#anyway mdk all fucking day
duhragonball · 3 years
Hi! I wanna preface this by saying this isn’t a request for a liveblog, but just a recommendation for some light reading. There’s a comedy-action series currently running called Mashle: Magic and Muscles. It’s basically just taking the piss out of Harry Potter (mocking the house system, blatantly unfair classes, and just general story structure) in a sort of ‘One Punch Man’ way. It’s a lot of fun and doesn’t take long to get through at all.
I may check that out some time, but from my point of view, taking the piss out of Harry Potter is like shooting fish in a barrel. I shot the hell out of that barrel years ago, and I'm not sure there's much more appeal to be had in seeing it done again. Mashle is probably really good, but I'd probably have enjoyed it more in 2010 than in 2021.
Part of what sucked the wind out of my sails was when JKR went full-transphobe a few years ago, and it started to realize that all the pathetic asshole characters she wrote were a reflection of her own character. Snape was ultimately on the good guys' side, but he still betrayed Lupin just to be a colossal dick. Umbridge was more concerned about sorting her doilies and imposing order on others than in any sort of compassion or moral ideology. Gilderoy Lockhart was a narcissist social climber, desperate to hijack any conversation and make it about himself.
Fans want to compare JKR to Hermione, mostly for lack of any prominent female characters, but Hermione's no saint either. She spent all of Book 3 using time travel to take all of her classes, but she still talked shit about Trelawny for daring to suggest that a person could magically see into the future. Never mind that Trelawny had actually done it before, and got tenure teaching it as a recognized subject. I'm not saying Trelawny was good at her job, but you've got some girl saying "Um, actually, I think I know a little bit more about your life experiences than you do, so I'm going to do everything in my power to discredit you."
Sound familiar?
I'm sorry for going off on a tangent here. You're just recommending some manga to me, and I appreciate it, but I've had this on my mind for a while. Here's the thing I can't get out of my head: Nick Gage robbed a bank.
Let me explain. Nick Gage is a professional wrestler, specializing in "deathmatch" wrestling, where weapons are legal. One time he was pronounced legally dead during a match, because there was broken glass everywhere and he got hurt and I'm not sure I know or want to know the full story. But he got better and he's still alive today. Somewhere in between, he had some hard times and ended up robbing a bank and going to prison for five years.
But Gage is a folk hero, and I admire the man, in part because he appreciates his fans for supporting him. All of his fans, including the LBGTQ+ ones. On July 7, 2020, he cut this awesome promo declaring that trans rights are human rights. He's not sitting on a golden throne, spewing a bunch of bullshit pseudo-biology to millions of followers. He's just speaking from the heart. I think this was one of those deals where you pay someone to do a video greeting, but he went on to add that he would have said this for free, because he believes it. Here's another video where he explains why this is so important to him.
Rowling, and a lot of her characters, they always seem to "punch down", taking shots at people in worse circumstances than themselves. Nick Gage doesn't do that, probably because he's been about as down as it gets, and he knows what that's like. He knows other people have it tough and he has enough empathy to respect what other people are going through. I heard JKR was an unemployed single mother once, but it's hard to tell if she remembers any of that.
This is why I get a little nervous when I hear people talk about things being "wholesome" or "family friendly" or whatever. Because what they usually mean is that they want things to be sanitized, uncomplicated and unchallenging. I never liked the way people put Harry Potter on a pedestal of literature, perfect for young children and college classrooms alike. It carries this broad appeal, and I fear that's because it doesn't really have anything to say, no bold demand that would upset anyone. I mean, there's an implied message about the evils of classism, but Rowling doesn't seem to believe it if she's willing to turn against some of her most vulnerable fans for TERF clout.
Then they made some Harry Potter video game for PS5 or whatever, and all these fans are like "Gosh, I'd like to stop giving this hateful woman more money, but I'm afraid I simply cannot help but answer the call to Diagon Alley once more." It's gutless. You've got generations of people reading these books and the books aren't even that good, and nobody learns anything from them except how to spend more money on this shit. Nick Gage wrestles in broken glass for a living and he gets it, so why can't anyone else?
I'm sorry, I sort of hulked out there for a bit. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Mashle is probably a lot of fun, but it probably doesn't operate on this level, where all the characters are jerks and society is worse off for their introduction into Western Canon. But I might still check it out sometime.
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sapphim · 7 years
That's the problem with gamers nowadays, especially on this site. You will settle for mediocrity because 'oh it's got a funny little thing in it hehe' Andromeda was a terribly flawed game that just wasn't any fun and like DA:I became a chore to get through at the end. I've been a huge cheerleader of BioWare since the MDK 2 days, but it's okay to say "hey, you released a turd guys, you can't bat 100 all the time so let's move on'. It's okay to be bitter and expect better from these companies.
See, the problem with people who send anonymous comments into the void these days, especially on this site, is that they assume they have access to a person’s entire thought process because they read a ten word post written in approximately five seconds and this means their input on the matter is strictly necessary.
Some of us just accept that everything created by humans is inherently flawed, and we get to pick and choose for ourselves which flaws are and aren’t dealbreakers. Just because I paid $25 on sale for some tens of hours of reasonably enjoyable combat, reasonably enjoyable writing, and reasonably enjoyable scenery and am reasonably content with my purchase (and thus done The Horror of dubbing something – GASP – good) doesn’t mean I’ve waived the right to hold opinions about the practices of the video game industry in general, video game publishers in specific, or what I’d ideally like to see games look like in a perfect world. 
I just don’t usually talk about these topics in blog posts because I prefer to have these as one-on-one reactive conversations with my friends who are in game dev. Much less chance that way someone will latch onto a single sentence and try to twist my words out of context, if you know what I mean. ;D
Anyway the Bioware that some of us once knew has been a hollow husk of its former self puppeted around by an EA parasite for the better part of a decade now. I think most people didn’t really notice this until Andromeda, hence the noise, but it’s a bit misplaced to therefore blame Andromeda for the realization that everyone’s jumped ship. 
I could waste my time criticizing the game, and there’s certainly plenty to criticize ranging from big things to small things, but, YAWN. I guess I just don’t care that much. Andromeda should never, ever, ever have been released in its pre-patch state, but so should, like, most video games these days, so that’s hardly an Andromeda problem as well. I certainly didn’t buy it pre-patch, because I know how AAA games are these days. Somehow I’m able to acknowledge the industry’s digging itself deeper into its fucking hole and still not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
In conclusion, feel however you wanna feel – maybe just not at me – and I will continue to do the same. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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