#anyway please enjoy!
mob-choir · 2 years
It was the raging storm of a foreign war, and a face I'd seen before... | Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 Episode 10 + Pale White Horse by The Oh Hellos
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visiosatanae · 1 year
The Gauntlet
Chapter 1: The Proposal
Rating: Explicit (no content warnings for this chapter)
Sister Imperator is retiring. A select group of senior Sisters have been chosen to partake in a tradition called The Gauntlet - completing each of the seven deadly sins within seven days - in order to become the next Sister in charge of the Ministry. Good thing you always liked a challenge...
Ao3 Link
The Ministry halls were bustling with life as usual as Siblings milled around. Some were taking their time to chat and giggle amongst their friends. Others were briskly walking to their next class, fabric swishing around their legs as they wound their way through the mass of bodies.
But as I made my way towards the corridor of the higher Clergy, the activity nearly stopped.  Most weren't brave enough to step foot here. No one wanted to face the wrath of a Papa. Or worse, Sister Imperator. Ironically, she was the reason I was there. 
I had received a letter under my door in the usual fashion this morning. As soon as I saw the seal of the higher Clergy though, I knew it would be an anything but ordinary request. Sure enough, I had been summoned to Sister Imperator's office at 3 o'clock sharp. No other details had been given. Any communication from Sister Imperator was always accompanied by a feeling of trepidation, but even more so when the request was so vague. 
I was abruptly snapped out of my musings by a tight squeeze around my leg, followed by the ground coming up swiftly to meet my face. With barely any time to try and catch myself, I came crashing to the marble floor with a thud. I groaned, hearing snickering from behind. Looking over my shoulder I saw a group of ghouls in a small alcove laughing at my expense, the one in front retracting his tail as the obvious cause of my nosedive. His eyes were fiery and I couldn't help but notice his white horns - an uncommon trait in most ghouls. 
"Caught one," he grinned, fangs flashing menacingly as he took a step towards me. 
As I was scrambling back away from him, his head snapped up at the sound of a door opening farther down the corridor. "Ey! Ey! What did I say about doing this sort of thing?" We all looked to see a mass of black fabric hurrying in our direction, accompanied by the reddened face of Cardinal Copia. 
The ghoul that tripped me sneered, stealing a quick but terrifying glance at me before the group of ghouls disappeared into the shadows of the alcove once again.
"Testa di cazzo…" I heard the Cardinal grumble as he rushed to my side. "Are you alright, Sorella?" His tone changed immediately as he brought his attention to my condition, leaning to help me up by the arm. 
"Y-Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you, Cardinal." I grimaced at the ache in my arms and knees from where I had landed, but appreciated his help getting me to my feet again. 
"I am so so sorry about him, Sorella. We are still, uh… training," he admitted sheepishly. 
"He's one of yours?" The Cardinal seemed so mild mannered, no wonder he was having a hard time controlling that one. 
"Si, yes, that was Dewdrop." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "He is uh, a bit of an asshole, I'm afraid." I had to stifle a giggle at his description, which did not go unnoticed by the Cardinal. "Ah! But I should accompany you to your destination so it doesn't happen again." He offered his elbow which I politely took, wrapping my arm around his. "So uh, where are we heading?" he asked after we had taken a few steps. 
"Sister Imperator's office," I replied, my lips quirking up in realization at where we now were. 
"Ah," he stopped abruptly. We both looked up to the plaque on the door we stood in front of. SISTER IMPERATOR was engraved in bold and intimidating letters upon the copper plating. The Cardinal blinked up at the words, seeming a bit dejected. "Well I guess this is where we go our separate ways, eh?" 
I nodded before he brought my hand up to his lips, giving a chaste kiss to the back of my hand. "Until we meet again, Sorella." I watched him leave down the hall, the dark fabric of his cassock fluttering behind him. 
"Thank you for joining me today," Sister Imperator announced from behind her desk, "I'm sure you're all curious as to why I've called you together so suddenly."
Along with me were four other Sisters from the congregation, all of whom had been here just as long as I had, if not longer. None of us seemed to have any clue as to why we had been summoned. Sister Imperator was accompanied by Papa Nihil, although it looked like he was already asleep in his chair. 
"Now, what I am about to disclose to you all is a bit of a sensitive subject. I am entrusting you with the utmost secrecy and discretion." Sister's hands were wrung together and she sighed. It was obvious this was a great weight being lifted from her shoulders. None of us had seen her like this, so uncertain. "I have decided to retire.” There were a few gasps and hushed murmurs, as well as the continued snoring from Papa Nihil. “I know this is probably the last thing you expected from me, and rest assured I won’t be leaving the Ministry in the slightest. But I,” she hesitated, sparing a glance towards Papa, “I would like to spend my retirement with my loved ones, and maybe freshen up how we do things around here with some younger blood.” She gave us a bittersweet smile. 
We all shared glances with each other, many questions still obviously on our minds. My own thoughts were racing with the implication of what this meant for us, the chosen few in this room. 
“You five are our finalists for consideration for being my replacement,” Sister continued, hushing us gently. “But there is a final trial of sorts that we require those of you interested in the position to complete, as is tradition.” She stood from her desk, the air about her becoming more commanding of attention as we were used to seeing from her. “As devised by our Dark Lord and Excellencies from days long ago, each of you must perform each of the seven deadly sins within seven days. Only then will our Dark Lord see you as worthy of the position.” 
Satan below, no wonder the position was so unobtainable. The Sisters murmured amongst themselves before Imperator spoke again. 
“Now there are rules to this trial, so please listen so that you won’t be disqualified. Successfully performing each sin will require that you either experience said sin, or evoke it strongly enough in others to complete the task. For example, the sin Sloth would allow you to either take the day for yourself, or you can convince your fellow Sibling to forgo their responsibilities and waste away however they please. Or you can aim to do both if you are feeling particularly ambitious. 
"As such, you are allowed the help of anyone outside of this room as you please. However,” she paused to ensure we were all paying attention, “you may not explain to them the reason for your request. You are to use your wiles and wit alone in persuading them for help, as these are characteristics needed of the upper Clergy. If it is discovered that you let slip the purpose of this trial, you will automatically be disqualified from having a chance at the position. You will also earn yourself a swift punishment of my choosing. Any questions?” 
The room went silent as her words hung in the air, the fear amongst us palpable. Sister Imperator’s punishments were infamous throughout the Abbey. It was rumored that even death was more favorable than being on her bad side. One hand rose, catching my eye. 
“Do any of the other Papas know about the trial, or that you’re retiring?” A Sister asked. Amy, I believe her name was. 
Sister Imperator shook her head. “Aside from our Papa here,” she gestured towards Nihil, still snoozing, “no, and I intend to keep it that way until a replacement is chosen. If you mean to ask if you may seek their help, then the answer is yes.” 
The Sisters murmured amongst themselves again, with excitement this time. Any chance to seek the company of a Papa was like catnip to most of the congregation, and this was no exception. Sister answered several more questions regarding the specifics of the challenge before wrapping the meeting up. 
"Alright, ladies. You have a week from tomorrow to complete all seven sins before we meet back here for the results. Good luck to you all, and remember we have eyes and ears everywhere to track your progress. Welcome to the Gauntlet." 
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Wow, longest one yet. Phew.
In which Daniel visits a memory of a certain fishbowl. Also farthest time jump so far in this series, Daniel is 20 here. (Also just went off the vauge theme of the prompt for an idea without trying to fit it in the actual text this time).
Daniel opened his eyes to curved glass and writhing shadows.
He was lying in the curve of a glass cage, suspended above the ground in a dark room lit only by flickering torches, that cast shadows in the vague shapes of men, floating around the outside of the glass, muttering muffled threats and jeers, occasionally floating close enough to leer in at him, their hazy faces further distorted by the curve of the walls. Looking up to his right Daniel could see what looked to be, blood dripping slowly down one side of the cage. And to his left…
"Oh Daniel" 
Dream said his name with a desolate fondness, it made Daniel feel as though he'd disappointed the Endless being somehow, though he hadn't the faintest idea why. 
"Where are we?" He asked, eyeing their surroundings with a muted thrill of horror. 
"Is this--is this the cage Burgess trapped you in?"
"Yes. It is a nightmare of it, a memory, distorted."
Daniel gulped hard, he'd heard the stories of Dream's imprisonment, many times, with varying degrees of appropriate detail as he grew older. But to see it…
A chill ran through him that had nothing to do with the bitter cold that surrounded them.
"How are we here? How can you be in a nightmare?"
"I am nightmare. I am all dreams, my realm is myself and I am my realm." Dream said as casually as if they were in one of their many normal lessons, though his eyes tightened ever so slightly as he added " But sometimes my memories become…too much for my realm, for myself."
Well that wasn't very reassuring 
"Can we get out?" Daniel asked, looking out warily at the angry shadow men.  Their forms were beginning to become slightly more distinct now, and he really didn't care to see them when they fully formed. 
True they were only men, he'd seen Nightmares in much more fearsome shapes…but they were the shadows of men who had once hurt Dream, Dream who was so great and terrible--and because of that, Daniel had secretly always been a bit more afraid of that story then any other he'd been told. Even now as an adult, he still felt that cold pit of fear beginning to form in his stomach as he looked at them.
"Yes, we will eventually be able to break the glass. I have long since learned how to extract myself when these memories threaten to rise up, but it may… take some time"
There was the faintest edge to Dream's voice as he said that which did nothing to dispel Daniel's growing worries. His next words didn't help much either.
"And sometimes, additional help is required"
Daniel finally managed to tear his gaze from the shadow men to look at Dream, who he found was looking back at him, that same sad fondness in his eyes as before.
"Is-is that why I'm here?" Daniel asked with a mix of pride and embarrassment, "Did you call me? To come and help?"
Dream's sad look deepened, a shadow coming over his face that had no part in the flickering torches. After a long moment he said in a subdued voice: 
"No, no I did not call you. Not now… not before"
Daniel blinked. "Before?"
Dream hesitated again, he seemed to be battling something inside himself, trying to come to a decision that he did not wish to come to.
"You… have been here before" He finally said, looking away from Daniel as he spoke. 
"What?"   Daniel's mind was trying to make sense of what he'd heard, he'd never been here before. Not even in his own nightmares, and heaven knows he'd been frightened enough at the thought of what had happened to Dream, been worried sick the first time he heard the story that it could happen again that he ought to have had  nightmares about it.
But Dream was speaking again, his dark eyes fixed to the room outside the cage, seeming to see beyond the glass and shadow to something far, far away. 
"Years ago, when you first began exploring the Dreaming. The connection we share, both being of and made of the Dreaming, must have pulled you here, one night when my own memories became… too much, and I found myself trapped within this sphere once more, watching them taunt me curse me, watching…"
Dream's eyes flickered up towards the dark stain Daniel had seen earlier, before immediately looking away again. 
"I thought I was there again in truth, thought that perhaps I had never escaped at all. And then you were there." 
Dream finally turned back to Daniel, and Daniel's breath caught in his throat at the sight of tears  shimmering beneath the faded stars of Dream's eyes. 
"You were there, here, in this cage with me. Reaching out for me. And the thought of you being trapped in this crushing, airless prison, surrounded by the jeers of those demons in mens forms--"
Dream's voice cut off momentarily as those very sounds and shapes shot forward suddenly, slamming against the glass walls. Dream's eyes flashed dangerously, and the shadows withdrew, though they were perceptibly darker than before. 
Seemingly satisfied that they had slunk back for the moment however, Dream went on. 
"I could not allow myself to sink into the clutches of that memory again, not when it would mean dooming you to that captivity as well. So I held you close and found that I could shatter that vile sphere, as I'd longed to do so many times during my captivity." 
Daniel didn't know what to say, he had no memory of this dream event. But then he apparently had been very young when it happened, so it was conceivable he'd simply forgotten. And yet…
"...that wasn't the only time though, was it?" 
Dream looked at him for a long moment, before slowly shaking his head. 
"No. There have been others" 
It could have just been the natural progression of the nightmare, but the room seemed to get even colder when Dream said that, and it had already been plenty cold before. Daniel was having to clench his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering. At least it was winter out in the Waking so he'd fallen asleep in thermals but still... 
Dream however had taken notice of Daniel's discomfort and held out his hands to him, for all the world as though he were still a child of ten and not twenty last month. 
And to be honest, Daniel was too disquieted by this whole scenario to feel even the slightest bit of embarrassment as he scooted forward to tuck himself into Dream's side, Dream wrapping him up within his coat just as he'd done so many times over the years. It never failed to give Daniel a feeling of safety and security, and he desperately wanted to feel something of that in this freezing, darkening basement.
"Are you warmer?" Dream asked, running a hand through Daniel's hair as the other pulled him closer to Dream's chest, trying to share the little warmth he had. 
"It's better yeah thanks…you were saying?" 
Dream gave a low sigh, one that clearly said he'd hoped Daniel wouldn't ask more, but he went on, the words seeming to come as though dragged from deep inside himself. 
"I have found myself back in this room many times over the years. Perhaps there will always be times I do, no matter how much time passes. Sometimes I am able to free myself with ease, sometimes Hob has had to find me as he walks the Dreaming and bring me out again…and sometimes it has been you that finds me." 
"How many?" Daniel asked, looking up at Dream, still wracking his mind to see if he could recall this place. 
"There have been five times, before this one"
Daniel sucked in a cold breath, five??
"That first time, when you were still little more than an infant. Next when you were six, you were so brave, so fearless even then, you shattered the sphere from the inside with your own fists."
There was a glow of pride in Dream's voice as he said this that made Daniel's chest suddenly ache with the warmth of it. But he kept silent as Dream went on.
"Then next time when you were eleven, you couldn't shatter the glass, but you gave me your own blanket, pulled from the Waking to cover myself, and talked to cheer me, blocking out the taunts of the guards until I was able to rally enough to set us loose….
Then once more…when you were fifteen."
Dream stopped, swallowed, and suddenly he pulled Daniel closer, resting his lips against Daniel's temple, not so much a kiss as a desperate press, as though to try and assure himself that Daniel was still there in his arms. 
Daniel held his breath, waiting for Dream to go on. It took another moment but Dream finally seemed to collect himself, the faintest of shudders running through his body as he continued.
" That time you found me from outside, without being pulled into the sphere yourself. You tried to  rush the guards in the basement, tried to tackle Burgess himself…"
Dream stopped again, and there was a haunted look in his eyes as he looked down at Daniel, who's heart felt suddenly leaden as he forced himself to ask: 
"What happened?"
Dream had to look away from Daniel when he finally said it. 
"They killed you." 
Daniel's heart sank into his stomach. He tried to turn to wrap his own arms around Dream, but Dream had already pulled him close again, his face buried in Daniel's white hair, and Daniel's heart sank even lower as he felt wet drops of starlight tears falling down to baptize his head.
"I had suffered through watching them kill Jessamy, kill Hob, many times. But this…"
Dream's breath hitched, and Daniel almost told him to stop, that he didn't need to sat anymore, but Dream continued on again before he could.
"I had already lost one child, to see another cut down before me, even in only a twisted delusion of a memory…"
He was brushing Daniel's hair again, mingling his still falling tears with kisses as he did so. Daniel felt tears forming in his own eyes. 
"In my despair I shattered not only the sphere, but the whole acre of the Dreaming where the nightmare had formed."
At this Daniel couldn't help but pull back from Dream's embrace in shock. If his face hadn't already been it's now customary snow white, as it took on in the Dreaming, he would have paled considerably. 
"You could have seriously damaged yourself! You did damage yourself! Are you alright? I mean, you're alright now yes but ...."
Daniel trailed off, feeling a little foolish though the wave of concern that had risen up in him had yet to die down. But Dream only looked at him with that soft, sad fondness. 
"I am well enough now, yes. It took some time to heal, both from the damage I had caused to the Dreaming…and from…from having seen you…"
This time Daniel did pull Dream into an embrace, leaning forward to wrap his arms around Dream's thin waist, resting his head against Dream's shoulder as Dream's arms came up to tightly encircle him. They held each other in silence for a few more minutes, ignoring the deeping shadows that swirled around them, still mummering and muttering,  until Dream was finally able to begin again. 
"I had hoped that would be the last time, that perhaps by decimating the dream manifestation so thoroughly the memory would never be able to appear again…but it did."
Dream began rubbing circles into Daniel's back, and Daniel had the feeling that once again Dream was trying to ground himself in the reality of Daniel being there before he went on. 
"The last time was when you were eighteen."
Daniel stiffened. That was--that was only two years ago.
He leaned back, shifting himself so that he was of a height with Dream. 
"Why… why don't I remember any of this?"
Dream looked as though he were about to pull away himself, a flash of unmistakable shame crossed his eyes like a comet. 
"Dad," Daniel said softly.
Dream's  breath hitched as though Dnaiel had struck him, and he turned his face away as a sound of pain escaped his lips, low and deep enough to vibrate the glass that encased them, before finally: 
"I…I took your memories of each time after they happened. I did not wish for you to be aware of such darkness and cruelty as this memory contained at such a young age. It has been relatively tame this time but in others….The world would teach you of that well enough in time, I wanted the Dreaming to be a place of refuge and safety for you. I did not want my own turmoil to affect you, to…to taint your home for you. And then that last time…" 
Daniel swallowed. The memory of whatever came next was clearly terribly painful. He wondered what could have been worse than watching him die? He didn't want to push Dream, didn't want to cause him more pain but…but it was his memory. And despite their current circumstances, or what Dream might believe, he was no longer a child that needed protecting.  
His mind supplied him with the image of himself curled up against Dream not moments before. 
Well, he didn't need it all the time at least. 
"Please, if you can...what happened that last time?"
Dream sighed low once more, sagging as though a weight had settled down upon him. 
"In the last time, it was I who was outside…trying to get down to you. I knew you were there, knew I had to get to you. I tore Burgess's mansion apart with my bare hands as I went."
Dream had pulled back from his embrace of Daniel, and was staring down at his hand now as he spoke, clenched into tight fists on his lap, shaking slightly as the memory of the rage and fear he must have felt in those moments rushed once more through him. 
"I found you at last… trapped as I had been, as wasted and thin as though you had been forced to live through all the years of captivity that I had…But when I got you out,  when I assured you that I would never allow such a thing to happen to you …you said--you said  you hadn't minded, that you'd shifted the nightmare so that it would be you. The memory it was built on needed a Dream of the Endless trapped in a cage… and you said that I had been trapped in it long enough."
Dream looked up at Daniel now, and there were black tears running freely down his face as he looked with desperation into Daniel's own tear blurred eyes. 
"I have never wanted you to feel you had to take on my burdens, Daniel. To carry my pain. It never should have fallen on your shoulders to try to rescue me, especially not from that…not from myself"
"I didn't mind." Daniel choked out, though he had no memory of it, he knew his words were true. He would have done that and a hundred times more for Dream, for the only father he had known, who cared so deeply and had suffered so much, even before Burgess. 
"I don't mind now"
"I know," Dream said, sounding like it broke his heart to say it. 
He reached out then, cupping Daniel's face in his cold white hands, brushing away the stardust tears that fell from Daniel's eyes with his thumbs, even as he let ink black tears fall from his own void dark eyes, the stars in them so dim Daniel could barely make them out. 
"Oh my good good wonderful boy, It's my duty, my joy to look after you, not the other way around. All I want is to have the absolute blessing of seeing you grow into yourself. My dearest, my beautiful dreamer"
Daniel couldn't speak, couldn't manage to get anything out past the wave of absolute love and care he felt for Dream and from him, he wanted so much to say something, anything to express the depth of what he was feeling,  but all he managed to get out was: 
Before once again falling into Dream's embrace and holding onto him as though the embrace was as necessary to the universe as Atlas holding up the sky. 
They stayed that way for a long while. 
Finally, with a wet laugh, Daniel managed to ask:
"You, you haven't messed with any of my other memories though, right?"
Dream didn't laugh back, but Daniel felt him smile that sad smile again.
"I swear to you the only memories I have touched have been the ones linked to this particular nightmare, one that should never have been yours in the first place."
Daniel nodded, pulling himself up once more to look Dream in the eye. "Well, that's alright then. But don't do it anymore, ok? I can't very well learn any lessons like dreams and nightmares are supposed to teach if I forget all the hardest ones, can I?"
"No, I suppose not"  
"Let's go home? Ok? It's got to be almost morning, and I don't know about you but crying always makes me hungry. If you have time to come over to my apartment I'll make pancakes? You don't have to eat them but you could watch me if you wanted to?" Daniel finished with a laugh. 
And this time, Dream's smile wasn't sad.
"I would like nothing more"
Daniel nodded, and took Dream's hands in his own as together they said:
"This Dream is Over" 
The glass shattered, the torches flared and the shadows fled.
And they woke up to sunlight. 
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hobgodling · 2 years
Q: Are you pleased with how your life turned out?
A: I'm definitely not where I wanted to be at 23. I've got so many regrets I can't keep them all inside; every so often they explode out of me to add another layer of dust to the floor. Oh, sure, there's good parts too, but it's hard to focus on those when I'm stuck working a minimum wage retail job and am on year 5 of my 3 year study.
Q: How much further do you have to go?
A: In university? Half a year, but that's only if I manage to write that email I've been dreading. As for the rest? Well, I've said before that it's a never-ending fight and I stand by that. The world is an ocean, life is a storm, and I'm in the middle trying to make it to a shore that may not even exist.
Q: Are you doing your best?
A: It's not like I'm a great swimmer. I'd say I'm average. I don't think I'm making any forward progress, but at least I'm keeping my head above the storm-swept water. To put it another way: I'm a tardigrade in tun, waiting for a more hospitable environment. But is that my best? To be honest, I'm not sure what my best is anymore. Let me ask you this: If a glass statue falls and no one is around to see it survive, does it even matter that it did?
Q: Do you feel helpless?
A: Isn't it obvious? I'm lagging and trying to keep up is fucking exhausting. If there was something I could do to change that I would, but like I said: I'm just not a great swimmer. I dread the day I get left behind completely, but what scares me even more is the possibility that I already have been.
Q: When did you know it was too late?
A: When I realized the email won't matter. I never signed up for the class.
Q: How much more can you withstand?
A: These days I feel fragile as glass. One push and down I go.
Q: Do you feel as if things are getting better?
A: I suppose it's true that I've survived every fall so far, and they do say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But "better" is just as nebulous as "best". To be honest, I don't think I'll ever make landfall. To be even more honest, I don't know if I want to. How can I leave behind the rough ocean waters when they're all I've ever known?
Q: What will tomorrow be like?
A: Water as far as the eye can see, my head just barely afloat above the raging waves. To put it another way: Tomorrow is the ground coming ever closer. The only question that really needs asking is this: Will this be the fall that breaks me?
-- A poem (?) written using several questions from @nosebleedclub's i have questions tag.
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sunchaserwings · 2 years
Day 8: Match
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Here we have Mahad, conjuring a flame spell with Dark Magician in the background! Was this mostly an excuse to draw Mahad? Perhaps. Did I make this unintentionally sad? Also yes. Really proud of that spell hand tho, like damn.
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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The Allegiance of the Ascended Vampire and the New God of Magic
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zillychu · 5 months
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
Little Big Changes ✂️~
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A long forgotten short comic I did for pre-totk/post-botw domestic zelink
I love Zel’s hair symbolism especially after altering her status as a “princess”and becoming a Hateno grade school teacher. She’d most likely still maintain some insecurities but that’s what our lovely knight was made for <3
Semi-connected to my previous Signing Link headcanon, Link speaks here for the first time post-Calamity and gets super self-conscious. But of course Zelda doesn’t mind and is happy that Link growing more comfortable after the events of breath of the wild
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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You keep telling yourself that Namari.
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reimenaashelyee · 11 months
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The Creator's Guide to Comics Devices is OPEN!!! comicsdevices.com
An online library of visual-narrative devices that are used in the medium of comics and other sequential art.
Happy Halloween! I'm really excited to be finally launching* what is maybe one of my most ambitious, largest work yet. This online library is the next phase of a research project that began in May 2020, when I first mused on how comics as a field doesn't have a resource that catalogues devices used in the medium. Like, theatre has devices, so does literature, and film! So why shouldn't comics? I always had an interest in comics studies and analysis. I love reading, making and thinking comics. However most of my knowledge was intuitive - I learned comics from osmosis and experience. This is true for many of my peers. Speaking about comics as a creator is hard, because we don't have a robust system of language. When we had to speak, many of us tend to reach for the language developed for film by film practitioners. If there is language specific to comics, it's either scattered in multiple blogs or hidden away in academic journals. The Comics Devices library is meant to aggregate everything and everybody into a single hub! After exploring some multiple resources, alongside some original, independent research, here is the first edition! * The Comics Devices project is still a work-in-progress! It's not final, nor will it ever be. This is why I am seeking contributors to help build this library. Translations, comics examples, etc. There is a lot of work to do! If you are interested, reply to this post or submit an expression of interest on this page.  Have fun everyone!! (Now time for me to melt x_x)
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egophiliac · 6 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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humanharvest · 1 month
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for the butch lovers
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uselessnbee · 10 months
you know i think it would be absolutely hilarious if after some time Percy would get so fed up by Mr. D never calling him by his actual name so Percy would just decide to do the exact same thing to him and start calling him anything but Mr. D/Dionysus
like mr. D would be like "Hey Peter Johnson" and Percy would turn around and with a straight face be like " yes, Dave?" and everyone else is just watching horrified like wtf Percy? do you want to be turned into a cockroach????
or Percy would be talking with someone and be like " Derek told me-"
" who..?"
"you know our camp director? god of wine and all that?"
"......you mean mr. D./Dionysus "
"yeah Dylan...so anyways he told me-"
and then it would become this thing between Percy and Mr. D where they would always try to come up with the most stupid and outrageous wrong names to annoy each other as much as they possibly can
everyone is horrified at Percy and just waiting for Dionysus to smite him but Percy and Mr. D are secretely having a fucking blast
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lucabyte · 2 months
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On autonomy, and what it means to be Obliged to Help.
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#a homestuck walks into an antechamber and asks#hey is anybody going to make this dynamic wholly deterministic and thus dubiously consensual by its very nature#ANYWAY bigger ramble below. scroll down like usual#isat spoilers#isat#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#THATS RIGHT WE'RE STILL SHIP TAGGING IT BABYYYY#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#lucabyteart#RAMBLE START: anyway i think loop is wrong here. they have it backwards. as-- in my opinion--#the main reason they could be called back into existence postcanon is because *their* wish for help is still not complete#they still need help. siffrin still needs help. neither of them will ever stop needing help.#they will thus uphold the wish until the end of siffrin's natural lifespan.#that said. what does it mean that loop can be so wholly forced to abide by siffrin's wants?#(assuming the dagger cutscene posession is them being forced to uphold the 'help siffrin' wish via harsh universe logic)#[as opposed to something capricious and cruel the change god did. which feels out of character for the change god to me?]#much like how the island wish and duplicate objects are neutered by simply sliding off people's brains...#is loop subtly ushered toward their wish? obviously it's not a full override (see: the bossfight). but is there any interference?#and if so. so what? does it matter? if they don't notice? is it even real if they don't notice?#and even if they do notice. the universe leads we follow. how much do either of them value their free will in a belief system like that?#the whole game is dedicated to siffrin habitually NOT excersizing his free will. doing things the same Every Time.#Loop ESPECIALLY does this. predetermined predetermined predetermined even in the FACE OF CHANGE. REFUSING. ANY CHOICE.#Maybe they'd even be comforted by having a universe-ordained purpose even if it is subservient. even if its to Him.#(though. i can't see siffrin enjoying the idea that someone is subservient TO them... then all their suffering is his fault...)#loop got into this mess via WANTING too much. no more free will. can't be trusted with it. take it away from them.#but yeah. gets my greasy detective pony hands all over this. and everyone please do remember i like to make characters Outright Wrong A Lot
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courfee · 2 months
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