#anyway i'm perpetually two seconds away from going “fine i'll do it myself” but the only thing holding me back from exploding is-
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i found the lifesteal fanfiction (my ace ass still can't comprehend relationships and how they form lmfao i'm living in some wild qpr fantasy of my own creation)
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e12 sharp teeth (w. adam glass)
not sure i'm in a good mindset for this. their little reunion at the hospital is making me overly upset.
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dean gives him a chance to bail (or a hint to leave?) and sam ignores it and asks more about garth while making this face. he doesn't use this expression all that often. it's not something i associate with him being mad, just more stressed-concerned?
and dean's eyes too green, scruff too long. is it like, guilt-beard? (okay coming back to this, mark of cain urge to kill beard?)
(that phrasing? from this kids book called once i ate a pie, took me a solid day to remember what i was thinking of. a poem called puppy. "the world is big / trees too tall / sky too high. all i could remember was the cadence i use when reading it to the kids so it took a hot minute to drag up enough words to figure it out)
sharp left to practically slapstick with sam smacking garth to wake him up. here's me perpetually forgetting that garth completely flaked out on kevin, not that him being around would have made a difference to how it played out.
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okay, refreshing my memory to where they left things between them. i was remembering the whole "i'm poison" thing with dean being like boohoo somehow you made yourself the victim when sam's mad that you didn't trust him and took his agency away. so i went to look up the rest of the conversation and:
from s9e10
SAM So what? I was willing to die. And now... Kevin... DEAN No. That is not on you. Kevin's blood is on my hands, and that ain't ever getting clean. I'll burn for that. I will. But I'll find Gadreel. And I will end that son of a bitch. But I'll do it alone. SAM What's that supposed to mean? DEAN Come on, man. Can't you see? I'm... I'm poison, Sam. People get close to me, they get killed...or worse. You know, I tell myself that I-I – I help more people than I hurt. And I tell myself that I'm – I'm doing it all for the right reasons, and I – I believe that. But I can't – I won't... Drag anybody through the muck with me. Not anymore.
dean got distracted with feeling guilty and ignores the actual problem of what he did to sam
SAM Go. I'm not gonna stop you. SAM But don't go thinking that's the problem, 'cause it's not. DEAN What's that supposed to mean? SAM Just go.
i was with dean here and not understanding what he was saying, but i see now. sam saying that it wasn't about who's responsible for kevin, or if he does get everyone around him killed - that it's not this dean self-flagellation/penance; go because of the not trusting and the lying and the taking away agency. i understood that's why sam sent him away, but i didn't understand the conversation specifics.
anyWAY. what i was trying to remember was where sam was emotionally because i was expecting him to be more... visibly mad at dean still. memory refreshed, still surprised he's acting so.. not mad.
unless we're doing the "just keep it professional" which i'd expect to be more strained if sam's doing it. remember last time they had a falling out and reunited on a case? in that weird affirmation restaurant place? was that after stabbing jewel staite? yes, yes it was (s7e7 the mentalists). i believe i deleted from my original post about it but i definitely recall typing up something about being envious of dean being able to act like everything's fine and be casual and comfortable meanwhile (then-sam and) i will sit there seething acting like assholes because can't ignore the feelings
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DEAN Anything on Gadreel? SAM Actually, uh, yeah. Turns out he, uh, he left some Grace in me before he bolted. DEAN You know how wrong that sounds, right? SAM Wouldn't worry about it. Cas took care of it. DEAN [Chuckles] Hmm. SAM What? DEAN Nothing. I'm gone for two weeks, and you're like an episode of "Teen Mom."
again with not understanding, i went through sam's face journey but took 10 minutes instead of 2 seconds. so i get the jizz/grace part of the teen mom joke. but if we're going with that analogy, he got an abortion and teen mom would be.. not that? it doesn't matter.
DEAN Crowley and I found him, and he gave me this so that I could eighty-six Abaddon once and for all. SAM You worked a job with Crowley? DEAN The devil you know...
i get that this conveniently is derailed by garth bolting but can you imagine the level of freaking out and demanding of information sam would actually do at dean's casually dropping this mark of cain thing out of nowhere
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that's some kind of golden hour kissing his hair situation. so pretty
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that's..... a choice.
DEAN I told you we can't hunt together. It's for your own good. SAM I hear you. And after we find Garth and get to the bottom of this, I'm gone. But until then, no more games.
very, "i hear your bullshit story, that's not the point but okay."
this is so not getting finished tonight. tbc
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GARTH All right. We've all gotten off on the wrong foot here. So let's do things right. Boys...this is Bess...my beloved. And, Bess, that's Dean. Now, he could start a fight in an empty house, but deep down inside, he's just a big ol' Teddy bear. [DEAN looks annoyed and SAM chuckles] And Sam here -- Sam can be a bit insecure at times, [SAM glares] but for good reason. Bless his heart. DEAN That's sweet. Werewolf?
this episode is a very fucking weird tonal mix. big feelings, dumb jokes.
SAM Right. Uh, minus the part where your wife attacked me. GARTH Yeah, because you two came busting in here like a house on fire. Guns waving, the jawlines and the hair -- it's very intimidating!
okay that made me laugh. easy target
take 3.
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long time no see, tom butler. he was back in s1e11 (the orchard episode), did a little hey i know you amended post on him there, he was in the xfiles and the killing so the hiky was for txf originally.
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the xfiles s2e16 the colony / the killing s1e4 a soundless echo / spn s1e11 scarecrow
REVEREND JIM My daughter, Bess, was born a lycanthrope. It was one of the proudest days of my life. Which soon turned tragic... when a hunter killed my wife. Believe me when I tell you, I wanted to make someone pay. Then I looked at Bess, and I realized the road to revenge is a dark and lonely one, which you never get off. And that hole in the pit of your stomach, you never fill it -- ever.
-_- veggie vampires, veggie werewolves. lesson of the day for dean about chasing revenge. very cult vibes
every time i see the episode title sharp teeth it makes a song lyric fragment float up even though it doesn't have sharp in it, green light by lorde
Those great whites, they have big teeth Hope they bite you
is the mark making him grumpier? i don't know how it works without the blade. even when he's dubious he's not usually quite this rude, is he?
SAM Okay, Dean, they gave you lunch, they gave you pie. Why are we still here? DEAN Uh, yeah, you're right. Yeah, Garth's good. You want to hit the road, it's square by me. SAM Look, I'm just saying, this wouldn't be the first time we came across a friendly monster. Or a-a family of friendly monsters -- whatever this is.
remember the veggie vampires, dean?? anyway dean again hinting and sam plowing right past it
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always enjoy a little nonverbal communication*
ragnarok. ok
did cain tell him what the mark would do? can't remember.
snorted at the book thing dean found with the convenient paw print on the cover. could there be wolfie secrets inside?
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untitled 1 and 2 make their triumphant return!!! with quite the desktop background update. that made me really pleased, thank you people doing the onscreen computer stuff
will sam in peril be enough for dean to realize he needs to be there to protect him? ah, the convincing himself via speech to garth about holding on to the good things and family.
DEAN Uh, listen, that night that, uh... You know, we went our -- our separate ways -- SAM You mean the night you split? DEAN Fair enough. I was messed up, man. Kevin was dead, and I...I don't know what I was. SAM Okay. DEAN Hell, maybe I still don't. But, uh... I know I took a piece of you in the process, and for that... Somebody changed the playbook, man, you know? It's like what -- what -- what's right is wrong and what's wrong is more wrong, and... I just know that when... When we rode together... SAM We split the crappiness.
well, good job sort of apologizing and saying you want to be back together. now we can get to the actual issue with sam
SAM But something's broken here, Dean. DEAN I'm not saying that it's not. I... I just think maybe we need to put a couple W's on the board and we get past all this. SAM I don't think so. No, I-I wish, but... We don't...see things the same way anymore -- our roles in this whole thing. Back in that church, talking me out of boarding up hell? Or -- or tricking me into letting Gadreel possess me? I can't trust you -- not the way I thought I could, not the way I should be able to.
does sam regret not finishing the trials/choosing dean now?
DEAN Okay, look. Whatever happened... We are family, okay? SAM You say that like it's some sort of cure-all, like it can change the fact that everything that has ever gone wrong between us has been because we're family.
thank you for that cure-all line, because yes i could scream that
DEAN So, what -- we're not family now? SAM I'm saying, you want to work? Let's work. If you want to be brothers.... Those are my terms.
well 💔 but they'll eventually get their shit straightened out when they're together.
what a strange episode.
*fun little detail in the expanse / leviathan wakes scifi series is the people that live out in space, that work in space and spacesuits, have gestures/sign language used for nonverbal communication while in the suits
interesting little interview with the language creator for the belter creole used in the show that also talks about the gestures briefly (but what's extra funny to me, i learned the tapping your elbow thing from a cuban when i lived in miami, codo [elbow in spanish] for cheap)
and lastly someone made a google doc with a list of gestures/meaning
waffling over tagging this with the expanse, since it's wholly unrelated, but i think about the tags on these moreso as organization on my stuff, but realizing duh it also shows up in the main tag too for those shows. cluttering shit up perpetually.
sorry about being an asshole
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