#anyways im not othherwise tagging this bc its absolute nonsense
faerieorbitars · 2 years
ph also while i was drafting that last post i found this in my drafts and idk i’m feeling a little goofy silly funny. so. heres some thoughts on my self indulgent princes tutu/disney classic fairytales (really though just peter pan) story idea . i’m just gonna post whatever this says mostly unedited
idk if ill actually post this or keep it in my drafts but probably i will post it bc i like when people read my things and give me feedback even if its just for my own enjoyment :) (i did post it teehee)
for anyone whos never watched princess tutu heres the Quickest possible plot summary without spoiling it bc you Should watch it: its abt a town where fairytales come to life, because of a man who died while writing his last book, trapping the hero (the prince) and villain (the raven) in their final battle without an end, so they break out into the town and the prince shatters his heart into pieces to seal the raven away, but losing all his emotions in the process
the story is abt a duck (named duck) who is turned into a girl by the man (drosselmeyer) so that she can turn into princess tutu, a heroine from his story, and find the shards of the prince's shattered heart and return them to him. there are other characters in town who take on roles from the story but most people (duck included) dont seem to realize there even Is a story or that their town is taking part in it- except for those that know the prince (fakir and rue) and very much Dont want the story to continue. thats abt as much as i can say without spoilering the twists but its very good and you should watch it. thank u
anyways . now time to put funny guy in here for no reason . one of the other important story points in pt is that drosselmeyer Loves tragedies. so that combined with this idea that some of the ppl of the town are inadvertently becoming characters In the story gave me this idea that like. the peter and co in the story (slightly more book accurate just way edgy for reasons i will get into in 2 seconds) are completely different from the ones running around gold crown town (basically the disney versions) . and peter from the story is more like some dudes 'dark' version of peter pan where hes malicious or whatever and doesnt actually care abt people . and the tragedy of his story is eventually the lost boys all either grow up or die, tink dies, hook dies (idk what im even gonna do with him LOL), but peter forgets all abt them bc hes so selfish and obsessed with not growing up he never even feels sorrow over losing them so he doesnt even know he should be lonely and sad
but i know my boy so like. hes not like that. he genuinely cares for tink, and the lost boys, thats his family even if he never like says it. which is part of the problem cause like, while the prince has no heart the story has stalled, so everyone is just stuck in the same place in the story, otherwise living out their lives. the raven cannot get out and nobody can meet ill fates bc the story has stopped. but duck/princess tutu returning the prince's heart shards is causing the story to progress . plot points from the story begin to occur and they are quickly hurtling toward the return of the raven and the end of the tale- which btw is ALSO a tragedy. its always going to be a tragedy. things dont end well in the ending drosselmeyer had planned. but bc duck is a good person even once she realizes this she knows that the prince deserves to have his heart back so she keeps looking for the shards
anwyays this is rambling as hell but the idea i had was that at some point while duck is looking for more heart shards, she runs into peter who is, despite being forever an immature obnoxious boy , like genuinely a good kid who tries to do the right thing, so of course even if he doesnt like. know whats going on hes gonna help out! he doesnt know duck is tutu bc thats a secret identity magical girl thing but like, if she ever asks for help he does and they get along very well . he also gets along with tutu who he just thinks is a different person . he has No Idea that gold crown town is trapped in a story or that the story doesnt end well for him Or duck (tutu's fate is that she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish if she confesses her feelings for the prince so. lol)
UNTIL. he meets another character named princess kraehe, a crow prima ballerina, who tells him to stop helping tutu and that theyre all better off if the prince stays heartless forever. she casually drops that tutu is fated to die if the story goes as it is, and hes fated to lose everyone he cares about and be alone forever, and if he doesnt believe her he should seek out the story of the prince and the raven and read it for himself. which he does. and yeah shes right. and when she finds him again and is like hey like even IF nothing happens, wont you have to grow up if the story ends? so arent you in a lose/lose situation here no matter what if you help tutu? hes like yeah ok maybe everything IS better if the story stalls and nothing progresses . i happen to like things exactly as they are
so from that point on hes actively stopping tutu from finding the shards of the prince's heart as much as he can. hes still friendly with duck bc shes great and as far as hes concerned shes basically a lost girl even if she goes to school instead of running away into the woods with him (which is fine but lame) but that also gives him more reason to oppose tutu . whcih is conflicting for duck bc She Is Tutu. he never directly allies himself with kraehe bc shes obviously evil but its still like a mess
and then later on character development happens n blah blah he goes back to helping tutu but like ill save that bc im lazy and also i would have to spoil the twists of the story to get into that so maybe another time. lol
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