#anyways I got rageful over TikTok comments again
twisted-tales-told · 9 months
Every time someone comments “isn’t Annabeth supposed to have blonde hair” the media literacy goddess claws out of the ground under your feet unhinges her jaw and chomps you right in half
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zoobus · 2 years
So two tiktoks about karens and ghosting assholes went viral this weekend. Both of them were lies. (video source)
Transcript under the cut
Jules: The amount of videos that go viral and get posted without someone's consent has become disgusting. While over the past decades, everyone's been worried about growing government surveillance, the average civilian is becoming just as bad of a culprit. Let's get into two examples from just the past 72 hours.
First, [tiktok user] briannachickenfry.
She posts an altercation between her and someone's mom in a bathroom at a Harry Styles concert. Bear with me…the bigger message is wild and this video has about 20 million views. The mom thought [Brianna] took her daughter's boa and Brianna immediately lied, saying she had it on all night.
[tiktok of Brianna talking plays] ”So then I just start lying like bitch, I've had this on all niiight, what are you talking about?”
Jules: That follow up video was quickly deleted or taken down? I'm not sure. But yeah, she lied.
Will we ever know the initial altercation or if it was actually the daughter’s boa that Brianna slyly stole or grabbed from the ground or whatever? No, unless it becomes normal for bathrooms to be surveilled.
Regardless, I don't need to know. All I need to know is that Brianna posted a drunk rage towards someone who is not on the internet like that, to her audience of 1.6 million people. She continuously called the mom a…
[another tiktok of Brianna plays] “Crazy fucking bitch!”
Jules:…when she was pretty calm throughout the entire video. She also said stuff like:
[another tiktok of Brianna plays] “Oh my gooodddd, I hope you get hit by a fucking car you-“
Jules: and:
[another tiktok of Brianna plays] “Her daughter’s like, about to cry, I feel so horrible for your daughter, you’re mother’s a stupid fucking bitch, don’t even get me fucking started, I want to FUCK-ing kill her. You’re also a stupid bitch but anyway-“
Jules: …and is now selling t shirts about it.
The people in Briana's comment section, eating this shit up, stop being NPCs and looking at everything through the lens of a fucking meme. There are real people who get put in humiliating positions on a scale that is unfathomable to their everyday lives because of whack ass as behavior like this.
Okay, I'm not shocked because Barstool social media accounts have always thrived off of amplifying this type of content. I'm not saying that out of spite, I have respect for Dave Portnoy. Anyway.
Second, a girl recorded a guy on the street claiming she was supposed to go on a date with him, but that he said he was out of town when he wasn't. This gotcha video got 1.3 million views and many of the comments reverted to targeting the guy's appearance. He stitched the video saying, I do not know the person who recorded this. It is a complete lie. He's in a relationship and it could have been his girlfriend who came across this and was like, what the hell?
He talked about how the comment section was hurtful. Like yeah, I didn't do that. This is still how I look, so…those comments aren't void.
The girl apologized saying she just posts videos of a range of dating scenarios and that she thought it was okay because he had his head down etc. Again, it's this whole mindset of looking at things through the lens of a meme. It dehumanizes people and looks at them as nothing but characters and it's shared on the internet and permanence to an unpredictable audience. Despite apologizing she still has the video posted as of right now. You know, got to keep those metrics up.
So yeah, look, strangers being documented isn't new. You might be in the back of 10 family photos for all, you know. But as technology and culture, especially around media evolves, these things are happening on a more frequent and intense level. No one is safe and we feel that. Anytime someone takes a photo or video, we default assume that it's gonna be posted or sent somewhere. Meanwhile, just over a decade ago, it felt like people were more comfortable in front of cameras because the default assumption was that it was going to stay in a personal bubble.
In a digital world increasingly run by recommendation algorithms, we all have more leveled responsibility. Each and every one of us plays a role in holding ourselves and others accountable. Last year, I discussed twitter's new policy protecting general consent and all other platforms need to follow suit.  
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
A Little Nervous (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Kaminari / Ler!Bakusquad
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A / N : these prompts were absolutely adorable, thank you guys so much for them!! this was a cute fic to write lol, a little longer than my last one but hopefully you still enjoy!! and thanks for all the prompts i've been receiving recently, i've seen them all so far and they are all so cute and i'm so excited to get to them!!
Summary : After seeing Bakugou getting tickled by Kirishima, Kaminari can't help but feel a little...jealous. His friends aren't stupid, though, and they pick up on it right away. Once he explains how he's feeling, they're more than happy to help him feel a little better :)
Word Count : 2798
. . .
This is so stupid. So fucking stupid. This should NOT be affecting him as much as it was. But, despite his internal fight against it, the feeling of ghost tickles spreading mercilessly throughout his torso as he watched Kirishima squeeze up and down at Bakugou’s sides would just not let up. He was practically squirming in his seat listening to the boy’s cackles and curses to, “JUST FUHUHUCKING STOP ALREADHEHEHE!!” It wasn’t fair! How come the guy who hates getting tickled is being attacked in just the way Denki wants it for himself.
The Bakusquad had all been chilling in Bakugou’s room together (well, more like everyone burst in there and refused to leave, though Bakugou didn’t put up too much of a fight to get them to) and were all each doing their own things. Sero had been watching an anime on his phone, Mina was teaching herself a TikTok dance off to the side, Denki was playing on his Switch, and Kirishima and Bakugou had opted to watch a movie on the blonde’s laptop. Everything was seemingly pretty calm, no one yet to cause much of a ruckus...until Bakugou wouldn’t stop calling the movie Kirishima had picked out “stupid and not fucking scary,” to which Kirishima decided the best course of action would be to tickle him until he apologized for being so mean.
Which is where they were now. Mina scolding the boys for being too loud so she couldn’t hear the music to keep up with the beat, while Sero just laughed and cheered Kirishima on from the side. Denki was practically vibrating from his spot on the floor. He had been feeling pretty, um…”touch starved” the past few days anyways, especially after seeing Midoriya get gang tickled by his own group or friends days ago, but now this?! This was too much. He couldn’t take it. He just couldn’t.
“You’re way too ticklish, Bakugou, it’s fucking hilarious,” Sero spoke snidely from his spot on the orange beanbag across from Denki, Bakugou throwing his own rage-filled fit on top of the bed from the raven-haired boy’s teasing. Sero grinned widely as he looked over towards Denki, expecting a snarky comment from the blonde as well. But...all he got was a pair of wide eyes that immediately avoided his gaze, his cheeks flushing pink as his hands seemed to grip even harder on his gaming console. Sero’s brows furrowed. “Denks, you good man?”
“You’re way too ticklish, Bakugou, it’s fucking hilarious,” Sero spoke snidely from his spot on the orange beanbag across from Denki, Bakugou throwing his own rage-filled fit on top of the bed from the raven-haired boy’s teasing. Sero grinned widely as he looked over towards Denki, expecting a snarky comment from the blonde as well. But...all he got was a pair of wide eyes that immediately avoided his gaze, his cheeks flushing pink as his hands seemed to grip even harder on his gaming console. Sero’s brows furrowed. “Denks, you good man?”
Denki froze a bit, still not looking over towards Sero as he let out a little nervous chuckle. “What, me? Good? Oh, yeah dude, I am tooootally good. A+ over here, no need to fret one little bit, ha!” Denki laughed awkwardly before just falling into an uncomfortable silence again. Everyone in the room’s attention was suddenly on the blonde, and not the angry one.
Kirishima spoke up, a little worry in his voice. “Are you feeling sick, bro? I know you short circuited during training today, is it still making you feel-”
“No! No, I promise I’m all good! It was just...uh…” Denki internally cursed at himself for not shutting up when he could. He could’ve just left it at being good! But nooo he just had to feel like he needed to explain himself!
“Just what?” Mina prompted, grabbing her phone from it’s previously propped position against Bakugou’s dresser and sitting criss-cross over beside Denki.
Denki blushed, he couldn’t help it. He felt so exposed right now, and he was worried there was no getting out of this...but...part of him hoped there really was no getting out of this.
The blonde whined, covering his flushed face with his hands after sitting his Switch down on the floor beside him. “I caaaan’t...it’s embarrassing…” Denki spoke in a low, whiny tone.
Bakugou made a scoffing sound from his place cuddled into Kirishima on the bed, Denki peering through his fingers slightly to look at him. “You think we give a shit, Dunceface? These morons and I know practically everything about you already.”
Kirishima beamed beside him. “Yeah! This is a no judgement zone, brother! Whatever goes!” Sero and Mina nodded their heads with approving smiles, looking back over towards Denki.
The boy whined one final time behind his hands before bringing his knees up to his chest, setting his hands on top of them like a prop. He peered over his knees like a child. “Well, it’s just that...when he - or when they both - or, more like when Kiri did it to Bakugou, but - or, I don’t know, I can’t say-”
Bakugou groaned loudly, cutting the boy off. “Spit it out, Sparkplug, I’m not listening to you ramble all night long!”
“But I can’t say the word!” Denki grumbled, his fingers tangling in his hair in frustration.
“Well, he said something about Kiri and Bakugou. Is this about Blasty getting tickled?” Mina asked genuinely, but it only made Denki blush even brighter and cover his face once again with a muffled whine. “Wait, is that it? Can you not say tickle?” Denki groaned even louder.
“Stooooop…” he muffled his gripe into his palms, but to say he wasn’t loving this attention despite his reactions right now would be a complete and total lie.
“Aw, you can’t, can you? Why not? Do you not like tickling?” Mina asked, leaning forward towards the boy in curiosity. Denki just shook his head slightly.
“No, that’s...that’s not it…”
“So you...like it?” Sero asked with a small smirk, leaning his head down and towards Denki to try and make eye contact with the boy whose forehead leaned against his knees. Sero’s eyes met the blonde’s, who only froze up at the smirk the raven-haired boy gave him. “Oh that’s it, huh? You like being tickled?”
“I...I mean...maybe a little,” Denki muttered in a barely audible whisper, but it was more than enough for his friends, who now all had growing smirks on their faces.
“Aw, Denki, if you wanted us to tickle you you coulda just said something, man!” Kirishima beamed before hopping off of his spot on the bed (much to Bakugou’s now cold displeasure). In a quick motion, Kirishima grabbed Denki around his waist, the blonde letting out a surprised yelp as he was lifted off the ground and thrown onto the bed haphazardly with a huffed “oof” sound.
“Blasty, grab his arms real quick!” Mina called from the floor, her and Sero both rising from their spots on the ground and walking towards the bed with a now furiously blushing Denki on it. Bakugou just rolled his eyes and, with a displeased grunt, grabbed both of Denki’s arms, holding them above his head as he laid with his back pressed against the bed.
“W-wait, you don’t have to-”
“Shut the hell up, Sparky. If we didn’t want to, we wouldn’t do it,” Bakugou grumbled, though the small smile on his face did not go unnoticed by the pinned blonde underneath him. “You wanted us to tickle you? Fine. But remember that you practically asked for this.”
“Aww, look at him! He’s getting all embarrassed!~” Mina cooed, wiggling her fingers in the air as she got comfortable on Denki’s left side, Kirishima taking his right while Sero prompted to sit himself down on his calves, effectively pinning the boy completely to the bed.
Denki couldn’t help the nervous outpour of titters that escaped from his belly, his eyes wide as the three soon-to-be ticklers all teased their fingers in the air above him, wiggling them in a teasy taunt.
“Oh gohohod-” Denki whined, squirming under them as their fingers inched closer and closer to his wiggling body. Mina lifted up his shirt just above his lower ribs, the cold air making him yip in surprise, making the others chuckle.
“We haven’t even tickled you yet!” Sero laughed, rubbing his palms over Denki’s knees and thighs, and though the action was non-tickly in itself, Denki couldn’t help but jump in anticipation at the sensation.
“Stohohop saying the wohohord!” Denki fussed through his giggles, internally begging them to just get on with it already.
“What word? Tickle? You don’t like when we talk about how ticklish you are? How you can’t handle a couple tickly tickles?~” Mina teased, finally wiggling just her two first fingers against Denki’s bare right side. This sent a jold through his already overly-sensitve body, the anticipation just making it worse.
“AH! Wahahait!!” Denki pleaded, even if he didn’t mean it one bit. He couldn’t handle waiting anymore. He needed this, and he needed it now.
“Aww, no more waiting, Kami! I wanna hear you laugh for real now!” Kirishima smiled before fluttering at his left ribs just underneath his armpit, and Kaminari let out a flurry of panicked giggles that could rival that of an overly-excited child. Mina followed suit, pinching at his sides in a gentle, but oh oh so tickly way. Sero prompted to wiggle his fingers just barely on the underside of his knees, which drove Denki up the fucking wall.
“OH GOHOHOD! OH PLEHEHEASE! IT TIHIHICKLES!” Denki cackled, throwing his head back practically onto Bakugou’s lap, who only smirked down at the hysterical boy under him.
“You’re fucking ridiculous, Pikachu. This ticklish? For real? They’ve barely done shit to you,” Bakugou got in his share of teasing, which only made Kaminari’s giggles seem to raise up an octave.
“STAHAHAP TAHAHALKING! MAHAHAKES IT SOHOHO MUCH WOHOHORSE!” Denki screamed when Sero started pinching at the tops of his knees. His laughs were sporadic, high-pitched and panicked, though very obviously excited. “SEROHOHOHO!”
“Aw, whatsa matter, Denks? Your knees a bad spot for you?” Sero asked, using one hand to squeeze his knee while the other fluttered on the underside of it. “Tell me, which is worse: the squeezing or when I use my nails?”
“I DOHOHON’T KNOHOHOW! JUST STAHAHAHAP!” Denki cackled in mirth, lying through his teeth as if he really wanted them to quit their teasy actions. They all saw right through him, luckily, and continued on their tickling rampage.
Kirishima used one hand to spider and pinch at his ribs, while the other started wiggling gently over his lower belly, teasing the boy infinitely. Mina cooed as her side squeezes made him shriek like a child, finding the ever growing blush on his cheeks to be as endearing as ever.
Bakugou decided he really wanted to get his hands in on this torture before it ended. He quickly pinned Kaminari’s hands underneath both of his knees, leaning his body over just enough to stretch his arm out and press two fingers into his lower belly, effectively moving Kirishima’s own teasing fingers out of the way. “Hey, Sparks; wanna see my favorite way to murder someone?”
“NOHOHO! BAKUGOHOHOU! DON’T DO IHIHIT!” Kaminari already knew what was coming, and this was something he knew he couldn’t stand for a second. He wasn’t going to make this out alive, and it seemed Bakugou was going to make sure of that.
“Too late. I wanna see you scream,” Bakugou smirked, and with that, vibrated his fingers into Denki’s tummy relentlessly, drawing screaming belly laughs out of the boy in milliseconds. He was in absolute stitches, writhing underneath their touch, screeching and hollering like he was literally being murdered. The squeezing on his knees made him arch his back, but that only brought his belly closer to Bakugou’s merciless fingers.
Mina moved her evil, evil acrylics up to Denki’s armpit, and that’s the moment he knew he was absolutely done for. He couldn’t take it, he could see the light and it was surrounded by wiggling fingers and teasing voices.
“Aww, look at him! He’s loving it!” Kirishima beamed, squeezing into his ribs like playing a piano without direction.
“I know, right? He looks so cute like this!” Mina cooed digging a thumb into the pit and effectively causing Denki to jolt hard underneath them, his laughs turning gutteral but still somehow panicky and excited.
“YOU GUHUHUYS SUHUHUCK! IT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAD!” Denki convulsed when he felt Bakugou use both his hands to dig small circles into his upper hips.
“Yeaaaah but you like it, don’t you?~” Sero teased, continuing his assault on one knee while leaning back to scribble over one of Denki’s socked soles, the foot wiggling around frantically but not enough to evade the ever so tickly touches of Sero’s fingers.
“I wanna hear him say it! Say ‘I like being tickled,’ and we’ll quit!” Mina beamed.
“I CAHAHAHAHAN’T SAHAHAY THAHAHAT! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAHAHAND!” Kaminari felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes that were squeezed tightly shut, his body flailing uselessly under their pin.
“Sounds like you’re gonna die one hell of a death then, huh?” Bakugou chuckled, squeezing the boy’s hips mercilessly and causing him to buck like bull.
Kirishima chuckled. “He probably just doesn’t want it to end yet. Is that it, Kami? You want us to keep tickling you forever and ever and ever”
“OKAHAHAY! I LIHIHIKE IHIHIT! PLEHEHEASE! IT’S SO BAHAHAD!” Kaminari pleaded as he felt both of Sero’s hands return to his oh so sensitive knees.
“Nooo, that’s not what we want, giggle-bug! You gotta say the word too!” Mina giggled.
“Aww, giggle-bug is such a cute name. We’ve gotta start calling him that all the time,” Sero chuckled.
“Yeah? Well so are you,” Bakugou smirked before leaning in close to Denki’s ear, his breath tickling him way more than it should have, causing him to yip and scrunch up his neck. “-giggle-bug~”
That was it. That’s what did him in officially.
“ALRIHIHIGHT! OKAHAHAY! I LIHIHIKE BEING TIHIHICKLED! PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!” Kaminari screamed, before all the hands on his body suddenly stopped their tickly torment. Bakugou backed off completely, moving himself off of Denki’s arms so the boy could bundle up into himself, while the other’s kept their hands on him comfortingly. Sero moved off of Denki’s legs, the blonde curling up into a giggle ball.
“Chrihihist…” he giggled into himself, wiping away a residual tear.
“You okay, babes?” Mina asked comfortingly, a smile laced in her voice that made Denki more relaxed than ever. He smiled up at all of them, the blush still having yet to leave his cheeks.
“Yeah...yeah I’m...thank you guys…” he let out one last giggle as all his friends (besides Bakugou, who rolled his eyes with a grin) all awed at him. Kirishima and Mina pulled him into a tight hug, Sero following before Kirishima pulled Bakugou into it with them (though he didn’t put up a fight, instead wrapping his arms around the huddle with a straight look on his face.)
“Anytime, Denks! That was so much fun, we’ve gotta do that again sometime!” Kirishima smiled brightly as they all pulled away from the hug. Kaminari was obviously still a little embarrassed, scratching at his neck sheepishly with a chuckle.
“So you guys don’t...care? That I like that?” Denki asked with insecurity laced through his voice.
“Sweetheart, with all due respect, it’s fucking adorable. If anything I’m thrilled you like it cause that just means I get to do it to you that much more,” Mina smiled, the hand on his shoulder rubbing him soothingly as he melted into the touch.
“Same here, man. It’s cute as fuck,” Sero chuckled, ruffling Denki’s hair playfully. “Alright, now...who wants to watch a movie?”
“Oh, oh, I say we watch Little Mermaid!” Kirishima raised his hand like a child in class, which only made Bakugou scoff and shove at his shoulder with a scowl.
“Uh, fuck that! If we’re watching any princess movie it’s gonna be Mulan,” Bakugou said, the others looking at him in a momentary shock that he would actually suggest any princess movie at all. He looked back at them blankly. “What? She’s a fucking badass and you all know it.”
“Mulan it is, then,” Mina smiled, hopping off the bed to grab Bakugou’s laptop. They all curled in together on Bakugou’s not-very-big dorm-sized bed, their closeness and warmth practically melting all of their bodies as they watched the movie together that night. Denki was huddled in the middle, cuddled close by Mina and Sero. He had never felt more loved and comfortable in his life, the smile on his face evident of this as he drifted off into the happiest sleep he’d had in a while.
. . .
A / N : hopefully you guys enjoyed that!! if u did pls reblog it, it helps my fics reach other ppl who might be interested in reading!! love u guys, thanks for all the support!! much love <33 xx
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jakesmuller · 4 years
I have never seen a fandom that complains more than the fucking AOT fandom. Y’all complain about 👏🏽 every 👏🏽 little 👏🏽 fucking 👏🏽 thing, whether it’s the art style for the newest season (which I personally like), people who defend everything Eren does, people who defend everything Gabi does, or just flat out complain because the anime may not end well.
Now this could be seen as extremely hypocritical because I’m in the fandom and I’m complaining about the fandom, but I could care less tbfh.
Let’s talk about the people who defend either Eren or Gabi. At the end of the day it’s a fictional show whatever happens just happens suck it up, if they want to defend Eren and every little thing he does let them, if they want to defend Gabi and everything she does let them. It doesn’t hurt you in anyway to see people defending fictional characters and their choices.
For example, I think Eren has every right to go to war on Marley, Eren had to grow up in the walls living in fear of the Titans and seeing his mother be eaten whilst everyone in Marley got to live a happy life (well besides the Eldians, but that just makes it even more justified for Eren to attack Marley since they mistreated the Eldians). You may disagree with my opinion but it’s not affecting you in anyway now is it?
Now let’s talk about Gabi defenders, they have every right to defend Gabi even if you don’t agree with their opinions. Eren is quite literally raging war on her town(city?) so she has every right to be mad at him and want revenge. Gabi defenders are allowed to state this and defend her and her actions. Their opinions don’t affect you in anyway.
Now, this is worthy of complaining about because it is very much annoying and can ruin the anime for a lot of people.
Let’s talk about these fucking manga readers/Tiktok AOT fandom. I’m an sick and fucking tired of manga readers spoiling every little fucking thing that happens in fucking tiktok comments, it’s not funny it’s just flat out annoying. I got two major character deaths spoiled for me because some of y’all manga readers couldn’t keep your fucking mouths shut. Now, you tiktokers(?) stop, just stop, I understand you’re super excited that the newest episode came out but would it hurt y’all to wait a day or two before posting content about it? I constantly see content about the newest episode literally an hour after it drops all over tiktok and it’s annoying because some of y’all don’t put a spoiler warning on the screen so I get the newest episode spoiled for me.
I know a lot of people are gonna say, “Well just don’t interact with the fandom.”. Which in my defense, if I want to consume extra content regarding AOT I have to interact with the fandom. Fan fictions? You gotta interact with the fandom. Fan art? You gotta interact. You wanna meet people who watch the same content you do? You. Have. To. Interact. With. The. Fandom.
Attack on Titan is such a good anime and I know the manga is just as good but goddamn some of y’all are annoying. Whether it’s the unnecessary complaing (which this post could be seen as) or it’s the major spoiling that goes on, it makes it hard for people to want to interact with the fandom. I know not all of y’all are bad but, some of y’all are just dial it back some. I’m really tempted to just drop the anime and wait until it finishes before picking it back up again because of how the fandom is currently acting.
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