#anyway helena giiiiirrrrlll you are in it now
thebramblewood · 7 months
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Just some sisterly sleuthing (that will surely lead to nothing good).
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Julia: Banjo, is it okay to do a bad thing if it's for a good reason?
Banjo: [yawns]
Julia: Come on, just one more good...
Lock: [click]
Julia: Bingo.
Cop #1: No fingerprints, no weapon, not a trace of the perp left behind. I doubt the blood matches anyone but the victims.
Cop #2: In other words, we're royally screwed.
Cop #1: Well, I wouldn't put it that way in the report.
Julia: [gasps] Oh my God.
Cop #2: The injuries line up with the other cases.
Cop #1: I'm aware.
Cop #2: A puncture wound like that must be, what, a wolf, a bear, a rabid dog?
Cop #1: A freak playing at being a bloodsucker?
Cop #2: [smirking] An actual bloodsucker?
Cop #1: What's the latest on the kids?
Cop #2: The girl's awake but incoherent. Some kind of short-term amnesia. The boy's in a coma. He might be a goner.
Cop #1: [low whistle] It'd be murder then, and not a single damn lead in sight.
Julia: Encyclopedia Vampirica? Oh, Helena-
Helena: What have I done?
Julia: What have you done?
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