#anyway holy shit those results were close!
darkstarcore · 4 months
“Why sweat it? It’s not like anything THAT bad is gonna happen anytime soon.”
The Salmonids getting ready for Big Big Run:
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pinkaditty · 25 days
He Knows
(Subaru Kagami x MC X Haku Kusanagi; Tokyo Debunker)
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omg guess who's back!!!!! im posting porn as per usual. 2day's porn is about tokyo debunkers!! recently started playing that game and WOW haku kusanagi has stolen my heart holy shit man. i picked him and then proceeded 2 watch him jump off a burning ledge it was really something!!! anyways the more of him i saw the more of him i just ended up liking. like when i found out he's left handed i jus melted on impact bro wtf's wrong with me. anyways here have the result of my 72 hour long haku kusanagi brainrot: porn.
summary: haku's been avoiding you. it's because you're with subaru all the damn time. it's only at a party where you're in close proximity that things get... interesting.
a/n: note that the tokyo debunkers characters have no confirmed ages. i am running on the assumption that, since they refer to themselves as adults in the game, drink, smoke, and gamble that they are at least in the college student age range. also, i have never heard of a high school with a chancellor. typically it's universities that have those. i am running on the assumption that all characters are at least 18 years of age. if canon ages come out and turn out to be lower, i will delete this! thank you <3
cw: MINORS DNI, suggestive, no real smut happening but u get kinda close, mostly buildup tbh, self-indulgent (pls like this i spent hours writing it), gn!mc bc mc isn't described physically at all, strongly implied sexual relations, semi-public?, slight cucking if u wanna call it that?, subaru x reader x haku yea
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Casino parties in Sinostra were a lot different from Frostheim parties. 
Where Frostheim parties were the peak of elegance; blue and white and silver, the mood just as frosty as the scenery, the dress code limited to the finest silks and satins, the food limited to the neatest hors d'oeuvres, and the conversation limited to humble whispers; Sinostra parties were the peak of gaucheness; all colors gaudy and neon, the mood joyful and jubilant and raunchy, the dress code ranging from evening dresses to last week’s uniform, the food being whatever was served at the nearest table, and the conversation loud and constantly overlapping. If you asked Haku, he didn’t have a preference. Parties were parties. It didn’t matter what kind.
He was here to have a good time. That was somewhat dampened when he realized he’d have no choice but to hang around you. He’d been avoiding you for a reason, after all.
It had been recently when he realized why his heart thrummed like a drum when you were nearby, the beat loud and monotonous in his ears. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one he’d scarcely felt, and when he realized what it was, he almost didn’t believe it was genuine. Sure, you were attractive, but all his flirting was, at best, to get your attention and to mess with someone cute. Who doesn’t like attention from an attractive person? He blew it off for the longest time, chalking it up to nerves at how you would respond to his brazen flirting, or perhaps surprise when you would talk to him with a sincere glint in your eye. It was crazy, falling for someone who might be doomed to die, but it was like he couldn’t help himself. Something about how you kept going, even despite that, accepting your potential fate but seeking a way to rewrite it all the same—it impressed him. You had the resilience of a ghoul, a will strong enough to devour a curse. So be it. He promised to himself from the moment he saw Taiga attempt to throw you out of the train window that he wouldn’t let you succumb to such horrors just yet. He had thought that, with the mesmer matches, his promise would be fulfilled. But when your eyes shined with recognition upon meeting his gaze again on that train, he knew he’d bitten off far more than he could chew. So be it. His fate was sealed, as it always had been. 
And, of course, like any romance story, you’d gotten quite close with another guy, Subaru. The odd pangs in his heart rang quite clear through his head when he saw the two of you walking together on campus yet again, or sitting together at mealtimes yet again, or when you’d come by Hotarubi to visit him yet again. He felt childish, feeling an odd jealousy bubbling up in him that he immediately tried to tamp down. He didn’t like feeling that way, not at all. He figured he’d have to rid himself of this somehow, so he distanced himself. Yet, the pull towards you was still strong and hard to ignore.
And then he started falling for you, harder, even after he’d implemented distance, completely unplanned. So, yeah, being here with you after weeks of attempting to avoid your presence after such a revelation was something of a downer. And, super awkward. But whatever, he could take it. He didn’t want to walk aimlessly around this party and see something he shouldn’t, so he was stuck with his dormmates, particularly Subaru, who was stuck—albeit, happily—with you. 
The party was going alright so far. The alcohol had given him a light buzz, enough to at least alleviate his nerves, and relax just slightly. He sank into the couch he sat on, adjacent to the bar. Next to him was Subaru, next to Subaru was Zenji, and next to Zenji was you. At least there was some distance, but his eyes met yours in fleeting glances quite often. It was minimally frustrating, but the buzz helped him ignore it. You were engaged in friendly, flamboyant conversation with Zenji, Subaru seemed a little shifty, though that could be chalked up to being in a loud environment, and Haku was leaning back, swirling his drink in his hands. The endless noise of loud voices and gambling wins and losses echoed in his ears as he did all he could to refrain from indulging much more. But your presence wasn’t exactly helping. 
He turned back to you, to give you another fleeting glance, but his eyes landed on Subaru instead. He seemed a little out of it, his skin shining in the low light with a thin layer of sweat, his breathing heavy and laboured, his face flushed a bright pink. Haku stared at him curiously, concern creasing his eyebrows and quirking his lips downwards. He reached a hand out to gently pat Subaru on the shoulder, who flinched suddenly. Haku looked at him quizzically, his eyebrows furrowing further. “You good?” He examined Subaru’s condition further, noticing his bangs beginning to stick to his forehead from the sweat. “Do we need to leave?”
Haku’s mumbled queries gained the attention of Zenji, who glanced over his shoulder. Upon seeing Subaru’s state, he frets, turning towards him and grabbing his chin, tilting his head back and forth. Haku wished he wouldn’t do that, and hoped onlookers assumed Subaru was just shaking his head. Not that anyone would be looking in this direction, anyway. He notices you curiously peering over Zenji’s shoulder. You showed no signs of concern, rather interest.
“Oh my! Are you alright? You’re quite flushed!” Zenji’s voice was pitched with worry, as he further examined Subaru’s face. “Did you perhaps—ah, but you’re not holding anything…” Zenji tapped his fingers to his lips, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. Subaru shook his head at both Zenji and Haku, and waved his hand.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Haku heard a slight tremor in Subaru’s voice.
“Are you sure?” Zenji pressed, leaning towards Subaru, his eyes searching his face for any signs of further ailment.
“I’m fine! Please, enjoy yourselves.” To his credit, Subaru hid the tremor this time, but Haku could still sense something was wrong. However, he decided to let it go, assuming that they wouldn’t be here much longer. 
He took note of your lack of concern. He found it odd, but didn’t think on it much. You were close with Subaru, but maybe not as close as he thought. He hated how the thought of the two of you not being as close planted a seed of hope in his heart. Still, wasn’t concern a normal reaction to a friend being ill?
Haku let it go. They’d be out of here soon, anyway. 
Time seems to crawl by and speed up at the same time, the chaotic haze of the party warping his perception of time. Before he knows it, he’s on his second drink, even after internally swearing he wouldn’t overindulge. And before he knows it, he’s lost count of how many times he’s glanced your way, each time holding your gaze longer than the last. His pining was ridiculous. He felt like a teenager. And the drink in his hand was only a reminder of his low self-control, further shaming him. He sighs and places it down on the table in front of the couch, promptly leaning back in his seat. Once he falsely settles in, his finds his eyes drifting to you again. He quickly snaps his gaze away, but not before he spots Subaru’s quivering figure out of the corner of his eye. He turns to him again, concern once again etching itself into his expression. 
Subaru was trembling now, slouching just slightly, which was unlike him. His chest heaved with the effort to breathe normally, and he was sweating more now, more of his bangs stuck to his forehead. Instead of the modest blush pink his face had been before, he was now a bright red, color spreading from his cheeks to his ears and even to his neck. Alright, this was too much. Even Haku knew Subaru was pushing himself too far. He sat upright and gently placed a hand on Subaru’s back, to which he flinched again. Haku’s concern quickly turned to worry, and his hand moved to Subaru’s shoulder instead, leaning closer to him. He could feel the heat radiating off of him. “Hey, Subaru.” Subaru turned to him, still heaving and blinking at him blearily. “...We should go.” Subaru promptly shook his head, despite his body still trembling. The movement alerted Zenji yet again, who turned to Subaru, noticing his trembling form.
“My goodness, look at you!” Zenji grabbed Subaru’s face, squishing his cheeks. “Are you well? Do we need to take you to Montkranken?” Haku sighed as Subaru shook his head again, stubborn as a mule on this.
“N-No, I swear I’m fine, truly.” His voice shook audibly. Haku had half a mind to take him to Montkranken by force, but knew that no good would come of making Subaru any more uncomfortable. 
Zenji hesitantly let go of Subaru’s face, staring at him dubiously. He carefully inspected him, checking his complexion and forehead. As Zenji flitted back and forth around Subaru, Haku found his gaze once again slipping towards you. This time he didn’t stop it, deciding to let it go so he could hold your gaze at least once more before he shifted his full focus to Subaru. However, he notices you aren’t looking at Subaru, or Zenji, or him. You’re staring off to the left, as though watching the people of the party. He’s confused. Why are you so nonchalant about this? Even before, no concern was on your face, mere interest. And now, it’s like you couldn’t care less. It didn’t seem quite like you not to care about one of your friends. It was quite confusing and frustrating, watching you act so nonchalantly, hardly noticing Subaru’s ailment. But, whatever. Maybe you were just distracted. As he turns his gaze back to Subaru, about to gently encourage him to stand so they could leave, he notices your hand moving out of the corner of his eye. Your hand disappears into your pocket and shifts a bit more. Simultaneously, Subaru lurches forward, grunting. His whole body was trembling now, and his fingers dug into his arms as he desperately tried to keep it together. Zenji immediately leans over, placing a hand on Subaru’s back. Haku feels a rush of panic and leans towards him. “Subaru! What’s—”
Haku stops in his tracks. On the side of Subaru’s neck, facing Haku, there were small red and purple bruises. For a moment, Haku’s confused. What are those markings on the side of his neck? And what’s got him so—
Out of nowhere, something clicks. 
As Zenji continues fussing over Subaru, Haku slowly lifts his gaze to you. He finds your gaze boring straight into him. A shock runs down his spine. 
No. No way.
Haku watches as you smirk at him and you pull something out of your pocket, purposely angling the object so only he could see it. It is something very closely resembling a remote. His eyes flick between the remote and your face, your eyes still holding him captive. He tears his gaze away from you and the remote, and turns to Subaru’s trembling form, Zenji fussing over him. He turns back to you, observing the wicked smile on your face. This can’t be real, right?
He watches as your smirk widens, and you press a button on the remote, slipping it back into your pocket. 
Subaru groans, crumpling further forward, immediately pressing a hand to his mouth to muffle his voice. Haku studies him carefully, watching his expression. Subaru’s eyes roll back just once and the corner of his lips turn upwards in a smile, peeking behind his palm pressed tight against his mouth. 
Oh. Oh god.
Something akin to heat pools in Haku’s lower abdomen. He finds himself gripping the cushion of the sofa he’s sitting on so hard his knuckles turn white. Haku swallows thickly, and jerks his gaze back up to you, finding your gaze boring straight into him once again. Subaru’s muffled grunts grow louder, and now that he knows it’s out of pleasure and not pain, Haku feels the urge to squirm. He feels warm all of a sudden, his own body beginning to tremble with nerves and heat. His lips part as he breathes heavily, his gaze flickering from you, to your pocket, to Subaru, and back to you. Maybe it was a bad idea to have so much alcohol. Your gaze, the knowledge of what was really going on, and Subaru’s grunts—which were quickly evolving into moans, further confusing Zenji—all made quite a potent concoction, and with the alcohol running through his system, it really only served to shame him further yet again. 
Shame is all he can think about… Even as a tent forms in his pants.
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a/n: YIPPEE!!!!!!! i finished at long last
also here have this fuckass meme i made thinkging abt all the fics im writing atm:
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i guess i have a niche. my roommate literally asked me as i was telling her abt this fic "is it gonna be cuckold" and i was like "WHATEKSLSJK?!?!?!??!" and then i realized. i write a lot of these fics and call them all self-indulgent. is something wrong with me?
anyways wrapping this up!!!!!!! note that i appreciate likes, reblogs, and comments!!! please, tell me all about how much you enjoyed my work, if you did!!!! i really like when people tell me they loved it bc it encourages me 2 keep going ahhhh!!! until next time, readers!!!!!
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𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 𝑀𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑟
Warnings: Heavy descriptions of death, Clickers, mentions of blood and trauma, Joel and reader being harsh to each other, implying on not being enough, mentions of SA
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“Look, all I'm saying that a boyfriend would be good for you Y/N! I didn't insult you or anything!”
“It's an insult for me, Tommy and since when are you a matchmaker?”
“Since my best friend decided that it was a good idea to spend her life alone in a shitty world!”
You chuckled under the mask at his playfullnes and shook your head in fake disappointment. Ever since he rescued you, he and Maria had been nothing but kind to you, even having you over their house almost all the time in the town they made, Jackson. You were grateful for the second chance given to you, and in exchange you wanted to keep the town and everyone living in it safe...
Therefore suggesting to take over an iron factory, and creating a weapon strong enough to kill whoever stood before you...
Who knew an anime would come true?
“Is it not heavy for you? We’ve been walking for quite some time...” he asked, eyeing the heavy weapon over your hips apprehensively, which caused you to raise a brow playfully.
“No, it’s not... I’m used to wearing them all the time Tommy, and besides I was meaning to ask you something.” He groaned at you not caring about what he said once again, dismissing the topic entirely but nodded nonetheless while cutting the plants that made it harder to move. It wasn’t like he wanted your bad, he just wanted you to be happy with someone who could understand you, be there for you...
But it seemed that your decision was made.
“You and Maria normally send me to further areas, you know close to bandits and Fireflies to kill them... Why are we patrolling a dead city?”
“Because... I don’t know, I just felt like there was gonna be something important...” he mumbled and looked to the back of the building you two were standing on, watching the area on a rooftop with guns ready. It wasn’t a good explaination, it wasn’t enough to convince you but you trusted him.
Besides it wouldn’t be too bad to go some sightseeing-
Seeing a movement in front of a building away, you squeezed your eyes to see it and cocked your gun out to zoom on them. Humans... Two humans, entering a building where there were probably a bunch of infected...
“Oh Jesus fuck..! Uhh, Tommy? I’m gonna say something but you aren’t gonna gasp and choke, okay?”
In the end, he did it anyways and you both ran to save whoever they were. Adrenaline pumped through you, getting slightly excited to kill an infected but you two rather found...
“Bandits... always popping out from somewhere...” you sneered angrily while ducking behind a wall, watching them taunt a little girl. You knew how bad those fuckers were and hurriedly made a plan. Tommy would circle behind them to get whatever you two needed while you dealed with them and later, you two would decide on what to do with the girl.
“Hello there~”
And in the end, they weren’t that strong to do any harm to you. All of them laid either dead or unconsccious, which was good enough for you turn and worry over the girl who had been watching you with wide eyes. She had never seen someone be so fast and strong, someone especially a woman make people shake in fear.
You were the first one she saw, after Joel...
“Hey, kid... Are you oka-“
“JOEL, DON’T!” Your body hit the ground harshly with a man on top of you, trying to attack you. The sight of a man above you brought unpleasant memories, resulting in your pulling your legs to yourself and kicking his stomach, knocking the air out of him. You brought your sword above your face as the man tried to hit you with one of his knives. You both grunted at the sheer force both sides applied and you widened your eyes at how the veins in his arms were popping.
Holy shit, just how strong is he-
“Joel, stop! She didn’t hurt me, she saved me!” Ellie screamed at Joel in fright, shaking off the ropes around her wrists to make him stop. The anger and adrenaline started to go away at hearing her voice and Joel was able to see what's in front of him...
A woman...
The red wore off and he got up on his feet while you jumped up and pointed yoyr sword to him, while he watched you warily with his hand above. “What the fuck you asshole? I saved your lives and this is the thanks?!”
Though you screamed, your face was still neutral with no hint of just how much you were scared a few minutes ago. “No one wanted your help, woman! Who the hell are you anyways?”
Before you could have opened your mouth, Tommy appeared from the door way and you instinctively tried to move closer to him...
But the sight of both men widening their eyes and slowly walking to each other made you and the young girl tilt your heads confused.
Ain’t no way...
“For fucks sake, just when I think it couldn't be worse...” you sighed exasperatedly while swinging your sword around. Tommy chuckled and hugged Joel happily, seeing him well and alive had been one of his dreams and he never thought that the people they would be saving were them...
“It’s good to see you in one piece, brother.”
“It sure is, Tommy... God, I can’t believe- Where the hell were you?”
“I strayed a bit but then found a community, a safe place. I save the survivors and bring them there with her. You’re lucky that we have been patroling here and that she was here with me.” Joel eyes your form looking at Ellie’s wounds and helping her, still apprehensive of you. If the life he lived tought him something, it was to never trust anyone.
Especially ones who had such force with them, like you.
Seeing him look at you with pure bad intentions, non-trusting eyes, Tommy sighed and patted his shoulder. He knew that it would take a while for him to get used to you, with your snarky comments and his grumpy nature, but he hoped that you two would get along well. “ Look, I know what you’re thinking but she isn’t all that bad. You attacked her first and she did what any normal human would-“
“I can hear you two talking behind me, guys. I’m not deaf.” You pointed a knife to them carelessy while your back was turned and your crouched down to inspect her wound, to wrap a bandage around it.
“ Good, you were meant to...” You rolled your eyes at the man who stepped closer to you and looked at the girl closely for any injuries, and the ghost of a smile over his lips almost made you faint because holy shit, he actually smiles other than insulting!
“I don’t care if my brother trusts you, I don’t. And until I do, you aren’t getting close to us.”
“Oh yeah, and what were you planning to do with all the bandits and infected around?”
“What I have been doing for the past years, kid. Kill them. Something you clearly are bad at. Who do you think you are, just because you killed some men?”
“ Just a humble trash can trying to roll my way through life, old man. Who are you?” Normally you would have bit down your tongue and keep your sarcasm to yourself, especially in a situation like that. But all your comments always amused Tommy, and now Ellie too.
But not Joel.
All the things, all the deaths happened in front of him and all the stress came out like tide waves. Even a man like him had a limit and unfortunately, you were the one who was at the reciveing end.Both Tommy and and Ellie yelled at him when he cornered you against a wall, sneering at you but you didn’t phase. Men, no longer scared you. Especially those who were like Joel.
“Listen, if you think you can win me over with those sarcasm,  think again. I have seen and experineced more than you, lost more than you-“
“Oh yeah? I didn’t know your mind was amongst what you lost but here is the drill: You’re calling me selfish and mighty, but look at you, thinking your pain is worse than anyone. Let me tell you something quick, motherhugger,” you said, pointing your knife that always stood hidden to his stomach which caused him to step away from you and put a distance while he watched you with angry eyes, shocked to see such passion from you while Tommy tried to stop you from potentially killing him or saying anything you might regret later.
Because he knew that you would be offending him in the most dangerous way.
“ Maybe you lost someone dear to yourself, but trust me everyone in this room lost everything they had! We all faced death, and no one acts like the apocalypse only hit them! So, stop thinking with your dick above your head and let go of-“
The first rule of a zombie apocalypse was to be always careful for any movement around you...
The second one was to be silent...
And guess which one you didn’t apply?
The only sound that would stop an entire room and go silent in this world, was the sound of a Clicker.
And the only thing that would be able to scare Tommy, was four of them standing right before your group.
Joel thought that you would scream or trash around while he had to be the one handling the situation, but to his surprise you went silent and unmoving as a corpse, eyes strictly trained on the Clickers, watching them lurk deeper inside the building. Your eyes turned to Tommy who was keeping Ellie silent, and he shook his head agressively at what your eyes told him. Rolling your eyes at him, you nudged your head towards Joel and signed to him.
Tell your brother to let me go and deal with them before more of them comes...
“You can’t do that... There are so many of them, they never lurk alone...” he whispered angrily before you made a face that made him shut up.
“Cut the shit, Tommy... I’m the only one with the gear and you know of the things I did with this. So, Joel, move your ass so that I can save your asses.”
Lightly shoving him away from you, Joel made a move to stop you from getting yourself killed when Tommy stopped him with a shake of his head and he stayed back while you slowly moved away from them, an eye on the ground looking at the soil while Ellie nudged Tommy to ask what you were doing and he silently whispered to not alert anymore of them.
“ The infected are connected through soil, like a hive. One movement on the part where they are connected and a thousand of them would come... She is looking out so that she wouldn’t alert any...”
Joel nodded in amazement, his anger from before dying out and watching you walk cautiously. He didn’t expect someone to know that much, and probably that was one of the reasons you survived...
She wouldn’t be a bad partner... I guess...
It is odd, you thought while looking over the walls that had many fungi attached to it. When there were four of them here, now none could be seen except the ones glued to the wall at the corners in an odd shape.
They couldn’t have died that soon, right?
“Holy mother of rectangles...” Tommy and Joel turned to each other at your voice from the other side and followed the same path as you. When they entered they saw you closely looking at one of the infected with an amazed look and an unknown protective side made Joel run to you and snatch you away, not caring you utter in shock and amazement.
“Don’t come here! Those things spread spores like shit, you could get infected...” you held a spare mask out to him, urging him to take while he looked at you a bit baffled but accepted nonetheless. He took his lighter over his shoulder to put it on, and didn’t hold back from asking. “Why are being worried about me? Thought you wanted me dead?”
“Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I care. Your death would be a minor inconvenience in my end but a major one on his. That’s all.” You said, pointing to where Tommy and Ellie were looking to find something while him and you were crouched down next to the body on the ground. What his brother said raked through Joel’s mind, that you knew a lot and that was one of the reasons you survived for so long, and at first he didn’t believe like any sane man. You didn’t look much older than 40, and you would have been a 20 something when the Outbreak happened...
But his curiousity got the best of him.
“You’re lookin’ at the body as if you had been doing that for a long time...”
“Do what exactly?”
“Inspecting bodies, analyzing, that type of shit.”
Snorting slightly at him and how he said all of those, probably understanding no shit, and how unfazed he was even after you telling him that you were fine with leaving him dead- though you didn’t really mean it- you bit your lip and got up while dusting yourself. “I used to do science when I was younger, anotomy always fascinated me... Too bad that... I can’t...” your voice slowly died down and Joel shook his head in question why you did so suddenly when his lighter found the two Clickers standing behind you and his eyes widened in fear...
What would have been a worry for his life only, now has spread to your life too... And it scared him more than the Clicker before him.
You looked ahead, not moving an inch, fearing that they might caught you and looked over to Tommy to see him with wide, scared eyes and a terrified Ellie. It was no wonder, Tommy had been your best friend for so long and Ellie was just a kid...
But what caught you off guard was that Joel having the same expression on his handsome face-
Wait, did I think of him as handsome or...
You squeezed your eyes momentarily and re-opened them, feeling their disgusting breath on your neck while the clicking sounds they made sent shivers down your spine. Your hand twitched, tingled to get a hold of your weapon and kill them...
And that was what you will be doing.
The swishing sound of a sword being pulled out alerted them and they ran to get to where the voice came from and Joel yelled curses at you while Tommy knew what was gonna happen in a few minutes.
Joel and Ellie watched you with shock as you swinged your swords to your back while the four Clicker from before came closer and killed them with one, clear cut, sending their head flying away. Unfortunately,  one of them hit the connection while dropping and the body you were inspecting before suddenly came back to life...
And Joel was its closest prey.
With a pounding heart, you readied yourself to throw the sword to him but a Runner came from nowhere and sent you tumbling down. It went straight to your neck, trying to bite on you but your sword stopped it from getting any close and with a kick to its body, it went away from you but not enough.
It’s not a big deal, that’s enough distance...
Taking out the axe you kept on your back, you cut its neck and it limped before going down and choking on its blood. You huffed out in relief, not having a zombie all over you when a gluttural growl made you turn swiftly to see that two more of them tried to attack Joel, Ellie And Tommy, the last one dropping his gun and being cornered alongside the other two. Not stopping to think even for a second before throwing both swords right at the back of the two Clickers, you sent them into the sweet embrace of death.
Tommy slumped back in relief and for a second, you thought the older male had heart attack when he snapped his neck up and scolded you angrily.
“If I die, I'm haunting you first, you crazy woman! Stop giving me scares all the god damn time! I’m old...” you giggled at him and pulled him up while Ellie did the same and pulled him to the exit with a deep heave.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous Tommy! At least your ghost would be stuck with a chick like me!”
Ellie, now shaking with amazement and a slight, barely-there fright let out a curse and you turned to look at her while pulling the swords out from the bodies and cleaning them for now.
“Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often... You just went woosh, and they went bam!” you smiled sweetly at the girl, kinda starting to have an impression how she was. She had the mouth of a sailor, that one was for sure. She was witty, and snarky much like you but still, there was a sweetness that coated her that you just wanted to hug her...
Not in your current state though.
Joel grumbled under his breath, and you bit your lips hard at hearing it. It seemed that no matter what you did, he would still hate you. And you didn’t see, but Tommy gave him dead stare for what he said, for causing slight tears to appear in your eyes.
“yeah it came a bit late... No wonder people died on her...”
“That’s it! What’s your problem with me, huh?” you took fast steps to him, panting angrily and feeling your hands go cold in fight or flight mode. Chest to chest while he looked down on you and chuckled humorlessly...
And spat his poison unmercilessly.
“ My problem is your saviour complex, honey. You act all smart and strong but I can see your true shit. You are a little girl who wasn’t able to do shit before, and thinks she is at the top of the world because she saved three people now...”
Something snapped inside, heart breaking inside. You didn’t have to be reminded of your failures, of the count of how many people you had lost and how much blood you had on your hand Right at that moment, looking inside his brown eyes, all you wanted was to hurt him. Make him feel the same kind of pain he inflicted on you...
“You know what? You’re right... But at least I don’t act like I’m a saint when I killed people willingly. I worked my ass off to save them, to protect them when you only shed blood of others because your little heart was hurting. At least I got to save people, when you couldn’t save any...”
And with that, you slipped away and to the car outside to drive back to Jackson while Tommy and Joel had a scuffle with Tommy stopping Joel and defending you, calling out to how shitty he behaved and how he had to get along with you if he was gonna live in the city.
Damn, it’s gonna be one hell of a journey with them, right?
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You watched the girl you saved alongside the man earlier, Ellie and Joel, you learnt later, sat down in front of you with a cautious yet noncholant face which made you raise a brow at her in question. For someone who had been chased by a Clicker, she seemed like she didn't care and was rather interested in your guns and fighting skills. Ever since you brought them to the safe zone you had helped Tommy and Maria build and protect, she always asked you questions about the “Tactical Gear” you had made which was the same gear the people in an anime you used to watch when young.
Happy, unaware of the future and your only worry being getting good grades...
But those days were no more.
Now all there was is blood, chaos and death in the apocalyptic world. Busses that once drove kids to school was now left to wither, the memories of the good days now a distant memory. Buildings that was once the sign of how strong the human kind was crushed under the heavy smell of death...
Mother Nature, in the end, took her sweet revenge in the most deadly way possible and you had no one to blame except yourself, and other humans.
The only part where you felt like crawling into your bed and cry like a little kid, was the children. So many times you crossed paths with them, and so many times there was nothing to do for them.
Except granting them a quick death.
It wasn’t by shooting, but a kind of poison to put them in a deep sleep, one that they could never wake up from...
One that you made back when you weren’t in Jackson, one that you used all of your scientific knowledges....
“So, uh... Ellie, right?” she nodded at you happilly and looked at you as if you were a star which made you chuckle slightly. You liked the girl for the smart-ass she was, and hearing her roast Joel was way funny to you.
And you guessed that they were both hungry and Tommy couldn’t cook anything to save his life. “I believe you’re hungry, as well as Joel. Do you like chicken?”
And if there was any reasons to not like you for Ellie, there was absolutely none, now that you offered the best looking full course of meal to her. “Holy shit, you made all these?!”
“Hmm, Jackson is far larger and bigger than you think it is. We have a healthy farm, and clean soil to grow food. The weather is fine here, too.”
“You are my second favourite person from now on, gosh this tastes amazing!” you smiled warmly at the blush on her cheeks and how happy she trully looked. It has been a while since I saw a kid genuinely happy in this shithole, you couldn’t help but think and sat down before her with a hum and a groan at the bruise forming on your back after being thrown away by one of the fuckers you saved them from.” Well, I guess it’s a good thing but who is the first one for you hmm?”
“Joel, of course. He found me and saved me first and you did for the second place.”  She didn’t lie when she said that, surprised that you actually thought of the man who insulted you, riduculed you right in front of them. You actually didn’t do it for his own good, buth for the sake of Tommy and it showed in the way your face twisted angrily.
Ah, that pain in the ass of a man...
You couldn’t help but let a scowl appear on your face, lips snarling and eyes burning. Ellie let out a “opps” and gulped down the last bit of her water hurriedly. “So, uh I know you and him don’t get along, after that exchange...”
She remembered how you went back and forth between throwing snarky comments at each other while walking back to the cars... With you not giving him a fuck which annoyed him more.
“Are you even listening, woman?!”
“Yes, it just takes some time for me to process all the stupidity all at once!”
Or that when time when you killed a horde of infected as cool as a cucumber that this time, it was him who couldn’t keep his tongue. “ She is crazy! It’s been a few hours that I knew her and I started to think I reached the bottom of it... Seems like there is a whole underground city there!”
Or that time when neither she nor Tommy understood whether you and Joel were flirting or fighting...
“ Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying, you newborn baby?!”
“Nah, darling but probably both...”
Ellie knew that he was both irritated and impressed by you, but apparently the only thing you felt for the man was... anger, by the angry scrubbing ot the plate as expected. Normally, she would boost whoever was making fun of him or having an argument but through time, she came to love him like a father, knew his soft side whenever he would shield her or give her the warm place to sleep.
So, she wanted you to see that side too.
“You know... Even though he doesn’t talk much, I know that Joel only talked like that because of the pain. He lost many people.”
“I know that Ellie, trust me. Even if he sees me some kind of a kid when I’m a whole ass adult.” You sighed exasperatedly and continued with cleaning around the kitchen while the girl watched you with keen eyes. Ever since you found them, she had been watching you, observing you. You mostly kept to yourself, never giving more than a few curt answers to them while walking ahead of the group, eyes careful for the slight noise that would alert you.
But deep down, she knew that you had a good, kind heart. She saw how you tried to give the quickest blow on those who were infected so that they wouldn’t hurt any longer than they already did, how you helped around the people around the safe zone...
You reminded her of how Joel was, she knew that he was amazed by you even though he said you were being stupid, and even though she heard Tommy talk about how Joel was at the first year of the outbreak... He still had enough goodness to help her and do what he was doing now.
Save as many as possible.
While she pouted at the thoughts running through her mind, she flinched when she heard the harsh thud of your hand on the counter and saw you bent over it while panting hard.
Anger, it was anger coursing through you.
It wasn’t like you hated his guts, no. You understood why he was the way he was, harsh and even rude, and for the sake of Tommy, you didn’t say anything but his behaviour...
He was acting like he was the only one who lost everything.
And he had no right for that.
“ I can understand the pain he went through Ellie, really. But you can’t tell me that he is the only one. Fred, Dina, Eric, everyone! Even Gustavo, the ever cheerful man, lost someone!” your chest heaved up and down, harsh breaths leaving you while memories of your past life resurfaced.
Blood, screams, tears, more blood...
Ellie was, for once, left speechless as you burst out. She had seen some people do that, not in front of her though, and thought of you to be that invincible woman.
But the dangling bracelet said otherwise.
She felt her heart pound at her chest, breaking a little as the single tear that ran down your cheek and scooted closer to your form on the chair sitting defeatedly, playing with that red string your sisters gave to you before they...
“I used to have a family too, despite what might people think...” She gasped silently at the words, realizing you wanted to tell her your story, unaware of the man standing behind you.
“You know the kind where they annoyed each other but loved everyone so much? Yeah, that was my life. My only worry was to get high grades, graduate and do what I love. I would occasionally take care of my two sisters, who were in my opinion little gremlins, who wouldn’t leave me alone.” Ellie smiled at that, even though she didn’t know what you were talking about. But she understood that they were your family, people to be always there for you and... she knew that feeling.
“ Before the shit went down, they came barging in my room in the middle of studying and begged me to close my eyes, putting the bracelet around my wrist happily. They said that even if they annoyed me, it was because they loved me and that I was the best big sister ever... And then, the infection happened, everything went to south and now we were trying to survive while protecting our mental health.” Looking at the almost worn out bracelet in thought, your heart clenched painfuly at your chest and you brought a hand to where your heart was, rubbing it for some comfort while Joel watched you with wide eyes and guilt crawling inside him like a spider.
Never in his long life would he think that someone so stern, rude and cold would endure all of these... Endure what happened to him. He felt the sharp pricks of guilt hit him heavily and after 20 years, he felt like a total douche for treating you with nothing but harshness. He remembered how he said that it was normal for people to die on you, as if you weren’t capable enough to protect and fight...
And how it affected you...
But, a part of him wanted to listen more, hear more about you and your story. He felt like you wouldn’t be this vulnerable with anyone, let alone him after asking about you around the town only to receive shrugs, and this was his one chance at understanding you and he shuffled closer to the door when you spoke again.
“ It was first my mom, who got infected. My dad, the man I thought that wouldn’t break, couldn’t kill her and after securing my sisters, he gave me his gun and told me to kill both of them... I was just 16-17 or something, I didn’t understand why he was doing it. But soon got my answers when he let her bite him and he too became one of them. That was my first two kills, to protect my sisters. Even to this day I still blame my dad for everything that happened but a part of me understood why. He just didn’t want to be without her, knowing that he was her killer... But wanted me to live as their killer.”
“You aren’t their killer, I’m sure that they also know it. Humans had done far worse things than that and I dunno, I just feel like they are happy you did that because if you didn’t, someone else would and you would be both dead.”
“Maybe, you’re right... Still doesn’t help though. Anyways after that, I did anything, anything to protect them. I became the shell of the girl I was, killed mercilessly, trained non-stop and became one of the most feared woman. I raised two girls when I was a child, protected them from the insane part of humans...” you spat the last sentence disgusted and both Joel and Ellie tilted their heads at the meaning behind it.
“What do you mean by that?”
Chuckling humorlessly, you faced the girl with a sad stare. You didn’t want her to know everything, but she too was a girl and the world that waited her wasn’t good anymore.
It was her destiny.
“You don’t know, but the way women and children were treated when this shit didn’t happen was bad. Women was raped, children was kidnapped, there were pedophiles who raped or assaulted kids... And those all happened even when there were laws and governments. No punishment was given, and police wouldn’t do anything about it... What do you think would happen to them in a world like this?”
Joel clenched his hands angrily at what you said, knowing how bad it was. He remembered how many times he watched them on the breaking news, how Tommy and Sarah would look in disgust and worry...
No wonder you had been that cold to him, and was able to knock the air out of him when he jumped on you, thinking of you another bandit, fear evident on your orbs for a second.
His heart softened at everything he learnt, how similar your lives were. Your sisters are lucky to have you, they would be good friends with Ellie- Seriously, where are they? The house seems empty-
“I’m... I’m sorry.” Ellie seriously didn’t know what she should think. She wasn’t stupid by any means, she understood  what you meant and felt envy. She never had a person like that in her life, no one was there to protect her until Joel and she couldn’t help but wonder if you would do the same for her.
But a part of her, a part of humanity and child, wanted to meet them and see how amazing they were. Were they like you? Better? Where were they?
“Your sisters must be proud of you so much! I really want to meet them, where are-“
“I hope you never do, Ellie...” you smiled at her obvious innocence and squeezed your chest as if you were in pain at how she reminded you of them. Ellie tilted her head curiously, not understanding why you suddenly became 10 times older and why you didn’t want her to meet them...
But Joel did.
“No, don’t say that...”
“Because they are dead, Ellie... I killed her.”
Her mouth was left open at shock, not expecting that much to happen to you. She knew that a lot happened to you, that you did pretty unimaginable things... But this was too much even for a grown-up.
“How did it...” she asked unsure, her mind slowly realizing that you were no hero but a real human.
“The older one begged to come with me and I let her, she was 15 at the time. It was a simple mission but there were a bunch Clickers and one suddenly jumped at us. I was able to move away but... she wasn’t. It bit her and she begged me to kill her so that she wouldn’t turn to them. I had to do it and... well, she died between my arms.” You shrugged your shoulder as if it didn’t bother you anymore but in reality, you were crushing under it.
The way your sister screamed at you in anguish to kill her..
Sister, please! I don’t wanna be like them!
“And what about the other one?”
“The fuckers who hated me waited so that I would leave, they killed the man I trusted the youngest one with and kidnapped her... I searched everywhere, every place but... I guess she is also dead too... For days, I wasn’t able to wash off her blood and for months after that, the only thing I saw was blood of them...and the hands of a murderer...”
Silence welcomed you, Ellie was heartbroken for all the things that happened to you and even more amazed at how you still had that good side in you. She always wanted to be a strong woman, but now that an amazing role model was sitting down before her, she knew what her next goal was.
You gave a soft smile at the girl who was already worming inside your heart and got up, slapping your knees playfully and trying to ease the sad vibes.
“And that’s the story of how I became that cold bitch around here! I’m sorry I dumped my trauma at you but I guess, I kinda needed-“ your voice died down at the shocked man standing beside your door, hands crossed in front of his chest while he stood frozen, not expecting you to turn around so fast. Your face went pale at the realization, knowing that he heard everything. Clenching your hands thighter on your sides, Ellie’s curse went to deaf ear by both adults who were busy looking at each other.
And you were surprised to see a tear sitting at the corner of his eyes.
Joel wasn’t  a stranger to self-loathing, to hate himself more than anyone in this world. He, too killed people and most of the times, he didn‘t care. Maybe, that was one of the reasons he got angry at you for pointing that out.
Because you were right
The first night it all happened, he saw how humanity would go berserk with one little thing and how government would do anything to protect their power.
How they would kill without a reason and decided that why couldn’t he do that too, if the worl wanted him to?
But looking at you, he trully never believed you to be a murderer, even when his tongue betrayed him. Not because of your smaller form but for the way you still had compassion, saved people to get them to a safe zone. He was shocked to see many of town’s folk greeting you happily while children horded around you and jow sweetly you smiled at them even when you were dead tired. And for the first time ever since meeting you, he trully looked at you for you and saw how kind and nice you were. How authoritative you were but gentle enough to pat the heads of the children and selfless enough when one of the younger teen in your squead came rushing to you with a happy frin and whispered something in your ear that made you grin at the young boy.
He would never say it to your face, but he found you to be slightly annoying and pretty much impressing. The brutal force you used required to be trained all the time and your agility and stealth was not to be messed with.
It was enough for him to not realize that you sneaked upon him with him noticing.
He cursed at himself for being an asshole to you, especially after learning why you were the way you were. Tommy’s words rang in his mind and for once, he wished that he wasn’t right, that he wasn’t fucked up and needed to apologize...
You don’t know her story, Joel... You two are more alike than you realize...
Too bad that he only stood like a dumb young boy there, umable to form words which only fueled your anger.
You scoffed at him, even though he didn’t do anything bad particularly. But protecting your dignity was more important at that time and that was what you did.
“Wow you are really a douche enough to barge in my home and listen, huh? Didn’t expected that low from you, Miller.” You said, disappointed and tired while slipping away and into the street with Ellie running after you, worrying meanwhile Joel tried to find a way to do something he hadn’t done in a long time.
But for now, you didn’t want any apologies. You didn’t want to see people, and their pity.
You just needed air.
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bunnakit · 2 months
I think I remember Hongjoong saying at some point that each member of ateez and halateez have different skills and specialties within the resistance so its not just a carbon copy across the universes sooooooo Buried Treasure question: (if you've thought about it and its not a spoiler or anything,) What are each ateez and halateez member's specialty in your Buried Treasure-verse?
omg a buried treasure ask??? someone is actually reading it??? hang on, one sec while i cry
anyway- i HAVE thought about it! i have so many useless details sequestered away for BT that will probably never see the light of day but it helps me stay in the world. a lot of their skills are based on stuff in the lore and mvs but some are just my own lizard brain. i'll try to break down everyone (fuck this ended up so long holy shit)
both Captain and Hongjoong exhibit a plethora of leadership qualities but one has led a group of lost teenagers while the other had led an entire resistance; it just made sense to put Captain in charge of both groups. (the thing is, he'd always had z!Hwa's help. he doesn't anymore.) i think Hongjoong has been able to explore his passion for art more freely and as a result likely has a better eye for detail while Captain's skills lie more in combat and damage control.
both were gentle souls but while one was allowed to remain soft and naive the other developed armor that he shed only around those closest to him. a!Seonghwa is a mediator and a counselor, he keeps an eye on everyone and keeps fights to a minimum. he's the one they bring when someone is struggling with their newfound freedom. z!Hwa was very different. almost no one was a better shot than him and he was fiercely protective of his family. people are intimidated by Captain, can't fathom anyone with more of a rebel spirit than him. they never met z!Hwa. he was quite possibly the only one that wanted to fight for their freedom every bit as much, if not more, than Captain.
they're both affable in their own ways; one sweet and reassuring despite his own pain, the other reliable and confident in a way that puts people at ease. a!Yunho is the vehicle guy. they aren't common in Strictland anymore, public transportation allows for better control of the masses, but when they're lucky enough to find one they rely on him to do the driving. (he loves when they can find a motorcyle.) z!Yunho is a bit different, he's good with technology and often works alongside a!Yeosang in developing and fine tuning their machines.
these two could not be more different. a!Yeosang has all the skills forced on him by his parents and their expectations, however, those skills don't do him any good in Strictland. instead, his most useful skill is his expertise in drones and engineering. he continues to develop technology for the groups, refusing to stop at just the butterfly drones. meanwhile, z!Yeosang is a force of nature. he's quiet, contemplative, and observant. he's their best shot, the one they rely on when things go sideways. he's efficient and quick, but lately he's even more quiet. he barely speaks to anyone and there's a concerning deadness to his eyes no one wants to comment on.
sigh. there isn't a day that goes by that a!San isn't trying to protect someone or sacrifice himself to make their lives "better" and "easier." he's driving both Captain and Hongjoong to an early grave. the problem is, he's good at it, so they let him be their decoy. z!San is similar but gave up his sacrifical tendencies a long time ago - he has someone he has to make sure he comes home to. z!Wooyoung and z!San have been together longer than they've known the other Pirates and where one goes the other follows. even into death. z!San now is your basic muscle, the scary dog when he needs to be, and the general fighter otherwise. he's their best at close combat and trains new resistance members.
two more BIG differences. a!Mingi is still raw, distrustful, he doesn't do well with people and there are still some tensions within the A group. he doesn't really know where he belongs but he fills the roles he needs to and people watches when he has time. he learns a lot that way and has become a sort-of informant for the groups. z!Mingi is a little more confident and knows where he belongs and that's as their medic. he wasn't always, he used to be just more muscle, but one day he was tossed into the deep end and it was sink or swim. sinking wasn't an option. z!Jongho got hurt protecting him while they were alone, no idea where the others had ended up. z!Jongho's survival balanced on a knife's edge and z!Mingi was not going to let him fall.
you usually hear a!Wooyoung before you see him. he has limitless energy and a bright demeanor, a charisma that's unrivaled. it makes him good for infiltration, being places he doesn't belong. unfortunately, he's a bit prone to accidents and injury so he tries to stay out of combat as much as he can. he can still feel the ache of the Android Guardian nearly snapping his ankle when they first arrived. z!Wooyoung is a little more subdued, quiet when he needs to be. he's serious when he needs to be and while he tries to hide it he's fiercely protective of his family, even moreso now that z!Hwa is gone. he's good with fire and explosives; if something needs to be destroyed you call z!Woo
these two are very similar, both chasing dreams they don't want to lose. a!Jongho wants to keep everyone together, to keeps this tentative family he's found after scaling a mountain of disappointment. he pairs up with z!San to be the muscle, to keep everyone safe any way he can. he spends most of his free time training, trying to close the gap in combat knowledge as quickly as he can. z!Jongho isn't all that different, he has people he wants to protect too - though there's one person above all others. z!Jongho will do anything to protect z!Mingi, but he can't see that look of panic on his face again, so he steps back from being the muscle (he still fights, they all do, but it's no longer his sole purpose.) he maintains their weapons because the best way he can protect everyone is make sure their shit works properly and won't explode in their faces. weapons are rare and so the ones they have need to last and z!Jongho makes sure they do. (but if someone puts a knife in the pistol locker one more time he's going to blow their kneecap off)
SORRY ITS SO LONG, i never get to talk about the Buried Treasure boys and i love them so so much
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crows-home · 2 years
Nobody asked but here are my thoughts about Infinite and the president’s sonadow fanclub because i haven’t stopped thinking about it for WEEKS and if I don’t get it out there I will implode.
More of a lighthearted, crack treated seriously type of thing.
So if we’re sticking with the main Sonic Forces timeline, i think that the jackal squad didn’t die or anything. They just got real beat up by Shadow and fired by Eggman as a result. the loss stings everyone’s pride, but none more than infinite.
He sees his team sulking for days and thinks “how can i embarrass Shadow the same way?” and Sonic is doing the whole Twitter Takeover with Eggman and Shadow and he’s like. Oh yeah. I’m gonna embarrass you all in front of so many people.
So the whole “a file called Sonadow.” thing plays out and it’s funny!! Infinite spent a few days searching for sonadow fanart and fanfiction around the web and compiled a folder and sends it to Eggman live. (and it’s surprisingly hard to find any sonadow content. apparantly its a rare thing.) He and his crew get a laugh out of it.
And then:
It’s like one of those things where you start doing something ironically. saying a phrase or doing a mannerism in the day as a joke. He’ll see a pepsi can and a coca cola can together and laugh and point and say “haha. sonadow.” and his crew will laugh too. He’ll find fanart and tag Shadow in it to annoy him.
Then I think this leads down a pipeline to him actually reading fanfiction and theories. “For fun,” he says.
“Look at this,” he says to Vanish, gesturing to his tablet screen. They’ve just collected a bounty in a snowy mountain and are taking a rest in their tent.
Vanish squints and reads over his shoulder. “What...”
“There’s a small community of people that genuinely believe Sonic and Shadow have a secret relationship and go out on cheesy dates.”
Vanish laughs in disbelief. “That’s crazy.”
Infinite nods, absently rubbing his knee because the cold makes his joint ache. “I know. I mean, if they were actually in a relationship they wouldn’t meet at a restaurant for a date. Obviously. These people don’t know anything.”
Vanish stares at him for a moment, but Infinite has continued scrolling.
“Whatever you say, boss...”
Anyway. Time passes and it’s. Not a joke anymore.
the more he reads, the deeper he gets, until one day he’s fully onboard like. “Woah, hang on. This actually makes a lot of sense. Are they really together? They have to be!”
I like to think he saw fics and art and scoffed like. “The characterization is so off.” and “He would never say that.” and “I bet I could do better.” so he starts creating his own stuff and putting it online. maybe he started with crack fics and his team just smiled awkwardly when anything was brought up because. well, Infinite is still a damn good leader and his hobbies aren’t really hurting anyone.
but infinite is really miffed because no one will take him seriously!! like, his crew is not as invested in this as he is and whenever he gets a good conversation going with someone online, they either move on from “sonadow” really quickly or they have a different view on their relationship than he does.
until he’s browsing forums and notices a single user that has been posting continuously since like. almost 2001???
so he hits up the user “Sonadowfan1″ and they talk EXTENSIVELY and holy shit. It’s like he and this person are on the same wavelength. this person GETS IT.
Sonadowfan1: I’ve believed in their relationship almost since day 1
User69420: Wow, you were there since the beginning?
Sonadwofan1: I was. And let me tell you, the way they worked together, the way their chemistry works, I have never met another pair of beings so closely intertwined. But they love to dance around each other.
User69420: Exactly! Did you see the clips of their time at the Olympics?
Sonadowfan1: I was there in the audience! It was quite something to see in person.
So Infinite has a new internet friend that he can share his ideas with. Sonadowfan1 recommends fanfiction and sends their favorite clips and they have some damn good taste since they’ve been around for a while.
Meanwhile Infinite’s crew is just happy he’s not coming to them every time he needs to vent his frustrations. They hear his phone ding and see him grinning a minute later, typing away like a kid.
Months pass and he and Sonadowfan1 decide to meet up. It’s the middle of the night, and Infinite is hesitant. But Sonadowfan1 insists that it’s the only time that he’s able to step away from his job. But he makes Infinite agree to come alone.
User69420: Why? What are you playing at?
Sonadowfan1: I have a very recognizable face. I trust that you won’t reveal my identity, but only you.
Infinite frowns. It’s a dumb statement, really. Infinite thinks he would sell this guy’s information for a price in a heartbeat. But, whatever gets him the meeting with the only other person that believes in this as much as he does- maybe even more.
“Should we...?”
Eclipse points to Infinite, who is getting ready to head out and meet with his online friend.
Rumble blinks. “You want me to stop him? He can handle himself. Let him get this out of his system or enjoy himself. At least it’s not affecting his work.”
And just. Long story short that’s how Infinite comes face to face with the fucking President of the United States. They agree to have monthly meetings. The pres shows Infinite his own Sonadow files and the picture he keeps on his desk. They go over their interactions and break them down, frame by frame.
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OKAY. SO. i'm going to be directly pulling from the wiki + ttrpg text & abridging some of it. here we go. little bowl of seeds for u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so. the circumstances leading up to the trigger event influence the power granted. half the state of mind, and half the scenario that they're in. taylor was in a situation where she was isolated, blind and powerless and felt like everyone was conspiring against her-- either directly (planning for fucking weeks to get her into the locker) or indirectly (ignoring her inside, not letting her out) etc. she triggered as a master, someone who can see everything and control so many things so exactly and specifically and she has something (her bugs) there for her, in some sort of fucked up companionship, in response to that. the overview is as follows!!
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^this is the gist of it!!!!!! the ttrpg also goes into more in depth on many of these-- i won't send u 1 billion screenshots Now (spoilers in the gdocs u r Not allowed in there) but. here r a couple irt the nhw for flavor :}
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also holy shit now i can be so so so fucking annoying about Why i gave the nhw the powers i did... i kind of got into it w/ the trigger events. but like. still..!!!!!!!!!!!
i would LOVE the essay about each of the nhw triggers btw. i can SEE your vision i can FEEL your vision. william feeling so fucking isolated in his hometown leading him to have master powers. his. idk weird relationship with ghosts/monsters/death coupled with his EXTREME near death experience manifesting in his breaker powers. UGHHH thats so good. TRUMP POWERS BEING CAUSED BY DIRECT INVOLVEMENT BY ANOTHER CAPE IN THE TRIGGER EVENT. VIRION WATCHING HIS DAD SLAUGHTER THEIR ENTIRE PARTY/FRIENDS/FAMILY. dakota being lost in the crowd after losing his parents, knowing something bad is happening but not knowing exactly what, catching glimpses of the fight and the blood and the horror but still not fully understanding, not knowing how or if he'll ever find his parents again and that manifesting in his thinker powers. also that zone/quick/farsight thing holy FUCK thats so failsafe. "loss of autonomy, being situationally restricted/overwhelmed" manifesting as sensing people in his immediate environment. "results from tunnel vision in views/character, incorrect perceptions" (can we say dakota damascus hero worship!) manifesting as powers that go beyond the usual senses (fear/pain sense!). i honestly think the Quick part would come more from his second trigger, which is what gives him the Mover powers right? "panic, frantic inability to solve problems, rushed errors" <- not being able to catch katori in time, making the split second decision to fall after her, manifesting as his mover/thinker powers. being able to make those split second decisions midair and Actually Accomplish them, but by the time he triggered they were already too close to the ground and he couldnt save her anyway (<< and theres the tragic irony)
ohhhh i didnt mean to go off so much about failsafe but that just gave me a lot of feelings about his triggers :( ANYWAY THINKING ABOUT ASHE NOW. GOD. OKAY. right now. how are we feeling about Shaker/Breaker. ok ok im having a lot of thoughts here bear with me. idk if u have a more clear trigger for him in mind but the thing ive been thinking about all day since u sent me that first ask is. the call going out to evacuate because simurgh is coming. ashe's mom has to go get him from school and its a mad rush with all of the other parents trying to do the same thing. instead of immediately leaving, they go back to the house for some reason (she forgot something important? maybe her phone so she had no way to contact mark/see if he was okay? idk i havent worked that out yet.) and shes just. running around frantically grabbing things getting ready to leave and ashe is standing in the doorway not knowing what to do or how to help. and its like an earthquake hits. (i just keep thinking about chris's death and how fucking. sudden and brutal it was it has stuck with me for some reason). something big or heavy falls on her and just . immediately crushes either one or both of her legs. totally unable to move. and ashe starts panicking and shes obviously panicking but trying so hard to keep it together not to scare ashe anymore than he already is. and she tells him to go, tells him to follow the other people who are leaving, maybe find one of their neighbors and go with them. (side note here. if she got her phone. i want her to text mark here and tell him to come home. something really short and terrifying and panic inducing that breaks him out of his hesitation. "need help, come home, cant leave" something like that. worlds most miserable man these are the last words he has of his wife aha) ashe doesnt want to leave his mom! hes just a kid he doesnt know what the endbringers are or why theyre so scary or why THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR is so bad!! she keeps telling him not to worry, that dad will meet him there when hes safe, ashe immediately asks something like "but what about you?" and its very. disney movie parent dying level of tragedy. he triggers when she eventually cant hold it together anymore either from the pain or the panic and just starts. screaming at him. ashe you need to go you cant stay here you need to leave me im not coming with you etc etc etc.
ANYWAY. ALL THIS TO SAY. shaker powers come from environmental/ambient danger. i.e. a literal endbringer attack. maybe the house isnt structurally sound anymore but he doesnt want to leave his mom. breaker powers come from . well this is more of me maybe forcing the issue but i want the trickster to be a separate form or something. the abstract stressors here being. he knows something bad is happening but he doesnt know exactly what. he knows his mom cant move but he wants her to be able to so she can leave with him, shes yelling at him telling him to go, he doesnt know where his dad is, he doesnt want to go by himself. etc etc do you feel the vision here. taking this directly from that last paragraph about breakers too but like "knowing a situation is dangerous but not wanting to leave" yknow!!!!! i dont know exactly how this would manifest yet but goddd just. imagining it as something like. his shaker powers are the ones he can actually control and use normally but the trickster/breaker powers is what he turns into in situations similar to his trigger, where someone he loves is in danger. but the irony of it is that he cant really control his actions as the trickster and he just kind of. goes berserk on whatever is around him. absolutely brutal, maybe a little sadistic; its kind of perfect for situations like overlord where they do actually need to kill someone to get out of the situation, but with things like his trigger. well. the only living thing around him was his mom. so . wasnt pretty. is this anything . im in so much pain about this
final FINAL side note. i know we have mark as a cauldron cape but even if we didnt i think both his classifications working so fucking well ESPECIALLY tinker "solutionless problems over long periods, resulting in a crisis moment" what is more of a solutionless problme than knowing you and your son have been marked by the simurgh and deciding that instead of following protocol youre going to say fuck it all and get the two of you out of there by. nuking your entire lives and faking new identities and struggling to bounce back from somehting like that all while knowing the inevitability of. the fact that youve BEEN MARKED BY THE FUCKING SIMURGH. (also striker "results from an immediate threat, usually a single object or individual" hello? coming home to find your son in some demonic berserk state and your wife a bloody mess on the floor all while theres this overbearing scream/singing in your head ??? okayyyyy)
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opinated-user · 2 years
So Lily released her video about The Mummy movies. And surprise, surprise, she mentioned nothing about the racism in all of the movies. Instead she claims the films are "fun" and basically implies if you don't like it you have a stick up your ass.
Also she complains about movies being dark and gritty, calls vampires and werewolves aristocrats and predators again, and manages to snipe a comment at Christie Golden because she's still pissy about Sylvanas.
But the issues of racism in these movies? Crickets. Even the retelling of The Mummy she presents isn't a deconstruction of the inherent imperialist themes of the film. It's just more boring toothless sapphic fluff. It's all about how hard it was to be two loving lesbians in a cruel homophobic time in ancient Egypt holy shit what the fuck.
(note for everyone: don't watch the video directly. if you want to view the video to critique on your own or know if there's anything more worth commenting, do it through this link that won't give LO any views: https://cinemaphile.com/watch?v=Vf_hUx5y0m8) on top of that, it's also gross that LO would shove a homophobic narrative on a society that, as far records show, was actually a lot more progressive that modern times were. we have records of not only transgender people living during this time period where a strict binary didn't even exist, but gay couples existing freely, living normal lives and even being buried together. if you as much just put "homosexuality in ancient egypt", this is the first result i came out with:
“Niankhumn and Khnumhotep were two male lovers who were buried together in a joint tomb in Saqqara, Egypt,” Manson told Hyperallergic. “Their epigraph reads ‘Joined in life, joined in death.’ I created this piece to capture the love and intimacy the two shared, and show that Black, queer love is as old as time itself.”
Discovered by Egyptologists in 1964, murals on the tomb depict the two men in a pose traditionally reserved for husband and wife. One panel features an embrace with noses touching — a pose of marital intimacy within the lexicon of Egyptian art. Homosexuality was not uncommon in Ancient Egypt, and clearly their relationship was both approved of by the pharaoh and close enough to call for co-burial — though the exact nature of their partnership is debated by historians, who make various cases based on the imagery in the tomb.
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but these are men. LO doesn't care about queer men, black or otherwise. luckily for us and anyone who does want to make a better sapphic story with an ancient egypt setting, there's also signs that sapphic women existed back then and could be treated exactly the same as any couple.
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this is a thing that many people might be surprised by but homophobia is not the natural state of the world. many ancient societies did not care about such concept, just like they didn't had any interest on a strict binary or keep "traditional roles" as tighly as some people care even today. you'd hope any advocate for LGBT+ rights already knew at least a little bit of it because often LGBT+ people are forced to prove that they always existed, they were always there, and these kind of records are important to prove just that. it helps us to see that all of that (transphobia, the gender binary, homophobia, etc) were all man made and they can be desconstructed, disregarded entirely even and hold no intrinsic value. instead... LO invented homophobic ancient egyptians completely on her own and i find that so weird, because this was one of those rare ocassions in which she could freely play with the idea of a sapphic story where homophobia had no role at all and she just put homophobia anyway.
i know, this is a fantasy story... but it's supposed to be based on a real time period. the least you could do then is do the most bare of minimun research to know what you're talking about.
you clearly didn't care to bring out the overwhelming racism of the original movies (even though that was a common point of critique... in the 90s), so at least could have bothered to paint egypt on a general better light but LO couldn't be bothered to do not even that because it got on the way of her sapphic bland story. besides all of this... her pitch is just boring? there's no action, there's no big stakes, there's... nothing of what she claims she liked about the first movie. there's not even an actual antagonist, it's just a boring attempt at comedy of misunderstandings. there's an idea there but actual story wise, nothing.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
For the OC ask!! (This is more general than specific)
How did your first chosens react to...all of that lol. I'm just curious in what differences we have, aside from the general panic and not knowing wtf is going on lol
But like. Who got activated first? Which legend got caught first? Did they tell anyone outside of the three chosens? How did it affect the first chosens overall? I'm very curious!!
I'm gonna talk about the Hoenn and Johto gang for this one!
Starting with Jin, they were the one of the duo to be "looked after" by Rayquaza from the very beginning. Not that Jin knew of this. All they knew was that they loved looking at the sky on the beach near Olivine city in Johto. The first time they were ever aware they could have a potential connection with Rayquaza as a Chosen....was when they were drowning during the final act of Emerald. When they looked up, they saw a green light and a mighty roar that shook their core. This is actually something new that I'm adding when thinking about it: for a moment they were able to breathe, and with the help of their Milotic, they were able to swim close enough to the surface for Archie to save them. But that was when Jin knew they had a connection with the legendary Rayquaza. And it terrified them. Yes, it terrified them a lot. They grew to fear that dragon. So much so that they grew up to be pretty avoidant about the whole Chosen thing, only really involved because holy fucking shit there's more of them and all of them are younger than they are. But yeah, Jin isn't really close to their Chooser, but has some control over their powers. They weren't exactly thrilled to get them, but was too scared of what would happen if they went away. They've long since gotten used to them, using them for regional patrols and minor threats if needed.
In terms of who got to meet their legendary first( between the two) that would be Kohaku. I want to add more to this story, but for now I'm going by the game: Kohaku met Latios when Latias came to her and Steven to try and save her brother from Team Magma. After being saved by Kohaku, Latios ended up Choosing her, though the powers don't happen until much later. Again, I want to tweak this in the future, but that's how it goes. I don't think Amber was actually panicking when she found out she had powers. Probably because Latios had the decency to ease her into it, showing she can turn invisible without having to touch him( still workshopping those powers lol), but mostly due to her being a researcher. If anything, Amber was insanely curious and excited to look into the whole Chosen business, what she can and cannot do with her powers, etc. She's probably the reason Jin has some level of control with their powers, now that I think about it. The minute she found out they have powers, she dragged them to testing, which then resulted in training of powers.
Going to Johto, both Kenji and Aiko saw their respective Choosers in their youth. Kenji saw Ho-Oh flying across the sky one day, similar to Ash in the anime. Aiko saw Lugia on a boat trip gone bad in her youth, Lugia in the midst of a storm. Neither of them knew exactly what they saw, but they felt something when seeing them. They didn't know that they were Chosens then, and that they were seeing their legendaries for the first time.
I'm just gonna take a moment to say how hgss is really great Chosen fodder. Like you have the kimono girls, seemingly all knowing in the knowledge of Ho-Oh and Lugia, going out of their way to test Kenji and Aiko as Chosens, heck, even Professor Elm seemingly being in on it.
Anyway, going back tomorrow Kenji and Aiko. When Kenji was Chosen, he was beyond excited. He not only gets to be a hero by defeating team rocket and saving Johto, but also one with actual powers?! Heck yeah! Yes it's very childish on him to think that, but he was 10 at the time, cut him some slack. Really, his excitement came from a genuine place to help. He vowed then and there that he would use his powers for good, and make Ho-Oh proud. Funny how things work out, huh?
For Aiko, unlike Kenji,she was officially Chosen by Lugia ( I mean,she always was, but in a sense of meeting without any dangers), post game. She stayed in Johto with Silver to start her training with the Kimono girls, as well as preparing to meet Lugia. This whole thing is a way of having her and Silver bond, as well as character growth for the both of them. But ultimately, Aiko faced off with Lugia and caught them! Though she released them after realizing they were planning on having a kid. They still keep in touch though, especially as Aiko trains to take her Uncle Chuck's place as the fighting type gym leader ( which is conveniently near where Lugia rests). Lugia waited for Aiko to be a little older to give her her powers....cause an overenthusiastic 10 year old with a tiny bit of bloodlust probably shouldn't have the power to move waves and cause storms. Though,with age, and her training under the kimono girls, she became more serious about the matter. But she's still Aiko. She's gonna make her staff a swirling tycoon and throw it at her enemies and there's nothing you can do about it 😤
Beryl is funny because this whole journey was not what they were planning. They were planning to help Elm with his research without much fuss. They were not planning on suddenly being the older sibling to energetic and very angsty 10-11 year olds, while also fighting off the Mafia. So other than being in awe by the sight of Suicune, their first thought was " you know.....this might as well happen". And it did. My version of HGSS is pretty different than the original, with my goal making Team Rocket a bit more threatening, cause they don't feel like it. I get that's the point, but it's my au, I can do what I want and I want team rocket to be searching for Ho-Oh and Lugia, actually capture them, and Suicune calling Beryl to aid in the fight. Beryl doesn't capture Suicune, just since Suicune doesn't seem to want to get captured. Though, it's hard to say when they end up constantly around Beryl when Beryl told them to keep a low profile. Beryl is pretty sure Suicune is only doing it to spite them. As for powers, Beryl's first thought when getting them was "yeah, that checks". Almost nothing surprises them anymore. They are grateful though, since it's very useful for pokemon rehabilitation work, mainly for healing injured pokemon before getting better medical help. They do need water for it though.
When it came to telling others, I imagine that for a while, when there was no powers, they didn't really tell anyone. Cause what was there to tell? Legendary pokemon are still pokemon and so bonds are bound to happen, so it would be very hard to believe. When the powers started to kick in, however, was when they started telling people. Jin first told their mom, Archie and Maxie ( they were temporarily Cursed in my au),and ( reluctantly) Steven and Wallace. Their dad was the last person to know, due to angst/hj. Aiko immediately told her dad, being a pokemon professor,who was equally as fascinated by the concept. However, despite the very little knowledge all these people have on the subject, they all agreed it's best to keep it on the hush. Wallace and Zinnia ( who tbh, probably already knew but didn't say anything), are arguably the most adept in understanding Chosens, but still their knowledge is pretty limited.
Ho-Oh and Lugia urged Kenji and Aiko to not go blabbing their mouths on the Chosen stuff, which fortunately they didn't do. The only ones that are aware is Kenji's mom ( momma's boy), Aiko parents ( Elm was kinda involved from the start?), gym leader Chuck ( Aiko's uncle), Lance, Clair and Silver. Oh and Morty and Eusine, who are very useful in terms of trying to understand what's going on. The kimono girls already knew, they didn't have to be told.
I hope I answered your questions well! Sorry if I didn't!!!
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zoeysdamn · 8 months
I discovered your art recently and read your review of the witcher spin-off, I wanted to know what your thoughts on season 3 were since you said you wanted them to stick closer to the book, and season 3 was arguably even more accurate than season 1 was and it defiantly is as far as character dynamics go
Hi dear Anon!
To be fair, I do enjoy improvisation when it's done correctly (read: when it's in the same spirit as the og material ; for example, the games aren't canon either but I absolutely adore every one of them because it's so similar to the books it might as well be canon).
Anyway, back to the show sorry I got carried away—
I actually liked Season 3! When I learned what events/books it would cover, I thought 'holy shit, they better be doing this right', because it's such an important moment in the witcher lore!
They did a decent job keeping relevant scenes very faithful to the books (the market scene, Thanedd coup, Ciri meeting other mages of Aretuza, the desert walk, Tissaia's passing, Brokilone forest, etc etc), and introducing more original elements (Cahir helping the elves, warlord Francesca, adult Radovid and his Jaskier romance). Though some of those things are debatable ; I'm still sceptical on their take on Radovid (not his romance with everyone's beloved bard, as far as I'm concern, the show's version is so fundamentaly different from the books — I mean, Radovid is still a CHILD on the canon timeline — it actually made sense) ; also, the things that really bothered me are scenario points that resulted from massive confusion during Season 2 (like Fringilla, wtf are you doing girl?).
But ! I agree with you, the character dynamics are really great in this Season: the most perfect to me might have been Philippa and Djikstra ; I love those characters and their dynamic in the books and games, and the actors did a marvelous work. Yennefer and Geralt evolving relationship is also more interesting in this season. And don't get me started on Milva, one of my fave character on the whole lore, who was perfection on the few scenes she had. Plus, we finally got a glimpse of the deep, inconditional friendship between Geralt and Jaskier. The 'brooding Guy x golden retriever sunshine' dynamic of season 1 was fun, but I'm glad the show runners understood how deeply Thanedd events changed things.
So after all this rambling (which I apologize for djdkdjdj), I absolutely agree with you: the characters dynamics, close to the book material, did save Season 3 👌😌
Take care of yourself sweet Anon, and don't hesitate to stop by sometimes again to share your thoughts ❤️
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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“kiss me!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· wherein a make out session between you and marco results into a small teasing, by no other than the pineapple.
⠀⠀➧ fluff, suggestive | marco × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! this is kinda suggestive, and ofc, swearing and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “kiss me!” special made to celebrate this account reaching 400+ followers! visit it to see more.
this randomly popped up my mind and i'm thankful for it jdjskdjfjrrj fr fr istg. 😩💗
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After a great haul of treasure from an island, the Whitebeard Pirates went to celebrate the achievement, while you and Marco on the other hand, were together in an empty cabin doing your own celebration..
“M..Marco.” You huffed, being pinned on the wall by the phoenix who had a smirk on his face as his lips were pressed on your skin, hand roaming your body.
“You're so pretty, darling..” He compliments, licking his lips before latching them on your neck, nibbling on it as you let out soft mewls.
“Fuck, I love you.” Cursing under his breath, Marco's eyes darted on yours, a lustful desire visible in them, causing you to hitch a breath.
“I-I love you too, Marco... And if.. If it's not too much too ask, can you...”
Prolonging your words, Marco raised his brows, hand staying on your shoulder and hips, gripping them lighty as he waited for you to say what you desire..
“Yeah? What it it, yoi?” Marco asks, getting impatient—obvious by the way he's caressing your waist, hips, and then down to your legs..
“Is there anything you'd like to request, darlin'...?” Marco whispers, his hot breath making contact with your ears as you shuddered by his question, averting your gaze somewhere else before opening your mouth to speak up.
“Marco..” Gulping loudly, you then let out a warm, airy sigh. A blush taking over your face, the redness extending to your neck before you continued...
“Kiss me.”
Saying those two words in a demanding manner, Marco's eyes widened. Shocked for a moment before he went back to his usual cool self.
“Sure thing..~” He cooes, not wasting another second as he immediately landed his lips on yours, surprising you for a moment, but you soon got a grip and closed your eyes, letting Marco dominate you..
His lips were now wet, and so is yours—saliva then trickled down your chin as your breathing went ragged, chest heaving up and down heavily as the division captain had one of his hands holding yours, pinning them to the wooden wall behind you as the other held your chin, wiping the liquid off and parting your lips. Accesing your mouth with his tongue..
Moans were then soon shared in the cabin, though they were overshadowed by the noise outside from the celebration.
“Mhm~” You purred, letting the steamy act take over you as Marco continued his sloppy kisses, making you eager for more...
But before you could even get high by the sensation of Marco's lips on yours, the phoenix suddenly stopped. Confusing you.
“E..Eh? Marco why did you... Stop?” You asked, a pout seen on your face as Marco licked his glossy lips that were now tugged upwards to a teasing smirk.
“Oh Y/n, my darling... You're so eager, aren't you, yoi?” Chuckling, Marco then loosened your arms, embracing you instead.
“..Shut up, pineapple.” You grumbled, hiding your blushing face on his broad chest. Hitting it lightly.
“Sorry, sorry...” Shuffling from his position, Marco lowered his head, mouth by the level of your ears..
“But don't you think you're being so eager to this pineapple, yeah?” He teased, “It's getting obvious that you're so fucking in love with me, yoi..~”
Blowing a fuse by his statement, you then squealed because of the phoenix who is such a tease—only laughing at you.
“Hehe, alright, anyway—let's continue, yeah?” Lifting your chin up by his finger, Marco then leaned to your face ready to have another make out session with you when...
Ace, who walked in to the two of you close to kissing, exclaims, stumbling backwards and immediately dashing to Whitebeard to report what he saw.
“A-ACE, YOU BRAT, GET BACK HERE..!” You screeched, chasing after the freckled boy who shouted what he saw to everyone in the ship, as Marco sighed. A visible hue of red on his cheeks and ears. Embarassed.
“Oh my God.. This... This is embarrassing.”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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moonxsta · 3 years
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Pairing: Sweet home Eun-Hyuk x Best Friend!GN Reader (Late Valentines special)
Word Count; 3,647
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Summary: When Y/n confesses her feeling to her Best Friend.
Warning: Use of profanity, Cringy scenes
I headed straight to the floor
Oh, how she feels her heartache for him
Oh, how she felt her heart jump and beats wildly every time she comes close to him
Oh, how her heart broke into pieces at that time.
Do you ever feel your heart stop and jump wildly, while tiny butterflies fly around your stomach as they call it when you’re around someone? Or as they call it when you’re…
That's what you feel whenever you’re around him, your best friend.
You never know how you even fell in love with him. Was it because of his kindness? His admiration at things? His aura? How does he smile and radiate it? His looks? His smartness at things?
Or himself in general?
You never knew, but the only thing you knew is that whenever he’s around, You fell in love at that moment as your body does those things.
And it headed straight to my skin
Leaving me daft and dim...
I've got this shake on my legs,
Being new at a school was the worst thing that happened in your life.
Running through the hallways and bumping into people is not the greatest thing you can think of, and being late because of the many turns in the hallways was an addition to it.
And bumping that powerfully into someone was-
Wait what?
Shaking the thoughts from my head,
Before you can decipher your surroundings once again, it was muddled by someone who made you bump into a halt. Your eyes were shut, the pain throbbing in your head while you have put your hands on top of it caused by the harsh impact.
Upon opening one of your eyes, You saw a man trying to fix his glasses as one of its retainers was broken.
Opening both of your eyes wide, you quickly realize your actions in embarrassment. You bowed your torso in an almost complete 90 degree as you apologized.
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so fucking sorry- holy shit" you cursed and excuse yourself through the incoherent words you have spewed.
This caused the said man to look up as he had finally fixed his glasses retainers. Smiling, he assured You in a comforting tone
"Ah, it's fine! it's not your fault anyway. Though you seem lost, do you need help?" He spoke, his smile radiating a positive aura around him
You finally look up to face the man who assured you, his hands sticking out in a shaking manner, his eyes shaping into a crescent moon.
"Uhm yeah actually… it's embarrassing to say but I need help," you confirmed while you nodded, your face showing an awkward smile, though—you shake his hands anyways.
You did not know you were gonna be someone who has played a part in his life.
You just find him as your friend and he does too.
You also just find him attractive, that's all right?
You also did not know you were gonna develop feelings for him at that.
But who put these waves in the door?
I crack and out in poor,
"You know you need to get new glasses" You suggested to the boy who has been fixing his glasses retainer for the past 5 minutes while you eat your food,
"And you know I will never let you waste your money on some dumb glasses" He retorted back while mocking you at the same time as he continues to repair the poor glasses.
A snap sound was suddenly heard causing you to stop eating your food.
Turning your head around where the sound came, it resulted in you looking towards your friend's poor glasses retainers broken in half.
Trying to hold your laugh; hand clutching onto your stomach, you failed, letting out a chuckle as you mock him for losing the bet that the glasses will break in a few weeks.
Trying to stop your hysterical laugh at the poor boy, you stood up—your hands dusting off your uniform.
You stuck out your arms, offering them at your friend to stand up,
"Come on, let's go back to class because we gotta get you new glasses later, Mr. Old man," you jokingly said before he sighs and accepted your offer, standing next to you.
The school bell finally rang, signaling the school ended—as it was time for you and Eun Hyuk to go to an eyeglasses shop to get a replacement for his old one.
Opening the store, the chilly air conditioner instantly made your body shiver making Eun Hyuk rub your back to make you warm, flustered—you instantly pry his hands off your back making him just shrug off at your reaction.
Walking through aisles after aisles, you find neon green glasses standing out in the stand full of different types of shades
Grabbing the poorly designed accessory, you tap your friends back making him turn around to face you in confusion
Seeing the green glasses in your hands, he tried to instantly pry off your frantic hands in his face as you smiled teasingly at him while you tried to put the badly made glasses in his terrified face.
“Stop, you're gonna make me ugly with that.” he finally spoke, his hands blocking his face—dropping your hands, and your shoulder slumped,
“Ah, you're no fun, this will make you more attractive, don't you want that?” you teased, making him embarrassed and rolled his eyes.
As you suggest glasses after glasses and tease him for the ridiculous ones that didn't fit him, your fingertips were suddenly scratched by the screw of the shades you're holding, making you hiss in pain.
Eun notices your eyes looking down at one of your fingertips; catches blood flowing down at it. He points his focus on you instead, making him stop checking out the glasses he had just took a hold of and put them back.
"Y/n your fingertips," he said in a concerning tone
You turned your head at him, giving him an assuring smile,
"Ah… it's nothing, don't worry about it, it's just a cut." You reassured him while he kept silent
He finally shook his head in response to your stubbornness. He grabbed your hand quickly—dragging you, making you drop the shades, the glasses being left instead on your other hand, but you stopped him before passing by the counter
Quickly paying the glasses you recently chose on him, as soon after that—his hands grip yours, dragging you out of the store,
"You know it's just a cut right? I can treat it later on" you said interrupting his panic state.
He stops into a halt and turns his head making you the one panic instead,
"You want your blood flow and act like there's a crime scene around the mall?" He said sarcastically and exaggerated, making you shocked. He continued to grab your hand and dragged you to a near pharmacy shop.
As soon as the two of you open the clear door of the store and got inside the pharmacy, you instantly and awkwardly follow him around the aisle like an attached puppy to its owner as he checks out items after item, judgment in his eyes as he gazes on the products
"You look so mean to the products, do you know  that?" you point out, cutting his thoughts and his inspection,
"I know, they are bad made brand anyways," he said, not caring while he continues to find necessary items
You snickered at his judgments, your other hand covering your mouth as he still had a hold of your hand; making you blush slightly.
As the two of you finally got out of the store, you and Eun Hyuk found a place to properly sat at
Finding a fountain with a circular seat surrounding it, you tap Eun Hyuk's shoulder pointing to the fountain
The two of you sat down while he still had a hold on your hand; making you blush slightly as the realization hits you of him holding your hand half of the time in the mall.
Getting out the necessary pieces of equipment by his other hand, he slowly sticks out your bloodied finger as his eyes inspects it thoroughly
Blushing once again in embarrassment, he looks at your almost cherry red face making him snicker, a small smile formed on his face.
Eyes wide, you roll your eyes—trying to hide your expression of being flustered. He finally dropped your finger down,
getting out the needed items to clean up your cut,
"I think I know why you'll choose the medical field as a major" you spoke up while he continues to clean your cut,
"And what is the reason for it?" He questions as he wipes the excess blood off,
"To take care of my wounds every time I do something because I'm a dumbass"
"That's true that you are a dumbass," he said in a monotone voice while he tried to control his laugh,
"Wow I'm offended Doctor Eun Hyuk" you sarcastically said, putting your other hand on your chest, giving him an offended look on your face
He chuckles silently, remembering that one time of you falling off your bike, giving him flashbacks.
Biking in the chilly wind trying to win a race against Eun once again is not great at all.
Especially if you have low stamina driving a bike fast.
You pedal faster, the chain rings spins wildly as you tried to let out breaths, being exhausted from the energy you have put while pedaling.
Though he won sadly, you tried to park your bike but your body being wobbly from the adrenaline caused you to trip and almost fell, thankfully being held by someone before your body had made an impact with the ground.
Your head turned around, as it was just your friend—you let out a sigh of relief, thankfully not embarrassing yourself once again on someone you do not know,
"You need to exercise" he inquired out of nowhere making you offended,
"Oh shut up." You retorted while rolling your eyes. You took his hands off you and continued to park your bike properly as Eun Hyuk just laughed at your wobbly state
"Stop laughing, we gotta go inside," you said, dragging him by his wrist while he continued to just laugh behind you.
I'm Mr. lover man
Finally the cut cleaned and bandaged, the two of you shoot up from the circular seat while you inspect your bandaged finger
You turned your head towards Eun Hyuk, showing him a smile before speaking up
"Thank you," you said while you touch your bandaged fingertips,
"Your welcome," he spoke back while showing you the signature smile of his
Flustered, this caused you to rotate your head to the side to not make him see your embarrassing face.
You did not fall in love with him.
You did not.
It is just admiration that's all
You affirm yourself that, yet—why had you failed that?
And I miss my lover man
It's been months, 7 months talking, laughing, and mocking each other with Eun.
"Whoever is last treats lunch" one of your friend's bets on the group, this caused you to snap out of your thoughts.
The bell rang, signaling it is lunch time—you and your friends quickly went outside of the room and ran, racing towards the cafeteria.
Running more slowly now, you panted heavily and stopped to lean down your body, your hands at your clumpy knees as your hair sticks to your sweaty face.
"YOU LOST Y/N!" One of your friends shouted towards you, making you embarrassed
You grunted in annoyance, slowly walking towards the group at the entrance of the cafeteria,
"Yeah I know, what do you guys want?" You asked them while searching onto your backpack for your purse
Your friends being shocked at you being serious treating for the lunch, they stuttered over words as they spoke,
"Y/n we were joking-" but before one of them can continue, you stopped them—pointing a finger in front of their lips,
"Shush, I'm feeling in the mood of being kind today so you guys are lucky," you teased in a 'matter of fact' tone while you continue to search in your bag
They nodded quietly, being intimidated by the tone of your voice
As you finally got your purse out of your bag, you got the group's lunch and your own as you set your tray and theirs,
"You know y/n, whenever we're about to call you, you're always with that glasses guy, Who is that anyway, is he your boyfriend or something?" One of your friends spoke out of nowhere
Choking at the juice you have been drinking, you stared towards them, eyes wide as a bright shade of red spreads over your face,
"Uhm no?- of course not! we're not dating...were just best friends" you declined their guess, stumbling over your answer,
"Yeah sure," Your friends chuckled. Realizing your actions, they quickly tease and ask questions to you non stop while your face burns red at the whole conversation,
"Come on just tell us Y/n-" before they can continue, they were interrupted by you once again, though this time—you stood up, your hands at the table,
"YES I LIKE HIM!" you shouted unconsciously as your face burns, your friend's eyes widened, in shock by your outburst
Half of the people in the cafeteria looked at you weirdly, making you shrink back to your seat, Eun Hyuk who is also in the cafeteria looks at you in confusion making your face redder in return.
Your friends being guilty tried to comfort you and rubbed your back—though, you accepted their apology quickly saying it's fine,
"I don't know why I said that- shit he's here, he probably didn't know about it right?" You panicked—causing you to curse at the same time as your eyes frantically tried to avoid Eun Hyuk's concerned gaze.
Your friends looked towards your best friend, stared back at you as one of them quickly sat beside you,
"He probably doesn't get the context, don't worry," one of your friends comforted you while rubbing your back as they look at your other friend
The two stared back at each before one of your friends offer,
"We can help you confess to him," one of them said, their eyes looking into you,
"What?" You questioned confused, eyebrows furrowed by the offer they're dealing,
"You said you like him, didn't you? it's almost what? 7 months and you just got hit by a truck by that realization, so might as well do it soon before you cry yourself to sleep" they said making you feel attacked,
"What no?-" you said in panic, stuttering once again
They stared at you, their eyebrows raised, making sure of your answer.
"Okay fine" you accepted in defeat, making their moods brighter
You regret agreeing on it.
Oh, I miss my lover
The ways in which you talk to me,
Weeks and weeks of preparation until February 14 hits
Have me wishing I were gone
"Ok, maybe we can set up a room full of roses and candles around the walls then-" one of your friends suggested—making you cringed at their idea,
"No." You stop them before they can continue and torture your ears by their suggestion,
"Why not?" They said disappointment in their voice,
"It sounds like they're gonna fuck when they're not." one of your friends spoke out randomly, making your face cherry red
Before your thoughts got clouded by lust, you slapped your face to make your consciousness back to work,
"Hah! See?~ they got a reality check because they were thinking of what it'll feel like to-"
"Shut up!"
Why did you do this?
Why did you agreed to do this?
Why did you get yourself into this?
You wish to go back in time to never experience that again, but of course, you can not go back in time to change it.
It has been weeks and it's finally February 14
The day of love, to show someone affection to someone you love or like.
Ironic isn't it?
You think it was a cliché thing to confess on that day but you can not run away now can you?
As you finally walked on the rooftop, you saw a figure leaning on the balcony as the breezy air makes their hair flow with the wind.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself down before walking towards the figure in a steady pace while your mind panics, scenarios clouding your mind—making you overthink.
Finally standing behind the figure, you spoke up,
"Eun Hyuk"
You called out his name, making him turn his head towards you and stopped leaning on the balcony,
"Oh Y/n you're here, what do you want to talk about?" He said, surprised by your sudden presence behind him
The ways you say my name
Have me running on and on
Soon after that, your mind quickly panics as you fiddle unconsciously on the white paper you're holding,
"Uhm- I'm- I-" you stammer over words making him more confused
'Come on Y/n, just give him the damn paper'
You wished you never gave him that paper.
Taking a deep breath once again you spoke more clearly at your words,
"Uhm… I'm here to give you this…" you spoke unsure of what to say before you gave him the piece of paper on his palm
He grabbed the folded paper out of your shaky hands, unfolding it
I like you.
Three words were written on it
Three words, one meaning
This was a confession,
You shouldn't have made.
Eyebrows raised at the sentence, his eyes were wide after reading the paper you have given him
He looked up at you, a disappointed look on his face
He finally spoke up, cutting the silent yet tense air
"Y/n… I-..." He shuttered over words before looking down at the paper again, guilt washing his entire body
Opening your eyes after you heard him spoke out, you looked up at him back as your heart beats wildly at the tone of his voice,
"So Uhm... Yeah, I.."
"I Like You… Eun-Hyuk."
You shouldn't have said that.
You shouldn't have done that.
He stares at your eyes who is avoiding his dark brown ones that held a solemn look.
He bit his lip, frustration, and guilt toppling his emotion overboard as he spoke up once again
"I'm sorry…"
"I don't have the same feelings as you have for me..."
Oh, I'm cramping up
I'm cramping up
You remembered regretting hearing that sentence come out of his mouth.
"Oh…" you said disappointed, a solemn tone on your voice making him regret his words
Oh how your heart broke at that memory
Oh how you thought he felt the same
Oh how oblivious and naive you were
You looked down at your feet, tears pricking and threatening to run down your cheeks and to the floor
"I'm sorry…" he apologized feeling guilty by his action that made you break down
"Ah, it's okay... It's fine." You muttered, assuring him
He felt like he did not deserve to hear you say that
He should be the one apologizing right?
But you're cracking up
You're cracking up
He was the reason of you being vulnerable right now, yet—why are you still saying its fine?
The air became tenser as the quiet and the breezy wind only play the sound between the two of you
"We can't have the same mutual feelings anyway, right?..." You spoke up quietly, making him feel more guilty at his reponse
"Thanks for the memories, i'll never forget it, we…" you started once again as he kept silent
"...Can still be friends"
"I guess..." You finally said, an unsure tone and pain etched on your voice
I'm Mr. lover man
The air becomes tense every time you two would go past each other
The relationship between the two of you got further and further away until the two of you became strangers to each others eyes
What is the point of staying friends if you guys can not even talk to each other without an awkward atmosphere in the environment between the two of you?
And I miss my lover man
The two of your friends noticed the tension between the two of you every time you guys will be in the same room,
Avoiding gazes,
Tense quiet and awkward air.
I'm Mr. Lover man
They thought you guys were dating already and just hiding it in embarrassment.
Not until graduation hits, do they finally notice you guys just being strangers at each other
And when they finally confront you about it, you kept silent
They failed, didn't they?
Oh, and I miss my lover man
Finally, you had put your luggage and boxes inside of your cheap yet enough apartment to live on
"I guess this is enough… I'll just need to get groceries now," you grunted as you dropped the box on the floor, dusting off your hands as you inspect the things inside your apartment
Becoming an early adult is not easy, especially becoming more independent without your parent's help was an addition to it, which was still a big shift in your life that you're not used to yet.
So finding a part-time job and a cheap apartment to live on was luck on your side.
After checking things inside your small apartment being put in their respective places, you dust off your clothes to be more presentable and took a hold of your doorknob
Pushing the door open, you got greeted by the dirty hallways, making you scrunch in disgust by the smell.
Walking away from the disgusting area, you got to an elevator and pressed the 1st-floor button as you felt yourself going down floor by floor.
The elevator door finally opened—greeting you to the entrance of the building
Stepping out, you stopped into a halt—caused by a certain particular voice, making you turn your head around
"Ah, thank you"
Oh, he still wore the glasses you bought him that time huh?
Eyes wide by seeing him again, memories pang into your mind instantly; causing you to briefly shut your eyes,
"Y/n?..." a voice interrupted your mind, making you open your eyes once again,
191 notes · View notes
odetojeons · 4 years
Until It Feels Like You’re In Heaven — Jeon Wonwoo
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request:  Hello do you still take requests? Your writing is amazingggg!! Thank you for existing 😭💕. Can i req a whipped dom!wonwoo x fem reader where he has a size kink and a smol gf please? I think that will be a cute concept 🥺
tags: fem and sub!reader, dom!wonwoo, size kink, tattoed and pierced jeon wonwoo just because, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (uh idk why but I never write sex with a condom help), established wonwoo x reader, a tiiiny bit of spitting kink, very light verbal humiliation, aftercare, this goes from fluff to horny really quickly, fluff if you squint (or not?), a frankly unrealistic amount of cum, OH AND, stomach bulge 🥴
a/n: so haha I am back? with more filth? I tried adding fluff (even tho I completely forgot that the person who made the request asked for whipped wonwoo, good thing this is always in my agenda every time I write so I didn't have any problems lmfao) but I'm too much of a horny bitch and a simp for this man so,, idk? tell me what you think later! I hope you all perish— I mean, like this!
Word Count: 7826
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ “Aren’t you going to help?” you question, lifting a brow at your boyfriend, who’s currently sitting in one of the chairs and supporting his chin with the palm of his hand, plate of onions that should be already cut laying untouched in front of him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Nope,” Wonwoo answers, giving you that kind of smile which makes you almost, almost feel less annoyed at the fact that you’ve been trying to reach something in the upper shelves for the last five minutes and he doesn’t move his ass to help you at all. “You’re just too cute trying to reach something.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s heat creeping up your neck, cheeks tinting red, and Wonwoo's smile gets bigger, shining and full of fondness. It leaves you stunned in silence for a while. It’s hard not to be in love with him. But it’s not like you try anyways.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“J-just hurry up, aren’t you hungry?” you cough, looking away solely because you can’t stand the warmness in Wonwoo’s face without feeling like you’re going to combust any time soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I am. I can help you out,” he states simply, but doesn’t make a move. You gesticulate with your hand, pointing at him and at the rice jar in the upper shelf. “But only if you say please, though.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’m—” laughing incredulously, you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. “Would you please get the rice jar for me, sir?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ 
Wonwoo stares at you for a second too long, eyes a bit dark, and gets up to get the jar, without breaking eye contact. You instinctively make yourself smaller when his bigger and broader frame hovers over you, large enough to swallow your tiny body. The size difference has always been something you both feel incredibly turned on by.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So small,” he appreciates, always does, and your neck burns from the intensity of your blushing. “The cutest.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo puts the rice jar in your hands, the darkness in his face melting into a beam.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Here it goes, little girl,” he says, going back to his chair to complete the task which he has been doing for at least ten minutes now. The way he says little girl has you dumbfounded, heart hammering against your chest. “Are you just going to stand there? Do you like being called little that much?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up,” you admonish, blushing furiously as you turn on your back to continue what you were doing.  You just hate how everything Wonwoo does affects you so much. You’re sure this must be bad for your health.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The two of you continue your journey through cooking and eating after you’re both done with the preparations. Things with Wonwoo are always so easy, everything feels natural and domestic and the bubbling feeling of happiness you feel whenever you’re with him lulls you to fall in love with him even deeper than before.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The way he teases you when you’re clumsy and spill sauce over yourself, but still cleans you up with the most fond smile ever, like you’re so completely adorable he can’t help himself. Or when you put more salt in the food than you should and you know it’s not that good, but he still compliments it and tells you he loves it so much, the sincerity in his eyes makes a surge of something pull at your lower stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
If Jeon Wonwoo isn’t the love of your life, you don’t know who is.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But right now you just want the ground to eat you alive and swallow you whole, because you’re standing right in front of the bed. The one bed. To which it suddenly doesn’t look big enough, not as you remember.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
Well, it’s not like you have never shared a bed before, you have even had a shit ton of sex in this exact piece of mattress, but the thing is, it’s been a while since you last saw Wonwoo. His job required him to spend three months away, and this is the first time you came to his house ever since he came back two days ago.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You consider throwing yourself out of the window and into the dark, miserable night, thinks your poor heart will explode otherwise.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
“I’m not going to eat you.” Wonwoo’s voice carries over from the bathroom door, startling you into action. You jerk toward the bed, jumping on it and face flushing. You had showered before him, now dressed with one of his big shirts.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It fell all the way to your mid thigh, the size difference between the two of you making you almost drown on the fabric of his clothes. It smells nice, smells like Wonwoo, and your cheeks burn when he drinks the sight of you in with dark eyes, not even trying to hide.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Unless you want me to,” he adds, not helping your situation at all.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  
BSHANDJAJSND?, your brain supplies.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Oh my god,” you admonish, yanking the blanket off the bed and just as you get in, your eyes hone in on the ink swirling up Wonwoo’s right biceps. You have seen the tattoo through the pictures he sent you before, the snake crawling up to his shoulder, head stopping at his right chest.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This is, however, the first time you’ve seen the metal bar through one of Wonwoo’s nipples — to which you already knew the existence of, but looking in person is totally different —, heat winding in the pit of your belly as you realize the snake is looking right at that same nipple. Unfortunately for your poor heart, he’s wearing nothing but a pair of sweats, hanging low on his hips, slim waist on display.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is… hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s no other way to put it despite your best efforts. He looks like one of those Greek statues, rippling muscle and hand carved abs, the cut of his jaw too sharp to be real. Your mouth waters and you can’t look away.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And Wonwoo has been changing. He always had the thin type of body, being slim and tall, but in the end of last year he started exchanging the lazy hours he spent gaming with animated workouts at the gym — something about the way he was wasting his precious time of life and he could be acquiring knowledge and being healthy instead of sitting in front of a computer for hours —, and holy fuck if the result wasn’t quite the damn view.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You draw the blanket right up to your chin, back very purposefully to Wonwoo’s side of the bed as you’re still trying to stop the mild heart attack you have going on. You don’t want to see him climbing into bed for safety purposes but that doesn’t mean your heart rate doesn’t spike up when the bed dips. When Wonwoo settles down under the same blanket, your brain very enthusiastically — and meaningfully — points out that you’re only a few centimeters away and that there’s nothing separating you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
His abs flash behind your eyes and you nearly throw the blanket off, ready to storm out of the room and sleep on the sofa instead. You let out a breath you don’t even know you’re holding when Wonwoo flicks the flight off, the room disappearing into darkness, before he turns on the red leds from under his bed.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You feel warm all over with the fact that he still remembers you don’t like sleeping in complete darkness.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀
You try not to tense too much when he drapes an arm around your waist, locking you in. Your legs tangle together as he adjusts himself better, the other arm coming behind your head to serve as a pillow. Now you’re not only dying from the closeness but as well essentially drooling over the bulge of his thick biceps.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Congratulations universe for managing to make you even more desperate.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re not sure how long you just lie there, staring out the window, unable to fall asleep. Your brain doesn’t want to shut off, a blaring alarm of Jeon Wonwoo going off in your head.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I missed you so much,” Wonwoo says as if he read your thoughts, voice soft and filled with warmth, and you find yourself immediately melting in his arms despite your nervousness. “Thought I was going crazy without you, munchkin.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a hard squeeze in your heart. You just love so much when he calls you that.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Missed you too,” you admit with a smile, the tip of Wonwoo’s nose dragging through your hair as he inhales the smell of his own shampoo. “Missed your smell.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Just my smell?” Wonwoo teases with a light tone, caressing his free hand on your inner thigh. It was supposed to be a feather-like gesture, but the closeness between the two of you made your body oversensitive, and you find yourself moaning softly as your skin rocks with a shiver.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo tenses immediately when he hears the sound, hand stuttering to a stop. There’s a beat of what you call the most painful silence you ever had — your mind swirls with the thought that you just ruined the mood, face heating up uncontrollably at your own neediness —, before his fingers sink into the flesh of your inner thigh, startling you with the strength behind his grip.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Answer me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
You whine louder this time, the realization of his change of tone going from fond to an irrevocable order sinking wanton deep within your lower stomach. You try to close your legs, but Wonwoo’s leg stops you where it rests right in the middle of them, dangerously close to your throbbing core. You wonder if he could feel the heat emanating from it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“N-no,” you begin, voice already shaken up. Wonwoo’s breath caresses the helix of your ear, making goosebumps surge all over your skin. “Missed y-your bed too.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Is that so?” he hums, chest vibrating where it presses against your back. “What else, munchkin?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Missed—” your voice gets caught up in your throat when he licks your helix, teeth pulling the lobe of your ear. The soft drag of his lips all over that place is making your job difficult. “M-missed all of you, hmmm.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo hums again, pleased with your answer, and leans so close to you your body gets half pinned to the bed. This way his bigger frame completely engulfs your smaller one, the difference between your sizes getting even more overwhelming now that he’s bulked up.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And you’re not the only one affected by it, because as soon as Wonwoo realizes how he almost swallows you up in this position, he downright moans right by your ear.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So fucking small,” he tells you appreciatevely, voice one octave lower as his fingers presses on your inner thigh harder. “Missed touching you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a shift in Wonwoo, his leg rising up between yours and stopping centimeters away from the heat of your cunt, and you can’t hold back the shiver, wants Wonwoo to press down there. When you attempt to slide Wonwoo’s hand up and off of you so then you could turn around, you’re met with a growl instead, Wonwoo bodily pinning you to the bed.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, and it makes you feel like you’re a prey just ready to be caught by the big, bad wolf. You whine softly at that thought, hand coming to grab at Wonwoo’s wrist reflexively.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” is your answer, like that would explain everything. Wonwoo chuckles softly, embarrassment burning on your cheeks.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“When we called and I saw your face,” he says, barely above a whisper. “I wanted to fuck you so bad.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Suddenly, you can’t remember how to breathe, Wonwoo’s mouth on your neck, planting a soft kiss just under your ear. He nuzzles into the same spot, kisses lower and your heart shakes loud enough you think the neighbors might hear, hyperaware of every inch of your bodies touching.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I know I couldn’t, so I did it all from behind,” Wonwoo admits, sending your mind into a little haze. Of course he has been jerking off to the thought of you, but hearing him say it out loud has your panties getting soaked. “Sticking my dick in…”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo hasn’t stopped nuzzling you, in some kind of daze as he inhales your scent. There’s a hand on your hip now, holding you down, liquid heat pooling in your belly, spreading outward.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“…and fucking you mercilessly…” he continues, voice getting deeper and rougher with each word, his breath labored. “…and watching you cum endlessly… I thought I would be fine just imagining it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Won—” you start, breathless, the sound of your own voice sounding so airy leaving you embarrassed. But then finally, finally he presses his thigh into your core, your hips immediately going down to rut hard against the muscle.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fucking drenched,” Wonwoo snarls lowly when he feels the wetness of your soaked panties dirtying the fabric of his sweatpants.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The sound makes you writhe on the bed, fists balling in the mattress.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“But seeing you, so small…” the trace of Wonwoo’s hand in your skin is light, almost like a gentle whisper as it makes a burning path up, up, up until it stops by your neck, fingers closing softly around your throat. “Makes me want to rail you, carve the shape of my big cock inside your walls.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s teeth sink into the skin just at the base of your neck. It’s hardly a bite, you know he could leave worse, but then Wonwoo laps at it afterwards, tender, surrenders you into moving your hips obscenely on his thigh. The way he says, knows his cock is big has heat licking your insides, and if it were anyone else saying the same thing you would be cringed, but there’s just something special about Jeon Wonwoo doing this that makes him look like the hottest man alive.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re addicting,” Wonwoo admits with a growl, the feeling of his touch turning possessive as he helps you ride his thigh better by a hand on your waist. “Once I get a taste I can’t stop myself from wanting more. Wanna have my way with you until you’re all mine.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Need seeps through your bones, body trembling as you try to scatter the air it has been knocked out of your lungs when Wonwoo fits his cock in the curve of your ass.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-you’re hard,” you comment, as if it’s not obvious, but it has been so long since the last time you felt his bulge pressing against you that it makes you desperate. “You’re so hard.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Who’s fault do you think it is?” Wonwoo questions, groaning when you sway your hips from side to side on his cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Can we…” you trail off, hiding your face in the pillow. “Y-you know?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Nope, you gotta be more specific,” he says with a teasing smile, and you smack him in the arm. Wonwoo laughs before his voice gets serious. “Say it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This switch of him turning on and off between a sweet boyfriend to the man who doms you never fails to give you a whiplash.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Can we— Can w-we fuck?” you ask shyly, wanting the ground to swallow you whole. You have no idea why you are being this shy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hmm, it depends,” Wonwoo hums like he’s considering the options. You turn to look at him, mortified, but he only laughs at your indignation. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You blush furiously at the question, face turning to look away as you mumble a yes, but then Wonwoo’s grabbing at your jaw and yanking your head back in place until you’re staring right in the deepness of his eyes, the intensity of them stunting you into complete silence.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” he orders, leaving no room for arguments, and you nod your head quickly at that. “Out loud.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yes,” you hurry to obey, watching satisfaction curl all over his face. “‘M always a good girl.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I don’t think so, munchkin,” Wonwoo grins, wicked and teasing, and you brace yourself for whatever is going to happen this night. “Sometimes you’re so desperate and impatient you can’t even wait for me before fucking yourself with those plastic toys of yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” and you’re unable to look away even when shame burns all over your body. “H-how did you—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“How did I know?” your sentence morphs into a moan when Wonwoo presses his thigh so hard against you cunt it has your body jumping a little. “You think I wouldn’t feel how you’re more loose when I fucked you? You think I don’t notice the way you look at me?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is mercilessly dragging your hips up and down his leg, your whines sounding high and sweet in your own ears.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re oblivious even to yourself,” he tells you, tone rough as he ruts against your ass. Your heart lurches in your chest, Wonwoo’s words like a hot coal in the pit of your belly, erupting into flames. You want to squeeze your eyes shut, cunt pulsing with arousal. “Even today, the way you were staring at me…”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But then, Wonwoo’s touch is gone. His hands leave your hips, thigh frees you from the pressure, and the warmth seems so far now. You turn, complaint already at the tip of your tongue, but Wonwoo’s faster, rougher as he manhandles you on your back and hovers over your body, caging you in with his arms.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You looked like a prey who has just been caught into the wolf’s den,” he smiles at you, wicked and cruel as he grabs your jaw and pushes your head back. “Like you wanted me to break you in until it feels like you’re in heaven.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a breath against your bare neck, his groan hitting your skin when he bites it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Or eat you up until there’s nothing left in you that doesn’t belong to me,” you’re definitely not expecting the moan that escapes Wonwoo’s mouth, so affected and deep it’s got all the hairs in your nape standing up, every fiber of your body telling you to submit. “Fuck, and it turns me on so much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You make a sound out of neediness, hands reaching for Wonwoo. He goes easily, body pressing into yours as he crashes your lips together. Wonwoo kisses you like he wants to conquer you, licking into the seam of your mouth and teeth scraping at your bottom lip just so he could soothe the pain later with his tongue. Your head spins with the intensity of it, it’s messy and there’s too much spit and teeth, but that only makes it even more addicting.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But Wonwoo doesn’t kiss you enough today. He almost never does when he’s feeling like that — possessive, mean, wicked even, when he needs you to know your damn place —, wants to ebb the pleasure away when you’re starting to get hotter until it’s replaced by pure desperation and you can’t do anything else other than beg for him to give in to you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
So that’s what you do, staring up at his eyes trained on you as if you’re a prey.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please,” you start, voice caught into a moan when Wonwoo’s fingers sink into your jaw and his mouth falls ajar, like the sound of you saying this particular word gives a physical stroke to his cock. “P-please, fuck me. Wanna— Wanna belong t-to you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And that’s enough. That’s enough, that’s enough, Wonwoo wants, you want, and he’ll give that to you since he has always been a weak man for your begging. There’s a fraction of seconds that he thinks he might pass out with all the blood rushing from his head to his other head, cock throbbing in his sweatpants.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Don’t know how so much eagerness fits into this little body of yours,” Wonwoo murmurs against your mouth, his hand squeezing your face. You find yourself parting your mouth open, whining, pliant and overwhelmed as Wonwoo slips his tongue in again, kissing you filthy. The scent of his familiar cologne is so sharp, surrounding you and leaving your mind dazed until all you can think is Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo. When he pulls back this time, Wonwoo pushes his thumb into your mouth, eyes half-lidded as he watches you swirl your tongue around it, sucking it further into your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan around it, watching Wonwoo’s every reaction, the way his breath hitches, shoulders tensing. There’s a shift on the bed, Wonwoo moving up and up and up and you can’t breathe because now the bulge pressing against the fabric of his clothes is standing proudly right in front of your face, Wonwoo almost straddling your chest. You let the realization that he’s going to fuck your mouth sink deep within your core, and try not to show how deeply affected you are by the idea.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You fail, of course, hips lifting off of the bed and falling down again, biting around the finger inside of your mouth that keeps you from taking a better look in the place you are dying to see.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“That desperate to suck me off, baby?” Wonwoo asks, and you flush, hate how you love the humiliated burn, how it makes you wetter. You’re too embarrassed to throw something back at Wonwoo, gaze dropping to his erect cock the best you can. He pushes your head back up, making you look at him instead. “Do you wanna see it?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I do,” you reply, a little too fast for your own good, and it only serves for Wonwoo to laugh at your neediness. You debate if you’re as red as you think you are, the burn in your cheeks spreading all the way down to your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Wonwoo’s tone is almost condescending, still playful, like he doesn’t think you can even handle the sight of his cock, and you like how it makes your cunt twitch and ache. It’s as if you enjoy the belittlement, enjoy the way Wonwoo wants you to prove yourself.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’m,” you start, swallowing, “I’m ready.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s smile is a touch dark, nearly a sneer, but his hand leaves your mouth to hook a thumb in the waistband of his pants. You nearly drool. He pulls on the fabric until his cock is free, slapping against your left cheek and smearing precum on your face. Your head spins, realising that even this part of Wonwoo’s body seemed to have grown bigger. Maybe it’s your imagination, haven’t actually seen it in real life for the past three months, but the thickness is intimidating.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The best intimidating possible.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your heart thuds in your chest, unable to look away from his cock. There’s spit collecting on your tongue, embarrassment fighting against your desire to please. Leaning forward, you suckle the tip into your mouth, making a pleased sound when you taste the salty tang of precum.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo leans back a bit, wanting to assess your face better, and the taut lines of his body contorts in an even hotter way with the new position. You moan again, staring at the piercing in Wonwoo’s nipple and the head of the inked snake looking at it, and sucks on the head, tongue pushing along the underside. Your body throbs with your own heated desire.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You wrap a hand around the base, gut twisting hotly when you realise you can’t even get your fingers all the way around — no matter how many times you notice this, they all make you feel equally needy. And you’re not the only one affected by it, Wonwoo’s hips kicking forward and cock thrusting inside of your mouth, the growl he lets out going straight to your core.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck,” he says, breath audible enough to echo inside the room. “I will ruin you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The confession has your body arching for a few seconds, sucking hard on the tip of Wonwoo’s cock until he’s moaning at the feeling. He takes a fistful of your hair, but you push against the hold so you could take more of it into your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Quit it,” Wonwoo demands, your displeased whine making his hold grow firmer. “Do as you’re told or you might not get my cock at all tonight.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He pulls you off, your pants loud and labored.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did I make myself clear?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yes, sir,” you add just for the teasing — but mostly because you want Wonwoo to punish you for making him lose his beloved control —, feeling pleased as you watch the clear change of expressions going on in Wonwoo’s face. His eyes darken impossibly more, eyebrows frowning and then there’s a hand on your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your mouth goes dry as soon as his fingers close around your throat, body writhing and mind going into submission mode.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Filthy little slut,” Wonwoo snarls, face suddenly close, and then he’s spitting into your open mouth and you feel like you will come very soon. You flinch, eyes shutting on reflex, and then moan. “Want me to punish you, don’t you?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You don’t say anything, can’t say anything, but you hope the look in your eyes answers his question. It probably does, because there’s a tiny little smirk playing on the edge of Wonwoo’s lips before he kisses you, softer than you could ever imagine he would be in this moment.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I love you,” he breathes, the sudden confession making a different kind of burn itch your throat. You know very well that when Wonwoo tells you that I’m the middle of sex then it’s because this will be a passionate fucking. One of those that he keeps your body so close you think you might become one with him, one of those he kisses you so gently one moment only to treat you roughly in the other, one of those he wants to make you fall apart, crumble and cry and even so, it will be full of love and care and sweetness. “I love you so much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo doesn’t wait for your answer. Doesn’t need to, he knows your heart belongs to him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Say ah for me, sweetheart,” Wonwoo instructs and you obey, mouth hanging open, tongue out. Wonwoo slaps his cock against it, precum dirtying your tongue as the slap slap slap of his cock hitting your mouth fills the heavy air of the room. He even traces the tip over your upper lip, smearing precum along your cheek when he slaps your face with it before placing his cock right back on your waiting tongue. “Put this mouth to better use.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You do, eager to do as you’re told after Wonwoo’s confession, blood singing from his praise and his disparagement alike. You sink down onto it as far as you can take it, nearly gagging when it hits the back of your throat. Wonwoo drowns out a broken “fuck” above you, stroking your cheek and moving further in the bed to lessen the awkward twist of your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You look so good with my cock in your mouth,” Wonwoo breathes, voice strained as you suck him off, head bobbing. He brushes your hair back, little groans and growls escaping him every time his cock hits the back of your throat, you swallowing around it, or when you speed up, fucking your mouth on Wonwoo’s length. “Such a pretty little cocksucker, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You blush, heart hammering in your chest with the compliment, but he closes a fist in your hair and makes you stop all movements.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Gonna fuck your mouth,” Wonwoo starts, holding your wrist with his free hand and putting your fingers above his thigh. You know that it means if you want me to stop, tap twice, and it makes heat coil in your belly. “until you gag.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan a bit uncontrollably around his cock, legs kicking in the bed at the affirmation, and Wonwoo is staring at you with a look you can’t quite describe. It makes you ashamed of being so eager but at the same time proud of being his little cockslut.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo holds you in place, hips bucking into your mouth. He goes slow at first, wanting you to get used with the feeling because it has been a while since the last time you sucked him off. It is short lived, as soon as you look up at him and nod — the best you could with your movements being kind of restricted —, his thrusts turn sharp and fast, your jaw aching from how long you had Wonwoo’s fat cock in your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan, one of your hands still working up and down along Wonwoo’s shaft as he fucks into you, tears beginning to prickle at the corners of your eyes. He falls a bit forward when you start gagging a little, throat convulsing around his thickness, and he sprawls his fingers in the wall for support.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck fuck fuck, shit,” Wonwoo breathes, voice gravelly, his grip in your hair getting tighter and tighter. Tingles spark down your spine, wetness pouring out of you and soaking your panties even more and you want so desperately to come, to be fucked, but you want to please him first.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s thrusts begin to turn erratic as he fucks your mouth, a growl erupting out of him on a particularly hard thrust, and then he’s pulling away. You look at him, mind in a haze, but still dumbfounded. His breath is labored and he looks like he’s having a hard time keeping together, hips thrusting into the air. It boosts your ego to see him this messed up because of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did so well for me, sweetheart,” Wonwoo tells you, voice strained from effort but still full of fondness, and you feel butterflies dancing in your stomach at the praise. It seems like he wants his orgasm to ebb away. At the look you’re giving him, he adds: “Wanna cum with you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You mewl at the thought, watching him position himself between your legs again and kissing you slowly. Wonwoo caresses your cheek with a gentle thumb, other hand tracing a feather-like path down your body. His fingers brush against your nipple, the whine you let out being swallowed by Wonwoo’s greedy mouth, and he sneaks his hand under your shirt just as his kisses fly to your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And then Wonwoo’s sucking. Hard.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It caughts you off guard, hips lifting off of the bed and thigh pressing tightly against Wonwoo’s cock, his groan being muffled by your skin. He bites, suckles and kisses the particular spot underneath your jaw, so far up your neck you won’t be able to hide it, especially because it’s summer. And you feel warm all over, how he always remembers exactly your pleasure point, the place that has your head spinning with pleasure.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your hands fly to his hair, cunt throbbing with need when he tongues at the purple hickey, and it’s throbbing, pulsating with how hard he sucked. It leaves you breathless, not having time to recover when Wonwoo pulls your shirt up until he can get one nipple into his mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwon, fuck,” you whimper, body oversensitive with all that has been going on, and Wonwoo growls at the nickname, hand coming to pinch your other nipple like he’s telling you how much this affects him. “Please—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo bites at it, tongue coming to soothe the pain later, and you’re sure the grip you have on his hair must be painful, but he says nothing; only looks more intent on making you moan. Wonwoo busies himself with sucking hickeys all over the place as one of his hands continues to descend down your body, thumb pressing in a spot by your hips that has your back arching and a desperate whine being pulled out of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Down and down, his fingers then slips inside your penties, brushing across your clit so lightly that it has your whole body rocking with shivers.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But then, Wonwoo’s body goes completely still. You feel him tensing under your palms, heat already flooding your face when you know he feels it, feels the way you’re already stretched open for him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You—” he starts but stops himself, pushing a finger inside for great measure. Wonwoo growls when he meets almost no resistance, face lifting from where it rests on your chest to look at you. “When?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The intensity of his voice leaves your mouth dry.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“E-earlier, in the— in the s-shower,” you confess, voice quiet, and you can’t look away, Wonwoo’s eyes pinning you to your spot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hah,” he states simply, a sound of pleasant surprise, and adds another finger inside. Wonwoo pushes them to the hilt, until his knuckles brush your pelvis. You moan, head thrown back at the sudden, but welcomed intrusion. “Acting all nervous around me but this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He gyrates his hand, pushing hard and without mercy, right before he adds another finger, this time more slowly. It burns a little, his fingers way bigger than yours, but you love the slight pain.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did you come into my house knowing I would fuck you?” Wonwoo asks, knows the answers but does it anyway. He moves his hand a little, waiting for your to be more comfortable with the sensation of his fingers, but as soon as your frown turns upside down, Wonwoo has no restrains whatsoever, fucking into you fast and sharp. “Fingered yourself knowing that I would split you open on my big cock?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You can’t even think straight, hips rising off of the bed, but Wonwoo holds your waist with his free hand and pins them down hard. Your upper body lifts with this, back arching and legs kicking everywhere as you can’t stop the loud moans slipping through your lips, doesn’t even care about the neighbors as your nails sink into Wonwoo’s back to the point it might leave tiny crescent moons all over it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did you come back then?” Wonwoo continues, pace unforgiving even when tears well up into your eyes. He trusts you to use your safeword if needed as much as you trust him to use his. “Did you?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You struggle to answer, voice being surrendered to moans and whines and whimpers and it’s hard to focus when he’s hitting your sweet spot with the tip of his fingers.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Ah! Ah, hmmm, f-fuck, please Won— Wonwon,” you try, can’t even understand how you still manage to get red when you realise Wonwoo is looking at you with so much desire. The point you both most like about your relationship is that Wonwoo is the dom, but he knows you have him in the palm of your tiny hands. “I, ah, d-din’t. Di— Didn’t want to, fuck, please— c-come without you—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo pulls his fingers out at that, your cunt clenching around nothing as he goes lighting fast to take both of your clothes off, grab your waist and flip you on your stomach just as he reaches for the nightstand to grab what you know very well it’s a bottle of lube. He pulls your hips up until you’re face down, ass up on the bed, the hurry in all of this only sending desperation all over your body, and the sound of the cap being opened has butterflies in your stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah? Fuck,” Wonwoo sounds a mess, fingers hurrying to close a fist on his cock and jerk it off furiously to spread the lube better, the wet head nudging against your rim. “Fuck, shit, I wanna fuck you so bad.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Do it,” you beg. “Please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And who is he to deny what you want?
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo pushes inside you slowly despite his hunger, knows he’s big and there’s an alarming size difference between the both of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your hands clench into fists and it feels like you’re being impaled onto Wonwoo’s cock, going deeper than any cock you ever taken before. Tears cling to your lashes as a small jolt of pain runs up your spine, the lube easing Wonwoo’s way in. Overall you’re proud of yourself, haven taken him before, more times than you can count, and you accommodate his cock like a pro.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your chest heaves, no amount of air feels like enough as Wonwoo’s cock all but punches everything out of you. You’re biting at the pillow by the time the last of it pushes into you, a haze surrounding your mind because it feels so good.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s groan transforms into a moan once he’s buried all the way into you, hips flush against your ass and spreading you open so wide and so deep, you would think you might break if you didn’t know any better. You gasp, back arching downward as you take your time to adjust to the large intrusion.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo kisses your shoulder tenderly, waiting for you to grow used to the feeling. He can be rough when it comes to bed, but he always is mindful of you no matter how impatient and desperate he is. There’s this soft feeling going on inside you, mixing with your pleasure and it only serves to make you more needy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo doesn’t move for a while, hot breath falling against your neck as he stands behind you. You feel surrounded — his scent everywhere, the pulse of the hickeys he carved on your skin, the press of his long fingers on your waist —, your submission for Wonwoo’s eyes only.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You nod at him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
A lick at your neck is all the warning you get before Wonwoo pulls out so very slowly, cock dragging against your walls and rim. It feels like forever, you whining at the sensation, and then you’re being slammed back into.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Ah!” you gasp, eyes blurry as you struggle for air. You moan as Wonwoo drags himself back out again, and thrusts right back in and groans at the feeling. “Y-yes—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So good,” Wonwoo growls, close to inhumane as he continues with that pace. “So fucking good.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Eventually, Wonwoo doesn’t seem to be able to go slow anymore, thrusts turning sharper and harder, his pace unrelenting. You find yourself almost screaming through it, so overwhelmed by the size of him — a good overwhelmed, the best overwhelmed —, but the way you feel so full and the exponential pleasure leaves you numb to any other thought.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo, your mind seems to chant, fucked open mercilessly by your boyfriend.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Taking cock like a pro, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Wonwoo says, stops for a second, adjusts his hips, and then slams back right into your sweet spot, like he knows where it is by heart. Your body lurches forward, bed slamming against the wall. Hands reaching to hold onto something, you scramble against the sheats until one of them fists it and the other holds the pillow for dear life. “You’re gonna wake the whole hall, screaming like that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You have enough of a decency to feel ashamed about it, but it’s not like neither of you actually care. If anything, Wonwoo fucks you harder, hips jamming inside you until your throat hurts from all the noises you’re making.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please, p-please— I wanna— I h-have to— Fuck, ah!” you’re not even sure about what you’re begging for, Wonwoo pulling your hips to meet his thrusts half way. You love this, feeling like a ragdoll, being thrown around and only able to take what he gives to you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Good little girl,” Wonwoo croons, his voice rough. Your skin glistens with sweat, the shimmering red light reflecting on it. “Looking so beautiful taking my cock.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re not sure what compels you after he says that but you reach down, hand smoothing down your abdomen because you feel like Wonwoo is spearing you open. But you go completely tense, squeezing Wonwoo so hard he stutters with a moan, because under your palm there is the outline of his cock protruding against your lower belly. The feeling makes you so overwhelmed that you can’t hold it in, whithe pleasure flooding you as you end up coming, eyes rolling to the back of your head and you’re crying all the way through it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re coming?” Wonwoo deadpans, sounding surprised and angry at the same time. “Holy shit, you’re coming untouched and without my permission? What were you think—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s complaint immediately dies down when you bring a trembling hand to grab his wrist and put his fingers in the cause of your orgasm. There’s a beat of silence, the both of you completely still, and then Wonwoo is growling the most animalistic growl you ever heard him do, the sheer intensity of it rocking all the way to your bones. He presses his hips so tightly into yours it has you sobbing.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck,” it’s all he says, tone two octaves lower and sounding dangerous, doesn’t even have it in him to punish you. “Fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It’s like the caged beast he keeps so carefully locked deep within himself started to surface. Wonwoo pushes your head down on the mattress, the other hand still on your belly. He pulls out until the tip and then slams back inside, as hard as he can, and you downright scream at the feeling, the oversensitiviness adding up to your pleasure.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s another few seconds of silence, and then Wonwoo is fucking you brutally. His moans echo through the room, so completely desperate that it has you wailing, sobbing, crying desperate pleas for more.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Look at that,” Wonwoo says, hand pressing harder against the bulge in your stomach. “Pushed my big cock into you until your insides were forced to make room for it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He grabs your arm and yanks you up, your back pressing against his chest and an arm circling around your waist. The other comes up to squeeze your left breast as you practically sit on his thighs. You moan at the feeling of his pierced nipple dragging against your skin every time he fucks up into you, your body only held in place because of the firm grip Wonwoo has on you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Sobbing, you feel like you’re losing yourself in the sensations, Wonwoo’s cock pounding into your cunt and his voice by your ear and the burn of his hips hitting your ass — by now it must be all red, the marks probably going to linger for some time. You can’t hold yourself together anymore, mouth open and drooling, tears clinging to your lashes, staccato moans falling from your lips that break on every thrust. You’re limp against Wonwoo, can’t even fuck back, letting him have his way with you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Drooling all over yourself for my cock,” Wonwoo says, fucks in deep against your sweet spot and mouths at the side of your neck. “Because of me, right? Tell me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-you— yours, yours, please,” your head falls back on his shoulder, hand pressing tightly in the shape of his cock in your stomach, and at this point you don’t even know what you’re doing anymore.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’ve broken you in, fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And he did, really. He has broken you in, has you crying on his cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You belong to who?” Wonwoo pressed his hips flush on your ass, grinds hard enough for your body to be sent forward. A short few seconds so you can take a breath — or at least try to. “Hm? Who’s fucking you this good?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Wonwoo, Wonwon, you, please,” you cry out as he starts to fuck you mercilessly again, the brutal pace punching moans out of you. “Ah, ah, ah, p-please, haaah, I’m y-yours— yours, b-belong to, hmmm, to you only, please!”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah,” Wonwoo echoes, thrusts turning erratic and groans morphing into moans. “Mine.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I can’t — I’m g-gonna—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Come for me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And it’s enough for you. Your muscles tense, toes curling as hot, white pleasure surges through your body and floods you until you fall limp on the bed, hips only up because Wonwoo is holding them tightly. You clench around his cock involuntarily, his groan muffled by your hair and he’s coming, Wonwoo’s cock twitching inside you as thick spurts of come fill you to the brim. They seem to be endless, his spunk filling you up until it’s dripping out and down your thighs.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You don’t remember much of what happens later. Your mind spins and then you fall into a most needed slumber.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You wake up a bit disoriented, having no idea how much has passed since you fell asleep, but you realise you’re all cleaned up and dressed, head resting in Wonwoo’s — thankfully, for the sake of your precious pussy — clothed chest as he uses his cellphone. He smells clean too, hair still a little bit wet, and you smile thinking that the shower you both took before going to bed was useless.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re up?” comes Wonwoo’s question when he feels your lips moving against him, placing his phone somewhere on the bed and circling his arms around you. You move your head, looking up at him with fondness.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hey, baby,” you breathe out, reaching to peck him in the lips once. He smiles, that kind of smile that leaves you breathless with love.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hey, my love,” Wonwoo laughs when you blush at the pet name. It’s so sweet and endearing, you always feel warm whenever he says it. “I see you still get all red when I call you that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up,” you swat at his arm, Wonwoo’s following laugh sounding like the best music you ever heard. “How much did I sleep?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Not much,” he presses you tighter against him. “I think one hour? Something like that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Thanks for taking care of me,” you say, legs tangling with his and the smile never leaving your lips.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Of course, my love. Always will take care of you,” Wonwoo nuzzles your hair and inhales. “Got kind of surprised that I managed to fuck you into unconsciousness.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” you mortify with a laugh, hitting his chest, but he only giggles at you. He giggles. Your heart might explode soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“What? Can’t I be happy that I pleasured my tiny girlfriend the way she deserves to?” Wonwoo says, and it sounds like a joke, but when you look up at him again to make a retort, the reverence in his eyes surrenders you speechless.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He stares at you with so much admiration and love, like you’re the most beautiful thing ever.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I love you,” you say instead, cheeks hurting from the way you’re smiling, and Wonwoo seems to be caught off guard because he’s blushing. Wonwoo’s blushing. He’s so cute you want to die.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up and go back to sleep,” he coughs, pushing your head against his chest and you laugh at this shyness. “I love you too.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Yes. The warmness of his hands, the beat of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, the love in his eyes, the sweetness of his words — you missed everything about Jeon Wonwoo.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You come across your boss’ Tinder profile.
Word Count: 1,446
Warnings: HMMMM sexual tension 😏
A/N: I wrote this in a whirl and tried to format it through the app last night and it SUCKS so I’m posting this just now. Anyway, there will definitely be a smutty part two to this lmfao ya know it
Edit: PART 2 IS UP!!!
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Saturday night and you’re on your bed, wine-drunk and all as you mindlessly swiped through Tinder. You start to frown when none of the guys impressed you enough to swipe right. Their bios were all the same, revolving around their egos only to end up with the good ol’ “DTF” line.
Bored and disappointed, you almost exited the app until a very, very familiar face appeared on your screen.
“Holy shitballs, it’s our boss.” You sat up immediately, bringing your phone to your face for a close inspection.
Indeed, it was your boss James Barnes but he was using “Bucky” as his profile name. You wondered whether it was his real account or a poser one. But then you remembered his closest colleagues calling him that.
You snorted as you checked out his profile. He didn’t have a bio but had a couple of photos uploaded. And oh wow, is that a shirtless mirror photo?
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You rarely worked closely with your boss but goddamn, sometimes you wished you did because he was a hot piece of ass.
“Should I swipe right...” you mumbled to yourself.
Would it be unprofessional to do so? But then again, you never really interacted with him that much. Just a couple of polite nods and greetings whenever you passed by him at the office. You weren’t even directly reporting to him.
That being said, you were quite sure that he wouldn’t swipe right on you given that you’re his employee. Of course he wouldn’t want to be the unprofessional one so being tipsy and all, you decided to take one for the team.
“Tss, what the hell.” You huffed out and swiped right.
Not even a second later, the “It’s a match!” message popped up on the screen almost immediately. You choked on your wine and dropped your phone, eyes wide and heart racing because you just matched with your fucking boss.
“Shit!” You hissed, diving onto the floor the pick your phone up.
If the message popped out as soon as you swiped right on him, then that means...
“He swiped right on me first, what the fuck!”
Monday came quickly and you’ve never been this restless before. You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you matched with your boss on Tinder. Neither of you messaged the other over the weekend but now that you were headed to work, you honestly didn’t know what to expect.
You debated whether to call in sick or maybe, pretend that you died? Pack your bags and perhaps fly to a different country and start anew? You were overacting but matching with your boss on a dating app known for hook-ups should be a valid reason to justify your thoughts.
Maybe James didn’t recognize you that’s why he swiped right. That was possible since you and him didn’t really work together. It’d be better if he swiped right by accident, his phone probably slipped from his hands. He probably doesn’t even know he matched with you, yeah, you decided to settle on that conclusion.
Taking a deep breath in, you fixed your hair before stepping out of your car. Mondays were meant for meetings so he probably wouldn’t be around the office anyway. You rushed over to the elevator and let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t have to share it with anyone.
That was until someone managed to slip a foot in between the doors, catching up to you before the elevators slammed shut.
Well, well, well if it isn’t James “Bucky” Barnes. Out of all the people you had to share an elevator with, it just had to be him! And judging by how his eyes widened at the sight of you, the Tinder incident wasn’t simply an accident.
“Good morning.” He greeted, clearing his throat as he stood beside you.
James’ scent wafted in the air as soon as the doors slid close and he smelled divine. He smelled like a man, a man man and it almost made your eyes roll. You greeted him back with a soft voice, fighting so hard not to look at him because as always, he looked pretty damn good.
He was restless beside you, adjusting his suit and then his tie. You could see him through your peripheral vision, he kept on fixing his hair as well. Did he get a haircut? It was shorter than before, not that you were paying way too much attention to him.
Meanwhile, you too were fidgeting with your shoulder bag, picking at the leather and praying for this torture to be over before you could even lose control and slam your lips against his.
“How was your weekend?” James asked, glancing at you.
This was probably the longest conversation you had with your boss. You weren’t even sure which was more awkward, striking a conversation after the match or simply remaining quiet for the entire ride up.
“Um, it was good. Yours?” You asked, stammering a little as you stole a quick glance at him.
James nodded, “Good too. Interesting actually.”
Fuck! He knows, he so knows about the match.
You would have preferred complete silence over the elevator music echoing in the air while the both of you were obviously feeling the tension. Was the elevator really this slow?! And when did it get this hot?!
You started fanning yourself when you started to sweat from the awkwardness of it all. Bucky too could obviously feel it, the tension and the elephant in the room waiting to be acknowledged. He loosened his tie all of a sudden, popping the top buttons of his dress shirt which quickly reminded you of the shirtless pic in his profile.
You could feel the heat creep up to your neck and ears. With how bright the lights were in the elevator, it’d be easy for James to notice how red you turned.
“Kinda hot today, don’t you think?” He asked.
You let out a mirthless chuckle, “Yeah, really hot. I think the maintenance should have the air conditioning unit checked.” You breathed out, clearing your throat again as you wiped the sweat forming on your forehead.
For a couple of seconds there was nothing but the collective sounds of you and your boss clearing your throats. The tension was so thick you can literally touch it if you tried. You wanted to address the unspoken issue but how the hell were you going to do that? Jump on his bones? It would seem like a good idea to do so except that he was your boss and that would result to you losing your job.
You wanted to ask James though, whether he was aware that you were his employee when he swiped right. Actually, you just wanted to bring up the topic just to get it over with. Acknowledge the match and then pretend it didn’t happen to save you both from the embarrassment. Yeah, you could do that.
Unable to hold back anymore, you broke the silence to ask James a question.
“Did you swipe right on accident?”
“So are you down to fuck?”
You and James asked at the same time, his straightforward question making you weak in the knees because what the hell...
James bit his lip, shaking his head in response. “I didn’t.”
“Oh.” You blinked, unable to stop yourself from staring at James’ mouth when he ran his tongue over his lower lip before taking it in between his teeth as he looked you over with glazed eyes.
Damn that tongue, though. And damn those blue eyes too.
“Are you...?” He repeated again, reminding you of his question.
Your boss, whom you rarely interacted with in the office, just asked you whether you were down to fuck. Truthfully, you were only on Tinder because of boredom and it wasn’t your goal to actually hook-up with someone. But now that your hot boss swiped right on you and seemed to be really interested in you...
“I...uhh...” you stammered, not really knowing how to tell him that yes, you would very much like to be fucked by him.
The elevator dinged, interrupting the tension between you and James. The doors slid open and James quickly straightened up before walking ahead.
But not without turning around to look at you expectantly, waiting for a response.
Due to the pressure and the elevator doors beginning to close, you blurted out the first thing that you could muster.
“Yes, sir!”
You blushed at your response but it seemed to have stirred something in James because his eyes darkened as he smirked at you.
“Good. Then I’ll see you in my office in fifteen.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @tcc-gizmachine @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @whoth3hellisbucky​ @bonkywobble​ 
Sign up on my tag list here - https://forms.gle/b5haFXewSKqnXxxh7
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afro-elf · 3 years
Did you see Anthony Mackie's statement on the exploitation of pure and beautiful homosexuality?
i agree and have always agreed that anthony is the absolute king of bad old man phrasing and talking too much but the rage feels odd to me because like evans and stan have responded in similar ways to the question of shipping (with evans being lukewarm and stan responses being on a spectrum because press that caters to fandom is aware that a lot of bucky fans Only care about who he's fucking for some reason) and people got upset for like two hours and then went back to talking about how badly they wanna lick their abs, anyways i have a bit of a ramble and it's kinda unrelated but this situation just dug up my feelings about it SO
i obviously can't and won't be the one to decide if mackie's comments were homophobic, but i can tell you what i've observed in the tfatws fandom alone. a lot of y'all (and you know who y'all are) were only here for bucky. you made this abundantly clear from the moment the trailer premiered to the closing shot of the show itself. now, as i said before, a huge loud chunk of bucky's online fanbase is very concerned with who he's sleeping with to the point where most conversations about bucky outside of like... interviews where sebastian stan is actually asked what's going on with him, tend to favor questions about bucky's sexuality. now, as i've said in the past, it sucks that marvel and disney are deeply homophobic companies so the fans are left to make prominent characters overtly gay in fanon and fanon alone, but the obsession with the shipping potential of bucky really took a strange and annoying and frankly racist and misogynoiristic tone during the show's run and it also felt less about bucky being a canon gay character and more about bucky being a widely shippable feature
first, it was the former st*ckies' refusal to not let the show be about sam. they inserted steve into every scene, every piece of dialogue they could manage. they made the show's web reception all about bucky and bucky's "post-steve life" and bucky trying to date and bucky's tears and "ooh bucky and zemo and ooh NO not bucky and leah and ooh bucky and john and NOT BUCKY AND SARAH eh i guess bucky and sam sure i guess sure i guess whatever i guess bucky and sam since there are no other options i guess bucky and sam". and, as much as i H A T E D the politics of the show, holy shit, why did it feel like every major conversation about the show revolved around shipping when it was so busy trying (failing, cannot emphasize this enough) to talk about race and class sorta but not really?
when black fans expressed discomfort with the fandom and the show's treatment of sam, they were drowned out. when black fans wanted to talk about bucky's microagressions, they were drowned out by fanon ideas of bucky's woke levels. when black fans were interested in bucky and sarah being an item the idea was deemed idiotic and the show was accused of baiting an audience it never meant to court (remember who disney/marvel is) but had to try not to displease for the sake of audience retention. scenes meant to show us something new about bucky as a character were made into ship fodder, like the scene where they're undercover and zemo basically implies (in my interpretation) that, as the winter soldier, bucky didn't just murder people but was also used as a sexual object, which was fascinating but so beyond unsexy and uncomfortable that the idea that there were fics written because of that scene still kinda makes me nauseous
but since the focus was so on bucky and seb it seemed like the (mangled) themes and center of the show were forgotten until after it was over and we were all like so that was bad, right? mackie was asked a LOT about seb during press for the show as a result of the fandom hyper-fixation and i feel like that never would've happened if shipping were not a primary function of mcu fandom to the point where no one actually cares about the plots of the movies as long as they get a chance see two men kiss or a hint that they could kiss. the truth of the matter is that if the mcu was better written we could maybe have a discussion about the richly depicted personal and sexual lives of the characters but instead we're left with the cinematic equivalents of action figures and people getting very mad that kevin feige's play style with those action figures is fundamentally whack and homophobic so like i say all of this to say the displeasure mackie feels with all relationship related and really all discourse in specifically the mcu fandom being reduced to two men kissing (and this being exploitative of gay relationships and identities- even if he worded it worse than me) isn't unfounded even though i am not mackie cannot speak for him and do not know him personally so i can't call him and be like "hey what did you mean by this?" y'know? i guess i'm saying that i think fandom rage in this case would be more understandable to me if the canonical basis for a romance between the two men they wish had kissed was truly as fleshed out as it is in fanon
anyway i hope i carefully explained myself well and also comics!sambucky owns, comics!sambucky fat juicy pussy supremacy throwing ass and making cash
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 308: VIBE: CHECKED
Previously on BnHA: Lots and lots of Shindou idk what else to tell you.
Today on BnHA: Tired Nomad Deku rescues Shindou from Muscular, and us from Shindou. Muscular is all “OH BOY I SURE CAN’T WAIT TO FIGHT DEKU AGAIN AFTER HE TOTALLY KICKED MY ASS THE LAST TIME!! I’M SURE THIS TIME WILL GO DIFFERENTLY SEEING AS HE’S HAD ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR’S WORTH OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING, AND ALSO HAS SIX FOURQUIRKS NOW, IN ADDITION TO THE CONFIDENCE THAT COMES WITH HAVING EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE’S SOULS CHILLING OUT INSIDE HIM OFFERING MORAL SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT.” Deku is all, “[kicks Muscular’s ass effortlessly].” Muscular is all, “[gets his ass totally kicked].” I for one am very satisfied with this, and with respect to all, I would like to hereby declare this post a discourse-free zone. I’m just happy to see my son out here making good use of his FOURQUIRKS, and more importantly beating Muscular in less than seventeen pages so we can all go on with our lives lol.
damn Deku since when were you allowed to look this cool
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from this perspective and with the smoke, cape, backpack, and mask more or less obscuring his actual profile, he looks less like a sixteen-year-old boy and more like a grownass man
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we got a glimpse of this in the cleaned-up scan of 307, but seeing both of his eyes looking so distinctively All Might-esque here is... whoa. I mean we know that his face still looks pretty normal underneath the mask and he doesn’t actually have the black sclera, but still, this is an awesome look. mini-Might
lol Muscular
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you and me both. I mean no offense, but yeah
so Deku is just standing there silently
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typical Deku. tight-lipped and expressionless. mum’s the word. quiet as a mouse. silent as a grave
okay no but seriously this is so weird and creepy though you guys. Deku please say something or else I’m just gonna mindlessly say whatever stupid things come into my head in an effort to make things less awkward
so Muscular is all “I should probably make a cool speech about revenge but Horikoshi couldn’t think of anything good so I’m just going to stand here clenching my fist real slowly”
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“I’m not here to go on a monologue” he says, as he monologues about not monologuing
okay you guys I confess I have only read through/watched the Deku VS Muscular fight once because the arm-breaking is just way too uncomfortable for me to revisit. and so as a result, I have completely forgotten Whatever The Deal Is with Muscular’s eye lmao so let me go look it up real quick
okay so it’s a prosthetic, obviously, and he changes it out according to his mood. that part does sound familiar. I just can’t remember which eye is supposed to indicate which mood. don’t tell me I actually have to go back and reread this shit
lol I’m skimming through chapter 75 now and remembering/realizing that I hardly paid any attention to this the first time around because as soon as I found out the villains were after Kacchan my brain was like “TIME TO FOCUS ON THIS AND ONLY THIS NOW AND FOREVER” and yeah. ah memories
anyway so he started out with the flower-looking eye, and then later on he was all
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which begs the question, how on earth could I have ever forgotten the most ridiculous panel I’ve ever read lmao
anyway, but so after all of that, I'm only just now realizing that this isn't one of his previous eye prosthetics in the current chapter; this is an ACTUAL FUCKING ROCK that he's just randomly shoved into his eye socket fkdsjlk
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so basically (1) I did all of that painstaking research for nothing, five whole minutes of my life wasted THANKS A LOT, and (2) what, and I have never meant this more emphatically, THE FUCK
anyway so now he's leaping at the building that Deku is standing on top of. but he’s not aiming anywhere near Deku though, wtf
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lmao okay then. I hope those annoying citizens in the building next door are watching this go down and rethinking their life choices
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just keep standing there pressed right up against the window, why don’t you. “WHAT’S GOING ON THIS SUPER CLOSE COLLAPSING BUILDING IS BLOCKING OUR VIEW.” well, folks, we’ve long since known there’s a critical shortage of hero and villain brain cells, but what we’re learning now is that civilian brain cells are also in short supply
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SO HE’S STILL OUR GOOD, POLITE, WORRIED, CONSIDERATE DEKU UNDERNEATH THAT COOL AND MYSTERIOUS VENEER. for real, thank fuck, because I swear to god if he suddenly started acting like the Dekus in all of the vigilante AUs my interest in this series would have dropped something like 50% lol. just because he dropped out of school and ran away from home and is currently dressed like the physical manifestation of a Linkin Park playlist doesn’t mean he’s not still the WORLD’S BIGGEST DORK okay
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something about making bold, confident statements while obscured in smoke?? idk but damn it fucking works
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more importantly, should you tell him you actually need your copy of Shindou in excel format and not pdf?? on the one hand you don’t want to sound ungrateful, but on the other hand what are you even supposed to do with this
this chapter so far consists of like 50% smoke, but on the other hand Deku VS Kacchan 2 had a lot of cinematic smoke too so who am I to complain
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also it’s good to see that in a very real sense he’s not fighting alone. the Vestiges really did mean it when they said they could appear more easily now. this is on a whole other level
so is this whole next page still En talking, or someone else? because whoever it is sure is chatty
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okay, several things
pretty sure it is En, because he keeps saying “I suppose.” for someone who never said two words until one page ago, this guy sure never shuts up. we can’t all follow Muscular’s lead I suppose. oh my god now I’m doing it too
really like the suggestion of Deku using the SIXQUIRKS like tools in an arsenal, because that’s what he’s good at! it’s almost like he’s been training for this his entire life. “you value quirks too much” LOOK HE JUST THINKS THEY’RE COOL OKAY IS THAT A CRIME
where the fuck did all this rope come from
not gonna ask what the fuck that thing is sticking out from the back of his utility belt. Horikoshi will surely explain this
is that a fucking jetpack. I’m sorry Deku were six fucking quirks not enough for you. you can fucking float??? but JUST TO BE SAFE, LET’S STRAP A PAIR OF ROCKETS TO OUR SHOULDERS IDK
-- or wait, is this all supposed to be like a visual representation of En’s metaphor?? OH MY GOD AM I JUST STUPID LOL, DON’T ANSWER THAT. NEVER MIND. NEW LIST!!
rope = blackwhip
jetpack = float
radio = danger sense
and so I’m guessing that this ridiculously phallic thing is supposed to be a flare or something?? and that = the new quirk, smokescreen. well that was a fucking ride lmao we now return you to our regularly scheduled chapter
so now Deku is floating to his heart’s content and thinking that he’ll just sneak up on Muscular and vibe check his ass or whatever
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okay guys, I'm gonna press pause here for a sec to make a serious note, because I am loving the shit out of this, but tbh I'm having trouble enjoying it as much as I want to because I keep getting anxious thinking about the discourse. I know that a lot of the fandom has very strong opinions on Deku's character development one way or the other, and I want to respect that. but I also really have no spoons to debate this topic at all beyond what I’ve already weighed in on. so if it’s all the same to everyone, I plan on staying out of this discussion, at least this week
anyway! that said, YEAH BOI GET HIS ASS
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dammit Muscular. how many fucking quirks does it take to beat you?! the annoying thing is that even with all of his cool new powers, Deku is still something of a mismatch against him. anyway r.i.p. to all these poor buildings
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you guys have no idea how intrigued I am at the prospect of watching Deku try to play both good cop and bad cop here lmao
anyway so Muscular says he doesn’t know, go figure
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“I’m not here to make small talk or anything” he says as he small talks about not small talking
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are you really gonna talk no jutsu all of these villains from now on?? that last battle really did have a profound impact on you, huh! interesting
you guys he’s really doing it omg
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Deku this guy tried to murder a five-year-old literally just for fun. I mean more power to you, but holy shit you’re really gonna try to defeat Muscular with anger management therapy huh
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but. I have to admit, I do still like that he tried. probably knew just as well as we did what the end result was going to be, but still. he made the effort in good faith and I respect that
uh oh
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why do I get the feeling Muscular just got a whole lot deader
oh my god oh my god he’s doing the “powering up” stance ffff don’t fucking tell me you can still use your fucking arms here, Deku
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okay so basically he’s saying that whatever it was he sensed in Tomura, he doesn’t sense from Muscular. which, yeah, that sounds exactly right. good judge of character here lol
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lmao so apparently this is the belated result of Shindou’s attack from chapter 307?? I’ll be damned. good for you Shindou!! I always liked you buddy. please just take my word on that and don’t fact check that statement
okay lol the one tiny bit of discourse I will allow is that it’s bullshit that he just did that with his right arm. like, I’ll fully acknowledge that. that makes no fucking sense, and I demand an explanation from the Great Plot Hole Filler himself. he’s never let us down before when it comes to continuity so I’m trusting him not to suddenly start now
that said, we love to see a rematch against a boring guy settled quickly and decisively within the span of a single chapter. THANK YOU
I like that Deku implies that his power is being a smart nerd who battles villains using the power of ANALYTICS. he basically didn’t do anything except restrain Muscular and wait for Shindou’s attack to take effect while halfheartedly checking to see if he regretted any of that murder and stuff
(ETA: and almost forgot to mention, he made excellent use of all four of his active SIXQUIRKS. it’s like the chapter title said; this is basically him fighting all-out, and it’s a sight to see.)
also, as cool as the mask was, this just feels right. like, we had our fun, now let us see his face, yes good
anyway, I think this was a good start towards establishing What’s Up With Deku Right Now! so if it’s all the same to Horikoshi, I would next like to take some time to explore Why’s Up With Deku. that, and What’s Up With Everyone Else, Especially Kacchan. por favor
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lilxberry · 3 years
I Watched You Die} 6 - Natasha Romanoff
Someone from Natashas’ past makes the most of unsuspected arrivals and begins to cause issues, not only for her, just everyone they come into contact with. HYDRA uses them as a simple puppet and Natasha believes that maybe, just maybe, she could get them back to her in the way she remembers.
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Warnings: Language. Fighting. Terrible writing (this chapter was terrible.)
Words: 3,123
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (female reader) (super soldier reader) (HYDRA reader)
(A/N: There’s some time jumps that aren’t stated but it’s still relatively easy to follow in that sense. Also, this chapter is more so a filler but nonetheless is related to the story.)
(A/N 2: Strucker and interactions with him are in German and a small interaction with Wanda is in Slovak as a substitute for Sokovian. There is some Russian in this but it’s quite easy to distinguish between the languages’ used.)
< Chapter 5    Chapter 7 >
Her head throbbed and her neck was stiff and pained from its lolled position it had been in hours on end. Even with her head tilted forward and down towards the hard floor beneath her, the light felt harsh against her eyes, a stinging, burning sensation appearing each time she cracks an eye open.
“Ah, I hope you slept well, Miss Romanoff.”
The familiarity in the voice caused Natasha to tense and she willed her eyes to open and remain as such. Raising her head, her eyes automatically lock on to the figure before her in which everyone believed was dead.
“How are you here?”
The man chuckled and began to take steps towards the tied up red head, his hands folded together behind his back, a smug look etched into his features. “It is quite incredible the technology we have within this day and age, yes?”
Her features twisted up into a sneer, glaring at the one of the few notorious HYDRA leaders they, the Avengers, had come to face. “Why can’t people just stay dead?”
Strucker rounded her body leaving her to look at the room they held her within; bland in colour but crowded with technology. “I believe you’re also not referring to only me now, are you?” He clicks his tongue. “Yes, Y/N. Our best asset yet. The twins were exceptional, yes and the winter soldier was successful until recent years, but Y/N is our best creation.”
His German accent is thick as the words pass into her ears and registers his words, but his next sentence as he leans down to whisper right beside her head makes her blood run cold. “Finding her on the brink of death was undoubtfully wonderful, on our part at least.”
The man chuckled as he straightened himself back out, standing to his full height before rounding her seated position once more to stand before her. “How are our previous assets, anyways? The updates Ghost gives are quite minimal in unnecessary data.”
Silence. Strucker tsked at her lack of response and spun on heel, taking one, two, three steps forward before coming to a standstill. “I suppose you’d like to know why we have you hear,” he called over his shoulder to her. When he was met with silence once more, he continued.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have certainly been a right ganz schlimmer, a large spanner in our works. We run smoothly when you and your little friends keep out of our business. Perfectly running machinery. So, we’re simply removing the issue with our operation. You.” (Fucking pain.)
Slow and intimidating were his steps as he little by little made his way over towards a board of panels which, much like every other piece of technology was surrounded by people in off-white lab coats. His fingers danced over the multiple of buttons that littered the deck of the panel.
“You may not think so yourself but, we believe you are the strongest of your little band of heroes. No, not physically. Mentally? Yes. We also believe, if we break you, the rest of the team will surely follow in crumbling down.”
His eyes linger on one spot in particular on the panel, his finger hovering over it. “Now you’re also wondering why I’m electing to tell you all this. The answer is simple, really.” He pushes down on a button, resulting in the chair that Natasha is strapped to, to recline backwards, much like a chair in a barbers’, before laying her flat.
“You’re stuck here.”
Natashas’ head looks from left to right in a frantic manner as Strucker steps away from the lengthy panel of buttons and stalks towards her, his boots quietly squeaking against the cold, smooth floor of the room.
Above her is some form of machinery she could best describe as terrifying in appearance, harsh glinting metal and a mass of wires. Movement to both her left and right signify to her that people are beginning to close in on her and surround her. Panic rises in her body further as someone steps closer to her head holding what she believed was a mouth guard; something she’ll be biting down on.
She shakes her head in a desperate attempt to avoid the object but with no such luck. Someone had violently grasped her jaw in a bruising grip and forced the guard into her mouth. Strucker leans over her laying form and the evil grin on his face is purely sickening.
“Have you ever felt 450 volts of electricity surged through your body before? No? Oh, don’t worry. IT should be over before you know it.” He pulls back, making Natasha follow his with her eyes. Her protests are muffled by the guard in her mouth. “But, please, be mindful when it comes to the convulsions that follow. You wouldn’t like to break a bone, surely.”
Strucker walks towards yet another panel, this time with AMP and voltage gages along with other gages she couldn’t quite make out from her position. He places his hand atop a dial and nods his head once to one of the many people scuttling around the room. She feels something be attached to each temple and it reminds her strongly of the old school, brutal electroshock therapy that doctors used to dole out.
“Shall we move this along and see how long it takes until you break?”
Natasha spots your body stood stiff and squared near the door at the foot of the room, features lacking any show of emotion. Her eyes widened, and she desperately hoped that her eyes asked what she couldn’t.
‘Help me.’
Your being, unmoving and unchanged, is the last thing she sees before searing hot pain shots through her body. She bites down on the guard and releases and ear-piercing scream around it as her whole-body tenses and her back arches up, fists clenched tightly, and toes curled.
Her body falls limp for a short moment before the process repeats, over and over. Like an unending, destructive cycle.
The team had tirelessly put in every effort to find the missing ex-assassin. When Natasha had taken too long to return to the others, Clint did what was asked of him. He waited until the end of the following day when she had left before telling the others.
With no sightings and no communication from the Avenger, they were at a lost.
4 days had passed, coming close to 5, with no such luck in finding Natasha. Every member of the close-knit team had put in hours and hours on end into locating her; everything had been fruitless. The team had chewed out the archer for not mentioning anything sooner than he had but he had argued that he valued his word and believed Natsha would be fine, that she could look after herself.
They couldn’t argue with him on that.
“I’ve got nothing. We haven’t found shit and it’s been what? 4 days since anyone had last seen her?”
Their hopes in finding her were dwindling quickly, its rate in decrease sped up after the three-day mark. Stark groaned and leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly between his pointer finger and thumb.
“Honestly, I blame Fury for making us use phones that I can’t hack. We’d find her a lot fucking faster if I could just get into it.”
“Language,” Steve muttered before releasing a lengthy sigh. As he went to open his mouth to respond, Tony perked up, this time looking extremely more optimistic than previous.
“HOLY SHIT!” He spun his chair to face the computer on the desk and began to rapid begin typing. The others watched him with scepticism before slowly moving to crowd the billionaire.
“You wanna explain to the class, Stark?”
“You know how I never listen to Fury?” He heard a collective of hums in agreement before continuing. “Well, when I was encrypting the phones we all use, I may have purposefully left out my location cloaking software.”
“So, you’re saying you can ping her location and you failed to mention this?!” Wanda exclaimed.
“One, ouch. Don’t scream in my ear like a damn banshee, Matilda. Two, I forgot. It’s not like we actually use it.”
The team watched in anticipation as Tonys’ fingers continued to rapidly tap at the keyboard. Moments pass by with bated breaths before a small red dot appears on a map that pops up. They stare at the bright red dot in a prolonged silence before Steve straightens out with a hardened face.
“Let’s move.”
“I don’t understand. Why San Fransico?”
The statement from Sam was what each of them wanted to voice but none did. Each step through the city was following that damn pinged location. The day before it had been in Washington, the day before that was Oklahoma.
They could be tracking a ghost trail for all they knew, certainly with how quickly the location seemed to switch between states so quickly.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Update.”
“Location has remained the same. The Railway Museum is just one block away, sir.”
Tony rolls his shoulders before turning to look towards those who walk with him. He and Steve share a look, already knowing that this is more than likely a trap or mislead.
“Only a few of us will enter. Everyone else is going to surround the building, cover each possible exit. Buck, I want you with me, Sam and Wanda. Clint, you think you can take to a nearby building keep an eye on the roof and the main entrance?”
Clint nodded as Steve doled out orders for the group to follow. With the archers’ non-verbal confirmation, the captain continued.
“Thor, I want you to take the West side of the building with Banner. Pietro, you take East. Stark, I want you to take the back with Vision.” Everyone nods followed by them splitting off in the direction of the respective positions.
Dressed as civilians was helpful with entering the museum; they turned no heads when entering the building. The four inside had separated themselves, hoping to search the interior in record time rather than they be grouped up together.
The comms the team had donned before splitting ways crackled before Tony’s voice sounded through into each team members’ ear. “I’ve had F.R.I.D.A.Y. put the location on each of your phones, make it easier for you guys to know if you’re closing in.”
Simultaneously, Steve, Sam, Wanda and Bucky pull out their smartphones and allow the screen to open up correctly, a simple map of the interior showing a blinking red dot in the centre of the building.
The small team inside opposed to those outside slowly close in to the centre of the museum, covering all sides.
Adrenaline begins to heighten as they inch their way closer and closer. Emotions are running high and minds are swirling with possibilities and before they knew it, they surround the exhibit at the very middle of the building.
A large group being led by some guide moves on with their tour and reveals a lone person still stood there; hood up and phone in hand. Steve glances down at the phone in his own hand and sure enough, the dot hasn’t moved.
This is what they’ve been chasing.
With their head down, both Sam and Bucky who face their front can’t identify who holds the phone, Natashas’ phone.
Between the four, a look was shared and with a nod of their head in the figure’s direction, they begin to slowly close in once more. Wanda, Sam and Bucky slow to a stop, only a short distance away as Steve continues to stalk closer and with a few more steps, he’s stood behind the figure.
He reaches an arm out and clamps his hand down on their shoulder which begins to shake slightly as the person laughs quietly. The person slowly raises their head with a shit eating grin on their face and both Sam and Bucky tense, their jaws clenching, teeth grinding.
Wanda freezes up along with them as the figure slowly turns to face Steve; easily catching a glimpse herself.
“At ease, солдат,” your voice rasps. (Soldier.)
You hand moves quickly to clamp on to the blondes’ wrist and before he could react, you bring your head forward in a quick, whip-like motion, slamming it into his nose; a satisfying crunch is heard and blood already beginning to trickle out.
Twisting his arm, you land a hard kick to his ribs and send him back, him falling to the floor with quite the thud, even sliding across the floor a good foot or two. The others had quickly reacted, Sam and Bucky charging over towards you.
You alternate between the two as they dole out a choreographed offensive; punches, kicks, full body hits. The two had been going a solid minute and had done zero damage, even with Steve standing himself back up on to his feet and charging at you himself.
Wanda had dealt with the screaming and panicked public from the first sign of retaliation, giving firm orders to leave the building and to get a safe distance.
The second the first of the civilians exited the building in a rushed and yelling fashion, the team was on high alert.
“Someone talk to us,” Clint crackled through the comms, his sights down the length of the arrow he already has notched and ready to release.
“It’s Y/N.” Just that simple statement made the whole team know exactly what was currently going down. “They had Natashas’ phone. HYDRA put us on a wild goose chase.”
The grunts from Steve, Sam and Bucky brought Wanda’s head back into the fight at hand. The three were being easily overpowered by just yourself and she’s unsure how to proceed. With quick thinking, she uses her powers to push her teammates aside and away from you, the swirl of red like mist dancing around her fingers.
Your attention snaps from the three that had been thrown away from you to the little witch who stood off to the side. You roll your shoulders and smirk before stomping your way over to her aggressively.
You feel your movements slowly become restricted and it’s harder and harder to move forward. Wanda, with a struggle, brings to down to your knees before you could reach her and all you could do it look up at her with a devious smirk.
Tongue peeking out between your lips, you wet them and trail your eyes up and down the length of her body and the action makes her sick to your stomach. “Som ohromená, princezná.” (I’m impressed, princess.)
She takes step towards you, slow, precise, and what she hoped was menacing. “Where’s Natasha?” she spat between her teeth.
You chuckle darkly and shake her head, noticing how she lacked to remember to keep her distance. “You’re in no position to ask questions, little witch.” With perseverance, your left arm shoots forward, grasping her wrist much like you had done with the caps. Shocked, the moment forces Wanda to lose concertation and drops her magical hold on you.
You swipe at the opportunity and raise to your full height, towering over the Sokovian and delivering a hard right hook to the girl, knocking her unconscious the moment your fist made contact with her jaw.
Turning, you look at the trio of men who look at an unconscious Wanda by your feet with wide and worried eyes. You smirk once more as you pull Natasha’s phone from your pocket and wave it slightly before tossing it in their direction. “Keep it. I’m done with it.”
You take small steps backwards away from the four before turning tail and running, closer and closer to the back entrance.
“She’s heading to you guys at the back,” Steve rushes out, struggling to come to a stand and give chase.
“Understood, capsicle.” Tony and Vison both prepare themselves for your arrival, to burst through the doors and go into combat just like the four inside had done. But they waited and waited and waited. Nothing. “Uh, no sign of her. Anyone got eyes on the slippery bastard?” Stark reaches out to the others.
Sam and Bucky left Americas’ sweetheart and Scarlet Witch with the intentions of cheeking the inside of the building, running around the whole of the museum as the team converse.
“Nothing here.”
“No clue.”
The team’s response came in like clockwork and the entire team felt baffled. Where did you disappear to?
“So, she just evaporated? What the fuck? Are you sure no one has eyes on her?”
“Look,” Steve started. “As much as I want to find them and get some answers, we gotta focus on Wanda. She’s down.” He was kneeling beside her unconscious form and like a lightbulb being lit from a switch, Pietro was right beside his sister on the opposite side of Steve, absolute panic and concern shifting through his eyes.
Steve hears a sigh through the comms followed by Banners’ voice. “Let’s get back. It’s clear they’ve disappeared somehow, and we should focus on Maximoff right now.”
Steve shakes his head and moves to stand, Pietro already holding his twin in his arms. “Let’s go, team.”
“Wie ich sehe, können wir ihr Telefon nicht länger als Ablenkung für sie benutzen,” Strucker spoke as his back was turned to you, hands folded behind his back, looking at the painting hung on the wall with disinterest. (I see we can no longer use her phone as a distraction for them.)
“Sie werden sie nicht finden können, auch wenn wir sie nicht mehr auf Gänsejagd führen, Sir,” you respond, you own hands folded behind your back. Your eyes are trained on his form as he slowly turns to face you, casually rounded the desk to stand before you. (They won't be able to find her even if we no longer lead them on such wild goose chases', sir.)
“Hoffentlich nicht, Soldat. Es liegt an Ihnen, wenn sie sie finden.” His eyes look you up and down subtly, scrutinising you before turning away from you and striding over towards his desk. “Es ist jetzt zu heiß für dich, Ghost. Zu viele Leute werden dich nach deinem kleinen öffentlichen Stunt erkennen. Du sollst in der Einrichtung bleiben. Sie bewachen Romanoff und begleiten sie zum und vom Labor. Verstanden?” (They better not, soldier. It will be on your head if they are to find her.) (There's too much heat on you now, Ghost. Too many people will recognise you after your little public stunt. You are to stay within the facility. You will guard Romanoff and escort her to and from the lab. Understood?)
“Verstanden.” (Understood.)
I just needed a filler honestly so, this will do for the time being
If you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ 
‘I Watched You Die’ taglist:
@diaryoflife @username23345 @drpepperobsessed @fayhar @d14n4ol @srtamercurio @gabbygabbie @lostandsearching @afuckingshituniverse @thea13sworld @nelouath8 @navs-bhat @pistachiomilk3 @peggycarter-steverogers @b-5by5 @trikruismybitch @anxiousgoldengirl @when-wolves-howl @whitelotus00 @anxiousgoldengirl @daniescady @unexpected-character @lgtftchan @mitch-cabello1097 @wlwfanfictionss @gottacamz​
(Those whose @ is in bold, I could not tag unfortunately.)
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