#anyways idc what happens to anyone in my old town either
snekdood · 2 years
whats really unfortunate is im p sure my sister was the catalyst for why people in my town like to just gossip and make shit up about me without asking. like it started with her talking to my middle school bully about me behind my back, probably telling her all kinds of bullshit bc my sisters a compulsive liar, then that bully followed me to highschool for a brief moment before leaving, spreading all the bullshit that started at my old school to my new one before dipping. and then people started making shit up about me at highschool. i was so excited to finally get a fresh start in highschool only for that bitter cunt to come along and sour shit for no fucking reason bc idk she has a weird hate boner for me, who can say (maybe it was some bullshit my sister said 🙃 i wonder!). and since my high school was way bigger and she had a wider range of people, word just spread through the grapevine of whatever dumb shitppl were coming up with mixed with actual events that happened that painted me in an embarrassing light or whatever. and im like. kinda sure that the only reason my ex decided to turn on me so hard, shaming me in every capacity down to just who i am inherently was bc alllll of those stupid rumors came to them after we broke up. like. yall just wont let me escape this NOR EVEN GIVE ME THE FUCKING CHANCE TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT IN ANY CAPACITY. why in the FUCK are you SO FUCKING INVESTED IN TRYING TO FUCK UP MY LIFE?? WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING DAMAGE??? LEAVE ME THE FRESH FUCK ALONE!!! IF YOU’RE STILL TALKING ABOUT ME AFTER HIGHSCHOOL WITH PEOPLE WE WENT TO HIGHSCHOOL WITH YOU LITERALLY HAVENT MATURED FOR SHIT AND I FEEL BAD FOR YOU ABOUT THAT. LIKE HOLY FUCK. yall are dense self absorbed pieces of shits who think you’re so above whoever you decide to throw under the bus but you’re literally the same staple mediocre mean girl from every other fucking school anyone has ever fucking seen. if you’re not even going to give me a list of my sins. if none of you assholes are even going to approach me to ASK ME DIRECTLY IF WHAT SOMETHING SOMEONE SAID WAS TRUE. INSTEAD OF HANGING OUT WITH ME TO SECRETLY GET INFO AND HOPEFULLY GET INFO ABOUT THAT OUT OF ME. IF YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO WELCOME ME INTO THE GOSSIP CIRCLE SO I CAN TELL ALL OF YOU **AT THE VERY LEAST** MY PERSPECTIVE, OH, LETS FORGET BELIEVING VICTIMS WHEN IT COMES TO ME, REMEMBER, IM PROBABLY LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING MY FAMILY OR ANYONE WHOS ABUSED ME HAS EVER DONE RIGHT LOL 🤪 KILL YOURSELF. You literally dont deserve anything you could ever benefit from being my friend. i hope all of you selfish drama-vampires, who apparently cant survive without gossiping like its fucking air, rot
#anyways yall remind me of a catholic cult#anyways idc what happens to anyone in my old town either#yall basically exiled me so now i just kinda dont give a single fuck or shit what happens to any of you c: !#hows it feel bitch?#dont think imma do anything for any of yall if you ever need me to. dont think ill be there. lord knows none of you were.#lord knows none of you cared#what. whats your justification for treating me this way?#tell me in detail. exactly. why?#because i grew up rich? well so did my sister and brother and yall had no issues with them#because i was blonde or something? because i was confident? because i didnt know how to socialize in an Un Weird Way?#because i liked playing pretend? because i liked drawing? because i watched tv shows and liked making ocs and drawing tv show characters#fucking or whatever?#is this really my greatest sins?#bc like before highschool? yall dont really have shit to hang on for why you treated me the way you did. like AT ALL.#granted bc of ptsd i cant remember much of my childhood anyways but i knew i didnt hate anyone ever#otherwise why would i keep letting my middle school bully in to interact with me and hoping we could mend things and become friends?#only for her each time to lie and go make fun of me with other people in the class?#and when it came to highschool. the worst thing about me was that i thought it was ok for me to say slurs it 100% wasnt ok for me to say#bc i was under the impression that 'the world was peaceful now and these thingsd didnt have impact and ppl could start saying whatever and#it wouldnt hurt people anymore and the world is healing and its just a word now and my brothers friends seem ok when he does it so?'#yeah ik ik i was optimistic. maybe my middle school couldve done a better job at emphasizing that *those were still issues people faced#and that the world isnt healed and perfect and that it doesnt always get better' bc one of my teachers 100% directed me to the-#it gets better website#regardless. that along with group roasting sessions essentially with my brother and his friends where we made fun of the way we all looked#kinda made me think saying some things were okay that weren't. not an excuse but i wasnt a fucking bigot and ill die on that hill :)!#and sure i got into new age conspiracy theories but *i* didn#'t know it was anti semitici in nature. ive mentioned before that any websited i read never mentioned jewish people EVER#i just liked the idea of aliens being real as it was an idea i never let myself explore before. i was more into demons initially sdhdhgs.#aliens and the new version of spirituality which essentially promised me everything as long as i believe strong enough lol#regardless- im pretty sure other ppl at the time didnt know it was bad either. or if they did. then they should take issue with my ex nick
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mycptsdstory · 8 months
I forgive you
Heyy A.M.M
You probably don't want to hear from me, that's okay. I'm not mad at you for thinking like that. Tbh, I put all the hurt and anger away. We were kids, so I can easily forgive you.
We were friends, but then you became my bully. But everyone told me the same story. You became their friends, then you turned into a bully. It's the same story, they might have not forgive you, but I do.
I don't even know where to begin.
You probably forgot what you did back in high school and how much you hurt people. The lies you told, oh so many lies A. Then you wondered why people didn't believe you? Yeahh, I get that home life can cause trauma and makes you act a certain way, just to numb the pain. I understand your mum was on drugs and I understand addiction can be horrible to deal with. You were so young, a child even and that must have been difficult to see your mum hurting herself. I know now, your mum is drug free. I'm proud of her, it's not easy breaking addiction.
I forgive you.
The lies, oh so many lies you told. How you faked numerous pregnacies. How you broke your foot. Stuff like that.
Oh, I'm not talking about the times you told me about your dad abusing you or SAed you. I'm not talking about those times. People in our friendship group (back in high school) thought you were lying about that. Me? Idk. I just thought you must be going through a lot at home, to say those things. Idc that it didn't happen, I still forgive you. Abuse, is a touchy subject and I will never discredit you. I believe you, either way.
I remember how you got K to secretly record my conversation about you, when we were just 15 years old. Then you got K to send it to everyone at school. Yeahh, I haven't trusted anyone with a phone since, I'm always on guard. But still forgive you.
Then suddenly you had fits, yeahh people at our school thought you were faking it. I did too. Why? Well a family friend, your 3rd cousin told me you were faking it and I honestly believed her. I was only 15, we were children. We couldn't control our emotions as children, but the adults in my life, weren't loving and kind towards me. So, they lied to me a lot, with ill intention. Compared to your lies, your lies didn't mean to hurt people. So, I do forgive you. Even tho I sent you so much hate towards you, it was mean and cruel. I was mean and cruel towards you. I admit, I turned into the bully. But still forgive you.
I remember when we both left school, the same group of friends haven't trusted me since. Tbh, I don't trust them. It's why I moved away, to get away. I hated the mindset of the small town, everyone knows everyone bs. It's why I went to college in the city, I felt safe there. No one knew me, I could move there and just blend in. Compared to our crappy old town.
Tbh, if you haven't heard. I haven't talked to my family in 8 years, will be 9 this year. The crap they did to me, was nothing what you did. You were a child, you had a lot going on. So I forgive you. I just can't forgive my family.
Heck it's so bad, I'm moving country for good. I'm moving to America and I know I can be happy there. Nothing against you, I just need to get away from my family.
I see you have two beautiful girls, I know you're gonna be a fantastic mum. I think you saying about the fake pregnancies, you've always wanted a child to love, to nurture because you didn't have that growing up. Isn't it funny how psychology works?
I had to block your sister T.W because she was talking to my cousin. Me and my family don't get along, so I had to do it for my protection. It wasn't against your sister in anyway. My family doesn't love me, let's face it, they don't. I know you never got a long with my sister L. Heck, no one does. Your other sister S, she removed me because she cheated on her bf at the time and she got angry at me because I found out. I know your sister S, had her child taken away. I'm sorry, that must be difficult. I can see why you are so protective of your little ones, you don't want them to go through the same thing as you. You have every right to feel like that. I also understand you had sisters taken away because your mum was going through a lot, you must miss them dearly. I pray one day they will reach out to you and I know you will love them, with open arms.
We had a bad past, we both stalked, harassed and sent hate to each other. But after all that, I do forgive you. I don't hate you, I don't wish you with ill intent. I hope to see you happy and thriving.
I guess, all our bullies had a lot going on at home. So they lashed out at the people because we couldn't control our emotions. I still forgive you.
The reason why I wanted to talk to you, is because one last thing, I know my mother put your mum on drugs. My mother, well, she isn't a kind person. She feeds off the people who she hurt and she gets a thrill from that. I know first hand because every time my mother hurts me, my mother LOVES IT. I also know my uncle beaten up your mum while being incarcerated at the police station. This is why I can't talk to my family. My family did evil things to people that is unforgivable, in the eyes of the law. I only know this because my family love to boast about it, how much they love to hurt people. It's inhumane. I will never forgive them for it.
Just thought I mentioned that.
This will be last time I will ever talk to you. I wish you well and I wish you the best.
We don't have to have a friendship. I'm okay with not having one. I just wish you the best.
Love [flower]
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july-19th-club · 3 years
been watching shan he ling, and first of all i had forgotten the thing where the end of the episode is not constrained by such mortal concerns as “the plot” but rather “eh just end it round about when you think a tv episode should end” so every forty-five minutes we’ll be in the middle of a conversation or a battle and there’ll be a fadeout and the guy will start singing and EVERY time i’m like oh my god already wow that was fast and i’ll have to click next episode. it’s a very effective streaming model but also means that i never know which episode a thing happened in, and netflix doesn’t care to provide summaries with the thumbnails either. it also means that sometimes i will stay up until almost 1am and then enter The Anxiety Zone which is cool and i love it
second of all the dynamic is impeccable you’ve got Guy A, Zhou Zishu, whose one ambition in life is to die to atone for his wrongdoings when he was in charge of an infamous assassin’s organization, but not YET, and who spends all his time sitting around grungily in a town until one day through accidents of circumstance and his own inability to say no to anyone, he finds himself in charge of a teenager. and he’s like well i’m not gonna be a foster father for very long now am i, but i might as well not tell the kid that, he’s freaked out enough already and i’m pretty sure he doesn’t trust me. anyway, i guess i’d better take care of him now but to zhou zishu what this means is ‘do the exact same thing i was doing before which is to sit around in a town and drink except now there’s a kid with me. he can sit and drink too idc’
and then he runs into Guy B, Wen Kexing, a sexy, evil magician from a foamy cave in the woods who meets him once and then follows him around for the next month and a half going “hey cutie do you want to share my hotel room? i’ll help you fight off these grim cackling demons (that i am in charge of, but you don’t know that, nobody knows that, not even my own bratty apprentice knows that, i’m just a handsome gay man who can buy out hotels in order to offer them to any old guy on the street), you know you’re pretty hot when you jump and kick and spin like that i bet you’re really handsome under all that grime do you want to share my hotel bath - oh, you’re closing the door, okay, well just remember that i have a lot of money and i’m inexplicably able to just show up in any place you happen to be so think about that and maybe also think about my butt? a little bit? i’d like that” and every time Guy B shows up Guy A is like. fuckin christ. it’s that fancy man again. what, has he implanted me with a tracking device? am i his stray cat now? fuckin hell.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 10 Disney Couples
Last year for Valentines, I did a post on some of my favorite all-time ships. I wanted to do something like that again this year, so I decided to do Disney specifically. I’m only gonna count the main animated features (with one exception), so no Pixar but maybe I’ll give that its own list next year. Also, because I put this ship on my list last year, I’m going to exclude Rapunzel/Eugene (they’d be Number 2 otherwise) so that I can talk about some other pairings that I love. And trust me, when it comes to Disney, I got plenty.
Okay, here we go~
#10. Milo Thatch/Kida (Atlantis the Lost Empire)
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Atlantis is one of the most underrated Disney films ever, and same with this pair. Okay so I guess technically they didn’t get together since there wasn’t a kiss or anything... but come on! While their intentions were all in the second half of the movie, it was just so... sweet to me. Milo had it rough through the whole movie with so many people belittling him. Even though he made friends with the crew and doing so got them to do the right thing, they were still pretty harsh on the poor guy in the start. He had been mocked due to his dreams, but never gave up even when his inexperience and dorkiness got in the way.
Kida though? She seemed endeared by him. Just like Milo had a curiosity in finding Atlantis and learning of their culture, Kida was interested in Milo and the world he came from. She might be the very first person aside form Mr. Whitmore who acted kindly to Milo right off the bat and asked him to help her save her people and culture. Milo didn’t go for the money, he went because it was his grandfather’s dream, and in turn his dream. They were so cute and fun together as they learned about each other's worlds, and of course, Milo did everything he possibly could to save Kida after she and the crystal bonded, as well as the entire city. Even at the risk of his own life. And just that hug between them at the end and Milo choosing to stay in Atlantis. Just... beautiful. This pair might be subtle, but it's just so sweet and respectful to each other and I just love them.
#9. Duchess and Thomas O’Malley (The Aristocats)
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I think this was one of the first movies I ever saw in my life. My mom said I used to watch it all the time as a kid anyways. Heck, pretty sure this movie is why I love cats so much.
Anyways, this pair is cute. Duchess is a classy lady, while Thomas is a swinger. But they just have this natural chemistry the minute that they met. They don’t judge each other from their different walks of life or anything. You can tell that Duchess was charmed the second Thomas first came on. But what sells is, while thrown off for a moment, when Thomas realizes Duchess has kittens? He pretty much goes into dad mode instantly and tries to keep them happy/protect them. I mean he didn't have to help Marie when she fell out of the milk truck at that point, but he did it because it was the right thing to do. He wasn't one of those assholes who got thrown off cause the girl had kids. Heck, that seemed to bring them closer together.
But yeah, it’s just nice and charming to me. There’s nothing real deep about it, but IDK. There’s just something endearing about it to me. Maybe t’s due to Eva Gabor’s performance as Duchess, which also kinda helps with a pairing later on. But I just find them charming and Thomas showed to be a good guy and a good father figure. Sometimes you don’t need a lot of depth for a pair, you just gotta make the sense of romance come off. Disney has always been good at that, and this pair demonstrates that.
#8. Cinderella/Prince Charming (Cinderella)
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So to be fair this one has little to no development. Which is kind fo a thing with some of the early Disney films n it’s things like this that Frozen pointed out... even though it kinda fell into the same cliche, but ah well. But you know what? As I said, Disney is usually pretty damn good at making you like a pair, even if it’s out of focus. This one is a prime example. We don’t see much of the Prince, but at the same time there is so much there.
Throughout the movie, we saw Cinderella belittled and abused by her stepfamily. She’s treated like a slave and gets her dreams literally torn apart right in front of her eyes. But she tries to remain kind and hopeful, and the Fairy Godmother rewards her for it. She gets the one night at the Bal. She didn’t go intending to find love, he went because for one time in her life since her parents died, she could have one night of happiness. That was all she wanted. Then Charming saw her. It was him who got struck with love at first sight It was him who walked out on th other girls and approached her. A prince noticed this girl who felt that she was a lowly servant, and danced with her. FOr Cinderella, that had to be so touching and amazing that can we blame her for being so in love after? After someone finally, finally gave her some long overdue affection.
Yeah in RL this can be dangerous. But it isn’t RL. It’s a fairy tale. Cindy earned her happy ending. And if we needed genuine proof about the Prince, A Twist in Time showed that he was indeed a good, heroic person. He didn’t judge Anastasia off her looks. When he found out the truth, he went to find Cinderella and remembered his love for her. He never cared that Cindy was a servant or anything. He loved her when he saw her, and clearly loved her for who she was. Cindy found someone who would give her the love that was so cruelly denied form her and she got out of her abusive family through it. Is it perfect? No, and I can give the remake points for doing a better job at developing the romance. But even so, it’s just s beautiful pair I loved since like... three years old. As such IDC what anyone says, I will always love them. 
#7. Belle/Beast aka Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
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It might be a surprise to some, but... I’m not a huge fan of Beauty and the Beast. Don’t get me wrong, I like it. I just feel like Belle, compared to Ariel and some of the later princesses is a little too boring. I still love her though. She’s bookish and kind and is seen as weird by her town, but she pursues what she enjoys anyways. She refuses Gaston’s advances as, while she had expressed wanting love, she didn’t want it with a brute like him. She wanted to choose herself. Then The Beast happens.
People tot his day still like to throw the Stockholm Syndrome card around, but it is idiotic. Belle never caved to Beast when he acted like a brute. But he did see that he wasn't a bad person when he saved her from the wolves, ad she chose to tend to him because she’s a good person. Yes, Beast needs her to break the curse, but Belle doesn’t just cave in either. Beast has to change himself to earn Belles's affection, and over time he does. He learns to be kinder and sure it’s a work in progress, but he does try and he does become better. It goes form needing Belle out of necessity, to genuinely falling in love with her because of her kindness towards him. Belle made Beast a better person, and once she saw the person he truly was, she fell in love with him.
But even then, despite those feelings, Belle decides to leave because her father needed her. Beast, instead of trying to force her to stay, allows her to go. That’s how much he loved her at that point. He loved her enough to let her go, even though that meant he’d be doomed. But it’s through that act, that selflessness, that allows the curse to eventually break. Because of Belle, Beast broke away form being a monster and spared Gaston. Because Belle saw the good in Beast, she stood up to Gaston and went back to save the man she loved. Because of that love, the curse was broken, and Beast became Adam once more. Belle saved Adam. Even if I’m not a huge fan of that film, it’s such a beautiful demonstration of the power of love and they truly deserved each other. A tale as old as time, indeed.
#6. Miss Bianca/Bernard (The Rescuers)
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I love these two so much. Again, its a rather understated pair, but it just works. Bernard is the nervous janitor of the Rescue Aid Society, but he clearly believes int heir cause as shown when he sings the anthem outside. Bianca is the Sweedish representative who has many admirers, but her heart is set on her job. She takes a liking to Bernard because she sees that compared to pretty much everyone else, he believes in rescuing those in trouble with the same passion as she does. He also shows how much he cares for her by being worried about her going to save Penny. Not because she’s a girl, but because he wants her to be safe. That clearly touched her and is why she picked him to be her co-agent.
They both work well together, Binca encouraging Bernard and being the charmer, more relaxed one. Bernard is frequently nervous, but he has a clear knack for the job and does it well. By the time they are on the way to Devil’s Bayou, it’s clear that they’ve acknowledged their feelings for one another. Ther’s no major arc or anything, it’s just two individuals feeling mutually attracted and feeling comfortable with their feelings. They work very well together and manage to rescue Penny, and later Doby in the sequel. The sequel retains the same charm, and the end where Bernard finally proposes makes me smile big every single time.
It’s just a lovely pairing that works so well and it is soooo underrated. It needs more love.
#5. Tiana/Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)
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I love this pair so much. It’s a classic ‘came from two different worlds’ story. You have the hard-working and ambitious Tiana and the lazy, spoiled Prince Naveen. Tiana is a good person, but she tends to put work over everything else and never lets herself relax. Naveen is a fun and intelligent man, but he’s spoiled and doesn’t know how to do anything, which caused his parents to cut him off. Due to this, Naveen got himself cured and he ended up passing it onto Tiana.
It is through each other that they find what is missing. Naveen has someone who actually pushes him to work and to realize his own flaws. How he doesn’t know how to act in the real world, even though he shows that he has plenty of skills if he tried. Having someone like Tiana who didn’t fall for his charm and pushed him to actually do things got him to better himself, and it clearly drew him to her. With Tiana, Naveen helped her see that there is more to life than working hard. It’s okay to take a step back and to find things like love. Her dream will always be there, but love will only come around every so often. It helps Tiana ease up and believe in things like wishing stars again, and it paid off for her.
Even at the end, when it looks like they’ll never become human, they accept it. Naveen almost gives up his freedom to marry Charlotte not to turn human again but to let Tiana fulfill her dream. Tiana realizes that she loves Naveen and even if it means losing what she wanted, she’ll still have what she needs, just like her father did. But it works out as once they get married, Tiana is now a princess and their kiss breaks the spell. Tiana got her dream. Naveen did everything he could to make that dream happen, including work with his own bare hands. They got the thing they both wanted and needed, and it’s just beautiful. Neither one are perfect, but their love is genuine, and I adore them and their journey,
#4. Hercules/Meg (Hercules)
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I just realises that 5-2 are all from Musher and Clements directed films. Huh. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though. Those two are so good at making likable couples. Even if they only have to much time to develop them, they make them good and their live believable and I love them. Hercules and Meg are no exception.
Unlike other heroines, Meg is a little older and less innocent. Herc is the more innocent one this time around. Herc is a good-hearted guy trying to figure out who he is and wants to be a hero to reunite with his God family. He saves Meg where despite some clumsiness, he pulls it off. Meg is clearly amused and Herc is lovestruck by her beaut. But of course, Meg is with Hades due to selling her soul to save her lover... who left her for another woman. Meg is cynical and hurt, and considering she pretty much gave up her soul for a man who left her without so much as a thank you, it’s hard to blame her.
Even though Hades makes her get close to Herc to find his weakness, Meg ends up falling for him due to his kindness and genuine heroic heart. She’s in denial of it because of what she experienced, but he wins her over. So much so that even if it means eternal servitude, she refuses to help Hades anymore. Unfortunately, it only gives Hades what he needs to break Herc, and it hurts them both. But despite clearly being heartbroken by the deception and being powerless, Herc trie to save everyone anyways. THen Meg sacrifices herself to save him and restore his power, making Herc realize she did really love him. Herc grew to love Meg because she was smart, funny, and she made him feel less alone. Seeing that she was willing to die for him, despite all that happened, really showed how strong that love truly was. Meg again sacrificed herself to save who she loved, and Hercules proved he was a hero by going to the Underworld himself to save Meg. He was willing to sell his own soul to let Meg leave, and this act got him his full Godhood restored.
But the best part? At the end despite finally being deemed a True Hero and being back at Mount Olympus, what does Hercules do? He gives it up. For Meg. He finally found the place he came form... but it wasn’t where he belonged. He belonged on Earth. The place that raised him. The place he found Meg. His parents are stunned, but clearly happy for him and grant his wish. They finally get to kiss, and it feels so earned. Hercules found someone who loves him for him and can fill the void. Meg found some genuinely kind who would never leave or hurt her. That's the best way to describe this pair, genuine.
#3. Ariel/Eric (The Little Mermaid)
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In many ways, this pairing set up the basis for many pairings to come.
Ariel is a mermaid who wants to be human. Eric is an adventurous prince wanting to enjoy life. One fateful night, Ariel stumbled upon his ship and it was love at first sight. Not just on her end either. When she saved him, Eric got one glimpse at her, but could only remember her voice. He wanted to find this mysterious girl again (a fact many critics seem to ignore) and thus the stage is set. After Triton destroys her grotto, Ariel takes Ursula’s deal and becomes human, and gets her chance to woo Eric.
These two are just adorable. People still get on Ariel for her choice here, and yeah she fell in love super fast. But she already wanted to be human, and I think some of her feelings were more infatuation than real love at first. But once humans, we see that Eric is a genuinely nice guy. Even though he thinks Ariel isn’t the girl since she can’t talk, what doe she do? He takes her to the palace anyways because clearly, she needs help and shelter, and he’s willing to give her that. I think that’s what gets Ariel to truly love him, seeing that he’s a good person and kind of her ideal vision of what humans are like. Then Ariel, despite being mute, is just so charming and weet that Eric ends up feeling attracted to her. So much sot hat once Grimm points it out to him, he gives up on his curiosity over the girl who saved him and is about to turn his affections towards Ariel. Sure Ursula messed that up, but it showed that no, he didn’t fall for Ariel because it turned out she was that girl. He fell in love with Ariel because of who Ariel was. Just as she fell for him because of who he was.
I truly did not care that their romance was rushed. It was genuinely charming and sweet. They were both good people, and seeing two good people happy is perfectly fine. Especially at the end where once she found out what Ursula was doing, Ariel went after them even though she couldn’t swim in her human form. Eric, despite being human, went to save Ariel from Ursula, and she, in turn, saved him from getting blasted. Then Eric finished Ursula once and for all, nearly getting killed int he process but this proves himself worthy to Triton. He grants Ariel legs, and the two can finally be together. The critics and ‘feminists’ can say what they want, they are adorable and just good for each other and as I said, are the template for so many couples afterwards. I love them, dang it!
#2. Aladdin/Princess Jasmine (Aladdin)
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IDK what it is about these two! They’re just so... perfect! IDK how to explain why, but I’m gonna try.
Like I said, Musker and Clements are just really good at making likable pairs. Aladdin is a street rat striving for more. Jasmine is a princess who wants freedom. When they meet, its true love. It doesn't even feel like Aladdin fell for her cause she was pretty, it truly feels like he saw his soulmate for the first time. Then the two find a common link in feeling trapped in their lives. They both want more. Want to create something better for themselves. And they find that they may just be able to get that through each other. But then Aladidn is arrested and Jafar lies that he was executed, breaking Jasmine and essentially ensuring that she wasn’t going to leave again.
Then Prince Ali shows up. Jasmine is angered because he appears pompous and because her everyone si trying to make decisions about her without her consent. She isn’t a prize to be won. Ali, of course, is Aladdin, and once Jasmine tells him off, he realizes how the persona he’s putting on is wrong. He acts more like himself, showing that he likes Jasmine not because of her looks or money, but because she’s a fun, strong-willed person. Once she sees this and suspects he’s Aladdin, she goes with him on the magic carpet. A Whole New World is one of the most romantic scenes in any movie period. You will never be able to convince me otherwise. It ends with Jasmine realizing Ali’s identity, and while he still lies, Aladdin acts like himself and Jasmine falls for the person he truly is.
But of course, Aladdin is still lying. So he still needs to prove himself worthy after. Which he does by defeating Jafar despite having only his street rat skills to aid him. But he accomplishes it masterfully. He realizes that he can't live a lie or force Genie into servitude just to fulfill his won want. He frees Genie, but he didn't need his magic by then. he more than proved himself to the Sultan, who lets Jasmine choose who she wants. I think he’d have done this long before if not for Jafar’s hypnosis, and the smile of Jasmine’s face is just beautiful. She chooses Aladdin, and it is indeed a whole new world for both of them. It’s just so genuine and pure and I love them.
So... back at the top, I said there was one exception to the ‘strictly form Disney animated features’ rule. Why? Because I just could not leave this one off. It would feel wrong because it is one of, if not the, most perfect and longest-lasting couples in all fo entertainment. Who am I talking about? 
#1. Mickey and Minnie Mouse
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As the old saying goes: it all started with a mouse.
Mickey and Minnie is so freakin pure it makes me feel the warm fuzzies if I so much as see a photo of them. Really, anything they are in together makes me feel that way. For over ninety years, these two have graced pretty much every media form ever and have been together in some fashion throughout it. They have the same birthday and last name for crying out loud! This was destiny!
Both Mickey and Minnie are sweet and endearing. Mickey is the face of Disney and while I know some find him bland and one-note, there’s always just been this charm to him. I love how much of a sweetie he is, and he does have his mischevious streak. Minnie over the years has become more sassy and stern, letting her not just be Mickey’s girlfriend. But no matter what changes the two have been through, their utter love for each other has never faded away. You can put them in anything in any setting, and they will be head over heel for each other. 
I mean even their longest-lasting voice actors, Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor, got married due to these roles. Mickey ad Minie got married in real life. It really showed too. You could just tell that Mickey and Minnie, Wayne and Russi, were just so in love and it made you love them. It’s something that’s gonna be hard due to Wayne and Russi’s passings, but true love is eternal. That love will always exit through Mickey and Minnie. Even when Bret Iwan and Chris Diamantopolis took over Mickey, you still feel the love between Mickey and Minnie and I’m sure that whoever takes over Minnie will also keep that intact. That love is immortalized, and I will continue to love every second of it.
Mickey Mouse is the one who started it all, but Mickey and Minnie are the ones who started Disney’s pure love stories. I think that’s something that Disney has always been good at. Sure the romances can be rushed and happen at first sight. Even they’ve made fun of themselves for it But they’re just so good at it. As they say, don’t fix what ain’t broke. Maybe give it a fresh coat of paint, but don’t fix what doesn't need it. I look forward to seeing future Disney pairs, and I will cherish them all, both old and new Happy Valentines Day everyone~
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: you're gonna have to go without me & my pom poms 💔💔 Janis: what, why? Jimmy: got detention Jimmy: & I've already checked the windows, like Jimmy: no escape Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: Un🍀 babe Janis: leave you alone for five minutes Janis: what you do this time then? Jimmy: I didn't even do nowt Jimmy: barely said a word to this dickhead in tech who was proper giving it to me 🙄 Jimmy: should've just smacked him if I was ending up here anyway Janis: ugh Janis: bet he ain't going detention with you either Janis: teachers are cunts Jimmy: nah they didn't even hand him one out Jimmy: like fuck am I just gonna let him chat shit about us for the full lesson Jimmy: but now Janis: it's alright Janis: mean, obvious waste of your time Jimmy: I'm gonna knock him out when I next see him Janis: fair enough, I'd say Janis: I'll watch 👍 Jimmy: front row seat to make up for the one I'm missing, yeah Jimmy: you're still gonna win for me though Janis: 'course I am Janis: can't make promises for the rest of the team, though sure they'll try their best for you 😍 Janis: other School is pretty shit tbh so Jimmy: 👍 'cause I'm still taking for drinks later too Jimmy: & I'd rather you not have to drown your sorrows, pisshead Jimmy: sort them other girls out & make 🥇 happen, babe Janis: 💪 nothing but victory drinks, swear Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: 💕 Janis: stay alive Jimmy: [later] Jimmy: got my phone back Janis: you seen it then Jimmy: been @ed by half the school Jimmy: you alright? Janis: yeah, been reporting the comments but it don't do shit, especially when it ain't even my post so Janis: are you Jimmy: don't worry, he's gonna take it down Janis: nothing even happened Janis: I swear Janis: he's just pissed off 'cos I said it ain't gonna again Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: it's about what's happening next Jimmy: & I'm sorting that right now Janis: it matters to me that you hear the truth from me and believe it Janis: 'cos what he's saying, and everyone else now, is bullshit Jimmy: I know that he's the lad that gave you a lift & you didn't fuck him so Jimmy: whatever happened before ain't my business Jimmy: & nowt happened today either whatever he says Janis: it really didn't Janis: I wouldn't Jimmy: 'course you wouldn't Jimmy: it's alright Jimmy: it's not but Jimmy: I'm just saying I believe you Janis: Thank fuck Janis: I felt like I was going to vom Janis: I know Mia talked to you, she took great delight in letting me know Jimmy: Less chat more shoving screenshots of his snaps at me Jimmy: so likewise Janis: he's just a prick Jimmy: I got that Jimmy: & she's just having fun pretending that you & him have been fucking behind my back this whole time Jimmy: didn't bother telling her I've been there & I'd know, not very #goals Janis: I'm sorry Janis: this bullshit Janis: they wouldn't do it to you if you weren't with me Jimmy: why, you ain't done nowt Jimmy: & I am with you Jimmy: I wanna be Jimmy: they can't do shit to change it Janis: I like you too much to put you through this shit Janis: it's so Janis: stupid Jimmy: you ain't the one being stupid Jimmy: or putting me through it Janis: yeah but Janis: I don't know Janis: just hate it Janis: them Jimmy: I know Jimmy: but he'll be one less dickhead to worry about in a sec Jimmy: I promise Janis: what you mean Janis: he's not going to delete it Janis: already asked Jimmy: yeah he is Jimmy: I'm not asking Jimmy: I'm just about to make him Janis: where are you Jimmy: If I let you know that you'll show up Jimmy: it's better if you don't, alright Janis: Jimmy Janis: I'm not gonna stop you but don't do anything stupid on my account alright Jimmy: I ain't the one who's being stupid either Jimmy: It's okay Jimmy: not my first time knocking out this exact type of dickhead Jimmy: like I said, my ex actually was fucking around on me so Janis: that's shit Jimmy: it weren't any more fun for her Jimmy: not really Jimmy: she was messed up, is still probably Janis: still Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: that's not this Janis: I know but everyone else is convinced so may as well be Jimmy: Nah, I ain't so it's not even close Jimmy: only thing similar is lads chatted shit on her too, never did find out how many she really got with out of the loads who said Janis: anything to boost their own rep Jimmy: it was the ones who weren't saying owt that I had to properly watch Jimmy: they just did it & left me to walk in Jimmy: literally in some cases Janis: I'm sorry Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: he's here Janis: don't get hurt okay Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: leave that for him Janis: obviously Janis: I don't give a fuck about him though Jimmy: makes two of us Jimmy: [a fight later] Jimmy: post's gone Janis: will you tell me where you are now Jimmy: tell me where you are & I'll come meet you Jimmy: not gonna hang round the scene of the crime, am I? Janis: I'm at my nan and granddad's Janis: could hardly go out and about town and fuck being home when she's gonna be there Janis: take this bus [#] Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: be there as soon as Janis: don't worry, neither of 'em is in rn Jimmy: I weren't but Jimmy: alright Janis: just mean, not gonna make you talk to my entire fam Janis: are you okay? Jimmy: I don't care who I've gotta talk to right now Jimmy: I just wanna see you Janis: they don't live as middle of nowhere Jimmy: thank fuck Janis: I know Janis: not to be that bitch but you didn't answer my question Jimmy: what Janis: are you okay? Jimmy: are you? Janis: better when I see you Jimmy: I feel that Janis: Okay Janis: are you gonna bleed on me again though or Jimmy: nah Jimmy: you're safe Janis: I'm Janis: I know it'll get old if I keep saying the S word so I won't but Janis: I wish it didn't drag up all that stuff with your ex for you Jimmy: none of that is important Jimmy: just you Janis: you Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: that won't get old if I keep saying it, will it? Janis: no Janis: I love you too so I never get tired of hearing it Jimmy: good Jimmy: 'cause you know I can't stop when I've started Janis: yeah Janis: one of the things I like about you Jimmy: even if it has fucked the 🚭 Janis: I'll allow it Janis: you promised you'll stay Janis: and you're already dead yeah Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: 👻 lad me Janis: so you can't go nowhere anyway Janis: soz ginger trying to save your soul, too late Jimmy: & I can't get hurt either Jimmy: so if any other dickheads need fighting, it's no #drama Janis: not planning to make it a thing Janis: not that I planned this Jimmy: I get it, a weekly brawl would have me too 💪 & you don't need the competition Jimmy: not planning to become an athlete though you're alright Janis: you're an idiot Janis: a lovable one but Jimmy: an idiot for getting detention Jimmy: he couldn't have pulled that shit if I were there Janis: not like you planned on being too cool for school either Janis: give out detentions for their own amusement, sadists Jimmy: always too 😎 me Jimmy: for school or anywhere Janis: gift and a curse yeah babe Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: this bus actually run or what? Jimmy: I've been stood here ages Janis: yeah, last I checked Janis: if I knew where you were I could come to you Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: you know everyone'll be talking about it tomorrow Jimmy: let them tell you Janis: Probably shouldn't come to School Janis: reckon I'm gonna get stoned Janis: not in the chill way Jimmy: the teachers are fucking useless yeah but I ain't letting nowt happen to you Jimmy: or letting anyone think this is more than just bollocks Janis: they'll think what they wanna, and they really wanna Janis: idc Jimmy: like I told you, I'll fight whichever dickheads need to be told Jimmy: I don't care Janis: can't fight girls though can ya Jimmy: I don't need to Jimmy: you can Jimmy: or however else you wanna sort it Janis: yeah Janis: fuck knows Janis: I don't wanna have to always deal with this Janis: the lads just think I'm a slag so they can get some, whatever, makes sense Janis: they're just cunty 'cos they wanna, like alright but why bother Jimmy: I've said it before Jimmy: they're jealous Jimmy: you're hotter than them Jimmy: & good at shit 'cause you're SUCH an athlete as I'm always also saying Janis: that's so fucking stupid Janis: focus on yourselves ladies, might get something done Jimmy: tweet it girl Janis: 😂 Janis: keeping well away from social media rn tah Jimmy: 💔 but you're my muse Jimmy: bit rude Janis: no one's stopping you from being 👑 of twitter etc Janis: @ me though, can't handle another blatant subtweet or indirect Jimmy: 👌 fine Janis: what Janis: you reckon I should come running to my own defence Jimmy: I don't reckon owt Jimmy: it ain't happening to me Janis: well Janis: bit Jimmy: nah I'm the #victim if I'm in this Jimmy: my DMs are full of girls offering a shoulder to cry or cum on Janis: that's disgusting Janis: truly Janis: gonna miss your way with words Janis: but that's what I get Jimmy: you should see some of the pics I've been sent Jimmy: disgusting them Janis: no thank you Janis: not actually my thing Jimmy: I weren't asked if any of this was my thing Jimmy: but fine, I'll take one for the team Janis: I know, I know Janis: it's gross Janis: pretty bold of him to do this when I've got the dick pics, like Janis: guess enough peeps have 👀 or he's that full of himself Jimmy: probably hoping you'll show 'em about & the girls'll swoon Jimmy: dickhead Janis: 🙄 Janis: wouldn't put it past them so nah Janis: burn my phone, burn my retinas, like Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: assume Mia is licking his wounds for him as we speak Jimmy: I hurt him enough, maybe she'll actually swallow him Janis: 🙏🤞 Jimmy: who the fuck is he Jimmy: why does he think he can be this much of a bellend Janis: idk Janis: he's fit and such an athlete, obvs everyone loves him Janis: good match Jimmy: he ain't fit & I beat the shit out of him so how much of an athlete is he Janis: well you know what I mean Janis: stereotypical jock pretending his life is an american teen drama or a really low rent porn Janis: idk, the fact he was such a dickhead worked at the time Jimmy: it's your type, don't have to tell me Janis: fuck off Janis: no it ain't Jimmy: he is, I am Jimmy: that's two for two Jimmy: unless you've been hanging round with some right nerds Janis: you ain't my type either Janis: people don't actually have types do they Jimmy: you tried to tell me I do as soon as I met you Janis: yeah and look where you've ended up Janis: types are for when you wanna play it safe and be disappointed Janis: know what you're getting, even if it's a steaming pile of 💩 Jimmy: you don't have to sell me on how wrong you were, girl Jimmy: I told you back then Janis: I wasn't wrong Jimmy: you said I have a type, I don't Jimmy: what are you calling it Janis: 👌 Jimmy: nah, come on Jimmy: what are you calling it Janis: you have a type but you got 🍀 Janis: obviously Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😏 Janis: jk Janis: very unlucky Janis: 'part from the bathroom fuck, worst girlfriend ever Jimmy: apart from every fuck Jimmy: get it right Janis: please tweet that final review Janis: not all bad Jimmy: alright Jimmy: hang on Janis: erm wait until you've dumped me, dickhead Janis: and wait 'til this scandal has blown over 'fore that or they'll have it #confirmed Jimmy: you don't reckon I'm gonna have more to say after I've been fucking you forever Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: thought I had a way with words Janis: you do Janis: that was beautiful baby Janis: please fuck me forever 💕 Jimmy: I already promised Jimmy: not gonna break it & your 💔 Janis: tah 👍 Janis: you are on the bus now though on the real Jimmy: it did show up yeah Janis: coulda told me Janis: rude Jimmy: didn't realise you needed a warning Jimmy: do you wanna countdown or what Janis: shut up Janis: too soon to be making jokes about needing time to see the last out the door Jimmy: so funny you Janis: I said it's too soon Jimmy: 👍 Janis: be my friend Jimmy: I don't wanna Jimmy: stop friendzoning me Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: okay be my boyfriend then Jimmy: I am Jimmy: who do you think you're chatting to right now Jimmy: might have the wrong convo, girl Janis: think I'd be better at this Janis: honestly Janis: rookie errors these Jimmy: tah for saying it so I don't have to kick you when you're down Jimmy: embarrassing really Janis: I'll do better next time babe Janis: promise Jimmy: yeah sort it out Janis: hey, you're hot, wanna help me cheat on my boyfriend Jimmy: not that kind of boy Jimmy: but you'll find loads of takers so don't be 💔 Janis: am a bit Jimmy: you're 💔 or you're calling me a bit of a slag Jimmy: either way, gutted Janis: I've called you a slag many a time Janis: not gonna half-arse it now Jimmy: & I've been gutted every time Jimmy: but tah for letting me know what you meant Janis: you know it's just guilt projection Janis: shameless, really Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: well that's your rep now, may as well Janis: cheers Janis: probs shit the bed a bit with him but like you said, loads of takers Jimmy: chin up, Jillian Jimmy: you've got that paddy 🍀 on your side Janis: such a charmer Jimmy: what you like about me Janis: you want a list or you just stating facts Jimmy: it's a fact Jimmy: don't wear yourself out with the list Jimmy: bet you've got loads of DMs to get through & fire sexts to write Janis: naturally Janis: I don't even know who some of these people are though Jimmy: I'd offer my services but I ain't written one for a lad before Jimmy: Barry ain't that tech savvy Jimmy: give him a ring or nowt Janis: boys are easy Janis: very visual Janis: your talent would be wasted, tbh Jimmy: that's tanked my get rich quick scheme Janis: 😕 Janis: soz Janis: start charging for your nudes instead of giving 'em away, probs Jimmy: I'll just charge every girl in my inbox for a reply Jimmy: be alright Janis: not me though Janis: mates rates right Jimmy: I'm charging you double every time you friendzone me, mate Janis: Baby Jimmy: triple when you really 💔 me Janis: when have I ever Janis: babe Jimmy: you want a list Jimmy: 'cause the bus ain't got that many more stops so tell me now Janis: that is so mean Janis: 💔 Jimmy: baby Janis: I'm too headfucked rn for your shennanigans Janis: just be here Jimmy: I really miss you Jimmy: so much Janis: I miss you more Janis: definitely Jimmy: you can't say that Janis: but I do Jimmy: you can't feel how much I miss you Janis: I wish I could Janis: I need to know that you're okay and you really do believe me Jimmy: when I get there I'll do my best Jimmy: but it's never Jimmy: all of it Jimmy: I wish I could show you that Janis: we got time Janis: right Jimmy: depends Jimmy: can we stay at your nan & granddads for a bit Janis: yeah Jimmy: then yeah Janis: I love you, you know Jimmy: I do Jimmy: & I do too Janis: no one else matters Janis: just you and me Jimmy: you're all I give a fuck about Jimmy: nowt's changed Janis: can we go somewhere Jimmy: where Janis: anywhere Janis: it doesn't have to be now, if you can't but Jimmy: I'd go anywhere with you Jimmy: any time you want Janis: I don't want us to forget Janis: that none of them, and their shit, matters Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: & I won't let you Jimmy: I just want you Jimmy: so much Janis: I fucking need you, Jim Jimmy: I need you more Jimmy: like actually Janis: I Janis: it hurts Janis: when you aren't here Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: me too Jimmy: but there's nowt keeping me away from you now Jimmy: soon as I'm off this bus we're together Jimmy: that's it Janis: nothing or no one getting in our way yeah Jimmy: I swear Janis: Good Janis: you're mine okay Jimmy: it's okay with me, yeah Janis: good Jimmy: meet me off here Jimmy: I have to see you Jimmy: I just Janis: coming Janis: let me just settle this dog, 5 minutes max Jimmy: like one 🐶💕 weren't enough Jimmy: but go on Janis: this one makes Twix look like an 😇 Janis: gonna be so glad to see her, you are Jimmy: you better make sure you see her Jimmy: that's the cheating you've really done Janis: don't think I can look her in her puppydog eyes tbh Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: for her though not you Jimmy: you know what you did Janis: 😭 Janis: I had nowhere else to go Jimmy: save it for her, babe Jimmy: I don't need your excuses Janis: you know you wanna put in a good word for me, come on Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: if only to get her off my case Jimmy: I ain't nobody's rebound tah Janis: gotta have standards Janis: respect that Jimmy: & I told you that early on Jimmy: bit late to go back on it now Janis: you did? Janis: well it stands up Jimmy: you've forgotten? Jimmy: which one of us might have gotten smacked in the head today Jimmy: get it together, like Janis: soz I ain't memorized everything you've said Janis: only pretending to be that highkey Jimmy: crack on with it Jimmy: you've got time, nerd Janis: you gonna stop chatting so much shit or? Janis: making my life hard Jimmy: make me Janis: I am omw Jimmy: be faster Jimmy: are you even an athlete or what Jimmy: if you ain't running to me so we can film it in slo-mo it ain't #goals my love Janis: you know I just won a 🏀 before being forced on a walk of shame Janis: I'm knackered Jimmy: shit I never even asked Jimmy: sorry Janis: you're alright, safe to say no one gave much of a shit before something more #drama happened Jimmy: I did though Jimmy: I do Janis: thanks Janis: you're a good WAG Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😘 Jimmy: 😒 Jimmy: it's weird enough that you play for any school teams, don't call me a WAG too Janis: gets you out of lessons sometimes Janis: you know you wanna Jimmy: gutted I'm too 😎 Jimmy: 'cause yeah Janis: you ain't too cool to be with me Jimmy: but seriously, what team are they letting me on Jimmy: #troublemaker me Janis: sure they'll reckon it's good discipline for you then 😏 Jimmy: 🙄 'course Janis: come on Janis: I wanna see the short shorts Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: say please & maybe Janis: I'll say it when you get here Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: but only 'cause I wanna see you so bad Janis: Good Janis: I miss you Jimmy: just Jimmy: you be here Jimmy: I Janis: thanks Janis: for being you and not Janis: believing Jimmy: what else was I gonna do? Jimmy: you're the only one I like Janis: you could've though Janis: like, convincing, give him that Jimmy: if I was gonna be like that I might as well just fuck off now Jimmy: I mean it, all of this, it's the only thing I've got Jimmy: or want Jimmy: & we're a team whether the school lets me join in or not Janis: me too Janis: promise Jimmy: if you say nowt happened then it didn't Jimmy: that's all the convincing I need Jimmy: you don't lie to me Janis: I don't Janis: and why would I Janis: I didn't feel anything when we did do stuff so Janis: pointless now Jimmy: I remember Jimmy: you said Janis: I thought that's how it was Janis: just overhyped Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: even if now I've met you I don't reckon it was hyped up enough Janis: you're Janis: why are you so nice to me Jimmy: I told you, you're nice to me Jimmy: then I'm nice back Jimmy: it's a deal Janis: I'll be nicer Jimmy: how Jimmy: you're so Janis: again Janis: I'll show you Janis: 'cos I see you now Jimmy: yeah? Janis: mhmm Janis: have you forgotten what I look like Jimmy: he didn't hit me that hard Janis: Baby Jimmy: I'm okay Jimmy: I promise Janis: I'll check Janis: 'cos I'll kill him if he has Jimmy: 🤞 he's already 💀 Jimmy: I hit him hard so Janis: he earnt it Jimmy: I don't care about him Jimmy: it's for you Janis: me either Janis: just you Janis: did it make you feel better Jimmy: a bit Janis: yeah Janis: people bullshit when they say it won't Jimmy: I only wish I could have fucked him up worse for what he did Jimmy: & what he's like Janis: don't worry, his ego is 💀 if nothing else Janis: already 😷 'cos I turned him down Jimmy: that makes me feel loads better Janis: seriously Janis: it was pretty funny 'til it weren't Janis: 😢 like Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: how could I not Jimmy: that's real #goals Janis: wish you coulda been there Janis: coulda showed him why I don't want him Jimmy: me too Jimmy: it's not just him though, you don't want anyone else, do you? Janis: no one Janis: you know it's just you Jimmy: alright Jimmy: good Jimmy: come here then Janis: ['scuse them the most intense hello ever] Jimmy: [literally would & do need several moments] Janis: [can tell she's been in a state] Jimmy: [just all the reassuring touches in the world like he would not stop even when they are trying to walk again or whatever] Jimmy: [says 'afternoon' and smiles casually but is looking at her like & like I said just touching always] Janis: [blinking 'cos her eyes are stinging 'cos a bitch don't cry but she really thought y'all had fucked this up for them] Janis: ['hey'] Jimmy: [a boy sees & knows but he's keeping it chill for her] Jimmy: ['alright?'] Janis: [nods] Janis: ['now you're here'] Jimmy: [so many kisses basically wherever he can cos he can't stop himself like some are soft and some aren't cos all the feelings bitch] Janis: [holding onto him so tight and all the ilys] Jimmy: [likewise holding onto her like they about to drown like sorry everyone else about but not cos he would not be able to stop rn] Janis: [let's get you inside lads cheers for the empty grandparents] Jimmy: [more of the same when they're in lbr] Janis: [is checking his over like she said she would but is clearly fine suck it harry] Jimmy: [literally still can't stop touching her either even though low key would get in the way of what she's trying to do] Janis: [is loling but not trying to stop him 'cos never] Jimmy: [more kisses cos it ends them when the other one laughs] Janis: [softness bitch, getting him to the sofa 'cos she just wants to hold/be held for a hot sec] Jimmy: [give them a while with all those much needed snuggles] Janis: ['you're so important'] Jimmy: ['you are'] Janis: [let's self have sneaky cry 'cos overwhelmed as hell] Jimmy: [isn't gonna make a big deal of it even if he knows so just more of the same softness & being comforting & loving like] Janis: [laying on his chest listening to his heart] Jimmy: [playing with her hair from now until forever bye] Janis: ['it's fast'] Jimmy: [nods 'I told you, I had to see you. Needed to.'] Janis: [puts his hand on her chest, 'same', cos truly] Jimmy: [imagine what the fuck his breathing would have been like too omg] Janis: [let them just be so they can just calm] Jimmy: [later, he gets up to get them both a drink not alcohol let's not be wild, it'd be cute cos he don't know where anything is but still wanna do it for her] Janis: if you just wanted to look through the cupboards, that's alright Jimmy: just seeing if they got any posh silver I can have away Jimmy: life of crime starts here Janis: by the time the inheritance is split between us all I won't get much so Janis: go for your life, babe Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [brings her a beverage probably tea actually cos that's what english people do] Janis: ['tah'] Jimmy: [goes back to snuggling like he never left] Janis: 'you're the best boyfriend'] Jimmy: ['you're the best muse. Very inspiring.'] Janis: ['what are you thinking right now?'] Jimmy: [kisses her cos he's thinking about how much he loves her/how happy he is this isn't fucked up etc but how to say] Janis: [smiles] Janis: works for me Jimmy: [kisses her again cos the smile] Janis: are you coming back to mine tonight Jimmy: yeah Janis: [bigger smile] Jimmy: [just 😍 at her] Janis: nothing's ever gonna fuck this Jimmy: works for me Jimmy: [smiles back] Janis: promise Jimmy: are you promising or asking me if I do Janis: both Jimmy: well I do Jimmy: [sips tea but not in a shady way lol] Janis: good Janis: 'cos I like you Jimmy: I love you Janis: [pouncing for kiss be careful of the tea] Jimmy: [cue make out session they both need & deserve] Janis: we can stay home tomorrow can't we Jimmy: we can do whatever you want Janis: I don't care if people reckon I'm running or being a pussy Janis: don't wanna be there Janis: just wanna be with you Jimmy: I don't give a shit about anything but you having what you want Janis: you Jimmy: [just pulling her into her lap for cuddles like] Janis: everything is alright when you're with me Jimmy: then everything's alright Jimmy: I ain't going nowhere Janis: me either Janis: [snuggles further in to prove point] Jimmy: [keeping them like that lowkey forever]
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condomglitter · 5 years
Lissa’s Plot Wishlist;;
SO, I’m bad at approaching people because I’m not sure what they’re comfortable with or what they’re expecting (or even hoping not to see) from me & my muse! This should not come as a surprise to anyone who has ever spoken to me, lmao. ANYWAYS. 
I have decided to compile a post of plots & ideas that I have seen & liked && would like to write! I’ll be updating it as things go along, removing plots that are ‘taken’, that I’ve lost interest in, or whatever else!
I will in general leave these plots up for a few responses/time spent plotting between us, before I take them off the list. In general, I don’t love having the same plot with more than one person, however - with significant differences in the dynamic or events of the thread, I’m willing to give them a go! 
Just as a note, also: none of these have to be romantic! Ideally, they’re meant to roll with a variety of characters, with a variety of dynamics and relationships, whether that be platonic or otherwise. ovo/ Most of these can also be altered to suit a number of settings, be they modern or medieval -- if we work together, we can make any of them suit our muses, I’m sure! just lemme know.
PLOT #1: Payment
    Your muse has something they want, something they would give anything for. Maybe it’s a wish to heal a loved one, maybe it’s a wish to heal themselves, maybe they want to be a millionaire - whatever their wish, whatever their reason, they find a shady ad in the paper promising that any wish can be granted - for a price. 
     Natalie’s shop looks like a hoax, at first. Like somewhere your aunt goes to get this tea that totally re-aligns her energies and definitely cured her IBS -- but she’s got more for sale than hokey crystals and lucky rabbit’s feet. She can grant your muse’s wish... and all it will cost is their soul. 
     Or, well. Close enough. Indentured servitude is a harsh term for it, but she wants your muse’s help with something. She has enemies, research to complete, a dead master to bring back to life... and sometimes, you just need an extra pair of hands to help out. 
PLOT #2: Bound
    Natalie and your use don’t know one another from a hole in the ground. Neither of them have ever met. Well, except for that one time in that one place that ruined everything. Maybe it was a museum, maybe it was a weird pawn shop, maybe a creepy alleyway in the middle of the city - wherever it was, they were there, and so was ’the artifact’. 
     They’re not sure what they did to activate it - they bumped together, maybe, or they both touched it at the same time, or, or, or… Whatever it was, they are now not the only ones in their own heads. Surges of emotions and thoughts that don’t belong to them are rushing in, and they don’t know how to control it. At first, they think it’s mood swings, hallucinations, something normal. Then, the 'binding’ starts.      Randomly pulled into the other person’s head, they can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel everything the other is going through, but can they control any of it? Heck no they can’t! They’re an unwilling audience trapped there until whatever power that makes it happen allows it to stop.  
     It’s only natural, then, that they would find each other and try to figure out how to stop what’s happening to them. They manage to narrow the source down to ’the artifact’, but when they go to find it, it is nowhere to be found. As they struggle to find a way out of their situation, they have to learn how to deal with it, and with each other.
Alternatively, they can know each other. Maybe they hate each other, maybe one of them has a crush on the other, maybe they’re siblings, maybe they knew each other as kids - up to you, idc, pitch me an idea!
PLOT #3: Mishap
     When Natalie went out to the bar, she did expect to come home with someone -- but perhaps not your muse, not in the particular way that they did. However they made it to her house, whether to sleep off a bad trip on her couch, or enjoy a few hours in her bed, they probably weren’t expecting to wake up to supernatural chaos. 
     Cursed by a rival out for revenge, your muse is plunged into Natalie’s world of magic and creatures and covens (oh my!). She can’t deny what she is, now that your muse has been dragged front and center to it all -- but she also can’t have them running around, telling everyone that witches exist. She promises to fix them, if they can keep her secret... but fixing them is, perhaps, a touch more difficult than she’d expected 
This plot is ideal for mundane muses, who aren’t aware of magical happenings in general. It could work for two magical muses together, of course! but it was definitely designed with muggles in mind. 
PLOT #4: Personable
     Fake. Dating. Plot. //jazz hands      Either Natalie or your muse has family or friends that they want to impress - or, perhaps, need to impress. It’s important to them, desperately so. Enough that they would enlist the help of a friend - new, or old - to lie to them. 
A family reunion at an inclusive resort is perhaps a big ticket place to parade a lie around, but it’s exactly where they’re headed. Surrounded by the people who think they know them best, they must figure out how, exactly, to sell their romance to the most judgmental people in their lives. ( And, oh -- there’s only one bed. )
They’re just roommates, but one of them has been lying to their family, to get them off their back. Now, though, they’re in town for a visit, and the liar is in dire need of their roommate to get in on it. In exchange, they’ll give them the better bedroom, share their car -- whatever they want, so long as they just play along. 
One of them is headed to an ex’s wedding, in their hometown, and they can’t bear to show up alone. Not going isn’t an option, either - drunk and stupid, one night, they boasted to some friends about how great their life was going, and RSVP’d to go with their ‘plus one’. The only issue, of course, was... well, all the lying, duh. Now they need someone to corroborate their lies and play the role of their darling significant other -- for whatever they want in exchange, really.
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thysurveys · 5 years
Is your birth year an odd or even number? Odd. Which one of your friends is the most outgoing? What friends? Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? I like pasta. When did you last find yourself in an awkward situation? Every day. What did you have for lunch yesterday? I don’t remember actually. I don’t think I had anything.
In school, which subject(s) do/did you find the most difficult? Math. Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? What’s his/her star sign? Indy. Taurus. Who did you last say “thank you” to? Why? Bree. I don’t remember, lol. Name a band you like, that starts with the same letter as your surname. Can’t think of any. When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice?  Last night, I guess?
What happened? A friend told me to apply for a specific job but I didn’t. How many different towns/cities have you lived in? I’ve moved from suburb to suburb, but I’ve always been in the same city. Who is the 10th contact in your phone? What’s his/her favourite food? Pizza? I don’t know what his favourite food is. When was the last time you felt your heart racing? Either earlier today or last week. I don’t know. Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? Probably? How old were your parents when they met? 16? When was the last time you had Nutella? Fair few weeks ago now. Who is your favourite character in “The Simpsons”? I don’t watch The Simpsons. How about “The Big Bang Theory”? I don’t watch that either. What are your parents’ middle names? John and my mum doesn’t have a middle name.
Who is the 2nd contact in your phone? What colour are his/her eyes? Brown. Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. I can’t think of anyone. What genre(s) of music did you listen to 10 years ago? Same stuff. Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? Nope. They all have blue, I have green. How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? 1. Maybe another cat one day but I want all my love and attention on Archie lol. Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? Still. Sparkling is gross. Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? Not really at the moment.  What colour are the eyes of the person you have feelings for? Blue. Is there a song that you’re fed up of hearing? Not really? I don’t really care lol. Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? I can’t remember my dream right now but my dreams are always strange and/or interesting lol. Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back? I believe so. Name 3 things that are in your refrigerator atm. Eggs, milk and butter? lol If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? I barely post anything anyway so idc. Which friend do you confide in most? Like, no one. What does your 6th text message say? It was from a person who got the number wrong. What was your most recent reason for smiling? :) Bree, I guess?
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wizard-in-olympus · 7 years
1 - 102 and if you answer them all i'll do the same.. thats the deal
its a deal then
this is gonna be long
                                                         1. Think of the last person who said I love     you, do you think they meant it?                                    
it was mydad so, yeah                           
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age     you are now?
        im 18, so obviously i would
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated     and happy at the same time?
when i left college, 5 months ago. i’ll be back next semester
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
i’ve done it, what’s the big deal?
5. Is there someone mad because you’re     dating/talking to the person you are?
i dont think she knows and i dont think she’d even care
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of     someone today? 
yeah andit was awful
 7. What exactly are you wearing right     now?
i’ve heard that line right there too many times, you sound like a 15 yearold trying to get nudes. anyways, im wearing blue pjs
8. How often do you listen to music?
on long rides, while studying, while doing chores, while reading, whilewasting my time on social media. so, most of the time i guess
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? 
10. Do you think your life will change     dramatically before 2015?                   
ok its 2017 already but im gonna change it to “...change dramaticallybefore 2018?″. not so much, it has changed a lot in a year already
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name     begins with the letter ‘A’?
yes, my guy best friend, we were both drunk, shit happens. it kind ofbrought us together as friends hahaha
13. What about ‘R’?
14. Can you drive a stick shift? 
thats the only type of vehicle i drive
15. Do you care if people talk badly about     you?
i’d like to say no but yeah, i do. it depends on what people tho
16. Are you going out of town soon?
probably tomorrow. i go “out of town” a lot
17. When was the last time you cried?
i dont remember. about two months ago i think
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
yeah.huge mistake
19. If you could change your eye color, would     you?
maybe i’d change my eyes from hazel to a deeper green
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely     everything for?
i thinkso
21. Name something you dislike about the day     you’re having.
i haven’t finished the essay i was gonna present today, now i’ll have topresent it tomorrow                                                      
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your     forehead?
i loveit, yesss
23. Are you dating the last person you talked     to?
24. What are you sitting on right now?
my couch
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family)     tell you they love you?
my bestfriend
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t     have?
i do
27. Who was the last person you talked to     before you went to bed last night?
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
no, i get colds once a year, twice a year tops
  29. Where is the shirt you are wearing     from?
idk, idc
 30. Does anyone hate     you?
i thinkso. im sorry
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles     hidden somewhere in your room?
no, im asocial drinker
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
hate them
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
hell no
34. If you had to delete one year of your life     completely, which would it be?
either 2014 or 2015. big parts of 2016 too... maybe a little bit of thisone but its been the best year i’ve ever lived since 2013.
35. Did you have a dream last night?
yeah, the seniors in my old high school were 10x better than last yearseniors -when i was a senior- and teachers loved them (teachers hated mygeneration) and they all graduated from IB and had their diplomas linned up inthe hall (i didnt graduated from IB or get the diploma and everyone hated me bci was the only student in my generation that failed and so no one could say“gen16 was a 100% IB generation! the first one in this high school!” bc of me)
36. When was the last time you told someone     you loved them?
a coupleof weeks ago
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
i hopenot
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
a couple of people, tiny andd small feelings but i now they do
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you     right now?
maybe wondering what happened to me, yeah. but probably no one is
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
yes, areally good one
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a     relationship?
not a serious one but yeah
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out     with a girl?
yeah, lots of girls. but im a girl and i like boys so who cares if ihang out with a girl
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to     ever lose you?
yes and lots of times and they did lose me. i just couldn’t handle themany longer, my patience couldn’t take it anymore, it had been YEARS of dealingwith the same shit and enough was enough. but i couldn’t break theirheart so i just told them i had changed and left. that probably makes me anasshole but idc
44. What’s the best part about school?
meeting new people all the time, learning new amazing things and gettingto test them and the late night bar celebrations when we nailed a test
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
of course, why wouldn’t i?
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in     school?
i used to do that in 7th grade, not anymore
47. Do you replay things that have happened in     your head?
yes i wish i could change so many things, so many situations in which idid the wrong thing
48. Were you single over the last summer?
oh yeah and i had never been so happy of being single
49. Is your life anything like it was two     years ago?
just a little bit but it has changed A LOT and im grateful for it
50. What are you supposed to be doing right     now?
finishingmy essay...
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a     conversation with?
im hating him rn but most of the time i love that guy. stupid guys
52. Are you nice to everyone?
most people. im not nice to one single person but im nice to the rest ofthe human population. fuck that bitch tho
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t     expect to?
i’ve only liked people i didn’t expect to. except one guy probably.
54. Do you think you can last in a     relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
i’ve never cheated, i think i can last a lifetime without cheating.cheating is a horrible thing to do, i don’t wish it on anybody
 55. Are you good at hiding your     feelings?
i used to be very good, lately i suck at it but idc anymore, its ok
56. Do you think you like someone?
kind of
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts     with a ‘J’?
yes and i would do it again
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or     boys?
girls are sketchy, boys are chill. i get along better with guys but theyare also clueless idiots so... some guys
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you     cry?
60. Do you hate anyone?
61. How’s your heart?
confused but healthy and happy like it hasn’t been in years
62. Is there something that happened in your past     that you hate talking about?
plenty ofthings
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?
no and i dont plan on ever doing it
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap     about you right now?
the same boring bitches that always have, “”friends”“ and also their stupidparents that care too much about what i do with my life. fuck off
65. Are your toenails painted pink?
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
i really hope not, not again
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry;     correct?
no, i hate sensitive, dramatic people. if he cries for a good reasonthen ok but i wouldn’t love it, i’d be sad for him too
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in     public?
69. Who was the last person you were on the     phone with?
my bestfriend from Peru
70. How do you look right now?
ok, butmessy
71. Do you have someone you can be your     complete self around?
plenty of people (family and friends), im an open book                 
72. Can you commit to one person?
yes, but it looks like however made this questions cant
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex     you can tell everything to?
thought i did, turns out i dont
74. Have you ever felt replaced?
yes, a couple of times. always by friends tho
75. Did you wake up cranky?
not today, i had an amazing night of sleep
76. Are you a jealous person?
77. Are relationships ever worth it?
yes yes yes, SO WORTH IT. you just have to find the right person
78. Anyone you’re giving up on?
not rn
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?
more like craving to see him. fuck my life
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
turn in this stupid essay i’ve mentioned twice already
81. Last person you cried in front of?
82. Is there someone you will never forget?
83. Do you think the person you have feelings     for is protective of you?
a littlebit
84. If the person you wish to be with were     with you, what would you be doing right now?
probably taking a walk and talking and staring at his beautiful smile
85. Are you over your past?
most of it. the latest “past” is still haunting me but im getting overit slowly
86. Have you ever liked one of your best     friends of the opposite sex?
not morethan physical attraction
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING     to?
three tofour people
88. If your first true love knocked on your     door with apology and presents, would you accept?
if i had one i could answer this. i think i kind of did and i wouldn’taccept it
89. So, the last person you kissed just     happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
what do you want??, what is the matter with you??, what on earth are youdoing here?? FUCK OFF.
90. Have you ever liked someone who your     friends hated?
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
92. Is there anyone you know with the name     Michael?
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
i live in Costa Rica, im latina. guys here have names like “Jose, JuanPablo, Andres, Gerardo, Alonso”, not “Matthew, James”. so of course i haven’t
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
no and i lived the single life at its finest
95. Were you happy with the person you liked     in March?
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you     texted attractive?
he’s a fucking model for fuck’s sakes, he’s a GOD. he’s so hot. why am ifriends with him?? itcomplicates everything
97. Who do you have texts from?
my best friends, my guy friends, my family group chat, my girl friendsgroup chats, my crush
98. If the person you like says they like     someone else, what would you say?
thats great, and do you think she likes you? hey good luck! *pretends idont have feelings and keeps on being a good friends*
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than     you?
the first person i ever kissed was a year older than me
100. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
ok in my tumblr icon im with my best friend, in my whatsapp, twitter andfacebook profile pictures im alone
101. Ever kissed under     fireworks?
  102. Has anybody ever given you     butterflies?
done!  that took me like an hour damn... sorry to the people who’s dashboard i interrupted with this post
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