#anyway i'm makin another au as usual. it is what i do
thefreakydeaky · 5 months
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part thirteen Fourteen
Negan Smith x Reader
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Rape/Noncon, Violence, Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language...
"Yeah, every Wednesday he gets so drunk he can't get home and every Wednesday we find ourselves driving him there." Rick told you all of a local congressman.
You laughed then took another sip of your beer.
"Good to know we're not the most boring town you've ever worked in." Daryl commented
"Not by far." Rick assured him. "The first town I ever worked in, my hometown was a one stop light town. Now that was boring."
After you had helped Lori clean up, as mich as she would allow you to anyway, you got ready to leave. You gatheres your kids and reminded them to retrieve anything they had brought with them. As Hunter went to retrieve his handheld video game, you looked ahead and saw Daryl and Rick talking still near the back door that led to the backyard. Your husband's stoney expression worried you. Rick had a hand on Daryl's shoulder and from the look on his face the conversation was definitely serious.
Not wanting Wyatt to notice, you turned your face back to your kids. It turned out you hadn't had a reason to do so as you noticed he was busy talking to Carl. Both the boys' eyes were on the screen of Carl's phone.
Oh Great. You thought. He's gonna ask us to get him a phone again.
It was an argument that kept coming up as he got older. He insisted that he needed a smart phone and you and your husband insisted that if a situation arose where he needed to call someone there was always a phone he could borrow from the person he was with. It wasn't as if you allowed your child to go off anywhere on his own yet. He was too young to be responsible enough yet. Wyatt of course did not understand and continued with increasing frequency to ask you for his own device.
Daryl came in from the back yard then. You smiled a little. He looked at you and there was something dark in his eyes some emotion you couldn't quite name. You took a breath and looked away. You turned your attention to saying good bye to Lori and her family and picking up Millie. You took hold of Hunter's free hand and followed Lori to the door which she held open for you.
"Thank you again." You said as you went passed her.
The drive back to your house was quiet. Daryl was usually quiet, but his mind seemed preoccupied with some worry or another.
That night as you were getting ready for bed you could feel Daryl watching you undress. You felt a bit self conscious, but tried not to show it.
"I thought we were gettin' better." Daryl said suddenly. "I thought we were makin' progress, but we aren't are we?"
You turned, surprised by his remark.
"We are. I think we are. You don't?"
His green eyes were on your chest until you pulled your night dress over you covering up.
He sighed.
"Doesn't feel like it...lately."
You frowned.
"How do you mean?"
"I mean, we did...our homework once and that was a month ago maybe more." He watched you get into bed beside him. "You've been actin' weird. real weird for a while now and I'm not sure what to make of it."
You tried to keep your expression neutral.
"The only thing new I've had on my mind is Wyatt playing baseball. It worries me. I don't want him learning from that-that man." You finished lamely.
Daryl nodded.
"And that's all it is. Stress?"
"Yeah, Just stress." You assured him.
He rolled onto his side, closer to you.
You did the same, facing him.
"I know we still have a long way to go toward workin' this out, but I hope we're learnin' that we can talk to each other about anythin' that's botherin' us, anythin' that's goin' on. That we can trust each other." Hesitantly, he reached for your hand.
You took it into yours and held on gently.
"We're tough enough to face whatever comes at us, together." He told you.
You looked into his serious forest green eyes and then down at your hands, entwined. You weren't entirely sure you believed his words to be true.
The sun shone brightly above you as you pushed Millie's stroller down the sidewalk. You could see the tall figure of Negan standing by a bench near the empty playground in a black wind breaker and matching black pants.
He said your name as you neared.
"I'm sorry. My clock must be behind I thought I was on time-"
He reached for you. You flinched as he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. You felt your hair move slightly as he inhaled your scent.
"Now, now, calm down, Doll. You're on time. I got here a little early. That's all."
You were somewhat relieved by the revelation, but remained wary.
He let go of you and bent over to release Millie from her seat.
Together the three of you walked over to the little covered playground. Negan set your daughter down onto the first stair so she could climb up to the slide and you waited near the bottom where the slide wound down like the bottom of a twister.
You watched as Millie climbed the steps and used the metal posts to steady herself. She took a big step up and sat down at the mouth of the slide. She giggled as she slid down. You caught her at the bottom then walked her back to where Negan was so he could set her on the stairs again. Then you went back to the slide.
"So, does he suspect anything?" He asked casually.
You thought back on the conversation you had with Daryl.
"I don't know." You kept your eyes on Millie as you brought her to Negan again.
"Well is he acting different, talking to you different, asking questions?"
You sighed.
"He said that I've been weird. So, I told him it's because I'm stressing about Wyatt being in baseball."
"Hmm." Negan helped Millie back up the stairs.
"I can't help, but be stressed having this part of my life collide with my family life, my home life. I constantly feel like Daryl will notice some random thing and somehow that'll make him put it all together. To be honest, living like this, it's exhausting."
"Is that why you tried to end it with me? Stress?"
You nodded.
"Although, it's definitely more stressful now than it was then."
"Your life would have become complicated even if you hadn't tried to break up with me. I would have ended up being Wyatt's teacher anyway. I'm the only Gym teacher at that school."
You frowned.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
You caught Millie and placed her on your hip.
Negan came over to your side. He ran a hand over your baby's head then did the same to you.
"My beautiful girls." He said the words with something like ownership in his tone. It made you shiver unpleasantly. "Why don't we go for a walk?" He took your free hand in his and led the way off the playground.
You set Millie onto her feet and held her hand in one of yours, Negan's hand in the other. You walked along the trail together quietly for a time. Not thinking about what he had done to you was nearly impossible, but you had to try otherwise you would follow your instincts and flinch away from his touch. He wouldn't like that.
"Have you thought about putting Millie into pre-k?" He asked.
You gasped.
"Pre-k? She's only three."
"She'll be four soon enough and there's a pre-kinder class at that religious school, Sacred Heart. You can start looking into it now. See what you'll need to get her acepted and registered, that way she'll be set next fall."
You frowned.
"That's a private school. We don't have the money to-"
"Don't worry about money. I know someone in the front office who can get her a scholarship. I'll take care of that part of it. You just tell Daryl you found a scholarship program. He's not gonna say no if it's free."
She nodded. It felt gross to be discussing parenting decisions with Negan when Daryl had been the one by your side raising Millie with you. You swallowed your distaste to get through the visit.
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achireus · 5 years
i'm a simple man. i buy a new game a year after it's release and i hyperfixate on it until i die.
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