#anyways I just thought the way this event was described was interesting!!
loveinhawkins · 3 months
That little window of time after the events of ‘84 and before Steve graduates: where Steve loses the little interest he still had in high school drama, because how could it even matter, he thinks, after everything else?
And Eddie does notice the shift—he’s intuitive that way, can read changes in people so long as he’s really paying attention, so long as he’s looking in the right places—but that doesn’t stop his own thoughts from clouding the picture.
It’s not like the difference is all that dramatic. Steve still has the confidence that goes along with being Steve Harrington, the way he holds himself in a crowd. He’s still well-liked, invited to a respectable number of parties in his last semester; when in conversation, he laughs at all the right moments—still effortlessly fucking charming, Eddie privately thinks, resigned.
But what doesn’t escape Eddie’s notice is that there’s a half-heartedness to some of it, as if Steve’s just going through the motions.
It’s like he’s seen something bigger, that’s the closest Eddie can get to describing it—like he’s somehow seen a world beyond Hawkins, even while standing still.
Eddie reasons with more than a little bitterness that maybe it’s because Steve’s graduating. Maybe he could’ve had that feeling too if he didn’t keep…
“Hey, Munson,” Steve says in the cafeteria because he can just do that apparently, while Eddie still can’t shift the high school reflex, the instant bafflement that Steve Harrington is actually talking to him like they’re in any way—
“You’ve got O’Donnell next, right?” Steve asks.
Eddie nods. It’s not like it’s an actual shock that Steve knows some of his timetable; you spend long enough in school, and you end up remembering patterns without even really thinking about it. Still, it’s one thing to vaguely know it, another thing to hear it.
“Yeah, she’s not here, dude. Overheard a phone call in home-room, they can’t get a sub for her.”
So? Eddie thinks. He doesn’t say a word, but Steve scoffs like he’s somehow heard him.
“Just figured you wouldn’t wanna sit in class for no reason, man.”
“Right,” Eddie says. “Because I have so many other things to do.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Christ, lighten up. Sun’s shining and you’ve got the perfect opportunity to ditch class.”
Right now the only opportunity Eddie thinks he has is to be huge dick and snap back at Steve. He can’t bring himself to do it.
“Guess I don’t have your perspective,” is what he says instead.
Steve smiles. Even that seems knowing, but Eddie can’t put his finger on it.
What happened to you, Steve Harrington? Can you teach me, before you go?
Steve drifts back to his seat with a nonchalant shrug.
What Eddie doesn’t know is that Steve’s already thinking ahead to the end of the school day; he’d got a note in home-room from the school secretary, Claudia Henderson inviting him to dinner.
Eddie doesn’t understand it yet, but he can sense traces of the feeling anyway: that the sun is shining, and as far as Steve’s concerned, the monsters are gone. He’s seen so much, but today in spite of it—or maybe because of it—he is simply, unreservedly happy.
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First off, I love how violent it is. Obviously it's tonally appropriate, but it also seems like a logical escalation from the other instances of the transformation we've seen. I'm gonna rant about it for a minute so body horror warning I guess? I don't know what other category a guy vomiting green science goop would fall into.
Exhibit A:
From the very first change, it's always been very intense.
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He describes it as deeply unpleasant and painful, because his bones are literally changing, and by the end of it he's fallen to the floor.
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Pretty expected for your first time through an extremely physically traumatic event. But he never seems to get used to it.
Exhibit B:
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This transformation takes place two years after the first one. I'm sure a lot of this is the way it is because this moment is very dramatic and it needs to land that way, but the in-world logic is far more interesting to me. His dropping the flask and collapsing implies that even after this whole thing has become routine, his body still isn't used to it. Obviously your bones changing on a dime is never gonna be easy to go through, but even after two years there seems to be almost no acclimation. He probably can't even accurately predict when the pain will start, otherwise he would've set the flask down earlier.
But both of these transformations seem somewhat predictable. It starts inside of his mouth and eyes and spills out, working from the inside outward. My guess is that that is the stabilizing effect of the portion. Because once he starts to transform without it as a catalyst...
Exhibits C, D, and E:
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The process starts to break down. It starts the same way it always did, but by the third or fourth switch he starts producing a lot more science goop (Goop? Slime? Bile? Some kinda.... Green shit. What the fuck is this shit), but with less physical change. It starts getting onto his clothes, and it seems a lot more all- encompassing than it did before. Early on the goop seems incidental. The goop and the pain are both byproducts of the potion. But at this point he's practically choking on the stuff, it's not just an ambient effect, it's something being violently purged from his system. Until we get to this point- the first self-inflicted shift without the use of the potion.
Exhibit F:
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It's completely out of control. Not only is it full-force Exorcist style exploding from his mouth, it looks like it's coming out of his skin. These two panels, to me, imply that the stuff is sweating out of his skin in quantities that are heavy enough to soak through his hair. His expression can be interpreted a few different ways- general agony, screaming, ect. - but when I imagine what this scene would sound like I think there's too much blockage for him to be screaming. The way he folds over, his wide eyes, the amount of goop, I'm willing to bet that his expression is him desperately trying to breathe.
Anyways. I genuinely love this stuff. This is exactly my type of horror. The kind that doesn't seem like straight up horror until you give it a bit of thought. Chef's kiss. Delicious. Finally some good fucking food
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sw33tsuccubus · 3 months
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𝘣𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘵. 𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢
jess mariano x reader
genre; fluff
word count; 896
summary; jess annotates a book for reader and then proceeds to rethink every decision he’s ever made.
warnings; reader is described to be a fast reader, images found on pinterest, gn reader, not proofread
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reader pov
I had stopped by at Luke’s Diner to grab a coffee and have a small chat with Jess in the morning. He described a book he had recently read, saying it had been turned into a movie that disrespected the name.
“It’s so bad. Like, they changed multiple events and even one of the characters names. Don’t forget how everyone interacts with each other… it basically just shares the same name as the book is all.”
It was interesting seeing how frustrated he got about it, and I smiled at him.
“What book is this?”
His eyes widen a tad as he realizes he didn’t even say.
“I Know What You Did Last Summer. Lois Duncan.”
I nod, interested. I’d heard of the movie before, I think, in passing from my best friend. She and her mother watch a lot of things together, this might’ve been one she talked about.
“Did you like the book?”
I take a sip from my coffee, allowing the warmth of the drink to wake me up a bit more.
“Yeah, it was good. I annotated it as I read, if you want to borrow it.”
I smile at the offer, nodding along.
“I’d like that.”
And so here I sit, comfortably on my bed as I read the book. Jess’s annotations were always interesting. He didn’t only look at suspicious details in the story, he also had a soft spot for some of the romantic moments. It made me smile whenever I saw one, that goof.
The book was good, as he had said it was. I knew that Jess had written his full thoughts in the very back, so once I finished, I took everything in to form my opinions. I then open to the back to compare.
I didn’t expect a small folded paper to fall out. A little ‘huh’ escapes from my lips as I unfold it, reading it. I almost laugh at the simplicity of it. A note saying ‘Will you go on a date with me?’ with two boxes, one for yes and one for no. I snort in amusement, before placing it beside me to read his thoughts.
They were agreeable. It was well written and the. characters were developed. Barry was an asshole and Ray came off kinda creepy during some parts of the book.
Once I finish reading his thoughts, I turn my attention back to the note. I pick it up and walk to my desk, grabbing a pen. I checkmark the yes box and slide the note back into the book, knowing I’ll drop it off before dinner.
jess pov
What was I thinking.
Metallica pulses through the air as I stare at the ceiling. I’m lying on the floor as I collect my thoughts. I just asked out Y/n, and in probably the most stupid way possible.
What else can I do, I guess? And it’s too late anyways, they’re bound to have seen it by now.
Perhaps it isn’t the end of the world. If they say no, I’ll lose a close friend, but I’ll survive. Maybe I’ll be regretting who I am for a while, but I’ll survive.
The notes of Nothing Else Matters ring in my ears like a bell. I hum along faintly, occupying myself from my thoughts.
I pick myself up when there’s a knock on my bedroom door.
Luke pops his head in, looking at me with tired eyes.
“C’mon. Dinner rush about to come in.”
And so I turn off my CD player and trudge down to the diner, ready to serve the rush. I head to the counter like my uncle asks me to and take peoples orders, scribbling in the notepad and dismissing them to a table. I hand the notepad to Luke to take to whoever’s cooking and repeat the process who knows how many times, when my attention is grabbed by a familiar face entering the diner.
Y/n approaches the counter with a friendly smile, brandishing my copy of I Know What You Did Last Summer. They place it on the counter, and I take it into my hands.
I watch them lean against the counter and think for a moment.
“Well, I thought it was good. Barry was terrible to Helen, Ray was kinda freaky, Julie’s mom was a real one, some of the scenes were cool. The gunshot during the fireworks show was clever, I liked that. A crazed brother is a little silly, I wonder what happened to poor Megan. I feel bad for the parents of the little boy. I liked Helen but thought she was a little dim for not realizing what Barry was up to. His mom was annoying. I also like how you annotate books, by the way. Seeing your thought process is really interesting while I’m having my own, y’know?”
Y/n finishes, looking at me. Their look is knowing, so I know they read the note. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I wonder what they’ll say, if anything. The silence that follows what they say is awkward.
And then, “I’ll go out with you.”
They hand me the note, and I see that they checked off the yes box. I look up and see them smiling at me. I give a small smile back.
Maybe it wasn’t a mistake after all.
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zvezdacito · 7 months
A Different Perspective on the Raverne -> Crowley theories, who to trust and a way of tying it to the themes of the story
Preface: This isn't really gonna be a super serious compilation of solid proof, symbolism or anything, more like just me yapping abt something I happened to randomly think of yesterday and thought "it would actually be kinda interesting from a writing standpoint if this is the thing they go for instead of what everyone was expecting". Kind of long but I promise it will be at least interesting AU material if anything so just bear with me lmao
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Ok so basically so far the general trajectory of theories is something bad happened to Raverne while he was missing that made him into Crowley who is doing some kind of evil scheming that will disregard the safety of his family and students sooner or later. Generally Raverne is the good self while Crowley is the fucked up self, and it would probably be better if Raverne was here instead of him
But what if it's actually more like the other way around. That Raverne is the one we should be looking out for, and Crowley is the trustworthy version of him this entire time?
What if everything Raverne went through made it inevitable for him to snap and be vengeful and do evil shit so Crowley is basically his sane self's last ditch effort to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone and ruin people's lives, basically using the goofy Crowley personality to suppress and forget the vengeful Raverne personality
Like the "Raverne's soul got fractured and split into pieces and the pieces that remember his past are sealed away" theories, but instead of usual reasons it's him who sealed them away ironically to remain as true to his original self as possible, than if it remained and he turned into someone violent and hateful against his own principles.
I feel like it would be even more of a twist since they keep emphasizing how kind and peaceful Raverne is so I don't think neither Meleanor, Lilia nor the audience would expect the OG Raverne described that way to actually turn out cruel and untrustworthy who the seemingly suspicious and cowardly Crowley was actually trying to manage the whole time
Also it would kind of be more straightforward as to why he would choose to forget Lilia and Malleus than if Crowley was fucked up Raverne and forgot them even though his goal would be to revive Meleanor and his old life with them anyway
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It's hard to tell right now but Crowley despite his goofiness doesn't really seem to harbor any malice against anyone, nor would he be the type to seriously blood sacrifice any of his students, even if he does abandon them sometimes. In this new context maybe it would even make sense if he abandons them so the subconcious Raverne doesn't try to find opportunity to break out/cause trouble through blot and magic related situations?
So yeah it would be cool if it turned out Crowley was the "good" version of Raverne all along, and Raverne overtly and subtextually is just trying to gaslight the audience into distrusting Crowley so they can set a chain reaction of events going to unseal him so he can do whatever he wants to
Also Crowley probably knows he has to keep Raverne locked away no matter what but also doesn't dare try to remember what Raverne remembers because that would go against the whole point of keeping Raverne locked away in the first place. His memory of his past is just puzzle pieces w/o the bigger picture. He has to be atleast partially aware that he has to not give in to the voice in the back of his mind for the sake of others
Like he knows he had to leave behind a family behind and forget them so he would not hurt them, but he doesn't exactly remember who anymore which is why he isn't really flinching or anything when around Malleus and Lilia at NRC
Though I feel like him suppressing Raverne lowkey also took a toll on his mental state. So they actual conclusion would for him to basically symbolically stop suppressing his trauma in an attempt to be a perfect victim because it's not working either way and the only way for Raverne to rest in peace is if he finds closure. Whatever that may be.
Maybe if Yuu and co. find out they encourage him to do this to his surprise basically saying "Don't worry headmage we'll beat the shit out of evil Raverne for you if he goes out of control (you are so annoying so we've always wanted to do this)"
The reveal and Crowley needing to stop supressing Raverne in his subconcious to let him process what he should have would make sense, since it would also tie in to the overarching theme around the overblots:
That even though they're ugly and hurtful manifestations of trauma they need to play out so the OBer can finally grow as a person instead of bottling it all up and being in denial
And also so they can finally come to terms with something that happened to them even if they can't change it
^ Accidentally sort of also combined this with the "Crowley's mask is hiding the fact that he's in a paused state of overblot that he just managed to sorta control" theory. Maybe overblot is what he had to stop Raverne from devolving into in the first place
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↑ This ties back to my HC for Raverne's personality being a natural coward and not as battle-oriented but tries to be strong, as he sees Meleanor and Lilia to be as well as making the most out of the skills the does have (using cowardice and sensitivity to be a master diplomat and educator instead) so he can feel like he has the right to continue to stand by their side. Maybe he didn't even care much for being considered kind until that's what Mel and Lilia saw his actions as instead of weak or foolish, that being what made him want to work on that newly defining trait of his now
Lilia at one point mentions that even tho Raverne tries to perform honor student he could be as picky of an eater as Meleanor was and Lilia would have to eat his spare food too
Adding to the possibility Raverne was always the type to make twice an effort to be 'kind' and strong to compensate for his nature that he sees as inherently lacking. This is also probably why he'd be super harsh on himself as Crowley
Oomf also suggested that this may add a layer to why his catchphrase ended up being "For I'm so gracious". As if to remind himself to keep up the effort to be such because he fears his natural state is one that isn't, as well as him encouraging himself to always be forgiving so Raverne doesn't gain the upper hand from his subconcious
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↑ Ok so I don't have the brainpower to paraphrase this too so I'll just copy paste what I talked to another oomf about here because it's also interesting
That's pretty much it, hope the general idea and effect was conveyed properly🔥🔥🔥 I don't think the exact details need to be followed since it probably has a bunch of holes itself, but the general gist of Crowley being the more positive side of Raverne instead of the expected inverse all along + it making more sense as to why Raverne would be motivated to forget + tying into the themes of overblotting and trauma would be interesting I think. Kind of a clever misdirection. All of this is not super substantiated though since even now we barely know anything about either Raverne or Crowley, so really only time will tell. Personally kinda got attached to this direction for Crowley's character so I hope they go with something adjacent to the heart fo it at least
The other option is he's not Raverne at all and we're racking our brains over this for no reason lmao
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annwrites · 5 months
ain't about to take any risks
— pairing: shane walsh x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: the group debates what is to be done with randall. shane is the only one interested in your opinion. dale is sure you'll agree with him.
— tw: mentions of sex, mentions of rape, debating murder
— word count: 1,687
— a/n: in this version of events, shane & andrea have never had sex. & while i think her feelings toward him only really manifested after that afternoon in the front seat of his car, i've implied in this that she has a thing for him anyway.
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Shane looks at you then. “Y/N-baby, been awful quiet. Like to hear your thoughts on it.”
Dale speaks before you can. Not that you want to. You don’t entirely like being made the sudden center-of-attention to begin with anyway.
“Well, obviously she agrees with me. She’d never advocate for cold-blooded murder like this.” He looks at you. “Right?”
You shift from one foot to the other. You look at Daryl then. “You’ve spent more time with him in the barn than most of us. What, exactly, has he said to you?”
Daryl glances from you, to Dale, to Shane, then to the floor. “Told me this one story, ‘bout the guys he was with. How this one night they came across this camp—a dad and his two daughters. ‘Real cute-like’ was how he described ‘em. Said the other guys took turns, made the dad watch. That they didn’t even bother to kill ‘em after. ‘Course he told me that ‘he isn’t like that’. It was just somethin’ in the way he talked about it. Like…I don’t know. Like he got off on it, or somethin’. Made me wanna put an arrow through his skull.”
Your stomach turns. You’re quiet for a moment, glancing to Shane, then you look at Dale. “I understand his standing by as witness. I’m sure if he’d so much as tried to stop them, they would’ve killed him. It was self-preservation. He’d be dead and…they still would’ve done it anyway. But to talk about it in the manner Daryl described…” You shake your head, crossing your arms. “To describe those girls like that…it’s clear what kind of man he is. If he’d shown any amount of remorse, I’d feel differently. So I agree with Shane.”
Shane gives you a small smile, standing up a bit straighter.
Dale looks absolutely flabbergasted. “I can’t believe I’m getting out-voted over something so…so-”
Shane cuts him off, shifting his weight from one hip to the other. When he speaks, he keeps his eyes on you all the while. “If I ever saw that bastard near her,” he nods his head in your direction. “I’d drop ‘em several times over. I ain’t about to take any risks over the woman I…”
He pauses for just a moment. The two of you had said it a handful of times so far. And only after the first time you’d had sex. That warm, perfect day far away from the farmhouse. Far from the rest of the camp.
He’d taken your virginity, just like he’d offered to, and in that moment, with him sheathed inside of you, whispering sweet nothings against your ear as he made love to you so painstakingly slowly…something shifted. And the both of you could no longer deny that something more—some invisible bond—was binding the two of you. Had been all along since he saved you from staying back at the quarry.
But the two of you had agreed to keep your new, blossoming relationship just between you. To keep moments of true, physical intimacy either in his tent, or in that field you returned to time and again to feel your bare skin upon one another.
You didn’t need to risk someone sticking their nose in your business and trying to come between you—trying to ruin what you’d just found; just formed, and were slowly building.
You’d both lost enough. You weren’t about to lose one another, too. Especially after Shane had put forward so much effort in saving you over and over again. In taking care of, and protecting, and providing for you without asking for anything in return, but for you to finally try and live. For him, if nothing else.
You both knew people in the camp suspected.
Shane was gradually, as time went on, trying less and less to hide it. He’d give you a quick kiss on the cheek or top of your head here or there, whisper something in your ear—both of you pulling away from the other laughing—or giving each other lustful looks, heat pooling between your thighs as he told you the things he’d been thinking about doing to you all day. Or, you’d serve him lunch, him even once pulling you into his lap when it was late and half your people were gathered around the campfire chatting or eating.
Lori had cornered you one day in the kitchen about it. You’d just finished helping Maggie tend to the garden—pulling weeds and harvesting the fruits and vegetables that were ready to be eaten—and were washing off, and cutting up, and preserving when she’d come inside, seeking you out.
She’d asked Maggie if she would please give the two of you a moment alone, which she had of course obliged.
And then she’d asked if something were going on between you and Shane, and what it was, exactly, at that.
You’d remained quiet for a moment, setting some tomatoes in a bowl to begin drying off before you’d simply shrugged and said how you didn’t see it being anyone’s business but yours and his.
She gently grabbed your arm, turning you around toward her, the look on her face one of pure concern. “Honey, I don’t think you understand the kind of man he is. What he’s done, and-”
You’d promptly crossed your arms over your chest. “We’ve talked at length about the things he’s done. And even if none of them had anything to do with me, I still granted him my forgiveness when he asked me for it, because it was that important to him that he have it.”
She’d been left speechless for a moment. Long enough that you’d turned back around to begin scrubbing the potatoes of the dirt and soil they were covered in.
“Y/N, you’re young. And Shane is…he knows what he’s doing. He’s been with plenty of women before. Whereas you’ve-”
“Like you?”
She had shut her mouth instantly. “If you think this is jealousy, it isn’t. I’m just trying to look out for you; trying to prevent him from taking advantage of your youth, or your vulnerability. You don’t have anyone left to do that for you anymore.”
“Except him. He’s the only one who bothered to save me time and again when all I wanted—more than anything—was to give up and die. He refused to let that happen. I wouldn’t be standing here listening to someone else lecture me on how they know better than I do without him.” You’d turned back around then, bowl of tomatoes held between your arms. “I need to get these to Patricia, excuse me.”
Just as you were nearly out of the kitchen, you threw over your shoulder “Feel free to help if you have nothing better to do.”
You and Lori hadn’t spoken since that day. You had thought, after, that perhaps you’d been too harsh. You knew where her concern primarily stemmed from: the night in the library at the CDC. When Shane told you about it…you’d remained silent for a long while after, unsure of what to do. What to say. You felt afraid of him, even for a moment. The fact he could even think to do such a thing…to anyone—it didn’t matter that she had jilted him or not. It was inexcusable.
When you had looked at him, he’d been staring at you, his eyes red, and he’d told you he understood if you wanted him to stay away from you from now on. That maybe it was true: you deserved better.
You’d told him you didn’t want that, but that that action…it wasn’t for you to forgive. He’d nodded, understanding what you meant. He’d promised he would never hurt you like that, no matter what the future held.
You believed him.
Even Andrea had seemed a bit…jealous when she saw Shane so close to you nearly all the time now. Whenever he was in camp—he refused to let you go on runs unless it was with him, which typically translated to finding an abandoned house so you had a proper bed to have sex in—he was almost always pressed up against your side, his hands on your hips, your lower back, cupping your cheek, gripping your chin… A few times his hand had been high on your thigh, sometimes nearly touching you there—his way of silently asking to be alone with you for awhile.
She’d given you the cold shoulder for a couple days after she had once asked Shane if he wanted to go on a run and he had told her he didn’t intend to go out that day, but had then loaded you into his Hyundai later that afternoon, slipping a few small square wrappers into his pocket, adjusting himself over his pants, before climbing into the driver’s side and taking off from the farm like a bat out of hell.
Shane sighs for a moment, glancing down to his boots, then back up to you, silently asking for permission to finally give them all the truth you’re sure half of them are already well-aware of you.
You give him a small smile.
He continues. “I ain’t about to take any risks over the woman I love. I’ve almost lost her three times already. I ain’t about to let there be a fourth. I’ll put a bullet in his chest before that ever even comes close to happenin’. You can all bet your damn lives on that.”
You hear someone scoff, and you’re sure it’s Andrea, but you don’t care. Let them think what they wish. You were growing tired of people like Lori and Hershel treating Shane—someone who had kept the group alive and for so long—like the devil.
She had taken him for granted. Tossed him aside like he’d never mattered in the first place when Rick came back to her. You understood her reuniting with her previously-thought-dead husband, but to act like Shane had never been of any importance to start with? After all he’d done for her and Carl? After tearing himself apart, thinking his best friend was dead for all that time?
You wouldn’t be making that same mistake.
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ddollfface · 7 months
Hi! I read your alphabet about yandere!athlete and I loved! I also become curious: you said he needed maintain the popular facade in front of others, right? Being cool and a womanizer and other things. My question is: has he ever betrayed the reader while doing that? A kiss? Sex? How does he maintain that image while in a relationship with reader?
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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Trigger Warnings; bad writing, reader is described as yandere’s girlfriend, um nothing this is really tame tbh If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ I really liked this anon request! I had never really thought about this before lol, but I think the idea of LoveSick!Athlete defending his relationship to be so cute! Anyways, thanks so much for requesting something! If you have any more questions/thoughts, then just ask)))
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Ooo, that's a really good question anon!
So, to answer your question, I need to refer back to things I've said in the past. LoveSick!Athlete makes your relationship known, extensively. Honestly, his teammates will likely know so, so, so much about you, even before you've met. This is cause he'll tell everyone and anyone about your interests; what your favorite food is, whether you like to swim or not, etc.
And he'll make it clear that the two of you are in a committed relationship. Now, this doesn't stop chicks from going up to him and openly flirting with him, even though he's made his relationship status clear. We all know that there are some... determined girls out there, and he seems to attract all of them. It's a big university, after all.
LoveSick!Athlete won't lie, he finds their advances annoying, seeing as he only has eyes for you, you, you, but he has a reputation to uphold, meaning that he'll entertain them, much to your annoyance. Depending on how long you've known each other, seeing as I've drabbled on a childhood friend version of reader, LoveSick!Athlete's reaction and response will vary.
The first reaction is to go along with whatever the girl's requesting, wanting to just get the interaction over with while keeping his reputation intact. He'll nod along with whatever the girl's saying, sweet talk her a little, but all his words don't mean anything. They're just a bunch of empty promises and flirtatious remarks, nothing from the heart. Mind you, LoveSick!Athlete is subconsciously comparing the girl to you.
All he can think of is how you're so, so, so much better than her. How your smile is so much sweeter, softer, and pleasing on the eyes, his eyes. How your clothes are appealing and bring out your own charm, something he's always loved about you. How your perfume isn't overbearing, like hers, or how it's light and matches you perfectly. All of these comparisons pop up in his mind and it just makes him bitter, wishing that he wasn't talking to this girl and instead laying in bed with you, loving you.
Eventually, if the girl tries to get in his pants, he'll wave her off, passing her to one of his, not-as-attractive, friend/s. Of course, he'll make sure that she's willing and actually interested in his friends, not wanting the girl to feel forced into anything. But he isn't talking to her anymore, and he'll relay that information in the nicest way he can. After all, it's possible that the girl doesn't know that he has an amazing girlfriend waiting for him.
He'll be humble; tell the girl that he's sure that one of his friends would be a much better fit for her. That he's too rowdy for her, after all, she's such a sweetheart, he's sure. His friend Chui (just thought of a random name lol) is a real pleaser, you'll see, he tells the girl. And he'll play matchmaker, paring the, now confused, girl with his appciative friend (who's cool with the turn of events).
LoveSick!Athlete has set up so many of his friends and teammates as a way of getting out of hooking up with some random girl.
Then there's the second reaction he'd have, and this one is if he's been with you for a long time (like a year or more). At this point, in your relationship, everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that you're together. There's no way that they couldn't. This means, that if a girl tries to get with him they're actively trying to get him to leave you, or they're new, which is far less likely.
The latter is the more common option, seeing as you're with LoveSick!Athlete every waking day. There's no way a girl couldn't know that you're his girl. And, let's just say, that LoveSick!Athlete isn't too pleased that someone trying to get between your relationship, but, of course, he has a public image to maintain.
To avoid his name being tarnished, he'll play into the lovesick boyfriend stereotype. He'll tell the girl that he's sure she's a great girl, that she'd be a wonderful girlfriend, he'd say with gritted teeth. The idea of calling another girl wondering makes his nose scrunch in disgust, especially since they don't even compare to you, you, you.
Then he'll drop the bomb, that they may or may not know, saying that he's got you, his girl, at home. That you're the girl of his dreams, someone he's been waiting for his whole life. Of course, the girl will swoon, finding his loyalty to be just adorable. And this will change the topic to how great of a boyfriend he is, how you must be so lucky to have someone like him. He'll stay humble, of course, not wanting to see too stuck up. He's gotta stay right in the in-between.
LoveSick!Athlete will rub his neck, faining a blush as he refuses the girl's compliments. How he's the lucky one, that you're such a good girlfriend, better than he'd ever imagine. And if his buddies are there, they'll smack him on the shoulder, teasing him for being a simp or some crap. After that, everyone would completely forget about the girl trying to hook up with him, just what he wanted.
Anyways! That's what I think would happen in this scenario/s. LoveSick!Athlete is a very, very, very loyal man, something I personally find endearing. And he highly values loyalty in all of his relationships, both platonically and romantically. He holds both you and himself to the standard of loyalty.
He feels the same way about his family, too. He'd lie about murder if it meant keeping his sister/brother out of jail. He'd do anything, and I mean anything, for the ones he loves. It's a core value of his, and he would never waver on that front.
How sweet, don't cha think?
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jpitha · 11 months
Humans LIKE explosions
Humans and explosions seem inseperable. There’s something in the way that they’re wired. The just love to see things explode. I won’t even blame it on their home planet, though I feel like I should. I’ve been blaming that ball of rock for a lot of things lately, it’s unfair of me.
A few cycles ago, I was invited to come along with my human friends as they celebrate another holiday. Which one? I wasn’t really paying attention, I was trying to get some time with Heather from Traffic Control so I could ask her out on a date. I know, I know, you’re going to make fun of me for being a human chaser, but you know what? I don’t care. More of them for me. Fel said she likes us.
Anyway, they invited me along and I wasn’t about to say no. They had chartered a ship to take us to the inner system to “get the best views” whatever that meant. Onboard, light refreshments and drinks were served. They even thought of non humans had had a whole spread of food I could eat! Me and the other non humans were impressed. They went all out.
About a demicycle into the party, there was a tone, and everyone made their way to the large clear viewports that had been installed on the ship. They were nearly two meters tall, optically clear and incredibly thick. At first I had thought they were just viewscreens but Heather - who at this time had seemed receptive to my advances so was standing at my side, pressed against me and stroking the fur between my ears - she explained that for an event like this, only the real view would suffice. “We want to see them with our own eyes.”
“See what?”
Her laughter was music. “You’ll see.”
We both turned back to the window. There was another tone, and a prerecorded speech began. I was only half paying attention as I was otherwise… distracted by Heather’s light grooming. Something about a day of rememberance and reflection as well as a time for looking forward.
The speech over, there was a moment where nothing was happening. Then, there was multiple flashes as ships linked in. I was able to track their movement after the link which meant they were moving very fast. As I watched, another ship linked in and…
I swear this is really what happened.
The two ships crashed into each other! They must have been going nearly half the speed of light at the time. The explosion was… it was hard to describe. It was a flash of white brighter than the sun and on the edge of the explosion were tendrils of black reaching out into space. As it faded to nothing another and and another. They were just crashing ships into each other over and over again. Some of the ships must have had something done to their reactors, they would explode with orange or red or yellow or green colors, not just white.
Others would link in, and fire hundreds of missiles into space before being struck by another ship. I looked up at Heather. Her eyes were glued to the window, watching and gasping with delight at each explosion. She never stopped stroking my fur, but I could tell she was doing it on automatic. The carnage outside had taken all her attention.
After a few more explosions it was done. There was light applause and everyone went back to the main ballroom to have more snacks.
“Wasn’t that fun?” Heather squeezed me as we walked back. She smelled like trees and a cool breeze. I wonder if she wore a scent she knew I’d like.
“It was… interesting for sure. Thank you for inviting me.” I looked up at her and then back towards the window. “You really destroy all those ships every year?”
“Oh, there’s no AI on them, and they’re all hulks that were destined for scrap and recycling anyway, nobody got hurt, and everyone got a show. It was fun!” She nodded to herself. “Good show this year too, no misses and I hadn’t seen blasts that big since I was a kid.”
The things I do for a date.
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
so happy that i saw that ur recs r open bc for some reason i thought they were closed which was sad. bc i literally love ur writing and ur so good and making me feel like i’m actually in the situation you’re describing like ur my idol i swear. anyways i digress, could you please write me a smut with cheol? honestly any set up you want and any kinks you want. bc tbh anything you write i love no matter what it is. bless yo soul 🙏🙏🫶❤️
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Pairing: seungcheol x afab!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2k
tags: brief teacher!cheol, neighbor au, fwb au, lingerie (as well mentions of the destruction of it), rough sex, choking, doggy style, daddy kink, marking, oral (recieving and giving), spitting
Summary: Welcome to the five tip guide on being neighborly! We hope this helps you get on friendly terms with the people you see everyday!
author note: I shouldn't be anyone’s idol lol but thank you 🥺. I've done so much to this that you might get whiplash tbh
1. Always greet your neighbor
You glance back at him as he ruffles through his mail, likely looking for something urgent or maybe a new event flyer to pique any interest. You can see his eyes turn up in the corner, returning your gaze, a grin tugging his cheeks harder as he greets you with a simple, “Afternoon.”
“Good afternoon to you,” you greet back, you scanned his figure up and down, taking in his laid-back work attire. From the beige dress shirt untucked from his slacks to the usually smooth pressed tie dangling loosely from his neck, that is only possible after a long day at work, but how could that be? It was only 3 pm. “Short work day?”
“It was a parent teacher conference day. Kids left early, and we teachers talk to parents for a few hours then leave on the dot. How about you? Why are you home early?”
“Working from home today. Remembered to get mail. Got lucky that I got to see you.”
His ears perk up at the word. “Lucky? You got something to do with me?” 
It’s funny how he could say that with a straight face. 
You shake your head grinning. “No. Just nice to see one of my favorite neighbors.”
He chuckles, “Pleased to know I’m a favorite. KKuma misses you by the way.”
“Kkuma? Just Kkuma?” You ask with a raised brow, a Cheshire smile dangles off your face, tucking the bundle under your arm.
Your anticipation was evident on your face. Seungcheol could play this cleverly or like he always does: with a stupid smile on his face.
“Well,” he cheekily grins, pretending to shuffle through his mail, “not just Kkuma.”
You press your legs together in restraint, holding yourself back from taking a step further, knowing well there was plenty of time in the rest of your day. “I’ll see you ‘round, Cheol.”
“I’m betting on it.”
2. Always call ahead before visiting: 
Seungcheol lingered on your mind for quite a while, picturing his bare broad shoulders facing you as he faced the sunrise from your fire escape, only wearing a pair of gray sweatpants. You hum at the internal image in delight, leaning on the kitchen counter in longing, wishing and dreaming it was replaced by something much warmer. 
You immediately think to text him, ask him what his plans are with all that free time, and are waiting for the other line to respond, luckily sooner than you expected. The nickname you have for him pops up as well a timid smile on your face reading out his message:
Kkumas Daddy: no but I bet you have a few ideas
Your teeth meet your bottom lip with interest, thinking about what to type out. Your thumbs scale the bright screen across the keyboard before you could stop yourself. Blood rushing to heat your cheeks and hitting send almost too soon, not even worrying about the possible typos you made.
You: maybe I do. I could tell you unless you want me to show you
You shut your eyes, clutching the electronic device, quietly praying that you read the room right. It’s a few seconds later, your phone plays a text tone and you open to read what he responds back with.
Kkumas Daddy: well I wouldnt be against it
You scrambled in your closet to pick out a pretty set, letting the straps tug against your body in a flattering way before snapping a few photos, picking out the best one, and sending it to him. You hands were practically shaking. It had been so long since you go to do this. You felt sexy, wanted, invigorated; all by the same man.
Seungcheol finds the notification immediately, throat running dry at how pretty you look in red lace, hand automatically falling to the erection in his sweats. He palms himself, thinking of fucking the daylights out of you, seeing the tears fall from your eyes when you scream how good he feels in you. He could get himself off just thinking about it. He struggles to respond with one hand, lightly relieving himself simultaneously. 
Kkumas Daddy: You knew just what i want to see
Kkumas Daddy: You put that on just for me?
Kkumas Daddy: I hope you don’t mind me ripping it open to get to what’s underneath
Your arousal was practically pooling between your legs, having you clench around nothing, you think about him ruining you perfectly against your fresh sheets or face down on the kitchen counter. No matter how many pieces of lingerie you would go through, he’d rip it like disposables and you’d be split in half, practically shaking with the cum spilling out of you.
You:  You better come over then before I decide on taking it off
Kkumas Daddy: Not without me you won’t
3. If you ask for a favor, like borrowing a cup of sugar, always thank them: 
“T-thank you, daddy,” You barely utter as Seungcheol ruts you over the arm of your couch.
He did good on his word when he came over. In little to no time, he’s made himself home, closing the door behind him, attaching his lips to yours, and pulling off your cardigan to reveal the lingerie set he only saw in your messages. He’s groaning over your lips, curling a fist to the small of your back. “You’re body is fucking absurd in this. Shit.”
His hand traces your frame, brushing his fingers over your erect nipples through the lace covering them, and hoists you up to wrap your legs around his torso. Things only went up from there as his reliably strong build handles you like a rag doll and he takes you to the living room to fuck you open.
He holds you by your hair, ass in the air with help of the couch and he can barely hear your thanks through the violent sound of skin slapping and your vicious moisture. “You gotta be louder than that for me to hear you, pretty thing.”
You could hear the arrogant smile in his tone, as well as the breathlessness he exhibits. He manages to slow down his pace, teasing you to get your voice a chance, but the slippery suction of his cock going in and out of you still haunts your ears. “Thank you so much, daddy…you make me feel so full.”
He picks up his speed, squeezing the flesh of your cheeks in gratitude. “You like taking my cock? You’re so fucking good at it. Your little hole is practically perfect for taking it deep.”
“Yes!” You answer enthusiastically, nails digging into the scratchy tweed cushions. “It’s so…b-big and…f-fucks me…so good.”
He places a hand over your neck, pulling you up to have your bare back meet his bare chest, bottoming out inside you, and holding back your oxygen. Your eyes flutter at this sensation, hands gripping the couch arm desperately to ground yourself, vision blurring from lack of and you incessant tears. His tongue runs up the back of your neck, a slobber trail left on your skin before he’s sucking down the skin of your jaw, triggering something in you that made your body restless. You could feel your arousal drip so far past your knees.
“Fuck, daddy!” you cry out rather loudly, his warm chuckles tickling your skin soon after. 
The pads of his fingers press deeper into the base of your neck. His teeth bit down on the patch of skin he caught and marking you a pretty darker shade. “Look, I just made you a little prettier.
4. Lend a hand when you can: 
Seungcheol’s full length slides in your mouth and down your throat so effortlessly. He shut his eyes at the tight sensation and your drool dripping down his shaft until it reaches his lap. You bob your head, looking at him wide-eyed and needy; all signs pointing to your cock thirst. He groans watching your efforts, feeling himself hit the back of your throat euphorically.
“What a perfect little mouth. Does daddy taste good, baby?”
You moan a ‘yes,’ vibrating around his cock and his precum coating your tongue. Your lips hug around his girth, glossy and perfect, looking the prettiest sucking his dick. He thought about this all the time when he was alone, ecstatic to have it back.
“God,” He takes your hair in fists, “Your mouth is a dream…”
He pushes your head down in aid, moving you to his preferred pace, his hips thrusting in your mouth. The sound you make was nothing short of melodic. From the gag of your mouth to the slick moisture that echoed throughout the room, he felt like he could leave this world happy with your mouth full of his cum.
“S-shit.” He overexerts himself, pumping a hot load directly down your mouth and it leaks past your lips, dribbling down your chin like melted ice scream.
You pull him out of you with a gasp, coughing for air, half of the cum in your mouth swallowed down or trailing down your chest. 
“Did I hurt you?” a brief look of concern washes over his face.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, smiling manically. “Yes, but I liked it.”
5.Make sure to leave a lasting good impression: 
Seungcheol spits in his hands before running a finger down your slit, edging you with a tired grin on his face, your whines becoming his theme music. “Daddy please…”
“You’re so wet. My fingers got dirty so fast from you.” He pushes two digits in, making themselves him and adjusting the rhythm in which they move to see how loud you can really get. “Gotta push all this cum back in you. Can’t waste any of it, you know.”
Knuckles deep, he curls his fingers, thumb pressing into your clit in his intervals of rubbing. You squirm under his touch, crying out his name like a mantra, pushing the back of your head deep into the couch cushions. His face buries between your legs, spitting inside your hole, and letting his tongue join his fingers. It circles inside you, fucking you just as good as his fat length would. He lapped you up like liquid gold, blessing his mouth and throat with the pleasure of your climax. 
You savor the experience, watching tufts of his hair flying all over the place, and his cheeks damp with the result of you cumming two or more times today. There wasn’t a better image you could think of replaying in your head after this is all over. “Daddy, your mouth…cumming…”
You warn him too late as it’s already gushing out of you, he smiles in your warm, no doubt staining your couch in all kinds of fluid. He picks himself up and kisses your lips, the reminisce of today sweet and salty on both your tongues. When Seungcheol parts from you, you could focus on hearing each other pants, the pounding in either one’s chest, and the warmth of his flushed and tired body as he envelopes you in an embrace, pulling you into his lap as he rests against the couch. 
“That…” he gasps, “was fucking crazy. Why don’t we fuck like that anymore?”
You laugh through your nose, resting your head on the crook of his neck. “You were dating someone that wasn’t me.”
He sighs, eyes boring into the dim light of the common area, before slowly closing them shut, “Right.”
You twiddle with your fingers, their tingling sensation nagging at you to work up the nerve to finally say it. Your eyes sporadically blink both in fatigue and anxiety. You decide to embrace his broad back, exhaling through your nose in a calm breath. 
“I was thinking. Maybe instead of, I don’t know, casual sex, we could…Cheol?”
He was long gone. His snores leave his nostrils as soon as air enters, tranced in a deep slumber. You sigh, bitterly gazing back at him and thinking about what’s never to come. But hey, at least you’re good neighbors. He’d never let you forget that. 
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undershyperfixate · 5 months
Ranting about Ashlyn and Aiden ( concerning Red story)
( this is spoiler free, I will only discuss things that happened until ep 72)
Edit : This was sitting in my draft for so long omg
( One of those rant is inspired by a convo I had with Moon)
(edit: I've just realized while editing this that your surname is biin and not moon I apologize)
SO, sure there's an sbg hiatus, but that doesn't stop me from nourishing myself with any content there is 🫡
What content do we have here?
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I've thought about that so many times while reading fanfics about sbg, especially because there's a lot of alternative universes fanfics and I would ask myself "would they even be friends without those events?"
And now we have our answer; no.
But what's interesting then is that Ashlyn would only get close with Aiden in universes where an event would force a proximity. More defined by an event where they would be forced to interact and understand each other to survive the event, without this event, their relationship wouldn't exist. Which is understandable since as shown in the webtoon, before the dimension; she avoids him, she distanced herself, and she would have continued to do that.
But most of all, I want to talk about the last sentence. ( I'm extremely bad with context clues so I'm not sure if the last sentence "they've grown closer and find comfort in understanding one another" is about the whole group or just Ash and Aiden, but let's act as if it was about Ash and Aiden).
Them both being neurodivergent ( Canon-wise, Ash is autistic and Aiden has ADHD) adds a lot to their understanding of each other and how they can find comfort in being together ( platonic or romantic).
I'm going to use one of some scenes to explain my thesis
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My favorite, scene, of all time. I love everything about that I'm going to explode.
Okay anyway, here we can see that Aiden noticed Ashlyn depressed state fastly, without even needing words, he knows about her boundaries so he just caress their knuckles together ( that sounds so medical) as a way to comfort her without making her uncomfortable. He understands her needs and boundaries and wants to still be able to be there for her and make her feel better in his own way so he does it in the most thoughtful way
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The way he's shocked at the contact and can't handle seeing her cry omg :( the way he wraps his hand around her in a comforting manner, like he just knows what to do when it's needed, without overstepping her boundaries in any way.
And now later on,
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Aiden was the first one to see that ash felt distressed about driving again, ( due to her feeling guilty when Tyler fell and that she wasn't able to go back). He proposes to drive even tho has zero experience in driving ( he probably wanted to try for some thrills too) but also because he understood how uneasy it was for her, same as when they were in the hospital.
And now for the main scene that inspired me to write this
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He's staying beside her when he's running and immediately grabs her arm when she stumbles because of the sudden loud noises. He sat beside her and put his hands on the headphones to help her muffle the sounds even more. That's such a genuinely adorable way of showing that you care by doing an act of service, but also them being both written as neurodivergent makes me think that they understand each other in a relatable way, in a "helping one another accommodate to their struggles" kinda way. The same way as Ash is said to be unconsciously more protective of Aiden because he's more hyperactive and takes more risks.
Everything about this rant can be taken as both platonic or romantic, as I tried to stay on red's words to describe their dynamic. ( Did I already say that? I get distracted easily)
I've finished my little rant, thanks for reading
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Roger Barel - My Thoughts So Far...
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Hiii everybody! I just wanted to drop a review/my thoughts on Roger’s route so far, this all about chapters 1-5. I’m anticipating a lot exciting events after his CE is completed, so I’m trying not to delve into my resources too much, which means I'm reading only 1 chapter a day. I think after every five chapters or so, I will write my thoughts about it. Spoilers will be included, they won’t be super detailed, but they are there below the cut.
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Okay so in short: I LOVE his route so far, it’s been great. I laughed pretty much in every chapter so far about something or another. Of course, this is just the beginning and I fully anticipate angst, heartache and drama. I CRAVE it. I haven’t really spoilers about his route, except for one and it’s pretty major, so I’m going to leave that out for now and circle back to it when I read it for myself.
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Roger’s Kate So Far:
I LOVE her. I mean I LOVE Kate anyway, but she feels very real to me in the outset.
She is very dead set on NOT falling in love. All she wants to do is survive Crown and get out of there, and it’s nice to see that sense of urgency from her. Not to say that she doesn’t have that desire in the other routes, because she does, but I feel like she really stresses that point in the first five chapters. And understandably so, I mean she’s living in a castle filled with men who kill for a living, and it’s emphasized how she hasn’t laughed/smiled once since coming to the castle, or has barely eaten anything. So, seeing her undergo that stress (poor kid), is refreshing in a way because I feel like in other routes Cybird just glosses over the toll that would take on someone.
She’s a drinker (HELL YEAH). She’s gotten wasted twice so far in the first five chapters. The morning after’s were quite adorable (at least I think so.)
She wants to get stronger and become a fighter because she wants to ensure her survival, so we see her taking self-defense lessons with Roger and Ellis, in order to better herself. And I don’t about you, but I STAN A QUEEN WHO CAN FIGHT. So, I’m excited and I can’t wait to see more from our precious Kate.....
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Roger So Far:
So…….I never expected a part of Roger’s route to tackle the fact that he doesn’t believe in love. I don’t know why??? But when I learned that we were going that route, I was happy with it. It’ll be interesting to see how his mind and heart is becomes convinced that love is more than just a bunch of neuro-chemicals and physiological reactions. He is brutally upfront about his lifestyle choices and beliefs - I appreciate that. For example, he’s just like when I get the urge to fuck, I fuck. Of course, he has stipulations to that - both parties mutually consent that they fuck only one time (with Kate being the exception to rule for an entire month as long as she keeps quiet to the others about it).
To be honest, I didn’t like this rule because I feel like it hit too close to home with Jin’s rule with women he get’s physically involved with. (FOR THE RECORD: I’m not comparing the two guys. I’m just saying it reminded me of it.)
Moving on, I just wheezed for a good moment when he compared Kate to his family’s corgi - Ale. Like he’s not saying it to be mean or derogatory, just the way describes her getting worked up, depressed, digging her own grave, etc. It was cute and hilarious. Loved it and I LOVE ALE!
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Roger’s Relationships With Others:
Nica: Chapter 1 had me in tears when Roger interrupted Nica’s hitting on Kate. His face was priceless and then to be stuck with Victor as a tour guide. Cherry on the top. Gold star for Roger. C’mere Nica, I’ll comfort you…..
Ellis: He drinks with Roger along with Jude, and he helps Roger with Kate’s self-defense training. I’m sure they’re going to be more involved. I expect it because in Ellis’ Blind Love route, Roger says that he betrayed Ellis’ cursed predecessor and that’s a reason why he’s like a big brother to Ellis. He also wants Ellis as his assistant as he feels that he’s too good for Jude, which I think most of us knew beforehand.
Alfons: Well…..we know how “well” they get along. I was dying in chapter 4 - I think it was - when Kate, Roger and Al are on a mission. They’ve determined recreational drugs are being used, so they’re going to go break it up, and that’s when Al & Roger get into this squabble outside the room they’re supposed to being busting into about whether or not it’s okay to use the drugs or not. Al of course, doesn’t see the big deal with it since he is a firm believer in escaping reality, and Roger basically tells him that when a person runs from reality instead of facing it that it just leaves them more empty - Al is just over it and is like you make me want to vomit in his dead pan face. Poor Kate is like ‘we can’t be doing this right now’. Proper school boy frenemies these two are.
Jude: He’s been featured a lot and that’s because his route should be dropping next (fingers crossed), but he is also a Roger drinking buddy and in the Past Records event, Jude & Roger agree to be drinking buddies in hell together…..if there is alcohol in the after life. Of course, he sees Roger quite a bit for injuries he gets, and when Jude asks why Roger is even bothering with Kate, Roger basically tells him that she is trying to survive, and it’s appealing to him. “A small dream, a goal….even small things to survive somehow. Isn’t it the same for you, Jude?” Jude lore??? More on that later in a Jude dissection I’m writing.
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Notable Things So Far:
Roger treats the Crown members in exchange for their blood samples. We learn this in chapter 5 when he treats Jude.
Roger’s father doesn’t have a problem coming to the castle to have his son dog sit. I thought this was interesting. It doesn’t seem that he fears the cursed on the whole, and I’m sure that’s due to his knowing Roger is cursed. That’s nice. He seems like a supportive father (I HOPE I’m not wrong.)
Roger create’s a Robin Growth Chart - this is to help her become strong and survive, but also to teach Roger that romantic love is something that is true - not just a biological concept. He’s already noticed a change in his HR (heart rate), when Kate is around, so I wonder how long it’ll take for him to fall.
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Favorite Scenes So Far:
Nica losing Kate to Roger.
Ring wondering if Kate and Roger are together - OMG I WANTED TO GOBBLE HIM UP!
Jude’s reaction to Ale jumping into his arm. So DAMN cute!!! Okay, so I am a cat person, but I’ve been dog sitting for one of my BFFs for the past two weeks (I love her), and I was reading this scene as her poodle was curled up next to (like she literally is on top of me every chance she gets), and Jude said: “…..Whaddya doin’, don’t jump on me, it’s hot.” Then he starting grumbling to Kate and Roger about holding onto Ale better, and asks if they were abandoning their duties while Kate’s like: “Oh, ….Jude please hold it more gently.” LMAO. Just picturing him holding this doggo awkwardly was the funniest shit ever, and adorable and we have the same doggo energy. Love them, but don’t jump on me please.
The self defense class with Roger & Ellis - I’m not sure if many of you know, but currently Ellis is my #2. I ADORE him. He is twisted and precious and I love him, and I get just as excited when I see him on the screen as I do Jude. Him sparring Roger just squeezes my heart so much.
Any scene with Roger and Al. Love it.
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K, I should go translate or do something more useful........
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ( synopsis ) ugly duckling zeke yeager return to campus looking better than ever and he’s back dealing with his biggest academic rival that want what he has.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — reader discretion is advised: female reader, female anatomy described, her/she pronouns, written with black reader in mind, college au, teacher assistant!zeke, grad student!reader, mean girl!reader, profanity, cumeating, mentions of alcohol drinking, academic rivals trope, zeke and his freakin’ daddy issues, hand job, spit usage, slight exhibitionism, they kinda do it at a party but it’s after the party, corruption kink (on both ends), tbh reader and zeke should just be happy and make out already, if i am 1 out of maybe 30 zeke simps i am okay with that, mentions of other aot characters, is this kinda self indulgent? yes, the marley men just have some flavor to them to me, entry for @poohbea 'once upon a collab' event, art credit
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ANOTHER YEAR OF GRAD SCHOOL MEANT ANOTHER YEAR BEING AT THE TOP OF YOUR DEPARTMENT. You were in competition with yourself in academics, fashion, popularity, social status—you name it. You went from student body president during undergrad to the grad student that everyone could lean on when they needed something. That was until he returned to campus. The eldest son of infamous doctor Grisha Yeager—Zeke Yeager. He not only knocked you to number two in your department, but he also snatched your teacher assistant position right from you. Eventually, taking away that excellent bullet point on your resume. 
You felt frustrated that the opportunity even got snatched from your hands in the first place. Of course, the guy with the infamous doctor would get the position before you. You had to figure out how you could get back on top. You could torment him as you did during undergrad. No, that wouldn’t work. The way he was looking now—he wouldn’t fall for your tactic of inviting him out to drink and causing him to miss an exam. Maybe, cause a scandal within his family. His family does always seem to stay in the tabloids. No, that wouldn’t work. Their PR agent would have that buried before you could convince your professor to give you the teacher assistant position. 
“Are you going to this party tonight? Please don’t tell me you’re spending your Friday at home again,” Your friend asked as she tapped her manicured fingers on your kitchen top. “Everyone is going to be at this party, you know?” 
“Why would I want to be around drunk strangers? How does that benefit me at all?” You asked while letting your finger trace alongside the rim of your wine glass.
Your friend was here to convince you to come to this party just by her attire. You were sure she would be zooming to this party immediately after her poor attempt to get you to come out. You always told her not to let you rain on her parade. Go out and have fun; just be safe.
“What if I told you Eren Yeager is hosting it, and it’s at his family’s lovely home?” Your friend leaned over, smiling at you.
“I’m not interested in Eren Yeager. Do I look like one of those sophomores that easily let his man bun distract them on how much of a manwhore he is,” You sipped from your glass before you heard your friend drag out a sigh.
“If one brother is going to be there, obviously the other will be.” Your friend rolls her eyes at your obviously, not-smart thinking. “Perfect opportunity to talk to him to let you have the teacher assistant position. After all, it’s not like he will need it anyway. I’m sure daddy has a job lined up for both of his sons.” 
“I highly doubt he’ll be there. Doesn’t even seem like his scene,” You added. 
“You think he trusts his younger brother to throw a party in one of their family properties alone?”
You thought about it for a second. Hypothetically, this could be a perfect opportunity to convince him to step down from the position. Give him a couple of cups of alcohol and get to batting your eyelashes—this could work. 
“Fine, let me change into something else,” You finished your glass of wine before your friend could let out a squeal of excitement. 
You went into your room to freshen up and get changed. When you stepped out, your friend had some devious grin as her eyes flickered up and down to look at your outfit. “Let’s hope the outfit works in your favor.” She says as she places the wine glasses you guys used in the sink.
“Hope so.” The dress you wore wasn’t too fancy, but it was something that could have anyone doing a double look. You glanced in the full-body mirror in your living room—slowly leaning forward to apply a coat of clear lip gloss. 
The ride to the party was filled with rules; you and your friend always went over. If you were leaving with a guy, let the other know. If you hit your alcohol limit—it’s time to go. Don’t leave without the other without confirmation that you were; that was common sense. As you dawned closer to one of the biggest houses in the gated community, it seemed you could hear the music as you got closer and closer. When you entered the party, it was crowded, from people dancing in the living room to people littering the steps sitting, and talking. Your friend had seen one of her usual semester flings and instantly shot right towards them after letting you know that if you were ready to go—just find her. 
Now you were alone in a sea of people hoping you could clichely bump into the older Yeager sibling. You pushed your way through to find him yourself. Hoping he wasn’t indulging in flirting with someone 
You tried your hardest to avoid anybody that knew you. Each of them gets in the way of why you were here in the first place. You spent the past thirty minutes pretending to be interested in conversations until you eventually entered the kitchen to see the person you were searching for. There he stood up, scrunching up his face at the taste of the mixed drink his younger brother had made. 
“It’s not that bad,” Eren said as he sipped from the red solo cup.
“It’s horrible, but when does alcohol ever taste good?” Zeke questioned as he placed his empty solo cup on the counter.
“Exactly! Everyone is going to love this Yeager juice,” His brother responded before he poured more of the drink into two cups and made his way out of the kitchen. 
Zeke was all alone, sipping alcohol in the kitchen and chatting with his friends. You didn’t even know you caught yourself staring at him and how his biceps flexed in the tight black shirt he wore. Did he get hotter from the last time you saw him? His little internship in France surely must have done wonders for him. Wait, you weren’t here to drool over his attractiveness—focus. 
As you inched further to get something to drink, Zeke's eyes landed on you, and you watched his lips curve into a smirk before he met you near the counter you were near. You were glancing at all the alcohol choices they offered, pretending that you weren’t here for something else. 
“It’s funny that this will be where we bump into each other again.” Zeke interrupted your pretend task of searching for alcohol of your choosing. 
“Couldn’t turn down a Yeager party,” You shrug your shoulders while collecting a bottle and pouring some into the cup. “It was the talk of the campus. Everyone is here.”
“Would have thought you’ll ditch to do some project or something.” Zeke leaned against the counter that was next to you. His head tilts like an innocent puppy attempting to challenge its owner.
“You know me, any project or paper I must do is most likely done already. Come on; we didn’t play hot potato for the top of the class spot for nothing.” You sipped from your cup, peeking up at him. 
“Still the same overachiever, I see.” Zeke poured him some of the drink Eren had made. “Same girl that tormented me.”
“That’s what I’m here for. To apologize; we’ve matured now. I’ve matured now.” You placed your hand on your heart and gave him a sweet smile before that smile disappeared after hearing his snickers. 
“You’re funny; what do you want?” Zeke took another sip of his drink and poured more into his cup once more now that it was empty. 
Your lips gasp upon pretending to be offended. “I can’t just see how you been?” 
“When did you ever care?” Zeke backfired. “Before, during, or after you were the biggest manipulator during undergrad? 
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a horrible person to you, Zeke.” You gave him a pout. “So please let me have that T.A. position you have.” 
The sound of his laughter caused your eye to twitch in annoyance. His eyes form tears as he hunches over to laugh. “You’re hilarious. I knew you wanted something, and the answer is no. For once, you couldn’t beat me or use some conniving way to beat me. Enjoy the rest of the party, Y/N.” He clinks his red solo cup with yours and talks to his friend Pieck who is searching the fridge for something. 
You inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly. Your nails dig into the palm of your hand before you turn to fill your cup up. You had to think of another way, but you needed to drink for now. You ventured around the property two times, searching for your friend. You had no luck but found yourself in the living room talking to your friend Reiner. You remember being lab partners with him; he was such a sweetheart. He didn’t know how to do the labs, but he was charming. You felt someone staring at you as you laughed at one of his jokes, you felt someone staring at you. To your shock, Zeke's eyes were staring at you as some random girl was talking his head off. You turned around after playfully rolling your eyes at him. 
Hours went by, and people headed home to sleep off the alcohol they consumed or head to the next party. Your friend had gone home with their semester fling after confirming with you that it was okay. You decided to stay back to continue to pester Zeke. He hasn't budged at all with giving you the teacher assistant position—and you weren’t giving up that easily. As you help, throw away the red solo cups that decorated the expensive marble counters. Zeke was collecting the empty alcohol bottles to toss in the recycle bin. The two of you silently cleaned up the kitchen as you could hear Eren and his friends drunkenly messing around in the living room. Zeke knew they weren’t doing any type of cleaning as they told him they were doing.
“You know…” Zeke broke the silence between the two of you. 
“You’re going to let me have the T.A. position?” You interjected as you tossed another cup in the trash. 
“No, but I find your eagerness—quite attractive,” He chuckles, dropping a whiskey bottle in the bin. He walks closely towards you, and you meet him halfway, dragging the black trash back with you. 
Just as you met in the middle of the kitchen where the counter was, he stared at you with his gray-colored eyes trying to read you. He wasn’t sure if you had changed or not since undergrad. “It’s quite comical that you even parted your lips to ask me after the hell you put me through during undergrad.” He grabs the empty red solo cup off the counter and grabs the black trash bag you had.
Being sure to let his fingertips brush against your hand as he takes the bag. He threw the cup in the trash before speaking again, “You were a horrible person. Kinda need you to beg a little more,” he reached by you to grab another liquor bottle.
“I apologized so many times. I don’t understand why you need the position so much.” You snatch the alcohol bottle out of his hand and place it on the counter. His need to ensure the kitchen was clean before his parents returned to their luxury trip distracted you from your goal. “Your daddy will help you find the perfect job when you graduate.” 
You watched as Zeke’s jaw clenched in annoyance, hearing your words. Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion before your lips curve into a smirk. This was your opening. “Oh, that struck a nerve, huh?” Your head tilts as you watch those eyes darken.
You’ve seen that look countless times during undergrad, especially when you caused him to miss a final exam which helped you to have the highest GPA in your department. 
“That’s not true. I work very hard for the positions I have.” He glanced at you, and  now it was him with a devious smirk on his face. “Just like the T.A. position that you want.” 
“You leave for an internship in France for the summer and come back with some balls; that’s what’s fuckin’ comical, actually.” You suck your teeth before stepping back and hopping on the counter. 
You were growing frustrated with not getting what you wanted after years of getting what you wanted—which you didn’t have an infamous surname and an academic medical school building named after your father to do so. It was a bit insulting to you that he was dangling this position in front of you. 
“Don’t tell me you’re giving up already. It’s only one in the morning. You’ve tormented me longer than this.” Zeke went back to cleaning up. “I’m starting to think you may just want to be in my company or something. I must advise you; others wouldn’t mind being in my company and not being a pain in my ass.” He tossed a bag of opened chips in the trash.
“And yet, you’ve declined them all night just to let me pester you.” You muttered under your breath.
“And yet you spent this whole night pestering me, ignoring all the advances thrown at you. You really think Reiner cares about your fuckin’ marketing project?” Zeke backfired as he leaned against the counter opposite where you were sitting. He rubs at the thick blonde beard on his face in a mockingly thinking manner. “Starting to think you may like me.” 
“I would rather gouge my eyeballs out and take the least-rated Professor in our university than ever admit any attraction to you, Zeke Yeager.” You shrugged your shoulders at him, but you also noticed that he had stepped closer once again, not being afraid to invade your space.
You just were trying to figure out if you thought this was a good idea. The sexual tension was there. It was obviously there—you two wouldn’t be going back and forth like an intense tennis game if it wasn’t. You grabbed Zeke’s belt, tugging him closer to fill the gap between your thighs. 
“You’re still that ugly duckling in undergrad that I enjoyed sabotaging to be on top.” You attempted to push him, but his hand caught yours before eventually letting his lips crash upon yours. 
The taste of hard whiskey and Eren’s horrible mixed Yeager juice lingers on your tongue as you’re eagerly tracing it to get a taste of all the liquor Zeke consumed during the night. The scent of a freshly opened pack of cigarettes and a woodsy-scented cologne crawls up your nostrils to cause you to be even more intoxicated. Your grasp on his shirt as if he was going to blow up was a bit funny, considering you were insulting him all night. You wanted more; you needed more. The kiss broke apart, and you tried to utter another degrading thing. The short break from tasting each other allowed Zeke to remove his glasses and place them next to you on the counter—before his lips were back on yours. Shoving his tongue down your throat in a heated makeout session because he would rather have that than hear your nagging about him being undeserving of a position he has already. 
Your hand untangled from the cotton threads of his shirt to travel down to his pants to rub his hardened cock. The bulge was so noticeable you would have thought he was a virgin that just discovered an exclusive OnlyFans account. Zeke breaks the kiss again, his plush lips pecking soft subtle kisses on yours as if he didn’t want the kiss to end. Now those gray hues of his were softened—they didn’t look at you as if he hated your guts. But for pure hunger for you. 
“Want to go upstairs?” Zeke asked; he didn’t budge from towering over you as you were on the counter. He could hear the loud laughter of his younger brother and his friends playing another round of Never Have I Ever. 
You rubbed your lips together before shaking your head. “What’s the fun in that?” You questioned as your hands fiddled to undo his belt. “It’s a bit more exciting when you’re about to get caught by your brother, isn’t it?”
You never saw Zeke’s face turn red so quickly. His cheeks are stained a crimson color as you’re unbuttoning his pants. He watches as you bring your hand up to your mouth to spit it and soon dig into his boxers to massage the tip of his cock. You didn’t want to fully bring his cock out just in case someone walked in, so you brought him closer using the heel of your foot, and your hand slowly guided up and down his shaft. His head fell back in complete bliss as he was poorly attempting not to utter a moan. 
“If you think this is going to….” His body shutters when he feels the pad of your thumb brush against his plump mushroom-shaped tip. “—going to get me to step down from the teacher assistant position, you’re highly mistaken.” He finishes.
You leaned up to place a kiss on the corner of his lips. “At this point, is it really about the damn T.A. position?” You questioned as you continued to palm his cock. This time your hand is pushing his pants down just a bit to give yourself some more room. 
If anyone was to walk in, they could assume that the two of you were just making out—but really, Zeke was desperately thrusting forward for more friction as your hand squeezed around his cock. Broken groans trembled out of Zeke as he prompted his hand on the cabinet just a few inches from your head to hold himself up. “Shit, I’m going to cum.” He utters as your hand slides up and down his cock.  
“I’m going to stop that from happening,” Your teeth bite your lower lip as your hand palms at his thick cock. 
“Mhmm, okay.” Zeke leans in to kiss you again, but you’re quick to lean back teasingly. Continuing the urge to make sure he cums and becomes a bowl of putty right in front of you. 
You’ve adored seeing Zeke get tugged from the temporary bliss of passion. You could sense the heat from his skin and all the color rush to his face. Thick ropes of cum came out so quickly before you could spit out some witty comment. Your hand motions slowed to ensure that he experienced every emotion that came from the fact that you had him in the palm of your hand. Zeke’s chest heaved upward as he tried to regain his composure. His eyes watched as you removed your hands from his box just in time to hear footsteps behind Zeke. Eren walked into the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. 
“I didn’t know anyone else was here,” Eren said as he opened the bottle of water in his hand. His eyes were shot red from the weed he smoked, and he went through the many stages of cottonmouth.
The droplet of Zeke’s cum imprinted your fingertips, and you brought your fingers to your mouth to lick up the mess he made in your hand. He let out a shaky sigh before quickly fixing his bottoms to answer his brother. 
“She was just leaving,” He sighed.
 Eren’s thick brows raised at the sight he was seeing before he let out a laugh at his brother's words, “Sure, just be sure to wear protection. Our father finds out you knocked someone up—say goodbye to your cut of his will.” He gives a sly wave to you before he leaves the kitchen again. 
“I’m going to go get cleaned up, and when I return, I would love for you not to be here.” He admits as he steps back from the space in between your thighs. 
“Okay,” You didn’t bother to argue as you gave him an innocent smile. “No goodbye kiss,” Your teeth nibbled at your lower lip as you glanced up at him through your lashes.
“You’re a pain in my ass.” You heard Zeke utter. 
But he didn’t argue against your wishes; his large hands cupped your face so gently that you could only grasp his waist, not wanting to let go. When he finally pulled away, he let his eyes linger on you just a bit longer before escaping the kitchen. 
He would always be your ugly duckling that you enjoyed bothering—but this time, he wasn’t afraid to bother you right back. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀thanks for reading, reblogs & comments are highly appreciated.
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── TAGS: @tyga-lily @maydayaisha @eiflawriting @stunnababyyabyyy @shamelesshoefairy @violxtbxbyy @kenpachis-woman @euhmae25 @mostlyclearbeans @emotionalfatbword @bella-fl1z @levisecretgfblog @cherrypussprincess @zcmbi @4522-08 @sprkled @magxnoria @lisia-primary @ramenaddicted @tashniko @charminstasia @cluelessb19 @maxi8898 @hyunsannie @awkatsukis @cashae @indiecursor @melaninmight @blessedfatui @hopelhss @trueformsukuna @kentcs
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gretel-moonlit · 9 months
the ADHD Celeste post
I've been thinking about making this post for ages so I thought I'd finally give it to you all
this post is absolutely a disorganized mess but I think that's on theme
once you get her started talking about something, good luck getting her to stop, you will be there for the next hour and a half hearing about whatever she's interested in
plus she has a few interests that she considers "acceptable" to talk about with others that fit her persona, ie. European history, card games, ect. so if any of those things come up in conversation she often ends up accidentally interrupting other people to talk about them
I also think she's very awkward in group conversations especially. In a good few of her V3 bounus mode and DRS events, it seems like she's seen as this weirdo who will come up to you and talk to you about things she's interested in or try to get you to play card games with her. I think she's not very good at group conversations so she tries to interact with people one on one but she's still very awkward about it.
literally in the game, she just stops to fully describe what a zero-sum game is when literally no one asked and no one pays any attention or cares that is peak undiagnosed adhd experience
so much rejection sensitivity good lord, literally you cannot invite her to any kind of game night (I personally think her talent only applies if money or something of value is on the line as a bet) because she will take it way, way, to seriously and if she loses she gets really upset
she also definitely over analyzes every social interaction she has with anyone the moment she's alone and will convince herself that everyone hates her
she stims a lot, she literally has a sprite where she's playing with her hair, bit I think she also likes to play with the frills on her clothes
I know some people think it's just bad writing, but her entire murder plot and trial scream lack of follow through to me
also I think she daydreams a lot, literally if you lose her attention for even a minute she is gone
she absolutely hates that she has no object permanence because she's torn between wanting to remember that things she has exist, and wanting to put everything away so her dorm looks nicer (even though her room is usually a mess anyway, but it's organized chaos, it's a mess, but she can tell you exactly where things are)
she has literally never paid attention in class in her life, she's the kid sitting in the back staring out the window daydreaming the whole time
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iavulture · 1 month
Headcanon and story time (related to Despicable Me 2)
All right, I know everyone is onto DM4 (or rather, a certain cockroach man), but I've been way too enamored with a headcanon that I have stemming from DM2, which has since evolved into an ongoing AU/alternate continuity fic that further explores it in its own way. Ready to hear it? Because this'll be a long one.
(Spoilers for Despicable Me 2 and a warning due to mentions of death. Also, I will rant a bit, not out of outright hate, but because I wish things were handled better.)
*deep breath
I have this headcanon that Silas Ramsbottom is Lucy Wilde's adoptive father.
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Yes, this man.
Now, before you think that's ridiculous, before you go "No way, Silas? That big man who was kind of an arse to Gru in 2 is Lucy's dad?", I can explain that, beginning with a personal story.
See, back when trailers for DM4 were being released, I decided to throw in my lot to the Despicable Me fandom for the first time by writing a future fic featuring a grown-up Gru Jr. following his parents' footsteps as a newbie AVL agent. Following that, I also decided to write another Despicable Me fic that is my take on what happened with Lucy's parents, who were killed by a villain when she was a young girl.
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Above is the Twitter post describing Lucy's short backstory. This is back in 2015. 2015! Two years after DM2's 2013 release!
Anyway, after seeing that tweet and browsing through Ao3 and Fanfiction.net for Despicable Me fanfics, I was disappointed to find so few fics that explored that part of her life. Yes, I know that Gru is the protagonist of the mainline films, but does it hurt to shed some light on the character who becomes his wife? Y'know, someone who's one half of a couple, and (ideally) just as important as the other half?
Sigh. Of course, we never see this bit about her in the films: not during a conversation between Lucy and another character, not even a mention or a flashback (though correct me if I'm wrong and overlooked a movie that does mention or hint at it; if not, my point stands).
Not long ago, I brought this up with a friend, and I hypothesized that the reason why this was never implemented in some way in the films is because it's too dark for a kids franchise like Despicable Me, even though I can argue that several other kids series have elements that are as dark or even darker than that: my friend brought up Frozen 2 and Elsa dying, meaning you could definitely insert legitimately dark moments into a kids film. Hell, I can bring up The Lion King, which has Mufasa dying to the wildebeest stampede after Scar lets him go, traumatizing Simba; in fact, Mufasa's death impacts Simba even in adulthood, showing that childhood trauma can have an effect even after growing up.
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In any case, it IS possible for a kid's film to be quite mature, but Lucy's backstory? Just thrown into the wind, especially in regards to the films after DM2.
Like, can you imagine the effects of such an event on her psyche? What would Lucy think of villains after her parents died? Would she ever have thoughts of revenge? Forgiveness? Would she hide it from her husband, the kids, or even her past dates? (She mentions having gone on a few bad dates in DM2 and that's the reason why she keeps a lipstick taser.) What would her life be like after they died: would she live a mostly normal life, or would she be trained to be an AVL agent at a fairly young age? Heck, would Silas know that her parents died when a villain attacked them, and would he and the AVL do something about it, perhaps avenge their deaths?
So many questions, so much wasted potential.
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(Here's me crossing my fingers for a TV series that'll probably never happen, because I think Lucy's past could be explained well in that format.)
But now I'll turn to a much lighter note and the real cut of lamb of this post.
Going back to my headcanon that Silas is Lucy's adoptive father, I noticed something interesting in DM2.
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During Gru and Lucy's wedding, notice the number of frills on Lucy's dress and Agnes' dress? They're both the same, and if you think about it, Agnes was the one who was the most enthusiastic about the idea of Lucy marrying Gru, implying she looked up to Lucy in high regard and thus wanted to dress up like her for the wedding.
"But Vulture! What about the note saying 'same color as Lucy's usual attire'? What's that got to do with anything?" That's likely to show how much Gru loves her, to the point he dresses up with the same color she usually dresses up in. You know what Lucy's usual getup looks like? If not, here you go.
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Light-ish shade of blue, right? Now, look at this.
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Maybe I've taken crazy pills or need to have my eyes checked, but I don't recall seeing any other AVL personnel having something that's just as light blue on them. I'm pretty sure in reality it's all just to help create a unique character design, to make them stand out from the generic AVL agents, but yeah. It's just something that I noticed, there's nothing to officially confirm that Silas and Lucy have some sort of close connection with each other other than they're both with the AVL.
But given my observation of "character dresses a bit like another character they admire or at least respect," you can sort of see why I have that headcanon.
I still find it interesting how Silas is around Lucy in comparison to when he's around Gru, in that he's never actually antagonistic toward her or any of his other spies and doesn't doubt her skills. Of course, since one of them is essentially a former criminal, it makes sense that he'd have some animosity toward Gru. Heck, I'm pretty sure Silas might've even been hostile to Gru way back then after Minions 2 since Silas told Gru to "stay out of trouble, kid," only for Gru to break that promise by becoming a thief anyway. However, given that Silas appears at the wedding and even helps Gru, Lucy and their children move to a safehouse in DM4, it's clear that things got better for both of them.
About the fic that I mentioned earlier in this post, I based it on this headcanon specifically, along with a few others that I wrote down on a list. There, Silas adopts an orphaned Lucy shortly after her home was destroyed by a villain and her parents were killed. Traumatized that she survived but they didn't, she often gets worried and nervous, even having a hard time at a new school. She also has to contend with living with Silas, who has his own problems to deal with, from being in charge of the AVL and a few things from his past, including his own family. (And yes, I did create OC family members, and Silas' relationship with them is... a bit complicated to say the least.)
All in all, I wanted to try my hand at writing something that explores familial themes, struggles, and dynamics, especially since I feel they aren't handled as well after 2. Plus, I get to play with some tropes and elements present in the canon Despicable Me films (and, rather appropriately enough, other spy/espionage works like James Bond), except instead of a(n ex-)supervillain with his adopted daughters, it's with the AVL director and his (fan'verse) adopted daughter.
*sigh* And now this post is done! It's been a long one, but I just wanted to type out my thoughts on a few things related to a fic I'm currently working on and because I feel upset that things could've worked out better in canon.
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writingwithcolor · 2 years
Representing African-American Woman, Biracial, “fierce and strong” and hair questions
Anonymous asked:
I’m changing a character in a novel I’m editing to be a fierce, strong African American woman living with an anthropologist father and lawyer mother (I picture the mom like Jessica in suites). I also feel like being bi-racial in the south makes her a little conflicted. She sometimes wants to just “be white” to make things easier, but is so very proud to be African-American and bi-racial. She is also lesbian and a future love interest of the other main character However, I am white- so I have questions!! Here are 3 scenes I need help with:
1. Leigh is putting conditioner in her hair and hears the doorbell. She puts her hair in a silk hairwrap (is that ok to call it that?) after the other characters leave, she works on the computer and falls asleep. When she wakes up its 2:30. I was going to have her undo her hairwrap and run her fingers through her hair… but I know African American hair can’t be brushed, would running her fingers through it (even damp) ruin her hair? 
2. her and the other lesbian “anne” are getting ready at a hotel for an important event and Leigh comes out of the bathroom in a beautiful dress and an “afro blow out” (I have the photo of hair names saved from this group- just not looking at it as I type and will use the correct hair name in novel). When she comes out of the bathroom Anne sees her and is taken completely aback by her beauty. Her reaction makes Leigh uncomfortable and she asks if she should {straighten/presss} her hair. Which action is the correct word there? …to which Anne tells her no, she loves her natural hair because it’s who she is.
3. Later in the book, they are going to be heading to an archeological dig in the desert and I thought about giving Leigh “braids” with “coloured extensions/weave” .. is “tightly woven braids with (haven’t chosen colour yet)” appropriate? What should I say instead? This will also prompt a convo between the two main characters where Anne asks Leigh why she changes her hair so much. Leighs response will be “{As an African American} my hair is a large expression of who I am. Much like the clothes we wear for different moods or events, I change my hair to reflect what I am feeling or just as an outward expression of who I am” .. should I put the African American part in? I feel that hair is an expression to most people, but I know it is a huge part of African American culture and I want to get it right
Thanks in advance for advice!! This is a book I have always wanted to write, but it also became a book about “underdogs”. I really wanted to make a book with queer representation. I also realized I wanted to have an African American as there isn’t much representation for them either. I really want to show her as a fierce, smart woman (who of course struggles with the brevity of being “mixed race”) that isn’t a gangster, rapper, or the typical things we see in the media. I really want queer and/or African American young women to read my novel (eventually) and feel like it describes them well. Not in a stereotypical way they usually are portrayed. Anyways.. Sorry for the ramble, but thanks in advance for all the help!!
First of all, I want to address your use of “Strong.” It is not the compliment you may think it is and Black women do not always accept it well, particularly from non-Black people. Being forced to be strong, aka the Strong Black Woman, is not an ideal condition. So portraying Black women as such without nuance is not welcome representation.  
“I also feel like being bi-racial in the south makes her a little conflicted. She sometimes wants to just 'be white' to make things easier, but is so very proud to be African-American and bi-racial.”
Be aware that not every mixed race person has an identity struggle. But in a world where she faces racism, it could be realistic, a desire to "just be white.” As a visibly Black woman, though, she’ll always be seen as Black, and never just white, even if she’s mixed race or even lighter-complexioned. It’s part of the whole “one drop” perspective.
Now, to your specific questions.
Black hair questions - are these the right terms?
Leigh is putting conditioner in her hair and hears the doorbell. She puts her hair in a silk hairwrap (is that ok to call it that?) 
It’s hard to answer if this sounds realistic without knowing what products Leigh is using in this situation.
Is Leigh using a leave in conditioner or a conditioner hair masque? The former is what you’d use to style and add moisture to hair. It’s fine to leave that in and go about your day. The latter is something you would wash out after use. 
Also, I wonder if you’re referring to a silk hair bonnet or scarf in your description of a silk wrap? She likely wouldn’t put on a bonnet or silk scarf if she had a mask in that she was going to wash out. If she did, she’d need to clean it to get the product off of it. 
For comparison, imagine you put a hat onto your head when you still had shampoo in it. Wouldn’t that be strange and messy? 
Now, there are hair wraps and shower caps used for conditioning hair. The material is made for being washed out or disposed of after use.
“I was going to have her undo her hairwrap and run her fingers through her hair… but I know African American hair can’t be brushed, would running her fingers through it (even damp) ruin her hair?”
Yikes. Who said our hair cannot be brushed? One has to be more careful and curly/coily hair may not use the same brushes as straight-haired folks, but we can and still do brush and comb our hair. Popular brushes are boar brushes (although I find these too “rough” on my fine coils) and detangling brushes.
And there is no one shared “African American hair type.” Please look into the range of hair styles belonging to Black women, mixed or no. From thick and course, fine and soft, straight and/or straightened. 
And, again I’m not sure what kind of conditioner was left in her hair. If this was a wash-out hair conditioner, and her hair was fully covered, it’ll likely still be damp. Some leave those on for hours, although the directions usually say 20-30 minutes is enough.
Long story short, her hair isn’t going to just be destroyed from running her hands through them, even if it’s really curly or coily. Hands don’t ease through certain curls in the same way it does straight, but you can roll over or around curls to avoid tangling and snagging, particularly if you carefully follow the flow of the curl itself. I am idly finger-combing a coil of my hair as I write this!
See also Black Hair Couple Interactions: Boyfriend Playing with his Black Girlfriend’s Hair
“Leigh comes out of the bathroom in a beautiful dress and an ‘afro blow out’" …her reaction makes Leigh uncomfortable and she asks if she should {straighten/presss} her hair. Which action is the correct word there?”   
You seem to be using the right terms. Blow out (you wouldn’t need to add "Afro”) and straightened are fine to use. I wouldn’t imagine her saying “should I press it?” To a white woman, though. 
I don’t have your photo references, but Google should’ve produced the correct results. Blow outs add volume to afro hair. Depending on how its done, heat level, etc. it can make hair look like a bigger fro, or make it straighter and stretched out. The more heat and time devoted to styling, generally the straighter you can get the hair.
“Is 'tightly woven braids with (haven’t chosen colour yet)' appropriate? … ;{As an African American} my hair is a large expression of who I am.; should I put the African American part in?”
While I’d leave out referring to the hair as extensions or weave, saying "tightly woven braids” is a fine description! 
And honestly, I'd suggest leaving out the As an African American portion. Coming from a non-Black voice, it may be taken as speaking for Black people. Also, not all Black people may agree with that statement. Hair has important cultural aspects for many, absolutely! So i’m not saying it’s wrong, but its best to Keep her statement individual, her own perspective, not a statement about the whole race. Again, coming from a non-Black voice, especially.
“I really want to show her as a fierce, smart woman (who of course struggles with the brevity of being ”“mixed race”“) that isn’t a gangster, rapper, or the typical things we see in the media. I really want queer and/or African American young women to read my novel (eventually) and feel like it describes them well. Not in a stereotypical way they usually are portrayed. Anyways.. Sorry for the ramble, but thanks in advance for all the help!!”
I do think you need to do a lot more research on Black women, stereotypes, hair, and being a mixed race Black woman before writing this story. Our blog is a general resource, though just the start.
I appreciate your efforts to tell a story that isn’t built on stereotypes or the typical portrayals of Black people. Now, mind that some people may fit “stereotypes” but they are not stereotypes - they’re people.
Another thing - her being mixed race. While it’s fine to portray a mixed race character, and your intentions seem good, some writers choose this route because it’s “easier” and anchoring the Black character to whiteness (or even anyone other than Black) makes them more palatable. I only ask, if you had the intentions of representing Black women, why not write a non-Mixed race Black woman?
After evaluating your characters and the language used, you would benefit from a beta-reader, Black + queer or otherwise, reading your story before publication. They’ll be able to help you “get it right” and note any areas that cause pause or need correction.
I hope this was helpful!
~Mod Colette
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plasticflwrs · 1 month
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⠀⠀   ⠀┈─ THE ALBATROSS ⠀⠀/ ⠀⠀ an introduction to oh deurim ( 2022 ).
"The notion of my future suddenly snapped into focus: it didn't exist yet. I was making it, standing there, breathing, fixing the air around my body with stillness, trying to capture something—a thought, I guess—as though such a thing were possible, as though I believed in the delusion described in those paintings—that time could be contained, held captive." — My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.
WORD COUNT. 2.7k WARNINGS / NOTES. Mentions of Oliver's suicide attempt and references to Jiyeon's eating disorder. Let me know if I'm missing anything else and please enjoy! Originally posted in 2023 but almost completely rewritten.
At the age of fifteen, you are told your debut is postponed for ‘the greater good’ and that motivates you to become the best.
The real money wasn’t with Celatum anyway. They would always be the group left behind by your company and casual listeners. They were never popular enough and with the growth of better acts, it seems that they will be forgotten to the past, waiting for their contracts to end so they could go their separate ways or get kicked out trying. You aren’t missing much by the company passing over you, but it hurts like a bitch, to be passed up by some new trainee that could barely hold a tune.
It hurts and that motivates you further.
At the age of nineteen, you reach the top of every evaluation with ease. You are the perfect trainee—docile, open to criticism, and supportive of any plan that they have for you. You have perfected the art of singing, dancing, and even rapping to maintain that spot at the top of everything. The company figures that should be enough to secure your debut in their newest project and attempt to hold their own survival show. However, the stress of the competition gets to you, and you are left in the dust because of a bad call as team leader. You are branded a villain and kicked from the show with no mercy, back to the practice room with nothing.
You realize that being the best can only get you so far. You will need the help of someone else to get you there and suddenly, you are twenty-years-old and there’s an opening in Plastic Flowers. You are picked from a lineup of seven trainees to fill the spot left by Minghui following his dramatic exit and Shin Yeonghui choses you personally. Another boy, one you have never met, is put on the back burner in case the lead singer, Oliver Song, doesn’t return from his vacation in the States.
Yeonghui is excited to work more closely with you and she hopes that extends to her career as well, promising her big things if she turns this into something bigger. You don’t understand the double meaning behind her words but smile and nod instead, promising that she would not be let down.
This was your chance to prove yourself as something more than the ‘bitch’ from Timefighter and get back on stage—where you belong. Your piano skills are rusty, something you never thought to brush up on, but there’s always time.
You are going to debut.
Cheon Garam, your new manager, picks you up from the trainee dorm at four in the afternoon. Garam looks young, maybe thirty-one at the earliest, and has an interesting look with a short pixie cut and dark eyeliner. She seems nice enough and fills you in on the recent drama in the dorm. Apparently, they were beginning to worry about the future given the recent events with Oliver Song. The second trainee makes more sense.
“Are you excited to debut?” Garam asks, glancing at you for a second before going back to the road. “It’s been a long time coming, huh?”
You nod, “I always knew I was going to debut, the question was just when.”
“I do need to warn you though,” Garam starts before swearing at another driver in front of her. The other car had cut them off, but from the amount of curses that leave her mouth, you would think it was something worse. “Sorry—but things are gonna be a bit slow for a while. Oliver just got back a weeks ago and he might say he’s fine, but I call bullshit. That kid has never been fine. You’ve been filled in on what happened?”
You nod again, but don’t reply. It had been a big deal in the trainee dorms because all the girls had a crush on him. (You liked him as well and often tried to catch his eye despite the very public relationship he had. You would never admit it to the other girls, of course). He was the only idol that gave them the time of day and was often in their monthly evaluations, giving constructive criticism rather than barking orders at them. He was nice and actually understood what being a trainee meant. It was easy to like him. Seeing him back in the training areas caused everyone to jump in excitement, attempting to impress him and win some unknown prize.
“Good,” Garam sighs, “I didn’t want to have to tell that story again.”
Oliver Song was a train wreck waiting for it’s inevitable crash and that happened just a few months ago, kick starting this sequences of events. You suppose you have to thank him when he finally returns. Child stars are always the most vulnerable to these things and he was no different. The stress of the job and the death of his father had gotten too much. You heard in the lobby that he tried to kill himself in the old dorm’s bathroom, swallowed a bunch of pills and it was Serin that found him. After that, the affair went public and he was shipped back to his hometown of Boston with very little contact.
No one has seen him since the airport photos had dropped on Twitter and you figure that was for the best of everyone involved. There’s a piece of you that wished he would be there, just to see what he looked like on the inside and brag to the other girls when your cellphone was returned. You would know Oliver Song and the members of Plastic Flowers on a deeper level than they could ever imagine.
“I’m sure it was hard,” you comment, feigning sympathy to get some information out of her.
Garam nods, pausing to switch lanes for the fifth time in a few minutes. “I guess, but I’m not as close to him as they are. Just remember that when you meet the others, yeah? They’re going through a hard time.”
“I get it,” you shrug. “The trainee dorms were probably worse.”
She doesn’t say much else as you pull into the parking lot of a luxury apartment building. With their careers finally taking off, the members of Plastic Flowers were given a new dorm to celebrate the success of their latest albums, though it seemed to be redundant as they faded back into obscurity. With no new music to chase the momentum, they would be forgotten like the other one-hit-wonders and you hope that Yeonghui has a plan to combat this.
“Welcome to the new building. Everyone else is still living at the old place as we sort things out. We own a few floors of the building already and hope to move everyone over when they reach the same popularity. Eden Jeong and Kim Yuchan have their own apartments, though. We only manage their music careers.”
You nod along as she explains everything about the building. There’s constant security to keep all the fans out and away from loitering outside. None of them have realized that the band had moved, but that would not last very long. They were still public figures and the company needed to be vigilant. The apartment has five bedrooms, thankfully, and you will be free to decorate however you please. The elevator finally arrives and you make a note to find the stairs because going up three floors makes no sense. Your foot taps against the metal floor and the butterflies hit as you go to meet your group mates for the first time. It makes a dinging sound with each floor they move up and when the light flashes on the third floor, she fixes her posture and puts a smile on your face.
You have already seen the different rooms thanks to the few live streams they had before the hiatus. The living room was decorated by both Serin and Salem because they didn’t trust the boys to make any aesthetic decisions, which Oliver protested from the other side of the phone. It's cute with a color palette focused mainly on neutral colors and sage green as the accent. Pictures of the members and gifts line the walls from the few in-person fan interactions they’ve been able to hold last year. You plan to take down the big picture from their first photo shoot as five down tomorrow.
Your picture needs to be up there to remind both members and fans that you’re not going anywhere. Whether they liked it or not.
“Everyone!” Garam called and her voice resembled your old teachers—carrying with just the right amount of authority that it wouldn’t scare them. “Come meet Deurim in the living room!”
Following the manager, you take in all the different decorations that filled in the room. More pictures of them throughout their childhood and career lined the walls, there were plastic vines hanging across the ceiling with a warm glowing light attached to it, and an entertainment system. The place was obviously lived in and you fight the frown that threatens to appear. You needed to make your mark on the apartment soon.
Each of the members looks worse than the other.
Junyeong was the only one that seemed awake and aware of his surroundings as he took a glance at Deurim before looking back at his phone. He tapped on it, sighing at something that seemed annoying, while not even looking up at her again. Whatever on the screen was more important than meeting his new band mate, of course.
Serin was pale and despite her fragile build, looked more like a skeleton than human being. You can see the dark blue veins standing out against her skin and the way she pulls the navy blue sweater closer to her body as if trying to find more warmth in the item.
Oliver stands in a similar manner to Jiyeon, though he rocks back and forth on his heels as he obverses you, as if trying to remember something. You hope it doesn’t take long for him to remember your talents and what you have shown over the past few years. Better was a strong word to describe it, but he healthier than the last year. He was no longer blond and he didn’t look so dead behind the eyes anymore.
Salem hasn’t been sleeping. That was the first thing you notice about her alongside the redness of her eyes, though she looks determined to make it through this meeting without breaking down. She could have fooled anyone else, but you have gotten better at looking for these little details over the years.
“Hey,” Salem greets, stretching her right hand to shake yours. “It’s nice to finally meet you—uh, congratulations on making it into the band.” Her voice is strained as she says the congratulations, as if unsure this was a good thing.
“Thank you,” you smile widely at all of them and take Salem’s hand, making sure that you appear friendly and likeable. You’ve pefected the act over the years. “It’s really an honor to meet you guys and actually join. I’ve admired you guys for years.”
Jiyeon smiles back and acts as the buffer between all of you. Now as the middle member, she was going to be the mediator. “We’re really excited to have you,” she beams. “Though Yeonghui made the final decision, it was pretty unanimous that we wanted you in the lineup. You seemed like a good replacement for Minghui.”
The name causes any trace of the friendly smile to disappear. He had willingly left the band and they still thought well of him. You don’t like that and threw a wrench in your biggest goal: being accepted into the group. You know it was going to be hard because they’ve already been together for five years, but you selfishly hoped that the anger towards Minghui would hasten the process. That assumption was wrong, apparently.
You laugh the statement off and try to calm the simmering temper. “Those are gonna be some tough shoes to fill.”
Garam nods and clasps her hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Well, you guys welcome Deurim and show her around. I’ll see you all at eleven tomorrow, okay?”
Everyone nods or responds to her question just before Garam slips out of the door. Without that middle person, you feel off balance as the other four look at you, each one with different expressions between boredom and curiosity.
“Deurim, you’ll be sleeping in the room between Oliver and Jiyeon. It should be empty, but let me know if you find anything,” Salem explains. She moves easily across the room and puts on her leather jacket, stuffing her keys and cellphone into the right pocket. “I have some leftovers from lunch if you want them or you can always order up to the apartment. I have a meeting with Yeonghui, so I’ll be back later. Don’t do anything stupid.”
The last statement is directed at Oliver and Salem glares at him before he nods, the best response that she was probably going to get that night.
“Well!” Jiyeon says, looking between all four of them. “Why don’t we get to know each other?”
“I’m in.”
Junyeong gives you an annoyed look before taking a seat on the loveseat. He grimaces as Oliver sits next to him, Jiyeon takes the armchair by the window and that leaves you with the other chair across from them. The set up of the room makes it feel like an integration instead of a conversation as you glance between each other, waiting for something to start the conversation.
“Deurim, why don’t you start since we know each other already? You play the piano, right?”
“I started learning when I was younger but stopped to try dance. It wasn’t until recently that I starting picking it up again and transitioning to a keyboard.”
“What kind of dance did you learn?”
“Junyeong might finally have some competition,” Jiyeon joked, tapping him on the shoulder.
“No, I don’t,” Junyeong said, his nose turned up and glancing fully at Deurim this time. “I’ve judged her evaluations and there was nothing special.”
In that moment, you realize you might hate Kang Junyeong more than Minghui.
“I find that hard to believe,” Oliver argues. It’s the first thing he’s said since you got here and he was defending you. It almost makes you smile. “I sat in on them too and I thought she was pretty good.”
Junyeong shakes his head. “You know nothing about dance. You think that Chaeha is also talented.”
Kwon Chaeha had somehow debuted before you as Yuel as Velvetine and was one of the least talented people you had ever met. She was one of those filler idols, just placed in the group because they were pretty and would bring in money from commercials and acting. She wasn’t there to sing or dance, she was a glorified model. The comparison is not fair.
“Well, she’s certainly trying and I think that you can relate to that, Junyeong.”
Junyeong only shows emotions through his eyes, seemingly having mastered the ability to keep his face blank in any situation. They squint just a fraction and that’s the only tell that he has any reaction to Oliver’s comment. It’s no secret that Junyeong was a poor drummer, but he’s gotten better over the years. He turns towards the other and says, voice just as blank as his face, “you also tried something new and failed recently, but I haven’t said anything.” With that Junyeong gets off the couch and stalks into his bedroom, making sure to slam the door with all of his power for dramatic effect.
You play dumb for Oliver and Jiyeon. You wanted to hear everything from their perspective to see how drama tricked down and across the company. You needed to know the real story. “What’s he talking about?”
Jiyeon’s smile becomes strained as her attention turns back to you. “It’s nothing. Just something stupid that happened last year,” she shakes her head and stands up. “C’mon—I’ll show you to your room.”
You follow quietly behind her, glancing back at Oliver at the couch just before turning the corner. He hasn’t moved from the spot and glares a hole into the wall above him, as if trapped in his own thoughts. A sigh leaves your lips as you finally look away, pretending to listen to whatever Jiyeon was talking about. You nod along and hum in agreement at the perfect times, instead focusing on what you’ve learned about the members of Plastic Flowers—your new band mates.
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alannybunnue · 1 year
For daemon and baratheon reader. After a while of playing good husband and father. Daemon starts to notice things his wife has done. Like make sure their children were educated on their heritage and claimed dragons, she's even taken up many of his duties on dragonstone, all things deamon neglected. She has dragon stone running more efficiently than he ever could. He notices how genuinely competent she is, that she doesn't, and has never really needed him. He begrudgingly respects her for her capabilities(though he is upset that she's shown to be more capable at certain things than him)
The servants and guards respect her (but unlike the respect they give him, its not out of fear, but genuine appreciation.), and seem to listen more to her then him, they only seem to show him the bare minimum of what is to be expected for a prince. Which while is still great, is still less then what they give her. Their children respect her, whilst for him they only insult and glare (he has to admit they're rather sharp and actually remind him of himself at that age).
The more he learns of her and what she's done without him, the more he realizes he never really knew anything about her, he just kinda of assumed she was like any other noble lady or his late wife (he's most definitely kinda sexist). He never bothered to know her and see if she was any different then his preconceptions and assumptions.
Whilst it most definitely wounds his ego, a part of him starts actually admiringly certain aspects of her. He never really thought much about her, had she always been this cunning and sharp. He even starts admiring her appearance more. He'd never thought of her as anything other than plain, but when she commands respect, he has to admit she's rather attractive. But somehow, whilst still being able to command respect, she's still a good and loving mother to the children he forced on her on a whim. She's far more interesting than he anticipated.
I'm trying to figure out how he should develop yandere feelings towards her. Perhaps an assassination attempt, or maybe witnessing a genuine moment of softness between her and her children. Or both. Maybe since viserys is considering daemon for an heir. An assassin his sent for his eldest son, baelon, but the reader holds the assassin off but is injured whilst doing so. Daemon is the first one to arrive after discovering the planned assassination, he arrives to see the dead assassin and the reader injured but still comforting baelon (he may be pretty mature for his age but he's still a child and seeing his mother injured would be scary). This may be the tipping point daemon need to realize that's he's actually begun to love his wife and children (the children remind him so much of himself, they all have aspects of himself at those ages). He was genuinely concerned for them when he discovered the assassination plan, and seeing this was the final push he needed.
Now his attempts at playing good husband and father aren't for show. Especially as the reader is healing from the attack (now she needs him, at least in his mind anyway). Her and her children are at his mercy. He finally really wants to be a father and husband, and nothing is going gonna stop him or take away the family he suddenly wants. Only the seven know what Daemons real ideas of what a good husband and father are, now her and her children are gonna be subjected to it and his twisted idea of love.
Oh no
Ok, that right there is the REASON why this story is going to become angst, and i warn you all.
It's gonna get depressing
So, since you already described what happened, i will focus on the feelings of the characters throughout these events and how this can go down.
So in the last post i said that the kids went with Baelon to watch him flying on Viserion (Aka the Cannibal) and Daemon was behind watching from afar.
After that, the days passed and the kids had two different ways of acting around their father, which varies from passing by and ignoring him or looking at him a blank expression while giving him short and simple answers whenever he told or asked them something (Aerion tried to stab him on the leg from behind-), except, due to obvious reasons, for Daena, since she is 2 and has no memories of her father's absence or abuse towards her mother.
So the ones who mostly answered to Daemon among the kids were Baelon amd Aegon.
The only adult who actually spoke with him (Even though it was very limited answers) was Lady Baratheon and she always made sure to remind him of her opinions. Other than that, he stood by as an spectator around Dragonstone, watching everyone.
Now i would like to point out some things he noticed other than Lady Baratheon being a girlboss. He also noticed the...kids, mostly, the kids' father figure.
Listen, i know i have indulged that Baelon sees Viserys more as his father than Daemon, like he literally renamed the Cannibal after the man, but that is not the same deal for his siblings.
To the others, Sir Edrik (the knight that i created for this story) is their father figure.
Sir Edrik was one of Lady Baratheon's guards that came to Dragonstone with her after her wedding with Daemon, and stood by her side throughout all these years. In which he made it his mission to take care of her children as well. So he is always around them, he trains Baelon and Aegon, he stayed close to Aerea when she was beginning to tame her dragon (Grey Ghost), he always stayed by Elaena's door whenever she felt anxious of going to her room alone, he made sure Aerion doesn't cause any trouble and there were many times he carried Daena around whenever her mother couldn't.
And Daemon didn't like that.
So he ordered Sir Edrik to guard the gates of Dragonstone, where he would be far from the kids.
In which resulted in the night of the attack :)
Mind you, Baelon is a strong minded child, but he is still a child, and seeing his mother bleeding after defending him caused the poor boy to panic and yell for the maester.
To Baelon's suprise, his father appeared and he also stayed by the boy's side while the Maesters tended to his mother.
Just for them to announce that the wound was in the area of her womb, so she could no longer bear children.
Baelon felt his guts twitching, his only thoughts were surrounding the possibility, his father would no longer see a value on his mother.
But that didn't happen, instead, Daemon began staying more around them and her. And that made his kids question reality.
Not having their mother and Sir Edrik around, the kids were completely depending on Daemon, which caused some stress for Baelon, as he tried to care for his siblings without his father's help.
Lady Baratheon was also stressed over the sudden change, having Daemon around her was too uncomfortable for her, she felt as if he was trying to insert his dominance over her or something. And in her state, she still needed help to do things, especially taking care of little Rhaenys.
So yeah, having him around made everyone anxious.
And that is only the beginning 🙃
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