#anyway in my headcanon all of the child units exist and are born after the war
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Returning to Birthright after having played the rest of the routes and I have two things to say:
1. Leo should absolutely have gotten to murder Zola in every single route. It’s a crime that he doesn’t get to complete the trifecta.
2. Leo has never done a single thing wrong this entire time. Never, not once. While I am aware that he’s a dick to his son in that paralogue, the Deeprealms and child units were a mistake that actively makes this game worse no matter how much fun Heirs of Fate was and no matter how cute my son and daughter and my nephews are, so that’s not actually a real thing that happened that Leo did wrong. Because that would be the only thing Leo’s done wrong, if he did that, which he didn’t. Because that paralogue is not real. Because Forrest, tragically, because he’s my sweet darling nephew whom I love very much, is not real.
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frobin · 3 years
Analysis: Do Franky and Robin count as married?
Okay let’s get this started! And how? With looking up the definition of marriage! 
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marriage (noun) mar·​riage | \ ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij \
Definition of marriage
1a: the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law
1b: the mutual relation of married persons: WEDLOCK
1c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3: an intimate or close union // the marriage of painting and poetry— J. T. Shawcross
So, marriage is a consensual and contractual union/relationship between spouses. 
Webster also adds, that marriage is a very controversial word. 
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And while they point out some very interesting facts, we will concentrate on only this part (because we don’t care for American law right now): 
The definition of the word marriage—or, more accurately, the understanding of what the institution of marriage properly consists of—continues to be highly controversial. (...) Ultimately, the controversy involves cultural traditions, religious beliefs, legal rulings, and ideas about fairness and basic human rights.
 So, when we call something a marriage we always have to consider the culture, traditions, religious beliefs, legal rulings, ideas about fairness and basic human rights. Which can become difficult, since we are talking about a fictional world. In the end we will have to consider our own cultural background and in my case it is very euro-centric but I’ll try my best to not make it too much about that.
In the next step we should answer the question... (after the read more)
Why should anyone marry? 
Nowadays there are three main reasons for marriage: 
religious reason 
legal reason
But let’s be honest, the deeper we dig, the more we can put together religious and legal reason, because in the end, many religions were the original background to legal texts. What more are the 10 commandments than a rulebook for living as a group? 
That does not change that it’s still important for many to have a religious wedding. Being married by a priest in a church, in a temple, with the customs of they grew up with. For some it means to be with their partner even after death. 
The legal reason is becoming more important in many “modern” countries. Being married can mean that there are tax benefits, security in ownership, security with child paternity and adoption and many more. Often only legal family members are allowed to visit a patient in hospitals and are allowed to make decisions for the spouse. 
(Sometimes it’s already enough to just be engaged.) 
The last reason does not need any explaining I guess: Love. If you love and know your spouse and want to stay together forever and make it clear to everyone, marry them! Celebrate with your friends and family and tell everyone “we stick together through good and bad until death do us part”.
Now then let’s ask 
Why should Franky and Robin marry?  
Religious reasons: 
We don’t know much about religion in One Piece. We see symbolism of Christianity, Satanism and Buddhism. Alabasta is inspired by old Egypt and the three weapons are named after planets or Roman god, while Big Mom named her homies after Greek gods. 
Anyway, neither Franky nor Robin seem to be very religious. Robin met a “god” they both have seen how a following named Usopp a god. The celestial dragons are referred to as almost god-like. They’ve been to Thriller Bark and met Brook who is undead. Do they believe in a higher power? We don’t know but either way they don’t seem bothered by it. 
So it does not seem like there is a need to marry because of religious reasons. 
So what about legal reasons? 
Both Franky and Robin are wanted criminals, not only in one country but in the whole world. As of now there is no reason for them to make their marriage legal because there is no law they abide to. 
Officially they only exist as pirates within the Marine documentation. I don’t think either of them have their birth certificate. Robins place of birth is destroyed. Franky was probably born at sea. I think the only place where they would really sign themselves as citizens is Water Seven and - depending on what is going to happen - even that is highly unlikely. 
They also don’t really seem to have anything in their possession of value. They basically live in an almost commune-like environment on Sunny where people probably do have their own things but also seem to share everything. So there is also no need to clear that up in the case of a divorce or of the death of one spouses. And again both being pirates, if they have children there won’t be any issue with child support or paternity. Because let’s be real, as long as they are part of the crew, Robin and Franky might be the parents by blood but kids will be raised by everyone. 
There is no need to register with a government and no need for a contract. So no legal reason to be married. 
So, love it is? 
Yes. Yes it is. That is their pure reason to get “married”. But then again, what does marriage mean? Nowadays it’s always accredited by law or religion. Both seems unlikely and unnecessary for Franky and Robin. 
So even if they love each other, can we claim that they are married? For whom should they clarify their relationship? 
They are living within a small group of people so as long as they are openly in love it does not really matter if they are married or not. 
BUT! Let’s take a look at the definition once more and more closely to point 2. 
2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
If Franky and Robin decided to have a wedding ceremony of any kind just for the party, then there is no reason to do so in front of an entity or a government. And it will still be of the same value as any other marriage. 
Now you may ask “Who is going to perform the marriage? And why?” 
Good question! What about the captain? Well, there is no real evidence that pirate captains were allowed to or had the power to perform a wedding. We do know that Matelotage was a practice within pirate crews, comparable to a gay marriage and a contract. But I couldn’t find any fast information of how it was ‘legalized’. Female pirates were a rarity but maybe hetero Matelotage was a thing too? As for modern times, it really depends under which flag the ship is sailing, if the captain is allowed to perform marriage. 
But again, we’re talking about a (fictional) pirate crew so they sail under their own flag and who is to say that Luffy is not able to do it as a captain? Heck, if Luffy does not want to do it, Brook used to be a captain, Jinbe too. 
So, if Franky and Robin decide to celebrate a wedding of any kind and promise in front of witnesses whatever they feel like that means to be married, then yes. These two will be married. 
So, are Franky and Robin married?  
Sadly, no. Because we didn’t see the wedding ceremony. 
By the pure definition of it, as our modern understanding goes, Franky and Robin are not married. 
Can I still call them married?  
Heck yeah! Because we all know what we mean by it: that they are in a consensual and committed relationship. 
And so it does not matter if you think it’s an asexual or sexual relationship. It does not matter if they are also polyamorous or monogamous. It does not matter which gender or sexuality you headcanon. 
You can also headcanon that they indeed had the party that made it all “official”. You can imagine it in any way you want because that is what is so beautiful about your own mind. No one can take that from you. 
In conclusion...   
Canon? No. Fanon? You know it ;)  
After all Robin already has her wedding dress: 
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Happy June, that is both pride month and apparently the best month to marry! ... Isn’t that an interesting coincidence? 
PS. Feel free to use the exact same logic for any Strawhat Ship! Or any Pirate Ship for that matter. 
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intensionsuspension · 5 years
Death Stranding Timeline
I put together a rough timeline for the overarching narrative of Death Stranding. I was able to piece together some parts of the timeline almost approximately, but admittedly, much of it is based on headcanon and conjecture due to parts of the lore being rather scant. Regardless, I tried to make it fun and I utilized invented details to enrich the worldbuilding. I also put together a few paragraphs explaining my methods in obtaining the more approximate dates. I’ve seen people talking about character age headcanons and attempting to pinpoint the duration of the Death Stranding, and I think I got pretty close to the truth with a few of these. Anyway, enjoy, tell me what you think. The full timeline is below the cut.
Death Stranding Timeline
August 25th, 1975 - Bridget Strand is born
November 27th, 1979 - Clifford Unger is born
August 16th, 1984 - Lisa Bridges is born
May 18th, 1985 - John Blake McClane is born
February 7th, 1995 - Deadman is ‘born’
March 13th, 1995 - Amelia Strand is ‘born’
May, 1997 - Bridget Strand earns a Bachelor’s degree in political science
August, 1997 - Clifford Unger enlists in the United States Army
October, 1997 - Bridget Strand becomes a political consultant under the campaign staff of 
democratic senator Scott Faulkner 
June, 1999 - Clifford Unger is one of 7,000 ground troops deployed during the end of the Kosovo War
September, 2000 - Clifford Unger joins the United States Army Special Forces
September, 2001 - Clifford Unger participates in the invasion of Afghanistan following the September 11 terrorist attacks
March, 2003 - Clifford Unger participates in the invasion of Iraq
September, 2003 - John Blake McClane enlists in the United States Army
November, 2003 - Bridget Strand is promoted to campaign manager of democratic senator Scott Faulkner’s reelection campaign
May, 2005 - Clifford Unger earns a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice
 May, 2006 - Lisa Bridges earns a bachelor’s degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Law Enforcement 
September, 2006 - John Blake McClane joins the United States Special Forces
January, 2007 - Lisa Bridges begins her career as a Law Enforcement Ranger at Whitewater State Park near Rochester, MN
April, 2007 - Clifford Unger is promoted to the position of commanding officer (captain) within ODA 1116, Alpha Co, 1st Btn, 1st SFG
May, 2008 - John Blake McClane earns a bachelor’s degree in Strategic Intelligence
November, 2008 - Bridget Strand is elected into a democratic seat in the United States Senate
July, 2009 - John Blake McClane is transferred to ODA 1116 following the death of one of its Intelligence and Operations Sergeants
June 30th, 2010 - Heartman (Rudolph ‘Rudy’ Jacobsen) is born
July 16th, 2011 - Lucy Dimmonds is born
December 18th, 2011 - Iraq War ends
October, 2012 - Clifford Unger meets Lisa Bridges while on military leave, encountering her in Whitewater after he stumbles across her escaped German Shepherd,Victoria. A romance soon blossoms.
November, 2012 - Scott Faulkner and his running mate Bridget Strand win the presidency
October, 2014 - Clifford Unger and Lisa Bridges are married
February, 2015 - Lisa reveals to Cliff that she is pregnant, he retires from active duty to be with his family
March 15th, 2015 - Death Stranding occurs
May 29th, 2015 - Målingen and Lockne Leifsdottir are born
June, 2015 - President Faulkner creates the government organization ‘Bridges’, which is designed to create a network across the fractured America in order to administer aid to the civilian population. Its other, classified purpose is to research the cause of the Death Stranding and to synthesize potential solutions to the social, economic, and infrastructural issues it has caused.
July, 2015 - John Blake McClane leaves the United States Army Special Forces to pursue a career opportunity as head of Bridges security. Much of Bridges’ security personnel is comprised of military veterans. 
August, 2015 - President Faulkner is killed during a voidout that obliterates Manhattan Island. The voidout is caused by the death of a stillmother during the preliminary embryonic chiral experimentation trial runs conducted by Bridges, experiments which would go on to become the blueprints for the ‘Bridge Babies’, also known as ‘BB’ units. The existence of the embryonic experimentation being brought to the public eye causes widespread outrage, and the research is discontinued. Following Faulkner’s death, his vice president, Bridget Strand, succeeds the presidency. While the embryonic chiral experimentation is officially discontinued, President Strand continues it in secret, desperate to discover the secrets of the new element ‘chiralium’ and its vast potential to bolster technological development.
September, 2015 - Cliff and Lisa are hit by a drunk driver while driving home one night after attending a play. Both receive serious injuries, Cliff; a shattered collarbone, humerus, and ulna, and Lisa; severe whiplash and head trauma, which leaves her comatose. Miraculously, the 7 month old fetus is largely unharmed.
October, 2015 - Cliff enrolls his family in an experimental medical care program that promises to utilize state of the art technology to provide them the best chance at recovery, as recommended to him by an old military buddy. An emergency C-section is conducted, and the 28 week old Baby Bridges ‘BB’ is placed in a portable pod synchronized with his mother’s heartbeat. 
Bridget Strand acts as overseer of the experiments in secret, under the pseudonym Dr. Samsa. She hides her true identity behind a steel masquerade mask.
February, 2016 - Cliff grows increasingly irritated and untrusting of Dr. Samsa as she continues to avoid his questions and lie to him. BB is kept in his pod long past his due date and prevented from growing through the usage of hormone blockers.
December 23rd, 2016 - When John realizes that Cliff’s family is being harvested for chiral experimentation, he warns Cliff of what is going to be done to them. When Cliff tries to escape the facility with his baby, he and his entire family are killed. Baby Bridges is revived by Amelie on the beach, and he is christened ‘Sam’. Bridget Strand makes the decision to raise him as her own, as he was no longer a BB candidate after Cliff released him from his pod. After this unnatural resuscitation, the laws of nature are made gravely upset. Sam becomes the first repatriate and DOOMS sufferer, one who can travel between Earth and Hades and detect the spectral dead using his 5 senses. The dead, the Beached Things, return physically to the land of the living and claim more human souls, dragging the damned with them as they returned to the other side. Timefall, rain that rapidly ages anything it touches, begins to fall in showers across the American continent.
December 31st, 2016 - Sam Strand is ‘born’
March, 2017 - John Blake McClane fakes his death with the help of President Strand. He returns to the broken political scene under the pseudonym Die-Hardman and becomes a personal aide to the president.
October 1st, 2017 - Fragile (Giselle Depardieu) is born
November 8th, 2019 - Higgs Monaghan is born
April, 2020 - The United Cities of America (UCA) is established, as the state governments and boundaries have all but crumpled as a result of continuous voidouts, and only a few key cities remain.
June, 2020 - Deadman earns the position of Bridges head coroner as a result of his government-sponsored artificial personhood program.
May, 2033 - Lucy Dimmonds earns a Bachelor’s degree in psychology
March, 2034 - Lucy Dimmonds becomes a licensed therapist
February, 2038 - Sam has his first meeting with his therapist, Lucy Dimmonds. In the following months, the two begin to form a close and unprofessional relationship.
December, 2039 - Sam and Lucy are married, and Lucy retires from her practice. 
February, 2040 - Lucy contracts DOOMS after becoming pregnant with her and Sam’s child Louise. She begins to have horrible visions of the apocalypse, which Bridget assures her are real portents of the future.
September, 2040 - Lucy chooses to commit suicide in order to avoid bringing a child into the world where the apocalypse is imminent. Her death causes a voidout, and Sam, who was busy making deliveries at the time, returns home to a smoking crater; all that’s left of his hometown. The survivors eye him warily and he can tell that they blame him for the disaster. In shame and grief, Sam resigns from Bridges and begins work as an independent porter. He changes his name to Sam Porter Bridges.
January 11th, 2045 - President Bridget Strand dies of metastasized uterine cancer. The plot of Death Stranding begins. 
References and Reasoning Used in Creating Timeline
Deadman mentions that WW1 took place more than 100 years ago, meaning that the present day in Death Stranding is past 2014-2018
Deadman mentions that WW2 took place a century ago, which places the timeframe of Death Stranding’s narrative anywhere from 2039-2045. I opted for the late estimate as to make Sam a little older and give the timeline some room to breathe
Based on appearance, behavior, and age in relation to other characters (he was a baby when Cliff, Die-Hardman, and Bridget were all mature adults), I placed Sam at around 28-30 years old. If he were any older, characters such as Die-Hardman and Bridget would appear much too young in the present day. This would also make the period in which the Death Stranding occurred around 30 years.
Deadman explains that Clifford Unger took part in the Kosovo War, the Afghanistan War, and the Iraq War. This would place his years of service from 1999 to right before the Death Stranding and Sam’s birth, around 2015. We know his military career did not begin any earlier, as there is no mention of him serving during the Balkan Wars or Persian Gulf War. Assuming that he was around 18 for his first deployment during the Kosovo War, it can be pretty reasonably inferred that Cliff was born around 1979, and was therefore around 36-37 when he was killed. This lines up nicely with the age restrictions surrounding combat in the United States Army Special Forces (ages 20-36). Essentially, Cliff must have been 36-37 in 2016, for if he was any older he would not have been only recently retired from combat, and if he was any younger he would not have been old enough to have served  during the Kosovo War.
Bridget Strand’s age is determined similarly. As both vice president and president, she would have had to have been 35 years of age or older, if she was vice president in 2012, she would have had to have been at least 35. I placed her at 37, which is still very young, but not quite the youngest on record. But, since she assumes the presidency in 2016 following the death of the president, she would have become president at 41 years of age, which would make her the record-holder of the title of youngest American president. Assuming she is 41 in 2016, she would be 70 years of age at the time of her death in 2045, which seems reasonable.
Most other aspects of the timeline are built around these key definable pieces of the puzzle and are subject to change as more lore is revealed. 
Essentially, this is full of headcanons that I’ll be happy to alter if and when we get more information.
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ahkaraii · 4 years
Belatedly answered ask responses
Thank you for anyone who has sent me stuff!! I LOVE reading them and I’m so sorry I’m awful at replying, but know that I love each and every one. Here’s my attempt to answer a whole lot :D
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@doki-dream​ Thank you so much for enjoying my DBZ comics!! DBZ was my earliest “fandom”, as it were, from over twenty years ago, and it was so, so special to me as a wee child. I think it’s obvious how heavily I project onto Gohan, haha! But now that I’m an adult, it’s really fun to weave in all these ideas I had as a kiddo into a more seamless interpretation that works with the existing canon. I hope you continue to enjoy my interpretations  <3
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@half-devil-in-red-leather​ Thank you so much for sticking around with me for so long!!  :D :D DMC still has a very dear place in my heart, and always will. As for Trunks and Gohan  -- they were my favourite characters, too!! Gohan moreso than Trunks in my case, but I’m awfully fond of all iterations of my purple-haired boy, and someday I’ll get around to drawing all of my Mirai!Trunks headcanons :) Trunks and Goten are fascinating to me as well, because they’re a Unit, yanno? In canon they were rarely seen without the other, and so their development as people is undoubtedly tied together, too. The differences between Mirai!Trunks and main-timeline!Trunks is FASCINATING, and speaks a lot to what are “core” characteristics of Trunks and what are things he’s adapted from his close peers over the years. Anyway, I love Trunks and Goten and Gotenks and rest assured I’ll be posting a lot more about them in the future.
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@vejigante​ Unfortunately I still haven’t watched Dragon Ball Super beyond the two movies (Battle of Gods and Broly) so I’m preeetty much out of the loop as to who these guys are. Maybe someday :0
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@katerchip​ :D :D :D =happy=
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@yusuke96universe​ I don’t exactly take suggestions, mostly because I kinda draw whatever I feel like in any given moment, and drawing something based on someone else’s idea or suggestion is almost always stressful (”what if they don’t like my take” “what if I drew something they find gross” “what if what if what if” etc), but I can safely say I, uhhh, actually don’t know much about Tien??? I’ve skim read the original Dragon Ball manga, but I never watched the original Dragon Ball anime, so Tien is one of those side characters I don’t have a very good grasp on, or, frankly, much interest in. Maybe someday!
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@shika-boom​ Fugaku and Shikaku were not friends, per say, but they were always peripherally aware of each other. They’re both clan heirs, for one, so you gotta know who’s who. Shikaku has always been a nosy nin who collects secrets, while Fugaku’s shameful secrets have always been painfully on display, so it’s not like they didn’t butt heads now and again growing up. I talk a little more about the topic here (x).
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@darkblades75​ Thank you!! You can read the manga online here (x).
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@hydrabellwolf​ Raditz is an interesting character I’m still getting a handle of, in my own interpretation, but I think he essentially has little to no attachment to his birth family and as a kid he probably thought Goku was pampered trash because Gine kept his pod at home. I don’t think Raditz ever made the connection that Gine sent Goku out to save him from the massacre, so I don’t think Raditz realized Gine “spared” Goku and didn’t think about him (Raditz).
Afterward, he only ever remembers Goku might still exist when he realizes he needs someone he can ally with against Nappa and Vegeta (after establishing he’s Alpha Dog, hence him stealing Gohan and talk-posturing at Goku instead of properly fighting from the start), so it’s not so much familial piety as it is convenience because he’s outnumbered and outgunned and outbullied by the only couple other Saiyan survivors.
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@wardstoneus That’s a story for another day, and details I probably won’t get super into because I’ve learned my lesson about delving into unnecessarily dark themes in an ambiguously exploitative way. But, yeah, I have lots of Thoughts about Raditz’s distinctive hairline and how that looks more like Vegeta than it does Bardock, and how exactly that could’ve gone about.
It was not a consensual thing :/ Gine had a rough life, and not just because she was weak and also not very Saiyan like. Bardock married her to protect her after she was pregnant, and he got demoted to low class because of it. (That’s how I explain to myself how Bardock was apparently super fucking strong and yet inexplicably deemed low class).
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@loyaltykask​ Tbh the only other Sakumo ship I find mildly interesting is Sakumo/Tsunade (you can kinda tell why I drew them together in the Five comic in the first place xDD), but, naturally, my take on Sakumo and the Sakumo that gets shipped with Orochimaru in fandom are very different characters with very different pasts that made them that way :’D So if I separate my take and just take fanon Sakumo as it is, there’s lots of interesting fics with him and Orochimaru and such. I don’t tend to read them though, because Orochomaru is never in character (as I interpret him, anyway), and that can be tiring XD
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@pretty-rage-machine​ Thank you!!! I’m sorry (not sorry) that I jump around fandoms so much, my creative brain is stupid and it latches onto new things every 2-6 months without control and I’ve learned to just go with the flow, it allows me to create faster and better works if I let myself explore whatever topic has captured my interest at any given moment instead of forcing it to stick to one thing. Luckily, I am not a professional artist; if you are, don’t do this xDDD Maintaining discipline and motivation beyond personal whim is important in any job!!
That being said, yay!! I’m glad you like my stuff regardless of how much knowledge you have of the canon I’m messing with. Hearing my characterizations are grounded and relatable makes me happy <3<3
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@poly-hebdo​ Thank you!!! :D :D Once again, I apologize for jumping fandoms like the attention deficit fella I am, but I’m glad you’re still digging my works regardless of the fandom!
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@jkl-fff​ Ahh thank you, friend!! (Side note reply: I watched DBZ:A yeeears ago, and I have to rewatch it again STAT because I actually have gotten mentioned by MasakoX (voice of gohan and goku in DBZA) a couple of times now, once in one of his videos and twice on his twitter feed, so I’m like HOLY SHIIIIT!!!! because that’s some Senpai-Noticed-Me shit and eeeeeeek).
It may be obvious by now but I HEAVILY project onto Gohan, he was basically my mental self-insert as a wee lad, so my characterization of him is heavily tinged by that selfish nostalgia; part of the reason I’ve been drawing these comics is to seamlessly integrate that mental image of Gohan I have living in my brain to the actual existing canon, to make him a plausible version of Gohan that can exist between the pages. From that, a fascinating little narrative has been born and I’ve been having fun detailing out the characters that exist around the Gohan I’ve created :D Thank you for enjoying my hot take on it!!
And YES LAWD I am all for bisexual Gohan, he and Dende were totally a cute first romance thing as teenagers, though naturally it had to come to an end as they moved on with their lives -- Dende to proper ascetic Godhood, and Gohan to a more normal human highschool life. Maybe someday I’ll get into the nuanced complexities of that, though I probably won’t post it to twitter, where the audience there seems to crave more canon straight stuff than any wistful doomed gay sideplots (that seems more a Tumblr thing). Ahhhh so many ideas, so little time XDD
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robotnik-mun · 5 years
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So, what happens when I decide to throw caution to the wind and mash together as many fucking Sonic Continuities as I possibly can? You get a big ass tangle of a family tree that needs to be split up into five separate images, that’s what. 
It’s ugly, it’s unpolished, and I made it on a whim. Because the mental image wouldn’t leave me. And because I actually started developing this godforsaken nightmare of a family tree, born of merged continuities, headcanons, and sleep deprivation. 
Now keep in mind that this thing is pure crack- it implies a world where Sonic eventually collapses from exhaustion of having to fight TWO Robotniks. It’s a mish mash of what-if’s, continuity mergers and personal ideas glued together. And I wanna stress it has nothing to directly do with my current setting- this is just like, The Path of Insanity. 
Anyway, yeah. Against my better judgement I made notes for this insanity. Also, you may notice pictures of characters from other franchises being used as portraits for various characters. Those are basically faceclaims of sorts, meant as abstract representations rather than the literal idea of what they looked like... since, honestly, even I’M not cruel enough to inflict my ‘art’ on you. 
Anyway, let’s get the ball rolling- 
-Robotnik Ancestor in ‘Mobigypt’. Was probably some big important muckity-muck.
“Julius Robotnikus”
-Probably Mobius’ answer to Caligula. His family eventually fell out of power and was forced to re-settle in what would eventually become Overland. 
Ivo Kintobor
-Yeah, that whole ‘House of Ivo’ thing? This is the guy responsible. Most likely a douchenozzle, as there is a high concentration of that in the bloodline. Basically a minor warlord who unified a bunch of clans to form his own Kingdom, that was subsequently absorbed into Overland during the unification. 
Brutus Kintobor
-Oh wow, a SKINNY Robotnik/Kintobor. This douche canoe attempted to conquer Angel Island for the Overland, but failed miserably. Sent back home in disgrace, a failure.
Gerald Robotnik
- Originally born Gerald Kintobor of the House of Ivo in Overland. He was more interested in science than politics, and after completing college he left that mess behind and immigrated to the United Federation. He changed his name to signify the break from his family history. 
-Explored Angel Island in his youth, where he learned about Chaos Emeralds and the like from the various ruins there. He was even friends with then-guardian Janelle-Li. 
-Started up Robotnik CORPS. He founded it as a way to disseminate his technology to the people of the UF and earn money to fund more experiments. 
-You know the rest. The ARK, Maria, NIDS, Black Doom, Shadow, yadda-yadda-yadda. 
Olga Robotnik
-Gerald’s wife. Duh. 
-She met him while he lived in a spare room her father was renting out. She’d collect his rent. They grew close and eventually had kids and started a family. 
-The shit this poor woman endured is amazing, but she managed to remain unbroken by it, and tried to remain close to her surviving grandchildren. 
Grigory Robotnik
- The first son of Gerald. He wasn’t a genius, but he pursued a career in academics and became a doctor of physics. He had two children, Warren and Maria.
-After the ARK incident he became paranoid and accused the government of covering up what really happened. The obsession to uncover the truth destroyed his physical and mental health, and he died a shunned outcast ranting on pirated radio stations about various conspiracies. 
-Died in a halfway house, but he managed to get ahold of Gerald’s diary before biting it. While he never got to use it to bring down GUN, it still paved the way for Eggman’s eventual use. 
Amelia Robotnik 
-Maria’s mother. After the ARK incident and the supposed death of her children, she fell into a deep depression and eventually committed suicide. In case you haven’t noticed, the story of the Robotnik family is depressing as fuck. 
Warren Robotnik, ‘Warpnik’ 
-Maria’s brother. What a tweest! 
-He was with her on the ARK, and demonstrated a similar scientific gift to his grandfather. He wasn’t close to Shadow the way Maria was. 
-When the ARK was raided, he was captured and subjected to brainwashing treatments by GUN in the hopes of turning him into a loyal, in-house mad scientist. All it did was make him batshit crazy. 
-He escaped some time during the Great War, and is now loose in Mobius, a lunatic geneticist fixated on continuing his grandfather’s ‘great work’... or at least his own warped perception of it. 
Maria Robotnik 
-You know her. You love her. Her life is a tragedy. She’s Maria! Nuff said. Years later, and she still weighs heavily on Shadow. 
Ivo Kintobor
-And here is where things get a bit confusing! Ivo was born ‘Ivo Robotnik’, the second son of Gerald. Long story short, he was a douche more interested in politics and profit, and as such did not get along with his father, who bequeathed the family company to his younger brother. 
-Despite this, Ivo SOMEHOW managed to reproduce. And when the ARK incident happened, he bought the government line hook line and sinker. He changed the family name back to Kintobor and moved everyone back to Overland to start anew. 
-He’s like 50% responsible for Julian winding up the way he did. 
-And yes- he DOES want to bulldoze the puppy orphanage to create a combination oil rig/toxic waste dump. 
-Was murdered by Julian, who disguised it as an accident. 
Lydia Kintobor
-Julian and Colin’s mom. 
-She 100% supported her husband’s douchery, and was an active participant in tormenting her secondborn son in the hopes of ‘breaking’ him out of being a genius. 
-Killed in the same ‘accident’ that took her husband’s life. 
Colin Kintobor Sr. 
-Born in the United Federation, but moved to the Overland as a child and grew up there. 
-Major league Nationalist and Human Supremacist. Prick. 
-Hated Julian basically forever and was encouraged by his parents to do so. He became their ‘golden child’ and was pushed to succeed at everything. 
-Pursued a career in politics, law, and the military, and eventually served as a general in the Great War. 
-Was eventually murdered by his own brother
Miriam Kintobor 
-Colin’s first wife, via arranged marriage. 
-She was pretty much his opposite, yet despite that fact the two came to genuinely love one another. 
-Died giving birth to their son. Have I mentioned the Kintobor/Robotnik family history is a trainwreck yet? 
Angela Kintobor
-The second wife of Colin. She probably met him while serving as a military functionary during the Great War. She is also the mother of Hope Kintobor. 
-Other than that, I got nothin’. She likely died when Hope was young, by way of Swatbot invasion. Seriously, do NOT become a Kintobor Love Interest. 
Colin “Snively” Kintobor Jr. 
-You know him, you hate him! It’s the Snivster, bay-bee! 
-His mother died giving birth to him. His dad blamed him for this. You can guess the rest. 
-You know most of the story- crappy childhood, admired his uncle Julian, helped him take over the Kingdom of Acorn, spent a decade as his punching bag, etc etc. 
-After seemingly offing Julian during Endgame, he briefly took over the Robotnik Empire.... and promptly lost it to Naugus, forcing him to flee for his life. In exchange for information about Robotropolis’ defenses, King Acorn spared his life but sentenced him to be imprisoned forever.
-Was busted out by a returned Julian so that his uncle would be able to properly ‘thank’ him for losing his empire. Helped the FFs to escape Robotnik’s revenge, and after spending time bumming around with them (and hating it) decided to throw in his lot with Crazy Uncle Ivo. 
-He’s regretted it ever since... though he sticks with him because its either Ivo or Julian, and Julian will ensure his death is cruel, messy, and lingers for years to come. 
Hope Kintobor 
-The second child of Colin Kintobor. She was born during the later years of the Great War and spent much of her early life living in siege conditions as Overland tried and failed to stop the advancement of Robotnik. 
-Eventually she witnessed the death of her father and remaining family at the hands of Robotnik before being saved by Sonic. She had an extended stay in Knothole afterwards, where she slowly learned that much of her people’s views of Mobians was innacurate. 
-She eventually moved to the United Federation as a ward of GUN, serving as the technology expert for Team Dark. She is close to all of them. 
-Seeks to redeem the name of her family so that it’s legacy won’t be one of bloodshed, conquest and madness. She’s got a waaaays to go, to put it mildlry. 
-Despite everything she still cares about her awful, awful half-brother. 
Dr. Julian Robotnik 
-Had a REALLY goddamned crappy....well, life, basically. Take my word for it. 
-Has basically murdered his entire immediate family by this point. 
-Prior to the Great War he aided the Overlander Ministry of Conflict in toppling the legitimate government of the Kingdom of Amunopolis (Aleena’s Kingdom), forcing it’s royal family to flee to the Kingdom of Acorn and re-settle under new identities, with crown princess becoming ‘Bernadette Hedgehog’. That’s right- he’s indirectly responsible for Sonic existing. 
-Blah blah blah evil experiments blah blah war crimes blah blah sentenced to be executed by Overlander government during the Great War and blah blah blah coup.
-Took over a large swathe of Mobius and expanded to conquer more, and for a time seemed like he might conquer the entire planet. The Robotnik Empire is.... not a fun place. Then or now.
-Then Sonic and the FF’s happened. Then Endgame happened, and he was... indisposed for a while, leading to his empire being diminished. While he has returned, he has suffered numerous setbacks since then, and the Robotnik Empire is now greatly diminished from its peak. 
-That being said, he still rules a pretty big part of the planet, and is still the biggest danger to the world at present.
-Hates his cousin Ivo.
-REALLY goddamn hates That Hedgehog. 
Laura Kintobor 
-That’s Doctor Laura Kintobor (nee Ellison) to you, buster. 
-She and Julian both worked as scientists with Overland’s science ministry, where they met and befriended one another. She eventually managed to coax Julian out of his shell, and their friendship bloomed into a romance, which led to the two marrying. 
-She worked in the organic sciences division and was an expert on biology and zoology. In contrast to most scientists, she was very much an outdoorswoman. Even managed to convince Julian to partake. 
-Much like her unfortunate sister-in-law, she died in childbirth... giving birth to a stillborn daughter. 
-Yeah, this shit is grim. 
Theodore Robotnik
-Third son of Gerald. Blatantly named in reference to Theodore Roosevelt, who was used as a visual reference for Eggman.
-Basically a professional beancounter who later inherited Robotnik CORPS. He chose to stick with his original name even after the ARK incident, and struggled to keep Robotnik CORPS afloat in the immediate aftermath of the incident. 
-Set up a trust fund for his son Ivo, and tried his best to raise him to be a contributing member of society. 
-Sufficed to say, that didn’t work. If he’s still alive, he has a REALLY tense relationship with his son. 
-Named his son after his older brother as a passive-aggressive act of spite for abandoning the ‘Robotnik’ name. 
Dolores Robotnik 
-Mother of Ivo. She was a professor of chemistry who decided to put her career on hold in order to be homemaker. 
-Was much closer to her son than Theodore was, and often wound up having to play peacemaker between the two. ESPECIALLY during Ivo’s tumultous teenage years. 
-Sufficed to say she is not exactly pleased with how he turned out, assuming she’s still alive even. 
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
-HE IS THE EGGMAN. HE’S GOT THE MASTER PLAN! Really, do you NEED to know any more? 
-Well, okay, you do. He was born very shortly before the ARK incident and never knew his grandfather. 
-His childhood wasn’t horrible, but it was rough in areas due to his high intelligence making things more difficult for him than they should of be. Loads of disagreements with his dad over pursuing science. Spent years plagued by the derogatory name of ‘Eggman’ due to his weight problems. 
-You know how you fantasize about ruling the world as a kid? He never really left that stage of things. 
-He initially worked as a research scientist in the fields of AI and energy. During the Great War he was approached by GUN to develop weapons for them. His research would go on to form the basis of the robotic soldiers later used by them in the Robotnik war. 
-Began his plot to take over Mobius during his time there, and secretly began to appropriate resources and machines to build a hidden base on the distant South Island. Eventually his schemes were discovered by GUN, but he fled. 
-While his cousin conquered portions of Mobius elsewhere, Eggman began his long term Death Egg scheme as a means of conquering Mobius in one fell swoop with the aid of the Chaos Emeralds. 
-You can guess how it goes from here- he encounters Sonic on South Island and in the Scrap Brain Zone and is defeated, thus setting the tone for MANY other defeats in the future. He eventually took on the name ‘Dr. Eggman’ as a way to differentiate himself from his cousin, and to make the insult that dogged his life into a name to be feared ala ‘Penguin’. 
-When his cousin Julian was seemingly killed and the Robotnik Empire in dissarray, Eggman started new bids to take over the world. He established the Metropolis Zone as his ‘capital city’ and founded the Egg Army to help supplement his Badnik Horde. The Eggman Empire now exists as a terrorist army at the beck and call of Dr. Eggman, though he’s still got a ways to go. 
-Has four sons by three different women. Slut. 
-Haven’t got a name for her yet. She was a random girl that a college age Ivo knocked up, which putty much put an end to her collegiate ambitions. She gave birth to two sons, one of whom she bitterly named ‘Ivan’ as a reminder of his origins after failing to get child support out of her babydaddy. She re-married and is currently leading a comfortable enough life. Humors her son because she knows it annoys his biological father. 
Ivan Eggman
-The oldest of Eggman’s sons. In his mid 30s or so. Scientifically gifted, as his father was. 
-Has numerous, numerous issues pertaining to his stepfather, a hard and strict man with little toleration for nonsense.
-Idolizes his biological father and desperately wants to be acknowledged by him, even changing his original surname to ‘Eggman’. Eggman the 1st was NOT amused. 
-Eventually founded a company, Eggman Industries, and grew rich rapidly. Settled by the Bygone Islands where he pursues life as a ‘villain’ now, though really he’s more like a public nuisance than anything. 
-Honestly he’s basically living a ‘second childhood’ of sorts using his scientific know-how and riches, and has vowed to one day impress his father and earn his acknowledgement. As you can imagine, it is.... not working out at all, given that he’s even more of a goober than his pop. 
-Ironically, he isn’t naturally bald- he SHAVES his head. 
-Yeah, he ain’t a robot here- Steve is the organic, younger (by about a minute) twin brother of Ivan. 
-Utterly unconcerned with science or any of that jazz. He’s basically a bohemian beach bum, complete with californian accent- he spends much of his time surfing and earning cash from side jobs. 
-Really mellow and easy-going, and doesn’t really dwell on stuff. 
-Utter himbo. 
Mrs. Robotnik 
- Ex-Wife of Ivo Robotnik. Haven’t given it too much thought, but she and Ivo met while working in acadamia, and eventually married. 
-Initially the relationship was pretty solid, and they even had a child together. However things swiftly deteriorated between the two as Ivo’s immaturity and increasing anger at the world strained their relationship, along with him being a lousy parent to their son. She eventually divorced his ass. 
-After going through a rough patch with her son, she has begun to re-connect with him after his years a delinquent, and now happily supports his endeavors. 
Ivo Robotnik Jr. 
-Middle son of Dr. Eggman. Had a nonexistant relationship with his father while growing up, which combined with the divorce eventually turned him into a juvenile delinquent. 
-He roamed with a biker gang for a while, and prefers to be called ‘Junior’ rather than ‘Ivo’. 
-Fell in with Breezie for a while, the both of them unaware of the other’s connection to Eggman. They eventually went their separate ways once Junior began to turn over a new leaf. He still carries a torch for her, though is painfully aware it’d never work out. Their relationship is... complicated, these days.
-Has since become a software security engineer, making a living providing Anti-Eggman/Robotnik software to companies. 
Lindsey Thorndyke
-A famed actress. She and Ivo had a drunken tryst at a wrap party where he’d been invited to act as a consultant on scientific accuracy. To avoid scandal she informed her husband, and they passed off the baby as their own. 
-What more do you want. Its LINDSEY. 
Chris Thorndyke 
-The youngest son of Ivo Robotnik. Spent much of his life completely unaware of his true parentage. 
-Eh, what can I say, I kind like the theory of him actually being a Robotnik in some capacity or the next. 
-When he was a boy, he befriended Sonic and his friends and even hosted them during the days when Eggman’s schemes for global conquest caused him to haunt Station Square for a while. 
-Admired his grandfather Chuck and pursued science to be like him, studying physics and engineering. 
-Thanks to his mom he’s something of a film buff. 
-In college he learned the truth of his heritage. This has put a strain on his relationship with his parents.
Francis Kintobor 
-The youngest of Gerald’s sons. Pursued a career as a schoolteacher. While he changed his name in the aftermath of the ARK incident as his older brother Ivo had, he chose to make a small joke at his brother’s expense over the ludicrousness of the name change by naming his own son ‘Ovi Kintobor’. 
-Named after Francis Mao, aka That Guy Who Made That One Comic Adaptation From 1991. 
Elizabeth Kintobor
-Dr. Ovi Kintobor’s mother. A career veterinarian with a strong love of animals. That’s about it. 
Ovi Kintobor 
- Grew up on Westside Island, among Mobians. Had a pretty happy and contented childhood, and like many of the other various members of the Kintobor/Robotnik clan developed a pronounced interest and skill in science at a young age. 
-Developed a particular interest in researching Chaos Emeralds.
-A Concientious Objector, he served as a medic during the Great War.
-Deeply, deeply shamed by the actions of his more notorious cousins, he has essentially hidden himself from the world to pursue his research and evade their notice, while helping against them in whatever way he can. 
-Has secretly transported people threatened by his cousins to safer places, and once caused a mass sabotage of their respective robotic forces through the ‘Nicenik Virus’. 
-An ally of the Freedom Fighters. 
-Deeply distrusts GUN (which frankly isn’t a bad call).
-Bit of a hippy, but really is a genuinely nice guy who wants to help others through science. 
-In some villages he is known as ‘Mr. Tinker’. 
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fountainpenguin · 4 years
Could you tell us more about the Reedfilter AU? What makes it different? Any favorite parts or ideas in mind?
Reedfilter Rules AU is basically as opposite as I can be from my Riddleverse Classic headcanons without contradicting the actual FOP canon (and without overlapping my other AUs, such as my “King Me” AU).
I like to think of it as “the AU that might have been my canon if I hadn’t found Wolbachia pipientis.” Delving deeply into Wolbachia was the thing that forced me to make ALL my FOP worldbuilding deep to balance it. Reedfilter Rules AU is somewhat deep, but sticks very close to show canon. It’s more detailed than the show, but not chaotically deep.
In Riddleverse Classic, there’s a pretty even balance between animal DNA and human-like DNA. In the “Little Imperfections” universe, animal DNA is played up and human-like DNA is played down. In Reedfilter Rules, human-like DNA is played up and animal DNA is barely acknowledged (the Fae in RR are pretty much just small humans with wings). These Pixies don’t have Wolbachia, so H.P. is not the Pixie holotype. He and Sanderson are just friends.
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The RR AU is named after the Head Pixie who preceded our H.P. (Rani Reedfilter) since most of the pieces I’ve written for it are told from her point of view. Pixies are a long-established species in this universe, and are considered the oldest and most advanced of the Fae races instead of the youngest.
Certain aspects of my worldbuilding (such as gyne and drone biology, the Refracts, and the honey-lock) don’t exist in the R-Rules verse. The Anti-Fairies don’t have their zodiac culture. Again, the Rules-verse sticks close to show canon and isn’t too complex; you get evil Antis and busy Pixies while Fairy World is just as fluffy and air-headed as ever, haha.
[More under the cut]
The inner workings of Pixie World are the most fleshed out part of RR AU. The Head Pixie position is even more powerful here than it is in my Classic works due to the sheer number of Pixies in existence (we’re talking a hundred companies united under a single boss- Head Pixie XXXVI, Rani Reedfilter).
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It’s a blatant dictatorship where the Head Pixie’s rules always go, no questions asked. Marriages are arranged, jobs are assigned, and you can only reproduce with permission. Laughter is practically outlawed because the image of a crisp, intelligent pixie is so important to their brand. Extremely cold, strict place. This is the world Fergus grew up in before he took over from Reedfilter.
Classic!Fergus is blatant with his manipulation. He’s loud, proud, stubborn, and would NEVER stoop to the sucking up that RR!Fergus does. In RR, Fergus Whimsifinado - or Head Pixie XXXVII - rises through the ranks of Pixies Inc. by flirting with Rani Reedfilter in a universe where all pixie marriages are arranged and the Head is forbidden to have a spouse. R-Rules Fergus ain’t as averse to kisses as his Classic counterpart.... If seduction gets him what he wants, he won’t hesitate. And he didn’t.
Obviously, my ‘fic Origin of the Pixies isn’t canon in the R-Rules universe. Fergus was born and raised in Pixie society as one of many instead of being raised in Fairy World as an oddball with a wing mutation. Ambrosine was never matched with another woman after he had Fergus, so he never had Emery. Instead, I allowed this version of Fergus to follow through on his childhood dream of naming his daughter Emery.
And a daughter he indeed had, following his fling(s) with Reedfilter. Little Emery has Rani’s green eyes, so it’s pretty dang obvious that Rani is (was) her mother, but who’s going to protest? There ain’t no Pixie Council to balance power. Gossip all you want, but the Head Pixie’s word is law.
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(Looks a lot like his father in this ‘verse, doesn’t he?)
Classic!Sanderson is H.P.’s sassy, egotistical, easily-made-jealous firstborn. However, in the Reedfilter AU, they aren’t related at all. RR!Sanderson - AKA Ennet - is extremely high-strung. He has low self-esteem, constantly thinks himself a failure, and on top of that he’s a HUGE gossip.
Classic!Sanderson is arguably smarter than the other pixies, but R!Rules Sandy is VERY trusting and naive. He’ll fall for anything twice over and believes everything H.P. says (H.P. messes with him because it’s funny). Sandy didn’t come into the picture until after Fergus became Head Pixie, but as their friendship deepens he becomes H.P.’s ears in the hallways.
Rani was nice enough to pair Sandy with a wife despite his half-pixie / half-wisp blood, as she believed him loyal to the company and wanted to show her trust in him. Sandy respects her immensely because of that, and even respected her enough to attempt pregnancy with his match when instructed to (something he bailed out of doing when Fergus matched him up with a different lady). He was horrified by Rani’s death..... and extremely suspicious of his new boss.
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Despite his concerns about his new boss, Sanderson envisions himself as H.P.’s loyal sidekick, oblivious to the fact that H.P. would stab him in the back without remorse if the situation required him to. But H.P. genuinely likes RR!Sanderson, probably due to the fact that he and Sandy are the only pixie/wisp crossbreeds in the whole company. He still teases him, but I like to think this version of H.P. is better at asking Sanderson’s advice for problems and his consent to being teased. He’s more likely to stop messing around if he sees Sanderson upset than Classic H.P. is. Not as big a jerk as you could have been.
It’s honestly a beloved AU of mine because... it’s really interesting to play H.P. and Sanderson as literal friends instead of the distant parent/clingy child relationship they have in Riddleverse Classic. Reedfilter Rules has female pixies, arranged marriages, and boring businessmen unapologetically plotting evil... What more could you ask for?
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Anti-Fairy World is also different in this AU. Anti-Schnozmo was raised to take over Anti-Fairy World from birth until Anti-Cosmo, ah... “took care of him.” AC is even brattier in this AU than he is in my Classic universe (a lot like Foop). Additionally, the High Countess position doesn’t mean anything... No political power for Anti-Wanda in this universe :(
I thought it would be interesting if Anti-Cosmo’s Deadly Sin was still Lust, but the only reason he’s married to Anti-Wanda in RR!AU is because his mother arranged them. He tolerates Anti-Wanda, he even likes her, but he doesn’t truly love her and doesn’t care if she knows it. He has illegitimate children in this verse (this is where Eury and Talon fit in) because the honey-lock isn’t a thing. Foop is his only legitimate child and therefore the legal heir to the throne (High Count is balanced by the Anti-Fairy Council and he can’t declare an illegitimate child his heir).
RR!Anti-Cosmo and H.P. are rival rulers who barely know each other. After taking over from Reedfilter, H.P. starts flirting with AC too in an attempt to snag Anti-Fairy World from under him, blind to the fact that Anti-Cosmo is toying with him and intends to betray him right back. Or, Anti-Cosmo flirts with him in an attempt to swipe Pixie World. Who knows. I’m not sure how far that relationship goes, just that I can see the two flirting in RR universe to mirror the fact they fight all the time in Classic.
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(....... Maybe they still fight)
I created Reedfilter Rules AU back in 2016, and I still write drabbles for it because I find the concept endearing despite its cliches. I love writing in this ‘verse because I love pixies, but I haven’t posted the main ‘fic due to the, uhhhhh... //Gestures at story that revolves around a creepy guy sleeping his way up the corporate ladder, probably seducing his rival on the side idk, is this really what you want to read??
Anyway, I adore Reedfilter Rules AU and think about it a lot, so if you guys want to see more, let me know. “Only an Idea” (#83 of the 130 Prompts) takes place in the R-Rules universe and tells how H.P. and Sanderson first met.
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sudoscience · 4 years
New In Town: Background Info
Click here for a version with working hyperlinks.
Although it's never explicitly stated by the games, I'm going to assume the story is set in the US, or at least a country like it. The existence of monsters likely altered the course of several events in human history, so it's possible things are actually radically different. For the purposes of this story, I'll assume most things are still the same unless stated otherwise, (e.g. the American Revolution was still in 1776, and World War II was still in the early-middle of the 20th Century.).
Let's also just go ahead and say the story takes place in 201X for now.
[For the record, I pronounce 201X as "twenty-ex-teen". I guess you could say it "two-oh-one-ex", but why would you? I also assume it refers to the whole decade, so, for example, when I say "the early part of 201X", that could mean anywhere between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2014.]
Humans and Monsters (Current headcanon)
Humans and Monsters (Old) (Preserved for posterity)
Master Post
Humans and Monsters
Humans and monsters have always coexisted relatively peacefully, at least as well as humans and humans. There have been some smaller wars over land and resources, but nothing like the war in Undertale (hereinafter "The War").
Someone still remembers that other universe, though. The universe where monsters freely used magic. The universe where a monster could absorb a human SOUL. The universe where the monsters were sealed underground and later systematically slaughtered by a human child. Perhaps that someone is W. D. Gaster. Perhaps it is Chara. I haven't decided yet. Until that time comes, I'll call that person Individual 1.
Individual 1 remembers the world of Undertale, but the version they remember is the one in which the genocide route takes place. After that world is destroyed, Individual 1 uses their DETERMINATION to bring the world back. They restore the world to long before The War takes place. Individual 1 convinces the King of All Monsters (who is probably someone other than Asgore) to strictly curtail the use of magic. It is Individual 1's belief that the only way to prevent The War from occurring is if humans never learn that monsters can absorb their souls. This is why we don't see evidence of magic in Deltarune.1
Sometime in 1965, a man in Twin Falls (Bill Hammond) learns of the monsters' hidden power. He attempts to alert the government, but it's years before anyone in power takes him seriously. Most people view him as a crackpot; he's this universe's Alex Jones. However, he begins to gain a following among the commoners, who take to calling themselves the Arcane Enforcement Unit. Hate crimes against monsters become more frequent, and the government establishes the Directorate of Inter-Species Relations to combat this.
Hammond's influence grows, and he runs for president multiple times, though he rarely gets more than 2% of the vote. In 1996, his campaign performs surprisingly well, but he is assassinated. His following was strongest in Twin Falls, and it once again becomes a hot spot for anti-monster sentiment, only this time it extends to humans who are considered "monster sympathizers", including Kris's birth parents and eventually Rudy, who is born around this time.
Paul and Judy Harper are DISR employees in Twin Falls. In 2003, the year Asriel is born,2 the DISR begins a joint operation with DHS and FBI to infiltrate the AEU, which is now suspected as a terrorist organization. The Harpers are assigned to the team, Operation Golden Flower, as undercover agents in 2005. In 2007, Judy becomes pregnant. Later that year, their cover is nearly blown. In order to keep their child safe, they begin making arrangements with some old friends of theirs, the Dreemurr family in Hometown. Their son is born in December,​3 and adopted by the Dreemurrs immediately. A few months later, Paul and Judy are killed; their death is not publicized classified in order to avoid jeopardizing the operation.
In the early part of 201X, an AEU supporter named Noah Trey Ullman is elected mayor of Twin Falls. This is when things really start to go south. Ullman incites violence against monsters and monster sympathizers. They usually stay out of the majority monster neighborhoods, but they tend to target monsters who are known to affiliate with humans. This is what prompts Rudy to move to Hometown.
Humans and Monsters (OLD)
Humans and monsters have always coexisted, but there's always been a lot of tension between them. For most of their history, they've lived more or less independently of each other. As humans began to industrialize, they began to expand and encroach on monster territory.1 Interactions with monsters became more frequent, as did altercations. While there hasn't been an outright war between humans and monsters, there have been frequent skirmishes, akin to the US and the Native Americans. There was a period where humans sought to make use of magic, primarily by employing the monsters. The monsters were often subjected to inhumane conditions, and uprisings, while infrequent, were not unheard of.
Knowing that a monster with one or more human souls could become a being of great power, this practice was eventually outlawed. Humans became reluctant to hire monsters at all, and most monsters eventually relocated to their own settlements. These are similar to Indian reservations, with the distinction that they are not considered sovereign. In order to keep things under control, the government created the Directorate of Inter-species Relations in the mid-19th Century. Under the pretense of fairness, the DISR banned the use of magic about 100 years ago;2 this would theoretically allow more monsters to be hired, so long as they weren't being exploited for their magical abilities. In practice, because magic is so central to a monster's existence, this drastically changed the monsters' way of life. Initially, smaller acts of magic were allowed, but as more monsters moved into settlements, their interactions with humans became less frequent, and the humans became more fearful, having only the legends and rumors to inform them rather than their own experiences. Eventually, all magic was banned, and the Arcane Enforcement Unit was created in 1956 to enforce said ban.
Of course, some monsters remained in the human cities. They felt they still had ties there, and refused to move. They are largely relegated to their own neighborhoods, and the AEU does its best to "gently encourage" them to relocate. Other than the AEU, very few humans interact with monsters.3
What happened five years ago?
There was a change in leadership at the AEU, and they became much more aggressive in their policing.
[I think this was a separate subsection because I originally planned on writing more, but now it seems pretty silly to have a subsection with just one sentence.]
Notes for New Info
There are several reasons I decided to scrap the old backstory, but this was probably the main one. I really liked the theory that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, and I wanted to expand on that. I'm no longer sure I buy that theory, but I still think it's a cool idea. ↑
As noted in the "Headcanon for Existing Characters", I originally planned for Asriel to have started college early, which would further demonstrate how exceptional he is, and also factor into the resentment Kris wishes they didn't have of him. This is also his first semester of college, which is why Kris is so worried he'll have changed. I think I'll keep him a freshman, but increase the age gap between them. When Asriel gets back from college, he'll have just turned 19, while Kris will be turning 14 very soon. I'm assuming he's returning for Thanksgiving Break (and also that Thanksgiving still exists in this world), and this is the first time he's been back home since he left for college. ↑
Yes, Kris's full name is Krismas (no, not really). Their birthday is 22 December, and Asriel's is 15 September (unless there's an official birthday listed somewhere, in which case it's that). I hope it's okay if I write that Kris is biologically male, even though they identify as non-binary. Since I've already changed their pronouns in the main story, this is probably the only time it will ever be mentioned, unless maybe they go swimming or something. I got the idea from @caretaker-au and how they represent Chara as male non-binary (is that the right way to say that?); I know some people find that blog to be problematic, but I think that was more to do with them drawing porn of Chara and Asriel, not because they drew Chara as biologically male. (For the record, I was not aware of that when I started following them, especially since Tumblr banned porn a year before I even bought Undertale.) ↑
Notes for Old Info
Another reason I dropped this: I'm pretty sure this was inspired by @wolven0ne-universe's "Long Road" AU. Actually, there's a lot that was inspired by Long Road, even in the new backstory: the decision to have multiple OCs, the way magic supposedly works, humans exploting monsters for their magic, a shadowy organization that abducts monsters because of their magical abilities, etc. Some of this is attributable to the fact that I never read fanfics prior to playing Undertale, so some of these were "inspired" by Long Road simply by virtue of it being, like, the second fanfic I ever read, ever. (The first was "Flowey is Not A Good Life Coach".) Anyway, my point here is that I dropped this backstory in part because I didn't want it to be too similar to Long Road, not because I suddenly stopped liking Long Road. ↑
Here's an additional reason I changed the backstory: I wasn't sure if this was a believable timeline. I feel like it's plausible that human society would forget that monster magic involves a lot more than just a monster's ability to abosrb a human soul in just 100 years, but that doesn't seem like nearly enough time for monster society to forget that monsters can use magic. Plus, if monsters and humans have coexisted for all of human history, and monsters have been using magic for like 99% of said history, that seems like it could have created a lot of ripple effects that I would spend way too much time thinking about. Like, what if the existence of magic resulted in the first Industrial Revolution happening in the 15th Century? What would Earth look like in 201X if that were the case? I just didn't want to deal with all of that. ↑
Other than wanting to believe that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, the next most important factor in my decision to scrap this backstory is that it's just really dark. The story has enough potentially depressing shit that I didn't need to add a monster Trail of Tears on top of it all. Plus, I was worried it might come across as racially insensitive. ↑
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hi! I've been wanting to send this request for a while, but I can't choose the character... So I'll let you choose instead! I'd like a scenario or headcanons for a member of La Squadra being "saved" by someone from the Zeppeli family who has a bubble ripple similar to Caesar's. He was just pretending to be off guard so his target would come to him instead, but the Zeppeli person legit thought he was in danger and helped! How will the stand user react to that and what will he think of the ripple?
Helloooooooo :3 Waaaaa this was such a wonderful request ** I’ve a GIANT soft spot for the Zeppeli family and the Ripple, hhhhh :,) Anddd, since I had free choice, I chose Prosciutto. Eheh :3 Here we go, hope you’ll like it!!
Prosciutto is “saved” by a member of the Zeppeli family who’s a hamon user
(Under the cut for length!)
Even who wasn’t born in Naples knew the name of the Zeppeli family. Once a powerful and rich noble family, now a fallen family mostly dismembered all around Italy and various countries, mostly France and USA. Even so, their name was still pronounced with respect and every Zeppeli was treated with courtesy and, from the old people, with almost deference. It was said around that the Zeppeli family had a sort of mysterious power. Someone said they could do miracles, that they could heal and even walk on water. Someone watched them with awe, as they were a sort of superheroes, someone with suspect, as they were a threat. That was why most members of the family abandoned their surname to pick up another one, being it their partner’s one or their mother’s. It was easier, this way, all in all. They knew they were Zeppeli and this was enough.
Prosciutto too had always heard stories about the Zeppeli family, since his early childhood. His father sometimes told him about that one time when a Zeppeli saved him, when he was in a really troubled situation; he always said that the man seemed to emanate light, that there was something, a sort of energy all around him that made him shiver and have goosebumps. It was like being in front of some kind of pure energy, but it wasn’t a bad energy: it was warm and brilliant, like sunlight. Prosciutto had always been fascinated by this kind of stories and, when he was a child, it was even a sort of game among kids: a group was formed by the Zeppelis and the other by the evil guys. Still, growing up, Prosciutto found those stories more and more unbelievable, or, better, badly interpreted. Maybe the man who saved his father’s life was a stand user and maybe a lot of members of the Zeppeli family were so. Maybe it was a visible stand, as Melone’s Babyface. Or, even more, the Zeppeli family didn’t even exist anymore and that man from the past was just a random kind stand user who thought about doing a good action and saved his father. All in all, he never heard about anyone with Zeppeli as surname, in the long years he was first roaming the streets with his big group of brothers and sisters and then in Passione as hitman.Nothing happened without the organization, and his team in particular, knew it. And in all the many reports he and the team read, not even once that surname popped out.
That was why the last person Prosciutto thought to have to meet was right a member of the Zeppeli family.
The mission wasn’t difficult, he didn’t even need a backup. If he played with smartness, he would have be home in time for dinner. The best way to do so was to lure his target into a fake sense of safeness and glory and then strike back .There was nothing more lethal than having too much confidence, all in all. It hadn’t been so difficult: he took some blows, of course angling himself to get them on non vital points where he would have healed fast, and withdrawing, withdrawing again, more and more, to lure his dumb target right where he wanted to: a cornered point where they would have been trapped and where his Grateful Dead could have worked in total tranquillity. His plan was proceeding perfectly, it was all going as he wanted. The target was gaining more and more confidence, even boldly insulting him. Prosciutto didn’t even flinch, but, oh, he was already savouring the moment when that dumbass would have been just a pile of dry bones. Just a bit more of patience. The perfect spot was, by now, just few meters far…
Prosciutto didn’t take in account someone else’s presence, nor that this someone could at the same time completely screw his plan up and “save” him.
“Hey! Hey, what’s going on?! Leave him alone!” Prosciutto froze, hearing an unknown voice screaming not so far. Oh shit, good, he really needed a civilian right now, when he was about to unleash his stand. Sweet nice, really.
He was about to fake a pained voice and tell them to run away and save their ass when, to his utter stupor, he felt a shiver running down his spine and intense goosebumps, as when you’re near to a great energy. But it wasn’t an evil energy… it was bright, it was full of life, it almost smelled of clear air and those white clouds which seem whipped cream. That energy… it seemed to come directly from the sun.
Prosciutto���s eyes widened, as in his mind his father’s words resurfaced, after a long time. It couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t believe… but it was right as his father said. The shiver, the goosebumps, the feeling to be in front of a great benevolent power, something totally different from a stand power, now he can recognize it. There was no doubt about that stranger’s identity.
“Zeppeli.” he murmured, watching them walking in front of him, a determined gaze in their eyes, as they stared at the hitman’s target, who was studying the new arrived with incredulous and mocking eyes. Not even one of the legendary Squadra Esecuzioni could stop them, what does that civilian think to do? Scream at them to go away? Beg them not to hurt the hitman anymore. Oh, whatever. This just meant that the corpses to make disappear would have been two instead of one.
Before the target could do anything, however, the civilian united their palms in what seemed a prayer gesture. The enemy almost wanted to laugh, as Prosciutto, instead, observed closely. What were they going to do, now?
Prosciutto’s azure eyes widened in surprise when, as they broke the praying position, a trail of bubbles came to life. What the hell?! This was the famous Zeppeli power?! Bubbles?! He wanted to groan in disappointment. And he thought god knows what…
He had to eat back everything, however, when the bubbles spun at very fast speed towards the laughing target, hitting him with an unbelievable strength. The bubbles came in great quantity and they seemed to glow… and not a soap-like glow. Prosciutto widened his eyes, instinctively feeling that those bubbles were coated in the same energy that emanated from the Zeppeli. Ingenious…
His breath almost stopped, as he was completely astonished, when the enemy flew back, landing at least five meters behind. They coughed, wheezing, as surprised as the hitman. What the hell…?!
Well, those bubbles were a pain in the ass, but this wouldn’t have stopped them. They slowly got up, injured but now, oh, definitely mad. They charged for the Zeppeli who, anyway, was more than ready to welcome them. This time they created a barrier made with one lucent layer of soap water. It was like crushing on a gummy wall; the soap barrier resisted, bending, following their movements, ‘till they were engulfed and blocked in the soap. Just now, as a rubber band too stretched, the barrier sprung back, sending flying the target way more than just five meters behind. With a clap of their hands, the soap water barrier vanished, falling on the ground, leaving behind just a nice soap smell.
The unknown Zeppeli peeked at the now unconscious enemy, all sprawled on a couple of trash bins now overturned on the ground. They wrinkled their nose as the putrid smell of trash reached their nostrils.
“Are you fine?” Prosciutto snapped back, hearing them now talking to him. His azure eyes studied them, still in awe. It was like… like a legend, a tale from his childhood was just come to life. He felt a pang of guilt, thinking about how many times he lebelled his father’s words as fake or just silly stories. Well, they weren’t fake and silly stories, as he could see now.
“Uhm- excuse me? Sir? Are you fine?” they asked again, when they didn’t get any answer. Prosciutto quickly nodded, getting up and dusting off his tailored dark blue suit. Luckily, not even a drop of blood stained the luxurious fabric.
“I am- thank you. Even if there wasn’t any need to intervene.” the Zeppeli puffed their cheeks out, outraged. What, they had just saved his ass and this well suited man brushed off their help like this??
“Well, excuse me if I did, but you didn’t seem to have the upper hand, you know.” they replied, acid, making him subtly smirk. Not a legend… just a human being like everyone else, it seemed. With a strange power, but still a human being.
“It was all scene. I had that scum on my hand.- he smirked a bit, amused by how their face was reddening in indignation. -Still… thank you.” he concluded, politely. The Zeppeli blinked a couple of times, surprised, before brushing off it all with a huff that hid a smile.
“I never met a Zeppeli, before.” at those words, his saviour paled and abruptly turned to him, surprised. How…?
“My father talked often about the Zeppeli family. One of them actually saved him, one time, but I thought he invented everything. Still… here you are. What’s your name?” reading the surprise in their face, Prosciutto quickly explained how and why he knew so many things. That power… oh, it intrigued him to no end. How could someone have a similar power and not being a stand user? How did it develop? Was it natural? He had heard about some born stand user, but never about a similar power. It was like a stand power but without a stand… as the person themselves was the stand and the stand user at the same time.
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Zeppeli.- they added, pouting a bit. It was silly hide their real surname, by now. They watched him, curious. -And you?”
“My name’s Prosciutto. Now… what kind of power is yours? It’s not a stand power.” Y/N toyed a bit with their fingers, before answering, with a sigh. ‘Till now he had been honest and, well… it wouldn’t have hurt anyone if they said how their power was called…
“It’s called the Ripple. It’s… a form of energy use that my family treasures since generations. By now, the Zeppeli is the family with the most Ripple users.” they explained, choosing wisely their words. Prosciutto nodded, while discreetly checking the enemy, to be sure they’d not get up anymore.
“It seems to be an élite ability.” he observed, intrigued. This Ripple… learning it would have been fantastic. A stand power without having to call out the stand? Amazing.
“Uhm, well, in fact everyone can produce a small Ripple, but just someone, through practice and training, can actually use the Ripple to heal and fight, as the Zeppeli family does. You can say we, well… are naturally prone to be Ripple users.” they replied, still carefully selecting their words. Prosciutto was absolutely amazed. This power… incredible and beautiful at the same time. Ferocious but delicate, a power that could evidently hurt but also heal, hearing their words… as the sun, all in all. Their power really was like the sun, like his father always said.
And he wanted to know more about it, about the Ripple. Even… even try to learn how to use it, if he would resulted suited for it, why not. He didn’t feel like this since long, long time. For once he was… excited about something. The Ripple was attracting him like a magnet. For once… for once he wanted to be involved in something beautiful and linked to life. No one to kill or torture for the Boss… something for himself. Something positive.
“I’d like to know more about the Ripple… and you. What about continue this conversation in front of a coffee?” he proposed, with his best half smile. Y/N blushed, frowning a little. Well… a coffee wasn’t something bad, all in all, right…?
“Hm… fine. A coffee. Tomorrow, 2 p.m., at Rinaldi. Don’t be late.” they almost ordered, gruffy, before withdrawing, with a last look at the still unconscious man, and then turning around and quickly walking away, to hide the blush. Prosciutto stared at their back, still feeling a sensation of awe and marvel in his heart. The Ripple… oh, that evening really revealed itself full of surprises.
He called out Grateful Dead, sending it to finish the target, without even watching as his stand concluded the job. His mind was already thinking about the day after, when he would have seen again that talented Zeppeli… Y/N. Oh, he wouldn’t forget such a name.
He couldn’t wait to see them again.
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Grey Area, Part 1
Description: A look into the Chill Out AU’s past, in which we see what molded a villain. An intermission to the Chill Out continuity, taking place about fifteen years prior to the AU’s events.
Once again, this is gijinka/anthro universe, and it uses a few headcanons.
I would’ve posted the whole thing at once, but Tumblr’s 100 paragraph limit severely dampers that plan, I guess. Part 2 needed edits anyway, and it should be up by Thursday.
Part 2 of Feeling Blue should be up by Saturday... maybe.
“And so, after the return of the great Treeangle, peace returned to our little Paradise, although one scar from the calamity remained.”
Paradise Middle School was, once again, having its infamous Treeangle Appreciation unit. And as always, Logic Gatekeeper’s eight grade classroom was the center of it all.
Logic rattled on, “Today we remember the event in fear of the treacherous pinks, although it may shock you to learn that some of the peaceful pink shapes remain alive today.”
Fresh could barely keep his eyes open as he listened to the teacher drone on. He, along with every other student in Mrs. Logic’s classroom had long since learned the story of the Treeangle… many, many times before.
In fact, Fresh recalled, glancing out the window, the room had a pretty clear view of the mystic structure, which cast a hauntingly tranquil light upon its surroundings. The sight only did more to ease the young shape’s nerves, slowly lulling him to sleep.
His eyes slid shut, and his head hit the desk with an audible thump!
The impact did little to awaken him; a running joke among his peers was that he was quite thick-skulled, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. He could pull the strings of a practical joke and form the perfect plot, but common sense tended to fly right over his head.
“Dude,” the kid sitting next to him lightly prodded him on the arm, and he mumbled incoherently, trying to tell them to leave him alone. The other student ignored his muttered plea, using their fortunately blunt pencil to jab him in the side repeatedly, like an annoying woodpecker. “Do you wanna fail this class? We have a test over this junk tomorrow.”
Fresh grumbled, finally cracking an eye open. He sat up, looking around blearily for the shape that had disturbed his momentary rest. He turned to face his tormentor just as they reached to jab him in the side again, reaching to snatch the pencil from their grasp.
Before he even bothered to meet the kid’s gaze, the irritable preteen snapped the writing utensil in half, letting the two splintered pieces clatter to the linoleum floor. Eyes half-lidded, he then looked up at the other shape.
The other student was a red circle with squarish, dark eyes and glasses that looked like they belonged in the 90s. They smiled just a bit too widely for someone who’d seemed irritated just moments before, and when they removed their glasses, Fresh could see bright sparks in their gaze ignite every few seconds.
The shape introduced themselves with a muted chuckle, “The name’s Zone.”
Fresh averted his gaze, hissing, “I don’t think I asked, kid.”
“Heh, rude.” Zone laughed again, reaching down to pick up the fragments of their pencil. Fiddling with the two pieces, he hummed, “According to Logic Gatekeeper, only pink shapes are supposed to be so mean.”
At that moment, Fresh’s eyes widened, and he turned around to face the board again, pretending to pay attention to the lesson if only to block out Zone.
Scrawled with too-enthusiastic detail on the blackboard was a detailed diagram of the Treeangle. Several “interesting” facts had been added around it as an afterthought, although Fresh presumed that Mrs. Logic would’ve been happy to write a whole book on the subject if given the time.
The instructor’s triangular eyes lit up as she sang, “Now... onto my favorite part of the lesson.” She looked around, searching for the most inquisitive students, otherwise known as the few kids who paid attention. “Could anyone tell me what happens when two shapes of primary colors have a child?”
The ever-so-studious Clash raised a hand from the front of the room. Fresh rolled his eyes, beginning to lower his head again to resume his sleep.
As expected, Clash’s nasally voice rang out, “A shape of secondary color is born! Usually with the powers of both parents, mixed into something wonderful!”
Everyone else collectively groaned. Clash had been the child of two very affluent, powerful shapes. Her mother had been a dainty yellow square with the ability to summon floating constructs. Her father, a tough red circle who owned a search and rescue facility, famed for his unique strength and ability to call forth great cannons.
And so, whenever the opportunity presented itself, the orange hybrid found it necessary to flaunt her lineage.
Logic Gatekeeper applauded the shape’s... enthusiastic input, smiling warmly. Eyes scanning the room, she noticed the practically comatose Fresh, her happiness shifting to slight irritation as she crossed her arms.
“Well, then. Since the subject of typical hybrids is too boring for Fresh, how about he answers my next question?”
There was a simultaneous chorus of, “Oooh,” with a few students even snickering under their breath, “Busted.”
Fresh’s face would’ve turned pallid had he had any hue to begin with, his eyes going wide as all eyes turned to him. In the corner of his eye, he saw Zone shoot him a reassuring glance, although the look did nothing to ease the young shape’s nerves, his internal beat racing in tempo.
“W-well…” In an uncharacteristically soft tone, he asked, “What’s the question?”
Mrs. Logic expression twisted into a vindictive grin, and Fresh felt beads of sweat trail down his face.
“Fresh, dear. Can you explain to the class what happens when a pink shape has a child with a shape of another hue?”
Even the normally inattentive students, the troublemakers, turned around now. Fresh felt eyes boring into him from all angles as he fidgeted, clueless. He could practically sense their amusement, already hear the whispered taunts being spread.
He found himself choking on his own words as he muttered, “It’s just like any other mix, right? P-pink and orange make peach. Pink a-and purple m-make mauve?” He forced a grin, if only to preserve his deteriorating confidence. “B-basic c-color theory, amiright?”
At his side, he saw Zone wince, shaking his head with a grim expression. The other shape was the least bothersome of his peers, practically emanating waves of sympathy in his direction. Or, as Fresh saw it, pity.
Logic Gatekeeper’s smile dropped, and for a moment, it seemed as if she’d been hopeful for him to answer correctly. Thinking again, she was mostly offended that even her students could get such basic facts wrong, a sigh leaving her as she turned to face the board.
“Let this be a lesson to you, class.” She began to jot down fervently scrawled notes, punctuating her speech with each screech of the chalk. “First off, pay attention.”
Fresh covered his face with his hands, groaning softly. He felt his cheeks heat up with a pale blush, his eyes stinging with the beginnings of tears.
“What really happens when pink and other colors is quite possibly the simplest to remember.” Mrs. Logic drew a messy diagram depicting a blue heart and a magenta flower. Below them was a sad looking grey figure of ambiguous shape. She then turned around to explain the depiction, “No matter what shade of pink you start with, mixing it with any other color results in a grey, powerless child.”
Fresh felt himself exhale shakily, his mind reeling. Just like… him.
One kid raised his hand, yelling out before Logic could pick him, “So one of Fresh’s parents was pink?”
The teacher nodded slightly, folding her hands together. “Sadly, the Treeangle’s light no longer accepts pink. It can exist alone, but hybridization is impossible.”
Before anyone else could ask a question, the dismissal bell rang, everyone seeming to jolt awake to collect their things in preparation to go home. The afternoon announcements blared from the P.A. systems, although it was drowned out by the sound of excited children and the futile yells of the teachers.
Seeming to know that nearly everyone was leaving at once, Mrs. Logic took to cleaning off her desk, stacking papers and packets in preparation for grading. She didn’t seem to notice as one student remained, practically frozen in place, his head on the desk.
Fresh sat up as the last of his peers left, leaving only him and the teacher in the classroom. He dimly acknowledged Zone as the kind circle lingered by the door, waiting for him. Sighing sadly, Fresh waved goodbye to the other student, a message for them to leave without him.
As his new companion dashed off to catch up with his other friends, Fresh found himself unable to move, his legs seeming to have fallen asleep. He wiped tears from his eyes, feeling his entire body shudder as he forced himself to get up, if only to hurry up and get home.
He had made it about halfway to the door before Logic noticed him. She looked up from her previous activities, tilting her head in confusion as she spotted him.
“Fresh?” He froze as he heard her voice, turning around despite his willingness to walk away.
Ignoring her would only come back to bite him later, when he’d really need the teacher’s patience. He’d learned that fact the hard way after being grouped with the laziest student in class on a project the previous year.
Logic seemed to notice the vacant, tearful look in his eyes, frowning slightly. “Are you okay?”
Fresh’s eyes widened, and he made an effort to quickly wipe his face on his sleeve, suddenly grateful for his jacket.
Forcing the shudder out of his tone, he mumbled, “Y-yeah. Why wouldn’t I-”
Mrs. Logic cut him off, “I understand that Treeangle Week can be especially stressful for a grey shape. Feeling like you do not belong is a horrible thing, but I can assure you, no one blames you for what your ancestors did.”
Fresh’s breath caught, and he scowled. His eye twitched in annoyance, and he backed up a few paces, a snarl clear in his voice. “You don’t know anything!” His hands tensed, and for a moment, he wished that he’d had the pink-inherent power of turning his fingers into claws. “I… I’m not upset over a dumb tree! What’dya think I am, a botanist?!”
Logic Gatekeeper pursed her lips. Sighing, she stepped from behind her desk, placing a comforting hand on the young shape’s shoulder. She opened her mouth to speak, only for the grey being to jerk away, hissing.
He spat, “Adults don’t know anything!” then ran out the door, never stopping to look back.
Logic lingered, too shocked to speak, her only thoughts being of pity.
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themonotonysyndrome · 8 years
King of Solheim AU
Alright, so, ever since I read that oneshot in AO3, The Unexpected King by evil_ink @cruciomee THIS AU JUST FUCKIN’ WON’T LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! I highly recommend that you drop by in AO3 to read that fic.
So I’m just gonna write my headcanon here and maybe once I’m done with my current FFXV fic, I’m gonna write a fic about this AU. It’s gonna need a HELLA lot of research and worldbuilding but you know what? I’m actually looking forwards it! So here’s another of my contribution to the FFXV fandom!
So in The Unexpected King, the Chosen King is not actually Noctis; it’s Regis. By all account, Noctis wasn’t suppose to even exist due to an incident. King Regis was completely unaware that his wife had Noctis and something happen that caused them to be seperated and Noctis was born as an orphan with Regis heartbroken and none the wiser.
And according to a comment from @cruciomee, Gladio was not with Clarus and only found out about his father death from Cor and so he and the boys (who were still tiny, gosh, my heart!) travel to the ruined and empty Insomnia (by this time, the epic fight between Regis and Ardyn was already over and the both of them are DEAD)
Ok, ok, so here’s where my massive plot bunny come to life:
1. Guys, can you comprehend the infinite potential that Noctis now bears? I mean, unlike the previous Lucian Kings, Noctis is the only one that can create his own destiny!? No matter how crazy it’ll end up!?
2. In The Unexpected King, Regis had mentioned that his predecessors will walk with him no matter what future he’ll made for himself.
3. But Noctis is still a child, the sheer information will not faze him. Heck, he may even forget about it or just choose not to care.
4. So how does this ties with my AU? Well, since Noctis now has no Crystal, no Ring, no kingdom and not to mention that there is no more Oracles - Noctis has the COMPLETE FREEDOM to be anyone and anything that he wants!
5. And since there are no more line of Flueret or Aldercapt, Tenebrae and Niflheim are devoid of rulers. And I see Accordo was left as it is.
6. So since all four kingdoms are in the process of rebuilding itself up from the Starscourge, wars and daemon attacks, Noctis and his bros will grow up to be hunters and travel all around the world.
7. As they grow into young adults and met so many people, Noctis learn that the people in various kingdoms are struggling to achieve peace and stability that they lost. NO ONE WANTED THE WAR AND HORROR THAT EMPEROR DOUCEBAG ALDERCAPT WAGED. NO THANKS!
8. So one day, Noctis asks his bros to sits close to him and he confess that he believes that the best way to avoid what happen before the Fall, is to unite all four country into a single kingdom (kinda like what Niflheim wanted to do but Noctis wanted the approval and support from the public instead of achieving it by violence and force. And since the chocobros are pretty well known hunters that tend to help people, regardless how crazy it is, everyone totally agrees with him). The bros, of course, will always follow him as they view one another as brothers. THEY ARE A FAMILY, OK; THEY WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER!
9. So after much trials, many campaigns and with the support of many weary and hopeful people that just want a better future for their children, Noctis and his friends finally managed to unite all four kingdoms into one.
11. (Regis, Ardyn, all previous Lucian Kings and even the fucking Astrals couldn’t believe what the chocobros managed to accomplished. They couldn’t believe that Noctis, THIS UNEXPECTED SOUL, BROUGHT BACK THE GOLDEN AGE ON EOS THAT WAS LOST WHEN IFRIT BETRAYED MANKIND AND THE SIX. See!? He doesn’t need a fucking Crystal/Ring that leeches on his life to be somebody! Boy got it covered thanks to his family and his strong will to help people!)
(I actually imagine that although Noctis respect his lineage and the sacrifice that Regis did, he couldn’t associate with being Noctis Lucis Caelum as he basically grow up as just ‘Noctis’ the orphan boy. He view the history of Lucis to be just that - history; like he was never a part of it.
So he become the King of Solheim under a surname that he and bros came up with but still ensure that the past will never be forgotten, urging his people to honour their histories - and sans Prompto, Ignis and Gladio - no one knew that King Regis ever had a son.)
Phew! That was a long AU. It was so much fun discussing about this with my little sister after we both done reading evil_ink’s fic! She was screaming at me to write a fic about it but I told her that since I’m so busy this semester, I’m just gonna focus on my current FFXV fic before handling this AU.
@cruciomee is seriously a genius for coming up with the AU of Regis as the Chosen King. YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY NEED TO CHECK THEIR STORIES IN AO3!!
Anyway, thanks for entertaining my wild thoughts XD
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