#anyways he's so fine heart full of changbin only!!!
mae-gi-writes · 1 year
It’s (just so) awkward | jungkook - part three
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No way. We’re too different and he’s so—so black and white. A straight-up yes-or-no kind of guy. And I’m not.”
You had been momentarily blinded. A bit distracted.
That was the only reasonable explanation for you feeling as though you had a middle school crush on your high school friend. It should be the only reasonable explanation. There was nothing else that could explain it and you were glad to leave it at that.
That didn’t mean that his words went by unnoticed. That night after your small ice cream escapade had you turning and tossing in bed as you replayed Jungkook’s over and over again in your head like a broken cassette tape. He had every right to be mad at you, after all, for dissing his other good friend. Sara hadn’t done anything but be kind to you. You were the mean one, the asshole.
You couldn’t help it.
Which was why you made it a must to stay away as much as normally possible. And of course, Jungkook noticed. What did he not? It was as clear as day that you were preoccupying yourself on purpose just so that you wouldn’t have to accidentally bump into him or her on campus, ensuring that you knew his timetable by heart so that you could take another transportation slot.
You managed to keep up that small charade, until the Inter-College Sports Olympics came along.
Every university had to take part in the Sports Olympics without fail and since Jungkook had been a naturally good basketball player, had been recruited in playing for the team, along with Changbin and a few other boys from your cohort. You’d had no choice but to accompany a whiny Yoona and an excited Jimin to the games, and maneuvered through the horde of people to get to your assigned seats.
You were busy rustling through your bag for a tissue — your nose was running, no thanks to that stupidly cold weather — when you accidentally bumped into an elbow.
Turning, you started to apologize when the stranger just smiled at you and said, “don’t worry about it. Happens all the time.”
“Yeah sorry,” you felt bad for him, he seemed crammed in this tiny seat, “it’s always like this. I don’t understand what’s the big deal with these games.”
“To be honest, neither do I,” the stranger shook his head and grinned. He was gorgeous, you noticed, with a beautifully sculpted nose and dark lashes that framed his brown eyes, full lips that would make any girl jealous, “my name’s Taehyung. I’m majoring in engineering.”
Taehyung, you found, had come all the way from his tiny countryside town in hopes of making it big for the sake of his dying mother who had been attained by cancer last summer. When you’d tried to stumble through a series of condolences, he’d merely shook his head and brushed it off, saying that it was now part of his life and that there was nothing to feel sorry for.
“It’s something that just comes and goes, right?” He shrugged and you wondered whether he was just trying to pretend he was fine, wondered whether he locked himself behind closed doors to cry his heart out, “anyway, is there anyone you’re here for?”
To be honest, you weren’t focusing on the game at all. Rather, what the mysterious young man had to say seemed to be much more interesting, which was how you found yourself deep in discussion until Yoona’s firm grip on your arm brought you back to reality.
“He’s got it! He’s got the ball!”
Indeed, as you squinted to find Jungkook, you spotted the said dark-haired man practically flying through the court, the ball as if made to fit in his palm, before he twisted and soared, tossing it perfectly so that it gently slid into the net. Perfect.
The crowds broke into applause and cheers. You cried out his name and next to you, Taehyung chuckled as he clapped, “you know this guy?”
“We’re close friends since high school.”
The first opening match of the Sports Olympics came to an end with your university winning by twenty points. The crowd erupted with yells and cheers as they swarmed onto the court, players getting bombarded with attention and amidst it all, Sara going over to Jungkook with a grin so wide that you had to look away, for fear of your heart suddenly breaking in two.
“I’m going to wait outside by the car,” you mumble out to Yoona and slipped through the throng of people before she could even call out your name.
The air was crisp and cold outside, a good contrast to the heat permeating your skin. You breathed in, chest aching with some kind of unknown emotion as your palms fisted at your sides.
It was a weird feeling, the one that seemed to spread through your chest like a flame that wouldn’t die down no matter how much logic you poured over it in hopes of getting it to die down.
It licked and burned and hurt. And as you pressed your back against the cool surface of Jimin’s car, you wondered whether there was something that was seriously wrong with you.
This was Jungkook, and Sara was good for him. He deserved that much happiness.
So why couldn’t you just be happy for him?
”Y/N, there you are.”
Freezing, your eyes flew up to see none other than a dishevelled Jungkook still in his basketball jersey, sweat dotting his forehead and lips parted in a soft pucker, flushed with heat.
For a minute, you could only stare at him.
“What—“ the words blocked in your throat, “what are you doing here?”
He did that little nose scrunch that made his face turn decades younger, “I’m allergic to crowded places.”
“right.” You chuckled, “How could I forget?”
He stepped closer to you before leaning against the same vehicle, a soft sigh falling from his lips at the action.
“You played well,” you said in the comfortable silence, “thought you hated contact sports.”
“I do hate contact sports. There are so many germs on that basketball court,” he shuddered with a grimace, “but I had no choice. They didn’t have any players.”
“What a nice sense of duty you have.”
He pulled out his tongue at you in retaliation and you laughed, head thrown back as your eyes scrunched up at the night sky. Jungkook laughed along with you, his gaze holding an expression you couldn’t quite place which made you ask, “What?”
“I haven’t seen you laugh like this in a while,” he said bluntly, “it’s nice.”
“Ah,” that was true. It had been a rough few weeks of trying to come to terms with this newfound feeling about your best friend hat wouldn’t leave you alone. Jungkook had absolutely no idea how wrecked you were for him.
“About our conversation,” Jungkook suddenly spoke up, “you remember, when we spoke about Sara?”
You looked up at him, “yes.”
“Did I hurt your feelings?”
It was no use to lie. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry.” A pause. Then, “what did I say that hurt your feelings?”
“It was more how you said it. And to be honest, it was partly my fault, I was being mean—“
It was then that you noticed how close he was, so close you felt the warmth of his breath hit your skin and saw the small cracks in his lips. Your eyes flitted up to his, only to see him already gazing back at you with some sort of tenderness that made your insides quiver. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Jungkook?” You murmured out in the silence that fell, admiring the way his moles scattered across his face like stars, “what—“
“There you are!”
Both of you sprung apart like guilty teenagers, not quick enough to have escaped Jimin’s eyes as he stood before the car, “we were looking all over for you!” He didn’t hesitate to throw himself at the taller man, “congrats, bro! You rocked that court!”
“Thanks—“ Jungkook struggled and looked like he was about to be sick, patting Jimin’s back awkwardly as the rest of the group found their way to the cars. You turned away with hot cheeks, glad that it was only Jimin that caught you. You weren’t sure what exactly you’d be doing if Sara had been the one.
The rest of the evening was spent in Yoona’s single condo — paid by her father who was rich enough that he owned all the petrol companies in the country — with drinks and an assortment of snacks at the ready as more and more people piled in. It almost felt like she’d invited the whole cohort, which made you feel slightly uneasy knowing there were people around that you weren’t familiar with.
So you hid out on the terrace, gazing out at the city lights beyond while sipping your drink. It was where Changbin found you a few minutes later.
“Not your style?” He asked as he leaned against the railing.
You pulled a grimace, “yeah I don’t enjoy loud music much,” it was then that you realized he was actually here, “what are you doing here on a Saturday? Aren’t you supposed to be out partying your heart out? Why come to a stupid school party?”
“Believe it or not, your friend Yoona actually invited me,” he cocked his head at you with a small smile, “and to be honest, you and Jungkook have been a very interesting watch these days.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Whatever you want it to mean,” he shrugged before directing his gaze back towards the beautiful city lights in the distance, “so tell me, he’s still very much infatuated with miss ol’ goodie two shoes?”
“I don’t know and it’s none of my business.”
“Uh I disagree,” Changbin brushed his bangs out of his face, “it is very much your business whether you like it or not.”
“Changbin, I’m not here to talk about my love life,” you looked down at the pavement below as you felt your hair cascade across your shoulders, “so please don’t bring it up again, it’s hard enough trying to forget him.”
“Alright, fair enough.” He then reached down before producing two bottles of soju, “want to drink your sorrows away instead?”
That sounded strangely more appealing than anything else. So you agreed and decided to hell with everything.
“Jungkook, c’mon. Let’s go.”
The latter groaned, eyes still shut as he leaned against one of Yoona’s million-dollar leather couches. Your friend could say bye bye to her lovely flat value if Jungkook decided to empty the insides of his stomach all over this place.
So you tugged at his arm again, and again, and again, until his eyes managed to peel open.
“Y/N?” His voice was slurred and there was no doubt that he’d been drinking a little too much. Especially for Jungkook.
It was almost adorable. Almost being the key word.
“Come on,” you reached down, tugging at his arm to pull him up as Sara came over with a glass of water.
“Here,” she gave it to Jungkook, who merely shook his head and pushed it away, “don’t wanna,” he grumbled, stumbling towards you in the process.
He was a tall man, and not a lean one at that. It was a challenge to balance him as he threw his entire bodyweight onto you like you were his only source of strength. You noticed, in the corner of your eye, the rest of the party being ushered out by Yoona.
You looked back at Jungkook struggling to stay on his feet, nudged at him to take the drink, “drink it,” you said it like an order, to which he shook his head.
“Drink. It.” You repeated firmly.
“No,” he moaned and did the most surprising thing; buried his face into the crook of your neck. He murmured out like a child, “don’t want to.”
Your body was frozen, unsure what to do with this now clingy man-child hanging off you in front of both his supposed crush (and hopeful girlfriend) and the rest of your friend group.
“Uhm,” you tried to shove him off awkwardly.
No response.
He merely tightened his hold and mumbled some more incoherent things under his breath, “Jungkook, come on. Stop being a baby—“
“You smell good,” his mumble, a brush of his lips against your skin, threw you off guard, caused your heart to go into a mini panic attack.
“Right, uhm— I think we should bring him home. Y/N?” Jimin looked at you pleadingly and you nodded, glad when Changbin took the initiative to call an uber. You didn’t even have time to check whether Sara had been offended by your beat friend’s behaviour since you were all too busy trying to drag the latter’s weight down the stairs.
Thank god for Changbin and Jimin’s help, who even paid the driver in advance as you climbed in and muttered out Jungkook’s flat address. The said young man, currently sprawled across the backseat, seemed to have fallen into a fitful sleep which you hoped wouldn’t last. You needed to get him to his bed, after all. Or at least beyond his front door.
You’d never actually gone into Jungkook’s flat before, so this was a first. He was thankfully awake enough to allow himself to be dragged up the stairs upon arrival, encouraged by your hand wrapped around his waist while his was draped over your neck.
“Jungkook,” you called out to him upon reaching his front door, breathless and sweaty, with your hair sticking to the sides of your face, “key.”
He mumbled, head lolling into the curve of your neck once more. You nudged him, so that he could repeat, “back pocket.”
You fished it out none too gently, careful not to touch anything else and glad he wasn’t sober to see the blush on your face as you managed to unlock his front door.
His flat, you found, was bare without anything too personal. You struggled to turn on the lights in the corner wall, only to be met with white washed walls and white furniture to match, a few black details highlighting the space. A couch sat in the left corner, its cream overlay torn at the edges, and on the right was a tiny kitchenette with an assortment of sauces lined up so neatly you wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook had measured it out with a ruler.
But this was not the time to think of that. You had a drunk man on your hands, one that seemed overly fond to cuddle you to death.
You managed to find his bedroom — not a hard feat, considering that it was the only door available at the end of the room — and pulled Jungkook along until you practically hauled his body onto his bed.
He curled into his blanket, as though he knew he was now surrounded by comfort, and the sight was surprisingly so tender that it made your heart skip a beat.
You managed to get him some water and was glad when he moved closer to you as you called out his name. Using one hand to tilt his head back, you held the cup to his lips and watches as he took in a few sips.
“Good,” you noted, taking the cup away when he turned his head. You set the cup aside and took a seat at the end of his mattress, “how are you feeling?”
“Like…” he drawled out the words, still influenced by the alcohol, clearly, “—shit.”
“Yeah,” you grimaced, placing two tylenols that you had found digging into his shelves a few moments ago onto his nightstand, “take two of these when you wake up tomorrow.”
“Mm, yeah.”
“Since when do you drink so much?”
Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open then, only to meet yours, “I think I went overboard.”
“No shit sherlock.”
A guttural groan fell from his mouth. He turned, fingers clasping your wrist before tugging you to the bed. You stumbled and almost fell smack onto Jungkook’s chest, eyes widening at the reduced proximity as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you even closer.
Your skin lit on fire, “J—Jungkook,” you breathed, unsure of how you got into this position, “what—what are you doing?”
But Jungkook seemed to be lost in his own world. He didn’t answer you in favour of nuzzling into the crook of your neck and throwing a leg over your frame like you were his favourite teddy bear. Your heart almost gave out at the lack of proximity, wishing that you could just roll away without him noticing, but his grip was hard as iron and even as you tried to push his chest away, there was a soft murmur of protest brushing againt your cheek.
And then, as though he needed to insist upon this point, he added, “please.”
That was when you felt it. The softest pressure of lips. Against your nape.
You stifled a gasp. Your body tensed beneath his.
You wished your body wasn’t as receptive, wished that you didn’t melt so easily in his hold as euphoria exploded behind your lids.
“Jungkook,” you were breathless as you felt another kiss, “Jungkook, And another. One on your collarbone. One under your jaw, every dot of warmth from his mouth causing fireworks to explode and your skin to warm like you were suddenly thrust right into a campfire.
This was too much. He was too much.
Your hands tightened into fists on instinct, heart leaping to your throat.
He kept on kissing you. Over and over again. All over your skin, as if all the limits suddenly didn’t exist in the cracks of your friendship. His mouth was everywhere; your jaw, your cheek, and now landing right at the corner of your mouth.
That was the moment his eyes fluttered open, meeting your wide ones. His gaze was drugged and hazy, but there was something else swirling there, something you couldn’t place your finger on. And the more you gazed at him, the closer he seemed to get to you until his nose brushed yours tenderly.
Were you going to allow yourself this little bite of heaven? Were you really going to break all the rules just for a few seconds of ecstasy to know how it felt like to kiss Jungkook?
Your sweet, sweet friend that seemed to have stolen your heart and kept it for himself. Your sweet, sweet friend Jungkook, who was looking at you like you were the only star in his sky.
You swallowed thickly, heart clenching at the thought that this would change things forever. You would not be able to get out of this room unscathed and you had to admit the thought scared you. And what about Jungkook? Was he sober enough to understand what he was doing?
Your eyes snapped up to his, heart skipping a beat at the dark intensity of his jet black eyes.
You felt a hand trickle along your hip. He squeezed softly, tugged you closer, before his other hand trailed up to grasp the side of your face.
“Jungkook, how drunk on you? On a scale of one to ten,” the words rushed out of you in hopes of breaking the sudden tension that had taken over the room.
He took a ragged breath, “a five.”
“Right. So—uhm, I’ll just go find a water bottle to place by your bed—“
He didn’t give you time. His arm pulled you at the same time that he dove forward before he pressed his lips to yours.
Jungkook kissed you. And you knew that everything was going to change.
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for skz!pack whats minho’s nickname for the members and which is his favorite?
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Minho arches a brow. "I mean, I think most of them just prefer when I use 'good boy/girl.' There's definitely some praise kinks going on, especially in the brat line."
"That doesn't count as an answer, hyung." Jeongin sticks his tongue out at Minho, and the alpha leans forward, making a play to grab it.
"Yang Jeongin, learn to respect your elders."
"You're not my elder, hyung," Jeongin replies back smartly, defiance on his face. "You're my boyfriend."
"One does not negate the other."
"Apologize." Minho commands, staring at the youngest omega sternly. "Or I'll rethink your punishment I promised you later."
Jeongin sighs, rolling his eyes, but ducks his head in deference anyway and mutters out, "Sorry, hyung."
Minho turns back to the pack at large, looking satisfied, and points to Changbin.
Changbin rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything in response.
Minho points to you.
You duck your head to him in acknowledgement, hiding your grin.
He slides his finger over to Chan.
"Baby girl."
Chan rolls his eyes. "Minho-"
Minho silences him with one look. "Don't interrupt while I'm talking, baby girl. Alpha doesn't like it."
Chan heaves an annoyed sigh, but shuts up anyway.
Minho jerks a thumb over his shoulder to the still pouting Jeongin.
"Pup or Puppy. Depends on the day and how annoying he's being."
Jeongin opens his mouth to protest, but Minho moves his attention to Felix sitting next to him before he can get any words out.
Felix goes pink, giving the alpha a soft, affectionate smile.
Minho's gaze slides to Jisung. "Baby. Baby boy. It's been the same for our entire relationship."
Jisung nods. "From day one."
Minho gives him a mock glare. "Don't act like I liked you from the moment I met you, Han Jisung. I had to warm up."
Jisung grins. "Sure, hyung. Whatever you say."
Minho growls beneath his breath and glances to Seungmin, sitting next to the other beta.
Seungmin nods appreciatively and a look of understanding passes between them, before Minho moves on to Hyunjin.
"And that one is usually kitten, but on the days I'm feeling less than gracious, he just goes by brat."
Hyunjin grins, wiggling his eyebrows at Minho. "Ah, hyung. You're too sweet to me."
Minho rolls his eyes. "There. Everyone happy now?"
"No." Jisung shakes his head, pushing Minho like only he can get away with, a slight smirk on his full lips. "You still have to tell us which one is your favorite.
Minho lets out a heavy sigh, clearly disgruntled. "I don't have a favorite."
"Lies." Hyunjin announces smugly, settling back into the couch with a smirk and arms across his chest.
Minho growls again beneath his breath. "Fine. I like calling Changbin princess the best. Because it reminds me of the good old days when we hated each other and I didn't have to put up with his nonsense."
Changbin puts a hand over his heart. "Oh my god, hyung. That's so touching. I never knew."
Minho grumbles, getting up from his seat with agitated movements, and points a warning finger at the mockingly sweet alpha across from him.
"Love and hate are separated by a thin line, princess. Watch yourself."
Changbin grins, putting his hands up in defeat. "Sure thing, hyung. I won't forget."
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starjxsung · 17 days
hi bestie <3 how are you?
i finally got home on thursday night. i feel the same was about chicago tho. it was so so so pretty but so tiring. but i kinda wanna move there now bc i enjoyed it and it’s so different to what im used to here. my two extra days were super stressful but the weather was so nice and windy.
i’m so sorry that your flight was scary! i hate flying sm, mine had a lot of turbulence but i drink some ✨anxiety meds✨ and sleep through it all <3
it sucks so much that we couldn’t meet but fr skz was total insanity and im just glad to have survived it </3 lolla skz will live in my head rent free forever. skz being real was not in 2k24 bingo card and i also need tickets for their tour or i’ll cry. but the chicago trip was sooooo expensive for me bc i have no control and went to a kpop store and target and to museums and the aquarium 🙃 and my support system is the worst bc i was only going to buy the ate version and my bf was like “get i.n and changbin” and that’s how i ended up with i.n, changbin, han and felix (i have lino on the way too) and a maxed out credit card (: money comes back ig. and the worst part was literally that ateez performed in chicago this weekend and i didn’t even know like </333 i could’ve met teo sang my beloved if i had stayed for a few more days (delulu bc with what money?). my bf is all for ateez @ lolla ‘25 so we’ll see 🤞🏻
and the chappell crowd was insanely full (literally the biggest one in lolla history wtf) but not as crazy as skz tbh. i love her sm tho, she’s such a superstar. i’m so glad to have been able to see her too <3
and alas, my semester starts tomorrow (not ready at all, screaming & crying) so real world awaits and im so bedrotting rn bc why can’t i be beautiful and do ska’s makeup or something for a living </3
anyways ily angel, i hope all is so well. take care of yourself always!!
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MY LOOOOOVE oh my gosh it’s been a minute since I’ve been on here properly!!! How are you!! How’s practicum!!!!! I was just talking about you earlier today bc my sister was complaining about her practicum and I offhandedly mentioned I knew someone else who was doing one and it just got me thinking about you and hoping everything was going well 🥹💓
Ugh the more time that passes, the more I miss Lolla 💔 it truly just felt so relaxing to be able to put everything behind me for a week and just be at a music festival and not have a care in the world except for skz. I totally feel you on wanting to move there too! I felt the exact same way after going to New York for the first time to see 3racha. It was just this gut feeling that I’m supposed to be here all the time and it felt so magical 😭 I can’t believe in a few weeks it’ll be a year since I saw 3racha in NY. Time passes by so quickly I hate it
GIRLLLL THE MONEYYY oh my god I was literally scared of how much money I spent after skz at lolla, I was fr buying so much kpop stuff when I came back and I’ve been collecting so many of Jisung’s pcs this era so I have to physically pry myself away from scrolling on Mercari 😭 I can’t help it he is just TOOOOO FINE…. Also not you just missing Ateez nooooo 💔💔 but now that you mention ateez at Lolla I can SO see that happening??? If they do headline and you get tickets we HAVEEE TO MEET 🤞👼 MANIFESTINGGGGG
I hope the semester’s been going well!!! I hope you haven’t been too stressed (although it seems like we’re all just going THRUUU IT 😭) I love you so so much and I’m sending you all the good vibes to make it through another semester. (Also side note Taemin & Onew new albums WHEWEEEEWKEKDKDKKD MY SHAWOL HEART IS SOOOO HAPPY)
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jisungs · 3 years
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linorachas · 3 years
#1 | seo changbin
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⁍ pairing — seo changbin x gender neutral!reader ⁍ genre —tooth-rotting fluff ⁍ word count — 844 words ⁍ details — established relationship, lapslock, suggestive themes ⁍ notes — i don't know where this came from. i started writing it. had a breakdown over changbin. bon appetite. enjoy this blurb ♥️ ⁍ summary — you can't stop talking, and changbin can’t stop kissing you.
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“i just think it’s unfair, you know-“
“uh huh.”
“-that, ah, i’ve been working my ass off for the whole week, overtime and mmph-“
changbin manages to capture his partner’s lips at the next word, and doesn’t bother to hide his smile when the other melts easily. he leans even closer now, snaking a hand around the back of your neck, impatient to finally-
then you pull away. “and he just tells me to copy this and do a report on that as if I’m the only employee...”
changbin doesn’t relent even as you keep talking, only faltering for some kisses that never get past a nibble to the bottom lip. you keep on talking even when changbin pulls you close, arranging your position so you’ve got both thighs situated on either side of his hips. he continues with sneaking a kiss in every chance he gets.
“and then by tomorrow, i’d-“ smack, “-ask again how it went and he just never-“ smack, “answer and it’s so-“ smack, “dumb and...”
changbin moves his kisses down to your neck in an attempt to hide his grin, but it’s useless anyway, because his shoulders are shaking with laughter at how his chatterbox of a lover isn’t paying any attention, too passionate about retelling a story he had already heard yesterday. you seem to have forgotten that you already told him, but he doesn’t make a move to stop you, content to listen to you rant.
it was hard to believe that you were both in the middle of a very heated makeout session just five minutes ago, his shirt already off and your pants unbuttoned. but then a single text message from a coworker had ignited your fuse, and you hadn’t stopped talking since.
his boner’s gone all soft now, and he can’t find it in him to feel guilty for interrupting you when you yourself stop talking at times to press a kiss to his lips, seemingly torn in-between continuing your story or indulging in changbin’s smooch fest.
it’s cute. you were cute. changbin is in love.
“wait, wait, i’m almost done.” you smack another quick kiss to changbin’s lips before continuing, and changbin’s definitely holding back a laugh now. “so then, i asked seungkwan at the front desk; did he notice anything suspicious? cause-”
“like- i can’t be the only one noticing this shit, right, it’s a hideous shirt-“
“i don’t want to sound like a bad person but it’s just so impossible for not a single one of my coworkers to not-“
“let’s get married.”
you nod, “-okay baby, later, i promise. so then we all gathered together in the groupchat-“
“-if they’ve noticed anything right? so- wait.”
changbin raises an eyebrow when you freeze, an amused grin now plastered on his lips.
“are you-” your breath hitches, heart pounding as you tried to process what you just heard. “what the fuck did you just say?”
changbin’s full on laughing now, shoulders shaking. you’re jostled in his lap, but his arms tighten around you before you could fall. you’re still staring at him, dumbfounded, but changbin seems to ignore your current crisis and just smiles at you cheekily.
he presses another quick kiss to your lips before he says, “us. marriage. i wanna spend the rest of my life with you. listen to your crazy work stories everyday. kiss you until my lips bruise. have you in my lap like this for eternity. i wanna make fun of you when you get gray hair and i want you to make fun of me when i lose all of mine. i wanna come home and wake up to you. to this. and though it’s for legal reasons-- plus discount benefits--” you both snort at that, “some marriage certificate and a couple rings isn’t going to prove what i feel,” changbin scoffs, eyes rolling, “because even if we didn’t have those i’d still feel the same.”
you don’t even notice you’re crying until changbin’s face visibly softens, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumbs catching the stray teardrops. he pulls you close, pressing your foreheads together as he whispers the words against your lips.
“even if we had nothing, it’d be fine.”
it was a promise, an oath, a commitment; love packaged neatly into 5 simple words.
“you’re all i ever need.”
“i can’t believe you proposed to me. shirtless at that!” you wail, tears streaming down your face as changbin looks on amusedly. he gently wipes your tears and snot with his discarded shirt.
“i could always do that again in a suit.”
one glare from you has him raising his hands up in surrender, but the grin on his face just widens. you were back to talking again, hands flailing around as you ramble about the preparations that came with a wedding.
but this time, a diamond glints around your ring finger, finally freed from the box changbin had hidden six months ago.
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youn9racha · 3 years
I Know (Part II)
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Pairing: Changbinxfem!reader
Genre: smut
Warning: mild stalking, stripping, phone sex???, mutual masturbation, semi-exhibitionism, a tiny bit of corruption kink, and an even tinier praise kink, switch!changbin, switch!reader
Words: 2.8k
Extra Notes: like I’ve mentioned in the last part, everyone is above the age of 21 (think senior year of college age), so thats that. I’ve also noticed that the lyric is not that related to the story, but oh well :’) anyways, hope you enjoy this
And baby, I know, I know whatever city you’re in, you’re still the boy that I’d pick…
This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.
Changbin’s calling me…
What in the world does he want to talk to me about in this ungodly hour? It wasn’t late, but it certainly wasn’t early enough for a call like this. I looked back at the window and I still see the curtains still closed, assuming he was out or maybe in another room. I answered and put the phone in my ear.
“Hey, (y/n)! I just wanted to call to check up on you,” he said, “how are you?”
Damn, he only called for innocent intentions... Why is he so damn cute?! (y/n), you got two choices to respond back; you either respond give him a nice sweet response, or you give a sly yet friendly comeback. It can work—
“(y/n)?” The voice out of the phone took me out of my inner self’s debate.
“Yes! Yes! I am fine,” I said, embarrassed and mentally facepalming myself. This is not doing well, he already thinks I am a creep and a loser. Or maybe not, since its seems like I heard a faint chuckle and the word “cute,” followed by, but that could just be a figment of my imagination. “How are you?”
”Oh, I am good, just came back from hanging out with Chan and Han,“ changbin responded, there were shuffling in the background so he could be doing something while on the phone, but what is it? I wouldn’t know. I heard him and Chris mentioning a ‘Han’ in our conversation we had while preparing for my apartment, so that name is familiar, however the owner’s not. “You should meet him one day, I think you both will be good friends.”
”Woah there, you better take me to dinner first before I meet your friend,” I teased. Keep it going, (y/n), you’re on the right track, you’ve definitely caught him off guard, like you always do.
“Give me a place, time, and date, you’ll get that dinner, or maybe I’ll let Chris take you.” Changbin nonchalantly said, oozing confidence just by his voice. That bitch… Always makes it harder for me than it already is. As if he saw my blushing reaction, he began laughing.
“What’s wrong, princess? Cat’s got your tongue?” He said it in a low voice. Usually, I would gag if anyone—let alone a man—calls me princess, but with him, it felt different. It felt… arousing? No! No! (y/n), get a grip!
I rolled my eyes and laid on my back to be more comfortable, “What is it, Changbin?” I said, changing the subject, “What is that you wanted to call me at 10 p.m?” Yes, pretend like he didn’t just call you princess in the sexiest tone of voice you’ve ever heard. Totally would work.
”I told you, I just want to check up on you,“ he confessed but he also paused to say something further, “and also I am bored and I kinda felt like talking to you. I’m not wasting your time, aren’t I?” Although I couldn’t see him, he does however sound really sincere with his words. I don’t want to sound naive, but he sounded truthful.
“No,” I shook my head, “you really didn’t, besides I just got out the shower and was just scrolling through instagram.” I said, looking down in my nails.
”Oh, really?” He said, “were you going to sleep?”
”No, I stay on social media for a long period of time, I don’t sleep that easily“
”I see,” he said, but then he stopped talking. As the awkward silence has erupted between us, I started to think more about the first time I saw him and how I felt. While I thought it would be better for me to tell him later on and on person, but this balloon inside of me was getting bigger and bigger as guilt is inflating it. I sighed and started to speak, “Hey Changbin.”
“Can I confess you to something?”
”Tell me anything, doll, I’m all ears.”
Dammit! You’re not making it easier.
I bit my lips, “uhh,” I am glad he wasn’t looking at me, grimacing and slapping my head.
”You know hitting yourself isn’t gonna help,” as soon as Changbin uttered these words, my heart sank. My eyes widened as I got up and looked out window. His curtains were open, and it showcase a very, very pleasant show.
I see Changbin, sitting at the edge of his bed, facing me as his black shirt was fitting his form really well, especially with the semi-flexed arm that has his phone near his ears meanwhile the other arm was holding the elbow of the occupied arm. He was look at me straight at my eyes when we made eye contact, and fuck, was that an image to look at. As I looked like a deer going through a headlight, Changbin tilted his head in confusion, but he still had a smirk, “what is it you wanted to me?” he said through the phone.
”I-I“ I stuttered. At this point, I’ve lost all sense of dignity and my self thought, I am about to get called a creep by a good looking man I met not too long. Here goes nothing.
”I may have invaded your privacy,” I said, which caused Changbin to furrow his eyebrows in even more confusion, still having a slight smile to it. “What are you talking about?”
”Ugh, Changbin, I saw you half naked when apartment touring numerous times!” I yelled in frustration, as he kept pushing my button. I looked away, not bearing to look at him, as I closed my eyes out of guilt. “I understand if you don’t want to be friend, even though we met for only a week, but I just couldn’t bear the guilt that I—“
As I confessed, I heard a laugh coming put of the phone, I opened my eyes and looked at Changbin looking down, with shoulders shaking up and down. Now, I have the confused look that he had, “What’s funny?”
“Oh, princess, you have no idea,” He said, still looking down. Me still being bemused, he noticed my silence and looked up at my frowned face.
”I know…” He smirked, while my eyes were widened. Son of a bitch.
“I thought you knew that I’m doing all this on purpose, I’ve been trying to catch your attention every single way.” He leaned forward, placing both elbows in his knees, “I thought you were smart, only to be a gullible baby.” He whispered the last part, as I gulped at the last part. God damn, he’s so intense with his gaze. His eyes wandering all over me meanwhile maintaining a very dark yet exciting aura, which typically puts me off but now, I’ve never wanted to pounce a man so badly.
I smirked at him, the guilt I had had fizzled away, only to replace with arousal.
“So you’re not mad?” I looked at him, with innocent eyes, now laying on my side, facing him, as my robe slipped and exposed a part of my shoulder and the upper of my chest. He breathed in, as he was examining me, “no, why would I be mad at you?” He leaned back, as his head was thrown back, neck exposed, placing his free hand on the back of his neck.
God, is he so fine…
”I could never be mad at my precious baby.” He smiled a seductive smile at me, which made me riled up by rolling my eyes and looking up. “You like getting called that, don’t you?” He may have said it in a question form, but it didn’t feel like one, it was rather a statement than a question. “Hm,” I said, looking back at him, eyes half opened out of hunger for him.
We had an intense eye contact, where if it weren’t for the distant and the glass that is placed in front of us, we’d probably be all over each other.
”Has your hang out with Han and Chris worn you out?” I asked, decievingly innocent. Man, the power this man has over me is no joke. He scoffed, “so you’re just going to mention other men like that?”
Ignoring him, I got up, letting the towel that was loosely in my head fall onto my bed, and went closer to the window, “let me relieve you of your stress, if you don’t mind.” I shyly fidgeted on my robe belt. He looked at me up and down, licking his lips, “I wouldn’t mind, if you don’t as well.”
There’s nothing more sexier than mutual consent. (y/n), shut up, don’t ruin the moment.
I smiled and backed away from the window. I put my phone on speaker and put it on the side. I looked back at him, as I held onto my robe belt, he looked at me with a smile. I turned around with a slight sway on my hips, as I slowly undid my belt, slowly exposing my back at him, smiling as I heard a shuddering breath coming out of the phone.
As the robe completely fell off my body, being just in my underwear, exposing whatever secret flaws that has been hidden from the public. I silently gasp at the cool breeze as I held onto my chest, sensing my nipples getting hard. “Turn around for me, baby,” Changbin’s breathy voice echoed all over the room.
We may not be in the same room, and we maybe exposing ourselves to whoever is above and under us as well, but neither of us care. In our eyes, we only got each other, and we’re the only ones in existence.
I turned to him, letting go of my breasts and letting myself be bare, only to see him palming himself through his tight pants, groaning at his lack of full on skin-to-skin touch. It’s like he was waiting for me to tell him touch himself, which proved correct when he said, “please, let me touch myself.”
I smiled sympathetically, and also slightly astonishingly. I have never met a man with such switch like that. His dominating demeanor has faded and been replaced to a submissive cutie, which I obviously seem to admire very much. Pretending to thinking, I sat down, and looked at him, putting my hands behind me, “only if you give me a show too.”
I smirked at his state. He was disheveled, and adorned a beet tint all across his cheeks and nose. He looked beaten, but I loved it, and he does too. He put his phone on speaker too, quickly got up, and rapidly got his shirt.
“Ah ah!” I said, which caused him to freeze, looking at me, desparation was seeping through his eyes. Menacingly smiling, “slowly.”
Which he obeyed, surprisingly patient and sensual, I jokingly remarked that “he got dancer hips,” with the way he took off clothes while his hips moved in a way not many who can control their bodies can. He chuckle, “you should see how it works wonder,” his cocky attitude has made a comeback, which should piss me off but it made the whole thing hotter than it already is.
We’re both in our underwear, looking up at our eyes and looking down at each other’s half-nude bodies. Changbin wasn’t the tallest man I have ever met—not that it matters—, but he got many aspects that makes up for it, and its not just looks or personality. Just by the outline, I can tell that his little guy wasn’t little.
I propped myself with my elbows as I spread my legs, for him to see the wet spot that is stained in my underwear. He grunted at the sight, while I chuckle, “you like what you see?” I faux-innocently asked as I trailed my hand from my neck, making my head fall back, down to the valley of my chest, onto the waistband of my underwear.
“Fuck…” Changbin cursed, admiring the sight in front of him. He didn’t realize how lucky he was to see me in a state like this, not many have the privilege, especially not with men I met in a short amount of time.
I tugged my panties, took it off and exposed a part that he was dying to see, which caused him to gulp. He sighed with a smile, “god damn, (y/n),“ he shook his head in disbelie, “I’ve always thought you were gorgeous, but now I’m convinced you’re a goddess“
I giggle at his words, “and you, sir, are a demon disguised as a greek god” I teased back, tracing my two fingers around my lips, I noticed that he still was in his underwea. He still waited for my permission. How adorable.
”You can take off your underwear, Binnie” I didn’t even mean to give him the nickname, but I was too excited to even think straight. I looked at him, and saw him reveal his friend, and I gasped loudly, which made Changbin alert. “What? Whats wrong?”
”Nothing, its just,” I chuckle, “you have a nice dick.”
”Thank you,” He smirked as he sat down and looked at me, with full attention. I put my two fingers into my mouth, while maintaining eye contact. I then trailed my finger down to clit, which resulted in me letting out a blissful gasp. Meanwhile, Changbin was repositioning to a comfortable position as he began to touch himself, which caused him to let out a choked out groan.
”Binnie, as you touching yourself?” I half-whispered, but it was still loud enough for him hear along with my fingers movements that moved from my clit onto my slit, which made me moan.
”Ah-y-yes” Changbin groaned and nodded, as he was stroking his dick following the pace that I was going at.
After hearing Changbin’s groans, I began inserting my fingers at my slit, making me whimper in the process, “oh, fuck” I cursed, as I started to thrust my fingers in and out, noises coming out of my mouth along with the wetness of my pussy were getting louder, which excited Changbin, as his stroking was audible through the phone along with his beautiful groans.
“god, (y/n), if only I could touch you,” Changbin spoke through groans when he saw me fondling my breast and going faster. I was getting louder with my noises, in contrast of Changbin’s quite yet beautiful and audible noises. So much so, it sounds like Changbin was watching porn, rather than getting fucked at a distance.
“Ah-are-fuck-are you close?” Changbin asked through whines, his speech was getting difficult as he was getting closer to climax with his strokes going as fast as I was.
I nodded, out of struggle of speech, whining out, “Ah! Binnie!”
“Fuck, (y/n), I’m—“ Changbin grunted, as his strokes was started to get sloppy, he began to thrust onto his hands. I began to feel like something burning up in my stomach, moaning at the sensation, “Chang—I’m cummin— I’m cumming”
“Me too…” He choked on his words, as his groans and moans were also getting louder. Our phone voices combined was dirty but erotic, topped with the scene of two people masturbating to each other, now thats even a hotter view.
“Go ahead, baby... cum”
And just like that, I let out a squeal as I reached my peak, still playing with myself until I sensed an overstimulation. Not too long after, I was hearing a lot of grunt from the call and then I looked at Changbin, who ended up cumming onto his stomach, his chest raising up and down, letting himself catch his breath. Still out of breath, we both looked at each other, we both laughed at our fucked out state.
“Holy fuck, was that hot?” Changbin commented, taking the phone, putting it out of his speaker and back to his ear. I laughed at his sudden remark, nodding, “oh yeah, can’t wait to feel what you feel like,” I bit my lip.
”At least buy me dinner first,” He teased, referring to the remark I had at the time, which made me roll my eyes and him to chuckle. “You’re a dick,” I said.
”A big one, and a pretty one according to you,” He teased again. I started to jokingly groan at his words, causing him to laugh, “alright, alright, I’ll stop.”
I got up and picked the phone, looking at him, “I had fun, we should do this again,” him and I started exchanging a smile, this time it was more pure than the smiles we had earlier. He nodded, “for sure, but the next time is going to be in one of our beds, I really need to touch you.”
”The feeling is mutual.”
We began to talk a little more, until we both have felt that slumber was starting to sneak up onto our eyes. We both ultimately had to hang up, since we don’t want to raise our phone bills with our already long call. While facing away from the window, I couldn’t help but started admire Changbin in my head.
I typically hate men, but Changbin wasn’t just like any man.
He was Changbin, and I highly doubt that you’ll ever find a man like him.
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Angry sex with Skz
Probably be quiet the whole time.
No praising or sweet talk like usual.
Would avoid looking into your eyes for as long as possible because he knows that if you look at him like that he'd fall right into your arms.
You'd be fighting or in the middle of an argument when he decides he's had enough of the negativity and grabs your thigh to pull you to him.
That's when he'd stop talk too. Eyebrows knit together and eyes trained on you he'd push you against whatever and get to work on your bottoms.
Would look into your eyes while getting you naked almost teasingly. But if you were to go soft on him, maybe wrapping your arm around his neck or touch his face or something he would look away from you so fast.
Wouldn't kiss you either. But once you get desperate almost on the verge of your release, he'd let you hold him if you wanted to. And he loves seeing your lose yourself because of him and that would make him forget his anger atleast momentarily. Reaching out to touch your face he'd finally whisper sweet nothings as you came back down.
And when he was done too, he would pull out and give you the silent treatment again. But he'd turn you over and spoon you.
It'd be very angsty but also kinda cute.
'Hey, I love you.'
You'd whisper gently.
You'd know him too well by this point that when you don't immediately get a reply, you wouldn't be mad.
A gentle squeeze to your waist and a kiss pressed to your shoulder would be enough for you but right before you dozed off, he'd whisper an I love you.
He would be talking to you through it.
'What, can't stay mad now?'
'You're always so serious about everything, God!'
'I can't joke around with you when you get annoyed so easily'
He'd list off all the things that ticks him off about you all the while having the most amazing missionary session.
And when you wouldn't reply with anything other than gasps and moans he'd laugh partly because he was in disbelief at how you could take all the comments so easily now with zero resistance and partly because he found your uncaring demeanor cute.
'Ah! So annoying!' He'd scream out because he was getting frustrated that he couldn't stay mad at you. Especially when you were reacting so well to him.
He'd go super fast just to make you lose yourself further. He'd do this as a way of saying Yea that's right, that's what I can do to you.
Not the type to go rough because he does that anyway. So it would be more like trying to get you to unravel under him while he acts unbothered by the steaming hot sex. He'd be so sure about your submissiveness that he'd start laughing when you start to shake as you climax.
Once you get your release however, all that he said would finally register in your head as you push him down on the bed sitting on his lower belly, trying to get some time to prevent overstimulation before you wrecked him.
You'd push your palms down on his chest as you ask him, voice low
'Stuck up? Too sensitive? Do you want to repeat all that again?'
And he would be speechless. Never in a million years would he have thought that you could recover from that orgasm but here you were with a look in your eye that screamed dom.
Blinking up twice at you he'd get no time to react before you tug on his nipples as you sink yourself on him.
Throwing his head back he'd avoid trying to fight back for dominance as he was way too close to waste time trying to get the power back that slipped away from him the second you came.
He'd be very grabby. Usually very respectful, mad changbin would be groping your breasts, your ass, heck, even your clit.
Would gradually increase the pressure of his pinches as he observed how much was too much. And he'd pinch you right at that threshold.
Twisting your nipple as he watched the way your face twists in pain and pleasure, he'd thrust into you. Even if you'd be riding him you'd have zero control of the situation as he fucks up into you making you grab onto his shoulders for support. Wouldn't let you hide your face during any of it and would yank your chin to face him.
'Where do you think you're looking? Hmm? Your eyes stay on me, got it?'
Would leave one too many hickies and bite marks. Even if you whined that people would see and he'd get scolded for it he would still keep going adding one more for everytime you said no.
When you guys were done, he'd be laughing about it.
'Did we really need to argue over that? I'm glad it did anyway. You look like you were in a fight and that's hot.' He'd say laughing inbetween as he traces the bites and purple marks littering your entire body.
Would be a little selfish. The type to not let you come as punishment. But that wouldn't be the case always. Another boy who would go soft if you went soft. If you were angry, the anger would just bounce around and he'd want to get off on that angst.
Would be turned on seeing you all angry and bothered but he'd pretend to be mad and put up the facade that he's fucking now just to show you how he can shut you up. But he gets so hot and bothered seeing you get mad at him. He wants a lot of adventure when it comes to sex so he would come faster and wouldn't be shy about it either. Two bird with a stone for him since he'd have a reason for releasing so fast. He's showing you up.
Wouldn't mind if you got aggressive though. He'd be hoping for it secretly. Grabbing after him if he left you hanging, taking things into your own hands getting rough with him. Would love getting roughened up by his little sweet princess. You'd have to figure that out by yourself though.
Would turn submissive real fast if you switched though.
Moaning and whining in your ear, he'd bring up the argument again.
Mostly just trying to get you mad again he'd make zero sense with his sentences. Would love if you talk filthy or down to him.
'Maybe I should go and fuck around with someone who wouldn't be such a brat? Hmm?'
'You want me to beg now do you? Why would I when I can just get on top of you like this?'
'You're enjoying this aren't you? Not having to do the work?'
He'd moan at your antics, not replying but definitely listening.
If you stop talking, he'd whine and try to annoy you more so as to coax more out. Dig your nails into him and he's a goner.
Jerking up into you he'd almost come but wouldn't, this time being considerate waiting for you.
He might get a little too mean with his anger.
Going a little overboard he might hit you right in your insecurities prompting you to tear up. If he couldn't see you crying and if you wouldn't tell him that it hurt he wouldn't stop because he wouldn't know. He tests the waters with you for everything and believes in the whole trial and error side of things.
But the first and last time it happened, he'd stop so fast when he heard you let out a quiet sob. He would turn the light on so fast and you'd be met with him still on top of you wide eyed with an arm covering his mouth.
Seeing the tears flowing down your cheeks would cause the waterfall to form in him too, him crying silently as he freezes up.
If you got up to leave after pushing him off he would just sit there in disbelief, head empty as his heart starts beating a little too hard. He'd need a lot of time to collect himself before deciding to check up on you.
But you'd know this already and would instead opt to reach out to his arm asking him to lie down with you.
Now full on sobbing next to you he would be shaking a little, lips trembling with his fingers gently, shyly holding your side.
'Stop crying.'
You'd say.
Nodding he'd try his best but his shoulders would still shake as he tried to hold back the sobs. The situation now turned around you'd bring your fingers up to his face and have a heart to heart with him. Nodding and apologising whenever you finished a sentence he'd be sniffing still but gently calming down, knowing that you weren't going to hate him.
Once he was sure that you were okay and that you weren't mad at him, he'd get closer nuzzling into your neck. Running his arm up your body he'd trace his way up your spine before cradling your neck. Whispering into your neck, he'd hug you gently
'Wanna love you.'
And when you let out a shy nod, he'd start kissing your neck slowly letting him get hard again.
This wouldn't be for him though. He was determined to make you feel as loved as possible and show you just how precious you are to him. Not the best at assuring you with words, he'd try his best to make you feel his love.
It would be so intense with him holding your face the whole time, sometimes intertwining your fingers if you brought your arms up to grab anything when it got too much for you. He'd ground you with his kisses and fingers when you edge closer and closer to your orgasm.
When you moan out as you climax, whispering I love you to him, he'd tighten his grip on you subconsciously while same time feeling the tears build up again.
He'd bite down on his lips hard enough to make them bleed almost but would relax if you peck them seeing his abuse on his pretty lips.
Would probably decide to stop once you climax and would refuse to continue saying he's fine but pull a little switcheroo and ask him if he's not turned on and he'd start chanting no no that's not it and slowly start up again, making sure you weren't in any discomfort.
And next time you were about to have angry sex, he would make sure to show you that he loves you more than anything.
Face pressed into your neck, his back against the table he'd have your leg thrown over his waist as he slowly brings you down on him same time thrusting in. Your torsos would be glued together and the most aggression that would come out are small whispers of why you shouldn't do what it was that made him mad in the first place.
'Ugh.. don't.. act sexy in front.. of others like that. Im not.. the only one who.. gets a boner. Oh..kay??'
When you tangle your fingers in his locks and press a kiss to his ear while moaning out a small yes, he'd praise you.
'Mmm. Good. You're mine, right?'
Ofcourse you were but he'd always want to hear it from your mouth. And when you assure him, he'd shift his focus to making you both climax feeling happy with the confirmation.
This would be a way for him to make sure that you guys were still perfect together. Both of you angry, maybe even screaming at each other he would let it go on for as long as he could take it before getting worried and slamming his lips into yours. Would be scared if you push him back but he'd keep trying mostly to ensure that this was just a normal fight among healthy couples.
If you fell weak against his lips, he'd go full dom. Slamming your body into his he would waste zero time in getting you naked. Not a single piece of clothing would be left on either of you and wouldn't bother with the lights purposely leaving them on wanting to see you so vulnerable in front of him.
Wouldn't make it to the bed. Desperate to want to feel your love for him he'd get impatient and push you down on the floor even. Another boy who'd snap if they got their I love you.
Now sure that everything was fine, he'd go back to lover mode and start making you more comfortable lifting you off the cold floor and planting his butt on it instead. Would hug you close when you came and same with him. Chances are, the cuddling session would start off right where you guys did the dirty be it the floor , the counter, the couch. Whatever.
Once you voiced how uncomfortable it is he'd drag you over to the bed so he could cuddle with you again.
He would go doggy style on you.
He has a dark side to him that never makes it's appearance unless extremely provoked. It's not that he doesn't want to be rough and purely lustful with you but he'd want to be so respectful with you that he'd never show that side.
Pounding into you, he'd have his hands on your ass. He'd spread your cheeks a bit too far, ogling the new sight as he groans behind you, going rougher.
Would land a few spanks too.
If you wanted to continue the argument during the session, he'd have no problem telling you to shut up.
'Oh my God, QUIET!' He'd shout at you causing you to let out a small whimper while simultaneously convulsing around him.
The stimulation would make him falter a bit as he brings his palm back down on your ass a bit harder this time.
Would edge you so bad. He'd pull out the second he knew you were about to come, letting his length barely graze your folds.
Definitely going to push you forward and onto the bed with you butt in the air to watch your opening contract at the loss of contact.
Angry sex would be the time for him to explore everything about your body that he's always been curious about but never had the courage to explicitly go in to.
And boy, does he explore. He'd be so dirty, treating you like an artifact that has secrets hidden at every crevice. You whining would have zero effect on him.
Only way for him to snap out would be if he felt that you're uncomfortable. He'd apologise profusely for the mean things said during sex but not for the argument itself.
But if you're nothing but horny, you can bet on the fact that he would make you pass out when you came.
Not writing for the baby B-A-B-I-E
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. their crush
Pairing: Gender neutral Reader x Member
Word count: 3.9k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: It’s just them crushing on you 
Warnings: -
A/n: I tried a different format this time and used bullet points rather than just making it like a full story since my brain was going crazy when I wrote this. Let me know which format you prefer and maybe I might incorporate both bullet points and the essay ones since I actually quite enjoy writing using both.
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You guys only met because you knew Jeongin 
The tiny babie brought you to meet his friends 
Chan was smitten when he first met you 
He thought you were so pretty when he saw you following behind Jeongin 
“Who is that?” 
He wants Jeongin to introduce you two
Sensing the vibes, the maknae is more than happy to introduce you two 
if he was being honest, he already knew Chan would pretty much fall in love with you immediately
Chan’s flustered when he introduces himself to you 
He’s almost blubbering all over the place 
You find it kinda cute but he’s scared you found him really weird 
He tries to steal little moments to be with you 
Like ‘accidentally’ bumping into you in the hallway 
Or how he just so happens to walk into Jeongin’s room when you’re on a call with him
Or how he just so happens to be lingering around the flea market nearby your college campus 
Chan takes care of you without even realising it 
If you bump into each other he asks whether you’ve eaten or how your day is 
He loves the way you seem to parent his friends like he does 
“Jisung, put the knife down. You’re going to hurt somebody” 
“Hehe, make me” 
“PUT IT DOWN 〴⋋_⋌〵” 
Chan’s surprised he listens to you
He loves how everyone only seems to listen if you’re the one talking too
If you’re hanging out with them at the dorms and Chan can’t seem to control everyone, you just step in 
“Guys, please”
And suddenly the chaos has calmed down 
Chan finds it amazing 
Everyone just… stops when you ask them to
You find it amusing 
It’s like watching a single dad trying to control his seven wild sons
He chases after Felix around the dorm a lot because he’s usually done something weird with Minho and Jisung
He manages to get your number using an excuse of needing you to calm down the boys 
“Please… they don’t listen sometimes” 
Jeongin finds reasons to push you two together 
“Yay! You guys made—oH nO I ComPleTeLy foRgoT!!”
Leaves the two of you alone 
He honestly just thinks you two should get together and so does the rest of the group
So they find excuses to get you two alone together 
But your relationship takes f o r e v e r  
Only because Chan wants to be absolutely certain that he likes you
He doesn’t want to commit to someone he’s worried he’s not sure of yet
Slowly but surely, he starts to ease into the relationship
He sends you music he thinks you’ll like 
Eventually he’ll start sending you his own music 
He only confesses when he’s absolutely sure he’s pretty much falling in love with you 
The way he does it just wins your heart immediately if you weren’t already as whipped for him as he was 
He writes a song for you (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡ 
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Bumped into you at a dance studio he goes to often
He thinks your dancing is amazing 
At first he doesn’t want to bother you 
But then he’s all like “heyyyy I’m Minho” 
And you’re pretty much taken away by how gorgeous the man is 
Minho wouldn’t be too flustered 
He would keep his cool around you 
Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try to impress you with his sexy dance moves 
Tries to win your heart the romantic way which doesn’t work because half the time you’re too busy dancing to actually realise he’s trying to flirt with you
“Hey, baby ;)” 
Wonders whether he should just make a dedicated advance towards you 
He likes your humour 
It’s similar to his 
You both just laugh at really weird stuff together 
When you share your numbers, he sends you weird videos that he thinks you’ll like 
Minho’s not much of a texter, but when you do get a message from him, it’s either something he’s really excited about or something really weird 
Only realises he’s actually crushing on you when Changbin points it out 
“Why are you so nice to them” 
Then Minho realises that he really likes you
Starts slowly working harder to win your heart 
Helps you with your dancing
“Your body looks a bit stiff” 
Buys you lunch 
“I got you the lunch box from 7 11”
It’s always something you end up liking if you hadn’t tried it before
Buys you drinks from the vending machine 
“What is this???” 
It looks like a double shot coffee 
Minho doesn’t know either but you both drink it anyway 
And end up being at the studio until 3 a.m. because you’re both so hyped with caffeine
Offers to walk you home if it’s getting late
“It’s not safe on your own”
“Minho, I’ll be fineeeee” 
Doesn’t take no for an answer and forces you to let him
His advances work
You’re pretty much whipped for him by the time he confesses 
Which Minho does by buying you flowers and bringing it to the studio 
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You work at the music shop that he goes to often 
When he’s browsing the CD’s and the vinyls, he spots you at the counter 
His heart almost explodes when he sees you 
The first thing that caught his eye was the way you were dressed 
Fits Changbin’s style 
He’s nervous to approach you with the vinyl in his hand 
Why was he so nervous? 
Oh right, he was pretty much completely smitten by you 
 He loves your voice even more
Changbin’s so nervous 
He likes your bracelets too 
He thinks they’re really cool 
He ends up coming back a lot and you wonder why this man needs so many CD’s and vinyls 
Eventually, he builds up the courage to talk to you
Changbin comes by every once in a while just to say hi 
Sometimes he just comes in to talk to you during your break
You tell him you’ve always wanted to try making music
He tells you he makes music 
You���re all :0 
Changbin tells you about it 
And you get really interested in his music 
He starts coming after your shift or during your break to play you his songs 
He gets all uwu when he sees the way your eyes shine 
You have him wrapped around your finger without even knowing it 
Doesn’t admit that he’s pretty much whipped 
Even though he visits you almost every other day 
And how he buys you your favourite snacks 
Or how he stays way longer than he expected to just bcs he’s talking to you 
You’re just as whipped tbh 
You love talking to Changbin 
You like his music taste and he’s fun to be around 
Confesses to you by taking you out on a date 
He brings you to his studio 
Shows you how he makes music 
He finds it adorable how you’re so amazed by his equipment
So he teaches you whatever he can in the time you’re together 
You both spend the evening just messing around 
You make a short track that you’re sure sounds really off
Changbin reassures you that it’s nice 
He teaches you how to layer the different tracks 
And eventually teaches you how to edit them despite the few hours you have 
You’re so excited 
He smiles every time he looks at you 
Bcs you’re so adorable he feels like he might burst 
Confesses at the end of the night 
“I like you a lot” 
He blurts it out and it catches you slightly off guard 
But you like him back so it’s fine 
Ends up offering to take you to the studio anytime you’re both free
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Met you through Felix 
Felix invited you to play a game with him and his friends 
Hyunjin hears your voice the first time and he’s already curious 
He thinks you’re really chill and he likes your vibe 
You end up playing more games with them 
He ends up wanting to get to know you more 
The thing that honestly gets to him the most is the way you take every loss so lightheartedly 
“There’s always another game” 
You don’t rage or stress out over it 
Over time, he starts spending one-on-one time with you 
Until you’re both just doing literally anything else but gaming together 
He denies them as dates whenever his friends ask, claiming that it’s just friend time
Until one night you’re both awake at four a.m. and talking about everything and anything 
He likes the way you think
“Hyunjin, did you know that sometimes in movies, they use trash cans to replicate tiger roars” 
He likes how you’re joking talking about starting a revolution 
He knows you won’t
“So, yeah, fuck capitalism!” 
He loves the fact that you’re so open about what you think even if it’s something small or weird
“Mercy’s ass is so thick… for what reason…” 
“She’s a video game character??” 
“Felix, her ass is so thick, she could kill someone with it” 
Hyunjin loves hearing you rant about your day 
“And?? It’s so stupid!!”
“Calm down, (Y/n)”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, you egg!” 
Hyunjin thinks you’re adorable when you’re all riled up
He finds it amusing because he likes hearing you talk 
“You live there too?” 
He didn’t expect to be so close to you
“Yeah, that’s how I met Felix” 
He never realised you and Felix knew each other in real life
You spend more time together 
Talking about whatever comes to mind until the dead of night 
Sometimes you watch movies together 
You stay away from horror movies because he doesn’t like it that much 
But you’re always talking about something with him
The two of you are always the last to leave the call because you end up talking after games 
Hyunjin asks you out without even realising it sounds like a date
“Is that a date??” 
He didn’t even realise he asked you out until after he’s left the call
Goes into panic mode 
He just asked you out!!!! 
Starts asking Felix about you
He laughs at Hyunjin but helps him anyway
Shows him what you look like on your Instagram 
Hyunjin thinks you’re so pretty on your posts
When he sees you in person for the first time 
He’s so taken away 
You’re gorgeous
Whatever feeling he didn’t realise he had for you comes rushing in 
Hyunjin loves your laugh 
You spend the whole day together just walking around town
It’s nice to hear his voice when it isn’t coming out of your headphones
By the time the date’s over, Hyunjin wants more of you 
So he tells you he wants to take you out again while he’s walking you home 
You accept 
He turns to you with a c: before asking if he can kiss you
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You’re a barista at the cafe nearby the JYPe building 
Jisung was designated as the drink buyer that time by the rest of his group 
If he was having trouble remembering all their orders before 
He has even bigger trouble now when he sees you 
He freezes the moment he sees you at the cashier 
“Hi! What would you like?” 
Jisung’s eyes go ◑.◑
“Uhm… sir?” 
He struggles to get his order out properly
But you’re patient with him and even though he barely knows you 
He likes that you are 
Jisung’s watching you the entire time you make his order 
He can’t take his eyes off of you 
You do notice it, but you find him adorable so you don’t say anything 
He seems to be easily flustered
When you hand him his order, he’s still a blubbering mess 
“T-Thank you…” 
Your name tag says (Y/n) 
So he thanks you using your name which you smile 
“Have a great day!” 
Jisung comes back the next day 
He doesn’t even need any drinks, he just wants to see you again 
When he does, he feels all fluttery on the inside 
“Welcome back” 
He orders a dark chocolate smoothie and an iced mocha for Minho
Minho would kill him if he found out Jisung went to the cafe without him 
Jisung sits at an empty table and watches you again 
The next day, the cycle repeats 
And the day after that 
And the day after that 
Minho follows him at some point, wondering why Jisung seems to obsessed with the place 
“Why do you like this place so much?” 
Something’s definitely up with him 
Minho only finds out when he sees the way Jisung’s face seems to light up when he sees you 
“You like the barista, don’t you” 
That’s all he needs to confirm it 
Minho lets Jisung order, seeing just how excited and giddy he is when he’s talking to you 
Jisung’s practically bouncing up and down while you talk to him 
When they leave, Minho’s all up in it 
“You really like them, huh” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about >:c” 
Knowing Jisung, he wouldn’t do anything about it 
So Minho takes it into his own hands to bring you two together 
The group is having a mini event and they need someone to serve drinks 
Who else to ask other than you? 
Jisung’s eyes almost bulge out of his skull when he sees you because 
What are you doing here???? 
He’s so nervous 
Minho practically shoves him your way 
Again, you find him so cute that you don’t even realise he’s practically dying to know you more 
“Hi Jisung!” 
You learned his name over the course of him constantly coming back and Jisung just loves hearing it from you 
“Hi (Y/n)” 
“I can’t make anything ice blended, but I can trade if for an iced dark chocolate” 
As long as you make it, he’ll take it 
The event comes to an end but Jisung’s pretty much spent more time with you rather than his group mates 
Even they’re amused by how into you he obviously is 
“Hey Jisung” 
You stop him before you leave and he’s immediately at your side 
“Since you keep coming over, here’s my number” 
“Give me a call before you come in so that I can have your drink ready for you to pick up” 
He’s so happy :D
He sends you pictures of cute animals and random snippets of his music 
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Met you through League of Legends
You have good synergy so you became friends through that 
At first, he only managed to play with you occasionally 
When he’s able to, he notices how you always sound so bright 
“Hi Felix!” 
He likes playing with you 
You’re laid-back 
You don’t stress over losses too much 
“Ah, what to do?” 
But when you’re irritated, Felix finds it funny
“Fucking asshole!” 
“You were in the way, (Y/n)”
“Shut the fuck up!” 
You’re so funny to him 
“Felix, don’t go into bush” 
“I can bait them” 
His character dies
“Oops ( ͡° ͜V ͡°)”
You’re easy to game with and that’s what he admires the most right off the bat 
You always seem to be up for games 
Even when he’s not able to play, whenever he logs into Discord he sees you’re online 
Wonders whether you sleep at all 
“I don’t need sleep. I am gamerrrr. Gamers don’t sleep” 
“Please sleep” 
“Lix, sleep is for the weak and I’m not weak” 
“You passed out last night in call” 
Honestly slightly concerned for you 
Overtime he realises that he really looks forward to games with you
Before Felix would just go to sleep after practice or shows 
But he’ll start waiting to see if you’re up for even one game 
Which you always are 
Slowly starts spending time with you just talking 
Eventually it leads to the both of you staying up until 5 a.m. laughing at really stupid memes 
During the day when Felix can’t join call 
He sends you funny tiktoks and memes 
You appreciate it because you like him 
But you don’t admit it because you’ve never met him in person before
Until you both find out that you live only a few hours away from him 
Invites you down to Seoul to spend time with him 
You’re nervous
Felix is nervous
He knows what you look like
You exchanged Snapchats and started streaking a while before 
He sends you funny pictures of his members 
You send him selfies with random filters
But nothing could prepare him for when you appear from around the corner 
He sees you appear and he’s all (゜ロ゜)
Your photos don’t do your natural beauty any justice
Is a bit of a mess when you’re walking around together 
Eventually loosens up around you 
Compliments you a lot and it makes you blush 
You spend the day just wandering around the place 
Felix takes you to his favourite places and favourite cafes 
He wants to share his favourite things with you 
You find it endearing 
Tries to make you laugh a lot because he’s just grown to really like the sound of your voice 
Since you’ve spent most of your time talking over call
Felix just loves hearing your voice 
When the day’s over 
He asks for more nights that aren’t just filled with games because owo he wants to do more with you 
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Bumped into you at JYPe because you were visiting a friend 
Hears you singing with Yeji and he immediately falls in love with your voice 
He peeks into the dance studio to see the two of you just sitting on the floor together 
There’s no music 
It’s just the two of you singing together 
Your voice makes him :D 
Seungmin leaves the two of you bcs he doesn’t want to intrude 
But he ends up seeing you more often 
Turns out you’re in Seoul for a while so you’re spending quite some time with Yeji 
He sees you in the hallways a lot
When you walk past each other, it’s always just a polite bow 
You don’t really think much of Seungmin other than the fact that you think he’s pretty handsome 
Yeji teases you for that 
When you’re walking through the building to look for her 
You hear someone singing in one of the rooms 
You peek through the glass 
It’s Seungmin! 
And he’s so good
You listen from outside the door 
You knew he was good since he was an idol
But you didn’t think that he was that good
You don’t even realise he’s done when the door swings open and you’re standing there 
When Seungmin sees you, he realises you were most likely listening 
Now you’re just staring at each other like 
Because now he knows you were listening 
And now you know he knows 
You’re embarrassed 
You’re lucky Yeji pops from around the corner and your eyes plead for her to drag you away 
Which she doesn’t 
“Hi Yeji” 
“Have you met (Y/n) before?” 
You actually want to tear her apart
“Not properly, no” 
“Well... “ 
You drag her away before she can say anything else 
The next time you see Seungmin 
You pass by him in the hallway once again while you’re looking for Yeji
“We keep passing each other but we’ve yet to actually meet each other properly” 
“I know you were listening the other day” 
“I don’t mind that you did.”
You’re actually bit surprised that he doesn’t mind
“I overheard you and Yeji singing the other day in the dance room” 
༼ : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ༽
“You sing really beautifully, (Y/n)” 
There’s an awkward wall that takes a while before you two actually break it down 
But when you do 
It’s almost like you visit the building to see Seungmin rather than Yeji 
She doesn’t mind since she saw it coming 
Doesn’t mean she can’t tease you about it 
Seungmin looks forward to having lunch with you in the cafeteria 
At this point, the staff don’t even question your now daily appearance 
You end up falling for Seungmin way faster than you thought possible 
The feeling’s mutual 
He just likes everything about you 
You’re so sweet 
You’re also really caring 
He notices that when you follow him to the practice room where Stray Kids are 
Changbin trips over Hyunjin’s legs 
You’re rushing over to help without any of them really realising it 
He loves how nice your voice is too 
“Can you sing for me?”
You’re shook 
You wonder why he wants to hear your voice specifically
“Your voice is just really nice 
He realises he really likes you when you briefly disturb their practice to give Seungmin lunch 
He briefly mentioned that he forgot his wallet and his lunch 
Since you aren’t an idol or staff
You had to use your own money in the cafeteria 
Seungmin’s heart flips at the realisation 
Ends up asking you out so that you don’t have to spend so much time inside the JYPe building all the time 
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Meets you through Changbin 
You went to the same high school as him and you kinda just stuck around
Changbin brings you to the dorm bcs he borrowed a hoodie 
The entire dorm greets you really brightly 
Jeongin’s the only one just watching in awe 
He’s so shy when you wave at him 
Seungmin notices and raises a brow 
“I-I’m Jeongin” 
“Hi Jeongin! Changbin talks about you guys a lot” 
He’s so nervous 
He wants to know you more, but he also doesn’t want to make it obvious that he’s taking interest in you 
The others don’t really notice because they’re too excited by the new person 
Seungmin, on the other hand, tells Changbin about it 
Changbin now makes it his mission to bring you two together 
He brings you over to the dorm more often 
Especially if Jeongin’s the only one home 
“(Y/n), you’ve met Innie before right?”
You nod
Jeongin’s adorable 
Changbin ends up bringing you over for movie nights 
Now you’re just an honorary member of the group 
Everyone else loves you 
Jeongin always tries to sit next to you during movie nights 
Especially if it’s a horror movie 
When you get scared, you hug his arm and he likes that 
Makes him feel like he’s able to protect you like a big strong man ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
You kinda like him too
So you test the waters around him 
You start talking to him more since Changbin told you he’s really shy 
Jeongin slowly eases into your company 
It takes a bit of time, but he’s started getting more confident around you 
You visit the dorm thinking Changbin’s there because he stole your favourite belt 
When Jeongin opens the door he’s all :D but when you ask where his hyung is he goes D: 
Tells you he’s not home but lets you in anyway 
No one else is home except for Jeongin and Chan 
So you sit in the living room with Innie 
You start talking about random things 
You end up talking about almost everything because it turns out that Changbin’s gone way longer than both of you thought 
Chan eventually emerges from his bedroom and waves at you 
He orders fried chicken for you guys 
You and Jeongin continue talking while eating 
Chan finds it super cute
Jeongin’s playful around you 
But he doesn’t want to make himself appear immature 
But you like when he’s being playful so you slowly ease him into being more comfortable 
He still just wants to impress you so you like him back 
Wait, when did he start liking you??? 
He realised it when you were over for a regular movie night 
You fell asleep in his lap 
Jeongin thought you were so cute 
When you wake up he asks you out 
You accept 
He cuddles you for the rest of the night and asks you to spend the night at the dorm
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids reacting to you having bad cramps ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff word count: 3.5k warnings: discussion of menstrual cramps, pain, etc., swearing request: yes (anon)
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a/n: hey, anon~ sorry this took me so long to write for you;;;; I decided to try a new style—it was nice to write this because I got to imagine how I’d like to be taken care of. (wow, can you tell I could use some cuddles right now?) I hope this is comforting to you! stay cozy✨
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
bad cramps are a normal thing for you
and chan knows this all too well
but sometimes just explaining something doesn’t do it justice
your cramps are so bad that, a lot of the time, you can’t even get out of bed
bad enough that you can’t even scream
chan probably wouldn’t show his concern too much because he doesn’t want to worry you
he would be really concerned the first time you had horrible cramps around him, though
he’d slept over after a movie night and woke up to you curled around a pillow, whimpering
the first thought he’d had was that you were having a nightmare
and so he just gently rubbed your back a little to calm you
but you’d kept whimpering and occasionally curled more closely around the pillow
aaaand you’d finally managed to explain that you were having cramps
and couldn’t exactly move…
chan had quickly drawn a bath for you
(and added a rubber ducky just because he could aljhadfjlkshfjkh)
you’d kinda squeaked when he picked you up, not expecting to be lifted bodily out of your blankets
chan would just kiss the top of your head as he carries you to the bathroom and then gently help you out of your pajamas
the bath would be extremely hot but that was perfect (♡‿♡)
hhhhhh and he’d even add rose bath soap to the water since it was your favorite
(you’d end up with a tiara of bubbles on your head heheheh)
chan would wash your hair and rub your back, massaging your sore muscles
even though the pain is only in your low back and abdomen, you still manage to hold tension in the rest of your body
and then he’d join you in the shower to help you rinse off
he’d hold you because the pain is just so bad and you can barely stand
and if you needed more than just a massage, he’d be happy to oblige
sometimes the release of pleasure helps ease the pain, too
chan just wants you to feel good and to be relaxed
after helping you dry off, chan would bundle you into warm clothes
it was always important, you’d said before, to stay warm
he’d even brush and braid your hair (if you have long hair, that is)
the little tingles that shoot through your scalp when he plays with your hair feel amazing
chan would kiss your cheek and your neck as he works his fingers through your hair
he insisted that you needed to stay hydrated, sometimes having to cajole you into drinking water because you could barely move
he’d want you to be as comfortable as possible
he’d make a blanket nest for you
he’d even put a heating pad or hot water bottle in there for you
pain meds and water would be close at hand
and whatever food you were craving
and he’d be extra affectionate
so many hugs and cuddles
just hugs all day long
maybe it’s just because you’re in pain
but chan’s hugs when you’re having horrible cramps are somehow different from his usual ones??
like he just envelopes you even more than usual and doesn’t let go
you’d just burrow into his arms even further
he’d give you one of his wonderfully big and comfy sweatshirts to wear
it smells like the soap he uses and just his general chan-ness
in other words, the best smell  e v e r  ㅠ_ㅠ ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
and just having him there with you would make everything better
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lee minho
he would also be really loving and caring
and totally calm, not at all surprised
he’s just so even-keeled, you know?
would probably insist that doongie, soonie, and dori sleep with you
minho: “cats are totally medicine! their purring will help!”
they’re super snuggly anyway and just hunker down next to you
and minho is just a fourth cat, honestly
he kinda just curls up with you, massaging your low back if you have cramps that ache there
or just resting a warm hand on your belly to help soothe the pain
he’d get you a fluffy blanket and some orange juice (for the vitamin c to help your muscles relax and to reduce the inflammation!)
and definitely a heating pad or a hot water bottle
if you have two hot water bottles, he’d make a sandwich out of you and the water bottles
(so he could eat you up later ;) )
minho would insist that you take naps, holding you to his chest so you’d fall asleep more easily
he’d also queue up episodes of a show or several movies for the two of you to watch if you were home for the day
if you were at work and had super bad cramps, minho would bring you whatever food or pain meds or anything you’d need
he’s the kind of person who would just drop everything to take care of you, you know? (((we know, lee know alfkjafkjshjhk i’m so sorry i had to)))
he’s just a little ball of love and would want you to feel better
he’d kinda rock you back and forth in his arms if you have a particularly bad spasm of pain
like chan, minho would also get you into the shower to help you feel better
he’d have to convince you to even get out of bed, tho...
“come on, y/n. you’ll feel better if you take a shower. i promise”
“hhhhhhh i don’t wanna get up”
*minho grabbing your hands and tugging* “sweetheart, please.” *tug* "UGH why do you have to act like dead weight now of all times. geez, y/n.”
*tugging intensifies* “get! up! i’ll drag you into the shower, you dork. you know i will”
he’d still have to pretty much drag you to the bathroom
minho gently stripping you out of your clothes would kinda be like trying to dress a baby, since you wouldn’t want to move
he’d just hold you in there, rubbing soap over your body and shampoo through your hair
the hot water and minho holding you, honestly, works as well as any pain med
thank goodness 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。
and at any time whatsoever, minho’s gentle smile would just make your day so much better
and you know he’d pepper you with kisses all over
(i mean all over)
bc it just always make you feel the most contented ever hhhhhh
and you deserve to not be thinking about pain
bc pain fucking sucks;;;;
and he’d just tell you how much he loves you so much you don’t even know how to respond
and it kinda makes you wanna cry
but from happiness
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seo changbin
changbin would be pretty calm and would know exactly what to do
just matter-of-fact about taking care of you
you’d told him you get really bad cramps before
but the first time you had really bad cramps around him, he was a little freaked out
he hadn’t realized that period cramps could be that bad
you’d come home and pretty much collapsed on the couch
he’d thought you were just tired
but when you let out a strangled scream, changbin was;;;; um;;; a bit worried
okay not just worried
c o n c e r n e d (⊙ __ ⊙);;;;
maybe even a little scared??
he didn’t want to let on that he was worried about you
hearing you kinda just whimpering and crying out in pain tore at his heart
changbin would give you all the stuffed animals you have
(gyu would also make an appearance)
just pile them up around you “for emotional support”
and then he’d wrap his arms and legs around you to cuddle you close
definitely your basic case of:
“binnie please let go”
“binnie i can’t breathe…”
“oh,,,” *loosens hold slightly*
he’s literally just a cuddle bug hhhhhhhh
and I MEAN
he’d rub your belly or your back, depending on where it hurt
and just want to make everything better
changbin would be the one to give you a full body massage if your cramps are bad
he’d insist on doing it, actually
even if you’re whiny and complain, he knows that once you’re relaxed you’ll feel a million times better
he’d concentrate on your low back, pressing his wonderfully warm hands into your muscles
and slowly but surely you’d feel the pain and tension release
hhhhhh he’s probably really good at giving massages 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
ALSO!!! can you just imagine how warm binnie would be cuddling?
you wouldn’t even need a heating pad
he’s all the warmth and comfort you’ll ever need
aldfjkahjlskhsl (♡‿♡)
and his muscles would be the comfiest
they’re all so big but would be so squishy when at rest
hhhhhh just imagine it
laying your head on his chest with his arms around you
the softest oh my god
changbin is so kind and gentle that he’d just want to make sure you’re okay and be really soft
once you were feeling a bit better, he’d probably tickle you a little
just so you’d release your tension
what a cute goofball
he’d sing you to sleep while threading his fingers through your hair
and his low raspy voice would be so calming and lovely
binnie’s go-to medicine is just literally just all the cuddles ever ((well, and pain meds, etc., of course, bc cramps are horrible and evil))
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hwang hyunjin
this boy would be just a little panicky
ya know, jUst A litTtLE
you’d suddenly doubled over while you were out shopping
for matching couple sweaters
(you know, the horrible kind that could only be worn ironically or by people so pretentious that they don’t know the meaning of irony)
and hyunjin is all 
“OH MY GOD Y/N  (@_@) (」゚ロ゚)」
WHAT CAN I DO;;;;;;;;;”
he’d kinda flutter around you like a moth
all worried eyes and nervous energy
he really wouldn’t know what to do
bc FUCK???!!
CRAMPS??!!!! ┗(`゚Д゚´)┛゚
not his forte
“i just need to go home, jinnie. i’ll be fine”
((yeah... lie thru your teeth y/n;;;; ))
he’s still panicky as fuck
when you get home you kinda just collapse on the bed
hyunjin’s all “OOOOH CUDDLE TIME YES”
which was okay for like 2 mins until  a g o n y
“jinnie, i need pain meds. NOW” (x﹏x);;;;;
hyunjin would bound off the bed all “I got this, babe!
and then realize that he had no idea where you kept the pain meds strong enough to deal with menstrual cramps
“uuuuh where are they . . .” (⌒_⌒;)
*y/n flailing in the general direction of the medicine cabinet*
so once he found them, he’d get you a glass of water and help you sit up to take the meds
all better?
you’d need a hot water bottle and blankets
oh and chocolate. lots of chocolate
hyunjin would be so damn determined to make you feel better
to do anything he could bc you seemed in so!! much!!! pain!!!!
ten minutes later you’d find yourself practically swaddled in blankets on the couch with Hyunjin curled around you like a fucking squirrel or something
just let him take care of you
he’s doing his best;;;
he’d want to make you all the food you’d ever want
but would keep getting distracted
bc all he wants to do is just kiss you a bunch
and tell you how cute you are
bc, let’s face it, y/n, you’re pretty cute aldsjfhgsjfkhalhg
even though he isn’t sure what to do at first, hyunjin is actually quite good at taking care of you
if you’re at his place, you’d definitely end up with kkami on your lap
bc why wouldn’t you want a sweet pup giving you all the love when you’re in pain?!!
hhhh so sweet
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han jisung
oh jisung, my sweet precious squirrel boy
jisung would probably be a lot like hyunjin alfjahkjdfh
kinda panicky bc he doesn’t know what to do
really surprised that someone could have cramps that bad
it’s clear to him that, while he’s felt pain before, it was nothing like what you’re dealing with
how the hell do you do this every. single. month.
keeps telling you you’re badass
but,,,,, um;;;;;
*queue fluttering, panicky hands*
“hhhhhh baby what can i do;;;;;”
y/n: *indistinct pain noises* “i’m fine”
“yoU’rE NOt fiNe!!!”
“ji really it’s okay. i’m used to this”
(you say as you’re curled on the couch, clutching just below your belly with a look of concentrated pain on your face)
he’d end up bring you soup and some water
bc soup helps everything, right?
and all the pain meds he could get his hands on
there would be like 10 random bottles of every kind of pain relieving medicine tumbling out of his arms
“i didn’t know what would work;;;;;”
he’s just a sweet lad
what else was he supposed to do?
you’d manage a weak smile before another stab of pain would decide to hurtle through you like a fucking bullet train
at this point, jisung would definitely be feeling sympathetic pain
(not fun;;; )
he’d help you sit up and take the meds
then c u d d l e s
literally just all the cuddles in the world
jisung would hold you tightly, arms and legs wrapped around you, stroking your hair to get you to fall asleep
not that you’d be having any trouble with that, since you would be snuggled by
The Master of Spooning™ himself
even though he’s comforting you and helping, jisung can’t help but be glad that he gets to cuddle you for a long time
and when you felt angry at your body for giving you such horrible pain he’d hold you even tighter
then find some way to make you laugh
laughter is very important in jisung’s world (and, therefore, your world)
and you do find that it takes your mind off the pain, if only a bit
it’s almost like clockwork when you get bad cramps
same time of the month, same kind of pain
(you’ve definitely cursed every single god you can think of for this)
so he knows in the small, secret recesses of his mind, that he’ll get to cuddle the heck out of you at those times
he’d just smother you with kisses to wake you up to make sure you’d take more pain meds
okay;;; he’d smother you with kisses all day, too
and, like a cat kneading, he’d massage your belly and back to relax your muscles
you’d felt a little better after that
resting your head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat would be incredibly calming
by the end of the day, jisung would just hold you on top of him
like you’re a little otter and he doesn’t want to lose you
alkjfghakjlfhahjfgaklhga (●´ω`●)
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lee felix
felix would be amazingly casual about the whole thing and just ready to go
like;;; this boy would just immediately pick you up, kiss your forehead, and carry you to bed
need pain meds?
he’s already put them in the drawer of your bedside table as soon as you’d started your period
need a heating pad?
he’s got like five—all different shapes, sizes, whatever you need
(you’re not quite sure where or when he gets all this stuff, but you’re not complaining)
all he’d want is to just cuddle you
he’d turn those big, soulful eyes on you like you’re the best thing he’s ever seen
((which you are (≧◡≦) ))
and even if you’re curled on the bed in mildly stinky pajamas
he’d still just curl up with you and try to make everything okay
felix would just ramble on about anything and everything to try to distract you
yes, you’d probably be witness to Felix’s Interpretive Dance Time
.....whether you wanted to or not
(you secretly like it when he’s that silly alkfsjhajkfh)
and, of course, felix would make you breakfast (even if it wasn’t morning)
an absolutely delicious meal of all your favorite foods, even if they’re not normal breakfast food
((but honestly, what even is normal breakfast food??? just eat what’s yummy!))
since he’s been practicing baked goods, he’d also make you a lil cake just to cheer you up
and would try to ice it, which would come out really cute
he’d put “to my smol bean: UR CUTE ILY”
bc we all know felix is a cute dork who’d totally put something like that on a cake
would probably call chan or changbin just to make sure he’s not forgetting anything for taking care of you
he wouldn’t forget anything for you, anyway, bc he’s just that committed to making you feel better
oh and you’d definitely watch like 15 children’s movies in a row (okay maybe not in a row, but still)
bc what’s better than laughing at the antics of various animated characters?!
and singing along to the songs would be really fun and take your mind off the pain
it would make you breathe properly and relax! 
felix would probably act out some of the scenes to his favorite movies beside the screen just so you could check his accuracy
and if all you wanted to do is sleep, felix would curl up with you on the bed or couch
and run his fingers through your hair and down your back to soothe you
and give you smol sweet kisses before falling asleep
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kim seungmin
seungmin is also quite practical
when you told him that you get excruciating cramps, he immediately went and researched everything about menstrual cramps
potential causes for especially bad cramps
what to do for someone who’s having bad cramps
what not to do when someone’s having bad cramps
and he’d immediately gone out and bought what seemed like a year’s supply of pain meds, chocolate, three heating pads, and three hot water bottles, as well as extra pads and tampons
so the first time you were together and you kinda just went “aaghhh” in pain, seungmin immediately ran to his closet to get All The Things
you’d given him a quizzical look when he came back into the living room
he had a bag that looked, somehow, Official
although, most of seungmin’s things look Official~
(he’s just that organized and meticulous alkjfhsjfghsh)
so when he’d opened the bag, you had to stifle a giggle
in the bag, seungmin had put everything you’d need for when you had your period
hhhhhhhh what a sweetheart (✿´ ꒳ ` )
and if you need space, he’d just be in the other room minding his own business until you demand cuddles
he’d just absentmindedly give you head pets while the two of you watch a show or something
or he’d read to you from whatever book he’d been reading
or that you’d been reading  (▰˘◡˘▰)
would make you tea~
you’d probably end up cuddling his little puppy stuffed animal at some point
um;;;; seungmin’s potential fathering instincts would probably come out a little bc he just feels so much affection for you
and is just in CARING MODE
if you’re out together and you have cramps, you’d find yourself whisked back home for a day of rest
if you can’t go home, seungmin would just get you the proper pain meds and some water
he probably keeps meds for you in his wallet (´ω`♡)
all seungmin wants is for you to not be in pain
bc it hurts his heart
he doesn’t exactly show it a bunch on the outside to other people
but he’s really caring
most of all with youuuu~~~
he wants to ki— kick whoever decided that cramps could be this bad
like what the fuck, man;;;;;
he’d be very encouraging as he talks to you, since he doesn’t want you to worry or anything
he’s knows you worry enough about why you get bad cramps
whenever the pain would get so bad that you want to cry and feel like you’re going to lose your mind, seungmin’s bright smile would bring you back to earth
he’d reassure you that everything’s okay
and kiss the top of your head as he holds you (*/ω\)
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yang jeongin
jeongin’s remedy to cramps is stuffed animals
all the stuffed animals
all of them
e v e r
you both have a propensity for stuffed animals, characters, random objects, etc.
you even have a stuffed strawberry that’s the size of your torso
so jeongin would just pile up all the stuffies and a bunch of pillows
and settle you in them
you’d feel like you were drowning in stuffed animals ajkfshgkjfhg
like felix, he’d probably secretly call chan just to check that he’s doing the right thing for you, too (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
jeongin would make you tea and bring a pot of it to your bedside table
(just herbal tea, not caffeinated bc he doesn’t want you to get dried out)
he’d bring everything you could ever want in tea:
honey, milk, lemon, sugar
the tea would be reeeeeally yummy
and the warmth would help calm your nerves that had been on high alert since the night before when the cramps had started
jeongin would curl up with you and just stroke your hair
he’d turn on a show the two of you had been watching
a comedy, of course
why would you want to watch anything else while in pain??
okay so as calm as all this seems, he’d be fucking panicked as hell inside
like how is supposed to deal with this???
welp….. might as well just pretend it’s any other day
and you just happen to need more cuddles
he finds it really cute when you are  b a b y
and when you’re having horrible cramps….
yoU ARE B A B Y!!!!!!
the cutest ever
like holy shit
jeongin would be completely floored by how cute you are
you’d just kind of nuzzle into his stomach as you curl up next to him
of course, he’d also make sure you remember to take pain meds and all
sometimes he’d be a little annoying about it but not by much~
just enough to get you to WeAR sOcKs Y/N!!
he’d totally be the one to kinda pounce on you and carry you outside to sit on the lawn
not one but two blankets would cushion you from the grass and any bugs~
he’d probably bring all the stuffed animals he’d piled on you earlier outside
“they’ll get lonely!!”
definitely not an excuse to throw the radish plushies he got you at your head…..
((you’d get him back, though, with a few well-aimed charizards or something))
but if you needed him to be serious, he would be
bc, really, he cares about you so much he feels like his heart’s gonna burst (*♡∀♡)
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NO REQUESTS FOR STRAY KIDS OR NCT??? HERE I AM. Well more for Stray Kids cause I don't really now NCT that well 😂 I actually just got a reaaally random idea for a reaction?? Do you do them? I guess I saw it in your masterlists but I'm not sure, if not then maybe you can just do something else with that idea idk do whatever inspires you?? 😅 Can you write their reactions to their s/o not liking to be taken in photo? Like they hate taking poses and selfies are their nightmare? And they always find a way to make weird faces or hide their face whenever they're being photographed? (I always do that and it makes my mom and close friends getting insane 😂) First random request, thank you so much already! As always I love your blog a lot 🥰 (omg that ask is so long sorry for that 😅)
Hahaha yesss!!! Finally a request for a reaction 😆 I’ve wanted to write one for so long but no one has asked for it until now. Thanks so much!! 💕💕
Stray Kids | Their S/O hates having their photo taken
{Stray Kids Masterlist}
-Bang Chan-
Chan would notice it right away
He loves taking pictures and videos of his S/O, so this habit of theirs would drive him insane
He at first wouldn’t think much of it and brush the subject off a bit
But after seeing them do it more often, he would get a bit upset
Like he wants nothing more than to take a cute picture with his S/O
He would be afraid that they were feeling insecure about themselves and always reassure them that they’re gorgeous/handsome
He would get so happy though if he takes a photo without them hiding their face/pulling a silly face
Would gush for ages about how pretty they look
“Oh my god you’re so gorgeous/handsome in this photo, baby look!” “No! I don’t want to see it!” “Pleeeeeeease!”
*rest is under the cut
-Lee Know-
Minho’s a little bit of a cheeky bean, so he would tease his S/O about it
Would take sneaky pictures of them so they wouldn’t notice and show them later
Sometimes he would do it just to annoy them, but a lot of the time he literally would just want cute photos of his S/O
Because as much as he would love the silly and stupid photos, he would love to capture them just doing normal things
Probably would have a little album in his phone
The only time his S/O would notice is when they see that his background is a sweet picture of them napping
“When did you take that!?” “The other day~” “Delete it!” “But you look so peaceful and cuddly!”
Would start some friendly arguments a lot of the time
l feel like he wouldn’t really care for photos that much
Like yeah, having selfies and videos of his S/O is cool, but he just prefers to be with them in the moment
Honestly they would just be laughing and having too much fun to be taking photos
But if the subject was to come up, he would be so comforting and chill about it, not making it a big deal
“It’s fine not liking your photo taken. Not a lot of people do.”
But if they were to send him a random selfie or picture of themselves, he would literally flip
Lots and lots of heart eye emojis and praise, feeling so happy that they felt comfortable enough to do that
I feel like Hyunjin would have trouble understanding why they hide their face
Always thinks they’re joking around and trying to be funny, so he would brush it off as a joke
But when he wants to take a cute selfie together and they get shy and hide their appearance, it would make him a bit upset
He would take it the wrong way and think that his S/O doesn’t want a picture with him
He’s a drama queen, so he would pout and whine about it
“Please just one!” “No! I look ugly!” “No you don’t at all! Just pLEASE-”
They’d have to eventually give in because he wouldn’t give up
Absolutely cherishes their selfies though
Would print them out and hang them on his wall to look at
Han at times can be a little bit of a shy bean as well, so I think he would relate to his S/O’s habit
He would respect their wishes for not wanting to be photographed without them knowing
He’s not fussed about not having many photos of them
But he would literally hate it if they spoke badly about themselves after seeing a picture of them
Like full scolding mother mode
“Don’t say that about yourself! It makes me annoyed and sad!”
He wants them to feel loved and valid 24/7, so he’d always be reassuring them that they shouldn’t feel shy around cameras because they have so much beauty
Very sweet and sensitive boy
He’d be upset about it if anything
Would enjoy having funny photos of them both, but sometimes he just feels soft and wants to take one of them sleeping or when they’re out on a date together
He understands that his S/O doesn’t like photos, but would try to convince them in the nicest way possible
“Just one. We don’t have to post it or anything, I just want it to remind me of our fun day together.”
He can sometimes get a little bit insecure about himself, so sometimes he would also hate having his photo taken when he’s not feeling his best
So him and his S/O would relate to each other about it
Funny photos are more fun anyway, so he would love it when they pull stupid faces
He would tease his S/O about it as well, thinking that they’re dumb for believing they’re photogenic enough
He’s very brutally honest, so he’d question it as soon as he noticed
“Why do you do that? You literally have no reason to hide your face so it’s pointless.”
He would laugh at the situation though
Like he finds it funny to see photos of his S/O trying to hide behind him or pulling a stupid face
If he wants a cute photo though and his S/O ran away, he would chase them and tackle them for it, probably ending with a funny forced picture anyway
“Haha never mind, this one’s better than a cute selfie.”
He’s kind of awkward with photos himself I think
So him and his S/O would just collectively agree not to take sneaky photos
If his S/O wanted a picture together, they would have to be the one to ask for it
They would rarely take photos I feel
Like maybe a few when on dates but that would literally be it
So his S/O wouldn’t have to worry about their habit
Jeongin would probably get a bit confused about it if he does notice something
But he wouldn’t approach them about it, thinking it’s not a big deal
Although he would love his S/O’s smile, so seeing a normal picture of them would always make him happy and giddy
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry if this isn’t that good! It’s my first reaction so I’ll probably get the hang of it as I do more ❤
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
valentine’s day + stray kids ✧
the enablers: @wingkkun​​ by virtue of their existence and @thepixelelf​​ bc of her @newskynet​​ valentine’s day prompt list (which can be found here! check it out :D) anyway you can blame them for my word vomits tonight tomorrow <3 happy early valentine’s day and I hope you enjoy these blurbs!
pairing: stray kids x gender neutral!reader (one blurb for each member!)
wc: 3.5k (total)
genre: fluff, lots of fluff, university!au
triggers: cursing
golcha version | the boyz version
SKZ Scenarios Masterlist | SKZ Drabbles Masterlist
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1. “shit, what day is it again?”
when chan opens the door to a beaming you, he has no idea what’s going on. he still has headphones around his neck, there are definitely bags under his eyes, he hasn’t slept in maybe close to twenty hours, and there is definitely something important that he’s forgetting, judging by the nonplussed expression that has now slid over your face. 
“chan, when did you sleep last night?” you ask, stepping into his dorm. you’re holding something behind your back that chan’s craning his neck to see, but you catch sight and twist away. “hey, no looking.”
the knowledge that you have something is more than enough, though, to get his overly tired brain actually thinking. his eyes narrow. what the heck is he forgetting - 
oh no. 
chan scrambles around for his phone as you look over, eyebrows rising as he pats his pockets. “shit, what day is it again?” 
you hold up your own phone, giving him an eyeful of your lock screen set to a picture of himself laughing into the camera. he isn’t focused on that, though - he’s focused on the words underneath the time that say “february 14, 2021.”
“oh my god, it’s valentine’s day.”
“no shit, sherlock.” you put a finger to his forehead and press hard. “i made reservations.”
“what? okay, no, i swear you didn’t tell me about this -”
“i didn’t, chan.” you smile, shaking your head. “it was supposed to be a surprise. and i knew you’d forget the day or something because you always do lose track of time - hey, don’t look at me that way, i even made a bet with minho on the way and i’m right - so i came early to force you to sleep for several hours before we go out.”
okay, that’s fair, but chan’s lips curve downward into a pout anyway. “i didn’t forget,” he protests. “well, i forgot today, but i still have something for you! i got it last week.” he looks around frantically, then drags a box out from underneath his bed. “here!”
a wide smile splits your face and you pull your own present from behind your back, a red-wrapped box that chan begins to open as you cuddle the teddy bear he’s handed over to you. “chan, you sap,” you say, words muffled in the bear’s fur. “god i love you.”
“and i love you too,” he replies, pulling out a box of his favorite candy. “kiss?”
laughing, you press your lips together once, twice before pulling away. “sleep time,” you announce. “no kisses until you’ve gotten at least three hours.”
chan all but lunges into bed, trapping you with him between his arms. “sleeping now,” he says, voice muffled into your shirt. “goodnight.”
“good afternoon, more like.” you smile anyway, stroking his hair. “but good night.”
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18. “oh my god, this chocolate tastes like chalk.”
minho is about to lose his shit in this tiny hospital bed with the sterile white sheets and curtains barring sunlight from streaming on his body. back when his ankle wasn’t broken to high hell, he really hadn’t given the sun enough appreciation. after three days of almost zero movement, though, he swears he’ll actually go outside voluntarily once he gets out of here. 
the door opens. a head peeks in. 
ah. there’s his daily dose of human sunshine. 
a smile slides onto minho’s face as you come in, arms full of snacks and flowers. you place a bouquet of red roses on the little table beside his bed and dump the snacks onto his sheets. “happy valentine’s day, idiot boyfriend who broke his ankle just three days before today.”
minho scowls. “it’s not like i tried to.”
“i know. even you’re not that dumb.” you pat his head mockingly, laughing as minho’s scowl deepens. “sit up, idiot. here, i’ll help.”
he allows his frown to turn into a grudging smile as you help him sit properly in bed, careful not to jar his ankle before passing him one of the bags of chocolates in his lap. “jisung gave this to me for you and asked me to ask you if you would be his valentine.”
minho pauses in opening the bag. “what.”
“jisung for you.” you laugh. “his partner was right next to him laughing their ass off. try the chocolates.”
he picks one out. puts it in his mouth. chews. “oh my god, this chocolate tastes like chalk.”
“what - how the fuck do you know what chalk tastes like?”
“i don’t, what the fuck? i just imagine it would taste like this.”
you snort. “so my boyfriend first breaks his ankle dancing three days before we valentine’s, and on this romantic day i learn he’s definitely eaten chalk.” you sigh, snatching a bag of gummies from the sheets. “what a day.”
“i don’t eat chalk!”
he opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off with a kiss. “eat your chalk chocolate,” you direct when you pull away. “or jisung will get upset.”
“ugh fine.” he rolls his eyes. “but i’m only listening to you because i love you.”
“cheeseball.” you smile. “i love you too.”
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20. “babe.” / “since when do you call me babe?”
grinning, jisung picks up the bouquet of roses you were about to hand him before falling to the ground in laughter. “these for me?”
“no, they’re for my valentine.” you snatch them back, still wheezing. “which was going to be you, but you ditched me for minho, so now i need to find someone else.”
“aw, come on.” jisung pouts, pursing his lips actively even as you try to hide the smile on your face by turning away. “y/n! y/n. y/nnnnnnnnn. y/n, look at me. please? y/n. babe.”
“what the - jisung - since when do you call me babe?” your half disgusted, half amused face sends him into hysterics as he glomps you in a hug, laughing into your shoulder. “hey, sung! get away! you’re drooling on my clothes!”
“am not!” jisung pulls away, trying to pout but laughing too hard to do so. you just looked so fucking funny. “and what’s wrong with me calling you babe?”
“don’t do it again.” you push his shoulder. “do not. you won’t like the consequences.”
“one, you don’t get these flowers. i’ll put them in my own room.” you wave the bouquet in front of him. “two, i give chan the all clear to play ‘wow’ on his campus radio station.”
“you wouldn’t dare -”
“three, no kisses for a week.”
jisung falls to his knees. “no, no, y/n, my beautiful and wonderful significant partner, i will never call you babe again, please don’t sentence me the barren world of no kisses for a week just because of my idiot mouth -”
“jesus christ, jisung, get up. you’re making a scene.” you laugh anyway, pulling him up before placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips. “i was just joking. but please don’t call me babe if you don’t want me to cringe to the next dimension.”
“done deal.” jisung holds his out his hands. “flowers?”
you roll your eyes, handing them over. he breathes in their scent, smiling widely. “they’re so pretty!” then he looks up and winks. “but not as pretty as you.”
at that, you laugh again, crushing the bouquet as you wrap him in a hug. “i love you so much, jisung,” you murmur into his ear.
his arms reach out to loop around your waist as he pulls you closer. “i love you too,” he replies, smiling.
for a moment, you two only stand, finding peace in each other’s warmth. then jisung’s mouth runs once more.
“you know, i wrote my lyrics for ‘wow’ thinking of you.”
“do you have to ruin every moment?”
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14. “you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
changbin doesn’t even bother to reply to the picture jisung’s just sent of the flowers his partner gave him. he’s too nervous, his stomach literally fluttering as he stops his motorcycle by the curb and wheels it into the shop.
“hi, welcome, what can i - changbin?” you raise an eyebrow. “did you seriously bang up your motorcycle on valentine’s day?”
changbin’s ears turn bright red. he knows it even if he can’t see them. you think he always comes here because something else has magically gone wrong with his motorcycle, but what you don’t know is that he’s been pretending things are wrong with the vehicle for months at this point just so he has an excuse to see you. 
and now it’s valentine’s day. the day he chose to fess up and admit how he feels and ask you on a date. 
“nothing’s... broken.” changbin scratches his neck. “uh...”
both of your eyebrows are now high up on your forehead. “so why are you here?”
“i...” he coughs, feeling his ears flare even hotter. “i wanted - i wanted to ask if you -” he looks down, unable to look at you. “i wanted to ask if you would go out with me today. like. on a date.”
silence. he doesn’t have the courage to look up. 
“you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
changbin shrinks behind his motorcycle. holy fuck, this was the worst idea, you’re about to reject him and his heart is going to shatter -
then you step forward, place a hand on the vehicle. “okay, that came out wrong.” you tip his chin up gently so he’s forced to look into your soft, teasing eyes. “what i meant is that i’d love to go on a date with you today. i just didn’t expect you to ask me out on valentine’s day. didn’t seem like a very you thing to do.” you pause. “though i guess considering that song you played for me last time, it isn’t that surprising.”
oh, god. on track. changbin wrote that thinking of you. 
“wait, seriously?”
he really just said that out loud. changbin groans, slapping his forehead. “why am i dumb,” he mumbles into his hand. 
you laugh, peeling his hand away with grease-covered fingers. “you’re not dumb, bin. just sweet.” as he melts from the use of your nickname, you wave your greasy palm in front of his face. “let me go wash and tell seungmin to close up early. i’ll be out in a second.” you grin. “looking forward to whatever you have planned.”
(later, when you wrap your now clean arms around changbin’s waist on his motorcycle, he smiles so wide it feels like his face is going to split.)
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25. “i love you.”
with a relieved sigh, seungmin locks up the shop, wiping grease-stained fingers on a towel. despite the fact that he mostly only handles the register, dirt still manages to get everywhere, even when he tries to be careful. 
doesn’t matter. seungmin likes his job, likes it even though it’s a little hard to be independent from his parents after so many years of living off their credit card. the freedom is sweet, though - now he can learn what he wants, do what he wants, and best of all...
now he can date whom he wants.
seungmin smiles, running up to his dorm so he has just enough time to change and shower before meeting you. he cleans up quickly before grabbing the singular rose in a glass on his desk and racing downstairs once more, hair still slightly damp, to meet you in front of the building. 
god, you’re beautiful, standing against the backdrop of the afternoon sun. in the moment that you don’t notice him walking out the door, he runs forward, smiling, before engulfing you in a back hug. 
“hey - oh, seungmin.” he can hear the smile in your voice as you clutch his hands hanging around your shoulders. “you scared me!”
“sorry,” he says, pulling away to spin you around. god, looking into your laughing face, seungmin knows everything was worth it. he may have lived in the lap of luxury before, attending parties every other weekend and drinking the finest champagne while dressed in the most resplendent clothing (courtesy of the kim family empire), but luxury doesn’t mean much when he was missing real, true love, right? you were one of the first, other than hyunjin, to see through his cold facade and break into the warm heart underneath. 
as he hands you the rose, he’s glad, so glad that you gave him the courage to go head to head with his parents for the first time, to finally break away from their strangling control over every bit of his life. what did he need parties and designer clothing and jewels for, anyway? he’s still living, still able to support himself even if it means a little more work. and even if he’s tired, he has your lips to come back to, every day. 
“i love you,” he murmurs, kissing you softly, sweetly. “i really do, y/n.”
“so do i,” you breathe, smiling against his lips in reply.
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12. “valentine’s day... that’s the one with the bunny, right?”
hyunjin kind of wants to hit you, significant other or not. judging by your shit-eating grin, you probably know exactly how he feels, but you keep your eyes as soft and innocent as possible. “no, i don’t know what day it is, hyunjin. isn’t it just february 14?”
he groans, sinking dramatically to the ground. “it’s valentine’s day.”
“oh. right.” you adopt a thinking expression, raising your eyes to the sky. “valentine’s day... that’s the one with the bunny, right?”
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding!” you finally laugh, reaching out a hand to pull him up from the university quad. “hey, get up, hyunjin. you’re going to get your designer clothes dirty.”
shit, he is. hyunjin accepts your hand, dusting grass bits off of his shirt. “you’re so mean,” he whines. “to think i had a whole evening planned and all, just for you to pretend to forget the entire day.”
“ah, but i didn’t forget. i only pretended to.” you grin, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “and to prove it, i have something for you! close your eyes.”
eagerness and apprehension flooding his veins, hyunjin shuts his eyes. for a moment, he hears you digging around in your bag, and then you put something in his hand. “here!”
opening his eyes, hyunjin looks down to see a pair of elegant earrings in his palm. you made them, definitely - he can see the tiny mark of your initials etched in the metal of one earring, his initials on the other - and he smiles wide, so wide, all of your previous transgressions forgotten in this moment. “i love them,” he says, already unfastening the hoops currently in his ears to put the new ones in. 
“i thought you would. hey, let me help.” your fingers take the earrings, deftly inserting one into each ear. “perfect.”
“i have something for you two, but you’ll get it later.” hyunjin pockets his old earrings before taking your hand. “right now, i’m taking you on a date.”
“what, i have no say in this?” your eyes sparkle. 
“nope!” hyunjin laughs, swinging your arms in the air. “come on, i swear the evening’s going to be a lot of fun.”
“i believe you.” you stop him to kiss him once, softly. “everything’s fun with you, hyunjin.”
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15. “shut up and kiss me.”
with the brownie box in his hands almost empty, felix makes every effort to dodge anyone who knows for fear that they’ll ask for one of the last few treats left inside. hyunjin took like five earlier, jesus christ, even when felix warned him he was saving some for you. ungrateful brat. 
thankfully, no one accosts him, and he makes it to your meeting place without interruption. there you already are, mindlessly twirling a bouquet of roses around in your fingers. as he approaches, you look up, and felix is (once again) blown away by the intensity of your smile. 
some people liken him to the sun. others, with his freckles, compare him to the stars. both, though, felix thinks are more proper descriptors for you and your lovely grin that’s as bright as the sun and the stars combined. 
“felix!” you stand as he comes closer, handing him the roses. he passes over the box of brownies and you screech in delight, taking off the lid and popping one of them into your mouth. “oh my god, it’s so good.”
“don’t talk with your mouth full,” felix scolds, smiling anyway. “do you only love me for my brownies?”
“maybe” is the cheeky reply. you laugh as felix reels in mock astonishment, placing a dramatic hand to his chest. “i’ve been betrayed,” he wheezes. “stabbed in the back by my one true love who turned traitor to our romance, how will i live -”
“hey, felix?”
he looks up. “hm?”
your eyes sparkle. “shut up and kiss me.”
your lips taste like chocolate, sweeter even than the brownie you just finished. felix puts his arms around you, rose petals brushing against your back as he holds you close, close, closer - 
“oh my god.”
a familiar voice makes felix pull away from your lips as he turns around. “jeongin?”
“nope, nope, nope,” the younger boy chants, eyes fully closed. “i saw none of that, jesus christ, come on, let’s go -”
too late, felix notices the person standing next to his friend, eyes also screwed shut. a smirk rises on his face. that must be jeongin’s crush, he thinks as they race away, the crush he’s been sweating over asking out for the last few weeks. 
“aw, man.” felix frowns, suddenly coming to a realization. “jeongin probably wanted to confess here.”
“he’ll do fine,” you laugh, tugging at his arm. “now get back here. we’re not finished.”
felix smiles, pulling you close once more. “no, we aren’t.”
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6. “no one’s ever given me something like this before.”
listen. jeongin did not need to see felix making out with his partner right before he was about to confess. not only did it completely ruin his plans to talk to you in the prettiest part of campus, but he also has an image seared into his mind that he really does not need. 
“sorry,” he mutters, still unable to look at you. 
“it’s fine.” jeongin can hear the second hand embarrassment in your voice. “it wasn’t your fault. uh.” you pause. “you said... you wanted to tell me something?”
right. jeongin squeezes his eyes shut, desperately trying to erase the previous images from his brain. “yeah. i did. um.” he swallows, then forces himself to look into eyes that sparkle in the fading sunlight, eyes that he fell in love with so many months ago when you two first worked on that project together. 
thankfully, his words don’t fail him. “i just wanted to say i like you a lot, y/n.” jeongin keeps looking at you, even though all he wants to do is run away screaming. “as in... i want to ask you out. if that’s okay with you.”
then you start giggling. 
jeongin frowns. why - 
“oh my god, jeongin.” you double over on the bench, laughing even harder. “i’m so sorry.”
his heart sinks as embarrassment begins to burn his ears. “if you don’t like me -”
“no, no!” you straighten, wiping your eyes. “no, it’s not about that. it’s just -” you snort - “oh my god, you wanted to ask me out in the garden, right? but felix was there, and... jesus christ. jeongin, i’m so sorry.”
his cheeks flare red, but he also lets out a major sigh of relief that your laughter wasn’t a rejection. “yeah,” he says, a grudging smile climbing onto his face. “yeah, that’s pretty much what happened.”
you wipe your eyes again. “sorry for laughing. i didn’t mean to make fun of you or anything. i’d actually love to go out with you.” you smile. “really.”
“well, thank god for that.” jeongin huffs, cheeks still hot. “or i would’ve gotten this for nothing.” he holds out a small teddy bear. “this is for you.”
“oh.” you take it, eyes turning soft. “oh. no one...” you swallow. “no one’s ever given me something like this before.”
jeongin’s heart melts, it really does, seeing the slow, shy smile spread across your face as you hold the bear close. “thank you, jeongin.”
“you’re welcome,” he breathes, hardly able to find his words as the sun creates a stunning backdrop behind you as it begins to set. “happy valentine’s day, y/n.”
you smile wide, so wide. “happy valentine’s day, jeongin.”
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
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- Miracle -
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- felix x reader / changbin x reader
- part of @hanflix ‘s christmas collab
- warnings: breaking up, cheating, fingering.
- wc: 3k
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You hummed a Christmas carol to yourself happily as you danced about your apartment.
It’d been a while since you’d spent Christmas with your boyfriend, so you were understandably excited.
You’d spent all afternoon cooking up an amazing dinner, all of his favorites included. You hadn’t cooked in ages, so it had definitely been quite a bit of work.
You didn’t mind though. Anything for him.
You glanced at the clock again as you adjusted an ornament on the tree, one which had both your faces on it. Grinning widely, you moved the gift box under it to the side a little. Satisfied, you made your way to the couch, staring at the door as you waited for the bell to ring.
To say you were excited would be an understatement. Not only were you anticipating spending this evening with him, you were also quite excited for the events that would follow. It’d been so long since you had any kind of relief- you were incredibly horny.
Your clothing reflected that as well. You’d purposely chosen a strapless dress that would clearly show off the lace of the crimson lingerie you had underneath. You’d seen the pair in a window last week and just had to have it. You felt so pretty in it, like a gift just waiting to be unwrapped.
A few minutes passed by, as you ran a hand through your hair absentmindedly.
Hm, he was a little late. It wasn’t a big deal though, right? The Christmas traffic was probably insane.
More time passed by, and you got even more antsy as the minutes passed by. But it would be fine. He would be here soon enough, you knew it. He probably just had extra work to do.
Almost an hour, now.
You were starting to worry about the turkey getting cold. Letting out a small groan of frustration, you grabbed your phone, dialing your boyfriend’s number as quickly as possible.
You inhaled, the tone of his voice confusing you a little. Why did he sound so surprised?
“Uh yeah...where are you, Bin?”
A small curse could be heard from the other end of the line. There were some rustling sounds, and then a cough. Followed by some silence. You felt your heart drop slowly, as the seconds passed.
“Changbin?” You asked again, your voice quivering slightly. “D-don’t tell me you forgot.”
“Uh...” There was more silence.
And then a sigh. A defeated, saddened sigh.
“I’m...I’m so sorry. I really am. Sorry for doing this to you. You really do deserve better than m-“
And that’s when you heard another cough. It was slight, but still audible. Quiet and...distinctively female.
“Changbin?!” Your eyes widened as you sat up. “Are you not alone?”
“Y/n...I’m really sorry. I wish things could have been different but-“ He hesitated when he heard you sniff. “I just...think we should spend some time apart.”
You let the phone drop. Changbin’s voice could still be heard, but you drowned it out. You tried to ignore the hot tears pricking at your eyes as you cut the call, burying your head in your hands.
So, that was it.
It had all been for nothing. All the effort, all the time and love you’d put into this relationship had been meaningless.
You couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. It helped, really. You let all your emotions flow past your cheeks, cursing out your boyfriend- ex boyfriend now, you supposed- in your head.
It was all you could do...cry. Cry until your eyes could barely stay open. You’d spent an hour crying and you were definitely going to spend the rest of the night the same way-
Until there was a knock on the door.
Opening your eyes, you blinked in confusion. Who could it be? Sitting up, you rubbed vigorously at your eyes until the tears were gone, more or less.
You moved to the door, pushing it open. You had an idea of who it might be…and if you were right, your heart already felt lighter.
Cause really, there was only one person who could possibly make you feel better right now.
And there he was, standing right in front of you.
Your best friend gave you a soft smile, holding what seemed to be a bunch of DVDs as well as a few snacks. “Hey.”
“Why are you here?”
“Uh well...I heard what happened.”
“How? I never called-“
“Changbin told me.” He bit his lip, pushing past you and into the room.
“He’s an ass. I can’t believe he would do this to you. I got all this ready as soon as I heard. There’s no way you’re spending Christmas all alone.” He turned to you. “I won’t allow it.”
You sighed, watching as he went and sat on the couch, arranging the DVDs and snacks in front of him.
“Do...do you know how long he’s been cheating on me?” You asked, wringing your fingers as you moved closer to him.
“I...I’m not sure. Although I know the girl. They’re childhood friends, but I thought they were just that.” He sighed.
Childhood friend. Weird, Changbin had never mentioned having one.
“He was making a bunch of lame excuses. Said that he’d fallen out of love with you and was going to tell you soon anyway. That doesn’t excuse it though...I’m really sorry, Y/n.”
The tears slowly made their way back into your eyes at his words. He’d fallen out of love with you? Why? You hadn’t even noticed any issues between the two of you. Of course, he’d been a little distant these past few months...but you’d just assumed it was because of how busy he was at work.
You slowly went and sat down next to your best friend, leaning back in silence.
“You look very pretty tonight, by the way...” Felix mumbled softly, running his eyes over your dress and turning back to the screen. You muttered a thank you, sighing.
“That...that jerk is just that, okay? I’m going to help you forget for a bit. You don’t deserve to spend Christmas night in tears.”
“It’s okay. You’re right. It’ll be hard to get over him though, Lixie...he was all I had.”
“You have me.” He said insistently. “And I’d never leave you. Now, erase him from your memory.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I know. But you’ll have to try, atleast for tonight. Promise?” He tilted his head at you.
You held his gaze for a few seconds, your heart heavy. Groaning, you nodded. “Okay.”
“There’s my good girl.”
You blushed at his words, clearing your throat and moving forward in your seat. “Which movies did you bring?” You sniffed, inspecting the DVDs.
“Well, I know you like watching Christmas romcoms.” He chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows. “So I’ve got plenty of those.”
“Hey! I don’t.” You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. “I only watch them cause they’re so silly. And making fun of them is entertaining.”
“Then let’s do that.” He grins and picks out one, putting it into the player and sitting back.
The movie started playing, and you settled yourself to be more comfortable. Grabbing a blanket from your side, you draped it over the two of you. Felix smiled softly at the plushy blanket, bringing it over you higher.
There was silence as the two of you watched the movie, only interrupted by your occasional jeers. You forgot Changbin and his betrayal momentarily, your brain focused on the idiocy displayed by the Mary Sues on screen instead.
“This is so stupid...no one holds in their feelings for that long, do they?” You rolled your eyes as the character onscreen holds back their confession for the millionth time that day.
“Yeah…” Felix shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Glancing over at you, he observed your profile carefully. He couldn’t tell which one out of the two of you was more oblivious.
“I mean, you never really know...these movies might hold more truth than it seems.”
You scoffed. “I really doubt that. It’s just unrealistic.”
He stayed silent for a while, before shifting closer to you and wrapping an arm around you tentatively.
“How are you feeling now?”
“To be honest? Still not very good.” You mumbled, the tears slowly making an appearance once more as memories of your ex flooded your mind.
“Yeah...I know. I’m sorry.” He put his other arm around you as well, pulling you close to him. He let your bury your face in his shirt, his heart shaking at the sound of your muffled sniffles.
Felix felt warm, safe. You held onto him tightly as your tears flowed endlessly.
Patting your back, he kissed the top of your head. “You’re such an amazing person, Y/n. I’ve known this since day one.”
“I don’t know. I’m not amazing enough for him, am I?”
“Maybe you don’t need him to decide your worth.”
You looked up from his chest. “All I’ve known for years now is him, Lix. We’ve been together for five years, how am I supposed to just forget?”
Felix bit his lip, not knowing what to say. He kissed the top of your forehead again, humming to himself.
“You don’t...deserve him. You’ve deserved better from day one.”
You looked up at Felix, frowning as you observed the emotion in his eyes- so deep and profound. Swallowing, you sat up. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just…” he clenched his fists, closing his eyes. Fuck, this was so much more difficult than he thought it would be. Why was it so hard? He was the biggest hypocrite ever for criticizing those romcoms with you. The truth was, he was just as much of a coward as the protagonist.
Felix had held in his feelings for you for years, since childhood. The moment you stumbled into his life in grade 5, running into him with your full tray and spilling its contents all over his brand new shirt, he’d known.
You’d apologized profusely, offering to take him out for coffee to make up for it. He’d refused at first, but you’d insisted.
That was one of the things that made him fall in love with you. Your tenacity and stubbornness, the way you never backed down. You’d always been strong, as long as he’d known you.
That was exactly why it hurt to see you look so vulnerable. Of course he’d given Changbin a piece of his mind when he’d heard, but it still felt like it wasn’t enough. He wished he could do more.
Felix wished he could just blurt out his feelings to you. Wished he could be like you, the type to be unapologetic about their desires, to be straightforward.
“I don’t know. What if...what if the one who you really deserve was in front of you all along?”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” He swallowed. Shit, what was he supposed to do now? He was in a corner.
There was only one thing he could do now, really. And the idea scared him and excited him at the same time.
“I mean this, Y/n.” He took in a deep breath.
And suddenly, his lips were on yours.
To say you’d never expected it would be an understatement. It was just too much of a shock, something you’d never even thought of happening.
His lips were soft and delicate. His kiss was fragile, his fingers gentle as they came up to ghost along your jaw. Everything about it was surprising, and yet...
It wasn’t unpleasant, that was for sure. Cause even as Felix pushed you backwards, you kissed him back.
You just couldn’t help yourself. You’d never seen your best friend in a romantic light- which made your sudden neediness for him all the more astonishing.
It was like there was a some sort of magnetic attraction connecting the two of you. You couldn’t hold yourself back. He tasted so sweet...
Everything about Felix is the opposite of him…and that somehow pulled you in even more. How had you never noticed until now?
He pulled away finally, his panicked eyes searching yours. His hands never left your body, though.
“Was that ok?” He asked, his voice shaky. His lips were still throbbing with the force of the kiss the two of you had shared.
“It...It was p-perfect, Lixie...want more…” you forgot the movie as you pulled him back to you, lips claiming his.
It just felt so addictive. Fuck, what were you doing? You’d barely gotten over your ex, and then here you were making out with your best friend.
His fingers ran down your back as he kissed you again, and again and again. His lips pulled your bottom lip, as he gazed deep into your eyes.
There was love in those eyes that you’d never seen before...not even in Changbin. It was an emotion so profound and raw it made you breathless, your heart pounding in your chest. It all felt so new, and yet not scary or daunting at all.
“There’s things I’ve always wanted to say to you.” He mumbled in between kisses, holding you tight as he lifted you up onto his lap.
“Tell me now then.”
“I will.” He nodded, kissing your jaw.
“The first one...I’ve always wanted to kiss you like that. I could stare at those pretty lips of yours forever...tasting them was like a dream come true.”
Felix’s hands were gentle as they ran up your bare back, lifting your shirt up over your head. You let out a shy whimper as he did so, your eyes fixed on him. He groaned inwardly at the innocent look on your face. What an idiot he was to let someone like her go.
Slowly he stood up, making you clutch onto him like a koala as he headed over to the tree in the corner.
He scoffed at the ornament as he set you down onto the ground, hovering over you. “Fuck him. You’re mine, now. And I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
You looked up at him with wide eyes. Was what he said true? Did he mean it all?
You didn’t know if you were being too suspicious. You’d had enough of empty promises, words spelling forevers that were never meant to be.
Felix pressed one more kiss to your lips before sitting back to run his eyes over your lingerie. His eyes widened as he ran his fingers over the satin, his finger gently playing with your clothed nipple. “Fuck, you really did all this for him? That prick really really doesn’t deserve you.” He bummed.
“So pretty…”
You watched as he reached to his side, pulling out the ribbon of one of the wrapped gifts. Taking the crimson silk, he took your hands and carefully tied your wrists together. “That’s it...You look so pretty like this. A little gift, all for me.”
He leaned in to nose at your neck, his fingers dipping down to rub over your clothed panties. He groaned at the feeling of the soaked fabric, wetness gushing out of you as he explored your folds.
“All for me. Mine.”
You stared at him, your lips parted. As his fingers slowly slid aside your underwear, you closed your eyes, whining gently.
“The second thing I’ve wanted to tell you...do you even know how amazing you are? You’re perfect. The way you always care for the people around you...the way you know exactly what to do in any situation...anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.”
You blushed at his words, your chest rising and falling with your breaths. Did he really think of you in that way? You didn’t know if you were all that special, to be honest.
The way Felix said it with so much conviction made you wonder, though.
Suddenly, your phone lit up.
Momentarily pulling away, Felix frowned as your phone dinged with messages. They kept coming, incessant pings piercing through the air.
Groaning, he sat up and grabbed your phone before returning to your previous position.
“He must be kidding…” Felix raised an eyebrow as he read the texts. Turning it, he showed you the phone.
There were a bunch of texts, all from Changbin. Apologizing, begging for you to meet him up so he could explain.
A few hours ago, you would have immediately grabbed the phone to reply to him. However, at the moment reconciliation with Changbin was the last thing on your mind.
You scoffed. Forget it. Felix was right, you deserved better.
“Forget it. Lixie...please. I need you.”
That was all he needed to hear. In an instant, the phone was discarded as Felix leaned down to kiss you again, smiling against your lips as he pressed his body against yours.
“The third thing I’ve always wanted to tell you...is how much I love you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he gazed at you.
“I’m in love with you, Y/n. And I always will be.”
You opened your mouth, but he sealed your lips with a finger.
“You don’t have to say anything now. I know this is sudden. You can have time to think about it.” He said reassuringly.
You smiled up at him, shaking your head as you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to you once again. Leaning in, you whispered against his lips.
“We have all the time in the world…and right now, I know all I want to be is yours, Lix. I’d be a fool to not love you.”
A smile lit up his face, and you giggled at the sight. He always looked so pretty when happiness consumes his face like that.
He kissed you again, as he gently slid in a finger into your core. You gasped, your eyes glazed over as you stared at him.
“I love you, my little Christmas miracle…” He mumbled, sliding his lips down your neck. You smiled, moaning softly.
And in that moment, those sappy Christmas movies didn’t seem all that far-fetched after all.
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The Dreamz
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Seo Changbin
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Language, Smut
Genre: Established Relationship
Summary: It’s your first Christmas with your boyfriend, Changbin. You want to make it memorable and surprise him, but maybe it’s Changbin who’s determined to make it unforgettable for you.
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A/N: This was written for @clandestine-lixie​‘s Smutmas Collab!!!
You were a sentimental person at heart, and the people closest to you had always entertained your tendencies to take things to the extreme, especially when they involved your firsts.
For example, when you were barely seven-years-old, you were over-the-moon excited for your first dance recital, and you planned well in-advance for the event. You put on a pre-show for your family members exclusively in the living room of your childhood home, and you demanded that everyone dress-up for the occasion (even though it wasn’t required); and after the show, you forced your mother to take you out for dinner where you ate far too many cookies while indulging a very sugary milkshake.
And this tendency for the extreme persisted well into your older age, illuminating some of the finer memories you had of your most special moments. Like moving in with your boyfriend for the first time when you threw an impromptu party that very same evening despite Changbin wanting nothing more than to collapse on the new king-sized mattress in your bedroom. 
 But at this point, the two of you had been living together for close to six months, and since this was your first Christmas together with Changbin in the brand new apartment you had leased together, you were determined to make it memorable.
Too bad Changbin was making things far more difficult than they needed to be, and you would think the man would know the finer details of Christmas tree decorating.
“No, Bin,” you sighed. “You can’t just put all the ornaments in the same area! They have to be spread out.”
Changbin chuckled when you snatched away the adorable BB8 ornament he had been attempting to perch next to the other droid. 
“Maybe you should do it instead,” Changbin suggested, and he was clearly amused at your frazzled attempts to decorate the Christmas tree.
“We should do it together,” you insisted, taking a step back to scrutinize the work you had completed thus far. “It’s important to make our first Christmas memorable.”
“Oh, I can make it memorable,” Changbin said with a cheeky wink, and he sat down behind you on one of the loveseats surrounding the fireplace. “We should start a new tradition,” Changbin continued, and he waited until you had adjusted a few more ornaments in place before giving him your undivided attention.
“What kind of tradition?”
“Let’s open one present tonight, babe,” Changbin said, and he was next to you in a second, reaching for one of the packages from the back. “Unwrap this.”
“Oh?” you huffed, accepting the present from him. “It sounds like you were already planning for this to happen.”
“Well?” Changbin shrugged. “We used to do this when I was a kid, so I thought you might like it...”
You sighed, feeling an insurmountable weakness for Changbin’s pout. “Fine,” you agreed, and you surveyed the pile of presents you had purchased for Changbin conglomerated together. “Open this one,” you said, locating a familiar package.
“You first,” Changbin said, and he pulled you down onto his lap with his present discarded next to him; clearly, this was meant for him to enjoy just as much as you.
“Eager tonight?” you teased him.
“This gives me reason to be,” Changbin said with eyes that were literally sparkling with mischief, and you were careful with the wrapping paper while finding yourself thoroughly amused by Changbin’s excitement.
“What is it, anyway?” you questioned aloud, reaching the small black box that had previously been hidden by the bright red paper. 
“You should find out,” Changbin suggested, even though he was already a step ahead of you in removing the tape holding the edges in place.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” you asked, feigning annoyance as you sorted through the tissue paper, feeling yourself start to frown when your fingertips touched what felt like the most delicate satin that you had ever encountered.
But the texture of the gift wasn’t enough to keep you from over-reacting to the scandalous revelation of what had been waiting inside the gift wrap. “Changbin!” you screeched, tossing aside the lingerie like it had physically burned you.
“Hey!” Changbin protested. “That was expensive!”
“You bought me lingerie!” you hissed, flinching away when he dangled the very tiny pair of black panties in front of your eyes. 
“You’ll look sexy in this,” Changbin purred, and he encouraged you to take it from him. “Will you try it on for me?”
“Try it on?” you repeated, hesitantly accepting the thin piece of fabric that might as well have been nonexistent.
“It’s a matching set,” Changbin said, and he reached over for the strapless bra that happened to be lined with a very delicate lace pattern. “I had a store associate help me find it.”
“You went shopping around a lingerie store with an associate?” you questioned, feeling a spike of unjustified jealousy. “She didn’t model it for you, did she?”
Changbin snorted. “No, my model is right here,” he said, taking your hand to fold the other barely-there piece of intimate fabric into your hand. “Please, baby?”
Had you already pointed out your weakness for his pout?
“Alright,” you agreed, whining at Changbin’s outlandish enthusiasm to see you practically naked in your living room. 
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Ten minutes later, you found yourself fidgeting nervously in front of the floor-length mirror in your bedroom, tugging at the straps of Changbin’s gracious gift for you.
“Is it supposed to be this small?” you wondered because the panties barely covered your ass and the lacy top did little to protect your cleavage from practically spilling over the top.
“Y/N!” Changbin sing-songed from the living room. “Are you ready?”
“Give me a second,” you called out, huffing under your breath at the absurdity of the circumstances. “This ‘gift’ of yours isn’t very practical,” you continued once you left the bedroom and made the short walk to the living room where Changbin was waiting.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” Changbin said, and his eyes were already glossed over as they remained glued to your form.
“Hey! It doesn’t even fit right,” you complained, but you could tell the comment wasn’t even registering in Changbin’s lust--addled brain as he looked you over with a dark, studious gaze.
“You’re gorgeous,” Changbin eventually remarked, pulling you closer in spite of your protests.
You found yourself standing in between his thighs, trying not to shiver at the touch of his hands on your waist even though the fire was burning right behind you. “It doesn’t cover much,” you said, resisting the urge to wrap your arms around your torso.
“Exactly,” Changbin exhaled, and you rolled your eyes at the little things that impressed him. “Your tits look amazing.”
“Changbin!” you whined again, but this time he laughed and encouraged you to straddle his lap. “Is this really a gift for me?”
“Of course!” Changbin insisted, even as he maintained the appearance of someone who had just won the lottery, running his hands across your ass and up your waist to cup your breasts. “Come here,” he whispered, urging you to connect your lips with his in a heated kiss that betrayed the extent of the damage that your little show had done to Changbin’s arousal. 
“You’re hard,” you said against the taste of him, rolling your hips against his own just to feel the friction of his clothed erection against your clit.
“Can’t help it,” Changbin said, and he grabbed a fistful of your hair with a growl, pulling you lower so that he could speak directly into your ear. “Bend over the couch for me.”
You whimpered at the request, but you forced your legs to work in an effort to lift yourself from Changbin’s lap. It was hard to focus, feeling more and more wetness gather between your legs at his intense stare following you while you positioned yourself for him. “Like this?” you asked in a hushed tone, resting your hips against the arm of the couch and spreading your legs even further apart.
“Yeah,” Changbin agreed, and you could feel yourself growing excited when you heard his footsteps nearing you, hands rough as they gripped your hips in a vice-like hold. “Such a good girl for me.”
You nodded your head - it was the only thing you could do when Changbin was in this kind of mood. Because his desire for you promised all sorts of erotic temptations, and you could barely contain yourself when he started to roll your panties down your legs, fingertips following a sensual trail that left goosebumps in their wake. His actions were sultry and smooth, but there was a degree of hurried anticipation that had you swallowing hard when two of his fingers found their way inside of your already dripping cunt. 
“Fuck,” Changbin cursed, and you could only agree while cherishing the glide of his fingers against the walls of your pussy, stretching you out for him in just the way you liked. Because it made you feel full and desperate, and you were rolling your hips back against his shallow penetrations, allowing you to do most of the work while he no doubt watched from above with the same dark eyes that had reduced you to a moaning mess. 
“Changbin,” you managed around a groan. “Please fuck me.”
“Can I?” Changbin asked, but you knew the question was meant to tease you - a test to see just how fast you could thrust back on his fingers, crying out when he curled them just right to brush against your sweet spot. “Are you ready for my cock?” 
“Yes!” you sobbed, and Changbin was generous enough to have mercy on you in this pathetic state, pushing down his sweatpants just enough to free his erection, rubbing the tip against your entrance.
“I’m gonna ruin this pussy,” Changbin promised with a rough growl that was followed by the sudden slam of his cock deep inside, and he didn’t bother to wait for you to adjust to his generous girth, pulling back out before settling into a powerful and non-relenting pace that had you already seeing stars.
It was sudden, but generous, and you couldn’t help but think that his cock was made for you, stretching your tender pussy so well, accommodating his length and girth as your walls hugged his erection in a desperate attempt to keep him inside forever. Because it was where he belonged, and you were certain that there was no better situation than the one you found yourself in - splitting in half around Changbin’s cock as he pummeled his hips against your own, bruising your delicate waist and ass with his overzealous touches.
“We’re definitely keeping this set,” Changbin said, ignoring your whimper of pain when he snapped the band of your panties into place, toying with the lace around the edges. 
“Changbin,” you said. “I’m close.”
“Me too, baby,” Changbin said, but it was hard to tell since he hadn’t let up once in his brutal thrusts - like he was determined to reach as far as possible, touching places that he had never felt before, stuffing your pussy full of his cock while grunting with the effort of his movements. 
It was all a masterful trap to reduce you to nothing but tears, and you soon found yourself teetering on the precipice, sensing your orgasm just out of reach, until Changbin maneuvered his hand down between the couch where you both remained connected, flicking his thumb across your clit in a series of measured strokes that lit the flame of arousal threatening to burn you alive from the inside.
You cried out when your orgasm hit, reaching out to support yourself against the cushions while Changbin continued to chase his own high, stimulating you just right while you rode out the waves of pleasure before crashing against the shore - feeling utterly exhausted while he started to move you on his own, and there was a renewed strength as he moved you up and down his cock, faster and faster until you thought you might cum again from the effort.
But then Changbin’s hips stuttered against yours, and you could feel the evidence of his release as it warmed your insides. “Y/N,” Changbin gasped, and you took some personal triumph in the fact that he sounded out of breath, even after visiting the gym that morning. 
“Binnie,” you said with a mischievous smirk, collecting your breath and thoughts while he recovered from behind you. “Are there anymore lingerie sets under our tree?”
You knew it was a dangerous question, capable of setting him off once more, but Changbin merely collected you against his chest with a strong arm around your waist, lips brushing against the side of your neck. “Baby, I can promise you that you won’t be able to walk if I have one more go at this pussy.”
You moaned when his hand reached down to cup your heat over the very thin fabric of your new panties, sending you a very obvious message because Changbin never broke his promises. “Should we call it an early night?” you asked, turning around his arms to connect your lips. “The faster we go to sleep, the sooner it’ll be Christmas.”
“Shower and bed?” Changbin asked, holding you close while brushing his fingers through your hair. 
“Just your average Christmas Eve,” you said, and you could feel his smirk against your lips as he kissed you with the remnants of the passion from your earlier coupling, solidifying the fact that your first Christmas with Changbin was, indeed, nothing short of memorable.
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animefanwrites · 4 years
brother’s best friend [F] | pt. 2
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b. chan x reader | brother’s best friend au
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synopsis: “what happens when your brother invites over his (hot) best friend but forgets to even inform you about it? And what happens when you walk out of your bedroom and see him in your house with no sign of your brother in sight?”
word count: 2k
genre: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com
warning: fluff, language, tiny bit of angst
a/n: here’s chapter 2! Hope you like it as much as you liked the previous one! Thank you!
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chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 +
status: on-going series
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The fresh smell of bacon was the first thing that you got welcomed with when you walked into the kitchen. Pushing your hair away from your face and dragging your feet towards the door, you could see a muscular back cooking. You shook your head and sighed, walking towards Chan who had woken up earlier than everyone to prepare breakfast.
“You shouldn’t have, you’re a guest here,” you said while smiling up at him. He turned to face you with a sweet smile and a cute laugh escaped his lips. That smile could make every evil in the world disappear.
“I know, but since I stayed over, I thought I should treat you with some breakfast. I’m aware Jisung can’t even make a sandwich.” Chan shrugged his shoulders and flipped the bacon in the pan. That was no lie, none of you could cook and you were partially glad that Chan decided to make breakfast.
“Well... does that mean that our guest will stay over for lunch so we can treat him with our skilful recommendations of Take-Out?” you smiled and Chan laughed again, making your heart miss a beat and a tingle to run through your body.
“Of course, I could never say no to you,” he said and placed the first set of bacon and eggs in a plate, handing it to you. “A pretty plate for a pretty girl,” as you looked down at the plate, you realised that the food was placed in such way that it resembled a heart. You blushed and waved your hand, going over to the table.
“You know, Jisung never told me about you,” you started while looking down at the bacon heart, smiling like an idiot — even though it didn’t mean anything in particular.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, almost everyone has come over but you. Seungmin hasn’t been here either,” you told him, wondering why Jisung was keeping such a handsome and nice guy away from you. All his friends were indeed nice and handsome as well, but Chan was a whole new level.
“I’m always quite busy with music and all so I guess there isn’t much to tell about me,” he chuckled and placed two more plates on the table. He sat across from you, slowly eating while drinking some water along.
It didn’t take long for Jisung to wake up as well and come running to eat. He sat between the two of you, watching carefully and glaring at you whenever you lifted your head from your plate to look at his handsome friend. There was no doubt he was suspecting something.
“I’ll get going now,” you exclaimed, seeing a surprised Jisung and Chan’s little frown with his shiny eyes. “I have some stuff to do, I’ll be back before lunch,” you added and hurried away to go get changed. You fixed your hair and put on your favourite comfortable outfit. Taking your phone as well, you waved at the guys and walked out, taking a deep breath and smiling to yourself, cheeks hinted with a scarlet shade.
Did he really look upset that you were leaving?
No, that’s not the priority now! You shook your head and headed straight for the library, where you knew you’d find the person you were looking for. Someone who could help you no matter what.
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“I need your help,”
“Are you planning on murdering Jisung?”
“Not yet—”
“Then I’m not interested,”
“Minho!” You groaned, whispering slightly but still sounding desperate as you glared at the man on the other side of the library reception. He looked up at you from behind his large glasses and sighed, placing his phone down but not before staring at his wallpaper with his cats for a little.
“Fine, what do you need this time,” he answered, resting his elbows on the wooden surface while looking at you, obviously bored and maybe even a little annoyed at your presence.
“Look, I just want some help to get with someone behind Jisung’s back,” you said, playing with your fingers and noticing Minho’s suddenly interested look. He raised his eyebrows so you could continue and you looked around before leaning closer. “Chan,”
“I KNEW IT!” A plethora of hushing followed and Minho rolled his eyes before going back to you. “Hyunjin owes me money. We made a bet that you’d definitely ask about Chan the second you meet him,” he smirked proudly while taking his phone in his hand.
“Bet— that’s not the point, no one has to know!” you said while taking his phone away. “If you tell Hyunjin, he’ll definitely tell Seungmin and Seungmin will for sure tell Jeongin who will tell Changbin and then Changbin will tell Jisung! And worse; Jisung will tell Chan,” you ranted, watching as Minho became more and more confused with every passing second.
“That’s true...” he admitted and sighed, taking off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.”Fine, I guess my money can wait, or you’ll give it to me,” Minho’s look seemed threatening so you handed him some money that seemed to satisfy him.
“Great can you just help me now? You know I’m not good with this stuff,” you sighed and looked around again, feeling like someone was spying on you from afar. “Tell me everything I need to know to get to his heart,”
“Be yourself, compliment him, make sure you don’t push yourself to get his heart, he’s a simple guy I’m sure he already likes you,” Minho said while grabbing a random book and writing down the name of the old man and his wife who just returned a book.
“Seriously?” you asked while crossing your arms seeing your friend smile at the couple. “I thought it’d be more difficult...”
“You forget Jisung exists,” Minho said, flicking your forehead. “It will be difficult because if he finds out he’ll kill you both and possibly even me,” he groaned while taking a jelly to place it in his mouth.
You nodded and shrugged slightly before agreeing with him. You chatted a bit more before you saw the time and decided to leave and maybe walk around before returning home. On your way out, you noticed a very familiar car parked outside.
“y/n, hello!” a voice was heard and you turned, grinning immediately as you saw the tall, handsome man approaching you. “You’re going home? Want me to drop you off?”
“That’d be great, thanks Hyunjin,” you replied, following him in his car. “How have you been?” a small talk wouldn’t hurt and you still had time to go home. Hyunjin was a really good friend, so Jisung would be even happy that he dropped you off as well.
“Just the usual, running for photoshoots here, helping Jisung there...” he said and started the engine, glancing at you. “You?”
“Just getting annoyed by Jisung and trying to study,” you chuckled, telling him the truth while sliding on your seatbelt. “Thank you for driving me home, it means a lot,” you smiled to him looking outside the window seeing all the way you had to walk back — Hyunjin was a life-saviour since your feet were killing you.
“Oh, it’s nothing!” Hyunjin grinned and when you finally reached your house he fully turned to you. “It’s always nice to spend time with you, we should meet again,” he added and you could feel the blush rising to your cheeks.
“Definitely,” you said and opened the door but didn’t leave before giving him a warm smile and closing the door on your way out. You heard the car leave when you twisted the keys to enter, only to see Chan at the door. “CHAN—”
“Easy!” he chuckled and caught your phone that flew out of your hand. “Sorry, I thought it was the take-out,” his smile made you calm down and sigh, inner peace coming right into you.
“I was just not expecting anyone at the door,” you chuckled and walked over to the couch after changing into your slippers. You quickly went to your room to change into something comfortable and walked back out to talk with Chan since Jisung had disappeared yet again.
“Was that Hyunjin’s car?” he suddenly asked when you sat next to him on the couch. “Are you guys...”
“No no!” you immediately said, throwing your hands up and the clearing your throat for a better answer. “I mean— he’s just a friend, we’re not together. Jisung would have already killed him if that was the case anyway,” you awkwardly chuckled in hopes to save your chance.
You saw him nod and smile slightly which made you wonder what he was thinking. Looking down at your hands you bit your lip and opened your mouth to say something before being rudely interrupted by the bell.
“The food!” Chan happily said and sprinted to the door, all excited. You smiled and stood up, going over to prepare the table. You were hungry as well and, hoping that Jisung wouldn’t appear soon, spending lunch with Chan would be a blessing.
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Turns out Jisung came home just in time and you had to spend lunch with both of them while your annoying brother purposely kept hiding Chan from your view; either leaning forward, backwards or extending his hand.
“Can you like— stop?” you huffed seeing him reach for the salt just when Chan leaned down to eat his noodles. Jisung rose his eyebrows at you, pretending to be surprised while putting some more salt on his food. At that point, you were sure that it wasn’t edible.
“What do you mean, exactly?” he shrugged and took a bite, only to choke at how salty it was. “I didn’t do anything to annoy you. What, do you want to watch Chan eat? That’s creepy,” Jisung said while making both you and Chan choke on your food.
“I didn’t say that!” you defended yourself.
“Then go back to your food!” Jisung replied while switching his food with Chan’s since he couldn’t eat his own. “Don’t talk when you’re eating,” he added, slurping on the noodles.
You sighed at your brother and got up, placing your food in front of Chan since you were full and there was much left. Without a word, you walked towards your room, letting Jisung enjoy his ‘victory’, but your plans weren’t over. You were going to steal Chan’s heart with your charms and get your revenge — and a handsome boyfriend.
“Can I come in?” You smiled after hearing Chan’s voice behind the door. You answered with a ‘yes’ and soon the door slowly opened and Chan walked in, smiling back at you. He sat on the edge of the bed and you slowly moved next to him. “I’m sorry about Jisung—”
“Woah, he’s my brother, I’m the one who’s supposed to apologise,” you cut him off while raising your hand. He blinked and chuckled slightly, shrugging his shoulders. “Don’t worry about it, he’s always like that, I’m used to it,”
“Well, I’m glad,” he chuckled and scratched his head, looking quite nervous. “You know, on Saturday nights I usually go to my studio but since Jisung fell right asleep, do you want—”
“Yes!” you answered too quickly, then coughed slightly embarrassed. “I’d love to. I’m not tired and I wanna help! Sounds fun...” you replied with a small smile, seeing a grin spread across his lips and his cheeks to become a rosy shade.
“Great! I’ll go get the car ready,” Chan got up and smiled at you one last time before getting out of the room. You squealed in slight excitement while quickly jumping out of bed and putting on something more appropriate. You walked out and saw Chan starting the engine while fixing his hair in the mirror.
“So, where exactly is that studio?” you questioned, closing the car’s door and putting on a seatbelt. You watched him copy your actions and he soon smiled, placing a finger on his lips.
“Secret,” he replied, gripping on the wheel while driving away from your house, leaving Jisung behind to sleep. It was obvious that it was going to be something between you two, maybe even considered a date.
Spending some alone time on a Saturday night wasn’t on your schedule, but it seemed a lot better than watching cat videos and sending them to Minho. Speaking of who, you needed to tell him everything that happened, hoping that he hasn’t told anyone already.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
full circle
description: even if you’ve only known him for eight years, if you think about it, you’ve actually been with minho for most of his entire life. member: minho / lee know genre: fluff, historical au, vampire au, time traveler au, college au, neighbour au, best friends to lovers au, fem reader, this is a longer and revised version of reliable source word count: 10k warnings: explicit language, mentions of animal murder, war, death, blood, alcohol note: yay a third entry to the seven hundred and one universe! oc from seven hundred and one universe is named shiyeon here while the oc from kart rider is named soojung! + this prolly has a lot of plot holes & is just generally mediocre but whatever it’s fiction lmao + @skzwriternet​
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present: February 13, 2020
Even before he saw you on the other side of his apartment door at 9 PM with all of your work materials and equipment, Minho already knew full well that this day was coming. He’s always known most days are coming. He‘s just more excited for this in particular than the rest, given its inevitability that he‘s lived through for almost 600 years of his total 900 years as a vampire. Tonight, as evidenced by the Google Docs displayed on your open laptop, is the night you’d travel to the past for your doctorate thesis and meet his past self for the first time. 
He just didn’t expect this in particular to be on the day right before Valentine’s Day, when he and his two other housemates have decided to make a complete mess out of the kitchen with all of the chocolate they’ve been trying to make.
“Hi, sorry for bothering you at this hour but I was thinking—ew, what’s that smell?” You instinctively and bluntly ask first, sniffing the air escaping his side of the door. Minho could smell it too, strongly at that, and the older vampire could only purse his lips and widen his eyes at you. “Are you guys—please don’t tell me you’re actually cooking humans this ti—“
At that, he immediately shakes his head and breaks out into a nervous laugh, pulling the door closer to his body and effectively hiding Jisung scrambling around for the exhaust (and maybe the fire extinguisher too, for some reason) before you could peer over his shoulder. “No, no! It’s just Jisung and Jeongin—well, it’s mostly Jeongin then he dragged Jisung in on it—they’re making Valentine’s Day chocolates for...some people.”
You could sense the slight bluff in his tone (supported further by the little heart-shaped candy on his cheek) and that at least one of those ‘some people’ he could possibly be referring to is one of your friends, Nari, whom Jeongin has not-so-discreetly been pining over since your second year of college, but you easily let it slide. In the eight years you’ve known the vampires who live and own your apartment complex, after all, you’ve definitely walked in on much wilder things than a couple of questionably burnt chocolates (chocolates aren’t even cooked, as far as you’re concerned!). “Um, okay, sure, I’ll trust you with that.” You squint your eyes at him. “Anyway, can I come in? I need your help with something.” 
Minho exhales a small sigh of relief which he turns into a smile for you before looking over his shoulder once to make sure that the coast is clear then opening the door wide once again. “Yeah, come on in.” He concludes next, picking up your backpack on the floor and your heavy laptop in your hands as you cross the threshold. “But it’s really messy in the common area right now so we’ll have to stay in my room, if that’s okay with you.” 
You’ve never been in his room, not even when you first became friends in your first year of college eight years ago or on game nights when he always asks for help taking out his Play Station sets. All of Jisung and Jeongin’s jokes of his serial killer tendencies when you’re not around could be true for all you know and it’s the only thing going through your head as you wordlessly follow him inside his apartment, pondering on the thought.
In response, Minho bites down a laugh between his teeth next to you as he accidentally reads your thoughts and when you catch him in the act, you make sure to elbow him with your freer arm, careful of your drafts binder. “Ya, stop reading my thoughts without permission, you asshole!” You scold him in a sharp hiss right as you pass Jisung and Jeongin in the open doorway leading to the kitchen. You greet the two courteously and even make a salute to the fallen chocolates, to which Minho laughs even more at and the two boys groan in protest. “Well, shit, it really is...bad.”
“I know, poor people who’ll get that tomorrow.” Minho shrugs.
“You could say Nari, it’s fine, I won’t tell.” You shrug back with a laugh, taking this time to take the candy off of his cheek and walking past him and the other two boys with a parting wave before Jeongin could even process that you caught up to him and his crush so easily.
Minho, meanwhile, clears his throat awkwardly and follows you, in a poor attempt to hide his immediate flustered expression. Some of the chocolates were actually for you but he won’t tell you that too, of course.
Especially not when you arrive in his room not long after, nodding in approval at its cleanliness that clearly contrasts the current state of his kitchen and, by a slight extension, living room. “Glad you to know you don’t murder people in your room, Min. See? We get closer as friends would every day.”
“I’ve been on blood bag and animal diet since we met, you brat. Don’t tease like that.” Minho rolls his eyes, prompting you to laugh.
“So, where do I work, then?” You ask after, turning to Minho on your side and accidentally brushing your shoulders together.
He gestures to his work table in response, naturally placing his other hand on your back and guiding you towards it. He really hopes you’d be oblivious to the way he’s growing more flustered this time. He doesn’t let you in his room for a reason, after all (that being it’s too intimate in his opinion). “You can use my desk.” He instructs you after, following you and pulling an extra chair for himself once you’ve reached his desk. Placing your backpack next to his work bag then your laptop on top of the table, he then asks, “So, are you travelling now or later?”
He already knew you’d do it sometime now, he really just wanted to ask to keep the conversation going. He even has your hanbok ready—bought from Changbin’s wife’s shop last month.
But, to you, he seems to have miscalculated the situation a little bit as a realization dawns on you while you’re taking out the portable time travel machine from your backpack. It’s actually just a watch but your professors insist on keeping them in really fancy boxes. “I can do it now if it’s oka—wait, I haven’t even told you that part yet! How do you know I’m not just going to hoard your wi-fi?” You exclaim mid-thought, your mouth falling agape and forming an ‘o’ shape in surprise. You know he wasn’t reading your mind just now because, usually, Minho would announce his presence obnoxiously loud in your head or make the face he did a while back but he didn’t this time. “So you’re going to agree to my request? Is that it?”
Eyes equally wide in his mistake, Minho falls back in his chair and ends up fumbling around with his words. “Well—no, I mean, you always only need my help when you’re about to time travel so—!” He tries his best to cover up which only elicits a victorious smile from you. “Ugh, fine, you got me!”
“So, you’ll help me? I mean, past you, technically.” You ask again for confirmation, sitting down on your own chair this time as you fully take out the portable machine and place it on your lap. “I have to tell you, though, that I need to travel to three other periods for my thesis this time. Is that okay?” 
Minho props his elbow on the arm rest and nods against his knuckles. “You already know the answer to that, I think.” 
You chuckle at this. If eight years of knowing him has taught you anything, it’s to pay attention to the smallest details. He’s clairvoyant, after all, and you need to up him at his own game every now and then somehow. “Then, I’ll also need the proper attire. Haseul said that she can’t take in commissions at the moment so I couldn’t—“
“In the closet, furthest right.” Minho gestures to the walk-in closet behind him in defeat. “You can use that for all the times you’ll go, too.” 
“Have I told you that you’re my bestest friend in the world today? Even more than Nari, and she’s a witch, might I add!” You dramatically announce with a grin, handing him the machine’s box before standing up and making a beeline to the double doors on the other side of his bed. When you follow his instructions and find a pink and blue hanbok along with a floral hairpin on the very end of his closet, you then take it out and head to the open bathroom across the room. “Oh, wow, you even got my size right! You must’ve been preparing for this for a long time, huh?”
He really has—but, again, Minho is too stubborn to admit it to your face. “Just tell me if it’s uncomfortable or something.” He simply replies to you instead before you could close the door and change. Once he hears you acknowledge him with a hum before clicking the door to a lock, he then quickly prepares the time travel watch for you (by the way he remembers you doing it in front of him countless of times while you were cramming for a school requirement with him) then places it next to your laptop in exchange for his phone to message the rest of his friends.
minho [9:13 PM]: its happening
chan [9:14 PM]: you’re confessing?
hyunjin [9:14 PM]: hey that’s great! good for you hyung!!!
minho [9:16 PM]: no! y/n’s making the travel to 1388!
changbin [9:18 PM]: chan u know not to get ur hopes up w minho alr we all know he’s hopeless
minho [9:21 PM]: just bc ur alr married u brat
Changbin was still typing out a reply in the groupchat when you came out of the bathroom in your hanbok, laughing behind your hand when Minho looks up and momentarily gapes at you. “Why are you looking at me like that, weirdo?” You furrow your brows as you approach, smacking his arm before sitting down on his bed right behind him with a slight struggle. Peering over his shoulder, you smile appreciatively at noticing the time machine already set up. “And I see you’ve set up the machine without breaking anything this time! Progress!”
Minho scoffs, swiveling his wheeled chair to face you properly before gesturing to the hairpin in your hands. “You don’t like the hairpin?”
"I don’t know why you’re making me wear a hairpin that looks like a wedding heirloom.” You frown. Not to mention, from it’s material, you could tell that it’s new as well, meaning it was designed this way on purpose. “Won’t it attract too much attention?” 
Minho doesn’t know why you eventually came to him in the past wearing the hairpin too. He thought his future self was being ridiculous then (and he still does in the moment). “I don’t know, either,” He tells you truthfully this time, standing up from his chair to place it on your tightly-made bun. “But you did come wearing it eventually so just go with the flow, I guess? I don’t know, what do your sci-fi movies say?” 
You scoff at him, puffing out the heat rising up to your cheeks at the proximity. He could read your mind if he wants to but he doesn’t seem to be in the moment, even when his lips are gently fanning air into your ear as he fixes the hairpin with utmost care. “I guess I’ll just have to follow your instincts, then.” You sigh in defeat. “I can’t miss a detail, even if it’s weird.” 
“Right. I was there in the moment before you right now.” He smiles cheekily before sitting back down on his chair, passing you your time travel box after. “Ready to go?” 
You nod, fixing your collar one last time before receiving the machine from his hands. “You haven’t met me in the 1388, right?” 
“The first time you met me in the past was in the 1910s for that graduate thesis of yours and the oldest version of me that you’ve met so far was the one from the the 1740s.” Minho corrects, recalling your fourth year thesis some eight years ago. “But the first time I met you in my history was for this doctorate.” 
Your eyes light up at this. “Really? You’re meeting me for the first time now?” 
“Yeah. Why?” 
“We’ll have differing first impressions after this!” You point out to which he snickers. “Also, I haven’t met this version of you, you might be a snob in 1388 and think I’m weird or something.” 
Minho personally doesn’t think his first impression of you will ever change, no matter when you’ll meet in time. He’ll always think positively of you. “I was already turned for a long time, then. I haven’t met Chan and the others but I’ve seen and heard of weirder things than a time traveler.” He assures you. “Now, go, so I can help Jisung and Jeongin in the kitchen.” 
Rolling your eyes, you then set the date to January 1388 (you notice Minho’s already set the location while you were in the bathroom) before bidding a temporary goodbye to him, disappearing into thin air with the watch on your wrist right after. “I’ll be back before you know it!” 
In the blink of an eye, you’re already in a flea market somewhere in Seoul (then named Hanseong, you made sure to remember that well out of all of your history and anthropology notes). 
past: January 1388
You easily find 1388 Minho wandering around the flea market, a crowd of court men and women following him religiously as he examines the crops, livestock, and flowers being sold in stalls. The sight makes you scoff in disbelief, even more when you approach and see how he ignores each and every one of them up close. 
You know Minho isn’t the one of royal blood in his current coven of vampires (that’s Hyunjin—you know it well from the amount of times you’ve pestered him in your other time travels while he was sulking over his present day fiancée) but he has mentioned in passing once about being popular in the palace court, a socialite of his time if you will. 
But then, who could blame him? He’s just that handsome and charming.  
“Minho...Lee Minho...” You try calling for him in the crowd but to no avail, the slight embarrassment of following the crowd creeping up to you. It reminds you a bit of when you first saw him in your timeline, your first year of college and his fourth year (because Chan keeps insisting that he goes to university every now and then to pass the time) when all kinds of students would also follow him around at the campus library. It’s annoying, regardless of wherever you are in the world timeline. “Excuse me, Lee Minho!” 
He only turns to you when you raise your voice, an eyebrow momentarily raised until your eyes meet and a look seemingly of recognition crosses his features. 
You became friends with him as an older vampire but why is he more intimidating as a younger one? It’s probably the rest of the crowd’s eyes being on you because of your sudden interruption. Either way, you forcibly gulp down your nervousness and call for him again. “Lee Minho?” 
“C-Can I—Can I talk to you for a moment?” You gesture for him to follow you, his piercing gaze making your hands shake a bit. This is probably what Chan meant when he said Minho was a bit scary when he first met him in the 1400s. 
Minho follows you, anyway, which alleviates and heightens your nervousness at the same time. The crowd would’ve followed if not for him glaring at them not to right before you turned to the main entrance of the flea market where a few people were loitering around at. He feels like he knows you from somewhere which, if you knew about, you’d tell him that that’s impossible since, chronologically, you haven’t met him before this. 
Once you’re away from the majority of the market crowd, only then do you turn to properly face him and his expectant eyes. He’s still looks the same as he does in the present, just more curious, seeing as you’re a stranger for now. It’s comforting, somehow, so much so that it relaxes you and eventually makes you laugh as well. 
“What’s so funny?” He asks you without any hint of malice once you uncontrollably burst into giggles, prompting you to lift your hand up to your mouth. Already developing his clairvoyant abilities at this time period, he could easily tell by the unfamiliar terms in your thoughts and the way you hold yourself up that you were different—far more different than everyone around you. “And who are you?” 
You wave your other hand dismissively, taking a step back to recuperate. You end up giggling a few more times before you could manage to take a deep breath and exhale slowly by turning your eyes away from Minho momentarily. “I’m sorry, I’m Y/N and I—sorry! It’s just so...it’s a bit weird!” 
“Definitely.” Though your answer is unsatisfactory, the boy nods anyway. “And how do you know my name?”  
“I know you from the futur—wait, you can tell that it’s a bit weird too?” You raise an eyebrow and fold your arms over your chest. “It’s…sometime in the 1300s—“
“Thirteen eighty-eight.”
“Right.” You nodded at his correction with a dry scoff, piquing his interest further. “It’s only 1388 and you’re already this good of a clairvoyant?”
Minho was instinctively taken aback with you. His present self forgot to tell you that clairvoyance doesn’t have an established name in this time yet. “How did you—? What? Huh, well…the hanbok—the hanbok’s a bit of a giveaway too, I guess. It looks different from what the court women usually wear.” 
You then briefly glanced down at your hanbok, a pout resting on your features when you look back up at Minho again. “Really? But you—I mean, my source told me that this was accurate.” Come to think of it, you didn’t really check the attire thoroughly since you really needed to travel immediately to cram your paper. You’ll have to give 2020 Minho an earful about this later. “Ah, guess it’s my fault for not double-checking. I was in a bit of a rush to come here.” 
Minho from 1388, however, shakes his head at you in disapproval then briefly begins pointing out the different design patterns that looked foreign to him. “And this hairpin,” He pointed your hair accessory last, from what you can remember at present. There’s an unreadable expression in his face, one you’re too flustered to interpret as amusement. “This looks like a wedding heirloom but…a bit futuristic for my time, if that makes sense. I don’t suppose you wanted to come here disguised as someone’s wife, right? That’d attract more attention to you.”
And with that, you almost immediately deflate right in front of him with a defeated sigh and he smirks teasingly in return. To the passersby at the flea market, people could’ve easily mistaken the two of you for a quarreling married couple. “So that’s how it is.” You surrender easily, your arms loosening. “I guess even at this time you’re clairvoyant and smart. How annoying.”
His smirk grows even more triumphantly at this. “So, why did you come here?” He asks next. He figures out halfway through your rambles that it’s probably better to go along with you than to insist on his own questions, at least until you’ve organized your thoughts a little bit better. 
You ponder on the question for a moment, shifting your weight between the balls of your feet to pass the time. When you do answer, you explain, “Well, it’s a little crazy but my source has said that you’ll be okay with it so...believe it or not, I’m from the future and doing my doctorate thesis on a dynasty that’s about to establish itself around this time.” When 1388 Minho doesn’t immediately and visibly freak out as he would on your worst case scenario, you take this as your cue to continue. “You’re still alive in my time but I can’t tell you what our relationship is or it’ll be spoilers! All I can say is that you’ve helped me passed a lot of my major requirements in school and if you’re okay with it, you can help me with this one too!” 
The Minho in front of you thinks that you probably know him very well to know that he’s not easily spooked with anything out of the ordinary, not even by someone who claims to be from the future and is doing an academic paper about the past. You did mention knowing his personal history, as well, which effectively gained you his trust. He just hopes you’re not married or something in the future as the hairpin seems to be trying to imply or else he’d consider this first meeting of yours a bit chaotic for his liking. “Sure. Where do you have to be right now?” 
Really? It’s that easy? Is all you can think about, much to Minho’s curiosity when he reads your thoughts. “O-Oh, well, um...if you can take me to the palace courts, that would be...cool, I mean nice.” 
And so, Minho from 1388 ends up showing you around the palace courts for the next six months that follows (but, really, it’s just merely six minutes in the present time), even introducing you to people whom you ended up entrusting with your data-gathering. You almost mentioned Hyunjin and his fiancé, Shiyeon, on more than one occasion, remembering how the vampire would be with Seungmin already by this time while the immortal witch would be travelling around Korea, but opted not to instead when you also remember that no one from this time period really liked talking about the previous fire that killed most of Hyunjin’s family. 
Besides, you didn’t want to mess up the timeline and have Minho meet Hyunjin before he could meet Chan, even when he would ask you about it right before you left. 
“How am I in the future, by the way? Am I allowed to ask that?” Minho asks you curiously as you hold out your watch in front of him. It was starting to get annoying, having to hide it in your bell sleeves all the time. “And what am I doing by then?” 
“I can’t say anything specific that’s important.” You scrunch up your nose disapprovingly to which Minho only glares at you in response. “Just trust me, you’re sort of happy with where you are in my present day. You don’t have to worry about it now, it’s still 600 years away, anyway.” 
Minho mistakenly interprets that as the two of you being married in the future. He doesn’t have feelings for you in this time period but he takes your word not to worry about it until it’s happened. 
Besides, you seem kind. He’ll see something in you eventually. 
“When will I see you again, then?” 
“Um...around 1418, probably?” You answer with a hint of uncertainty as you faintly recall your thesis’ outline. You needed to see King Sejeong’s court next. “You’ll still be here, right?” 
Minho initially had plans on moving to a nearby province but he nods, anyway, thinking that that could wait for a few more years. “Yeah.” 
And with that, you’re gone again. 
present: February 13, 2020 
When you get back to the present day, it’s only 9:35 PM, almost six minutes since you left, but Minho’s already in the kitchen, helping Jisung and Jeongin clean up their mess. 
“Back already?” Minho asks with a blood bag between his teeth when he catches sight of you by the open doorway as he wipes the kitchen island clean, immediately noticing the grin you wear on your face. “What did you think?” 
“You were much chiller then!” You exclaim, ducking past Jeongin and Jisung to sit down right across Minho on the countertop. “I mean, you were a bit scary at first with the whole glaring thing you got going on but you were very calm and collected, then, like you weren’t even phased about me being from the future!” 
Of course he would be at that time, he was literally there when it happened (and also because he’s always had a feeling even from before that you’d meet but that’s also on his long list of things he won’t tell you). Instead, you see him quirk an eyebrow, throwing the rag towel in his hand to the side to pick up his phone and resume his Kart Rider. “Weirdoes vibe with weirdoes, I guess.” He shrugs, chuckling when you protest at this. “Anyway, you got what you need, right?”
You nod happily with a hum, propping an elbow up on the now clean counter and resting your cheek on your palm. “I have enough to write about later when you’re done cleaning.” 
“Ya, Y/N, if you’re gonna stick around at least help us clean the kitchen!” Jisung complains as he drags a wet mop across the floor behind you. 
“And why would I do that? I didn’t even help you make the chocolates!” 
“Because Minho’s been making cho—” Before Jisung could finish his sentence, however, Minho throws his rag towel towards the younger vampire, aiming it directly to his face. “Ya!” 
You shake your head in disbelief, turning to Minho again after. “Anyway, I have to fix my notes for a bit and you need to tell me where else I went for this paper!” 
Also because you were kinda cute back then, you think to yourself more as an after-thought, not really expecting for Minho to accidentally hear it.   
Now, Minho knows why he made you wear the hairpin. Is it normal to be jealous of one’s past self? 
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present: February 16, 2020 
Minho offers you a whole bag of your favorite mini Toblerones the next time that you knock on his door to work on your thesis. The Valentine’s Day homemade chocolates were a fail even when Felix was eventually brought in last-minute (then you just had to disappear for a whole day with Nari and Shiyeon, too), so he rushed to the nearest convenience store to buy you the Toblerones as soon as you told him that you’ll come over again to pester him with his Internet connection and ask him more about your work. 
Maybe this is really it, the one you were talking about in his past. 
“You’re being nice to me with all this chocolate.” You squint your eyes with a piece of the chocolate in between your teeth suspiciously across the dining table as you work, head buried in papers to revise and dusty reference books. Your professor has you on travel limit as everyone else, only allowing you up to four actual visits to the past, hence the mountainous stacks of library books and journals you’ve borrowed from both the campus library and Changbin’s personal collection. “What do you need? Ya, I’m talking to you.” 
Minho, busy in his own academic work on his laptop, only peeks up at you belatedly when he’s reaching out for his blood bag buried underneath all of your papers. “What?” 
“What are the chocolates for?” You ask straightforwardly this time, picking up another mini Toblerone off the yellow bag. “Last time you bought me something from the convenience store was when you ate the squirrel I was feeding in the back garden.” 
Minho only shrugs as nonchalantly as he could, though he can’t help but feel a little flustered as evidenced by the way his eyes briefly widen. The squirrel incident was a long time ago and yet you still won’t let it go. “Can’t I be nice?” He simply asks back in answer to which you scoff at. He laughs along with you, anyway. “Jeongin bought it then gave me the extra, probably to give to you since I can’t really eat it.” 
You wanted to tell him that Nari actually shared the chocolates Jeongin gave her and they were definitely not Toblerones but you let it slide again. For some reason, it’s funny seeing Minho try to cover up something right in front of your face and thinking that he’s doing a good job at it. He’s trained you to see past his bullshit for the past 8 years, he should really know better. “Um...right.” You nod teasingly. “I’m gonna pretend you’re not looking very suspicious right now.” 
Minho could clearly tell that you’re doubting him even without reading you but he does nothing more to it. He’s too deep in his bullshit already and you both know that. 
Truth is, he was just fulfilling something you mentioned in your second visit to him (and probably as a way to give you something on Valentine’s Day even if it’s two days late). 
“Anyway, when are you making the travel again?” 
“Right after I finish summarizing this book.” 
And it happens to come full circle today, too. What luck does your best friend have. 
past: August 1418 
You jump between days in a span of six years this time (which is approximately an hour and twelve minutes back in the present time) with the help of Minho, Chan, and Changbin from 1418 helping you by preparing an entire closet of clothes and coming up with a very detailed background story of how you were a distant relative of Chan’s from the province in the case that someone asked about you. The other two boys were more than happy to welcome you despite how foreign time travel was to them in this time period because, apparently, you’re all Minho’s ever talked about since they met. 
“It’s nice knowing that Minho didn’t fever dreamed you up or something.” Changbin joked to you once towards the end of the six years of your data-gathering, to which he received a full apple shoved in his mouth from Minho. In this time period, his wife, Haseul, was still in that sleeping curse you still don’t understand fully at present, carefully laid in a tomb somewhere in the capital. Fortunately, you managed to avoid telling him that she wakes up seven centuries later (and that they get married) throughout your entire stay and avoided spoilers. “Vampires who’ve lived long like us tend to do that sometimes. Heck, even Chan does that lots of times these days, telling us about this immortal person he’s been looking for a while now. I guess it’s the human brain’s natural response to having a lot of memories.” 
“Minho remembers me just fine in the present, though.” You shrug as you re-write your interview notes, to which Minho mumbles a ‘Really?’ at. When you nod at him, he immediately rolls his eyes up in thought. You want to tell them that the person Chan’s been looking for at this time’s also real (and that he and said person, Eunhye, even live together now), too, but you decide against it later on for spoiler reasons again. “You have really good memory in the present, you even bought me Toblerones today.” 
“What are those?” 
A realization dawns on you right there and then, a small smile forming on your lips to which Minho quirks an eyebrow at and Changbin immediately asks you about. “You’ll find out soon enough. Just know that they’re my favorite.” You simply answer, standing up from the front porch of the inn you’ve been staying at and dusting the dirt off of your new hanbok. You remind yourself to ask Minho and Changbin about where these are at present later on. “Anyway, I’m off! I need to interview a few court people then I’ll be off your hairs again soon!” 
When it’s time for you to leave again, Minho’s still pestering you about what Toblerones are. 
“Come on, tell me!” He protests, going as far as holding your wrist where your watch is before you could escape. “Y/N!” 
You only grin up at him mischievously, gently swatting his hand away. “February 16, 2020! Also, make me ramen and coffee when I get back to the other side, please! I’d really like that!” 
present: February 16, 2020 
A steaming bowl of ramen and a warm cup of miraculously decently-brewed coffee are on the kitchen countertop by the time you come back, just as you asked him six hundred years in the past. What you didn’t expect, however, was the way your notes and references have also been organized neatly on the table while you were away and Minho dozing off on the nearby sofa in the open living room (he really likes genuine sleep lately which you’re yet to ask him as to why). You make sure to check that he really is sleeping by pinching his nose (and getting no response which is his usual indication of actual sleep) before placing the blanket he has reserved for you in his apartment over his hunched over body. 
“You don’t really need it,” You whisper tiredly, tucking the blanket close to his neck. His skin is naturally cold, as any normal vampire’s, but you’ve slowly grown accustomed to it over the years. “but how else am I going to say thank you for remembering my request after six hundred years? You’re going above and beyond anyone I’ve ever met, Lee Minho, you should stop raising the bar too high for men like this.” 
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past: May 1592
“Are you sure you want to be here?” Minho from 1592 asks you right after you’ve reappeared in his house. Chan is out for work and Changbin is visiting Haseul on this particular day, leaving him to tend to their main house alone. “We’re in the middle of—”
“A Japanese invasion, I know.” You finish his thought for him, casually plopping down on the front porch right next to him and gingerly receiving the cup of tea he offers you. The garden he’s been trying to tend the last time you were around hasn’t made any significant progress even when an entire century has passed. You want to think it’s because the boys have been travelling elsewhere right before you returned but you also know it’s because they haven’t met Seungmin and Hyunjin yet. Those two are still probably travelling with Shiyeon. “That’s exactly why I’m here.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re—” Minho leans away and gazes back incredulously at you. He can already tell, with his own abilities, that you’re not thinking of what he’s thinking but he asks anyway to fully confirm. “I’m not letting you go to the frontlines if that’s what you’re going to ask me this time.” 
You chuckle at his genuinely mortified expression as you sip on your tea, making the boy furrow his brows at you. You really must be crazy. “You already know I’m not thinking of that! Though, I will ask you crazier things in the distant future.” You assure him. “I’ll only be staying for a year, six years again at most since I only need to complete a few interviews and fact-check a few books.” 
“Good.” Minho sighs in relief, taking a long sip of his tea as well. Even in 1592, the only human beverage Minho could stand is tea, you’re quick to notice. “That’s...that’s a relief.” 
“Why would you even be worried about going to the field, you’re immorta—ya, perhaps, do you you care about me?” You tease, grinning widely at the sudden realization. “We have a really messed-up timeline but you already care about me as early as now, that’s cute!”   
Minho from this time period could only roll his eyes at you against his sudden flustered feeling. If he was curious of your relationship with his future self when you first met, he’s curious as to how his future self keeps up with you this time. “Because you might be important to me in the future or something.” He bluffs to which you only chuckle fondly at. “I can’t really tell since you won’t tell me exactly how I know you in the future.” 
“Well, what am I to you now?” 
“A friend.” And he means it truthfully.
You’re momentarily taken aback, Minho sees even when you’re quick to hide it. Present Minho won’t even call you his best friend like you do to him. “Then just—just remember that until then.” You point out, smiling when you gaze over to his side and see his sincere expression. Something leaps in your chest at hearing him say those words without his usual playful tone of voice. It’s not what you’ve always been hoping for but it’s a start. “Won’t it be better if you just find out in the moment when it does happen?” 
Minho wants to tell you that he can’t wait but his teasing nature always gets the best of him first, “Hm, maybe you don’t actually know me at all in the future, that’s why you’re always being vague when I ask you.” 
You scoff, smacking his arm. “Ya!” 
“So, really, what are you to me in the future?” He insists anyway, swiftly dodging your hits until he’s caught your wrist in his hands. “Friend? Best friend?” 
A lover? He wanted to add further but he bites his tongue back just in time.  
“I always call you my best friend but I’ve yet to hear the same thing from you so, honestly, how would I know when you’re so secretive with your true feelings all the time! I’m even surprised you answered my question just now.” You frown, unintentionally coming off as bitter in your tone of voice as you retract your hand back to your side. You place your cup down as well, careful of the remaining tea so it doesn’t accidentally spill on your hanbok. At this moment, you miss the way Minho’s expression turns into confusion. “If it helps, though, I can only tell you that you always let me in your house to hoard the wi-fi—which you don’t have to know about right now!—and you’ve kept me around long enough to know when you’re trying to lie to me or read my thoughts with your clairvoyance thing going on.” 
Minho nods along, humming in thought. “So you’re a parasite?” 
You inhale a deep breath, focusing all of your energy into restraining yourself from hitting him for a second time. “You’ve called me worse.” You sigh with a controlled laugh. “Expired dinner and ex-wife who has nowhere else to go are my personal favorites.” 
Next to you, Minho’s eyes genuinely widen in curiosity. “We got married?” 
“Um, no? No, no, it’s an expression!” You shake your head and snicker despite the contrasting heat on your neck. Minho grows flustered at sensing the blood rushing up to your face. “I don’t even know if you’re capable of romantic love, dude. You’re always kinda everywhere and nowhere.” 
Minho’s not offended, though, especially not when you try to apologize after at realizing that you’re not as close with this version of him as you are with the version you know in your own time. “It’s fine.” He assures you with a shrug, knowing full well that you were just kidding around. “I’m guessing with that that I’m still single five centuries later.” 
“That and a bit of a flirt, too.” You clarify before his words fully process in your head. “Wait, so that means you haven’t dated even before this?” 
Minho shakes his head. “No, no one’s caught my eye yet.” 
You purse your lips in thought of this new revelation. It’s in moments like this, when you’re meeting past selves of your immortal friends that you realize just how little you actually know of them. “Huh, I didn’t peg you as the type.” 
“The type to what?” 
You shrug slowly, hunching over in your seat. “To be the fall in love just once type? I don’t know...”
Chan has mentioned to you once about Minho believing in soulmates but you were quick to dismiss that then. Remembering that now, maybe he is right. 
And, as if he has been reading your thoughts this entire time, Minho agrees with a nod. “Then, now you know. If you’ve lived as long as I have, soulmates are really nice to think about.” 
“But you always tease me about it...you from the future at least.” You pout. “Again, no offense, it’s just that—from the way I know you in my time, you’re very confusing.” 
When you glance over at Minho, you see him sit up straighter and lean closer to you again, your shoulders bumping against his as he tilts his head to meet your gaze. “Really? How am I confusing? Maybe I can help.” 
You scrunch up your nose. “Ah, but that’s unfair. You’ll take note of this in the future again.” 
“Your time’s five hundred years away, I’m sure I’ll forget this with time.” He assures you to no avail as evidenced by your squinted eyes. 
“You remembered my ramen and coffee request from last time, though.” You argue back, making his eyes light up. 
“I will?” 
You nod, placing a finger on his forehead and pushing his face away from yours. “Yeah, so I don’t trust you. Let’s just leave it at that.” 
Minho doesn’t bother you anymore about it for the rest of your one-year stay, which you’re more than grateful for.
present: February 22, 2020 
He does, however, teases you about it again when you’re back to the present. Closing in on you in one of his bone-crushing hugs when you reappear in his room, he asks, “So, how was meeting me in the 1500s this time, best friend?”
“Excuse me, what did you say?” You furrow your brows at him, your arms going limp on your sides while your entire body freezes on the spot. 
“I just called you my best friend.” He repeats casually with a shrug. “Why?” 
Minho purposely omits the fact that he double-checked his old journals to make sure that you just time traveled to that period when you mentioned to him how he’s never called you his best friend. He’s been waiting for this opportunity to set it right with you since he didn’t know much of the context back then. 
You shake your head in response, reluctantly hugging him back once you’ve regained feeling in your arms again. “Nothing, it’s just...” 
“Dude, you’re acting like past me and present me are different people.” He chuckles against your hair, squeezing your frame once before pulling away. “So, we’re good, right? You’re not bitter about the whole best friend thing now?” 
You frown, slapping his elbow to which he only chuckles at. “Who said I was bitter?” 
“You did in 1592!” He teases, his mischievous grin softening into a fond smile after. “But seriously...sorry about that. I just think it’s cheesy to say most of the time but you really are...my best friend now I guess—maybe until you die in 50 years.”
Minho then runs away before you could even protest, prompting you to chase him out of his room and into the hallway. “Ya, Lee Minho! I’m going to kill you first, you brat!”  
But you know that deep in your heart that he’s only joking (and also because Jeongin has gossiped to you once about accidentally reading one of Minho’s journal entries from the 1700s once about meeting someone who shares your name but was already working as a professor in university and may or may not already be a vampire). 
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present: February 29, 2020
“Okay, to refresh...” You mumble as you adjust the watch on your wrist and the switchblade Minho insisted on you keeping in your pants’ pockets. Next to you, said vampire’s is sprawled on his bed, a reviewer and highlighter in hand. “In 1895, Hyunjin was following Shiyeon around the world, Seungmin was starting out his photography career, Soojung was taking a beauty nap, Haseul was still sleeping, Changbin was going on a Jack the Killer rampage somewhere in Europe, Jisung was still a newborn, Felix, and Jeongin haven’t joined you yet, and Chan was...learning yoga with Eunhye? Is that right?” 
“And I’ve met all versions of you by this time.” Minho adds in absentmindedly before going back to chanting his notes over and over again. He really doesn’t need to since he really has sharp memory these days but you let him study for whatever it is he’s studying, anyway, so he has something else to do besides Kart Rider and annoying his other friends. “Just tell past me who I’m meeting when you arrive since you know how I kept mixing graduate studies you and college thesis you up all the time.” 
“That’s...you guys have lived lives.” You puff out a tired breath, making Minho glance up to you briefly and chuckle. “Sometimes, it makes me and Nari feel so small.” 
“It’s not much.” The boy shrugs back. “It personally hasn’t felt that long.” 
“And why’s that?” You hum curiously. 
He mumbles something behind his paper but you don’t hear it well. When you ask him about it, he only shakes his head and kicks you with his socket foot, urging you to go already. 
Minho actually said, “It’s because you’ve been with me the entire time.” but he’ll just tell you all about it later when you come back. 
With a scoff, you then swat his foot away and bid him goodbye. “Fine, see you later then.” 
“I’ll organize your notes until then. Bye.” 
past: July 1895
Minho sets your location on your watch to his house, now renovated to what was considered modern then. You’ve been here countless of times, albeit in different time periods of your own past (the last being when you had to ask for his help in the 1860s about your graduate thesis), but you’ve never been here in the 1890s, not when a newborn Jisung had the self-control of a toddler and immediately tried pouncing on you the moment he smelled you on their front lawn.  
Now you know what the switchblade is for (and the one time Jisung kept apologizing to you in the 1910s). 
“Ji, calm down!” Minho growls in annoyance, holding the younger boy by his arms as he drags him back inside the house. He can feel your anxiousness increase just by looking at this unfamiliar side of Jisung, prompting him to send you an apologizing look. “Sorry, um, Y/N, I—” 
“I-It’s...it’s fine.” You assure shakily with a curt nod, taking a step back as well when Jisung tries regaining two steps towards you again. “I think I came in the wrong day.” 
“It depends. What are you here for?” He asks, his voice growing faint as he successfully manages to lock Jisung inside the house. He then quickly jogs back to you, examining your face for any recognizable hints of where you could be from.
“Doctorate thesis.” You answer for him, earning you a look of realization from him. 
“Oh, it’s you.” He smiles in relief. You remember distinctly how these were also the very same words he told you when you first met him in a time travel. “I was thinking you’d never come back.” 
You feign a frown in front of him, making him laugh. “Why? Did you think I wouldn’t finish my studies?” 
“It’s just that the next time you came back, from my point of view, is when you were only in college to ask me about the 1810s.” He clarifies, to which you nod in understanding. So he does remember. “I thought it weird at first that you didn’t come back sooner to finish your doctorate.” 
“Ah, well, you in 2020 has been a big help—well, him and a shit ton of books.” You chuckle awkwardly. “This is my last trip for my doctorate, actually, since I have the smallest amount of resources for Queen Min.” 
“T-This is—this is your last?” 
You smirk at his briefly dejected expression, elbowing him gently. “Why do you look so sad? You already know we’ll meet again in the future. Plus, you’ll still meet younger versions of me later on for my college requirements which is a bit confusing to hear right now but you’ll get it later!” 
Minho opens his mouth to speak, initially to tell you something about being frustrated that he’s only seen glimpses (and different versions) of you throughout his life so far, but he’s suddenly cut off by Jisung banging wildly against the front door, making him and you flinch. 
“Um...what if we deal with Jisung first?” You suggest. “I assure you we’re all going to be great friends in the future but no one really told me that this would happen.” 
Minho nods slowly next to you, rubbing the nape of his neck. “Yeah, we should probably take care of him first before your thesis. You could spare five minutes to sit down, right?” 
And so, you spend the rest of your first day getting Jisung to calm down in your presence. 
present: February 29, 2020 
“Chan, babe, please, please, please promise that you won’t flinch when we use the party poppers later.” Eunhye sighs exasperatedly as she leads everyone into organizing the kitchen and living room. “Felix, good job on the cookies by the way! They turned out really well! Jisung, hurry up with that banner!” 
“Babe, I don’t flinch!” Chan yells across the hallway as he re-checks if everyone will have enough party hats, trumpets, and poppers for later. 
“Yes you do!” 
“What’s so significant about today, anyway?” Nari asks Jeongin as the two enter the apartment with boxes upon boxes of blood bags and alcoholic drinks. “Besides Y/N finishing their thesis, of course.” 
Shiyeon and Hyunjin follow closely behind with take-out boxes of chicken wings. “Because today is Y/N’s last time travel before they become a professor! A lot of good things are going to happen after, trust me.” Shiyeon answers with a wink. 
“How come you know all of that? You were barely with us in the 1800s.” Jisung asks while struggling to put the other end of your congratulations banner across the kitchen. Soojung is on the other end, arm beginning to fall asleep as she holds up the other end of the banner for Jisung. “Even Jeongin and Felix don’t know that.” 
“There’s a thing called correspondence and Hyunjin was a diligent gossiper.” Shiyeon only chuckles, setting down the take-out boxes on the countertop. “Also, hey, I was there in one of Y/N’s visits! It just hasn’t happened in our timeline yet but it will in three years!” 
Minho then emerges from his room, phone in hand counting down the seconds until you’re back again. “Okay, we have two hours to get everything ready.”
“Lee Minho where have you been this entire time!” Eunhye complains, finally taking the boy’s presence to take a seat. “I’ve been organizing everyone for a whole ten minutes!”  
“You mean you have two hours to get ready.” Haseul teases, seated on one of the dining table chairs and helping Changbin, Seungmin, and Felix make proper chocolates this time. “Don’t you have something else important you need to prepare?” 
“No, I can just wing it.” Minho dismisses to which Chan immediately laughs at, catching the younger boy’s panicked expression. 
“Sure you do.” Seungmin dryly responds, to which everyone topples over in laughter. 
past: November 1905
“You’ll see me again in five years, at least from your point of view.” You assure Minho from 1905 right before you leave. Jisung’s apologizing again about the incident last time but you’re quick to hug him and effectively shut him up. “The one you’ll meet in 1910 is going to be a little different, though, a little younger.” 
“But it’s still you.” 
You smile at this. “Yeah, still me.” 
Minho wants to tell you so badly that he’s met another version of you while you were away, someone older, but he quickly pushes the thought at the back of his head. Is this how you feel holding back spoilers from him? Instead, he ops to tease you. “You know, when people usually meet, it’s not as backwards as us.” When you raise an eyebrow at him, he continues, “You keep meeting me from the past and I’ve met you from the future countless of times. Even if culture’s going to be different in the future, I’m pretty sure this is still not how it goes there.” 
Finally, understanding, you let out a laugh, hitting his side playfully. “Definitely not.” You agree sheepishly. “But I think that makes it even more special. It makes you wait until we’re in the same time, right?” 
Minho nods. “What date are you going back to again?” 
“February 29, 2020. Why?” 
He says nothing else on it but bids you goodbye with one last hug instead. “Nothing. I’ll see you again soon...or another version of you.” 
“And I’ll see future you.” You chuckle before disappearing. 
present: February 29, 2020 
You come back to all the lights in Minho’s apartment turned off at the present. You hear whispers and the soft clicking of a lighter as well, prompting you to follow the noise outside. 
“I think it’s better if Changbin doesn’t hold the cake, don’t you think?” You recognize Haseul’s loud voice even from the hallways, fueling your curiosity even further. 
A slight pause then follows before you hear Chan agree, “Yeah. Hyunjin, you hold the other cake.” 
“Lix, you’re stepping on my foot.” That’s Jisung, you know by the way he’s always whiny when he complains. 
“Oh shit, sorry!” 
“Everyone, quiet! Y/N’s on their way!” Nari scolds and the hushes then quickly fall silent once you reach the kitchen, flipping the light switch on the hallway to the sound of party poppers exploding right in front of you. Only then do you see the big ‘CONGRATULATIONS Y/N!’ banner hanging right above everyone standing in a line with cake, hats, and trumpets. 
“Um?” You raise an eyebrow at everyone, breaking out into an uncontrollable grin. “What’s with all this?” 
Minho of your time then walks over to you with a Toblerone cake, carefully protecting two candles from the breeze that enters through the windows. “Chan and Eunhye insisted on a party so...congrats on finishing your thesis!” 
Over his shoulder, said vampire and immortal immediately shake their heads in denial. “It’s his idea!” Eunhye mouths to you with a smirk, making you chuckle.
You then turn to Minho with a smile. “I haven’t even finished writing it yet.” You point out only for your best friend to shrug nonchalantly. “And my graduation’s in a month.”  
“Yeah, we can work on that once everyone’s out of the apartment.” He suggests. “Now, just blow on the candles first, Seungmin’s arms are about to fall off waiting to take a picture.” 
You briefly apologize to Seungmin on the side with a sheepish laugh, blowing on the cake’s candles after to the many snaps of his film camera. “Thank you for all this. I really appreciate it, you guys!” You thank your guests after, approaching them with Minho on your side this time. 
“We can call you Professor now, right?” Hyunjin playfully asks, elbowing you gently on your side. 
“It makes me sound really old.” You pout, making him laugh. “In a few years.” 
“Three years.” Shiyeon coughs to which Minho immediately glares them down for. 
Catching this gesture, you decide on purposely ignoring it for now. You’ll have to ask Shiyeon what they mean with that later. “Anyway, let’s eat. Have you guys been here long?” 
“Not really but I’m already starving!” Soojung exclaims, passing you a plate and utensils. Next to her, Felix and Chan instinctively open up all the take-out boxes of food for everyone to dig in. 
“Alright, let’s eat!” 
present: March 1, 2020 
Minho kicks everyone out after by the strike of midnight, when all the food’s been devoured and the party games have been played at least twice. Surprisingly, even Jisung and Jeongin were directed outside by Minho at this time, which you immediately ask him about once the two boys are out of the door. “Don’t those two live here?” You joke with a dry chuckle. “You don’t have to kick them out so we can work.” 
“They’ll come back later.” Minho gently shuts the door before turning to you as you stand with your arms crossed in front of your chest, a genuinely curious expression on your face. “I just...need a moment with you.” 
You pretend to take a step back with your best dramatic expression of fear. “Oh my God, you’re going to kill me after eight years of friendship, right?” 
“What? No.” Minho furrows his brows at this, making you laugh. “It’s just...fuck, now I’m off-tracked.” 
You giggle this time, loosening your arms in front of you. “What is it, Minho?” 
There have been times, both in the past and present though rare, when Minho has looked nervous in front of you. The last time he was, from what you can remember, was when he was about to tell you that he accidentally killed the squirrel in the apartment’s back garden but even then, he wasn’t as nervous as he is now—fiddling with the hem of his blue sweater for a brief moment before finally taking the courage to step closer to you. “I-I, um—” He stammers out, one hand instinctively going up to his nape. “What I want to say is that...remember when I asked you in 1592 about how I know you?” 
“You just teased me about that last week.” You roll your eyes in an attempt to ease the sudden awkwardness, only to make it even worse for Minho. With this, your expression immediately contorts into worry. “What about it?” 
“Then in 1905, where you just came back from, you told me we’ll meet in the right time eventually...” He continues after a while, smiling back when you do reassuringly. “In between those centuries, of course, y-you—you came in for your college homework and your Masteral’s but there was also...there was also someone else.” 
This unexpected turn drops something heavy on your stomach, your smile unconsciously faltering. Minho wants to snicker but, knowing you, you’ll probably think of him cold if he does so he takes in a deep breath and tries his best to continue with less stutters this time. “Don’t be too sad, it’s still you, just a few months in the future.” He assures with a chuckle, hands instinctively going up to your sides to rub your arms comfortingly. Your eyes widen at this in response and you freeze in his touch. “Anyway, July 2020 Y/N just told me to do something tonight, if that’s okay.” 
It takes you a moment to respond but Minho patiently waits, holding back his laugh by biting his lip down. He’s reading your thoughts as they go into overdrive. Is this how you feel when I hide the future from you before? You internally ask to which he nods at. “U-Um, so...what are you going to do?”
“Just tell you that I’ve been in love with you for a long time.” Minho finally confesses, sighing in relief once he’s gotten the words out surprisingly well. “And if you’d like to go out for a trip after your graduation—and not the time travel trip, this time so we can be together right.” 
There’s more to it, actually, Minho has a whole paper written and rehearsed for a span of almost three centuries but he figures you’ll find out about it eventually. He could tell you about how he’s been in love with every version of you that he’s met in the past another time or maybe you already know it. 
“So?” He asks after a while when you don’t speak verbally. Your thoughts are still muddled and your heartbeat’s a little too fast for his liking but he holds any impulsive urge he might have in for your sake. “What do you say?” 
You purse your lips once, mustering up a relieved smile at him after. “You already met me from the future this time—which I commend you for, by the way, because you’ve one-upped me again this time!—so I think you already know the answer to that.” 
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past: July 1799
You know full well that you’re not supposed to travel back in time for personal reasons, especially not for the reason you’re coming into 1799 to see a past Minho for, but you figure that you’re already in your university’s faculty roster. If I get caught, you think to yourself as you easily spot Minho with Chan at an art exhibit in Paris, the professors will probably understand. 
“Minho! Chan!” You call with your hand above your head waving frantically at the two, catching theirs and a few patrons’ attentions. You don’t mind the extra attention as you approach him, though, since they did instinctively made way for you because of it. “Hello there, you two!” 
“Hi, Y/N!” Chan greets you happily, giving you a side hug. “Aren’t you back too soon?” 
But knowing full well that you’re probably not the same one the two met last time, Minho smirks in amusement as he eyes your choice of clothes and asks, “And where did you come from? By the clothes, me from the future probably doesn’t know you’re here.” 
“Yeah, I picked out my own clothes for today. Anyway, I won’t be here long.” You roll your eyes with a chuckle. “I’m from July 2020 and I’m not here for any academic work this time! I just wanted to ask you a quick favor.” 
From what you’ve detailed in your own journals, the last time you met from this particular Minho’s point of view was when you were doing a paper on the Baroque movement for one of your college classes. 
“What is it?” He asks you anyway, his body turned away from the painting that he and Chan have been previously admiring as he gives you his full attention. 
Judging from the amount of times you’ve visited him (and the different versions of you he’s meet as well), his future self seems to agree on your requests all the time. 
“I can’t tell you much but please prepare something on February 29, 2020!” You answer, your watch beeping on your side to remind you that it’s almost time to leave. “And make sure to mention me! Remember, Y/N from July 2020!” 
Before he could ask about it, further, however, you were already gone. 
“What do you think that was about, Chan?” Minho asks the older vampire instead. 
But Chan simply shrugs, hands going deeper in his pockets as he thinks. “No idea.” He admits in equal confusion. “Guess we’ll have to see in three hundred years.” 
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Prologue|| Stormbringer- Stray Kids Demigod AU
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Felix
Word count : 1.2k+
Warnings : Family issues, mentions of mythological monsters, not edited.
Genre : Romance, Demigod AU, fluff, angst.
Description: Two twelve year olds kids with apparently normal lives find themselves in a rather uncomfortable position when they are told the truth about their not-so-normal parentage.  
A/N : FINALLY I managed to post this!! I haven’t been feeling well lately so hope I didn’t keep anyone waiting too long. This prologue doesn’t necessarily connect with the main plot of the story but it does lay the backdrop for it so this part might come off as plain. 
Hope everyone’s been keeping well, given the current situations. If you need anyone to talk to, I’m right here!
SERIES MASTERLIST ||  Click here for introduction to the story and glossary and here for the Stray Kids demigod diaries!
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Lighting in the Sky
"Before the world existed, there was nothing. Only a primary void, a nothingness and ..chaos. "
Your glazed, intrigued eyes follow every word from the new book your mother reads out from, your curiosity unable to handle the wonderful way your mother always turns every story into a mystery.
The bright green cover of the book looks attractive, and smooth like glass. Instinctively, you hold your finger up to its surface.
Its cold.
" 'Famous tales from Greek Mythology ' " you read out its title, now no longer paying attention to your mother's words, "Mum, do you think the people in these stories are real?"
Your mother stops mid sentence, not really surprised when a rather familiar memory finds its way back to her. Thunderstorms, a handsome young man, rapid heartbeats, a little baby girl.
"I'd like to think so," she runs her fingers through your hair, "But not all of them are as heroic as they're made to be in these books."
You wondered what her words had meant for a long time after that. For a 12 year old girl, you'd been way too curious, way too hard to deceive. But truth is something that cannot be hidden for too long.
You remember that day as clearly as if it were yesterday.
It was your 13th birthday , a joyous day for a young girl who'd always wanted to experience the so called 'exciting' teen years. Your mum had prepared an amazing celebration for you- a small picnic by the seaside, a chocolate cake (your absolute favorite), the second edition of 'Famous tales from Greek Mythology ' as a gift. It was almost perfect.
While on your way to the parking lot, a dog pounces at you. Except it wasn't just a dog. It was a Hell Hound.
You'd only seen the likes of it before in your story books and in your nightmares that were as vivid as memories. But you know exactly what a hellhound really is. Hellhounds are dogs that guard the Underworld - world of the dead .
"Get off of me, you dog!" You scream as the monster claws at your face.
Viscious creatures and brilliant killers these dogs are and if it weren't for two boys showing up to your rescue, you are sure you'd have become the hellhound 's food that day.
"Are you okay, y/n?" The boys ask you.
"H-how do you know my name? Who are you people?" You pant, on the verge of tears, "What was that thing?"
The taller of the two boys - Hyunjin, as he would introduce himself to you later sends a look of confusion over at the shorter boy - who also introduces himself as Minho later. "We have a lot of talking to do, y/n. Where's your mom?"
Your mom is not one bit fazed when she drives the three of you back to your small apartment. It's almost as if she'd been expecting it all along.
Once you reach your house, your mom who's usually extremely cheerful and loud, sits you down quietly on the couch and tells you the truth. Of who you are, what you are capable of.
"Sweetie, your father is not the book author you think he is. I'm so sorry I lied to you. " she sucks in a deep breath, almost scared, "Honey, your dad is...a God. A Greek God. The ones we read about."
And that one sentence turns your entire world upside down. Everything you've ever known just changes.
But sometimes changes are for the best, you'd like to think.
Minho and Hyunjin reveal that they come from a place called Camp Levanter - a home for kids like you, demigods is what they're apparently called.
"A-are you like me too?"
"Yes, y/n. We're like you." Minho says, "I'm the son of the Greek God Dionysus and Hyunjin over here is the son of the Greek goddess Aphrodite."
Hyunjin pats your head ever so gently and in an alluring voice says, "Do you want to come with? We could be your friend. How does that sound?"
You find yourself nodding almost immediately.
And just before you walk out of the door, you give your mom the tightest hug, assuring her that you'd do just fine.
"By the way, mum, what's dad's name? You never told me."
You mom sighs, as the skies outside rumble with thunder, "Your father is Zeus - the God of sky and lightning. "
The symbol of Love
"Are we going to die tonight, Nana?"
Felix shivers into the embrace and pulls his greying, old grandmother closer, her weak body already completely corrupted by the cold and snow.
"N-not you, Lixie. You have things to do." She mumbles, holding the 13 year old kid to her chest, hoping to find some kind of warmth in this freezing cold weather, "I-its not your time yet. You will go back to your father, you hear me? You didn't have to come with me anyway!"
Felix's father wasn't the nicest person - to put it decently. He didn't so as much bat an eye towards him. Perhaps he was ashamed of having a child out of wedlock or worse, he was reminded of Felix's gorgeous mother he so dearly missed everytime he saw Felix.
Anyhow, parental love never made it into Felix's life from his father's side so instead he grew up under the warmth of his grandmother's love.
On his 13th birthday, Felix receives his first and last gift from his father; a step mother. That fall, his father marries an old colleague in a small ceremony. And Felix would later go on to hate himself for ever thinking that this new addition to the family might fill up the blank space his birth mother had left behind.
Not ten days after the wedding, his new step mother 'accuses' his grandmother of being rude and unwelcoming and begs his father to throw her out of the house.
Which all comes down to this moment, where his grandmother is freezing to death and he cannot do anything but watch silently.
"Hey, do you need help?" When Felix hears that voice, his first instinct is to brush it off as a hallucination, for who would help two homeless people in this bone chilling weather?
"Felix, do you need help?" A few rapid footsteps and two boys present themselves in front of him, panting as if they'd been running all the while.
"W-who are you?" He stutters, hugging his grandmother closer, "How do you know my name?"
One of the two boys reply gently, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, Felix. How about we go to my place? Your grandmother might like a warm cup of tea, don't you think?"
And so he agrees to go with the two boys.
Once they'd warmed his Nana up and fed her, Felix gently tucks her into the bed of the guest room they'd been given. As scared as Felix was to accept their help, he knew he had no option. His grandmother meant the world to him and he couldn't watch her succumb right in front of his eyes.
The two boys are very careful in approaching Felix, making sure to not scare him more than he already is.
"What are your names? How do you know me?" They let a whole hour pass by as the three boys sit on the dining table, occupied with plates of untouched food and full bottles of water, letting Felix be the one to start conversation. And when he finally does, Changbin breathes a sigh of relief. Really, he was starving but he didn't want to seem rude in front of their new friend.
"I'm Chan," Chan introduces himself, and then Changbin speaks, "I'm Changbin. And why do we know you, you ask - well the three of us have quite a lot in common, you see. More than what meets the mortal eye."
Mortal eye? What's this all about? Felix finds himself more confused than he already was.
"We're the children of Greek gods, Felix. " Chan sighs, " You, me and Changbin. Is it hard to believe?"
Felix is about to say 'yes' out of pure impulse but he holds his tongue this time ; these guys don't seem like the kind to make such obnoxious claims, even as a joke. All his life, Felix had spent as an outcast, among his friends, among his cousins, among his classmates. His father had treated him like he were a monster. And his estranged mother who his father never said anything about? Felix finds suspicion knocking at his door.
Whilst its still extremely hard to believe, Felix responds,
"I want to believe you."
Chan and Changbin exchange a look of surprise, complete astonishment since none of them had expected Felix to even listen to them. And now that they have his attention, they find themselves a tad bit pressured as well.
"But don't disappoint me," Felix mutters, more to himself than to the boys, "Don't give me hope just to snatch it away."
And much to his surprise, he isn't left disappointed this time. These two boys manage to change his life completely, and now when Felix goes to bed at night, he finds a rather foreign feeling of fulfillment in his heart.
and for the first time in forever, he lets himself hope. Hope for a new family who would make up for the love his father could never offer. Hope for better days to come now that he's finally found a new identity and a new life.
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