#anyway i made up a whole new nebula for this fic that im strangely attached to
loosingmoreletters · 9 months
Snippet of a fic where the gang meets a KDJ from a different universe. Spoilers for idk everything past chapter 400.
The other Kim Dokja grinned up at the monstrous cat of Grimm’s Märchen, seemingly paying no mind to his damaged story fragments. “You really should’ve killed me directly.”
Han Sooyoung cursed. There was no telling what would happen to their Kim Dokja, stuck in the other world, if this idiot died right here! She considered the distance, but even if she invested the coins she had, there was no way to reach that idiot quickly enough—
And then something strange happened. Darkness deep like the great depths of the sea and as bright as a star opened up above the cat and a man holding a familiar dark blade descends on the Constellation, bisecting it at once.
[■■ has used the stigma Eternal Companionship Lv.???]
“Kim Dokja!” the man snarled and didn’t hesitate to cross the distance to him. Stupefied, Han Sooyoung watched as yet another Yoo Joonghyuk pulled the other Kim Dokja up by his collar. He looked almost like their world line’s Yoo Joonghyuk, only his hair a little longer, and on his otherwise black shirt, the number [438] stood out in bright white.
“What is this?” that Yoo Joonghyuk hissed. “What have you done now?”
“I didn’t do anything,” the other Kim Dokja protested as his collar was let go off. Curiously enough, Yoo Joonghyuk simply moved his arm to hold the other Kim Dokja by his waist to steady him unnecessarily. “And why are you here? I expected [999].”
“Would’ve eaten too much probability,” he answered. “An arm and a leg if we got lucky and Demonic Judge of Fire pitched in. Now, tell me where we are.”
The other Kim Dokja sighed. “You are too impatient.”
“And you are too reckless.”
Their bickering continued, a strange mirror to the arguments Han Sooyoung was used to seeing from her world line.
“—of course we treated him well,” Yoo Joonghyuk [438] interrupted the other Kim Dokja’s rant. “He’s just as much of a fool as you, even if your identities do not match entirely.”
The other Kim Dokja paused. “I noticed. I don’t fill the gap he left here perfectly either.”
And then he smiled. “So let’s end this quickly, yes? I’m sick of following along the story of The Evil Queen.”
Yoo Joonghyuk [438] only rolled his eyes, but did not let go of the other Kim Dokja either way.
He didn’t need to.
[Giant Story An Outer God’s Beloved screams out.]
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