#anyways I hope the people who I’m sending stuff to like random ass glitter and homemade confetti
whimsyprinx · 2 years
gonna use some of my tax money this year to finally send out some of the gifts I’d been collecting for people
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beetlebitchywitch · 4 years
So hi! I wrote this fic back in December as part of a Secret Santa with the Dante’s Inferno AU crowd, and I got @neitherworld! And since some people are being RUDE and claiming self-shippers are just too cowardly to ship Beetleb@bes, here’s the fic I wrote of her OC Bambi and Movie Beej on a special night at Dante’s to show how fun of a character she is. Enjoy!
WARNING: Mild nudity, some sexy stuff, I’d say rated M but not fully NSFW
Like any normal night at Dante’s, the bass was thumping so heavily Bambi could feel it rattling her posture collar. Her eyes scanned the show floor, catching Madame’s gaze for only a moment before she was off to scold a random ghoul for getting too handsy during his lapdance. Up on the stage, Mal was winding around the pole in a way that enchanted everyone in attendance, though the way Lorelai’s wings glittered under the spotlight as she danced her famous “feather fan” number drew just as much attention. She grumbled good naturedly under her breath as she turned back to face the bar- honestly, those two had such natural moneymakers, and here she was stuck with a stupid jello neck. Whatever, her tits made up for any lack of “exotic” flavor. Speaking of flavor, the bright pink cocktail on the bartop was calling her name, set down gently by Niphera with a soft smile. Bambi squealed, bringing the drink to her lips before pausing for a moment, sending them a sly smile.
“NiNi, what’s in this exactly?” she asked, thrumming her perfectly manicured nails against the bartop. She knew how much her...electric personality could overwhelm them, so she tried her best to keep her energy to herself while holding a conversation with them.
“Nothing that will get you too drunk for your next set,” they chuckled, wiping down a glass absentmindedly. “You know Madame doesn’t like it when you perform after drinking too much.”
“Oh, what does she know?” she huffed, the cocktail sloshing a bit as she crossed her arms. “I happen to think that a little liquid courage makes my performances even better!”
“Perhaps. Or it could be like the time you yakked in a mafioso’s lap and had to use a week’s earnings to pay for his dry cleaning.”
Just the memory made Bambi pout even harder.
“Stupid prick, demon earns 20 times what I do shaking my ass by dealing in some shady shit and he has the nerve to take money outta my paycheck? And now I have to get cut off like some little baby impling.” She sighed deeply. “Whatever, this shit looks tasty anyway. Thanks, bubs.”
“Anytime,” Niphera said softly, getting back to pouring their next order of drinks. “Besides, it’s the least I could do on your birthday.”
Bambi’s eyes widened above the rim of her glass, which she excitedly put down with a beaming grin.
“My birthday? Goodness, how ever did you know about that?”
“Well, let’s see,” Niphera said with a sarcastic, but good natured bite. “Could it have been the notes under all of our pillows reminding us of your birthday? Or perhaps the sash you’re wearing right now that says ‘Birthday Girl’?”
Ok, so maybe Bambi could be a bit over the top. So she wanted a little extra attention on her special day, ain’t nothin’ wrong with that!
“Well, I’m glad my gentle reminders worked! Because today is my day and if I wanna celebrate it by getting wasted on Netherbooze and taking my top off, then that’s how I’m gonna do it!”
“Your top’s already off, Bam.”
She looked down, and then paused.
“...So it is...my bottoms then!”
With a heavy sigh, Niphera moved to the other side of the bar without a word, an unspoken cue for Bambi to leave them alone. Their relationship was odd, but Bambi did her best to make it work and respect their boundaries...most of the time. Sighing, she turned back to her drink, taking a few messy gulps and giggling when she could feel rivulets of booze trickling down her neck and between her tits. If anybody was watching her, they were sure getting a good show.
“Well hey there, little fawn. Ya sure seem to be enjoyin’ yourself.”
Bambi froze, her happy grin immediately turning to a small scowl. Of course he would be the one to show up looking for some tail and interrupting her night.
“What do you want, Juice?” she asked absentmindedly, “Can’t you see I’m a little busy?”
“Oh yeah, sure as hell can, sugar tits. I gotta admit, of all the fine specimens in this place, you sure do have the nicest rack,” he rasped, pulling out a slim cigarette and lighting it by setting the tips of his fingers on fire. He took a deep drag, holding it for a moment before letting out a hard cough, not even hiding his amused smirk when the smoke blew into Bambi’s face, causing her to break into a coughing fit. She glared up at him even as her lungs spasmed, questioning whether a slap to the face or a knee to the nuts would be more fun for her.
“Well,” she interjected, letting out her last few coughs. “You sure know how to treat a lady, don’t you?”
“Come on now, babes, I don’t see no lady here,” he said with a grin, taking another puff of his cig and thankfully blowing it behind him. “But I do see a smokin’ hot broad in need of a good time.”
“Since when do I have a good time with you?” she retorted, sticking her tongue impishly. She was exaggerating, of course- her and Beetlejuice had plenty of fun teasing and playing cat and mouse before retiring upstairs for a quickie, but tonight she was not in the mood. She was tipsy, she looked drop dead gorgeous with her tits out and smothered in body glitter, and she felt like a bad bitch, so she wasn’t about to let some shambling corpse turn her into his pet for the night. She turned back to her drink, fully intent on ignoring him completely until he went off to hump some other unlucky girl’s leg. After a few moments, when she could still feel his presence behind her, she grunted in annoyance, turning back around. “Ain’t anybody ever tell ya it’s impolite to stare, stunad?”
“Ooh, I didn’t know the little deer had claws,” he laughed, only infuriating her more. “Besides, ya ever known me to be polite? Remember who you’re talkin’ too, babes.”
God, she was getting so fed up with this conversation. She was not gonna let some lousy, rancid, good for nothin’ ghost ruin her big night. She turned her stool towards him and shot him with a withering stare, which infuriatingly only seemed to amuse him further. She was about to give her a piece of her mind when- “Well, would ya look at that. Didn’t realize I was talkin’ to the birthday girl.”
Her eyes widened, them flitting down to the sash practically crushed between her tits.
“Yeah…what’s it to ya?” she asked warily. Her and Beetlejuice had clearly never been fond of one another, so she doubted he had anything good up his sleeve for her, and goddammit she just wanted to enjoy her fucking birthday! “I swear to Satan, Juice, if you pull any funny shit I won’t even have to call Ivan, I’ll rip that pencil you call a dick off from between your legs myself.”
While she hoped she sounded even the tiniest bit threatening, she was met with a bellyaching laugh from the ghost with the most, causing her to pout and cross her arms indignantly.
“One helluva performance, dollface, but ya don’t gotta worry. Not even I would pull any tricks on a lady’s birthday. In fact…”
She watched with a difficultly admitted curiosity as he began to rustle around his filthy coat, cringing only slightly when puffs of dirt floated to the floor as he aggressively searched his multiple pockets. Seemingly finding what he was looking for, he rustled around for a few seconds more before pulling out-
“Holy smokes,” Bambi murmured in awe, staring at the absolutely stunning diamond ring clutched between Beetlejuice’s fingertips. With a high pitched squeal, she bounced up and down on the stool, reaching out to snatch the ring from him and slide it onto her finger. “A little snug, but damn that’s one helluva rock! Juice, what-”
“Least I could do, since it’s your birthday and all, kid,” he said dismissively, looking...sheepish? Bambi smirked, grabbing onto the lapels of his coat and pulling him in close, noticing how his eyes immediately fell to her exposed tits now that there was only a foot between them, wide with shock that she was actually seemingly coming onto him.
“Is that all you wanted to give me for my birthday, BJ?” she asked sweetly, her words so laden with honey that you’d think they were in a beehive. Immediately, his demeanor flipped from shock back to his typical shtick, growling softly beneath his breath as he wrapped both arms around her waist, reveling in the softness of her skin.
“I can think of a million things I could do to that pretty little body that’d make this birthday one you’d never forget, little fawn,” he growled softly. This close, she could smell the musty dampness of him, though it never perturbed her, letting out a tiny squeal of a giggle as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Just one question, Juice,” she whimpered teasingly, letting her tongue drag lasciviously across her lower lip. She could feel the ache in him as he held her close, but it was always her MO to tease before letting him have her...if she would let him have her.
“Anything, doll,” he assured her, clutching her waist tighter with desperation. “Ya wanna go topside and wreak some havoc? Come home covered in blood and fuck while we’re all messy? Come on, babes, say the word and I’ll have ya back before Madame can notice yer gone.”
“Mm, that does sound nice,” she mused, sliding one hand down his cheek and chest before walking her fingers back up slowly, daintily, feeling his need for her increase with every gentle touch. “But BJ, I gotta know…” She cupped his jaw and pulled him in close, her lips hovering above his ear as she spoke with the softest whisper. “...Is the rock real?”
She had her answer just by the way he stiffened in her arms. Fucking cheapskate.
“Now hold on, babes, ya don’t understa-”
Before he could even finish his sentence, she was out of his arms and grabbing the last half of her drink, splashing it in his face without a care. God did it fill her with power to see him standing there, floundering with booze dripping down his skin and suit and taking a layer of grime with it. She smirked, hopping down off her stool with her typical bounciness.
“Find some other pussy to give herpes to, Juice,” she quipped happily, as if she hadn’t just threw her drink in his face. “If ya wanted a cheap slut, you shouldn’t have come knockin’ on my door...I’m keepin’ the ring though. It may be fake, but hey, so is half of me!”
And with that, she was back off to the floor, sliding up a pole without a care in the world as the crowd cheered around her, and Beetlejuice just continued to stare. She knew he’d get her back for this someday, but for now, she had to say that, either living or dead, this was the best birthday she’d ever had.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 75
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​
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Koen arrives shortly before ten in the evening. A paper bag full of bottles of booze under one arm and a tattered and weathered backpack slung over the other; looking slightly worse for wear, even for him. He’s always been dishevelled and unkempt at best, but the pace and the intensity of the job has taken its toll on him; his beard thicker and and boasting more strands of gray, his face and body remarkably thinner and marred by both old and fresh bumps, bruises and contusions that will definitely scar. But that old familiar glitter is still in his eyes; the one that speaks of mischievousness and trouble and gives away his quick and sometimes cutting tongue before he even opens his mouth. The last three weeks have been hell on everyone involved; physically AND mentally. Bodies being consumed by near constant pain, little sleep and poor diet while their brains are subjected to fear, stress, and the overwhelming worth that comes each step out the door and onto the street.
But it’s almost over; the finish line finally in sight. With the list complete, only Mahajan himself and Asif’s people remain; the latter extra hurdles they never expected to confront. No one ever stopped to consider that Mahajan’s reach extended further than India, or that anyone would be able to get to Neysa and Aarav. Nathan is nothing more than a ‘tag along’; extra weight that has to be carried. And his true involvement and whether or not he IS the mole, is yet to be determined. To an untrained eye, it would be easy to see Nathan as another victim; the multitude of injuries and the defiance caught on video. But there’s too many unanswered questions to just let him off the hook. Too much suspicion and things that can’t be explained revolving around his disappearance and sudden reappearance, and it would be foolish -and possibly deadly- to let your guard down around him.
“Am I ever fucking glad to see your ugly face,” Koen says, as he sets both bags down on the kitchen table and then tightly embraces Tyler.
This isn’t one of his usual hugs. It’s warm and genuine; filled with enormous relief and a little gratitude that they've both survived long enough to get a moment like this. And when he pulls away -holding Tyler at arms length, a hand coming up to clasp him on the back of the head before tightly cupping it- there’s something even more unfamiliar in his eyes: a shimmer of tears and honest, pure affection. Normally Tyler would jump on it and rib his old friend about something like that; in the same way Koen would do to him if the situation was reversed. But now is not the time. The last three weeks have felt like three years; everyone involved is exhausted and hurting and relying on nothing more than adrenaline -the hope of it all sending soon- to keep them going. And there’s the strong possibility that someone -or more than one person, even- won’t make it out alive. The realization that the person standing in front of you might not survive and this could very well be the last time you ever see them.
“You good?” Koen ruffles the hair at the back of Tyler’s head. “How you feeling? You sure look a hell of a lot better than the last time I saw you.”
“I’m alright, I guess. Could be better, could be worse.”
“What’s the pain like? That guy fucked you up pretty good.”
“I’ve had worse.” It’s not entirely a lie. When he’d woken in the hospital seven years ago, the agony had been intense; there hadn’t been a single inch of his body that hadn’t hurt. Since then he’s lived in chronic pain. Some days he’s able to manage and others he can barely get out of bed in the morning. This is a new level of discomfort; increasing and worsening mobility issues, the pins and needles in his right hand, the need for more and more meds to just take the edge off.
“Well you look good. Hell of a lot better than the last time I was with you. Which doesn’t take much, considering you were covered in your own puke and piss and I had to undress you and toss you in the shower.”
Tyler smirks. “I remember when that used to be a sign of a really awesome Friday night.”
Koen cracks a grin at that. “We’re both getting way too old for that shit. And you’ve past it, thank Christ. I honestly thought one day I’d show up at your place and find you dead. About time you smartened the hell up and got your shit together.”
“Guess all I needed was a kick in the ass.”
“A kick in the ass from the right person, you mean. ‘Cause I spent years kicking you in the ass and it did nothing but make you worse. I guess the kick had to come from a hot little brunette to have any effect on you.”
“Yeah…” Tyler grins. “...I guess it did.”
“Can’t say I blame you. She’d be all the motivation I’d need, too. Figure we should be both thanking our lucky stars that she came around when she did. Had it even been a couple months later…”
“Trust me; every day I’m grateful for that. Every goddamn day. For the past seven years.”
“Good. Because you should be. Because even though you were a fucking wreck, she stuck around. She could have easily taken one look at you and thought ‘damaged goods’ and hauled ass on out of there. And to be honest, I wouldn’t have blamed her. You were a lot to handle. She must be made of tough stuff, because she wasn’t afraid of your shut or to put a foot up your ass.
“She’s still not afraid of that. And she is. Tough. Strong. A lot stronger than she gives herself credit for.”
“That’s exactly what you need,” Koen declares. “A strong woman. Someone to challenge you and to keep challenging you. Although I do question her sanity. No one in their right mind would hook up with the likes of your sorry ass.”
“I lost my sanity a long time ago,” Esme says, as she descends the stairs. “Why do you think I have five kids? Do you think anyone with a shred of sanity left would do that to themselves?”
“I thought it was because he couldn’t stay off ya and you don’t know the word ‘no’.”
“I admit, it IS hard. He’s devastatingly handsome and can be very persuasive.”
“Devastatingly handsome?” Koen scoffs. “Sweetheart, you are blind as shit. How’s it going, kiddo?” He embraces Esme warmly, then presses a kiss to each cheek. “Looking lovely, as always.”
“Now who’s blind as shit? I look like the offspring of a dumpster fire and a train wreck. But I appreciate you trying to feed my ego.”
“Don’t even argue with her,” Tyler says. “For every good thing you bring up, she’s got five bad things that exist only in her own mind.”
Esme sighs. “In case you haven’t noticed, Tyler is either completely blind, or totally biased. Koen, if your wife asked you if she looked like a mess...and not a hot one...would tell the truth?”
“Telling the truth is the reason I have so many ex wives. But in all fairness, my ex wives WERE messed. Had any of them looked like you, I’d probably still be married and the happiest sonofabitch on the planet. Now tell me…” he slings an arm across her shoulders and pulls her into his side. “...he been treating you right? Because if he hasn’t…”
“He’s been a complete gentleman. Except for the times I don’t want him to be. And those are X rated and not for your precious little ears, so…” she presses a kiss to his cheek, then moves towards the fridge.
“I do not need to know about all the kinky shit you two do. You been keeping him in line? Making sure he pulls his weight? Because you tell me just one bad word, and…”
“He’s been amazing. Even more amazing than usual. Sorry, Koen; I’m not leaving him for you. Not yet anyway.”
“So you’re saying there’s a chance?” He grins, then nudges Tyler with his elbow. “You into sharing, mate?”
He scowls. “Fuck you. That’s my wife. What’s wrong with you?”
“Remember that one girl in Melbourne? About twelve years ago? The blond with the big…”
“There’s a woman in the room!” Esme pipes up, and snags a vitamin water from the fridge. “I do not need to hear these things.”
“You didn’t mind sharing her,” Koen points out.
“That was a random at a bar. That…” Tyler nods in Esme’s direction. “...is my wife. The mother of my kids. I don’t share. Not when it comes to her.”
“As much as I’d love to stay down here and listen to raunchy and disturbing stories from my husband’s sexual past, I have a bubble bath calling my name,” Esme says. “And quite frankly, I prefer to pretend he was somewhat innocent and virginal when we met.”
Koen snorts. “There’s been nothing innocent or virginal about him since he was about fourteen.”
She frowns. “I’m ignoring you now. I’m turning my ears off. Because I do not need to hear or know about these things. I’m going to go upstairs and pamper myself and do girly shit and you two can stay down here and talk about your sexual conquests. But I swear to God, if my ears start to burn, I will beat the hell out of both of you.”
“I would never do that,” Tyler assured her. “Talk about you like that.”
“He lies,” Koen speaks up. “He talks about you like that all the time. The things I know about you…”
“Fuck off,” Tyler snarls. “I’ve never talked about her like that with you. That’s wishful thinking on your part.”
“I’m just warning you both.” She places a hand on her husband’s hip, standing on her tiptoes as he leans down to press a soft, brief kiss to her lips. “I am in no mood for fuckery.”
“What are you in the mood for?” Koen quips, the mischievous glitter back in his eyes as he bounces up and down on his heels. “I hear chubby, balding guys can really get shit done.”
Tyler glares at him, then slaps him upside the head. “What the fuck is wrong with you? That’s my wife.”
“Sorry Grandpa Koen,” Esme smirks. “I’m a one man woman.”
“Grandpa Koen?” He feigns insults, a hand clasped over his heart. “That’s harsh. Why do you have to break a bloke’s heart like that?”
She grinning over her shoulder as she climbs the stairs. “Goodnight, boys.”
Two hours and a bottle and a half of scotch later, they sit at the kitchen table, reminiscing on days long past. Military missions served together and the camaraderie and the rare laughs and lighthearted moments while overseas. Hiking and camping and hunting trips that they’ve taken -along with Rata- and the handful of times they’d simply packed up and travelled for weeks on end; nothing where they ended up or how they got there.
He was nineteen when he first met Koen; fresh out of basic training, too cocky for his own good, and in desperate need of an attitude adjustment and real experience to knock the chip off his shoulder. Koen had been a staff sergeant then; already grizzled and combat weary and sick of the ‘little shits’ like Tyler that passed his way; the ones with their heads shoved up their own asses, who thought they were something special for getting through training in one piece. Koen had made it his personal mission to make his life as miserable as possible; treating him lower than dirty in order to rid him of what Koen had called ‘pukey personality’. He’d seen something in that nineteen year old kid; the promise of becoming a damn good soldier. And it had worked; all the physical and mental punishment completely broke him; transitioning him into someone he no longer recognized. It had unknowingly led to the worsening of some things; the toxic masculinity that had been beaten into him thanks to his old man, and a propensity to drink way too heavily. Being that good of a soldier...as nothing more than a killing machine in his eyes...had made him feel invincible; each successful tour leaving him feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof. And had eventually led him to the job and that sick and twisted desire to seek out one suicide mission after another.
“You alright?” Koen asks, as he pours himself another drink. “You got a little quiet on me there.”
“I’m alright,” Tyler confirms, and runs a palm along the side of his glass. It’s only his second of the night. Starting off by promising to pace himself; not wanting to drink too much considering the amount of painkillers -well beyond the prescribed amount- he’s been taking. But he’d quickly realized it was more than that. He simply didn’t enjoy it anymore; all the cravings and the need and the taste for it somehow disappearing since the incident a week and a half ago.
“You sure? Haven’t seen you look THAT serious in a long time. What’s going on?”
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“Sounds intense.”
“About as intense as it gets.”
Koen sips his drink. “What’s it about?”
Tyler pushes his glass aside and reaches into the side pocket of his cargo shorts. Pulling out a handwritten letter -two pages long- sealed in an envelope. And he issues a heavy, shaky sigh and offers it to his friend.
Koen’s eyes narrow. “What the hell is this?”
“If anything happens to me, you have to give this to Esme. I need her to read it. She HAS to read it.”
“Fuck you, Tyler,” the older man snarls. “I’m not taking no death letter.”
“You have to. You NEED to. If anything happens to me…”
“Stop talking that shit. I won’t listen to it. I won’t…”
“I need you to fucking do this!” he snaps, then roughly grabs his friend’s hand and shoves the letter into it. “She needs to read it. And I need you to give it to her. You keep it and if anything happens to me, you make sure she gets it. This is important to me, okay? I need her to read it. And I need you to promise me that you’ll make sure she does.”
“Why wait? Why wait until it’s too late? Why not tell her these things now? So she knows. Wouldn’t you rather she knows before? Why the fuck…?”
“She knows. She knows I love her. She knows I love her with everything I am and everything I have. But there’s things in there I can’t say. Or I feel like I can’t say properly. And I NEED her to know those things. If something happens to me, it’s important she knows. I need you to do this.”
Koen downs half of his drink and then stands up, reluctantly sliding the envelope into the back pocket of his jeans. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that? The things I don’t fucking do for you. Taking a goddamn death letter.”
“Just promise you’ll give it to her. If I don’t make it out of here, promise me you’ll make sure she gets that. You have no idea how important it is to me.”
“I’ll make sure. What about your kids? They might like something from their daddy. You know...if…”
“I already did something for them. A video. Ovi has it. He’ll make sure they see it. And that Addie will watch when she’s old enough to understand.” It’s on the tip of his tongue to tell him about the new baby, but mere though of it...the realization that he could leave a pregnant wife behind and there’d be a child he’d never get to see- is just too fucking painful. Ovi knows; he’d made the kid take a vow of secrecy after telling him to make sure all the kids saw the video when they’re old enough. Even the one that’s still inside their mother’s belly.
“Well let’s hope she never has a reason to read it,” Koen says. “And that those kids never have to see that video. You do whatever it takes to get your ass out of there. Alive. And I’ll do whatever I have to on my end to make sure it happens. This isn’t it. It CAN’T be it. Not when you just found all of this. A wife and kids. A family. A REAL goddamn family. This can’t be it.”
“I sure as fuck hope it isn’t.” He doesn’t bother to hold back the tears that manage to escape; hot against his skin as they slip down the sides of his nose and his cheeks. His chest burns and aches. Not the kind of agony that comes with anxiety, but the suffering that comes with heartache and grief and tremendous loss. Not even the swallow of scotch -in an attempt to clear the lump of emotion from his throat- helps, and he places an elbow on the table and his palm against his forehead. Eyes closed as he struggles to keep it together.
“It’s alright,” Koen’s voice is surprisingly quiet and calm, and there’s an audible creak as he leans forward in his hair; hand both heavy and comforting against the back of Tyler’s head. “It’s alright now, son. It’s okay to be like this. You can be this way with me. I got you.”
“If it was just me, I wouldn’t give a shit,” his voice cracks with emotion as the tears continue to fall. “Seven years ago, I wouldn’t have cared if I made it out. But now I have her and I have my kids and I can’t...I can’t leave them. I’m not ready to leave them.”
“No one says you’re going to. It’s not a sure thing. You’re a tough, stubborn bastard.”
“I don’t want to die. I don't want this life to be over. Before her, I was ready. I wanted to die; I wanted all the bullshit to be over. I hated my life and I hated myself and I didn’t fuck care if someone put a bullet in me. And I then I met here and everything changed. I changed. She didn’t look at me like I was a pathetic, cowardly piece of shit and she made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a long time and I never thought I’d feel again. And maybe it was wrong; how things happened, where they happened. But it felt right. For the first time in a long time, something felt right. Something felt good. It felt fucking amazing. And I should have pushed her way. I should have stopped it. But I didn’t. Because I didn’t want it to stop. I didn’t want to lose her.”
“It was a weird situation maybe,” Koen says. “But it doesn’t mean it was wrong. Look how things turned out. Look at the life you made. Together.”
“I don’t want that life to be over. I don’t want to leave her. Or my kids. I want to grow old and gray with her and I want to see my kids graduate high school and go to college and get married and have kids of their own. I want ALL of that. But I’m fucking terrified none of will happen. That when I left my kids this morning, that was it. That I’ll never see them again. That I won’t even get to see Addie take her first steps or celebrate her first birthday. There’s so much I don’t want to miss and I’m scared I will.”
“I know…” Koen’s fingertips dig into his scalp as he firmly massages it. “...I know…”
“Everything that is good in me is because of her. Because she found it and she brought it out. And she’s the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. Her and those kids. And I’m not ready to leave them.”
“And you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn’t happen. And so will I on my end. I’ve got you. I’ll bust my ass to make sure you get back to your family. You hear me?”
“Yeah,” he nods, and uses his elbow to push his friend away. “I hear ya.”
“You good? You get it all out?”
“I think so. I guess I needed to do that; get it out.”
“You’ve been trying to hold it together for her,” Koen reasons, and returns to his seat. “But even guys like you need someone you can fall apart with. And I guess that someone is me; lucky bastard that I am.”
Tyler gives a small laugh, then uses the back of his hand to clear the remaining tears away. “There’s something else.”
“Jesus Christ. Are you trying to kill me?”
“Esme knows what she has to do; if something happens to me. She knows to take the money and the kids and leave. But I need someone to keep their eye on them. I need someone to make sure they’re okay. No matter where they end up. And I know this a hell of a lot to ask…”
“I’ll do it. You know I will.”
“Wherever they go, I need you to go with them. You don’t have to stay forever. Just until she’s doing alright and the kids are settled and doing okay. And if you could do that for me…”
“I already said I would. I’ll make sure they’re alright. Nothing will happen to them. Not on my watch,”
“But I swear to God, if you even think of making a move on her, I will come back and haunt your ass.”
Koen laughs at that, then reaches across the table to tousle Tyler’s hair. “You’re going to be okay, you hear me? You’re going to get out of this. You’re going to walk in there, get shit done, and you’re going to walk back out and go back to your family. And then all of this...all this talk...will have been for nothing.”
“I hope so,” Tyler says, and downs the remains of his drink. “I really fucking hope so.”
It’s just past one in the morning when he steps into the master bedroom, moving about it’s darkened confines with the aid of the moonlight. Removing the holster and gun from his hip and placing it in the top drawer of the nightstand, then slipping out of his shorts and t-shirt; tossing both on top of the open duffle bag that sits in front of the closet. And he briefly lingers at the side of the bed, listening to her soft breathing and watching as her body rises and falls with each inhale and exhale. Sound asleep; on her side with her back towards the door.
The pain in his chest and the knot in his stomach return with a vengeance; those thoughts of possibly never getting those moments with her again. He can’t get it out of his mind; how close he’d been to ending things only to find someone -when he hadn’t expected to- capable of snatching him off that ledge. Seven years. Spent with the person that saved him in every way a person can be saved. Who has proved time and time again that she loves every inch of him; all the good, all the bad, and everything in between. Every imperfection, every scar; both inside and out. Who taught him what it was to love again; to actually laugh and smile. And who has helped him make even more life; selflessly giving up her own body to do it.
How do you ever tell that person how you feel? Especially when you don’t think there’s words that can even come close to describing it?
Slipping into bed behind her, he presses his front to her back; lips in her hair as he trails his fingertips across her shoulder and slowly down her arm. Over the curve of her elbow and down to her wrist before moving along the top of her hand and then each finger. Memorizing every inch through touch; her skin soft and beautiful. Pressing a kiss to the back of her head when she pushes her fingers through his and tightly squeezes.
“What time is it?” she sleepily inquires.
“It’s late.”
“How late?”
“Just after one.”
“You been drinking?”
“Just had a couple,” he admits, then moves their joined hands down to her stomach. Smiling at the feel of that little bump. It’s smooth and it’s soft and even after four others, it’s incredible. The mere thought that there’s a living being in there. One that he had a hand in making. “Sorry.”
“For what?”
“I shouldn't have had any. Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, yeah?”
“Honestly, I’m surprised you HAVEN’T drank. That you’ve fought as hard as you have. I wouldn’t have blamed you or thought less of you if you’d slipped. This has been hell on earth.”
“I don’t want to be that guy anymore. I NEVER want to be him again. You deserve better than that. So do our kids.”
“You’re a good man, Tyler Rake. Regardless of what you think about yourself sometimes. I knew it the moment I met you; that you weren’t like everyone else. It was in your eyes. There was this softness and this vulnerability and it was unlike anything I’d ever seen in any of the other mercs I’d come in contact with. You were different. I remember the first time we were here, and we’d have those long, serious talks that went into the early hours of the morning and I’d wonder how the hell someone like you ever got mixed up in a world like this.”
“Yeah, well we both know the reason behind that. I didn’t exactly hide it from you.”
“But you could have. And you didn’t. Right off the hop you were so honest and raw and it was...I don’t know it...it was beautiful.”
“Oh fuck...not THAT word.”
“It was, “ she insists. “It WAS beautiful. Because you were just so out there with everything. You didn’t hold anything back. There’s nothing you DIDN’T tell me. You told me about your mom and you dad. Your ex. Austin. You were just so breathtakingly real and honest and it was refreshing. To be with someone like that. Who didn’t try and pretend to be something he wasn’t. It was raw and it was emotional and I SAW you. And you let me see you. That was definitely not just two people using each other for sex. Now, had you just rolled over and gone to sleep…”
He laughs into her hair. “I never wanted THAT.”
“It was surprising. Not the things you told me, but the fact you told me at all. I didn’t expect that from you.”
“I didn’t expect that from myself,” Tyler admits.
“Why did you do it? Just open up like that?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just trusted you. Guess there was something about you that made me feel comfortable doing it. A lot of what I told you? No one else knows that stuff. Not even Koen. Guess my instincts told me you were good people. Very good people.”
“You thought you could scare me away didn’t you. When you told me about Austin. You thought that would make me think less of you.”
He nods.
“You made a mistake. You were younger and you were scared and you made a bad decision.”
“Worst possible decision.”
“It didn’t even come close to scaring me away. It made my heart hurt for you. And him. But it didn’t make me think less of you. I could never think less of you.”
“So no matter what, you’ll always think the sun shines out of my ass?”
She giggles. “Always.”
He raises his head to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth, then rests his cheek against hers. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“It’s okay. I hadn’t been sleeping for very long. I’m having a hard time. I miss the kids.”
“So do I. But Koen called and checked up on them for us. Everything’s fine. They’re happy and they’re safe and they haven’t beaten the shit out of each other. Yet.”
“Yet,” she laughs. “That’s the key word. And we both know who the one beating the shit out of people will be.”
“Yep. Your daughter has quite the temper.”
“She’s just my daughter now, is she? And who do you think she gets her temper from?”
“Oh bullshit. She’s just like you and you know it. And you’re proud of it, too. Don’t even try and deny it. I know you how much like that fact that she’s your mini me.”
“She’s my baby. My first. Well, my first after...you know…”
“Your miracle baby.”
He smiles and places a kiss to her temple. “Exactly. She’s one that made me a dad again. Never thought in a million years I’d get another chance at that. And then she came along. I mean, you did have a little part to play in all of it.”
“Just a little. I only carried her for nine months. And then what happens? She comes out just like you. Even the nurse in the delivery room had to point it out; how she had your eyes and your nose and your ears and your hair. I was like, well fuck you too then.”
Tyler laughs and presses a kiss to her cheek.
“I remember when the nurse gave her to you and you just tucked her into you and she stopped crying and she just looked up at you with those huge eyes.”
“And I cried.”
“Yeah…” she smiles and tightens her hold on his hand. “...you cried. And it was beautiful. You were so happy that she was finally here. I think it was the happiest I’d ever seen you. It was like all the pain and all your past was just gone and your face was so soft and so perfect. Nothing existed outside of her. And you looked at her like you couldn’t believe she was even real.”
“She was beautiful. She still is.”
“I think at that moment...seeing you with her...I fell so in love with you. Even more than I already was. And it was kind of crazy and scary, because I already loved you a hell of a lot. I didn’t think it was possible to love someone THAT much. Sometimes I still don’t. I’ll watch you with Addie or playing with Declan or helping TJ and Tanner with their homework and I’ll think ‘God, I love him’.”
He grins against her ear. “And you have the nerve to call me sappy?”
“I can’t help it. I’m feeling all sappy and emotional. I think it’s the fact we’re back here. Of all places. It makes me think about us. How we started and where we’ve ended up. All good things. All very good things.”
“I was thinking about when I woke up in the hospital and you were there. How you were the first person I saw and I was so fucking relieved you were there. I didn’t know if you even made it off the bridge. And even if you did, if you’d stick around.”
“Of course I stuck around,” she releases her hold on his hand and rolls over onto her side to face him. “I went to all that trouble to keep you alive. You really think I wouldn’t stick around to see the result of my handiwork?”
“I guess not.” He presses a kiss to the tip of her nose then drapes a leg over her and places a hand on the small of her back.
“You okay?”
“I’m okay.”
“You’re worried, aren’t you. About tomorrow. Or today. About me going out there.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“You know how you always say you’re not a rookie? Well neither am I.”
“I know. But it doesn’t make me feel any better about it Especially when you have my baby in there.”
“I’ll be careful. I’ve had seven years of learning from the best. And Koen will be with me. He’ll make sure I’m okay.”
“He better. Or it’s his ass.”
“You have to trust me. I’d never do anything to put myself...or this baby...in harm’s way.”
“I do. I do trust you.”
“What if I can’t get the information? What if no one will give me any? Then we’re totally fucked. And not a good, fun way either.”
“If that happens, we go to plan B.”
“You let them know you’re here.”
Tyler nods.
“What’s plan C?””
“There is no plan C.”
“Maybe there should be. So we don’t have to rely on plan B.”
“Baby…” he skims his knuckles up and down her spine. “...we talked about this.”
“I’m allowed to change my mind And I’m changing it. That is NOT a good idea; letting them know you’re here. What ever happened to the element of surprise? It goes a long way. They want to lure you here, but they don’t need to know you’re here.”
“I’ll only go to plan B if you can’t get me information.”
“Okay…” Esme frowns. “...that is a lot of peer pressure. I haven’t done this in awhile. Since before Addie.”
“Addie’s only three months old. It’s not like she’s a year or a couple years.”
“So what? Ten months? Since I did this kind of thing? We found out about her during all of that.”
“Who’s the one that found out where Ovi was?”
“That took me four days.”
“It took Nik a week just to narrow down Dhaka,” he points out.
“Four days is horrible. My track record was way better than that before. Four days is embarrassing.”
“You’re too hard on yourself.”
“I should have had it in twenty four hours. Thirty six at the most.”
“I’m kind of glad it took as long as it did. I had a pretty good five days.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that much. It wasn’t a TOTAL failure. But four days? For me? That is shameful.”
“If it makes you feel better, it only took two from the day you showed up on my porch to convince me to sleep with you.”
“Oh, I had to convince you now, did I? You admitted you would have done it the first night had I wanted a booty call.”
“Well then you should be very proud of yourself. It only took you a couple hours to convince me to give it up.”
“Sorry if I don’t feel my ego inflated because you were horny and desperate.”
“Hey, if I’d been desperate, I would have fucked Nik.”
“That…” she scrapes her nails along his jaw and then taps a fingertip against his chin. “... is a very good point actually. I’m glad you held out an extra couple of days. I hope it was worth it.”
“It was SO worth it.”
“I was very impressed. When I see you naked. I had expectations.”
He arches an eyebrow. “You did?”
“I did. Very high ones, actually. You lived up to them. And then some. You definitely fit the old ‘big hands, big feet’ adage. I wanted to see if it was a myth. I quickly found out it was not.”
“You also thought the G spot was a myth.”
“I found out pretty quick that it isn’t. You were really on the ball those five days.”
“Had to leave a lasting impression,” Tyler reasons. “Wanted you to come back for me.”
“You left a lasting impression, alright. One that lasted nine months and weighed eight pounds, three ounces. That’s quite the impression to leave.”
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not. That’s the one good thing...the one amazing thing...that came out of all that bullshit. Besides us.”
“Nice to see you finally admit we’re a good thing,” she teases. “I think we’re pretty amazing. But hey, that’s just my humble opinion.”
“We are. We are pretty amazing.”
“And we’re stronger together than we are apart. You’ve always said that. And that’s why we need to trust each other. With this. We have to trust each other more than we ever have. That’s the only way we’ll get out of here. That we’ll BOTH get out of here.”
He gives a small smile of agreement, then runs his palm up her back and all the way to the nape of her neck; squeezing lightly as he pulls her into a kiss. Long and slow at first; closed mouth upon closed mouth and their bodies brushing against each other. It’s her that takes the first step towards turning it into something more. Fingers pushing into his hair and tightly gripping it; pressing her body against his as her tongue pushes its way past his lips and teeth. Quickly transforming the moment into something much more desperate and needy.
“I want you,” she breathes, her lips finding the side of his neck, teeth scraping against the tattoo and the scar that mars the skin. “I want you and I need you. I need to feel you inside of me.”
He shudders at her words, then leans his weight into her and pushes her onto her back. Her fingers still in his hair and her eyes fluttering closed as his hands and his mouth behind their slow, torturous worship of her body.
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Hide Away -Chapter 2- Introduction to each other.
Hoho, new chapter. 
Call it introductory chapter 2.0 because here they two get to know each other a bit and meh, you’ll find out.
The first part of this update will be dealing with some ‘dark’ thoughts, well, brooding to be precise so if you don’t like that then just skip to the next break. But it is somewhat important maybe in the later stuff I write so go with whatever you’re comfortable with.
I’ll burst your bubble right here and do I don’t really have much to write after this except a few excerpts based on the series. 
As usual, you can comment and talk to me here, on my twitter or my facebook 
Read below!
Ever feel like you're contradicting yourself?
When you feel like hiding away from everything, but still want to go out and experience things. You want to just be surrounded by the four walls of your room but also want to hang out with your friends. Two contradictions rise within me, and it's causing a painful mental battle that's taxing.
Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with my friends. They're good people who share a common interest with me, and they don't care that I don't know how to act in certain situations. They don't care that I can't find the words that I want to say and either vehemently go about stomping my feet or replace a number of words with a swearword and their many variations. Or a variety of sounds. Or nothing at all.
My friends are the kindest people I've known. Why would I want to hide from them? 
Hiding in my room with the lights off, the only thing illuminating the room is the light from my cracked phone. Of which I'm currently reading a long, 700 page fanfiction about Kingsman characters while Coldplay and My Chemical Romance blasting through my earphones.
It's both calming and daunting at the same time.
A single, stupid tear falls, tracking the round shape of my cheeks, dripping onto my hugging pillow. The one from Ikea, the one with repeated cat faces staring at you. It should actually be washed, too many times has it been an added buffer from reality and my current state. It shouldn't smell like a mixture of body spray and sweat, it should smell like whatever tears are supposed to smell like from the number of times I’ve cried on it. 
It'll pass. It should. 
I was ready to wring both the management's and tutor's metaphorical necks. Why did do we have an 8 am replacement class on the ONE day we don't have classes at 8 am. It's infuriating, to have my sleep robbed from me like this. What have I done to deserve this, other than sinning every time I turn my laptop on? Or that one time we kinkshamed SEH on snapchat. And I said we because the whole gang was involved, not only me.
The water was cold, but it was needed. After yesterday's sudden isolation case, it was like a barrier, a divider from then and now. Hopefully. I'm tired of being alone. Sniffles and sneezes aside, my phone lit up with notifications from our common text group.
UsaUsa_Tavşan: Yo Lorcan, ur boytoy’s here. [07:45]
Bdsm_Novice: He literally a cupcake. [07:47]
Bdsm_Novice attached a photo 
SinningFudanshi: A. Not my boytoy. B. Please tell me you took this picture at a distance. I don't think he'll appreciate this super flattering picture you sent to us. [07:47]
                        Bdsm_Novice: Try. Me [07:48] .
Bdsm_Novice attached a photo
UsaUsa_Tavşan: No one should look this cute at 7:50 am. AM.[07:50]
UsaUsa_Tavşan: Thb dude, you hooked something good this time. [07:52]
Shooting out of the room, I hoped that I could get there soon enough before our chat could be filled with pictures of Sitka and his somehow potential model shots. Well, it's either SEH has a good eye for angles and rule of third and some kind of random shit or Sitka's sold his soul to the cupcake gods to look that cute in every shot. I mean, how does he..he...my brain's dead and my soul is gone so I can't explain how cute he looked in those pictures.
Luckily for Sitka, I arrived in a record breaking 8 minutes, gave SEH the stink eye while snatching his phone and quietly sat down for the rest of the tutorial, in which we were required to split from our groups (this tutor took the time to notice which groups we were already in, so we couldn't fib) and join another. Of course, I took the chance to go to Stika. 
After much, much prodding,with both Tavşan and SEH threatening to tell him discreetly that I liked my men in short shorts and keyhole sweaters if I didn't get my ass to him. 
The thing is, Tavşan and SEH are NEVER discreet.
The last time they got away with this was in our foundation year. SEH maybe an introverted and  human interaction hating but trust me, they have their moments. And unfortunately that moment somehow included whipped cream and a limited edition dakimakura and...NOPE. Banished that moment. It's gone.
It's not like I didn't want to separate, it's just...didn't want to be a bother. Well, not that I am, rationally, but last night took it's toll on me. I did realise that I'm more subdued than usual and to my friends, that's okay, they don't bring it up. Or maybe they don't...know? It's not like you mention it to them anyways. Shut it, nasty ass. 
“How are we gonna go this?” Sitka's voice ricochets through my messy head space.
Oh yeah, the tutorial. Get your head in the game, buddy boy.
I glanced at the whiteboard, the words 'Be ye who seeks the truth' were written on it. Great, my favourite. What was the objective of this course again? “ Well, I'm not sure. You want to go through what you're comfortable sharing?” I asked him, taking in his features. Light gray irises, slightly glittering if there was a better word, were staring back at me. His hair, in it's usual pastel pink, three cowlick glory, had an Aloan Meowth hairpin in it, clipping his bangs back a little more that usual.
“ Just so you know I don't have a filter so you can probably ask me anything and I'll be fine with it. As long as it's in reasonable areas.” I say, smiling a little because he's probably tense. Hell, I'm tense. It's way to early to be opening up your heart and soul for a tutorial with a stranger because your lecturer wanted you to do so.
Sitka smiles a little back, saying “ Same”, and then proceeds to write in his notebook.
The Johari Window exercise involves four boxes, in which you fill in things about yourself based on the criteria given. And the outcome of this particular exercise is to be as raw and open as you can...because...that apparently helps? So in the first box, you write about what you think most people know about you. The following goes deeper and deeper, until the last box in which are things that no one may know. Not even you.
Is the lecturer planning to groom our inner gossip writer because this seems like the best collection of juicy data they can get their hands on.
“ Okay, so I am a nerd and enjoy being one very much” I began.
“ Obviously, I could tell when you wrapped that Dalek towel around you” he said, eyes twinkling with mirth, but suddenly turned solemn “ I'm sor--”
“ Dude, say sorry again and I'll assault you with bad fanfics and we'll both have nightmares”
I continued, stating that I have no filter and it never occurred to me that certain topics are out of bounds in certain areas.For example, I told him about the time where I waxed lyrical about this one person's perfectly shaped bara body. Of course, me being me, forgot that we were in a Toys “R” Us. Children could have been listening to weird teenagers  talk about perky butts and perfectly shaped pectorals and little chub. Perfectly adorable little chub.
Stika couldn’t stop giggling and if that wasn't the purest, most moe sound I have had the delight to hear in my lifetime then I don't know what that is.
 I could feel my friends stare at us in a distance, burning a hole into my head from the intensity. Wiping his eyes, he began his part of the particular Johari windowpane “ Okay, okay. I'm a pastel goth with two insanely beautiful friends and I like cooking. You can have some of the bisconti I made “ he took out his lunch box, which was mint and had this really cute succulents on it, taking off the top to reveal pale golden sticks of said snack.
“ I don't think I've done anything like that body worship story. But I bet everyone who's been in the same row as me in the theaters probably know I sweat bullets during horror movies and will hide in either Thea or  Irwin's hair” he scratches his cheek timidly.
 He told me that Thea and Irwin nurtured him into a nerd and they regularly host Dr. Who nights at their apartment. His favourite is the Eleventh doctor, because he's so quirky, and to quote “ His smile can send me straight on the path of a Dalek's photon blaster and I'd still be happy”. They apparently have a set of the first few Dr. Who series, which I may or may not have begged him to lend me.
Venturing into the somewhat darker realms of the other boxes, the mood changed slightly, probably due to the topics that are supposed to be discussed between us. The second box in the Johari Window would need us to point out things that you knew about your friend, that they didn't. And then it hit me. This is the first real conversation that we've had. And I didn't even know his cupcake highness even existed a few weeks ago. And here I am talking to him with a guideline for the exercise that usually good friends should be doing with each other. To learn more about each other. Yep, I have to thank my lecturer for setting this up and my good friends Tavşan and SEH for prodding me to go.
Haha, my brain's going to flat line or something, I'm so comfortable with him.
“ Well...I've only noticed you for a while---No wait that was horrible” Sitka snorts and I continue “ I mean that I'm not the most aware of people. I only noticed Tavşan cut her hair once 2 days after she did” to which he lets out a soft sound of unrecognisable emotion “ So...I'm not sure”
“ I know you had a..I'm not sure how to put this” he says, and I probably saw him falter a bit before looking me in the eye “ A sad day. You had a bad, sad day yesterday”  and I'm gobsmacked.
“ H-How?” I hate it when I say I'm comfortable with someone and BLAM, out of no where there's this kind of shoujo manga plot reveal of sorts. He pauses for a while and it makes me squirm just  a little bit, because seriously, how did this kid find out. Was it that obvious?
“ Your eyes, they're sort of dimmer usual when you came in today” he said, suddenly deflating and not daring to look me into the eyes, instead he focuses on glaring a hole into my shoulder or neck “ and like, I saw you brighten up a lot when you suddenly swooped in and took SEH's phone. And dampen again when we had to split into different groups”
“ Woah Sitka, that doesn't sound stalker-ish at all. Tavşan warned me about you, said you were going to kill me in two weeks” I say, trying to play it cool whilst I'm freaking just a little bit inside. “  But you probably heard that and decided to extend your surveillance period” Haha, I’m completely freaking out why I do sound so calm. 
“ I hope that that doesn't freak you out. I mean, you kinda carry your heart on a sleeve so....” he starts, still not daring to make eye contact but his eyes moved to my arm or lower, I can somehow magically feel it heating up with the attention it's currently being given. Did I mention that all four of our friends were trying very hard to make it seem like they weren't starting at us?
“ I think the only way you could totally freak me out is if you knew what are the songs in the playlist that I currently have. Come on, I dare you” He shouldn't be able to know, right? 
“ Coldplay, Yuri on Ice and probably a truckload of My Chemical Romance”
Consider me fucked “ I'm out! I am out, you're a cupcake assassin out for my blood!” I threw my hands up in mock surrender, to which he giggled again and whoop, there goes my brain. Short circuiting from the amount of moe that leaks from this dude. It's practically illegal. Bouncing from being scared shitless and then practically fluttering is probably not good for my heart either.
The mood changed again, as we coughed and ate bisconti awkwardly, entered the third part of this exercise. Which according to the hard to read side notes on our printouts, was the side that you hide from your friends. Something that you probably only rarely show at times. 
I actually didn't have much to hide or anything from my friends. What you see is what you get. Most of the times. “ I'm not sure if this answers the question but I'm generally pretty chill with my friends and how I act around my friends is usually the true image of myself?” Sitka nods, thank gods he gets where I'm getting with this.
 “ But also maybe because they see me as a happy person most of the time, I don't feel like I should show that I get sad a lot? Those sad and anxious moments are usually between me and dumb brain” I add uncertainly, before blurting out “ I have anxiety.”
Sitka shifted in his seat, turning to look at his friends. Now I'm worried, because literally no one drops that bombshell 15 minutes into the conversation. A conversation that only started because of a tutorial lesson.
To distract me from my rapidly anxious thoughts, I turned to look at Sitka's friends. The 'so pretty it hurts' pair of Thea and Irwin. Now that I've got my glasses back, I can really appreciate their attractiveness and how they sort of defy normal beauty standards? I mean, look at Thea, her look is handsome and rugged and she can pull off a suit and tie better than most male bodied people I know. Irwin is no different. They're so pretty and curvy and they carry a crop top with pride with their cute lil chub and wow, I'm gobsmacked again. 
Yeah, that's totally a way to distract me from my thoughts.
“ I wish I could be more open with my friends, especially Thea and Irwin” Sitka began, not taking his eyes off of them. “ I mean, I know they love me and everything but sometimes it's hard” I nod furiously, perfectly understanding what he meant.
“ I mean, I'm open about most things but sometimes, it's just I don't want them to worry about me. So I guess I'm the same as you?” Sitka finally glanced his ash coloured eyes at me and woah, pretty “ I mean, I'm happiest when I'm with them, so what you see is the sort of real me but I still have parts that I hide from them---” he stops and then looks at me with a soft expression “ I'm sor--”
“ Remember that threat about bad fanfictions?” I say, probably giving him the same look. Or not. It could be a smirk for all I know. He chuckles “ I get it, we're both holding back, even though we're so happy with our friends because they're one of the best things that ever happen to us. You don't have to be sorry, man. None of us do” We shared a sad, knowing smile before venturing to the next box.
Only we couldn't. The lecturer clapped his hands, jolting us out of the somber mood that had settled  between us. He said that that discovery time was over and it was time to discuss what each of us found out. We both looked at each other and shrugged, continuing to take notes from where we sat. The lecturer wrapped up our session with the usual stuff he says, talking about the benefits of this and why he decided to include this in his course and stuff. We also found out it was because he could listen in and now he has blackmail material. To which the class laughed and told him we got dirt on him from our seniors and we're weren’t afraid to broadcast it.
I was just glad it gave me a chance to talk to Sitka.
It's a different kind of comfort that I usually feel when I talk to my friends. Maybe because he gets it? But I'm pretty sure that my friends do, most of the time. I mean, I do sometimes notice how soft they can get when I'm in one of my moods and stuff. Talking to him felt as natural as it does with Tavşan and SEH, but in a way, but different.
I can't explain it well. But it's a good feeling.
0 notes