#anyway im cramping like a motherfucker so goodbye <3
pub-lius ยท 3 years
Which actor from any media youโ€™ve seen potrays the most accurate depiction of Hamilton in your opinion
Aw man don't make me choose ๐Ÿ˜ญ
It's actually kind of hard to say, bc I've yet to see an accurate depiction from anyone else besides Ian Rose, and his portrayal isn't completely accurate, but its pretty good. So I'll just rank them in order from worst to best.
1. Hal Bidlack. Sorry, guy, I hated your performance. Hamilton was a very enthusiastic and emotional guy, and while Bidlack has the humor to portray his sassiness, I didn't feel there was much more personality to the character. Besides, Hamilton would never say a lot of the things he says.
2. Lin-Manuel Miranda. And no one's shocked. While he has the enthusiasm, Hamilton was much more of a calculates, manipulative politician than the musical portrays. He had many ways of getting what he wanted, and he used people to do that. On top of that, HE WASN'T IN LOVE WITH HIS SISTER most likely. See, Ron Chernow? I can admit i could be wrong.
3. Rufus Sewell. I'm sorry, but not as much effort was put in Hamilton as in Jefferson during the John Adams series. With Jefferson, they had a spot on portrayal. And i guess they had to budget cut out everything about Hamilton. And as much as I love the clothes in this show, I hated his costume more than Bidlack's baggy breeches. Hamilton was a capitalist who wouldn't have adopted republican fashions (such as short hair) until much later in his life. Seriously much later, like if he got a haircut the day before the duel.
4. Steven McCarthy. The Crossing isn't a perfect film, but I've seen worse, and shy, awkward, soft boy Hamilton isn't the worst. Idk why he's doing Washington's hair in 1776 when he has his own artillery company to worry about, but maybe they're just having bro time... before they formally met. But anyway, Hamilton is way too obsessed with himself and battle that he would ever act so skittish, but that's probably a director's thing. He is a bit of a badass in this movie tho so, not bad.
5. Richard Bekins. There's not much the George Washington mini series gets wrong that stands out, and this also applies to Hamilton. I do think they portray him as a bit more innocent than what is morally correct, but at least its not Miranda. I like how they do go in depth on the affair, but I don't like how, once again, "Hamilton is the victim." I do, however, like mostly everything about this portrayal personality wise. Good job, Bekins.
6. Derryl Yeager. Listen, A More Perfect Union is my comfort movie, i don't care if the casting is shit. But i quite like this portrayal of Hamilton, not to mention the inclusion of the Gouverneur Morris Bet of 1787. Whenever I see him come on screen i do a little happy dance. He could have more screentime imo, especially with the whole "monarch" scandal at the convention, but live laugh love, at least he's there.
7. Sean Haggerty. Turn and I have a love-hate relationship, but at least they didn't give Hamilton a psychotic breakdown that never would have happened this time. I'm very glad Hamilton even shows up as an aide de camp, and his involvement in the Benedict Arnold scandal is shown. I also really want to know where they got an actor who looks THAT MUCH like Hamilton. I was stunned. And, on top of that, he acts very similarly to Hamilton, except for the one part where he tells Anna, i think, something along the lines of "if the mob is going to come, let them come!" Dude, bro, Hamilton was KNOWN for trying to stop mobs singlehandedly. He's not very fond of them.
8. Robert Schenkkan. George Washington mini series again, but can you blame me this time??? IT EVEN HAS LAURENS AND TILGHMAN. Aside from the weird timeline where Hamilton joins the staff after Laurens, Schnekkan does a great job of portraying fiesty baby Hamilton, blood lust and everything. I honestly can't think of anything else this actor could have done more.
9. Now there are more people who have appeared on tv as Alexander Hamilton, but these are just the ones I've seen so far. And that leaves us with Ian Rose. He's spot on personality wise. He's got the sass, the humor, the loud, obnoxiousness, even the hand gestures. I don't think I've heard him say anything shockingly inaccurate, and he thoroughly understands how Hamilton argued. I respect the hustle my guy.
10. ...me ๐Ÿ˜ just kidding... unless ๐Ÿ‘€ you should read my fanfic to see if I'm lying ๐Ÿ˜œ But I wanted to include some writings as honorable mentions, since I interpreted this as mostly about actors/reenactors. My holy trinity is without a doubt Duty and Inclination, Song of Alexander, and Merited Partiality. My Dear Hamilton isn't bad either, ig. I'd also recommend Religious Duty, The Stars Fight Against Us, And still I am grateful, and several others that I must have forgotten to bookmark. But they're all wonderful and amazing and make me CRY AND SOB AND VOMIT EVERYWHERE but anyway
I hope this helps, and thanks for the ask!!!
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