleepy, here Sebs you can have my drink” Chris said pushing the beer over to him. He was about to get up from his seat when you grabbed his arm. 
“Wait for me” you said to Chris, you didn’t want to be alone with Sebastian. You didn’t catch Sebastian’s eyes open in panic that their plan was about to fail. 
“(Y/N) you still have your drink and Sebastian doesn’t like those so don’t think about passing it over to him” Chris said. 
You looked over to Chris and then Sebastian, you picked up your cocktail chugging it quickly before hopping off your seat when you toppled over.
“Whoah, one too many” Chris chuckled catching you in time
“Exactly, I will not be here any longer” you said 
“(Y/N), can I talk to you?” Sebastian spoke up loud enough for you to hear. 
“WHy you already said sorry remember” you said annoyed to him
“(Y/N) come on” Chris said in defense
“Why, he clearly doesn’t want to be my friend, so I’m not kissing his ass” you said even more annoyed. Chris looked you dead in the eyes, an expression he didn’t give you often but it basically said to not be an asshole.
“Fine, two minutes” you said to Sebastian
“After you” he said getting up from his seat
“I’ll wait for you outside” Chris said to you
You walked ahead of Sebastian towards the restrooms where it was a bit quieter and more private. You stopped to face him, he leaned on the wall fidgeting with the zipper on his jacket, not saying a word. The alcohol in your system had kicked in because you were feeling extra blunt. 
“Okay, here’s the thing Sebastian. I get along with everyone, I love to hang out with you guys, we work so much and it never feels exhausting. I tried to be your friend the moment I met you, what I did to you I have no fucking clue, but we are not in elementary or high school for you to be a dick to me” you said.
You calling Sebastian a dick irked him, that wasn’t him, he didn’t want you to think that about him.
“I’m not a dick, you’re not entirely nice to me” he said
“That’s bullshit, I tried to talk to you the most polite way. What you want me to get on my fucking knees and suck your dick?!” you said feeling yourself get agitated with him. 
“Uhhhh yes” he blurted out, oh shit he thought. 
“Excuse ME?! Fuck this” you said walking away from him. 
“(Y/N)! Fuck I’m sorry that’s not what I meant, yes I do, noooo, okay shut up for a second Sebastian” he started rambling following you out the bar. You quickly walked towards Chris who had in fact waited for you. The look he saw on your face wasn’t good, he knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it for doing this to you.
“He wants me to suck his fucking dick” you exasperated to Chris. Chris laughed at the comment but was confused to how the conversation went there. 
“(Y/N) stop please” you heard Sebastian say, “What?!” you yelled at him this time. 
“I don’t hate you....I like you. I thought you were fucking gorgeous the moment I met you but I don’t know why you make me so fucking nervous that I freeze, I’m afraid I am going to say the wrong shit like I just did two fucking seconds ago back there. I like you more than a friend and being a dick is not an excuse, I didn’t mean for yesterday to sound mean. I am so sorry and I hope you forgive me” he said exhaling loud at the end.
“Annnnnddd?” Chris added in
“Fuck.... and I hope you would like to go out on a date with me...please” Sebastian said to you more quietly and shy this time. 
“Let me try this first” you said walking to Sebastian, you pulled his face down to yours to kiss him. His lips were soft, the taste of alcohol and the smell of his cologne intoxicated you more than you already were. He kissed you back passionately, cupping his hands around your face, you guys fought over dominating each others tongue until you won by tugging his hair. 
“Uhmmmmm guys” you heard Chris pull you out of your intimate moment. You pulled back to look at him and realized the rest of the cast was there. 
“Well I fucking walked in to an amazing show” Robert joked.
You laughed, feeling yourself blush, you weren’t one for PDA. You turned to look at Sebastian who was blushing just the same. 
“So is that a yes on a date?” he asked you
“Definitely a yes, although I won’t suck your dick” you teased him. He gasped at you saying that out loud in front of the cast.
“Well YET” Lizzie said unexpectedly 
“Lizzie?!?!!” you yelled over to her
“Whatttt? You already drank his spit, swapped it with each other” she said shrugging. 
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staywritten · 4 years
A Love That Last│Bang Chan III
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A Love That Lasts │ Chapter ⅠⅠⅠ
Synopsis: You’ve spent the last two years, helping your very handsome next door neighbor raise his adorable daughter. The two of you fell into a routine before you knew it. And now you had this little family. You couldn’t help but fall for him.
Genre: Parent!Au, Dad!Bang Chan, Fluff, Nonidol!Au, smut in a later chapter
Word Count: 2.7k
Part I │Part II │ 
A night out did you some good. It wasn’t that you ever felt deprived of nights out over the past few years, you just never craved for them. Your way of de-stressing from work was hanging out with Chan and Minseo at a park, watching a movie, going to a cafe with your coworkers, but you haven’t let go and just drank to your heart's content, not since college. 
And sure, maybe your broken heart had something to do with, but they didn’t need to know that. As far as they were concerned you were just letting loose. 
“Another order of shots please~” you waived down the waiter, signaling for a round for the table. 
Minho steadied your swaying body, lowering your glass. “Maybe you should slow down” 
“Awww come on, I never drink” you pouted, before tossing back another glass. 
“All the more reason to slow down. What happened anyway?” he frowned. “I thought you were going to talk to Lover boy today”
You laughed, a little too loudly covering just how hurt you still were. “Well lover boy has a date tomorrow night Soooooo” you swayed before reaching for his beer, no longer satisfied with your empty glass. “I guess he wasn’t that into me”
“A date isn’t the end of the world you know…”
“He has a date with a young model, and Chris is perfect… he’s handsome and so kind and…” you sniffled as your frown deepened. “Too good for me”
Minho groaned before poring you another shot, rubbing your back gently. “But-”
“Hey what are you two talking about so secretly?” Woojin grinned bringing more shots.
“Nothing important” you gave him a half smile as he clanked his glass against yours. “Cheers” he threw back his shot. “You never drink, we gotta make up for lost times”
Minho watched him warily, but chose not to intervene, deciding that maybe a drunken night could at least distract you. 
After a few more hours, most of your co-workers had already tapped out, and you’d been trying to sober up for the past 40 minutes knowing you were going to be leaving soon. “You ready to go, Champ?” Minho reached his hand out to help you up, an had to steady you immediately seeing you stumble. “I told you to take it easy”
“Imightbedrunk~” you slurred, nursing a cup of water to your lips “Mmm...Room keeps spinning” you leaned against the wall.
“Drink all of this” Minho tilted the cup back forcing you to finish the drink. “You’re a mess”
“I can take her home” Woojin walked over to the two of you. “She lives closer to the Itaewon exit right? I pass her to get to my place”
Seungmin sighed holding a passed out Hyunjin on his shoulder. “I gotta get him home, Minho you live near Jihyo right? Can you make sure she and Naeyeon get home safe?”
“I- But...Sure” Minho’s eyes narrowed before poking Woojin’s chest. “You get her home safe and don’t you touch a hair on her head. She’s drunk”
“Minho, I’m a doctor, what do you take me for?”
“I see how you look at her, and I know that you think of her more than a co-worker. And if you so much as touch her, I won’t hesitate to risk my license and personally kick your ass.”
Woojin sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll text you the second she’s inside safe”
“I’ll be checking your location, and making sure you drop her off and take your ass back home” 
“I got it Minho.”
“I’m serious Woojin, she’s already going through a lot...and there’s someone she has feelings for so don’t try and confuse her.”
Woojin walked away and helped you up, walking you to his car. “You know I used to think you were a heavy drinker, but now I’m starting to think you’re actually a light weight, and it just hits you too late.”
You groaned leaning your head against the window of car. “Mmm...you might be right” laughing you looked over at him. “Sorry... I’m not usually like this...” You did drink pretty regularly, but it never extended past a glass of wine or a bottle of beer a night. You usually shied away from hard liquor. You suppose you thought a miracle would happen, and suddenly Chan wouldn’t have a date to go on...but here you were just as heartbroken but now with a headache.
He continued driving down the road, occasionally looking over to you. “What’s got you drinking this much? And don’t say it’s because you were excited to spend time with your co-workers” he smirked. 
“Heh you’re right, no offense to them” You played with the seatbelt over your chest, trying to fight off how heavy your lids felt. “Hmmm...I got rejected, and it hurts.”
“A beautiful woman like you? It’s their loss.”
“You’re sweet but-”
“No but. You’re seriously amazing. He’ll be kicking himself for rejecting you”
“You barely know me” you sighed, leaning your head against the window, the crash from your drunken buzz upon you.
“I’m pretty observant. You’re so dedicated, you work hard and follow through with your promises.” Your patients adore you... I can’t imagine anyone rejecting you...honestly I’d-” he risked glancing over at you again and chuckled seeing that you’d fallen asleep. 
After a few more blocks, he pulled onto your street. Admittedly he did take the scenic route just to extend his time with you. “Wake up Sleeping beauty…” he gently shook your shoulder “You’re home…” He called your name a few more times, but none of them loud enough to actually wake you. He walked over to the passenger side, unbuckling your seatbelt and lifting you in his arms. Luckily Minho did him give your apartment number so he didn’t need your directions. 
Woojin walked up the steps of the apartment, only to be met with Chan looking at the stars outside his door. “Is she ok?” his eyes widened in worry. Woojin eyed him warily. “I live right here, I can take her inside, She’s my friend”
“She’s fine, just a little drunk” his eyes narrowed. “And no offense, but I don’t know you and I’m not handing my coworker to some stranger”
“I don’t know you either and you’re holding my very intoxicated friend and I'm pretty sure you don’t have a key.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “And I don’t know how she’d feel about letting a stranger into her house”
Woojin scoffed “A stranger? I’m a colleague, Dr. Kim, maybe she’s mentioned me”
“Never heard of you, and trust me I spend every day with her”
You groaned in Woojin’s arms, shifting in your sleep just slightly. It was so subtle but it was enough to silence their little bickering. “Hmmm?” 
“Shh, it’s ok you’re almost home” Woojin cooed softly, rocking you. His grip tightened around your frame, holding you securely to keep you from falling.
“Chris...I’m home...” you mumbled, smiling happily in your sleep. Your hand falling over Woojin’s chest, gripping his shirt as you snuggled into him. “Nnn...Chris…warm...”
Chan gazed at you, his heart fluttering hearing the softness of your voice, the warmth of his name on your lips. 
“Whose Chris…?” Woojin looked over at Chan. 
“I am…”
Woojin shook his head before walking toward him and gently handing you over to him. “I was warned I was fighting a losing battle” he chuckled. “Just take care of her…”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean” Before Woojin could even make it back to the car he was met with a fussy phone call by Minho yelling at him about taking too long to contact him. 
Chan cradled you against his chest before unlocking your door and walking you inside to your bedroom. He slipped off your shoes by the door before setting you on your plush duvet. He’d never seen you so done up before, bolder make up, tighter and sexier clothes. It was very new, but he couldn’t deny just how attractive it was. 
Over the past two years he’d seen many sides of you. The work you in light makeup and scrubs. Looking so beautiful as you saved lives. He’d seen the casual you on the weekends dressed lightly in jeans and sneakers when you’d spend time with him and his daughter in the park, running after her and making her laugh. His favorite form of you was domestic you, when you were cozy in pajamas, hair thrown up and out of your face. This was the you he’d come home to after a long day. The you that read stories to Minseo on bed, the you that’d remind him to turn on the stove. He loved that side of you the most.
But he was pretty sure this side of you was a close second.
“Since when do you drink this much?” He gently pushed your hair out of your face, smiling softly before running the make up remover pad over your eyes and cheeks, making sure to clean your face. “I wish I knew why you were crying earlier…” he whispered more so to himself than anything. “Could I be selfish and imagine that you just didn’t want me to go on this date…” you wrapped your hands around his in your sleep, turning on your side and cuddling into his arm. He returned your squeeze. “Tell me not to go...and I’d stay in a heartbeat…” he pressed his lips against your knuckles. 
You stirred in your sleep, whispering his name again. Your lips parting as you licked them softly. “Chris…” your eyes fluttered open, looking at him expectantly.
“Yes?” he smiled down at you, fondly. “Did you have fun tonight?” he chuckled seeing how drunk you’d gotten. 
“...Nnnn…’hadfun...” you tugged him down, pulling his face closer to yours. “Dream?”
He tried not to laugh, but you just looked so cute and pouty. “No, Sweetheart not a dream” he grinned. 
You pouted and nodded trying to understand the situation. Yawning you poked his cheek “‘leepy…” 
“You can sleep, I’ll see you in the morning” he smoothed down your hair, easing you back down. 
“Kiss…” you huffed holding his face, you leaned in closer to him, your eyes glazed over but pleading.
He wanted nothing more than to kiss you senseless right now. To hold your face between his hands, and to kiss you until he couldn’t breathe. But he couldn’t… Not yet, not when you were this drunk. “You’re drunk…”
“Please” your lower lip stuck out more as you leaned into him, but he steadied you. Pressing his forehead against yours he smiled. “Tell you what..”
“If you remember this...and you still want to kiss me just tell me”
“Promise” he chuckled when you stuck your pinky out to him. It was a habit he knew you’d picked up from Minseo and he couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips.
He wrapped his pinky around yours and pressed his thumb against yours to complete the promise. “Please remember…” he kissed your forehead laying you back into bed, tucking you under the blanket. “Goodnight Sweet girl…” He ran his thumb against the softness of your cheeks one more time before heading out for the night, not wanting to leave Minseo alone for too long. 
As morning came and you were greeted with a throbbing headache, and you were very thankful that you didn’t have a morning shift. Technically it was supposed to be a day off but you’d pop in for a few hours just to check on your patience and make sure they’re recovering nicely. 
You rolled onto your side and caught a glance of you in the mirror, your top, and tight jeans evident of why you were so uncomfortable last night. You were surprised to see your face bare and your pillows and sheets not messed up from the eyeliner and mascara you put on last night. 
“Minho? Woojin?” you furrowed your brows trying to remember how you got home. Part of you tried to convince yourself that Chan was the last voice you heard. His soothing voice whispering to you. But that had to be your stupid crush acting up again. Trying to force memories you wished existed. “Ugh… dammit Chris…” you flopped back on to the bed, touching your lips softly. “Why can’t I let you go…”
You had a nice and easy morning, recovering from your hangover. Lazing around the house for a few hours before getting ready for work. And doing everything to try and forget that Chan had a date tonight. 
Meanwhile next door Chan was agonizing, rubbing his temples. “Felix you didn’t see her… she looked so..” he groaned. “And she kept saying my name… and she tried to kiss me and-”
“And yet you’re sitting here with me complaining to me instead of making a move on her”
“I couldn’t make a move last night, she was drunk”
“She’s probably pretty sober right now, and you know what they say drunk words are sober thoughts and all that.”
“Well I need her to tell me, out right and sober.”
“Why can’t you tell her again?”
“Because I don’t want to sound full of myself and think that she’s actually attracted to me” he sighed. “Do you know how embarrassing that’d be? I can’t accept a confession she didn’t give me… And what if I tell her that I’m into her and she says she’s only interested in helping Minseo...Like she was with a guy last night…”
“You’re literally so irritating. You both are so irritating” Felix groaned, slumping in his chair. “So let’s run through this one more time, you told her you had a date tonight and she suddenly left your apartment visibly upset, she gets drunk and some guy brings her home, but she kept saying your name?”
“Correct” Chan crossed his arms over his chest. 
“And you still don’t know if she likes you!?” he groaned, scratching his head in frustration. “You’ve actually lost it haven’t you? I don’t get how you can be so blind”
“Felix I don’t want to assume anything”
“You still seriously going on this date tonight? I can cancel it for you, I’ll just tell Yeji your spending time with your wife” he smirked
“She’s not my wife” he sighed, visibly defeated. “You went through the trouble of setting it up, the least I can do is go”
You opened the door, making your way to the fridge, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice. “Hey Chris, Hey Felix.” 
“No one knocks, I swear” Chan smiled it off. 
There was something about how he was looking at you. Almost expectantly, pleading even. Something that went beyond his morning banter. He was trying to read you to see if you remembered.
You furrowed your brows before drinking a cup of juice “Then learn to lock your door, it’s not like we don’t have keys” you smiled “Anyway I’m heading into work, I just wanted to confirm that I’m not picking up Minseo today right?”
“Right, Felix is getting her after school”
Your eyed him suspiciously “Don’t forget this time Kid”
“Oh come on guys give me a break, so I left her at school once! I never did it again”
“You did it twice” you and Chan chimed in unison.
“Relax Mom and Dad, I got this, I set an alarm and everything”
“You better” you eyed him. “Alright I’m off-”
“You look good today Doc, no scrubs?” Felix grinned checking you out, his eyes lingering on your bare legs a second too long.
“Nah, I don't’ have any surgeries scheduled, I’m just going to check on some patients and do some paperwork”
“Ya know...I’ve been feeling feverish lately, maybe I should make an appointment with the good doctor?” he leaned on the wall beside you, eyeing you. He gave you that cheesy smirk and a greasy wink. 
You rolled your eyes before smirking at him, you mirrored his sultry look whispering lowly between you two. “Felix… I’m a heart surgeon, you’re gonna need an appointment with a pediatrician” you giggle pushing him away shaking your head “See you guys later”
Chan scoffed, staring at Felix in mild offense “You tell me to make a move, but you flirt with her in front of me?”
“You ever think, that maybe I’m trying to encourage you?” he chuckled as Chan playfully smacked his arm. “You afraid of a little competition Bro” he teased before Chan wrapped his strong forearm around his neck putting him in a headlock. “Ow! Ow! C’mon I was just kidding” Felix tapped his arm, as Chan ruffled his hair laugh. “I was kidding!”
To be continued…
Chapter VI
Hey Friends! ヾ(^∇^)
I hope you enjoyed that update! This is what I like to call a guilty pleasure mini series, it appeals to everything that I love writing, admittedly I love having the little cameos in the background <3 
ps. it’s hard writing drunk dialogue because it just looked like I was misspelling things lmao 
∘Tags List:
@minnieskz @thelustasylum
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #429: Text After The Mission (RWBY)
Ruby n' Oscar Text Chat
Ruby: Soooooo....How was you guys mission in Vauco went?
Oscar: It was pretty strange to say the least....
Ruby: "Strange"? How come?
Oscar: Okay. So there were those group of Bandits in town who all kidnapped Ren into some random warehouse. And it's mostly because they all have some kind of crush on him. Saying that he's gorgeous and stuff.
Ruby: OMG!!! Seriously?!! :O
Oscar: Yep. Their leader said they only kidnapped him to gain more info about us. But even HE started making googly eyes on him too!
Ruby: Wow. That is crazy....and weird. Then again....Ren is pretty handsome.
Oscar: Don't let Nora hear you say that....
Oscar: ......Or Pyrrha.....
Oscar: .......Or even Jaune.
Ruby: Lmao Relax! I'm not gonna steal your dad away from them. In fact, I've already know someone who's more handsome than him anyways.
Oscar: Who would that be? Sun? Neptune? The rest of their team?
Ruby: It's you, Dumb-Dumb!
Oscar: Wait. Seriously?! You really mean that?
Ruby: Yep. I for one think you're a Handsome Boi~
Oscar: Wow, Ruby....I'm really flattered lol. But aren't I suppose to be the Cute One of the group?
Ruby: Even Cute guys can be handsome too, Oscar. It's a Scientific Fact.
Oscar: Oh. Well if that's the case, I guess I would say that you're Cool and Pretty.
Ruby: Oscar Everlynn Pines! Are you trying to make a girl blush here?!
Oscar: Hey you made me blush first. Only a matter of time that I get payback lol. But in all seriousness though, I really do think you're amazing :)
Ruby: Awwwwwww~ Oscar, Thank youuuuu!~ I think you're really amazing too :D
Oscar: Thanks lol. So what are you doing now?
Ruby: Playing Video Games with Zwei. What about you guys?
Oscar: Having Movie Night.
Oscar: Upload MovieNightandCuddlesWithFamily. JPEG
Ruby: Awww~ You guys really are a Precious Family.
Oscar: Lol Yeah. I think I'm starting to become proud of that fact now that you mention it.
Ruby: Well you should be lol! They love you to pieces.
Oscar: And I love them too. They mean the world to me, including you guys too. Even when I was afraid that I might not have a place in our group anymore....
Ruby: Oscar, you DO have a place here with us. You always have and you always will. We're all like a this really huge family together, remember?
Oscar: Lol I know. I'm really glad I met you all. From the bottom of my heart :)
Ruby: Has anyone ever told you how much of a Sweetheart you really are?
Oscar: I dunno, Ruby.....Has anyone ever told YOU that before?
Ruby: Stop. Making. Me. Blush!!
Oscar: Hey you started it.
Ruby: And I'mma bout to get you back for this first thing tomorrow!
Oscar: By doing what exactly?
Ruby: Hug Tackling you to the ground!
Oscar: Seriously?
Ruby: Yes! And I'm gonna have Penny join me too!
Oscar: You guys Hug Tackle me almost Everytime you come by our house!
Ruby: And you love every second of it. Am I wrong?~
Oscar: I mean..... You're not too far off with that statement....
Ruby: Aha! So you DO love our Hug Tackles after all!
Oscar: I tolerate it more if anything.
Ruby: Tolerate it=Love it in our books :D
Oscar: Whatever.. I'm gonna continue watching the movie with my loving family.
Ruby: Whatever you say Mister Oscar Everlynn Arc Valykrie Nikos Ren Pines!
Oscar: Very funny, Rose. Enjoy your Video Games.
Ruby: Will do!
Ruby: Oh and Oscar?
Oscar: Yeah?
Ruby: I love you :)
Oscar: I love you too, Ruby. So much :)
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
💌💌💌? :D
send me a 💌 and ill pick a random song off my ship playlist and tell you why i associate it with my ship
Unforgettable - Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole
GOD THIS ONE WAS ALMOST A CONTENDER FOR A FIC TITLE ON OUR LOVE IS HERE TO STAY (which is on its second oldies title; there was like, five contenders). 
I like this version specifically because, it’s a duet song that features the line “That someone so unforgettable / Thinks that I am unforgettable too.” You don’t really get it that well by itself, it loses that nuance I think, when it’s just one of them singing it. Also they have really great harmony and balance??? But them just singing that set of lines, together, really, REALLY emphasizes the togetherness and, just, idk, mirror-ness of the song? Just. The duet version is soooooo soo sososososo much better than the original. 
Unforgettable, that's what you are Unforgettable, though near or far
since we’ve spent a lot of our time up until, like, early twenties kind of in a partially ldr, like.... we couldn’t forget the other! we were on each other’s minds a lot!! Esp before we, actually got together as a couple, I suppose.... But we always remembered each other. Even nowadays, if we’re still like, somewhere together, we’re always kind of, thinking of the other when there’s time for our minds to wander, maybe i guess. 
How the thought of you does things to me
ok look ignoring the idea that maybe out of context (or in context, I don’t know but the other songs these two sing don’t seem to be in any way explicit for their originating time period) this line probably is covert... uhhhh.... well anyways, like. hello i think of my husband and all of a sudden i am overcome with fluster. my lips do this thing where they like, curl up and suddenly my face is hot and i feel like, the adrenaline rush of needing to flee and hide but it also like, feels kinda good because, like, APPARENTLY that’s what liking someone feels like, I GUESS???? yeah. that’s a thing that a thought of him does to me. 
Never before has someone been more Unforgettable in every way
No, never before has someone been more Ooh unforgettable (unforgettable) In every way (in every way)
honestly I haven’t asked recently and I don’t remember the answer from whenever I probably did ask out of curiosity, but I’m sure that the feelings we get from thinking about the other, be it protection or a desire to just. be around the other and love them unconditionally and give them good things??? like, idk, but MAYBE we haven’t had that happen with a lot of other people in our lives. maybe there wasn’t a chance for someone else to step in, given how young we were, but. he’s always been there for me and I’ve never once forgotten that I like him? or that he was there? like.... he’s always been taking up some part of my mind, even when there’ve been dormant years due to lack of content. I’ve just. always found some way to love him.
That's why darling, it's incredible That someone so unforgettable Thinks that I am unforgettable too
HELLO?????!!!??!!??!?! I’ve always thought he was so amazing and awesome and cool and okay maybe it took awhile to think he was handsome i’ll admit i did not find his key art attractive in any way, but him in the anime...... uh, like... i’ve always thought him incredible and stuff!!! and he thinks the same of me too??? lil me who’s spend so much of their life thinking they’re boring and bland and LITERALLY BEING TAUGHT negative things about themselves that we won’t go into right here, like..... he thinks??? I’m unforgettable too??? ;a; he thinks I’m amazing??? That i’m incredible?? I dunno about cool but he’s always thought I’m adorable and a sweetheart and very kind and caring and it’s just like AAAAAAAAAAA babe where did you find these things because I think you just looked in the mirror. And maybe he doesn’t have the low self-esteem like I do, but it gets to him when he hears me go off about him, or I tell him all that, and it does fluster him deep down but he tries very well to hide it, more than I do. And like??? we both think the world of each other???? ISN’T THAT JUST INCREDIBLE?????????????? and maybe unforgettable doesn’t come to mind, but you could literally swap out any sentiment that we go off about when it comes to the other, and we literally think the same of the other, too. 
Chances Are - Johnny Mathis & Ray Conniff
okay look this is basically a flirt song lbr you look at the lyrics and that’s kinda flirty fdkmkfmd but you know what, it’s true and he should say it. i should say it. we should say it??? anyways you know what this can be our flirt song from when we were young kids i say kids even though we prob woulda been older teens/YA bc i work with that age group and Y’ALL ARE A BUNCHA KIDS
Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin The moment you come into view
Chances are you think that I'm in love with you
me. that’s just me. i always got get so silly at the sight of him. Because I love him 
Just because my composure sort of slips The moment that your lips meet mine Chances are you think my heart's your Valentine
you know what, he gets this one. because as much suave and coolness he can play as he very easily lbr romances me, i’m sure even he gets a little happy, a little lovestruck, when we kiss. 
Chances are you believe the stars that fill the skies are in my eyes  Guess you feel you'll always be the one and only one for me  Well, chances are your chances are awfully good 
insert flirting/romancing each other scene here. that’s it that’s just it
okay spotify let’s shuffle and get something MORE MODERN, LIKE FROM MY ERA PLZ? no? okay fine well I saw this one while I was turning stuff on so I guess I’ll just have to do it myself.
We Are Magic - Lolirock 
this is just another me song and if i had it when i was a kid this would have instantly become another babby sarah classic. (it was only a few years ago that I watched Lolirock, shortly after s2 was on netflix I suppose? But I remember hearing about it back when it was still in greenlight) regardless, it is instantly a classic even though the french sounds better
You tell me I'm out of sight You give me butterflies I'm hanging on every word you say You always make my day
My heart is like a bass drum When I see you, I skip a beat The way I feel's so awesome 'Cause you keep smiling back at me
You tell me I'm really cute You got me hooked on you
hello yes?? who let you into my head? regardless if he’s complimented me or not, just. A Lance a day keeps the depression at bay. Okay maybe it’s a bit more complicated than that, but seeing him sure does make the day better! ♥ He, just... ugh. I love him so much and seeing him feel that way towards me, thinking of him. He’s so ready to compliment me, regardless if I need it but because he wants to, he feels a need to, because he loves me??? I am hook line and sinker his. I might not have always felt the same at the beginning, and maybe he might have had to fight me on unlearning saying negative things about myself, but... it’s so hard nowadays to think those thoughts because he’s so right, and it’s so rude to say that his words aren’t true. okay that’s a little off-track of where I shoulda went but it kind of goes in line with “hanging on every word” and “you got me hooked on you”, because, like, how can you not listen to the person you love tell you that you’re amazing and awesome? That you mean something and that you have value and worth?
of course i’m listening to everything he says, even if I don’t agree with it, because he’s just. there. listening. smiling at me, loving me, kissing me, giving me all of the love and support and self-confidence that I had lacked in my life. He’s.... just so supportive and ugh I love him.
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gugulin · 7 years
leather jackets and cars -seongwoo scenario-
A/N: soooooo this is my first scenario on this blog!! (wooohoooo) lol. I really, really hope you guys like it… I originally was going to make this a guanlin scenario, but I decided it was too suggestive to make him the main character, so I changed it to seongwoo. anyways, hope you enjoy!! :-)
–WARNING: suggestive material
“Oh Daddy, I don’t want to spend all day in this stupid office!”
“You won’t be spending all day here…you’ll be spending all summer here.”
You groaned. Your father thought that instead of letting you spend your summer on beaches, by pool sides, with your friends, you should be in the police station. You’ll be sorting out his paperwork, transferring calls to his office, and taking down notes/messages for him. You thought it was the dullest thing in the world. Just because your father was a police captain did not mean you should throw away your whole summer.
He led you through the crowded office room to a desk beside his door. “You’ll sit here and work,” he said, “Answering calls, taking down messages, and speaking with very important officials in town. This will be a very important lesson for you, Y/N.”
“An important lesson in what, Dad?” you asked, sitting behind the desk.
“An important lesson in what happens to people when they commit crimes,” he gestured to the multiple desks nearby. You saw officers sitting down with unsavory-looking people handcuffed to their chairs. You could spot people sitting in the holding cells nearest you, eying you in your boat-neck sweater tucked into your burgundy skirt. “If you keep keepin’ on with this behavior of yours, you’re gonna end up like one of those hoodlums.”
“Daddy, just because I was smoking under the bleachers doesn’t mean I’m going to live a life of crime,” you said. “You’re such a square!”
“I may be a square, but I am your father and I don’t want you to start throwing your life away just because you want to be cool,” He said. “First it’s your grades, then it’s staying out after your curfew, and now it’s cigarettes!”
“But you smoke too, Daddy.”
“That’s because I’m an adult,” he said. He moved to his office, “Start sorting out those files on your desk. I’ll come back to check on your at lunch time…and wipe that lipstick off! There’s no red-lips allowed in the office, I told you!”
You didn’t listen. As you began shifting through the various reports, you understood your father’s concern completely, though found it completely unnecessary. If he bothered listening, he’d know your grades did not drop. Only the math class did, because Mrs. Burbage is a heinous bitch who confuses people on purpose. You stayed out past curfew because traffic held you up. You also smoked cigarettes on occasion; not all the time like he did. You did not get why he could not trust you. It’s as if you living your own life scared him. His little girl was making her own decisions, and they were decisions he didn’t agree with.
So, instead of conforming and trying to understand, he simply punished you.
You sorted out a lot of the messy paperwork your father handed you, and filed them in the correct cabinets. You made coffee for him, you set up meetings with town officials, and were glanced at by officers and offenders alike. You were the new girl; they’d grow tired of you eventually. Your day remained in a dull state before they were wrestled in.
“Hey, hey, hey! Watch the hair!” a tall brunette boy in a leather jacket said.
“Hands off the jacket!” A pink-haired one said, struggling out of an officer’s grip.
Eleven boys wearing black leather jackets, jeans and sneakers walked into the precinct. You recognized the logos on the backs of their jackets: the letter “W” with the number “1” right after it. You’d seen certain buildings tagged with such a logo on them around the seedier parts of town. Wanna One. You’d heard they were quite a rowdy group; they caused trouble on occasion like the other motorcycle gangs in town. These boys were young though; still school age, you can’t think of them doing anything particularly wrong. They were lead to a holding cell closest to you.
“Oh sweetheart!” The first boy groaned, “You are beautiful!” You blushed, looking away from him. “You don’t have to be shy, baby”
“Get in ‘ere, ya punk!” the policeman holding him said as he shoved him into the small cell. “We’re gonna ring all ya folks first, and then start laying out charges. In the meantime, we’re gonna thumb ya and put ya all on the books!.”
“Thumb me? Dick, that’s a little inappropriate, don’t you think?” The handsome brunette smirked. “What kind of police station is this?”
“Aargh! Ya lucky we ain’t doin’ cavity searches!” he slammed his baton on the bars to make him jump back. The police officer walked over to you, his demeanor suddenly changing. “I hate to do this to ya on ya first day, hun,” he began, “But somebody’s gotta get these boys checked in. Wallace will help ya out so the boys don’t, uh, you know do anything inappropriate towards ya.”
“No problem, Richard,” You smiled.
“Thanks, sweetie.” He explained the booking system to you, which was basically taking down information about each boy to have on file, and then charges could be made by police. “Wally, start bringin’ 'em over 'ere one at a time!”
Wallace, another officer, brought over the pink-haired boy, Daniel, you learned, smiled and flirted through his whole interview. You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t charming. The blondie, seungwoon, came up next. Much haughtier than the others, he flexed for you slightly as he stood there in front of you and made a suggestive comment or two. The handsome brunette, minhyun, tried to be flirty, though only ended up getting whacked by Wallace when his eyes fell to your cleavage.
The last one was the one who called you ‘sweetheart’. He came up to you quite smoothly without a fuss. His broad shoulders, long legs, and tall hair made him stand out from the rest of his gang. You tried not staring at his face for too long in fear your attraction might be given away.
“Name?” you asked.
“How about you put down 'Man of Your Dreams’?” he grinned.
You laughed, but Wallace clotted him, “Watch who you’re talking to, kid. That’s the captain’s daughter.”
He beamed, “Psh, even more reason to be so nice and friendly. What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Y/N,” you replied. You then moved down the page, “Date of Birth?”
“August 25th, 1995,” he said.
“You mean vertically or horizontally?” he winked, smirking down at you.
You blushed a deep red, but this comment only got him hit by Wallace again. You went through the whole interview with his flirtations and suggestions, which resulted in him being hit again. You swore he’d have brain damage before the end of it. When Wallace took him back to the cell, you were charged with taking the files back to Richard’s desk. You walked by their cell, getting the usual hoots and hollers from them.
Seongwoo, though, simply glanced at you. You felt his eyes follow you around the office, though whenever you turned to him, he was focused on something else. Perhaps it is your head playing games with you. Also, you knew your father would never approve of a boy like him. Though, when he winked at you from across the room, you couldn’t stop yourself from blushing.
“You’re cute when you blush like that,” he said, angling his head at edge of the cell which was a few feet from you. “Perhaps I should come around here more often and make you blush like that all the time.”
“Then I wouldn’t have to bother putting blush on in the morning.”
“But you should keep on those red lips of yours,” he smiled. “They look…really good on you.”
You giggled, “You think so? My dad thinks it makes me look like a floosy.”
“I don’t think so,” he said. “They bring out the shape of your lips, and makes them look very tempting.”
“Tempting for what, exactly?” You asked.
“Kissing. Slowly. Softly,” he suggestively. “I wouldn’t mind having that smeared all over me if it meant I could kiss you.”
You blushed a deep red, “Oh my…”
“How about you and I go out tonight? There’s a movie playing at the drive in. We can go in my car,” he said. “If you want.”
You considered his offer. “I suppose I could,” you shrugged. “I don’t see why not.” You knew why not. Dad would kill you for talking to him, let alone riding around in a car with him at night. He’ll probably try to cop a feel or make out with you, but you felt he wouldn’t try too hard. Plus, it would be a relief to go out with somebody new.
“Perfect,” he smiled. “Sounds like a date.”
“Ong! Your folks are here!” An officer called as he unlocked the cell.
“See you tonight, gorgeous,” he smiled.
Your father certainly won’t be happy about this.
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14: The Year It All Went South
I was at a family party with my cousins, and they were making fun of me for not only being the smallest, but just barely starting high school. Once all of that was over they started telling me these crazy stories about high school. One of them started telling me about how she met her handsome football player boyfriend, and him being so freaking nice, it made him so dreamy. Not in the way like I wanted my cousins dude, no like in the sense like man I want a guy like that. It made the whole thing so freaking exciting! So the day finally came, I thought  “I am finally going to freaking high school!” My cousin, Gabby offered to take me and to hang out with me, and honestly I don't know wtf i would've done. My middle school friends were not really talking to me anymore and the friends I made during the summer basically became strangers. When people say high school changes people, they really truly mean it. take it from someone who lived 4 years of it. Good and bad. Anyways, where were we? ahh yessss..... the first day was awesome!! I started high school excited AF and naive AF, but you’ll see what I mean.  My cousin and her friends made me feel so welcomed, it was like I had always been their friend. About a month into class I made a friend, Sarah was the best bitch was always hipin me up!! I love that ho! She was always telling me this guy was always staring and I never thought much of it. He was older, a fucking Junior, my dumbass was like “nah not me.” One day, just like in the movies, I catch his ass looking at me, and man I was locked in. It was like my heart sank into my stomach, idk butterflies. I didn’t know what the fuck it was I had never felt that before, my 14 year old heart thought I fell in love or something. This bitch really fell hard, but after class I just brushed it off. After my class he send some guy to ask if I liked him, and my ass was like “ tell him to ask me” and biiitch it worked. He then asked me if I was going to go to the football game. My ass told him I was. I wasn’t going to that fucking I just wanted him to ask me to go with him. He did. That shit made me so fucking happy, I thought maybe I can get my high school sweetheart. So we went to the game, we hung out and it was so awkward. I had never had a real boyfriend before this guy, I didn’t know how to act. So when the game was over and he finally dropped me off he reached for a kiss and I kissed him back, me thinking he wanted to make out I was kissing him, and out of nowhere he says, “okay, okay, there” had me in shock for a second and I just left. It was so freaking weird!! The next day he apologized, saying he didn't know why he did that and a bunch of other things. Soooooo dude had me thinking that he felt vulnerable, I felt like “OMG I got me a sensitive one.” It made me fall that much harder. We were 3 months in and he started talking about sex, I wasn't ready but he kept saying it was ok that he loved me and that he wouldn’t hurt me. All my other friend were doing it, one of them even said if I didn't he was probably going to find it elsewhere. I loved him, I didn’t want to lose him. One day during lunch, he asked if I wanted to go to his house, and of course I said yes. When we were there he was acting weird, asking a bunch of questions and then we started kissing on his bed he started taking my clothes off and I told him I wasn't ready and he kind of got mad, and said it was ok. But the way he was acting it made me feel bad. He started talking again, and then kissing me again and again with the clothes and I told him again this time he just said it was ok and he kept going. I told him I didn’t want to and that I wasn't sure but he kept going. All i could hear is my friend in the back of my head saying things, so I didn’t know how to stop it at this point. I cried, I acted as if I enjoyed it idk why. He took me home after that, and he started acting strange after, started telling his friend I was annoying. I then found out he was cheating on me the entire time. He would act like an ass every time I would come around so I broke up with him through text. He used me, he took my virginity. Cause I was a naive 14 year old kid that just wanted to be loved.
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