#anyways i made a nico playlist yesterday
aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
ever since TOA/TSATS i’ve decided if the series is gonna act like it’s the fandom in 2014 then i’m just gonna full-send back to 2012-2015 era PJO fandom. i’m unearthing the old art that everybody’s seen a million times. I’m this close to making lyricstucks to Top Emo Hits myself simply because I can. if you’re gonna be that era of PJO fandom at least bring back the good stuff.
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angelsodreamy-no2 · 3 years
hoo characters as text convos i've had with others part smth idk :
(some are between my teacher and friends lol)
chiron : the speaking was about something you weren't successful at and how you felt about it. annabeth : everything i do is always successful and i'm a person who doesn't know failure.
chiron : percy, you were gone from the gmeet again! percy : poof. chiron : hahahha. percy : i'm a magician.
chiron : do not forget to join the gmeet ok? percy : i will forget.
chiron : why are you running away from the gmeet? percy : i'm hungry. chiron : you haven't submitted the worksheet right? percy : idk.
*at 11 am* jason : good morning nico! nico : horrible noon to you as well.
nico : my social skills- piper : just needs practicing okay. nico : i'm an introvert wdym
will : just focus on being calm, no need for positive bullsh*t. you can't be positive all day, and life isn't meant to be positive. leo : yea just live life you know. nico : excuse me but what am i listening to?!
leo : i want to fall from the house. jason : i don't get it but i'll catch it you.
leo : nothing is really serious. hazel : i want to end it all. leo : just cheer up! hazel : yeah life is not serious, you end up dying. leo : that's not what i meant i- PIPER HELPPP
piper : i'm sad and in pain, i hate school, and everyone. leo : mood, but anyways who hurt you girl? the monster infront of them : 😃
percy : guys me and the girls are stuck in the woods, wish us luck. *3 ½ hours later* guys we just made it out alive. it's all thanks to the playlist of downloaded songs i just bought yesterday, once we were out of the woods i immediately played out of the woods by taylor swift!
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I Like Me Better (Chapter 15) - A Solangelo Fic
Chapter 15:  Won't admit what I already know, I've never been the best at letting go
(Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14) || Read on AO3
Chapter Summary: The one where Nico (oh so subtly) tried to show WIll that he cared.
The next day, Will had lunch with Mitchell in one of the food courts in the Union. They had an hour before their next class, and agreed to have Mexican food for lunch.
“You know what, Will?” Mitchell started as they walked to a vacant table with their trays of food. “Something unusual happened last night.”
“Really?” Will said as he took a seat in a chair. Mitchell sat across of him and hummed as he nodded.
“What is it?” Will asked and took a sip of his coke.
“So, Drew Tanaka messaged me on Facebook last night.”
Will almost spurted his drink out, but somehow managed to force him swallowing it. Mitchell looked at him with amusement, but he didn’t look too surprised with Will’s reaction.
“Sorry,” Will said then coughed a little.
Mitchell let out a small chuckle, and there was a small smirk on his lips as he stared at Will, propping his chin on one of his hands.
“Uh,” Will said, and started fiddle with his plastic forks. “Is it… the same Drew that you said went to the same high school as you?”
“Yep,” Mitchell said, giving him a single nod. “She said she met you yesterday. At The Oracle.”
“Yeah,” Will said with a low voice, looking down at his food.
“And apparently, you and her have… a mutual friend.”
It took just a beat too long for Will before he answered.
“Uhm. Yeah. Apparently, so,” Will said, pretending he was too busy with his food.
“Why you never told me about this… Nico guy?”
Will was almost proud of himself that he managed not to choke on his own food. But judging from the way his cheeks felt warmer than usual, maybe he was not really succeeding in trying not to blush.
“I just…” Will paused, stubbornly keeping his eyes on his fork. He sighed. “I just don’t think it’s something important,” he said, and continued eating.
Mitchell hummed.
“But Will,” he said. “We’re friends. It means that you can talk to me about everything. Important or no, you can always talk to me about everything.”
Will looked up from his plate of food. Mitchell was looking at him, sincerity in his eyes. Will could not help to have a small smile.
“Yeah. Thanks, Mitchell,” he said.
Mitchell returned his smile.
“Anyway, so,” he said, propping his chin on his hand. “So Nico is actually that guy? How did you find out?”
Will didn’t even realize that he was grinning when he started telling Mitchell about it.
It was Friday night. Friday night. Yet, Will was in the library again. But he was with Nico, so Will didn’t really mind. Besides, he had a mid-term on Monday, and he wanted to make sure that he was ready for that.
When Will was trying to read a line in his textbook, he heard Nico chuckled at something. Will lifted his head up from the textbook, finding Nico grinning at the screen of his laptop.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked curiously.
Nico still had a grin on his face when he turned his laptop so he could see the screen.
“Look at those idiots,” he said, pushing his laptop closer to Will. The screen is showing a video on YouTube.
Will clicked the button to replay the video, and watched a parody of a music video. At first, he just chuckled, but after a few seconds into that video, he couldn’t help but laugh.
He turned the laptop around and pushed it back to Nico.
“I can’t believe you’re watching this kind of things,” he said.
Nico shrugged as he took his laptop, and Will continued reading his book.
“I have nothing else to do anyway,” Nico said.
Will lifted his eyes up, arching an eyebrow as he stared at Nico. But Nico had his eyes on the screen of his laptop.
“You’re done?” Will asked.
Nico hummed as he nodded, still keeping his eyes on the screen, his finger clicking the mouse.
“Why are you still here, then?”
This time, Nico peeked at Will over the laptop. There was a strange soft tug on Will’s chest, and he quickly looked back at the lines in his book.
“Why are you still here?” Nico asked back.
Will chewed his lower lip before he answered. “I… I still want to review this chapter.”
He could hear Nico closing his laptop. The next second, Nico pulled Will’s book away from him.
“Hey!” Will protested, lifting his head up.
But Nico shook his head as he closed Will’s book. “Nope,” he said. “Is it for that quiz on Monday? Because I think you’ve been studying for that one for hours. You need a rest, Solace.”
Will sighed. He rubbed his left eye with the heel of his hand. Nico’s probably right.
“Come on,” Nico said as he took his laptop off the table to slide it in into his backpack. “It’s Friday, and the midterm is on Monday, right? You still have time to prepare. You’re pushing yourself too hard Will.”,
“I’m not,” Will protested weakly.
He tried reaching out for his book back. But Nico was quicker, snatching the book from the table before Will’s hand had a hold on it.
“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “Rest. Now. You need it,” he said, this time in a stern voice.
Will groaned and buried his face in his folded arms on the table.
“Yeah,” he said, and lifted his head up. He yawned, and Nico snorted. “Yeah, I think I need a rest.”
“Come on, then,” Nico said. “It’s almost 11 already.”
Will rubbed his hands over his face, then started collecting his stuff.
“Do you know what else that you need?” Nico asked.
Will raised one of his brows at Nico as he slid in his notebook into his backpack.
“What?” he said as he zipped his backpack closed.
Nico grinned at him. “Cookies,” he said. “You need cookies.”
Will chuckled as he slung his backpack on his right shoulder.
“Yeah,” he said, and walked to the door where Nico was waiting. “Cookies sound good. Do you want to stop by in CVS to grab some Oreos?”
Nico snorted as he closed the door behind them.
“No, Will,” he said. “I am talking about real cookies.”
“Real cookies?”
“Have you ever tried Hestia’s Cookies?”
Author’s Notes:
Chapter title is from Stay by Zedd and Alessia Cara
I know that this is a short chapter but I was so happy that my team won their game again which means they broke a record in the league and my favorite player scored TWO goals. So yeah. This is actually just like...half of the chapter that I was writing, so I will finish some things up and post another update on Friday
I don't know how many of you notice that the title of each chapter is from song lyrics. Anyway, I have made a Spotify playlist, that consists of all the songs which lyrics I have used as chapter titles in this fic. The playlist is here . 
Comments and feedbacks are loved :). Thank you for reading :D
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A Name In The Wind (2/?)
Hey guys, thanks for all of the comments, reblogs and messages about this fic. I’m super glad you like it! Anyway, here’s the next chapter, I hope you enjoy! “What did she do? Why can’t I remember anything from yesterday…?” Honoka grumbled as she pulled her hair up and tied it into her usual style. Her head was aching and all she wants to do was crawl back into bed. She didn’t have the time to sit and figure out what was happening though. She had to get to school.
Honoka watched in confusion as Yukiho closed the door, not understanding what her younger sister meant about Umi looking angry. She sighed, looking back down at the kanji written in unfamiliar handwriting on her hand before remembering her strange dream.
Groaning, she got up quickly and ran to the bathroom, uniform and hair tie in hand. She quickly brushed her teeth and scrubbed the marker off her hand. She couldn’t remember anything from yesterday besides what had happened in her dream, or more accurately in Chika’s day to day life.
With a sigh Honoka returned to her room only to hear Kotori’s voice calling out to her. That was usually a bad sign. Umi never called for her when something upset her, and with the ominous text from Nico to think about Honoka knew that today was going to be painful. “Damn that girl…” 
She left the room and trudged down the stairs, telling herself that whatever Chika had done couldn’t have been all that bad. Umi was probably just angry because she’d missed practice or something like that. She slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag, calling out her goodbyes before she left the house. “Good morning.” She greeted when she found Umi and Kotori waiting outside for her. Kotori replied in kind but Umi just huffed and looked away.
The walk to school was made mostly in silence despite Honoka trying to strike up a conversation with Kotori and Umi. Kotori answered her though it was still tense and Umi seemed to be adamant about not speaking at all. Finally they reached the school gates and Umi declared that she had some student council work to get on with and hurried off. Bewildered, Honoka turned to Kotori. “Is Umi-chan mad at me or something?” “Uh…” Kotori grimaced at the suggestion. Umi was mad but mostly just upset. It was understandable after she’d heard what Honoka had done with Maki the previous day. “You can’t think of a reason she’d be angry?” Honoka tried to think back but of course she still couldn’t remember anything. She gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her neck. “C-Can’t you just tell me?” Kotori sighed and glanced around to make sure nobody was listening to them. “You were acting really weird yesterday. You even kept your hair down all day and you were...more aware than usual.” “Eh?” Honoka shook her head, confused. “What does that mean?” “Well…” Kotori shifted awkwardly. “Do you like Maki-chan?” “Of course I do, she’s my friend.” Kotori winced at Honoka’s bright, innocent smile. “Maki-chan says you hit on her.” Honoka’s eyes went wide. “HUH? I-I...no! Maki-chan is cute but I would never...I don’t like anyone like that!” “She said you looked up her skirt.” Kotori added, staring intently at Honoka. “Maki-chan wouldn’t lie about this…” “I know, I know! I’m not saying she’s a liar, I just…” Honoka pressed her hands to her burning cheeks. “Argh, I’m going to kill her!” “What?!” “Not Maki-chan! N-Nevermind, it’s nothing…” Honoka ran her hand through her hair. She wondered if Chika was actually a pervert or if the girl just really liked Maki. She had seen the Muse poster on her wall. Maybe she was just a fan of Maki. She didn’t imagine Chika was a pervert all of the time. Her friends seemed to like her at least so she couldn’t be all that bad. Still, it felt odd to have her body invaded by someone who may or may not be a pervert. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t touched Chika’s body though. She remembered touching Chika’s breasts when she woke up, surprised by how much bigger they were than her own. “I-I’m not like that!” She cried out, startling Kotori. --- “HONOKA!” Honoka stopped short, grimacing at the sound of Nico’s voice. She had managed to avoid her almost the entire day but it was impossible to do so when they had practice together after school. Even then though she had thought that she might be able to get away before Nico could corner her. She turned to find Nico marching toward her, an angry expression on her face. “Uh…” “Nico-chan, it’s fine!” Maki exclaimed hurriedly as she followed Nico over. “You don’t have to say any-” “If you touch her again you’ll have me to deal with, got it?” Nico growled, getting close to Honoka’s face. “Nico-chan, really.” Maki took hold of Nico’s arm and tugged her away from Honoka. “Just let me talk to her.” “Fine!” Nico glared at Honoka one more time before she turned and walked away. “Kotori said you forgot about what happened yesterday.” Maki said, taking a sip of her water. She offered the bottle to Honoka who took it after a moment of hesitation. Honoka nodded and looked down at the bottle of water in her hand. “Everything is really unclear. Like I can’t remember anything.” “I didn’t think you’d forget everything.” Maki mumbled, following Honoka’s gaze. “I even made that playlist you asked for…” “Huh?” “Nevermind. It’s...nothing. You just wanted to hear me sing so I made the CD for you. It’s not like it means anything…” Maki blushed, hurriedly looking away again as Honoka looked up. Honoka took a drink of the water before grinning over at her. “Maki-chan is cute like this…I’ll take the CD anyway if you want to give it to me. I like Maki-chan’s voice…” Maki looked up furtively. Honoka was drinking from the bottle again and despite her best efforts her gazed dipped to Honoka’s lips. “Honoka, do you like me?” “Uh….” Honoka wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Look Maki-chan, I’m sorry if I did anything yesterday that made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to, really.” “Well...I guess I am still mad but I can forgive you.” Maki said, shifting uncomfortably. “But I just...I guess I was glad in a way. That you were paying attention. And if you want to listen to me play piano more, you can. If you want. It’s not like you distract me.” “Really?” Honoka beamed at the suggestion. “I will!” “Good.” Maki smiled and stepped forward, kissing Honoka’s cheek. When she pulled back her face was red again but she looked happy. “I’m glad.” “Huh…” Honoka gave a small, nervous laugh though she was too busy wondering what Chika had done exactly. “W-Well...me too.” She watched as Maki wandered off too and cursed under her breath. “Stop screwing with my relationships, damn it…” She would have to make a list of ground rules, just in case it happened again. ---- Chika was bent over, her hands on her knees as she panted heavily when a shadow fell over her. She looked up, wiping her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand and squinted when she found Riko standing there in the glow of the sun. “Chika-chan? Are you okay?” Riko asked in concern. It hadn’t escaped her notice, or You’s, that Chika was having a hard time keeping up with them and seemed to be looking to them for guidance when it came to her dance moves. “I’m okay. I-I just forgot a few of my dance moves, that’s all.” Chika stood up, pasting a bright smile to her face. “More like all of them.” You chimed in, staring curiously at Chika. It was strange that she’d had the moves down the best of all three of them just the previous day. “You-chan!” Riko exclaimed, turning to You wide-eyed. You merely shrugged her shoulders. “S-She’s right though, Chika-chan. Are you not feeling like yourself? You’re acting like yourself but…” “I’m okay! I’ll learn the moves again in no time!” Chika exclaimed, trying to distract her friends from the problem. “Let’s go for a run along the beach, huh?” “Chika-chan…” Riko sighed as she watched Chika turn and take off down the beach. She turned to You in concern. “Will she be okay?” “Of course.” You smiled. “It’s Chika-chan. She’s always okay.” “She’s being reckless though.” Riko glanced toward Chika as the girl raced off down the beach. “And she can’t remember yesterday? We should be worried, right?” “I’ll keep an eye on her, there’s no need for you to worry.” “HEY!” Chika bellowed from where she’d stopped. “ARE YOU GUYS RUNNING WITH ME OR NOT? WE STILL NEED TO THINK OF A NAME!” Riko and You shared a look before they both dashed off after Chika. Chika waited for them to catch up so they could run alongside her. “I know…” Riko started. “Not Three Mermaids!” You interrupted before she could finish what she was saying. “Anything but that.” “I don’t see you coming up with any better ideas.” Riko grumbled, her cheeks flushed red. “It’s not that bad.” Chika chuckled at the interaction but she was quickly distracted by something up ahead, like writing in the sand. She jogged over to it to take a look. “What about Aquors?” You stopped at Chika’s side and looked down at the sand. “That?” She asked, pointing to the word. “Yeah.” Chika said, beaming at the word. “It looks cool, right? And it represents our school! What do you think? Riko-chan?” Riko smiled at Chika and nodded in agreement. “It’s perfect.” ---- The second time the change happened it took Chika less by surprise than the previous time though she couldn’t deny that it was still shocking to wake up in someone else’s body. It was only natural that she would be surprised. Still, she wasn’t as worried as last time and she quickly changed into her school uniform without Yukiho having to tell her too many times to get out of bed.
She picked up Honoka’s phone and paused when she noticed an alert on the screen. She didn’t recognize it so she tapped the alert and watched as an app opened. “Rules for Chika-chan…” She read off the screen, her eyes widening as the meaning sank in. “Eeeh? Why do I need rules?!” She shook her head as she went through the list. “Rule one...stop flirting with my friends.” Her brow furrowed at the suggestion. “I wasn’t doing that really. But fine. Rule two...listen to Umi-chan. I can do that. Rule three...don’t mess up my diet.” She rolled her eyes at that and skipped to the next rule. “Rule four...don’t be perverted. I’M NOT LIKE THAT!” She pouted in annoyance. “I’m not. But Maki-chan is so cute…” “Onee-chan! Umi-san and Kotori-san are waiting outside for you!” Yukiho called through the door, breaking Chika from her thoughts about how cute Maki was. “I’ll be there in a minute!” Chika called back before she quickly checked her hair in the mirror. She was wearing it down again, which she supposed would seem odd to to the others but Umi seemed to like it. She had noticed that much about Honoka’s best friend. Umi tended to get flustered around Honoka, like she had a little crush or something. It was cute really. After making sure she looked okay she walked out of the door and headed down the stairs, still reading from Honoka’s phone. “Rule five...don’t you dare touch my chest! Huh...Rule six, don’t freak Yukiho out, rule seven, be careful of Nozomi-chan...I don’t know what that means. Rule eight...don’t screw up my relationships. Eh? I wasn’t even doing that? Rule nine,focus on Love Live! Rule ten, write a thoroughly detailed diary entry about what you did on the days we switch. I’ll do the same on your phone. No lying! Hmm...” “What are you reading, Honoka-chan?” Chika looked up, finding Kotori staring at her curiously. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a note I left myself.” She slipped Honoka’s phone into her pocket and smiled brightly. “Let’s go to school.” Umi frowned as she looked at Honoka’s hair. “Your hair is down again.” She remarked suspiciously. “Are you feeling okay? I remember the last time you left your hair down like that…” “I’m just trying different styles.” Chika said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I thought you liked it?” “I do, it’s just…” Umi sighed and looked away. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.” “Hmm? What’s wrong, Umi-chan?” Chika stepped forward and linked her arm with Umi’s, smiling brightly. “I’m really sorry about the other day. If I acted odd, I didn’t mean to.” Umi glanced back at Honoka, biting her lip. She wanted to ask her if she was sorry for the previous day too, if Maki kissing her cheek really meant anything, but she couldn’t bring herself to. “Yeah.” She finally said, catching Kotori glancing at her sympathetically. “Yeah, let’s go.” “So um...would it be okay if I went to listen to Maki-chan play this morning?” Chika asked hopefully. “I know I have responsibilities with the student council but…” Umi protested quickly. “Of course you can’t, you’re the student council president! You need to review the papers and-” “But she’s finally composing Yume No Tobira! She’s using your lyrics, right?” Chika argued, looking between Kotori and Umi. “I really really want to listen! Please, Umi-chan?” Umi grimaced at the pleading. “Honoka, we have work to do. Leaving it to me and Kotori isn’t fair. W-Why do you want to listen anyway? You’ll hear it when it’s done.” Chika shrugged her shoulders, a bit downcast at being told no. Kotori, seeing that the two weren’t going to come to an answer on their own, decided to step in. “Um...what if we say you can sit with Maki-chan before school as long as you have lunch with us?” She held up a hand as a bright smile formed on Honoka’s face. “AND you have to do some work through lunch.” Chika nodded quickly. “Of course! Thank you, Kotori-chan!” Kotori forced a smile as Honoka hurried along in front of them. She sighed when Honoka was out of earshot and glanced at Umi. “I’m sorry. It was all I could think of.” Umi shook her head. “If she’d rather spend time with Maki…” “I’m sure that’s not it. Maybe she’s just helping Maki-chan with something.” Kotori fell into step next to Umi and gently nudged her in the side. “I can leave you two alone at lunch if you want?” Umi gave a soft laugh, surprised that it actually made her feel better. “You’re a really good friend. But I want to eat lunch with both of you so don’t try to leave us alone.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Kotori beamed at that and nodded her head as they followed Honoka. --- “Your hair is down again.” Chika smiled brightly as she closed the door to the music room behind her. “I like it like this. So does Umi-chan, she says.” She made her way to Maki, sitting down next to her. Mindful of Honoka’s warning though, she kept a respectable distance. “Hey Maki-chan, are you gonna sing for me again?” Maki looked down at the piano keys in front of her. “If you want me to.” “Yes! More than anything!” Chika sat up, giving a blushing Maki her full attention. Maki wasn’t sure what to say to that so she cleared her throat and began to play the piano, her eyes closing as she started to sing. Chika watched, enraptured as Maki sung with her eyes closed, her fingers gliding effortlessly over the piano keys. “Pretty…” Maki’s eyes shot open in surprise and she stopped playing, finding Honoka staring at her. “Wha…?!” “Ah, n-nothing! Sorry, continue!” Chika said sheepishly. She shrunk down, sighing under her breath. She supposed she would have to tell Honoka about that mistake too. She closed her eyes as Maki started to sing again, listening to the melody. Maki glanced at Honoka, surprised when she started to hum along with her. She almost faltered but managed to hold her composure long enough to finish the song. “Um…” Her hands fell to her sides. “You memorized it already?” “Huh?” Chika looked to Maki. “Oh. It’s just humming so...I wouldn’t say I know it very well or anything. I’m just following your voice...” “My voice?” Maki smiled despite herself and looked away. “Um...hey, do you want to maybe get food together after practice today? I want to review the song again before we go against A-Rise.” “Yes!” Chika blushed at how quickly she answered the question. “I mean...yeah. I’m not sure I’ll be very helpful though.” “What? Of course you will be.” Maki frowned. “I need our leader to tell us what she thinks.” Chika sighed, thinking of You and Riko back in her own life. She wasn’t achieving anything really. She hadn’t yet. “I’m not sure I’ll be much of a leader…” “Huh?” Maki turned toward Honoka slightly, confusion clear on her face. “What are you talking about?” Chika shrugged and ran her fingers along the piano keys, her gaze following the movement. “I guess...I’m just afraid I’m going to fail my friends again.” She remembered vividly how upset Riko and You had been when their first performance hadn’t gone well. The worst part was that they had been upset mostly for Chika herself. It may have only been a few days ago but she was sure the memory would stay with her for a long time. Even the thought of it had her getting a bit choked up. “They don’t deserve to be disappointed.” Maki stared at Honoka in stunned silence, noticing the tears that laced her eyes. She couldn’t help but wonder if Umi or Kotori knew how Honoka felt. “Um…” She reached out, gently rubbing Honoka’s arm. “It’s okay. I think you can do it. It’s going to be fine. We’re going to beat A-Rise.” Chika looked at Maki, smiling tearfully. “Thank you, Maki-chan.” Maki looked like she was about to say something else when the door across the room opened and Nozomi strode into the room. “Oh, am I interrupting something?” Nozomi asked in amusement as she glanced between the two of them. Eli had told her about Honoka’s recent feelings toward the first year and she couldn’t say that she wasn’t curious about them. “Nothing.” Maki quickly removed her hand from Honoka’s arm. “I mean no. I was just practicing and Honoka was listening in, that’s all.”
“Of course.” Chika watched with wide eyes as Nozomi made her way further into the room. Honoka had told her to keep her distance from her, she remembered, scooting closer to Maki. She should probably heed her warning. “I um...I actually have to go. Sorry, Maki-chan. I’ll talk to you after school!” Nozomi watched Honoka hurry out of the room. “Hmm, have you noticed how odd she’s been acting lately? It seems to be whenever she wears her hair down she acts like this…maybe she’s being possessed?” Maki sighed at the sudden onslaught of nonsense. “Are you serious, Nozomi?” “Never question my spiritual power, Maki-chan. Just be careful of your relationship with her. It might not be what it seems.” “You’re so cryptic.” Maki huffed, standing from the piano bench. “It’s just Honoka.” “I suppose you’re right.” Nozomi said with a small smile. “It must just be my imagination, I suppose.” Maki nodded stiffly. She wasn’t sure why but the suggestion that Honoka paying more attention to her than usual meant there was something wrong with her irked her. “I’m going to class.” She finally said, moving out from in front of the piano. “You might want to too, before you’re late.” Nozomi hummed in agreement as Maki left the room. There was definitely something off about Honoka, she just hadn’t worked out what yet. ----- Honoka was significantly less panicked than the first time she’d woken up in another girl’s body. Not that it didn’t feel just as strange. It did, and she was still quite alarmed by everything that was going on but the knowledge that soon enough she’d be back in her own body calmed her significantly. What she hadn’t counted on was waking up earlier than she usually did and not having to rush through changing for school. Not having to rush meant that she was focused on what she was doing. Focused enough that when her shirt was off she paused for a moment, staring down at her chest. “They’re so much bigger…” She mused, reaching up to touch them. It felt odd, like she wasn’t touching her own chest but someone else’s. “Soft…” She mumbled, continuing to experimentally caress the globes of flesh in her hands. “What the hell are you doing…” Honoka jumped, a cry of surprise escaping her. Quickly, she turned her back on Mito, her cheeks burning with shame. “J-Just getting dressed!” “Well...You-chan is here.” Mito said carefully, not sure what to make of her sister’s sudden curiosity about her own body. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to think about it. “I-I’ll be right down. Thanks...Onee-san.” Honoka said awkwardly, refusing to look back toward the door. “Yeah, yeah…” The door closed with a click and Honoka breathed a sigh of relief. She had been so engrossed in what she was doing that she hadn’t even noticed the door opening. She swallowed thickly as she looked down again. She felt strange though she didn’t know what to make of it. Catching herself staring, she shook her head. “What am I doing?!” She quickly got dressed into Chika’s school uniform and hurried downstairs, grabbing her bag and slipping her shoes on. She called out her goodbyes before she slipped out of the front door, finding You and Riko waiting for her. “Your hair is up again.” Was You’s way of greeting her. She reached out and touched the ponytail on the side of Chika’s head. “Do you have your gym bag?” “Huh?” “For dance practice.” Riko reminded her slowly. “Remember? We talked about it last night?” “Ah, right! I’ll go and get it, I’ll be right back!” Riko watched Chika rush back into the house and turned to You. “Should we be worried?” You hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “She’s just tired probably.” --- It was a relief that just like Muse, Aquors seemed to practice on the roof. It brought with it a sense of familiarity and comfort though as Honoka stepped out onto the roof she paused when she found two other people already there. “Riko-chan, I think someone else is using the roof today.” She said, turning to the girl behind her. You was close behind. “Maybe we should find somewhere else to practice.” “What?” Riko asked in confusion. “What are you talking about?” “Zura?” “Zura?” Honoka echoed, looking toward the girl who’d said it. The girl, with light brown hair was staring at her in curiosity. “Huh?” She took a wary step back. The girl’s stare was too intense. It was like she was looking right into her. “Um…” “Hanamaru-chan?” A small voice sounded and Honoka realized in surprise that there was another girl standing right behind Hanamaru. “She’s not running to hug you, Ruby-chan…” Hanamaru marvelled, looking Chika up and down. “And she’s not trying to lure you out with candy, zura.” “Eh?!” Honoka exclaimed. She was fairly certain that was illegal. “I-I um…” She looked to Riko and You for help. “You gave her a lollipop.” Riko explained, watching Chika closely. “Ruby-chan is shy so she hides behind Hanamura-chan most of the time. So...you lured her out with a lollipop, remember?” “Ah, yes!” Honoka lied with a nervous laugh. “O-Of course.” She turned back to Hanamaru and Ruby and bowed in apology. “I’m sorry, Ruby-chan. You don’t have to come out if you don’t want to.” “Zura?!” Hanamaru’s eyes widened in surprise. Ruby peeked out from behind Hanamaru, staring cautiously at the older girl. “Uh…” Slowly, she inched out from behind Hanamaru though she stayed close to her side just in case she needed to duck behind her again. Honoka slowly straightened up and flashed Ruby a small smile before she turned back to Riko and You. “So should we start?” “Not yet.” You said thoughtfully. “We need to think. We need to figure out how to become popular. Like Muse.” “M-Muse?!” Honoka perked up at the mention of her school idol group. “You think we’re...they’re popular?” You stared at Chika like she had asked an especially stupid question. “Yes. Of course they are. We need to figure out how to be more like them, we need...something more. Something special.” “Like what?” Honoka asked as she watched You sit down on the ground, taking her laptop from her bag. She tried to think what was special about Muse but all she could think of was what was special about the people in the group. “Let me see.” She sat down next to You and winced when she saw that Aquors’ ranking was only at 950. “Oh…” You nodded in agreement with Chika’s observation. “Yeah…we need something that makes us stand out. Something edgy.” “Maybe change our name. Something...eccentric?” Riko asked thoughtfully. “Like Three Mermaids?” Honoka quipped, recalling their discussion at the bus stop. “Well it’s five now…” “Why do you keep bringing that up?!” Riko snapped, turning to Chika. “Hehe, it’s fun making you angry…” Honoka said, amused by Riko’s response. “Chika-chan!” Riko took Chika by the shoulders and shook her firmly. “Ehhh?!” Honoka cried out in protest at the shaking but her attention was quickly diverted across the room by a flash of movement. “Who is that?” The others looked in the direction she was staring and Hanamaru sat up straighter. “Yoshiko-chan?” --- Chika listened with interest as Maki explained why it was a good idea to use the intercom to appeal to the school. She listened as the others discussed it though she was busy thinking about how smart Maki was for coming up with the idea in the first place. It seemed that Maki caught her staring as their eyes briefly locked before the redhead looked away, blushing. “Maki-chan is getting along with someone in her class…” Rin marvelled suddenly, capturing Chika’s attention. “Amazing…” Hanayo chimed in brightly. “Wha…?” Chika watched as Maki seemed to blush even more as she protested. “Not really. I just had cleanup duty in class with her so we talked for a bit and…” As the others laughed at Maki, Chika stepped close to her. Probably closer than she was really supposed to, she knew. “Maki-chan is so cute when she pouts.” She mumbled so that only Maki could hear her. She heard a sharp intake of breath from the other girl and glanced toward her, a gentle smile on her face. Maki was looking at her in surprise, her face still red. “You’re really smart. The intercom idea is amazing…” “Thanks.” Maki said quietly, a smile tugging at her lips. Umi watched from the doorway, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Honoka just didn’t notice her, especially recently. It seemed like Honoka really would never think of her as anything more than her friend. “The intercom is ready when you are. Just give me the word.” “Huh?” Chika looked up, finding the girl from the broadcast club staring at her. “Me? I-I can’t…I don’t know what to say. Eli-senpai should do it. O-Or Nico-chan!” Nico glared at Honoka from the doorway. “I’m still mad at you for forgetting my na-” “No.” Umi interrupted, shaking her head. “Honoka, you have to do it. You’re our leader. Nobody else can take over for you.” “But Eli-senpai is so much better at this than me.” Chika pouted though Umi just shook her head. “You’re so unfair, Umi-chan…” She bit her lip, trying to figure out what Honoka would say. “I-I don’t know if I can.” “You can.” Surprisingly, it was Maki who spoke, gently touching Chika’s shoulder. “I know you can do this. Just say what you think. If you do it I’ll...I don’t know, I’ll give you something later.” “Really?” Chika felt her cheeks warm, her gaze dipping briefly from Maki’s eyes. She gave a nervous laugh before looking back up. “If it’s something from Maki-chan I’m sure I’ll like it.” Nico raised an eyebrow at the interaction. “I thought Honoka was dense about stuff like that?” “She is.” Eli said quietly as she watched Honoka and Maki stare at each other. “Or she used to be. I don’t know what’s going on now...” “I think I do.” Nozomi said thoughtfully as she watched Honoka. “I just need to observe her more…” Eli sighed. “Nozomi…” She didn’t have time to finish her sentence as Honoka began to speak. “A-Ahh, g-good afternoon, everyone!” Chika exclaimed, leaning over the microphone. “Uh...I-I’m the leader of Muse, Kousaka Honoka!” It felt strange to say someone else’s name in place of her own and she internally winced. “Um...we’re actually holding another live.” She looked to Maki for reassurance, receiving a small smile in response. Feeling Maki’s hand briefly touch her own, she stood up straighter and squared her shoulders. “This time we’re aiming for the top! But we need everyone’s help for that. It would be great if everyone could watch our live! We’ll be trying our best so please cheer for us! Um...and now, a few words from my friend, Umi-chan!” She stepped away from the microphone and smiled broadly at Umi who was standing behind her, shaking. “You can do it, Umi-chan!” She gave Umi’s hand a quick squeeze just as Maki had with her own. Nico shook her head in exasperation as she watched Umi approach the microphone, blushing. “Is she flirting or is she just clueless…?” Kotori smiled brightly, her hands clasped in front of her. “Finally, she’s starting to understand!” Nico shot Kotori a look. “She’s flirting with both of them, Kotori.” Kotori opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by Eli. “Be quiet, both of you.” Kotori sighed and focused on Umi stuttering into the microphone. --- “Do we have to wear this?” Honoka asked, grimacing as her ‘fallen angel’ outfit was shoved into her arms by You. She didn’t have a problem with being dressed in the outfit, it was the dressing part that was the issue. “You-chan.” “Do it for Yoshiko-chan.” You said with a shrug of her shoulders. “You said yourself that we need something different, didn’t you? She’s perfect!” “She’s something.” Honoka sighed, looking over her dress. She thought of Muse, of whether the personalities of her friends’ could even be compared to the personalities of the girl’s in Aquors. Nozomi’s maybe, at a push, she thought. “I’m going to change in the bathroom.” Ignoring You’s confused look she slipped out of the room and went to the bathroom to change, locking the door behind her. She carefully hung the dress up on the door before taking a deep breath. She could do this. She knew she could. She wasn’t perverted. She could do this innocently enough. Without looking she slid off her shirt, followed by her school skirt, letting them pile at her feet. She wondered if she should just fumble for the dress and try to pull it on but she couldn’t bring herself to. She needed to open her eyes. It wasn’t all that wrong, she told herself. After all she was sure Chika had to look at her body too. Her cheeks warmed at the thought as she looked herself over in the full length mirror. Chika really was pretty. She lifted her hand, her fingers tracing the outline of Chika’s breast. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched herself do it. “What am I doing…?” She mumbled to herself, her hand straying higher. Her heart thumped relentlessly against her chest as she watched her fingers disappear under the fabric of the bra she was wearing. She had told Chika specifically not to do what she was doing, she remembered, struggling not to breathe too heavily. Despite herself she let out a soft moan as her fingers moved. A knock at the door had her quickly pulling her hand away. “Are you done in there?!” Mito called through the door. “I need to go!” “A-Almost!” Honoka answered guiltily. She quickly put the dress on and opened the door, finding Mito glaring at her. “Ah, s-sorry!” Mito huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “What were you doing in there anyway? Touching yourself again?” “NO!” “Sure.” Mito looked her sister up and down. “What’s with the gothic dress anyway? Are you…?” “Shut up!” Mito quirked an eyebrow at the exclamation. “Hmm?” “Sorry Onee-san!” Thankfully Honoka was saved from explaining her outburst further by Hanamaru showing up. “Chika-chan, what are you doing? Riko-chan is trying to run away, zura!” Honoka couldn’t help but laugh a little at that. Riko was so like Umi. She felt a small pang in her chest at the thought. She missed Umi. And all of her other friends. She shook it off though and followed Hanamaru down the hall. “Riko-chan, come out!” You exclaimed from in front of the closet door. “Please?” “I’m not coming out, it’s too short!” Riko’s voice responded. “It’s shorter than the last dress! I-I’m not coming out, alright?” Honoka smiled at You’s annoyed expression. Stepping forward to the closet, she tried to remember what she had told Umi in the same situation. Or at least something she’d heard Kotori tell Umi. “Hey, Riko-chan. It’s fine if we’re all wearing the same thing, right? It won’t be embarrassing.” There was a moment of silence before Riko opened the closet door and stepped out. Both Riko’s and Honoka’s eyes widened for different reasons. “I-I thought you said we were the same!” Riko turned on You, clearly upset. “You-chan, this isn’t fair. Why is my outfit more revealing?!” Honoka awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. “M-Maybe because Riko-chan is the prettiest?” She attempted, earning herself an eye roll from You. “It is kind of embarrassing…” Ruby murmured in agreement, looking down at herself. Hanamaru nodded. “I’m not comfortable either.” “Okay, that’s it! I’m changing.” Riko announced suddenly. “Eeeh? But Riko-chan…” Honoka trailed off as she noticed You looking past her, her eyes wide. “Uh...You-chan? What’s wrong?” “Chika-chan, your dog…” You pointed past Chika, causing her to turn quickly. “WHAAAA?!” Riko shrieked, quickly backing away. --- Maki was sure that Honoka wasn’t paying any attention to her as they walked but she couldn’t bring herself to mind. In fact the awed look on Honoka’s face was more than enough to hold her attention. It was cute, so much so that Maki had to bite her lip to keep from blurting it out. “You act like you’ve never seen Akiba before.” She finally said, trying to ignore how enamoured she was by Honoka’s childlike excitement. “I just like seeing the big buildings.” Chika said excitedly. She grabbed Maki’s hand without thinking. “Don’t you think being in the city is thrilling, Maki-chan?” “I guess. I live in one.” Maki said with a warm smile as she grasped Honoka’s hand back. She had never really considered being close to Honoka like she was now but it wasn’t bad. In fact it felt good that Honoka was paying attention. As they walked along hand in hand Chika couldn’t help but notice how much taller Maki was than her. She hadn’t realized just how tall the redhead was until she was standing right next to her. “Let’s go to this cute cafe I read about, Maki-chan!” “Eh?!” Maki exclaimed as she felt Honoka pick up her pace. She jogged a little to catch up. “I thought we were going to the fast food place.” “I thought we should go somewhere nicer. Somewhere special.” Chika glanced back at Maki, flashing a bright smile. “Ah.” Maki smiled back, remembering Nico’s suggestions about flirting. “W-Well if you say so. We can do whatever you want.” The suggestiveness had been Nico’s idea too. She had told her to wait and see whether Honoka blushed or not. Indeed, a flush colored Honoka’s cheeks and she looked away hurriedly. Maki made a mental note to thank Nico. “Here we are!” Chika exclaimed, pushing open the door to the cafe she’d found. “Uh…” Maki looked around the small cafe in awe, surprised by the fact that it was a maid’s cafe. She was so distracted she didn’t notice one of the maids come over and speak to Honoka before leading them to a table. “Thank you.” Chika said brightly before the maid walked off. She quickly turned her attention back to Maki. “What do you think, Maki-chan?” “It’s nice.” Maki said, looking down at the menu in front of her. She was disappointed by the loss of Honoka’s hand but she didn’t want to reach across the table for it. That would be too much. “Um...I guess I’ll have the tomato soup…?” Chika smiled brightly as she glanced up. “I’m gonna get mik...ah, I mean strawberry shortcake!” Maki stared at Honoka in bemusement. “You should order what you want. You don’t have to order something like that to impress me or anything.” “I’m not trying to impress you!” Chika said quickly. “I-I mean not that I don’t want to, I just...changed my mind, that’s all.” She slid down slightly in her seat, her face aflame with embarrassment. She wasn’t doing a very good job of acting like Honoka. “Sorry.” “It’s fine.” Maki said with a small smile. At least she wasn’t the only nervous one out of the two. She let Honoka calm herself a bit, busying herself with ordering for the both of them. When the waitress wandered off, Maki turned back to Honoka, finding she looked more composed. “So do you want to listen to the final composition? I’ve been practicing at home so we could go there and I can play for you.” “Oh.” Chika grinned and playfully nudged Maki’s foot under the table with her own. “Maki-chan is trying to get me back to her house already? It’s only the first date.” “W-What?! I-I wasn’t…” Maki trailed off as she watched the other girl chuckle to herself. “Why do you have to tease me all of the time…?” “Sorry.” Chika reached across the table, her hand palm up, and wiggled her fingers invitingly. She was relieved when Maki took her hand after hesitantly looking around to make sure nobody was watching. She gently squeezed Maki’s fingers. “I would love to listen to the final composition!” Maki smiled at that, gripping Honoka’s hand firmly though when the waitress turned up with their food, she pulled her hand away and slipped it under the table. She anxiously thanked the girl before looking up at a still smiling Honoka. “What…?” “Nothing.” Chika said with a shake of her head. “Let’s dig in!” She did just that, taking the first bite of her shortcake and humming in satisfaction. She would have preferred mikan but the cake was nice enough. Maki focused on her soup for a few minutes but feeling something brush against her leg she almost choked. She looked down, finding Honoka had slipped her shoe off and was brushing her foot gently up and down her leg. “Honoka!” She whispered, panicked as she glanced around. “Maki-chan has soft legs.” Chika smiled though she conceded and drew away. “Sorry…” “I-It’s fine. I didn’t say it was...bad.” Maki blushed, looking down at her soup. “I just don’t want anyone to notice…” Chika brightened at the response. “Really? So if I…” She noticed Maki jump slightly as she began to stroke her leg again but this time the redhead didn’t pull away, she just bowed her head, her red hair forming a curtain around her face. “Maki-chan is so cute…” “Honoka…” Maki mumbled in embarrassment. Chika took pity on the girl and decided to stop teasing her. She planted her foot firmly bank on the floor and continued to eat her shortcake, casting occasional glances at the girl opposite her. Maki really was pretty, she noticed, not for the first time. She didn’t look as much like Riko to her now, though she still reminded her of her, ever so slightly. Maybe it was just the way she played the piano. She supposed it didn’t matter. She wanted to know Maki for who she was, not who she reminded her of. She jumped when something nudged against her foot. She looked up from her plate, finding Maki biting her lip to hold back a smile. Chika felt her own lips twitch and took a breath. If Maki was fine with it so was she. They sat there for a few minutes, finishing off their food and nudging each other playfully under the table, occasionally locking eyes until the waitress showed up again, surprising them both. Neither had really realized that they had finished off their food but their plates were both empty. “I’ll pay!” Chika said quickly when she noticed Maki reach for her bag. “Really, I want to! It was…” She leaned across the table slightly, lowering her voice. “It was a date, wasn’t it? So I should pay.” “But I asked you out. And I said I’d give you something.” Maki frowned, recalling their earlier agreement. “So I should pay, right?” “G-Give me something…” Chika echoed quietly, her gaze drifting for a moment from Maki’s eyes. She quickly shook her head, trying to ignore the ideas forming in her mind. “W-Well I’m older! A-And I want to pay! Please, Maki-chan? You can give me something else...”
Beside them the waitress chuckled though neither of them looked up. “Fine. If you want…” Maki conceded after a moment of staring at Honoka. She waited until Honoka had paid before she stood up and slipped her jacket back on. They slipped out of the restaurant together and Maki took Honoka’s hand, refusing to look at her while she did so. She felt her squeeze her hand back though. “Hey...Honoka?” “Hmm?” Chika hummed, glancing toward Maki. “Do you-” “Kousaka-san!” Chika flinched as a girl grabbed her wrist. “Wha…?” Maki’s eyes widened as she recognized the girl as Kira Tsubasa. “N-No way…” “Come with me!” Tsubasa exclaimed, glancing briefly in Maki’s direction before she dragged Honoka off. “What the hell?” Maki quickly followed, wary of losing Honoka in the crowd. “A-RISE!” Maki glanced over her shoulder at the sound of Nico’s voice, finding the third year following with Hanayo and Rin. “Why are you here?!” “Don’t ask, just follow them!” Nico huffed, catching up to Maki. Kotori and Umi were shopping when they noticed Honoka being dragged down the street by another girl, Nico and the first years hot on their heels. They shared a look before they followed without a word, their hands grasped between them so they didn’t lose each other in the crowd. “HONOKA!” Umi called, quickening her pace. “I sense a disturbance…” Nozomi looked up from her parfait, her eyes narrowing as she looked around the busy street. For a change, she and Eli had chosen to eat their parfaits at the small tables outside. It was nice to be surrounded by noise but still be close enough to hear each other.   “Nozomi…” Eli sighed and looked up, unhappy about being disturbed from the mountain of brownies, chocolate ice cream and whipped cream in her glass. Her eyes widened as she spotted Honoka across the road, being dragged down the street. “Honoka?!” Tsubasa looked in her direction, shooting her a wink and Eli quickly stood up. “Come on, we have to help her!” She glanced mournfully back at her parfait before she grabbed Nozomi’s hand and took off running with her. Chika wasn’t sure how long she was dragged along before she found herself being tugged into a large building. Breathless, she glanced around. “Huh? Is this…?” Maki was right behind her and when she reached her, she took her hand. “Oh.” Tsubasa looked between the two of them. “Were you on a date? I’m sorry, I just thought it would be appropriate for us leaders to discuss the upcoming Love Live! preliminaries.” Maki glared at Tsubasa in annoyance while the leader of A-Rise merely smirked at her. Behind her, she could hear the others filtering into the building, all panting. ---- Honoka woke up, thankfully in her own bed the next day and stretched out, a lazy smile on her face. After living someone else’s life for yet another day it was nice to be living her own again. Her lips tingled and she lifted her hand, brushing her fingers against them. “Huh…” Her phone was in her other hand, she found as she pushed herself into a sitting position. She rubbed her eyes and looked down at her phone. There were two alerts. A text from Maki and a note left for her. “Please don’t be anything bad…” She muttered, opening the text. “Let’s see…’I had a good time on our date yest-’...DATE?!” Her eyes widened and she drew the phone closer to her face as if she might be reading it wrong. “Um…’I had a good time on our date yesterday. I hope we can do it again…’” Slowly, she lowered her phone back to her side. “DAMN IT, CHIKA-CHAN!” She took a deep breath to calm herself and lifted her phone again. Maybe it wasn’t all bad. She opened the note and began to read aloud. “‘Hi Honoka-chan...so we did some dancing and then some advertising at school today. I talked on an intercom to the WHOLE SCHOOL! It was super fun!! So Maki-chan asked me to get some food after school. We went to a maid cafe together and after that we went back to her house so she could play her final composition for me. But before we went there, Kira Tsubasa sort of whisked me off my feet’...eh?!” Honoka reread the last line, not sure she was reading it correctly. She was and with a hint of jealousy she continued. “‘She tells me she’s the leader of A-Rise. They are Muse’s rivals, right? Anyway the whole talk was kind of awkward, especially when Nico-chan and Hanayo-chan asked for her autograph but they told us we can use their roof for the preliminaries, isn’t that great?” She took a moment to take that in, finally nodding her approval. “‘One more thing...I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry. But when Maki walked me back to the bakery she kind of kissed me. She’s really cute and I couldn’t stop myself kissing her back, you know? Besides she can be pretty dominant when she wants to be. So...now she might be your girlfriend. I think. I’m SO SORRY. But Maki-chan is smart and cute and I think she’s really good for me. Or you. Maybe you should spend some more time with her, she’s really great.’” Honoka dropped the phone to her lap and stared at the wall for a moment before letting out an annoyed yell. “DAMN IT, I WISH I COULD KICK THAT IDIOT’S ASS!” She let her head fall into her hands and groaned miserably. “Stupid stupid hot idiot…” She felt her heart jolt in her chest at her own confession of her attraction. “Damn it…” ---- Chika felt slightly guilty as she read through the note Honoka had left for her. It seemed Honoka had done everything right when she had been her. She hadn’t gotten into any trouble and she’d even helped with recruiting a new member for the group. Even if Honoka had mentioned that the new member was ‘weird and creepy’ Chika couldn’t wait to meet her. The door across the room slid open and Chika looked up as Mito carefully stepped inside. “Not touching your boobs this morning?” She quipped sarcastically, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway. “Eh?” Chika asked, confused by the question. “Touching my...oh!” She flushed, realizing what Mito must have been talking about. She hadn’t been in her own body the previous day. Honoka had. It was a bit strange to know that Honoka had been touching her like that but at the same time it was nice to know that someone found her attractive. “Uh...right.” Mito shook her head in exasperation. “You know that group of yours might have a chance of making it to Love Live after all. You’re making a lot of progress.” “We are? I-I mean thank you!” Chika smiled brightly. She supposed that must be because of Honoka’s efforts. It was like she was guiding them in the right direction. “Get dressed, you’re going to be late.” Chika nodded to herself as Mito closed the door. “That’s it. No more flirting. I have to help Honoka-chan! I have to focus...but I don’t think I can stay away from Maki-chan.” She thought about that for a moment, nibbling her bottom lip. “But I need to not lose focus! I have to do this for Honoka-chan! It’ll be fine.” She slipped out of bed, noticing the gothic dress hanging on her closet door. “I bet Honoka-chan would look nice in that in her own body…” She shook her head at the thought. “What am I saying?” TBC
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