#anyway i have a paper i need to get done by 2:30 tmrw but. asks first methinks
elytrafemme · 11 months
HIIIIIII i just had. a really nice halloween <333 sitting on the air mattress in my friends' room right now, feeling really like whole and loved? i dunno! who knows how long i'll be friends with all these people, it's only ... november now, basically, in my first year. but God do i love having friends and God do i love college and just. fuck. i dunno.
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adi06lena · 2 years
so not only do i have to do a write up on narmada river, i also have to make a podcast in hindi
which is actually my mother tongue but i dont rlly know it too well-
and i want to get into this thing that my school does called mun which means model united nations except i have to type a 2 page paper on a country and its like rlly hard
damn this feels like a college letter or some shit
and around 100 people have applied but only 30 people can get in
and the chances of me making the cut are like rlly low considering i barely even spoke in the orentiation-
and all i wanted was to enjoy my summer break like a normal middle schooler
and tmrw is my naniji's (grandma) birthday so i'll be busy and it's my friend's birthday on saturday so again i'll be busy and i'm leaving on sunday how tf do i get this shit done
also tysm for, asking i just vented my whole life out to you so sorry about that
but honestly it feels rlly nice to just rant about all my problems to a person on the internet that i dont know
by the way how are you
any annoying homework that you have to complete?
any birthdays coming up?
Oh gosh Bestie if seems like you got ur hands full! I wish you the best of luck and lmk if i can help at all!!! 💖💜
Also happy early birthday ur naniji and friend 💖
I’m doing alright! I don’t get homework over the summer (thanks Canada 😘)
Honestly I have to many people in my family to remember birthdays irl but I have a few people online I need to wish happy birthday soon ish!!(One in a couple days and another on august)
Anyway whatcha doing today Bestie??
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