#anyway. for the record i am completely good and fine and lovely!!!
smile-files · 1 year
(tw for blood & gore!!!)
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oh, so i am real!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 month
Faking It | Jeon Jungkook | Chapter Two
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Summary: Seeing him again happened sooner than you thought it would but absolutely no one is complaining. Pairing: f!reader (30) x Single Dad Jungkook (33) (Arranged Marriage Slow Burn?) Word Count: 9.8k Warnings: Talking about Jungkook's wife who passed away in childbirth (Doesn't talk about her death but yeah) a/n: Took me three months but we're finally here 😭 And if any of you saw me post this and delete it...no you didn't. I posted it on my reblogs account on accident so sorry if that teased you a bit 😅 Anyways I hope this was worth the wait 😭 p.s. I only read through this once when I completed it so have mercy on me if there are typos
I wake up naturally this morning and it's honestly one of the best feelings in my opinion. Not having to worry about being woken up out of a sound sleep shows me that it's going to be a good day.
As I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes I hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand, telling me I have a new message. I roll over and reach for it lazily to check and when I read the sender's name I immediately shoot up, causing Salem to dart off the bed. "Sorry Salem" I call after him but then when I go back to read the message my heart is already beating out of my chest.
'Good morning y/n I hope you slept well. How are you?' a simple yet inviting message from the man I just met last night. Who knew waking up to good morning texts would still feel this good at the ripe age of thirty?
'Good morning Jungkook! I slept like a baby, best sleep I've gotten in a while actually. I just woke up so, so far so good. How are you? How's Juni? Did you guys sleep alright?' I send and at a second glance I can see how completely whipped I am for this man already. Why am I rambling on and on about sleep? I could've just said 'I slept well, I hope you did as well' or something like that.
'That's good, I'm glad to hear! Juni and I slept alright. She actually only woke up an hour ago which is unheard of since she's usually knocking on my door at six am. She's been talking about you since she woke up' he sends back and my heart flutters, loving that I've made that big of an impression on her already.
I check the time and see that it's already nine am which is a record time for me to sleep as well since I'm usually up by seven most days. Then again it's not everyday that you get to spend the night with a man like him...
Wait! That's not what I meant!
'She can't stop talking about going shopping for butterflies so I wanted to see if we could set up a time soon. Maybe this weekend if you're free?' he suggests and I have to restrain myself from kicking my feet, just thinking about this man asking to see me again, disguised by his daughter wanting to get butterfly decorations for her room.
'This weekend sounds perfect! I'm free tomorrow as well so either day is fine' I offer up and face palm, scolding myself for being too eager. 'Tomorrow sounds great! Should we meet around eleven? Juni and I would love to take you out to lunch if you'd like. You know, to thank you for the help' he sends and I can't help but think that maybe he's a little nervous too.
'Eleven it is! Should I meet you guys there? There's a shop that I'm sure Juni will love and it'll definitely have what we're looking for!' I send and I can see the bubbles popping up to show that he's typing but they go up and down a couple more times. He'll type for a little and then stop and type again and I can only hope that I didn't say something wrong in suggesting where to go.
When a few minutes go by I decide it's best to get out of bed and get a cup of coffee. That'll wake up my brain a little more and help me hopefully not make as much of a fool of myself while texting him.
I find Salem perched on top of his cat tree, still a little jumpy from me having scared him but I think it's made him playful more than anything as I watch his tail flick back and forth while he watches me walk up to him.
"I'm sorry for scaring you" I apologize again, scratching his between his ears but when I feel my phone vibrating over and over in my hand I jump again making him climb down off his cat tree and scurry under the couch. I sigh and scold myself as a result before taking a look at my phone, seeing an incoming call from Jungkook.
I almost drop it after reading his name but catch and answer before I end up dropping it.
"Hello?" I ask, slightly out of breath from the scare but try to hide it as best as I can. "Hi pretty lady!" I hear Juni call out in the distance, the phone no doubt on speaker phone. "Good morning Juni! How are you little one?" I ask, feeling more at ease talking to her first and my question awards me with a little giggle before she continues.
"I'm good! Daddy says we're going to a special store to pick out the butterflies for my room! Is that right?" she asks, clear excitement laced all throughout her tone. "Yes that's right Juni we are! Does that sound alright to you?" I ask and I can clearly hear how she's jumping from excitement from how punctuated her voice sounds now as she chants "Yes" over and over again.
"I wish we could go right now!" she says, her excitement too difficult to contain at the moment which makes me smile knowing that she wants to go right away. 
"Patience Juni, tomorrow isn't too far away" I hear Jungkook's voice coming through now and it makes my breath hitch, forgetting the fact that he had been there all along. He wasn't kidding when he said that Juni grabs everyone's attention right away. Given the chance I'm sure she would've talked to me for hours if her dad hadn't reminded her.
"That's right Juni, only one more sleep until tomorrow" I say and I can hear a little gasp from the other side. "Does that mean I can go to sleep right now and then we can go?" she asks, not understanding the concept entirely.
"Not unless you want to sleep for twenty four hours silly" he says and I hear a fit of giggles that could only mean that he might've tickled her but after a few seconds it's calmed down.
"How long is twenty four hours?" she asks, a constant roulette of questions gearing up if he doesn't answer this question correctly.
"You know how you woke up yesterday, went to school, came home, played with your toys, got ready, went to meet Ms. y/n, came back home, went to bed and woke up this morning?" he lists off and I can tell she's probably nodded her head all throughout his explanation.
"Yes?" she responds in a questioning tone, waiting for him to get to the point. "Well that's how long twenty four hours is" he responds and I hear jumping again once he's finished before an excited Juni calls out. "Does that mean we get to go see Ms. y/n again when I get home from school?" she asks and my heart melts at her excitement.
"Juni, we're seeing her tomorrow remember. I'm sure Ms. y/n is very busy tonight" he says and I hear a sad "Oh" from her and I contemplate my next words carefully before going for it. "Juni, would it be okay if I talked to your Daddy for a second?" I ask and I can hear her let out a disheartened 'Okay' before Jungkook takes the phone off speaker.
"Hey y/n, sorry she's a little hyper this morning" he says and I smile at his efforts to apologize for Juni's adorable disposition. "No that's okay, I love talking to her! She's a cutie" I say and he hums, "Try living with her" he counters and I smile, knowing that her excitable attitude might get a little tiring sometimes.
"I wanted to ask you if you would like to do something today after Juni gets home from school? Maybe meet you at the park? I forgot to give you Juni's dress last night after I washed it. I have to go back to my parent's house to pick it up anyway and theres a park around the corner. It's your call though. I don't want to go against what you told her" I say, rambling off nervously again but this time over the phone instead of texting and I regret ever offering it in the first place.
Why am I so freaking awkward?
"You sure you don't mind? I could always just get it from you tomorrow? I don't want to inconvenience you or anything" he says, giving me a chance to back out but not saying no to me, giving me a vote of confidence. "I wouldn't have offered if I minded" I say with a smile in my tone and he takes another second to think before giving me his response.
"She gets off at three, does that work for you or should we meet up later?" he asks and my heart skips a beat, knowing that I'll get to see him again so soon. "That sounds great, you can meet me at my parent's house if you'd like? The park isn't too far away so we can leave our cars and walk there" I offer and he takes a couple of seconds to think again before saying anything else.
"Juni, do you wanna go see Ms. y/n after school?" he asks and I can hear her little feet running around this time and repeating her response of ceaseless Yes's again. "Well I guess we'll see you later then. I can bring some food for us to take to the park if you'd like?" he offers and I shake my head before remembering that thankfully he can't see me in my sleepy state.
"No that's okay I got it covered. You already said you guys are taking me to lunch tomorrow so the least I could do is bring us food to share at the park today. Plus, I'm the one who suggested it in the first place" I explain and he chuckles before agreeing.
"Alright, thank you y/n. Should we show up around four then?" he asks, giving them time to make their way over after picking her up from school. "Four sounds perfect, I'll see you then!" I say and he calls Juni over to say goodbye. "Bye Pretty Lady! See you after school!" she giggles. 
I swear I'm never going to tire of her excitable disposition.
"Goodbye Juni! Have a good day and listen to your teachers okay?" and I can hear a faint 'I will' in the background, no doubt from her running off to do something. "Thanks again y/n, I know she's going to be so excited to see you today...we both are" he adds at the end and my heart skips at his confession. "Me too" I say quietly and we finish up our goodbye's before quickly hanging up.
I slowly walk over to the couch as to not scare Salem this time, grab the pillow next to me, put it over my face and scream into it. Although I tried to muffle it I still end up scaring him making him run off to my room, no doubt planning to be wary of me for the rest of the day but that's okay.
I get to see them again, I get to see him again.
I really hope I'm not wrong about thinking that there might actually be something between us already, something about this just feels right. I don't want to rush into this too quickly though since we don't really know much about each other. I want to take things slow and hopefully he does too.
Well...I hope he'll want to take things further but you never know, a man like him is sure to have a lot of options, right? I just don't want to set myself up for heartbreak. Gotta keep it together and not get too vulnerable with him, even if it feels like I should. 
I've already let him in a little, and he's definetly let me in a lot with letting me spend so much time with his daughter but I don't know, I guess only time will tell what's going to happen between us.
If there's going to be an 'us'.
The day drags on as I unconsciously count down the hours until I get to see them again but it seems as though time is standing still.
I've spent most of my day editing the pictures I took for a family friend's wedding since that's usually how I get my clients these days. I know someone who knows someone who needs a photographer and my rates are pretty fairly priced so they tend to hire me.
Going through picture after picture and seeing how happy they look together makes me wonder what it would be like to be truly happy with someone like this. Be so openly and obviously in love that no one can say otherwise.
As time ticks by though my mind wanders off until I realize I only have about an hour to get ready before I have to meet them.
"Shit!" I say aloud and get up to hopefully make myself look presentable enough, luckily I took a shower this morning so we're all set on that front. I still need to figure out something for us to eat while at the park though and if I had paid attention to the time it would've been a brilliant idea.
The only option I have left is to phone a friend.
"Y/n? Is something wrong?" my mom asks, the call on speakerphone while I try to fix my hair. "Well depends on if you can help me or not" I say and I hear her sigh. "Please tell me you didn't end up in jail" she says and I scoff at her obviously sarcastic remarks.
"Very funny mom, but for your information no I did not end up in jail. This is seriously something I need help with though. Are you busy right now?" I ask, hoping and praying her answer is no. "No I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day, why?" she responds and I let out a huge sigh before responding.
"Good! Can you do me a favor and throw together a picnic lunch for three? Well...two and a half" I ask, not wanting to give up who it's for but by her gasp I can tell she already knows. "Are you and Jungkook seeing each other again already?" she asks, and I can tell her eyes are as wide as saucers with her hand over her mouth, her reactions being the same since I was a child.
"Yes" I say, giving a one worded response leaving me turning down the volume on my phone when I hear her squealing. "This is incredible! See I knew you two would hit it off! I can hear the church bells ringing already" she says, jumping to conclusions as she always does.
"Mom can you please get the food ready for me?" I plead, going back to the topic at hand while putting some makeup on, nothing too crazy but not wanting to over or under compensate. "Yes yes of course. Leave it to me!" and before I can say another word she's hanging up the phone. "Well that was easy" I say to myself before going to my closet to pick out what to wear.
As I'm flipping through my options I see Salem come out of the darkness, scaring me half to death leaving me scoffing seconds later, realizing he's given me a taste of my own medicine "Okay I guess I deserved that one huh?" I say to him and he meows in response.
"Okay Salem this one, or this one" I say, placing my options in front of him and he sniffs both before swatting at the one he's chosen. "You don't think a sun dress is too much?" I ask and he meows almost as if he was telling me to trust him and so I laugh and give in.
"I hope Juni likes it" I mumble to myself, quickly throwing it on and rushing to finish getting ready. A few minutes later I'm giving Salem a couple tummy rubs like I always do and rushing out the door, praying that I'll get there on time.
The drive to my parent's house seems like it's taking ten times longer than usual and I'm constantly glancing at the clock, making sure that I won't be late but thankfully I get there with plenty of time to spare.
"Hurry up they'll be here any minute!" my mom says, practically having babysat the door to make sure I arrive first. "Nice to see you too" I mumble, never getting a proper hello from her anymore. "The basket is on the table and I put a blanket in there as well" she says rushing me over to where she's put it and it's at that moment she finally notices my appearance.
"You really like him don't you?" she ask, smugness laced in her tone as her efforts of matchmaking are slowly succeeding. "No! Yes...I don't know" I deny but I backtrack immediately since I really do like him. "I haven't been interested in anyone in years and so I don't want to try too hard but I don't know" I somewhat admit to myself, as well my mom that I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of being with someone again.
"It's okay love, he hasn't been with anyone in a really long time either" she says and I furrow my brow, "How do you know that?".
"Well Mrs. Jeon and I were talking about it last night and it seems like ever since his wife died he's been really closed off to love or the idea of dating again. He's tried a few times but they never went beyond a second or third date" she relays and I nod my head, distracting myself with looking through all of the things she had placed in the basket. 
I try not to let any expression spread across my face since I don't know how to feel. I don't want to say I'm happy that things didn't work out between him and another woman but it's also sad to think about how Jungkook might've felt when his wife passed in such a traumatic way.
"Thank you for telling me but I think I should start learning more about him when he feels comfortable talking to me about it. It's only fair right? I'm sure he hasn't asked too much about me and my past so I guess shouldn't either" I say and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"But he has" she says when my mouth is full making me spit it into the sink that was thankfully right in front of me. "He what?" I cough, trying to compose myself as I learn this tidbit of information. "He has asked about you. In fact I was on the phone with her right before you got here" I grab a paper towel to dab off whatever water I have left on me but before I'm able to respond we hear the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it" she say knowingly, giving me another second to calm down before I have to face him. I take a few deep breaths, fix my hair and check my reflection as best as I can in the smudged steel finish on the fridge while listening to my mother greet them at the door.
While Jungkook and my mother exchange a few words I peek around the corner and notice Juni slightly tugging on my mom's pant leg. "Excuse me but where's the pretty lady?" she asks and I have to hold back the coos I want to let out so badly, my heart already a puddle at the sight of her pleading eyes wanting to see me.
"Why don't you go look for her?" she says and when Jungkook looks up his eyes meet mine immediately for just a second but long enough to know my cover is blown. I duck back into the kitchen to hide, convincing myself that he didn't see me when he clearly did. 
"Go on" he says softly when Juni no doubt looks up at him for approval and my mother follows behind her as Juni walks in the completely opposite direction from where I am, my mom trailing behind her, giving no hints and letting her explore on her own.
I assume that Jungkook follows them but when I hear what sound like his footsteps get closer and not further away I tiptoe my way into the pantry, completely mortified that I know now for a fact that he caught me staring at them.
I close the door almost all the way and ten seconds later I watch as his form passes by the little crack in the doorway and I hold my breath as if that might help but there's only one way in and one way out of this kitchen and both him and I know that.
Why did I even hide? What was I thinking? Way to start things off on the right foot.
While I'm busy scolding myself I forget to pay attention and stumble back when he opens the door. "Got ya" he chuckles and I clear my throat, "Yeah I uh, I guess you did" I say, trying to lean back against one of the shelves, stumbling over a box instead but quickly recovering.
"Why are you hiding?" he chuckles, leaning up against the door frame and crossing his arms making me look down and notice how one of them is completely covered in tattoos. I had never specifically been attracted to tattoos before but on him...
I lose track of what he had said and only realize I had left a lull in the conversation when he clears his throat. "Oh I-" I start off but when I hear my mother and Juni's voices in the other room I grab his shirt and pull him in, making him stumble inside, closing the door right away.
It's only when he hits the switch to turn the light on that I realize what I had done.
"I-" I try to apologize but when I look up at him I notice that there's something in the way he's looking at me that I have never seen before, making my words die in my throat. We stand there for what feels like hours but had only been mere moments just observing each other, watching those small changes of expressions and I start to feel dizzy under his gaze. 
The tension between us clear and building but it's only when he opens his mouth to say something that the door is thrown open and we're met with a squeal from Juni. She runs into the closet and grabs onto Jungkook's leg making him stumble forward and as a result pins me against the shelf, his hands resting on either side of me.
It's like the universe is playing some sort of sick and twisted joke on us, constantly putting us in situations like these and yet we had only just become reacquainted with each other last night. 
"I found you!" Juni squeals again, giggles as her cries of victory and she soon pulls on Jungkook's leg to try and separate us. 
"Daddy I wanna play with the pretty lady" Juni pouts and in her efforts of trying to pull him off of me he actually loses his footing and stumbles, our bodies fully flush against each other now, his face just inches away from mine. 
I blink up at him and he does the same to me, both of us frozen and not really knowing what to do. It's only when my mother chimes in and asks Juni to come with her to get a snack that that little bubble that had formed around us had been popped.
"I...sorry... I uh, tripped...you know...with Juni and everything" he says, fumbling his words like a school boy, taking a few steps back to be at a respectful distance again. "Yeah no it's fine. I um, I shouldn't have pulled you in here in the first place" I admit and he smirks, remembering the point that lead us up to the little predicament we're in. 
"Why did you pull me in here?" he smiles, glancing over at where my mom has Juni plopped down on the kitchen counter with a popsicle in her hand. "I take hide and seek very seriously" I explain, me being the one crossing my arms now and he chuckles at my lame excuse for my actions but accepts it anyways. 
"Right" he says and offers me a hand to lead me out which I reluctantly accept.
"Mom she'll spoil her dinner" I say, scolding her with Juni just lost in the flavor and sheer size of it. To be fair it looks adorable in her little hands. "It's alright, a little sugar won't hurt her. Plus we're still going to the park right?" he asks and I look at him and nod. "Right" I agree and lift Juni off the counter to set her on her feet. 
"Hi Miss y/n" she says with a bright smile with her lips and tongue stained a bright shade of red from the cherry flavor. "Hi Juni" I say and fix her little sun dress that she's wearing, it's almost as if we had planned to match and when she notices me straightening out her dress she look at mine and also notices the similarity right away. 
"Look Daddy! Miss y/n and I are matching!" she says with the toothiest grin I've ever seen, her front two teeth standing out just a little bit more making it another cute little trait she shares with her father. Although who knows if she'll keep that once she starts losing her teeth I think to myself and quickly fix her hair as well since it's gotten a bit ruffled in the excitement of it all. 
"That's right baby, you both look so beautiful" he says making my heart skip a beat. When I look over at him he's giving me a similar adoring look he gave Juni just moments ago making it even harder for me to not melt into a puddle. 
I'm beginning to notice that these two really know how to tug on a person's heartstrings, it's almost as if it were as easy as breathing and that's something that's gonna take a while to get used to. 
"Can we go to the park now, please?" Juni asks, her eyes going back and forth between the two of us and when I look over at Jungkook he nods. "Sure, are you ready?" I ask, turning back to Juni and she jumps up and down and chants 'Yes' over and over again like she had done this morning on the phone. 
"Alright let's go" I say and with one hand clutching her popsicle for dear life she uses the other one to grab mine and drag me towards the front door. 
"Juni be careful" Jungkook scolds but I turn back towards him and assure him not to worry and I can see how he relaxes at that. She's a little bouncing ball of sunshine, emphasis on the bouncing since she can hardly sit still most of the time unless she's eating, and even then she's dancing around and smiling happily. I swear if this girl gets any sweeter I'm gonna start getting a toothache.
I let go of Juni's hand while my mother entertains her so we can make sure we have everything before we head out and when I try to turn around to grab my cardigan Jungkooks already grabbing it and holding it out to help me put it on. "Oh! I can-" "I know" he cuts me off but doesn't make any moves to give it to me so I turn my back to him and let him do as he pleases, sliding it up my arms and over my shoulders.
He runs his hands down my arms, no doubt as an excuse to smooth it all out but it causes a slight shiver to run through my system and he let's go, surprised at the reaction. 
"You sure you're gonna be warm enough?" he asks, a hint of amusement laced in his tone making my cheeks heat up but I nod my head and quickly rush over to the table where the basket is so I don't have to face him but he takes it from me as soon as my fingers brush the handle, making our hands touch. 
"I can carry that" I counter and he shakes his head, "No I'll carry it, someone's gotta hold Juni's hand while we walk there" he says, clearly delegating our respective duties and I smile and nod again. "Deal" and at that we're out the door. 
"Higher Daddy higher!" Juni squeals while Jungkook pushes her on the swing, his arms no doubt getting a little tired since she's been on it for the past ten minutes now and I can see he's losing momentum with every push. 
"Daddy's tired Juni. Can you swing on your own now? You know, just like I taught you" he suggests and she thinks about it for a second before saying a quick 'Okay' and clumsily moving her legs back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I smile as I watch Jungkook stumble over towards where I've been sitting on the blanket and watching them, adoring their father daughter relationship. "You're so good with her" I praise when he sits down and hand him a cold water bottle which he accepts right away and downs half of it. 
"You think so?" he asks, always unsure of himself but I couldn't think of a more perfect father than him. "I know so. She's lucky to have a loving devoted father like you" I say and he smiles softly, grabing one of the strawberries that my mother had packed for us. 
"You flatter me" he says, a slight blush blooming on his cheeks making me feel almost smitten with him. "It's the truth" I reenforcing what I've said and he shakes his head, finishing off the fruit in his mouth.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough, you know? Like there's only so much I could give her" he says and I can tell from how his body language has changed that he's really thinking about how he wishes her mother could be here for her too.
"What was her name?" I ask and he looks at me curiously, not knowing that I'm on the same page as him yet. "Your wife, what was her name?" I say tentatively but when he registers it I quickly backtrack. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me that. I just figured that you might've been well..." I trail off and we sit there in silence watching Juni swing back and forth, back and forth until he decides to speak up. 
"Julie" he says softly, as if it had been years since he had spoken it. "Her name was Julie" he says softly and when I look over at him I can see the melancholy expression he's trying to hide. "That's a beautiful name, did you want Juni's name to sound similar to her's?" I ask, not wanting to make this conversation go dark but knowing that talking about her might cheer him up.
"Well, kinda. We wanted something that combined both of our names. It's silly, I know" he mumbles getting bashful about it. "It's not silly, it's wonderful to see in a way that both you and Juni are still carrying her with you everyday. It's a beautiful way to pay tribute to her" I reassure him and he smiles at me, mouthing a silent thank you. 
"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have pried" I apologize again, seeing that it still has him feeling down. "No it's okay, it's nice to talk about her every once in a while. Thank you, for that" him now reassuring me and I nod, both of us left in silence for a while before Juni runs up to us. 
"Daddy what's wrong?" she asks, seeing the clearly deflated Jungkook as she gets closer and it's good to see that instead of brushing it off like it's nothing he doesn't hesitate to tell her how he's feeling. "I'm just a little sad, Ms. y/n and I were just talking about Mommy" he explains and she gets almost a look of understanding which is surprising for someone of her age. 
"Please don't be sad Daddy, remember you said Mommy is always watching over us right?" she say, giving him the talk that he's clearly had with her a time or two. "Right" he say, brightening up just a bit. "And she wouldn't want to see us sad when we think about her right?" she continues, an slightly stern tone creeping up which makes both Jungkook and I smile. "Right" he echos again and she nods her head in agreement. 
"You always tell me to look in the mirror and touch my nose, and my ears and my lips and everything else that you say reminds you of her and you tell me that she'll always be right here with me. So that means when I'm here with you she's here too right?" she asks again and he chuckles. 
"When did you get so smart?" he says, grabbing her and starts tickling her, making her squirm all over the place and when he finally has mercy on her and she catches her breath she answers, "Well I am turning five soon" she says matter-o-factly and I can't help but chuckle at that. "Oh right, how could I forget" he over exaggerates  and she giggles, grabbing his shoulder before leaning in to whisper something. 
"Daddy can we show the pretty lady a picture of Mommy?" she says almost at full volume leaving him flinching back. It's adorable how she still hasn't figured out this whole whispering thing. "Sure baby" he obliges and pulls out his phone, picking out one and handing it to her so she can show it to me. 
She surprises me by plopping down in my lap and putting the phone way too close to my face. "This is my Mommy, her name is Julie" she says proudly and my heart can't help but ache thinking this is the only way she's known her mother. "She's beautiful Juni" I say, putting my hand on top of her hand that's holding the phone and pulling it back so I can see the picture properly. 
"You really do have your mom's nose" I chuckle when I notice the same curved button nose they share leaving me booping her's and making her smile. She scrolls through a couple more photos giving me little bits of commentary that no doubt Jungkook has told her as she grew up and it's when I hear the soft click of a camera that I look back up at him. 
"Sorry, it was too perfect not to" he says, seemly enjoying watching the two of us and I can't help the way my heart skips a beat making me shy all over again. "Can we take some more pictures?" Juni asks, wrapping her little arms around my neck and squishing my face against her's leaving me laughing at how adorable this all is. 
Jungkook obliges and we take picture after picture after picture together until Juni is satisfied and has run off to play again. 
"I didn't even know that you brought that" I say, watching as he fiddles around with the camera, flipping through the photos he just took. "It was on the table right behind the basket" he explains and now that I think about it I do remember seeing the corner of a camera bag sitting next to it. 
He smiles as he looks at the pictures and I lean over to catch a glance at them but he pulls it back out of my reach. "Hey!" I chuckle and she shakes his head. "Not until they're edited" he refuses and I scoff. 
"You're not actually going to edit them are you?" I say, nervous at the thought of him spending hours looking at those pictures. "Why wouldn't I?" he asks as if I had said something confusing. "Well I mean, aren't you busy with work? I doubt you would want to take extra time out of your day to play around with them" I explain and he smiles. 
"Let me take a few more and then I'll let you see them" he says, angling his body so he's facing me. "Did you want me to call Juni back?" I ask but when I try he stops me with another click and I look back at him confused. "I meant of just you" he says simply but I can tell he feels a bit bashful from the way he's started to hide behind the camera. 
"I'm not used to being the one in front of the camera" I say, trying to figure out exactly how to pose but he chuckles and puts the camera down a little to take a good look at me. "I don't see why not, you're beautiful" he says casually as if those words hadn't sent my heart into overdrive. "I-" I start but the words just don't come out, especially when he places the camera down and leans in closer. 
He takes my hand and places it on the blanket so I can lean on it, places the other in my lap, angles my shoulders slightly away from him and takes my chin and softly tilts my head up, making the sunlight peer down on my face through the leaves of the tree we're under. 
"Just relax" he says, acting as if I could possibly relax after he had his hands all over me, posing me just how he wanted. 
I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear my head and once I start to get that sense of serenity I hear a few soft clicks from his camera, taking picture after picture, him adjusting my pose by hand every time. 
"Daddy!" is the next thing we hear after who knows how long with the sight of Juni running over to us all covered in mud. "Is this your daughter?" a woman who is clearly out of breath says while trailing after Juni. 
"Juni what happened?" I chuckle, seeing that she's as happy as can be with a few smudges of dirt on her face and her dress all muddy. "Her and my son were playing over there and I guess he convinced her to jump in the mud and well..." she says, motioning towards Juni where I'm trying to clean her off as best as I can. 
"I hope she didn't cause you any trouble" Jungkook says, now feeling a bit guilty about the situation since he had taken his eye off her for a second. 
"No, not at all. If anything I should be apologizing for my son. I swear we look away for one second and he's as dirty as can be" she chuckles, finally close to catching her breath. 
"Can you tell the nice lady thank you for bringing you back?" Jungkook tells Juni and she does as she's told and I can see that she has just about as much of an affect on this mom as she does with me. If Jungkook's not careful she can use her cuteness for mass destruction if left unchecked. 
We hear a boy calling out for his mom that looks just like the woman in front of us now with no doubt her husband trailing after him. "Mom, Dad says it's time to go home" he says, his state twice as bad as Juni's. What is it with kids these days and mud? I chuckle to myself and when the boy notices Jungkook and I with Juni he gets a little shy. 
"Oh, hello" he says before he goes and hides behind his mother's leg, "Oh so now you wanna be shy?" his dad teases and snatches him out from his hiding space and whispers no doubt an encouragement for him to apologize. 
"I'm sorry for getting her all dirty. She was just really nice and I wanted to have fun with her" he mumbles and I can see hints of pink peeking through the streaks of dirt on his cheeks just like Juni. 
What did I say? Weapon of mass destruction.
"It's okay sweetie, I'm just glad you had fun" I say, brushing off his apology and when he looks up at me now I can see that his blush deepens and opts to hide behind his Dad's leg this time. "Alright well say goodbye" his mom says and he mumbles a quiet goodbye and gives Juni a shy wave compared to hers being one to match her outgoing and bubbly self.
"Can we play again tomorrow?" Juni asks him and he looks up at his parents for approval. "We usually come here around this time everyday after school so you just have to ask your Mommy and Daddy if you can come again" she says and when I try to deny her claims Jungkook jumps in before I can get a word out. "We'll be here" he says and Juni smiles so wide. 
"See you tomorrow!" she calls out to them and the trio waves goodbye one last time before heading to their car. 
"Mommy and Daddy?" I turn to Jungkook while Juni is busy doing a little happy dance before taking a drink of her juice box. "Well I um, I guess they couldn't help but think we're her parents so it felt best to not correct them" he says while rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink just like the little boy's were when he was looking at Juni. 
"Right, and when they say something tomorrow?" I tease and he clears his throat, no doubt not thinking this whole thing through. "Well I guess there's no harm in faking it?" he says and now I'm the one that's nervous.
"Faking it? You mean you want me to pretend to be Juni's mom? Why?" I ask, flustered by the thought of it. "I'm sorry I guess I didn't think about how you might feel about it. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" he apologizes but I rush to explain myself.
"I'm not uncomfortable I'm just shocked that you would want to go along with something like that to keep up appearances for people that we hardly know" I say, trying to figure out where his head is at. "Sorry that was a stupid suggestion we don't have to do it if you don't want to" he says and I shake my head.
"I mean I want to, but do you? I mean what about Juni? What's she gonna think?" I ask and watch as she chases a butterfly that has caught her eye. "We can just tell her we're playing pretend" he says and I raise a brow at him. 
"That's the best you got?" I ask and he chuckles nervously. It's funny to see that a tall, strong, handsome man like him is getting so shy about this but I'll play along, I just don't want to confuse Juni. 
"Juni can you come here for a second?" Jungkook calls and she turns and runs over to us right away, looking between the two of us since we're both looking at her with no doubt some very strange expressions. "You like to play pretend right?" he asks and she brightens up at the thought, "It's my favorite thing to do!" she says, twirling around in her very adorable muddy dress. 
"How would you feel if we started playing pretend with Ms. y/n?" he asks and she gets even more excited and does her little chanting of 'Yes' over and over again, a very adorable habit of hers. 
"So this is what we're gonna do, whenever we're out and about with Ms. y/n we're going to pretend like we're a family. You'll be the Baby, I'll be the Daddy and Ms. y/n will be the Mommy, does that sound alright to you?" he asks and she giggles and looks between the two of us, clearly loving the idea. 
"Yes let's do it!" she says, fully confident in her playing pretend skillset. "Alright Juni but there's one little rule" he says and she come in close, knowing that this part is probably a secret. "You can't call her Mommy in front of her parents or grandma and grandpa, got it?" he says and I fully agree with him, we don't need to get their hopes up when we still don't know exactly what we are. 
"Got it! Mommy?" she asks, getting my attention and trying on the name for size and I answer to it right away, somehow feeling almost natural already. "Yes Juni?" I ask, and she looks over at the playground for a second before looking back over at me. "Can I go play for just a little while  longer?" she asks, holding her hands together and giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. 
"Go ahead" I say and she giggles and rushes off to run around just for a little while longer just like she said. "It suits you" Jungkook says and I look over at him curiously, "What does?" I ask with a tilt of my head. "You being a mom" he says and the words die in my throat. I've always been told I'd be a good mother when the time came but hearing it from him after what we just agreed to do just...
"Thank you" I say, my heart squeezing in a painful but also grateful way and he gives me a smile before he places his hand on my waist for a second to solidify his sincerity before walking a bit closer to the playground to watch Juni. 
I decide to start packing up the stuff we had brought and by the time Juni is dragging her feet back over to me and completely out of breath I've got everything ready to go. "You tired?" I ask and she nods her head, her blinks getting lazy as a clear sign that it's time for bed. 
"Why don't I carry her home...I mean back to my mom's house" I correct myself quickly but I can tell he liked the sound of what I had said, my implication being completely different from what he had imagined. "It's alright, I can carry her, we've got one pretty dress all muddy so I don't think we need another one" he chuckles. 
I pause for a second and pull out the picnic blanket we brought and hold it against myself before picking her up. "Problem solved" I say and he can't help but smile at my solution and quickly takes Juni's shoes off and wipes her feet clean as best as he can before taking the end of the blanket and  tucking it all up so she's practically wrapped up like a burrito. 
"You sure you can cary her? She can get a bit heavy when she's sleepy like this, especially since we've gotta walk for a little bit" he offers and I assure him I'm fine. "What kind of mother would I be if I couldn't carry my child home?" I tease and his eyes widen, clearly having forgotten the little game we're playing.
"How dare I doubt your capabilities as a mother" he chuckles and picks up our stuff, motioning for me to lead the way.
A few minutes go by and we're left in a comfortable silence on our way back to my parent's house and when I decide to speak up he does the same. "I-" "Tha-", "Sorry you go first" "No that's okay you go first" and we toss it back and forth a few more times before he hits me with the age old "Ladies first".
"Thank you for coming tonight and letting me spend some more time with Juni...well and you of course" I say sheepishly and he smiles. "I would hope you like spending time with me since you are my wife after all" he teases and now we've switched personalities. "You know, I think you're getting a little too comfortable with this already" I say and he smiles, playing with his lip piercing that I somehow only noticed right now, the silver glistening from the street lights.
There's so many things I haven't noticed about him yet, or even know about him but somehow everything seems so easy. 
"I mean can you blame me? You fit right in with Juni and I. Honestly better than I thought you would" he mumbles the last part to himself and I have to try my absolute hardest not to literally fall for him. I'm holding his daughter so I would one thousand percent say that now is not the time. 
"What?" I ask, needing clarification but he doesn't give. "Oh nothing" he smiles and picks up the pace, leaving me trailing behind him and right when I go to say something else Juni flinches leaving me slowing down and soothing her back to sleep. "Your Daddy is crazy, you know that?" I whisper to her as if she could hear me but the need to say something was too great. 
A minute or two later we're walking up to my mom's house and I twist my body to give him access to the small purse I brought with us and let him fish out the keys to open the door. 
When my mom hears us come in she goes to give us a no doubt overly exaggerated welcome home but as soon as she sees a very sleepy Juni in my arms she cuts herself off and switches to a hushed tone. 
"Looks like you all had fun" she chuckles and caresses Juni's head for a second, checking to see if she's really asleep and she very much is. "Maybe a little too much fun" Jungkook chuckles, seeing my mother slowly realize how dirty Juni had gotten. 
"She's a cheeky one isn't she?" my mom smiles lovingly and I can't help but wish this whole mom thing with Juni was real. "She is indeed" Jungkook agrees, and hands my mother the picnic basket. 
"Thank you so much for letting me steal your daughter today" Jungkook teases and I can tell that she absolutely loves this. "Honestly you can keep her. I hardly see her anyways" she says, giving Jungkook permission as well as sending a jab my way. 
"Mom" I groan and the both of them smile as if they delighted in my embarrassment. "I just might" he says softly while looking over at me and I can see my mom picking out the wedding venue as we speak, meanwhile I'm wrestling with myself to stay calm. 
We agreed to fake this relationship which means that everything he says is fake...right? I need to separate the real from the delusion but he unfortunately isn't making this any easier.
We say our final goodbyes to my mom and she watches until we walk up to Jungkook's car, no doubt still watching behind the curtain of one of our front windows, spying on us as if her life depended on it. I try to ignore it though because how we end tonight is really important to me. 
"Can I ask you something?" I say after he finishes putting Juni in the car, him closing his car door and walking me over to my car just a few feet away. "Anything" he says while ushering me toward it with a hand on my waist, a slight sign of protection since it's gotten a lot darker than we both realized. 
"When you said I fit in better than you thought I would...and that you might keep me, was that a part of this whole faking it thing we have going?" I ask, wanting to have an open line of communication with him. We're not shy teenagers anymore so as adults I feel like this is something really important to establish. 
"Do you want it to be?" he asks, standing in front of me while I lean against my car door. It still very much being locked as a very clear sign that I don't want this to end. "I mean we just met and..." I say, trailing off because I don't really know what I want. All I know is I like him. I really really like him and his daughter has got me wrapped around her cute little finger. 
"I know, we can take this slow. If this whole husband/wife thing is too much for you we don't have to do it" he offers and I shake my head, "No, no I want to. I just don't want the lines to get too blurry" I explain and he nods his head and leans his hand against the car right next to where I'm standing. 
"Blurry lines aren't a problem for me when it comes to you, it's your call though" he says and if my heart wasn't already racing it surely would've been now. I look up at him and hold my breath when he gets closer my eyes not leaving his and when he lean down I close my eyes, giving into whatever he wants to do to me. 
"Goodnight" he whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck making me lose my sense of reality for a second, wanting to lose myself in him without abandon. I can hardly breathe let alone think straight and he chuckles at that, standing up straight and ghosting his fingers along my jaw before stepping aside, a clear sign for me to get into my car and when I fumble with my keys he takes them and unlocks it and opens the door for me.
I sit down inside and look up at him, indulging myself for a few more seconds. When he hands me my keys he makes our hands touch only for a moment before saying a soft 'Drive safe'. 
When he closes the door for me I finally let out that breath I had desperately been holding back, watching as he walks back to his car with his little Juni still sound asleep.
I watch him pull out of the driveway and decide that even the way he drives is irresistible, giving me a small wave before he goes and while I'm lost in thought I almost jump out of my skin when I hear my phone ringing and my mom's name pops up.
"Mom I really can't talk right now" I say, putting her on speakerphone and starting to car. "Do not give me that y/n I am your mother and set you up with this man so tell me what is going on" she says and I sigh, checking all my mirrors and heading out as well just seconds later. 
"To be honest mom I don't even know. He's showing me very very clear signs that he's interested in me but I can't really say much of anything else at this point" I admit, the realization that the state of our relationship is anything but normal. 
"We just met last night and things are progressing fast, like really fast" I sigh, stopping at a red light, thankfully giving me a second to think. "Well I'd say this is all a good sign. I mean you're both in your thirties honey so adult relationships can progress a lot faster than when you're younger. He's a man that clearly knows what he wants and he wants you. So go for it" she encourages and I take it all in. 
"You're biased because you're my mother and would love to have his parents as your in-laws" I say and she scoffs. "Yes but that's not the point. You would be a fool if you let a man like him walk out of your life" she scolds and I know she's right. 
"I'll do my best to keep an open mind. But please don't talk to his mom yet, or at least not tonight. I don't need both of you losing sleep over this" I warn her but I know she'll do as she pleases no matter what. "You know I can't do that, but I'll do my best" she says and that is the biggest lie she's ever told but I'm not surprised since we dangled this whole thing right in front of her face. 
"You called her already didn't you?" I sigh and she chuckles. "As soon as I closed the door" she admits and I sigh, not the slightest bit surprised. "Alright mom well I gotta go but we'll talk again soon" I say, pulling into my parking spot and turning off the car. 
"Okay well keep me updated" she says and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Between you and Mrs. Jeon I'm sure you can keep each other in the loop" I say, putting my keys in the lock and closing the door behind me when I step into my apartment. "But I gotta go alright, I'll talk to you later" I say once again and hang up as soon as she says goodbye.
"Hi Salem" I sigh, watching as he jumps down from his cat tree and stretches before walking up to me, rubbing against my leg before walking over to his food bowl, clearly requesting the very late dinner I'm giving him. "I'm sorry boy, I guess I gotta get you one of those timed feeders now from the looks of it" I apologize and give him his food right away. 
I put a couple treats into his bowl as well as an apology and make my way back to my room to jump in the shower and think about everything that happened today. 
Jungkook basically admitted that he wants to get to know me better because he clearly feels like he can see a future between us and to be honest I pretty much feel the same way. It could be that we've caught a severe case of puppy love but I think we both know that this could potentially go somewhere. 
I love spending time with him and Juni, granted this is only the second time we've spent time together but still I can't get over the fact of how natural it all felt. Then he goes and pulls this whole pretend to be married business and now he's telling me he doesn't mind if the lines are blurred between us. 
This is all way too much for one day but I can't deny that I'm not enjoying the journey. This is progressing a whole lot faster than I thought it would but that doesn't necessarily mean that's a bad thing. I guess we've both got a whole lot of learning to do. 
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court-jobi · 5 days
Hi, lately I came across your blog and I really adore your writting style :3
I was very excited when I saw you have open requests (if I am not wrong, otherwise ignore me hah), so I have request for Bakugou × reader, when they are in established relationship, but lately it got rocky, because he was barely home, trying to climb ranks and just neglecting their relationship, so they barely even talk. Then reader gets kidnapped, due to being Bakugou's SO, but she feels so irrelevant at this point that she starts saying to the kidnapper that they are wasting their time, because Bakugou is not coming for her, whick Katsuki overhears, you know just good old angst with fluff at the end maybe
If this request is too complicated or specific please don't feel pressured to do this, anyway have a lovely day/night
I am very much receptive to asks, and thank you so much for providing one!! super flattered actually and spent my entire afternoon crafting up this bad boy bc I had an instant idea for it
Hopefully I touched all the right notes on this one, enjoy anon! Don't be a stranger~
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Do It Scared
Words: 4.9K
Warnings: Pro Hero!Bakugou x reader TW: kidnapping, intimidation, light descriptions of violence, protective Bakugou is protective, language, angst with a happy ending (promise!!) and potential spoiler: Pro Hero!Deku
for my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on Ao3
Dynamight is on top of the world– or at least working his ass off to get there.
With Deku back on the leaderboard, he’s got twice the motivation and has never been in love with being a hero more.
“That’s what -heh- nine for you this week, Dynamight?” the newly suited Pro beams at Bakugou- not unlike the five year old version of him did back a lifetime ago.
Only instead of bashing the twerp upside the head with a gloating tease, Bakugou simple smirks and gives Midoriya a stiff push on the shoulder, 
“Ten, but who’s counting, nerd?”
The winded, black-and-blue villain currently under custody finds the heroes’ track records funny. Midoriya doesn’t necessarily take these villain types’ remarks to heart, but hates the attitude of this one today.
“Yer sidekick keepin’ count?! You wanna badge or a chest to pin it on, smartie pants? –AAGH!”
“HO-OKAY, DYNAMIGHT, I think he’s had enough!!” 
Deku corrals the punk’s restraints a bit, but leaves the remaining process of reading rights and detainment for the police who just rolled up. Deku will proudly share that much prefers this ‘thick as thieves’ treatment to the ‘fight me or die’ dynamic they shared in school, and couldn’t be happier to be Pro Heroes once again.
And if Bakugou were completely honest, so was he. He’s in his element and closer to reaching his goal by the day.
Walking out of earshot from the police unit, the two are heading over to Ingenium and Creati who are deeply engrossed with the intelligence officers who just arrived on the scene. 
“Ten it is, then– you really need to start leaving some to me though; I can handle it, you know,” Midoriya slips his facemask down, exposing a pleading grin Bakugou still kinda wants to punch some days. “Might give you a little time to actually take a rest day now and then!”
“Tch, if you were fast enough, you’d do it, ‘Zuku.” Bakugou straightens out his gauntlet, but misses his best friend’s tilt of a frown. “N’ who said I need a rest day, anyway? I’ve never been better!”
“I can think of one person..” Midoriya hinted strongly at something that truly escaped Bakugou’s focus. Every now and then, he couldn’t quite mindread the nerd like normal, if he was deep in work mode.
Midoriya raised a friendly, tired brow, “How’s your girl been lately, hm?”
Bakugou tenses a touch, but quips back, “Whaddya mean. She’s fine, been working a lot too.”
“Not as much as you. What’s she up to? You haven’t said much about her.”
Which was an oddity, indeed. Your successes, your insights, and even your random memes were common topics of conversation from Bakugou’s lips. But Midoriya did raise a finer point between the lines– you’d been put on something of a backburner, and he knew better that something must be off for the blond porcupine to rarely speak of you. Bakugou sensed it himself, but the more repeated check-in texts he received, the cycle of his non-answers worsened. This must be what the nerd is getting at.
“She’s fine-” Bakugou pressed, assuring himself and no one else, “Look, we’ve got our flow, and it works. I keep her in the loop when I’m busy and she gets it.”
Midoriya heaves a disbelieving breath, and just fixes Bakugou a look.
“What’s that shitty look for, huh? Whaddyou know?!”
“I know when she texted me yesterday that she doesn’t sound thrilled about your overtime…” the freckled sweetheart touched a personal chord within Bakugou. “Or that she hasn’t even heard from you to talk about it? I mean, I-I know it’s not my business, but Ka-”
“Deku, Dynamight!” Iida waved the two over from their aside, and back into work mode- to Bakugou’s drop in spirit, “We have a bit of a time-sensitive mission to take care of~”
Deku turned to the officer, raring to go and and straightening up his shoulders to address their more formal counterparts, “Of course, officer- how can we help?”
“Well sirs, we’ve got an ongoing heist over on the other side of the riverbank, and need a bit of coordination to respond.”
Yauyorozu had just finished off a protein pack of some sort and had demurely crumpled its trash in her hand while navigating an ipad passed to her. She’d welcomed Midoriya over when he took interest in whatever footage she’d been presented.
“Well shit, we supposed to be standin’ around like this when time’s wasting, or what?” Bakugou asked brusquely.
Ingenium -in his formal, helmeted fashion couldn’t hide his practiced patience well with the hothead in his response;
“The need for firepower is necessary, Dynamight– but caution is as well,” Iida reminded dryly. “We are in a heavily populated area, and must exercise control.”
Bakugou merely purred a low growl and turned diplomatic.
“Fine. We got live wires? Hostages?”
“To our knowledge, only a select few- a dozen at most,” the officer answered, “We can see most of the victims through the bank’s glass lobby. It’s a small, petty theft group- or so we thought, but there are some decent quirk users among them. Seems they are after more than funds, but records as well.”
Bakugou refrained from rolling his eyes, but only barely. Surely there were bigger and better missions to be pursuing than this– something a bit flashier, more suited for his skills with higher civilian rescue numbers to add to his count.
“One guest was able to contact via the emergency text line, and reported that someone did pull an emergency trigger and was taken further back into the vaults as a prisoner.”
Iida empathized, “Hardly fair- I’m sure none of these customers were armed, and they were simply acting as any hero would trying to notify the authorities.”
The officer firmed up a smile in agreement and proceeded to share some more info about how far back into the bank the team would need to infiltrate based on proximity to servers. 
“Sure you don’t just wanna call ‘Tape’, bust in there, strap ‘em up, and call it a day? Y’don’t really need a whole evac team, do you.”
A simple rescue in-and-out should be easy enough, or so he assumed- until Yaoyorozu took a bit of a sharp intake of breath in her nose, alerting Deku to fixate on the screen again,
“Bak- erm. Dynamight,” Yaoyorozu interjected gently, “-you need to see this-”
Bored and still half paying attention to the officer, Bakugou only barely looked Momo’s way, and didn’t really feel like a crowd around a tiny screen -in full sun- was warranted.
“What? It’s frickin’ bright out-”
“Kacchan,” Midoriya shot back icily, “get over here.”
Something alarming had struck him in the face, and he was purposefully putting on a front to those not personally connected to the heroes. Sidestepping ‘Legs’, Bakugou was passed the ipad and played back the security footage of the interior of the bank.
Time stamped at just fifteen minutes ago, a civilian in question had tried dipping around the counter to where some clerks had been bullied up to the opposite wall- but one of the employees jerked her head towards one of the registers- a lightning quick gesture. This cued the civvie -a woman, if the hiked up skirt was a correct indication- in the foreground to feel around the bottom lip of the keyboard for something- likely an alarm switch. Once done so, she’d merely knelt back down, hoping to stay low and sneak back to avoid the thug to lash out at the person who’d tipped her off.
But then -comically enough- the thug sneezed and unfortunately whipped to the side to let it fly. Looking up, there she was in his sightline. With something akin to a spider’s web knocking her flat onto her back, she’d been dragged up and back with the others- trying to ground herself with a squatted stance first, tried to force her elbows back, then bashing her head back in an attempt to hit her captor– until she was ultimately slapped and taken back to the far hallway, hunched over.
Bakugou saw red. His heart stopped then set itself on fire, hotter than Hades. He’d known that self defense response from having taught it, himself.
You pulled the alarm. 
For the first time in his career- he knows the target he’s saving. He’s in love with her, after all.
Damn your neck hurts. If your elbows hadn't been glued up to your sides, you woulda used those instead; but now having jerked your head back, you’d given yourself a healthy dose of whiplash.
And got a punch to the gut. And a slap to the face. Joy.
There’s fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. You’d seemingly gone for the fight route, with your body moving before your self-preservation could catch up, but it seems your fawning tactic of remaining calm and quiet wasn’t working out for you now. At least you took the attention off those poor girls in the lobby who were in near hysterics. 
Only now it seemed you’d taken on the role yourself, back here. You try to breathe deep, drop your shoulders, drop your jaw. You’d think this would double to avoid showing any fear that your captors can use against you, but it’s honestly just to help keep you grounded and not panic and curb the intense need to vomit or cry.
Please. As if you’d even call yourself heroic for pulling the theft alarm– but you suppose it’s instincts. Carry-over bravery: osmosis you assume, from hanging around these heroes. Your hero. Katsuki.
You’re stunned– you’re shocked– and you’re scared. 
Katsuki. You want Katsuki. More than the police, more than your mom. 
You want your hero to come for you, over any other in this entire country. The name pounds behind your eyes when you shut them against a wave of pain, the person you want more than anything else in the world.
–And at the same time, that man’s name hurts at the cry for it: given he hasn’t spared you more than a one or two word response in days. Because he’s overworked by his own volition. By his own drive. And you should be angry. You have been, for this is the longest you haven’t seen each other outside of a trip; considering you’ve all but committed your lives together and he’s typically at your place every other night, the drop in communication is a cold bath.
And you’re scared now- it’s a blurry feeling. Time is wonky when you’re stuck in a room with no windows, no visible clock and just waiting. All those tips they tell you about how to react in an emergency to keep calm? The ones you’ve heard over and over again in security briefings and teacher preparedness days before the school year starts? Man, is it easy for those to go out the window when you’re in actual trouble.
You just want Katsuki. And that’s a silly thought, considering how wide the city is. He could be clear across the district right now.
But just saying the name -thinking of any other pleasant time when he had his arms around you play-fighting that could make these bindings feel more bearable- that’s what you want to cling to.
The villains here are pretty pathetic as interrogators go, but that spares you no calm as they taunt you as if you were a captured magistrate or politician. They’re split into two parties; their head honcho trying to tap into the databanks of the servers two doors down while your immediate captors with the creepy quirks are choosing to go through your recovered phone seeking out blackmail like the assholes they are. Your primary apps for insurance and paying your bills are thumbprint protected, so really what could they get to that's confidential? Nothing, to your knowledge. But it seems your camera roll strikes their interest. 
Oh yeah, they hit low. They see your lock screen first- a sweet photo of your harmless, dopey dog who they snark that you won’t be home to feed on time. Then even more, as your home screen displays a picture-perfect selfie of you and your darling man. You picked it because it’s rare proof of him smiling at some wisecrack you made before snapping the shutter.
Your handsome and infuriatingly busy man. 
“Aww, well just look at little miss hero’s cute lil boyfriend! Bet he’ll be awful proud of you playing the savior~”
“Tehehe, too little too late though, yeah? Gotta be quicker than that for us.”
“Geez, how sappy can you get. This guy’s all over her…and can’t blame him, honestly. Makes me feel a little bad for roughing such a pretty thing up.~”
Gross. Just gross. You act like you don’t listen, your simpering pain turns to nausea the more they talk. Until a renewed sense of fear hits:
“Wait- go back. Oh. Ohhh shit, no.”
“Fuck, man, that’s DYNAMIGHT!!” the jerk with the copious amounts of tattoos and chains draping off his arms like whips gets nervous real fast, “We have Dynamight’s girlfriend!!”
Your other guard seems to swallow for a split second, but immediately tips to a feigned dominance,
“Well, ain’t that just icing on the cake~”
“THE HELL DO YOU MEAN? He’s gonna come after her!! You know how scary that guy is?! I’m telling the boss-”
“Don’t wimp out already,” he fires back. “Why do that and waste time- when knowing this, we could get paid double? Heroes ransoms can cost him a pretty penny, and you know he’ll do it for her. Those heroes make bank.”
You flatten your brows angrily. 
“Whaddya think, princess? Big man gonna come and save you, huh?  
You really want Katsuki. But you truly have no idea if he’d know or care to come at this point. The spiral downwards in the mind is dizzying along with your headache, and just makes your heart sick for him. 
When you see him next, you’re not sure if you’d hug him or throttle him. Though now, you just wanna see him. 
“Unless.. He doesn’t!” his mood shifts- patronizing, “Too busy makin’ a paycheck and name for himself and all his hero buddies than to settle down and think about the pretty thing at home? Well, I would fix that real quick–”
A muffled boom sounds on your right. Rooms away.
Another, louder. Two beats after, the guards look at each other.
You hear a yell, a harsh one, then another blast that sounds cracklier than the rest. Someone’s close. But you’re honestly not sure if it’s friend or foe.
You’re excited, but get nervous again when the lackeys move into action. Chains loops a rough swing of his appendages around you and starts dragging you back into the adjoining office, while the muscle goes back to type at one of their private laptops that’s downloading something.
You give off a flare of panic in your voice- a sound you hate but can’t control. 
“It’s-s not him–” you force your pitch lower, but it shakes despite your best effort. “Cmon, there’s too many heroes, s’not gonna be him–  n’there gonna come an’- bust yall anyway!! Whaddya want me for?!”
As you’re dragged, you catch a glimpse of shine from above you. In the vent, you see mustard yellow and teal saturated with shadow- all metal. Then, his voice, through a comm on his wrist that flashes in the reflected light:
“Got her. Light it up, on your left.” 
Both lackeys drop what they’re doing and look up to see the vent kicked into the floor– and the wall totally blown in from your right. 
Dynamight -the Symbol of Victory- and Deku -the Symbol of Peace- are dropping in at breakneck speed, though the former is out for blood.
Deku’s landing creates a decent wind with his jump, revealing Bakugou behind where the door usually is, and clocking your position almost immediately. 
It’s a powerful thing, to see him in action- you’ve certainly never seen it in person, and you’ve never heard him this mad. To his credit, he never raises his voice enough for you to fear it.
He spots you and the guy who rushes him, but just snarls, evades his whip of weighted chains entirely, grabs him by the calf, and chucks him into the opposing wall with a spinning throw. Then, he sets straight to you.
“DEKU!!” he shouts to Midoriya, “Trash, at your ten!!”
“On it!” Your angel from the ceiling ducts is currently laying into the other guy, but keeps the reeling villain in his sights before he can get up and strike again. You imagine the sucker has more than a few broken bones (or truly is dead, as promised)… he doesn’t move from his figure on the floor.
While you’re still coughing up a storm from the drywall throwing dust everywhere, Bakugou comes to your side and immediately picks your bound body up in a rush from the chair you were perched on.
“C’mere you-” 
He sounds rushed and spent, huffs it out of the room and into a separate office down the hall. 
You spot Ingenium and Creati moving on to the other end of the hall where you know the final villain remains, but you can already hear the squeals of said wimp once Iida bursts in. This will be quick work for the rest of them, so you weren’t worried Dynamight would be needed anymore.
Inside an executive’s office, Bakugou kicks the door behind him shut with his heel and sets you on the dearest flat surface- a decently sized desk.
“Hey you- you still with me?”
You don’t realize you’re breathing so fast until he’s looking you square in the face with split concern. It’s night and day from when he burst in after one of his more gusty explosions, his voice all cracked and high in pitch.
“Cmon, baby look at me- here, let’s get this crap off of you..”
Your gasps for air turn wet and you can’t keep yourself from crying anymore. It would be notably sweet that he still tries his hardest not to curse wildly around you, but right now you don’t care what font his expletives are in. Every bit of stress leaving your body all at once is a rush for your senses and your emotions.
After his pocketed knife’s quick, careful work separating your arms from your waistline covered in a still-sticky webbing, he sheaths the blade again and collects you up when you launch yourself at him. 
Bakugou holds you hard and fast and you can’t even be bothered to worry about how his shoulder pauldrons are nearly choking you. He’s got you back in his arms, and he’s just saved your life.
“I’m here,” he grunts to you, relieved beyond measure, “I’m here, sweet’eart. You’re safe.”
You’re so thankful. You’re so happy-
“N’d I am so sorry.
-You’re so confused.
In a flippy tone that betrays what heightened nerves you’d just gone through, you ask, 
Bakugou’s fingers thread into your hair when you try and pull back-
“Don’t. S’the first.” His iron-sure voice wavers, “I- I haven't hugged you all week.”
Then, you’re both crying into each other, and it’s a healing thing. 
Dragging careful nails across the back of his hero suit, you try to offer a tiny bit of comfort to this mass of man cradling you on this desk. You know you’re still in dire need to talk about his recent absence, but what a reunion this was. Feeling him after a seven or eight day stretch of near radio silence changes the degree of flame you hold against him. Honestly now, you’re in the mind to think he deserves a pass entirely. 
Bakugou finally lifts enough to press a kiss to your head, but makes no move to let go of you. “I’ve missed you, baby.”
Has he? He’s barely texted you past the ‘I’m heading out’ and ‘I’ve gotta sleep’ with no room to offer or reciprocate any form of love between you; so much so, it threatened to make you doubt. 
“Have you? I haven’t heard.”
“No, you haven’t. And that’s all on me.”
You turn your head very slowly- your entire neck is still tender, but you'd rather listen to him with an ear to his chest, where you belong. 
“I’ve missed you too,” you settle on the truth. You might have more to say when you’re not so exhausted, but the truth is you’ll still love him no matter what, and you do always miss him.
You miss every moment, big and small. His wins and losses. Nights where he’s high off a victory or the ones where he’s bone-tired and in his head about how weak he must seem. Nights where he takes out his hearing aids and just wants to fall into your silence to sleep safely, and the mornings where he’s up and ready to go take on the day after he has your kiss and hug to charge him up. Whether he has your chapstick smeared up on his cheek, or the promise of your arms to hold him in whatever state he greets you when he comes home, you just miss him. You notice when he’s not there. The house seeks him out, with lights on for him to find his way inside, and low music to soothe what anger might have followed him home.
You take a few moments to just soak each other in. You hope and pray he’ll come home with you after this.
And thank the Maker, your prayers might just be answered.
“This was a wake-up call, sweetheart.” Bakugou sounds a bit bolder, but still talks softly to you and the dust mites around you, “I’m takin’ a leave. A long one.”
The way he promises time off is something he’s toyed with before, but never followed through on.
“You can’t do that, Kats,” there’s no coldness to the words, but you mean it.
“Yes I can. It’s my race; I can step away.”
You sigh against his pec, “I’m.. I’m not asking you to. I can’t, that wouldn’t be fair.”
To you, sure. But not for his dream. Not the dream he’s worked and fought and lived for since before you met, and long before he fell in love with you. You’d supported him in this chase to save everyone and be the best at what he does from day 1, and you’ve never wavered on that– you still wouldn’t, even if someone asked you now feeling as dejected as you do by his absences–
“Tch. Y’know what's not fair?”
Bakugou finally loosens his grip on you to lift your chin up to him with thick, strong fingers, 
“Leavin’ you for days on end; waiting up, worried sick. Leaving, and just assuming you’ll still be there when I get back. And now you’re getting fuckin’ snatched the minute I turn my back on what we have. That isn’t right.”
The correlation is irrational- this incident today was a freak accident. You couldn’t have planned it- or certainly hope that your identity as his significant other is not going to be weaponized. Shuffle in the hallway beyond tells you that the possibility of that information leaking is sufficiently locked up along with them. 
Surely Izuku would have grabbed your phone– and maybe set you up a new lock screen with a mean mug to poke some fun at ‘Kacchan’.
You slump against him, at the sound that he’s being too hard on himself, and that’s not what you want for him either.
“I just miss you, Katsuki. And I want to see you succeed.” you study the bold ‘X’ across his chest with fondness and heartache mixed, “I want both those things. I just can’t help but wonder if you have to go at it so fast? And so hard, where I never see you? Like you’re racing against the clock to be #1? I just want you there in one piece; I don’t care how long it takes.”
You have no doubt he’s going to land the spot before he’s thirty. You just hope for a balanced ascension to the height of his power and ability. And selfishly… you hope you’re in the picture of his life when he does.
Bakugou hears and you do believe he listens, as he smooths a calming hand up and down your arm all the while.
“And today..” you clam up a bit with an uncontrollable shake, “Today was- scary. But you couldn’t help that. Any more that you can help it from happening t’ anyone. I know that,”
And you look up at him despite the burn it causes you. And -a funny contrast to your still teary eyes- you smile.
“-but you did save me. And that was- honestly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in my life.”
The comment strikes him as funny, too, since he gives a little chuckle.
“Me blastin’ in and causing you to choke on my smoke?”
You nodded briefly.
“Kinda hot, all things considered.”
Unbelievable, his headshake and eyeroll at how easily you can -and will- make jokes. Perhaps it is the shock still, deflecting with humor. 
You do realize how fragile it is because when you laugh at the absurdity, you catch his eye again and you look just a little too long before you’re sniffling. 
The reality is that you could lose him at any time: whether by his end or yours. He’s got the more dangerous job by far, but if today was any indication on your part, you shouldn’t just think yourself as a shoe-in for safety.
Bakugou cups your face in his hands to make himself perfectly clear.
“You’re the hero today, angel. Watched you in 16-bit as you snuck back there, taking that bastard into next week. You saved every- single- one of them.” he placed a kiss on each word as he praised you. “I am so damn proud of you.”
Your hands still skipped, limbs jumpy. 
“I don’t feel like a hero.”
His lashes lured you in as he gazed at you through them, “Doesn’t mean you aren’t one. You did it scared. That’s pretty hot, too.”
You huffed your amusement as he thanked you in his own way. Best to let him carry on before he’s whisked away again. 
Just as you thought he might release you in ushering you out of the office, Bakugou takes you by the hands so that you can stand, then keeps you in place by his immovable stance.
“Things are gonna change,” he vows, “because none of this shit matters if I don’t have you. Yeah I want you now, but I’m gonna want you after my fire’s burnt out. Which means, I gotta pay attention. I have to set ‘who matters’ just as high as ‘what matters’ and remember why.”
Touched by every word, your trembling lessens. You take in his warmth and his care and his explosive loyalty with confidence and nod in agreement.
Taking one last selfish hug, you sink into your hero again, standing more as equals than you usually feel being held by him. He’s lifted you up in more ways than one. Enough to let safety back into your heart, enough to tease,
“That can’t be your line. When did ‘Zuzu’ give you that one?”
“Hey,” Bakugou flicked you in the temple lightly, “I can be nice too, dammit.”
“Sure you can,” you kiss the dip of his neck in apology.
“You’re just always nice, you can’t appreciate the difference.” he pouts, taking your hand and leading you out of the office.
“...Sure I can.”
You have to give him a solid shot– he’s nothing if not insistent with what he wants.
Outside the room, there are a host of officers, photographers, medics and heroes aiding in the recovery efforts, so you relax your hand in his to let go,
–only he doesn’t let you.
Bakugou glances to you, “You’re in shock, extra. You need to get checked out.”
“I’m fine, Mr. Dynamight,” you chortle with a little head bobble like you would have normally done, only now the movement makes you wince.
“That’s what I thought. OI, Deku- where’s her sh-phone?”
The iron hero stands with the receptionists, looks to you both and smiles gratefully, before nodding off to his company and joins you-
“This, I believe, belongs to you, maam~” he perks up as he comes around to your other side. It’s not so much that you have to pretend to be strangers, but in this high-traffic place, it seems easier to fall into roles of ‘heroes’ and ‘thankful public’.
“How kind, Mr. Symbol of Peace~ I’d be missing this!”
Double checking your lock screen, he did -in fact- change your cover screen to a playful selfie: pointing at the crumbled remains of the wall they’d broken into, with the caption:
>>Whatever Kacchan wants, Kacchan gets <3<<
Muting your laugh, you simply tilt your phone Bakugou’s way and catch Midoriya’s quick wink back to you, before he sets off running with a screaming boyfriend sprinting after him.
At least Katsuki showed up back at your place at 6:30PM on the dot, fixed you both a salmon dinner, and started getting your baseline of support back on track. With his next two weeks off and barely keeping his hands off of you so far, you believed he was making good on remembering his why.
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nightfang22 · 1 year
For the wayne smut could you add the idea of them losing their virginity to each other. Thank you<3
Of course I can!Thank you so much and I hope you love it!Sorry if it's not great,it is my first spicy fic.Anyways,lemme know what you think!
Virgin Lovers
Warnings:SMUT Minors DNI
Pairing:Wayne McCullough x f!Reader
Word Count:1.5k
His smile. His eyes. His lips. Wayne McCullough infected your every thought. He made you feel things that you had never felt before. As you were lost in thought, you didn't realize that your phone had been constantly buzzing. You picked it up on the third ring of the 4th call. "Hello?"
"Hey Y/n, you got any plans later?" It was Orlando. You and Orlando had always been good friends which is how you met Wayne. Orlando had introduced you two one day when you had begged him not to make you skip class alone.
"Pleaseeeee Orlando? I don't wanna go alone and you're way better at this than I am! Besides, I'm only skipping to help you get these new Pokemon cards you wanted! I don't have to do this, you know." You pouted and whined until he conceded. "Fine fine I'll go with you. You probably wouldn't know what to look for anyways." You were about to make an offended rebuttal when something else caught his attention. Or someone, you should say. Turning around to see who it was, you thought it was just going to be the girl he's been constantly crushing on with a spinal cage. But no. When you turned around, you saw none other than Wayne McCullough walking in your direction down the hallway. You felt your heart pound and your cheeks flush. Your throat constricted and suddenly your mouth had run dry. You guess Orlando had noticed this and nudged you in the side with his elbow. "Oooo somebody got it bad, huh? Who is it? Is it the guy with the clarinet you have band with?" You jabbed him with your elbow back and tried not to stare at Wayne's gorgeously bruised up face. Orlando caught notice and smiled wide. "Oh, you got it bad for my boy, Wayne huh? Want me to hook you up?" Your head snapped violently in his direction. "I swear to the Gods Orlando, if you embarrass me in front of him I will kill you." Wayne walked up to us and looked at Orlando, giving a little head nod. "Wayne man! Where you been?" Wayne chuckled a little and it was this sexy soft rumbling noise. "Whatcha mean? I'm like 20 minutes late." Orlando laughed. "Yeah 20 minutes and like 3 weeks!" Orlando must have seen you fidgeting with the rings on the chain around your neck cause he put his hand on your shoulder and looked at Wayne. "Wayne, this is Y/n L/n. She's new-ish. She was new, like a month ago." You felt Wayne's eyes on you and you looked up at him through your eyelashes before smiling awkwardly. "Y/n, this is the man. The myth. The legend. My best friend, Wayne mothafuckin McCullough." Wayne punched Orlando in the shoulder and he winced. "Damn man! I'm tryin to do you a favor!" Wayne's eyes never left yours, even when you felt your cheeks tinge pink and you looked away briefly.
                                                     *Flashback Over*
You had been inseparable ever since. Wayne ended up cutting class with you and at some point you had completely lost Orlando and went to some record store where Wayne had asked you if you wanted him to be your boyfriend. You and Wayne have been together for 3 years now and you could never be happier.
"Uh not really. Probably just homework. Why?"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and Wayne to this club off campus later? It's supposed to be super rave and like alternative vibes and I know that's your shit. It took me forever to get Wayne to agree and I maybe sorta already told him you'd go?" "Orlando!"
"I'm tryin to get a hot goth girlfriend! Help a brotha out!"
  I sigh in defeat through my nose. "Fine. I'll go. But the moment anyone is too drunk, we're leaving. Got it?"
 "Yeah yeah for sure! Thanks, Y/n! You the best!"
                                                *Timeskip to the club*
You look around at your environment. It's a lot of flashing lights and loud music. Not really your scene. You scan the crowd for Orlando and Wayne when you spot them against the wall outside. You walk up to them and you notice Wayne's eyes scan up and down your body. You're wearing a faux leather 2 piece with a silver body chain covered in dangly purple and blue rhinestones with black sparkly platforms. "Hey guys, sorry if I'm late I-" You get interrupted by Wayne pulling you in by the waist. He keeps you close to him and it looks like he's glaring at something when you look up at his face. You look over and see him glaring at some guy. The creep looked like he was eyeing you and you weren't for it. You curled closer to Wayne before Orlando waved us to go inside with him. The place was loud but very hype and fun. It didn't really seem like your kind of scene though. You don't get why Orlando wanted us to come. Neither you or Wayne were much of the party type. After watching everyone dance for a while, you decided to call it a night.
Wayne took you home and got you settled inside, laying you down in bed. You just laid there staring at his beautiful face. "I love you." Wayne never blushes but his cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. You don't know where the courage came from but you leaned up and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The kiss quickly evolved into a heated makeout session. Wayne crawled into bed on to of you, pulling away only to take off his shoes cause he knows you have a thing about shoes on the bed. His hands roam your body in your pretty outfit. You pull away tossing off your body chain and making quick work of his shirt. Wayne wasn't necessarily 'buff' but he was very well tones and had a gorgeous frame. Your hands glided from his shoulders down to his waistline, working on the button of his jeans. He pulled away to look at you. "Are you sure? I-I mean I've never. And you've never. What if you regret it?" You pull him in for a sweet kiss. "I could never regret it. If anything, I wouldn't want to lose it to anyone else." That must have really got him going cause he practically tore off your clothes. He slid his jeans off along with his underwear and kissed my neck, pulling a gasp from you. When he pulls away, you finally have a good chance to look at him and holy fuck. You didn't realize your boyfriend was so….well endowed. Big enough that it looked like it might hurt. Wayne grabbed something out of his wallet and when you noticed what it was, he looked at you sheepishly. "Orlando gave it to me." He shrugged and smiled shyly. He rolled on the condom and crawled back over you. "And you're absolutely sure?" You nodded and placed your arms around his neck so that you could play with his hair. He placed himself at your entrance before stopping. "Hang on gimme your leg." You looked at him confused before lifting your leg and he placed it up on his shoulder, doing the same with the other one. "I read somewhere that it hurts less if you do it like this." He realigned himself at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You felt tears prick your eyes as he stretched you and he kissed your forehead, stopping. He made you look into his eyes. "Are you okay? Do we need to stop?" You shook your head. He stayed still, waiting for you to adjust until you nodded you head. He began to move and even though it hurt, it was a good hurt. You moaned softly as he bottomed out inside you. Wayne gently bit down on your shoulder and kissed it before placing his forehead on yours, beginning to find a steady rhythm. Your moans were the sweetest sound he had ever heard and he just wanted to keep hearing them. With one especially rough thrust he hit that special spot inside you and you arched your back while digging your nails into his and he ate that shit up. He continued at that pace as you screamed out his name in pure ecstasy. You felt the knot in your stomach pulling tighter and your breathing picked up more. He held you close as you came crashing down from your high as his hips stuttered, painting the inside of the condom with his seed. He pulled out slowly, tossing the condom into the bin. He got up to grab a towel to clean you up and brought back a glass of water for you. After you're all cleaned up, he crawls back into bed with you, covering you up and pulling you close as you slowly fall asleep in his arms.
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marshedmallowes · 1 year
Like anything miles 1610. I feel like everyone is writing for miles 42 and forgetting about the og!
midnight cravings - miles morales
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SUMMARY: texts at 3am + a mcdonalds notif = a recipe for chaos
A/N: i love midnight snacking. mcdonalds always hits harder at 2 in the morning! also sorry i keep writing miles in like situations where he isnt usually 100% Himself (sleepy, sick) so um,.. i will get to a proper one soon
WARNINGS: nothing seriously bad just fluff, food i guess, reader doesn't know miles is spiderman, reader is highkey a simp
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"Ugh..." You wake up with a groan, rubbing your eyes and assessing your surroundings. Noticing the still-dark environment surrounding you, you reach out for your phone which was on the bedside table.
2:42 AM. The phone lights blare onto your face, causing you to squint. As you scroll through your notifications, two catch your eye— a text bubble from Miles sent a few minutes ago, and a promo from McDonalds for their new meal.
Miles’ message was rather cryptic, and a normal person wouldn’t understand what “ruawkkekkrkx” meant. But a few months of these kind of typos (which meant Miles was either on patrol or barely awake), and one learns the language.
On the other hand, the McDonalds notif… if it was a propaganda technique, it was definitely working on you. You click on the advertisement, and damn did that chicken burger look good…
You decide to go back to Miles’ text. After opening the app and keyboard, your fingers feel too heavy to type… so you tap on the call button instead.
After exactly three rings, he picks up; in place of his normally spunky voice was a low, raspy one.
“Hey. You good? What’s with the random call?” Damn, his voice was unintentionally sultry as hell. Would it be weird if you started screen recording? He wouldn't know, right?
Ahem. Anyway.
"Oh, I'm fine, a little hungry though. I just didn't wanna type. Um, nice voice by the way." You hear a chuckle through the screen.
"So, you hungry? I mean, I could like, get you a snack or whatever."
"It is literally 3 in the morning right now." Though you expressed disapproval at what he said, your facial muscles tugged into a smile.
"Whatchu want?"
One link to a McDonalds meal later, you're patiently waiting in a now dimly lit room, phone in hand and still in bed. You decide to watch a show while waiting.
You're midway through your show, engrossed in a particular fight scene when you hear your window open with a click. Your fight or flight senses kick in, and you jump out of your bed and grab your phone and lamp (it's the nearest weapon, so...).
You watch as a dark figure comes out of the window in fear, you are ready to swing your lamp and dial your nearest police station when the figure raises both their hands in the air, to signify peace...?
The person pulls up their mask to show their face, one that you'd instantly recognize anywhere.
You drop everything and sprint to his arms— literally nothing, not even a meteor, could stop you at that moment from wrapping yourself around his lean figure. Miles places his hands on your back, and the two of you relish in each other's presence.
You wish the two of you could stay like that forever, but the enticing smell of a chicken burger and drink eventually draw your attention towards it and you pull away from him.
"Can we talk about how the hell you got to my window with me living in the 21st floor? I seriously thought that the moment you clicked open the window was going to be my last for a few seconds."
Miles smiles and slightly bites his lips, and God forbid the kinds of things you would do for this man.
"Maybe over a chicken burger?"
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a/n: to be completely honest i cringed so hard typing this fanfic but i just need to finish it so i hope none of you umm.. feel what im feeling rn at my own writing...
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Hello!I saw your requests are open and I'm so excited because you're such a good writer!! If it's alright, could you please write "If we have to leave our bed today, I will kill the resin we have to" hugs from your prompt list with Kaz x Reader? Maybe when he's a little older maybe late 20's and is a lot more comfy with touch (still has bad days/moments of complete touch aversion of course) but maybe he's slightly touch starved if anything in this fic? Thank you xx
Autumn- K.B x gn! reader
Hi!! This request was very fun--I always love writing/reading these types of fics because what can I say, my favs deserve to grow and change--so thank you for sending it in!
I know I'm probably starting to sound like a bit of a broken record with it now, but I am also very sorry for how long this took! I've been meaning to write it since it came in but life and motivation slipped away for a bit there. I hope you like it despite how long it took and again, I am SO SORRY!!
Fic type- this is so so so SO fluffy!!
Warnings- there's a couple of mentions of anxiety in relation to his touch aversion and kaz's touch aversion is discussed a lot. Kaz is also probably a little ooc, and this was written at around half past midnight and then queued for later, so the editing might not be as good as it could be
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As Kaz woke, he found that the first day of autumn was to be your favorite kind of day. The kind where the leaves had already begun to change colors, the kind where a downpour hit Ketterdam, the kind where such a downpour still didn't manage to drive the pigeons away from the clubs and the two of you had not a thing to worry about in the world because you refused to allow yourselves that kind of worrying.
One of his arms was draped over your waist, his chin against your shoulder, and his heart kicking off at a racing pace because of it.
Waking up like that still sometimes sent his body off into a thousand different directions, each one more fervently anxious than the last, but the come-down from the anxiety and the anxiety itself had been easier to get through as time went on.
Kaz ghosted his lips against your shoulder. Everything is fine, he told himself. I am fine. I am holding the person I love, and they are alive, too, and we are alive together.
He felt you stir, wrap your arms around his waist, and effectively pull him into a hug.
You pulled away after a minute, and Kaz's hand moved up, gently tracing your lips.
"Any obligations?" You asked.
"None of note," Kaz said. "Or--none that I am unwilling to leave to tomorrow."
You grinned. "So, a day in bed it is, then?"
One of your arms moved to rest against his shoulder, your hand finding his hair like it were clockwork.
"If such is what you fancy," Kaz said. "I, of course, fancy it too."
You laughed. Kaz pulled you closer and you let him, content to be wrapped within the embrace that it had taken him a decade to be able to pull you into.
Kaz's touch aversion had been something that you never really minded. You loved him regardless of the fact that he couldn't touch you, and his actions made up for all of the hugs, kisses, and affections in the world anyway.
But, when you were eighteen and Kaz found that the mere idea of holding your hand was something with which he still struggled, he decided he was going to find a way to get better.
He wanted to do it for you, for every wistful smile you gave when you watched Matthias press a quick kiss to Ninas cheekbone, for every single one you gave when you would notice Jesper approaching Wylan, only to wrap his arms around Wylans shoulders and press a kiss to his forehead when Wylan leaned back and said hello.
But, on the other side of that coin, Kaz decided to do it for himself. Jordie had died when he was nine, and while he wasn't sure he would ever stop grieving the brother he'd lost to Pekka and his cons, he knew that he could not scorn the idea of touching others forever. He could not forever put off the idea of ending a business deal with the shake of a hand in his ungloved one, couldn't forever glare at people who'd dared touch his arms or hands or shoulders in passing.
A decade had gone by since he'd made that decision, and all in all it seemed to have paid off.
Sure, there were indeed bad days, but that was to be expected. Things like a long lasting touch aversion don't just go away overnight, and Kaz knew that. You knew it, too, and you didn't fault him for those bad days whatsoever.
"I love you," you said as Kaz pulled away enough to press a kiss to your forehead. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," Kaz said, part of him cringing at how long it had taken him to repeat the words back. The two of you had started dating when you were eighteen and Kaz couldn't say the words until you were twenty-three, when you'd already been saying them for a year and telling him that his actions spoke louder than his words and that you didn't need to hear him say it back.
He'd stopped viewing love as weakness at twenty-three, when an old but well respected gang associate had told him that trying to think love made him anything but strong was idiotic while the group was on a heist in Ravka.
The bloke was seventy, maybe, and had apparently adopted that mindset early on into his life. He'd kept it up til he was in his fifties and cost himself a family, a partner. Thinking of love as a weakness was something he'd gone on to regret, and while he'd indeed found the love of his life at fifty-two, he still regretted all else that the mindset had cost him.
Loving you, he realized, made him strong. On his most difficult days, you were there to offer a listening ear and a solution.
Love was not a weakness, as it turned out, and some days, despite what the seventeen year old Kaz Brekker might've said if he knew, love was what kept twenty-eight year old Kaz Brekker going.
One of your hands treaded through his hair before moving down his forehead, along the scope of his nose and his cheekbones, then his chin and his lips and the center of his neck, finding the divot at it's end that indicated the middle of his collarbone.
Kaz decided, in that moment, he would kill the reason you needed to leave your shared bedroom if one came up. He loved moments like those as much as you did, cherished them with everything he had because they were few and far between.
You pulled him down just a bit, pressed a kiss to his forehead and then a quick peck to his lips after he'd nodded and affirmed it was okay to, and Kaz looked at you and all that he could think of was the fact that you were so close.
You were so close to him, and he was so close to you, and he didn't want to do anything more than get closer.
"I love you," he said, breathless and touch starved and full of enough yearning to last five lifetimes.
"I love you too," you responded. Kaz's lips dipped near yours, and when you nodded, he kissed you.
It was kiss that said everything that Kaz couldn't manage to form into words, gratitude and joy and contentedness and sheer, undying and fiery love.
When Kaz pulled away, you were grinning, and so was he.
Eventually the two of you drifted off to sleep again, the only thoughts in your minds having been how much of a joy it was to be in the others company.
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moonchild-in-blue · 10 months
Sleep Token Wembley Bingo
As promised, here it is: the Wembley Bingo cards of your predictions on what might go down at Wembley. Once again, thank you @fivewholeminutes for the og post!!
There are two versions, Red and Blue. They have the same predictions, but arranged in different ways. Just save the card you want and play along on Saturday! I may or may not have a ~prize~ for whoever completes a bingo.
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A lot of the predictions were very similar, so I just combined them to save space. There are a few that have been left off, either because they already happened or for some other reason, and others that make sense for them to still be there - better explanations under the cut (because I don't want to spam anyone's dash):
Predictions that have already come true and have thus been cut off:
TMBTE (song) live debut
New masks/gold motifs for the Vesselettes
Vesselettes being aloud to move/dance
Unmasking (the double mask - I was already thinking of leaving this one out to avoid any possible conflict, so I'm using the Great Unmasking of ii and iv as an excuse)
Predictions that have already come true but are still on the card:
Aqua Regia mix-up - it happened once already BUT it could still happen or not on Wembley, so I'm leaving it, because funny
Better/Bigger stage production - we got the super cool LED logo and amazing lights, but it's still very much possible for Wembley to have something extra/different
Predictions that I have cut off:
Unmasking/Identity reveal (see above)
Siam/Cleo cameo - for logistic reasons and for the snakeys well-being, I think it's safe to assume they won't be present (even though I'd love to see that 🐍)
Ritual starting on time - again, logistics are hard to control and late starts are pretty common. I figured this one was innocuous enough to leave out
iii screaming with a microphone - we don't know if he will be able to be present at all so, this one had to leave. I want you to have a change of getting a bingo!
Live official recording of the show (for a dvd or replay) - Adam Ross has stated a few weeks ago that the band does not wish to have a professional recording of their Rituals, and so an official pro-recording is a bit impossible
Previous tour props, like hats, etc - if we go by the German Rituals, they don't really bring anything over so, very very unlikely to happen
It will be a normal show - while I agree that there's a small chance Wembley will be just another regular ritual, there are a few extra special things that are bound to happen anyways, so in truth, it will never be a truly normal show. (also I needed to cut off one more 😬)
If any of these does end up becoming true, I am contractually obliged to grant you three wishes, so come find me afterwards.
Predictions that have been combined:
New masks/ new paints/ gold motifs/ new costumes - it all falls under the new/upgraded costume slot (although I kept Vessel and the guys separate)
Dancers /silent performances / theatrical elements
Pyrotechnics / Setting things on fire
Fields of Elation/ Sugar/ Telomeres/ The Apparition/ more songs in general - these were the ones most predicted to comeback/debut, so I combined them in the old songs/debut slot
Euclid/TNDNBTG - most people said it would start with The Night and end with Euclid, although I have seen a few variations in order. I kept the most common one, but it's game if on reverse
(Euclid appeared too many times, so that song has a special slot - just as TMBTE album played in full)
Stage props/ Background videos / Bigger lighting
Hozier being present; a Collad or a Cover
Remember, this is all in good fun! Some of these are super silly and fun, others are very likely to happen. What matters is that we all have a bit of fun while emotionally recovering form the London show (because we all know it'll be incredibly emotional!)
If this is not your thing, then that's totally fine too! Above all, let's all be nice and respectful to one another!
💙 Worship 💙
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Worse things happen at sea: Art in the Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony
So everyone has been sounding off about the Paris' Olympic Opening Ceremony. Mainly about the supposed 'insult to Christians everywhere' with the recreation of Di Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.
(I'd like to go on the record that 1. you pose any group of folk in a line facing the viewer with a barrier at hip height and it's gonna look a little 'The Last Supper'-y, 2. clearly the hand wringers had forgotten that the artist was Di Vinci. The man would be pointing and laughing at them and be living it up on that bridge between Nicky Doll and DJ Butch, and 3. Da Vinci painted enough portraits of Bacchus, he would have known what's up.)
Anyway, a lot of art was incorporated and celebrated but there's one piece that did featured that had me performing a mental emergency stop and NO ONE ELSE is talking about it so I need to know I wasn't the only one to spot this.
So, opening ceremony, we're following our mysterious torch bearer as they race through the the Louvre to the strains of 'Danse macabre', (French composer Camille Saint-Saëns). The eyes of the paintings occupants follow their progress until we see frames with empty back drops, the paintings' subjects having come alive to watch the festivities from the windows. But the last empty frame... my people...
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Our mystery guide stands in front of this for nearly 3 seconds, at the 1hr 42min 11sec mark in the BBC coverage. Now, I can't make out the plaque at the bottom of the frame, but I am prepared to place good money that this is Théodore Géricault's 'Le Radeau de la Méduse', or 'The Raft of the Medusa'.
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Completed in 1819, this piece is considered the best work of its' French artist and an icon of the French Romanticism movement. It's chuffing huge, over 16ft by 23ft, and it is stunning.
It also depicts one of the worst events in French maritime history.
In June of 1816, the French frigate The Medusa left France for Senegal on the west coast of Africa. At her helm was a captain who had not sailed in 20 odd years and got the post through connections and political clout. And he fucked it up royally. The Medusa drifted 100 miles off course and ran aground off Mauritania. After 3 days of failing to shift the boat, the 400 or so people aboard has choices to make. They were 30 miles from land and there were 6 boats, room for 250 people. Some stayed aboard the stranded vessel but at least 146 men and one woman boarded a jerry-rigged raft. The plan was for it to be towed by some of the boats, but after only a few miles it was turned loose.
For 13 days, exposure, mutiny, disease, dehydration and starvation ravaged the survivors, whittling nearly 150 down to 15. It was in my fact checking for this that I learnt the lovely little term ‘a custom of the sea’. In layman’s terms, cannibalising your crew mates to survive. They were spotted by chance, no search effort had been made by the French. A further 5 died in the days following rescue. British naval officers helped the survivors to return to France because aid from the French government didn’t appear and the captain, who had made it to land fine, was more interested in recovering the gold on board the Medusa. He was court marshalled and should have been executed, but in the end served 3 years in prison. He was the inciting incident for a law to passed that ensured that promotions in the French military would thereafter be based on merit.
Now all this came hurtling into my head because I remember reading a book called 'Severed' by Frances Larson, all about the cultural and historical fascination with decapitation. There's a section in the chapter of severed heads in art about how Géricault went hard on the research for this painting; visited morgues and hospitals, brought home specimens to watch decay rate, y'know, stuff that absolutely wouldn't blow your safety deposit. But yeah, I'm there with dawning horror and ice in my blood as we look at a very French painting, of a French maritime tragedy, brought about by the hubris and arrogance and incompetence of the higher ups who had no right being there, where comrades and crew turn on each other in a horrific fight for survival, with the spooky dancing bones classical piece playing in the background...
And not 20 seconds later we are rejoining the action of the flotilla on the Seine, 'Fraternité' writ large over the boat with Cyprus, Columbia and Comoros waving excitedly and soggily at us.
Thomas Jolly, opening ceremony artistic director, I need to buy you a drink and we need to chat. I need to study you. I have been turning this over in my brain for a week, what are you trying to say?! Was I the only one to hear it?!
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 12 — Recording + Toys with Hyunjin
Wordcount — 4,371
Includes — Established relationship. Consensual filming and uploading of intimate videos on 18+ internet platforms. Exhibitionism kink, dirty talk, masturbation (f. receiving), use of toys (butt plug with ankle cuffs), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia.
Author's note — I'm aware Kinktober is almost over but I'll keep on updating it during november too haha! This was fun to write because lately i've been a sucker for intimacy and love in Hyunjin's drabbles, so I hope you guys like it as much as I did. Please remember that english is not my first language and this is not proof-read so I apologize for any mistakes in advance!
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Not a day goes by without Hyunjin being grateful that he found you —a woman in his likeness.
You two are the perfect match; it seems like everything you lack, Hyunjin compliments it. And everything he is missing, you have it.
At first glance, you two appear to be completely different —an intuitive arts major and an observant science student, whose career paths were so far from each other that it was almost a miracle you two met, precisely at college. But in reality, although that much is true, there’s something you two bond in and share amazingly.
“Here,” the long-haired murmurs, slim fingers adjusting a strap of the harness decorating your thigh. “Too tight?”
“It’s good,” the dim lights of the motel room makes everything a thousand times more erotic, and you find yourself struggling to not discard the project and move on to the most interesting part of it. “I loved it, by the way. Burgundy is my favorite color”. 
Hyunjin smiles fondly while he makes sure everything is in place, trying to get you as comfortable as possible for what’s coming up next. 
“I know,” he replies, “It looks so pretty on you, the lingerie and the harnesses. I think they will like it”.
You bite your lower lip and smile at him, heart pounding loudly while you feel anxious to start, “I’m pretty sure the last thing they care about when looking at our videos is the clothes I am wearing”. 
“You are not wearing this for them, anyways,” he laughs wholeheartedly, his fingers fixing a strand of hair behind your ear. “You are wearing this for me and they are lucky they get to see”.
The whole environment feels cozy and intimate, as if it is oblivious to what will happen next. But, in the meantime, you remain exactly the same as the environment —your heart feels warm, and fuzzy, and you are reminded of the first time you ever recorded something with Hyunjin.
It wasn’t anything serious, and it was more out of curiosity than something with an actual purpose. At the time, your boyfriend was starting to get into the visual arts —specifically photography and video making. These days, Hyunjin has new interests, but the two latter still remain.
“I brought your bag,” he tells you as he walks towards the big mirror in front of the bed, gathering his hair in a short ponytail to get it out of the way. “Said we were using toys for our next video, most people requested the usual —butt plugs and dildos”. 
“Yeah, I’m fine with the butt stuff tonight,” you murmur while you reach for the bag, your hands wandering along the products in hopes of finding something you might like. “But the dildo… feels like we've used it a lot recently. What do you think?”
Hyunjin hums in approval and you can’t help but stare at him —he is standing right in front of the mirror, shirtless and wearing only a pair of black pants that enhance his thighs. The amount of people who click on your videos to see him it’s overwhelming, and you really understand why.
“I want what you want,” he tells you, turning around to face you. “Pick something from the bag and let’s see what we can do with it”. 
While he waits for you to decide, he continues to set everything up in place. In little time he became an expert in the visual arts, and not precisely because he paid any particular attention to any of his courses.
“What about this?” you hold the item with curious hands in the air, attracting Hyunjin's attention. It is a heart-shaped dildo, nothing too out of the ordinary —the peculiarity, though, is that it comes with some ankle cuffs. “We haven't used it before, have we?” 
The very thought of getting to use it on you turns your boyfriend on, even more than he already was in anticipation of getting to be with you. 
“It is pretty,” is all Hyunjin manages to say. 
Convinced you aren't going to find something as interesting inside your bag, you put to the side the anal plug and anklecuffs combo along with a bottle of lube. 
“Whenever you are ready, then”. 
Your boyfriend gives you a cheeky but heart-warming smile while he finishes setting everything up in place. When he is done, he walks towards the night stand and picks up an item you have grown to know well, ever since you started to record videos with him. 
“We should buy new ones,” you tell him while he helps you put the mask on. “Think we have enough money to purchase something even fancier now”.
Truth is, you both have some savings from what you have managed to make from the videos. But, in all honesty, Hyunjin would rather not change the masks at all. 
It reminds him of the very first time you both recorded something with the intention of uploading somewhere, anywhere for people to see. Whenever he puts the mask on you, which is some sort of ritual now, Hyunjin remembers how nervous you looked back then, when you weren't used to sinning in front of a camera. 
These days, there's no fear in your gaze but complicity —it's a filthy little secret you two share. 
“Let's see where this takes us tonight, pretty”. 
He puts his mask on and starts recording while you sit on the bed with your legs spread, being the guide that is telling Hyunjin if the camera is well focused or not. He makes a couple of adjustments before getting in bed with you, and the whole time you wait for him with your cunt soaking wet. 
“What's the mood for tonight, hm?” he whispers to you while he sneaks between your body and the bed, ending up in a position you utterly adore —your back against his chest and your arse near his crotch, all while sitting on the bed with your legs open. 
“I'll let you set that one,” you purr, voices suddenly turning sweet and sensual opposite to the tones you were using during the trivial conversation prior to filming. 
It always goes like this, unplanned. There's always a general idea on what the video is going to be about, but the scenes are almost always spontaneous. 
“Want to ruin you tonight,” his lips are brushing against your cheek, and feeling his hitched breath is giving you butterflies. “Touch you gently and sweetly while I say the nastiest stuff”. 
You hum in response when he drags his big hands along your skin, stopping themselves on top of the thigh harnesses to trace them with his finger tips. “You're not in the mood to go rough tonight?” 
Hyunjin shakes his head softly, cupping your breasts while he massages them in front of the camera. 
“I have other plans in mind,” he tells you with a cheeky smile, one that sends shivers down your spine despite it being a cute gesture. 
The thing with Hyunjin is how versatile he can be in bed —he can be as sweet as he can be cruel, and that's one thing you utterly adore about him. 
Your relationship isn't too focused on power dynamics either —everything goes as whatever the two of you are feeling at that moment, and there's not really a preferred role you like to play in particular.
“What are your plans then?” you ask, offering him the main protagonist of today's video: the buttplug and anklecuffs combo. 
Hyunjin takes his time prepping the toy with some lube, switching his position to be able to put it all on you. The camera welcomes his toned and slim body maneuvering the ankle cuffs on you, leaving a trail of kisses on your legs and ankles whenever he has the time to do so —what a fucking view! 
He makes sure to not obstruct the camera when his fingers press the anal plug directly against your tightest hole, welcoming the cold item with an awkward stretch. 
“Oh,” you breathe, eyes fixed on the way he pushes the buttplug further inside you. Then, you turn to face him. “It feels nice”. 
Hyunjin gives you a smile before returning to his initial position behind you. 
“It does?” 
“Not as good as your cock does”. 
Dirty talk. A major turn on for you, Hyunjin and the audience. 
The dialogues aren't forced, nor mandatory —you talk when you feel like it, and say stuff you normally would between you. 
Although having a camera in front of you isn't as natural as being on your own, you have learned to pay less attention to it —whenever you are recording, it's frequent you forget you're even doing so. Everything is still so intimate and it flows beautifully, that you can assure everyone neither you nor Hyunjin are playing a character in those videos. 
They really show who you are. 
“You wish it was my cock?” Hyunjin purrs and you are reminded, yet again, of the power his voice has on you. “Deep inside that tight hole of yours?” 
You focus your eyes on his plump lips and nod, not even caring to glance into the camera every once in a while. 
“You better end up fucking me if you are going to keep on teasing me,” his hands are all over your body, caressing it and giving you goosebumps. “You know, it's been so long since I've had your cock inside my ass”. 
You're a sucker for dirty talk in general, but Hyunjin is a sucker for that kind of vulgarities —the ones that you can't even say outside bed. 
When you are inside his arms, you transform into something completely different, into the real you. The one that doesn't care about rules, or standards, or the fulfillment of expectations. When you are with Hyunjin, you get to be yourself, the most human and carnal part of you, the one that craves love in every possible and rough way. 
“Easy,” he laughs softly, helping you get in the most comfortable position.
Although comfortable is just a synonym of bearable right now —there’s no way you can feel comfortable while having your ankles cuffed to the anal plug inside you.
Still, you and Hyunjin manage to find the perfect position, one that allows the camera to have a full view of both your holes spread. 
“What should I do to you tonight, hm?” He plants a kiss on your forehead while you look up to him with admiration, eyes shining brightly albeit the dim lights in the hotel room. “Should I be good to you?”
You nod sweetly, sticking your tongue out just slightly as an invitation for him to kiss you. He teases you before doing so, making you chase his lips. It’s all so seductive, and intimate, that you really couldn’t care less about the camera in front of you.
You both know there’s no rush, that you should take your time with the foreplay to get a good amount of video content, but your bodies don’t —your cunt is clenching around thin air repeatedly, feeling as if something’s missing, and Hyunjin’s cock is leaking inside his black pants begging for its release inside you.
Patience is a virtue, but completely nonexistent when your boyfriend is around.
“You look cute like this,” he tells you, running his hands through your body, touching your belly and inner thighs while spreading your legs further, as much as the ankle cuffs allow them to. “Chained up, with your ass full”. 
“Cute enough for you to fuck me?” you taunt him and he smiles defeately. It’s the second time you ask him that, and he is really struggling with his self-control right now —if you were to ask him again, he would most definitely forget about the recording session and make you his right then and there.
“If you keep your mouth shut about it, maybe,” he murmurs, caressing your inner thighs while he makes sure you’re wet enough to take his fingers inside your cunt. “But for now, this will have to do, right?”
He guides his fingers to your mouth and, with a single gaze, asks you to get them wet for him. You do so, this time staring at the camera, and Hyunjin groans in response. 
Up and down, you bob your head as if it is his cock you’re sucking, earning a couple of quiet whimpers and groans from him; you make sure to do it as lewd as possible, as lewd as the people who will get to see it like it.
“Hungry?” he teases you with a smile, one that shows off a silhouette of his dimples. 
He takes his fingers out of your mouth, a string of saliva still connecting them to your lips, and sucks on them right after you. It is not as sensual as you did, and it happens way too fast for you to process such an attractive and nasty scene, but he is just making sure his fingers are completely lubricated to make it easier for you to take them in.
“Yes,” you hum through gritted teeth, finding the way his tongue swirls around his digits pleasantly hot. “Very”. 
“Let me take care of that, then,” it’s only after these words that he touches you deliberately; his wet fingers trace your slit and you unconsciously buck your hips against his palm. “Too eager?”
Hyunjin loves how responsive you are to his touch —you are never as sensitive as you are when you’re with him. Every time he touches you, it feels insanely intense. It makes your body react instinctively, like a little electric shock.
“Weren't you going to be good to me?” you whine, feeling excruciating impatient by his teasing touch. “You’re making me lose my mind”.
“Then we are even”. 
Truth is, you make him lose his mind. Ever since the day he met you, you’ve done nothing but to mess with him and his thoughts —not a day goes by without him spending a good amount of time thinking about you. From your voice, body and smell, to how insanely smart you are, Hyunjin still can’t wrap his mind around how he got to be with you.
If he is making you lose your mind just because he isn’t touching you when you need him to, then he better start doing this often —he wants you to be as obsessed with him as he is with you. 
He doesn’t’ tease you for long, though, knowing that the faster you finish filming content, the faster he gets to have you all for himself —no cameras, no plans, not the overwhelming sensation of knowing you have to get something done. So he applies more pressure to his fingers against your slit, returning them back to your clit.
“Happy?” he asks condescendingly, but it is exactly that condescension that gets you going. “Or do you need more than just this?”
You want to ask him to fuck you, to ask for his cock in any hole of yours. But Hyunjin knows that a pair of his fingers is enough to get you to come, that’s why he asks that question with such an ego that you don’t know if you like it or you hate it.
Truth is, he has made you come with just his thigh without even touching you. So no, your boyfriend knows you don’t need more than just that. 
“Want them inside of me,” you tell him, cunt visibly throbbing for the camera. The muscle contractions paired with the pink, heart-shaped dildo makes it even more appealing, and you’re certainly happy you chose that item for this video.
“So greedy,” Hyunjin huffs, but he gives you exactly what you want. “You’re acting so fucking needy, the people watching might even think I don’t fuck you properly”. 
You laugh softly, but the sound is quickly drowned in a moan when he thrusts his middle and ring finger inside you, bottoming out to the point of making you gasp. He is also wearing a couple of rings on them, and the coldness of the material against your entrance makes you tremble.
“Fuck, yes,” you finally sigh with relief, now that the teasing has diminished. “Like that”.
Hyunjin kisses your cheek sensually, lips peppering wet pecks on your temple, cheek and part of your forehead. 
It’s as filthy as it is intimate and romantic.
“You’re dripping,” he murmurs with his lips attached to your skin. “I’m sure you wish it was my cock and not my fingers”.
You moan in response, hips grinding slightly against his touch. Slightly, as much as the ankle cuffs allow you to. 
“I don’t know,” it’s an answer you don’t even believe in, but it is always fun to tease him in front of the camera, “I’m not always thinking about your cock, you know?”.
He lets out a hoarse, quiet chuckle, one that sends shivers down your spine.
“Don’t lie to yourself,” he tells you, curling his fingers inside your throbbing cunt. “Not a day goes by without you begging for it”.
The comment is embarrassing, but that’s exactly what you need right now.
To be honest, you and Hyunjin never plan anything regarding the videos. Yes, maybe you do talk about which practices you would like to perform, or which toys you would like to show off to the camera, but there’s never really a script or something to follow.
Right now, that you are laying on your back with your legs spread, somewhat chained and with a butt plug deep inside your ass, you’re definitely looking for some humiliation from his words. 
“And what about it?” you query in a whimper, turning your face to the side so that you can make eye contact with him. 
“What about it?” his voice is turning deeper and raspier, and you can feel his hard bulge pressing against your lower back.  “You’re always so fucking needy, doing everything you possibly can for my attention”.
That much is true, but it is not like Hyunjin doesn’t enjoy it. 
Matter of fact, he loves it. He loves how desperate and aroused you always are, how you try to provoke him at all times, indirectly begging for him.
“And you always give it to me,” you arch your back when Hyunjin’s fingers curl against a particular sensitive spot, and the words come out more as broken whimpers than something coherent. “So we are even”.
“Seems like we're perfect for each other, then,” he purrs, the end of his palm pressing against your clit while he thrusts his fingers in and out of you. “You're always aroused and I'm always down to satisfy you”. 
You moan at his words, grinding your hips even harder against his touch —there’s a really harsh movement restriction provided by the ankle cuffs, but you can still move freely a bit. 
“You always make me feel so good,” your pussy is clenching around his fingers just fine, hugging them tightly while your ass is pulsating with the plug inside of it, “so full”.
Hyunjin smiles fondly at your words, his left hand playing with your breasts while his right one focuses on getting you closer to your orgasm. 
“You’re only missing something in your mouth tonight,” he tells you, feeling you getting wetter and wetter as the seconds pass by. “Should I kiss you?”
You nod almost desperately, turning to the side yet again to find his sweet breath. The lace eye mask only allows you to see much from his face, but with his gaze is more than enough —it tells you everything you need to know. 
“Please,” you cry out, lifting your face to reach for his lips. “Please, Hyunjin”. 
He smiles cockily yet again before leaning for a kiss, using his tongue fully even from the first seconds. That’s how Hyunjin’s kisses are, intense and passionate.
His tongue brushes against you delicately, tasting you and allowing you to taste him. It dances gracefully inside your mouth, making you tremble under his touch.
“I truly can’t wait to fuck you tonight,” he murmurs in between kisses, voice so quiet you know it won’t be picked by the microphone. “You’re driving me insane, can’t spend another second without being buried deep inside your pussy”. 
You clench around his fingers again and Hyunjin gets even more desperate, imagining how it is going to feel your pussy around his cock tonight. He has had you a thousand times, but he still can’t get enough of the feeling.
“You really want that?” 
There’s a moment of silence in which Hyunjin allows the audience to hear the way his fingers get lost inside your pussy, your own wetness creating the perfect friction for the lewd sounds. It’s as humiliating as it is appealing.
“I want more than just that,” it’s all beautifully rhythmical —your bodies move together in sync, grinding against each other while you put on a show for the camera. “I want to mark you, let everybody know I’m the one you belong to”. 
You cry against his lips, feeling the tension building up inside of you. Judged by how often you clench around his fingers, and how sloppily your hips are moving against his palm, Hyunjin knows you are just a few seconds away from your orgasm.
“Mh, want to come already?” you have always been a sucker for dirty talk —it is really not a secret. But ever since you two have implemented such dialogues in your videos, you've received positive feedback about it. You two do it for each other, but also because you know the people watching like it too. “It hasn’t even been more than five minutes”.
You nod with your head kicked back against his chest, eyes closed and teeth nibbling your lower lip. It’s pathetic, how much he knows your body and how fast he can get you to come, but you really can’t complain.
“There,” you moan, “right there baby, right there”. 
Hyunjin’s nose brushes against your cheek as he increases the pace of his fingers inside you, his heavy breathing and quiet groans resonating near your ear and sending chills throughout your body. 
You are both so immersed and lost in each other that you no longer care about anything else but your pleasure. 
“Please come for me,” he begs, hugging you tightly in place with his left arm while your body spasms underneath his hold. “Come for me, show me how much you like me”. 
It doesn’t take you long to fulfill his plea, hips grinding uncontrollably against his hand just as if you were riding his cock, eyebrows furrowed while you moan in both pleasure and pain. He continues fucking you with his fingers even after you’ve reached the highest point of your arousal, even when your wrists wrapped around his in hopes of stopping the overstimulation, but he doesn’t stop.
He is still touching you eagerly, spreading your fluids all along your slit and holding you right in place, an appealing image for those who will watch.
Your body resists it, tries to get away from him while you do anything you can to bear the overwhelming stimulation, but there’s not much to do —you can’t close your legs. 
“Hyune!” you gasp, tears running down your cheeks while your body trembles. “Fuck!”
He buries his nose in your neck, inhaling the remains of your lotion while his fingers continue his motions. Your hands clasp from anything you can get them on: the satin bed sheets, his arms, his biceps and even the fabric of his pants. Your body jolts aggressively, wanting to get away from the overstimulation, but Hyunjin’s strength is ten times more than yours.
“One more,” he groans, still with the sweetness and love he has always shown you. “Come one more time, please”. 
You know it is going to happen, that you are truly not that far from coming again. But this time, the overstimulation is making it a tad painful, and that only makes your heart beat faster.
“Fuck!” a guttural groan escapes your lips, “More, more!”
The more you beg, the more your eyes get clouded with tears. Is it wrong for Hyunjin to get aroused from it? He doesn’t know, but seeing you cry gets him harder than ever. 
“Come,” he groans, curling his fingers against your g-spot. “Make a mess, let them know how good I can make you feel”. 
Part of the reason why you enjoy filming videos is that it feeds your preference for exhibitionism. You and Hyunjin are not that bold to perform such activities out in public spaces, but you still enjoy the idea of being caught or seen during the act —knowing that people will get to watch and even jerk off to the things you are doing with your boyfriend right now it’s what pushes you to your second orgasm of the night. 
“Come on, doll,” a couple of more thrusts and you are already coming around his fingers, wailing in pleasure. “Just like that, let them see how cute you look while coming”. 
Your body hasn’t stopped shaking ever since your first orgasm, but the second one makes it even more obvious —your thighs tremble while you are being forced by the plug to keep them open and Hyunjin’s arm tenses around you tighter, preventing you from getting away from him.
“Stay here with me,” he tells you, decreasing the movement of his fingers inside you. “That’s it, relax for me”.
He makes sure to soothe you after such a scene, peppering kisses on your head, while he massages your swollen clit, being extremely careful not to cause you any pain this time.
You have a hard time stabilizing your breathing and heartbeats but, after a couple of minutes of just laying down with him, your body manages to come back to normal. 
“That was…” you want to say something, but you’re at a loss of words. Really. “Think it came out fairly well”. 
Hyunjin laughs. “Want to watch it?” 
You smile and bite your lower lip. 
“Only if you let me suck you off while the video is playing on the screen”. 
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chloe-caulfield94 · 6 months
Max, Chloe and David drive to Away
On the road to Away, Chloe was sitting next to David in the passenger’s seat, with Max nominally in the backseat, but with her arms wrapped around Chloe and her head between the front seats. That way both David and Max got what they wanted. David had Chloe riding shotgun and Max had Chloe firmly in her embrace. It wasn’t a particularly safe sitting arrangement, but David took that into account and drove slowly, even though the desert road was completely empty.
“So, David, how does it feel to be an accomplice to two cartel operatives slash Hezbollah terrorists slash Chinese spies slash whatever else the fear-mongering media cooked up?” - Chloe inquired.
“You mean the Diaz brothers?”
“Yes, David, I mean the two fugitives that broke through a police cordon at the border and drove off in a hail of bullets! The ones everyone is talking about!” - Chloe pursued the topic.
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call myself an accomplice. Sean and Daniel stayed in Away for a few weeks. I gave Sean a little bit of advice. And then they were on their way.”
“I knew it!” Chloe energetically patted Max’s arms, which were entwined around her. “You owe me five bucks, Max!” Seeing David’s puzzled look, Chloe explained: “When we heard that the Diaz brothers had went through Arizona, so close to your place, I immediately knew you had bumped into them. We bet on that with Max”.
“You won Chloe. But how exactly am I supposed to cash you out? We pool all of our money together anyway”.
“How are you supposed to pay it out? By handing me an oversized check in front of cameras, of course!”
“If by ‘cameras’ you mean my polaroid and by ‘an oversized check’ you mean a page ripped out from a notebook, then sure, it can be arranged”.
“Fine, if you can’t conduct a proper award ceremony, then I guess you can exchange those five bucks into kisses. One kiss for one dollar”.
“Hey! My kisses are worth far more than a dollar a piece! Then again, you’re my favourite customer and I value your continued business, so I can offer you an even more favourable exchange rate – one kiss for 10 cents”.
“It’s a deal, Max!”
David smiled, listening to their playful banter. He was reminded of one particular moment from years ago, when he goofed around with Joyce while making pancakes. When he still thought he and Chloe could become a family. Before he fucked it all up. But in the end, they did become a family. He just wished Joyce could be there to see it. To see her daughter smile and laugh and be hopeful again.
“For the record, David, I didn’t bet against you meeting the Diazes because I thought you weren’t cool enough to hang out with alleged domestic terrorists. I just didn’t think the world was that small. Them being from Seattle and on top of that them meeting you? That seemed implausible” – Max explained.
“Max, your incredulity becomes even cuter with every strange mess we get ourselves into. So, David, what kind of advice did you give to Sean Diaz? How to manufacture IEDs?” – Chloe wanted to hear all the juicy deets.
David sighed. “I told him they should surrender. That seemed like the best advice I could give to a teenage boy chased by hundreds of cops who would love nothing more than to gun him down. But I’m glad he didn’t listen. I was being naïve. He would never get a fair trial. The media had already convicted him for being a cop killer”.
Chloe stopped goofing around and spoke in a more serious tone: “It’s okay, David. You meant well. At the end of the day, that’s all we can demand from ourselves. Sometimes we wish to do good, but the results are different than we expected. But as long as we want to help others, instead of hurting them, everything is fine”.
Both David and Max fell silent, because Chloe’s words spoke volumes to them. To Max, the part about meaning well but causing unforeseen consequences. And to David, the part about helping, instead of hurting others. After a brief moment, Chloe realized how her words might have been received. She cursed at herself in her thoughts. She wished she had bitten her tongue instead of speaking. “This is why you should leave philosophising to Max, you numbnuts. Because when you speak, you tend to make people sad”. She radically changed the topic to turn Max’s and David’s attention away from the past and towards the present, or better yet, the future.
“Listen, dad, before we get to Away, we need to stop at a store and buy some essentials. And nothing is more essential right now than sunscreen for Max. Arizonian sun doesn’t jive well with tender Irish skin. Not everyone can be of stout Germanic stock like the Prices or the Madsens. Some people are delicate Celtic flowers from the Emerald Isle".
The three of them smiled all the way to Away. Max at being called an Irish beauty. David at being called “dad”. And Chloe at the fact that with each day she was getting better at making others smile.
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pigeonwhumps · 10 months
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @whumpinggrounds
This is a crossover with Alex & Friends by @i-eat-worlds, who Joseph belongs to!
Aaron takes Phoenix on a tour of Hero Alliance London HQ, and they end up at the cafeteria, where things don't quite go to plan.
CWs: immortal whumpee, hero whumpee, abuse, panic attack, ableism, low self-esteem, past starvation, denial of food, fear of punishment, expected punishment, asking to be punished, begging, conditioning, losing control of superpowers, consideration of self-punishment, guilt, flashback, traumatised whumpee, food-related trauma, traumatised caretaker, threats, insults, punch, shove, fear, intimidation
"And this is the cafeteria."
Phoenix stops dead in their tracks in the doorway, looking around.
"It's, um, it's big."
'Big' was an understatement. The place was huge, and always busy, full of noisy heroes, some laughing and joking, some sombre. Some have clearly very recently come off shift.
Unfortunately, Phoenix has been recognised as the hero who got Abbie suspended (even if they're so abused they didn't see anything wrong with her behaviour – but then, so many have swallowed her lies about accessing their medical records to look after them better, why wouldn't Phoenix). The room doesn't quiet, though some of the conversations become more stilted, and there's a few glares. A bit of intimidation tactics from those heroes who can use their powers with any subtlety.
"Come on," mutters Aaron, putting an arm around Phoenix's shoulder in an obvious show of solidarity, "let's fetch some food. You'll love the cinnamon buns."
Phoenix nods, but they're distracted, and for good reason. It's good manners, good practice, good safety, not to use your powers against people in here. It's just one of those things you don't do. If you have a problem with someone, you solve it mundanely. So for that to happen, suddenly... it's a big show of strength against Phoenix and they know it.
"Don't let them win. Don't let the others make you think you don't deserve to be here. You show them something later. If this is going to turn into a contest, you're way more powerful."
"I don't think I am," they murmur, but let Aaron steer them towards the serving counter, grabbing a couple of trays on the way.
"Hey. None of that. You'll be fine. They're fickle, trust me. Ignore them. You've got allies anyway."
Phoenix nods. They still look very small, pressed up against his side. He squeezes them tight.
Aaron's honestly relieved. He'd thought the reactions of the other heroes in disagreement might be worse than that, judging by their behaviour in the medbay lately. It's a shame they recognised them, but hey. Can't have everything.
He tries not to think about how that might be partially his fault.
Phoenix squints at the chalkboard menu. "What, um, sort of chips are they? Fries or chunky ones or... I don't mean to be fussy, sorry. I'll eat them, whatever they're like, please let me still eat." The last sentence is added hurriedly, as if that's a regular problem. And maybe it is.
"Hey. I brought you here to have something you like, it doesn't matter how fussy you are. And if you're worried about the price, don't be, it's free."
That's not completely true. There's some posh things that're just reduced. But Aaron made an agreement yesterday, so if Phoenix wants them he won't have to pay in front of them.
Phoenix nods, visibly trying to absorb that.
"Chunky, like a chip shop."
Phoenix's eyes light up at that. "Can I, can I? Please?"
"Yeah, of course. Do you want to go and order? You can have something with it, if you like."
Phoenix looks very confused, but follows Aaron over to the food counter. Aaron pushes them gently ahead of him. Just in case.
The serving lady smiles at Aaron. "Hello, you. How are you keeping? You've made another friend?"
Aaron scowls at her. She's not supposed to reveal how few friends they have.
"This is Phoenix. Phoenix, Mary. She'll probably try and fatten you up."
Phoenix waves a little, and Mary frowns at them in concern.
"Hey love. You new here? I haven't seen you around before."
Phoenix shakes their head. "No. I just, I, um, haven't been here before. Can I have, um, chips and beans please? It's okay if I can't, I just–"
"Of course you can. We've got some left, haven't we? It's not reserved or anything." She plates it up, then turns to Aaron. "Fish, chips and peas, as usual?"
"Yep." Once it's plated and on his plate, Aaron gives her a winning smile. "So... any chance of the biggest cinnamon bun you have?"
"You can't just use charm to get whatever you want, you know." But she winks and plates a massive cinnamon bun.
Phoenix's eyes are like saucers, and they only widen as the serving lady serves them an extra portion of chips and beans.
"Ketchup and other condiments are over there, love," she points out. Phoenix nods.
"Thank you, sir."
Mary watches them go with a slight frown.
"Polite kid."
"Maybe too much so," murmurs Aaron. "They're getting better though."
"Who's on their team? Bit negligent to not show them this place. And they seem off."
"The Spark, Tempest and Nightkeeper."
"Poor kid. Here, take some onion rings to share, they do need fattening up. You'd better go and help them." She nods to the condiments table, where Phoenix is standing, looking lost.
"Yeah. Cheers."
They manouvres their way over to them.
"Hey kid. What's up?"
"Am I really allowed all this too?"
"Yes, of course. And these two," he points at the onion rings and cinnamon bun, "are to share."
"But... that's, um, that's a main dish, and a side and another side and a dessert. I can't take seasonings as well, that'd be, um, greedy!"
"Is it greedy if I take some?" Phoenix shakes their head. "Then why would it be for you?"
"Abbie says that I don't need so much to eat. I don't. Do I? I'm fine."
"I... Phoenix. You nearly passed out from hunger."
Aaron splutters a little. "And? Do you not see how that's a bad thing?"
Phoenix shrugs. "I nearly died from it once. Only one person ever saw a problem then, and he was a villain. So it's not a bad thing if I don't eat much. Why do you– I don't understand."
It takes an enormous amount of effort for Aaron to control himself. Sparks don't literally fly, but it's close.
"Your team. I assume they're the only other people you saw then. What did they say?"
Phoenix shrugs, almost overbalancing their tray. "That I was weak. And Abbie said that it wasn't serious because it, um, wouldn't kill me permanently. And then she punished me for accepting outside help. I don't, um, understand why she let me accept your help, though."
"She has to, I'm your team medic and Kai was on your team. And you did say she'd been getting worse shortly before her suspension."
The lights flicker this time as Phoenix looks so damn confused that Abbie might be hurting them.
"That can't be right. She's my mentor, she must have my best interests at heart."
Maybe at the very centre of her heart, surrounded by unbreakable stone. He doesn't say that though.
"Come on. Let's eat."
Aaron drowns their chips in salt and vinegar, while Phoenix hesitantly picks up the ketchup, looking around. When nobody stops them they squirt out a small pile.
"Thank you."
"'s no problem." Phoenix follows Aaron over to a small square table, Aaron glaring at anyone who so much as dares look at Phoenix wrong. They drag another table over to ensure there's enough space for all the food.
"It's a lot of food. Are you sure it's, um, not too much for someone like me? I don't mean to be ungrateful, I just, um, I'm not worth it, and– I'm sorry."
"Yes." Phoenix frowns. "Yes, you're worth it. Everyone is worth food, Phoenix." Phoenix has a look of confusion on their face, tears welling in their eyes. "What's wrong?"
Phoenix's eyes snap up to theirs for a second before darting away.
"It's, um, it's more than I've eaten since Kai went back to his team. That's all."
Aaron's alarmed by this. Sure, this is a big meal, but not overly. And if they're going on solo missions and healing themself they need bigger meals. They need the energy.
Abbie must worry about him finding out during their weekly check-ups now. Just how little proper food did she feed them before anyone found out?
What did he miss during that first weigh-in in five years? Did they start feeding Phoenix with Kai on the team, to make themselves look like heroes who aren't abusive? Phoenix seemed to know then that they needed to eat more, what's changed? Did they just say what they thought they wanted to hear?
How much of that has there been?
"You know it's not normal to eat so little so regularly, right? If it was by choice we'd call it an eating disorder."
Phoenix frowns. "Abbie's teaching me how to survive. It's, um, part of my training. I have to learn because I, um, I'm a bit pathetic and keep being captured. I'm her apprentice, she, um, she knows what she's doing."
Oh, Aaron bets she does. Keep Phoenix weak, reliant on her, with low self-esteem and terrified of their own shadow some days.
Except they're not weak. Not by a long shot. And sparks do crackle from the end of his fingers this time.
Phoenix shoots back from the table, chair hitting the wall, eyes wide.
"No, what are you– please, don't hurt me, don't punish me, I didn't mean to! I understand that I deserve punishment but please, please, let me eat first before locking me away! Please, sir, I'm, um, I'm begging you!"
Aaron holds up his hands and, with great effort, wills the sparks away. Phoenix's sleeves are rolled up and their forearms are changing colour seemingly at random, parts of their face growing fake scales and illusory feathers and all sorts that keep appearing and disappearing. They're terrified and Aaron needs to deal with this before they end up almost invisible again. That would certainly get back to their team.
"Hey. Easy, Phoenix, where do you think you are?"
"In, um, in the flat, I know that, sir. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't show my powers like this, please don't hurt me, please, um, I know I deserve punishment but please."
Aaron glances around quickly. Luckily no-one seems to have noticed or cared. They lower their voice anyway.
"You're not in the flat. You're in the cafeteria. And you're certainly not in any kind of trouble. In fact, I don't even know what you've done that you think warrants whatever 'punishment' you were about to get."
"But you– I– I don't– Aaron?"
"Yeah. It's me. No punishment, and no pain, I promise. Shall we eat?" They're guessing from Phoenix's pleas that Abbie sometimes denied them meals as a punishment, and Aaron's hoping being clearly offered one might help them calm down.
Phoenix nods, arms wrapped around themself. "'m sorry. I fucked it up."
"No, you didn't. Less than five minutes out of a good day? Let me give you a hug."
They nod again, and Aaron crosses to the other side of the table, pulling them in as they lean on him.
"The food won't even be cold."
"Is there, um, someone with powers in the kitchen or something?"
"Yes," says Aaron simply. He knows they're joking but it's true.
"Oh." There's silence for a minute, before they say, tentatively, "I think, um, I would've liked that job. If I had the right sort of powers. I can't save the world that way, but still. It would be fun. And I could, um, make food for people who've been rescued. It'd be a waste of my immortality but I wouldn't be immortal in this scenario. What, um, what other jobs are there here that aren't on the, um, front line?"
Aaron recognises it as a tentative attempt at an olive branch they mistakenly think they need, and leads them gently back to their seat. He takes a bite of his fish.
"Well, there's plenty in medical, for starters. Nursing's a big one. And liaisons. I think you'd be good at that."
"Liaison? What, um, what do they do?"
"Well, first of all, it's not like a medical liaison job on the outside, if you know what that is, so put that thought aside. They're called medical advocates, or patient liaisons. A medical advocate works with patients who are struggling, usually psychologically. Patient advocacy, helping them through trauma, explaining things in their terms, informing us of things we might need to know. Like your sensitivity to general anaesthetic and healing. Long-lasting trauma. A lot of it's in the word liaison, to be honest. And we never have enough of them."
He's trying to think of a way to ask them if they'd like to help with that while Indigo and Segun won't let them in the flat and all they can do is solo missions until Abbie returns, when they hear footsteps behind them. Aaron thinks hopes that they'll just go past, but no such luck.
"Can I sit here?"
Aaron snarls and whirls around, before noticing who it is. "Oh! Hi Joseph."
"Hello there. Still as protective as ever. Phoenix? Mind if I sit here?"
"Yes, sir. I mean, you can, sir," they murmur, going quiet. As Joseph smiles and takes the seat next to Phoenix, carefully blocking their view of one of the heroes whose gaze is boring into them, Aaron notices them curl over their meal, ever so slightly.
One of these days he is going to hack Abbie into a hundred pieces. Without knocking her unconscious first.
"Thanks." He picks up a chip and pops it in his mouth. "So, what were you discussing before I interrupted?"
"Non-frontline jobs here. For example, Phoenix, Joseph works as... what exactly do you do? You're medical, I know that much, but what specifically?"
Joseph shrugs. "Frontline Paramedic. Found out the title recently."
"Okay, maybe not the best example of a non-frontline job, but we're still better than you."
"Not true."
"Oh, come on. Your only decent output is your cinnamon buns and you know it. And we don't even need you to make them anymore, not now we have the recipe."
Phoenix snorts, taking a hurried mouthful of beans to cover it up. "Sorry, sirs."
"'s okay," shrugs Joseph. "How's your injury?"
"It's healed, sir. Completely."
"Good." Aaron can tell he's a little surprised at the speed – it was a large gash, after all, and Aaron's not sure if he knew about Phoenix's healing abilities. It's refreshing to meet someone else who actually cares about their health, especially for non-work purposes. "While I'm here, can I have your phone number? Just for the purpose of sending cat memes, I promise. Nothing nefarious."
"I'll kill him if he does," says Aaron helpfully, when Phoenix hesitates. "And you can always block him if he gets annoying. No-one would blame you."
"O-okay." Phoenix takes Joseph's phone and enters it in. Then he looks between them calculatingly. "If you, um, don't mind my asking, how long have you known each other?"
"Since med school," replies Aaron easily. "We took the same international elective on helping patients with psychological trauma." Like Phoenix. At least... well, at least all this is good practice.
Phoenix nods. Aaron thinks they were right. Phoenix would make a great liaison, especially if they were a little more confident.
"Aand now I'm stuck with you," sighs Joseph theatrically.
Phoenix giggles. Actually giggles, and Aaron wasn't expecting that. "This food is amazing," they say between bites. "It's been a long time since I had chips and, um, beans or onion rings. I don't understand though. My team always complain about my cooking. If it's so bad, why don't they, um, order me to fetch food from here instead?"
"I don't know," lies Aaron sadly. In reality, he can make a pretty good guess. He's just not sure Phoenix is ready to accept it yet. "Go on. Eat up. I want you to try part of this cinnamon bun."
Aaron is the first to finish, and he carefully cuts up the genuinely massive sharing-size dessert.
Phoenix eats slowly, but their eyes pop out of their head as the scent wafts across the table.
"Mary must love you."
Aaron shrugs with one shoulder, feeling a bit awkward. "I saved her son. Physically. You remember after they closed the schools? Some people... didn't do too well. Even six years after the event, when I started, he wasn't doing well."
That's the understatement of the century. Joseph flinches minutely, dropping his fork.
"That's when the medical advocacy role was created. After the abolition. But a token apology and a new role in which there aren't enough employees does not reparations make. It certainly doesn't help enough." They sigh, then turns to Joseph, whose eyes have turned glassy, and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey. Breathe. You've got a cinnamon bun to eat, remember? No blood on your hands."
"There is a lot of blood on my hands," he breathes, but takes a bite of the bun anyway. "These really are delicious. Does Mary save them for you or something?"
Aaron smiles. "Yep."
Phoenix bites their lip, looking up for a second before locking their gaze on their bun like it's the most fascinating thing they've ever seen. "You– you said– well, um, you won't let me go back to living in the cupboard and, um, you won't let me pay you back, I'm sure I could but you won't let me and I still don't understand why, and you've done so much, and... and... and I... I, um, I... never mind. Sorry. Doesn't matter, it's stupid."
"Go on, spit it out," says Aaron gently.
"I– I– I, um, I– yousaidyoudonthaveenoughpeopleandindigowonttakemebackyetandiknowidonthaveanytraumaorexperienceanditsastupidideabutmaybeicouldhelp." They flush bright red after speaking all in a rush, and as Aaron tries to process the words he's heard, Phoenix says quietly, "I told you it was a useless idea. I'm sorry. You can punish me for it if you like."
Aaron shakes his head. He's understood the words now. Did Phoenix just make a suggestion? Not just a punishment one, and not pushed, one of their own accord.
But he needs to respond, or it might be the last suggestion Phoenix ever makes.
"It's not useless. Not in the slightest. I'd love to have you work in the medbay, even if it's only for a few months. And I'd never, never punish you for making a suggestion."
"Oh." Phoenix's eyes flicker upwards, and they must see the sincerity on Aaron's face because they smile. "Really?"
"I know it's a lot to ask but, um, will you not tell Indigo or Segun? Please? I don't, um, they might give me something else to do and, um, I'd be better helping you if you, um, think I'd be good at it, even though, um, I'm not sure, and I'm not supposed to– please don't tell them, please, please, sirs."
"I won't, I promise. Joseph?"
Phoenix doesn't look much more relaxed, but they glance at Joseph with what appears to be a fraction less fear than before. They finish up their chips and take a bite of the bun, eyes going wide.
"Thank you, sirs."
"It's absolutely no problem. Really. You like the bun then?"
Phoenix nods enthusiastically, almost forgetting about their fear in their excitement. Aaron's heart aches. Over five years without even knowing they exist.
Their left cheek starts to turn the colour of the wall behind them in their enthusiasm. They haven't noticed, and when Joseph opens his mouth to potentially mention it, Aaron catches his eye and shakes their head. That would be a very, very bad idea.
He waits until Phoenix has finished before saying, "Do you want me to fetch you a leaflet on medical advocacy jobs once we've finished here? So that you know exactly what the job entails before you decide for certain whether or not to take it."
"I, um, I'm sure I do. But I'll, um, take a look at it if you, um, think it's best. Are you sure I, um, would be any good?"
"Hey. Stop putting yourself down. I love you, kid, but that has nothing to do with how good I think you'll be. I wouldn't have offered out of pity, would I?"
Phoenix shakes their head. "I'll, um, I'll take the trays up," they say thickly, gathering up the plates and clearly not about to take no for an answer. Joseph looks about to object but Aaron shakes his head.
"Let them gather themself," they murmur, once Phoenix is out of earshot, heading towards the furthest deposit point.
"I am going to murder that team of theirs."
"Just... do it cleanly? I don't want to have to heal them."
They watch as Phoenix deposits the trays, then just stands there for a minute. They raise a hand to their cheek quickly.
"Oh, kid," Aaron murmurs. Then they frown as one of the heroes who was glaring and intimidating the most earlier approaches Phoenix with intent. "I think we might need to intervene."
The other hero – Gorgeous Warrior, Aaron thinks his pseudonym is, and that's a bit much, even for someone of his ego, the name Kevin certainly not enough for him – gets into a conversation with Phoenix, and at first Aaron thinks hopes it might not be too bad, that he might be wrong.
Then Phoenix takes a stumbling step back, and Kevin takes one forward, pressing them against the trolley.
Fortunately, it has wheels, so they're not trapped for long. Unfortunately, all the trays are on the upper levels.
Aaron sees what's about to happen before it does, but he's too late to do anything about it as the trolley topples over with an almighty crash.
The cafeteria falls deathly silent. As Aaron approaches he can hear Phoenix's whispered pleas. White smoke rises around them, and Aaron is forcibly reminded of Morticia Addams, although this isn't relaxed smoke. It's their terrified friend, hiding behind their illusion powers because they can't do anything else.
Aaron doesn't know why their powers are so prevalent today of all days, not when they must've generally been more controlled with Abbie to avoid 'punishment' and permanent damage, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that they're terrified and the man doing it is supporting Abbie, their abuser, with a smirk on his face.
Even what she's done publicly, accessing Phoenix's encrypted medical files without their permission, is bad enough, and he's smirking.
"Please. I'll do anything, please don't."
Aaron plants himself firmly behind Phoenix, Joseph on their other side. He's a bit unsure about interfering but... right now, Phoenix needs obvious allies, not to deal with this themself. Right?
"Hey. Back off."
Kevin sneers. "What? Can't handle me on your own? Powers too weak to do anything except hide, like a fucking coward?"
Phoenix flinches. "I– I– just leave me, um, leave me alone."
"Coward. You can't expect anyone to take you seriously with that stutter. Abbie's doing her best with you, despite all your issues, and you got her suspended. You should've been grateful for her to take you despite the damage to her reputation. Should've been grateful to all of us for taking in someone so weak and keeping you alive when we didn't need to."
Aaron feels a rush of anger and the lights in the cafeteria burst, sparks flying, the only illumination now except for the setting sun. Before he can do anything direct to Kevin, though, he becomes aware of Joseph moving beside him, shoving at Kevin.
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare put Phoenix down like that. And you are way out of line with those comments. What makes you think they're okay?"
"What the hell?"
Kevin looks genuinely confused, like he doesn't understand why they'd care for Phoenix, and that just makes Aaron angrier. He pulls his arm back and lunges for Kevin's face. Their fist hits the area around his eye with a crack.
"Get the hell out of here," they growl. "Before we make that look like a bloody picnic."
Kevin turns away, walking maybe (hopefully) a little faster than normal. Aaron glares until he's out of sight, then turns to Phoenix, touching them gently on the shoulder. They jump a foot in the air.
"Want to help me clear that up?"
Phoenix nods, bending down with Aaron to clear up plates (Aaron stops them touching the sharp shards). Joseph doesn't help, "keeping watch" instead, and Aaron suspects that he, too, saw the terror in Phoenix's eyes when they looked at him.
"You're not a coward, Phoenix. And you're not weak. I, personally, think your powers are amazing."
"But, but, um, they're not useful. Not like yours. Sorry, I, um, I can't stop that. Stutter. Tried."
"You don't need to stop it. I like you. All of you. Hmm? Don't apologise for yourself. There's someone I need to introduce you to when we get a chance."
Phoenix continues gathering trays, not looking at Aaron. After a minute they whisper, "Abbie used to use him for, um, for medical procedures. Because I, um, couldn't go to medbay."
Aaron's jaw tightens. He knows exactly what Phoenix is hinting at, even if they can't say it. But the fog is slowly dropping, even if their camouflage is nowhere close to it, and he pulls them into a careful hug.
"Shall we get out of here, kid? All the people, and the lights and the noise... it's too much for you, isn't it? I should've seen that, I'm sorry."
"'s okay. But, please, if you, um, don't mind."
"Of course. You okay with Joseph coming?" Phoenix nods, and Aaron helps them to stand on wobbly legs. "We're going somewhere more private. Do you want to come with us?"
Joseph glances at Phoenix quickly before nodding. "Sure. Where are we heading?"
"My room. If you're okay with that, Phoenix?" Phoenix nods, clinging on to Aaron tightly. They're really not hiding their fear of Joseph but Aaron doesn't know what else to do. He can't deal with this alone.
Phoenix walks with them robotically, Aaron's arm the only reason they don't fall, and doesn't seem to even notice as Aaron steers them into their room, sitting them down on their bed.
"Abbie's going to kill me," they whisper. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't, um, I didn't mean to stand up to him, but I did and Abbie's going to, um, she'll be so angry when she finds out. Please don't tell her." They look up at Joseph, back to themself suddenly. "Please don't tell her, sir, please don't, um, don't tell anyone, except you can but please."
"I won't," says Joseph, handing them a mug of hot chocolate and wrapping their hands around it when they don't move, "I promise."
Phoenix sniffles. "I can't control my powers. I need to. I can't, um, I need to but I can't learn, please, help me."
"Please!" they cry. "I can't... it looks, um, it looks terrible and it's useless and what's the point if I, um, I can't even control it?"
"I'm not putting the cuffs on you, and the only reason I'd ever even consider it would be if you were putting someone in imminent danger. Which you're not."
He is, though. His powers are getting seriously out of control when he's angry. And he needs to get them under control, by any means necessary.
Joseph squeezes their shoulder, sort-of threateningly. "I know what you're thinking. Don't you dare."
Phoenix buries their head in their hands. "I don't, um, want to be useless," they say, voice muffled and choked, "I want to be good."
"You are. Stop putting yourself down. I like all of you. All of you is amazing, because you are. If you like, we can start your training soon, as a medical advocate and with more advanced first aid, because I think you'll be fantastic at the former and you desperately need the latter." Phoenix nods. "Great. Just promise me one thing?"
"What? I mean, anything, sir."
"Stop promising you'll do anything for people. You have no idea what they'll ask."
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girlreviews · 6 months
Review #184: She’s So Unusual, Cyndi Lauper
You’re receiving a fair warning right at the outset: there are going to be no less than two references to The Simpsons in this review – possibly more -- and I’m not even a little bit sorry about it.
I think that Cyndi Lauper is one of the very first female artists I ever knew the name of and recognized, and knew her record from start to finish. I don’t think it was this one. I believe it was a compilation CD called Twelve Deadly Cyns… And Then Some, that had a really striking image of her with bright yellow hair and a bright red hat. It had all of the major hits from this album, and the next few, as well as the most interesting remix of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun that was done by the guys from Redbone, and was very much my first introduction to the bassline from Come And Get Your Love. That shit worked.
Anyway, I wish that every three-year-old girl got to hear Cyndi Lauper like this because she’s fucking iconic. Powerhouse voice. Uninhibited. Artist. Creative genius. A girl’s girl and a woman’s woman. I’d love to get drunk with her and play a round of cards. I bet she’s been treated like a child while navigating this industry. I just feel it in my bones and guts. Because of the earnest, girlish, sincere, whimsical music she’s making, as well as her unapologetic cute and girly aesthetic and small frame. But she’s always demanded to be taken seriously. She’s the inspiration I’ve carried around as an experienced professional in my field: I can have a bubble tea pencil case with a smiley face on it, and cute stationary, and a notepad with a bird on it, and a cute haircut and fun outfits. It doesn’t mean I’m childish, or any less good at my job, and I will rip you a new asshole if you fucking cross me or any of my employees, cool? Do not be fooled by the enamel pins on my jacket. I could stab you with them if I wanted. I just don’t, that’s all.
My notes: Money Changes Everything, which it does, has a harmonica solo in it, and I think we all need to take a moment and bow down to the boldness of that. How many harmonica solos do we hear outside something like Bob Dylan? It’s pretty few and far between and it’s really fucking great in this song. Every single track on this album is deep, fun, and interesting. And some of them have harmonica solos! When I was a doofy little teen, I used to have a necklace with a tiny harmonica on it. It was ugly as could be, but it was pretty cool. I recently started looking into whether there were any cute, adult versions of it. There are. And I am once again inspired by Saint Cyndi to be cute, functional, and badass.
I’m going to save Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for last because I have so much to say about it. So next up will be Time After Time, which to be honest is every bit as iconic. Genuinely. It’s absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Moving. How does one write a song so incredibly poignant and dedicated to someone? Can anybody listen to this synth ballad and not just feel their heart plunge into it? Maybe they can. Maybe they’re a monster. Not a Simpsons reference, but to illustrate my point: even April Ludgate, known to be cold-hearted and dead inside, can’t resist the pull of this song.
She Bop is one of my favorites. I think I loved it when I was really tiny. It makes sense that I would have. I loved nonsense. I still love nonsense. It’s a lot of nonsense (Oop, she bop, she bop, she bop, he bop, we bop, I bop, you bop, they bop, be bop, a lu bop), but it’s positioned over some very serious-sounding synths and electric drums. That’s my exact shit and always has been. There’s a good chance Cyndi Lauper and this song are largely responsible for my entire persona, in hindsight. That’s fine with me. I think this song is about bad boys and having crushes on them (hey, hey they say I better get a chaperone, because I can’t stop messin’ with the danger zone). Cyndi Lauper has always been completely about her uninhibited noises. Woops, and breaths, and squeaks, and squawks. They’re amazing, and they add absolutely everything to the experience. Simpsons reference #1 coming up here. They made it the butt of the joke, but I loved it. Cyndi Laupi (yes, Laupi), singing the National Anthem at a baseball game, with all that breathy, squeaky, baritone nonsense. Absolutely fucking hilarious. Also the way in which I mostly learned the words to the National Anthem (you try knowing it when you grew up in Europe? I do not accept your judgment, and frankly I’m still pretty shaky on the words and I don’t care).
Every track on this album slaps, and you should listen to it, but it is one of those where you kind of have to focus on the singles/iconic tracks because they are iconic for a reason. So here we go. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. I want to say that this song is so happy and upbeat and means everything to every girl and woman that knows it, which, is like, all of them, ever, and if it isn’t, it should be. However. There’s also a sad undertone to it, or at least I have always felt one. It’s always just tugged at my heart a little bit. I actually have no idea whether that’s just me or whether that’s a universal experience. It’s like a gentle feminist wish. She’s singing about oppressive experiences — from parents, from partners, from society:
“Oh Mama dear, we’re not the fortunate ones”
“Oh Daddy dear, you know you’re still number one”
“Some boys take a beautiful girl, and hide her away from the rest of the world”
It genuinely hurts my feelings. I’m not sure a song has ever so captured the simplicity of experience. Just trying to exist. Just trying to walk in the sun. Just trying to go home and chill after work, and for some reason, it’s just hard to do. But, in singing it, she’s fulfilling the wish, because she’s having fucking fun. It’s fun. I don’t know man, that’s really cool. I love this song. But it’s way deeper than I imagine a lot of people have ever given her credit for. I imagine to a lot of people, it’s just a silly little party song. But it’s not. And if you want to fight with me about that, I’ll get my cute enamel pins ready. Here’s Homer Simpson singing it, which I have always found extremely endearing. Do you think it’s lost on him? Probably. That’s sort of what’s endearing about it.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 10 months
Personal recap GPF 2023 Men SP
Not that anyone cares for this but I bring this back anyway, also it's a personal opinion so if you don't agree that's completely fine with me. 😊 I usually posted recaps on @jennibeultimate but for some reason it saved it here 🤷
Congratulations to Ilia, Shoma and Yuma for posting scores above 💯! 🥳
Shoma Uno - What an amazing SP from Shoma! 😍😍😍���🔥🔥🔥Shoma is on a totally different level of skating when it comes to choreography, emoting to an audience and the step sequence was glorious. 🔥🔥🔥Also Shoma 3 out of 3 SPs with a 💯+ score and 4T3T when he didn't manage to include 4T3T last season at all. This is already a huge success and shows you some unknown consistency. 106,02 is also his 2nd highest SP ever at almost 26 years. It's his 9th senior season, but he looks as confident as never before.
I think though that Shoma's PCS were too low. Yeah I am aware he had the highest PCS of the 6 competitors but yet how can they all be within just 4 points??? I mean if Ilia is getting 44 Shoma should get 50!!!
Scoring aside Shoma showed he didn't come to play and that he won't go down without a fight! Everything else - scores or placements - aren't in his hands!
Ilia Malinin - Ilia's 4A was so casual wow 🔥🔥🔥Ilia with a world record BV🔥...that x on the TES box had me shook, but ok judges did it right (besides that Belgian judge with the -5 GOE 💀)...not sure if the 4A was really worth it (Shoma's PB TES score is 62,36 from Worlds 2022, Ilia's today was 62,53 with a 4A) but I mean today it did win him the SP and a personal best score... Ilia's PCS however wtf💀💀💀 I am ok with Ilia winning the SP though I personally would have seen Shoma in first but well...good job Ilia! 👏👏👏
Yuma Kagiyama - I love Yuma's SP. And his 4S is chef's kiss 😍 The best 4S of the business! I am sooo happy Yuma is back in form! I also think the point difference is ok. Still yeah Yuma's PCS in comparison to Ilia's...just no...
Kevin Aymoz - An artist on the ice! 🩵 Shame about the 3A. He only has outsider chances at a medal but I think he's just happy to be there. And I am glad he is there, he brings such a different style to skating and such unique movements!
If we talk about uniqueness we have to talk about Adam Siao Him Fa! Such a shame about the popped Lutz. In this field this mistake can cost you the Gold but there is still the free skate and when CoC teached me any lesson, then that Adam can skate brilliantly in the free to make up for it and that a 15 point lead means nothing. But ofc it's going to be much harder for him. I think his PCS suffered from the mistake, apart from the mistake I liked his performance. 😊
Kao Miura also made a costly mistake but much less a problem than Adam's mistake. I think skating after Shoma and Yuma wasn't helpful for his PCS. He is a very energetic skater and I really like his program. I just think that of the ppl in the field (apart from Ilia) his skating isn't as refined and looks a bit rushed. His speed is tremendous. 🔥 He has a new season best, which was a bit surprising considering the mistake...but I am not complaining, judges weren't stingy with anyone in particular...
Nothing is decided yet and this will be an exciting free skate! Ofc the skaters leading atm have a much better position but they are close together and one mistake can change the order.
Men definetly weren't menning which is great. Just two minor mistakes and one big one! 👏👏👏👏
Good luck for the free skate everyone!
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Chart by @ bigfanofskating (Twt)
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi, Gina. Can I please rant in your asks? I might be a complete idiot, but the more i look on the timeline (literal timeline, not a social media one) the more i come to one conclusion.
So Syco dies in 2020. Louis greets us with «decided to part ways» tweet, but the parting ways is useless, company is already dead. All the rights go to (presumably) Sony. Sony doesn’t give a fuck about Louis. He’s not profitable. I mean in our little community he’s the center of the world, but in the real world not so much.
But what they do care about is Harry. Harry is their golden goose for now and for many more years to come. The more Louis flaunts with huge «H» on his chest and changes the Spotify canvas to Harry’s tattoos, the more people might believe that Larry Stylinson rumours (gasp!) might be true.
The company that holds the rights can prohibit all recording and publishing activity altogether. We’ve seen it with JoJo. We’ve seen it with Kesha. We’ve seen it with Raye. And probably with hundreds more, that we know nothing about (like what happened to Alexis Jordan?). So Louis is given a simple choice: he shuts down all the rumours by himself or Walls will be his last album.
So that’s when OATV production and the Big Freddy Push begins.
We all screaming that everything he did in the last two years doesn’t make sense. But it’s because it simply doesn’t. We’ve been watching this guy for the ten years prior. And there’s no fucking way in hell i’m gonna believe that one nice Wednesday morning in the beginning of 2021 Louis Tomlinson woke up, yawned and said: «Well, why don’t I start mentioning my fake son everywhere, because that’s the kind a person i am now.»
If he’s doing it, he’s either gaining something big from it, or at least not losing something big from it. And what is bigger than the simple opportunity to make music?
And if the question is why his promo so shit and what audience he’s targeting, then the answer is - he’s not promoting his music, he’s promoting the fact that Harry Styles is not, in fact, gay.
I hope it does make sense. And also I love you, Gina. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this fandom. (And sorry for my English, I did my best 😖)
Hi darling. Your English is absolutely fine. No apologies needed!
As for your thoughts… I do think there’s some plausibility in your theories. Although, Louis isn’t the main reason people think H is queer. He’s doing a pretty good job of making people question it, all on his own. TBH, most of his new fans probably have never heard of Louis unless they already are wondering about Harry’s sexuality go search through Google and stumble on Larry. And even then they would have to already be open to it to really fall down the rabbit hole to get past all the denials and beards and the idea that larries are crazy.
I’m not saying Sony wouldn’t go to those lengths, but it seems like blowing out a candle when there’s a brush fire around the corner.
Anyway, I don’t think Louis would have been allowed to part ways with Syco/Sony without them getting something out of it. God knows what deal he made, but I’m sure Sony is more ruthless than we can imagine.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 7 months
Since ur blog title says "AVOS is underrated", may I ask which arc in your opinion is OVERrated?
I’m sorry oots fans, it’s nothing personal… but yeah it’s oots for me, for sure.
I went into my reread really excited for oots and after I finished I was disappointed. The first half was honestly fine! I liked it but then for me it all just came apart in the second half as the lack of planning the Erins had for the arc became very unclear. And that isn’t a baseless claim, it is on record that Hollyleaf was originally meant to have a power until outcast was being written and how Cinderpelt’s reincarnation wasn’t entirely thought out at the time it was implicated. Hollyleaf not having a power is a huge deal that probably caused Dovewing and Ivypool to even exist in the first place and the fact that only came halfway through the writing process of power of three isn’t encouraging.
I just think oots is mainly remembered so fondly due to nostalgia, love for the characters, especially the idea of the dark forest trainees, and the way it concluded the Vicky era. Actually reading it (for me) in the latter half it feels taped together with duct tape and a positive attitude.
Don’t get me wrong I like the arc overall but it could have been so much more.
If anyone wants me to expand on these at all please let me know but here’s some of the problems I have with oots specifically
Dovewing’s POV becomes very redundant for the middle of the arc, it doesn’t really add anything and is mainly about Tigerheart
Lionblaze’s POV doesn’t really add anything, apart from Cinderheart stuff mainly but that could have been told through other characters
Ivypool’s entire arc has very little pay off. She never actually learns anything as a spy and it’s all completely undermined by Dovewing just listening into the dark forest anyway in the last book and hearing everything. And it’s not even like Ivypool acknowledges that her sister achieved something on 5 seconds which she never achieved in several moons and killed Antpelt over.
The Three’s powers just don’t do anything particularly special in the end? Apart from Jayfeather who reunified StarClan but even that subplot just felt forced. I guess you could count Dovewing listening into the dark forest and finding out all their plans too but then what was Ivypool for?
The forgotten warrior just painfully feels like “plot points we haven’t gotten to resolving yet: the book” as I read it.
The pacing of the arc is very steady until literally everything is just kind of crammed into the last two books, and even then the pacing still feels both simultaneously slow and fast in those books, it’s weird.
What was the dark forests plan? Were they just going to kill everyone? What then? Was that the point? Why? Why now? It’s just never explained.
Where did all the extra dark forest cats come from in the battle? The clans were overrun by dark forest warriors but we only had a handful named, and it’s not like most of the recruits were helping out. If someone as recent as Mapleshade was already almost faded then it’s not like there should be that many evil cats older than her in this time of canonity where cats faded rather than apparently stick around forever.
I don’t understand how the dark forest cats seriously thought their recruitment drive would work considering they didn’t reveal to most cats that they were evil until right before the battle. Did they seriously not foresee the cats lead there under false pretences would turn on them?
Tigerheart’s behaviour towards Dovepaw/wing
I am so sorry oots fans. That’s just how I felt reading it, it just frustrated me in the latter half. I had a good time for the most part in the first half then it all came apart. I don’t even think that’s all the problems I have with it. And like I say I do like it overall! We just could have had so much more and I do truly think that nostalgia is carrying lots of the positive feelings towards this arc. The lack of conclusiveness would be ripped to shreds if it came out today.
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localmongoose · 2 years
Okay, I know a bunch of people are still advocating for Elsa to have a girlfriend, but am I the only one who thinks Aro/Ace Elsa is completely valid? I’ve never understood why every Disney princess needed a love interest of any kind, and I’ve really liked how some of the newer movies have stepped away from that story beat in some regards. Elsa is definitely the prime example of it, since she doesn’t even have a hinted or potential love interest introduced as of right now. Actually, she has shown absolutely no interest in romance whatsoever. Her whole character has always been about self-identity and acceptance. Of being yourself and loving yourself for who you are, even if that doesn’t fit the definition of normal. She loves her family but is clearly introverted and enjoys solitude from time to time. She has always been the polar opposite of Anna, and I think having her be Aro/Ace would just make sense. Anna was always desperate for that romantic connection with someone, while Elsa is fine being who she is. Elsa not having a romantic interest in my opinion fits her character. She’s the independent woman, she no longer is constantly trying to find approval and acceptance in others. She found her self-confidence, and it would feel like a backtrack for her to suddenly be pining for the attention of someone else just because ‘every Disney princess needs a lover’. With Disney’s track record of representation anyways, let's be honest, there’s no way they can write their way around Elsa getting into a convincing relationship without it feeling shoehorned and pandering. Elsa has had two movies already building her up as someone who doesn’t need a lover and doesn’t seem to want one. Her character would have to do a 180 shift to suddenly be pining for love like Anna did in the first movie. I don’t know, with the potential of Frozen 3 on the horizon, I’m unsure where they plan to go with it. But I do know that as of right now, Elsa seems to be a good representation of Aro/Ace. If they decide to write her a love interest of any gender, I just hope it’s well written, but I really don’t think she needs it.
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