#anyways! im actually very happy with how far this guy has come! even with my oddities in the mix
theamalgaverse · 2 years
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Thing I did for fun: comparison between my version of Dewey and the.. mostly canon version! Mf's a blank slate okay-
lowkey, these are fun… I may do it again…
Small bonus:
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cranberry-writes · 3 months
Dating Headcannons for The Boys characters!
Please send requests, i need motivation
Characters listed; Hughie, Butcher, M.M, Frenchie, Kimiko
Warnings; Mentioned drinking and cannon typical violence/language. Also i’m barely on season 2 please bear with me
- He’s so so sweet about your relationship
- He gets you flowers for no reason other than he saw them and thought you’d like them
- He has thousands of reminders so he won’t forget anything, from a drink you liked to your anniversary he will have it written down.
- Later on in the series he gets protective and cautious about the relationship, scared someone (homelander) will mess it up by hurting you
- He’ll probably push you away a bit to try and protect you but after you knock some sense into him he’ll be back to normal
- Loves park/library dates, going on a picnic during the summer and to the library when it’s to cold out.
- He will do so much for you (flowers, gifts, dates etc) and insist it’s nothing but will cry (happy tears) if you do the same
- Don’t get me wrong tho, he’s still a bad ass (sometimes). He just dosnt want you to think differently of him because of it, he’s hurt people, killed people, and he honestly isn’t too keen on focusing on it. Even if you two are in the same line of work.
- And if you two don’t work together he tries to keep his ‘work’ life and dating life separate, very separate.
“You’ve never told me what you do for work, maybe i could stop by and meet your co-workers.”
“Uh, actually, i don’t think that’ll work.”
“Why not? is everything ok there or something?”
“I-, uhm, work alone, so i don’t even have coworkers for you to meet really, it’s really boring infact you’d probably fall asleep just from me talking about it hahaha.”
- You find out like two days later
- Little shit
- I mean that affectionately
- His pet names will range anywhere from “Darlin’” to “Fucker” and i WILL stand by it
- He’ll probably introduce you to his work before he does his dog
- But his dog is the big ticket, you meeting Terror is essentially his way of proposing before proposing
- He’s protective but not in the “i’ll watch your every move” more in the “im teaching you how to use every weapon to ever exist” way
- Honestly work would probably come before you for a while before he sucks it up and actually makes an effort
- Dates will be at the most shity bar imaginable, unless he’s apologizing for something then he’ll take you to the nicest place he can and put on a suit. (it’s the Cheese Cake factory and he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt under his jacket but he’s trying)
- Unlike Hughie he will introduce you to his work at some point, granted it would still be a while before he did but he would at some point.
- He’s sweet in his own way
“Darlin’, look what i got ya.” And it’s a Garfield shirt a size to big but you still wear it anyways
- Definition of husband material
- remembers anything and everything after being told one time
- makes you baths with rose petals and candles and all that stuff if you mention you’ve been tired lately
- Takes you out to the movies and a nice restaurant at least twice a month
- Good gods he’s sweet to you
- He knows how to cook/bake and will make stuff for you all the time
- My guy will make a meal from your culture and practice making it almost daily just to give you a taste of home.
- He really loves back massages and cuddling after a long day
- Put on some crappy reality show for background noise and nap together
- He wants you as far away as humanly possible from his work, will literally say shit like “everyone at work has the plague you can’t visit” as a joke to try and change the subject
- Chances are you won’t find out
- His favorite flowers are tulips and nothing will change my mind about it
“Baby what are these?”
“Tulips, I bought them from a street market on 11th today. They’re your favorite, right?”
“Gods, sweetheart you’re perfect.”
- When you two meet you both think it’s just going to be a one night stand
-…then it’s two nights, then three, then a week, then you start spending more time at his place than your own. One day you guys just realize you’re moved in and dating
“Are we dating?”
“…Was there anything else we could be mon cœur?”
- honestly i don’t think you two would get together if you weren’t working together, or at least you were also into some shady shit
- But overall you guys have a strong relationship, one gets hurt the other kills someone, someone is hungry the other is already cooking, stuff like that
- He also cooks but it’s only french food, it’s like a super power. He can cook any french food effortlessly but literally anything else he messes up
- If you are french he’ll be super happy someone else will appreciate the same stuff in a similar way
- If not then he’ll be happy to share stuff with you, teach you some french words and tell you about stuff he grew up with
- Honestly he’s just happy someone (other than Kimiko) will listen and take an interest
-I have a confession to make, Kimiko is my favorite and i have a very blatant bias towards her
- Kill anyone you want bby i don’t care ill always like you
- Anyways, It probably takes you a while to get close enough to her that she’ll consider dating you
- Once y’all get to that point i don’t think you could break it tho
- I think she would like constant minimal physical contact, like hand holding or leaning on each other
- I think she’d be pretty protective over you, like someone looks at you wrong and she wants to maul them
- Learn sign language with/for her she will love it
- Draw with her, get her supplies, like those alcohol markers i’m sure she’ll love them
- Honestly i don’t think she’d be big on pet names, she wouldn’t object to it but i don’t think she’d give you one first
- Cook for her, i just think it would be sweet and she deserves it
“I got you some of those markers you’ve been looking at for a while.”
Thank you, this is nice
- Please she’s perfect i love her
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montimer · 2 months
Please please if you could..can you make
self aware!Deadpool x gn!reader that got suddenly transferred to the marvel universe?
Like the reader is trying to survive while Deadpool just knows this specific person has a crush on him or.. something else? Your choice!
>insert this anime girl gif as a signature
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Mhm sure sounds good! Hope i did good
Self aware!Deadpool x reader who got transferred to marvel universe
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You've been a big fan of him since a long time. You could say you even had a lil crush on him. Smiling so widely whenever hes on screen. Excitedly reading his comic books and buying other merch. Drawing him, perhaps even writing fanfiction.
One day your phone started glowing and you panicked that this old piece of crap is gonna explode or something. Turns out it did not blow up instead when the bright light that made you almost blind stopped, you were in a complete different place. It looked like you were in a middle of a street.
Never been here before, what just happened? And what is that noise? Sounds like someones getting hit, no-shot?
You shaked ur phone trying to do the same affect but stopped as you heard someone coming closer.
"Hmm, whats this? My chimichanga senses are tingling" you turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. There not too far standed deadpool himself. You would be happy if you weren't to notice the dead body as you looked down to his legs.
"Oh uh, don't worry about that. He was a bad guy anyways ya know? Plus as long as you aren't one of those guys, which you don't seem to look like then you'll be fine!" He tried reassuring you. You just stared at him. He squished his eyes into a smile, you seem so adorable when you are surprised.
"Anyways mission completed! And i need my money to take this hot stuff one a hot date!" You still quietly standed there, confused. Is he still talking to you or to himself?
He came up close and you tried your best not to sound too nervous.
"W-wait, before you go can you tell me where am i and how do i get home? I mean my phone flashed and now im here i-" he put a finger to your mouth "shhh, calm down sweets, talk slow" you shut down from this, it made your face feel a bit warm
"I know you aren't from around here. You are a lovely fan of mine!" his eyes turned into hearts and he put his hands together with one of his legs up in the air.
Oh right, he is very much aware. That is rather embarrassing..but wait
"How do you know that?"
"Oh you know when you look at me on tv i kind of look back. And if you want more juicy details then you better accept my invite to this great restaurant that i found!"
He sounds like as if he knew you were gonna transport here..oh well its better to stay with him then all alone for now. Maybe he can help? You don't mind that much anyway
"Fine fine, i'll go if you promise to help okay?" He nodded happily, took your hand and dragged you with him.
Then he quickly grabbed the dead body by the arm and started dragging that too.
"Wha-" "I gotta show evidence that i did the job. I have to get paid first to actually take you out. We'll be quick"
Now holding hands with him you just walked where he did hoping this to be over soon. He did not shut up on his way and he definitely won't keep quiet any time soon either. Stuck with him you accept your fate (secretly you very much enjoy this)
Should i make part too cuz this got a lil too long? Or just a shorter ver explaining more
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chimychoo · 2 months
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Where do i begin?
So heres the thing, I watched TPOT 12 then took a shower right after. While taking said shower i took a moment to think about everything that went down. And thought of the wildest theory ever..
One and Three, right?
These two fellas have FINALLY appeared after 15 years! Why is that?
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Here is the scene when X found out their value: 7!
Four, Seven, and X are celebrating and generally very happy. Who isnt happy?
Three and one.
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Theyre clearly angered by this whole situation, but why? Who are they angry at?
Theres three possible options:
1. Seven. But that wouldnt make sense, huh? Basically every algebralien has SOME sort of grudge held against him, so its nothing new. Scratch that!
2. Four. Its possible, four has done alot of things. But thats not who im personally going to focus on. Well, partially at least.
That leaves one more person!
3. X. But why them?
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"Theyre just a little silly dude, they did nothing wrong!" And youre right. Thats exactly why theyre a target.
Youre probably wondering, why am i focusing on X, and not four? Four is more of a suspect, after all.
Think about it this way,
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Three is trapped in a prison inside of Four's school, so four put him there! (They are the only one with control over that place anyway.)
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One is trapped inside of the moon. There isnt really any solid proof to prove my theory with this one, but she came out during TPOT. She clearly had the ability to escape and didnt seem tired out and/or surprised that she finally left her prison. One actually seems happy and collected, even going as far as "greeting everyone" once she's out. She chose to come out at this time, just like how she chose to mess with Two's show.
One also confirmed that shes an "old friend of Two's." If One is suddenly against Two after all the years of them knowing each other, Two clearly did something to her.
And youre STILL probably wondering, "Chim! You still didnt explain what X has to do with all of this!"
Four and Two hate eachother, this hatred being caused by Two when they stole more than HALF of the bfb cast.
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(They seem to not be familiar with eachother when they "first" meet. Im not exactly sure why here HELP.)
But anyway!
Who does Four have a good friendship with? X!
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Who does Two have a good friendship with? Also X!
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X is what keeps them sane around eachother, the only main reason why they stick around.
If anything bad were to happen to X, Four and Two clearly have the power and ability to get back at whatever or WHOever caused this harm.
One and Three did something to X, and it resulted in Two and Four snapping.
Three has basically ZERO information on himself, we know nothing about the guy. But what we do know, is that hes agressive.
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In the Number Playground Chronicles, we get an article that explains an event that takes place, Three being apart of it. The article reads:
(To reduce confusion, ill be adding the names for you guys to differenciate whos who.)
"(Five)Integer did not pick up the ball when dropped, and Three Integer, the person playing with him, became impatient. (Five)Integer was angry at (Three)Integer because, Three Integer could simply pick up the ball and throw it to (Five)Integer, and (Three)Integer and (Five)Integer could keep playing.
The horrible, tragic incident happened at 10:13 AM. Three Integer became Upset.
Three Integer at 10:16, Angry.
Three Integer at 10:31, Furious.
Three Integer at 10:24, and "Foaming."
Three Integer at 10:39, when he started to produce smoke.
(Five)Integer picked up the ball at 6:17 PM."
This event did truly happen, we can see the beginning of it play out in the first few seconds of XFOHV:
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Three was so angry and REFUSED to even touch the ball. Five had to go pick it up themself HOURS after the incident.
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Three also WILLINGLY closed the cell door after it was opened. He couldve escaped, yet he didnt. I have two possible reasons for this:
1. He's afraid of Four catching him, so he followed orders and stayed put.
2. Three's gone insane after a decade and a half of being all alone, to the point that he WANTS to stay inside.
One seems like a friendly character, shes smiling in basically the ENTIRETY of her screentime, (minus the part when she conversed with Fanny.)
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But something about her smile isnt right, its almost disturbing. The way she grins in the oddest situations,
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She is seen with a list during the post-credits scene, with four names on it that are all crossed out, meaning they are "completed."
□ Bell.
□ Bomby.
□ Fanny.
□ Ice Cube.
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Notice how all four of these contestants were in some sort of distress during that moment, and One helped them out! In exchange for a "favor."
1. She helped Bell escape elimination by removing her string (something that annoyed Bell constantly due to contestants activley climbing it.) And hiding her.
2. She helped Bomby escape elimination by hiding him.
3. She gave Fanny a new mouth, discarding the need to spend hours at a time searching for it in the ocean.
4. She gave Ice Cube a new pair of legs, allowing her to walk again.
What exactly does One need these favors for? Revenge against Two, of course!
Theres a popular theory stating that Two was kicked out of the equation playground, this would clear up the confusion as to why they basically NEVER appear in the subscriber specials.
Maybe this is because Two hates math! They said it to Gaty in one of the episodes.
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I also believe that One was also kicked out. Why, you may ask?
Take a look at this scene in the beginning of TPOT 11:
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One's picture was hidden underneath Seven's. As if nobody(COUGH COUGH. Espcially four) wanted her to be mentioned so they simply hid her.
Maybe this is how One and Two became friends, two rejects.
1. How the HELL did One get a mouth and... legs?
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2. Judging by One's little room, she probably really likes space and astronomy, maybe thats way the moon was where she was sent.
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3. Kinda freaky to think that One was there in the moon the ENTIRE time. Throughout every single episode of the series from BFDI 1A to TPOT9, and we never knew.
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Yeah tbh idk what else to say this was just a little info dump cause my mind was PACKED. anyways yeah tell me if i missed anything anf let me know about your little theories and opinions on mine! :3
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ilwonuu · 5 months
Hi 💖
I would love to request something for seventeen , i hope the idea is not out of your comfort zone
How about seventeen headcanon or reaction
When someone think there s/o is cold emotionless , unapproachable person but the boys know that's not true and there s/o is very loving , kind and someone full of all types of emotions
I hope i didn't make you uncomfortable in anyway
Thank you so much
Have a wonderful time
yes of course omsggsgsg,,,, anon u always have the best ideas!!! also im completely comfortable thank you u are so sweet😭😭i love this idea so much like i was so excited to write this!!! i hope you like<3
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☽。⋆ svt’s reaction to someone thinking their s/o is cold/emotionless/unapproachable ☽。⋆
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𓆸 paring- established relationship, gn!reader x svt
𓆸 warnings- they are protective, some slight rude remarks?? lmk what else
𓆸 a/n- i am back!!!!! i know my break was so small but i feel much better and i missed writing to much. i love you guys i hope you enjoy<3
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: ̗̀➛ cheol
he would not be happy about hearing this. someone thought you were cold? emotionless? he was quick to shut that down. coming to your defense instantly. he doesn’t care if he seems over protective. he will not let anyone say that about you. “very not true. you obviously haven’t talked to them enough to think that. they are the sweetest person ever actually. don’t say stupid things. ” he wouldn’t want to hear that mentioned ever again.
: ̗̀➛ hannie
he was very confused that someone even had that thought. he’s honestly in disbelief. him also coming to defend you with his life. he would laugh at the fact that anyone could look at you and think that. he would definitely say something snarky to whoever had even mentioned this. “shut up? you barely even know them.” he would say with a sweet smile after.
: ̗̀➛ shua
shua wasn’t one to call people out of their words. but when it comes to you he doesn’t care. he wasn’t happy at all to hear that someone thinks that of you. he would definitely confront that way of thinking. “where did you hear that? because i know that is nowhere near true.” he would ask questions about why they thought that. he is living that conversation that whoever said that doesn’t think that ever again.
: ̗̀➛ jun
jun doesn’t like to hear that someone thinks of you in that way. it would make him very upset. he knows how sweet you are to everyone around you. he scoffs a little at the other persons thought. “why would they be emotionless? that makes no sense. don’t talk about them like that i don’t appreciate that.” he has no care in the world when it comes to sticking up for you. he knows you better than anyone. he knows that you are far from the thoughts people had about you.
: ̗̀➛ wonu
he is always kind to everyone. but when someone has to mention something about you, he will not have it. “what? are you serious? you think that?” he would give them the scariest glare on the planet. he would ask them why they even thought that. getting to the bottom of why they think this way. he wanted to make sure everyone knows how amazing you are inside and out.
: ̗̀➛ soonyoung
he is a sweet guy we all know. but that will be gone in an instant when someone has something mean to say about you. he has a gentle approach about it but he can’t keep it up for long. “you think y/n is unapproachable? you must be really stupid.” he doesn’t if care to hear the other persons words anymore. he is telling them every great quality you have.
: ̗̀➛ gyu
mingyu is so protective over you. he will not have it. he is so dumbfounded that they have ever seen you that way. “how many times have you been around them to have this thought?” he would make them tell him exactly the reasons and the thoughts of why they felt this way. he would not end this conversation until he has interrogated the person. he doesn’t want anyone thinking of you that way. “yea- i’ll show you they are none of those things. why would you even think that?”
: ̗̀➛ hao
he got more upset than he thought he would. he hasn’t heard anyone say anything like that about you before. he was shocked. “what the hell? how are they any of those things? why don’t you explain.” he would have a calm tone but his blood would be boiling. giving the other person a intimidating stare. he will make sure to tell you all about him knocking some sense into the person. (yelling at them a little)
: ̗̀➛ jihoon
he doesn’t really like when people talk about you. he doesn’t mind of course when they mean well, but he did not like hearing someone say this about you at all. he was very upset. “uh- what did you say about them?” his tone was very unpleasant. he would defend you with every bone in his body. “don’t talk about other people. especially y/n. you know nothing about them.” he was shocked with himself with his defensive state. he loved you so he of course isn’t just gonna let that comment fly.
: ̗̀➛ seokmin
he was mid-laugh when someone decided to slip that comment in the conversation. his mood changes pretty quickly. “what? have you even met them?” he would shock the people around him with his tone. he was clearly annoyed. he made sure to make them feel stupid for ever thinking that of you.
: ̗̀➛ kwannie
this boy is sassy as hell,, especially when it comes to you. he knows you like the back of his hand. his eyes are rolling do far back after hearing that. “you’re clearly stupid if you think that in any way.” he wouldn’t even entertain the conversation after he was simply too upset. he would complain to you later about how he almost fought the person because of their stupid remark. you think it’s cute how much he defends you.
: ̗̀➛ nonie
vernon had been uneasy with the words. he doesn’t understand how someone could think you’re any of those things. he thinks you are none of those things. “i disagree. you must not know them enough. they are far from it.” he doesn’t like that he was even around people that could think so low of you. he would quickly run back to you. telling you what they said. making sure you know he doesn’t think that whatsoever. he would be over affectionate that day/night just because of the annoying thought the person had.
: ̗̀➛ chan
he doesn’t think that could even be a thought someone has. he knows how sweet you are. “why would you say that?” he wanted to know why they thought that so he could shut down every reason. and he did just that. he can admit that he a soft spot for you of course. “don’t talk about y/n that way.” he said it in a threatening tone. he knows he made that person wish they never said that,, leaving him very satisfied but still very upset that someone thinks about you like that. he pouts about it later that day. he can shake the thought,, he wants everyone to love you. not the same way of course because he knows how lovable you are. he can’t wrap his head around the remark.
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sxturnrjpple · 2 months
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don't worry kagi, he'll tell you soon im positive😭😭😭
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okay so i was waiting for this moment here.
i think their relationship and hirano's feelings are actually moving really fast. this story is a slow burn without any doubt but it seems slower because the updates are very far from one another. i wanted to open this parenthesis for my analysis: as we know hirano has never had a relationship and most likely never liked anyone in that way (im assuming since he's being so slow at realizing). i suppose when you already know a feeling, you're able to recognize it right away just like kagi did, but that's exactly hirano's problem. we know he keeps blushing and doing all that affectionate stuff (including saying affectionate things) but still doesn't get where they come from so i thought that he just never felt that way and doesn't see those actions as romantic because they're towards another guy. he said he's never even thought about dating a guy probably because in his growing up environment the ideal romantic relationship he's been taught is right is between a man and woman (that's just a theory obviously but im also speaking as a typology geek and that's exactly how Si function works). anyway, the point is that in reality hirano's going really fast with the realization, faster than we all probably see (that's because of the updates schedule cause it's only been 24 chapters but if we got a chapter every month, imagine where we'd be now. i guess sensei is also adapting the story to the schedule). anyways, we've got progress, let's gooo 😭😭😭
about hanzawa!!
I've seen many people say that he's homophobic but what im saying is a homophobic person wouldn't support his queer classmate and his boyfriend and even help them get together. it's a little confusing and im struggling to get it but im sure he's not homophobic, mostly because he's grown up with queer siblings and so in an accepting environment. i believe he has other motives for doing what he does and i also think yashiro's words were put in that way to confuse the characters AND the readers.
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heleeanthea · 11 months
There is only one thing that I feel having watched last episode and it's disappointment. Not even sadness, not even anger, im just disappointed.
Izzy Hands deserved better.
We all, as the audience, deserved better.
You know, when the first season came out I was one of those people who really did not like Izzy at all. I almost couldn't believe that his fans even existed. Then, before second season I thought, well, Im sure that they will give him a redemption arc but Im going to hate him anyway as there is nothing that can redeem him in my eyes. I was so very sure of it.
Wrong, I was wrong. I admit it.
I loved his arc in second season, I loved every second of it. Truly. It has done what seemed utterly improbable to me - made me Izzy Hand's nr. 1 fan. It was just such a great piece of writing. From his initial first disobedience towards Blackbeard and then his finding himself and his worth outside of Blackbeard. His singing (he's great), doing drag (so beautiful), helping Stede, being a friend to him, helping Lucius, finding a family within the crew and finally, finally achieving what - as he said himself - piracy is about: belonging. He found his place, became the new unicorn. He begun to accept himself, to finally let go of all that bitterness that he had inside him in the first season. He allowed himself to be true to himself, to show his more vulnerable parts to the world. He was starting to feel better.
And then they killed him. And what makes it even worse, they did it in such a stupid, useless and anticlimactic way.
You see, Im generally against killing Izzy. I find it to be an utterly disappointing conclusion of his arc. The guy changed so much for the better during this season, becoming a better person as well as becoming more mentally stable and I believe that his arc deserved to have a much brighter and more optimistic conclusion. Where is a scene where he becomes a captain on The Revenge and finally is at peace? Free from Blackbeard, with his found family next to him?
Where is a promise to all lost, young, queer people that thing will get better even though now you may feel no hope?
We didn't get it. What we got was a rushed sequence that was directed more toward serving Ed's arc than Izzy's.
Why did he get shot? No reason, it was just random; it wasn't in a fight, it wasn't the unicorn protecting someone from his crew (which would make his death slightly less bad). The sole reason of him getting shot was to kill him off.
Was it needed for his arc? Well, it could have been done better and make more sense, yes. But wouldn't it make a more satisfying ending to give poor guy some happiness? When the whole season was focused on him earning it and allowing himself to feel it? It would turn out much better to acknowledge his growth and give him space to grow even more.
I don't even feel like Izzy's death was necessary for Ed's growth; not when both their arcs focused on finding themselves outside of constituting Blackbeard.
That's why I hate how Izzy's actual death moment is played out. The scene isn't about Izzy, it's about Ed. It's so focused on him that it almost hurts. Why is Ed the only one who's close to Izzy? Why is the crew so far away? Izzy loved them, they loved him, why don't they come closer and show it, he deserved it. And even Izzy's words, they are so focused on him telling Ed thing's that he needs to hear to grow further but... he doesn't need to hear it from him? It doesn't have to be Izzy who tells him that the crew loves him (which, arguably, is not really true as they are still wary of him after all that happened in the beggining of the season??), especially not when it's the last chance for Izzy to be told that he is loved, he is a part of the community, to be forgiven and apologised to.
And then they get over him so so fast? Just seconds after the funeral Stede is standing there and... trying to boast what great piece of pirat he is? Trying to make Zheng compliment him?
Also, why shoot him in his left side, missing all the important bits, and then have him die anyway?
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pinkrifle · 1 year
hear me out
reader is a girl n she meets princess kenny and she knows it’s just kenny, a guy but she constantly battles her sexuality over it—but eventually giving in and asking princess kenny out on a date, disregarding gender,, :3c this is gnn be a series cuz “ i aint writing allat” and nobody’s gnna read an entire 3 pages worth of this (realistically)
— tags: @trevvylovesspence
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— ✦ heart to heart ♡
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i stepped up to kingdom Kupa Keep to meet the newfound princess, princess kenny—never expecting her to be so majestic, beautiful, stunning, adorable.. what other words could i possibly use to describe this girl? it only makes sense how she was selected princess. boy do these people have taste,,
i started to play this new game with my class and my best friends, stan, kyle, cartman and kenny. so far i find it nice! i mean it’s kind of a better DND. but not for super-nerds. just regular nerds.
walking up to the *very beautiful* majesty i bow my head down slightly towards her, making sure i never took my eyes off (who would want to anyway :3) “hello, dear princess kenny!!” i greet her, smiling at her—fixing my hair to make sure i don’t look like a bum in-front of this adorable babe. “huhu! hello! i understand you know my name, but yours is?”
“ooh! im [namey name ;3] im sure evryone has told you, but your so elegant!” i remind her, staring into her beautiful deep purple eyes. i notice her brush off her dress, scoff and a tiny blush spread across her hooded face. “wh- well thank you! i actually don’t get that a lot, so i appreciate that :)” she retorts in an even softer tone from her normal confident and wavy voice, cupping her left cheek with her left hand.
“[namey name], why don’t you come over to my palace for some tea, if you wish?” princess kenny proposes a brilliant idea, i assume that’s a regular thing <3 “of course! i would be more than happy to spend an afternoon with Kupa Keep’s princess. :3” i silently-shriek out loud, watching all the people of the fellow kingdom stare at me in envy. “well for now, why don’t we take a walk?”
her big eyes bat her eyelashes and before i can answer wit an exaggerated yes she carefully gets up off of her throne, taking my hand in her soft, gloved, hand. i stare at her in awe and start gliding my feet along with hers across the ol backyard we stood in, i feel amazing with princess kenny with me.
it’s something i havent felt before, is it a lovely envy? is it admiration? it can’t be love, no way,, i just met this girl! i remind myself. the word girl stains my mind… girl girl girl girl. why am i feeling like this if we’re both girls? you know what.. that’s the least of my concerns, as far as i know it’s just kenny, not a real girl.
but why am i upset that he isn’t a “real girl”? i thought that if i let myself realize princess kenny was really a boy, my worries would set aside, but i only got more and more upset, confused :( i stare at the ground as i feel my body tug—“[namey name] is everything alright? what was with that sudden stop is the weather too cold?” she questions me, cara mia! how i love hearing her say my name. it’s like angels have come down from heaven and had graced me with their voice.
“oh, yeah i’m alright!i just had to think about a little something for a sec, we can continue now &lt;3” i reassure her, telling her she had nothing to worry about and i was fine with walking with her, hell i knew so well i was more than fine walking with her. “well i hope that something wasn’t making you upset! we can always do something else if you wish, you are the guest after all :)” she stops me in the middle of the sidewalk, taking my forearms into her hands—staring at me with innocent eyes. “wha?! of course not! but i would be open to do anything you want to!” i bluff. it was practically love at first sight with this girl! i couldn’t tell her how i feel right now..
as we keep walking we chat up a storm, playfully grabbing each others hands, giggling, blushing, looking away.. <;3 “huhu— [namey name]! such a flirt! who would have known a lady like you could be so charming!” she’d compliment me from time to time, making my cheeks heat up. “well look at you! who wouldn’t wanna charm such an eye candy of a prin,,,,” i’d wanna retort, but get cut off by elves swarming infront of us. “GET THE PRINCESS FIRST” i hear one of them yell, without a thought in mind i swoop princess kenny off her feet, bridal style and begin darting down the way we came.
picking up the pace i take my wand out of a pocket in my cloak and cast some spell at the top of my head, it knocks the elves back and i keep running with the maiden. huffing and almost out of breath i get back to Kupa Keep and alert the people that elves were coming to wreak havoc. setting the princess down behind a rather large tree as i hide with her i assume someone’s keeping watch of the stick. i yell to everyone that sit infront of us, rather far away from our hiding spot that the elves are coming.
“oh thank you, thank you [namey name]! for i could have gotten much more than hurt back there,,” she clamors, very faintly shaking with some sort of fear. “we’re gonna be alright princess, i promise you. these slimy elves can do nothing to your glowing kingdom.” i hesitate to say your, as i want to say our. but how could i be thinking of love in a striking time like this? who wouldn’t wanna think of loving a beautiful princess in a striking time like this.
as i hear one final shriek before the backyard goes silent, i look at princess kenny as she looks back at me. i nod and smile as i hold her even tighter, emerging from the tree. watching as a final elf gets dragged out, i set princess kenny down and we cheer in unison as everyone else in the kingdom follows along. princess kenny settles everyone down as she takes a hand and places it in my direction.
“everyone, i don’t think we would have gotten this done as fast as we did without the help of my lovely mage, [namey name].” she announces, and everyone looks at me as i have a short smile on my face, waving out to the kingdom.
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UHHH THSI IS PART 1 MUEHEHE… I HOPE UUY GUYS ENJOYED!! i am so excited i finally got yhis out YIPEEEE
update log (u can ignore idk)
pdate one [writing]: 11:38 pm 6/4/23
upd8 two [finishing, publishing] 1:47 pm 7/4/23
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slayter-kinney · 7 months
i've been trying to formulate how i feel about wad and this era of phandom since i finally got the chance to watch wad all the way through with my girlfriend last night and after sobbing violently following the smash mouth credits i think i have some semblance of a train of thought. long ramble incoming after the read more hehe
for context, i've been watching dnp for about 10 years, which for some of you is an extremely long time and for others is piddly. regardless, a decade of my life has been spent in varying amounts watching dan and phil and interacting with the phandom. and part of what i was trying to express to my gf after watching the show was that it really is a sense of pride to see the sad clown poster child for being, well, sad, to open up about his mental health struggles, to coming out, to making we're all doomed. i think this is a very similar reaction to the pride a lot of us feel for dan.
for me too, though, it's been the phandom (hi guys lol). I was really active in the phandom from like 2014ish-2017 (at which point i still watched videos as they were posted but i also just wasn't on tumblr as much and i had ~college~ to focus on), but that time was very formative teenage years for me during which i was going through similar mental health struggles, struggling with sexuality, regular ol' teenage demons, etc. and this sort of phandom revival has been making me feel this ridiculous nostalgia for those teenage years (even tho i was fighting for my life the whole time lol). i can sooo distinctly remember where i was when certain videos were uploaded, the feeling of being curled up in my bed at midnight in the summer with my iphone 5c catching up on the previous years' videos, making subpar edits on my phannie instagram while i was on a plane for my family's summer vacation.
having both the boys and the phandom (more) active again gives me that nostalgic feeling but with the feeling that everything feels So Much Better Now. i get the same excitement and rush watching new videos, sharing around edits and gifs, being insane with you all, but with the knowledge that i am older and i am better now. in a lot of personal ways i'm literally living the life i so desperately wanted when i was a teen and now i get to live it but with the same things that brought me joy when i was a sad 15 year old. despite the nostalgia, i dont think i would choose to go back to that time, but getting to look back on it now, and watch videos where dan and phil are unapologetically gay and happy and soulmate-y, see dan living his theatre kid dreams and is so so proud of his work, and to have this community of you all where we're all old(er) and queer and so proud of our dads (sorry). it's indescribable despite my best efforts to describe it. and yes i know i don't actually talk to a lot of you that's cause im awkward and bad at replying but if you've made it this far this is your open invite to start a convo with me in dms/ask box. anyways. i love you all. i love our boys. im grateful to be here with all of you.
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baby-xemnas · 2 months
sorry for carrying on a whole ass conversation with u via anon asks instead of messaging like a normal person, idk how you feel about that so I'm just continuing like this! Please tell me to stop if this is annoying because I totally get it XDD just gonna call myself that 1 mihopero anon here lol
Anyway– I totally understand your stance on that! It can actually totally put me off a fic if I like character X and Y together but Y exists in the fic but X gets shipped with Z 💀💀 I don't actually have any Law ships but just because it's popular I've tagged something as 'very minor background law/x if you squint' although absolutely nothing to that affect has happened yet. And Bepo is still yet to show up in the fic so it's not like he's overshadowed by anyone! Law searching for him is very much a big part of the story 🙈
I just wanted to come on here and mention it because, where this particular fic is concerned, it's very much at a "Law isn't shipped with anyone and doesn't have to be for the plot but boyy would it spice things up if he had a love interest" stage XD I've considered a lot of different characters for that role but never really liked the ideas so far...and then I found your blog, and lwbp is suddenly in my head! 👀
carrying a convo on anon is totally okay, its less pressure on u and since i have a separate tag for asks now if it gets too much for ppl they can blacklist it
i'm very happy abt ur response because i was sitting here like "ah i mustve come off like a stuck up asshole, even tho i was just being honest" lol ♥♥ ty for understanding
it'd be pretty funny if u tagged it as that ship at first as a "if u want u can read it as that" and then smack them with LwBp LOL
im glad to hear ive infected you :D!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i mean he doesnt have to have a special guy who he spoils, calls cute, naps on and who hugs him for the plot of One Piece either and yet there he is, having one 💗
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Ive made through chapters 4-7 today and good god, I feel like i had basically nothing to say about acotar as I was reading it but with this book theres so much to talk about for some reason, its wild. Truly, I did not realize how much I liked Feyre in the first book until I was under threat of losing her
Now, I will say that Feyre seems in-character so far, shes still the same woman but traumatized, but I am worried for her. Tamlin is a whole different story though, SJM might as well shoot him dead right in front of me for how thoroughly hes being character assassinated. Like, if Tamlin actually cares about Feyre as a person and not just in a douchy, possessive alphahole way, which he should because Tamlin was not that kind of guy previously, then he would force Feyre to train so she can defend herself if necessary, not forbid her from it. Even if he didnt want her to use her magical powers, surely he would make her practice with her knife or with a sword or even with her bow just to be safe, because hes not always gonna be there
I think his actions do continue to make sense if you look at them from his perspective, but I also maintain that he's doing a really bad job at responding to Feyre. But also, its so laughably obvious what sjm is doing by having Tamlin say shit like "you were stolen from me", shes trying to paint him as some objectifying asshole. Even Lucien calling her "Tamlin's bride" feels like its part of all this, and I know Ianthe is gonna turn out to be a traitor and a rapist at some point, so it really comes across as an attempt to villify the entire spring court for its association with Tamlin
Speaking of Lucien, I genuinely think part of the reason Feylin is doing so badly in this book is that his dynamic with Tamlin is completely different now. For some reason hes all like "oh, my High Lord" instead of "my good friend Tamlin", he suddenly cant say a word against him when he was talking to shit to him just a few months ago in-uinverse. Like, if their dynamic was the same as it was in acotar, Lucien wouldve probably been like "hey man, I know youre stressed and I get it, I know what its like to watch the love of my life get brutally murdered I dont know what its like to have her magically ressurected again but thats neither here nor there, but Feyre is clearly not happy being inside all day and you need a break, go take her out on a date in the woods, I'll stay here and take care of everything, dont even worry about it" or gotten him to comprise with Feyre or chill tf out or SOMETHING but because theres suddenly this rigid hierarchy in the spring court in order to make the night court look better
Speaking of the night court, Ive heard some stuff about it feeling very orientalist but it still managed to completely blindsight me with its badness. Feyre got fucking harem pants to wear, really? And a short-sleeved croptop, and no fucking shoes, probably because Rhys didnt want Feyre throwing shoes at him again. That was the one moment in this book that brought me genuine joy btw, I would read a thousand fanfics about her just throwing shit at him
Anyway, speaking of my guy (derogatory) Rhysand Nolastname, hes so incredibly annoying I dont even have any coherent thoughts about him right now, like, if I were to write down what I think of him I would just write "he fuckinh pisses me off" over and over again. Im actually a really big fan of edgy shadow bois, but only if theyre like, sad and angry and closed off, if theyre like Rhysand and theyre all flirty and teasing and cocky and shit, theyre just annoying and nothing else. And the romance has barely even started yet, I cant imagine how much worse the flirting is gonna get later. Not to mention all these desperate and obvious attempts by sjm to make him sympathetic and morally good now, its honestly pretty pathetic
Now Im gonna be real with you, I didnt get a lot of sleep yesterday and I can feel myself and the things Im writing getting less and less coherent, so Im just gonna hit you with the very last of my thoughts bullet point style
The fact that Amarantha apparently didnt actually go rogue and it was all part of Hybern's plan feels misogynistic ngl
Ianthe's entire character already feels so misogynistic and slutshame-y and she hasnt even assaulted anyone yet
Something about Mor bothers me, I cant quite put my finger on it but its there. I think I do like her for annoying Rhys though
God, Im gonna have so much to say about the Illyrians but for now, its awfully bold of Rhysand to be like "they wasted no time throwing themselves before her feet" when THATS WHAT HE DID
Thats it for now
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josephtrohman · 6 months
wait, now I'm curious, can you show your fob tattoos?
sorry for the delay anon, i wanted to take the time to potentially take some better pics and i had a very busy evening last night lol. tattoo tour under the cut!!!
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my futct keyhole tattoo was my first tattoo gotten at the beginning of february :3 i can’t wait to go back to this artist bc she killed it but it also was my most expensive tattoo (understandably so) so i need to save up but i have more non fob ideas i want to take to her based on her portfolio. it’s a little purple cuz this is from when it was still fresh and the purple is from the stencil but i feel a lil self conscious about my arm rn so i can’t take a better pic rn lol it’s not purple tho
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this one was the second one i got and it’s a difficult location for me to photograph since this is on the outside of my ankle lol. i got this one incredibly impulsively near the end of february, bc i had a stressful evening and before going to bed i looked up tattoo shops near me that had online booking availability for the next day, and i booked after looking at the guy’s portfolio a bit even tho he practices more traditional styles n traditional tattoos aren’t my fav. i really wanted to get something special to remember my 8ball, and i was really excited and proud about coming up with this idea on my own!! this one i was slightly upset with at first bc i just think i should have waited but now that ive gotten used to it i appreciate it soooo much more!!!! and now im really happy and think it looks cool :) also this one hurt like a BITCH i wasn’t expecting it given the relative ease of my first one (the shading was rough on the first one but that was it), and the guy even offered me numbing spray for the black, but i powered through and he was very impressed with me and said i was tough lol :)
these next two i got at the same time and for some reason i can’t take a good pic of the one rn (it’s got a lot of adhesive on it from removing the second skin so it looks kinda bad right at this moment until the adhesive washes off more, but beware the second picture has a little bit of blood)
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pls don’t make fun of my chubby arm but anyways these two i got at the same time just this past saturday from a lady who specializes in tiny tattoos :) the xo is based on how it actually appears on the back of the record, and she tried to font match it and i think it’s soooooooo cute (it’s rly little on my wrist, so little she just charged me for the i swear i say tattoo!!!). i know it’s kind of crazy to get two tattoos for the same song but 1) that’s my song im the number one highest streamer on stats fm, 2) xo has gotten me through so much :( i am considering one more xo tattoo in the future (getting “love never wanted me but i took it anyway” in pete’s handwriting using the font someone made out of his handwriting). but it’s my plan to wait on that one and make that be a far future tattoo, UNLESS they play xo as my 8ball in which case my ass will get it the next chance i get. lol
i maybe have one or two fob themed tattoos i’m potentially interested in getting in the future but that’s like a long term thing, i want to get some tribute to whatever my 8ball may be at minneapolis to go with my fame < infamy tattoo, especially if they play a song that’s one of MY songs, but this is generally where i’ll leave the fob tattoos for a bit and just getting more personal/non music related tattoos lol
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inflammatory · 1 year
If I was allowed to jank it I would totally be one of those guys who condition themselves to be really into the committed hustle grind by looking at stocks or whatever any time they beat their meat like I promise thats a real thing I read somewhere where there was some fellow who wired himself for success and financial gains by showing himself money and money making related material so he would be more driven and dedicated to money and money making and cash and stuff if someone can find me that actual post that would be really nice anyway I would do specifically computers and machine type things and get very involved with coding, become irreversibly techsexual, endure a comp sci degree by way of getting mega rock solid obsidian hard when confronted with Python, grab lucrative career, rich forever, construct myself a giant horned mech with light up lantern orange eyes, move inside it, install submarine capabilities, reenact twenty thousand leagues under the sea by Jules Verne, except my mech is still devil shaped so it’s like an allegory and intriguing commentary on the deepest reaches of the ocean being equivalent to the depths of hell with the strapping young lad who joins me on the sub doing a hero’s journey quest where he has to put himself through a katabasis and come out of it changed forever and dead in the eyes. But I am def not as useful as Virgil and I don’t even have an animal nemesis so it’s not even a moby dick analogue. Im just lounging around in my study all the time looking at hajime sorayama prints (it’s the 2040s and he’s hit 100 years old and had a century sexuality crisis so he does guy robots also at this point, kind of like Tom of Finland but Hajime of Japan and also it’s robots). The heros journey guy would be like are you happy here in this underwater kingdom you have made yourself? I would say look how far the orange light up lantern eyes illuminate the seabed in front of us and he would say BUT ARE YOU HAPPY???? And I would be tellingly silent. But I’m not allowed to so I dont
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minalblood · 9 months
I'm back and I'm so sorry! I won't make any promises for the last 2 ep of the Winchesters, but I will be reviewing/rewatching them anyways just ... who knows when, I dont!
But let's get started on You've got a Friend 1x11.
I hopefully will be a bit less rambly since O have a draft of my thoughts already written for this and its less... as Im watching (i can post that too if yall wanna but dunno if ull understand my handwriting)
We begin where we left off and I love that we have this scene of them needing to clean up, adds realism, adds dimension to the world. Love also that we begin with Lata being the Lata we all love - dejected in this case about her chimera paw was ruined. Queue Carlos with the teasing. The 2 of em banter a bit before Mary redirects us all to the matter at hand.
And Mary has come a long way in these episodes, because she may not join the banter (still closed off somewhat as opposed to Carlos and Lata's easy repartee) but she is going off of it and adding them into her area of interest.
But all stops when John come in blood soaked and in shock - Mary instantly worried he might be hurt, but nope, not this time.
I am so happy to see them portray the actual shock and numbness John is feeling, then the guilt and sadness, just all the reaction to Kyle's death really. And considering the survivor's guilt John is lugging around, it makes it even more heartbreaking. I also love seeing that Mary is the level headed one here - she,.imo, is clearly pushing down the grief to focus on John's issues here, hell we see very little of her grieving in this episode and everytime we do, she's quick to redirect that feeling into action - sometimes into violence point blank. She does it here, asking what the Akrida could want, she does it even moreso with Millie, where she does open up a bit since Millie is offering comfort, but then it turns into Millie coming with a plan which directly leads to Mary wanting to storm the police station guns blazing and the ep ends with Mary and John discussing Kyle (also god Mary looks absolutely exhausted here, fuck) but Mary derails it by saying they need to find Dean instead. She's def not allowing herself the moment to deal with Kyle's death which may prove relevant when discussing next episode.
I'd forgotten this ep was the Lata episode. Like ep 8 was Carlos', this one is Lata's. And god does it hurt.
1st, move the feather boa, Carlos!
2nd, I do genuinely believe Lata and Maggie were together. Everything in this episode points that way to me (but especialy the sweetpea nickname) We'll round back to this though.
The other thing we note in the sequence in Maggie's room is how close Carlos and Lata are to each other. Which we knew, but I always love seeing it again in action.
Before we continue with the emotional core of this ep, we have to get back to plot with Betty! I love Betty..I also can't blame her for being ....hesitant to say the least. Like imagine what she's seen so far: the guy who, before leaving to the marines illegally, proposed to her, is suddently interacting with, apparently, imfamous Mary Campbell, who is seen at several murder/investigation scenes suddenly appears ro have killed someone? And she already knows John had anger issues before hand. Like i get her here. And still shes trying to be nice while doing her job.
Which leads me to the next part, her job. So the detective... he's wording (even with him being really Akrida) echoes a lot of corrupt cop rethoric which only gets further emphasized when he later threatens to have John... killed 'accidently'. And, on top of them, speaking pf policw corruption even a 'good cop' like Betty becomes complicit simply because of the power the Akrida gained via the detective role cuz she was unwittingly helping them throughout.
But god, was John a bit too cocky here. (My notes have this marked as "this is why you let villains monologue, John!"). Especially since he actually doesn't have any info on Dean. (Love that we see the pic of Dean, missed him) l.
Meanwhile Lata and Carlos have found the bracelet and it's fucked them over. Also, I fucking hate the shadows thing, very creepy. Also also it reminds me of the daeva that Meg uses in s1 of SPN. I'm also reminded of SPN with the story the detective tells John about how they'll get rid of him - SPN's own crooked cop ep featured exactly this sorta plan too, but in killing Dean.
Really though, the main thing I found interesting upon rewatch is just how much Lata is our Dean mirror in this one. Specifically, in getting targeted by the bracelet she's forced to relive a trauma (Sania's death) via Carlos acting as substitute, only this time she succeeds where prior she thought she failed (which lemme make clear, no, Lata was at no point and in no way at fault, but she did internalize that guilt - much like Dean tends to internalize guilt) . Which Dean, much like Lata ends up doing when getting involved with this universe, ends up reliving a trauma (his parents death - Mary especially) of something he failed, in his mind, to prevent/save via rescuing this universe's Mary. And much like Lata, who can't undo what happened to Sania, but can "begin to make it better" (the Hey Jude line just hit me so I had to use it), so too can Dean. It won't change what happened in his life, wont save his mom, but it will help him heal nonetheless.
Adding to this Maggie? Who opperates as a Cas parallel here - she was Lata's person, who shared everything with Lata but Lata couldn't in turn for fear of judgement/shame, who notably is dead and thus Lata can't ever reveal her secret to. Well, it hurts is what it does.
But watching this I noticed another interesting thing though, for all that the bracelet seems to work like Osiris (pulling on the guilt the person feels is most agregious), the bracelet actually seems to want the wearer to get out. Carlos is taken just as Lata begins wondering which secret it's trying to make her face and is sent to Sania's room - direct answer. Then later,.even more blatant, using Maggie's face, tries to get Lata to disclose the secret, but Lata talks around it instead til the creature takes her too.
It seems like Erebus had a test for his warriors, one he wanted them to win.
Throughout all of Lata's story, I was seething. I truly hate her family and Carlos was 100% saying exactly what I was thinking.
Another thing I appreciated though, about Carlos, is the emotional maturity. Yes they were dying and yes it was urgent that Lata disclose her secret but Carlos made certain to reassure her throughout. Tried to give her as much space as possible.
In other thoughts, Lata's mom making that "vs family" distinction, uuuh it rattled sth in me only to them have Lata say "my parents would never look at m the same way"? In the Dean Winchester show? God, the echoes of John's shitty parenting were deafening. Bur yes to eveything Carlos said. It truly wasnt Lata's fault.
And I adore also the ending conversation between Lata and Carlos (both wearing blue and god I want Carlos' coat) because yes, this kind of stuff shouldn't be forced out on anither persons whim. Lata doesn't have to tell John and Mary anything, it is her story to tell, but also yes, Carlos is right to reassure her that if she wants to share it with them, they'll likely react well like he did. And yes the reason this particular scene hit so hard is partially personal, but because of that it drove me insane in SPN where there was a tendency for people to push other to open up at their own whim (and yes, Sam did it often to mutiple people, hounding them until they cracked and spilled whatever trauma they were trying to deal with but then have nothing to give in return, no comfort or even really reaction, and yes he most of all did it to Dean a lot and it did puss me off) So yea, love this episode for the Lata and Carlos of it all!
Also I have a few questions, when Millie was trying to convince Betty about the supernatural, at one point she said "it's not like-" and cut off. She was trying to defend against the accusation of 'playing make believe). Also, Betty says sth like "Mary, I expected.this from" with relation once more to her not believing in monsters soooo.... has Mary ever been taken in under suspicion of being delusional? Was Millie? Or John?! I've questions ok i need y'alls opinions on this one.
Also, I would've soo cracked if the Akrida asked about Dean, cuz I def miss him a lot and id fucking gush about him at that point.
Anyways, that's it for this one. See you guys next time where we'll be clowning (have I mentioned I hate clowns?)
@noybusiness thanks for push earlier this month, i needed that a lot and thanks for the support for this rewatch ❤
@shallowseeker thanks the new posts, been inspiring me to get back to writing this ❤
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anzynai · 2 months
azul was in jamil’s dream but was just kinda there,, but ill take azul crumbs any way i can!! at least it wasnt anything bad LOLLL bro called jamil master 😭😭
also vil’s screaming and all that was HILARIOUS i think ive seen ppl say it was bc he had a fear of heights but it seemed more like motion sickness? im not sure, but he was so dramatic i love it.
BUFF EPEL ALSO HELPPPP i used to think iy was actually a fanedit until recently so seeing it in canon was just… unbelievable HELPP
ALSO ROOK I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT HE WAS SO CUTE IN BOOK 7, like the way he gushes abt his interests and even idia relating to him, is so,,, so me. he’s me. I LOVE SAVANACLAW ROOK AS WELL!! he looks AMAZING. also i think he has freckles?? im guessing he like, covers it with makeup or something now but THEYRE SO CUTE.
ALSO I JUST LOVED THE SCENE WITB KALIM LIKE,, coming to the realizations of jamil caring about him as a servant, not as a friend. it wasn’t very addressed so plainly in book 4, so it was really refreshing to see and a big step for kalim and jamil in my opinion!
ANYWAY, since we r going backwards, i am SOOO HYPED FOR OCTAVINELLE’S DREAMS! azul is likely to be last and im looking forward to see his dream the most, but im really curious to see what jade and floyd’s will be! maybe jade’s will be something abt,,, uhhh mushrooms. idk really. it’s a mystery and IM SO EXCITED FOR IT.
ALSO, this is not gonna happen soon but im really interested to see cater’s dream as well! from hints in the story, we can tell that cater isn’t as cheery and happy-go-lucky as he puts himself out to be, but they never directly say it. maybe in his dream, they’ll examine that theme a bit more? then again, he wasn’t the one who overblotted so it might not be that serious? im not really sure but im excited for it anhway!!! IM EXCITED FOR RIDDLE AND ACE TOO!! riddle’s is bound to be pretty good considering how he overblotted, and that seems to be the theme so far, but we know next to nothing about ace.
like, we see who he is on the surface but do we really know what a happy dream to him is? like, his aspirations and all that.
unimportant, this reminds me of the time i was thinking about a danganronpa x twst crossover and STRUGGLED with what ace’s would be. i ended up just picking ultimate basketball player, but it still doesn’t seem entirely accurate. we don’t really know much about the inner workings of his mind or what he was like before arriving at nrc so im really curious to see what his dream will be.
EITHERWAY, im rambling and i doubt many people, if ANY 😭😭, will read this but goshhh i have so many thoughts i love this book so much😭🙏🙏🙏 peace and love guys.
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beatcroc · 1 year
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@midnightcityx0x0 I'm not reblogging that fuckmassive post AGAIN but this got too long for a reply so. On its own post now
Anyway i actually have so much trouble thinking of anything for gustavo ever lmao. Everything i have for him I've adopted from other people; rem [brickattack] as mentioned on the big post, and @synthlet/softersynths for a lot of other things. [and a couple others too but iirc synths was the one who started those ppl on it as well gfjdjds] which is to say, you'd probably get better/more interesting answers from those guys :p but yeah, fp and gus are pretty close. It's the general exposure/familiarity, the fact that fp is just a happy/pleasant and easy-to-like dude personality-wise, and for gus specifically there's also a level of "he shares a lot of traits with peppino, without peppino's Baggage™"
that last point is very very interesting but i dont know if i'd Actually get to doing a lot with it bc i typically make fake pep His Own Guy, with his similarities to peppino being almost sort of coincidental. i really really really like coming at peppino and fake pep from the "equals and opposites" angle, which like, that Can still apply for that last bit abt gus, but it's not something i've put a lot of thought into. it's also just fuckin hard to articulate outside of just showing it lmao. [i mentioned like, predator/prey animal nervousness + their reactions to fear vs aggression on the other post but to pull one for here: fake pep still has his own brand of Baggage to deal with too--different stuff than peppino's--but fp is way more open about it when it comes up as opposed to peppino having 50 fuckin walls about everything.
besides that, i also see a lot of general banter about gus being a very Nature Guy™ who likes to find beauty in all the weird fucked up shit nature does [especially in a world as cartoony as theirs], which i enjoy a lot bc girl same. fp may be the farthest thing from natural, but i certainly think there is a lot of beauty to be found in his fucked-up-ness. and i'm sure gustavo sees it too.
and then a fun one i've come into pretty recently for them is that they both care abt peppino a lot, but peppino is very bad at...being cared for. so because you can rarely approach pep directly about anything if it involves vulnerability [again: 50 fuckin walls], and because they both know him very well in different ways and can get through to him about different things, they end up working together a lot in sort of a conspiratory way. plotting scheming etc. 'have you noticed anything wrong lately + how are we going to help this guy out today', that sort of thing. the idea there can go a lot of ways but i'm partial to them using like goofy cartoon antics to set him up for something that'll be beneficial to him. [also brick is in on it too technically but brick is a rat and therefore only sapient when it's funny.] peppino rarely realizes what theyre doing until it's too late. get loved idiot
TANGENTIAL. DONT even get me started on the angst oh my god. you. i am pointing at you you made me think about this. i am not usually one who likes doing angst or making things excessively bad for the hell of it but. a bitch may be considering. under cut bc its unrelated to gustavo stuff but this is as good an excuse as any to share. [+ also extra thoughts on it bc of COURSE]
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so i said that at the end there but then a few hours later i found myself toying around with a script and getting a good way to set it up.... im hoping i hit a roadblock on it and drop it because if i DO end up getting it all the way written i will definitely end up drawing it at some point and that would be uh... a big undertaking. it would also be one of the last ones i do bc there's other stuff i still want to build on, so IF, i cannot stress enough IF i go to make it a thing for real, it won't be this year.
for the bits i have so far though it's interesting how much it's shaping up to be like. a showcase of just how well peppino knows fp. which is surprisingly well? even better than gus, despite gus' being WAY more emotionally perceptive. peppino doesn't engage with fp more than necessary and rarely acts interested in his business, but i do think he spends a lot of time just... observing him. if only because pep is neurotic and anxious and fp is weird and freaky so it is a constant thing of "ok what the hell is this. is this something i need to be worried about?" whenever fp is doing shit, and the answer is always ''no'', but it's the sort of instinct that never leaves you yknow. so he's just very familiar with all fp's mannerisms and reactions and whatnot, even if he doesn't really use that knowledge much.......except when things go south. he's a lot more perceptive of fp acting 'wrong' or 'off' compared to gus, who would just be seeing it on a more normal 'aw he looked upset' kind of level.
i talk a lot abt fp's nervousness but the other negative thing that's just as strong with him is frustration. it doesn't usually get to him too bad, and he doesn't really show it around people outside of the occasional eyeroll; but it's stuff like not being able to communicate properly with anyone and getting constantly [negatively] misinterpreted; knowing he's Kinda Shite at his "purpose" [i.e. being 'better peppino' or whatever] and not being able to do anything about it [i don't think he cares about that much any more but i imagine it's still gotta be a bit annoying to remember]; not getting closure for like Anything that happened at the tower, etc... and while i DON'T think this would be the kind of thing to make him go berserk [i still don't really have any idea or framing for that lol; the script starts off a couple weeks in the aftermath and i pointedly don't do flashbacks], it's definitely the kind of thing that would get exacerbated by isolation. the kind of thing that's easy to focus on and spiral about without anyone to ground him; the kind of thing that could keep him from thinking clearly and he might just need to Take It Out on something after awhile.
peppino remains a terrible mediator but he is wildly resilient and tenacious, and if you need a guy to slap some sense into you... i mean he can very literally do that, and do it better than just about anyone.
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